Emigrants To Oregon In 1847
Listing for Surnames A - L
compiled by
Stephenie Flora and Nancy Prevost
The following lists are being updated
constantly. If you have additions or corrections please contact
me Stephenie Flora. If you have
pictures of your ancestor that you are willing to share I would love to
add them to the Photo Gallery.
In addition to the following list, Francis Milne did quite a bit of research on the 1847 trains many years ago. Her notes have been put online by Tuck Forsythe at
Francis Milne Notebooks
Captains of 1847
Note: The wagon trains of 1847 were in constant transition. Wagons left one train and joined another. Trains joined together, split, and then joined a different train. Each time there was a split another Capt. took over the wagons that split off. Information will be updated as it is found but this is the information as I show it at this time.
1) Capt. John William Bewley: started out. Left Independence, MO on May 7, 1847. It joined later with the Cornlius Smith train that had left from St. Joseph, MO per an account by John Cullen. Capt. Bewley was elected the permanent Captain after a shakedown period of several days. Included in the party were the Isaac Bewley family, the Campbells, Crisps, Danforths, Greens, Prettymans, Youngs, and the Victor Wallace family. This train appears to have joined up at some point with the rear company of the Oskaloosa split led by Capt. Kees. There appears to have been a split because a portion of this train joined up with the Rev. Jolly train at Ft. Bridger. Five months and three days after leaving Independence they had their first view of the Columbia. On Oct 10, 1847 they camped at the mouth of the Umatilla and the next morning the party began to separate and follow different paths. Some of the members of the train chose to go to the Whitman Mission where they became embroiled in the Whitman Massacre
2) Capt. Jordan Sawyer: left from St. Joseph, MO; party consisted of 27 wagons including James Moore; Larkins; Fudge; Marck Sawyer; Mr. Smith; Elijah Bird; Robert Bird; William Blair; William Larkin; Sol Allen and Robert Kinney, Rev. Samuel Allen, John Bird and others, making 35 able-bodied men accompanied by their wives and children. They had numerous encounters with Indian along the way and one incident where the wagon of Mrs. Fudge stampeded. They crossed the Cascade mountains over the Barlow road and arrived at Foster's Oct 1, 1847. At some point this train may have linked with that of Capt. William Vaughn as the Bird family is mentioned by Callaway Hodges as a member of his train Captained by Vaughn. Both Capt. Sawyer and Vaughn are listed as Captains that led a party over the Barlow Road.
3) Capt. David D. Davis and Capt. Kees: party was called Oskalaoosa Company. It started out as one company under Davis and later split with Kees taking over some of the wagons. It and included Saunders, Canfields, Sawyers, Bakers. At one point it is believed that the Kees company joined up with the party led by Capt. Bewley listed above.
4) Capt. Joel Palmer: Joel Palmer went to Oregon first in 1845 on his own with a company from Independence. He kept a journal of his travels then and during his return to the East in 1846, at which time he had it published. Few of the copies ordered were completed by the time he was ready to set out for Oregon again in 1847, but it later became widely used. Palmer recruited a large number of people to join his company in 1847. It is believed he had 85 wagons and then was later joined by the Chicago Company led by Thomas Cox that added an additional 14 wagons. The train included the Ralph C. Geer family, the John W. Grim family, the Graham and Collard families and Christopher Taylor. Robert Crouch Kinney and his brother Samuel also stated in later years that they came with the Palmer Company, although Robert Kinney's name is also listed among those in the train of Capt. Jordan Sawyer.
5) Capt. John E. Ross: led a party of 40 wagons to Oregon in 1847, at the age of 29. John E. Ross Interview transcribed by Ben Truwe
6) Capt. Lot Whitcomb: led a party of 115 wagons from St. Joseph, MO; at least some of the party, including Albert Briggs, arrived at Portland on 14 Oct 1847
7) Capt. Nathaniel Bowman (seen in some diaries as Bomen): A company of 53 wagons commanded by Capt. Bowman started out of St. Joseph, MO. The train apparently split because they were down to 16 wagons when they were stopped a few miles west of the Dalles August 28th according to T'Vault, Barlow, and Foster on their way to the relief of the superintendent at the Dalles and a party of emigrants there, who had been attacked by Indians August 23rd. Some of the men in the party did return. A Capt. Bowman led a party over the Barlow Road
8) Capt. Albert Davidson: started with 48 wagons from St. Joseph, MO; Albert had first journeyed to Oregon in 1845 with his brother James Jr. He returned East in 1846 and persuaded his father and others in Iowa, Illinois and Missouri to go in 1847 via the Southern Route. His brother, Thomas L. Davidson, kept a journal of the trip, later turning it into a manuscript narrative called "The Southern Route". Among others journeying in the Davidson Company was the family of Jesse D. Walling from Illinois.
9) Capt. Rev. William B. Jolly: joined with the Bewley train at Fort Bridger.
10) Capt. John Bonser: left MO May 10 with a train of 100 wagons; spent July 4 at Independence Rock; arrived at the Dalles Oct 5, 1847. When the train split because of its large size there were 17 wagons that stayed with Capt. Bonser. The Young family joined this train at Ft. Bridger after having been left behind by the Jolly/Bewley trains.
11) Capt. Buell: This party included the Buells,
Batemans, Careys, Conners, Franklins, and Putmans.
12) Capt. William Vaughn Wagon Train
16) This is believed to be Wagon Train #16. party of 23 wagons left Pittsfield, Pike Co, IL Apr 5, 1847; crossed the Missouri about the first of May, on the Platte River in Nebraska on the 29th of May, Ft. Laramie about 4th of June and reached Oregon City about the 10th of September
14) Capt. Scott; departed IL Feb 1847 and arrived Sept. 20, 1847
15) Capt. White; departed Cedar Rapids April 15, 1847; train consisted of approximately 42 wagons; believe this train joined the #10 Bonser train listed above at some point
16: Collard-Hubbard train; left Independence and arrived via Barlow Road
17: Capt. Frederick: cut off at Ft. Hall and took southern route into Oregon
18. Capt. Wylie Chapman was leading some of this party; appears he may have originally been in the Oskaloosa Train and took over some of the wagons that didn't want to go the Southern Route including the Saunders, Canfield and Sawyer families. Some references state that he had 50 wagons and that when the train split Rev. William Jolly took over some of the wagons.
