Emigrants To Oregon In 1846

compiled by Stephenie Flora

copyright 2017

I will be adding an overview of the 1846 emigration at a later time.  For those wishing a more in depth view I would recommend "Overland in 1846" by Dale Morgan. (2 vols) 

Sources for those traveling the Southern Route:
Oregon Overland: Three Roads of Adversity by Ross Smith (dec Nov 2007); an indepth study of the 1846 Barlow Road and the 1846 Southern Route and the Smith family who traveled them

Notes compiled by Don Ubben while researching the life and works of Jesse Quinn Thornton

The Southern Route by Ben Truwe

Captains of 1846

SR: indicates those that took Southern Route (Applegate Trail) into Oregon

CA: indicates those that cut off for California.  While I do not do research on the CA emigrants I do note their names if known as they often traveled in unison with the Oregon emigrants to the cutoff

*1: Capts. Isaac Allen and Elam Brown: on May 14, 1846 started for California with a company composed primarily of the relatives and friends of Isaac Allen and Elam Brown. The company consisted of about 30 wagons, 100 men, plus their women and children. Isaac Allen died on August 27, 1846 on the Humbolt is what is now the state of Nevada. Karl Kiser at KSquared77@gmail.com is researching this group and is interested in any information you might have.

*2: Capt. Medders Vanderpool

*3: Capt. Benjamin Simpson; left from St. Joseph, MO with 100 wagons and 600 individuals under Capt. William J. Martin; due to the large size of the train it split up and  Benjamin Simpson became Capt. of a portion of that train; arrived via the Barlow Road (Durham Researcher, Gail Nerby is interested in comparing notes on the Ben Simpson Train)

*4: Capt. Henry Smith: took the cutoff  known as the Southern Route aka the Applegate Trail

*5: Capt. Orus Brown; started with 49 wagons and eventually split into 3 units.  Some of party took the Southern Route including the sister, mother and uncle of Orus.  Orus arrived 15 Oct 1846

*6: Capt.William Campbell: left Marshall, Saline Co, MO in April 1846, rendezvoused at St. Joseph the train divided with Campbell at the head of one section led by Kit Carson and the other party led by Hastings.  Cut off over Sierras ahead of the Donner party

*7: Capt. Stephen Cooper: joined by the Gregg train 25 May 1846, Cooper left three days later taking 6 wagons, rejoined Gregg train 03 Jun 1846 and left the next day taking 9 wagons with him

*8: Capt. Josephus Cornwall: left MO 15 Apr 1846 with 80 wagons, took Southern Route and arrived in Willamette Valley Dec 1846

*9: Capt. Gallant D. Dickenson; led 13 wagons

*10: Capt. Rice Dunbar

*11: The Donner Party; joined the William Russell Train May 19 (story of Donner Party - as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p245-368)

*12: Capt. Gregg: started with 12 wagons on 04 May and 9 days later train consisted of 50 wagons.  On May 25 the Cooper train joined his and three days later Cooper left taking 6 wagons with him.  Cooper joined once more 03 Jun and left the next day taking 9 wagons with him.  By 02 Jul there were 18 wagons left with Gregg.  Mr. Greenwood was pilot for the train.

*13: Capt. Harlen: led 40 wagons

14: Capt. Keithly: left from Independence, MO; May 11 two companies were organized with leaders Capt. Keithly and Capt. John Robinson.  Orus Brown (an emigrant of 1843 returning west with his family) as pilot for both; May 23 the companies split up and Brown stayed with the Robinson company.

*15: Capt. William J. Martin: Martin was an emigrant of 1843 who had returned east with Fremont in 1844; left St. Joseph, MO with over 100 wagons and 600 individuals; traveled with the Elam Brown train for a time; because of large size of train it split into smaller groups; on June 10 was at Fort Laramie, well ahead of all others; some members of party cutoff for CA

*16: Capt. John Robinson: May 11 two companies were organized with leaders Capt. Keithly and Capt. John Robinson.  Orus Brown (an emigrant of 1843 returning west with his family) as pilot for both; May 23 the companies split up and Brown stayed with the Robinson company.

*17: Capt. William Henry Russell: the majority of this train was headed for California but for periods of time were accompanied by Oregon emigrants as well; was elected Capt. of 75 (this number varies from source to source) wagons on May 11;  because of the unwieldy size the train was organized into four groups with a leader for each under the overall command of Capt. Russell; May 15 added 9 wagons of Boggs/Boone party, who left shortly thereafter; May 16 Butterfield, Baker and Dunleavy left train with several others; May 19 Donner party with 9 wagons joined giving train 46 wagons, 98 men, 40-50 women and 57 children; May 20 added party with 6 wagons; May 21 Alphonso Boone party rejoined with 11 wagons making 67 wagons; May 22 Gordon/Dickenson party left with 13 wagons; May 28 party with 8 wagons joined; upon reaching Fort Laramie, Russell resigned his command, traded his wagons for pack mules and left with several friends for California.  They arrived at Sutters Fort Aug 31, one of the first parties over the Sierra in 1846.

*18: Capt. Oscar Williams

*19: Capt. Smith: noted as the last train to leave St. Joseph, MO, Smith was noted as the Capt. on the Platte.  It is not known if he was the original leader but by May 23 the train consisted of 43 wagons.  It was found lying by at the crossing of the Platte's South Fork on June 18th having lost 150 head of cattle.  It was during the search for these cattle that one of the party, Edward Trimble, was killed by Indians.

*20: Capt Josiah Morin: elected leader of the George Harlan train of 20 wagons headed to CA when Harlan declined the honor.  Train was joined for a time by five German boys from St. Louis whose story was later told by one of them, Heinrich Lienhard.

*21: Capt. Dunleavy: leader of party that was expelled from the Russell Train due to its large number of cattle (140 head)

*22: Capt. William Crosby: left Independence May 27 with 25 wagons.  "Mississippi Saints" included 19 of the wagons and 43 persons who were Mormons hoping to hook up on the plains with another group of Mormons.  Six other wagons were Oregon bound emigrants that didn't initially realize that they were traveling with Mormons.  They left the party on the Platte.

*23: Capt. James McBride: led party of 22 wagons that joined Elam Brown train

*24: Capt. Lilburn W. Boggs: led small party of family and friends.  Joined other trains periodically including the William Russell train.  Was in fear for his life in regards to Mormons on the trail and avoided traveling in small parties when in their vicinity.  Cut off for CA and was just far enough ahead of the Donner party to avoid their fate.


Emigrants To Oregon in 1846

The list of emigrants for 1846 is currently being added and edited. All women are listed by their maiden name EVEN if they are married at the time of emigration. If you would like to add information or make corrections I can be reached at the email address at the bottom of the page.

*6: ABRAM Family; cut off for CA

*12: ACRES, Burlington:

*1: ADAMS, Thomas ( -1846): died 22 Aug 1846 before the Mary's River

AGNEW, Abram (1820- ): m'd 1853 Sarah J. BARBER; s/o Jonathan and Mary (Prather) Agnew; blacksmith; emigrated for his health, split rails in Yamhill Co, returned east in 1847, to CA in 1850, 1853 returned to OH via the Isthmus; returned to CA the next year with a drove of cattle, 1857 returned east and settled in IA where he engaged in farming; returned  west in 1874 and settled in  Santa Clara, CA

ALBRIGHT, John B. (c1815-1893): b. NY; settled in Marion Co where he farmed.  In later years, do to business reverses, he was forced to take up residence at the county poor farm.  He suffered from cancer of the lip but ultimately died of a stroke.  He is buried in Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR.  It doesn't appear that he ever married.

SR: *10: ALDERMAN, Albert L. (1820-1908): m1. 1850 Mary Jane BURNS; m2. 04 Mar 1866 Charlotte Ruth ODELL; settled DLC #163 in Yamhill Co

SR: *4: ALEXANDER, Charles F. (1842- ): s/o Joseph and Sarah (Payne) Alexander

SR: *4: ALEXANDER, Joseph Charles (1809-1892): m1. 1839 Sarah Ann PAYNE m2. Sarah (Unknown); settled Benton Co; buried at Crystal Lake Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton Co, OR; was one of first commissioners of Benton Co; was Justice of the Peace, 1862 was sheriff of Benton Co; 1868 was member of state legislature; donated almost 7 acres to Corvallis Masonic Lodge to start the Crystal Lake Cemetery

SR: *4: ALEXANDER, Theodore Franklin (1844-1892): m'd 1873 Frances Adelphia KIGER; s/o Joseph and Sarah (Payne) Alexander; buried Kings Valley Cemetery, Benton Co, OR  

SR: *4: ALEXANDER, William H. (1840-1904): m'd 1868 Margery E. GRAHAM; s/o Joseph and Sarah (Payne) Alexander; buried Toledo cemetery, Toledo, Lincoln Co, OR

CA: *1: ALLEN, David (1802- ): m'd Elizabeth STORY; m2. Mrs. Elizabeth ALFREY; s/o William and Rebecca (Stevens) Allen; wife died on the Humbolt River; went to CA in 1847 and returned in Mar 1848

CA: ALLEN, Elizabeth  (26 Nov 1828-11 Aug 1896): m'd 1844 Samuel BROWN; d/o Samuel and Sarah (Benson) Allen; buried Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion County, Oregon

"Samuel Brown and his wife Elizabeth (Allen) Brown emigrated to California where they built a sawmill on Feather River.  When gold was discovered the mill closed and everyone went to the gold fields, including the Brown family.  In 1849 after their claim panned out, but with $20,000 in cash, proceeds of their mine, they disposed of their property and started  by sea to Oregon.   Their ship was blown to sea and it took them three months to sail from San Francisco to Portland." [Information provided by Victoria Hodges with additional references from Marion County Historical Society Vol 1. p.6-8 "History of the Sam Brown House" by Elizabeth Esson Brown]

CA: *1: ALLEN, Isaac (1795-1846): m'd 1817 Margaret MILLER; Isaac died on Aug 27, 1846 on the Humbolt in what is now the state of Nevada; another son and his wife hovered between life and death, leaving 16 year old John to drive the wagon across the plains

CA: *1: ALLEN, John Ceton (1825-1889): m'd 1851 Nancy Catherine MCNARY; s/o Isaac and Margaret (Miller) Allen; cut off for CA; came to OR 1850 and settled near present day Rickreall in Polk Co

ALLEN, Rachel Suzanne (1780-1859): m'd 1799 Robert BYRD; d/o William and Martha (McAdoo) Byrd

ALLEN, Sarah  (1804-c1845): m'd 1823 Elam BROWN; d/o Thomas and Margaret (Bryan) Allen; believed to have died prior to emigration

CA: *1: ALLEN, William: m'd Albina FOSTER; s/o Isaac and Margaret (Miller) Allen

CA: AMES, Hiram : cut off for CA; joined Harlan party; was killed Dec 1846 in battle of Natividad

*3: ANDERSON, Benjamin F. (1841-1913): m'd Martha E. LEDGERWOOD; s/o James and Eleanor (Simpson) Anderson

*3: ANDERSON, James (1810-1872): m'd 1831 Eleanor SIMPSON; settled in Marion Co.; accompanied Simpson family to OR 1846

*3: ANDERSON, James Harvey (1843-1929): m'd 1870 Martha E. SHANKS;  s/o James and Eleanor (Simpson) Anderson

*3: ANDERSON, John P.   (1834-1928): s/o James and Eleanor (Simpson) Anderson

*3: ANDERSON, Louisa (1836- ): m'd  (Unknown) SHORT; d/o James and Eleanor (Simpson) Anderson

*3: ANDERSON, Mary (1832): m'd M. Jackson ALLPHIN; d/o James and Eleanor (Simpson) Anderson

*3: ANDERSON, Willard (1845- ): s/o James and Eleanor (Simpson) Anderson

CA: ASHLEY, Otis ( -1906): m'd 1841 Sallie M. MATHERS; died 13 Mar 1906 Santa Cruz Co, CA (diary of James Mathers published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p219-236)

CA: ASHLEY, Sarah E. (1845- ): d/o Otis and Sallie (Mathers) Ashley (diary of James Mathers published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p219-236)

CA: BACKENSTOE, Virginia Elizabeth (1833- ): m'd 1850 John M. MURPHY; d/o [] and Margaret (Keyes) Backenstoe; member of Donner party

BAILEY, Bishop (1834- ): s/o Daniel and Elizabeth Bailey; indicted in Yamhill in 1852 for gambling and fined $20 plus costs

BAILEY, Daniel Dodge (1802- ): m'd Elizabeth (Unknown); m2. 1857 Mrs. Cecelia WATKINS (divorced in 1881); settled in Yamhill County

BAILEY, Delphine (1841- ): m'd 1860 Robert B. NIXON; d/o Daniel and Elizabeth Bailey

BAILEY, Elizabeth (c1804- ): m'd Daniel D. BAILEY; maiden name unknown at this time

BAILEY, Iola Ione (1838- ): m'd 1855 Morris WOLFE; d/o Daniel and Elizabeth Bailey

BAILEY, Jeremiah (1836- ): s/o Daniel and Elizabeth Bailey

BAILEY, Timothy (1825-1858): s/o Daniel and Elizabeth Bailey; indicted in Yamhill in 1852 for gambling and fined $20 plus costs; died by his own hand in 1858

BAKER, Horace (1803-1882): m'd 1852 Jane HATTON; settled in Clackamas Co. where he made and sold water pumps and ran a rock quarry

SR: *17: *4: BAKER, John D. (1794- ): m'd 1824 Elizabeth RECTOR; party joined Russell train May 16 but was expelled due to their large herd of cattle that slowed down progress of train

SR: *17: *4: BAKER, John S. (1838- ): m'd Missouri WINKLE; s/o John and Elizabeth (Rector) Baker; buried on Winkle Butte, near Corvallis, OR

SR: *17: *4: BAKER, Martha Caroline (c1827- ): m'd David BUTTERFIELD; d/o John and Elizabeth (Rector) Baker

SR: *17: *4: BAKER, Mary Elizabeth (c1824 -1902): m'd c1848 Greenberry SMITH; d/o John and Elizabeth (Rector) Baker

BAKER, Sarah : m'd 1821 John ALBRIGHT

BAKER, Thrida : m'd (Unknown) MCGOWAN

SR: *17: *4: BAKER, William R. (1837- ): m'd Sarah HALE; settled in Linn Co; s/o John and Elizabeth (Rector) Baker


SR: *4: BANKS, Gerard  (1827- ): m'd 1852 Wallace, Martha E. (WILLIAMSON) ; s/o Barclay and Margaret (Farrar) Caldwell

*14: BARNARD, Arthur (15 Jun 1840-14 Aug 1923): m1. 28 Aug 1864 HATHHORN, Mary Evelyn; m2. 20 Dec 1884 SMITH, Sarah Jane; s/o Elijah and Andress (Foreman) Barnard 

*14: BARNARD, Elijah Patterson (1814-1893) : m'1. 15 Oct 1839 FOREMAN, Antress; m2. 31 Jul 1873LONG, Mrs. Ruth; (Virgil Pringle Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p159-188) \; made two trips; came in 1846 with wife and 2 older children; soon after arrival went to California where he was a hotel keeper; left California by boat in 1849, crossed the Isthmus of Panama and went by boat to Missouri; in 1853 with his wife and five oldest children returned to Oregon and settled in Douglas County.  By 1860 he was living in Kansas.

*14: BARNARD, Mary Antress (16 Oct 1844-10 Jan 1933): m'd 08 Oct 1865 SHATTUCK, William H.; d/o Elijah and Andress (Foreman) Barnard

BARNES, Daniel Parker (c1824 -1896): died at Gold Hill, OR

BEAR, Margaret (1822- ): m'd 1837 Owen BEAR; maiden name unknown at this time

BEAR, Owen H.   (1817- ): m'd 1837 Margaret (Unknown); settled in Linn Co.

SR: BEECHAM, Ashley :

SR: BEECHAM, Mrs. : mother of Ashley

*12: BEECHAM, Mr. ( -1846): died on trail 26 Aug 1846 (diary of Nicholas Carriger published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p143-158)

BELL, George W. :

BENTON, Mr. : cut off for CA

BLAKELY, Caroline (09 May 1845-20 Jan 1870): d/o James and Sarah (Dick) Blakely; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon

BLAKELY, Catherine (21 May 1837-16 Apr 1917l):  m1. 31 Aug 1854 William FIELDS; m2  30 Nov 1862 Jeremiah LEWIS;d/o James and Sarah (Dick) Blakely; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon

BLAKELY, Eleanor Jane (03 Dec 1836-11 Jul 1907): m'd 1853 Canada C. MONTGOMERY; d/o James and Sarah (Dick) Blakely; settled in Crook Co; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon

BLAKELY, Harriet (30 Oct 1842-02 Jul 1924): m'd 1857 George Currin COOLEY; d/o James and Sarah (Dick) Blakely; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon

BLAKELY, Capt. James (26 Nov 1812-29 Jan 1913): m'd 1833 Sarah DICK; s/o Joseph and Jensia (Browning) Blakely; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon

BLAKELY, William Minnis (14 Oct 1840-12 Jul 1931): m'd 1864 Margaret B. BAIRD; s/o James and Sarah (Dick) Blakely; winter of 1860 stayed with H.H. Spaulding; moved to Umatilla County where he was a wheat grower, Indian fighter, legislator 1893-1895 and sheriff in Pendleton 1898; buried Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon

BLANTON, John (1833- ): m'd 1855 Catherine SHEPHERD; s/o Joseph and Jane (Monkres) Blanton; started across the plains in 1846 (one bio states 1844 which appears to be an error) with parents, when his father died near Council Bluffs his mother returned with the children to MO; John returned to OR in 1853 as a driver of oxen for another family; stayed with an uncle, Isaac Blanton, at Salem for a short time; moved around state for a number of years before settling in Marion Co in c1870 where he raised a family and established his Hop farm *22

BLANTON, Joseph ( -1846): listed as emigrant of 1844 in the bio of his son, John, but sources indicate he was emigrant of 1846; was a cooper near St. Louis until he decided to emigrate; died 14 May 1846 on the trail near Council Bluffs, IA leaving a widow and children who returned east (diary of Nicholas Carriger published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p143-158)

CA: *17:  *24:  BOGGS, Albert Gallatin (1831-1898): s/o Lilburn and Panthea (Boone) Boggs

CA: *17:  *24:  BOGGS, George Washington (1839-1905): m'd 1865 Alabama MCMEANS; s/o Lilburn and Panthea (Boone) Boggs

CA: *17:  *24:  BOGGS, John McKinley (1832-1913): s/o Lilburn and Panthea (Boone) Boggs

CA: *17:  *24:  BOGGS, Joseph Oliver (1845-1879): s/o Lilburn and Panthea (Boone) Boggs

CA: *17:  *24: BOGGS,  Lilburn Wycliffe  (1798-1860): m1. 1817 Julia Ann BENT; m2. 1827 Panthea Grant BOONE; s/o John and Martha (Oliver) Boggs; brother-in-law of Alphonso Boone; served as gov of MO; started on Southern Route at Imlay with Thornton but turned around in September and went on to CA; Lilburn and Parthena Boone Boggs were with the Donner Party.  Met in Salt Lake area when the Boggs and others decided to go to CA.  Camped in Reno area for a number of days, Lilburn party became restless and decided to go on with those that had traveled with him from Independence.  Since they were five days ahead ahead of the Donner Party they made it across the Mountain and reached their destination safely. 

CA: *17: *24:  BOGGS, Sophia Barnes (1841-1919): m'd c1860 James M. PALMER; d/o Lilburn and Panthea (Boone) Boggs

CA: *17:  *24:  BOGGS, Theodore Warner (1834-1905): s/o Lilburn and Panthea (Boone) Boggs

CA: *17:  *24:  BOGGS, Thomas (1824-1894): m'd 1846 Rumalda LUNA; s/o Lilburn and Panthea (Boone) Boggs

CA: *17:  *24:  BOGGS, William Montgomery (1826-1911): m'd Sonora HICKLIN; s/o Lilburn and Panthea (Boone) Boggs

BONNEY, Family: on Bancroft Oregon list for 1846; the family was actually part of the 1845 emigration and cutoff for CA, they then moved up into Oregon in 1846

SR: *17: *10: BOONE, Alphonso D. (07 Nov 1796-27 Feb 1850/28 Nov 1849): m'd 1822 Nancy Linville BOONE; (wife was a second cousin); s/o Jesse and Chloe (VanBibber) Boone; g-grandson of Daniel and Rebecca (Bryan) Boone; "when they reached a canyon the family cached their goods (including Daniel Boones compass and surveying instruments) and waded about twelve miles through the water and over big boulders. The emigrants went back the next spring but the Indians had found the things cached and there was nothing left. They packed one oxen with clothing and got into the Willamette Valley at the crossing of Mary's river on Christmas day. "; went to CA mines in 1849 and drowned in Feather River Canyon, CA 28 Nov 1849; wife had died (1838) in MO as had five children; established Boone's Ferry which continued to run for 107 years (it was taken out of service in 1954 when a bridge was built across the Willamette).

