Emigrants to Oregon In 1845
compiled by Stephenie Flora

Captains of 1845

St. Joseph Companies:
In early May 1845, the Oregon bound emigrant companies starting from the the St. Joseph, Mo area totaled, according to the St. Joseph paper, 223 wagons, 954 persons, with 545 firearms, 9,425 cattle, and 108 horses and mules. John Clark was hired as pilot for the journey to the junction with the Independence-to-Oregon trail. The elected captains for the companies from the St. Joseph rendezvous were:

[1]: Captain William G. T'Vault, left St. Joseph, Missouri with [according to Bancroft 61 wagons and 300 persons]. John Waymire was lieutenant and James Allen was sergeant.

[2]: Captain Solomon Tetherow with 66 wagons and 293 persons. Hardin D. Martin was lieutenant. They organized under the name "Savannah Oregon Emigrating Society" with Rev. William Helm, chairman and Rev. Lewis Thompson, secretary. Records kept by the company indicate that there were 100 armed men, 293 persons [63 females over 14, 56 under 14, 68 males under 16], 66 wagons, 170 guns and pistols, 1,022 cattle (398 oxen, 624 loose cattle); 74 mules and horses.

[3]: Captain Abner Hackleman, left St. Joseph, Missouri [note: sometimes confused with son Abram/Abraham Hackleman who came in 1847 *6] with approximately 52 wagons, 214 persons and 666 head of cattle and a few horses. This company organized under the name "New London Emigrating Company".

The companies leaving from Independence traveled to about three miles from the Kansas near the bank of the Big Soldier creek, where, by prearrangement, the "main company" was to organize, and elect officers. It was estimated that there were approximately 233 wagons, 421 males, 138 females, 448 children [totaling 1007 persons], 3,261 cattle, and 182 horses. On May 15th, Dr. Presley Webb was elected Captain and Stephen H.L. Meek was retained as pilot for $2.50 per wagon. On May 19th a reorganization took place and the company was divided into three divisions. Each division would take a turn traveling in advance for a week at a time. Captain Presley was to accompany whichever train was in the lead; but each division was to choose its own officers.

[4] Capt. Presley Welch, left Independence, Missouri

[5] Capt. Joel Palmer, left Independence, Missouri

[6] Capt. Samuel K. Barlow, left Independence, Missouri

[7.] Capt. Samuel Parker, left St. Joseph, Missouri

[8] Capt. Lawrence Hall, left Independence, Missouri

[9] Capt. Levin English & Capt. John Stewart, left Independence, Missouri

[10] Capt. William McDonald, left Independence, Missouri

[11] California Party led by Capt. John Henry Brown, Capt Grigsby and Capt. Ide. One of the trains which started from Independence, MO but traveled apart from the "main company" consisted of 38 wagons and approximately 1,000 head of loose cattle. The train was reportedly under the direction of John Henry Brown, a seasoned traveler from California, who had gone to live among the Cherokees in 1840, then journeyed overland to California in 1843 with a party of Cherokee fur traders. After returning east in 1844 he had joined the emigrant party for a return trip to California. Capt. Brown led the company as far as Fort Laramie where he was replaced by Capt. William B. Ide. *5, *8

[12] California Party led by Capt Swasey and Capt Todd

Oregan Overland: Three Roads of Adversity by Ross Smith; an indepth study of the 1845 Meek Cutoff and the Riggs family who traveled it

Note: Those with a *3 Meek Cutoff following their name are believed to have taken the cutoff.  The list comes from a variety of sources including biographies, obituaries, and newpaper articles.  One of the primary sources of the list was the publication "Terrible Trail: The Meek Cutoff, 1845 by Keith Clark and Lowell Tiller, The Caxton Printers, Ltd, Caldwell, Idaho 1967]

Emigrants to Oregon in 1845

Following is a list for the emigration of 1845. Additional arrivals and information will be added as I get my notes compiled. All additions and corrections would be appreciated.   
NOTE: all female members of the emigration are listed by MAIDEN name [if known] even if they were married at the time of the emigration.

ADAMS, Elizabeth "Betsey" (27 Jul 1811-13 Jul 1880): m'd 09 Nov 1826 CORNELIUS, Benjamin Sr.; d/o Thomas and Mary (Davis) Adams; buried Harrison Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

ADAMS, John (16 Mar 1834-1884) m'd 01 Oct 1854 ADAMS, Elizabeth; s/o Thomas and Sarah (Cornelius) Adams;moved with parents to Yolo County, California in 1848;  *3 Meek Cutoff

ADAMS, Mary Jane (1829- ): m'd 19 Jan 1847 CHRISMAN, Gabriel; d/o Thomas and Sarah (Cornelius) Adams; *3 Meek Cutoff

ADAMS, Missouri Ann "Puss"  (1838- ): m'd DALLAS, James; d/o Thomas and Sarah (Cornelius) Adams; moved with parents to Yolo County, California in 1848; *3 Meek Cutoff

ADAMS, Sarah B. (1831- ): m'd c1848 HARBIN, Madison M.; d/o Thomas and Sarah (Cornelius) Adams; moved with parents to Yolo County, California in 1848; *3 Meek Cutoff

ADAMS, Thomas (18 Mar 1788-16 Feb 1882): m1: 15 Nov 1809 DAVIS, Mary "Polly"; m2. 02 Nov 1826 CORNELIUS, Sarah Francis; emigrated to California in 1848 *2; *3 Meek Cutoff

ADAMS, Thomas Jr. (1826- ): m'd: [   ], Martha; s/o Thomas and Sarah (Cornelius) Adams Srmoved with parents to Yolo County, California in 1848 *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

ADAMS, Wilson (1828- ):  s/o Thomas and Sarah (Cornelius) Adams Sr;*3 Meek Cutoff

AKINS, Francis H. (c1817- ):

ALLEN, Anna (19 Oct 1839-1914): m'd 25 Nov 1854 NEWTON, Isaac H.; m2. LAYTON, John; d/o Hirand and Nancy (Davis) Allen; buried Mt. Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton Co

ALLEN, Anna Marie (26 Mar1822-30 Sep 1905): m1. 25 Dec 1843 KING, Stephen; m2. 1853 KING, Solomon;; *3 Meek Cutoff

ALLEN, Benjamin (c1827-29 Oct 1861): m'd c1848 HOWARD, Sarah Ann;  married in California; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

ALLEN, Cyrus Albert (19 Sep 1843-Jul 1922): m'd 09 Mar 1867 CALDWELL, Margaret; s/o James and Hannah (Riggs) Allen; *3 Meek Cutoff

ALLEN, Eliza (1802-1861): m'd 15 Feb 1821 PETERSON, Henry J.; *3 Meek Cutoff

ALLEN, Hiram (20 Apr 1806-28 Dec 185?): m1. 15 Jan 1838 DAVIS, Nancy; m2. 1850 BROWN, Mrs. Lucinda (COX)

ALLEN, James Miller (02 Oct 1821-01 Mar 1887): m1. 19 Nov 1841 RIGGS, Hannah Jane; m2. 1860 BUTLER, Sarah E.; *3 Meek Cutoff

ALLEN, Joseph (1838- ): s/o Hiram and Nancy (Davis) Allen

ALLEN, Martha (1840- ): d/o Thomas and Sarah (Cornelius) Adams Sr

ALLEN, Rachel E. (1842- ): m'd 15 Jun 1858 STOUT, George W.; d/o Thomas and Sarah (Cornelius) Adams Sr

ALLISON, Nelson (c1807- ): born c1807 Maryland; no information after 1859

ALLRED, Eliza Ann: d/o Grant and Rebecca (Walker) Allred; accompanied maternal grandparents (William and Rachel Walker)  to Oregon after parents death;*3 Meek Cutoff

ALLRED, Joseph (1833- ): m'd 04 Sep 1853 MARTIN, Mary; s/o Grant and Rebecca (Walker) Allred; accompanied maternal grandparents (William and Rachel Walker) to Oregon after parents death;*3 Meek Cutoff

ALLSOP, James: moved to California in 1848

ALTWOOD, Purvine: abandoned claim at Champoeg

ALWARD, Sarah (1776-1850): m'd CRAFT, William; *3 Meek Cutoff, widow who walked across the plains at age 69; this may actually be Sarah Allred

ANDERSON, Mary Ann (02/07 Dec 1820- ): m1. 1836 SAPPINGTON, James M.; m2. 1847 ROWLAND, Jeremiah

ANDERSON, Nancy C. (20 Jul 1803-11 May 1859): m'd 28 Apr 1824 RIGGS, James Berry

ARAM, Thomas: may be same Thomas Aram that died in Washington County in 1850

ARBO, Clarissa H. (11 Feb 1822-14 Sep 1869): m'd 15 Mar 1838 WAYMIRE, John Rudolph; buried Dallas Cemetery, Dallas, Polk County, OR; *3 Meek Cutoff

ARMSTRONG, James S.: abandoned claim at Champoeg September 1847

ATHERTON, Nancy (1794-11 Apr 1864): m'd WHITE, Edward III; buried Locke Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, OR; d/o  [  ] and Margaret (Whitehead) Atherton; husban died prior to emigration*3 Meek Cutoff

ATHERTON, Phoebe (17 Oct 1816-24 Oct 1904): m'd 1836 STEPHENS, Thomas Fulton; born Hancock County, OH and died Hillsboro, Washington County, OR; d/o Ezra and Ellen (Campbell) Stephens; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, OR

AVERILL, James (c1827- ):  a James AVERELL, 23, is found living in Nevada City, Placer Co., CA, where he lists his occupation as "trader".  He is living with two other men also born in NY who list themselves as traders.  It appears after arriving in Oregon he moved onto CA.

AVERY, Joseph Conant (09 Jun 1817-16 Jun 1876): m'd 13 Mar 1841 MARSH, Martha; Joseph came alone in 1845 and  his family joined him in 1847; crossed the plains in 1845, spent winter in Oregon City; settled Benton Co spring of 1846; engaged in mercantile business in 1849-1872; died after a lingering illness of several months; buried by Masonic fraternity of which he was a member

"Founder, first merchant and postmaster of Corvallis, was born at Punckhammock, Pa.  Completing his education at Wilkesbarre, he removed to Illinois in 1839.  In 1841 he married Martha Marsh and four years later emigrated to Oregon, where he settled on property at the mouth of Marys River, in the upper Willamette country.  Here he operated a ferry across the Willamette, planting and harvesting crops, and built a log granary.  He went to the California mines in 1848, and in 1849, with gold acquired there, purchased a stock of goods, returned and opened the first store at townsite he surveyed and platted on his claim; this new community he called Marysville, later Corvallis.  In 1853 he was appointed postal agent for territories of Oregon and Washington.  He represented Benton County in territorial legislature, serving two terms.  He was father of 12 children." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 15]

AXTEL, Ruth (17 Apr 1804-08 Apr 1888): m'd 15 May 1821 CONDIT, Alvah

BABLE, Frederick: Frederick Babel July 1846 Clatsop County claim abandoned, filed 25 Sep1847 Lewis County, WT, no trace after 1847 (surname may actually be Baber)

BABER, Granville Henderson (14 Feb 1817-1898): m1. 30 Mar 1843 KNOX, Elizabeth Jane; m2. KRAUSE, Wilhelmina; Granville was born Bedford County, VA and died Washington County, OR; buried Forest View Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington County, OR

BACON, John M. (27 Oct 1822-10 Jan 1891): m'd 16 Mar 1851 NEWMAN, Rachel W.;  born NY and died 10 Jan 1891; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, OR; emigrant of 1843 who returned east and emigrated again in 1845; helped Samuel K. Barlow pioneer Barlow Road past Mt. Hood;  26pp manuscript in Bancroft Library, Berkeley, CA. *8

BACON, Philip A. (1820- ): possibly brother of John M. Bacon, b. NY, no additional information found

BAGGAS, Henry: *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff; [see BOGGUS, Henry]

BAILEY, Holland (b.1822-25 Feb 1857): m'd 24 Oct 1851 MCCOLLUM, Elizabeth  

BAILEY, Mary E. (05 Sep 1821-04 May 1903): m'd 06 Apr 1841 GESNER, Reuben Alonzo; born KY and died Salem, Marion County, OR; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, OR; *3 Meek Cutoff

BAILEY, Thomas (c1789- ): born in KY, may be father of Hollen and Mary E. Bailey

BAIRD, Nancy (1799-c1875): m1. 1821 NORTHRUP, John L.; m2. 1859 GILBERT, Griffith; m3. HILLERY, John; m4. 1870 DAVIS, Thomas

BAKER, Alfred (1844-1929): m'd 1878 BAKER, Mary Jane (BROWN) (1851-1922); married in Pacific Co, WA; m'd widow of his brother, John Wesley Baker; s/o George and Rebecca (Sunderland) Baker

BAKER, George McNamee (1807-12 Feb 1895): m1. 17 May 1829 SUNDERLAND, Rebecca; m2. 27 Jan 1848 DUNCAN, Nancy

BAKER, Ibba (15 Sep 1806-25 Mar 1869): m'd 02 Apr 1823 TETHEROW, Solomon; Ibba was born Andrew County, MO and died 25 Mar 1869 Polk County, OR; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, OR

BAKER, Isabella (1836-1916): m'd 03 Jul 1851ALDERMAN, Orlando; d/o George and Rebecca (Sunderland) Baker; buried Alderman Cemetery, Polk County, OR

BAKER, John Wesley (1831-bef 1878 ): m'd Mar 1866 BROWN, Mary Jane; s/o George and Rebecca (Sunderland) Baker

BALDWIN, Alfred (1816- ) : shoemaker; took Meek Cutoff *8; *1: MSS #291 2pp typescript

BANNING, Mary (18 Apr 1813-02 Jun 1882): m'd 21 Mar 1841 KEES, Morgan; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, OR

BARBER, Mary (1808-1880): m'd 15 Apr 1831 WILLIAMS, Charles Austin; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, OR

BARLOW, Elizabeth Jane (11 Aug 1830-01 Dec 1898): m'd 18 Apr 1847 HEDGES, Absalom Fouts; d/o Samuel and Susnnah (Lee) Barlow; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, OR

BARLOW, James K.. (28 Jan 1826-20 Jul 1866): m'd 06 Apr 1848 LARKINS, Rebecca K.; s/o Samuel and Susannah (Lee) Barlow; buried Barlow Pioneer Cemetery, Barlow, Clackamas County, OR

BARLOW, John Lawson (25 May 1828-08 Mar 1879): m'd 10 Oct 1851MILLER, Mary A.; Js/o Samuel and Susannah (Lee) Barlow; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, OR

BARLOW, Samuel Kimbrough (04 Dec 1794-15 Jul 1867): m1. 06 Aug 1820 LEE, Susannah; m2. 26 Oct 1853 GARRISON, Elizabeth (SHEPARD); buried Barlow Pioneer Cemetery, Barlow, Clackamas County, OR; *1: MSS#1087, 7pp reminiscence

"Pioneer road-builder, was leader of the wagon train that in 1845 explored the immigrant trail across the Cascades south of Mt. Hood.  A Kentuckian, he came to Oregon chiefly out of disappointment over Henry Clay's failure in his efforts for the presidency.  Barlow, with his family of four children and wife, Susannah Lee, joined the Oregon migration in Illinois--some 5000 strong.  Reaching The Dalles and the supposed end of the wagon road, Barlow, a man of confidence and self-will, determined to try the untried, and in company with William Rector, his family, and a few others--19 adults, besides children--struck out through the mountains for the Willamette settlements.  'God never made a mountain that he didn't make a way to get over it.', was his belief.  The start was made in early October and after ten weeks of arduous struggles Oregon City was reached on Christmas Day. but the wagons had been left behind in the mountains.  The following year Barlow and Philip Foster obtained a charter for the development of this 80 mile route, and thereafter many immigrants entered Oregon by the Barlow Road.  It became a toll road in 1846, but proved unprofitable since many of those using it lacked their payment price and in after years forgot to pay the tolerant keeper.  In 1848 he purchased the donation claim of Thomas McKay, on the Willamette above Oregon City, which he sold to his son William four years later.  Samuel Barlow was an independent Whig, moral and honest but generally unconventional.  He died at Canemah and was buried on the old Barlow homestead." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 21]

BARLOW, Sarah (30 Apr 1821-18 Jul 1894): m'd 17 Feb 1839 GAINES, Albert Pendleton; d/o Sanuel and Susannah (Lee) Barlow; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, OR

BARLOW, William (16/26 Oct 1822-13 Jun 1904): m1. LARKINS, Rachel; m2. 25 Mar 1852 ALLEN, Martha Ann (PARTLOW); s/o Sanuel and Susannah (Lee) Barlow; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, OR

"Founder of Barlow townsite, railroad contractor, farmer and merchant, was the son of Susannah Lee and Samuel K. Barlow of Barlow Road fame.  Arriving at Oregon City on Christmas eve, 1845, he soon busied himself in a number of enterprises.  In 1852 he bought from his father the land claim on which the community was to stand.  Thereafter he speculated in land; and in the 1850s operated steamboats on the upper Willamette; in 1851 with his brother-in-law, Absalom Hodges, he constrcuted the steamer Canemah, fourth steamboat built above Willamette Falls.  During the 1860s he resided at Oregon City, where he engaged in the mercantile business, returning to his Barlow farm in 1870.  At that time Ben Holladay was building the Oregon to California Railroad and Barlow secured railroad construction contracts from him amounting to $100,000.  In 1891, in partnership with his son Cassius, he platted the town of Barlow, but only a few lots were sold.  Early in Barlow's residence on this property, he planted and avenue of walnut trees from the road to his house, to please his wife Martha Ann Allen, who he married in 1852.  Previously twice-married, she brought to him one child by her first husband and two by her second.  Three more children resulted.  Barlow's early education was limited to winter attendance at public schools in Indiana." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 21]

BARNES, Caleb (1818- ):  b. 1818 Canada, Citizenship awarded 01 Sep 1856 Clackamas County; had DLC Washington County

BARNES, Cyrus: Cyrus Barnes 04 Sep 1846 Vancouver WA, Indian War Pension #102; *3 believed to have take Meek Cutoff

BARRY, W.D.: in Santa Clara, CA 1850-1876

BATY, Andrew Jackson (10 May 1818-09 Mar 1892): m'd 08 Dec 1849 YOUNG, Mary; settled Clackamas County

BAYLEY, Bishop Asbury (29 Feb 1834-07 Apr 1887):  never married; born Clark County, OH;  buried Fairview Pioneer Cemetery, Tillamook, Tillamook County, OR; s/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Munson) Bayley; *3 Meek Cutoff

BAYLEY, Caroline Elizabeth(02 Mar 1827-12 May 1916): m1. 25 Dec 1847 DORRIS, Felix; m2. 1872 WATTS, K.W. Dr.; born Clark County, OH; buried Masonic Cemetery, Lafayette, Yamhill County, OR; d/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Munson) Bayley; *3 MeekCutoff

BAYLEY, Daniel Dodge (08 Jan 1801-29 Mar 1893): m1.14 Feb 1824 MUNSON, Elizabeth; m2. 30 Dec 1857 WATKINS, Celia; born Grafton County, NH; buried Fairview Pioneer Cemetery, Tillamook, Tillamook County, OR; *3 believed to havetaken Meek Cutoff

BAYLEY, Delphine (1841-1929): m1. NIXON, Robert; m2. BUTHER, Philip; m3. 1880 WHALEN, Thomas J.; buried Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, OR; d/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Munson) Bayley; *3 MeekCutoff

BAYLEY, Iola (14 Feb 1838- ): m1.30 Aug 1851 WOLFE, Marcellus; m2. 1867 HANDLEY, Thomas B.; d/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Munson) Bayley; *3 MeekCutoff

BAYLEY, Mianda Nancy (06 May 1829-04 Oct 1918):m.02 Aug 1846 SMITH, Sidney; buried Masonic Cemetery, Lafayette, Yamhill County, OR; d/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Munson) Bayley; *3 Meek Cutoff

BAYLEY, Timothy (1825-1856): suicide by poison; s/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Munson) Bayley; *3 MeekCutoff

BAYLEY, Zeruiah (11 Jun 1836-24 Jun 1922): m'd 27 Jul 1853 LARGE, Francis;buried Forest View Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington County, OR; s/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Munson) Bayley; *3 MeekCutoff

BEALE, William: this possibly William Beale of the 1843 emigraton

BEAN, James Riley (19 May 1823-12 Ap 1899): m'd 19 Sep 1850 HENDERSON, Margaret Jane; buried Lake View Cemetery, Seattle, King County, WA;  *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

BEAUCHAMP, Elizabeth A. (18 Aug 1818-15 Jan 1867): m'd 10 May 1842 ROGERS, John Page; d/o Stephen and Elizabeth (Tubman) Beauchamp

BEAUCHAMP, James Tubman (13 Mar 1804- 1845): m'd DURBIN, Adeline; crippled when a wagon wheel that was stuck gave way and ran over his leg; died of gangrene from the injury

BEAUCHAMP, Letha Jane (10 Aug 1834- Oct 1879): 10 Aug 1849 FOSTER, Isaac M.; d/o Stephen and Elizabeth (Tubman) Beauchamp

BEAUCHAMP, Mary E (1845- ): d/o James and Adaline (Durbin) Beauchamp

BEAUCHAMP, Matilda Ann (16 Dec 1835-02 Dec 1935): m'd 30 May 1851 FORDICE, William Harrison; d/o James and Adaline (Durbin) Beauchamp; died in Asotin Co, WA

BEAUCHAMP, Stephen A. (07 Nov1779-aft 1869): m'd 07 Jan 1800  TUBMAN, Elizabeth Ann; died in California

BEAUCHAMP, Susan R. (30 Mar 1822-28 Mar 1868 ): m'd 29 Jul 1849 HALL, William F;  d/o Stephen and Elizabeth (Tubman) Beauchamp

BELCHER, Lewis F. (c1820-1856): b. c1820 PA, d. 1856 Monterey, California (murdered; 21 May 1846 was in Clackamas County, to California 1847

BELDEN, Rachel (1829-1910): m'd 15 Sep 1863 BROOKS, Nathan; black slave girl that accompanied the Delany family to Oregon; was named Belden after her first master; did house and garden work and served as companion for Mrs. Delany who had long been practically an invalid; 1850 census shows Newton Delany, mulatto, b. 1847 OR and it is assumed it is the son of Rachel and Daniel Delany Sr.;  Rachel filed suit on the estate of Delany on behalf of her son for $1000; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, OR;

BELDON, H ( - 1845): from Caldwell, MO, died on trail

BELIEU Elizabeth J. (24 Jan 1839-08 Aug 1905): m'd 13 Nov 1851 HODGES, Calaway; *3 Meek Cutoff; d/o Leander and Sarah (Liggett) Belieu

BELIEU, Jesse Green (07 Mar 1837-04 Dec 1916): m'd 15 Jun 1871 POWELL, Mary Ann; s/o Leander and Sarah (Liggett) Belieu; *3 Meek Cutoff

BELIEU, Jonathan Westley Asbury (24 Sep 1841-29 Dec 1919): m'd 24 Dec 1863 DENNISON, Lavinia C.; s/o Leander and Sarah (Liggett) Belieu;  *3 Meek Cutoff;

BELIEU, Leander Newton Rev. (c1814-15 Aug 1849): m'd 15 Dec 833 LIGGETT, Sarah; *3 Meek Cutoff; brother, Michael emigrated in 1848/49; buried on Angel Island off of CA

BELIEU, Martha Angeline (18 Dec 1834-25 Feb 1937): m'd 22 Aug 1850 CARTER, Tolbert; buried North Palestine Cemetery, Benton Co, OR; d/o Leander and Sarah (Liggett) Belieu; *3 Meek Cutoff

BELIEU, Rebecca E. (24 Jan 1839-08 Aug 1905 ): m'd 14 Nov 1857 HODGES, Calloway; d/o Leander and Sarah (Liggett) Belieu; *3 Meek Cutoff

BELKNAP, William (c1825- ): b. c1825 PA; 10 Mar 1846 Clackamas County claim abandoned

BELL, George W.: 11 Nov 1845 Clackamas County claim voided; left Clackamas County 1849, wife reportedly died on Trapper's Trail in 1845

BELL, Sarah "Sally" (c1797-1875): m'd 1813 O'KELLY, Nimrod; several of her sons came west in 1852

BENNETT, William Harden (18 Apr 1823-03 Sep 1886): m'd 22 Feb 1849 HALL, Lucy Jane; s/o H.C. and Airiadna (Ebert) Bennett; *3 Meek Cutoff

BENTLEY, Samuel (c1823-Jul 1853): born England, died Polk County, Oregon

BERRY, William H. (1819-Mar 1875): m'd 05 Jun 1848 COFFIN, Mary

BETTS, George Washington (1827- ): m1. 02 Jul 1854 FRIER, Hettie F.; m2. 1862 VAUGHN, Elizabeth; was stationed at Columbia Barracks, Clark County, Oregon 1845 and 1850; married in Washington County, Oregon; merchant in Washington County

BIGELOW, Emma: m'd 10 Oct 1842 SMITH, Coleman D.; d/o Daniel and Emma (Johnston) Bigelow; twin sister of Sarah E. Bigelow; continued on to Oregon; moved to Sonoma, CA sometime after 1856

BIGELOW, Sarah Ellis: m'd c1840 FLINT, Isaac A.; m2. 1847 COOPER, James; m3. 1860 HARRIS, Granville; d/o Daniel and Emma (Johnston) Bigelow; twin sister of Emma Bigelow; Sarah and her husband Isaac had left their eldest son, Eugene, with Sarah's brother, Daniel, in Milwaukee, WI.  The Flints cutoff for California where John Sutter issued Isaac Flint a fianza (permission to remain in California).  They went to Bales' Rancho Carne Humana (near Yountville, still there) where Flint helped build the mill (Bale's Mill) still there and a state historic landmark.  James Clyman records meeting them there in his journal.  After the winter of 1846, Isaac Flint went north to Oregon carrying letters to Fremont from Bale and others seeking to bring him and his company of riflemen back to California to take part in a rebellion against the Mexican government.  Flint stayed in Oregon.  Sarah Flint and their son, Purdy, left Bale's Rancho for Sonoma.  In 1847 Alcalde Lillburn Boggs filed a notice of abandonment and impending divorce on Sarah Flint's behalf (against Isaac Flint), saying he would grant Sarah a divorce in six weeks.  Sarah was pregnant with James Cooper's child and she married Cooper sometime shortly after the divorce notice, but a record of decree has not been found (Alcalde or mayor's divorce action was ad hoc and; California territory was officially continuing to use Mexican law and there was no divorce in Mexican California). 
   In 1856 Sarah's husband James Cooper was murdered in Sonoma.  US census data has Sarah, James and their children there from the first census.  Their children were Thomas Spriggs Cooper, John Rose Cooper and Barbara Cooper (my great grandmother).  Sometime after the murder Purdy Flint, Sarah's son, appeared unannounced in Sonoma, offering to help his mother.  He had walked down from Oregon.  Around 1860 Sarah married Granville Harris.  She was pregnant with his child when he left her.    

BIRD, Clarissa (30 Aug 1842-04 Feb 1915): m'd RANSON, Hiram Clingman; d/o Henry and Margaret (Hussey) Bird; buried Smith River Cemetery, Smith River, Del Norte County, California

BIRD, Henry Morris (15 Dec 1815-20 Aug 1873): m'd 30 Sep 1841 HUSSEY, Margaret Jane;  buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

BIRD, Mary E. (23 Jun 1844-19 Feb 1874 ): m'd 1869 JAMES, William S.; d/o Henry and Margaret (Hussey) Bird; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

BLACKBURN, William (14 Feb 1814-25 Mar 1867): m'd Jul 1859 MEAD, Harriet; living in California by 1859 when he married Harriet Mead; s/o Margaret (Drew) Blackburn; buried Evergreen Cemetery, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, California

BLACKER, John H. (1811- 27 Oct 1890): m1.; m2. 1853 HIGGINBOTHAM, Mrs. Hannah;(Shields); s/o Luke Henry and Rebecca Ann (Albin) Blacker; buried Butteville Cemetery, Butteville, Marion County, Oregon

BLAIR, Thomas Rainey (19 Oct 1818-10 Mar 1884): m'd 11 Jun 1850 BUEL, Emaline; orphaned at 8 years of age, settled in Polk County, Oregon

BOGGAS, Henry: found intermittently under Baggas, Boygus, Boggus,etc was one of 15 men who made up the company that discovered the "Southern Route" aka the Scott-Applegate Trail into Oregon in 1846

BOLAN, Andrew J. (c1825-23 Sep 1855): m'd 11 Feb 1849 SHORT, Jerusha; killed 23 Sep 1855 in Washington Terriotory by Yakima Indians

BOLDS, Charles (12 Feb 1822-14 Oct 1917): m'd 29 Jun 1853 COLEMAN, Margaret J.; m2. CROSS, Dorcas (Fairman); Charles was born 27 Feb 1822 KY and died 14 Oct 1917 Clackamas County, OR; s/o Raphael and Ruth (Brown) Bolds;  buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, OR

BOND, Rev. James (14 Feb 1821-18 Feb 18049): m'd 17 Oct 1842 JEWETT, Laura; s/o John and Sarah (Chastain) Bond;  emigrated in 1845, returned east with Joel Palmer and emigrated again in 1847; Baptist minster and farmer; helped organize the Clatsop Plains Baptist Church at Skipanon; organized a Sunday school at Astoria; had a farm near Youngs Bay on the Lewis and Clark River; killed in accidental shooting by Philip Gearhart on Feb 18, 1849 in Clatsop Co, OR; parents and siblings came to Oregon in 1853

BONNETT, Catherine (1812-02 Oct 1845): m'd c1830 BUTTS, John;  d/o Lewis and Mary (Linger) Bonnett; died 02 Oct 1845 on Meek Cutoff at crossing of Deschutes river; buried Tygh Valley, Wasco County, Oregon  *3 Meek Cutoff,

BONNEY, Alva William (15 Nov 1826-02 Jan 1846): s/o Truman and Pelua (Townsend) Bonney; cutoff for CA; died at Sutters Fort, California

BONNEY, Ann (1840-16 Mar 1846): d/o Jarius and Jane (Elkins) Bonney; d/o Jarius and Jane (Elkins) Bonney; cutoff for California; died at Sutters Fort, California

BONNEY, Benjamin Franklin (25 Nov 1838-23 Sep 1926): m1. 1864 RHODES, Catherine M.; s/o Jarius and Jane (Elkins) Bonney; cut off for California

BONNEY, Bradford Sherwood (30 Aug 1825-10 Jul 1904): m1. 29 Jan 1848 DIMICK, Alzina Clarinda; m2. FRISBIE, Agnes G.G. Mrs.; s/o Trumanand Pelua (Townsend) Bonney; buried Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion County, OR; cutoff for CA;

BONNEY, Edward (23 Mar 1832-27 Mar1846): s/o Jarius and Jane (Elkins) Bonney Jr.; cutoff for California; died at Sutters Fort, California

BONNEY, Ellen Francisco (12 Jan 1846-08 Mar 1915): m'd 29 Jan 1865 BIDWELL, Myron; d/o Jarius and Jane (Elkins) Bonney Jr.; born at Sutters Fort, California

BONNEY, Emily E. (27 Jan 1842- ): m'd 10 Jun 1858 BROYLES, Samuel; d/o Jarius and Jane (Elkins) Bonney Jr.; cutoff for California

BONNEY, George W. (05 Jul 1822- ): m'd [], Lucinda; s/o Truman and Pelua (Townsend) Bonney; cutoff for California; living in Columbia Falls, Montana by 1903

BONNEY, Hannah Saphronia (1820-1897): m'd 1837 SHERWOOD, John; d/o Truman and Pelua (Townsend) Bonney; cutoff for California

BONNEY, Harriet Newell (10 Nov 1833-11 Jul 1879): m'd 05 Mar 1851 HARRIS, William; d/o Jarius and Jane (Elkins) Bonney Jr.; cutoff for California

BONNEY, Jarius (14 Oct 1792-16 May 1856): m1. 11 Jan 1814 LARNED, Irena; m2. 1832 ELKINS, Jane; s/o Jarius and Anne (Brown)Bonney Sr.; buried Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion County, OR; cutoff for CA

BONNEY, Laura Ann (1836- ): m'd STRONG, James; s/o Truman and Pelua (Townsend) Bonney; cutoff for California

BONNEY, Lydia Ann (15 Feb 1834-30 Jun 1914): m1. 18 Oct 1849 COOLEY, Eli C.; m2. 31 Dec 1889 WOOD, Amon; d/o Truman and Pelua (Townsend) Bonney; cutoff for California

BONNEY, Miriam (14 Aug 1831- ): m'd 24/27 Jan 1847 HIBLER, George Franklin; d/o Truman and Pelua (Townsend) Bonney; cutoff for California

BONNEY, Martha Jane (0 Jan 1837-24 Jun 1928): m1. OGLESBY, Samuel; m2. RHOADES, George Franklin; d/o Jarius and Jane (Elkins) Bonney Jr.; cutoff for California

BONNEY, Sarah Ann (c1816- ): m'd 1837 MINIER, Abraham Townsend; cutoff for California

BONNEY, Sarah Ann (24 Feb 1828- ): m1. 25 Mar 1846 SANDERS, Allan; m2. BOYNTON, E.; d/o Truman and Pelua (Townsend) Bonney; cutoff for California

BONNEY, Truman Lawrence (14 Feb 1835-22 Jul 1915): m'd 09 Mar 1861 BAKER, Tennessee; s/o Jarius and Jane (Elkins) Bonney Jr.; cutoff for California

BONNEY, Truman Augustus (24 Apr 1796-27 Oct 1868): m'd 03 Aug 1818 TOWNSEND, Pelua; s/o Jarius and Anne (Brown) Bonney Sr.; buried Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion County, OR; cutoff for CA

BONNEY, Wales B. (26 Jun 1799-10 Jun 1887): came in 1845; cutoff for California; decided to return east in the spring of 1846 where, apparently, he elected to stay and raise his  family; on his return he was entrusted with a bag of letters for the states and managed to hang onto them even though he was robbed by Indians; the relationship to the other Bonney's is not known

BONNEY, Wiswell J.H. (1839-1862): s/o Truman and Pelua (Townsend) Bonney; cutoff for CA

BOON, Henry Daniel
(1839-15 Jan 1888): m1. 1859 MUNKERS, Frances; m2. 1870 JONES, Duenna; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, OR; s/o John and Martha (Hawkins) Boon

BOON, John Daniel (08 Jan 1817-18 Jun 18641): m'd 1840 HAWKINS, Martha J.; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, OR

BOON, John Lee (02 Aug 1843-31 Oct 1904): m'd 1868 LAWSON, Annie M.; s/o John and Martha (Hawkins) Boon; died San Fancisco County, California; buried San Francisco National Cemetery, San Francisco, San Francisco County, California

BOON, Melinda Emily (10 Sep 1845-28 Dec 1917 ): m'd 27 Feb 1865 MORGAN, Amos Hoyt; d/o John and Martha (Hawkins) Boon; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

BOOSTER, Daniel: thought to have returned east in 1846

BORST, Joseph (15 Oct 1822-29 Oct 1885):: m'd c1854 ROUNDTREE, Mary Adeline; settled in Washington; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Centralia, Lewis County, Washington

BOTTAN, John: claim filed in Clackamas County abandoned

BOWMAN, Nathaniel: emigrated in 1845, appears to have returned east in 1846 and led out a party of 12 wagons in 1847; *3 Meek Cutoff

BOYLE, Hannah (31 Mar 1811-01 Sep 1887): m1. c1829 DICKERSON, Henry M.; m2. 1842 MORRIS, Simeon C.; m3. WATT, James; first husband died 17 Sep 1834 in Boone county, IN; moved to IA in 1840; to Yamhill County, OR in 1845; d/o Abraham Boyle; sister of Dr. James W. Boyle listed below

BOYLE, James Whitten Dr. (15 Aor 1815-06 Jul 1894):m'd 12 May 1846 FORD, Josephine; s/o Abraham Boyle

BOZARTH, Christopher Columbus (01 Jan 1832-01 Nov 1912): m1. 10 Jun 1863 VAN BIBBER, Rhoda Ruth (JOHN) ; m2. 1865 GOODWIN, Olive; Marion County, MO and died Woodland, Cowlitz County, WA; s/o Squire and Mildred (Willis) Bozorth; an account of the trip across the plains written by C.C. Bozorth appeared in the Feb 10, 1893 issue of the Cathlamet Washington Gazette (reprinted in Genealogical Forum of Oregon Monthly publication Dec 1964)

BOZARTH, Emma Caroline (15 Mar 1842-17 Apr 1919): m'd 24 Apr 1858 THING, George M.; born Mahaska County, IA and Portland, Multnomah County, OR; d/o Squire and Mildred (Willis) Bozarth

BOZARTH, John Shaw(24 Mar 1824-17 Mar 1882): m'd 09 May1850 LEWELLING, Asenath M.; born Marion County, MO and died Woodland, Cowlitz County, WA; born s/o Squire and Mildred (Willis) Bozarth; settled Clark Co, WA area

BOZARTH, Julia Ann (19 Mar 1834-1863 ): m'd 19 Mar 1857 STEPHENS, Benjamin; born Marion County, MO and died Washington; d/o Squire and Mildred (Willis) Bozarth

BOZARTH, Lorana Ellen (22 Sep 1828-03 May 1880): born Marion County, MO and Waitsburg, Clackamas County, Oregon; d/o Squire and Mildred (Willis) Bozarth

BOZARTH, Mary Ann (1822-1860): m. 05 Jan 1845 STRONG, Solomon; born 01 Mar 1822 Marion County, MO and died Cowlitz County, WA; d/o Squire and Mildred (Willis) Bozarth

BOZARTH, Millie Willis (05 Dec 1838-02 Feb 1883): m'd LEWIS, Frederic Lee; born Marion County, MO and died 02 Feb 1883; d/o Squire and Mildred (Willis) Bozarth

BOZARTH, Owen Willis (16 Aug 1820-15 Feb 1875): m1, 05 Feb 1853 WILLIAMS, Judith Ann; m2. 1873 GILSON, Elizabeth (JOHN); born Marion County, MO and died Woodland, Cowlitz County, WA; s/o Squire and Mildred (Willis) Bozarth; an agriculturist; settled in southern part ofWashington

BOZARTH, Sarah Ann (10 Dec 1825-1873 ): m'd 23 Sep 1847 WALKER, Ellis; d/o Squire and Mildred (Willis) Bozarth

BOZARTH, Squire (11 Jan 1792-16 Mar 1853): m'd 11 Jul 1816 WILLIS, Mildred Hoard; born Hardin County, KY and died Woodland, Cowlitz County, WA; s/o John and Sarah (Shaw) Bozorth; mentioned in "Historical and Genealogical Record of the Bozarth Family, From Landing in America to 1918"; in earlier records the Bozorth name appears most often as Bozarth, in more recent times it is found used interchangeably with Bozorth

BOZARTH, Squire Junior (19 Jul 1836-14 Apr 1905): m'd 18 Jun 1857 JOHN, Cynthia Ann; born Marion County, MO and died Woodland, Cowlitz County, WA; s/o Squire and Mildred (Willis) Bozarth

BRADLEY, John (c1820- ): born c1820 Ireland, abandoned provisional land claims in Oregon and went to Washington Territory; died in Yamhill County

BRADSHAW, Julian (c1820- ): born c. 1820 in Ohio; to California in 1845, to Oregon in 1846 but returned to California where is is enumerated in the 1850 Sacramento, California census

BRASSHAM, William R. (c1822- ): born c1822 Kentucky, lived in San Jose, California 1850-1856)

BRIGGS, B.F.:  probably returned east with John Howell in 1846

BRINGAR, Mary ( c1800-1897): m'd 26 Jun 1826 FLOURNOY, Hoy B.; buried Lookingglass Community Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon; Hoy Flournoy returned east and emigrated west again; it is in question whether Mary accompanied her husband west in 1845 or whether she came with him at a later time.  There are several emigration years associated with the family including 1850 and 1853.