19. Capt. James Curl; 41 wagons
20. Capt. Claypool, 23 wagons
21. Capt. Carter, 19 wagons
22. Capt. Patton, 35 wagons
23, Capt. William Wiggins, led train into CA
24. Capt. McGown (also seen as Magone and Magoon); 90 wagons that split into parties led by Capt. John McKinney, 27 wagons, Capt. Elijah Patterson, 16 wagons and McGown who had the remaining 44 wagons.
25. Capt. Thomas Hockett
*26: Capt. Thomas Cox; left Wilimington, IL March 15 with 13 wagons, was joined at St. Joseph, MO by other family members and at one point traveled through the Nemeha country with the Joel Palmer train.
*27: Unnamed Captain led party of 11 wagons from Smake River near the mouth of Raft River on August 22, 1847 to Oregon; families included John Grimsley, Abraham Coryell, Benjamin Davis, Ira Wells, Daniel Wells, William Wyatt, William Aldrich, Andrew Welsh, William Johnson-single, William Risk-single, John Bonser-single; Daniel Cook-single, Thomas Smith-single "On the Applegate Trail 1847 transcribed by Ben Truwe
Emigrants to Oregon in 1847
NOTE: All female members of the emigration are listed by MAIDEN name [if known] EVEN if they were married at the time of the emigration.
*BR: Barlow Road
*SR: Southern Route
ABBOTT, Edward Roland (1827-1912): m'd 1851 STRIETHOFF, Sarah Jane
ABELL, Alexander ( - ): emigrant to CA
ADAIR, Isabella Anne (17 Feb 1809-Apr 1867): m'd 1827 CLAYPOOL, Reuben; buried Claypool Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
ADAMS, Andrew Jackson "Jack" (1824-1881): m'd 1848 MARK, Elizabeth "Betty" Denny.; s/o John and Abigail Adams
ADAMS, Benjamin F. (1846-1866): s/o Jesse and Rebecca (Wright) Adams
ADAMS, Ephraim Martin (1800-1876): m'd 1832 BEDELL, Sarah Jane
"ADAMS, E. M.--Was born in New Jersey; came to Oregon from Missouri; farmed in Yamhill County. Died in 1877, and left two children." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.663]
ADAMS, Hannah Ann (1826- ): m'd 1845 WHITCOMB, James H.
ADAMS, Jacob (1817-1879): m'd 1839 MARK, Mary Ann; s/o Spencer and Margaret Adams
ADAMS, Lorinda (1839-1889): m'd 1857 FARLOW, Christian; d/o Jesse and Rebecca (Wright) Adams
ADAMS, Margaret Elmira (1841-1910): m'd 1857 ADAMS, Hugh; d/o Jacob and Mary (Marks) Adams
ADAMS, Mary Elizabeth (1844-1910): m'd 1860 HUNSAKER, Andrew J. Rev.; d/o Jesse and Rebecca (Wright) Adams
ADAMS, Platte (1839- ): s/o Ephraim and Sarah (Bedell) Adams
ADAMS, Tarvin C. (1841-1886): m'd 1870 MCKINNEY, Martha Ellen; s/o Jesse and Rebecca (Wright) Adams
AIKEN, Henry Spencer (1818-1875): m'd 1854 (Unknown), Maria
"ALDERMAN, ORLANDO--Born in Ohio in 1833; went to Illinois when young, and crossed the plains when fourteen years of age, accompanying his mother, who was then a widow. Resided at first in Linn, but a few years later located at Dallas. Later still (in 1865) he went to his present farm in Spring Valley, Polk County. Was married in 1851 to Miss Isabella Baker, a pioneer of 1845. Her father, George M. Baker, now lives at Shoalwater Bay, W. T. The Aldermans have eleven children Charles L., John W., Sarah A. (Mrs. Parrish), Nancy E. (Mrs. Wesley), Mary M. (Mrs. Lewis), George L., William J., Henry N., Ira O., Rosa A., and Albert E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.663]
ALDRIDGE, John (1792-1859): m'd 1813 GREENING, Mary Jane
ALDRIDGE, Lucinda Jane (1847-1919): m'd DONALDSON, Robert; d/o William and Polly (Allen) Aldridge; born on arrival in November
ALFORD, Harvey (1845-1861): s/o Sterling and Flavilla (Ingersoll) Alford; cut off for California; returned east c1853
ALFORD, Phebe A. (1847-1867): d/o Sterling and Flavilla (Ingersoll) Alford; born 15 Jan 1847 in Plainfield IL; cut off for California; returned east c1853
*2) *12: ALLEN, Abigail
"Abby" (1826/8-1903): m�d 1848 MATZGER, William O.; d/o
David and Elizabeth (Tilligan) Allen; half-sister of Hiram and Charles W.
*2) *12: ALLEN, Angeline (1836-1918): m'd 1852 SWEENEY, Alexander W.; d/o Samuel and Sarah (Benson) Allen
*26) *12: ALLEN, Anna (1839-1914): m1. 1854 NEWTON, Isaac H.; m2. 1875 LAYTON, John; d/o Hiram and Nancy (Davis) Allen
*26) *12: ALLEN, Charles W. (1810-1902): m1. 1836 WITHAM, Hettie Ann; m2. 1866 EARL, Narcissa Shinn; s/o David and Anna (Gregory) Allen; half-brother of Drusilla, Abigail, and Mary Ann Allen
*26) *12: ALLEN, David R. [R. David] (1840-1900): m'd 1862 PATTERSON, Diana; s/o Charles and Hettie (Witham) Allen; to Idaho c1874 and to Eastland Co., Texas, c1883
*2) *12: ALLEN, Drusilla Rosanna [Drucilla Rosella] (1825-1893): m'd 1842 WITHAM, Alfred Morris; d/o David and Elizabeth (Tilligan) Allen; half-sister of Hiram and Charles W.