"Early Oregon settler and grandson of Daniel Boone, was probably born in Kentucky, lived in Montgomery County, Missouri in the mid 1820s, and at Jefferson City in the early 1840s, where he operated a trading post, outfitting caravans for the western journey.  In the spring of 1846, with his large family of 10 boys and girls--his wife Nancy Linville had died a few years before--he headed his wagons west.  Arriving in Salem by the southern route, he staked a land claim beside the Willamette above Oregon City, where he operated a ferry.  A road to it from the north became known as Boones Ferry Road, a name it still bears.  With several of his sons he went to the California mines in 1849, where he died." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 32]

SR: *17: *10: BOONE, Alphonso Daniel  (21 Feb 1837-29 Mar 1915): s/o Alphonso and Nancy (Boone) Boone; buried Sumner Pioneer Cemetery, Coos County, Oregon

"Pioneer steamboatman, was born at Jefferson City, Mo., and with his father, Col. Alphonso Boone, emigrated to Oregon in1846, with the first wagon train using the Scott-Applegate Trail or Southern Route.  The family, including brother Jesse and a sister Chloe, settled on a Willamette river side claim near Wilsonville of later day.  In 1849, with his father and a brother George he went to the California mines, and following his return engaged in steamboat business for next 30 years--except for a year spent in British Columbia, operating boats on the Willamette, Columbia, Snake and Umpqua rivers, and Coos Bay.  He removed to a Coos Co. farm in 1870, marrying Nancy S. Baker, in 1875.  They had four children." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 32]

SR: *17: *10: BOONE, Chloe Donnelly (09 Dec 1822-10 Feb 1889 ): m'd 14 Mar 1848 George Law CURRY; d/o Alphonso and Nancy (Boone) Boone; was one of the first woman school teachers outside of the sectarian schools in Oregon; she taught on LaCreole (Rickreall) Creek, where her father's family spent the winter of 1846-47, before settling at Wilsonville. buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

BOONE, George Luther:   s/o Alphonso and Nancy (Boone) Boone; did not emigrate with family in 1846, came to OR in 1848

SR: *17: *10:BOONE, James C.:

SR: *17: *10: BOONE, Jesse Van Bibber (25 Jan 1824-24 Mar 1872): m'd 1851 Elizabeth FUDGE; s/o Alphonso and Nancy (Boone) Boone; operated ferry established by his father until his death; burial unknown

"Brother of Alphonso D. Boone, came to Oregon with the celebrated Boone clan in 1846.  Establishing a family homestead on land beside the Willamette, about midway between Oregon City and Butteville.  In 1847 placed in operation what was to become one of the importantly situated ferries of the middle river.  After the elder Boone left for California mines, never to return, the ferry seems to have passed chiefly into Jesse's hands for its continued operation;  this service he maintained until his untimely death by Jacob Engle, in an apparent altercation over Boone's right of access to the shore--a right he had enjoyed for over 20 years.  He had five children." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 32]

SR: *17, *10: BOONE, Joshua Morris (30 Jul 1833-15 Feb 1900):  m'd Mary Lucinda MINKLER; s/o Alphonso and Nancy (Boone) Boone; buried Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prineville, Crook County, Oregon

SR: *17, *10: BOONE, Lucy Ann (23 Feb 1835-May 1880): m'd Thomas Ray MUSICK; d/o Alphonso and Nancy (Boone) Boone; buried Middletown Cemetery, Middletown, Lake County, California

SR: *17: *10: BOONE, Mary Elizabeth (03 Apr 1825-04 Jun 1907): m'd Thomas Cecil NORRIS; d/o Alphonso and Nancy (Boone) Boone; buried Fairfiew Cemetery, Fairview, Coos County, Oregon

CA: *17:  *24:  BOONE, Panthea Grant (20 Sep 1801-23 Sep 1880): m'd 1827 Lilburn W. BOGGS; d/o Jesse and Chloe (VanBibber) Boone, sister of Alphonso; started, with husband, on Southern Route at Imlay but they turned around in mid September and went on to CA; had moved ahead of Donner party and avoided being caught in the snow; buried Tulocay Cemetery, Napa, Napa County, California

SR: *4: BOSWORTH, John Henry  (c1821-1850): m'd 1848 Susan B. LOONEY; John killed E. Popham in 1847 during a fight at Salem; member of Oregon riflemen during Cayuse War; died at Oregon City in May 1850; in 1850 census when Susan was found living in her father's household with her young dau, Maria (1849-1861)

SR: *4: BOUNDS, Amanda (1833-aft 1880 ): m'd 1850 Edward Wilburn MCCARTY  (1827-1895)

SR: *4: BOUNDS, Eliza Ann (1840- ): d/o John Bird Bounds

SR: *4: BOUNDS, James M. (1844-aft 1880 ): s/o John Bird Bounds

SR: *4: BOUNDS, John Armstrong (1837-1915): m1. 1858 Nancy Jane MCBRIDE (1839-1870); m2. 1872 Nancy Ann HOWELL (1852-1939)

SR: *4: BOUNDS, John Bird (c1800 -1869): m1. Elizabeth LOVELADY; m2. Sarah LOVELADY; m3. Martha Ann BRINK (widow of Thomas McBride); John was a brother of Amanda Mary Bounds

SR: *4:BOUNDS, Jesse L.   (1829-1892): m'd 1853 Sarah Jane (Unknown)

SR: *4: BOUNDS, Nancy (1819-1856): m'd 1836 Harrison LINVILLE (1813-1893); d/o John and Sarah (Lovelady) Bounds

SR: *4: BOUNDS, Sarah E.  (1842- ): m'd 1856 Jesse B. LEWIS; d/o John Bird Bounds

SR: *4:BOUNDS, Thomas L. (1824-1901): m'd 1852 Elizabeth MCBRIDE (sister of Nancy Jane McBride)

BOWLBY, Dr. Wilson (1818- ): m'd 1841 JONES, Lydia D.; m2. 1884 BURLINGAME, Mrs; settled in Washington County, Oregon where he was a doctor, tax collector; served in the Oregon House 4 terms and the Senate 1 term

BRADBURY, Clement Adams (1819- ): m'd 1850 HOBSON, Annie; went to sea as a young man and was shipwrecked off of Bering Island, rescued and taken to Sandwich Islands where he took a ship for the Columbia River; arrived December 1846; spent last years with son in Clatsop County

BRAMMEL, Elizabeth (1816-1860): m'd 1833 Roland Burke HINTON; settled in Benton Co

CA: BRANHAM, Amanda A. (1814- ): m'd c1831 Isaac BRANHAM; maiden name unknown at this time

CA: BRANHAM, Benjamin F. (1845- ): s/o Isaac and Amanda Branham

CA: BRANHAM, Miss : d/o Isaac and Amanda Branham

CA: BRANHAM, Isaac (1803-1887): m'd c1831 Amanda A. (Unknown); cut off for CA, traveled with wife, 2 sons and 2 dau (notes p. 747 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

CA: BRANHAM, Maggie (1832- ): d/o Isaac and Amanda Branham

CA: BRANHAM, Son : s/o Isaac and Amanda Branham

*3: BRATTAIN, Benjamin F.  (1839- ): m'd 1865 Mary Catherine PORTER; s/o Jonathan and Ellen (Trimble) Brattain

*3: BRATTAIN, Edward (1845- ): s/o Jonathan and Ellen (Trimble) Brattain; 1850 census lists name as Elder Brattain

*3: BRATTAIN, George W. (1843- ): m'd Margaret BEAR; s/o Jonathan and Ellen (Trimble) Brattain

*3: BRATTAIN, Jonathan Hill (1813-1859): m'd 1839 Mary Ellen TRIMBLE; died in Lane Co, OR; was appointed guardian for Edward Trimble's children after his death on the trail

*3: BRATTAIN, Mary A. (1841- ): d/o Jonathan and Ellen (Trimble) Brattain

BREEDING, William P. (1819- ): m'd 1851 Mary Jane (Unknown); initially settled at Salem where he was blacksmith; served in Cayuse War under Col. Waters; 1850 returned to MO to bring his parents to OR; moved to Lane Co to farm; 1875 moved to Whitman Co, WA where he erected a flour mill; laid out Palouse City on his land

CA: *11: BREEN, Edward (1832- ): s/o Patrick and Margaret Breen

CA: *11: BREEN,  Isabella : d/o Patrick and Margaret Breen

CA: *11: BREEN, James (1840- ): s/o Patrick and Margaret Breen

CA: *11:BREEN,  John (1830- ): s/o Patrick and Margaret Breen

CA: *11: BREEN,  Margaret (1845- ): d/o Patrick and Margaret Breen

CA: *11: BREEN, Margaret (1810-1874): m'd Patrick BREEN; maiden name unknown at this time

CA: *11: BREEN, Patrick (1792-1868): (diary of Patrick Breen published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p306-322)

CA: *11: BREEN, Patrick Jr. (1837- ): s/o Patrick and Margaret Breen

CA: *11: BREEN, Peter (1832- ): s/o Patrick and Margaret Breen

CA: *11: BREEN, Simon P. (1838- ): s/o Patrick and Margaret Breen

SR: *10:*4: BRIDGES, John Harrison (1820- ): m'd 1848 Margaret Ann CAMPBELL; settled DLC in Marion county; driver for James Campbell

BRIGGS, Jarvis (04 Sep 1811-24 Aug 1861): m'd NEWTON Aurelia Ann; s/o Frederick and Polly (Bliss) Briggs; Jarvis and son, Nathan, were murdered murdered on their way home from selling cattle at mines for gold; buried Briggs Graves, Wasco County, Oregon

BRIGGS, Newton Nathan (24 Apr 1844-24Aug 1861): s/o Jarvis and Aurelia (Newton) Briggs; Nathan and his father were murdered on their way home from selling cattle at mines for gold; buried Briggs Graves, Wasco County, Oregon

SR: *4: BRISBIN, Frances Ann (1828-1909): m'd 1846 Morgan R. SAVAGE; d/o John and Mary (Miller) Brisbin

SR: *4: BRISBIN, Jane Miller (1809-1858): m'd 1830 Rice W. DUNBAR; d/o John and Mary (Miller) Brisbin

SR: *4: BRISBIN, John (1781-1846): m'd 1804 Mary MILLER; s/o William and Sarah (Moore) Brisbin; died in Cow Creek Canyon; wife had died several years prior to emigration of her family

SR: *4: BRISBIN, William Moore (1815-1891): m'd 1855 Francis Ann HALPIN; s/o John and Mary (Miller) Brisbin; died at Olalla, Douglas Co, OR

BRISTOW, Elijah (1786-1871):  shown on Bancroft list as emigrant to Oregon in 1846; however, it is believed he was actually an emigrant of 1845 who cutoff for CA and then migrated to OR in 1846;  see 1845 listing

*12: BROCK, Mahlon (1822- ): m'd 01 Sep 1844 Eleanor SAVAGE; settled DLC in Clackamas Co

*12: BROCK, Patsey Jane (1845- ): m'd 1864 Charles M. STARK, d/o Mahlon and Eleanor (Savage) Brock

*15:BROCKMAN, Israel (1824- ): one of  8 men who cut off for CA and were one of first parties over Sierra in 1846; in Sonoma Co in 1850 census

BROOKEY, Mr. :  one of  8 men who left June 28 on mules from Ft. Laramie for CA  (diary of George McKinstry published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p199-218)

BROSHEARS, Joseph Smith (1828-1905): m'd 1852 Elizabeth JONES; father of (William Wilson, Nancy Keziah, Joshua Lewis, Gertrude Camelia, Rachel Elizabeth, Rosetta Ida, Frances Josephine, Mary Alice, Joseph Smith); settled near Winlock, Washington

*5: *14: BROWN, Alvin Clark (1829-1912): m'd 1854 Sarah Ann ROSS; s/o Orus and Theresa (Davis) Brown

*5:  *14: BROWN, Andrew Orus (1831-1904): m'd Aseneth CAREY; s/o Orus and Theresa (Davis) Brown

*5:  *14: BROWN, Caroline (1835- ): m'd 1852 Robert M. PORTER; d/o Orus and Lavina (Waddell) Brown

CA: *1: BROWN, Columbus (29 Oct 1845-26 Nov 1921): m'd 1874 Charlotte Elizabeth WHIPPLE; s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Allen) Brown; buried Angelus Rosedale Cemetery, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California

CA: *1: BROWN, Elam (1797-1889): m1. 1823 Sarah "Sallie" Allen; m2. 1847 Margaret Miller Allen (widow of Isaac Allen); on May 14, 1846 was joint commander with Isaac Allen of approximately 30 wagons headed for CA; purchased a 3,329 acre Mexican land grant called Rancho Acalanes in 1847 for $900; raised wheat and established a grist mill in the area of what is now Oakland; was a legislator; buried Martinez Cemetery, Martinez, CA

*5: BROWN, Eliza (1845-1921): Never Married; d/o James and Lucinda (Davis) Brown; lived all but her last few years at Silverton on the DLC of her parents; last months of life were spent in Portland at the home of a niece.

*5: *14: BROWN, Eliza A. : m'd c1860 George DEBORD; d/o Orus and Lavina (Waddell) Brown

BROWN, Elizabeth Devine (20 Apr 1840-30 May 1921): m'd 04 Jun 1857 John Moses MOYER; d/o Hugh and Clarissa (Browning) Brown; buried Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

BROWN, Eveline Jane (13 Oct 1834-22 Jul 1911): m'd Robert J. MONTGOMERY; d/o Hugh and Clarissa (Browning) Brown; buried McHargue Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon

BROWN, Felix Grundy (06 Oct 1842- 25 Apr 1921): s/o Hugh and Clarissa (Browning) Brown; buried Hunt Cemetery, Kingston, Shoshone County, Idaho

BROWN, Frances America (1843- ): d/o Milton and Christiana (Ferris) Brown

BROWN, Harriett (c1836- ): d/o Hugh and Clarissa (Browning) Brown

BROWN, Hugh Leeper (24 Jan 1810-23 Jan 1888): m'd 1829 Clarissa BROWNING; settled in Linn Co;  emigrated via Barlow Road; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon

"Merchant, miner and soldier, arrived in Oregon late in 1846, settling with his family on the upper Calappoya River in southeastern Willamette Valley.  Born in Tenn., where he married Clarissa Browning, little is known of his early years.  Soon after arriving in Oregon he served in Cayuse War and spent considerable times as a miner in Calif.  When James Blakely, laid out the townsite of Brownsville, in 1853, it was named for Brown, who opened the first store there.  Was one of founders of Brownsville Woolen Mills and besides holding several local town offices, was state senator and representative in the 18s0s.  He was the father of eight children." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 36]

*5:  *14: BROWN, James (1814-1887): m'd 1840 Lucinda DAVIS; was tanner by trade; helped survey one of the first railroads built in IL; settled on a DLC near Silverton in Marion Co; spent the last few years of his life at Woodburn, OR; buried at Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion Co, OR; during emigration his wagon overturned and injured Mrs. Brown and one child

*5:  *14: BROWN, James Madison "Mat" (1844-1906): m1. 1871 Harriett DUDLEY; m2. 1874 Edna J. EASTHAM; s/o James and Lucinda (Davis) Brown; tanner; settled near Silverton where he was partners in a store; was an ardent abolitionist

BROWN, James Matthew (1842- ): s/o Milton and Christiana (Ferris) Brown

*14: BROWN, John (1769- ): s/o John and Mary (Holmes) Brown; was 77 years old at time of emigration; retired sea captain who rode his horse all the way to Oregon; was uncle of Orus and brother-in-law of Tabitha Moffatt Brown; some histories state that he died on the Southern Route while emigrating which is incorrect.   He lived for several years after arrival and is buried at Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR. 

BROWN, John (24 Sep 1831-17 Sep 1894): m'd 12 Nov 1863 Amanda Lorena SPALDING; s/o Hugh and Clarissa (Browning) Brown; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon

CA: *1: BROWN, Lawrence M. (1833-1877): s/o Elam and Sarah (Allen) Brown; died at Contra Costa, CA

*5:  *14: BROWN, Lucy  (1843-1913): m'd 1860 Samuel P. WILKES; d/o Orus and Lavina (Waddell) Brown

BROWN, Manthano : s/o Clark and Tabitha (Moffatt)Brown; "stayed in MO with his wife and family and never did emigrate. He was a slave holder and apparently sided with the south during the Civil War" per Stafford Hazelett

CA: *1: BROWN, Margaline (1829-1893): d/o Elam and Sarah (Allen) Brown; died in Martinez, CA

BROWN, Mary Jane (1837- ): d/o Milton and Christiana (Ferris) Brown

BROWN, Matthew : settled in Silverton area

BROWN, Milton  (1815-1904): m'd 1836 Christiana FERRIS; settled donation land claim in Clackamas Co

BROWN, Missouri Ann (07 Mar 1845-22 Feb 1915): m'd 30 Dec 1862 John WIlliam TYCER,  d/o Hugh and Clarissa (Browning) Brown; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon

*14: BROWN, Nancy : m'd 1822 Aaron RICHARDSON

*5:  *14: BROWN, Orus (1800-1874): m1. c1827 Theresa DAVIS; m2. c1832 Lavina Forrest WADDEL; m3.; s/o Rev. Clark and Tabitha (Moffatt) Brown; original emigrant of 1843; settled claim on Tualatin plain, built house and planted crops; sold claim to Rev. Clark and returned to MO in 1845 to bring family (including wife and 9 children) to Oregon; one of first to use new Barlow Road; his mother and uncle accompanied his sister and her husband (Virgil Pringle) over the Southern Route

*5:  *14: BROWN, Pherne Tabitha  (1805-1891): m'd Virgil Kellogg PRINGLE; name sometimes seen as Pherna but correct spelling is "Pherne" per Stafford Hazelett.

*5:  *14: BROWN, Rosalie (1840-1917): m'd 1865 William Baker MCMAHAN; d/o Orus and Lavina (Waddell) Brown

BROWN, Samuel Sanford (29 Oct 1821-09 May 1885): m'd 26 Dec 1844 ALLEN, Elizabeth; s/o Matheis and Barbara (Leibhard) Brown; buried Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion County, Oregon

Samuel Brown and his wife Elizabeth (Allen) Brown emigrated to California where they built a sawmill on Feather River.  When gold was discovered the mill closed and everyone went to the gold fields, including the Brown family.  In 1849 after their claim panned out, but with $20,000 in cash, proceeds of their mine, they disposed of their property and started  by sea to Oregon.   Their ship was blown to sea and it took them three months to sail from San Francisco to Portland.  Upon arrival they stayed with Elizabeth's family near present day Mt. Angel. The Brown family then were able to purchase the Peter Depot land claim, adding to it their own Donation Land Claim in French Prairie. Their land encompassed over 1,000 acres in the Gervais area.  For the first eight years they lived in a log cabin about 1 mile north of the present home site.  They soon began their plans for the home that was later to be known as the Sam Brown house. Legend has it that this was the first house in Oregon to be built from an architect's plan.  Co-incidentally, the architect was another Sam Brown, though no relative of the family.  After completion, the house, in addition to being a residence, served as a stage coach station.  Samuel ultimately founded the town of Gervais."   [Information provided by Victoria Hodges with additional references from Marion County Historical Society Vol 1. p.6-8 "History of the Sam Brown House" by Elizabeth Esson Brown]

"Farmer and state senator, was born in York, Penn., had common school training and at age 16 moved with parents to Indiana.  In 1842 he moved to Missouri, where he worked as a carpenter and married Elizabeth Allen (1844).  In 1846 started with family for Oregon.  At Fort Hall met the Scott-Applegate party, with whom he traveled for a time, but changing his mind, headed for California where he spent four profitable years mining for gold.  In 1850 he moved to Oregon, purchased a farm near Gervais where he lived the rest of his life.  He was a state senator, 1866-1872.  The Browns had twelve children; a son, Samuel was borner state senator and Republican candidate for governor in 1936." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 36]

*5:  *14: BROWN, Sarella   (1838-1877): aka Larila Brown; m'd 1855 Edward WOOLEY; d/o Orus and Lavina (Waddell) Brown

BROWN, Susanna Elizabeth  (1840- ): m'd William CONNOR; d/o Milton and Christiana (Ferris) Brown

BROWN, Tabitha : see Tabitha MOFFATT

*5:  *14: BROWN, Theresa (1833-1908): m'd 1851 John Quincy ZACHARY; d/o Orus and Lavina (Waddell) Brown

CA: *1: BROWN, Thomas Allen (1823-1889): m'd 1851 Caroline Thela CAMRON; s/o Elam and Sarah (Allen) Brown; had helped lay out the town of Portland, OR; surveyed and plotted the city of Martinez five years later; county clerk of Contra Costa County 1850-1855; county judge 1856-1864; Superior Court Judge; died at Martinez, CA

BROWN, Thomas J. (1846- ): s/o Milton and Christiana (Ferris) Brown

*5:  *14: BROWN, Virgil  (1841-1918): s/o Orus and Lavina (Waddell) Brown

CA: *1: BROWN, Warren E. (1826-1889): m'd Laura (Unknown); s/o Elam and Sarah (Allen) Brown; surveyor; drew the original map of Martinez, CA for his surveyor brother, Thomas A., in 1849; was stricken by typhoid fever during emigration and was left at Ft. Bridger while his family continued on.  He recovered and joined the family in CA; was elected County Surveyor in 1850 and in 1854 was elected to the State Assembly; also served as Sheriff 1869-1871.

BROWN, William C. (1824- ): m'd Martha Jane TOWNSEND

BROWNING, Clarissa (08 Feb 1810-08 Apr 1898): m'd BROWN, Hugh Leeper; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon

BROYLES, Aaron (1817-1887): m1. 11 Aug 1842 Nancy MILLER; m2. 15 Jul 1855 Susannah Catherine QUICK; Aaron was a trapper for HBC for a period of time, it is unknown if he was in the NW prior to emigration in 1846.  There is also controversy over the death of his first wife, some saying she died in Missouri prior to emigration and others stating she died in Oregon Territory in 1854.  He settled at St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon where he died on September 17, 1887.  He is buried at Masonic Cemetery, St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon.  His family came to America in 1717 and were part of the Second Germanna Colony in Virginia.  Much of the information on this family was provided by Cathi Frost in conjunction with her research on the family for the Germanna Foundation.