BRISTOW, Elijah (28 Apr 1788-19 Sep 1872): m'd 07 Nov 1812 GABBERT, Susan; s/o James and Delilah (Elkins) Bristow; cutoff for California in 1845; wife and children (except for Henry) joined him in 1848; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon

"First settled in Lane County and founder of the communicty of Pleasant Hill, came to Oregon from California in the spring of 1846.  Born in Virginia, he was accustomed by long residence in mountainous regions to the rugged life of a woodsman, and as an expert hunter and rifleman distinguished himself as a sharpshooter in War of 1812 and the Creek Indian War.  He went from Kentucky to Illinois, living there nearly 23 years, when he crossed the plains to California in 1845.  In June, 1846, with Eugene F. Skinner, Capt. Felix Scott, and William Dodson he explored the upper Willamette Valley country, seeking a home location, and selecting a site between the Coast and Middle forks of the Willamette.  This, because of the beauty of the landscape, he called Pleasant Hill, later donating land for the first school and first church in Lane County.  Here with his family he remained the rest of his life, admired and respected.  The father of several sons and daughters by his wife Susannah Gabbart, whom he married in 1812; he died at age 73.  He and his wife sleep in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, on land first theirs." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 35]

     "The first white settler within the present boundary lines of Lane county was Elijah Bristow, who here cast his lot in June, 1846. From that date until about the year 1850, all of the facts of much of the incident of its early settlement clusters around this individual; so much so, that, for the present, our account of it during the above period will necessarily take on much of the traits of a personal narrative.
    This pioneer settler was born in Virginia in April, 1788, emigrating early in manhood to Kentucky and thence to Illinois. Imbued with a spirit of adventure inherited from his ancestors and fostered by his early associations, he was ever restless under the influences of thickly settled districts and soon determined to push farther westward, crossing the plains in 1845. Going first to California, he was dissatisfied with that country and came overland to Oregon the following spring, 1846. In June of that year, accompanied by Eugene F. Skinner, Captain Felix Scott, and William Dodson, Mr. Bristow started up the Willamette valley in search of a location suitable for the settlement of a large and increasing family. Their route was up the west side of the valley and after passing the Luckiamute river, not a white man's habitation was found; thence going south to the end of their journey. The country through which they traveled was one of the most beautiful on the northwest coast of the Pacific, and habitated as it was in all the luxurious freshness of nature, was peculiarly fascinating to these intrepid explorers.
    On arriving at a point between the Coast and Middle Forks of the Willamette river, on a low rolling ridge, sparsely covered with oak, fir and pine timber, ever since know as Pleasant Hill, Mr. Bristow's eye was attracted towards the panorama of mountain and vale stretching out before him that reminded him of a like scene in far-off Virginia, where he was born. He halted and raised his hat, allowing the cooling breeze, fresh from the near rolling Pacific to play at will through his thin gray locks, he exclaimed: 'This is my claim! Here I will live, and when I die, here shall I be buried!'
    The party then camped at a spring near by and repairing to a grove of firs, cut the logs, erected what was in those early times termed a claim cabin, and which stood as a sign to all comers that here had a white man filed his intentions, so to speak, of becoming a settler upon the public domain. This was the first cabin erected within the present limits of Lane county.
    Mr. Bristow next measured off and marked his claim of six hundred and forty acres of land, the amount usually claimed by early settlers in a new country, which was done by stepping around the track, the marking being accomplished by blazing the trees adjacent to the lines and driving stakes at the corners. Mr. Dodson then marked off a claim for himself, south and east from and adjoining that of Mr. Bristow, while Capt. Scott appropriated one on the west, but this afterwards abandoned and took one up on the south bank of the McKenzie river, opposite the mouth of the Mohawk, upon which he finally settled.
    As the party returned, on their way down the valley, Eugene F. Skinner, the remaining comrade, took up a claim where Eugene City, the county seat, now stands." [Illustrated History of Lane County by A.G. Walling p.475]

BROWN, Charles (16 Jan 1813-aft 1874): m'd 1845 LEWIS, Margaret; buried Waitsburg City Cemetery, Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, Washington

BROWN, Horace M. (30 Jun 1820-11 Jan 1884): m'd 1861 RANDALL, Mary S.; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon

BROWN, John Henry (21 Dec 1810-Apr 1905): m'd Dec 1846 PELL, Hetty C., ,married in 1846 in California, wife left him in 1847;

BROWN, Susanna H. (04 Nov 1822-14 Nov 1919): m'd Jan 1842 HALE, Milton; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon

BROWNING, Ruthinda: m'd 15 Nov 1842 CORNELIUS, Isaac; husband died 14 Oct 1846 Clackamas County, Oregon

BRUNSEY, Mahala (10 Apr 1822-Nov 1893): m'd 21 Aug 1842 TUSTIN, William I: settled in San Francisco, California

BRYAN, Abner:(17 Mar 1802-08 Jun 1892)  m1.Marion Thomas; m2. ADAMS, Mrs;(lydia (Swaim);  first wife died  within 9 miles of the South Pass; Abner settled on Yuba River in California.

BRYAN, John Wiseman (1837-27 May 1916): s/o Abner and Marion (Thomas) Bryan; settled in California

BRYAN, Thomas Jefferson (1842-09 Jun 1906): m'd KEEP, Cora Leona (divorced); s/o Abner and Marion (Thomas) Bryan; settled in California

BUCK, Heman S. (13 Aug 1830-11 Mar 1880): m'd 1868 CHASE, Sarah Miranda; s/o William and Olive (Charles) Buck; died in Tulare County, California

BUCK, Rothilda E. (1828-1894): m'd 25 Jul 1846 CAMPBELL, John G.; Rothilda was born 14 Oct 1828 and died 21 Jul 1894 Clackamas County, OR; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, OR; d/o William and Olive (Charles) Buck

BUCK, William Wentworth (19 Jan 1804-1886): m1. 1826 CHARLES, Olive; m2. 1843 HURD, Jane E.

BUCKLEY, Spencer: returned east with Joel Palmer in 1846

BUDROE/BUDROW, F.: in lawsuit Girtman vs Budrow in Clackamas County Court 28 May 1846; may have returned east

BUFFUM, William Gilbert (25 Jan 1804-25 Mar 1899): m'd 27 Nov 1827 THURMAN, Caroline; s/o Stephen and Hannah (Sewell) Buffum; buried Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon

BULLOCK, W.W.: *3 Meek Cutoff. reportedly organized a party to look for the Blue Bucket gold but did not find it

BUNCH, Mahala Amy/Anna (1800-06 Nov 1879): m'd 19 Dec 1822 SIMMONS, Samuel; d/o Israel and Rachel (Goodwin) Bunch Jr.; settled Marion County, Oregon

BUNTON, Keziah (12 Jan 1823-15 Mar 1849): m'd c1839 WOODCOCK, Williston D.; settled Clackamas County

BURBAGE, Ezekiel (1788-22 Nov 1857): m'd 05 Aug 1820 PREDWISE, Elizabeth;  died at Marquam, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

BURBAGE, Olive Wise (17 Mar 1824-26 Feb 1893): m'd 06 Nov 1842 MARQUAM, Alfred; died at Marquam, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

BURCH, Benjamin Frankin (02 May 1825-24 Mar 1893): m'd  06 Sep 1848 DAVIDSON, Eliza Ann; s/o Samuel and Eleanor (Lock) Burch; father of 7 children with only one surviving to adulthood;  buried Burch Pioneer Cemetery, Rickreall, Polk County, Oregon

BURDEN, Henry (22 Dec 1824-23 Apr 1848): volunteer in early Oregon Indian Wars; died in Polk Co; s/o Job and Temperence (Cherry) Burden

BURDEN, Job (10 Sep 1796-27 Dec 1866): m1. 01 Apr 1820 CHERRY, Temperance; m2. 24 May 1854 WILSON, Nancy; died in Polk Co, Oregon

BURDEN, John (15 Jul 1839-14 Jul 1866): died Polk Co, Oregon; s/o Job and Temperence (Cherry) Burden

BURDEN, Julia (19 Sep 1833-16 Jan 1918): m'd 26 Aug 1853 KIRK, William Riley; buried Brownsville, Linn Co, Oregon; was second wife of William Kirk; d/o Job and Temperence (Cherry) Burden

BURDEN, Levi (17 Jan 1827-12 Dec 1901 ): m'd  20 Aug 1850 EADS, Sarah; s/o Job and Temperence (Cherry) Burden

BURDEN, Louisa (10 Jan 1829-19 Aug 1850): died Polk Co, Oregon; d/o Job and Temperence (Cherry) Burden

BURDEN, Lucinda (23 Dec 1822-21 Apr 1880 ): m'd 07 Jul 1847 MCLEOD, Donald; d/o Job and Temperence (Cherry) Burden

BURDEN, Mary Elizabeth (08 Jan 1836-04 Aug 1914): m'd 18 Jul 1850 EATON, Jesse W.; d/o Job and Temperence (Cherry) Burden; settled in Wasco Co (now Sherman Co) east of the Deschutes River in Eaton's Precinct; provided land for the Wasco Methodist Cemetery where they are buried

BURDEN, Nancy A. (01 Feb 1844-09 Jan 1934 ): m'd 27 Jul 1863 EARHART, Rockey Preston; d/o Job and Temperence (Cherry) Burden

BURDEN, Sarah (18 Dec 1820-24 Jul 1872): m'd 29 Mar 1838 HUSSEY, Nathan Jr.; d/o Job and Temperence (Cherry) Burden; died Grande Ronde, OR

BURDEN, William (08 Apr 1833-27 Oct 1901): m'd 23 Jul 1857 KIRK, Margaret Elizabeth; s/o Job and Temperence (Cherry) Burden

BURGESS, Thomas H (1824-04 Nov 1895).: note that this may be Dr. Thomas H. Burgess, b. 1824 Kentucky and died 04 Nov 1895 Bernalillo County, New Mexico; he appears to have gone on to California where he was a surgeon in the California Battalion in the Mexican-American war that lasted 1846-1848.

BURKHART, Cariolanus Domarus "Crill" (08 May 1821-07 May 1881): m'd 04 Jul 1850 GOFF, Caroline Lavinia; s/o John and Rebecca (Baltzell) Burkhart; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon

BURKHART, Raymond Sanderson (02 Feb 1817-28 Oct 1888): m1. 23 Jun 1842 WASSOM, Elizabeth; m2. SCOTT, Mary; s/o John and Rebecca (Baltzell) Burkhart; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon

BURNETT, Colman (1820-18 Mar 1885): m'd 11 Jun 1845 MORRIS, Mrs. Nancy Mary (English); married on the trail to Oregon on Platte River in Kansas Territory

BURNS, Ann Scandlin (17 May 1817-10 Jun 1906): m1. 25 Jan 1838 MCTIMMONDS, Lambert; m2. 1879 SYLVESTER, John; d/o Michael and Ann (Scandlin) Burns; born County Donegal, Ireland \; buried Smith Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon

BURNS, John: in suit with Saml Bentley 05 Jan 1846; may have returned east

BURNS, Rhoda Boone (1811-04 Jun 1886): m'd 11 Jul  1829 T'VAULT, William Green; niece to Daniel Boone; d/o Edward & Elizabeth (Boone) Boone; buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

BURROWS, Mary Ann (c1827-1860): m'd 14 Jun 1844 LEWIS, Charles J.; buried Lewis Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

BUTLER, Isaac (13 Jul 1820-01 Jun 1904): m1. 14 Mar 1845 TUCKER, Tabitha J.; m2. 1872 MOORE, Mrs. Polly (Tidwell); buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, father of 15 children; *3 Meek Cutoff

BUTTS, Annice "Annie"(02 Jun 1843-18 Oct 1923): m'd 13 Nov 1859 MCCLANAHAN, Isaac Newton; d/o John and Catherine (Bonnett) Butts; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon

BUTTS, Festus (17 Apr 1838-08 Jan 1918 ): m'd 30 Mar 1892 DUNN, Susie; s/o John and Catherine (Bonnett) Butts; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Baker City, Baker County, Oregon

BUTTS, Jacob (19 Jun 1839-10 Feb 1925): m'd 14 Feb 1867 DIXON (aka DICKSON), Sarah; s/o John and Catherine (Bonnett) Butts; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Baker City, Baker County, Oregon

BUTTS, John (1810-1890): m1. 1830 BONNETT, Catherine; m2. EVANS, Jane Mrs.; name also seen as BOTT; died Washington County, burial location unknown; *3 Meek Cutoff

BUTTS, Lewis (c1832-17 Sep 1880): m'd 29 Nov 1862 CONSTABLE, Mary Elizabeth; s/o John and Catherine (Bonnett) Butts;

BUTTS, Mary Ann (1836-06 Jun 1896): m'd 1854 WILCOX, Sanford; d/o John and Catherine (Bonnett) Butts; buried Hills Cemetery, Gaston, Washington County, Oregon

BUTTS, Melva (02 Dec 1840-10 Jun 1928): m'd 12 Jun 1856 MCKINNEY, Elijah; d/o John and Catherine (Bonnett) Butts; buried Crystal Lake Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon

BUTTS, Sarah (c1844- ): m'd 1860 HALL, Benjamin E.; d/o John and Catherine (Bonnett) Butts; buried Hills Cemetery, Gaston, Washington County, Oregon

BYBEE, Anne Elizabeth (22 Dec 1844- 08 May 1885): m'd 1864 PAYNE, Joel William; d/o James and Julia (Miller) Bybee; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon*3 Meek Cutoff

BYBEE, James F. (16 Jun 1818-14 Jan 1901): m'd 03 Jul 1842 MILLER, Julia Ann; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

BYBEE, Robert Emmet 01 Apr 1843-25 Feb 1893): m'd 1869 STARKEY, Ellen E.; s/o James and Julia (Miller) Bybee;; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

CALDWELL, Gerald Banks (c1825-1919): m'd 1852 WILLIAMSON, Martha Elizabeth, s/o Barclay and Margaret (Farrier) Caldwell; mother and siblings emigrated in 1846; buried Sparlin Cemetery, Williams, Josephine County, Oregon

CAMBY, Thomas Dr. (04 Apr 1789-19 Feb 1886): settled in Thurston County, Washington; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff; Note: name sometimes seen in records as Canby.  The misinformation on this family is abnundant

CAMBY, Russell Dore (21 Dec 1820-12 Jul 1891): s/o Samuel and Mary (Paratin) Canby; settled Thurston County, Washington;  buried Grand Mound Cemetery, Rochester, Thurston County, Washington; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff; may have returned east and returned in 1852 with brother, Charles

CAMERON, James: believed to have cutoff for California

CANTRELL, John (12 Nov 1820-04 Nov 1907): m1. 05 Oct 1851 RAY, Martha J.; m2. c1870 WARD, Mrs Susan J. (Crews); s/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Mulkey) Cantrell;  buried Knox Cemetery, Crook County, Oregon

CAPLINGER, Anna Dora (21 Jan 1845-04 Aug 1932): m'd SCOTT, William Martin; d/o Jacob and Jane (Woodsides) Caplinger;  buried Helix Cemetery, Helix, Umatilla County, Oregon

CAPLINGER, Arthur m'd: ,

CAPLINGER, Anna D. (1845- ): d/o Jacob and Jane (Woodside) Caplinger

CAPLINGER, Emily S. (17 Mar 1842-16 Aug 1863): 22 May 1862 SAUNDERS, William W.; d/o Jacob and Jane (Woodsides) Caplinger; buried Stipp Memorial Cemetery, Macleay, Marion County, Oregon

CAPLINGER, Henry Crider (28 Jun 1843-14 Aug 1919): m'd 23 May 1892 DUFF, Luellen; s/o Jacob and Jane (Woodsides) Caplinger; died Umatilla County, Oregon

CAPLINGER, Jacob Crider (12 Aug 1815-19 Jun 1904): m'd Apr 1841 WOODSIDE, Jane; s/o George and Mary (Crider) Caplinger; buried Stipp Memorial Cemetery, Macleay, Marion County, Oregon

CAPPS, Benjamim Perry (08 Apr 1838- 05 Apr 1875): s/o Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard) Capps, left for California with family c1848 and returned to Oregon in 1851, settled Clackamas County

CAPPS, Francis Marion "Frank" (19 Jan 1842-1904): m'd WELSCH, Emma Robinson; s/o Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard) Capps, left for California with family c1848 and returned to Oregon in 1851, settled Clackamas County

CAPPS, Isaac (06 Dec 1808-06 Jan 1873): m'd 09 Feb 1832 HUBBARD, Jemima; s/o Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard) Capps, left for California with family c1848 and returned to Oregon in 1851, settled Clackamas County

CAPPS, John (09 Jun 1836-30 Mar 1862): m'd 13 Feb 1861 CRAIGHEAD, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard) Capps, left for California with family c1848 and returned to Oregon in 1851, settled Clackamas County

CAPPS, Mary Jane (25 Mar 1844-07 Aug 1865): m'd FOREMAN, Stephen W.; d/o Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard) Capps, left for California with family c1848 and returned to Oregon in 1851, settled Clackamas County

CAPPS. Sarah )25 Mar 1844-29 Jul 1846): d/o Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard) Capps, left for California with family c1848 and returned to Oregon in 1851, settled Clackamas County

CAPPS, Stanford (24 Nov 1832-24 Aug 1874 ): s/o Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard) Capps, left for California with family c1848 and returned to Oregon in 1851, settled Clackamas County, in later years moved to Idaho

[5] CARD, William N.; took out provisional land claim 21 Jul 1846 Clackamas County, it was void 17 Aug 1846 and further information not found:

[7] CARMACK, Ann (1838- ): m1. 02 Apr 1851 CHAPPELL, Charles; m2. LOVELETT, George; d/o Joseph and Polly (Eldridge) Carmack

[7] CARMACK, [son]. (1825-c1848): s/o Joseph and Polly (Eldridge) Carmack

[7] CARMACK, Hanna Melvina (1841-1882): m'd 18 Feb 1861 CHAPPELL, Samuel; d/o Joseph and Polly (Eldridge) Carmack

[7] CARMACK, James R. (22 Mar 1830-12 Feb 1864): m'd 29 Dec 1852 DAVIS, Elizabeth;  s/o Joseph and Polly (Eldridge) Carmack; settled Polk County, buried Burch Pioneer Cemetery, RIckreall, Polk County, Oregon

[7] CARMACK, Joseph Commodore Decatur(1806-30 Mar 1855): m1. 09 Sep 1824 ELDRIDGE, Mary Ann "Polly"; m2. 07 Jan 1847 DAVIS, Mrs. Lovisa; settled Polk County; thought to be buried there in unmarked grave

[7] CARMACK, Louisa "Lettie" Jane (c1827-23 Oct 1894): m'd. 07 Jan 1847 MCDANIEL, Elisha; d/o Joseph and Polly (Eldridge) Carmack

[7] CARMACK, Odessa (1836-May 1853): m'd 18 Nov 1851 DAVIS, John;  d/o Joseph and Polly (Eldridge) Carmack

CARNES, Joseph: See KEARNS, Joseph

CARPENTER, Lydia B.: m1. 1820 ELLIOTT, John; m2. HALL, [ ]

CARSON, David "Uncle Davey" (1800-Sep 1852 ): m'd c1844 [unknown], Letitia "Tisha" (a black girl); s/o James and (Smith) Carson

CARSON, Letitia (1814-18 Feb 1888): m'd: c1844 CARSON, David Capt.; (black girl ); buried Stephens Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon

CARSON, Martha Josephine (1845-17 Jul 1911 ): m1. 1863 BIGHAM, Solomon; m2. 1865 LAVODOUR, Narcisse; m3. c1895 CARPENTER, Charles; d/o David and Letitia Carson; buried Athena Cemetery, Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon

[4] CARTER, George Dr.: cut off for California where he remained

[2] CARTER, Lucinda (02 Jul 1810-04 Nov 1879): m1. 13 Mar 1828 MCWILLIAMS, John; m2. 31 Aug 1834 WILSON, William G.(died on trail); m3. 04 Jun 1847 HILL, David; m4. 06 Dec 1850 SIMMONS, Wheelock;  buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

[2] CATCHING, Benjamin Holland (1811-19 Jul 1894): m'd Aug 1833 MURRAY, Lavina; s/o John and Jane (Warren) Catching; buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff;

[2] CATCHING, Eliza (c1842- ): d/o Benjamin and Lavina (Murray) Catching; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff;

[2] CATCHING, George W. (c1838- ): s/o Benjamin and Lavina (Murray) Catching; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

[2] CATCHING, Joel Parker (20 Dec 1842-26 Aug 1894): m'd 17 Dec 1863 EVANS, Mary Eliza; buried Missoula Cemetery, Missoula, Missourla County, Montana;  *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

[2] CATCHING, John (1779-1845): m'd 24 Dec 1907 WARREN, Jane;  died on trail, s/o Seymour and Rachel (Thompson) Catching; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

[2] CATCHING, John Samuel (18 Sep 1820-1898): m'd 10 May 1847 WILSON, Margaret; s/o John and Jane (Warren) Catching; buried Riddle Cemetery, Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff;

[2] CATCHING, John Samuel (30 May 1840-09 Aug 1889): m'd 13 Nov 1863 LEVERICH, Rhoda; s/o Wiliam and Angeline (Yates) Catching; buried Canyonville Cemetery, Canyonville, Douglas County, Oregon; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

[2] CATCHING, Louisa Frances (07 Nov 1843-08 Feb 1911 ): m'd HUGHES, Samuel Vinton.; d/o Benjamin and Lavina (Murray) Catching; buried Tahoma Cemetery, Yakima, Yakima County, Washington; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

[2] CATCHING, Mary (1827-1859): m1. POMEROY, Franklin; m2. LINGENFELTER, Josiah; d/o John and Jane (Warren) Catching; buried Forest View Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

[2] CATCHING, Mary Jane (1840- ): m'd 1858 DIXSON, Watson E.; d/o Benjamin and Lavina (Murray) Catching; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff;

[2] CATCHING, William M. (1837-1898): s/o Benjamin and Lavina (Murray) Catching; buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

[2] CATCHING, William R. (1844- ): m'd 26 Feb 1873 BECKWORTH, Susan; s/o William and Angeline (Yates) Catching; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

[2] CATCHING, William Warren (12 Mar 1813-10 Oct 1874): m'd 15 May 1838 YATES, Angeline F.; s/o John and Jane (Warren) Catching; buried Riddle Cemetery, Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon;  *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

CENTER, Jonathan E. (1828- ): m'd: 20 Feb 1862 JOHNSON, Amanda E.; s/o Ebenezer and Mary (Fetter) Center; *3 Meek Cutoff

CENTER, Lucy (1830-c1847): never married; d/o Ebenezer and Mary (Fetter) Center; died young in Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

CENTER, Rachel (14 Apr 1819-24 Dec 1890): m1. 04 Feb 1835 TULL, Aaron; m2. 01 Nov 1841 POWELL, Theophilus; m3. 23 Jul 1862 ROOP, Jacob; do Ebenezer and Mary (Fetter) Center; buried Rock Creek Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

CENTER, Samuel (1821-30 Dec 1888): m'd 20 Jun 1845 EVANS, Elizabeth; s/o Ebenezer and Mary (Fetter) Center; buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

CHAMBERS, Andrew Jackson (23 Nov1825-25 Apr 1908): m'd BUCKNER, Rebecca; s/o Thomas and Letitia (Dalzell) Chambers;  buried Odd Fellows Memorial Park and Mausoleum, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington

CHAMBERS, David Jefferson (10 Jun 1820-04 Mar 1896): m'd 08 Apr 1845 HARRISON, Elizabeth; settled Pierce County, Washington; buried Odd Fellows Memorial Park and Mausoleum, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington

CHAMBERS, James Washington (06 Sep 1817-11 Jul 1877): m'd 09 Mar 1845 SCOGGIN , Mary (Greene); Mary was a widow with 5 children; settled Washington County, buried James W. Chambers burial site, Fossil, Wheeler County, Oregon

CHAMBERS, James (17 Sep 1844-17 Aug 1883): m'd KISOR [also seen as KIZER], Clarinda G.; s/o Rowland and Sarah (King) Chambers; buried Kings Valley Cemetery, Kings Valley, Benton County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

CHAMBERS, John (08 Aug 1831-04 Oct 1877): s/o Thomas and Letitia (Dalzell) Chambers, buried Odd Fellows Memorial Park and Mausoleum, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington

CHAMBERS, Latitia Ann (1837-1856): d/o Thomas and Letitia (Dalzell) Chambers; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

CHAMBERS, Margaret Ann (17 Dec 1842-1881): m'd 1859 BAGLEY, Orthello; /o Rowland and Sarah (King) Chambers; buried Hilltop Cemetery, Independence, Polk County, Oregon;*3 Meek Cutoff

CHAMBERS, Mary Jane (05 Nov 1828-02 Jul 1918): m'd DOUGHERTY, William P; d/o Thomas and Letitia (Dalzell) Chambers; . buried Tacoma Cemetery, Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington

CHAMBERS, Rowland (12 Mar 1813-06 Jan 1870): m1. 17 Aug 1841 KING, Sarah; m2. 22 Feb 1846 KING, Louisa; s/o Joseph and Miss (Noonamaker) Chambers;buried Kings Valley Cemetery, Kings Valley, Benton County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

CHAMBERS, Thomas J. (-2 Apr 1823-25 Dec 1911): m'd MCALLISTER, America; s/o Thomas and Letitia (Dalzell) Chambers; buried Tahoma Cemetery, Yakima, Yakima County, Washington

CHAMBERS, Thomas McCutcheon (15 Nov 1795-28 Dec 1876): m1. 1816 DALZELL, Latitia; m2. c1853 LARSON, Agnetta; emigrated with nine wagons, 70 head of cattle and eighteen head of horses; settled prairie southeast of Olympia which bears his name; later located near Steilacoom at the mouth of what is now known as Chambers Creek; here he built a lumber and flour mill ; buried Steilacoom Masonic Cemetery, Steilacoom, Pierce County, Washington; Chambers Family Story

CHAMBERS, Thompson McLain (11 Jun 1834-16 Nov 1916): m'd 1863 PACKWOOD, Esther; s/o Thomas and Letitia (Dalzell) Chambers; buried Roy Cemetery, Roy, Pierce County, Washington

CHAMNESS, Harriet (12 Jan 1840-19 Mar 1919): m'd 06 Oct 1856 MOSER, Alonzo, d/o Israel and Lavina (Davis) Chamness;  buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon

CHAMNESS, Israel (1810-11 Aug 1860): m1. DAVIS, Lavina; m2. 22 Sep 1850 CLOCK, Mrs. Catherine B. (Cornelius); died in Marion County, Oregon, burial location unknown but probably Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon

CHAMNESS, Joseph M. (28 Oct 1838-aft 1910 ): m'd 14 Jan 1858 NORDYKE, Rachel;s/o Israel and Lavina (Davis) Chamness; thought to have died in Marion County, burial location unknown but probably Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon

CHAMNESS, Mary Elizabeth (May 1837-09 Jan 1926): m'd 16 May 1856 DUNAGAN, Willis, d/o Israel and Lavina (Davis) Chamness;  buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon

CHAMPION, Joseph C. (1813-23 Aug 1891): never married; settled Tillamook County, Oregon;  buried IOOF Cemetery and Mausoleum, Tillamook, Tillamook County, Oregon

[2] CHARLTON, Joseph (10 Aug 1824-31 Dec 1894): m'd 30 Nov 1842 MILLER, Margaret Catherine; s/o Silas and Lydia/Lucy (Claybrook) Charlton; buried Pioneer Cemetery, Ridgefield, Clark County, Washington; *3 Meek Cutoff

[2] CHARLTON, Sarah Nancy (02 Oct 1844-10 Mar 1923 ): m'd 20 Dec 1860 LAMSON, Henry Ward; d/o Joseph and Margaret (Miller) Charlton; died at the Oregon State Hospital in Salem, Marion County, Oregon; buried Masonic Cemetery, Coquille, Coos County, Oregon *3 Meek Cutoff

CHARLTON, Silas (c1785-05 Oct 1866): m'd 27 Nov 1812 CLAYBROOK, Judia Lucy/Lydia; s/o Abraham and Elizabeth (Terrell) Charlton; died Sauvies Island, Washington County, Oregon, burial location unknown; *3 Meek Cutoff

CHERRY, Temperance (11 Sep 1800-19 Oct 1851): m'd 01 Apr 1820 BURDEN, Job; died Polk County, Oregon, burial location unknown

CHURCH, Maria (c1791- ): m'd c1824 MCCHRISTIAN, Patrick; not know at this time if she was in emigration of 1845

CLARK, Esthere (1806-1862): m'd 1829 SHORT, Amos M.; platted the town of Vancouver, WA

CLARK, Martha (20 Apr 1797-Apr 1849): m1. 19 Jan 1814 CHANCE, Elijah; m2. 12 Feb 1826 ENGLE, William Styles; d/o John and Ann (Willett) Clark; burial location unknown; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

CLARK, William Dewey (30 Oct 1806/9-09 Dec 1892): m'd 17 Oct 1848 JACKSON, Mrs. Phoebe Orinda (Stewart); s/o James and Clarissa (Dewey) Clark; buried Cameron Cemetery, Nez Perce County, Idaho

CLEMMONS, G.: returned in 1846 with Clyman

CLEVELAND, John: had a provisional land claim in Clackamas County 10 Sep 1846, probably returned east

CLEVENS, John Montgomery:   provisional land claim 28 Apr 1846 Lewis County, Washington Territory, abandoned

CLEVENS, Pierre: provisional land claim 28 Apr 1846 Lewis County, Washington Territory, abandoned

CLINKINBEARD, James Lyburn (10 Nov 1819-05 Feb 1897): m'd 19 Aug 1849 HOLMAN, Mary Ann; s/o Jonathan and Sarah (Smart) Clinkinbeard; buried Cleveland Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon

[3] CLOCK, James (01 May 1815-14 Sep 1849): m'd c1841 CORNELIUS, Catherine B. Note; surname originally may have been Klock but shown in most Oregon records as Clock

[3] CLOCK, John Adam (04 Jun 1844- ): living with mother and stepfather (israel Chamness) in 1850 Marion County, Oregon Census; Note;surname originally may have been Klock but shown in most Oregon records as Clock

[3] CLOCK, Mary Catherine (04 Jun 1844-25 Sep 1874): m'd 1861 THORP, Joseph Thomas; living with mother and stepfather (israel Chamness) in 1850 Marion County, Oregon Census; Note; surname originally may have been Klock but shown in most Oregon records as Clock

[3] CLOCK, Sarah (1842-1865): m'd 1861 THORP, James Riley; living with mother and stepfather (israel Chamness) in 1850 Marion County, Oregon Census; Note; surname originally may have been Klock but shown in most Oregon records as Clock

COCHRANE, David (1803- )

COCHRANE, Francis (19 Jan 1810-15 Oct 1878): m'd 11 Oct 1827 WAYMIRE, Frederick A.; d/o David and Rhoda (Dement) Cochrane

COCHRANE, Hannah (29 Jan 1815-15 Sep 1872): m'd c1832 MCNAMEE, Job; d/o David and Rhoda (Dement) Cochrane; *3 Meek Cutoff

COGSWELL, John (14 Feb 1814-13 May 1907): m'd 28 Oct 1852 GAY, Mary Frances; s/o James and Mary (Stratton) Cogswell; crossed the plains to California in 1845, to Oregon in 1846; 1849 went to California seeking gold where he did well; returned to Pennsylvania with his gold in 1850 where he had it minted; crossed the plains again in 1851; buried Mary Gay Cogswell Pioneer Cemetery, Creswell, Lane County, Oregon; One Woman’s West, Recollections of the Oregon Trail and Settling the Northwest Country by Martha Ga9y Masterson 1838-1916 edited by Lois Barton, Spencer Butte Press, Eugene, Oregon 1986

COLE, William D. (1823-1903): m'd 25 Mar 1847 MCNARY, Rosanna Mary; buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon

COLEMAN, Caroline (31 Dec 1837-22 Apr 1882): m'd 05 Oct 1855 HOWARD, William; d/o Michael and Josephine (Wagner) Coleman; settled Colman/Kolmer Valley, Sonoma County, California

COLEMAN, John (1836-25 Feb 890) s/o Michael and Josephine (Wagner) Coleman; died in 1890 shot by a neighbor; settled Colman/Kolmer Valley, Sonoma County, California

COLEMAN, Josephine (06 Jan 1830-20 Aug 1912): m'd BENITZ, Wilhelm; d/o Michael and Josephine (Wagner) Coleman; settled Colman/Kolmer Valley, Sonoma County, California

COLEMAN, Michael (04 Oct 1804-11 Feb 1858): m'd 18 Sep 1828 WAGNER, Josephine; born in Endingen,, Baden, Germany where he was known as Michael Kolmer, came to USA c 1832 and settled in North Carolina;settled Colman/Kolmer Valley, Sonoma County, California;  Kolmer/Coleman Family history

COLVER, David m'd: , Elizabeth

COLWELL, Nathaniel W. (1809-Dec 1862 ): m'd 1842 ROGERS, Sarah Ann; wife stayed in New York with her parents, Nathaniel divorced Sarah 24 Dec 1846 Oregon; printer for Oregon Spectator newspaper; Democratic candidate for Salem Mayor in 1857; died Polk County, burial location unknown

COMER, Elizabeth: m'd c 1845 SMITH, Adam; was divorced May 1847 OR

COMFORT, Edwin Bertrand (1815-03 Dec 1896): m'd 1844 HOLLAND, Elvira Bally; buried Arlington Masonic Cemetery, Arlington, Gilliam County, Oregon

CONDIT, Aldridge (1840- ):

CONDIT, Alvah (1800-1883): m'd 1821 AXTELL, Ruth; s/o David Condit; settled in Clatsop Co where he died; brother of Philip who emigrated in 1854

COOK, Delilah (1829- ): m'd 1847 FRAZIER, William B.

COOK, Francis Marion (1839- ): m'd 1857 EDGAR, Mary J.

COOK, George (c1816- ):

COOK, Isaac (1793-1876): m'd 1815 ROBERTSON, Sarah

COOK, James W. (1809-1879): m'd 1839 LEWIS, Nancy Jane

COOK, Mary P. (1816-1881): m1. 1839 SKINNER, Eugene Franklin; m2. PACKARD, N.L.

COOK, Thomas (1825- ): m'd 1853 Amanda

COOK, William (1819- ):

COOK, William [brother of Isaac]

COOLEY, Christopher Columbus (06 Aug 1809-13 Nov 1885): m'd 1834 OFFICER, Nancy R.; *3 Meek Cutoff ; buried Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Marion County, Oregon

COOLEY, Elijah "Eli" Casey (08 Feb 1821-26 Aug 1882): m'd 1849 BONNEY, Lydia Ann; *3 Meek Cutoff; buried Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion County, Oregon

COOLEY, Evaline (1844-Oct 1845): died at the Dalles Oct 1845; *3 Meek Cutoff ; burial location unknown

COOLEY, Evaline (1807-1878): m'd 1828 OFFICER, James; *3 Meek Cutoff

COOLEY, Helen Miriam (01 Feb 1841-03 Sep 1829): m'd 1859 HUBBARD, William Cannon; *3 Meek Cutoff ; buried Claggett Cemetery, Keizer, Marion County, Oregon

COOLEY, Jackson L. (27 Mar 1816-16 Aug 1884): m'd 1851 DIMICK, Harriet L.; *3 Meek Cutoff ; buried Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Marion County, Oregon

COOLEY, James Harvey (15 Nov 1835-21 Dec 1894): m'd 1859 JONES, Mary Ann; *3 Meek Cutoff ; buried Union Hill Cemetery, Sublimity, Marion County, Oregon

COOLEY, Martha Loren (1839-1902): m'd 1856 MATTISON, Foster Sylvester; *3 Meek Cutoff

COOLEY, Mary Jane (1844- ): m'd MELVIN, Andrew; *3 Meek Cutoff

COOLEY, Mathias (28 Aug 1837-08 Dec 1915): m'd 1868 SMITH, Willimina; s/o Cornelius and Dolly [White] Cooley but came west as foster son of William and Lucinda Wilson; *3 Meek Cutoff ; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon

COOLEY, Robert Franklin (28 Jan 1837-08 Apr 1916): m'd 1860 HUBBARD, Rebecca Ellen; *3 Meek Cutoff ; buried Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Marion County, Oregon

COON, Jacob Leslie Rev. (1829-1900): m'd 1851 MILLER, Sarah; s/o Michael and Elizabeth (Kelly) Coon; came to Oregon in 1845 as a lad of about 18, liked what he saw and talked the rest of the family into following [note: birth date above may be in error. See 1847 and 1850 for other family members.]

COOPER, Susan ( -1845): m'd c1839 KING, John; died in raft accident on Columbia; *3 Meek Cutoff

COOPER, William

CORBIN, Narcissa (1818-1866): m'd 1841 LEWIS, Jeremiah

CORBLEY, Washington

CORNELIUS, Aaron Miller (08 Nov 1832-c1929): m'd 1855 MANN, Elizabeth J.; s/o Absalom and Elizabeth (Cotton) Cornelius; died Oakland, Alameda County, California

CORNELIUS, Aaron Samuel (1831-aft 1880): m'd 22 Oct 1857 NORDYKE, Martha; s/o Absalom and Elizabeth (Cotton) Cornelius; 1880 census living in Canyon City, Grant County, Oregon

CORNELIUS, Absalom (01 Mar 1798-17 Apr 1880): m'd 1818 COTTON, Elizabeth; s/o George and Katherine (Hiett) Cornelius; buried Twin Oaks Cemetery, Turner, Marion County, Oregon

CORNELIUS, Absalom Hiet (02 Jan 1839-14 Apr 1924): m'd 1868 POWELL, Lavina;  buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon

CORNELIUS, Alizina (c1827-c1889 ): m'd 1849 WOODCOCK, Williston Dixon. d/o Absalom and Elizabeth (Cotton) Cornelius

CORNELIUS, Benjamin Jr. (13 Jan 1831-05 Jul 1881): m'd 1851 MCKINNEY, Rachael;  headstone Mountain View Memorial Garden, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon; actually buried at Riverview Cemetery, Portland, Oregon with wife Rachel; *3 Meek Cutoff

CORNELIUS, Benjamin Sr. (09 Feb 1802-13 Dec 1864):m'd 1826 ADAMS, Elizabeth; buried Harrison Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

CORNELIUS, Catalina (06 Nov 1825-26 Nov 1901): m'd 1843 MORRIS, James M.; d/o Absalom and Elizabeth (Cotton) Cornelius; buried Cloverdale Cemetery, Turner, Marion County, Oregon

CORNELIUS, Catherine B. (06 Nov 1825-26 Nov 1901): m1. c1841 CLOCK, James; m2. CHAMNESS, Israel; d/o Absalom and Elizabeth (Cotton) Cornelius; died in Marion County, Oregon of tuberculosis

CORNELIUS, David (17 Jun 1845-04 Jul 1845): s/o George and Mary (Morris) Cornelius; died on Nebraska Plains; probably twin to Lydia Cornelius

CORNELIUS, Elizabeth (04 Jul 1835-Apr 1863): m'd 1851 MORRIS, William; d/o Absalom and Elizabeth (Cotton) Cornelius; buried Pleasant Grove Condit Cemetery, Turner, Marion County, Oregon

CORNELIUS, Frances Elizabeth (19 Feb 1845-28 May 1882): m'd 1864 DARETY, Israel B.; buried Old Scotch Church Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

CORNELIUS, George E. (30 Jan 1822-01 May 1872): m'd 1844 MORRIS, Elizabeth;  s/o Absalom and Elizabeth (Cotton) Cornelius; buried Burt Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon

CORNELIUS, Greene B (11 Jan 1837-07 Nov 1910): m'd 1860 PARKER, Amanda L.; s/o Absalom and Elizabeth (Cotton) Cornelius; buried Twin Oaks Cemetery, Turner, Marion County, Oregon

CORNELIUS, Hannah Ann (31 Swx 1836-17 Feb 1911): m'd 1854 FREEMAN, Robert; d/o Benjamin and Elizabeth (Adams) Cornelius; buried West Union Cemetery, Washington County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

CORNELIUS, Isaac Cotton (1820-14 Oct 1846): m'd 1842 BROWNING, Ruthinda; s/o Absalom and Elizabeth (Cotton) Cornelius

CORNELIUS, Jesse (1829-1895): m1. 1854MILLS, Julia Ann; m2. 1868 INGLES, Caroline; buried Harrison Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington County, OR;*3 Meek Cutoff

CORNELIUS, John H. (1839-13 Oct 1846 ): died Clackamas County, Oregon

CORNELIUS, John Henry (05 Feb 1843-16 Jan 1920): m'd 1866 FREEMAN, Mary Ellen; s/o Benjamin and Elizabeth (Adams) Cornelius; buried Cornelius Methodist Cemetery, Cornlelius, Washington County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

CORNELIUS, Lydia Ann (17 Jun 1845-03 Jul 1845): d/o George and Elizabeth (Morris) Cornelius; died on Nebraska plains; probably twin to David Cornelius

CORNELIUS, Mary Ann (06 Nov 1823-19 Dec 1904 ): m'd CABLE, John;  d/o Absalom and Elizabeth (Cotton) Cornelius; buried Pleasant Grove City Cemetery, Pleasant Grove, Utah County, Utah

CORNELIUS, Mary Davis (01 Nov 1832-24 Sep 1878): m'd 1851 IMBRIE, James F.; buried Old Scotch Church Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon; *Meek Cutoff

CORNELIUS, Moses (08 Nov 1832- ): s/o Absalom and Elizabeth (Cotton) Cornelius; died young, twin to Aaron; probably died prior to emigration

CORNELIUS, Rebecca Jane (29 Nov 1829-30 Sep 1862): m1. 1845 SCOTT, John; m2. 1847 RINEARSON, Peter;  d/o Absalom and Elizabeth (Cotton) Cornelius; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon

CORNELIUS, Sarah Jane (14 Feb 1847-14 Apr 1870): m'd 1865 MCKINNEY, Jasper Newton; d/o Benjamin and Elizabeth (Adams) Cornelius; buried Harrison Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon

CORNELIUS, Sarah Frances (08 Jun 1809- ): m'd: 1826 ADAMS, Thomas; d/o Jesse and Ann (Adams) Cornelius; *3 Meek Cutoff

CORNELIUS, Sidna C. (08 Jan 1841-18 Oct 1910): m'd 1856 KANE, William; d/o Benjamin and Elizabeth (Adams) Cornelius; buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

CORNELIUS, Sophia Sarah (Sep 1843-16 Sep 1927): m'd 1865 PARKER, Newton Orlando

CORNELIUS, Thomas Ramsey (16 Nov 1827-24 Jun 1899): m1. 17 Feb 1850 WILKES, Annie Florentine; m2. 12 Apr 1866 SMITH, Missouri Alice; buried Cornelius Methodist Cemetery, Cornelius, Washington County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

CORNELIUS, William Nelson (31 Mar 1834-1902):m'd 1867 BARRETT, Amanda S.J.; buried Harrison Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington County, OR; *3 Meek Cutoff

COTTON, Elizabeth (02 Dec 1797-28 Nov 1881): m'd 1818 CORNELIUS, Absolom;  buried Twin Oaks Cemetery, Turner, Marion County, Oregon; d/o Isaac and Mary Ann (Stevens) Cotton

COURTNEY, Daniel C. (1836- ):

COURTNEY, Isaac (1821- ): m1. 1844 WAGGONER, Elizabeth; m2. 1864 HULL, Elizabeth

COURTNEY, Isabella (1828-1897): m'd 1850 MCNEIL, John

COURTNEY, James Harvey (1833- ): never married

COURTNEY, John B. (1797-1847): m1. []; m2. 1818 RITCHIE, Agnes Bolton "Nancy"; killed by a falling tree while on the way to Oregon City; s/o James and Lydia Courtney

COURTNEY, John R. (1826-1902): m'd 1849 BUEL, Caroline

COURTNEY, Lydia B. (1824-1894): m'd 1847 MORGAN, Thomas

COURTNEY, Mary Jane (1819-1894): m1. 1848 ROGERS, Caleb; m2. KEES, Elmore; m3. GAGER, Rev.