*2) *12: ALLEN, Elizabeth Nancy [Nancy Elizabeth] (1837-1908): m'd 1855 SMITH, Cyrus; d/o Solomon and Nancy (Powell) Allen
*2) *12: ALLEN, Emaline [Emeline] (1833-1903): m'd 1850 MATHENY, Isaiah Cooper; d/o Solomon and Nancy (Powell) Allen
*26) *12: ALLEN, Emily Carolina (1843-1915): m1. 1858 PITMAN, William M., div.; m2. 1871 BUMP, Wilson Farmer; d/o Charles and Hettie (Witham) Allen
*2) *12: ALLEN, Eveline E. [Evaline] (1833-1904): m1. 1851 SMITH, David H.; m2. 1891 DONALDSON, John; d/o Samuel and Sarah (Benson) Allen
*2) *12: ALLEN, Granville Moore [Grandville] (1844-1914): m'd 1877 BECKETT, Olive "Ollie" Eolian; s/o Solomon and Nancy (Powell) Allen
*26) *12: ALLEN, Hiram (1806-1858): m1. 1837 DAVIS, Nancy; m2. 1850 BROWN, Lucinda (COX); s/o David and Anna (Gregory) Allen and half-brother of Drusilla, Abigail, and Mary Ann Allen; also shown in some records as 1845
*2) *12: ALLEN, John W. (1830-1915): m'd. 1857 McCOY, Mariah Jane; s/o Solomon and Nancy (Powell) Allen
*26) *12: ALLEN, Joseph Witham (1845-1920): m'd 1864 RITNER, Julia Ann; s/o Charles and Hettie (Witham) Allen
*2) *12: ALLEN, Julia A. (c1834- ): d/o Samuel and Sarah (Benson) Allen
*2) *12: ALLEN, Levi Fowler (1842-1923): m'd 1866 DOWNING, Dilley E.; s/o Solomon and Nancy (Powell) Allen
*2) *12: ALLEN, Linore �Linnie� Ann (1847-1905): m'd 1870 SETTLEMIER, Alex A.; d/o Samuel and Sarah (Benson) Allen; born on arrival in Oregon (also given as b. 6 Apr. 1847 in Missouri)
*2) *12: ALLEN, Mary �Polly� (1824-1897): m'd 1846 ALDRIDGE, William; d/o Samuel Easter and Nancy (Spears) Allen
*2) *12: ALLEN, Mary Ann (1833-1906): m'd 1849 CLARK, Oscar Fitsallen; d/o David and Elizabeth (Tilligan) Allen; half-sister of Hiram and Charles W.
*2) *12: ALLEN, Mary Louisa (1843-1933): d/o Samuel and Sarah (Benson) Allen
*2) *12: ALLEN, Permelia Ann (1827-1909): m'd 1844 WILKINS, Mitchell; d/o Robert and Elizabeth (Morrow) Allen
*2) *12: ALLEN, Rachel Suzanne (26 Feb 1780-16 Oct 1859): m'd 22 Jan 1799 BIRD, Robert; d/o William and Martha (McAdoo) Allen
*26) *12: ALLEN, Rachael E. (1840/42-1922): m'd 1858 STOUT, George W.; d/o Hiram and Nancy (Davis) Allen; may have been emigrant of 1845
*2) *12: ALLEN, Robert (1798-1861): m'd MORROW, Elizabeth ( -1845)
*2) *12: ALLEN, Robertson Smith [Robinson] (1840-1902): m'd 1885 BOOTH, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Solomon and Nancy (Powell) Allen
*2) *12: ALLEN, Samuel (1805-1876): m'd 1827 BENSON, Sarah; s/o William and Rebecca (Stevens) Allen
*2) *12: ALLEN, Solomon (1796-1859): m'd 1826 POWELL, Nancy M./A.; s/o William and Rebecca (Stevens) Allen
*2) *12: ALLEN, Thomas Benson (1830-1905): m'd 1851/52 SETTLEMIER, Mary Ann; s/o Samuel and Sarah (Benson) Allen
*2) *12: ALLEN, William Horn (1839-1868): m'd 1862 TRIMBLE, Viola D.; s/o Samuel and Sarah (Benson) Allen
*2) *12: ALLEN, William Powell (1828-1878): m'd 1852 MATHENY, Nancy Ann; s/o Solomon and Nancy (Powell) Allen
ALLPHIN, America (1830-1916): m'd 1850
BOWMAN, Preston H.; d/o William and Louvice (White ) Allphin
ALLPHIN, Francis Marion "Frank" (1832-1862): m'd 1857 MCCLAIN, Allie Ann; s/o William and Louvice (White ) Allphin; settled in Eastern Oregon near an army camp called Fort Henrietta; left to try gold mining on the Salem River in Idaho with the intent of returning by the first of the year; didn't return and his body and those of his companions were found frozen April 2, 1862; it was determined he died Jan 11, 1862 in one of the severest blizzards seen in those parts; buried where he was found beside the trail from The Dalles
ALLPHIN, Margaret (1834-1885): m'd 1855 CREEL, John H.; d/o William and Louvice (White ) Allphin
ALLPHIN, Milton Jackson (1828-1912): m'd ANDERSON, Mary; s/o William and Louvice (White ) Allphin; settled Benton Co
ALLPHIN, Rachel (1842-1909): m'd 1857 HALE, William; d/o William and Zilah (Wells) Allphin
AALLPHIN, William Thomas (1797-1876): m1. 1822 WHITE, Seneca Louvice (died in IL); m2. 1841 WELLS, Zillah (d.1848); m3. 1849 Farrier, Phoebe MICHAEL; m4. 1875 Burbank, Sarah Jane DAVIS; some of the children of William and Louvice stayed in the east and did not emigrate to OR (Green White, Luke Prior); was brick maker and furnished bricks for the Indiana State House and many other buildings in that city; to IL 1837; settled 8 miles east of Albany; elected to Territorial Legislature twice from Linn Co
ALLPHIN, William Woodson (1845-1884): s/o William T. and Zilah (Wells) Allphin
ALLPHIN, Zebulon Thomas (1827-1891): m'd 1850 MCCLAIN, Louisa; s/o William and Louvice (White ) Allphin
*26) ALTHOUSE, Samuel Henry (1825-1888): m'd 1854 HAGER, Maria
ANDERSON, James Mechlin (1812-1899): m'd 1848 SAVAGE, Lucy; s/o Thomas and Mary Magdaline (Mechlin) Anderson
ANGEL, James Newton (1841- ): m'd 1868 HAUN, Henrietta; s/o Woodson and Jane (Stites) Angel; cutoff for CA
ANGEL, John (c1844-1903): s/o Woodson and Jane (Stites) Angel; cutoff for CA
ANGEL, Martha (1842-1872): m'd TAYLOR, James Rev.; d/o Woodson and Jane (Stites) Angel; cutoff for CA
ANGEL, Susannah (c1839-1872): m'd c1856 VANSCHAICK, H. D.; d/o Woodson and Jane (Stites) Angel; CA pioneer
ANGEL, Woodson W. (c1817-1893): m1. STITES, Jane; m2. 1873 WILSON, Elizabeth A.; cutoff for CA
ANTHONY, Bascom Florenzo (1847-1892): s/o Elihu and Sarah (VanAnda) Anthony; cutoff for CA