*17: BRYANT, Edwin (1805-1869): had studied medicine but did not practice except reluctantly on the trail; returned east in 1847; returned to CA once more and them went back east where he died by his own hand in 1869 (notes p. 747 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

CA: *1: BUCHANAN, John C. : cut off for CA, traveling with wife and one or two children  (notes p. 497 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

SR: BUCKINGHAM, George Washington  (1840- ): s/o Heman and Betsey (Trumbull) Buckingham

SR: BUCKINGHAM, Heman Chapin  (1812-1881): m1.Laura KINNEY (1811-1835); m2. 1837 Betsey TRUMBULL ( -1847); m3. 1850 Matilda Jane STARR (1833-1885); s/o Reuben and Philena (Chapin) Buckingham; settled originally at Oregon City where he operated a store; 1850 moved to Benton County where he took up a DLC; bur Bellfountain Cemetery, Benton Co, OR

SR: BUCKINGHAM, Joel ( -1846): s/o Heman and Betsey (Trumbull) Buckingham;  died on the trail in June

SR: BUCKINGHAM, Levina Philena  (1843- ): m'd  (Unknown) GRAGG; d/o Heman and Betsey (Trumbull) Buckingham

SR: BUCKINGHAM, Randolph Chapin  (1835-1863): s/o Heman and Laura (Kinney) Buckingham; staunch Republican; served one term as a state representative; buried beside his third wife in Bellfountain Cemetery , Benton Co, OR

BUNCH, Mahala Amy  (1809-1879): m'd 1822 Samuel SIMMONS; d/o Israel and Rachel (Goodwin) Bunch; settled in Marion County, OR

*11: BURGER, Karl ( -1846): cut off for CA; member of Donner Party; believed to be a teamster for Keseberg

*3: BURNETT, Anna M. (1835- ): d/o George and Sydney (Younger) Burnett

*3:BURNETT, Emily E.  (1840- ): d/o George and Sydney (Younger) Burnett

*3:BURNETT, George William (1811-1878): m'd 1831 Sydney A. YOUNGER; s/o George and Dorothy (Hardeman) Burnett; settled in Yamhill Co; brother of Peter H. Burnett; 1868 was member of state legislature from Yamhill Co

*3: BURNETT, Rev. Glenn Owen (1809-1886): m'd 1830 Sarah M. ROGERS; s/o George and Dorothy (Hardeman) Burnett; settled in Polk/Yamhill counties; organized the Bethel Church in Polk Co; was a circuit riding preacher; one of those to donate land for Bethel College; moved to CA in 1861buried Santa Rosa, CA; See also Pioneer Preacher Profile: Glen Owen Burnett

*3:BURNETT, Horace G. (1832- ): m'd 1851 Margaret A. BOUNDS; s/o Glen and Sarah (Rogers) Burnett; settled Polk Co

*3:BURNETT, Louis M. (1839-1902): m'd Margaret A. LOVELADY; s/o Glen and Sarah (Rogers) Burnett; returned to MO from CA

*3:BURNETT, Lucretia E. (1836- ): m'd A. J. NELSON; d/o George and Sydney (Younger) Burnett

*3:BURNETT, Martha Elizabeth (c1831- ): m'd 1847 Daniel Sanders HOLMAN; d/o Glen and Sarah (Rogers) Burnett

*3:BURNETT, Mary Hardeman (1835-1897): m'd 1851 Charles B. GRAVES; d/o Glen and Sarah (Rogers) Burnett

*3:BURNETT, Olivia P. (c1836- ): m'd Woodford C. HOLMAN; d/o Glen and Sarah (Rogers) Burnett

*3:BURNETT, Peter Rogers (1842-1922): m'd Mary Elizabeth TODD; s/o Glen and Sarah (Rogers) Burnett; went to school in CA and returned to OR in 1864 where he taught school; was the first vocational minister at the First Christian Church in Salem; he served in the ministry throughout the NW; described as "tall, straight, slender, dark eyed, dark complexioned, and soft voiced.  One is impressed by his fine character, great soul, and decided convictions."; died at Eugene and is buried at Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill Co, OR  See also Pioneer Preacher Profile: Peter Rogers Burnett

*3:BURNETT, Sarah D. (1838- ): d/o George and Sydney (Younger) Burnett

*3:BURNETT, William W. (c1844- ): m'd 1865 Emeline DAWSON; s/o Glen and Sarah (Rogers) Burnett

SR: *4: BURNS, Child : c/o William Burns

SR: *4: BURNS, Child : c/o William Burns

SR: *4: BURNS, Child : c/o Sutton Burns

SR: *4: BURNS, Child : c/o Sutton Burns

SR: *4: BURNS, Child : c/o Sutton Burns

SR: *4: BURNS, Lettie ( -1846): d/o William Burns; died 23 Oct 1846

SR: *4: BURNS, Sutton ( -1846): killed by Indians on Aug 21, 1846, left wife and 3 children

SR: *4: BURNS, Mrs. Sutton :

SR: *4: BURNS, William:

SR: *4: BURNS, Mrs. William:

BURRASS, Charles D. ( -1846): cut off for CA; killed Dec 1846 in battle of Natividad   (diary of George McKinstry as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p199-218)

SR: *17: *4: BUTTERFIELD, David (1818-1889): m'd 1844 Martha Caroline BAKER; party joined Russell train May 16 but was expelled due to their large herd of cattle that slowed down progress of train

SR: *17: *4: BUTTERFIELD, Mrs. : mother of David Butterfield; widow

SR: *8: BYRD , Lorenzo Austin (1822-1907): m'd 1854 Martha Crawford SAVAGE; s/o John and Mary (WISE/WEISS) Byrd; was two years old when father died; made trips to CA in 1848 and 1851; early life spent in Arkansas; hired out as driver for his Arkansas neighbor, Rev. Josephus Cornwall, who was emigrating to OR; settled Marion Co, buried City View Cemetery, Salem, OR

SR: *4: CALDWELL, Alameda Conrad : d/o Barclay and Margaret (Farrar) Caldwell

CALDWELL, Alexander P.  (1825-1876): m'd 1850 Sarah Ann (Unknown)

SR: *4: CALDWELL, Arthur : s/o Barclay and Margaret (Farrar) Caldwell; served under General John Fremont in southern CA during the Mexican War and spent the remainder of his life at San Juan, CA

SR: *4: CALDWELL, Barclay D. (1833- ): s/o Barclay and Margaret (Farrar) Caldwell; listed twice in the 1850 census; once in Marion county in June and later in Sept in Linn county; traveled with widowed mother; took Southern Route; spent most of his years as a miner, lived at Stockton, CA

SR: *4:CALDWELL, Calohill : served with General John Fremont in southern CA during the Mexican War; died at Burns, OR

*4: CALDWELL, Elizabeth  (1831- ): d/o Ronald Caldwell

SR: *4:CALDWELL, Emma  (1841- ): d/o Barclay and Margaret (Farrar) Caldwell

*4: CALDWELL, George : s/o Ronald Caldwell

*4: CALDWELL, Joseph : s/o Ronald Caldwell

*4:CALDWELL, Laura  (1844- ): d/o Ronald Caldwell

SR: *4: CALDWELL, Laurilla Jane  (1829-1894): m'd 1847 RAMSDELL, Thomas Manly; d/o Barclay and Margaret (Farrar) Caldwell; divorced from husband in 1883 Benton Co; buried Jefferson Cemetery, Jefferson, Marion Co, OR; traveled with widowed mother; took Southern Route; twin of Liona

SR: *4: CALDWELL, Liona Agnes  (1829-1895): m'd 1847 HOLT, Thomas; d/o Barclay and Margaret (Farrar) Caldwell; settled in Marion County; took traveled with widowed mother; Southern Route; twin of Laurilla

SR: *4: CALDWELL, Mary  (c1837-1846): d/o Barclay and Margaret (Farrar) Caldwell; died on trail; traveled with widowed mother; took Southern Route

SR: *4: CALDWELL, Mayberry G.  (1838-1915): m'd [ ], Florence Elizabeth; spent some time in the mines of Southern Oregon but for most part lived in Jefferson, Marion Co, OR; buried Jefferson Cemetery, Jefferson, Marion Co, OR; traveled with widowed mother; took Southern Route

CALDWELL, Richard S.  (c1824- ):

*4: CALDWELL, Ronald S. :

*4: CALDWELL, Mrs. Ronald S. :

SR: *10: CAMPBELL, Dabney Finley (1842- ): m'd BAKER, Martha; s/o James and Margaret (Finley) Campbell; Settled in Marion Co.

*6: CAMPBELL, David (1825-1912):  m'd 1849 WHISMAN, Mary King; s/o William and Agnes (Hancock) Campbell; cut off for CA; settled in Santa Clara County, CA

SR: *10:  CAMPBELL, David Rice (1840-1904): m'd MORRIS, Ann Mrs.; s/o James and Margaret (Finley) Campbell; Settled in Marion Co.; buried Condit Cemetery

SR: *10:  CAMPBELL, Elizabeth H. (1837-1883): m'd KEENE, David Madison Rev.; d/o James and Margaret (Finley) Campbell

SR: *10:  CAMPBELL, James (1807-1873): m1. c1831 FINLEY, Margaret Almira; m2. 1847 [], Nancy H. who he divorced and later remarried; Settled in Marion Co; 1859 moved to Puget Sound; 1866 returned to Salem; had a slave with his family; buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery

SR: *10:  CAMPBELL, Margaret Ann (1833-1893): m'd 1848 BRIDGES, John Harrison; d/o James and Margaret (Finley) Campbell; settled in Marion Co

SR: *10: : CAMPBELL, Mary ( -1846): d/o James and Margaret (Finley) Campbell; died on trail

*6: CAMPBELL, Sarah: m'd FINLEY, Asa Wallace; went to CA; d/o William and Agnes (Hancock) Campbell

SR: *10:  CAMPBELL, Sarah Jane (1835- ): m'd 1856 DENNY, Allen Wiley; d/o James and Margaret (Finley) Campbell; Denny family became pioneer settlers in Seattle area

SR: *10:  CAMPBELL, Virginia (1844-1934): m1. MCKINNEY, Edward E. m2. CONDIT, Samuel J.; d/o James and Margaret (Finley) Campbell; (note: sources vary on whether Virginia married McKinney first or second)

*6: CAMPBELL, William (1793-1885): m1. MCNARY, Sarah; m2. HANCOCK, Agnes; m3. MCCUTCHEON, Keziah; m4. Sherwood CAIN, Louisa; went to CA where he settled in the Santa Clara, CA area 


*12: CAREY, Abijah (1820-1883): m'd 1839 WOODCOCK, Sophia W/M.

*12: CAREY, Aseneth (1841- ): d/o Abijah and Sophia (Woodcock) Carey

*12: CAREY, Elias (1842- ): m'd PATTERSON, Sarah J.; s/o Abijah and Sophia (Woodcock) Carey

*5: CAREY, John C. (1821- ): m'd 1846 COX, Sarah

*3: CAREY, Miles: at Chimey Rock, overcome with homesickness, he stole a horse from John Rogers McBride and joined an east bound party.  His family later paid McBride for the horse.

*12: CAREY, Richard W. (1843- ): m'd WOLFARD, Amelia; s/o Abijah and Sophia (Woodcock) Carey

CARLIN, John (1820- ): m'd 1850 GARRISON, Martha E.

*4: CARNAHAN, Hiram (1820-1896): m'd 1849 [], Mary Ellen


*12: CARRIGER, Elizabeth Jane  (28 Jul 1843-08 Apr 1908): m'd SCHETTER, Otto; d/o Nicholas and Mary (Wardlow) Carriger; buried Evergreen Cemetery, Oakland, Alameda County, California

*12: CARRIGER, Levisa (22 Jan 1845-25 Aug 1926): m'd LEWIS, Leonidas L.; d/o Nicholas and Mary (Wardlow) Carriger; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, Alameda County, California

*12: CARRIGER, Sarah Catherine (26 Sep 1846-Dec 1846): d/o Nicholas and Mary (Wardlow) Carriger; born 26 Sep 1846 on trail same day grandfather died

*12: CARRIGER, Christian (28 Jul 1779 -26 Sep 1846): m'd 03 Aug 1811 WARD, Levicy; s/o Godfrey and Anna Margaret (Anspach) Carriger; Christian died shortly after arrival in California 26 Sep 1846 (diary of Nicholas Carriger- Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p143-158); burial location unknown, Nevada County, California

*12: CARRIGER, Daniel Stover (10 Dec 1810- ): m'd 26 Feb 1837 PATTERSON, Margaret; s/o of Christian and Lavicy (Ward) Carriger; mentioned in diary of Nicholas Carriger as adult member of party; not know at this time if his wife and children accompanied him

*12: CARRIGER, Nicholas (30 Mar 1816-30 Jun 1885): m'd 29 Sep 1842 WARDLOW, Mary Ann; s/o of Christian and Lavicy (Ward) Carriger (diary of Nicholas Carriger- Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p143-158) ; buried Mountain Cemetery, Sonoma, Sonoma County, California

*4: CARTER, George H.: younger brother of Tolbert Carter

CARTER, S. W.: Settled in Marion Co.

CARTER, Smiley (1827-1881): buried in North Palestine Cemetery, Benton Co, OR.

SR: *4: CARTER, Tolbert (1825-1899): m'd 1850 BELIEU, Martha Angeline; *1 Accessions: Sketch of Pioneer Days by Tolbert Carter, a pioneer of 1846. Typewritten MS--donated by a son, J.A. Carter; settled Polk Co; elected State Representative from Benton Co in 1878 and 1882; joint senator from Benton and Lincoln counties from 1895-1899; buried in North Palestine Cemetery, Benton Co, OR.



CHAMBERS, James W. (1817- ): m'd 1845 [], Mary

*4: CHAMBERS, John N. (1821- ): m'd 1848 [], Eliza Jane; settled Polk Co

*4: CHAMBERS, Mary ( -1846): d/o John Chambers; died on trail

CHAMP, John W.:


CHANCE, Dennis (1814-1852): m'd 10 Feb 1838 SMITH, Sarah Ann; cut off for California.  died 06 Sep 1852 El Dorado County, California, father of 5 sons (William Harvey, James Henry, John Willard, Albert Webster and Alonzo Dennis)

CHANCE, James Henry (1842-1871): cut off for California; s/o Dennis and Sarah (Smith) Chance; died 29 Jul 1892 Fresno County, California

CHANCE, Julia Ann (1824-1919): m'd 30 Mar 1841 GILLIAM, Robert Alexander; sister of Dennis Chance; setted in Polk County, Oregon, died 13 Mar 1919 in Kern County, California

CHANCE, William Harvey (1840-1892): m'd 25 Sep 1870 RUSSELL, Mary R.; cut off for California; s/o Dennis and Sarah (Smith) Chance; died 29 Jul 1892 Fresno County, California

CHANDLER, Jack: Englishmen who visited OR, sailed to Hawaii and returned by the Isthmus to NY (notes p. 744 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

CHANDLER, William: Englishmen who visited OR, sailed to Hawaii and returned by the Isthmus to NY (notes p. 744 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

*1: CHILES, Joseph B.: emigrant of 1841 who traveled the trail yearly for almost a decade


CHISMAN, Martin ( -1846): died 22 Aug 1846 on trai, buried him in the road near present day Osinol; s/o John Chisman (diary of Nicholas Carriger- Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p143-158)

CHURCH, Joseph (1808- ): m'd 1828 [], Mary M.B.

CHURCH, Joseph C/S. (1832- ): m'd 1853 [], Rosanna

CLARK, John:

CLARKE, Sarah ( -1869): m'd MATHERS, James (diary of James Mathers - as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p219-236)

CLAYPOOL, David (18 Apr 1797-17 Jul 1857): m'd 10 Jul 1822 ROOKER, Nancy; father of eleven children; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon

CLAYPOOL, David Wayne (08 Oct 1834-30 Jan 1899): m'd 08 Oct 1857 ELKINS, Louisa; s/o David and Nancy (Rooker) Claypool; buried Mill Creek Cemetery, Crook County, Oregon

CLAYPOOL, Eliza Dunbar (1827 -1897): m'd 1850 WHEELER, Jason; d/o David and Nancy (Rooker) Claypool; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon

CLAYPOOL, Elizabeth Caroline (25 Apr 1840-23 Feb 1862): d/o David and Nancy (Rooker) Claypool; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon

CLAYPOOL, John Hay (Jun 1838-02 May 1903): m1. PENINGTON, Jemima Jane; m2. CLINE, Jean; s/o David and Nancy (Rooker) Claypool; buried Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prineville, Crook County, Oregon

CLAYPOOL, Martha (28 Dec 1845-24 Aug 1899): m'd 1867 PARKER, John; d/o David and Nancy (Rooker) Claypool; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon

CLAYPOOL, Mary Jane (20 Oct 1842-13 Oct 1923): m'd 23 Aug 1873 WISHARD, Bart Stowe; d/o David and Nancy (Rooker) Claypool; died Umatilla County, Oregon

CLAYPOOL, Samuel Rooker (28 Aug 1836-06 Dec 1908): m'd c1855 CRABTREE, America; s/o David and Nancy (Rooker) Claypool; buried Lebanon IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon

CLAYPOOL, Sarah Ann (09 May 1825-17 May 1889): m'd HOWELL, William Brooks; d/o David and Nancy (Rooker) Claypool; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon

CLAYPOOL, William Strange  (1 Mar 1827- 13 Nov 1889): m1. 19 Jun 1851 MORRIS, Catherine; m2. 27 Aug 1857 DYER, Mrs. Martha Ann (THURMAN); m3. 18 Apr 1868 CORYELL, Maria M.; s/o David and Nancy (Rooker) Claypool; buried Athena Cemetery, Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon

CLINE, George (1799- ): m1. ; m2. ; m3. 1839 OLIVER, Jane

CLINE, George W.: m'd SMITH, Nellie

CLOZPORE, J.H. (1838- ):

CLUSE, James:

CLYMER, Henry Vance (28 Mar 1824-15 Feb 1863): m'd 06 Mar 1851 JOHNSON, Mary Layman; died Seattle, King County, Washington

COATS, John ( -1876): early settler of Douglas Co

COFFENBERRY, George W. (1814- ): m'd 1835 [], Sarah F.

COFFENBERRY, Susanna (1804-1888): m'd 1825 COX, Gideon S.

SR: *5: *4: COLLINS, David Crocket (15 Feb 1845-13 Apr 1875): s/o Smith and Eliza (Wyatt) Collins; buried Chamberlin Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon

SR: *5: *4: COLLINS, Douglas Wyatt (05 Nov 1838-10 Aug 1904) m'd 18 May 1859 WHEELER, Sarah Ann; s/o Smith and Eliza (Wyatt) Collins; buried IOOF Mountain View Cemetery, Goldendale, Klickitat County, Washington

SR: *5: *4: COLLINS, Eliza Melvina (22 Oct 1836-02 May 1919): m'd 27 Nov 1851 BERRY, Thomas W.; m2. 14 Aug 1887 SHAW, William Preston; m3. DORNSIFE, Napoleon; d/o Smith and Eliza (Wyatt) Collins; buried English Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon

SR: *5: *4: COLLINS, Elizabeth "Jane" (17 Oct 1831-26 Jul 1867): m'd 22 May 1847 NEALY, Matthew M.; d/o Smith and Eliza (Wyatt) Collins; buried Chamberlin Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon

SR: *5: *4: COLLINS, Francis Marion "Frank" (19 Nov 1834-27 Jul 1926): m'd  28 Aug 1859 GILLIAM, Martha Elizabeth; s/o Smith and Eliza (Wyatt) Collins; buried Dallas Cemetery, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon

SR: *5: *4: COLLINS, George Smith (23 Jan 1841-03 Aug 1846): s/o Smith and Eliza (Wyatt) Collins; killed in fall from wagon, wagon wheels ran over his head killing him instantly 03 Aug 1846 (diary of Virgil Pringle Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p159-188)

SR: *5: *4: COLLINS, James Layton (09 May 1833-21 Jun 1916): m1. 29 Sep 1861 WHITEAKER, Mary; m2. 1867 KIMES, Mary E.; s/o Smith and Eliza (Wyatt) Collins; 1855 was reporter in state legislature; member of regiment of Col. Cornelius in Yakima wars of 1856; 1859 admitted to practice of law at the Dalles; 1864 chief clerk of the house of representatives; buried Dallas Cemetery, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon

SR: *5: *4: COLLINS, Smith (25 Dec 1803-22 Mar 1870): m'd 1830 WYATT, Emily Eliza; 1828 to MO; s/o George and Jane (Eddins) Collins; buried Chamberlin Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon

SR: *5: *4: COLLINS, William Wallace (02 Mar 1843-13 Apr 1912 ): m'd May 1870 FUQUA, Mary Letitia; s/o Smith and Eliza (Wyatt) Collins; buried Chamberlin Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon

COLVER, David (10 Dec 1798-31 Dec 1874): m1. unknown; m2. 07 Oct 1850 MATOON, Elizabeth [divorced 1858]; s/o David and Catherine (Callender) Culver; died in Waldo Hills, Marion County; burial location is unknown

SR: *10: COLWELL, Widow: mentioned in reminiscence of Narcissa Cornwall Moore

CONE, Anson Sterling (06 Nov 1827-06 Apr 1914): m'd 20 Oct 1866 WADE, Sara Ann; s/o Gustavus and Mary (Garrison) Cone; wife was widow of Anson's brother, Oliver; settled in Marion Co;

CONNELL, William

*12: COOK, David W.:

*12: COOK, Samuel Y. (1823- ): m'd 1848 [], Martha Ann


COOKE, Rebecca: m'd CYRUS, Enoch


COOPER, Henry: m'd 1831 [], Jemima; born in Ireland

*3: COOPER, Nancy June (1820- ): m'd SIMPSON, Benjamin Capt. second wife of Capt. Benjamin Simpson; mother of 10 children

SR: *8: CORNWALL, Elizabeth (12 Oct 1829-25 Dec 1904): m'd 1847 GEIGER, William Jr.; d/o Josephus and Nancy Cornwall; buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon

SR: *8: CORNWALL, George Adamson (13 Jan 1839-11 May 1917 ): m1. 1865 MESSINGER, Phebe Catherine; m2. INGRAM, Virginia Frances; s/o Josephus and Nancy Cornwall; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Mount Hope, Spokane County, Washington

SR: *8: CORNWALL, Joseph Hardin (08 Oct 1832-09 Nov 1918): m'd FINLEY, Susan Mary; s/o Josephus and Nancy Cornwall; buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon

SR: *8: CORNWALL, Josephus Adamson Rev. (18 Feb 1798-02 Jan 1879): m'd 13 Nov 1828 HARDIN, Nancy; Cumberland Presbyterian minister for 53 years; 1865 moved to Ventura Co, CA; buried Pierce Brothers Santa Paula Cemetery, Santa Paula, Ventura County, California; during gold rush his daughter and her family moved in with his and his wife while her husband, William Geiger Jr, went to gold fields

SR: *8: CORNWALL, Laura Ann (26 Jun 1844-03 Feb 1933): m'd CALDWELL, William Henry; d/o Josephus and Nancy Cornwall; buried Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prineville, Crook County, Oregon

SR: *8: CORNWALL, Narcissa (08 Nov 1836-19 Jan 1928): m'd 1856 MOORE, James M.; d/o Josephus and Nancy Cornwall; buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon

COVINGTON, Richard (08 May 1819-25 Oct 1882): m'd RHODES, Anna; brought the first piano to the Pacific Northwest as well as a violin and guitar; both husband and wife worked as teachers at the fort's school; 1848 moved to a residence that today is known as Covington House arrived at Fort Vancouver by ship in 1846; died in Hawaii; buried O'ahu Cemetery, Honolulu, Honolulu County, Hawaii

*5: COX, Diana (1835-1921): m'd 1860 FOSHAY, Wright; d/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox

*5: COX, Elias (1823- ): m'd 1851 [], Lucea; s/o Peter and Isabella Cox; went blind

*5: COX, Elizabeth: m'd BOWEN, Joshua; d/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox

*5: COX, George W.: s/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox

*5: COX, Gideon S. (1806-1890): m'd 1825 COFFENBERRY, Susanna; father of 17 children

*5: COX, Isabella: m'd 1834 COX, Peter; maiden name not known at this time

*5: COX, Jacob: s/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox

*5: COX, Jane: m'd PENTER, Samuel; d/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox

*5: COX, John T. (c1828- ): m'd 1853 PITMAN, Mary J.; s/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox; *1 Mss# 722; 10 pp typescript reminiscence

*5: COX, Joseph (1826- ): m'd 1851 [], Lonica V.; s/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox

*5: COX, Julia Ann: m'd JERMAN, James; d/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox

*5: COX, Marcilla: m'd 1846 KING, Wilburn; d/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox

*5: COX, Margeline: d/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox

*5: COX, Mary: m'd JONES, Stephen; d/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox

*5: COX, Permillia (1839-1913): m'd 1859 BOWEN, Peter W.; d/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox

*5: COX, Peter (1802-1876): m'd 1834 [], Isabella

*5: COX, Peter Jackson (1846- ): m'd HADLEY, Christie; s/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox

*5: COX, Polk: s/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox

*5: COX, Samuel S.:

*5: COX, Sarah: m'd 1846 CARY, John C.; d/o Peter and Isabella Cox

*5: COX, Thomas:

*5: COX, Tabitha (1842-1852): d/o Gideon and Susanna (Coffenberry) Cox

CRABTREE, America (1839-1906): m'd c1855 CLAYPOOL, Samuel R.; buried Lebanon IOOF, Linn Co, OR

CRABTREE, Fletcher DeLa (1815-1901): m'd 1835 FLANARY, Phoebe; aka Dela Fletcher; buried Franklin Butte Cemetery, Linn Co, OR; the town of Crabtree in Linn County was named for him

CRABTREE, Francis Marion (1846-1921): m'd 1866 PRINE, Louisa E.; s/o Dela and Phoebe (Flanary) Crabtree; buried in Linn Co on parents DLC; was born in Linn county in October 1846 after family's arrival

CRABTREE, James Fletcher (1838-1912): m'd 1881 POWELL, Mary Anne; s/o Dela and Phoebe (Flanary) Crabtree; buried in Palistine Cemetery, Benton Co, OR

CRABTREE, Job Flanary (1840-1865): s/o Dela and Phoebe (Flanary) Crabtree; buried in Linn Co on parents DLC