COURTNEY, Samuel M. (1845- ): m'd 1868 NOBLE, Margaret E.

COURTNEY, William F. (1832- ): m'd COYLE, Lucinda

COWAN, Thomas (1805-c1880): *3 Meek Cutoff

COX, Anderson (1812-1872): m'd 1836 WALTER, Julia Ann; *3 Meek Cutoff

COX, Isham (1812- 1877): m'd 1834 JOHNSTON, Mary Ann; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

COX, Johanna (1838-1915): m'd CANNON, Sylvester; *3 Meek Cutoff

COX, Lewis (1837-1905): m'd 1858 BOND, Caroline; *3 Meek Cutoff

COX, Margaline (1844- ): m'd ELIM, A. J.; *3 Meek Cutoff

COX, Martha Jane (1836- ): m'd 1851 HALL, William; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

COX, Matilda (1845-1927): m'd PRESTON, William G.; *3 Meek Cutoff

COX, Philip W. (1841- ): m'd 1864 KITCHISON/FUDGE, Julia; *3 Meek Cutoff; parents settled at Albany, Linn Co; moved to Whitman Co, WA in 1869; father of (Arthur, Anderson, Minnie, Alma, and Carrie)

COX, Sarah Jane (1843- ): m'd LOONEY, John B.; *3 Meek Cutoff

COX, Richard Franklin (1840- ): m'd LYNCH, Lucy; *3 Meek Cutoff

COX, Susanna Depue (1817-1906): m'd 11 Dec 1834 MELDRUM, John; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon

COX, William (1838-1917): m'd *3 MORE, Mellissa Ann; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

COY, John M. m'd: ,

CRABTREE, Elizabeth "Betsy" (17 Jul 1840-07 Apr 1931): m1. 1861 GRIFFEN, Isaac Newton; m2. 22 Jan 1899 GAINES, Samuel Washington; d/o John and Malinda (Yeary) Crabtree; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon

CRABTREE, George (12 Dec 1825-22 Sep 1857): m'd 1851 TURPIN, Marcella M.; s/o John and Malinda (Yeary) Crabtree;  buried Crabtree Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon

CRABTREE, Hiram (24 Oct 1832-28 May 1904): s/o John and Malinda (Yeary) Crabtree; 1870 was mining in Idaho; by 1900 was living next to brothers in Miles City, Custer County, Montana; found dead in his cabin by neighbor but no burial location found

CRABTREE, Isaac (28 Sep 1834-28 Apr 1913): s/o John and Malinda (Yeary) Crabtree; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon

CRABTREE, James Porter (22 Nov 1837-26 Jul 1909): m'd 1865 BURTENSHAW, Eliza Ellen; s/o John and Malinda (Yeary) Crabtree; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon

CRABTREE, Jasper (22 Oct 1845-23 Jul 1891): m'd PRIOR, Ruth Harriet; born while family was descending Columbia river in Oregon; twin to Newton; s/o John and Malinda (Yeary) Crabtree; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon

CRABTREE, Job (07 Mar 1829-27 Jun 1919): s/o John and Malinda (Yeary) Crabtree; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon

CRABTREE, John J. (20 Jun 1800-28 Mar 1892): m'd 22 Feb 1825 YEARY, Malinda; s/o Job and Rebecca (Smythe) Crabtree; father of 15 children; settled in Linn County, Oregon; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon

CRABTREE, Margaret (07 Jun 1827-29 Jun 1859): m'd 1848 SMALLMAN, Sampson; d/o John and Malinda (Yeary) Crabtree; buried Miller Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon

CRABTREE, Newton (22 Oct 1845-28 Nov 1929 ): m1. 01 Oct 1871 WILSON, Frances Caroline; m2. 1920 BANN, Mrs. Theodoshia Emmaline (HIGGERSON) born while family was descending Columbia river in Oregon; twin to Jasper; s/o John and Malinda (Yeary) Crabtree; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon

CRABTREE, Rebecca J. "Becky" (04 Sep 1842-17 Nov 1937 ): m1. 20 Mar 1862 RANDALL, Chester E.(divorced); m2. 17 Jun 1876 MORRIS, Andrew Buford; d/o John and Malinda (Yeary) Crabtree; [Note: The Rebecca Crabtree that married Abraham Lowdon came in 1853 and was the d/o Job Crabtree.]; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon

CRABTREE, William (08 Dec 1830-18 Nov 1890): m'd 07 Sep 1854 SUMPTER, Elizabeth s/o John and Malinda (Yeary) Crabtree; buried Spangle Cemetery, Spangle, Spokane County, Washington

CRAFT, Charles (1803-1869): m'd 1829 JORDAN, Rebecca; born 10 Sep 1803 Lycoming County, PA and died 23 Jul 1869 Salem, Marion County, OR; s/o William and Sarah (Alward) Craft; *3 Meek Cutoff

CRAFT, Emaline Malinda (1835- ): m'dPRINGLE, Octavius; d/o Charles and Rebecca (Jordan) Craft;*3 Meek Cutoff

CRAFT, Sarah Elizabeth (1829-1907): m1. 26 Aug 1846 WATT, Joseph; m2. 15 Nov 1877 SMITH, Fabritus R.; born 03 Nov 1829 Carroll County, VA and died 14 May 1907 Salem, Marion County, OR; d/o Charles and Rebecca (Jordan) Craft; *3 Meek Cutoff

CRAFT, Virginia (1843-1863): nevermarried; born 1843 Iron County, MO and died 1863 Salem, Marion County, OR; d/o Charles and Rebecca (Jordan) Craft;*3 Meek Cutoff

CRAFT, William Amos (1832-1914): m'd1852 VANICE, Amanda; born 1832 VA and died 1914 Seattle, King County, WA; s/o Charles and Rebecca (Jordan) Craft; *3 Meek Cutoff

CRAIG, Willamina (1817-1883): m1. 1839 MEALY, James; m2. WILLIAMS, Enos; Willamina, OR names for her

CRAMER, Caroline (1812-1867): m'd 1830 CUNNINGHAM, Joseph; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

CRANDALL, Elizabeth m'd: PERRY, William Francis; *1: MSS#1135 4pp

CREIGHTON, Nathaniel M. (1820-1851): m'd 1846 SNYDER,, Susan F.

CROCKER, Jane Bourne (1809-1875): m'd 1826 LEMMON, John

CROFTON, Martha "Patsy" (c1794-c1855): m'd 1810 HAWKINS, Henry; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

CROFTON, Thomas (c1832- ):

CROCKER, Jane Bourne m'd: LEMMON, John

CROMWELL, Harvey: *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

CROW, Eli C. (1828- ):

CUFFY, Abram (c1800- ): black man who accompanied James & Nancy Cook

CULBERTSON, William (1804-1865):

CULLY, Thomas (1810-1891): m'd 1850 JONES, Rebecca; divorced in 1880; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Multnomah Co

CUMMINS, Sarah J.: *1: MSS#1508, 61pp

CUNNINGHAM, John (c1838-1855): killed by Indians in Southern Oregon

CUNNINGHAM, Joseph (1795-1878): m'd 1830 CRAMER, Caroline; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

CUNNINGHAM, Lucinda Elizabeth (c1836-1877): m'd c1855 HOWARD, Harlin; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

CUNNINGHAM, Olivia Druscilla (1840-1911): m'd 1859 PURDIN, William Whitfield; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

CUNNINGHAM, Philander (1831- ): m'd 1856 REDING, Henrietta; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

CUNNINGHAM, Sarah (c1833- ): m'd HARRIS, Leonard W.; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

CUNNINGHAM, Virginia Jane (c1843-1859): *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff


CURRIN, George (1812-1879): m'd 1852 WADE, Martha Lydia

CURRIN, Hugh F. (1803-1874): m'd 1849 YOUNG, Diona

CUTLER, Benjamin (1829- ): m'd ROBINSON, Jane

D'ARMON, Esther (1823-1893): m'd 1839 TAYLOR, James; d/o Samuel and Esther D'ARMON

DALY, David R.S. (1817- ):

DALZELL, Latitia (15 Aug 1795-17 Sep 1852): m'd 1816 CHAMBERS, Thomas McCutcheon; settled Steilacoom, Pierce County, Washington; buried Steilacoom Masonic Cemetery, Steilacoom, Pierce County, Washington

DAVDEN, William P. ( -1891): buried Camas Valley Cemetery, Douglas Co

DAVIDSON, Albert Franklin (1819-1890): m'd 1851 MUNKERS, Mary Elizabeth

DAVIDSON, James Orville (1823-1846):

DAVIESS, Abraham: *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

DAVIS, Albert G. (c1828- ): m'd 1851 SMITH, Mary Ann

DAVIS, Amos (1830- ): m'd 1857 TURNER, Cornelia

DAVIS, Charles C. m'd: ,

DAVIS, Elizabeth Crock m'd: ,

DAVIS, G. ( -1845):

DAVIS, John (1825- ): m'd 1846 MORELAND, Margaret Jane; [note: John also on some lists as Jehu]

DAVIS, Jonas (1827- ): m'd 1852 POLLARD, Deborah Ann

DAVIS, Joseph (1801- ): m1. 1823 HANKEY, Catherine; m2. [], Agnes

DAVIS, Joseph Jr. (1824- ):

DAVIS, Nancy (1806-1849): m'd 1838 ALLEN, Hiram

DAVIS, Ruben (1829- ): m'd: 1859 CUNNINGHAM, Elizabeth

DAWSON, Barbara Ann (1845- ): m'd SAILING, Archibald; d/o William and Mary (Searcy) Dawson; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

DAWSON, Phoebe Elizabeth (1843- ): m'd HALL, John; d/o William and Mary (Searcy) Dawson; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

DAWSON, William (1816-1889): m1. 1842 SEARCY, Mary E.; m2. 1864 Rash BAKER, Nancy (widow of Levi Rash); *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

DAY, Almira: m1. WARD, Jeremiah Parker; m2. Henry Saffron; parents and sister came by Isthmus of Panama; unknown if she accompanied them or came via trail

DAY, William P. (1822-1891): m'd 1851 FITZHUGH, Phoebe; buried Camas Valley Cemetery, Douglas Co

DEEDS, Phoebe (1806- ): m'd 1836 EDGAR, William

DEHAVEN, Sarah Ann (1830- ): m'd HAGEY, Mathias

DELANY, George (1832- ): m'd DAY, Olive; s/o Daniel and Elizabeth (McGhee) Delany

DELANY, James (1834- ): s/o Daniel and Elizabeth (McGhee) Delany

DEWELL, Benjamin (1823-1903): m'd 1850 ELLIOTT, Celia H.

DICKERSON, Margaret Ann (1834- ): m'd 1848 DUPUIS, Edward; d/o Henry and Hannah (Boyle) Dickerson; came to Oregon with mother and stepfather

DICKERSON, Mary (1805- ): m'd 1824 JEFFREYS, Thomas Mathew

DICKERSON, Mary Jane (1830-1915): m1. 1846 HENDRICKS, Abijah S.; m2. GRIFFIN, Joseph; d/o Henry and Hannah (Boyle) Dickerson; a native of WV, Mary Jane came to Oregon with her mother and stepfather; settled in Yamhill Co; mother of 7 sons, she taught the first school in Yamhill county and took her pay in potatoes or anything to eat; she died at McMinnville and is buried in the Masonic cemetery at Lafayette, Yamhill Co, OR

DICKEY, John K. (1821-1872): m'd 1847 OFFICER, Martha Ann

DICKSON, John (1837- ): m'd NEWVILLE, Ellen; s/o Joshua and Eleanor (Lewis) Dickson *4, *10

DICKSON, Joshua (1805-1878): m'd 1836 LEWIS, Eleanor

DICKSON, Mary E. (1838- ): m'd 1856 WILCOX, George W.; d/o Joshua and Eleanor (Lewis) Dickson; mother of 8 children *4,*10

DICKSON, Nathaniel (1845- ): m1. 1869 WILLIAMS, Rebecca; m2. 1872 BAKER, Sarah E.; s/o Joshua and Eleanor (Lewis) Dickson; Nathaniel was reportedly born while family was enroute *4,*10

DICKSON, William J. (c1840- ): m'd 1872 VINSON (VINCENT), Sarah Ann; s/o Joshua and Eleanor (Lewis) Dickson

DILLON, [] ( - 1845): m'd c1840 EVANS, Elizabeth; *3 died at the beginning of the trail

DILLON, Polly Amelia (c1841- ): *3 Meek Cutoff

DIXON, James (1841- ):

DIXON, John (1834- ):

DIXON, Mary Ann (1844- ):

DIXON, William Fooks (1811-1899): m1. 1833 ROUND, Julia Ann; m2. ELGIN, Martha A. Mrs.; co-founder of Corvallis, OR

Note: although some sources have listed the Doak family as possibly being on the Meek Cutoff it has since been proved that they did not take that route. See
Clarborne Campbell Walker letter

DOAK, Andrew Jackson (1816-1880): m1. 1838 MCCONNEL, Mary Rebecca; m2. 1856 HALE, Elizabeth;

DOAK, Cynthia Jane (1841-1914): m1. []; m2. []; m3. [];

DOAK, James Thomas (1844-1906): m'd BRYANT, Melinda;

DOAK, Josiah (1840-c1907):

DOAK, Mr.:

DOAK, Mrs.:

DOAK, Thomas:


DODDRIDGE, Rachel (1772-1849): m'd 1805 WALTER, William; d/o Phillip and Mary (Markel) Doddridge

DODSON, William (1804-1887): m1. 1853 LITTRELL, Sarah; m2. KELLY, Mary

DONALDSON, Janette (1828- ): m'd 1815 PUGH, William Sr.; last name also seen as DONELSON


DORRIS, Felix G. (1824-1916): m'd 1846 BAYLEY, Caroline E.; *3 Meek Cutoff

DOVE, Bethuel (1814- ): m'd 1842 STORY, Rachel

DOVE, Edmund P. (c1842- ):

DOVE, Richard (c1844- ):

DOWDEN, James (same as DAVDEN, James??):

DOYLE, David S. (1833-1882): m'd SNEED, Minerva

DURBIN, Adaline (1815- ): m1. BEAUCHAMP, James Tubman; m2. Nov 1848 FOSTER, John T

DURBIN, Casper J. (1822-1905): m'd 1849 DRAPER, Julia Ann; *3 Meek Cutoff

DURBIN, Daniel (1832-1893): m'd 1854 SMITH, Sarah Ann; *3 Meek Cutoff

DURBIN, Frances A.: m'd 1843 MARTIN, John Jr.; *3 did not take Meek Cutoff

DURBIN, Isaac (1832- ): m'd c1855 KAYS, Olive; *3 Meek Cutoff

DURBIN, John (1793-1897): m'd 1821 FITTING, Sarah; *3 Meek Cutoff

DURBIN, Mary Jane (1835- ): m'd 1856 STARKEY, Amos; *3 Meek Cutoff

DURBIN, Ruth Ann (1839- ): m'd 1856 BARKER, Richard A.; *3 Meek Cutoff

DURBIN, Sarah Ann (c1827- ): m'd STURGIS, George; *3 Meek Cutoff

DURBIN, Solomon (1829- ): m'd 1854 ELGIN, Martha Sophia; *3 Meek Cutoff

DUVAL, Franklin

DYER, Moses True: see 1852 listing

3) EARL, Ellen (1832- ): m1. MILLER, Samuel; m2. VAUGHN, William;  d/o Joseph and Margaret (Gibson) Earl Sr.

3) EARL, Frances Jane (1815-1847): m'd 1839 UMPHLET, Stanley; d/o Joseph and Margaret (Gibson) Earl

3) EARL, John (1813-1898): m'd 1842 STRIETHOFF, Frances; s/o Joseph Sr. and Margaret (Gibson) Earl

3) EARL, Joseph (1825- ): m'd 1851 POWELL, Jemima; d/o Joseph and Margaret (Gibson) Earl Sr.

3) EARL, Joseph Sr. (1789-1845): m'd c1812 GIBSON, Margaret

3) EARL, Margaret (01 Apr 1829-15 Feb 1891): m1. 29 Jan1852 MCFADDEN, William Henry; m2. 07 Feb 1877 BOOTHBY, Reason Rounds; d/o Joseph and Margaret (Gibson) Earl Sr.; divorced first husband when he was in prison, emigrated west with her parents and siblings

3) EARL, Nancy (1830- ): m1. 1847 SMITH, Simeon (divorced); m2. 1856 IVY, John; d/o Joseph and Margaret (Gibson) Earl Sr.

3) EARL, Robert (1835-1915): m'd 1852 POWELL, Lourana; s/o Joseph and Margaret (Gibson) Earl Sr.

3) EARL, William (1823-1863): m'd 1846 WOODS, Louisa; s/o Joseph and Margaret (Gibson) Earl Sr.

EATON, Mary A. (1804- ): m'd 1829 PITMAN, Lee Monroe; *3 Meek Cutoff

EATON, Jesse W. (1826-1902): m'd 1850 BURDEN, Mary E.; *3 Meek Cutoff

EDGAR, Daviss (1842- ):

EDGAR, Durenda (c1842- ):

EDGAR, Farlotty (c1839- ):

EDGAR, George (1838- ):

EDGAR, Jane (1837- ):

EDGAR, Jasper (1844- ):

EDGAR, Leonard (1840- ):

EDGAR, Mary (1836-1903): m'd 1857 COOK, Francis Marion

EDGAR, Moses (1806- ): m'd 1835 MORKEY, Susan

EDGAR, Rancon (c1844- ):

EDGAR, William (1810- ): m'd 1836 DEEDS, Phoebe

EDMUNSON, John H. (c1816-1868): m'd 1850 SHRUM, Euphamia A.; actually emigrant of 1848


ELKINS, James Edward (1822-1917): m'd 1851 ZUMWALT, Lucy Jane; *3 Meek Cutoff

ELKINS, Jane (1809-1889): m'd 1830 BONNEY, Jarius; as a small child she was left for dead after an Indian attack; the Elkins family rescued and raised her

ELLIOTT, Alberon R. (c1826- ):

ELLIOTT, Celia H. (1835- ): m'd 1850 DEWELL, Benjamin

ELLIOTT, Commodore F. (c1831- ):

ELLIOTT, Elizabeth Jane (1841- ):

ELLIOTT, Emsley A. (c1828- ):

ELLIOTT, George Wilden (1826- ):

ELLIOTT, James (1845- ): born while family crossing plains

ELLIOTT, John (1798-1854): m'd 1820 CARPENTER, Lydia B.

ELLIOTT, Thomas C. (c1839- ):

ELLIOTT, William B. (1798-1876): m'd 1821 PATTON, Elizabeth; cut off for CA, arrived at Sutter's Fort with Grigsby-Ide train; settled in and around Napa and Sonoma, CA; was involved in the Bear Flag Revolt in CA; died in Upper Lake, CA

ELLIOTT, William M. (c1840- ):



ELLIS, Mary A. (1845-1845): born while family on trail; died age 2mo

ENGLE, Augustus (1837-1880): m'd ARMPRIEST, Margaret Elizabeth; s/o William and Martha (Clark) Engle;  buried Adams Cemetery, Molalla, Clackamas County, Oregon*3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

ENGLE, Christopher (c1834-1859): m'd 1857 ARMPRIEST, Nancy Jane; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

ENGLE, Mary Ann (08 Jan 1823-24 Apr 1911): m'd 05 Feb 1841 VICKERS, Andrew Jackson; d/o William and Esther Engle;  buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

ENGLE, Malvina (1827-1906): m'd 1846 WHITLOCK, Mitchell; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon;*3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

ENGLE, Samuel (30 Jan 1831-01 Mar 1902): m'd 16 Nov 1854 DUNIWAY, Nancy Hanna; buried Molalla Memorial Cemetery, Molalla, Clackamas County, Oregon; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

ENGLE, Sarah (c1829-1854): m'd  03 Feb 1848 REES, George;  probably died in Clackamas County, Oregon; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

ENGLE, William Styles (1789-1868): m1. 1816 BUTT, Mary; m2. 1824 HAYES, Mrs. Esther Downing;; m3. 1826 CLARK, Martha; m4 1851 ENGLE, Susan; s/o Joseph and Sarah (Edmondson) Engle; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon*3 Meek Cutoff

ENGLISH, Benjamin (1814- ): m'd 1833 DURBIN, Perlina

ENGLISH, Benjamin F. (1842- ):

ENGLISH, Charles (1840- ):

ENGLISH, Daniel (1836- ):

ENGLISH, David (1834- ):

ENGLISH, Delila (1827-1908): m'd 1842 HENDRICKS, William P.

ENGLISH, Hiram (1819-1852): m'd 1846 [], Louisa C.

ENGLISH, Levin Nelson Jr. (1832-1917):

ENGLISH, Levin Nelson Sr. (1788-1876): m1. 1812 TUCKER, Mary; m2. 1851 TATE, Mary

ENGLISH, Malinda (1812- ): m'd FOSS, Joseph H.

ENGLISH, Malinda Jane (1844- ): m'd 1860 RIGGS, Rolin Benton

ENGLISH, Mary (1842- ): m'd 1856 SNOOKS, Liberty

ENGLISH, Mary Nancy Agnes  (16 Dec 1821-c1875): m1. 24 Sep 1837 MORRIS, Jeremiah (c1815-1844); m2. 11 Jun 1845 BURNETT, Colman; married Coleman Burnett on trail to Oregon; d/o Levin and Mary (Tucker) English

ENGLISH, Nathan (1816-1848): emigrant of 1847.  Not associated with Levin English family as some family histories state.

ENGLISH, Rebecca (1825- ): m'd 1839 SMITH, James Preston; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

ENGLISH, Robert (c1830- ):

ENGLISH, Sarah (1838- ):

ENGLISH, Thisley (1845- ): born while family on trail; female

ENGLISH, Warren (1843- ):

ENGLISH, William (1818-1845): m'd c1839 SPEARS, Rosetta; William died on trail

EUSTICE, Raymond (c1825- ):

EVANS, Alexander (c1805-1849): m'd MCKINLEY, Jane

EVANS, Eleanor (c1829- ): m'd 1847 MAUZY, William

EVANS, Elizabeth (1824- ): m1. c1840 DILLON, []; m2. 1845 CENTER, Samuel; *3 Meek Cutoff

EVANS, George:

EVANS, Harvey:

EVANS, Isaac (1831- ): m'd 1851 GIBSON, Elizabeth

EVANS, Joseph (c1836- ):

EVANS, Nancy Jane (1839- ): m'd 1854 WHITCOMB, Levi

EVANS, Sarah (c1842- ): m'd 1857 REEVES, William

EVERTS, Henry:

FANNING, Levi (1809-1888): *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

FANNING, Mrs. (1781-1881): *3 widow, believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

FANNING, Elizabeth (c1789- ): m'd 1814 LIGGETT, Jonathan; *3 Meek Cutoff

FANNO, Augustus (1804-1884): m1. c1841 FERGUSON, Martha; m2. 1851 DENNY, Rebecca Jane

FARRIER, Ambrose (1841-1901): m'd 1870 FITZGERALD: Sarah A.

FARRIER, Andrew Bird (1838-1920): Never married

FARRIER, Anna (1844-1924): m'd 1858 CROOKS, Aaron H.

FARRIER, Elizabeth (1829-1914): m'd 1848 MCCOY, John

FARRIER, George W. (1833-1883): m'd 1862 ALPHIN, Allie Ann McClain

FARRIER, James David (c1800-c1847): m'd c1830 MICHAEL, Phoebe

FARRIER, Jemima (1835-1906): m'd 1855 UMENHOFFER, William

FARRIER, Phoebe (c1805-1875): m1. c1830 FARRIER, James David; m2. ALLPHIN, William

FARRIER, William (1831-1872): m'd 1854 BROOKS, Ann Elizabeth

FARWELL, Charles:

FARWELL, Richard:

FERGUSON, Martha ( -1846): m'd c1841 FANNO, Augustus

[5] FETTER, Mary (1789-06 Aug 1857): m'd 12 Dec 1813 CENTER, Ebenezer; husband died 11 Feb 1835 Edgar County, Illinois, traveled to Oregon with her children and settled in Marion County; was buried on the DLC of her son-in-law, Theophilus Powell in Waldo Hills, Marion County, Oregon (grave has been lost over time); *3 Meek Cutoff

FICKLE, Absalom/Abraham (1780- ): m1. WHITE, Christina; m2. 1838 HOPKINS, Julia Ann

FICKLE, Elizabeth (1809-1880): m'd 1828 HAMPTON, Jacob; *3 Meek Cutoff

FICKLE, Julia Ann (1823-1915): m'd 1840 WILCOX, Ralph; *3 Meek Cutoff

FIELD, James Jr. (c1823-1903); *1: MSS#520 51pp; *3 Meek Cutoff; drived for Capt. J.B. Riggs; wrote one of the major chronicles of the '45 migration

FIELD, Samuel (1824- ): m'd 1850 [], Matilda Jane

FIELDS, Hugh (1828-1901): m1. 1855 YOUNGER, Sidney (1838-1889); m2. 1891 SKILLMAN, Dora; brother of William Fields

FIELDS, William (1833-1862): m'd 1854 BLAKELY, Catherine; brother of Hugh Fields

FINCH, George B. (1825- ): m'd 1873 HUNTER, Lavinia June Mrs.

FINDLEY, Elizabeth (1805-1874): m'd 1824 GRIFFITH, Elisha Norris

FINDLEY, James "Alexander" (c1828-1848): s/o David Sr. and Janet (Ritchie) Findley; returned to IN in 1846 and returned west in 1847 with family; died near Oregon City in Jan of 1848 of pneumonia

FINDLEY, Joseph S. (1814-1846):

FINDLEY, Margaret (1815-1873): m'd1834 OSBORNE, Josiah; d/o Alex and Nancy Agnes (Ritchie) Findley; survivor of Whitman Massacre of 1847

FINDLEY, William C. (1812- ): m'd BLACKBURN, Maria; wife did not come in 1845; *1: MSS#494 1 Vol

FINDLEY, William Ritchey (1820-1890): m'd 1852 TEMPLETON, Margaret Elizabeth; s/o David Sr. and Janet (Ritchie) Findley; emigrated with brother, James Alexander Findley; returned to IN in 1846 and returned west with family in 1847

FISHER, Ann Eliza (12 Sep 1839-11 Feb 1924): m'd 23 Jun 1864Latourette, Lyman David Cornwall [sister's widower]; [some records indicate husband's name was Lyman Dewitt Clinton Latourette]; d/o Ezra and Lucy (Taft) Fisher; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon

FISHER, Charles:

FISHER, Ezra Rev. (06 Jan 1800-01 Nov 1874): m1. 07 Feb 1830 TAFT, Lucy; m2. 27 Jun 1854 MILLARD, Mrs. Amelia (AVERY); s/o Aaron and Rebecca (Moore) Fisher; buried in Pioneer Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon

"Pioneer Baptist missionary and teacher, was born in Wendall, Mass., the son of Aaron and Betty (Moore) Fisher.  Educated at Amherst College and Newton Theological Seminary, he was ordained in 1830, and arrived at The Dalles, where he preached his first Oregon sermon, Dec., 1845.  Appointed exploring missionary for Oregon (1851), he was co-founder of Oregon City College; moved to The Dalles (1861), where he preached his last sermon Oct. 18, 1874; Supt. of Schools, Wasco County (1873-74).  He was twice married: (Feb. 7, 1830) to Lucy Taft, by whom he had five children; and (June 27, 1854) to Mrs. Amelia Millard.  He died at The Dalles." [The Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p.85]

FISHER, Ezra Timothy Taft. (05 Feb 1835- 10 Feb 189 ): m'd 27 Dec 1856 STOUT, Hanna Gaylord; s/o Ezra and Lucy (Taft) Fisher; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon

FISHER, Francis Wayland (26 May 1848-28 Mar 1901): m'd RASMUSSON, Meta Christine; s/o Ezra and Lucy (Taft) Fisher; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon

FISHER, Lucy Jane Gray (10 Dec 1831-25 Jan 1864): m. 27 Sep 1851 LATOURETTE, Lyman David Cornwall [some records indicate husband's name was Lyman Dewitt Clinton Latourette]; d/o Ezra and Lucy (Taft) Fisher; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon

FISHER, Sarah Josephine (05 Sep 1843-25 Nov 1912): m'd 29 Jun 1865 HENDERSON, James Aarchibald; d/o Ezra and Lucy (Taft) Fisher; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon

FITCH, Samuel (c1819- ):

FITTING, Sarah (1801-1892): m'd 1821 DURBIN, John; *3 Meek Cutoff

FITZGERALD, Sarah Campbell (1792- ): m'd 1817 MILLER, Robert Emmett; *3 Meek Cutoff

FLEMMING, John (1795-1872): *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

FLETCHER, William:

FLINT, Eugene
(1841- ):

FLINT, Isaac A. (1816-1892): m1. c1840 BIGELOW, Sarah E.; m2. 1853 PHINNEY, Emeline L.; Isaac and Sarah Flint had left their eldest son, Eugene, with Sarah's brother, Daniel, in Milwaukee, WI.  The Flints cutoff for California where John Sutter issued Isaac Flint a fianza (permission to remain in California).  They went to Bales' Rancho Carne Humana (near Yountville, still there) where Flint helped build the mill (Bale's Mill) still there and a state historic landmark.  James Clyman records meeting them there in his journal.  After the winter of 1846, Isaac Flint went north to Oregon carrying letters to Fremont from Bale and others seeking to bring him and his company of riflemen back to California to take part in a rebellion against the Mexican government.  Flint stayed in Oregon.  Sarah Flint and their son Purdy left Bale's Rancho for Sonoma.  In 1847 Alcalde Lillburn Boggs filed a notice of abandonment and impending divorce on Sarah Flint's behalf (against Isaac Flint), saying he would grant Sarah a divorce in six weeks.  Sarah was pregnant with James Cooper's child and she married Cooper sometime shortly after the divorce notice (Alcalde or mayor's divorce action was ad hoc and; California territory was officially continuing to use Mexican law and there was no divorce in Mexican California). 
   Flint wrote a journal of a trip returning to Oregon after a trip down to the California gold fields that is published by University of Mississippi press.  In 1852 Isaac Flint came back down to Sonoma and, according to a WPA oral history, kidnapped Purdy.  Bancroft's history of Oregon says Flint traveled from Oregon in 1852 to Panama, crossed the Isthmus, made his way across the Gulf of Mexico, up the Mississippi and back to Milwaukee where he claimed his other son, Eugene (I'm surmising Eugene was with Sarah's brother who is the only Bigelow family member who remained in Milwaukee, father and brothers returning to Nova Scotia about the same time Sarah and Isaac set out for St. Louis and then West). 
  Flint's either not knowing Sarah had divorced him, or not accepting the validity of the divorce he had filed for divorce from Sarah in 1851 or 1852 in Oregon.  Isaac married Emeline Phinney while in WI.  Isaac, Emeline, Eugene and Purdy walked back to Oregon.  The Flints settled in Oregon and Flint supported himself as a carpenter and pastored a church.  

FLINT, Purdy J. (c1842- ): s/o Isaac and Sarah (Bigelow) Flint

FLIPPIN, James Allen (1825- ): m'd 1852 PATTON, Jane Amanda; accompanied his uncle Robert Hull; *3 Meek Cutoff;

FLOURNOY, Hoy B. (1793-1871): m'd 26 Jun 1826 BRINGAR, Mary; crossed the plains in 1845; freighted from Stockton to the mines during gold rush; took $10,000 in gold dust to MO which set off a wave of emigration; crossed the plains again in 1853, settling in Douglas Co, OR; it s unclear if family accompanied him in 1845, there are multiple date of emigration for his children (Adeline, Thomas, Paulina, Jones H., Roland H., Mary Jane and Mary Ann); listed at Lookingglass Community Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon

FLOURNOY, Thomas (24 Jun 1824-20 Jan 1891): m1. 21 Oct 1847 NEAL, Elizabeth; m2. 31 Aug 1854 KIFER, Laurentie; s/o Hoy and Mary (Brinegar) Flournoy

FORCE, George W. (1820-1898): m'd 1848 WOLF, Susan

FORD, Elizabeth Ann (1840- ):

FORD, Fernando C. (1844- ):

FORD, Harriet J. (1826- ): m'd WILLIAMS, []

FORD, Josephine m'd: BOYLE, James Whitten Dr.

FORD, Nancy Missouri (1842- ):

FORD, Sidney S. (1801-1866): m'd 1823 SHAW, Nancy; *2: several black people came with Ford including two men, one woman and some children; Ford settled near Centralia, WA.

FORD, Sidney Jr. (1829- ):

FORD, Thomas J. (1832- ):

FORREST, Cordelia Caroline (1829-1886): m'd 1846 STAATS, Stephen

FORREST, Elizabeth Ellen (1838-1888): m'd 1855 DAY, Jesse N.

FORREST, John M. (1808-1865): m'd 1827 RHEA, Anna Bell

FORREST, John Randolph (1838-1912): m'd 1867 HUTTON, Julia M.

FORREST, Lewis Cass (1834-1897): *2: never married

FORREST, Martha Ann (1844-1897): m'd 1859 DAY, Nicholas F.

FORREST, Moses B. (1827-1858): m'd 1855 NELY, Madelia

FORREST, Richard A. (1832-1877): m'd 1856 ASLONE, Martha

FORREST, Sarah Jane (1835-1917): m'd 1850 JEFFREYS, Woodson

FORREST, William Harrison (1842- ): m'd 1867 DODSON, Martha

FORRESTER, Ellen Jane m'd: ,

FORRESTER, Thomas m'd: ,

FOSS, George (1840- ): s/o Joseph and Malinda (English) Foss

FOSS, John (1838- ): s/o Joseph and Malinda (English) Foss

FOSS, Joseph H. (1809- ): m'd 1830 ENGLISH, Malinda

FOSS, Margaret Ann (1844- ): m'd 1859 SCOTT, William P.; d/o Joseph and Malinda (English) Foss

FOSS, William Hartfellers (1833-1914): m1. 1857 SHIRTS, Rhoda E.; m2. []; m3. []; m4. []; s/o Joseph and Malinda (English) Foss

FOSTER, Ambrose D.(1816-1860): m'd 03 Feb 1836 REDDIN, Zerrelda Emmemine; s/o Rev.John and Nancy Foster; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

FOSTER, Andrew (1789-1865): m'd 29 Dec 1817 SMITH, Elizabeth; *3 Meek Cutoff

FOSTER, Catherine M. (c1829-c1851): m'd bef 1847 ARTHUR, Robert;  d/o Rev. John and Nancy Foster; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff ;

FOSTER, Isaac (1829-1856): s/o Andrew and Elizabeth (Smith) Foster;

FOSTER, Isaac M. (1819-1893): m'd 25 Aug 1849 BEAUCHAMP, Letha J.; s/o Rev. John and Nancy Foster; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff; Catherine Foster, the daughter of Isaac married 1866 Frederick Severs and her information is sometimes confused with that of her aunt listed above

FOSTER, James: (c1827- ): s/o Rev. John and Nancy Foster; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

FOSTER, James (1828-1909): m'd Dec 1849 CURRIER, Elizabeth; s/o Andrew and Elizabeth (Smith) Foster; *3 Meek Cutoff

FOSTER, John (1822-c1899): m1. 20 Jun 1846 LLOYD, Mary; s/o Andrew and Elizabeth (Smith) Foster; *3 Meek Cutoff

FOSTER, John (Rev) (1792-1868): m'd 15 Aug 1814 [   ], Nancy m2. BUCHANAN, Elizabeth; *3 Meek Cutoff

FOSTER, John T. (1822-1901): m'd Nov 1848 BEAUCHAMP, Adeline; s/o Rev. John and Nancy Foster; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

FOSTER, Mariah (1834-1859): m'd 1850 CURRIER, Jacob Manly;  s/o Andrew and Elizabeth (Smith) Foster

FOSTER, Martha Ann (1841- ): m'd 1858 PEDIGO, Henry/James; d/o Ambrose and Zerrelda (Reddin) Foster; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

FOSTER, Mary Jane (1844- ): m'd 1863 SHARROCK, George W.; d/o Ambrose and Zerrelda (Reddin) Foster; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

FOSTER, Melissa Elizabeth (1823-1894): m'd 09 Mar1845 WHEELER, Solomon; d/o Rev. John and Nancy Foster; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

FOSTER, Nancy (c1797-1870): m'd FOSTER, Rev John; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

FOSTER, Nancy Elizabeth (1837- ): d/o Ambrose and Zerrelda (Reddin) Foster;*3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

FOSTER, Reason Savage (1818-1908): m1. 1846 MARTIN, Eliza Jane (divorced 1847); m2. 16 Aug 1848 NOLAND, Margaret; *3 Meek Cutoff

FOSTER, Thomas W. (1833- ): s/o Rev John and Nancy Foster; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

FOSTER, William G. (1830- ): m'd 1853 [], Cynthia A.; s/o Rev. John and Nancy Foster; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff


FRAZIER, George E. (1824- )

FRAZIER, William: originally emigrant of 1843 who apparently returned east and emigrated again in 1845

FROST, Mr. ? m'd: ,

FRYER, Absalom H. (1814- ): m'd 1838 MCCULLOCH, Elizabeth; *3 Meek Cutoff

FRYER, John J. (c1841- ): *3 Meek Cutoff

FRYER, Martha J. (1845- ): born enroute to Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

FRYER, Mary A. (c1839- ): *3 Meek Cutoff

FRYER, Thomas J. (c1843-1933 ): *3 Meek Cutoff

FULLER, Abigail m'd: ,

FULLER, Arnold Wesley (1802-1875): m1. c1823 GREENE, Sarah; m2. 1848 LEWIS, Maryanne; *3 Meek Cutoff

FULLER, Dyer (1842- ): *3 Meek Cutoff

FULLER, Henry (1829- ): m'd 1850 WILLIAMS, Malissa Ann; *3 Meek Cutoff

FULLER, Jasper (1836- ): *3 Meek Cutoff

FULLER, Malinda (1827-1887): m'd 1846 KING, Amos N.; *3 Meek Cutoff

FULLER, Marion (1840- ): *3 Meek Cutoff

FULLER, Price (1826- ): m1. 1846 KING, Abigail; m2. MCMANN, Martha; *3 Meek Cutoff

FULLER, Samuel (1832- ): m'd 1853 CARLIN, Ellen Jane; *3 Meek Cutoff

FULLER, Tabitha (c1824-1845): died enroute to Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

FULTON, William (1807- ):

GAINES, Albert Pendleton (1810-1895): m'd 1839 BARLOW, Sarah; *7:

GAINES, Amanda Susannah (1840- ): m'd RHINEHART, [] *7:

GAINES, Jennie Clarissa (1842-1922): m'd 1864 CURREY, George Byron; *7:

GAINES, Samuel Lee (1844- ): *7:

GALLAHER, Elmore (1828-1856): m'd SNYDER, Harriet

GALLAHER, James Jackson (1842-1911):  James was born 12 Jun 1842 and died 22 May 1911; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, WA

GALLAHER, Joseph M. (1833- ): m'd 1857 KEES, Mary Ann

GALLAHER, Mary J. (1838- ): m'd 1854 RICHARDSON, Andrew

GALLAHER, Morgan Kees (1844-1863): Morgan was born 09 Aug 1844 and died 26 Jul 1863; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, OR; s/o William and Sarah (Kees) Gallaher

GALLAHER, Oliver C. (1830-1916): m'd 1861 MEALY, Mary E.; Oliver was born 15 Dec 1830 and died 02 May 1916; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, WA

GALLAHER, Thomas Jefferson (1840-1893): m'd 1865 JUNKIN, Rebecca Elizabeth

GALLAHER, William C. Jr. (1835-1915):

GALLAHER, William Crawford (1803-1877): m1. 07 Aug 1827 KEES, Sarah Amy; m2. 1856 MCCOY, Lydia;  William was born 22 Dec 1803 and died 27 Jun 1877 Linn County, OR; buried  Rosehill Cemetery, Buroker, Walla Walla County, WA

GANT, Reuben (1818-1916): m1. 1846 GOODRICH, Nancy; m2. 1892 SPEEDIE, Elizabeth Jane

GARRISON, Lewis (1845-1912): m'd 1871 TONEY, Abby

GARRISON, Nancy Ann (1842- ): m'd 1861 HEMBREE, Wayman Clark

GARRISON, Pliney Crynes (1818-1849): m'd 1839 ROGERS, Martha Ellen

GEER, Joseph Carey Jr. (01 Feb 1825-12 Jan 1909): m;d 01 May 1867 TEVENAR, Clara; s/o Joseph and Mary (Johnson) Geer Sr; parents and siblings emigrated in 1846 and 1847; drove wagon for Samuel Barlow; some list him on Meek Cutoff  but if he stayed with Samuel Barlow he would not have been on the cutoff

GEORGE, Abel (1825- ): m'd 1848 THURSTON, Elizabeth

GESNER, Alonzo (1842-1912): m'd 14 Oct 1875NEAL, Rhoda W.; born 02 Mar 1842 Cole County, IL and died 06 May 1912 Salem, Marion County, OR; s/o Reuben and Mary (Bailey) Gesner; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, OR;*3 Meek Cutoff

GESNER, Mary Elizabeth (1843-1859): never married; born 05 Mar 1843 Cole County, MO and died 26 Jan 1859 Brownsville, Linn County, OR; buried White Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, OR; *3 Meek Cutoff

GESNER, Reuben Alonzo (1814-1888): m'd 1841 BAILEY, Mary; born 17 May 1814 New York and died 26 Mar 1888 Salem, Marion County, OR; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, OR; *3 Meek Cutoff

GIBBS, John (c1819- ):

GIBSON, Margaret (1798-1850): m'd c1812 EARL, Joseph Sr.