ANTHONY, Louisa (1846- ): m'd 1867 HUNTINGTON, Wilbur; d/o Elihu and Sarah (VanAnda) Anthony; cutoff for CA
APPERSON, Albert Jefferson (19 Sep 1839-17 Mar 1905): m'd 30 Nov 1865 COOK, Eloise A.; s/o Beverly and Jane (Tubbs) Apperson; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
"They arrived in Oregon City and took up a farm on the Columbia bottom, where they remained but a short time, when they removed to Portland, where a cousin had formerly established a tannery. Mr. Apperson was in the Indian War of 1855-58, afterward going to Fraser River, during the gold excitement in that vicinity. He returned to Oregon City later and worked as a clerk on the steamer Clinton. He spent a season in the mines, during which he was very successful, and upon again returning he, together with his brother, built the steamer Union, at a cost of $16,000. In 1884 he went to McMinnville to reside, where he established a general merchandise store. He became known as an active worker in Republican politics. In 1880 he was appointed receiver of the United States land office at Sitka, Alaska, remaining there until 1903, when he returned to Portland and lived the life of a private citizen until his death." [Morning Oregonian, Portland, Oregon, March 18, 1905 p.10]
APPERSON, Beverly (1803-1847): m'd 1824 TUBBS, Jane Gilbert; died on Trail; buried on trail in Wyoming
APPERSON, John Thomas (24 Dec 1834-03 Apr 1917): m'd 24 Dec 1862 ELLIOTT, Mary A.; s/o Beverly and Jane (Tubbs) Apperson; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
"APPERSON, J. T.--Captain Apperson was born near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, in 1834; was taken by his parents- to Missouri, and lived there until 1847, when they started to Oregon. His father died on the plains, but his mother brought him across and settled near where Portland now stands. He lived in California from 1849 to 1855, returning in the latter year. In 1858 he entered upon river steam boating and in the course of years achieved success. He served in the United States army throughout the years of the war, returning to the command of a Willamette river boat at its end. In 1870 he became a representative in the State legislature; in 1874 he was elected sheriff of Clackamas County, and at the close of the term became State senator. In 1882 he was defeated for that office. He is a successful farmer and stock-raiser, and is President of the State Agricultural Society, and likewise President of the Oregon Pioneer Association. Resides at Oregon City. Wife's previous name, Mary A. Elliott." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.663-4]
"Steamboat captain, public official, philanthropist, was born in Ky., and as a child crossed the plains with his parents, his father dying en route. Arriving in Oregon late in 1847, the family settled at Oregon City. In 1849, aged 15, he joined the fold rush to California; but poor health cut short this venture and he shifted to cattle ranching. When nearly 25 he returned to Oregon City, where he engaged in steamboating, operating and owning several river craft before enlisting in the First Oregon Calvary at the outbreak of the Civil War. Discharged in 1865 with the rank of first lieutenant, he resumed steamboating. From 1870 on, for twenty years, he was active in public life, serving several terms in the state legislature, and was for many years regent of Oregon State College. Following the death of his wife, Mary A. Elliott, in 1823, his estate passed as a bequest to the State Land Board and was established as an $80,000 student loan fund at Oregon State College." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 3]
APPERSON, Matilda Jane (20 Feb 1830-09 Nov 1907): m'd 14 Nov 1850 JEFFERSON, Delos; d/o Beverly and Jane (Tubbs) Apperson; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
APPERSON, Milton Moses (04 Feb 1846-02 Feb 1848): s/o Beverly and Jane (Tubbs) Apperson; died in Clackamas County, Oregon; burial location unknown
ARAM, Thomas: ( -1848): Aram and Leonard were two of the "packers" involved in the affray near The Dalles in Aug. 1847, in which Aram was wounded; he was killed by Leonard in Aug. 1848 in a struggle over a gun Leonard had left in his possession to secure a debt
ARCHAMBEAU, Francis Xavier (1821-1887): m'd 1850 BEARDEN, Josephine
ARNOLD, Mary (1812-1858): m1. 1831 ROSS, Luther; m2. 1840 MITCHELL, Israel; d/o Stephan and Ruth (Culver) Arnold; Emma Ruth Ross Slavin Reminiscence
ASH, Eliza T. (1819-1902): m'd 1838 BAKER, Isaac
ASHCRAFT, Armilda (1841- ): d/o Unknown and Narcissa (Land) Ashcraft; Two Ashcraft children are listed in 1847. Only one, Armllda, born in 1841,was alleged to have joined an Oregon-bound Wagon Train led by Jim Peck. She was the daughter of Narcissa Burdette Land Coldwell Ashcraft, who married Louis Vasquez in about 1846 and was Jim Bridgers's partner. Armildas's father was probably John Coldwell. See Zella Albright’s book on the life of Armildas brother Hiram Vasquez, who was the son of Ashcraft and stayed with Vasquez and his mother at Fort Bridger. (Louis and Narcissa are my great-great grandparents via their daughter, also named Narcissa Burdette). The Jum Peck Wagon train as described by Albright was probably Jim Peck? [per Douglas Whitney descendant]