CRABTREE, John Paton (1842-1871): m'd 1866 CLAYPOOL, Mary; s/o Dela and Phoebe (Flanary) Crabtree; buried in Linn Co on parents DLC

*15: CRAIG, John (1828-1913): m'd 1849 BLONG, Catherine; one of 8 men who cut off for CA and were one of first parties over Sierra in 1846; returned east in 1847

CRANK, Joseph Wesley (31 Aug 1822-30 Jan 1909): m'd 01 Oct 1849 PREWETT, Menerva; s/o Nathaniel and Susanna (Fitzpatrick) Crank

CRANK, Mary Ann (1836-18 Dec 1861): m'd 04 Aug 1852  MAY, Andrew Jackson; d/o Nathaniel and Susanna (Fitzpatrick) Crank; settled Linn County, Oregon

CRANK, Nancy Jane (18 Jul 1830-25 Apr 1858): m'd 18 Dec 1845 MUNKERS, James Preston, d/o Nathaniel and Susanna (Fitzpatrick) Crankl settled Linn County, Oregon

CRANK, Nathaniel (1794-06 Apr 1856): m'd 20 Aug 1820 FITZPATRICK, Susanna; s/o Joseph and Anna (Masters) Crank; settled Linn County, Oregon

CRANK, Palmira (1840-1873): m'd 1857 GRIFFITH, John; d/o Nathaniel and Susanna (Fitzpatrick) Crank; settled Linn County, Oregon

CRANK, Sarah B. (1826-17 Mar 1854): m'd 09 Apr 1848 FLEENER, Simon Patrick Cartwright; d/o Nathaniel and Susanna (Fitzpatrick) Crank; settled Linn County, Oregon

CRANK, William Martin (06 Jan 1846-21 Jun 1929): m'd 09 Sep 1866 GRANJEN, Elizabeth; s/o Nathaniel and Susanna (Fitzpatrick) Crank; by 1860 was living in California

*4: CRISMAN, Richard: young man traveling with Rev. Cornwall

SR: *10: CROISAN, Johann "John" Henry (1813-13 Sep 1875): m'd 18 Jun 1846 HALL, Mary Ann on the South Platte during emigration; s/o Phillipp and Anna Croissant; born Germany; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon


CROMWELL, Dau 1: returned east at Ft. Laramie after their mother died

CROMWELL, Dau 2: returned east at Ft. Laramie after their mother died

CROMWELL, Mr. (c1784- ):

CROMWELL, Mrs. ( -1846): died on the Platte, her husband, age about 62, two young daughters and a 12 year old son continued to Ft. Laramie where they sold their wagon, bought mules and returned east

CROMWELL, Son (c1834- ): returned east at Ft. Laramie after his mother died

CROSBY, Alfred Capt. (1824-30 Apr 1871): m'd 1846 NICKERSON, Clarissa; s/o Nathaniel and Ruby (Foster) Crosby; buried Ocean View Cemetery, Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon

"Sailing master, was born in Brewster, Mass., the youngest of four seafaring sons of Captain Nathaniel Crosby, Sr. and Ruby Foster Crosby.  He probably first entered the Columbia River in the latter 1840s, settling at Astoria in 1850, where for many years he was master of the first pilot schooner, 'California', placed in service in 1853, and which Crosby helped build.  He was one of the best known bar pilots of his time.  His fine home, built in 1858 of lumber brought around Cape Horn from Mass., was long a show place in Astoria.  He married Clarissa Nickerson of Cape Cod, in 1846; five children reached maturity." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 67]

CROSBY, Nathaniel Jr. Capt. (03 Nov 1810-17 Dec 1856): m'd 1832 LINCOLN, Mary; s/o Nathaniel and Ruby (Foster) Crosby; buried Hong Kong Cemetery, Happy Valley, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

"Sailing master and bar pilot, was born in Mass., on of four sons of Ruby Foster Crosby and Captain Nathaniel Crosby, Sr.  He first came to Oregon Feb. 5, 1846, as master of the bark 'Toulon' of N.Y.  From Maine dressed lumber in his cargo was erected first frame house in Portland, 1847, by John L. Morrison.  He voyaged between Oregon and Sandsich Islands, bringing Benjamin Stark to Portland, July 4, 1846.  On Nov. 12, 1846, he returned with news of Oregon boundary settlement.  With John H. Couch, George L. Curry, and Francis W. Pettygrove, he formed first river pilot commission, piloting first mail steamers into Columbia River.  He was member of Milton (ghost town) real estate firm of Crosby & Smith, 1850.  He married Mary Lincoln and they had one son.  He died on a voyage to the Orient and was buried at Hong Kong." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 67]

*4: CROW, Sarah (1815-1885): m'd ZUMWALT, Isaac

SR: *4: CROWLEY, Calvin (1822-1846): m'd THORP, Melissa; s/o Thomas and Catherine (Linville) Crowley; died on trail

SR *4: CROWLEY, Elizabeth "Betsy" (1804-1879):d/o John and Elizabeth (McClain) Crowley

SR: *4: CROWLEY, James (1807-1880): s/o John and Elizabeth (McClain) Crowley; died in Tulare City, CA

SR: *4: CROWLEY, John C. (1796-1846): died on trail; s/o John and Elizabeth (McClain) Crowley

SR *4: CROWLEY, John M. (1834- ): s/o Thomas and Catherine (Linville) Crowley

SR *4: CROWLEY, Margaret (1834- ): d/o Thomas and Catherine (Linville) Crowley

SR: *4: CROWLEY, Martha Leland (1832-1846): died on trail 18 Oct 1846; d/o Thomas and Catherine (Linville) Crowley; buried on Grave Creek (diary of Virgil Pringle Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p159-188)

SR: *4: CROWLEY, Mary "Polly" (1802-1879): d/o John and Elizabeth (McClain) Crowley

SR: *4: CROWLEY, Mary: m'd MUNKERS, Benjamin Franklin

SR: *4: CROWLEY, Nancy E. (1838- ): m'd 1854 RUSSELL, George L.; d/o Thomas and Catherine (Linville) Crowley; moved with husband to CA and then on to TX.

SR: *4: CROWLEY, Rebecca J. (1828-1852): m. 1847 MYER, William; d/o Thomas and Catherine (Linville) Crowley

SR: *4: CROWLEY, Samuel (1791-1873): s/o John and Elizabeth (McClain) Crowley

SR: *4: CROWLEY, Sarah (1791-1873): d/o John and Elizabeth (McClain) Crowley

SR *4: CROWLEY, Thomas (1844-1933): m'd 22 Jun 1867 ORCHARD, Lucinda; s/o Thomas and Catherine (Linville) Crowley

SR: *4: CROWLEY, Sarah: m1. HARTLEY, Mr.; m2. 1856 HAYTER, Washington Lafayette;d/o Thomas and Catherine (Linville) Crowley; moved 1865 to Coos county; mother of 15 children

SR: *4: CROWLEY, Thomas McClain (1798-1846): m'd LINVILLE, Catherine; died on trail in "Calapooya Mountains"; s/o John and Elizabeth (McClain) Crowley

SR: *4: CRUMP, Mr. ( -c1864): opened first store in Salem

SR: *4: CRUMP, James Turner (1846-1870): m'd 1869 WILSON, Julia G.; young man of promise; committed suicide a few months after his marriage due to disappointment in not securing a business situation; (Note: listed in various sources as both Jesse T. and James T.)

CRUMP, James Turner (1799- ): m'd c1834 [], Tabitha

SR: *4: CRUMP, Susan:

SR: *4: CRUMP, Tabitha: m'd CRUMP, James Turner; maiden name unknown at this time

SR: *4: CRUMP, William R. (1837- ):

SR: CULVER, Daniel: This may be David Colver/Culver listed above

CUMMINGS, Stephen C.:

: CURRIER, Jacob Manly (1827- ): m1. 1850 FOSTER, Maria; m2. 1863 BUCHANAN, Helena Sarah

SR: *17: *4: CURRIER, Sally Ann ( -1848): m'd 1845 HUMPHREY, Augustus L.

*4: CURRY, George Law, Governor (02 Jul 1820-28 Jul 1878): m'd 14 Mar 1848 BOONE, Chloe Donnely; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon;

"went west for health; arrived via Barlow Road; was editor of Oregon Spectator but was dismissed Jan 1848 and started own paper, Oregon Free Press; served in public positions most of life". [Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan, notes p. 761 ]

CUTTING, Andrew Jackson (1828-1855): m'd 25 Oct 1849 TRULLINGER, Mary Jane; s/o Charles and Abigail (Hall) Cutting

CUTTING, Charles (1831-1901): m'd 26 Aug 1859 MORGANETH, Eliza; s/o Charles and Abigail (Hall) Cutting

CUTTING, Charles (1791-1868): m1. 01 Jun 1814 HALL, Sarah Reed (1791-1819); m2. 10 Feb 1820 HALL, Abigail; first wife was an older half sister of Charles' second wife; Charles died at Cuttingsville (near Molalla in what is now called Meadowbrook) in Clackamas Co

CUTTING, Jones (aka James) (c1819-c1850): s/o Charles and Sarah (Hall) Cutting

CYRUS, Enoch: m'd COOKE, Rebecca

DAGLEY, Elizabeth Crowley (1822-1898): m1. 1838 TURNAGE, Joseph Warren; m2.1861 MILLER, Abraham George Jr.; died in Jackson Co, OR

SR: DAVIDSON, Andrew (1812- ): m'd 1846 Owens (GOODRICH), Rachel

DAVIS, A.C.: m'd 29 Nov 1874 BEMAN, Pauline

*5: DAVIS, Albert G. (1828- ): m'd 1851 SMITH, Mary Ann

*5: DAVIS, Cynthia Ann: m'd 1841 PARKER, William; m2. LERWILL, William ( -1872); m3. FORD, D. H.

DAVIS, Eunice: m'd BROCK, George; d/o Joseph and Lucy (Carpenter) Davis

*12: DAVIS, John B.:

*12: DAVIS, Joseph (1812-1877): m'd 31 Jan 1836 CARPENTER, Lucy

*5: DAVIS, Leander (1826-1874):

*5: DAVIS, Levit:

*5: DAVIS, Lucinda ( -1872): m'd BROWN, James; wagon overturned and injured Lucinda badly and one of her children slightly one of  8 men who left June 28 on mules from Ft. Laramie for CA  (diary of Virgil Pringle Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p159-188)

*5: DAVIS, Philander:

*12: DAVIS, Samuel ( -1875): settled in Yamhill Co; originally emigrant of 1842

*11: DENTON, John ( -1846): Englishman traveling with George Donner family; cutoff for CA; member of Donner Party

*12: DERUSHA, Frederic: also seen as DeRooche; operated on leg of young boy; boy died at end of operation (diary of Nicholas Carriger- Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p143-158)

DESKINS, Daniel (1820-1873):

*4: DICE, Elgy C. (1816- ):

DICK, Sarah (24 Nov 1815-14 Jun 1888): m'd BLAKELY, James Capt.; settled in Linn county, Oregon

*9: *17: DICKENSON,  Gallant D.: left Russell Train May 22 with 13 wagons; cut off for CA

DOANE, Milton (1807- ): m'd HARNESS, Martha; settled in Multnomah Co.; DLC app and most sources says he m'd 1831 HARNESS, Elizabeth

DOANE, Sarah Ann: m'd 1853 HENDRICKSON, Lemuel

SR: *4: DODD, :

*11: DOLAN, Patrick ( -1846): Irishman traveling with Breen family; cut off for CA; member of Donner Party; died in snow

DONOVAN, Mary: m'd PUGH, John Jr.; husband died several years after their marriage leaving her with 2 small boys

*17: *11: DONNER Family: cut off for CA and were caught a snow storm in the mountains; many members of the party died; the family included *George and *Tamsen (Eustis) Donner and their children--Cumi, Elitha, Eliza P., Frances E., Georgianna, Leanna C.; and *Jacob and *Elizabeth Donner and their children--George, *Isaac, *Lewis, Mary M., and *Samuel. [* died in snow]; George  was a Captain of one of the four divisions of the Russell train (diary of George McKinstry as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p199-218)

DONOVAN, Mary: m'd PUGH, []

*3: DRUMM, Abner William (1812- ): m'd TRIMBLE, Lydia; family thought to have been part of the Fabritus Smith train;
further research needed to confirm; settled in Benton Co

*3: DRUMM, Cornelia (1841- ): d/o Abner and Lydia (Trimbull) Drumm

*3: DRUMM, Mary (1838- ): d/o Abner and Lydia (Trimbull) Drumm

*3: DRUMM, Rebecca (c1845- ): d/o Abner and Lydia (Trimbull) Drumm

SR: *10: *5: *4: DUNBAR, Adalia  (1842- ): d/o Rice and Jane (Brisbin) Dunbar

SR: *10: *5: *4: DUNBAR, Elizabeth A.  (1836- ): d/o Rice and Jane (Brisbin) Dunbar

SR: *10: *5: *4: DUNBAR, Emily  (1840- ): d/o Rice and Jane (Brisbin) Dunbar

SR: *10: *5: *4: DUNBAR, Mary E.: m'd 1847 GOOD, Daniel H.

SR: *10: *5: *4: DUNBAR, Ralph Oregon  (1845- ): m'd 1873 Catherine Ann WHITE; s/o Rice and Jane (Brisbin) Dunbar

SR: *10: *5: *4:: DUNBAR, Rice W.  (1802-1870): m'd 1830 Jane Miller BRISBIN; captain of train; settled Marion Co; left Russell train with Oregon bound party  (diary of George McKinstry published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p199-218)

SR: *10: *5: *4: DUNBAR, William R. (1839- ).: s/o Rice and Jane (Brisbin) Dunbar

*21: DUNLEAVY, James G. T. Rev: Methodist minister who left Russell train with Butterfield and Baker

DUPUIS, Edward (1821- ): m'd 09 Oct 1848 [   ], Margaret; had donation land claim #2553 for Yamhill County, born in Canada, arrived June 1846; January 9, 1851 a Dissolution by mutual consent of Copartnership with F. X Mathieu was published in the Oregon Spectator; citizenship awarded in Marion County 11 Sep 1851;  July 3, 1852 an ad in the Weekly Oregon Statesman states 'Edward Dupuis will start on Monday next, from Champoeg a stage to connet with the steamer Washington so as to accomodate the public';  by 13 Jan 1864 his claim purchased by C. H. Lewis; July 3, 1865 "Margaret A. Dupuis vs. Edward Dupuis, Suit for Divorce.  Mr. Dupuis, also, not having respect to his vow to be faithful to His Margaret, left her without cause, and has remained absent without leave, according to the lady's complaint.  Divorce granted." [The Oregon Statesman, July 3, 1865 p.3] Note; Not found in public records after 1865

'Pioneer stage operator, drove what was probably the first scheduled stage service between Champoeg, and Salem, beginning in July, 1852, and making 'daylight' runs.  He met early steamboats upriver from Oregon City.  Little of record remains to chronicle his life.  He kept a store at Gervais for many years." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p.77]

SR: DURBIN, Perry:

*3: DURHAM, Elizabeth Francis (1845- ): d/o John and Mary (Ford) Durham

*3: DURHAM, John Newman (1820-1889): m'd 1840 FORD, Mary Ann Melvina; moved around a lot; lived in Yamhill, Polk, Marion, Jackson, and Linn Counties, OR; also lived for a while near Walla Walla, WA; father of 9 more children born in OR; buried in Bethel Cemetery, Polk Co, OR with wife

 *3: DURHAM, William (1843-1846): died on trail; s/o John and Mary (Ford) Durham


EADS, Sarah W. (1829-1852): m'd 1846 KIRK, William Riley


*12: EASTON, Redwood:

*12: EASTON, Redwood Mrs. ( -1846): died on trail 21 Jun 1846 buried on the west side of the encampment and north side of the road on the second bank of the river not far from Castle Rock (diary of Nicholas Carriger- Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p143-158)

EBERMAN, Crockett: Note-name found as Everman in some records; brother of Ninian Eberman; after emigration went to CA gold mines; journeyed into town for supplies with brother and returned to find remaining members of party had been massacred by indians (see OHSQ Vol II p.180-184)

EBERMAN, Ninian Alkanah (1821-c1895): m'd 1850 [], Emma H.; originally emigrant of 1843, see bio under 1843; appears he may have returned east and emigrated again in 1846

EDINGTON, William: cut off for CA  (notes p. 471 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

*11: EDDY, Eleanor ( -1846): m'd EDDY, William H.; cut off for CA; member of Donner party; died in snow; maiden name unknown at this time

*11: EDDY, James ( -1846): s/o William and Eleanor Eddy; cut off for CA; member of Donner party; died in snow

*11: EDDY, Margaret ( -1846): d/o William and Eleanor Eddy; cut off for CA; member of Donner party; died in snow

*11: EDDY, William H.: m'd [], Eleanor; cut off for CA; member of Donner party

*18: EDGAR, John:

EDGAR, Rankin (1844- ): m'd TRACY, Elizabeth A.

*1: EDGINGTON, William:

ELLIOTT, Gardiner:


*5: ELLIOTT, Mary A.: d/o William and Nancy Elliott

*11: ELLIOTT, Milford ( -1846): teamster for Reed; cut off for CA; member of Donner party; died in snow

ELLIOTT, Milton:


*5: ELLIOTT, William (1815- ): m'd SCONCE, Nancy

*5: ENSLEY, Elizabeth (1802-1881): m'd 1821 GRIBBLE, John G. 


EUSTIS, Tamsen ( -1846): m'd DONNER, George; third wife of George Donner; cut off for CA; member of Donner party; died in snow

EWING, Mr.: s/o Dr. Ewing (notes p. 506 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

FANNO, Augustus: m'd 1851 DENNEY, Rebecca Jane; home that was built in 1859 on Hall Blvd in Beaverton, Or area is now a Historic Site; listed in Brazen Overlanders of 1845 as an 1845 emigrant

SR  FARLEY, Emeline "Emily" (01 Mar 1826-21 Nov 1909) : m1.  16 Oct 1845 LOVELAND, Simeon; m2. 1895 MARTZ, Samuel A.; emigrated via Southern Route, migrated into California where she remained until her death

SR:  FARLEY, Geddes:

SR: *10: *4: FARLEY, Ira: mentioned in reminiscence of Narcissa Cornwall Moore

SR: *10: *4FARLEY, Mrs. (mother of Ira); mentioned in reminiscence of Narcissa Cornwall Moore

SR: *4: FARRAR, Margaret: m1. CALDWELL, Barclay; m2. c1847 BATES, James; emigrated to OR after death of husband, took southern route; settled near Jefferson, Marion Co, OR; buried Jefferson Cemetery, Jefferson, Marion Co, OR

SR: *4: FAULCONER, Absalom B. (1816- ): m1.1840 GRAVES, Mary Ann; m2. CUTTING, Mrs. Mary A.

SR: #4: FAULCONER, Emma Jane (1846-1901): m'd FORBES, [   ]; d/o Absalom and Mary (Graves) Faulconer

SR: *4: FAULCONER, Helen Ann (1845-1901): m'd HUSSEY, Allyn; d/o Absalom and Mary (Graves) Faulconer

SR: *4: FAULCONER, James Benson (1842-1942): m'd MASTERSON, Olive; s/o Absalom and Mary (Graves) Faulconer; buried Morris Hill Cemetery, Boise, Ada County, Idaho

FAY, James D. ( -1879): m1. APPLEGATE, []; m2. YOUNG, Rosa; came to Oregon as an orphan; studied law under A.A. Skinner and Judge Thayer of Corvallis; married daughter of Jesse Applegate, but his politics and conduct being obnoxious to her family, there was unhappiness; had a son by first wife; had a daughter by his second wife; he committed suicide at Empire City in Coos County in 1879

SR: FEICHTER, John (c1822- ):

FERROS. Christiana  (1814-1884): m'd 1836 Milton BROWN

FINE, Delila (1801-1880): m'd  18 Jul 1821 SHRUM, Nicholas; born 06 May 1801 TN and died 22 Nov 1880 Marion Co, OR; d/o Thomas and Amelia Fine; buried Stipp Cemetery, Marion Co, OR

*6: FINLEY, Asa Wallace: m'd CAMPBELL, Sarah

FINLEY, Elizabeth (1845- ): m'd 1850 CRAWFORD, Henry P.; d/o Richard and Polly (Kirk) Finley

*4: FINLEY, Margaret Almira ( -1846): m'd c1831 CAMPBELL, James; died on trail

FINLEY, Richard Chism (1814-1882): m1. 1841 KIRK, Polly Ann; m2. [ ], Eleanor Y.; died at Crawfordsville, Linn Co, Or

FINLEY, Sarah A. (1843- ): m1. 1856 VAWTERS, Cyrus; m2. HAYES, Seth W.; d/o Richard and Polly (Kirk) Finley


FITZPATRICK, Susanna (1804-c1900): m'd 20 Aug 1820 CRANK, Nathaniel; settled Linn County, Oregon with family but moved to California with family after death of husband

FLANARY, Phoebe (1819-1900): m'd 1835 CRABTREE, Dela Fletcher; d/o James B. and Rachel H. (Benham) Flanary; buried Franklin Butte Cemetery, Linn Co, OR; per Crabtree researcher Anne Comer at comerslr@halcyon.com

FLEMING, Jesse (1811- ):

*3: FORD, Mary Ann Melvina (1826-1889): m'd 1840 DURHAM, John Newman; buried in Bethel Cemetery, Polk Co, OR with husband

*14: FOREMAN, Antress (Jun 1819-Jan 1872): m'd15 Oct 1839 BARNARD, Elijan Patterson

FOSTER, George ( -1846): s/o William and Sarah (Murphy) Foster; cut off for CA; member of Donner party; died in snow

FOSTER, William M.: m'd MURPHY, Sarah; cut off for CA; member of Donner party

*13: FOWLER, [ ] ( -1846): m'd HARGRAVE, John; d/o William Fowler Sr.; sister of William Fowler; died on trail at south end of Salt Lake

*13: FOWLER, William (c1818- ): orginally emigrant of 1843, see that list for additional details; traveled with Harlan party (notes p. 743-44 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

FRAZER, Abner R. (1822- ): m'd 1849 [], Eliza

*4: FRAZIER, Elizabeth (1792-1878): m'd ZUMWALT, Andrew; d/o James Frazier

FRY, Nathan (1834- ): actually emigrant of 1849?