GILDEA, William Brown (1820-1846):

GILLETTE, Joel H.: *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

GILMORE, C. m'd: ,

GLASGOW, Thomas W. (1825-c1878): m1. c1847 PATKANIM, Julia; d/o Indian Chief Patkanim]; m2. c1859 HORN, Ellen; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff; later returned east

GLASER, William: *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

GLENN, Mahala (1824-1905): m'd 1843 WILKES, Archibald G.

GODFREY, Robert (c1822- ): m'd 1855 LANE, Frances

GOODRICH, Carmi (1792-1860): m1. TOLBERT, Rachel; m2. 1820 HALL, Margaret Thompson "Peggy"

GOODRICH, Carmi (1838- ): m'd 1861 MATHENY, Melissa

GOODRICH, Harriet (1836-1893): m'd 1856 CHARLTON, Joseph J.

GOODRICH, Henry (1821- ):

GOODRICH, Irene (1831- ): m'd ZUMWALT, Christopher

GOODRICH, John (1843- ): m'd ADDY, Elizabeth

GOODRICH, Lydia Ann (1834- ): m'd WORDEN, G.W.

GOODRICH, Nancy (1827-1865): m'd 1846 GANT, Reuben

GOODRICH, Sarah/Sally Ann (1829- ):

GOODRICH, William (1825-1894): m1. 1851 CLARK, Rachel; m2. 1854 BARNES, Sarah

GREEN, Mary (1809-1890): m1. 1828 SCOGGIN, Woodson; m2. 1845 CHAMBERS, James Washington

GREENE, Sarah ( -1845): m'd 1823 FULLER, Arnold Wesley; *2: Sarah died enroute to Oregon in Kansas Territory

GORDON, Eliza (1831- ): d/o Hugh and Jane (Hicklin) Gordon

GORDON, Harvey (1828- ): s/o Hugh and Jane (Hicklin) Gordon

GORDON, Hugh: m'd 1827 HICKLIN, Jane

GORDON, James (1832- ): s/o Hugh and Jane (Hicklin) Gordon

GORE, Adeline (1839- ):

GORE, Henry (1842- ):


GORE, Jane (1845- ): born enroute to Oregon

GORE, William B. (1811-1894): m'd 1837 MORGAN, Margaret

GOULDER, William A.; *3 Meek Cutoff

GRAHAM, Thomas:

GRANT, [this may actually be GANT]

GRAZER, Jacob (1825-1886): m'd 1852 GRIFFIN, Lucy; listed in Brazen Overlanders of 1845 and Genealogical Material in Donation Land Claims as emigrant to Oregon but he did not arrived in US from Germany until 1847.  The abstract of Donation Land Claims may have been a misreading of his year of arrival due to difficult-to-read documents and was then carried forward into other sources.  A biography mentioning one of his daughters and his obituary both state he was a pioneer of 1849.

GREENE, Mary (11 Aug 1809-21 Mar 1890): m1. 1828 SCOGGIN, Woodson Avery; m2. 09 Mar 1845 CHAMBERS, James, buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

GREENWOOD, Caleb m'd: ,

GREGSON, James (1822- ): m'd 1843 MARSHALL, Elizabeth

GRIFFITH, Calvin C. (1828-1907): m'd 1855 LENSIBAUGH, Lydia

GRIFFITH, Delilah Elizabeth (1839-1911): m1. 1858 BARRETT, Richard Adam;m2. 1885 REUTER, Edward

GRIFFITH, Elisha Emory West (1841- ): m'd 1861 STOUT, Sarah Ann

GRIFFITH, Elisha Norris (1803-1871): m'd 1824 FINDLEY, Elizabeth

GRIFFITH, Frances (c1832- ): m'd HUDSON, David

GRIFFITH, James A. (c1805-1868): m'd c1826 ROGERS, Elizabeth

GRIFFITH, James Marion (1843-1936): m1. 1869 MILLER, Martha McCallister; m2. 1930 CLARK, Elizabeth Brown

GRIFFITH, Mary (c1834- ):

GRIFFITH, Mary Melvina (1836- ): m1. 1859 COUYE, John B.; m2. WATERS, []

GRIFFITH, Nancy (c1830- ): m'd c1846 TAYLOR, W.E.

GRIFFITH, Sarah Ann Isobelle (1832-1916): m'd 1848 HAWKS, William

GRIFFITH, William Norris (1825-1901): m'd 1850 SPORES, Nancy

GRIGSBY, Angeline (c1830- ): m'd EDGINGTON, William

GRIGSBY, Calily (c1833- ): [*2: male]

GRIGSBY, Franklin F. (c1822- ):

GRIGSBY, Grandville W. (c1829- ):

GRIGSBY, John (1806-1876):

GRIGSBY, John N. (c1831- ):

GRIGSBY, Mary J. (c1835- ):

GRIGSBY, Nancy A. (c1841- ):

GRIGSBY, Sylvester (c1837- ):

GRIGSBY, Wiley (c1839- ):

GRIMES, Amelia (1802-1886): m'd 1820 WELCH, Abraham; d/o Joshua and Eleanor Grimes

GROOM, Cynthia Ann (1804-1887): m'd 1824 HALL, James Elliott; *3 Meek Cutoff

GROUNDS, Basil (c1827- ):

GROVER, Caleb M. (1818- ):


HACKLEMAN, Abner (1802-1846): m'd: 1824 LINES, Elizabeth; led a wagon train to Oregon in 1845, returned to Iowa in 1846 to get his family and died there 30 Oct 1846. His son, Abram, then came to Oregon in 1847.

HAGEY, Eliza (1845- ): d/o Mathias and Sarah (Dehaven) Hagey

HAGEY, Mathias (1822-1892): m'd 1844 DEHAVEN, Sarah Ann; s/o Andrew and Catherine (Grimes) Hagey

HAIGHT, Silas m'd: ,

HAKE, William:

HALE, Milton (06 Sep 1821-14 Dec 1911): m'd Jan 1842 BROWN, Susannah H.; s/o William and Sarah (Borders) Hale; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon; parents and siblings came in 1852

HALE, Sarah Ann (13 Sep 1843-1852): d/o Milton and Susannah H. (Brown) Hale 

HALL, Adeline Eglentine (1834-1913): m1. 1849 VAUGHN, Andrew J.; m2. 1855 HERREN, Noah F.; d/o James and Cynthia (Groom) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, Albert Galetain Wilson (1836-1853): s/o James and Cynthia (Groom) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, Allen Whitchal (c1829- ): m'd c1863 IMBLER, Frances; s/o Lawrence and Lucy (White) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, Amanda Malvina Fitzallen (1828-1916): m'd 1847 REES, Willard Hall; d/o James and Cynthia (Groom) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, America Francis (1841-1899): m'd 1856 REES, McDonough Bainbridge; d/o James and Cynthia (Groom) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, Benjamin Franklin (1826-1904): m'd 1854 JOHNSON, Mary Ann; s/o James and Cynthia (Groom) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, Berryman (c1835- ): s/o Lawrence and Lucy (White) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, David (c1831- ): s/o Lawrence and Lucy (White) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, Elisha (1845-1845): died in the Cascades; d/o James and Cynthia (Groom) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, Florinda Davidson (1832- ): m1. 1848 LAWTON, George; m2. 1857 PUGH, William Porter; d/o James and Cynthia (Groom) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, George (c1839- ): s/o Lawrence and Lucy (White) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, James (c1841- ): s/o Lawrence and Lucy (White) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, James Elliott (1798-1870): m'd 1824 GROOM, Cynthia Ann; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, James Christopher Columbus (1838-1915): m'd 1866 GARRISON, Mary Elizabeth; s/o James and Cynthia (Groom) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, John B. (1827- ): m'd 1846 TARBOT, Mary L.; s/o Lawrence and Lucy (White) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, John H.:

HALL, Lawrence Gray (1800-1867): m'd  19 Sep1822 WHITE, Lucy Davidson; *3 Meek Cutoff ; b. 14 Mar 1800 Bourbon County, Kentucky, died 11 Feb 1867 Portland, Oregon; married in Monroe County, Kentucky 19 Sep 1822; settled Beaverton, Oregon; Cedar Mills News

HALL, Lucy Jane (1832-1925): m'd 1849 BENNETT, William H.; d/o Lawrence and Lucy (White) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, Margaret Thompson "Peggy" (1802-1866): m. 1820 GOODRICH, Carmi

HALL, Mary E. (c1837- ): m'd 1873 ELLIS, D.W.; d/o Lawrence and Lucy (White) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, Nancy Evaline (1830-1905): m'd 1847 HERREN, William J.; d/o James and Cynthia (Groom) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, Washington:

HALL, William C. (1843-1857): s/o James and Cynthia (Groom) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HALL, William F. (1825- ): m'd 1849 BEAUCHAMP, Susanna R.; s/o Lawrence and Lucy (White) Hall; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMILTON, Adam Smith (1832-1925): m1. 1854 INGRAM, Melissa Jane; m2. 1865 FOUNTAIN, Elizabeth Ann Hays; s/o Robert and Rebecca (Wilson) Hamilton; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMILTON, Harriet (1834- ): m'd 1850 MATHENY, Adam; d/o Robert and Rebecca (Wilson) Hamilton; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMILTON, Henry Bordean (1844- ): s/o Robert and Rebecca (Wilson) Hamilton; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMILTON, James Preston (1840- ): s/o Robert and Rebecca (Wilson) Hamilton; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMILTON, Martha Alean (1838- ): not in 1850 census; d/o Robert and Rebecca (Wilson) Hamilton; may not have accompanied family in 1845

HAMILTON, Mary Jane (1830- ): not in 1850 census d/o Robert and Rebecca (Wilson) Hamilton; may not have accompanied family in 1845

HAMILTON, Rebecca Jane (1839-1918): m'd 1857 THOMPSON, David; d/o Robert and Rebecca (Wilson) Hamilton; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMILTON, Robert Wilson (1805-1880): m'd 1829 SMITH, Rebecca; *3 Meek Cutoff ; died 29 Jun 1880 Lane County, Oregon

HAMILTON, William (c1813-1851): m'd TAYLOR, Melissa

HAMILTON, William Porter (1836- ): s/o Robert and Rebecca (Wilson) Hamilton; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMPTON, Andrew Jackson (1844-1907): m'd SMITH, Frances Elizabeth s/o John and Elizabeth (Fickle) Hampton; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMPTON, Elizabeth (1835-1923): m'd 1851 RIGGS, Milton S. d/o John and Elizabeth (Fickle) Hampton; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMPTON, James F. (1833- ): s/o John and Elizabeth (Fickle) Hampton; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMPTON, Jesse (1824- ): m'd 1854 ARNOLD, Hester Ann

HAMPTON, Jesse Green (1840-1907): never married s/o John and Elizabeth (Fickle) Hampton; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMPTON, John Douglas (1831-1899): m'd 1854 MOORE, Mary Eleanor s/o John and Elizabeth (Fickle) Hampton; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMPTON, John Jacob (1804-1882): m'd 1828 FICKLE, Elizabeth; settled in Yamhill county before moving to Lake Co and then to Lane Co; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMPTON, Liliburn (c1829-1847): d/o John and Elizabeth (Fickle) Hampton; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMPTON, Mary A. (1838-1859): m'd 1855 CALDWELL, Stanley Alexander d/o John and Elizabeth (Fickle) Hampton; *3 Meek Cutoff

HAMPTON, Ralph (c1842- ): died young; may have died before emigration d/o John and Elizabeth (Fickle) Hampton; *3 Meek Cutoff

HANCOCK, Samuel (1819-1883): m'd 1854 CROCKET, Susan; *3 Meek Cutoff; settled Whidbey Island, WA

HANNAH, Adolphes "Dolph" Brice (1822- ): m'd 1874 Wilcox (STEWART), Kate E; wagon driver for the wife of General McCarver, went to Puget Sound in 1847; to the CA gold fields in 1848 where he used $3500 in gold dust to start a warehouse in Sacramento, elected sheriff in Sacramento; fought in Indian War of 1855; elected to Oregon legislature in 1858; was US Marshall in 1860 per Jon Ridgeway

HARDISON, Amanda Melvina (1831- ): m'd 1849 THESSING, John

HARDISON, Angelo (1841- ):

HARDISON, Gabriel (1802-1867): m'd 1824 SLATER, Barbara

HARDISON, John David Shield (1827- ):

HARDISON, Mary Jane (1843- ): m'd MCFARLAND, Rev.

HARDISON, Melissa Permelia (1836-1918): m1. 1851 LOCKE, Harrison P.; m2. MASTERSON, James; d/o Gabriel and Barbara (Slater) Hardison

HARDISON, Peter Slater (1839- ): m'd 1867 MILLER, E.J.

HARDISON, Sylvester (1833- ):

HARDISON, Walton Mortimer (1829-1897): m'd 1858 CHAMBERS, Marietta

HARPER, Edward:

HARRIS, Eliza (1832-1845): died on Meek Cutoff of mountain fever; d/o Phillip and Sarah (Taylor) Harris; *3 Meek Cutoff

HARRIS, Eliza Shepherd (1808-1878): m'd 1826 JOHNSON, Hezekiah Rev.; d/o Oliver Harris who was one of the first familys to settle in the Highland County, OH area;  a copy of a diary written by Oliver Harris can be seen at Highland County,OH .  

HARRIS, Ellen (1845- ): m'd 1861 ROWELL, Zibbie; m2. ROSS, []; born in Rocky Mtns.; d/o Phillip and Sarah (Taylor) Harris; *3 Meek Cutoff

HARRIS, Jane (1830-1857): m'd 1843 JOHNSON, Hiram; *3 Meek Cutoff

HARRIS, John: *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HARRIS, Leonard W. (1814-1890): m'd 1851 CUNNINGHAM, Sarah R.; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HARRIS, Mary E.: *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HARRIS, Phillip Ingersol (1808-1892): m'd 1827 TAYLOR, Sarah; *3 Meek Cutoff

HARRIS, Rhoda A. (1843-1936): m1. RICHARDSON, []; m2. BOTHWELL, James; d/o Phillip and Sarah (Taylor) Harris; *3 Meek Cutoff

HARRIS, Stephen Morton (1841-1923): m1. SHATTUCK, Virginia; m2. SLAUGHTER, Mary; s/o Phillip and Sarah (Taylor) Harris; *3 Meek Cutoff

HARRIS, William Melvin (1835- ): died in eastern Oregon while prospecting; s/o Phillip and Sarah (Taylor) Harris; *3 Meek Cutoff

HARRISON, Elizabeth (27 Oct 1828-04 Mar 1896): m'd 08 Apr 1845 CHAMBERS, David Jefferson; settled Pierce County, Washington; buried Odd Fellows Memorial Park and Mausoleum, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington

HARRISON, William Rev. ( -1845): drowned at The Dalles

HARRITT, Jesse (1818-1888): m'd 1846 LEWIS, Julia Franklin; *3 Meek Cutoff; *1: MSS#947 16pp

HART, Harrison B. (1818-1899): never married; s/o Thomas and Nancy (Bain) Hart

HART, John P. (1844-1924): m1. MORRISON, Sarah J.; m2.  SHAW, Mary Elizabeth; died in Pacific County, Washington;  s/o Thomas and Mary (Thompson) Hart

HART, Mary (c1840- ): m'd LEWIS, Benjamin F.; d/o Thomas and Mary (Thompson) Hart

HART, Sarah J. (c1842-1872): m'd RIGGS, Green Berry;  d/o Thomas and Mary (Thompson) Hart

HART, Thomas B. (c1843-1884): listed as insane in several of census records; died at Oregon State Hospital in Salem, Marion County, Oregon;  s/o Thomas and Mary (Thompson) Hart

HART, Thomas (1788-1874): m1. 09 Jan 1812 BAIN, Nancy (-c1828); m2. 14 May 1829 THOMPSON, Mary (c1804-c1849): m3. 20 Nov 1851 RIGGS, Rachel

(1789-1877): m'd c1832 RAMAGE, Jane H.

HARVEY, Eleanor (1838-1922): m'd DENNEY, Robert W.

HARVEY, James R. (1840-1922): m'd 1868 BURNETTE, Florence M.

HARVEY, Job E. (1833- ): m'd 1854 [], Ellen

HARVEY, Mary Margaret (1845-1931): m'd 1864 ROBBINS, J.H.

HARVEY, Sarah E. (c1836-1867): m'd 1855 KELTY, John D.

HARVEY, Sidney (1843- ):

HASKELL, Susan G.: m'd 1820 IDE, William Brown

HAWK, William m'd: ,

HAWKINS, America
(c1832- ): d/o Henry and Martha (Crofton) Hawkins; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HAWKINS, Edward H. (1842-): m1. 1866 NORTON, Susan C.; m2. 1882 TAYLOR, Mary; s/o Zachariah and Nancy (White) Hawkins; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HAWKINS, Elizabeth (c1835- ): m'd 1853 WILKES, Jessie C. d/o Henry and Martha (Crofton) Hawkins; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HAWKINS, Henry (1790-1878): m1. 1810 CROFTON, Martha "Patsy"; m2. 1857 [], Elizabeth; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HAWKINS, Henry Jr.: s/o Henry and Martha (Crofton) Hawkins; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HAWKINS, Laura (1840-1845): died enroute to Oregon d/o Zachariah and Nancy (White) Hawkins; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HAWKINS, Martha: m'd BOON, John D.

HAWKINS, Martha (1837-1893): m'd 1851 PYBURN, Frank; d/o Zachariah and Nancy (White) Hawkins; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HAWKINS, Mary J. (1835-1870): m'd 1850 WHEELER, James; d/o Zachariah and Nancy (White) Hawkins; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HAWKINS, Nancy (c1828- ): m'd 1846 JUDSON, Lewis Hubbell d/o Henry and Martha (Crofton) Hawkins; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HAWKINS, Nancy (1844-1885): m1. FORD, James; m2. 1875 WIGGLE, Peter; d/o Zachariah and Nancy (White) Hawkins; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HAWKINS, Samuel Simpson (1833-1907): m'd 1858 CAHOON, Cynthia; s/o Zachariah and Nancy (White) Hawkins; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HAWKINS, Susan (c1812-c1873): m'd 1835 STROUD, David D.

HAWKINS, Zachariah (1812-1845): m'd 1832 WHITE, Nancy; s/o Henry and Martha (Crofton) Hawkins; one story relates that he was believed to have been killed by Indians near Glenns Ferry, ID while out hunting with George Hinshaw, however, the diary of  Claiborne Campbell Walker diary states that on Aug 27 Hawkins with sick with cold on lungs, by the next day he was worse and expected to die.  The notation of Aug 29 states that Z. Hawkins died 20 minutes after 7:00 leaving a wife and 5 children.

HAWKS, William (1824- ): m'd 1848 GRIFFITH, Sarah Ann Isobelle

HELM, Asbury Coke (1845-1901): m1. 1868 PAYTON, Josephine; m2. 1879 PAYTON, Belle A.; s/o William and Martha (Scoggin) Helm; *3 Meek Cutoff

HELM, Dillard:

HELM, George Waller (1825-1902): m1. 1846 HENDERSON, Julia Ann; m2. 1866 KELSEY, Miranda G.; s/o William and Martha (Scoggin) Helm; *3 Meek Cutoff

HELM, John Wesley (1829-1849): m'd 1847 PETERSON, Sarah S. s/o William and Martha (Scoggin) Helm; *3 Meek Cutoff

HELM, Joseph Benson (1836-1857): m'd 1857 SNIDER, Harriet M. Mrs. s/o William and Martha (Scoggin) Helm; *3 Meek Cutoff

HELM, Mary Jane (1842-1923): m'd 1860 CARTWRIGHT, John C. d/o William and Martha (Scoggin) Helm; *3 Meek Cutoff

HELM, Richard Watson (1839-1927): m'd 1864 BARGER, Eliza s/o William and Martha (Scoggin) Helm; *3 Meek Cutoff

HELM, William F. Rev. (1800-1890): m'd 1824 SCOGGAN, Martha Ann; *3 Meek Cutoff

HELM, William Fletcher (1834-1914): m'd 1855 SAGER, Elizabeth Marie s/o William and Martha (Scoggin) Helm; *3 Meek Cutoff

HELMICK, Henry (1822-1877):  m'd 1845 STEEPRO, Sarah; s/o Adolph and Katherine (Tackenberg) Helmig; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Polk Co; name also seen as HELMIG

HENDERSON, Alvin Musette (1836-1909): Never married; s/o James and Nancy (Hughart) Henderson; *3 Meek Cutoff

HENDERSON, James Oden (1829-1865): m'd 1851 MOORE, Martha E. "Patsy"; s/o James and Nancy (Hughart) Henderson; *3 Meek Cutoff

HENDERSON, Jesse Cloyd (1802-1867): m1. 1827 HUGHART, Nancy [divorced 1843 MO]; m2. 1846 MOORE, Elizabeth Mrs. [widow of Alfred Moore]; m3. 1857 RANSOM, Nancy Mrs.; *3 Meek Cutoff

HENDERSON, Joseph (1815- ): m'd 1841 HOLMAN, Nancy; *3 Meek Cutoff

HENDERSON, Julia Ann (1830-1891): m1. 1846 HELM, George Waulor; m2. 1864 HACK, Truman L.; d/o James and Nancy (Hughart) Henderson; *3 Meek Cutoff

HENDERSON, Margaret J. (1833-1917): m'd BEAN, James Riley; d/o James and Nancy (Hughart) Henderson; *3 Meek Cutoff

HENDERSON, Martha "Anna" (1808-1846): m'd 1827 HUGHERT, Joseph T.

HENDERSON, Martha Frances "Frankie" (1840-1915): m'd 1857 COLLARD, John Joseph; s/o James and Nancy (Hughart) Henderson; *3 Meek Cutoff

HENDERSON, Mary Ellen (1831-1869): m'd 1848 ROGERS, James William; d/o James and Nancy (Hughart) Henderson; *3 Meek Cutoff

HENDERSON, Nancy Elizabeth (1838-1873): m'd 1856 FOSTER, James Barber d/o James and Nancy (Hughart) Henderson; *3 Meek Cutoff

HENDERSON, Oliver Perry (1843-1939): m'd 1872 SMITH, Mary; s/o Joseph and Nancy (Holman) Henderson; *3 Meek Cutoff

HENDERSON, William ( -1845):

HENDERSON, William (c1814- ):

HENDRICKS, Francis (1845- ): born while crossing plains

HENDRICKS, James (1843- ):

HENDRICKS, William P. (1816- ): m'd 1842 ENGLISH, Delila

HENDRICSON, William Firman (1824- ): m1. 1848 JACKSON, Sarah

HENNING, Charles W. (1823- ): *3 name appears in diary of prospector A.S. McClure as person who had come through in 1845;

HEPPAS, Jemima ( -1845): m'd STEPHENS, Emmor Jefferson Sr.; Jemima died on the Platte River in NE

HERBERT, Adam (1838- ):

HERBERT, Amos (1840- ):

HERBERT, George Fry (1815-c1868): m'd 1837 [], Elizabeth A.

HERBERT, George W. (1830- ):

HERBERT, James C. (1845- ):

HERBERT, Joshua (1801-1851): m'd 1829 SMITH, Elizabeth

HERBERT, William H. (1842- ): m'd 1865 COON, Mary E.

HERMAN, Jacob:

HERREN, Berthia B. (1827-1862): m'd 1846 CLARK, Daniel; d/o John and Theodocia (Robbins) Herren; *3 Meek Cutoff

HERREN, Daniel G. (1824-1908): m'd 1854 WESTFALL, Rebecca C.; *3 Meek Cutoff; nephew of John Herren

HERREN, Daniel S. (1829- ): m'd 1852 CATON, Susan Sebena; s/o John and Theodocia (Robbins) Herren; *3 Meek Cutoff

HERREN, Elizabeth C. (1845- ): m'd 1865 HASTY, John A.; s/o John and Theodocia (Robbins) Herren; *3 Meek Cutoff

HERREN, James R. (1842- ): m'd MCCULLOCH, Amanda s/o John and Theodocia (Robbins) Herren; *3 Meek Cutoff

HERREN, John C. (1828- ): m'd 1853 SHARP, Elizabeth; s/o John and Theodocia (Robbins) Herren; *3 Meek Cutoff

HERREN, John Daniel (1799-1864) : m'd 1822 ROBBINS, Theodocia Ann; *3 Meek Cutoff; *1: MSS#224 4pp

HERREN, Levi M. (1835- ): m'd 1860 MATHEWS, Martha Ellen E.; s/o John and Theodocia (Robbins) Herren; *3 Meek Cutoff

HERREN, Martha Ann (1837- ): m'd 1853 CATON, Nathan T.; d/o John and Theodocia (Robbins) Herren; *3 Meek Cutoff

HERREN, Mary Jane (1831- ): m'd 1851 KEIZUR, John Brooks; d/o John and Theodocia (Robbins) Herren; *3 Meek Cutoff

HERREN, Noah Fowler (1833- ): m'd 1855 HALL, Adeline Eglentine; s/o John and Theodocia (Robbins) Herren; *3 Meek Cutoff

HERREN, Perry L. (1840- ): m'd 1858 HAVIRD, Selvinia Ann; s/o John and Theodocia (Robbins) Herren; *3 Meek Cutoff

HERREN, Susannah Rush (1826-1906): m'd 1841 WALLACE, William T.; d/o John and Theodocia (Robbins) Herren; *3 Meek Cutoff

HERREN, William Jackson (1824-1891): m'd 1847 HALL, Nancy Evaline; s/o John and Theodocia (Robbins) Herren; *3 Meek Cutoff

HESS, Daniel (c1829-1878): m'd 1853 LEE, Phebe Catherine

HESS, James (1842- ): m'd 1878 BRANSON, Alice

HESS, John Henry (1802-1873): m'd 1831 MILLER, Sibbie

HESS, John J. (1836-c1870): m1. DUVAL, Sarah Susan

HESS, Minerva (1845- ): m'd 1858 OLDS, Eli

HESS, Nancy (c1832- ): m1. 1846 CHAMBERLAIN, John; m2. 1847 LAYFIELD, David; m3. SIMPSON, []

HESS, William (1834- ): m'd 1858 OLDS, Elzenia

HERRICK, Byron B. (1828- ): m'd STANLEY, Elizabeth

HIBBERT, William (1822-1847):

HIBBARD, Elizabeth (1820-1902): m'd 1839 PHILLIPS, John; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HICKLIN, Jane (1801- ): m'd 1827 GORDON, Hugh; name also shown as Heckling

HILDEBRAND, Paul (1823-1895): m'd 1846 TETHEROW, Evaline; *3 Meek Cutoff

HINSHAW, George (c1815-1845): unmarried; s/o Elias and Sarah (Williams) Hinshaw; killed by Indians near Glenns Ferry, ID; found by brother after he did not return from hunting trip with a friend, he had been scalped and tortured;  his friend (believed to be Zachariah Hawkins) was never found

HINSHAW, Isaac (1813-1873): m1. 1838 COX, Mary Coon; m2. 1850 BUELL, Melissa; s/o Elias and Sarah (Williams) Hinshaw;* Meek Cutoff

HINSHAW, Luke (1819-1883): m'd 1851 MCKINNEY, Isabella; s/o Elias and Sarah (Williams) Hinshaw; died In Lincoln Co, WA;* Meek Cutoff

HINSHAW, Sanford (1841-1931): m'd 1878 CHILDERS, Elma C.; s/o Isaac and Mary (Cox) Hinshaw; * Meek Cutoff

HINSHAW, William Lucas (1823-1890): m1. [ ], Nancy; m2. 1858 LEDINGTON, Mary Elizabeth; m3. c1863 [ ], Rachel; s/o Elias and Sarah (Williams) Hinshaw; * Meek Cutoff; by 1850 was enumerated in the 1850 Madison Co, IA census where he is also shown in the 1860 and 1870 census; it is reported he crossed plains to Oregon several times; William died at Toledo, Oregon in 1890 and is buried in the Toledo cemetery.

HIPES, Mr.; * believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HIPES, Emily: see OLNEY, Emily; seems to be some confusion over whether this is Emily Olney that married Henry Marlin in 1846 after husband's death.

HOEN, Francis:

HOLCOMB, Stephen A. (1822-1901): m'd 1850 LEE, Amanda

HOLLAND, Alamanzer (1829-1873): m'd 1856 HALL, Ann Eliza

HOLLAND, Elvira Bally (02 Apr 1826-16 Mar 1904): m1. 23 Mar 1844 COMFORT, Edwin Bertrand; m2. 1900 BIER, Nicholas

HOLLAND, Francis S. (1823-1867): m'd 1852 WILLIAMS, Leah "Letty"

HOLLAND, John W. (c1815- ):

HOLLAND, Joshua (1797-1849):

HOLLAND, Maryette (c1844-1846):


HOLMAN, Francis Dillard (1831-1899): m'd MCBRIDE, Mary

HOLMAN, Henrietta (1826- ): m'd 1846 HYDE, H.H.; d/o John and Elizabeth (Duval) Holman; *3 Meek Cutoff

HOLMAN, Isaac N. (1829- ): s/o John and Elizabeth (Duval) Holman; *3 Meek Cutoff

HOLMAN, Mary Anne (1833-1879): m'd 1849 CLINKENBEARD, James Lyburn; d/o John and Elizabeth (Duval) Holman; *3 Meek Cutoff

HOLMAN, Nancy (1817-1907): m'd 1841 HENDERSON, Joseph; d/o John and Elizabeth (Duval) Holman; *3 Meek Cutoff

HOLMAN, Susan Frances (1821- ): d/o John and Elizabeth (Duval) Holman; *3 Meek Cutoff

HOLMAN, Woodford Carpenter (1824- ): s/o John and Elizabeth (Duval) Holman; *3 Meek Cutoff

HOOD, Andrew Clyde (1802-1874): m'd 1827 MCCANN, Ann

HOOD, Caroline (1835- ): m'd 1852 RALSTON, Joseph R.; d/o Andrew and Ann (McCann) Hood

HOOD, Rebecca (1831- ): m'd 1849 COOKE, C.W.; d/o Andrew and Ann (McCann) Hood

HOOD, Sarah Jane (1839-1900): m'd 1858 MYERS, John; d/o Andrew and Ann (McCann) Hood

HOOD, Thomas (c1802-1855)

HOOD, Thomas Benton (1842- ): s/o Andrew and Ann (McCann) Hood

HOOD, William (1768-1857):

HOSFORD, Chauncy Osborn (1822-1913): m'd 1849 GLOVER, Acenith; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HOSFORD, Erwin F. (1820-1892): m'd 1857 EMMETT, Mary; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

HOOVER, Ellen Rose (1795- ): m'd 1821 WOOLEY, Jacob

HOPKINS, Julia Ann: m'd 1838 FICKLE, Absalom/Abraham

HOWARD, Charles T. (1841- ): m'd SANDERS, Mary

HOWARD, Daniel B. (c1843- ):

HOWARD, Francis (c1829- ):

HOWARD, John (c1833- ):

HOWARD, Richard R. (1797-1865): m'd 1828 TURNER, Cynthia

HOWARD, Sarah (c1836- ): m'd OFFICER, []

HOWARD, William (c1831- ):

HOWE, Elizabeth Ann (1825- ): m'd 1842 HOWELL, John Ewing

HOWE, Elizabeth: m'd HOWLAND, John Smith

HOWELL, John Ewing (1806-c1885): m'd 1842 HOWE, Elizabeth Ann; *1: MSS#659 68pp

HOWLAND, Charles Edgar (1844- ):

HOWLAND, Cornelia Elizabeth (1842- ):

HOWLAND, John Smith (1809- ): m'd HOWE, Elizabeth

HUBBARD, Jemima (17 Mar 1817-06 Jan 1892): m'd 09 Feb 1832 CAPPS, Isaac; d/o David and Hannah (Morrow) Hubbard; cut off to California in 1845 with family and moved into Oregon in 1851, settled Clackamas County

HUBER, Noah F. ( -1858): m'd c1846 [], Mary Emily

HUDSON, Andrew J. (1837- ):

HUDSON, David (1820- ): m'd 1847 GRIFFITH, Frances

HUDSON, Elizabeth (c1843- ):

HUDSON, Julia (c1841- ):

HUDSON, Lucinda (1823- ): m'd 1842 YORK, John

HUDSON, Martin (c1839- ):

HUDSON, Spencer (c1835- ):

HUDSON, William (1810-1866): m'd c1834 SMITH, Sarah

HUGHART, David E. (1830-1855): s/o Joseph and Martha (Henderson) Hughart; *3 Meek Cutoff

HUGHART, Eliza J. (1828-1849): m'd 1848 SMITH, Greenberry; d/o Joseph and Martha (Henderson) Hughart; *3 Meek Cutoff

HUGHART, Joseph T. (1804-1886): m1. 1827 HENDERSON, Martha "Anna"; m2. 1851 HICKLIN, Elizabeth; *3 Meek Cutoff

HUGHART, Martha Ann (1833-1895): m'd 1851 WILES, John; d/o Joseph and Martha (Henderson) Hughart; *3 Meek Cutoff

HUGHART, Mary F. (1839-1856): d/o Joseph and Martha (Henderson) Hughart; *3 Meek Cutoff

HUGHART, William T. (1836-1857): s/o Joseph and Martha (Henderson) Hughart; *3 Meek Cutoff

HULIN, Lester m'd: ,

HULL, George:

HULL, Joseph Jr. (1813-1896): m1. JAMES, Sarah Ann; m2. 1840 CAZEL, Susan

HULL, Margaret J.: m'd 1850 GRANT, Ethan A.

HULL, Robert (c1807-1890): *3 Meek Cutoff; uncle of Joseph Allen Flippin

HULL, Robert Mrs. ( -1845): *3 died on Meek Cutoff

HULL, Thomas:

HUNT, Henry (c1842- ):

HUNT, Phinias R.: m'd c1841 MITCHELL, Mary Ann

HUNT, Virginia (c1846- ):

HURD, Jane E. (c1825-1893): m'd 1843 BUCK, William Wentworth

HURD, Sophronia Ann (c1815-1845): m'd 1833 TERWILLIGER, James; died Upper Cascades of Columbia River; *3 Meek Cutoff

HUSSEY, Christopher J. (1844- ): s/o Nathan and Sarah (Burden) Hussey

HUSSEY, Elizabeth Jane (1845-1872): born in OR; d/o Nathan and Sarah (Burden) Hussey; died Yamhill Co, OR

HUSSEY, Margaret Jane (05 Apr 1821-04 Oct 1894) m'd 1841 BIRD, Henry; d/o Nathan Hussey;  buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

HUSSEY, Nathan Jr. (1815- ): m'd 1838 BURDEN, Sarah; s/o Nathan Hussey Sr

HUSSEY, Nathan Sr. (1785-1857): m'd 1803 STEWART, Mary

HUSSEY, Norman J. (1842- ): s/o Nathan and Sarah (Burden) Hussey

HUSSEY, William Henry Harrison (1840- ): s/o Nathan and Sarah (Burden) Hussey

HUTCHINS, Isaac (1816- ): m'd 1837 [], Sarah F.; actually emigrant of 1853

HUTCHINS, Sarah F. (c1818- ): m'd 1837 HUTCHINS, Isaac

IDE, Daniel Webster (1835- ):

IDE, Ellen Julia (1830- ):

IDE, James Madison (1822-1878):

IDE, John Truman (1840- ):

IDE, Lemuel Henry Clay (1837- ):

IDE, Mary Eliza (1825- ):

IDE, Sarah Elizabeth (1827- ): m'd HEALEY, Lucien

IDE, Susan Catherine (1832- ):

IDE, Thomas Crofton:

IDE, William Brown (1796-1852): m'd 1820 HASKELL, Susan G.

IDE, William Haskell (1824- ):

IMBRIE, James F. (10 Feb 1818-23 Oct 1887): m'd 15 Apr 1851 CORNELIUS, Mary Davis; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff ; died in a wagon accident at The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon; buried Old Scotch Church Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

INGALLS, David C. (1808-1880): m'd 1839 [],

INGALLS, David C. Mrs.