ASHCRAFT, Child #2: c/o Unknown and Narcissa (Land) Ashcraft
ASHPAUGH, Jessonicah "Jemima" (1819-1894): m'd 1838 RALSTON, Jeremiah
AVERSON, D.: may be Everson
*2) AVERY, Charles (1842-1861): s/o Joseph Conant and Martha (Marsh) Avery; came with mother and uncle Edmund Marsh; Joseph C Avery
*2) AVERY, Florence (1845-1928): m1. 1863 JOHNSON, Richard Cummins; m2. 1878 JONES, George Madison; d/o Joseph Conant and Martha (Marsh) Avery; came with mother and uncle Edmund Marsh; Joseph C Avery
*2) AVERY, Punderson (1843-1912): m'd 1864 MOBLEY, Elizabeth; s/o Joseph and Martha (Marsh) Avery; engaged in cattle raising in Lake Co; 1884 moved back to Benton Co and settled twelve miles south of Corvallis; twice elected to the State Legislature; JJoseph C Avery
BACKAN, James ( - ): m'd ,
BACKUS, Mary (1823-1914): m'd 1842 HARDMAN, Samuel; may actually be emigrant of 1850
BAILEY, Holland (1822-1855): m'd 1851 MCCOLLUM, Elizabeth; thought to be emigrant of 1845
BAILEY, Joseph (1829-1861): m'd 1851 (Unknown), Harriet
BAKER, Elizabeth (1841/3-1847): m'd NEVERMARRIED; d/o Isaac and Eliza (Ash) Baker; died on trail at Ft. Bridger
BAKER, Isaac (1813-1862): m'd 1838 ASH, Eliza T.
BAKER, John Capt. (1816-1908): m'd 1839 HALEY, Nancy B.; came first in 1841
BAKER, Joseph Ash (1839-1932): m'd 1865 LAMB, Frances Emma; s/o Isaac and Eliza (Ash) Baker; graduate of Willamette University; Salem fireman; chief of police; Marion Co sheriff; member of Salem brass band
BAKER, Martha "Patsy" (1825-1891): m1. 1846 PREWETT, Joseph; m2. NYE, Samuel; d/o Hiram and Mary (Fields) Baker
BAKER, Mildred Amanda (1840-1907): m'd 1858 BONHAM, Benjamin Franklin; d/o John and Nancy (Haley) Baker; buried at Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
BAKER, William E. Benton (1843- ): m'd 1870 BRAY, Martha F.; s/o Isaac and Eliza (Ash) Baker; injured in fall from wagon during emigration
BALES, Charles (1826- ): m'd 1848 BELKNAP, Eleanor; .
BALES, Jasper (1849- ): s/o Charles and Eleanor (Belknap) Bales
BALES, Oliver (22 Oct 1850- ); born after arrival; NOTE: There was an Oliver Bales that emigrated in 1847 with wife Melinda and settled in Lane County; there does not seem to be a connection between the two families
BALLARD, Elizabeth "Betsy" (1807-1884): m'd 1825 MATLOCK, William T.BALTZELL, Rebecca (1800-1884): m'd 07 Mar 1816 BURKHART, John; Rebecca was born 28 Oct 1800 Frederick, Frederick Co, MD and died 01 Jul 1884 Albany, Linn Co, OR; d/o John Jacob Baltzell and Charlotte Crist; mother of 10 children (Raymond Sanderson, Calvin Peter, Coriolanius Damarius, Leander Columbus, Charlotte Elizabeth, Catherine Jane, Loueasa Matilda, John Baltzell, Rebecca Ann and George Washington)
BARGER, Eliza Ann (1843-1921): m'd 1864
HELM, Richard Watson; d/o John and Rebecca (Smith) Barger
BARGER, John N. (1821-1891): m'd 1842 SMITH, Rebecca Jane; s/o Philip and Sarah (Gist) Barger; settled in Marion Co, OR; in later years moved to eastern Oregon; father of two children (Eliza and Cyrus Willard)
BARGER, Montgomery Carrick (1818-1862): m1. 1854 McPHERSON, Lucinda; m2. by 1860 COX, Mary; s/o Philip and Sarah (Gist) Barger; returned east to Moniteau Co. Missouri by 1860 where he and wife Mary died in 1862 and 1863
BARKER, Nancy (05 Feb 1787-05 Oct 1864): m'd 01 Apr 1806 ROBNETT, Joseph Sr.; d/o James and Amelia (Yost) Barker; husband died 24 Feb 1835 in Boone County, Missouri; Nancy came as a widow with her children; buried Crawfordsville Union Cemetery, Crawfordsville, Linn County, Oregon
BARKER, William Swett (1817-1869): m'd 1846 DAVIDSON, Aurelia Ann; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
BARNES or BAINS, Emily "Emma" (1821-1857): m'd 1843 YOUNG, Joseph
BARNES, James (1819- ):
BARNES, Nancy Malinda (1843- ): m'd 1857 PATESON, William Willis; poss. m2. LONG, (unknown); d/o John M. and Almira (O'Bryant) Barnes
BARNES, Samuel T. (1840-1905): m1. 1865 JACKSON, Mary E.; m2. 1885 COMBS, H. C.; s/o John M. and Almira (O'Bryant) Barnes
BARNES, Sarah Jane (1836-1922?): m'd 1851 MORRIS, Jesse; d/o John M. and Almira (O'Bryant) Barnes
BARR, Asenath (1816-1896): m'd 1840 BLODGETT, William; died in Grass Valley, CA
*16) BARROWS, Joseph Franklin (01 Jan 1822-18 Aug 1886): m1. 07 Jun 1843 STEVENSON, Margaret; m2. 26 Sep 1850 LIGHTNER, Diana; first wife probably died before as Joseph Barrows traveled in bachelor train
BARTON, Jonathan (1828- ):
BARTOW, Joel (1844- ): s/o John and Sophronia (White) Bartow; cutoff for CA
BARTOW, John (1824- ): m'd 1843 WHITE, Sophronia; cutoff for CA
*26) BASHAW, Joseph (1810-1903): m'd 1855 Marlatt, Mary (COX), widow of Peter Marlatt a pioneer of 1852; buried Cox Cemetery, Marion Co, OR; referred to in J. Henry Brown reminiscence as Mr. Bradshaw
BASTON, Thomas: cutoff for CA
*26) BASYE, William H. (1830-1894): m'd 1850 STRIETHOFF, Elizabeth
*11) BATEMAN, Hannah (1847-1916): m'd 1879 WRIGHT, James W.; d/o John and Phoebe (Maxon) Bateman
*11) BATEMAN, John H. (1815-1898): m'd 1843 MAXON, Phoebe
*11) BATEMAN, Mary (1845-1936): m'd 1869 TAYLOR, Solon Z.; d/o John and Phoebe (Maxon) Bateman
*11) BATEMAN, Rachel : d/o John and Phoebe (Maxon) Bateman
*11) BATEMAN, Sarah: d/o John and Phoebe (Maxon) Bateman
*11) BATEMAN, Susannah (1815-1883): m'd 1838 MORFITT, James
BAUM, John (1823- ): m'd 1851 TIETERS, Phoebe S.