SR: *4: FULLERTON, Charles P. (1830- ): m'd 1854 LADY, Cornelia M.; orphan who came to Oregon with Virgil Pringle family; settled in Marion Co. (diary of Virgil Pringle Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p159-188)

GALE, Laurence:

GALE, Waterman:

SR: *4: GARRISON, Abraham Ellison Rev.(1810-1890): m'd 1828 MILLER, Margaret Ellen

SR: *4: GARRISON, Abraham Henry (1831- ): m'd HOLCOMB, Mary; s/o Abraham and Margaret (Miller) Garrison

SR: *4: GARRISON, David (1833-1860): m'd 1854 HULL, Julia Ann; s/o Abraham and Margaret (Miller) Garrison; settled in Polk Co

SR: *4: GARRISON, Enoch (1839-1846): died on plains after falling from wagon; s/o Abraham and Margaret (Miller) Garrison

SR: *4: GARRISON, John Miller (1845- ): m'd NICHOLS, Mary Ellen; s/o Abraham and Margaret (Miller) Garrison

SR: *4: GARRISON, Margaret Ellen (1843-1895): m'd MULKEY, Monroe; d/o Abraham and Margaret (Miller) Garrison

SR: *4: GARRISON, Martha Jane (1836-1925): m1. 1851 FORD, Ephraim; m2. 1865 OLDS, Aaron Knight; d/o Abraham and Margaret (Miller) Garrison.  "Mrs. M.J. Olds Succumbs At McMinneville--One of Founders of College and Baptist Church Resident on Donation Land Claim McMinneville, Or.,Sept 24� (Special.)�Mrs. M.J. Olds, 88, a pioneer of Oregon in 1846, died here this morning after an illness of more than a year. Funeral services will be held in McMinnvllle Saturday afternoon and interment will follow in the Masonic cemetery. For 79 years Mrs. Olds has been a resident of the donation land claim taken by her father when the latter came from Missouri to the west by ox team..  Pioneer of 1846 Dies--Mrs. Olds was first married when 14 years old to Ephriam Ford. Following his death she married Dr. Aaron Olds and with her second husband was instrumental in the founding of McMinnville college and the Baptist church in this city. She was active in the cause of equal suffrage, working with Abigail Scott Duniway and Susan R. Laughary.  Mrs. Olds cooked her first wedding dinner in a Dutch oven now the property of the Oregon Historical association.  Four children survive: Mrs. Mary A. Booth, McMinnville; A. K. Olds, McMinnville; Mrs. Eva M. Ford, Portland, and Dr. Nettie Haight Stingle of Hermosa Beach, Cal. [Oregonian, Portland, Oregon, September 25, 1925 p.11]

SR: *4: GARRISON, Mary Ann (1841-1914): m'd LADD, James Lindsey; d/o Abraham and Margaret (Miller) Garrison

SR: *4: GARRISON, Melissa Scranton (1850-1921): m'd COCHRAN, James Alfred; d/o Abraham and Margaret (Miller) Garrison


*18: GEER, Adelia Honeywood (01 May 1842-23 Mar 1882): m'd c 1859 CARTWRIGHT, Charles Morrison; d/o Frederick and Mary (Prentiss) Geer; buried Hay Creek Cemetery, Jefferson County, Oregon

*18: GEER, Frederick Wolcott (24 May 1817-20 Mar 1896 ): m'd 17 Jul 1841 PRENTISS, Mary Ann; s/o Joseph and Mary (Johnson) Geer; settled on west bank of Willamette opposite present day Butteville; parents and siblings emigrated in 1847; burial details unknown [burial was probably in Butteville Cemetery with wife and other family members]

*18: GEER, Theodore Dwight (13 Oct 1843-21 Feb 1914): m'd 03 May 1863 MATTHIEU, Philomene "Minnie"; s/o Frederick and Mary (Prentiss) Geer; buried Butteville Cemetery, Butteville, Marion County, Oregon

SR: GILLIAM, Elizabeth: d/o Robert and Julia (Chance) Gilliam

SR: GILLIAM, Robert Alexander (1817-1886): m'd 30 Mar 1841 CHANCE, Julia Ann; died 07 Nov 1886 Dallas, Polk County, Oregon; s/o Jesse Israel and Jeanette (McDowell) Gilliam

*4: GOOD, Daniel H. (1818-1871): m'd 1847 DUNBAR Mary E.; settled Clackamas Co

GOODE, John B.: got into argument with Jesse Quinn Thornton over partnership in the wagon.  Oregon party was asked to leave Russell train rather than deal with future problems.  20 wagons left and moved ahead. (diary of George McKinstry as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p199-218)

SR: GOODRICH, Rachel: m1. OWENS, Mr.; m2. DAVIDSON, Andrew; traveling with second husband

*4: GORDON, Harvey (14 May 1828-03 Jul 1862): m'd 17 May 1855 STRATTON, Sarah Victoria; s/o Hugh Gordon; buried at Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon.

"Designer of the Oregon Seal, was born at Vernon, Indiana, the son of Hugh Gordon.  He received public schooling in his native state, where he became a surveyor.  In 1846 the family came by the Southern Route to the Willamette Valley, and after tarrying awhile on the lower Calapooya, took a land claim at the Molalla townsite in Clackamas Co.  Here he worked for two years as surveyor, then went to the California gold fields.  He returned with considerable money and resumer his work as surveyor and in 1854-54 was with the Oregon land survey.  When the Constitutional Convention of 1857 authorized appointment of a committee to 1report a device for the seal of the State of Oregon,' he submitted to this body a design, which was presented and adopted with two slight additions; this seal remains in use today--designed by Harvey Gordon.  In 1862 he ran for State printer and was elected, but died two months before he was to assume office.  In 1855 he married Sarah Victoria Stratton." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 101]

*9: *17: GORDON, Joseph: left Russell train May 22 with 13 wagons; cut off for CA

SR: *4 GRAVES, Charles B. (1824-1892): m'd 1851 BURNETT, Mary Hardeman; s/o James B. and Diana (Newton) Graves; parents and some siblings emigrated in 1847; buried Bethel Cemetery, Bethel, Polk County, Oregon

*11: GRAVES family: cut off for CA with ill-fated Donner party; family included *Franklin and *Elizabeth Graves and their children-- Eleanor, Elizabeth, *Franklin Jr., Jonathan B., Lavina, Mary Ann, Nancy, Sarah, William C. [*died in snow]

SR: *4: GRAVES, Mary Ann (1826-1854): m'd 10 Dec 1840 FAULCONER, Absalom B.; d/o James B. and Diana (Newton) Graves; died on claim 27 Aug 1854 leaving four children

GRAYSON, Mr: cut off for CA  (notes p. 488 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

GREGG, Riley Capt.: (diary of Nicholas Carriger- Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p143-158)

*12: GREEN, Judson:

GREENWOOD, Mr: pilot for Gregg train

*5: GRIBBLE, Andrew Ensley (1822-1879): m'd 1851 RIGGS, Nancy Ann; s/o John and  Elizabeth (Ensley) Gribble

*5: GRIBBLE, Hannah Ann (1830-1907): m'd FISH, Albert H.; d/o John and  Elizabeth (Ensley) Gribble

*5: GRIBBLE, James K. Polk (1844-1925): m'd IRVIN, Mary Elizabeth; s/o John and Elizabeth (Ensley) Gribble

*5: GRIBBLE, John G. (1799-1869): m'd 1821 ENSLEY, Elizabeth; s/o John and Margaret (Black) Gribble; settled near Canby, Clackamas Co.; buried in Gribble Cemetery, near Canby, OR

*5: GRIBBLE, Joseph F. (1834-1885):  m'd FISHER, Unicy F.; s/o John and  Elizabeth (Ensley) Gribble

*5: GRIBBLE, Nancy Ann (1839-1865): m'd WYLAND, Daniel; d/o John and  Elizabeth (Ensley) Gribble

*5: GRIBBLE, Samuel Oliver (1832-1914 ): m'd REASONER, Erma T.; s/o John and  Elizabeth (Ensley) Gribble

*5: GRIBBLE, Sarah Talitha (1841-1876): m'd CLOWSER, Isaac; d/o John and  Elizabeth (Ensley) Gribble

*5: GRIBBLE, William B. (1837-1874): m'd KLINGER, Matilda; s/o John and  Elizabeth (Ensley) Gribble

*12: GRIGGERY, Eli ( -1846): died on trail 18 Jun 1846; diagnosed with heart problems although he was apparently a fairly young man (diary of Nicholas Carriger- Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p143-158)

SR: *4: GUTHRIE, David Monroe (1824-1914): m1. 1851 DAVIDSON, Mary Ellen; m2. MILLER, Martha Emeline; buried Dallas Cemetery, Polk Co

HALL, Abigail (1799-c1874): m'd  10 Feb 1820 CUTTING, Charles; died at Cuttingsville (near Molalla in what is now called Meadowbrook), Clackamas Co

SR: *10: HALL, Eliza I. R.: m'd SAVAGE, James D.; possible dau of Reason B. Hall; said to have been a cousin of her husband which has been unproven; died in childbirth in the Sierras; most reports stated that the baby died but a letter by William Boggs, who was there, stated that the baby was taken by a family named Quivey and raised in San Jose.

SR: *10: HALL, Edward: C. (1841- ): m'd LEASURE, Margaret L.; s/o Reason and Martha (Wright) Hall

SR: HALL, Henry:

SR: *10: HALL, Mary Ann (1830-09 Jun 1912)  m'd 18 Jun 1846 CROISAN, John Henry; married in same ceremony as Morgan Savage/Frances Ann Brisbin on the South Platte during emigration; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon

SR: *10: HALL, Reason B. (1794-1869): m'd 1822 WRIGHT, Martha; to 1802 to KY; 1811 to IN; settled at Buena Vista

SR: *10: HALL, Reuben (1846- ): twin of William, born on trail; s/o Reason and Martha (Wright) Hall

SR: *10: HALL, Sarah: m'd SMITH, Joseph; d/o Reason and Martha (Wright) Hall

SR: *10: HALL, William (1846- ): twin of Reuben, born on trail; s/o Reason and Martha (Wright) Hall

*11: HALLORAN, Luke ( -1846): invalid taken in by George Donner at Fort Bridger; died at the south end of the Great Salt Lake


HANDLEY, Sarah (c1776 -1846): m'd KEYES, Humphrey; mother-in-law of James F. Reed; had been blind and deaf for some time; died May 29 at Alcove Spring and was buried under a tree near camp

*11: HARDCOOP, Mr.: traveling with Keseberg who left him to die on the Humboldt River

SR: *8: HARDIN, Nancy: m'd 1828 CORNWALL, Josephus; buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon

*13: HARGRAVE, John: m'd FOWLER, [ ]  (notes p. 743-44 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

*20: HARLAN, George: cutoff for CA

HARNESS, Elizabeth: m'd 1831 DOANE, Milton

HARPER, Andrus (1794- ): m'd 1826 [], Eliza; settled on Tualatin Plains; arrived with wife and 10 children; stepson of Horace Parsons who may have come in 1849; per George Williams at rlkgcw@e-z.net

HART, Horace:

HATTON, Jane (1819- ): m'd BAKER, Horace; settled in Clackamas Co.

HATTON, Mark (1821- ): m1. 1845 [], Martha; m2. c1850 [], Mary Jane settled in Clackamas Co.

HATTON, Martha ( -1849): m'd 1845 HATTON, Mark; died on claim May 1849

*3: HAVEN, Julia Ann: m'd SIMPSON, David


SR: $4: HENDERSON, J. J. (1842- ): m'd VanBUSKIRK, Lucinda

SR: *4: HENDERSON, Lucy Ann (1835- ): m'd 1852 DEADY, Matthew P.; d/o Robert and Rhoda (Holman) Henderson

SR: *4: HENDERSON, Mary E.: m1. STONE, Edwin; m2. MURCH, George; d/o Robert and Rhoda (Holman) Henderson

SR: *4: HENDERSON, Olive (1846- ): m'd FAILING, [ ]; born on trail; d/o Robert and Rhoda (Holman) Henderson

SR: *4: HENDERSON, Robert (1808-1890): m'd 1834 HOLMAN, Rhoda Carpenter; 1817 to KY; 1834 to MO where he was farmer and stockman; settled Yamhill Co.

SR: *4: HENDERSON, Salita Jane "Lettie" ( -1846): d/o Robert and Rhoda (Holman) Henderson; died on trail after she drank a bottle of laudanum

SR: *4: HENDERSON, Sarah ( -1849): m'd 1835 LANCEFIELD, Robert James; died on claim 18 Jul 1849

*11: HERREN, Walter: teamster for Reed; member of Donner party; settled in CA

HIBBERT, William:

SR: HICKLIN, Child 1:

SR: HICKLIN, Child 2:



CA: *17:  *24:  HICKLIN, Sonora (1826- ): m'd c1846 BOGGS, William


HINTON, Joseph Warren (1835- ): s/o Roland and Elizabeth (Brammel) Hinton

HINTON, Martha (1838- ): m'd BURNETT, John; d/o Roland and Elizabeth (Brammel) Hinton

HINTON, Roland Burke (1811-1888): m'd 1833 BRAMMEL, Elizabeth Eunice

HINTON, Thompson Douglas (1840- ): m'd 1865 BARCLAY, Margaret s/o Roland and Elizabeth (Brammel) Hinton; settled in Benton Co

HINTON, Wesley (1837- ): m'd [], Sarah; s/o Roland and Elizabeth (Brammel) Hinton; settled in Benton Co

HINTON, William Clayton (1834- ): s/o Roland and Elizabeth (Brammel) Hinton;

HOLDER, Mr.: one of  8 men who left June 28 on mules from Ft. Laramie for CA  (diary of George McKinstry as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p199-218)

*4: HOLMAN, James Duval (1814-1882): m'd SUMMERS, Rachael Hixson; s/o John and Elizabeth (Duval) Holman; father was an emigrant of 1843

*4: HOLMAN, Rhoda Carpenter (1815- ): m'd 1834 HENDERSON, Robert; d/o John and Elizabeth (Duval) Holman; father was an emigrant of 1843

HOOK, Solomon E.: stepson of Jacob Donner; member of Donner Party

HOOK, William ( -1846): stepson of Jacob Donner; member of Donner Party; died in snow

SR: HOOVER, Martin ( -1846): died on trail

HOWARD, Cynthia (1810-1877): m'd 1828 HOWARD, Richard R.; maiden name not known at this time

HOWARD, Francis T. (1830- ): m'd 1851 [], Ann A.

HOWARD, James:

HOWARD, John Rev.: m'd 1854 WINGFIELD, Jane E.; s/o Richard and Cynthia Howard

HOWARD, Neil M. Lt.: was in US Navy sent to report on region in 1846

HOWARD, Richard R. (1797- ): m'd 1828 [], Cynthia

HOWARD, Thomas F.:

HOYT, Richard Capt.:


SR: *17: *4: HUMPHREY, Augustus L. (1796- ): m'd 1845 CURRIER, Sally Ann

HUNSAKER, Araminta: d/o Jacob and Emily (Collins) Hunsaker

HUNSAKER, Horton: s/o Jacob and Emily (Collins) Hunsaker; died of diphtheria

HUNSAKER, Jacob T. (1818- ): m'd COLLINS, Emily

HUNSAKER, Joseph L.:

HUNSAKER, Marianne: m'd EDWARDS, A.C.; d/o Jacob and Emily (Collins) Hunsaker

HUNT, Henry H.: emigrant of 1844

INGRAM, James Wilson II: m'd AKIN, Ritta Ann; emigrated to Oregon in 1846 with a group of trappers, returned home to Washington Co, Arkansas and brought his family out in 1852

ISH, Calvin W. (1817- ): m'd 1844 [], Cynthia Ann

ISH, Cynthia Ann ( -1851): m'd 1844 ISH, Calvin W.; maiden name not known at this time; died 22 Jun 1851 leaving 3 children; 2 of children were dead by 1855.

*4: JACOBS, Mr.:  s/o John I. Jacobs; Captain of one of the 4 divisions of the Russell train;  one of  8 men who left June 28 on mules from Ft. Laramie for CA  (diary of George McKinstry as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p199-218)

*11: JAMES, Noah: teamster for one of Donner families; member of Donner Party

*21: JEFFERSON, T.H.: made a map of the trail that was later reclaimed as one of the best

SR: *4: JENKINS, Stephen Rev. (1821- ): m'd 1850 BROWN, Sarah

JESSUP, Ruth (1823-1895): m'd PUGH, Francis A.

JOHNSON, Jacob (1828- ): m'd LEE, Martha Jane

*3: JONES, John Jackson (1841-1920): m'd WHITE, Rachael Martha; s/o William and Emeranda (Kimsey) Jones

CA: *1: Nathaniel JONES:  bought 372 from his friend, Elam Brown, for $100; was the first sheriff of Contra Costa county, CA

*3: JONES, Samuel S. (1838-1912): m'd DRAPER, Lucinda; s/o William and Emeranda (Kimsey) Jones

*3: JONES, William S. (1818-1890): m'd 1838 KIMSEY, Emeranda; settled in Lane Co.

JONES, William T. (1819- ): m'd MEADER, Elizabeth

KEENEY, Eli F. (1845-1938): s/o Jonathan and Mary (Shoemaker) Keeney

KEENEY, Elias (1828- ): m1. 1850 HYATT, Margaret Jane; m2. 1860 VANWINKLE, Lucinda; m3. NOFFSINGER, Matilda Lee; returned to Holt Co, Mo in 1850 to sell property and bring his widowed mother back to Oregon; was Capt of train returning in 1851

KEENEY, George W. (1841-1862): never married; s/o Jonathan and Mary (Shoemaker) Keeney

KEENEY, James Blanden (1838-1911): m'd SWANK, Susan; s/o Jonathan and Mary (Shoemaker) Keeney

KEENEY, Jonathan (1813-1878): m'd Jul 1837 SHOEMAKER, Mary Catherine; Jonathan was born 27 Apr 1813 Fayette County, Indiana and died 15 Aug 1878 of an accidental gunshot near his home at Willow Creek, Baker Co, OR; buried in Dell Cemetery, near Jamieson, Baker Co, OR; joined Sublette Expedition in 1831, was in the American Fur Company under Jim Bridger

*14: KEITHLY, William:

KELLOGG, Benjamin Franklin E. (1822- ): cut off for CA (notes p. 471,755-56 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

KELLOGG, Florentine (1816- ): m'd WILLIAMS, Rebecca Jane; cut off for CA; traveled with wife and three children (Angeline, Philander and Jane)  (notes p. 747 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)


SR: *4: KENNEDY, Child1: d/o Ezekiel and Fanny (Thurston) Kennedy

SR: *4: KENNEDY, Child2: d/o Ezekiel and Fanny (Thurston) Kennedy

SR: *4: KENNEDY, Child3: d/o Ezekiel and Fanny (Thurston) Kennedy

SR: *4: KENNEDY, Child4: d/o Ezekiel and Fanny (Thurston) Kennedy

SR: *4: KENNEDY, Ezekiel (1789-1869): m'd 1817 THURSTON, Fanny; built state house in 1817 in Frankfort, KY; 1834 to MO; settled in Yamhill Co; spent later years in Polk Co

*4: KENT, Lucinda (1817-1853): m1. ZUMWALT, Solomon; m2.  ZUMWALT, John M.

*11: KESEBERG, Ada ( -1846): s/o Lewis and Phillipine Keseberg; member of Donner Party; died in snow

*11: KESEBERG, Lewis: m'd [], Phillipine; member of Donner Party

*11: KESEBERG, Lewis Jr.: s/o Lewis and Phillipine Keseberg; member of Donner Party; died in snow

*11: KESEBERG, Phillipine: m'd KESEBERG, Lewis; member of Donner Party; maiden name not known at this time

KETCHUM, Frederic: emigrant of 1845

KEYES, Gersham: s/o Humphrey and Sarah (Handley) Keyes; father died in 1833, 13 years prior to emigration of family to CA

KEYES, James W.: s/o Humphrey and Sarah (Handley) Keyes; father died in 1833, 13 years prior to emigration of family to CA

KEYES, Margaret Willson ( -1861): m1. BACKENSTOE, []; m2. 1835 REED, James; d/o Humphrey and Sarah (Handley) Keyes; father died in 1833, 13 years prior to emigration of family to CA; member of Donner Party

*3: KIMSEY, Alvis (1816-1865): m1. SIMPSON, Cassia; m2. 1848 FULKERSON, Elisabeth; took route to CA but came to OR later; settled in Yamhill Co; s/o Samuel and Rachael (Townsend) Kimsey

*3: KIMSEY, Anson (1824- ): m'd 1853 BAYLEY, Elizabeth; s/o James and Hannah (McCracken) Kimsey; Settled in Polk Co.; went to CA first

*3: KIMSEY, Dock (1830- ):

*3: KIMSEY, Emeranda (1818- ): m'd JONES, William S.; d/o Samuel and Rachael (Townsend) Kimsey

*3: KIMSEY, Hilah "Hiley" (1810- ): m'd SMITH, Absalom

*3: KIMSEY, Hulda (1814- ): m'd WILSON, John M.

*3: KIMSEY, Mary "Polly" (1797-1858): m'd 1813 SIMPSON, William; Settled in Marion Co.

*3: KIMSEY, Thomas L. (1823- ): m'd ZACHARY, Jane; s/o Samuel and Rachael (Townsend) Kimsey; took route to CA but came to OR later

KING, Isaac (1819-1866): m'd VAN BEBBER, Almeda Jane; "on November 22, 1866, Isaac King, one of the first to take up residence in King's Valley, came to his death under very singular and sad circumstances.  This old gentleman and his sons went out on a hunting expedition in the morning, the father taking his pistol-five shooter.  Upon returning Mr. King stopped at the barn, while the boys went into the house.  One of them looked back, saw his father aiming at a stake, and hearing the report of the pistor, supposed the old gentleman was trying the same at a mark.  Two shots were fired.  Sometime after, the mother having occasion to visit the barn found her husband lying on the ground, dead, the bullet entered under the chin and came out the head, while his whiskers which were heavy were not powder burned.  Three charges remained in the pistol, but all the caps had been snapped.  Mr. King was between forty and fifty years of age, in good circumstances, and left a widow and eight children."[Pioneers of Benton County by David Fagan]

*5: *14: KING, Wilburn (1822- ): m'd 1846 COX, Marcilla; settled in Marion Co.

KIRK, Alexander (1805-1877): m'd 1826 SWEETEN, Sarah; settled in Linn Co

KIRK, Thomas Jefferson (1839-1910): m'd 1860 COYLE, Ann; s/o Alexander and Sarah (Sweeten) Kirk

KIRK, William Riley (1826-1901): m'd 1846 EADS, Sarah W.; s/o Alexander and Sarah (Sweeten) Kirk

SR: *4: KIRKENDALL, Miss: d/o James Kirkendall

SR: *4: KIRKENDALL, James A. ( -1846): died on Applegate Trail in Nov

SR: *4: KIRKENDALL, James Mrs. (-1846): died on plains

SR: *4: KIRKENDALL, William: s/o James Kirkendall?