INGALLS, Sylvester G. (c1841- ):

INGLES, Benjamin Reno (1843-1885): m'd 1871 MILLS, Mary Ellen; d/o DeWitt and Margaret (Wooley) Ingles; *3 Meek Cutoff

INGLES, Caroline (1845- ): m1. 1859 FREEMAN, Clark; m2. 1869 CORNELIUS, Jesse; d/o DeWitt and Margaret (Wooley) Ingles; *3 Meek Cutoff

INGLES, Catherine Jane (1839- ): m'd 1853 DELETTS, Jackson; d/o DeWitt and Margaret (Wooley) Ingles; *3 Meek Cutoff

INGLES, Dewitt Clinton (1813-1859): m'd 1836 WOOLEY, Margaret Elizabeth; *3 Meek Cutoff

INGLES, William Styles (1840-1900): m'd 1870 MARSH, Mary Elizabeth; d/o DeWitt and Margaret (Wooley) Ingles; *3 Meek Cutoff


JACKSON, Elizabeth (1816-c1854): m1. c1832 MOORE, Alfred; m2. 1846 HENDERSON, Jesse

JACKSON, George W. (1825- ): m1. 1849; m2. 1855 HALPRUNER, Caroline V.

JACKSON, James ( -1848): *3 Meek Cutoff

JACKSON, Martha (1815-1912): m'd 1835 SIMPSON, Isaac Middleton; *3 Meek Cutoff

JACKSON, Mary (1844- ):

JACKSON, Susanna (1845- ):

JACKSON, Thomas J. (c1820-1853):

JACKSON, Thomas P. (1819- ): m'd 1842 [], Zamzy Ann

JACKSON, Zamzy Ann (1824- ): m'd 1842 JACKSON, Thomas P.

JANES, Clarissa "Sarah" (1817-1893): m'd 1839 NELSON, John B.

JASPER, Gideon m'd: JONES, Genilla

JEFFREYS, James K. Polk (1844- ):

JEFFREYS, John T. (1830-1867): m'd 1851 BURCH, Mary E.

JEFFREYS, Oliver (1837-1864): m'd 1864 NELSON, Mary F.

JEFFREYS, Sarah Jane "Annie" (1832-1876): m1. 1851 MONROE, John; m2. 1869 GLOVER, Francis M.

JEFFREYS, Solomon (1835-1904): m1. 1868 BOYLE, Mary; m2. ANDERSON, Sarah E.

JEFFREYS, Thomas Mathew (1803-c1849): m'd 1824 DICKERSON, Mary

JEFFREYS, Woodson (1826-1880): m'd 1850 FOREST, Sarah Jane

JEFFRIES, S. M. m'd: ,

JENNINGS, Berryman (1807- ): m1. 1833 WHITE, Lucinda; m2. 1850 POPE, Martha Mrs.; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

JENNINGS, Edward Thomas (1836- ): m'd 1880 FETTER, Maud

JENNINGS, Hulda (1812-1894): m'd 1831 WHITE, Samuel Simpson; *3 Meek Cutoff

JENNINGS, Mary Ann (1809-1846): m'd 1830 MCCARVER, Morton M.; husband came in 1843; Mary Ann traveled with sister and family; *3 Meek Cutoff

JENNINGS, Sarah (1797-1857): m'd 03 Feb 1820 SMITH, James Sr.

JOBE, Noah (1825-1905): m'd 1851 GARWOOD, Lydia

JOHNSON, Amanda E. m'd: CENTER, Jonathan

JOHNSON, Amy (1845- ):

JOHNSON, Charles M. Dr. (1797- ): m'd 1824 RUDE, Elizabeth; *3 Meek Cutoff

JOHNSON, Charles Wesley (c1839- ): 1861 HAWN, Melissa Jane; m2 1878 WALKER, Lucinda; *3 Meek Cutoff

JOHNSON, Charlotte (1841-1873): m'd 1866 WADE, Owen

JOHNSON, Christopher Newton (c1836- ): m'd [], Louisa M.; *3 Meek Cutoff

JOHNSON, Franklin (1836- ): *1: MSS#1508 40pp

JOHNSON, Hezekiah Rev. (1799-1866): m'd 1826 HARRIS, Eliza Shepherd; sent by American Baptist Mission to Oregon; buried in Clackamas Co Cemetery; *1: MSS#1508 36pp

JOHNSON, Hiram (1820-1891): m'd 1843 HARRIS, Jane; *3 Meek Cutoff

JOHNSON, James W. (c1827- ): never married; *3 Meek Cutoff

JOHNSON, John m'd: TAYLOR, Phoebe A.

JOHNSON, John Freeman (c1829-1868): m'd 1851 [] , Nancy E.; *3 Meek Cutoff

JOHNSON, John G. (1816-1877): m'd 1854 TAYLOR, Phoebe; *3 Meek Cutoff

JOHNSON, Julia A. (1839-1890): m1. ; m2. MCNARY, H. L.

JOHNSON, J.W. (c1823- ):

JOHNSON, L. James (c1843- ):

JOHNSON, Mary Elizabeth (c1842-1919): m'd 1854 LEWIS, Benjamin Franklin; *3 Meek Cutoff

JOHNSON, Mary Evelyn (1829-1896): m'd 1850 WINSTON, James Jr.

JOHNSON, Olive (1832- ): m'd 1846 DEMENT, William Clement

JOHNSON, Robert H. (c1845- ):

JOHNSON, Sarah Ann (1825-c1861): m1. 1848 DAVIS, Coswell; m2. HILL, Joseph; *3 Meek Cutoff

JOHNSON, Susannah (1826-1917): m'd 1843 PETERSON, Asa H.; d/o Eli and Susanna (Martin) Johnson; *3 Meek Cutoff

JOHNSON, Thomas F. m'd: ,

JOHNSON, William Carey (1833-1912): m'd 1868 DEVORE, Josephine; s/o Hezekiah and Eliza (Harris) Johnson; was on Oregon senator

JOHNSTON, Diana (c1830-c1845): killer winter of 1845 while load a gun *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

JOHNSTON, John: *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

JOHNSTON, Mary Ann (1816-1890): m'd 1834 COX, Isham; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

JONES, Amanda (c1841- ): *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

JONES, Martha E. (1837- ): m'd 1853 ARMSTRONG, Abner E.; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

JONES, Mary m'd: SCOTT, Prior

JONES, Michael (c1804-1894): *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

JONES, Michael Mrs. ( -1845): *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

JONES, Morris (c1843- ): *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

JONES, Miss (c1828-1845): died on trail; d/o Michael Jones; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

JORDAN, Rebecca (1809-1882): m'd 1829 CRAFT, Charles; d/o Amos and Sarah (Davis) Jordan; *3 Meek Cutoff

JUNKIN, Sarah (1814-1883): m'd 1835 MCCOY, John

KEARNEY, Capt. m'd: ,

[6] KEARNS, Aley Jane (13 Nov 1831- ): d/o Joseph and Jane (Stillwell) Kearns

[6] KEARNS, Cassandra (18 Feb 1828-07 Mar 1895): m'd 21 Oct 1857 SHRUM, Thomas Eugene; d/o Joseph and Jane (Stillwell) Kearns; buried Wimberly Cemetery, Douglas County, Oregon

[6] KEARNS, George W. (28 Aug 1838- ): s/o Joseph and Jane (Stillwell) Kearns

[6] KEARNS, John Stillwell (25 Jul 1826-07 May 1900): s/o Joseph and Jane (Stillwell) Kearns; buried Lone Oak Cemetery, Stayton, Marion County, Oregon

[6] KEARNS, Joseph (1800-25 Nov 1859): m'd STILLWELL, Jane Jensey; settled Marion County; name seen as Carnes/Kerns/Kearnes

[6] KEARNS, Joseph (08 Jun 1833- ): s/o Joseph and Jane (Stillwell) Kearns

[6] KEARNS, Peter (01 Mar 1830-13 Oct 1889): s/o Joseph and Jane (Stillwell) Kearns; buried Roseburg IOOF Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon

KEES, Elmore D. (1812-1859): m1.; m2. 1851 COURTNEY, Mary Jane; Elmore was born 26 Aug 1812 and died 24 Mar 1859; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, OR; s/o Jacob and Mary (Jones) Kees

KEES, Morgan (1814-1866): m'd 1841 BANNING, Mary; Morgan was born 25 May 1814 and died 07 Mar 1866; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, OR

KEES, Sarah Amy (1810-1856): m'd 1827 GALLAHER, William; Sarah was born 10 Dec 1810 and died 21 Apr 1856; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, OR

KELLOGG, Joseph m'd: ,

KENDALL, Jehial S. (1816-1888): m'd 1853 TAYLOR, Mary Ann; returned east and emigrated again in 1847

KENDALL, Thomas Simpson (1809-1870): m'd 1833 WILLIAMS, Nancy

KENT, Rudolphus: cattle driver for John Ridgeway family; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

KETCHUM, Frederic (c1828- ): m'd 1850 SMITH, Josephine; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

KETCHUM, John: *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

KEYES, Robert Caden: to CA

KIDNEY, George:

KILLIN, Benton (1842- ): m'd 1873 HOOVER, Harriet

KILLIN, George (c1844- ):

KILLIN, John (1792-1867): m'd 1836 ULAM, Frances

KILLIN, Martha "Marcia" Catherine (1837- ): m'd 1852 JONES, Fielding

KILLIN, Thomas B. (1839- ): m'd 1867 ADAIR, Milay A.


KIMSEY, James m'd: ,

KING, [] (1845-1845): s/o John and Susan (Cooper) King; died in raft accident on Columbia; *3 Meek Cutoff


KING, Abigail (1829-1857): m'd 1846 FULLER, Price; d/o Nahum and Serepta (Norton) King; *3 Meek Cutoff

KING, Amos Nahum (1822-1901): m'd 1846 FULLER, Malinda; s/o Nahum and Serepta (Norton) King; *3 Meek Cutoff

KING, Electra (1842-1845): d/o John and Susan (Cooper) King; died in raft accident on Columbia; *3 Meek Cutoff

KING, Hopestill (1815-1893): m'd 1839 NORTON, Lucius Carolus; d/o Nahum and Serepta (Norton) King; *3 Meek Cutoff

KING, Isaac (1819-1866): m'd 1847 VAN BIBBLER, Almeda J.; s/o Nahum and Serepta (Norton) King; *3 Meek Cutoff

KING, John (1813-1845): m'd c1839 COOPER, Susan; died in raft accident on Columbia; s/o Nahum and Serepta (Norton) King; *3 Meek Cutoff

KING, Lovisa (02 Mar 1828-03 Dec 1889): m'd 22 Feb 1846 CHAMBERS, Rowland; d/o Nahum and Serepta (Norton) King; buried Kings Valley Cemetery, Kings Valley, Benton County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

KING, Lucretia: * emigrated in 1853

KING, Luther (1840- ): m'd 1866 LADD, Caroline; s/o John and Susan (Cooper) King; *3 Meek Cutoff

KING, Lydia (1831- ): m'd 1847 WILLIAMS, Jonathan L.; d/o Nahum and Serepta (Norton) King; *3 Meek Cutoff

KING, Nahum Amos (1783-1856): m'd 1807 NORTON, Sarepta; *3 Meek Cutoff

KING, Rhoda Ann (1835-aft 1905): m1 1850 PHILLIPS, John; m2. c1856 SOMERS, Eli; d/o Nahum and Serepta (Norton) King; *3 Meek Cutoff

KING, Sarah "Sally" (25 Jul 1823-03 Sep 1845): m'd 17 Aug 1841 CHAMBERS, Rowland; d/o Nahum and Serepta (Norton) King; after her death her husband married her sister, Lovisa King;buried Sarah Chambers Grave, Beulah, Malheur County, Oregon;  *3 Meek Cutoff

KING, Solomon "Sol" (1833-1913): m'd 1853 ALLEN, Anna Marie; s/o Nahum and Serepta (Norton) King; *3 Meek Cutoff; *1: MSS#1508 4pp

KING, Stephen (1818-1852): m'd 1843 ALLEN, Anna Marie; s/o Nahum and Serepta (Norton) King; *3 Meek Cutoff



KINNEY, Sam: returned east in 1846

KIPLING, Thomas Pisk: settled WA


KITCHEN, William family: *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff; although listed in at least one source as Kitchen it is believed to have actually been the Catching family

KLOCK: see Clock

KNIGHT, Thomas (c1820- ): m'd 1854 HAINES, Serena; to CA

KNIGHTON, Elizabeth J. m'd: ,

KNIGHTON, Henry Montgomery (1818-1863): m'd 1841 MARTIN, Elizabeth

KNIGHTON, Josephine S. (c1842- ): never married; d/o Henry and Elizabeth (Martin) Knighton

KNIGHTON, Lassella F. (c1844- ): m'd STRUVE, []; d/o Henry and Elizabeth (Martin) Knighton

KNOTTS, Caroline (1845-1924): m'd CORNELIUS, []; d/o William and Sylvia (Wilsey) Knotts

KNOTTS, Justina (1838-1917): m'd 1853 NEWTON, Norris P.; d/o William and Margaret (Barrett) Knotts

KNOTTS, William (1805-1855): m1. c1826 BARRATT, Margaret M.; m2. 1844 WILSEY, Sylvia D.; settled near present day Corvallis; the original farm is still family owned; family started in 1845 and completed journey in 1846; was first Benton Co clerk

KNOX, Alexander Smith (1825- ): m'd 1850 PARRISH, Mary Ann Springer; s/o James and Letetia (Smith) Knox

KNOX, daughter (c1838- ): m'd WALLACE, []

KNOX, Elizabeth Jane: m'd BABER, Grandville; d/o James and Letetia (Smith) Knox

KNOX, Ellis (1831- ): m'd c1858 [], Zeilda; s/o James and Letetia (Smith) Knox

KNOX, George (1830- ): s/o James and Letetia (Smith) Knox

KNOX, James (1788-1874): m'd 1813 SMITH, Letetia

KNOX, Mary Margaret (1836- ): m'd 1851 CHAMBERS, Matthew Carey; d/o James and Letetia (Smith) Knox

KNOX, Rebecca Ann (1821-1891): m1. SPAULDING, []; m2. 1846 HAIGHT, Silas; d/o James and Letetia (Smith) Knox

KNOX, Samuel Bell (1843- ): m'd c1857 [], Rachel; s/o James and Letetia (Smith) Knox


LAMBERSON, Elizabeth (1842- ): m'd WATTS, Francis H.T.; d/o Timothy and Sarah (Strieby) Lamberson

LAMBERSON, Henry Clay (1844-1920): m'd 1866 PERRY, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o Timothy and Sarah (Strieby) Lamberson

LAMBERSON, John Lewis (1840- ): m'd FRANTZ, Susannah Catherine; s/o Timothy and Sarah (Strieby) Lamberson

LAMBERSON, Lucinda (1837-1921): m'd 1853 MCKAY, Malcome; d/o Timothy and Sarah (Strieby) Lamberson

LAMBERSON, Samuel (1832-1902): m'd 1853 ARMSTRONG, Mary Jane; s/o Timothy and Sarah (Strieby) Lamberson

LAMBERSON, Timothy (1809-c1880): m1. 1831 STRIEBY, Sarah; m2. 1851 GARDNER, Ann R.

LAMBERSON, Timothy (1835- ): s/o Timothy and Sarah (Strieby) Lamberson

LANGFORD, Margaret (c1807- ): m'd 1828 STANLEY, Thomas

LASATER, John (1826- ): m'd 1853 [], Lucinda M.

LASATER, Rebecca (1812-1865): m'd 1828 SIMPSON, Rice W.; *3 Meek Cutoff

LAX, Jane (1842- ): m'd 1841 PENTLAND, Robert

LAYFIELD, David (1812-c1870): m'd 1847 [], Nancy Ann

LAYTON, Mary Ann (1803-1870): m'd 1826 NOBLE, Henry J.; *3 Meek Cutoff

LEABO, Catherine m'd: FISH, Walter

LEAHY, Daniel ( -1875):

LEDFORD, Eli (c1820-1859): m'd 1858 WALKER, Sarah Jane; there are several Ledford families that used these names but although some lists indicate these individuals came in 1845 there is no evidence at this point to indicate that they did

LEDFORD, George T. (1824-1915): m1. 1865 WOODEN, Jane; m2. 1877 MCLOUD, Mary; there are several Ledford families that used these names but although some lists indicate these individuals came in 1845 there is no evidence at this point to indicate that they did

LEE, Amanda (c1821- ): m'd LEE, George Washington; maiden name and married name were both Lee

LEE, Anna F. (c1843- ): d/o Washington and Amanda (Lee) Lee

LEE, George "Washington" (c1812- ):m'd 1836 LEE, Amanda; "Washington" Lee was born in VA and was married to Amanda Lee in Saline Co, MO in 1836.  George Washington Lee was registered for the 1840 presidential election in Salt Pond Twp., Saline Co., Missouri.. By 1850 they have a large family and had settled in the Oregon Territory in Clark Co, now part of Washington State. By 1860 they had moved to Northern CA where they settled in Cache Creek Twp, Yolo Co, CA. Most of their descendants are now spread out between northern and southern CA.

LEE, John (c1841- ): s/o Washingtonand Amanda (Lee) Lee

LEE, Susannah (1793-1852): m'd 1820 BARLOW, Samuel K.

LEE, William (c1845- ): s/o Washington and Amanda (Lee) Lee

LEMMON, Elizabeth Crocker (1839-1927): m'd 1862 DAVIS, Charles C.; d/o John and Jane (Crocker) Lemmon

LEMMON, John (1800-1870): m'd 1826 CROCKER, Jane Bourne

LEMMON, John Leander (1845- ): s/o John and Jane (Crocker) Lemmon

LEMMON, Lemuel (1836-1915):

LEMMON, Philander Thomas (1842- ): s/o John and Jane (Crocker) Lemmon

LEMMON, Sarah Jane (1828- ): m1. 1845 WALDEN, Benjamin; m2. CUMMINS, R. Dr.; d/o John and Jane (Crocker) Lemmon

LEVENS, Isaac (1822- ): m'd 1850 WHITEAKER, Ellen

LEVENS, James E.:

LEVENS, Thomas (1821- ): m'd 1847 [], Matilda


LEWIS, Charles (1819-Nov 1855): m'd 14 Jun 1844 BURROWS, Mary Ann; s/o John W. and Eliza Lewis; relationship [if any] to John Lewis family is not known; buried Lewis Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

LEWIS, Catherine (c1818- ): m'd c1836 LEWIS, John B. *4

LEWIS, daughter (c1829- ): m'd WHITE, []; d/o [] and Nancy (Brookes) Lewis; came to Oregon with mother and stepfather, James McNary *4

LEWIS, daughter (c1844-1845): d/o Haman and Mary (Moore) Lewis *4; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

LEWIS, David Runyon (1814-1894): m'd 1832 REDDEN, Mary; s/o John and Elizabeth (Stout) Lewis; father of 10 children; buried Smith/Lewisville Cemetery, Polk Co *10

LEWIS, David William (1845-1925): m'd 1869 WILLIAMS, Susan A.; s/o David and Mary (Redden) Lewis; father of 8 children; buried Smith/Lewisville Cemetery, Polk Co *4,*10

LEWIS, Eleanor V. (1815-1875): m'd 1836 DICKSON, Joshua; d/o John and Elizabeth (Stout) Lewis; mother of 9 children *4, *10

LEWIS, Elizabeth Ann (1833-1915): m'd 1850 BOONE, Daniel Miller; d/o David and Mary (Redden) Lewis; died in Spokane, WA. *4, *10

LEWIS, Elizabeth Ann (1843- ): m'd 1859 YOUNG, George W.; d/o Jeremiah and Narcissa (Corbin) *10; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

LEWIS, George (c1844- ): s/o John B. and Catherine Lewis *4

LEWIS, Haman C.T. (1809-1889): m'd 1839 MOORE, Mary *4; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

LEWIS, Jeremiah V. (1820-1880): m1. 1841 CORBIN, Narcissa; m2. 1862 Fields, Catherine BLAKELY [widow of William Fields]; s/o John and Elizabeth (Stout) Lewis; Jeremiah died in wagon accident while driving a freight wagon *4.*10

LEWIS, John B. (c1815- ): m'd c1836 [], Catherine *4

LEWIS, John Corbin (1842-1917): m'd 1864 LAPHAM, Ann Maria s/o Jeremiah and Narcissa (Corbin) Lewis; buried Dayton Cemetery, Dayton, WA *4, *10

LEWIS, John Douglas (1785-1854): m1.; m2. 1811 STOUT, Elizabeth; m3. Miller, Julia Ann ALDERMAN [widow of Capt. Joseph Miller]; ODLC was in Polk Co [not Washington Co as sometimes stated]; s/o Jeremiah and Magdalene (Douglas) Lewis; buried at Locke Cem, Lewisburg, Benton Co, OR beside 2nd wife. [*4 incorrectly lists John W. Lewis and wife Eliza as the parents of the 1845 Lewis family] *10

LEWIS, John Emire (1843- ): m'd 1865 SIMPSON, Elizabeth Jane; s/o David and Mary (Redden) Lewis [*4 lists as John N. Lewis]; believe that John Emire was named John Nehemiah Lewis, after his maternal grandfather, Nehemiah Redden. He appears in 1850 Oregon Census as John N. but in later years he appears as John E. and his obituary and death certificate both show him as John Emire Lewis. It is supposed that for whatever reason he changed his name. *10

LEWIS, Julia Franklin (1827-1888): m'd 1847 HARRITT, Jesse Rev.; d/o [] and Nancy (Brookes) Lewis; came to Oregon with mother and stepfather, James McNary *4; *3 Meek Cutoff

LEWIS, Margaret May (1826-1903): m'd 1845 BROWN, Charles; married on trail to Oregon; d/o John and Elizabeth (Stout) Lewis; 1850 Clackamas Co, 1870 Umatilla Co; later moved to Waitsburg, WA;  buried Waitsburg City Cemetery, Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, Washington

LEWIS, Maria (c1842- ): d/o John B. and Catherine Lewis *4

LEWIS, Martha Jane (1835-1913): m'd 1850 SMITH, John H.; d/o David and Mary (Redden) Lewis; mother of 9 children; buried Smith/Lewisville Cemetery, Polk Co. *4, *10

LEWIS, Mary Ann Elizabeth  (1830-): m'd 1848 FULLER, Arnold d/o John and Elizabeth (Stout) Lewis; mother of 11 children; buried in Locke Cemetery, Lewisburg, Benton Co *10

LEWIS, Mary Catherine (1841-1920): m'd 1856 ALLEN, William Franklin; d/o David and Mary (Redden) Lewis; mother of 11 children; buried in Pleasant Valley Cemetery, near Philomath, OR; *4,*10

LEWIS, Nancy Jane (1818-1894): m'd 1839 COOK, James William; d/o John and Elizabeth (Stout) Lewis; buried Locke Cemetery, Lewisburg, Benton Co *4, *10

LEWIS, Sarah (c1837- ): d/o John B. and Catherine Lewis *4

LIGGETT, Alexander (1788-1864): m1. [], Rachael; m2. 1855 HAPPENSTALL, Barbara Mrs.; settled in Benton Co; *3 Meek Cutoff

LIGGETT, Elijah (1827- ): m'd 1852 MULKEY, Mary; s/o Alexander and Rachael Liggett; *3 Meek Cutoff

LIGGETT, Hannah (1829- ): d/o Alexander and Rachael Liggett; *3 Meek Cutoff

LIGGETT, John W. (1843-1873 ): s/o William and Julia (Sampson) Liggett; *3 Meek Cutoff ; buried near Lewisburg/Corvallis, OR

LIGGETT, Johnathan W.A (1823- ): s/o Alexander and Rachael Liggett; *3 Meek Cutoff

LIGGETT, Jonathan (1790-1868): m'd 1814 FANNING, Elizabeth; *3 Meek Cutoff ; buried Smith Cemetery, Polk Co, OR

LIGGETT, Joseph (1831-1892 ): m'd 1853 SLUTH, Elizabeth; s/o Jonathan and Elizabeth (Fanning) Liggett; *3 Meek Cutoff

LIGGETT, Martha (1835-1902): m'd 1855 PEARCE, John; d/o Alexander and Rachael Liggett; *3 Meek Cutoff

LIGGETT, Mary J. (c1841- ): d/o William and Julia (Sampson) Liggett; *3 Meek Cutoff

LIGGETT, Mary "Polly" (c1817- ): m'd 1849 TAYLOR, Benjamin; d/o Alexander and Rachael Liggett; Benjamin and Mary were later divorced but still show up in 1860, 1870 and 1880 census; *3 Meek Cutoff

LIGGETT, Phoebe (1833- ): m'd 1851 KELSEY, Joseph; d/o Alexander and Rachael Liggett; *3 Meek Cutoff

LIGGETT, Rachael Mrs. ( -1845): m'd LIGGETT, Alexander; died after reaching The Dalles on Oct 12, 1845; *3 Meek Cutoff

LIGGETT, Sarah Jane (1816-1894): m1. 1833 BELIEU, Leander Newton Rev.; m2. 1850 JACK, Nathaniel Daniel; m3. 1861 AVERILL, Henry James Cropsey; d/o Jonathan and Elizabeth (Fanning) Liggett; *3 Meek Cutoff; buried Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Lane Co, OR

LIGGETT, Thomas S. (1823-1850): m'd 1848 ZUMWALT, Nancy; s/o Jonathan and Elizabeth (Fanning) Liggett; *3 Meek Cutoff

LIGGETT, William K. (1844- ): s/o William and Julia (Sampson) Liggett; *3 Meek Cutoff

LIGGETT, William P. (1821-1851): m'd 1840 SAMPSON, Julia Ann; s/o Jonathan and Elizabeth (Fanning) Liggett; *3 Meek Cutoff;
buried in Liggett Family Cemetery near Airlie, Polk Co, OR 

LINDSAY, Calvin (c1842- ): s/o John and Susan Lindsay

LINDSAY, Edgar (c1832- ): s/o John and Susan Lindsay

LINDSAY, Jasper (c1838- ): s/o John and Susan Lindsay

LINDSAY, John (c1840- ): s/o John and Susan Lindsay

LINDSAY, John H. (c1800- ): m'd [], Susan

LINDSAY, Minerva (c1837- ): d/o John and Susan Lindsay

LINDSAY, Tilford (c1830- ): s/o John and Susan Lindsay

LINDSAY, William (c1828- ): s/o John and Susan Lindsay

LINGENFELTER, Josiah W. (1816- ): m'd 1850 CATCHING, Mary; Note: Josiah changed name to LINN; wife was widow of Franklin Pomeroy; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

LLOYD, Abner Thomas (1827-1886): m'd 1853 REXFORD, Jane; s/o John and Nancy (Walker) Lloyd; *3 Meek Cutoff

LLOYD, Albert Gallatin (1836-1915): m'd 1858 JASPER, Lois; s/o John and Nancy (Walker) Lloyd; *3 Meek Cutoff

LLOYD, Eliza L. (c1831-1853): m'd c1848 MILLER, William; d/o John and Nancy (Walker) Lloyd; *3 Meek Cutoff

LLOYD, Jane: d/o John and Nancy (Walker) Lloyd; did not come west

LLOYD, John (1796-1877): m1. 1823 WALKER, Nancy; m2. 1857 SNELLING, Adelia; *3 Meek Cutoff

LLOYD, John Calvin (1838-1922): s/o John and Nancy (Walker) Lloyd; *3 Meek Cutoff

LLOYD, Julia (c1834- ): d/o John and Nancy (Walker) Lloyd; *3 Meek Cutoff

LLOYD, Malinda (c1833- ): d/o John and Nancy (Walker) Lloyd; *3 Meek Cutoff

LLOYD, Mary Ann (1825-1854): m'd 1846 FOSTER, John; d/o John and Nancy (Walker) Lloyd; *3 Meek Cutoff

LLOYD, Nancy Jane (1829- ): m'd 1846 REEVES, Thomas D.; d/o John and Nancy (Walker) Lloyd; *3 Meek Cutoff

LLOYD, William Walker (1841-1874): m1. DAVIS, Lucinda; m2. 1869 GOODMAN, Mary F.; s/o John and Nancy (Walker) Lloyd; *3 Meek Cutoff

LOCKE, Harrison Porter (1812-1882): m'd 1851 HARDISON, Melissa Permelia; returned east and emigrated again in 1850; settled on DLC in Polk Co; died in Polk Co, OR;  buried Locke Cemetery, Benton Co, OR; reportedly worked for Hudson Bay company prior to leading wagon trains to OR

LOGAN, Kenneth:

LOGSDON, Mary Elizabeth (1838- ): m'd 1853 FARELL, William Levi; d/o [] and Sarah (Switzler) Logsdon; came to Oregon with mother and stepfather; moved to Texas after marriage; *3 Meek Cutoff


LOWNSDALE, Daniel Hillman (1803-1862): m1. 1826 OVERFIELD, Ruth; m2. 1850 GILLIHAN, Nancy Mrs.; co-founder of Portland; tanner, real-estate developer, philanthropist; first wife died before the emigration to Oregon; married his second wife in Oregon; note that, although this name is often found spelled "Lounsdale", the correct spelling is "Lownsdale".

LYLE, John Eakin (1815-1862): m'd 1846 SCOTT, Ellen; s/o William and Jane (Eakin) Lyle

MAHEN, Christopher (c1826- ): m'd [], Margaret

MAHEN, Margaret (c1822- ): m'd MAHEN, Christopher

MAHEN, William (c1843- ): s/o Christopher and Margaret Mahen

MALEWAY, Capt. m'd: ,

MALLORY, James: *3 Meek Cutoff

MARBLE, Abner (1840- ): s/o John and Hester Marble

MARBLE, Hester (c1820- ): m'd 1837 MARBLE, John

MARBLE, James (c1844- ): s/o John and Hester Marble

MARBLE, John (1810- ): m'd 1837 [], Hester

MARBLE, John (c1842- ): s/o John and Hester Marble

MARK, Alexander Kesterson (1822-1895): m'd 1854 JORDAN, Sarah Jane; s/o John and Frances (Forester) Marks

MARK, Eliza Jane (c1835- ): m'd 1851 PEEBLES, J.C.

MARK, John R. (1795- ): m'd 1818 FORESTER, Frances

MARK, Samuel Forrester (c1833-1904): m'd 1858 ABBOTT, Mary Ann

MARLIN, Henry (1822-1890): m'd 1846 OLNEY, Emily Johnson; millwright; built one of the earliest commercial sawmills at Astoria; moved to Klicitat and then to The Dalles, then later to Crab Creek; *3 Meek Cutoff

MARQUAM, Alfred (1817-1887): m'd 1842 BURBAGE, Olive Wise; *3 Meek Cutoff

MARQUAM, George W. (1844- ): m'd COVEY, Mina; s/o Alfred and Olive (Burbage) Marquam

MARQUAM, Mary Jane (1843- ): m'd ALBRIGHT, Daniel; s/o Alfred and Olive (Burbage) Marquam

MARQUAM, William:

MARSH, Edmund (1818-1881): returned east in 1846 and brought family back to Oregon

MARSHALL, Anna Hughes: m1. MARSHALL, John; m2. 1846 SMITH, James

MARSHALL, Elizabeth (1824- ): m'd 1843 GREGSON, James; d/o John and Anna (Hughes) Marshall

MARSHALL, Henry (c1826- ): s/o John and Anna (Hughes) Marshall

MARSHALL, Henry C. (1823- ):

MARSHALL, John (c1833- ): s/o John and Anna (Hughes) Marshall

MARSHALL, Mary Ann (c1834- ): s/o John and Anna (Hughes) Marshall

MARTIN, Charles G. (1811- ): m'd 1851 ROGERS, Rachel

MARTIN, Eliza Jane (c1836- ): m'd FOSTER, Resin D.; d/o John and Malinda (Smith) Martin; *3 Meek Cutoff

MARTIN, Elizabeth (1826- ): m'd 1841 KNIGHTON, Henry Montgomery

MARTIN, Emily (c1842- ): m'd HOWELL, []; d/o John and Malinda (Smith) Martin; *3 Meek Cutoff

MARTIN, Hardin D. (1810- ): m'd 1838 SEARCY, Eveline; *3 Meek Cutoff

MARTIN, John (1825- ): m'd 1843 DURBIN, Frances A.

MARTIN, John (c1844- ): s/o John and Malinda (Smith) Martin; *3 Meek Cutoff

MARTIN, John D. (1800-1884): m'd 1834 SMITH, Malinda; *3 Meek Cutoff

MARTIN, Lucy Ann (1806-1889): m'd 23 May 1821 OWNBEY, Nicholas; born 27 Nov 1806 Kentucky and died 19 Sep 1889 Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon; buried Alder Slope Cemetery, Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

MARTIN, Mary (c1840- ): m1. 1853 ALLRED, Joseph; d/o John and Malinda (Smith) Martin; *3 Meek Cutoff

MARTIN, Melissa Rebecca (1845- ): m'd PRESSLEY, Anthony; d/o John and Frances (Durbin) Martin

MARTIN, William F. (1835- ): m'd [], Harriet; nephew of Hardin D. Martin; orphan son of G.T. Martin; *3 Meek Cutoff

MASON, J. C. m'd: ,

MAXON, Clarinda (c1839- ): m'd 1856 ZEUK, Isaac; d/o Silas and Mary Maxon

MAXON, Edwin R. (c1842- ): s/o Hamilton and Arabella Maxon

MAXON, George W. (1845- ): s/o Silas and Mary Maxon

MAXON, Hamilton Jordan Goss (1813-1884): m'd 1841 TAYLOR, Arabella Clementine; buried in Dry Creek Cemetery near Eagle, Ada Co, ID

MAXON, James WIlliam (c1845- ): m'd 1892 LAYDEN, Margaret E.; s/o Hamilton and Arabella Maxon

MAXON, Jordan O'Bryan (c1840-1932): s/o Hamilton and Arabella Maxon

MAXON, Mary (c1820- ): m'd c1838 MAXON, Silas

MAXON, Zeralda H. (c1841- ): m'd 1860 W.H. DeLay; d/o Silas and Mary Maxon

MAXON, Silas David (c1815- ): m'd c1838 [], Mary Eliza

MAXON, Sylvanus H. (c1843- ): m'd 1865 IRBY, Amanda; s/o Silas and Mary Maxon

MCAULAY, Donald: settled WA

MCCANN, Ann (1805-1886): m'd 1827 HOOD, Andrew; buried Mt. View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas Co, OR; Ann served as a midwife and frontier medicine woman; family legend states that Ann was from a "titled family" and Andrew was a "commoner" so they ran away, boarded a ship, were married in St. Johns, Newfoundland and went to Quebec; they later moved down into the states and finally emigrated westward; per Nancy Pullman, Hood Family Researcher at nlpullman@worldnet.att.net

MCCARVER, Mary Ann (1842-1919): m'd 1858 HURLEY, Richard H: d/o Morton and Mary Ann (Jennings) McCarver; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCCARVER, Thomas Jennings (1833-1881): m'd 1852 GOODLIVE, Mary; s/o Morton and Mary Ann (Jennings) McCarver; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCCHRISTIAN, Owen (c1835- ): s/o Patrick and Maria (Church) McChristian

MCCHRISTIAN, Patrick (c1796- ): m'd 1825 CHURCH, Orpha "Maria"; moved with family to Sonoma County, CA after a short time

MCCHRISTIAN, Patrick R. (1825-1888): m'd 1857 MCMENAMIN, Sarah; s/o Patrick and Maria (Church) McChristian

MCCHRISTIAN, Richard (c1841- ): s/o Patrick and Maria (Church) McChristian

MCCHRISTIAN, Silvester (c1839- ): s/o Patrick and Maria (Church) McChristian

MCCHRISTIAN, William M. (c1836- ): s/o Patrick and Maria (Church) McChristian

MCCLAIN, Daniel:

MCCLAIN, James W. (1822- ): m'd 1848 SIMPSON, Alcy

MCCLURE, William:

MCCONNEL, Mary Rebecca (1826-1854): m'd 1838 DOAK, Andrew Jackson; *3 Meek Cutoff




MCCOY, George Junkin (04 May 1837-05 Sep 1914): m'd 1868 FORGEY, Nancy; s/o John and Sarah (Junkin) McCoy

MCCOY, James Barton (28 May 1842-06 Nov 1914): m'd 1883 DANIELS, Mary Elizabeth; s/o John and Sarah (Junkin) McCoy

MCCOY, John (18 Jul 1814-24 Apr 1889): m'd 12 Nov 1835 JUNKIN, Sarah; s/o William and Mary (Mealey) McCoy; *1: MSS#1166 12pp

MCCOY, John Frederick (08 Feb 1844-17 May 1921): m'd 07 Jun 1871 SMITH, Evie Ellen; m2. c1880 JOHNSON, Minnie; s/o John and Sarah (Junkin) McCoy

MCCOY, Margaret Elizabeth (17 Mar 1820-05 Oct 1868): m1. 1837 MEALY, Washington Blain; m2. STOCKTON, Francis B.; d/o William and Mary (Mealey) McCoy

MCCOY, William (01 Jul 1817- 02 Oct 1900): m'd DOWNEY, Margaret Ann; s/o William and Mary (Mealey) McCoy

MCCULLOCH, Elizabeth (c1820-1896): m'd 1838 FRYER, Absalom H.; *3 Meek Cutoff


MCDONALD, Alexander (1843- ): s/o Nathaniel and Rebecca (Munkers) McDonald

MCDONALD, Benjamin (1845- ): s/o Nathaniel and Rebecca (Munkers) McDonald

MCDONALD, Dorcas (1813- ): m'd 1839 MCDONALD, James

MCDONALD, James (1812- ): m'd 1839 [], Dorcas

MCDONALD, Mary (1841- ): d/o Nathaniel and Rebecca (Munkers) McDonald

MCDONALD, Miles (c1810- ): m'd 1855 GALLOWAY, Mary

MCDONALD, Nathaniel Green (1818-1893): m'd 1838 MUNKERS, Rebecca Jane; s/o Alexander and Isabel (Baker) "McDaniel"; surname was McDaniel when he was born but his father changed the name to McDonald c 1825 for reasons that are unknown at this time

MCDONALD, William: Capt. of Independence group; Returned east in 1847

MCDOUGAL, George ( -1872): came w/o family; returned east where he died

MCDOWELL, James ( -1849): m'd PYLES, Margaret

MCDOWELL, Maggie A. (c1842- ): m'd HUNT, [ ]

MCGHEE, Elizabeth (c1793-1867): m'd 1820 DELANEY, Daniel Sr.