BAXTER, Elizabeth (1838- ): traveled with uncle, Thomas Hutt; d/o Unknown and Sarah (Laughlin) Baxter
BEAL, Jacob (1832- ): m'd 1863 HARPER, Martha; s/o George and Rosana (Norris) Beal
BEAL, John (1829-1893): m'd 1876 SMITH, Mary Manerva; s/o George and Rosana (Norris) Beal
BEAL, Josiah (1837-1924): s/o George and Rosana (Norris) Beal
BEAL, Malinda (1831-1908): m'd 1848 TUPPER, Robert S.; d/o George and Rosana (Norris) Beal
BEAL, Mary Ann (1827-1893): m'd 1842 BEEKS, Silas Jacob Nimerick; d/o George and Rosana (Norris) Beal
BEAL, Philip (1835-1903): m'd 1862 NOLAND, Clarinda; s/o George and Rosana (Norris) Beal
BEAL, Rosana (1827-1865): m1. 1844 HALL, Noah; m2. 1848 McLIN, William; d/o George and Rosana (Norris) Beal
BEAL, Sophia (1843-1907): m'd 1863 MARTIN, William A.; d/o George and Rosana (Norris) Beal
BEALS, Angelina M. (1843-1863): never m'd; d/o Isaac F. and Roxanna (Williams) Beals
BEALS, Darwin (1845-1904): m'd (unknown); s/o Isaac F. and Roxanna (Williams) Beals
BEALS, Edwin R. (1841-1862): never m'd; s/o Isaac F. and Roxanna (Williams) Beals
BEALS, Isaac Finch (1814-1891): m'd 1838 WILLIAMS, Roxanna Stephays; came via Barlow Road
BEAVER, Mary Ann (1825-1893): m1. 1840 REDDING, Stephen H.; m2. c1848 BOARDWELL, DeLaren
BECKS, Joseph:
BEDELL, Sarah Jane (1811-1896): m1. 1832 ADAMS, Ephraim Martin; m2. 1883 SHARTZER, Hiram
BEDWELL, Elisha Bernard (1819-1896): m1. 1841 DAVIS, Sarah Ann; m2. 1850 SHELTON, America Minerva; his first wife, who died in 1844, was a granddaughter of Thomas McBride Sr.
"BEDWELL, E.--Was born in Missouri in 1819, and was reared on a farm in that State. He came to Oregon, settled in Yamhill County, and took a donation claim, and lived on it twenty-five years. Moved to Polk County in 1874, and now lives on a farm near Monmouth. In 1850 he was married to Miss A. M. Shelton, and ten children have been born to them, only five of whom are now alive, namely Mary, Mildred, Barbara, Edward B., and Loring." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.664]
BEEBEE, William L.:
BEEKMAN, William:
BEEKS, Silas Jacob Nimerick (1820-1902): m'd 1842 BEAL, Mary Ann
BEENER, John S. :
BELKNAP, Hannah (1814-1911): m'd 1833 GILBERT,
Lorenzo Dow; d/o Jesse and Jane (Garlinghouse) Gilbert
BELKNAP, John Wesley, s/o Orin and Nancy (Starr) Belknap, was born Feb or Mar 1848
BELKNAP, Jonas (1845-1869): m'd (unknown), Polly; s/o Orin and Nancy (Starr) Belknap
BELKNAP, Keziah B./H. (1847-1910): m'd 1878 ANDERSON, Milton; d/o Ransom and Mahala (Starr) Belknap; born Dec. 1847 on arrival
BELKNAP, Lucinda Jane (1843-1857): d/o Ransom and Mahala (Starr) Belknap
BELKNAP, Margaret Starr (1841-1919): m'd 1856 ADAMS, William Edward; d/o Orin and Nancy (Starr) Belknap
BELKNAP, Mary Ann (1837-1891): m'd 1851 FORTSON, John Thomas; d/o Orin and Nancy (Starr) Belknap
BELKNAP, Mary Jane "Jane" (1822-1902): m1. 1842 FIESTER, Henry; m2. c1855 VAIL, John; m3. c1866 ADAMS, John; d/o Elijah and Catherine (Garlinghouse) Belknap
BELKNAP, Orin (1815-1902): m'd 1835 STARR, Nancy; s/o Jonas and Mary (Garlinghouse) Belknap
BELKNAP, Rachel (1843-1919): m1. 1860 WOODCOCK, William Chapin; m2. 1901 WALTERS, James W.; d/o Orin and Nancy (Starr) Belknap
BELKNAP, Rachael (1843-1919): m'd 1860 WOODCOCK, William C.; d/o Orin and Nancy (Starr) Belknap
BELKNAP, Ransom Amos (1820-1896): m'd 1842 STARR, Mahala; s/o Jesse and Jane (Garlinghouse) Belknap
BELKNAP, Sarah M. (1846-1864): m'd 1863 TURNER, Thomas; d/o Ransom and Mahala (Starr) Belknap
BELKNAP, Talitha Cumi (1824-1906): m1. 1840
STARR, Samuel Fletcher; m2. 1862 BOND, William; m3. 1867 WALTZ, Washington
Marcus; d/o Jesse and Jane (Garlinghouse) Belknap
*26) BELLINGER, Caroline (1847- ): d/o Edward and Eliza (Howard) Bellinger
*26) BELLINGER, Charles Byron (11 Nov 1839-02 May 1905): m'd 1858 JOHNSON, Margery Serene; s/o Edward and Eliza (Howard) Bellinger; born 21 Nov 1839 and died 12 May 1905