KNIGHT, Thomas:

KNOTTS, Caroline (1845-1924): m'd CORNELIUS, []; d/o William and Sylvia Knotts

KNOTTS, Justina (1838-1917): m'd 1853 NEWTON, Norris Peter

KNOTTS, William (1805-1855): m1. BARRETT, Margaret M.; m2. WILSEY, Sylvia; see 1845; the William Knotts family started their emigration in 1845, wintered over and completed their journey in 1846


*15: LADD, John Wesley (1813- ):


SR: *4: LANCEFIELD, Albert J. (1817- ): m1. 1835 HENDERSON, Sarah; m2. 1850 MULKEY, Sarah; m3. 1863 ALLEN, Eliza

SR: *4: LANCEFIELD, Robert James (1817- ): m1. 1835 HENDERSON, Sarah; m2. 1850 [], Sarah; settled in Yamhill Co; Robert and Isaac Leabo contructed dugout canoes to transport their families via the Willamette River from Eugene to Salem; buried Amity Cemetery, Yamhill Co, OR

LAWTON, George Crawford (1824-1853): m'd 1848 HALL, Florinda Davidson; settled in Marion Co

LAYSON, Andrew (1825- ): m'd 1852 [], Mary E.; settled in Yamhill Co

SR: *4: LEABO, Hannah Margaret (1841-1914): d/o Isaac and Mary (Lewis) Leabo

SR: *4: LEABO, Isaac (1815-1899): m'd 1836 LEWIS, Mary May "Polly"; settled in Marion Co; brother of James Roland Leabo; Isaac and Robert Lancefield constructed dugout canoes to transport their families via the Willamette River from Eugene to Salem

SR: *4: LEABO, Isaac Jasper (1845-1926): s/o Isaac and Mary (Lewis) Leabo

SR: *4: LEABO, James Roland (1823- ): m'd 1851 LEE, Emily Armine; settled in Clackamas Co.; brother of Isaac Leabo; served as a volunteer in the Cayuse Indian War; died in Portland, OR

SR: *4: LEABO, John James (1843-1913): s/o Isaac and Mary (Lewis) Leabo

SR: *4: LEABO, Noah Jasper (1838-1908): s/o Isaac and Mary (Lewis) Leabo

LEAVITT, D. G. W.: cut off for CA  (notes p. 488 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

SR: *4: LEE, Wilson (1822- ): m'd 1846 WOOD, Abigail "on Platte River on road to Ore".


LEWIS, C.: Settled in Linn Co.

*12: LEWIS, John:

*4: LEWIS, Mary "Polly": m'd LEABO, Isaac

LEWIS, William ( -1846): died on trail July 14, 1846, buried him in the road near Goose Creek; s/o John Lewis (diary of Nicholas Carriger- Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p143-158)  

LIGGETT, Thomas:


NOTE: Robert McCaleb recommends the book "A Second Visit With The Linvilles, US/CAN 926.273L658ea LCCCN 76-19130

SR: *4: LINVILLE, Catherine "Aunt Katy": m1. 1820 CROWLEY, Thomas McClain; m2. 1848 FULKERSON, James Monroe; buried in Etna Cemetery, Rickreal, Polk Co, OR

SR: *4: LINVILLE, Cordelia (1843- ): d/o Harrison and Nancy (Bounds) Linville

SR: *4: LINVILLE, Hannah Jane (1845-1936): m'd RICHARSON, Abion J.; d/o Harrison and Nancy (Bounds) Linville

SR: *4: LINVILLE, Harriet Irene (1839- ): m1. LINVILLE, John Brown; m2. BOWERS, Linville; m3. ZUMWALT, Henry; d/o Harrison and Nancy (Bounds) Linville

SR: *4: LINVILLE, Harrison (1813-1893): m'd 1837 BOUNDS, Nancy; s/o Richard and Molly (Yount) Linville

SR: *4: LINVILLE, Joanna (1841- ): d/o Harrison and Nancy (Bounds) Linville

SR: *4: LINVILLE, Margaret (1818-1888): m'd VANDERPOOL, Meadors; d/o Richard and Magdaline "Molly" (Yount) Linville

SR: *4: LINVILLE, Maria: slave with Linville family

SR: *4: LINVILLE, Mary Elizabeth (1838-1899): m'd DAVIDSON, James Orville; d/o Harrison and Nancy (Bounds) Linville

SR: *4: LINVILLE, Richard (1773/7-1856/7): m'd YOUNT, Magdaline "Molly"; s/o Thomas Linville; wife drowned during emigration; see listing below for further information

SR: *4: LINVILLE, Scott: slave with Linville family

SR: *4: LINVILLE, Vanderpool:

SR: *4: LIPPINGCOTT, Mr.: wounded by poison arrows but recovered; cut off for CA


LOGAN, Robert:

*17: *10: *4: LOGUE, Nancy: m'd THORNTON, Jesse Quinn

SR: *4: LONG, Eliza Jane (1835- ): m'd UNDERWOOD, David C.; d/o John and Elizabeth (Williamson) Long

SR: *4: LONG, John (1810-1890): m1. 1830 WILLIAMSON, Elizabeth; m2. 1844 SMITH, Minerva Jane; went to Douglas Co in 1850; settled in Oakland, OR

SR: *4: LONG, Sarah Elizabeth (1845- ): m. 1865 WESTENHISER, C.S.; d/o John and Minerva (Smith) Long

LONG, T. Pope: cut off for CA (notes p. 471 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

SR: *4: LONG, William Alexander (1832- ): unmarried s/o John and Elizabeth (Williamson) Long


LOSON, Andrew (1825- ):

SR: *4: LOVELADY, Andrew J. (1839-1927 ): m'd 1863 SANDERS, Mary (1847-1918); s/o Thomas and Amanda (Bounds) Lovelady

SR: *4: LOVELADY, Eliza Ann (1837-1892): m'd 1851 MCCARTY, William Rucker (1829-1888); d/o Thomas and Amanda (Bounds) Lovelady

SR: *4: LOVELADY, Elizabeth (1800-1846): m'd BOUNDS, John Bird (c1801-1869); died on trail 13 Nov 1846 (diary of Virgil Pringle Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p159-188)

SR: *4: LOVELADY, Margaret Amanda (1835-1916 ): m1. 1851 BURNETT, Horace G. (1834-aft 1870); m2. 1877 MCCARTER, Henry; d/o Thomas and Amanda (Bounds) Lovelady

SR: *4: LOVELADY, John L.; s/o Thomas and Amanda (Bounds) Lovelady; s/o Thomas and Amanda (Bounds) Lovelady

SR: *4: LOVELADY, Mary Francis: d/o Thomas and Amanda (Bounds) Lovelady

SR: *4: LOVELADY, Preston W.: s/o Thomas and Amanda (Bounds) Lovelady

SR: *4: LOVELADY, Thomas Bounds (1832-c1903 ): m1. WHITLOW, Maria E. (c1842-1877); m2. 1877 RICE, Ruby J. Yocum; s/o Thomas and Amanda (Bounds) Lovelady

SR: *4: LOVELADY, Thomas J. (1806-1890): m'd 1827 BOUNDS, Amanda Mary (1811-1878)

SR: *10: *4 LOVELAND, Simeon (24 Apr 1811-21 Dec 1892: m'd 16 Oct 1845 FARLEY, Emeline; came into Oregon via Southern Route and then migrated down into California where they lived the majority of their lives.  Simeon died in Malheur County, Oregon, possibly at the home of his son who had moved to that county.  He is buried Jordan Valley Cemetery, Jordan Valley, Malheur County, Oregon

SR: *4: LOVELIN, : believed to be Emily (Farley) LOVELAND listed above

LOWNSDALE, Daniel H. (1803-1862): may be emigrant of 1845

LUCE, John (1800- ): m'd 1849 [], Margaret H.

MACLEAY, William C.:

*3: MACKLIN, William: m'd SIMPSON, Mary Ann; accompanied wife's family to OR 1846

SR: MANSFIELD, D.: Settled in Linn Co.

MARLIN, Henry (1822- ): m'd 1846 [], Emily J.

MARTIN, F. (1824- ):

MARTIN, [] (1825-1872): m'd 1846 WILLIAMSON, John; d/o Nathaniel and Mary Martin

*15: MARTIN, William J. Capt.:

MARTIN, William Jennings; settled in Douglas County

MATHERS, Carolan: m'd 1846 BURREL, Margaret; s/o James and Sarah (Clarke) Mathers; m'd BURRELL, Margaret

MATHERS, James (1790-1870): m'd CLARKE, Sarah; died 06 Apr 1870 San Luis Obispo, CA (diary of James Mathers - as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p219-236)

MATHERS, Marcellus: s/o James and Sarah (Clarke) Mathers

MATHERS, Sallie M.: m'd 1841 ASHLEY, Otis; d/o James and Sarah (Clarke) Mathers

*3: *23: MCBRIDE, Elvira Josephine (1834- ): d/o James and Mahala (Miller) McBride

*3: *23: MCBRIDE, James Dr. (1802-1875): m'd 1830 MILLER, Mahala; a Campbellite preacher

*3: *23: MCBRIDE, John Rogers (1832- ): m'd 1852 [], Eunice M.; s/o James and Mahala (Miller) McBride; later became a US Representative

*3: *23: MCBRIDE, Judith W. (1843- ): d/o James and Mahala (Miller) McBride

*3: *23: MCBRIDE, Louisa (1835- ): d/o James and Mahala (Miller) McBride

*3: *23: MCBRIDE, Lucinda (1836- ): m'd 1855 CAPLES, Charles G. Dr.; d/o James and Mahala (Miller) McBride; settled in Columbia Co *24

*3: *23: MCBRIDE, Martha (1831- ): d/o James and Mahala (Miller) McBride

*3: *23: MCBRIDE, Mary Catherine (c1840/44- ): d/o James and Mahala (Miller) McBride

*3: *23: MCBRIDE, Nancy E. (c1837- ): d/o James and Mahala (Miller) McBride



*11: MCCUTCHEN, Amanda: m'd MCCUTCHEN, William; member of Donner Party

*11: MCCUTCHEN, Harriet: d/o William and Amanda McCutchen; member of Donner Party; died in snow

*11: MCCUTCHEN, William: member of Donner Party

MCDONALD, A. R.: Settled in Linn Co.


MCDONALD, Nathaniel Green (1818- ): m'd 1841 MUNKERS, Rebecca Jane

MCDONNELL, William: cut off for CA (notes p. 747 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

MCEWEN, Robert S. (1813- ) m'd 1843 [], Cordelia Rebecca

MCGOWAN, Eleanor:





MCKEE, Joel:

MCKINSTRY, George (1810/6-1890): cut off for CA; s/o George and Susan (Hamilton) McKinstry (diary of George McKinstry as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p199-218)

MCNEIL, John (1820-1896): m'd 1850 [], Isabell

MCKISSICK, Mr.: July 10 was left behind, nearly blind with a poor horse.  Next morning his messmate, Mr. Stump, went back to find him and bring him up to the company.  When he couldn't find him the train made encampment to do further search but a few minutes after stopping the old man hove in sight.

*12: MILBURN, Mr.:

*11: MILLER, Hiram O. (1818- ): member of Donner Party

*23: MILLER, Mahala (1811- ): m'd 1830 MCBRIDE, James Dr.

MILLER, Margaret: m1. 1817 ALLEN, Isaac; m2. 1847 BROWN, Elam; buried Martinez Cemetery, CA

*4: MILLER, Margaret Ellen (1813-1870): m'd 1828 GARRISON, Abraham Ellison Rev.

MILLER, Richard N. (1798-1878): m'd 03 May 1821 FULKERSON, Nancy Leeper; Richard was born 03 Apr 1798 Greenbriar Co, VA and died 08 Sep 1878 Yamhill County, Oregon

MILLER, William (1817- ): went to CA in 1848, returned to IL and started west again in 1850

MILORN, Josiah:

*14: Tabitha MOFFATT (1780-1858): m'd Rev. Clark BROWN (1771-1817); buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon

"Was founder, in 1847 of a home and school for orphan children of pioneers, at West Tualatin, now Forest Grove; an institution that later became Tualatin Academy and Pacific University.  Born at Brimfield, Mass., the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Moffat, she became the widow of Rev. Clark Brown, an Episcopal minister, in 1817.  Fora a time she supported her three small children by teaching.  In 1846, then 66 years of age, with a son Orus, who acted as wagon train pilot, she crossed the plains to Oregon.  Others in the migration were the family of Orus, his sister and her husband, and Capt. John Brown, a brother of 'Grandma' Brown's late husband.  From Fort Hall, continued by the Scott-Applegate Trail into Oregon, a road of much hardship, her brother-in-law dying en route.  When she first settled at West Tualatin she found there some 15 or 20 orphans of immigrants, and these she gathered into a school, using a log church situated on what later became the west campus of Pacific University.  Here she taught them the three Rs, how to cook and sew and perform other useful tasks.  In this work she had the cooperation of Rev. Harvey Clark and wife.  When in 1848 Tualatin Academy was established, 'Grandma' Brown, as she had become affectionately known, continued as school mother, charging a nominal fee for the board of students.  Generous and self-sacrificing, slight in figure, with blue-gray eyes set in a delicate face beneath hair gray but never quite white, she lived courageously and resourcefully, and died, much beloved and much mourned." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 36]

*20: *4: MORIN, Child ( -1846): child of Judge Morin died May 27, 1846 on trail

SR: *20: *4: MORIN, Josiah Judge: elected leader of George Harlan train, cut off for CA

SR: MORIN, Laban (1818-1855): m'd 1849 [], Eleanor

MOORE, John: s/o David and Amy (Vanderpool) Moore

MORRIS, Simeon C.:

MOTLEY, Obediah C. (1807-1868): m'd 1836 ROBINSON, Elizabeth

MULKEY, Wesley: emigrant of 1844

MUNKERS FAMILY RESEARCHER:     Crossing the Plains in 1846 by Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Munkers Estes --Munkers Cousins on Facebook --Janet Ariciu Moncus/Monkirs/Mokres etc
*15: *3: MUNKERS, Anna Missouri (1846- ): s/o William and Mahala (Roberts) Munkers; b. 18 May 1846 on trail

*15: *3: MUNKERS, Benjamin Franklin (1799-1885): m'd 1818 CROWLEY, Mary "Polly"; Settled in Marion Co.

"My Ancestor was William Columbus Monkres whose brother was Benjamin Franklin Munkers & Mary Polly Crowley ..Benjamin and Daniel are 1st cousins 7X removed. Common ancestor is William Muncus.  Came to Oregon by wagon train in 1846. They brought 30 oxen, 30 durham cattle and 5 horses. They left Liberty, Missouri in a train of 100 wagons with all ten of their children. The Munkers family came to Oregon in five wagons; 3 sons were married and one daughter was married, each had their own wagon.His family was composed of an invalid wife, three married sons and one married daughter, besides five younger children, the youngest a boy of five years. The Munkers wagons were under the direction of Capt. William J. Martin. He had been to Oregon in 1843, returned to Missouri in 1844 and in 1846 left St. Joseph with over 100 wagons and 600 people. They traveled for a time with the Elam Brown train which was made up of about 30 wagons. They reached Fort Laramie on June 10, 1846, well ahead of all others. The Brown train cut off at this point to California. Ben Simpson was elected as a Captain at this time and the Munkers wagons were now in his party for the rest of the trek to Oregon. After arriving in Oregon Benjamin secured a donation land claim of 640 acres. He lived on this land until 1871, when he went to his son, Preston’s home near Scio, where he lived until his death in 1885" [per William Columbus Monkeres descendant, Janet Ariciu]

*15: *3: MUNKERS, Benjamin Warren (1841- ): s/o William and Mahala (Roberts) Munkers

*15: *3: MUNKERS, Ira: s/o William and Mahala (Roberts) Munkers

*15: *3: MUNKERS, Isabella: m'd BOONE, []; d/o Benjamin and Mary (Crowley) Munkers

*15: *3: MUNKERS, J. M.: Settled in Marion Co.

*15: *3: MUNKERS, James Preston (1820-1889): m'd 18 Dec 1845 CRANK, Nancy Jane; s/o Benjamin and Mary (Crowley) Munkers; settled in Linn Co.

*15: *3: MUNKERS, James Preston (1842- ): m'd 1863 NEWSOM, Ann M.; s/o William and Mahala (Roberts) Munkers

*15: *3: MUNKERS, Marion ( -c1849): s/o Benjamin and Mary (Crowley) Munkers; died in CA

*15: *3: MUNKERS, Mary Elizabeth (1836-1915): m1. 1851 DAVIDSON, Albert; m2. 1857 ESTES, John; d/o Benjamin and Mary (Crowley) Munkers

*15: *3: MUNKERS, Rebecca Jane: m'd MCDONALD, Nathaniel Green; d/o Benjamin and Mary (Crowley) Munkers

*15: *3: MUNKERS, Susan Jane (1845- ): s/o William and Mahala (Roberts) Munkers

*15: *3: MUNKERS, Thomas McLean (1833-1899): m'd CRABTREE, Phoebe Ann; m2. CHRISMAN, Mary Jane; s/o Benjamin and Mary (Crowley) Munkers; settled near Scio, Linn Co, OR 

*15: *3: MUNKERS, William Riley (1823- ): m'd 1839 ROBERTS, Mahala s/o Benjamin and Mary (Crowley) Munkers; settled in Marion Co.

MURCH, George H. (1817- ): m1. 1854 COOPER, Barbara A.; m2. HENDERSON, Mary E.; settled in Lane Co.

*11: MURPHY Family: members of Donner Party included Harriet (m'd William Pike), John (died in snow), Lavina (died in snow), Lemuel B. (died in snow), Mary M., Mr., Sarah (m'd William Foster), Simon P., William G.

*13: MUSGRAVE, Mr.: (notes p. 743-44 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

*13: MUSGRAVE, Mr:  m'd FOWLER, Mrs. William (notes p. 743-44 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan) brother of above

*13: MUSGRAVE, Mrs.: m1. FOWLER, William Fowler ; m2. MUSGRAVE, Mr.; mother of William Fowler

NAYLOR, Thomas G. (1814- ): m1. 1840 [], Sarah; m2. 1853 [], Catherine;

SR: NEALY, Mathew M.: emigrant of 1844

SR: *4: NEWTON, Abiathen (1806- ): m'd 1826 [], Rachel; also found listed as Arather Newton; killed by Indians

NEWTON, Aurelia Ann "Rila" (10 Sep 1824-22 Jan 1867): m1. BRIGGS, Jarvis; m2. c1862 VAUGHN, William T; d/o Reuben and Elizabeth (Chase) Newton; drowned in flood of 1867 when boat overturned drowning her and her baby; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon

SR: NEWTON, John ( -1846): m'd [   ], Mary; killed by Indians in the Umpqua area.  Three Indians came into camp and convinced Newton to camp where he was because it was a better spot that any ahead.  They begged something to eat and hung around camp.  Newton, worried about their presence decided to remain awake through the night.  Fatigue took over and he dozed off.  They shot him as he slept and stole his property before leaving him to die.  He died the next day of his wounds.

SR: NEWTON, Mary (1818- ): m1. NEWTON, John ( -1846); m2. 12 Aug 1847 POWERS, Truman; Mary and her children were carried to safety after her husband was killed by Indians in the Umpqua area, and she soon married Truman Powers, another emigrant of 1846, who had participated in a rescue mission. They moved to Astoria where Powers was postmaster for awhile.

SR: *4: NEWTON, Nye:

SR: *4: NEWTON, Peter Norris: m'd 1853 KNOTTS, Justina

SR: *4: NEWTON, Rachel: m'd 1826 NEWTON, Abiathen

SR: NEWTON, Thomas; brother of John

NICHOLS, Franklin: emigrant of 1844

SR: NORRIS, Thomas Cecil (c1829- ):

SR: NORRIS, James D. (1846- ): s/o Thomas and Mary (Boone) Norris; born on trail

NUTTALL, Mr.: one of  8 men who left June 28 on mules from Ft. Laramie for CA  (diary of George McKinstry as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p199-218)

*12: O'DONNELL, Joseph:

*4: O'HARA, Marjorie:

OLIVER, Jane: m'd CLINE, George

OLNEY, Cyrus (1815-1870): m1. 1840 TILLIFSON, Mary; m2. 1849 NEALLY, Sarah E.; died in Astoria, Clatsop Co, OR

SR: *4: OWEN, Mrs.: mother of John Owen

SR: OWENS, Mary Jane (1840- ): d/o Rachel (Goodrich) Owens Davidson

SR: OWENS, Nancy (1844- ): d/o Rachel (Goodrich) Owens Davidson

*5: PARKER, Elizabeth: d/o William and Cynthia (Davis) Parker

*5: PARKER, George: s/o William and Cynthia (Davis) Parker

*5: PARKER, Rosetta: d/o William and Cynthia (Davis) Parker

 PARKER, Stephen A. Douglas: s/o William and Cynthia (Davis) Parker

*5: PARKER, William (1814-1860): m'd 1841 DAVIS, Cynthia Ann

*5: PARKER, William Jr.: s/o William and Cynthia (Davis) Parker


PARRISH, Rowlando: settled in Linn Co.