MCINTYRE, Horace J. (1820- ): m'd 1842 MILLER, Narcissa

MCINTYRE, Sarah (1843- ): d/o Horace and Narcissa (Miller) McIntyre

MCKIMMEY, Nathaniel (c1822- ):

MCKINLEY, Alexander: m'd PACKWOOD, Martha; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCKINLEY, James (1827- ): m'd 1849 JOHNSON, Charlotte; s/o Alex and Martha (Packwood) McKinley

MCKINLEY, Jane (1806- ): m1. EVANS, Alexander; m2. BUTTS, John

MCKINNEY, Charles C. (1830-1902): m'd BARTON, Mary E.; s/o William and Henry Ann (Walter) McKinney; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCKINNEY, Daniel (c1805-1864): never married; s/o James and Nancy (Sherry) McKinney; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCKINNEY, Isabelle (1831- ): m'd 1851 HINSHAW, Luke; d/o William and Henry Ann (Walter) McKinney; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCKINNEY, James (1796-1867): m'd 1819 LITTLE, Mary "Polly"; family came later; s/o James and Nancy (Sherry) McKinney; came alone, family joined him later; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCKINNEY, James Montgomery (1834- ): m'd 1887 MCNAL, Mrs.; s/o William and Henry Ann (Walter) McKinney; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCKINNEY, Jasper Newton (1839-1919): m'd 1865 CORNELIUS, Sarah Jane; s/o William and Henry Ann (Walter) McKinney; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCKINNEY, Rachael (1833-1918): m'd 1851 CORNELIUS, Benjamin Jr. d/o William and Henry Ann (Walter) McKinney; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCKINNEY, Sarah Jane (1841- ): m'd 1850 CALDWELL, A.P.; d/o William and Henry Ann (Walter) McKinney

MCKINNEY, William (1802-1889): m'd 1828 WALTER, Henry Ann; s/o James and Nancy (Sherry) McKinney; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCKINNEY, William Jr. (1836-1924): m'd 1865 POLSON, Sarah Jane s/o William and Henry Ann (Walter) McKinney; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCLIN, Alvis G
. (1842- ): s/o William and Mary (Simpson) McLin

MCLIN, David (1845- ): s/o William and Mary (Simpson) McLin

MCLIN, Lafayette (1844-1910): s/o William and Mary (Simpson) McLin

MCLIN, William
(1818-1873): m1. 1841 SIMPSON, Mary Ann;  m2. 1848 BEAL, Rosannah; m3. 1867 MCCLAIN, Emily Caroline; s/o Frederick and Frances (Bourne) McLin

MCLORD, Joseph:

MCMILLEN, James Harvey (1823- ): m1. 1850 WISE, Margaret; m2. 1852 BARTON, Tirza; s/o Joseph and Ruth (Gannett) McMillen; James was a mill wright

MCNAMEE, Adam "Mac" (1841- ): never married; s/o Job and Hannah (Cochrane) McNamee; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNAMEE, Emaline (1844-1845): d/o Job and Hannah (Cochrane) McNamee; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNAMEE, Frances (1837-1893): m'd 1856 NORTHRUP, Edward J.; d/o Job and Hannah (Cochrane) McNamee; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNAMEE, Job (1812-1872): m'd c1832 COCHRANE, Hannah; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNAMEE, Moses Dimit (1839-1905): m'd CORBIN, Elizabeth; s/o Job and Hannah (Cochrane) McNamee; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNAMEE, William G. (1843-c1846): s/o Job and Hannah (Cochrane) McNamee; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, Alexander (1798-1860): m'd 1824 STOCKTON, Ladocia; s/o Hugh and Elizabeth (Lindsay) McNary; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, Alexander W. (1832-1898): m1. 1857 GRUBB, Celta; m2. 1874 MILLER, Eleanor J. (ALLEN); s/o Alexander and Ladocia (Stockton) McNary; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, Davis Stockton (1838-1862): s/o Alexander and Ladocia (Stockton) McNary; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, Eliza (1831- ): m'd 1858 PHILLIPS, Francis Marion; d/o James and Elizabeth (Sharp) McNary; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, Elizabeth (1836-1861): never married; d/o James and Elizabeth (Sharp) McNary; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, Harriet Vanneva (1819-1879): m'd 1847 SMITH, Alanson Perry; d/o James and Elizabeth (Sharp) McNary; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, Hugh Linza (1829-1883): m1. 1854 CLAGGETT, Mary Margaret; m2. JOHNSON, Julia; s/o James and Elizabeth (Sharp) McNary; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, Hugh Miller (1827-1891): m'd 1854 FRIZZELL, Catherine; s/o Alexander and Ladocia (Stockton) McNary; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, James (1790-1871): m1. 1818 SHARP, Elizabeth; m2. 1841 BROOKES, Nancy M. Lewis; s/o Hugh and Elizabeth (Lindsay) McNary; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, Nancy M. (c1800- ): m1. LEWIS, []; m2. Brookes ; m3. 1841 MCNARY, James; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, John W. (c1828-1850): *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, Julia Franklin: m'd 1846 HARRITT, Jesse; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, Nancy Catherine (1835-c1861): m'd 1851 ALLEN, John Ceton; s/o Alexander and Ladocia (Stockton) McNary; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, Rachel Emaline (1821-1889): m'd 1848 LASSWELL, Isaac; d/o James and Elizabeth (Sharp) McNary; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, Rosanna (1827- ): m'd 1847 COLE, William D.; d/o James and Elizabeth (Sharp) McNary; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNARY, Sarah Elenore (1825-1901): m'd 1846 SHAW, Alvah C. Riggs; d/o Alexander and Ladocia (Stockton) McNary; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNEMEE, Adam (1841-1919): born 17 Sep 1841 MO and died 29 Mar 1919; s/o Job and Hannah Cochrane; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNEMEE, Emeline(1844-1845): born 25 Dec 1844 MO and died 1845; d/o Job and Hannah Cochrane; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNEMEE, Frances (1837-1893): m'd 11 May 1856 NORTHRUP, Edward J.; born 04 Nov 1837 Ray County, OH and died 1893 Portland, Multnomah County, OR; d/o Job and Hannah Cochrane; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNEMEE, Job (1812-1872): m'd 1832 COCHRANE, Hannah; born 14 Oct 1812 OH and died 01 Oct 1872 Portland, Multnomah County, OR; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNEMEE, Moses Dimil (1839-1905): m'd CORBIN, Elizabeth; born 11 Oct 1839 Fairfield County, OH and died 1905 Portland, Multnomah County, OR; s/o Job and Hannah Cochrane; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCNEMEE, William G. (1843- ): born 08 Apr 1843; s/o Job and Hannah Cochrane; *3 Meek Cutoff

MCTIMMONDS, Alexander m'd: ,

MCTIMMONDS, Charles m'd: ,

MCTIMMONDS, Erastus C. m'd: ,

MCTIMMONDS, Henry C. (1843- ): s/o Lambert and Ann (Burns) McTimmonds

MCTIMMONDS, James B. (1841- ): s/o Lambert and Ann (Burns) McTimmonds

MCTIMMONDS, Jane (1839- ): d/o Lambert and Ann (Burns) McTimmonds

MCTIMMONDS, Joseph m'd: ,

MCTIMMONDS, Lambert (1797-1878): m'd 1838 BURNS, Anne Scanlon; settled Polk Co

MCTIMMONDS, Thomas H. (1845- ): d/o Lambert and Ann (Burns) McTimmonds

MCWILLIAMS, Mary Helen (1830-1919): m'd 1847 MOORE, Michael; d/o John and Lucinda (Carter) McWilliams; came to Oregon with mother and stepfather; *3 Meek Cutoff

MEALY, Agnes Louisa (1844-1911): m'd 1863 ROGERS, Christopher; d/o Washington and Margaret (McCoy) Mealy

MEALY, James (1816-1847): m1.; m2. 1839 CRAIG, Willamina

MEALY, Maria (1836- ): d/o James and [first wife] Mealy

MEALY, Mary Elizabeth (1840-1880): m'd 1861 GALLAHER, Oliver C.; d/o Washington and Margaret (McCoy) Mealy

MEALY, Samuel (1838-1889): m'd 1871 FARRAR, Elizabeth S.; s/o Washington and Margaret (McCoy) Mealy

MEALY, Washington Blaine (1809-1853): m'd 1837 MCCOY, Margaret; s/o Samuel and Margaret (Blaine) Mealy; came from IL, settled in Muddy Creek in Linn Co; served as representative from Linn Co in State Council (Senate) 1849-1852; father of 7 children; physician

MEEK, Stephen Hall Lettuck (1805-1889): m'd 1845 SCHOONOVER, Elizabeth; *3 Meek Cutoff

MEEKER, John m'd: ,


MELDRUM, George McDonald (1837- ): s/o John and Susanna (Cox) Meldrum

MELDRUM, Henry m'd: ,

MELDRUM, John (1808-1889): m'd 11 Dec 1834 COX, Susanna Depue; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon

MELDRUM, John W. (1839-1919): m'd 1872 POPE, Georgiana

MELDRUM, Margaret Octavia (1836-1919): m'd 1854 MOORE, William S.; d/o John and Susanna (Cox) Meldrum; born 14 Feb 1836 IL and died 29 Sep 1919; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon

MELDRUM, Mary Relief (1842- ): m'd 1861 THOMPSON, David P.; d/o John and Susanna (Cox) Meldrum

MELDRUM, Sarah Mabry (1845- ): m'd 1865 MCCOWN, Ferdinand O.; d/o John and Susanna (Cox) Meldrum; born 15 Mar 1844 Burlington, Des Moines County, Illinois and died 22 Sep 1932 Berkeley, Alameda County, California, buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon

MELVIN, William: *3 Meek Cutoff

MESSERSMITH, William: see William Mercer Smith

MIDDLETON, Thomas (c1828- ):

MILLER, Eliza Ann (1834- ): m'd 1851 ORCHARD, P.; d/o James Miller *4; Eliza is not d/o James and is actually believed to have emigrated in 1851

MILLER, Isobel (c1829- ): d/o James Miller; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

MILLER, James: *4; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

MILLER, James Napper Tandy (1826- ): m'd 1852 AWBREY, Elizabeth Ann; s/o Robert and Sarah (Ferguson) Miller; *3 Meek Cutoff

MILLER, John F. (1825-1901): m'd 1849 HOCKSON, Zerilda; s/o Robert and Sarah (Ferguson) Miller; *3 Meek Cutoff

MILLER, John Riley (1841-1902): m'd 1862 HESS, Virginia Rowley *4; believed to have actually emigrated in 1851 *10

MILLER, Julia Ann (22 Jan 1820-10 Jan 1899): m'd 03 Jul 1842 BYBEE, James Francis. d/o Robert and Sarah (Ferguson) Miller; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

[2] MILLER, Margaret Catherine (13 Jan 1824-16 Mar 1913): m'd 30 Nov 1842 CHARLTON, Joseph C.; d/o Robert and Sarah (Ferguson) Miller; *3 Meek Cutoff

MILLER, Nancy M.: m'd 1834 WALKER, Jesse; d/o Robert and Sarah (Ferguson) Miller; *3 Meek Cutoff

MILLER, Narcissa M. (1822- ): m'd 1842 MCINTYRE, Horace J. ; d/o Robert and Sarah (Ferguson) Miller

MILLER, Parthena Elizabeth (22 Apr 1831-05 Jun 1849): m'd 05 Feb 18049 1849 MENZIES, James; d/o Robert and Sarah (Ferguson) Miller; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

MILLER, Robert E. (1832- ): s/o Robert and Sarah (Ferguson) Miller; *3 Meek Cutoff

MILLER, Robert Emmett (1785-18 Mar 1856): m'd 01 Apr 1818 FERGUSON, Sarah Campbell; buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

MILLER, S. A. m'd: ,

MILLER, Sarah E. m'd: MILLER, William P.

MILLER, Sibbie (1812- ): m'd 1831 HESS, John Henry

MILLER, William P. (12 Mar 1836-25 Sep 1895): m'd 21 Sep 1864 RAFFETY, Sarah E.; s/o Robert and Sarah (Ferguson) Miller; buried Oak Hill Memorial Park, San Jose, Santa Clara County, California; *3 MeekCutoff

MINIER, Abraham Townsend (1807- ): m'd 1837 BONNEY, Sarah Ann; started for OR with the Bonney family but diverted to CA at Fort Hall; the Bonney's came to OR in 1846 but the Minier family did not remove to OR until 1849; while in CA Abraham hunted and sold the meat, made shoes and moccasins from the hide and sold them and was employed by Capt. Sutter to harvest his grain; Mr. Minier made the first grain cradle in CA

MINIER, Ruth Ann (1846-1882 ): d/o Abraham and Sarah (Bonney) Minier; born in CA

MINIER, Sarah Rebecca (1844-1915): m1. 1865 CONLEE, John J.; m2. CHRISTENSEN, Andrew S.; d/o Abraham and Sarah (Bonney) Minier

MINIER, William (1838-1905): m'd 1863 ADAIR, Mary Jane; s/o Abraham and Sarah (Bonney) Minier

MINOR, Allen (c1825-1871):

MITCHELL, Mary Ann (c1823-1905): m1. c1841 HUNT, Phinias R.; m2. 1849 ADDY, Robert; came to Oregon with first husband and small son; settled in Marion Co in the area of what is now Hubbard; first husband went to CA during gold rush of 1849 and died there; her second husband, at the age of 60 disappeared in 1880 and was presumed dead; buried at Champoeg, Marion Co, OR; *3 Meek Cutoff

MITCHELL, William:

MOIST, James:

MOIST, Joseph (1823-1893): m'd 1849 RALSTON, Elizabeth Jane

MONROE, John A. (1823- ): m'd 1851 KINNEY, Rebecca Ann

MONROE, William C.: *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

MOOR, Henry (1844- ): s/o Oliver and Hester Moor

MOOR, Henry (c1833- ): s/o Sylvannus and Nancy (Pettibone) Moor

MOOR, Hester Ann (1825- ): m'd 1843 MOOR, Oliver

MOOR, Marcia (c1817- ): m1. 1850 HAILY, William; d/o Sylvannus and Nancy (Pettibone) Moor

MOOR, Oliver (1819-1874): m'd 1843 [], Hester Ann; s/o Sylvannus and Nancy (Pettibone) Moor

MOOR, Sylvannus E. (1796-c1880): m'd 1815 PETTIBONE, Nancy Paine

MOORE, Alfred ( -1845): m'd c1832 JACKSON, Elizabeth

MOORE, Alfred Jefferson (1840- ): m'd 1864 DAVIS, Rachel A.; s/o Alfred and Elizabeth (Jackson) Moore

MOORE, George (c1825-1871): came with J.D. Boon

MOORE, James M. (1835-1909): m'd 1856 CORNWALL, Narcissa; s/o Alfred and Elizabeth (Jackson) Moore

MOORE, John: cattled drover for Knighton family; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

MOORE, Martha E. (1833- ): m'd 1851 HENDERSON, James O.; d/o Alfred and Elizabeth (Jackson) Moore

MOORE, Mary (1821-1889): m'd 1839 LEWIS, Haman; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

MOORE, William H. (1843- ): m'd 1877 NELSON, Annie; s/o Alfred and Elizabeth (Jackson) Moore

MOORE, William Rev. ( -1845): *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

MORELAND, Francis M.: s/o Zachariah Moreland; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

MORELAND, Margaret Jane: m'd 1846 DAVIS, Jehu; d/o Zachariah Moreland; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

MORELAND, Zachariah: [had 3 girls under 14 and 4 boys under 16 in 1845]; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

MORELAND, Zachariah Mrs.: *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

MORGAN, Benjamin (1830- ): m'd 1853 CUNNINGHAM, Jane; s/o Edward and Mary (Shirley) Morgan

MORGAN, Catherine (1844- ): m'd DUNN, []; d/o Edward and Mary (Shirley) Morgan

MORGAN, Edward (1797-1872): m1.; m2. 1828 SHIRLEY, Mary

MORGAN, Edward (1824- ): m'd 1853 NETTLES, Nancy; s/o Edward and Mary (Shirley) Morgan

MORGAN, Frances (1812- ): m'd 1835 MORGAN, William

MORGAN, George (1838- ): s/o Edward and Mary (Shirley) Morgan

MORGAN, Isaac:

MORGAN, Isabelle (1836-1889): m'd 1853 ENYART, Peter S.; d/o Edward and Mary (Shirley) Morgan

MORGAN, Jane (c1840- ): d/o William and Frances Morgan

MORGAN, Julia Ann (1842- ): m'd FREEMAN, []; d/o Edward and Mary (Shirley) Morgan

MORGAN, Leander (1844- ): s/o William and Frances Morgan

MORGAN, Margaret (1816- ): m'd 1837 GORE, William H.

MORGAN, Mary (1833- ): d/o Edward and Mary (Shirley) Morgan

MORGAN, Shirley m'd: ,

MORGAN, Silas (1842- ): s/o William and Frances Morgan

MORGAN, Thomas (1822- ): m'd 1847 COURTNEY, Lydia

MORGAN, William Henry Harrison (1840-1929): m'd 1864 ORCHARD, Sarah E.; s/o Edward and Mary (Shirley) Morgan

MORGAN, William S. (1818-1854): m'd 1835 [], Frances

MORKEY, Susan (1813- ): m'd 1835 EDGAR, Moses

MORRIS, Anna (c1842-c1876 ): m'd 24 Aug 1858 EADS, Henry William; d/o Jeremiah and Mary Nancy Agnes (English) Morris; father died prior to emigration, came with mother who married Coleman Burnett on the trail 11 Jun 1845

MORRIS, daughter (1844- ): d/o James and Catalina (Cornelius) Morris

MORRIS, Elizabeth (28 Oct 1827-05 May 1871): m'd 1844 CORNELIUS, George E.; buried Cloverdale Cemetery, Turner, Marion County, Oregon

MORRIS, George W. (1843- ): m'd 1865 [], Sarah J.; s/o Simeon and Hannah (Boyle) Morris

MORRIS, Hiram (c1838- ): s/o Jeremiah and Mary Nancy Agnes (English) Morris; father died prior to emigration, came with mother who married Coleman Burnett on the trail 11 Jun 1845

MORRIS, James M. (1824- ): m'd 1843 CORNELIUS, Catalina

MORRIS, Simeon C. (1811-1851): m'd 1842 BOYLE, Hannah

MULKEY, Johnson (1808-1862): m'd 1835 BROWN, Susan; came alone in 1845, returned east in 1846 and brought family in 1847

[2] MURRAY, Lavina Hervey (27 Jul 1815-07 Sep 1860): m'd Aug 1833 CATCHING, Benjamin Holland; buried Mountain View Memoria Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

NEALY, Matthew M. (1816-1871): m'd 1847 COLLINS, Jane E.

NELSON, Elizabeth (c1843- ): d/o John and Clarissa (Janes) Nelson

NELSON, Jasper (c1841- ): s/o John and Clarissa (Janes) Nelson

NELSON, John B. (1817-1893): m'd 1839 JANES, Clarissa "Sarah"

NELSON, Margaret (c1840- ): d/o John and Clarissa (Janes) Nelson

NELSON, Thomas (1845- ): s/o John and Clarissa (Janes) Nelson

NEWMAN, George (c1841-1869): s/o Samuel Newman; *3 Meek Cutoff

NEWMAN, John W. (1829- ): m'd 1851 TETHEROW, Edith Elizabeth; s/o Samuel Newman; *3 Meek Cutoff

NEWMAN, Mary (1807-1868): m1. 1825 NEWMAN, Samuel Rev; m2. 1850 BLANTON, Isaac (?); *3 Meek Cutoff

NEWMAN, Rachel W. (1833-19020: m'd 1851 BACON, John M.; d/o Samuel Newman; *3 Meek Cutoff

NEWMAN, Rebecca (1831-1867): m'd 1846 NEWELL, Robert; d/o Samuel Newman; *3 Meek Cutoff

NEWMAN, Samuel Rev. ( -1848): m'd 1825 [], Mary; *3 Meek Cutoff; killed by Indians in the gold fields of CA

NIGHTENGEL, Gideon R.: went to CA in Feb 1846 after arriving in OR

NIXON, Delphine m'd: NIXON, Robert

NOBLE, E. (1835-1845): s/o Henry and Mary Ann (Layton) Noble: *3 Meek Cutoff

NOBLE, Henry J. (1805-1885): m'd 1826 LAYTON, Mary Ann; s/o Alex Noble; *3 Meek Cutoff

NOBLE, Henry J. Jr. (1832-1907): m'd 1857 BOYLES, Martha; s/o Henry and Mary Ann (Layton) Noble; settled in Yamhill County; father of 12 children; *3 Meek Cutoff

NOBLE, John (1827-1845): s/o Henry and Mary Ann (Layton) Noble; *3 Meek Cutoff

NOBLE, Mary (1833-c1865): m'd 1851 RICHASON, John; d/o Henry and Mary Ann (Layton) Noble; *3 Meek Cutoff

NOBLE, Nancy (1842- ): m'd 1857 NELSON, Thomas Benton; d/o Henry and Mary Ann (Layton) Noble; *3 Meek Cutoff

NOBLE, Rebecca Jane (1830-1852): m'd 1847 STOLEY, Israel; d/o Henry and Mary Ann (Layton) Noble; *3 Meek Cutoff


NORTHRUP, Harvey (1831-1908): m1. 1853 CRUSEN, Martha; m2. 1859 DAVIS, Sarah; m3. 1907 KELLER, Susie Mrs.; s/o John and Nancy (Baird) Northrup

NORTHRUP, John L. (1795-1859): m'd 1819 BAIRD, Nancy;

NORTHRUP, Mary (c1829- ): d/o John and Nancy (Baird) Northrup

NORTHRUP, Perrin Glover (17 May 1824-22 May 1904): m'd 12 Mar 1857 MILLER, Rachel; s/o John and Nancy (Baird) Northrup

NORTON, Cyntha (1850-1850): d/o Lucius and Hopestill (King) Norton; listed in some sources as b. 1845 but believed to have been born in 1850 and died soon after birth

NORTON, Dulancey C. (aft 1822-1845): d/o Solomon and Cynthia (Knapp) Norton; died of black measles on the plains

NORTON, Harriet (aft 1822-1845): d/o Solomon and Cynthia (Knapp) Norton; drowned in Columbia River

NORTON, Isaac (1842-1922): m1. 1867 HARRIS, Olive; m2. Mrs. Lizzie Buffam; s/o Lucius and Hopestill (King) Norton; *3 Meek Cutoff; buried at Kings Valley Cemetery, Benton Co, OR

NORTON, Lucius Carolus (1818-1859): m'd 1839 KING, Hopestill; s/o Solomon and Cynthia (Knapp) Norton; *3 Meek Cutoff; buried at Kings Valley Cemetery, Benton Co, OR

NORTON, Sarepta (1791-69): m'd 1807 KING, Nahum; *3 Meek Cutoff; d/o James and Dulany (Howe) Norton; buried on farm near Wren, OR

NORTON, Wiley (1844-1933): m'd 1865 ZUMWALT, Nancy Ann; s/o Lucius and Hopestill (King) Norton; *3 Meek Cutoff; died in Polk Co, OR; buried at King Valley Cemetery, Benton Co, OR

O'BRIEN, Hugh:

O'CONNOR, William:

O'KELLY, Nimrod (c1780- ): m'd 1813 BELL, Sally

OFFICER, Eli Casey (1831-1896): m1. 1851 HOWARD, Sarah; m2.; m3.; m4.; s/o James and Evaline (Cooley) Officer; *3 Meek Cutoff

OFFICER, Francis Marion "Frank" (1839- ): m'd TARTER, Louise Mary; s/o James and Evaline (Cooley) Officer; *3 Meek Cutoff

OFFICER, James (1801-1893): m'd 1828 COOLEY, Evaline G.; s/o Thomas and Susan (Dillon) Officer; *3 Meek Cutoff

OFFICER, John E. (1835- ): m'd 1857 TRULLINGER, Sarah; s/o James and Evaline (Cooley) Officer; *3 Meek Cutoff

OFFICER, Joseph Thomas (c1841- ): d/o James and Evaline (Cooley) Officer; *3 Meek Cutoff

OFFICER, Martha Ann (1828-1884): m'd 1847 DICKEY, John K.; d/o James and Evaline (Cooley) Officer; *3 Meek Cutoff

OFFICER, Missouri (1845-1916): m'd 1876 SNYDER, Allen P. d/o James and Evaline (Cooley) Officer; *3 Meek Cutoff

OFFICER, Nancy Evaline (1843-1931): m'd 1860 WYLAND, Aaron; d/o James and Evaline (Cooley) Officer; *3 Meek Cutoff

OFFICER, Nancy Rebecca (20 Mar 1811-21 Aug 1880): m'd 1834 COOLEY, Christopher Columbus; buried Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Marion County, Oregon

OFFICER, Robert V. (1837-1916): m'd 1859 BUNTON, Viana; s/o James and Evaline (Cooley) Officer; *3 Meek Cutoff

OFFICER, Susan Mary (1833-1911): m'd 1847 VAUGHAN, William Hatchette; d/o James and Evaline (Cooley) Officer; *3 Meek Cutoff

OLNEY, Benjamin: brother of Nathan and Orville Olney

OLNEY, Emily Johnson (1824-1911): m1. HIPES, []; m2. 1846 MARLIN, Henry; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

OLNEY, Nathan (1824-1866): m1. 1847 HALLICOLA, Annette [Wasco Indian]; m2 1857 SINCLAIR, Mrs.; m3. first wife; brother of Benjamin and Orville Olney; *3 Meek Cutoff; was emigrant of 1843 who returned east and emigrated again in 1845

OLNEY, Orville (c1832- ): m'd 1859 [], Ellen [Indian]; brother of Benjamin and Nathan Olney

OSBORNE, Alexander Rogers (1845- ): s/o Josiah and Margaret (Findley) Osborne; survivor of Whitman Massacre of 1847

OSBORNE, John Law (1844-1848): s/o Josiah and Margaret (Findley) Osborne; survivor of Whitman Massacre  of 1847

OSBORNE, Josiah (1809-1880): m'd 1834 FINDLEY, Margaret; s/o [] and Annie (Lyons) Osborne; survivor of Whitman Massacre  of 1847

OSBORNE, Nancy (1840- ): m1. 1860 KEES, Andrew; m2. JACOBS, []; d/o Josiah and Margaret (Findley) Osborne; survivor of the Whitman Massacre  of 1847

OSBORNE, Sylvia Jane (1841-1846): d/o Josiah and Margaret (Findley) Osborne; survivor of Whitman Massacre  of 1847

OSBURN, W.T. (c1823- ): made several trips across plains as well as to CA.

OWEN, Catherine (c1844- ): m'd 1861 GOODALL, Nathan; d/o Robert and Ellen Owen

OWEN, Margaret Ellen (c1843- ): m'd 1860 MINER, Horace J.; d/o Robert and Ellen Owen

OWEN, Robert ( -c1846): m'd c1842 [], Ellen; wife died fall of 1844 in MO; Robert died after reaching Oregon Territory; daughters Catherine and Margaret shown as heirs of DLC in Yamhill Co

OWNBEY, Jesse (1824-1914): m'd 07 Dec 1848 JASPER,Elizabeth Cooper; s/o Nicholas and Lucy Ownbey; born 10 Jul 1824 Cooper County, Missouri and died 25 Aug 1914 Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon; buried Cove Cemetery, Cove, Union County, Oregon*3 Meek Cutoff  Jesse Marion Ownbey; made several trips east

OWNBEY, John (1827-1852): s/o Nicholasand Lucy Ownbey; born 25 Sep 1827 Cooper County, Missouri and died Aug 1852 Benton County, Oregon;*3 Meek Cutoff

OWNBEY, Lucy J. (1844-1881): m'd 05 Oct 1865 ELLIOTT, John; d/o Nicholas and Lucy Ownbey; born 05 Aug 1844 Buchanan County, MO and died Jun 1881 Union County, Oregon;

OWNBEY, Mary (1839-1927): m1. 08 Jan 1854 JASPER, William C.; m2. c1876 BAIRD/BEARD, Mr.; m3. 07 Jul 1878 BORMAN, Edwart T.; m4. 28 Sep 1909 BLAKE, Albert H.; m5. 30 Sep 1912 HENDERSON, Samuel B.; d/o Nicholas and Lucy Ownbey; born 10 Jun 1839 Buchanan County, MO and died 9 Dec 1927 Baker County, Oregon; buried Mt. Hope Cemetery, Baker City, Baker County, Oregon;*3 Meek Cutoff

OWNBEY, Nicholas (1794-1873): m'd 23 May 1821 MARTIN, Lucy Ann; born 21 Feb 1794 Rutherford County, North Carolina and died 13 Jan 1873 Cover, Union County, Oregon; buried Cove Cemetery, Cove, Union County, Oregon;
*3 Meek Cutoff

OWNBEY, Nicholas (1842-1889): m'd 01 Feb 1866 ZEVELY, Louisa J.; s/o Nicholas and Lucy Ownbey; born 01 Feb 1842 Buchanan County, Missouri and died 13 Jan 1889 Union County, Oregon;*3 MeekCutoff

OWNBEY, Powell (1834-1918): m1. 04 May 1873 WHITELY, Anna; m2. 1886 [   ], Henrietta J.; s/o Nicholasand Lucy Ownbey; born 22 Feb 1834 Morgan County, Missouri and died 6 Jan 1918 Retsil, Kitsap County, Washington; buried Washington's Veteran's Home Cemetery, Retsil, Kitsap County, Washington;*3 Meek Cutoff

OWNBEY, William (1831-1891): m'd 02 Dec 1852LANGSTON, Martha Jane; s/o Nicholas and Lucy Ownbey; born 08 Oct 1831 Cooper County, Missouri and died 21 Jan 1891 Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

OXFORD, Rebecca Ann (c1785-1845/6): m1. c1816 WOODS, Samuel; m2. 12 Apr 1837 GRAY, Mahlon (aka Malchi); m3. 22 Apr 1843 STREITHOFF, John Yost; emigrated with third husband; some reports say she died on the trail but it is believed this is wrong and she died shortly after arrival.  One of her stepdaughters (Julia Ann Streithoff) died January 1846 and it is believed Rebecca Ann died around the same time.  So far records to confirm either theory have not been found.

PACKWOOD, Ann (c1844-c1903): d/o John and Abigail (Tinder) Packwood; *3 Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, Charles (1816-1866): s/o Elisha & Mary (Burnette) Packwood; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff; controversy over whether he actually came in 1845 or not

PACKWOOD, Chiletha Emma (1841- ): m'd BARNETT, Marcelus; d/o Elisha and Paulina (Prothero) Packwood; *3 Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, Elisha (1805-1876): m'd 1832 PROTHERO, Paulina; s/o Elisha and Mary (Burnette) Packwood; *3 Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, Elkanah (1843-1845): s/o Elisha and Mary (Prothero) Packwood; *3 Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, Isaac (c1840- ): s/o John and Abigail (Tinder) Packwood; *3 Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, James (1820-1849): s/o Samuel and Esther Isobel (McKinley); *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, John Ira (1804-1879): m1. 1831 TINDER, Abigail; m2. c1853 STAMPS, Jane; s/o Elisha and Mary (Burnette) Packwood; *3 Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, Judy: m1. GILLETTE; m2. MUNZ, William; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, Larkin: *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, Lucinda (1835-): m'd PROCTOR, Frank; d/o John and Abigail (Tinder) Packwood; *3 Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, Malinda (1837-1913): m1. SMITH, George W.; m2. NIXON, Thomas; m3. GAILLAC, Charles; d/o John and Abigail (Tinder) Packwood; *3 Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, Margaret "Peggy" (1832-1921): m'd 1845 SHASER, George W.; note* source #4 lists last name as SHASSER which may be the result of the old fashioned double "f" looking like "s"; d/o John and Abigail (Tinder) Packwood; *3 Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, Martha: m'd MCKINLEY, Alexander; *3 Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, Mary (c1838- ): m'd c1865 PACKWOOD, William H.; d/o John and Abigail (Tinder) Packwood; *3 Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, Orpha (1833- ): d/o John and Abigail (Tinder) Packwood; *3 Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, Robert Tait: *3 Meek Cutoff m'd: ,

PACKWOOD, Samuel Tait (1832-1910): m'd 1861 WARDLE, Matilda; s/o Elisha and Paulina (Prothero) Packwood; *3 Meek Cutoff

PACKWOOD, Samuel Tate (1842- ): m'd 1860 HOLMES, Margaret F.; s/o John and Abigail (Tinder) Packwood; *3 Meek Cutoff

PALMER, Joel (1810-1881): m1. CAFFEY [Coffey?], Catherine; m2. DERBYSHIRE, Sarah Ann; Joel came alone in 1845, returned for family in 1846 and came west with family in 1847

PARKER, Amanda L. (1836-1920): m'd 1860 CORNELIUS, Greene B.; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Sutton) Parker; *3 Meek Cutoff

PARKER, George L. (c1842- ): m'd USHER, Mary; s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Sutton) Parker; *3 Meek Cutoff

PARKER, Gideon Jasper (1839- ): m'd JONES, Genella; s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Sutton) Parker; *3 Meek Cutoff

PARKER, James Luther (1845-1845): s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Sutton) Parker

PARKER, Newton Orlando (1834- ): m'd 1865 CORNELIUS, Sophie S.; s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Sutton) Parker; *3 Meek Cutoff

PARKER, Priscilla (c1832- ): m'd WHITMAN, Perrin d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Sutton) Parker; *3 Meek Cutoff

PARKER, Samuel (1806-1886): m1. c1828 SUTTON, Elizabeth; m2. 1846 SPEARS, Rosetta; *3 Meek Cutoff; *1: MSS#1508 16pp

PARKER, Samuel (1845-1845): born and died at The Dalles d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Sutton) Parker; *3 Meek Cutoff

PARKER, Sarah Sutton (1829-1917): m'd 1846 JACKSON, John B.; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Sutton) Parker; *3 Meek Cutoff

PARKER, Susan Kale (c1838- ): m'd FERREL, George W.; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Sutton) Parker; *3 Meek Cutoff

PARKER, Virginia (c1844-1845): d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Sutton) Parker; *3 Meek Cutoff

PARKER, William G. (1824- ): m'd 1847 [], Lucinda

PARKINSON, James (c1807- ):


PARTLOW, Martha Ann: m'd TULL, William

PATCH, Sanford: *3 Meek Cutoff; returned east and died there

PATTERSON, Abraham (1817-1872): m'd 1844 [] , Lovey: *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

PATTERSON, J. ( -1845): *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

PATTERSON, John (1814-1869): m1. [] ; m2. 02 Jun 1853 STOUT, Sarah Ann

PATTERSON, Lovey ( -c1854): m'd 1844 PATTERSON, Abraham; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

PATTERSON, Martha (1845- ): m'd 1865 LEE, John H.; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

PATTON, Charles:

PATTON, Elizabeth (c1802-1869): m'd 1821 ELLIOTT, William B.

PAYNE, Caleb J. m'd: TONEY, Malinda

PENTLAND, Anna (1842- ): d/o Robert and Jane (Lax) Pentland

PENTLAND, Robert (1820- ): m1. 1841 LAW, Jane; m2. c1877 REYNOLDS, Elizabeth Mrs.

PERKINS, Ann (c1808- ): m'd 1827 RECTOR, William Henry

PERRY, Frank C. (1844- ): m'd 1864 MCNULTY, Ellen; s/o William and Elizabeth (Crandall) Perry

PERRY, William Francis (1818-1886): m'd 1843 CRANDALL, Elizabeth


PETERS, Jason (1820-1894): m'd 1852 WRIGHT, Eleanor C.; *3 Meek Cutoff


PETERS, Philip (1822- ):

PETERSON, Asa H. (1822-1897): m'd 1843 JOHNSON, Susannah B.; s/o Henry and Eliza (Allen) Peterson; *3 Meek Cutoff;

PETERSON, David H. (1844-1929): m'd POWELL, Rachel Arminta; s/o Asa and Susannah (Johnson) Peterson; *3 Meek Cutoff

PETERSON, Eliza (c1840- ): m1. 1870 BALES, Alfred; m2. WALKER, []; d/o Henry and Eliza (Allen) Peterson; *3 Meek Cutoff

PETERSON, Granville (1843-1845): s/o Henry and Eliza (Allen) Peterson; died on Green River

PETERSON, Henry J. (1800-1864): m'd 1821 ALLEN, Eliza; *3 Meek Cutoff

PETERSON, Henry J. Jr. (1838- ): s/o Henry and Eliza (Allen) Peterson; *3 Meek Cutoff

PETERSON, Laura (1834- ): m'd 1851 KETCHUM, Walter; d/o Henry and Eliza (Allen) Peterson; *3 Meek Cutoff

PETERSON, Lydia M. (1824-1876): m'd 1847 PARRISH, Gamaliel; d/o Henry and Eliza (Allen) Peterson; *3 Meek Cutoff

PETERSON, Marshall Lawrence (1832-1895): m'd 1858 CURL, Paulina; s/o Henry and Eliza (Allen) Peterson; *3 Meek Cutoff; [note: there was another Marshall Peterson who m'd [], Maggie A.G.; these two individuals are often mixed up per Dallas Carley, Peterson Researcher]

PETERSON, Martha (1836-1907): m'd 1862 BARNES, Charles O.; d/o Henry and Eliza (Allen) Peterson; *3 Meek Cutoff

PETERSON, Sarah Susanna (1830-1869): m1. 1847 HELM, John Wesley; m2. 1851 BROOKS, Caleb; d/o Henry and Eliza (Allen) Peterson; *3 Meek Cutoff

PETERSON, William A. (1826-1894): m'd 1853 SMELSER, Eliza Ann; s/o Henry and Eliza (Allen) Peterson; *3 Meek Cutoff

PETTIBONE, Nancy Paine (c1796- ): m'd 1815 MOOR, Sylvannus E.; d/o Oliver Pettibone


PHILLIPS, John (1814-1892): m'd 1839 HIBBARD, Elizabeth; s/o John and Mary (Church) Phillips; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

PHILLIPS, John E. (1844-1928): m'd SKAIF, Jennie; s/o John and Elizabeth (Hibbard) Phillips; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

PHILLIPS, Sarah Ann (1842-1871): m'd DANE, Edward; d/o John and Elizabeth (Hibbard) Phillips; *4 lists husband as Edwin Dane; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff


PIERCE, Mr. ( -1845): killed by Indians while crossing plains

PIERCE, M. N.: *3 Meek Cutoff

PITMAN, Albany (1845- ): d/o Lee and Mary Pitman; *3 Meek Cutoff

PITMAN, Catherine Lucia (1841-1873 ): m'd 1856 SAVAGE, James Henry; d/o Lee and Mary (Eaton) Pitman; *3 Meek Cutoff

PITMAN, George W. (1828-1857): m'd 1851 WHITE, L. A.; s/o Lee and Mary (Eaton) Pitman; *3 Meek Cutoff

PITMAN, Lee Monroe (c1798-1880): m'd 1829 [] , Mary; *3 Meek Cutoff

PITMAN, Lloyd (1836- ): s/o Lee and Mary Pitman; *3 Meek Cutoff

PITMAN, Lucius (1832- ): m'd 1864 WOOLEN, Julia s/o Lee and Mary (Eaton) Pitman; *3 Meek Cutoff

PITMAN, Mary Jane (1839- ): m'd 1853 COX, John T. d/o Lee and Mary (Eaton) Pitman; *3 Meek Cutoff

PITMAN, Virginia (1843- ): m'd 1858 BURFORD, Thomas F.; d/o Lee and Mary (Eaton) Pitman; *3 Meek Cutoff

PITMAN, William (1834- ): s/o Lee and Mary Pitman; *3 Meek Cutoff

POE, Alonzo Marion (1827-1866): m'd 1863 HARTSHORN, Emma M.; to Wash Terr in 1846; to CA in 1862 Alonzo Marion Poe biography by Leon J. Lyell

POLLARD, Celia (1838- ): m'd MANSFIELD, D.; d/o Zacharia and Susan Pollard

POLLARD, Debra (1836- ): m'd DAVIS, []; d/o Zacharia and Susan Pollard

POLLARD, Henry (1833- ): s/o Zacharia and Susan Pollard

POLLARD, Richard Henry (1822- ): m'd 1851 MILLER, Matilda Ann; s/o Roger Pollard; note that Brazen Overlanders of 1845 by Wojcik lists Richards father as Zachariah. This is an error (per research done on the Pollard family by Doug Houk [deceased] and available through Cecil Houk at cchouk@home.com). This individual is actually an emigrant of 1847

POLLARD, Susan (c1798-1869): m'd 1820 POLLARD, Zacharia

POLLARD, William ( -1893): *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

POLLARD, Zachariah (1799-1882): m'd 1820 TERRELL, Susan

POLLOCK, Thomas (1816- ): m'd [], Jane; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

POLLY, Henry B. (1822-1886): m'd 1852 NYE, Druscilla

POMEROY, Franklin ( -1850): m'd c1842 CATCHING, Mary; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff


POMEROY, Lydia Jane (1844- ): m'd 1858 CRANDALL, Kenyon;  d/o Franklin and Mary (Catching) Pomeroy; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

POOLE, James Richard (1819-1868): was raised by Mr. and Mrs. William G. Buffum

PORTERFIELD, Harvey (1823- ): m1. 1853 ALEXANDER, Martha; m2. GALBRAITH, Mattie

POST, Jerome B. (1819- ): m'd [] , Rosa; came alone in 1845 and returned later for family

POTTER, Elizabeth (c1828- ): d/o John Potter

POTTER, John (c1795-1851):

POTTER, Lucy Ann (c1829- ): d/o John Potter

POTTER, M.J. (c1839- ): d/o John Potter

POTTER, Rebecca (c1835- ): d/o John Potter


POWELL, Isaac (1843- ): m'd 1870 CULVER, Adelia; s/o Theophilus and Rachel (Center) Powell; *3 Meek Cutoff

POWELL, J. M. m'd: ,

POWELL, Mary Ann "Polly" (1841-1903): m1. ROBERTS, William H.; m2. 1875 MILLER, G.R.H.; d/o Theophilus and Rachel (Center) Powell; *3 Meek Cutoff

POWELL, Theophilus (1792-1859): m1. []; m2. 1840 CENTER, Rachael; *3 Meek Cutoff

PREDWISE, Elizabeth (11 Sep 1789-22 Nov 1853): m'd 05 Aug 1820 BURBAGE, Ezekiel;  died at Marquam, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

PRESTON, George C.:

PRICE, Larkin (1823- ): m1. 1845 SIMPSON, Harriet; m2. WATERS, Sarah


PROTHERO, Samuel (1788-c1890): m'd 1812 LEWIS, Esther; came west with Packwood family; *3 believed to have been on Meek Cutoff

PROTHERO, Paulina (1816-1891): m'd 1832 PACKWOOD, Elisha; *3 Meek Cutoff

PUGH, Amanda Anne "Mandy" (1833-1911): m'd WHEELER, E. E.; d/o William and Janette (Donelson) Pugh; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

PUGH, Andrew (c1838-1845): s/o William and Janette (Donaldson) Pugh;  died near Forest Grove in late 1845 or early 1846;*3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

PUGH, Andrew F. (1843- ): s/o William Porter Pugh; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

PUGH, Janette (1836-1845): d/o William and Janette (Donelson) Pugh; died near Forest Grove late 1845 or early 1846; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

PUGH, David Hall (1833-1912): m'd 1860 ENTZ, Catherine; s/o William and Janette (Donaldson) Pugh; *3 believedto have taken Meek Cutoff

PUGH, John M. (1820- ): m'd 1851 CLAGGETT, Sarah Ann "Sallie"; s/o William and Janette (Donaldson) Pugh;*3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

PUGH, Mary "Polly" (1816- ):  m'd: CRAWFORD, (Unknown)

PUGH, Sarah N. "Sally" (1814- ): m'd 1832 SMITH, Alvis; d/o William and Sarah (White) Pugh; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

PUGH, Silas George (1830-1909): m'd 1857 ROSE, Sarah; s/o William and Janette (Donaldson) Pugh; *3 believedto have taken Meek Cutoff

PUGH, Son #1 ( -1845): s/o William Porter Pugh; died enroute at Big Sandy River in Wyoming

PUGH, Son #2 ( -1845): s/o William Porter Pugh; died enroute at Big Sandy River in Wyoming

PUGH, William David (c1790 -1846): m1. c1811 WHITE, Sarah; m2. 1815 DONALDSON, Janette; born in South Carolina; first wife died after the birth of their second child; father of Washington M. Pugh and Sarah N. Pugh by first wife; father of  10 children by second wife (Mary, William P. , John M., Eliza, George W., Silas George, Amanda Anne, David Hall, Janette and Andrew); died near Forest Grove January 3, 1846; several of his children stayed in the east and did not emigrate in 1845 with the rest of the family; *3 further research by Pugh researcher, Terence Emmons, concludes this family was not on the Meek Cutoff as mentioned in some sources

PUGH, William Porter Mrs. ( -1845): m'd c1838 PUGH, William Porter Capt. died on trail near Big Sandy River in Wyoming

PUGH, William Porter (1818-1878): m1. c1838 (died on trail near Big Sandy River in Wyoming; m2. 1857 HALL, Florinda Davidson s/o William and Janette (Donaldson) Pugh; *3 further research by Pugh researcher, Terence Emmons, concludes this family was not on the Meek Cutoff as mentioned in some sources 

PYLES, Margaret ( -1883): m1. MCDOWELL, James; m2. TAYLOR, E.C. Dr.