"Circuit and Federal jurist and lawyer, born in Maquon, Ill., arrived in Oregon with parents Eliza and Edward H. Bellinger, in 1847. Following district school education he entered Willamette University, leaving after two years to study law with Judge B. F. Bonham, of Salem; in 1863 was admitted to Oregon bar. After a short period of practice he entered journalism, and over the next half-dozen years, at intermittent intervals, edited Salem Argus, Albany States Rights Democrat and the Portland Daily News. In 1866 entered mercantile business at Monroe, Benton County, where he was elected to state legislature. In 1873 served in Lava Beds campaign of Modoc War. From 1874 to 1878 was clerk of Oregon Supreme Court, resigning to accept appointment as judge of fourth judicial district, completing an unexpired term. In partnership with other Oregon attorneys, he practiced law at Portland, from 1880 to 1893, when he was appointed to U.S. district judge, by President Cleveland; he retained this office until his death. At various times he was a professor at Oregon Law School, president of the Oregon Bar Association, and commissioner of Lewis & Clark Exposition. His wife was Margaret S. Johnson, of Linn County; they had seven children." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 26]
*26) BELLINGER, Edward Henry (1815-1850): m'd 1839 HOWARD, Eliza Ann; s/o John H. and Mary C. (Crane) Bellinger
*26) BELLINGER, Ellen Catherine Crane "Ella" (1845-1919): m'd SHREWSBURY, Nathaniel; d/o Edward H. and Eliza Ann (Howard) Bellinger
*26) BELLINGER, Estavina (1842-1886): m1. 1859 JOHNSON, David; m2. VANBUREN, (unknown); d/o Edward H. and Eliza Ann (Howard) Bellinger
*26) BELLINGER, John Henry (1791-1878): m'd 1814 CRANE, Mary Catherine; s/o Henry and Maria (Klock) Bellinger; born 27 Nov 1791 and died 18 Nov 1878
"BELLINGER, J. H.--Born in New York State in 1791 ; served in the war of 1812, Built the first canal boat used in New York. Emigrated to Oregon in 1847, and later became a farmer in Marion County. Died near Salem, in November, 1878." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.664]
BELLOMO, Louis (1818- ): m1. 1855 HIBERT, Rose; m2. 1858 HUMPERVILLE, Nancy
BENNETT, Erastus: m'd [unknown], Harriett
BENNETT, Harriett: m'd BENNETT, Erastus
BENNETT, James E. (1824- ): m'd 1858 DILL, Mary Jane; he drowned before 1870 in Touchet River
BENNETT, William H. (1823-1880): m'd 1849 HALL, Lucy J.; said to have come in 1847; also said to have come in 1845
BENSON, Benjamin (1843- ): s/o John A. and Edna (Kimsey) Benson
BENSON, John A. (1820-1859): m'd 1841 KIMSEY, Edna; murdered 14 Feb. 1859 present San Joaquin Co., CA, by Green C. Palmer
BENSON, John A. (1833-1877): m'd 1856 DAWSON, Irena
BENSON, Pleasant (1841- ): s/o John A. and Edna (Kimsey) Benson
BENSON, Sarah (c1811-1900): m1. 1827 ALLEN, Samuel; m2. 1877 TRIMBLE, S.A.
BERRY, Thomas W. (1816-1886): m'd 1851 COLLINS, Eliza M.
BERRY, Violet W. (1831- ): m'd 1846 BERRY, William J.
BERRY, William J. (1817-1898): m'd 1846 WAGONER, Violet W.
FAMILY RESEARCHER: The Bewley Family Through The Decades by Stephenie Flora (large file)
*1) BEWLEY, Crockett Anderson (1825-1847):
m'd NEVER MARRIED; s/o John and Catherine (Ellis) Bewley; killed in Whitman
*1) BEWLEY, Esther (1847-1854): d/o Isaac and Sophia (Ellis) Bewley
*1) BEWLEY, Esther Lorinda (1826-1899): m'd 1849 CHAPMAN, William; d/o John and Catherine (Ellis) Bewley
*1) BEWLEY, Francis Marion (1839-1900): s/o Isaac and Sophia (Ellis) Bewley
*1) BEWLEY, Henry Edward (1836-1848): m'd NEVER MARRIED; s/o John and Catherine (Ellis) Bewley
*1) BEWLEY, Isaac W. (1808-1880): m1. 1836 ELLIS, Sophia; m2. 1854 MCKENNEY, Missouri; m3. 1875 Sunderland (ELLIS) Amanda
*1) BEWLEY, James Clark (1841-1922): m'd 1861 PETTY, Harriet R.; s/o Isaac and Sophia (Ellis) Bewley
*1) BEWLEY, James Frank (1828-1888): m'd 1852 GRAVES, Lucy E.; s/o John and Catherine (Ellis) Bewley
*1) BEWLEY, John Marsena (1845-1925): m'd 1870 DAWSON, Mary Elvina; s/o John and Catherine (Ellis) Bewley
*1) BEWLEY, John William (1799-1847): m'd 1823 ELLIS, Catherine; s/o John and Catharine (Hunter) Bewley
*1) BEWLEY, Linuaria Jones (1830-1859): m'd 1852 MCDERMOTT, Henry; d/o John and Catherine (Ellis) Bewley
*1) BEWLEY, Maranda Narcissa (1832-1916): m'd 1852 GRAVES, Thomas Newton; d/o John and Catherine (Ellis) Bewley
*1) BEWLEY, Marclay (1844-1850): s/o John and Catherine (Ellis) Bewley
*1) BEWLEY, Theophilus Rollins (1834-1920): m'd 1859 PATTY, Elizabeth Ann; s/o John and Catherine (Ellis) Bewley; buried in Cityview Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