*4: PATTON, Mary

*4: PATTON, William:

*4: PAYNE, Sarah Ann (1820-1850): m'd 1839 ALEXANDER, Joseph Charles; settled in Benton Co and is buried at Crystal Lake Cemetery, Corvallis; killed in a wagon accident when the horses took fright and she was thrown from the family wagon and dragged; per Alexander researcher Grayson Alexander at grayglo@hotmail.com

SR: PERKINS, Eli (c1786- ): m'd [ ], Sarah

SR: PERKINS, Sarah (cc1792- ): m'd PERKINS, Eli; maiden name unknown at this time


PHILLIPS, Benton (1845- ): s/o Hiram and Polly Phillips

PHILLIPS, Ewell (1835- ): s/o Hiram and Polly Phillips

PHILLIPS, Hiram ( -1849): m'd 1819 (Unknown), Mary "Polly"; died on returning from a trip to CA

PHILLPS, Jay (1839- ): s/o Hiram and Polly Phillips

PHILLPS, John (1831- ): m'd 1850 (Unknown), Rhoda Ann; probably s/o Hiram and Polly Phillips

PHILLIPS, Marion (1832- ): s/o Hiram and Polly Phillips

PHILLIPS, Mary "Polly" (1802- ): m'd 1819 PHILLIPS, Hiram

PHILLIPS, Mary "Polly" (1842- ): d/o Hiram and Polly Phillips

PHILLIPS, William (1827- ): m'd 1848 (Unknown), Charity Mariah; s/o Hiram and Polly Phillips; OHS Accessions: Crossing Plains in 1846. A rythme by William Phillips, a pioneer of that year 32pp

PIETTE, John B.P. ( -1896): m'd [], Francis M.; was living in Champoeg in 1874; died in Vancouver, WA

PIKE, Catherine: d/o William and Harriet (Murphy) Pike; member of Donner Party

PIKE, Naomi L.: d/o William and Harriet (Murphy) Pike: member of Donner Party

PIKE, William M.: m'd MURPHY, Harriet; member of Donner Party; killed in accidental shooting


*18: POLLARD, Mr.:

POLLEY, Child #1

POLLEY, Child #2

POLLEY, Child #3

POLLEY, Child #4

POLLEY, Henry B.: [], Drusilla


PORTER, James:

PORTER, William:

POWELL, Thomas:

*4: POWERS, Truman P.:

SR: *4: PRATER, Theodore:

*18: PRENTISS, Mary Ann (c1822-21 Apr 1892): m'd 17 Jul 1841 GEER, Frederick W.; buried Butteville Cemetery, Butteville, Marion County, Oregon

PRESTON, George C.:

*3: PRICE, Larkin (1824-1910): m'd 1845 SIMPSON, Harriet; settled in Marion Co.; accompanied wife's family to OR 1846 (Virgil Pringle Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p159-188)

SR: *14: PRINGLE, Albra Moffett (1834-1876): died in Seattle, WA; s/o Virgil and Pherna (Brown) Pringle

SR: *14: PRINGLE, Charles P. F.:

SR: *14: PRINGLE, Clark Spencer: m'd SAGER, Catherine; s/o Virgil and Pherna (Brown) Pringle

SR: *14: PRINGLE, Ella: m'd YOUNG, C.D.; d/o Virgil and Pherne (Brown) Pringle

SR: *14: PRINGLE, Emma P.: m'd HUGHES, John; d/o Virgil and Pherna (Brown) Pringle

SR: *14: PRINGLE, Octavius M. (1832-1914): m'd 1854 CRAFT, Emaline Malinda; s/o Virgil and Pherna (Brown) Pringle

SR: *14: PRINGLE, Sarelia Lucia (1836- ): m'd NORTHUP, C.H. Rev.; d/o Virgil and Pherna (Brown) Pringle

SR: *14: PRINGLE, Virgil Kellogg ( - 1887): m'd BROWN, Pherna Tabitha

SR: *14: PRINGLE, Virgilia E. (1828-1875): m'd 1847 SMITH, Fabritus R.; d/o Virgil and Pherna (Brown) Pringle

SR: *14: PRINGLE, William:

PUGH, A.: lived for several years in Yamhill Co but afterward settled in Linn Co

PUGH, Adelaide: m'd JACKSON, H.; d/o Jesse and Sarah (Ransom) Pugh

PUGH, Alice: m'd WRIGHT, H.: d/o Jesse and Sarah (Ransom) Pugh

PUGH, Anna: m'd KENDELL, A.M.; d/o Jesse and Sarah (Ransom) Pugh

PUGH, Emma: m'd JENKINS, D.; d/o Jesse and Sarah (Ransom) Pugh

PUGH, Felix M.: s/o Francis and Ruth (Jessup) Pugh

PUGH, Francis A. (1821- ): m'd JESSUP, Ruth;

PUGH, Francis K.: s/o Francis and Ruth (Jessup) Pugh

PUGH, James: s/o Jesse and Sarah (Ransom) Pugh

PUGH, Jesse Washington: m'd RANSON, Sarah;

PUGH, John Jr.:

PUGH, Mary. (1791-1872): see Mary Donovan

PUGH, John Sr.:

PUGH, John W. (1845- ) m1. 1865 THOMPSON, Frances E.; m2. 1871 Walker, Nancy; s/o Francis and Ruth (Jessup) Pugh

PUGH, Melissa J.: m'd STAFFORD, W.M.; s/o Francis and Ruth (Jessup) Pugh

PUGH, Sarah G.: m'd FROOME, James; s/o Francis and Ruth (Jessup) Pugh

PURDY, Matilda ( -1881): m'd SAVAGE, Towner

PURVIS, Thomas:

SR: *4: PUTNAM, Charles F. (1824- ): m'd APPLEGATE, Rozelle; s/o Joseph and Susan Putnam (notes p. 761 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

PUTNAM, Grayson Buchanan: cut off for CA

SR: *4 PUTNAM, Nathan James  (c1822 -1847): s/o Joseph and Susan Putnam; traveled west for health (notes p. 765 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

QUIVEY, Peter: cut off for CA  (notes p. 471 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

RABBESON, Antonio B. (1825-1891): m'd 1854 BARNES, Lucy Ann; (diary of George McKinstry as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p199-218)

RAINEY, J.T.: 1851 J.T. and his brother, L.C., bought land where the town of Roseburg was later laid out; they sold the land and moved to the Rogue River country where he settled on a farm


RANSOM, Sarah: m'd PUGH, Jesse W.

READ, Thomas M.:

RECTOR, Elizabeth (1808-1877): m'd 1821 BAKER, John

*17: *11: REED Family: members of Donner Party; included, James, Martha, Thomas K.; accompanied by mother-in-law, Sarah Humphrey Keyes, servants Eliza and Baylis Williams (brother and sister), and hired men, Milford Elliott, James Smith and Walter Herren (diary of James Frazier Reed and Virginia E. B. Reed - as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p274-305)

*17: *11: REINHARDT, Joseph: member of Donner Party; died in snow; said to have been traveling with Spitzer

RHODES, Anna Charlotte (Nov 1821- 28 Nov 1890): m'd COVINGTON, Richard; arrived at Fort Vancouver by ship in 1846; died in Hawaii; buried O'ahu Cemetery, Honolulu, Honolulu County, Hawaii

*14: RICHARDSON, Aaron: m'd 1822 BROWN, Nancy; buried in Union Flats Cemetery near Pullman, WA; note that Aaron has been listed as both Robinson and Richardson in at least one source

*14: RICHARDSON, Clayton: m1. ADAMS, Nancy (d.1841); m2. 1844 DAUGHTERY, Minerva Jane; Clayton died in Astoria, Clatsop Co,OR

*14: RICHARDSON, Nancy Missouri (1846- ): d/o Aaron and Nancy (Brown) Richardson; born on trail 23 May 1846 (diary of Virgil Pringle Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p159-188)

RIGGS, Leah: m'd SLAVENS, George: came with the Stewart family

RILEY, William:

*15: *3: ROBERTS, Mahala (1818- ): m'd MUNKERS, William R.

SR: *4: ROBEY,  ( -1846): killed by Klamath Indians 08 Aug 1846

*16: ROBINSON, Elizabeth (1807-1903): m'd 1836 MOTLEY, Obediah C.; d/o John and Margaret (Wilson) Robinson

*16: ROBINSON, John (1792-1878): m'd 1815 WILSON, Margaret Carnahan

*16: ROBISON, Julia Ann (1823-1897): m'd TOWNSEND, David J.

ROGERS, Amanda: m'd FENDALL, Charles; d/o Lewis and Nancy (Richards) Rogers

ROGERS, Lewis: m1. RICHARDS, Nancy (5 children); m2. (3 children); m3. (0 children) ; m4. (0 children)

ROOKER, Nancy (25 Dec 1802-11 Feb 1860): m'd 10 Jul 1822 CLAYPOOL, David; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon

*19: ROSS, Abarilla (1816- ):  m1. c1837 TRIMBLE, Edward; m2. 1847 POWELL, Thomas

SR: ROSS, Edward (1830- ): black

ROSS, Walter:

*17: RUSSELL, William H. Capt. (1802- 1873): m'd FREELAND, Zanette; served in the Black Hawk War; US Marshall of Dist of Missouri 1841-1845; was elected Capt. of 75 wagons on May 11; at Fort Laramie, Russell resigned his command, traded his wagons for pack mules and left with several friends (Jacobs, Kirkendall, Brown, Curry, Holder, Nutall, Brookey) for California.  They arrived at Sutters Fort Aug 31, one of the first parties over the Sierra in 1846; Secretary of State under Fremont in CA; died in Washington, D.C. 13 Oct 1873

SR: RUTH, Samuel:

SR: *4: SALLEE, William P.. ( -1846): was emigrating for health purposes; health had improved when he was killed by a poisoned arrow in a skirmish with Klamath Indians. [name per Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ]



SAVAGE, Alfred : m'd CONNELLY, Lucretia; s/o Towner and Matilda (Purdy) Savage


*12: SAVAGE, Eleanor (1825- ): m1. 01 Sep 1844 Mahlon BROCK; m2. 1873 Andrew REYNOLDS; maiden name not known at this time

SAVAGE, Elizabeth: m'd CRAWFORD, John: s/o Towner and Matilda (Purdy) Savage

SAVAGE, Hannah: m'd HOLDERNESS, Samuel; d/o Towner and Matilda (Purdy) Savage

SAVAGE, James D.: m'd HALL, Eliza; brother of Morgan R. Savage, went to Calif.; decided against the Applegate Trail; wife died just after childbirth in the Sierras. Most reports said that baby died but a letter by William Boggs, who was there, says that the baby was taken by a family named Quivey and raised in San Jose.

SAVAGE, John (1826- ): m1. 1850 PRESLEY, Rhoda; m2. 1871 TARRAND, Eleanor; s/o Towner and Matilda (Purdy) Savage

SAVAGE, Lewis: m'd CONNELLY, Minerva; s/o Towner and Matilda (Purdy) Savage

SAVAGE, Lucy: m'd 1848 ANDERSON, James Mechling;came to Oregon with her uncle

SAVAGE, Lyman: m'd STEWART, Matilda; s/o Towner and Matilda (Purdy) Savage

SR: *10:  SAVAGE, Morgan R. (1825-1904): m'd 1846 BRISBIN, Frances Ann; s/o Peter Swinburn and Doritha (Shaunce/Shontz) Savage; brother of James D. Savage; Settled Marion Co

SAVAGE, Oren G.: m1. WALK, Martha; m2. JOHNSON, Loretta; settled Marion Co

SAVAGE, Sarepta: m1. DEHAVEN, Thomas; m2. EDWARDS, Samuel; s/o Towner and Matilda (Purdy) Savage

SAVAGE, Towner (1801-1871): m'd PURDY, Matilda; settled in Marion Co

SR: SCALES, [ ]:


*5: SCONCE, Nancy (1815- ): m'd ELLIOTT, William

SCOTT, Felix:

SR: SCOTT, William J.J. (1824-1896): m'd ROBINSON, Surrenea J.; settled Lane Co.  (notes p. 471 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

SETTLE, Elizabeth (1844-1921): m1. 02 Sep 1860 SMITH, Alfred; m2. 12 Mar 1865 WILEY, Andrew; d/o John and Martha (Hudson) Settle

SETTLE, John (1808-1896) : m1. 25 Apr 1828 HUDSON, Martha Clay; m2. c1859 BURGESS, Julia Ann

SETTLE, John T. (1828-1900): m1. 12 Jul 1849 CLAYPOOL, Sarah Eveline; m2. 14 Jul 1855 GUTHRIE, Mary Ann; s/o John and Martha (Hudson) Settle

SETTLE, Josiah Parker (1841-1911): m'd 05 Oct 1864 CROW, Marietta; s/o John and Martha (Hudson) Settle

SETTLE, Mary (1839-1904): m1. 30 Aug 1855 HAMPTON, John; m2. 01 Mar 1864 HANER, Ephraim; m3. 11 Jun 1888 GRAHAM, S. B.; d/o John and Martha (Hudson) Settle

SETTLE, Peter B. (1830-1882): m'd 18 Jan 1857 CROW, Martha Jane; s/o John and Martha (Hudson) Settle

SETTLE, Rhoda Ann (1833-1898): m'd 17 Jul 1851 MESSERSMITH, William; d/o John and Martha (Hudson) Settle

SETTLE, Sarah Jane (1837-1850): d/o John and Martha (Hudson) Settle 

*4: SHAW, Carlos W.: listed in at least one source as Carlos W. Shane (diary of Virgil Pringle Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p159-188)

SHEDD, Frank: Settled in Linn Co.

SR*10: SHELBY, Mr.: a lawyer mentioned in Narcissa Cornwall Moore reminiscenses

SHELTON, Amanda Elvira (1837-1922) m'd CATTRON, Jonathan, lived in Monmouth, OR . d/o Zebedee and Lavina (MILLER) SHELTON

*4: SHELTON, America Minerva (1831-1916) m'd BEDWELL, Elisha (1847 emigrant), d Monmouth, OR . d/o Zebedee and Lavina (MILLER) SHELTON

*4: SHELTON, James Clark, MD (1835-1902) m'd WHITSON, Pauline, lived in Salem, OR, s/o Zebedee and Lavina (MILLER) SHELTON

*4: SHELTON, Janette Lucy (1841-1846) died on trail June 3, 1846, buried near the Platte River, d/o Zebedee and Lavina (MILLER) SHELTON  (diary of Virgil Pringle Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p159-188)

*4: SHELTON, John William (1833-1922) m'd BURFORD, Mary Jane d/o BURFORD,Hezekiah , s/o Zebedee and Lavina (MILLER) SHELTON

*4: SHELTON, Joseph Warren (1846-1863) s/o Zebedee and Levina (MILLER) SHELTON<>

SHELTON, Lavina (MILLER) (1808-1894) m'd SHELTON, Zebedee, d/o Philip and Naomi (RICHARDSON) MILLER who was founder of New Haven, Franklin Co., MO.  Lavina's sister  MILLER, Mahala m'd to McBRIDE, James, their Wagon Captain.<>

SHELTON, Martha Ann (1837) d/o Zebedee and Lavina (MILLER) SHELTON
*4: SHELTON, Martha E.: m'd GRAVES, Thomas J.; d/o John W. Sheldon

*4: SHELTON, Susan Frances (1842-1846) died on trail May 1, 1846, buried in Jackson Co, MO. d/o Zebedee and Lavina (MILLER) SHELTON (diary of Virgil Pringle Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p159-188)<>

*4: SHELTON, Thomas Winthrop, MD (1844-1893) m'd LUCAS,Adah,  lived in Eugene, OR. s/o Zebedee and Lavina (MILLER) SHELTON

*4: SHELTON, William:

SHELTON, Zebedee (1804-1857) m/d MILLER, Lavina. Zebedee was b in Grainger, TN, m in Franklin Co, MO and is buried in the McBride Cemetery in Carlton, OR with his wife and several children, about one mile from their land claim.

SHERLEY, William:

SHOEMAKER, Mary Catherine: m'd Jul 1837 KEENEY, Jonathan

*11: SHOEMAKER, Samuel ( -1846): teamster for one of Donner families; member of Donner Party; died in snow

SHREVE, Craig:

*5: SHRUM, Andrew Jackson (1842-1919): born 12 Sep 1842 Lincoln, Montgomery Co, MO and died 24 Jul 1919 Boise, Ada Co, ID; s/o Nicholas and Delila (Fine) Shrum Sr; settled in Marion County until about 1885 when he moved to Crook Co, OR; sold out after about 15 years and moved to ID

*5: SHRUM, Euphamia A. (-1906): m1. 1850 EDMUNDSON, John H.; m2. ANSON, Mr. ; died 26 Mar 1906 in Medford, Jackson Co, OR; d/o Nicholas and Delila (Fine) Shrum Sr;

*5: SHRUM, Henry (1826-1892):  m'd [   ], Eleanor; born 1826 Montgomery Co, MO and died 08 May 1892, Antelope, Wasco Co, OR; s/o Nicholas and Delila (Fine) Shrum Sr; divorced from Eleanor in 1889 Marion Co, OR

*5: SHRUM, Jefferson Beck (1839-c1910) born 03 Feb 1839 Lincoln, Montgomery Co. and died c1910 San Diego Co, CA; s/o Nicholas and Delila (Fine) Shrum Sr;

*5: SHRUM, John Wiseman (1822-1889): m'd 28 Jun 1848 KNIGHTEN, Melissa; born 26 May 1822 Montgomery Co, MO and died 11 Jan 1889 Marion Co, OR; s/o Nicholas and Delila (Fine) Shrum; settled in Marion Co; buried in Stipp Cemetery, Macleay, Marion Co, OR

*5: SHRUM, Mary (1834-1910): m'd MILLER, Samuel S., born 17 Jan 1834 Lincoln, Montgomery Co, MO and died 22 May 1910 San Diego Co, CA; d/o Nicholas and Delila (Fine) Shrum Sr;

*5: SHRUM, Nicholas Jr. (1836-1865): born 1836 Montgomery Co, MO and died 1865 Marion Co, OR; s/o Nicholas and Delila (Fine) Shrum Sr.

*5: SHRUM, Nicholas Sr. (1803-1863): m'd 18 Jul 1821 FINE, Delila; settled in Marion Co; buried in Stipp Cemetery

*5: SHRUM, Ruhama 1831-1877: m'd 01 Jun 1848 PICKARD, Oliver; born 05 Nov 1831 Montgomer Co, MO and died 16 Oct 1877; d/o Nicholas and Delila (Fine) Shrum Sr;

*5: SHRUM, Thomas (1827-1902): born 08 Dec 1827 Lincoln, Montgomery Co, MO and died 25 Dec 1902 Glide, Douglas Co, OR; s/o Nicholas and Delila (Fine) Shrum Sr;


SIMMONS, Asa (1822- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Sarah; s/o Samuel and Mahala (Bunch) Simmons

SIMMONS, Samuel (1802- ): m'd 1822 BUNCH, Mahala

SIMMONS, William:

*3: SIMPSON, Benjamin Capt. (1816-1910): m1. 1839 WISDOM, Elzina Jane; m2. 1843 COOPER, Nancy June; s/o William and Mary (Kimsey) Simpson; Settled in Marion Co.; accompanied parents to OR 1846; two wagons, one drawn by 4 yoke of oxen, the other by 3 yoke of oxen; Baptist; d. 1910; was superintendent of Indian affairs for OR and surveyor general; by 1899 was resident of Georgia.

*3: SIMPSON, Cassia (1822-1846): m'd KIMSEY, Alvis; d/o William and Mary (Kimsey) Simpson; had tuberculosis when she embarked and hoped that trip might improve her condition; she died enroute

*3: SIMPSON, David (1828- ): m'd 1845 HAVEN, Julia Ann; s/o William and Mary (Kimsey) Simpson; Settled in Marion Co.; accompanied parent to OR 1846

*3: SIMPSON, Eleanor "Ellie" (1814-1873): m'd ANDERSON, James; d/o William and Mary (Kimsey) SIMPSON

*3: SIMPSON, Elizabeth (1826-1902): m'd WISDOM, Napoleon B. "Dick"; d/o William and Mary (Kimsey) Simpson

*3: SIMPSON, Harriet (1820-1861): m'd PRICE, Larkin; d/o William and Mary (Kimsey) Simpson

*3: SIMPSON, James (1833-1914): m'd 1853 HAVEN, Mary Catherine d/o William and Mary (Kimsey) Simpson; [note: wife of James shown as Mary Catherine in one source and Mary Jane in another]

*3: SIMPSON, John Thomas (1841- ): s/o Benjamin and Elzira (Wisdom) Simpson; lawyer at Sheridan, Yamhill Co, in 1899

*3: SIMPSON, Mary Ann (1824-1849): m'd MACKLIN, William d/o William and Mary (Kimsey) Simpson

*3: SIMPSON, Martha Jane (1830-1892): m'd 1848 FORD, Ninevah d/o William and Mary (Kimsey) Simpson

*3: SIMPSON, Samuel Leonidas (1845-1899): m'd 1868 HUMPHREY, Julia s/o Benjamin and Nancy (Cooper) Simpson WCJ : Jun 22, 1899 3:3 Oregon Poet Dead; ".. was walking on the street when he slipped and fell, striking his head on the hard pavement. He never regained consciousness."; emigrant of 1845 (?); lawyer, poet, journalist; for many years had been living at Astoria and Ilwaco near the mouth of the Columbia; had alchoholism problem

*3: SIMPSON, Sylvester Confusious (21 Mar 1844-01 Mar 1913): m'd 11 Oct 1866 MCFARLANE, Fanny; s/o Benjamin and Nancy (Cooper) Simpson

*3: SIMPSON, William Rev. (1793-1858): m'd 1813 KIMSEY, Mary "Polly"; 11 children; emigrated with 2 wagons and 7 yoke of oxen

*3: SIMPSON, William Barnett (1836-1925): m'd HAVEN, Melinda Caroline; s/o William and Mary (Kimsey) SIMPSON

*4: SKIDMORE, Ellen (1808-1860): m1. 1830 SMITH, William; m2. 1849 YOUNG, Robert and settled in West Stayton, Marion Co, OR

SLAVENS, George: m'd RIGGS, Leah


SMITH FAMILY RESEARCHER:   Oregan Overland: Three Roads of Adversity by Ross Smith;  an indepth study of the 1846 Barlow Road and the 1846 Southern Route and the Smith family who traveled them

*3: SMITH, Absalom (1805-1863: m'd KIMSEY, Hildah; s/o Ira G. Smith; founded Smithfield, Polk Co, OR

SMITH, Adelaide (1808-aft 1880): m'd 1835 VAUGHN, Martin

SMITH, Alden (1830-1879): s/o George and Margaret (Copple) Smith; mentally retarded

SR: *4: SMITH, Angeline (1837- ): m'd 1855 CREWS, John B.; d/o William and Ellen (Skidmore) Smith

*18: SMITH, Asa:

SR: *10: *4: SMITH, Benjamin Franklin (1840-1915): m'd 1864 BURNS, Rachel M.; d/o James and Elizabeth (Wright) Smith

SR: *4: SMITH, Cindarella (1840- ): d/o John and Emily (Thorp) Smith

SMITH, Clarissa Jane (1835-1914): m1. MULL, Noah; m2. SHANKS, Franklin; m3. WILLIAMS, Charles; d/o George and Margaret (Copple) Smith

SR: *10: *4: SMITH, Cordelia Catherine (1844- ): m'd 1864 FUDGE, John; d/o James and Elizabeth (Wright) Smith; migrated to Walla Walla Co, WA

SMITH, Cyrenas (1839-1915): m'd SHAW, Sarah Margaret; s/o George and Margaret (Copple) Smith


SR: *10: *4: SMITH, Eliza Ann (1835-1901): m'd 1853 GARDNER, Samuel J.; d/o James and Elizabeth (Wright) Smith

SR: *10: *4: SMITH, Elza Dice (1846-1897): m'd LEE, Lucinda; s/o James and Elizabeth (Wright) Smith; migrated to Whitman Co, WA

SMITH, Fabritus R. (1819- ): m'd 1847 PRINGLE, Virgilia E.; settled in Marion Co, was a member of the state legislature in 1876

SMITH, George Henry (1810-1895): m'd 1829 COPPLE, Margaret (1809-1872)

SR: *10: *4: SMITH, George Washington (1842-1916): m'd SHELDON, Nancy Elizabeth; s/o James and Elizabeth (Wright) Smith; migrated to Whitman Co, WA

SR: *10: *4: SMITH, Henry (1818-1885): m'd 1837 WRIGHT, Susannah "Susan" Thakel; settled in Aumsville, Marion Co, OR; brother of James Smith; elected state senator in 1880

*3: SMITH, Henry B. (1836-1854): s/o Absalom and Hilah (Kimsey) Smith; died in farm accident

SMITH, Henry F. (1832-1908): s/o George and Margaret (Copple) Smith

SMITH, Jacob Sweetwater (1846-1925): m'd BROWNLEE, Margaret; s/o George and Margaret (Copple) Smith

*11: SMITH, James: cut off for CA; member of Donner Party

SR: *10: *4: SMITH, James (1802-1872): m1. KEELE, Maria; m2. 1831 WRIGHT, Elizabeth M.; settled in Lewisville, Polk Co, OR; brother of Henry Smith

SR: *10: *4: SMITH, James Dunleavy (1839- ): m'd 1856 SHELDON, Lucina Pauline; d/o James and Elizabeth (Wright) Smith

*3: SMITH, James Washington (1838-1874): m'd RIGGS, Silby Ann; s/o Absalom and Hilah (Kimsey) Smith

SMITH, Jesse: brother of William; separated at Fort Hall and went to CA

SR: *4: SMITH, John Burris (05 Jan 1816-06 Feb 1901 ): m'd  19 Jan 1840 THORP, Emily; settled in Polk Co; no indication he is related to other Smith families in 1846 emigration

SR: *10: *4: SMITH, John H (1824- ): m'd 1850 LEWIS, Martha Jane; s/o James and Maria (Keele) Smith

SMITH, John R. (1844-1922): m'd ENYART, Louisa; s/o George and Margaret (Copple) Smith

SMITH, Joseph S.: m'd HALL, Sarah


SMITH, Levi L.:

SR: *10: *4: SMITH, Louisa "Eliza" A. (1846-1875): m'd PECK, George W.; d/o Henry and Susan (Wright) Smith

SR: *4: SMITH, Louisa Jane (c1830-1846): d/o William and Ellen (Skidmore) Smith; died on trail

SR: *4: SMITH, Lucius (1841- ): m'd SNODDERLY, Sarah E.; s/o William and Ellen (Skidmore) Smith

SR: *10: *4: SMITH, Margaret Elizabeth (1837-1857): m'd 1855 CHERRY, Alpheus F.; d/o James and Elizabeth (Wright) Smith

SR: *10: *4: SMITH, Mariah (1830-1916): m1. 1850 CHAMBERLAIN, John; m2. BELIEU, John; m3. SMITH, Madison M.; d/o James and Maria (Keele) Smith

SR: *4: SMITH, Marion (c1844- ): s/o William and Ellen (Skidmore) Smith

SMITH, Mary (1836-1915): m'd WILLIAMS, Asa; d/o George and Margaret (Copple) Smith

*1: SMITH, Mary Ann: m'd JONES, []; to CA

SR: *10: *4: SMITH, Mary E.: m'd VAUGHN, John; d/o Henry and Susan (Wright) Smith

SR: *4: SMITH, Mary E. (1845- ): d/o John and Emily (Thorp) Smith

SR: *4: SMITH, Melissa J. (1843- ): d/o John and Emily (Thorp) Smith

SR: *10: *4: SMITH, Minerva Jane (1829-1908): m'd 1844 LONG, John; d/o James and Maria (Keele) Smith

*3: SMITH, Nancy Jane (1842-1928): m'd 1858 HUBBARD, Goalman; d/o Absolom and Hilah (Kimsey) Smith

SR: *4: SMITH, Noah (c1842- ): s/o William and Ellen (Skidmore) Smith

SMITH, "Rolling Pin":

SR: *4: SMITH, Rufus (1832- ): s/o William and Ellen (Skidmore) Smith

SMITH, Sarah Ann (1823-1875): m1. 10 Feb 1838 CHANCE, Dennis (1814-1852); m2. 29 Mar 1854 BALLARD, William Alfred; cut off for California

*18: SMITH, Sidney:

SR: *4: SMITH, Thaddius (c1841- ): s/o William and Ellen (Skidmore) Smith; was crippled

*18: SMITH, Thomas:

SR: *4: SMITH, Thomas Jefferson (1834- ): s/o William and Ellen (Skidmore) Smith

*3: SMITH, Thomas Jefferson (1845- ): m1. COX, Melissa; m2. COX, Mida; s/o Absolom and Hilah (Kimsey) Smith

SR: *4: SMITH, William (c1805-1846): m'd 1830 SKIDMORE, Ellen; died in Canyon Creek Canyon around Oct 31, 1846 of heart attack

SR: *10: *4: SMITH, William H. (1840- ): m'd TAYLOR, Melcina; s/o Henry and Susan (Wright) Smith

SR: *4: SMITH, William M. (c1831- ): s/o William and Ellen (Skidmore) Smith

*11: SNYDER, John: cut off for CA; member of Donner Party

SR: *10: *4: SOCIAL, Adeline Miss: mentioned in reminiscence of Narcissa Cornwall Moore

SPITLER, John: cut off for CA (notes p. 747 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

*11: SPITZER, Augustus ( -1846): member of Donner Party; said to have been Reinhardts partner; died in snow

SPOOR, Jacob: leaving Rockford Co, IL for OR (notes p. 502 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

*12: SPRIGGS, Thomas:


STANFIELD, Joseph: in Whitman Massacre of 1847; Roman Catholic, Canadian; testimony stated that Stanfield knew that the massacre was to take place and did not warn the Whitmans

STANLEY, James (1836- ):

*15: STANLEY, Larkin: one of 8 men who cut off for CA and were one of first parties over Sierra in 1846

STANLEY, James (1836- ):

*11: STANTON, Charles Tyler (1811-1847): reached CA in safety but returned to help members of Donner Party; died in snow (notes p. 466 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)


STEVENS, Thomas:

SR: *4: STEWART, Albert: s/o Benjamin

SR: STEWART, Benjamin:

*12: STEWART, Charles James: m'd WOOD, Mary; s/o Benjamin

STEWART, Daniel:

*12: STEWART, Ezekiel:

*12: STEWART, Lydia Ann. (1818-26 Sep 1846): m'd 02 Nov 1843 WARDLAW, Joseph;  of fever September 26, 1846 Nevada County, California (diary of Nicholas Carriger- Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p143-158)

SR: STEWART, Nancy ( -1846): d/o Benjamin; died on Applegate Trail

STEWART, Parson:

SR: STEWART, William: s/o Charles and Mary (Wood) Stewart

SR: *4: STOKES, William (1810- ):

SR: *4: STOLEY, Israel: m'd 1847 NOBLE, Rebecca Jane

STONE, Asa: (1821-1896): m'd 1853 CHAMBERS, Anna; Mossback by Frank W. Stone

*1: STORY, Elizabeth ( -1846): m'd ALLEN, David; died on the Humbolt River





SUMMERS, Rachael Hixson (1823-1900): m'd HOLMAN, James Duval

SR: TANNER, Daniel:

*12: TANNER, John L.

*15: TAYLOR, William E. (1820-1905): m'd 1846 GRIFFITH, Nancy; m'd in CA 13 Dec 1846; one of 8 men who cut off for CA and were one of first parties over Sierra in 1846


THOMPSON, R.R. (1820- ):

SR: *17: *10: *4: THORNTON, J. Quinn (1810-1888): m'd LOGUE, Nancy Mrs.; lawyer;  got into argument with John B. Goode over partnership in the wagon.  Oregon party was asked to leave Russell train rather than deal with future problems.  20 wagons left and moved ahead. (diary of George McKinstry as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p199-218)

*4: THORP, Emily (1824-1865): m'd  19 Han 1840 SMITH, John Burris; d/o Owen  and Elizabeth (Heitt) Thorp

SR *4: THORP, Melissa ( -1846): m'd CROWLEY, Calvin; died on trail

THURSTON, Fanny: m'd c1817 KENNEDY, Ezekiel

*4: TOOLE, Daniel: cut off for CA (notes p. 471 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan) ; Memoir of Daniel Tool contributed by Ben Truwe

SR: *4: TOWNSEND, David J. (1819-1899): m'd ROBISON, Julia; brother of James Madison Sr.

SR: *4: TOWNSEND, James Madison (1811- ): brother of David J.

SR: *5: *4: TOWNSEND, James Madison (1843- ): s/o James and Mary Townsend

SR: *4: TOWNSEND, Josephine (1843-1928): m'd 1859 REEVES, William; d/o David and Julia (Robison) Townsend

SR: *4: TOWNSEND, Julia Ann (1823-1897): m'd TOWNSEND, David J.

SR: *5: *4: TOWNSEND, Malinda (1839- ): d/o James and Mary Townsend

SR: *4: TOWNSEND, Margaret (1846- ): m'd LAFOLLETTE, A.M.; d/o David and Julia (Robison) Townsend; born on Trail near Sweetwater River 12 Jul 1846 (diary of Virgil Pringle Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p159-188)

SR: *5: *4: TOWNSEND, Mary: m'd TOWNSEND, James M.

SR: *5: *4: TOWNSEND, Sarah Ann (1846- ): m'd GREEN, Thomas; d/o James and Mary Townsend

SR: *5: *4: TOWNSEND, Thomas (1835- ): s/o James and Mary Townsend

SR: *5: *4: TOWNSEND, William A. (1837- ): s/o James and Mary Townsend

*19: TRIMBLE, Angus Ross (1842- ): s/o Edward and Abarilla (Ross) Trimble

*19: TRIMBLE, Edward (c1816-1846): m'd ROSS, Abarilla; was traveling with wife and three children; wife was pregnant with a fourth child whom she named Mary Ellen; killed June 18 by Pawnees near the crossing of the Platte's South Fork while searching for lost cattle from train

*19: TRIMBLE, Martha Jane (1842- ): m'd POMEROY, James S.; d/o Edward and Abarilla (Ross) Trimble; by 1880 census was widowed and living in Columbia Co, WA with two children

*19: TRIMBLE, Mary Ellen (1843- ): d/o Edward and Abarilla (Ross) Trimble; born on trail or shortly after arrival

*19: TRIMBLE, Mary Ellen (11 Aug 1820-31 Jan 1854): m'd 07 Jan 1839 Jonathan Hill BRATTAIN; sister of Edward Trimble; her husband became guardian for Trimble children after death of their father; Mary died on their Linn county donation land claim in Jan 1854:

*19: TRIMBLE, William Franklin (1839- ): c/o Edward and Abarilla (Ross) Trimble

*11: TRUBODE, Jean Baptiste: member of Donner Party

SR: Betsey TRUMBULL ( -1847): m'd Heman C. BUCKINGHAM; died at Rickreall seven months after arrival in Oregon

SR: TURNAGE, Emily Jane (1837- ): m'd PIERCE, Samuel; d/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Dagley) Turnage

SR: TURNAGE, Frances Ellen (1847-1865): d/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Dagley) Turnage

SR: TURNAGE, Joseph Warren (1819-1857): m'd 1838 DAGLEY, Elizabeth Crowley

SR: TURNAGE, Martha Elizabeth (1842- ): d/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Dagley) Turnage

SR: TURNAGE, Mary Ann (1844- ): d/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Dagley) Turnage

SR: TURNAGE, Nancy Ann (1837- ): d/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Dagley) Turnage

SR: TURNAGE, William Jasper (1841- ): s/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Dagley) Turnage



SR: *4: VAN BEBBER, Almeda Jane (1831- ): m1. KING, Isaac (1819-1866); m2. ZUMWALT, Andrew Jackson (1845-1912); d/o Lazarus and Martha VanBeeber; mother of 10 children by first marriage including Alfred (1848- ), Lazarus (1850- ), Melinda C. (1851- ), Stephen (1852- ), Ellen (1855- ), Elinor (1857- ), Olive (1858- ), Hollis (1860- ), Ulysses S. (1863- ) and Melvina (1865- ); mother of 4 children by second marriage including George Henry, Lillie May (1868-1870), Sarah Jane (1869- ) and Adaline (1874- )

SR: *4: VAN BEBBER, Lazarus (1806-1896): m'd VAN BEBBER, Martha (1805- ); settled Kings Valley, Benton Co, OR

SR: *4: VAN BEBBER, Martha: m'd VAN BEBBER, Lazarus; distant cousin of her husband

VANDERPOOL, Amy:  m'd 1826 MOORE, David who died in 1831;  emigrated to Oregon with Vanderpools and Linvilles

SR: *4: VANDERPOOL, David (1833- ): s/o Meadors and Hannah (Linville) Vanderpool

SR: *4: VANDERPOOL, James (1835- ): s/o Meadors and Hannah (Linville) Vanderpool

SR: *4: VANDERPOOL, Jane (1832- ): d/o Meadors and Hannah (Linville) Vanderpool

SR: *4:  VANDERPOOL, Larkin

SR: *4: VANDERPOOL, Mary (1842- ): d/o Meadors and Margaret (Linville) Vanderpool

SR: *4: VANDERPOOL, Meadors (1798-1896): m1. LINVILLE, Hannah "Polly" (1808-1838); m2. LINVILLE, Margaret E. (1818-1888)

SR: *4: VANDERPOOL, Medder (1821-1896): m'd 1845 [], Sarah

SR: *4: VANDERPOOL, Miles:

SR: *4: VANDERPOOL, Susan (1845- ): d/o Meadors and Margaret (Linville) Vanderpool

VAUGHAN, Andrew J. (1826-Oct 1852): s/o Liberty and Nancy (Briceland) Vaughan; went to meet his family who were arriving in 1852 and died inear the Deschutes River of mountain fever; burial location unknown

VAUGHN, Adeline (1837- ): m'd 1856 DORSEY, George; d/o Martin and Adelaide Vaughn

VAUGHN, Amanda  (1845-1913): m'd 1864 LAYTON, Francis M.; d/o Martin and Adelaide Vaughn

VAUGHN, Elizabeth (1841- ): d/o Martin and Adelaide Vaughn

VAUGHN, Martin (1810-aft 1880): m'd 1835 [   ], Adelaide; Martin and Adelaide lived in Yamhill Co where they are enumerated in the 1850, 1860 and 1870 census; by 1880 they are living in Yakima Co, Washington Territory.

VAUGHN, Mary J. (1834-aft 1870): m'd 1857 GIBBS, Levi; d/o Martin and Adelaide Vaughn

VAUGHN, Thomas (1844- ): s/o Martin and Adelaide Vaughn

*5:  *14: Lavina Forrest WADDEL (1815-1860): m'd c1832 Orus BROWN; mother of 13 children; settled Forrest Grove, Washington Co, OR

*4: WAIR, J.M.:


WALDO, America: it is unclear at this point if America came in 1846 or 1854 but her life and history has been well documented by Brian W. Johnson; Associate Research Fellow (retired), The Research Institute, Western Oregon University Monmouth, Oregon

WALDO, Joseph (1805-1871): trustee of Willamette University; brother of Daniel Waldo; member of Methodist church

*18: WALKER, Mr.:

*12: WARD, Levicy (1789-1865): m'd 03 Aug 1811 CARRIGER, Christian Sr.; buried Valley Cemetery, Sonoma, Sonoma County, California

*12: WARDLOW, Infant Son  (16 Sep 1846-16 Sep 1846): s/o Joseph and Lydia Ann (Stewart) Wardlow;  infant born and died 16 Sep 1846, only lived a few minutes (diary of Nicholas Carriger- Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p143-158)

*12: WARDLOW, Mary Ann (24 Nov 1826-25 Dec 1891): m'd 1842 CARRIGER, Nicholas; d/o John and Elizabeth (Lance) Wardlow; buried Mountain Cemetery, Sonoma, Sonoma County, California

*12: WARDLOW, Joseph (21 Nov 1816: ): m'd 02 Nov 1843 STEWART, Lydia Ann; s/o John and Elizabeth (Lance) Wardlow

*12: WARDLOW, William (1844-01 Oct 1879): s/o Joseph and Lydia Ann (Stewart) Wardlow


WASSON, Jonathan (1826-1899):

WASSON, Mary: m'd MOIST, Charles Franklin

WATKINS, Benjamin F.: m'd c1850 BROUGHTON, Linda; 1846 traveled with Donner party as far as Ft. Hall and then cut off for Oregon where he spent  time mining before removing to CA; returned east in 1850 and married; emigrated to CA again in 1851 with his new wife; he resided in the Santa Clara area until his death

WEBB, William:


*6: WEST, Thomas: cut off for CA; traveled with four sons (William T., George, F.T., and T) (notes p. 747 Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan)

*4: WHATLEY, : wounded by poison arrows but recovered


WHEELER, James (1820- ): m1. 1850 HAWKINS, Mary E.; m2. 1870 MILLER, Eliza J.

WHEELER, William:

*6: WHISMAN Family: cut off for CA

WHITAKER, Anthony (c1815- ):  m'd 27 Seo 1842 [   ], Isabella; born Ireland, settled Clackamas County

*4: WHITE, R.:

SR: WHITLEY, Samuel:

*11: WILLIAMS, Baylis ( -1846): member of Donner Party; died in snow

*11: WILLIAMS, Eliza: half sister of Baylis Williams; member of Donner Party;

*5: *14: WILLIAMS, James: m1. ; m2. HAVARD, []

*18: WILLIAMS, Oscar Capt.:

WILLIAMSON, John: m'd 1846 MARTIN, []; settled Yamhill Co;

*12: WILSON, Isaac:

*3: WILSON, John M. (1809- ): m'd KIMSEY, Hulday; settled Polk Co; 1855 drove a herd of cattle to CA; returned in 1858

*5: WINGFIELD, George: s/o J.T. Wingfield

*5: WINGFIELD, J.T. (1807-1850): m'd 1832 []


*3: WISDOM, Elzira Jane (1845-1932): m'd 1859 MILLS, John Russell; d/o Napoleon and Elizabeth (Simpson) Wisdom

*3: WISDOM, Napoleon B. "Dick" (1823-1893): m'd 1843 SIMPSON, Elizabeth Jane; s/o WISDOM, Joseph and SCOTT, Nancy; s/o Joseph and Nancy (Scott) Wisdom

WISE, Mary ( -1875): (also seen as WEISE); m1. BYRD, John; m2. MILSAP, Reuben Major; buried in Fairfield Cemetery; parents helped found St. Louis, MO

*11: WOLFINGER, Mr. ( -1846): member of Donner Party; said to have been murdered on the Truckee by Reinhardt and Spitzer

*SR: WOOD, Abigal (1825-1872 ): m'd 04 Jun 1846 LEE, Wilson; d/o John and Elizabeth (Kline) Wood; [note spelling of Abigal is correct]; born 27 Jan 1825 Cattarus Co, NY and died 14 Jul 1872 Falls City, Polk Co, OR; she married Wilson Lee on the trail near the Platte River

SR: WOOD, Alonzo (c1800- ): m'd [ ], Sarah

SR: WOOD, Elven (c1833- ): s/o Alonzo and Sarah Wood

SR: WOOD, George S.: s/o Alonzo and Sarah Wood

SR: *4: WOOD, Israel (1830- ): s/o John and Elizabeth (Kline) Wood; born 03 Dec 1830 Adrian, MI and died 07 Jul 1921 Salem, OR

SR: WOOD, John D.: m1. KLINE, Elizabeth ( -1836); m2. 22 Dec 1842 RHODES, Martha; settled in Buena Vista, Polk Co, OR; accompanied to Oregon by two of his four children

SR: RHODES, Martha (c1830- ): m'd 22 Dec 1842 WOOD, John D.; d/o Charley Rhodes

SR: WOOD, Sarah (c1807- ): m'd WOOD, Alonzo; maiden name not known at this time

WOODCOCK, Sophia W. ( -1880): m'd CAREY, Abijah

WOODWORTH, Selim E.: a midshipman with the Navy he was considered by many to be an annoying nusiance who attempted to tell everyone what to do.  He arrived at Oregon city Aug 25 with three other mounted gentlemen and subsequently went to CA where he had a roll in the rescue of the Donner party.

WORDEN, Henry:

WREN, Charles:

SR: *10: *4: WRIGHT, Elizabeth M. (1812-1897): m'd 1831 SMITH, James

SR: *4: WRIGHT, Martha: m'd HALL, Reason B.; had twins born on the plains; per Jackie Marshall at jmarshal@tlc.net

SR: *10: *4: WRIGHT, Susannah "Susan" Thakel: (1820- ): m'd 1837 SMITH, Henry; sister of Elizabeth Wright

*4: WYATT, Eliza Emily (05 Jan 1811-29 Apr 1872): m'd 1830 COLLINS, Smith; d/o Douglas and Elizabeth (See) Wyatt; buried Chamberlin Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon

YOUNGER, Sidney A.: m'd 1831 BURNETT, George William

*4: YOUNT, Molly:  m'd LINVILLE, Richard; "Just before the lead company reached the foothills of the Calipooya Mountains around November 17, yet another needless death also struck the Linville family. This time it was the wife of Richard Linville, wagon train matriarch 72-year-old Mary Yount Linville. The poor woman had drowned while fording a stream too swollen by fall rains. When the wagon in which she was riding upset in Yoncalla Creek, she got trapped underneath before the men could upright it. Her death coming so soon after that of Elizabeth Bounds, meant that the young couple, Harrison Linville and his wife Nancy Bounds, had lost both of their mothers in the same week, and not more than a dozen miles from one another. The deceased "Grandma Molly" Yount Linville, had been the oldest woman on the South Road, and was mother of three prominent train members: Linville party leader Harrison Linville; Margaret Linville, wife of Medders Vanderpool, who captained the forward company; and unfortunate Catherine Linville Crowley, who had already suffered several losses of loved ones. Molly Yount had also been grandmother to fifteen grandchildren starting out on the migration, only thirteen of whom had survived so far. So her tragic drowning touched virtually everyone in the forefront of the migration. And the many emigrants traveling with the Linvilles and Vanderpools had been the first to set out on Jesse Applegates Southern Route, which was supposed to have brought them into the settlements over a month-and-a-half earlier. Unfortunately, it had ended up bringing them yet another terrible tragedy. In perhaps the most bittersweet twist of irony of all, the deceased Molly Yount's parents had also raised their niece, the daughter of Sallie Ann Yount (Parker). This niece was Cynthia Ann Parker, who was raised as the deceased's own surrogate sister. She later became the wife of the man who had told the emigrants they would reach the settlements by October 1 - Jesse Applegate! And this tragedy occurred on Yoncalla Creek, in the vicinity of what would became the town of Yoncalla, near where the Applegate families would eventually reside, when they moved from Polk County a few years later" [contributed by Ross Smith]

*3: ZACHARY, Jane: m'd KIMSEY, Thomas L.

*4: ZUMWALT, Abigail (1831-1853): m'd 1850 HODGES, Alexander; d/o Andrew and Elizabeth (Frazier) Zumwalt; mother of two children, second child was born in 1853

*4: ZUMWALT, Adam F. (c1826-1856): s/o Andrew and Elizabeth (Frazier) Zumwalt

*4: ZUMWALT, Andrew Rev (1789-1867).: m'd FRAZIER, Elizabeth; settled in Polk Co; deacon in the Methodist church

SR: *4: ZUMWALT, Andrew Jackson (1845-1912): s/o Isaac and Sarah (Crow) Zumwalt

SR: *4: ZUMWALT, Commodore Perry (1842-1910): s/o Isaac and Sarah (Crow) Zumwalt

SR: *4: ZUMWALT, Isaac (1815-1891): m'd 1837 CROW, Sarah; s/o Andrew and Elizabeth (Frazier) Zumwalt

*4: ZUMWALT, Isaac K. (1842- ): s/o John M. and Lucinda (Kent) Zumwalt

*4: ZUMWALT, Jerome (1833-1894): s/o Andrew and Elizabeth (Frazier) Zumwalt

*4: ZUMWALT, John Andrew (1840- ): s/o John M. and Lucinda (Kent) Zumwalt

*4: ZUMWALT, John Martin (1817-1858): m'd KENT, Lucinda; s/o Andrew and Elizabeth (Frazier) Zumwalt

SR: *4: ZUMWALT, Lewis Sande (1843-1927): s/o Isaac and Sarah (Crow) Zumwalt

*4: ZUMWALT, Mary Lucinda (1835-1903): d/o Solomon and Lucinda (Kent) Zumwalt

SR: *4: ZUMWALT, Matilda Jane (1840-1877): d/o Isaac and Sarah (Crow) Zumwalt

*4: ZUMWALT, Nancy Ann (1828-1901): d/o Andrew and Elizabeth (Frazier) Zumwalt

*4: ZUMWALT, Sarah A. (1838-1852): d/o John M. and Lucinda (Kent) Zumwalt

*4: ZUMWALT, Thomas M. (1845-1879): s/o John M. and Lucinda (Kent) Zumwalt

*4: ZUMWALT, Thomas Rhoades (c1824-c1851): s/o Andrew and Elizabeth (Frazier) Zumwalt

SR: *4: ZUMWALT, William Henry (1838-c1909): s/o Isaac and Sarah (Crow) Zumwalt

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