PYLE, James M.:

QUINZE, Ventrilla:

RAMAGE, James (1789-1851): m'd c.1810 HARVEY, Sarah

RAMAGE, Jane H. (1811-1866): m'd c1832 HARVEY, Amos

RAMAGE, John (1791- ):


RANSOM, Samuel:

READ, Edward: s/o Thomas Read

READ, Martha: d/o Thomas Read

READ, Nancy: d/o Thomas Read

READ, Thomas M. (1812-1892): m'd 1846 WHITE, Nancy (widow of Zachariah Hawkins)

RECTOR, Benjamin Franklin (1831- ): m'd 1857 MAY, Martina; s/o William and Ann (Perkins) Rector

RECTOR, John Perkins (1833- ): m'd 1854 WASHBURN, Mary J.; s/o William and Ann (Perkins) Rector

RECTOR, Ludwell James (1828- ): m'd 1849 STANLEY, Jane; s/o William and Ann (Perkins) Rector

RECTOR, Theresa (1843- ): m1. 1862 STARR, Judson H.; m2. LYNDON, John Weldon; d/o William and Ann (Perkins) Rector

RECTOR, Volney (1836- ): d/o William and Ann (Perkins) Rector

RECTOR, William Henry Jr. (1840- ): s/o William and Ann (Perkins) Rector

RECTOR, William Henry Sr. (1806-1890): m'd 1827 PERKINS, Ann; moved to Santa Rosa, CA in 1850s

REDDEN, Mary (1810-1897): m'd 1832 LEWIS, David R.; d/o Nehemiah Redden; buried in Smith/Lewisville Cemetery, Polk Co *10

REDDIN, Zerrelda Emmemine (c1818- ): m'd 1836 FOSTER, Ambrose D.


RHEA, Anna Bell (1811-1866): m'd 1827 FORREST, John M.

RICE, Levi (1814- ): m'd 1839 [], Prudence

RICE, Mary J. (1844- ): d/o Levi and Prudence Rice

RICE, Prudence (c1813- ): m'd 1839 RICE, Levi

RICHARDS, Solomon (1820- ): m'd 1842 SAUNDE, Sarah (wife died in 1844); raised by paternal grandfather, James Glasgow


RICHASON, John D. (c1824- ): m'd 1851 NOBLE, Mary Ann

RIDGEWAY, John (1807-c1871): m'd 1836 WILLSON, Tabitha *4,*6; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

RIDGEWAY, John Jr. (1841-1914): never married; s/o John and Tabitha (Willson) Ridgeway *4, *6; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

RIDGEWAY, Lindsey (1844- ): s/o John and Tabitha (Willson) Ridgeway *4,*6; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

RIDGEWAY, William (1842- ): m'd 1878 BLAIR, Matilda J. s/o John and Tabitha (Willson) Ridgeway *4,*6; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

RIGGS FAMILY RESEARCHER:  Oregan Overland: Three Roads of Adversity by Ross Smith; an indepth study of the 1845 Meek Cutoff and the Riggs family who traveled it 

RIGGS, Hanna Jane (1825-1860): m'd 1841 ALLEN, James Miller; twin of Milton; d/o James and Nancy (Anderson) Riggs *3 Meek Cutoff

RIGGS, James Berry (1802-1870): m1.1824 ANDERSON, Nancy C.; m2. TAYLOR, Margaret; s/o Scott and Hannah (Berry) Riggs; first postmaster at Salt Creek, Polk Co in 1852; *3 Meek Cutoff  

RIGGS, Louisa M. (1839- ): s/o James and Nancy (Anderson) Riggs; *3 Meek Cutoff

RIGGS, Marion L. (1830-1847): s/o James and Nancy (Anderson) Riggs; first grave in Salt Creek Cemetery, Polk Co; *3 Meek Cutoff

RIGGS, Milton Scott (1825-1893): m'd 1851 HAMPTON, Elizabeth; twin of Hanna; s/o James and Nancy (Anderson) Riggs; *3 Meek Cutoff

RIGGS, Rufus Anderson (1827-1899): m'd1851 NICKLIN, Evaline H. "Mary" s/o James and Nancy (Anderson) Riggs; *3 Meek Cutoff

RIGGS, Silas T. (1836- ): m'd 1857BUTLER, Sarah M.; *3 Meek Cutoff

RIGGS, Silbey Ann (1842-1866): m'd 1860 SMITH, James Washington; d/o James and Nancy (Anderson) Riggs; *3 Meek Cutoff

RIGGS, Washington L. (1833- ): m'd 1849 ROBINSON, Matilda S.; s/o James and Nancy (Anderson) Riggs; *3 Meek Cutoff

RILEY, William:

RINEARSON, Jacob Swain (1814-05 Mar 1900): Never Married; s/o Jacob and Martha (Gulick) Rinearson; was a prominent figure in the early Indian Wars, earning the rank of Major.  He resided for a number of years at Rainier, Columbia County, Oregon; died while visiting relatives in Clackamas County; some sources say he came in 1843 but there is no indication that that is true.

RINEARSON, Peter Mills (06 Feb 1818-12 Nov 1889): m1. 18 May 1847 CORNELIUS, Rebecca J.; m2. 27 Jun 1866 GREAVES, Mrs. Isabella (McDonald); s/o Jacob and Mariah (Gulick) Rinearson; setted in Clackamas County, father of Cornelius O., Sara Jane, Abraham Lewis, Isaac Hewlick, Frank Butler, Mary, Cicero Randolph, Peter Mills and Jacob Rinearson by first wife; father of  Emma Alena, George O., Edward Barnett and Jacob Hayes by his second wife.

RINEHART, Alfred (1820- ): m'd 1842 [], Elizabeth

RINEHART, Charles (c1844- ): s/o Alfred and Elizabeth Rinehart

RINEHART, Elizabeth (c1821- ): m'd 1842 RINEHART, Alfred

RISLEY, Jacob Swain (1832-1902): m'd1857 SCHOLL, May

RISLEY, Orville (1807-1884): m1. 1832 BALL, Mary Ann; m2. SNYDER, Amelia

RITCHIE, Agnes B. "Nancy" (1795-1880): m1. FINDLEY, Alexander; m2. 1818 COURTNEY, John B.

RITCHIE, John (1809-1877): never married

RITNER, Sebastian R/B. (1812-1887): m'd 1854 RITNER, Sarah (WOODLING); Sarah was the widow of Sebastian's brother, John; *3 Meek Cutoff

ROBERT, Earl: *1: MSS#793 113pp

ROBERTSON, Sarah (c1802- ): m'd 1815 COOK, Isaac

ROBBINS, Theodocia Ann (1804-1881): m'd 1822 HERREN, John Daniel; *3 Meek Cutoff

ROBINSON, Aldis A. (1821-1913): m'd 1855 LITTLE, Sarah D; s/o Joel and Celia (Whitaker) Robinson; an article published in 1845 states he was reportedly killed by Indians which is in error.  He was in the Oregon territory until sometime around 1850 when he returned to New York.  A letter to Joseph Lane in January 1855 inquires of affairs in Oregon and states that ill health prevents him from leaving New York.

ROBINSON, Clarinda (c1831- ): d/o William and Susanna (Cannon) Robinson

ROBINSON, James (c1829- ): s/o William and Susanna (Cannon) Robinson

ROBINSON, James B. (1812- ): m'd 1842 WARNER, Melissa H.

ROBINSON, Miriam (1826- ): m1. 1844 THOMPSON, Arthur H.; m2. 1850 TULLER, Jeremiah

ROBINSON, Sara Maria (c1800-1850): m'd 1827 SWITZLER, John

ROBINSON, Thomas G. (1807-1867): m'd c1852 CLARK, Bridget T.

ROBINSON, William (1789- ): m'd 1815 CANNON, Susanna

ROETHER, Charles (c1824-1868):

RODGERS, Alexander:

RODGERS, Andrew ( -1847): died in Whitman Massacre

ROGERS, Ellery (c1844- ): s/o John and Elizabeth (Beauchamp) Rogers

ROGERS, Green Clark (1825-1891): m'd 1847 NELSON, Mary J.; s/o Lewis and Nancy (Richards) Rogers

ROGERS, James William (1821-1895): m1. 1848 HENDERSON, Mary Ellen; m2. 1878 SMALL, Mary A.; s/o Lewis andNancy (Richards) Rogers;

ROGERS, John Page (c1817- ): m'd c1843 BEAUCHAMP, Elizabeth

ROGERS, Joseph Berry (1820-1855): m'd 1847 COOK, Letetia

ROGERS, Martha Ellen (1823-1904): m'd 1839 GARRISON, Pliney Crynes; *1: MSS#697 32pp Martha Ellen Garrison

ROGERS, Sarah M. m'd: BURNETT, Glenn O.

ROSS, Sherry (1824-1867): m'd 1851 DEARDORFF, Rebecca F.; raised by William McKinney family; *3 Meek Cutoff

ROULETTE, William R. (c1807- ):

ROUND, Julia Ann (1815-1867): m'd 1833 DIXON, William Fooks

RUDE, Elizabeth (c1800- ): m'd 1824 JOHNSON, Charles M. Dr.; *3 Meek Cutoff

RYAN, James (c1841- ): m'd BLANCHETT, Dennis; s/o William and Susan Ryan

RYAN, Jane Cockerell (1841- ): m'd BLANCHET, Damase; d/o William and Susan (Cockerell) Ryan

RYAN, William (1814- ): m'd c1840 COCKERELL, Susan

SAFFARANS, Henry Dr.: [*4 lists as pioneer of 1845 but records indicate he was actually a pioneer of 1844]

ST. CLAIR, Wayman (c1816-1872): m'd 1851 JOHNSON, Mahala Jane

SAMPSON, Julia Ann (1821- ): m1. 1840 LIGGETT, William; m2. JONES, Marvel M.; *3 Meek Cutoff

SANDERS, Horace (c1823- ):


SAPPINGTON, Eliza Frances (1843-1907): m'd FOUTS, John; d/o James and Mary (Anderson) Sappington

SAPPINGTON, George W. (1841- ): m1. 1864 LAUGHLIN, Mary F.; m2. 1870 ROBINSON, Mary E.; s/o James and Mary (Anderson) Sappington

SAPPINGTON, James M. ( -1846): m'd c1836 ANDERSON, Mary Ann

SAPPINGTON, John W. (1837- ): m'd 1857 LAUGHLIN, Lucinda; s/o James and Mary (Anderson) Sappington

SAVAGE, Charles W. (c1827- ): m'd 1854 HULL, Louisa

SAVAGE, William (1826-1896): m1. 1854 BROWN, Sarah; m2. LADY, Mary C.

SAWYER, Jordan: came alone in 1845 and returned east in 1846 to bring back his son Samuel and brother Mark and family in 1847

SAWYER, Mark (1813-1884): m'd c1837 [], Susannah; actually emigrant of 1847


SCHOONOVER, Elizabeth (1827-1865): m'd 1845 MEEK, Stephen Hall Lettuck *3 Meek Cutoff

SCHOONOVER, Peter (c1805- ): *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SCOGGIN, John Lafayette (c1829- ): came with stepfather, James Chambers and mother, Mary Green Scoggin Chambers; s/o Woodson and Mary (Greene) Scoggin;  Scoggin Family Story

SCOGGIN, Martha Ann (1808-1890): m'd 1824 HELM, William; *3 Meek Cutoff

SCOGGIN, Martha Jane (30 Mar 1838-01 Aug 1920): m'd Nov 1853 COMSTOCK, Croesus Bonaparte came with stepfather, James Chambers and mother, Mary Green Scoggin Chambers; d/o Woodson and Mary (Greene) Scoggin; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

SCOGGIN, Sarah Ann Elizabeth "Lizzie"  (28 Sep 1836-): m1. 03 Jul 1851 WILCOX, Carlos D. m2. 03 Jan 1872 MANNING, Loui; came with stepfather, James Chambers and mother, Mary Green Scoggin Chambers; d/o Woodson and Mary (Greene) Scoggin; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

SCOGGIN, William Gustavis (13 Oct 1832-Jun 1891): m'd 15 Jun 1853 GRUBB, Amanda Elizabeth; came with stepfather, James Chambers and mother, Mary Green Scoggin Chambers; s/o Woodson and Mary (Greene) Scoggin;  buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

SCOGGIN, Woodson A. (15 May 1840-28 Mar 1900): m'd 1870 RESNER, Augusta came with stepfather, James Chambers and mother, Mary Green Scoggin Chambers; s/o Woodson and Mary (Greene) Scoggin; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

SCOTT, Angelina (c1844- ): d/o James and Margaret Scott

SCOTT, Ellen (1824-1882): m'd 1846 LYLE, John Eakin; d/o Felix and Nancy (Dent) Scott

SCOTT, Emsley R. (1816- ): m'd 1851 CROSBY, Martha S.

SCOTT, Felix (1786-1858): m1. DENT, Nancy Ann; m2. c1831 CASTILLO, Ellen; s/o David Scott; was father of 22 children

SCOTT, Felix (1829-1879): never married; died 10 Nov 1879 in Arizona

SCOTT, Harriet ( -1846): d/o Felix and Ellen (Cansley) Scott

SCOTT, Harrison (c1839- ): d/o Felix and Ellen (Cansley) Scott

SCOTT, James (1815- ): m'd 1837 [], Margaret

SCOTT, John ( -c1845): m'd 1845 CORNELIUS, Rebecca; died on the Sweetwater

SCOTT, John: to CA

SCOTT, Juliet (1827- ): m'd 1848 SPENCER, William C.

SCOTT, Margaret (c1821- ): m'd 1837 SCOTT, James

SCOTT, Marion (1831- ):

SCOTT, Mary (1821-1913): m'd 1840 STEWART, John; d/o William Scott; *3 Meek Cutoff

SCOTT, Nimrod (1838-1862):

SCOTT, Oliver C. (c1843- ): s/o James and Margaret Scott

SCOTT, Orville (c1842- ): s/o James and Margaret Scott

SCOTT, Prior (1825-1894): m'd 1852 JONES, Mary; wife was brother's widow; *3 Meek Cutoff

SCOTT, Rodney (1842-1911): d/o Felix and Ellen (Cansley) Scott

SCOTT, William J.J. (1824-1896):

SCOTT, William W.:

SCROGGIN: See Scoggin

SEARCY, Eveline (c1811- ): m'd 1838 MARTIN, Hardin D.; *3 Meek Cutoff

SEARCY, Nancy (c1823-1862): m'd 1842 DAWSON, William; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SEARS, Dorcas (c1819- ): m'd c1836 SEARS, John

SEARS, Elizabeth J. (c1837- ): d/o John and Dorcas Sears

SEARS, Frances A. (1843- ): d/o John and Dorcas Sears

SEARS, James B. (c1842- ): s/o John and Dorcas Sears

SEARS, John (c1811- ): m'd c1836 [], Dorcas; family residing in Sacramento, CA by 1850 Census

SEARS, Mary G. (c1840- ): d/o John and Dorcas Sears; m'd bef 1865 LEWIS, George Washington (1842-1922)

SHASER, George Washington (1815-1899): m'd 1845 PACKWOOD, Margaret; *3 Meek Cutoff


SHANNON, Davis (1811- ): never married; brother of Wesley Shannon

SHANNON, Wesley (1820-1890): m'd 1847 SIMMONS, Elizabeth; brother of Davis Shannon

SHASER, George Washington: see SHAFFER, George Washington

SHAW, Nancy (1806-1898): m'd 1823 FORD, Sidney S.

SHIRLEY, Mary (1810-1875): m'd 1828 MORGAN, Edward

SHORT, Alfred D. (1842- ): s/o Amos and Estere (Clark) Short

SHORT, Amos Clark (1835-1910): m1. 1853 SMITH, Ann E.; m2. 1901 HARDINGER, Josie L.; s/o Amos and Estere (Clark) Short

SHORT, Amos Meade (1810-1853): m'd 1829 CLARK, Esthere

SHORT, Curtis (1830-1840s): s/o Amos and Estere (Clark) Short

SHORT, Drusilla (1834- ): m'd BURLINGAME, Henry; s/o Amos and Estere (Clark) Short

SHORT, Elizabeth (1843-1844): d/o Amos and Estere (Clark) Short; died prior to emigration

SHORT, Grant Hall (1845- ): s/o Amos and Estere (Clark) Short

SHORT, Ira (1840-1841): s/o Amos and Estere (Clark) Short; died prior to emigration

SHORT, Jerusha (1832- ): m1. 1845 BOLAN, Andrew J.; d/o Amos and Estere (Clark) Short

SHORT, Mary B. "Maxie" (1838- ): d/o Amos and Estere (Clark) Short

SHORT, Samantha (1837- ): m'd 1853 MORSE, Henry C.; d/o Amos and Estere (Clark) Short

SHRODER, George N.:

SHUCK, James (1822-c1845): m'd 1843 LONG, Mary; s/o Jacob and Susanna (Jones) Shuck

SIGLER, George (1808-c1864): m1; m2. 1854 CONRAD, Laura

SIGLER, William ( -c1849):

SILSIL, George:

SIMMONS, Asa B. (1824- ): m1. 1851 SWEEGLE, Sarah; s/o Samuel and Mahala (Bunch) Simmons

SIMMONS, Daniel m'd: ,

SIMMONS, Elizabeth m'd: SETTLEMIER, M.

SIMMONS, Elizabeth Mahala (1830- ): m'd 1847 SHANNON, Eugene [*4 lists m'd 1847 SHANNON, Wesley]; s/o Samuel and Mahala (Bunch) Simmons

SIMMONS, Frederick m'd: ,

SIMMONS, Grover m'd: ,

SIMMONS, Ida m'd: MACK, Joseph

SIMMONS, J. D. m'd: ,

SIMMONS, John Hawkins (1832- ): m'd HALL, Mary Jane; s/o Samuel and Mahala (Bunch) Simmons

SIMMONS, L. D. m'd: ,

SIMMONS, Mahala m'd: ,


SIMMONS, Redford m'd: ,

SIMMONS, Samuel (1802-c1878): m'd 1822 BUNCH, Mahala A.

SIMMONS, Sylvester C. (1839-1925): s/o Samuel and Mahala (Bunch) Simmons

SIMMONS, William (1828- ): s/o Samuel and Mahala (Bunch) Simmons

SIMMONS, William m'd: ,

SIMPSON, Albert Hezekiah (08 Oct 1843- ): s/o Rice and Rebecca (Lasater) Simpson; *3 Meek Cutoff

SIMPSON, Alcey (05 Jan 1832-1851): m'd 1848 MCCLAIN, James W.; d/o Rice and Rebecca (Lasater) Simpson; *3 Meek Cutoff

SIMPSON, Alfred (1839- ): s/o Rice and Rebecca (Lasater) Simpson

SIMPSON, Amos Carl (1836-1845): s/o Isaac and Martha (Jackson) Simpson

SIMPSON, Eliza (1841-1922): m'd 1858 LOUGHARY, Lafayette W.; s/o Isaac and Martha (Jackson) Simpson; *3 Meek Cutoff

SIMPSON, Henderson (30 Jan 1841-1904): m'd 1860 FAULKENBERRY, Martha; s/o Rice and Rebecca (Lasater) Simpson; *3 Meek Cutoff

SIMPSON, Isaac Middleton (1803-1877): m'd 1835 JACKSON, Martha; s/o Malachi Simpson; *3 Meek Cutoff

SIMPSON, Marshall W. (1838-1930): m'd 1859 BEVENS, Joyce A.; s/o Isaac and Martha (Jackson) Simpson; *3 Meek Cutoff

SIMPSON, Sophia (05 Apr 1837-1922): m'd 05 Mar 1854 HASTINGS, Burres, d/o Rice and Rebecca (Lasater) Simpson; *3 Meek Cutoff

SIMPSON, Rice Wilson (01 Sep 1808-14 Mar 1883): m'd 07 Oct 1828 LASATER, Rebecca; s/o Malachi Simpson; *3 Meek Cutoff

SIMPSON, Sophia (1836- ): m'd 1854 HASTINGS, Burris; d/o Rice and Rebecca (Lasater) Simpson; *3 Meek Cutoff

SKINNER, Alonzo A. (1814-1877): m'd c1853 LINCOLN, Eliza

SKINNER, Eugene Franklin (1809-1864): m'd 1839 COOK, Mary P.; s/o John Skinner; Eugene, OR was named after him   Eugene Skinner Letter Letter published in Janesville, Wisonsin newspaper in September 1847

SLATER, Barbara (1806-1885): m'd 1824 HARDISON, Gabriel

SMEED, Hiram N. (1824- 1888): m'd 1849 WOOD, Rachael Jane; *3 Meek Cutoff; buried Riverside Cemetery, Linn Co, OR

SMITH, "Pack Horse"; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SMITH, Adam (1828- ): m1. 1841 COMER, Elizabeth; m2. [], Anna; m3. STINSON, Amanda; *3 Meek Cutoff; first wife did not come with him

SMITH, Alanson Perry (1815-1890): m'd 1847 MCNARY, Harriet Vanneva; *3 Meek Cutoff

SMITH, Alexander (c1823-1851): never married; s/o George and Nancy (Hamilton) Smith; *3 Meek Cutoff; died in Honolulu in 1851; emigrated with brother Greenberry

SMITH, Alvis (1808- ): m'd 17/18 May 1832 PUGH, Sarah "Sally" N.; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SMITH, Benjamin F. (1840- ): s/o James and Elizabeth Smith this family listed in Brazen Overlanders of 1845 as emigrants of 1845 but is in error; this family actually came Southern Route in 1846

SMITH, C.C.: (note: this may be Cordelia Catherine found listed below)

SMITH, Colman D. (1813- ): m'd 1842 BIGELOW, Emma G.

SMITH, Cordelia Catherine (c1844- ): d/o James and Elizabeth Smith this family listed in Brazen Overlanders of 1845 as emigrants of 1845 but is in error; this family actually came Southern Route in 1846

SMITH, E.H. (c1836- ): s/o John and Pelina Smith

SMITH, Eliza A. (c1834- ): d/o James and Elizabeth Smith this family listed in Brazen Overlanders of 1845 as emigrants of 1845 but is in error; this family actually came Southern Route in 1846

SMITH, Eliza (1841- ): d/o Alvis and Sarah (Pugh) Smith; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SMITH, Elizabeth (c1811- ): m'd 1831 SMITH, James

SMITH, Elizabeth (1800- ): m'd 1817 FOSTER, Andrew; *3 Meek Cutoff

SMITH, Ellen (1842- ): d/o James and Rebecca (English) Smith; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SMITH, Ezekiel: *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff ; appears as a cattle driver for the Adam Smith group, listed on the Tetherow roster

SMITH, Ezekiel Mrs.: *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SMITH, George (c1812- ): m'd c1834 [], Nancy; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff; father of 3 sons and 2 daughters

SMITH, George D. (1824- ): m'd 1853 PELL, Elizabeth; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff; listed as a private with Tetherow Train; shoemaker

SMITH, George W: s/o George Smith; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff ; listed as a private with Tetherow Train; a George W. Smith came in 1846 causing some confusion

SMITH, Greenberry (10 Sep 1820-1886): m1. 1847 HUGHART, Eliza J.; m2. 21 Feb 1850 BAKER, Mary; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff ; emigrated with brother, Alexander Smith

SMITH, Hiram "Red Shirt Smith" (1810-1870): m'd 1835 STONE, Hannah Moore

SMITH, Isaac (c1842- ): s/o George and Nancy Smith

SMITH, Isaac W. m'd: ,

SMITH, James (1833- ): m'd 1857 TAYLOR, Mary Frances

SMITH, James (c1842- ): s/o Peter and Sarah (Lauray) Smith

SMITH, James (1795-27 Jun 1868): m1. 03 Feb 1820 JENNINGS, Sarah; m2. 1866 DUFIELD, Orlena

SMITH, James (1802-1872): m'd 1831 WRIGHT, Elizabeth M.; this family listed in Brazen Overlanders of 1845 as emigrants of 1845 but is in error; this family actually came Southern Route in 1846

SMITH, James A. (c1843- ): s/o John and Pelina Smith

SMITH, James D. (1838- ): s/o James and Elizabeth Smith this family listed in Brazen Overlanders of 1845 as emigrants of 1845 but is in error; this family actually came Southern Route in 1846

SMITH, James E. (c1835- ): s/o George and Nancy Smith

SMITH, James Preston (1819- ): m'd 1839 ENGLISH, Rebecca; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SMITH, Jennings (1838- ): s/o James and Sarah (Jennings) Smith

SMITH, John (c1814- ): m'd c1835 [], Pelina

SMITH, John S. (c1837- ): s/o George and Nancy Smith

SMITH, Joseph (1827- ): m'd 1848 [], Sarah Ann; s/o James and Sarah (Jennings) Smith

SMITH, Joseph Showalter (1824-1884): see 1844 listing

SMITH, Josephine m'd: KETCHUM, Frederic

SMITH, L.C.V. (c1839- ): d/o John and Pelina Smith

SMITH, L.F. (c1841- ): s/o John and Pelina Smith

SMITH, Len (1840- ): s/o James and Rebecca (English) Smith

SMITH, Letetia (1795-1878): m'd 1813 KNOX, James

SMITH, Levi Lathrop:

SMITH, Levin Nelson (c1840- ): s/o James and Rebecca (English) Smith; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SMITH, Markham: maybe Malcolm Smith

SMITH, Malinda (1820- ): m'd Sep 1834 MARTIN, John D.; d/o Ezekiel Smith; *3 Meek Cutoff

SMITH, Margaret E. (c1836- ): d/o James and Elizabeth Smith this family listed in Brazen Overlanders of 1845 as emigrants of 1845 but is in error; this family actually came Southern Route in 1846

SMITH, Mariah (1845- ): d/o Alvis and Sarah (Pugh) Smith; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SMITH, Mary Almira (1820-1854): m'd 1840 TAYLOR, William; d/o James and Sarah (Jennings) Smith

SMITH, Mary A.J. (c1840- ): d/o George and Nancy Smith

SMITH, Mary E. m'd: HERREN, Albert; d/o Simeon Smith

SMITH, Mary Ellen (c1842- ): d/o James and Rebecca (English) Smith

SMITH, Mianda Nancy m'd: SMITH, Sidney

SMITH, Nancy (1835- ): s/o Alvis and Sarah (Pugh) Smith; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SMITH, "Pack Horse": reported by the Herrens to have been with them in finding water on the cutoff.  No further information.

SMITH, Paschal (1823- ): m'd 22 Sep 1851 [], Eliza Ann *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff ; appears he may have returned east and emigrated again in 1851

SMITH, Pelina (c1809- ): m'd c1835 SMITH, John

SMITH, Peter (1801- ): m1.; m2. 1846 LARRIE, Sarah "Sally" E. (THOMAS)

SMITH, Polly (1839- ): s/o Alvis and Sarah (Pugh) Smith; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SMITH, Rebecca (1811-1874): m'd 1829 HAMILTON, Robert; *3 Meek Cutoff ; died 12 Jul 1874 Linn County, Oregon

SMITH, Rebecca Jane (1825- ): m'd BARGER, John; d/o James and Sarah (Jennings) Smith

SMITH, Samuel F.: m'd [], Mary Ann; was divorced in 1846

SMITH, Sarah Ann (1837- ): m'd 1858 WILSON, John Quincy; d/o Alvis and Sarah (Pugh) Smith; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SMITH, Saul m'd: ,

SMITH, Seth (c1827- ): s/o James and Sarah (Jennings) Smith

SMITH, Simeon (1823-1879): m1. 1847 EARL, Nancy; m2. 1856 BAKER, Nancy; s/o James and Sarah (Jennings) Smith

SMITH, Simon m'd: ,

SMITH, Solomon (1838- ): s/o James and Sarah (Jennings) Smith

SMITH, Solomon m'd: TAYLOR, Jemima

SMITH, Thomas:

SMITH, Thomas (1823- ):

SMITH, Viana (c1844- ): d/o George and Nancy Smith

SMITH, William (1845- ): s/o James and Rebecca (English) Smith; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff ; born enroute to the Willamette Valley

SMITH, William M. "Jim Crow" ( -1854):

SMITH, William Mercer (1826- ): m'd 1851 SETTLE, Rhoda Ann; William changed his name to William M. Smith; s/o Andrew and Justinia (Hale) Messersmith.  His parents came to OR in 1852 and settled near Lebanon.  William was in the 4th Co. 1st Reg. OR Mounted Riflemen during the Cayuse War.  

SNYDER, Jacob Rink (1812-1878): m1. 1850 BRAYTON, Susan H.; m2. 1874 SEARS, Rachel J.

SNYDER, Susan (1824-1921): m1. 1846 CREIGHTON, Nathaniel; m2. c1853 ABBOTT, John F.; came to Oregon with Orville Risley family

SOUTHWOOD, Ruth (1814-1866): m1. 1830 TETHEROW, David; m2. 1850 WILSON, John G.; *3 Meek Cutoff

SPEARS, Rosetta (c1817- ): m1. c1839 ENGLISH, William; m2. 1846 PARKER, Samuel

SPEIL, Harry (c1826-1858): to CA 1846

SPORTSMAN, William: to CA c1846

ST.CLAIR, Waymon (1816-1872): m'd 1851 JOHNSON, Mahala Jane; *3 Meek Cutoff

St.GEORGE, : *1: MSS#1508 3pp

STAATS, Isaac (1814-1888): m'd 1846 WILLIAMS, Orlena M.

STAATS, Stephen (1821-1898): m'd 29 Mar 1846 FOREST, Cordelia; *1: MSS#1089 14pp

STAGG, Nicholas (c1819-1872): m'd SHAFEY, Adeline

STANLEY, Elizabeth (c1839- ): d/o Thomas and Margaret (Langford) Stanley

STANLEY, Ellen (1841 -1930 ): m'd SYPHERT, William d/o Thomas and Margaret (Langford) Stanley; died Shoshone Co, ID

STANLEY, James (1829-1887): s/o Thomas and Margaret (Langford) Stanley; buried Stipp Cemetery, Marion Co, OR

STANLEY, Jane (1833-1913): m'd 1849 RECTOR, Ludwell James; d/o Thomas and Margaret (Langford) Stanley; died Los Angeles Co, CA

STANLEY, Thomas (1794- ): m'd 1828 LANGFORD, Margaret; buried Stipp Cemetery, Marion Co, OR

STANLEY, William (1836-1868): s/o Thomas and Margaret (Langford) Stanley; buried Stipp Cemetery, Marion Co, OR

STANSBURY, Zenus N. (c1824- ): m'd 1855 CATTON, Susan Jane

STEEPRO, Harvey (1829-1913): m'd c1853 [], Sarah C.

STEEPRO, Sarah "Sally" (1823-1924): m'd 1845 HELMICK, Henry

STEPHENS, Elizabeth (1834-1902): m'd 1852 ELLIOTT, William Howard; Elizabeth was born 09 May 1834 Jefferson County, IN and died 30 May 1902 Corvallis, Benton County, OR; d/o Emmor and Jemima (Heppas) Stephens; buried Locke Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, OR

STEPHENS, Emmor Jefferson (1777-1846): m1. 1801 HANNAL, Elizabeth (Bowles); m2. c1822 HEPPAS, Jemima; s/o Thomas and Jane (Jefferson) Stephens; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, OR

STEPHENS, Emmor Jefferson (1829-1850): s/o Emmor and Jemima (Heppas) Stephens

STEPHENS, Henry Napoleon Bnaparte (1827-1911): m'd BEESON, Martha Adeline; born 14 May 1827 Jefferson County, IN and died 27 Mar 1911 Pacific County, WA;  s/o Emmor and Jemima (Heppas) Stephens; buried Fern Hill Cemetery, Menlo, Pacific County, WA

STEPHENS, John Wright (1831- ): m1 1852 HAWLEY, Ann Eliza; m2. MAYES, Susan Jane; John was born 12 Aug 1831 Jefferson County, IN and died 25 Feb 1904 Pacific County, WA; s/o Emmor and Jemima (Heppas) Stephens; buried Fern Hill Cemetery, Menlo, Pacific County, WA

STEPHENS, John R. (1838- ): s/o Thomas and Phoebe (Atherton) Stephens

STEPHENS, Mary Matilda (1840-1926): m'd 1855 BENNETT, Levi; Mary was born 12 Oct 1840 IN and died 24 Feb 1926 Yamhill County, OR; d/o Emmor and Jemima (Heppas) Stephens; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville,Yamhill County, OR

STEPHENS, Mary Ellen (c1841- ): m'd  d/o Thomas and Phoebe (Atherton) Stephens

STEPHENS, Nancy Ann (c1841- ): d/o Thomas and Phoebe (Atherton) Stephens

STEPHENS, Nancy Jane (1838-1924): m'd CISCO, William Wesley; born 15 Dec 1838 Jefferson County, IN and died 11 Sep 1924 Garwood, Kootenai County, ID; d/o Emmor and Jemima (Heppas) Stephens; buried Rimrock Cemetery, Garwood, Kootenai County, ID

STEPHENS, Sarah Maria (1819-1884): m'd 24 Jun 1841 SWEET, Zara Tousa; *3 Meek Cutoff

STEPHENS, Thomas ( -1845): died shortly after reaching Portland

STEPHENS, Thomas Fulton (1802-1885): m1. 1828 MATTHEWS, Elizabeth; m2. 1836 ATHERTON, Phoebe; Thomas was born 21 Jul 1802 Virginia and died 13 Apr 1885 Portland, Multnomah County, OR; s/o Emmor and Elizabeth (Bowles) Stephens;  buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, OR

STEPHENS, William Mathews (1831-1916): m'd 1861 DELASHMUTT, Ann Elizabeth; William was born 08 Jul 1831 Jefferson County, IN and died 18 Jan 1916 Forest Grove, Washington County, OR; s/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Matthews) Stephens; buried Forest View Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington County, OR

STEPHENSON, Millie (1831- ): m'd 1846 NEAL, George


STEVENS, Richard:

STEWARD, Kim m'd: ,

STEWART, Archimedes "Kim" (1827- ): m1. GRIMSLEY, Matilda; m2. 1860 WALKER, Margaret J.; s/o John and Mary (Scott) Stewart; *3 Meek Cutoff

STEWART, Calvin N. (1843-1915): m'd c1863 [] , Barbara Ann "Annie"; *3 Meek Cutoff

STEWART, Daniel (1825- ): m'd 1853 FRUIT, Margaret

STEWART, Elizabeth (1838- ): m1. RINGER, L.M.; m2. MCDONALD; d/o John and Mary (Scott) Stewart; *3 Meek Cutoff

STEWART, Hugh (1834-1854): s/o John and Mary (Scott) Stewart; *3 Meek Cutoff

STEWART, John (1799- 1885): m1.; m2. 1840 SCOTT, Mary "Polly"; *3 Meek Cutoff

STEWART, John W. (1841- ): m'd STEWART, Mahala; John married his cousin Mahala who was daughter of James H. Stewart; *3 Meek Cutoff

STEWART, Margaret (c1815-1860): m'd 1832 THARP, Abraham

STEWART, Martha S. m'd: BUCK,

STEWART, Minverva A. (1829- ): m'd 1848 DICE, Elzie C.; s/o John and Mary (Scott) Stewart; *3 Meek Cutoff

[6] STILLWELL, Jane Jincy (1807- ): m'd KERNS/KEARNS, Joseph; settled Marion County, Oregon; believed to be the Jency Kearns buried in Wimberly Cemetery, Douglas County, Oregon

STOCKTON, Ladocia (1802-1875): m'd 1824 MCNARY, Alexander; *3 Meek Cutoff

STONE, Edwin (1823-c1860): m'd 1851 HENDERSON, Mary E.

STORY, Rachel (1818- ): m'd 1842 DOVE, Bethuel

STOTT, P. m'd: ,

STOUT, Elizabeth ( -1852): m'd 1811 LEWIS, John Douglas; buried Lock Cem, Lewisburg, Benton Co, OR *10

STOUT, Lavina m'd: STOUT, Silas M.

STOUT, Silas M. m'd: , Lavina

STREITHOFF, Elizabeth (17 Oct 1828- Feb 1905): m'd 03 Mar 1850 BASEY, William; d/o John Y. and Anna (Hoff) Streithoff; buried Missouri Flat Cemetery, Applegate, Jackson County, Oregon

STREITHOFF, Frances "Fanny" (c1823-1895): m'd 16 Jan 1842 EARL, John Joseph; d/o John Y. and Anna (Hoff) Streithoff; buried Clements Cemetery, Tillamook, Tillamook County

STREITHOFF, John (1826- ): s/o John Y. and Anna (Hoff) Streithoff

STREITHOFF, Johannes "John" Yost (1789-bef 1870 ): m1. c1816 HOFF, Anna Maria; m2. 22 Apr 1843 GRAY, Mrs Rebecca Ann (Oxford) WOODS.; m3. 16 Nov 1851 MCLAIN, Elizabeth (Vashti) Mrs. (also seen in some files as Elizabeth Vashti Blackington); burial location unknown, Linn County, Oregon; name also seen as Striethoff, Strathoof

STREITHOFF, Julia Ann (1832-1846): d/o John Y and Anna (Hoff) Streithoff

STREITHOFF, Lewis (14 Apr 1823-02 Mar 1884 ): m'd 26 Feb 1854 HARDMAN, Rebecca; s/o John Y. and Anna (Hoff) Streithoff;  buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon

STREITHOFF, Reuben (17 Sep 1819-06 Dec 1870): Never Married; s/o John Y. and Anna (Hoff) Streithoff;  buried Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prineville, Crook County, Oregon

STREITHOFF, Sarah Jane (15 Aug 1837-1913): m'd 14 Oct 1851 ABBOTT, Edward Roland; d/o John Y and Anna (Hoff) Streithoff; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon

STREITHOFF, Thomas Edward (1818-15 Apr 1893 ): s/o John Y. and Anna (Hoff) Streithoff; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon

STRIEBY, Sarah (1814-1852): m'd 1831 LAMBERSON, Timothy Jr.; d/o Michael and Anna Maria (Rishel) Strieby

STROUD, Amanda (c1837- ): m'd 1851 FRIEDLEY, Joseph P.; d/o David and Susan (Hawkins) Stroud

STROUD, David D. (1810-1887): m'd 1835 HAWKINS, Susan

STROUD, Isaac (c1844-1922): s/o David and Susan (Hawkins) Stroud

STROUD, John (c1835- ): s/o David and Susan (Hawkins) Stroud

STROUD, William (c1839- ): s/o David and Susan (Hawkins) Stroud

STROUD, Zachariah (c1841- ): s/o David and Susan (Hawkins) Stroud

STUART, John m'd: ,

STUMP, David (1819-1886): m'd 1850 CHAMBERLIN, Catherine Elizabeth

STUMP, Joseph:

STURGIS, George Washington:
 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SULLIVAN, Isaac M.: *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

SUMMERS, Abner (1846- ): s/o Thomas and Eliza Summers; born in January 1846 at Whitman Mission after family stopped over for winter

SUMMERS, Eliza (1818- ): m'd 1840 SUMMERS, Thomas

SUMMERS, Jane (1840-1922): m'd 1859 COYLE, James Bunch (pioneer of 1851) d/o Thomas and Eliza Summers

SUMMERS, Thomas (1816-1880): m'd 1840 [], Eliza; left from Peoria Co, IL; stopped at Whitman Mission through the winter of 45-46; Thomas did blacksmithing for Dr. Whitman; left in the spring of 1846 with Josiah Osborn and Isaac Cornelius families; settled in Linn Co, OR

SUMMERS, William (1842- ): m'd 1870 KLUM, Josephine A.; s/o Thomas and Eliza Summers

SUNDERLAND, Rebecca ( -1847): m'd 1829 BAKER, George McNamee

SUTTON, Elizabeth (c1815-1845): m'd c1828 PARKER, Samuel; *3 Meek Cutoff

SWASEY, William F. (c1815- ): to CA

SWEET, Charles B. (1826- ): m1. MOORE Elizabeth S. (divorced Jan 1848); m2. 1852 MCBEE, Catherine; s/o Samuel and Polly Sweet; parents emigrated in 1852 and father died on trail

SWEET, Wallace G. (1843- ): born 14 Oct 1843 in Knox Co, IL; s/o Zara and Sarah (Stephens) Sweet; *3 Meek Cutoff

SWEET, Zara Tousa (1815-1887): m'd 24 Jun 1841 STEPHENS, Sarah Maria; s/o Samuel and Polly Sweet; *3 Meek Cutoff; parents emigrated in 1852 and father died on trail; Zara Sweet migrated back and forth between CA and OR in the early years, finally settling in Lane County where he was a farmer and stock raiser; he is also noted for several inventions including a plow and a spinning wheel; father of four sons (Wallace G., William, Cecil Z. and  Marion J.)

SWITZLER, Cynthia Charity (1836-1881): m1. NYE, John Wirt; m2. SHAW, Benjamin F.; d/o John and Sara (Robinson) Switzler; *3 Meek Cutoff

SWITZLER, Harriet Jane (1844-1913): m'd 1865 NYE, Adam Wirt; d/o John and Sara (Robinson) Switzler; *3 Meek Cutoff

SWITZLER, Jehu Robinson (1831-1908): m1. 1861 NYE, Margaret Eleanor; m2. 1877 KIRKENDALL, Elizabeth; *3 Meek Cutoff

SWITZLER, John (1789-1860): m1. 1811 LEE, Elizabeth; m2. 1827 ROBINSON, Sara Maria; *3 Meek Cutoff

SWITZLER, John B. (1839-1924): m'd 1866 SMOOT, Mary Ann; s/o John and Sara (Robinson) Switzler; *3 Meek Cutoff

SWITZLER, Joseph Robinson (1829-1865): m1. 1848 WOLF, Mary; m2. 1861 [], Elizabeth; *3 Meek Cutoff

SWITZLER, Martha Frances B. (1838-c1856): s/o John and Sara (Robinson) Switzler; *3 Meek Cutoff

SWITZLER, Mary Ann: s/o John and Sara (Robinson) Switzler; *3 Meek Cutoff

SWITZLER, Sarah Mariah (1817-1852): m1. LOGSDON, []; m2. WILSON, General Anthony; m3. 1851 STODDARD, Thomas d/o John and Elizabeth (Lee) Switzler; *3 Meek Cutoff

SWITZLER, William B.G. (1834-1883): m1. 1870 HALE, Elizabeth; m2. O'HEARN, Ellen P.; s/o John and Sara (Robinson) Switzler; *3 Meek Cutoff


SYLVESTER, John (1814-1891): m1. 1851 TAYLOR, Mary [widow of Daniel Morgan]; m2. 1879 BURNS, Anne [widow of Lambert McTimmonds]

T'VAULT, Elizabeth (04 Dec 1834-20 Oct 1911): m'd 19 Feb 1855 KINNEY, Daniel M.; d/o William and Rhoda (Burns) T'Vault;  buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff  Note: some sources give birth as 04 Dec 1834, headstone says 14 Dec 1832

T'VAULT, George Lycurgus  (12 Oct 1839-07 Jun 1857): s/o William and Rhoda (Burns) T'Vault; settked Jacksonville, Oregon; buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

T'VAULT, Marian (1836-1870): d/o William and Rhoda (Burns) T'Vault; *3 Meek Cutoff

T'VAULT, William Green Hamilton (23 Mar 1806-04 Feb 1869): m'd 11 Jul 1829 BURNS, Rhoda Boone; first editor of the Oregon Spectator at Oregon City; later edited The Sentinel at Jacksonville; died of smallpox; buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff;  Southern Oregon History by Ben Truwe

TAFT, Lucy (21 Mar 1805-20 Jan 1854): m'd 1830 FISHER, Ezra; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon

TALLENTINE, Thomas (1810- ): m'd 1845 MURPHY, Agnes

TAYLOR, Arabella Clementine (1821-1897 ): m'd 1841 MAXON, Hamilton J.G.; d/o James and Sylvania (O'Bryan) Taylor; died at Boise, Ada Co, ID and is buried in Dry Creek Cemetery near Eagle, Ada Co, ID

TAYLOR, David m'd: ,

TAYLOR, Fred A. m'd: ,

TAYLOR, Ione Elizabeth (c1844- ): m'd WHITE, J.W.; d/o James and Esther (d'Armon) Taylor

TAYLOR, James Colonel (1809-1904): m'd 1839 d'ARMON, Esther; *1: MSS#1006 7pp

TAYLOR, Margaret (1845- ): d/o William and Mary (Smith) Taylor

TAYLOR, Marion m'd: ,

TAYLOR, Mary Ann (1844- ): m1. EVANS, Russell; m2. 1865 BAKER, Thomas; d/o William and Mary (Smith) Taylor

TAYLOR, Melissa (1829- ): m'd HAMILTON, William

TAYLOR, Sarah (1810-1904): m'd 1827 HARRIS, Phillip Ingersol; *3 Meek Cutoff

TAYLOR, Sarah (1841- ): m'd KINGSTON, Thomas J.; d/o William and Mary (Smith) Taylor

TAYLOR, William (1818-1897): m1. 1840 SMITH, Mary Almira; m2. OSWALD, Matilda

TEETERS, Mrs.: widow with several children

TERWILLIGER, Charlotte Ann (1842- ): m1. 1860 MOFFETT, Walter; m2. 1887 CARTRIGHT, C.M.; s/o James and Sophronia (Hurd) Terwilliger; *3 Meek Cutoff

TERWILLIGER, Hiram (1840-1918): m'd 1869 EDWARDS, Mary E.; s/o James and Sophronia (Hurd) Terwilliger; *3 Meek Cutoff

TERWILLIGER, James A. M. (1809-1892): m1. 1833 HURD, Sophronia Ann; m2. 1847 LEE, Philanda; *3 Meek Cutoff

TERWILLIGER, John (1832-1849): s/o James and Sophronia (Hurd) Terwilliger; died in California of quinsy; *3 Meek Cutoff

TERWILLIGER, Lorenzo (1829-1851): s/o James and Sophronia (Hurd) Terwilliger; killed by Indians at Rogue River; *3 Meek Cutoff

TERWILLIGER, Ruth: *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, Amos (1827- ): s/o Solomon and Ibba (Baker) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, Andrew Jackson (1834-1899): m'd 1854 CROWE, Sophronia; Andrew was born 20 Jun 1834 and died 11 Apr 1899; buried Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prineville, Crook County, OR; s/o Solomon and Ibba (Baker) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, David (c1805-1846): m'd c1830 SOUTHWOOD, Ruth; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, David Atchison (1842-1845): s/o Solomon and Ibba (Baker) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, Edith Elizabeth (1835- ): m'd 1851 NEWMAN, John W.; d/o David and Ruth (Southwood) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, Ellen (1844- ): m'd 1860 BROYLES, Joel Thomas; d/o David and Ruth (Southwood) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, Emily (1840- ): m'd 1856 CHRISTIAN, Harry; d/o Solomon and Ibba (Baker) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, Evaline (1828- ): m'd 1846 HILTIBRAND, Paul; d/o Solomon and Ibba (Baker) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, George Washington (1834-1917): m'd 1857 MILLER, Elizabeth; George was born 02 Apr 1834 and died 04 Dec 1917; buried Missouri Flat Cemetery, Applegate, Jackson County, OR; s/o David and Ruth (Southwood) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, John (1838- ): m'd 1869 [], Martha L.; s/o David and Ruth (Southwood) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, Lucinda (1830- ): m'd 1847 PARKER, William Glenn; d/o Solomon and Ibba (Baker) Tetherow

TETHEROW, Mary Ann (1831- ): m'd 1849 YARBROUGH, Randal; d/o David and Ruth (Southwood) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, Matilda (1832- ): d/o Solomon and Ibba (Baker) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, Samuel Houston (1836-1925): m'd 1858 GRIFFITH, Henrietta; Samuel was born Mar 1836 and died 21 Jan 1925; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, OR; s/o Solomon and Ibba (Baker) Tetherow; *4 lists wifes name as Grifforth

TETHEROW, Solomon (1800-1879): m'd 02 Apr 1823 BAKER, Ibba; Solomon was born 18 Mar 1800 and died 15 Feb 1879 Polk County, OR; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, OR; s/o Michael and Barbara (Shrum) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, Solomon S. (1841-1926): m'd 1865 CROSBY, Nancy Jane; s/o David and Ruth (Southwood) Tetherow; *4 lists wifes names as CROSSLEY; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, Thomas Benton (1838-1918): m'd 1858 MCLOUGHLIN, Martha s/o Solomon and Ibba (Baker) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, William Henry (1845- ): s/o David and Ruth (Southwood) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

TETHEROW, William Linn (1842- ): m'd 1861 JOHNSON, Angeline; s/o Solomon and Ibba (Baker) Tetherow; *3 Meek Cutoff

THARP, Abraham (1800-1873): m'd 1832 STEWART, Margaret; arrived Aug 1, 1850

THARP, Amelia Ann (1842- ): m'd 1855 ROADS, Richard; d/o Abraham and Margaret (Stewart) Tharp

THARP, Elizabeth (1836-1885): m'd 1851 YOCUM, Thomas Jefferson; d/o Abraham and Margaret (Stewart) Tharp; mother of ten children

THARP, George (1832-1895): m1. 1853 EATON, Mary Jane; s/o Abraham and Margaret (Stewart) Tharp

THARP, Joseph (1845-1924): m'd 1875 WOOD, Mary Alice; s/o Abraham and Margaret (Stewart) Tharp

THARP, Margaret m'd: ,

THARP, Mary A. (1839-1889): m'd 1852 YOCUM, Hathaway; d/o Abraham and Margaret (Stewart) Tharp; settled with husband in Yamhill county

THARP, Permelia Annie m'd: ,

THOMAS, Alice (1837- ): s/o Frederick and Rebecca Thomas

THOMAS, Charles M. (1834- ): s/o Frederick and Rebecca Thomas

THOMAS, Frederick (1792-1863): m'd [], Rebecca

THOMAS, George B. (1826-1917): m'd 1853 BILYEU, Rhoda; s/o Frederick and Rebecca Thomas

THOMAS, J. Washington (1829- ): m'd 1852 TURNER, Rachel A.; s/o Frederick and Rebecca Thomas

THOMAS, Jesse B.: s/o Frederick and Rebecca Thomas; may actually be emigrant of 1846

THOMAS, John S. (1823- ): m'd 1850 [], Charlotte; s/o Frederick and Rebecca Thomas

THOMAS, Marion (1805-1845): m'd 1831 BRYAN, Abner; died on the trail within 9 miles of South Pass

THOMAS, Rebecca (c1802- ): m'd THOMAS, Frederick

THOMAS, Sally E. (1819- ): m1. 1843 LARRIE, Newton; m2. 1845 SMITH, Peter; d/o Frederick and Rebecca Thomas

THOMAS, Susan Ann (1831- ): m'd 1849 MONTGOMERY, Robert F.; s/o Frederick and Rebecca Thomas

THOMAS, Thomas A. (1834- ): s/o Frederick and Rebecca Thomas

THOMAS, William N.: s/o Frederick and Rebecca Thomas

THOMPSON, Arthur ( -1849): m'd 1844 ROBINSON, Miriam

THOMPSON, Lewis (1809-1897): m'd 1848 SHEADLE, Sarah Ann; *4 says wife named Sarah Elizabeth Cheadle; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

THOMPSON, Mary (c1804-c1849): m'd 14 May 1829 HART, Thomas

THOMPSON, William: *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

THURMAN, Caroline (09 Mar 1814-05 Nov 1895): m'd 27 Nov 1827 BUFFUM, William Gilbert; d/o Henry and Sarah (Terrell) Thurman; buried Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon

THURSTON, Elizabeth (1828- ): m'd 1848 GEORGE, Abel

TINDER, Abigail (1809-1851): m'd 1832 PACKWOOD, John Ira; d/o Rev. James and Tabitha (Redding) Tinder; *3 Meek Cutoff

TODD, William Levi (1818- ): s/o Dr. John Todd

TOWNSEND, Plena (1801-1884): m'd 1818 BONNEY, Truman; buried Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion County, OR;

TRAPP, Christian (c1836- ): s/o John and Cynthia (Travis) Trapp

TRAPP, Francis M. (c1843- ): s/o John and Cynthia (Travis) Trapp

TRAPP, John (1813- ): m'd 1832 TRAVIS, Cynthia

TRAPP, Jonas D. (c1840- ): s/o John and Cynthia (Travis) Trapp

TRAPP, Martha L (c1838- ): d/o John and Cynthia (Travis) Trapp

TRAPP, Mary C. (c1839- ): d/o John and Cynthia (Travis) Trapp

TRAPP, William C. (1834-1857): d/o John and Cynthia (Travis) Trapp

TRAVIS, Cynthia (c1810- ): m'd 1832 TRAPP, John

TRUSDELL, Jane (c1821- ): m'd c1837 TRUSDELL, Jonathan B.

TRUSDELL, John (c1843- ): s/o Jonathan and Jane Trusdell

TRUSDELL, Jonathan B.: m'd c1837 [], Jane

TRUSDELL, Nancy (c1838- ): d/o Jonathan and Jane Trusdell

TRUSDELL, Sarah (c1839- ): d/o Jonathan and Jane Trusdell

TUBMAN, Elizabeth Ann (02 Sep 1781-29 Jul 1865): m'd 07 Jan 1800 BEAUCHAMP, Stephen

TUCKER, Mary (1793-1851): m'd 1812 ENGLISH, Levin Nelson Sr.

TUCKER, Tabitha Jane (31 Jan 1831-27 Mar 1867): m'd 14 Mar 1845 BUTLER, Isaac; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon; mother of 15 children; *3 Meek Cutoff  Note: finad a grave gives birth year as 1828

TULL, William A. (08 Jan 1838-31 Jul 1865): m'd 16 Feb 1865 ROOP, Francis Maria; s/o Aaron and Rachel (Center) Tull; came to Oregon with mother and stepfather Theophilus Powell; buried Rock Creek Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas County, Oregon; *3 Meek Cutoff

TURNER, Cynthia (1810- ): m'd 1828 HOWARD, Richard R.

TUSTIN, Fernando (04 Jul 1843- ): s/o William and Mahala (Brunsey) Tustin; settled in California

TUSTIN, Mary (c1842-1850): d/o William and Mahala (Brunsey) Tustin; died of fever in California in 1850

TUSTIN, William (20 Dec 1820-08 Feb 1897): m'd 21 Aug 1842 BRUNSEY, Mahala; settled in San Francisco, California

TYRELL, Freeman W. P. (1820-1889): m'd 1850 [], Rebecca Davis; wife was widow of Thomas Prince

ULAM, Frances (1813-1909): m'd 1836 KILLIN, John

UMPHLETTE, Alonzo (1846-1922): s/o Stanley and Jane (Earl) Umphlette

UMPHLETTE, Ellen (1844-1907): m'd KIRKHAM, John Dennis; d/o Stanley and Jane (Earl) Umphlette

UMPHLETTE, Margaret Ann (1840-1934): m'd POWELL, Rev. Stephen Doddridge; Margaret born 17 Sep 1840 Brighton, IA and died 19 Mar 1934 Washington County, OR; d/o Stanley and Jane (Earl) Umphlette

UMPHLETTE, Stanley (1810- ): m1. 1839 EARL, Frances "Jane"; m2. 1849 COOK, Serena; returned east in 1848 and returned in 1850 with second wife and her parents

URBAN, George:

VAUGHAN, William Tyler (1808-1888): m'd 1827 [], Phebe; returned east in 1846 to guide family out in 1847; *3 Meek Cutoff

VAUGHN, Ellen m'd: ,

VICKERS, Andrew Jackson. (1816- ): m'd 1838 ENGLE, Ann; two young daughters aged about 1 and 6 died at Ft. Laramie, Wyo of measles

VICKERS, Ellen (1841-1889): m'd 1858 FOGARTY, Thomas; d/o Andrew and Ann (Engle) Vickers

VOSS, J. H. m'd: ,

WAGGONER, Elizabeth ( -1846): m'd 1844 COURTNEY, Isaac

WAGNER, Josephine (c1812-22 Feb 1865): m'd 18 Sep 1828 COLEMAN, Michael; born in Germany, husband was known as Michael Kolmer in Germany; emigrated to USA c 1832; settled in California

WALDEN, Benjamin (1819-1887): m'd 1845 LEMMON, Sarah Jane

WALDEN, Benjamin F. m'd: ,

WALDEN, Edward Burke m'd: ,

WALDEN, John E. m'd: ,

WALDEN, Martha J. m'd: ALLEN,


WALDEN, Nathan B. m'd: ,

WALDEN, Peter S. m'd: ,

WALDEN, Rhoda C. m'd: MOORE,

WALDEN, Sarah Marie m'd: ,

WALKER, Catherine (c1843- ): d/o John and Lucinda (Wilkes) Walker

WALKER, Clairbourn C. (1819-1902): m'd 04 Jul 1850 PURVINE, Louisa; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff; buried Zena Cemetery, Polk Co, OR; on 1870 census for Klicitat Co, WA; the Doak and Walker family did not take the Meek Cutoff as theorized; a letter written by one of the Claiborne Walker states they came into Oregon City

WALKER, Elizabeth Ann (1837- ): m'd BYBEE, William; d/o Jesse and Nancy (Miller) Walker; *3 Meek Cutoff

WALKER, Ellis (1819- ): m'd 1847 BOZORTH, Sarah Ann; *3 Meek Cutoff

WALKER, James William (1836- ): m'd 1866 HARRELL, Mary; s/o Jesse and Nancy (Miller) Walker; *3 Meek Cutoff

WALKER, Jesse (1815-1855): m'd 1834 MILLER, Nancy M.; *3 Meek Cutoff

WALKER, John H. (1819-1892): m'd 1841 WILKES, Lucinda

WALKER, L. S. m'd: ,

WALKER, Nancy (1798-1853): m'd 1823 LLOYD, John; *3 Meek Cutoff

WALKER, Robert (1825- ): m'd 1849 [], Manerva; settled Washington Co

WALKER, Sarah Jane (1842- ): m'd LEDFORD, Eli; d/o Jesse and Nancy (Miller) Walker; *3 Meek Cutoff

WALKER, Thomas (c1830- ): *3 Meek Cutoff

WALKER, Wellington Bolivar (1824-1904): m'd 1849 PURVINE, Catherine; married in Marion Co but by 1870 was residing in Klicitat Co, WA where he was a stockman; Klicitat Co, WA commissioner Nov 1876; lived east of Rock Creek near the Columbia River; *3 Meek Cutoff; the Doak and Walker families did not take the Meek Cutoff as theorized; a letter written by one of the Claiborne Walker states they came into Oregon City

WALKER, William B. (1845- ): s/o John and Lucinda (Wilkes) Walker

WALKUP, Phinias:

WALLACE, Maria Jane (1843-1863): m'd 1858 THOMAS, Norval; *3 Meek Cutoff

WALLACE, William T. (1813-1899): m'd 1841 HERREN, Susannah R.; *3 Meek Cutoff

WALLEY, A. W. m'd: ,

WALTER, Elias L. (1813-1867): m'd 1846 WILLIAMS, Naomi Janet

WALTER, Henry Ann (1806-1898): m'd 1828 MCKINNEY, William; d/o William and Rachel (Doddridge) Walter; *3 Meek Cutoff

WALTER, Julia Ann (1818-1891): m'd 1836 COX, Anderson; d/o William and Rachel (Doddridge) Walter; *3 Meek Cutoff

WALTER, Matilda (1824- ): m1. O'BRYANT, Hugh d/o William and Rachel (Doddridge) Walter; *3 Meek Cutoff

WALTER, Phillip D. (1816-1900): m'd NEVER MARRIED; s/o William and Rachel (Doddridge) Walter; *3 Meek Cutoff

WALTER, Sarah (1812- ): m'd NEVER MARRIED; d/o William and Rachel (Doddridge) Walter; *3 Meek Cutoff

WALTER, William Wells (1827-1906): m'd 1855 MARSH, Charity; s/o William and Rachel (Doddridge) Walter; *3 Meek Cutoff; *1: MSS#739 8pp

WALTER, William (1780-c1868): m'd 1805 DODDRIDGE, Rachel; *3 Meek Cutoff


WARD, Jeremiah Parker (c1823-1848): m'd DAY, Almira

WARD, Thomas M. (1809- ):

WARDEN, Henry (c1825-1850):

WARNER, Melissa H. (c1815- ): m1. 1842 ROBINSON, James B.; m2. STEWARD, Jacob

WARREN, Jane (20 Dec 1789-09 Apr/02 May 1866): m'd  24 Dec 1807 CATCHING, John; d/o John and Parmelia (Love) Warren; buried Riddle Cemetery, Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon

WATT, D. ( -1845):

WATT, Joseph (1816-1867): m'd 1846 CRAFT, Sarah E.; *3 Meek Cutoff

WAYMIRE, Clarissa T. "Mary" (1844- ): d/o John and Clarissa (Arbo) Waymire; *3 Meek Cutoff

WAYMIRE, Eliza Ann (1839-1862): m'd 1858 TOWNSEND, Thomas; d/o Frederick and Francis (Cochrane) Waymire; *3 Meek Cutoff

WAYMIRE, Elizabeth (1833-1862): d/o Frederick and Francis (Cochrane) Waymire; *3 Meek Cutoff

WAYMIRE, Elvira (c1842- ): d/o John and Clarissa (Arbo) Waymire; *3 Meek Cutoff

WAYMIRE, Frederick A. (1807-1873): m'd 1827 COCHRANE, Frances Chance; s/o Andrew and Easter Waymire; *3 Meek Cutoff

WAYMIRE, George Washington (1844-1858): s/o Frederick and Francis (Cochrane) Waymire; *3 Meek Cutoff

WAYMIRE, Jefferson (1845-1845): s/o Frederick and Francis (Cochrane) Waymire; *3 Meek Cutoff

WAYMIRE, John Rudolph (1813-1891): m1. 1838 ARBO, Claracy H.; m2. [   ], Helen C.; s/o Andrew and Easter Waymire; *3 Meek Cutoff ; John Waymire died 23 Aug 1891 while a patient in the state asylum and was buried in the asylum cemetery. On June 23, 1905 a petition was filed in Polk Co, State of Oregon, to have the body of John Waymire removed from its present place of burial and buried by the side of his deceased wife, Helen C. [sic-Claracy H.]. The petition also asked that the proceeds from the sale of the deceased's land be used to pay the expenses of reinterment and the erection of a monument. On September 12 & 15, 1905 the land was sold and finally John Waymire was removed to the Dallas Cemetery. On June 9, 1906 final settlement of the estate was give [Polk Co. Probate Records]

WAYMIRE, Louisa Jane (1837- ): m'd 1852 HAMM, Charles; d/o John and (first wife) WAYMIRE; *3 Meek Cutoff

WAYMIRE, Stephen Kennedy (1836-1879): s/o Frederick and Francis (Cochrane) Waymire; *3 Meek Cutoff

WAYMIRE, Stephen Kennedy (1818-1845): m'd 1840 GILMORE, Mahala E.; s/o Andrew and Easter Waymire; came without family; son James A. emigrated in 1853 with maternal uncle

WEISS, Peter m'd: ,

WELCH, Abraham ( -1845): m'd 1820 GRIMES, Amelia

WELCH, Ann M. (c1843- ): s/o Presley and Catherine Welch

WELCH, Bartley C. (1834-1860): s/o Abraham and Amelia (Grimes) Welch

WELCH, Catherine (1808-1905): m'd 1826 WELCH, Presley

WELCH, Emaline (1845- ): m'd CLAPPS, []; d/o Presley and Catherine Welch

WELCH, Henry Clay (1839-1863): s/o Abraham and Amelia (Grimes) Welch

WELCH, J. Mrs. m'd: ,

WELCH, John C. (1837-1892): s/o Presley and Catherine Welch

WELCH, John L. (1826- ): s/o Abraham and Amelia (Grimes) Welch

WELCH, Joshua (1825- ): m'd 1850 SMITH, Olive; s/o Abraham and Amelia (Grimes) Welch

WELCH, Mary E. (c1840- ): m'd 1862 FOSTER, George; s/o Presley and Catherine Welch

WELCH, Oliver Perry (1836-1860): s/o Abraham and Amelia (Grimes) Welch

WELCH, Presley Capt. (1801- ): m'd 1826 [], Catherine

WELCH, Robert N. (1844-1864): s/o Abraham and Amelia (Grimes) Welch

WELCH, William C. (1830-1906): s/o Presley and Catherine Welch

WELCH, Wilson D. ( -c1848): s/o Abraham and Amelia (Grimes) Welch

WETHERBEE, William (1809-1857): m1. ; m2. 1850 MILES, Hannah Mrs.; appears to have came alone

WHEELER, Isaac Newton ( -1849): m1. ; m2. [], Elizabeth

WHEELER, Jacob (1828-1905): m'd 1849 WILLS, Jemima Jane

WHEELER, James (1820- ): m'd 1850 HAWKINS, Mary Ann

WHEELER, John (1845- ): s/o Solomon and Melissa (Foster) Wheeler

WHEELER, Solomon (1814- ): m'd 1845 FOSTER, Melissa Elizabeth; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff ; listed (in error) in the following biography as pioneer of 1844

WHEELER, William (1826- ): m'd 1850 ARMPREIST, Mary Ellen; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WHITAKER, Anthony (1815- ): m'd 1842 [], Isabella

WHITAKER, Henry (1845- ): s/o Anthony and Isabella Whitaker

WHITAKER, Isabella (1816- ): m'd 1842 WHITAKER, Anthony

WHITE, Edward Milton (c1832- ): s/o Samuel and Hulda (Jennings) White; *3 Meek Cutoff

WHITE, Edward Newton (1827- 1916); m1. 02 Jul 1848 BURKHART, Catherine Jane; m2. 30 Aug 1860 WOODSIDE, Anna; Edward was born 27 Apr 1827 and died 18 Jan 1916; s/o Edward III and Nancy (Atherton ) White; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WHITE, Eugene D.  

WHITE, John S. (1828-1886): m'd 1847 LENOX, Elizabeth; *3 Meek Cutoff

WHITE, Lucinda (c1813-c1849): m'd 1833 JENNINGS, Berryman; d/o Edward III and Nancy (Atherton ) White

WHITE, Lucy Davidson (1803-1865): m'd 19 Sep 1822 HALL, Lawrence; *3 Meek Cutoff ; born 03 Dec 1803 Halifax County, Virginia; died 12 Nov 1865 Washington County; married 19 Sep 1922 Monroe County, Kentucky; Cedar Mill News

WHITE, Nancy (1815-1895): m1. 18 Oct 1832 HAWKINS, Zachariah; m2. 1846 READ, Thomas M.; d/o Edward III and Nancy (Atherton ) White; Nancy was born 22 Jan 1815 and died 25 May 1895; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WHITE, Nancy Jane (c1834-1859): m'd 1851 AINSWORTH, J. C.; d/o Samuel and Hulda (Jennings) White

WHITE, Samuel Simpson (1811-1901): m'd 06 May 1831 JENNINGS, Hulda; Samuel was born 14 Dec 1811 and died 06 Jan 1901; s/o Edward III and Nancy (Atherton ) White; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WHITE, William Linn (c1839- ): *3 Meek Cutoff s/o Samuel and Hulda (Jennings) White

WHITLEY, Catharine (c1829- ): d/o Samuel and Catharine (McNary) Whitley; *3 Meek Cutoff

WHITLEY, Eliza (c1826- ): m'd 1852 RICHARDSON, Lewis C.; d/o Samuel and Catharine (McNary) Whitley; *3 Meek Cutoff

WHITLEY, John Harvey (c1826-1859): s/o Samuel and Catharine (McNary) Whitley; *3 Meek Cutoff

WHITLEY, Julia (c1827- ): d/o Samuel and Catharine (McNary) Whitley; *3 Meek Cutoff

WHITLEY, Samuel (1789-1868): m'd 1817 MCNARY, Catharine; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WHITLOCK, Mitchell (1822-1898): m'd 1846 ENGLE, Malvina; *3 Meek Cutoff

WHITLOCK, William: see 1849

WHITLOCK, William Mrs.:


WICHER, Martha (1807-1881): m'd 1825 WILLIAMS, James Edward; *4 shows name as Wichen; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff (shows name as Wichen also)

WILBUR, Hiram:

WILCOX, Frances (c1844- ): d/o Ralph and Julia (Fickle) Wilcox; *3 Meek Cutoff

WILCOX, Ralph (1818-1877): m'd 1840 FICKLE, Julia Ann; s/o Ralph and Arminta (Lee) Wilcox; *3 Meek Cutoff

WILEY, Richard Evert (1823-1889): m'd 1855 BALDRA, Jane; *3 Meek Cutoff

WILKES, Archibald G. (1821-1901): m'd 1843 GLENN, Mahala; s/o Peyton and Anna (Dallas) Wilkes

WILKES, Florentine (1830-1864): m'd 1850 CORNELIUS, Thomas R.; d/o Peyton and Anna (Dallas) Wilkes

WILKES, George Washington (1834-1866): m'd 1857 MCBEE, Mary; s/o Peyton and Anna (Dallas) Wilkes

WILKES, Jabez (1832-1917): m'd 1856 JACKSON, Mary Jane; s/o Peyton and Anna (Dallas) Wilkes

WILKES, Jesse Columbus (1823-1856): m1. 1853 HAWKINS, Elizabeth; m2. [], Sarah Jane; s/o Peyton and Anna (Dallas) Wilkes

WILKES, Lucinda (1818- ): m'd 1841 WALKER, John H.; d/o Peyton and Anna (Dallas) Wilkes

WILKES, Marmaduke (c1827-1845): s/o Peyton and Anna (Dallas) Wilkes

WILKES, Peyton (1791-1889): m'd 1815 DALLAS, Anna

WILKES, Samuel P. (1844-1908): m'd 1860 BROWN, Lucy; s/o Archibald and Mahala (Glenn) Wilkes

WILKES, William Gardner (1819-1903): m'd 1840 WILKES, Elizabeth (cousin) s/o Peyton and Anna (Dallas) Wilkes

WILLIAMS, Charles Austin (1808-1879): m'd 1831 BARBER, Mary; born 1807 and died 19 Feb 1879 Linn County, OR; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownslville, Linn County, OR; s/o [] and Naomi Williams

WILLIAMS, Ellen (c1838- ): d/o Charles and Mary (Barber) Williams

WILLIAMS, Enos Clark (1818-1890): m'd 1848 CRAIG, Wilimina; s/o [] and Naomi Williams; wife was widow of James Mealy; *1: MSS#651 4pp


WILLIAMS, James Edward (1803-1865): m'd 1825 WICHER, Martha; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WILLIAMS, John James (1830-1913): m1. 1852 ENGLISH, Sarah; m2. ECKERSLEY, Alice; m3. LARNED, Annie M.; s/o James and Martha (Wicher) Williams; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WILLIAMS, Jonathan Lafayette (1826-1907): m'd 1847 KING, Lydia; s/o James and Martha (Wicher) Williams; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WILLIAMS, Margaret (c1836- ): d/o Charles and Mary (Barber) Williams

WILLIAMS, Mary A. (c1839- ) m'd c1858 DOOLITTLE, Luther M.; d/o James and Martha (Wicher) Williams; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WILLIAMS, Malissa Ann (c1834- ): m'd 1850 FULLER, Henry; d/o James and Martha (Wicher) Williams; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WILLIAMS, Naomi (1784-1869): m'd WILLIAMS, []; was widow when emigrated to Oregon; born 01 Mar 1784 and died 03 Feb 1869 Linn County, OR; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownslville, Linn County, OR;

WILLIAMS, Naomi Janet (c1827- ): m'd 1846 WALTER, Elias L.; d/o [] and Naomi Williams

WILLIAMS, Orlena Maria (1828-1906): m'd 1846 STAATS, Isaac; s/o James and Martha (Wicher) Williams; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WILLIAMS, P. Wesley (1832- ): m'd SNELLING, Emma; s/o James and Martha (Wicher) Williams; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WILLIAMS, Sarah (1844- ): d/o Charles and Mary (Barber) Williams

WILLIAMS, Thomas B. (c1841- ): s/o James and Martha (Wicher) Williams; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WILLIAMS, Wayne W. (1845-c1913): m'd 1868 TARTAR, Virginia A.; s/o James and Martha (Wicher) Williams; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WILLIAMS, William Edward m'd: PRICE, America



WILLIS, Mildred Hoard (1802-1856): m'd 11 Jul 1816 BOZORTH, Squire; born 14 Feb 1803 Culpepper County, VA and died 10 Mar 1856 Clark County, WA

WILLSON, Tabitha (1822-1877): m'd 1836 RIDGEWAY, John; buried in Buel-Hinshaw Cemetery, Polk Co, OR; *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

WILSEY, Sylvia D. (1825-1886): m1. 1844 KNOTTS, William; m2. 1856 KEEZE, John

WILSON, General Anthony (1815-1849): m'd 1839 SWITZLER, Sarah Mariah; wife was widow of Mr. Logsdon; *3 Meek Cutoff

WILSON, James Hamilton (1843- ): s/o General and Sarah (Switzler) Wilson; *3 Meek Cutoff

WILSON, John m'd: ,

WILSON, John Greenville (1842- ): s/o General and Sarah (Switzler) Wilson; *3 Meek Cutoff

WILSON, Margaret (1830- ): m'd 1847 CATCHING, John L.; d/o William Wilson; *3 Meek Cutoff

WILSON, Minerva Catherine (1841- ): m'd BOWLES, Jesse T.; d/o General and Sarah (Switzler) Wilson; *3 Meek Cutoff

WILSON, William G. (c1808-1845): m1. ; m2. 1834 CARTER, Lucinda H.; second wife was widow of John McWilliams; *3 Meek Cutoff

WILSON, William L. (1832- ): m1. 1854 MYNATT, Hulda N.; m2. 1861 HASKINS, Harriet; *3 Meek Cutoff

WINSTON, m'd: , Mary


WIRT, Andrew m'd: ,

WITT, James:

WOOD, Joseph (c1801- ):

WOODCOCK, Alzena (c1840- ): m'd  25 May 1873 BUCK/BROCK, Mahlon; d/o Williston and Keziah (Bunton) Woodcock

WOODCOCK, Malissa (c1844- ): d/o Williston and Keziah (Bunton) Woodcock

WOODCOCK, Mary A. (c1842- ): d/o Williston and Keziah (Bunton) Woodcock

WOODCOCK, Williston D. (24 Apr 1817/22-02 Mar 1868): m1. c1839 BUNTON, Keziah; m2. 22 Jun 1849 CORNELIUS, Alizina; settled Clackamas County

WOODFIN, Louisa (c1842- ): d/o Robison Woodfin

WOODFIN, Robison (c1821-1855):

WOODS, Louisa (1825-1894): m1. 1846 EARL, William; m2. 1865 HUMPHREYS, T.M.; came with mother (Rebecca Ann (Oxford) Woods Gray and stepfather, John Y. Striethoff

WOODS, Rachel Jane (1831-1920 ): m'd 1849 SMEED, Hiram N.; came with mother (Rebecca Ann (Oxford) Woods Gray and stepfather, John Y. Striethoff

WOODSIDES, Jane (11 Jan 1823-27 Jul 1904): m'd Apr 1841 CAPLINGER, Jacob Crider; d/o Thomas and Anna Woodsides; buried Stipp Memorial Cemetery, Macleay, Marion County, Oregon

WOOLEY, Edward (1831-1904): m'd 1855 BROWN, Serelia; s/o Jacob and Ellen (Hoover) Wooley; *4 lists wife as Sarinia (Sarah) Brown; *3 Meek Cutoff

WOOLEY, Ellen (1836-1901): m1. 1855 RAFFERTY, Joseph; m2. 1862 PORTER, Jerome A.; s/o Jacob and Ellen (Hoover) Wooley; *3 Meek Cutoff

WOOLEY, Henry (1830-1904): m'd 1856 GIBSON, Eliza Jane; s/o Jacob and Ellen (Hoover) Wooley; *3 Meek Cutoff

WOOLEY, Jacob (1797-1865): m'd 1821 HOOVER, Ellen Rose; *3 Meek Cutoff 

WOOLEY, Jacob (1797-1865): m'd 1821 HOOVER, Ellen Rose; *3 Meek Cutoff. Wooley was a shoemaker in New Jersey, prior to emigrating with his wife and family. He first settled in the Lewis County area of today's Washington, becoming an elected Judge (aka county commissioner) in December 1845, during the Provisional Government era. He left for Oregon in late 1847, claiming land in Washington County, about a mile west of the outskirts of today's Washington [per Vic Kucera].

WOOLEY, Margaret Elizabeth (1822-1851): m'd 1836 INGLES, Dewitt Clinton; *3 Meek Cutoff

WOOLEY, Rosanna (1826-1897): m'd 1846 BURTON, Henry Jr.; d/o Jacob and Ellen (Hoover) Wooley; *4 lists husband as Henry Buxton Jr.; *3 Meek Cutoff

YARBROUGH, David (1845- ): s/o John and Mary Yarbrough

YARBROUGH, George W. (c1838- ): s/o John and Mary Yarbrough

YARBROUGH, J.B. (c1822- ): relationship to others not known

YARBROUGH, James M. (1820- ): m'd 1846 SMITH, Mary; s/o John and Mary Yarbrough

YARBROUGH, John Berry (1791- ): m1. ; m2. 1829 [], Mary

YARBROUGH, Mary (c1801- ): m'd YARBROUGH, John Berry

YARBROUGH, Mary (c1841- ): d/o John and Mary Yarbrough

YARBROUGH, Nancy J. (c1832- ): d/o John and Mary Yarbrough

YARBROUGH, Randall (c1823- ): m'd 1849 [], Mary Ann; s/o John and Mary Yarbrough

YARBROUGH, Thomas Jefferson (c1830- ): s/o John and Mary Yarbrough

[2] YATES, Angeline F. (09 Jan 1825-29 Sep 1910): m'd 15 May 1839 CATCHING, William Warren; buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon;  *3 believed to have taken Meek Cutoff

YEARY, Malinda (07 Mar 1808-30 May 898): m'd 22 Feb 1825 CRABTREE, John J.; settled Linn County, Oregon; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon

YORK, David (1845- ): s/o John and Lucinda (Hudson) York

YORK, John (1820-1909): m'd 1842 HUDSON, Lucinda

YORK, William E. (1843- ): s/o John and Lucinda (Hudson) York

ZUMWALT, Christopher Peter (1827-1900): m'd 1849 GOODRICH, Irene; s/o Christopher and Eliza (Keller) Zumwalt; *3 Meek Cutoff; traveled with his guardian, Joseph T. Hughart and family


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