"BEWLEY, T. R.--Born in East Tennessee in 1834; moved to Indiana in 1836. Settled first at Oregon City. Lives now at Sheridan, Yamhill County; occupation, farming and stock-raising. Married Elizabeth E. Patty, in September, 1859. The lady is a native of East Tennessee, and was born September 8, 1841." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.664]
BIDWELL, Martha (1845/6-1918): m'd 1865 TRACY, John C.; said to be pioneer of 1847; no proof - she was a daughter of Orlando Bidwell, and if they came they returned east by 1850 and came again 1853
*4) BIGELOW, Eliza Lee (1813-1890): m'd 1833 KINNEY, Robert Couch; d/o Daniel Bigelow
BINGHAM, Lucinda (1826-1893): m'd 1843 HASTINGS, Loren Brown
BINGHAM, Nira C. (1816- ): m'd 1837 KELLY, Rev. Albert; said to be pioneer of 1847; probably error - a son born May or June 1848 Independence MO; probably came 1849
*2) *12: BIRD, Elijah (08 Nov 1821-09 Oct 1874): m'd
15 Jan 1854 PERKINS, Helen; s/o
Robert and Rachel (Allen) Bird
*2) *12: BIRD, Eliza Wilmuth (23 Feb 1844-04 Aug 1908): m'd 10 Feb 1864 BENNETT, William Martin; d/o William and Harriet (Bird) Bird
*2) *12: BIRD, Elizabeth Jane (06 Jun 1837-1934): m'd 02 Jun 1856 CORBY, Warren; d/o William and Harriet (Bird) Bird
*2) *12: BIRD, Harriett (1818-1888): m'd 1836 BIRD, William Allen; d/o James Bird
*2) *12: BIRD, Isabella (13 May 1846-20 Feb 1867): m'd 15 Oct 1865 WHITMORE,James H.; d/o William and Harriet (Bird) Bird
*2) *12: BIRD, James Milton (28 Apr 1833-Mar 1885): m'd 21 Dec 1854 BYRD, Mary Ann; s/o John and Nancy (Bland) Bird
*2) *12: BIRD, John (12 Apr 1810-12 May 1894): m1. 17 Jan 1832 Bland, Mrs. Nancy; m2. 1883 Alderman, Mrs. Harriet Barney (YOUNG); s/o Robert and Rachel (Allen) Bird
"BIRD, JOHN--Born in Kentucky in 1810; went to Illinois when nineteen years old, and became a farmer. Served in the Black Hawk war. Married Mrs. Bland, and had four children two sons and two daughters, the latter being now dead. The sons names are James M., and Robert P. In 1847 Mr. Bird brought his family to Oregon by the route across the plains, and went to Clackamas County. Made a visit to California during the time of the gold excitement, but stayed only four months. Returned to Oregon and settled in Yamhill County, where he has since lived. He was a volunteer in Captain Ankeny's company in the Yakima war. He has filled several civil offices, among them that of county treasurer. Resides at Lafayette." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.664-5]
*2) *12: BIRD, Mary Ellen (29 Apr 1835-02 Jul 1856): m'd 24 Jul 1850 NELSON, Josiah Conley; d/o John and Nancy (Bland) Bird
*2) *12: BIRD, Permelia Ann (31 Dec 1838-16 Feb 1932): m'd 14 Feb 1858 ROBBINS, Norval Nathaniel; d/o William A. and Harriet (Bird) Bird
*2) *12: BIRD, Permelia Jane (03 Sep 1838-11 Oct 1883): m'd 31 Aug 1854 FERGUSON, Jacob Lycurgus; d/o John and Nancy (Bland) Bird
*2) *12: BIRD, Rachel Suzanne (23 Nov 1840-23 Oct 1922): m'd 16 Jan 1856 FORD, Robert/Robinson Crusoe; d/o William A. and Harriet (Bird) Bird
*2) *12: BIRD, Robert (22 May 1776-13 Oct 1855): m'd 22 Jan 1799 ALLEN, Rachel Suzanne; settled Clackamas County
*2) *12: BIRD, Robert Phelps (17 Nov 1842-24 Oct 1912): m'd 13 Jun 1868 ALDERMAN, Mary Ann "Mollie"; s/o John and Nancy (Bland) Bird; sheriff of Yamhill county, legislator, country treasurer
*2) *12: BIRD, Sarah Elizabeth (1828- ): m'd1847 BLAND, William
*2) *12: BIRD, William Allen (24 Jul 1812-29 Nov 1885): m'd 09 Oct 1836 BIRD, Harriett; s/o Robert and Rachel (Allen) Bird
BLACKINGTON, Elizabeth Vashti "Eliza" (1799- ): m1. by 1820 RHOADES, Ezekiel; m2. by 1850 McLANE or McCLAIN, William; m3. 1851 STRIETHOFF, John Yost
BLACKSTONE or BLACKISTON, William Henry (1828-1873/1882): m1. 1853 PALMATEER, Laura A.; m2. 1863 KEALY, Anna Conners
BLAIN, John:
BLAIR, Anna Virginia (1846-1923): m'd c1873 McLAREN, James; d/o Prior F. and Elenor (Mulligan) Blair
BLAIR, Ellen (1842-1917): m'd 1858 HUFF, James W.; d/o Prier and Elenor (Mulligan) Blair
BLAIR, Evaline (1838-1917): m'd 1855 CRONER, Charles C.; d/o Prier and Elenor (Mulligan) Blair
BLAIR, Prior Ford (1813-1893): m'd 1834 Gouldy, Elenor "Ellen" MULLIGAN
BLAIR, Sarah "Sally" A. (1835-1914): m'd 1852 HILL [or HILLS], Alvin; d/o Prior F. and Elenor (Mulligan) Blair
BLAIR, William:
BLANCHARD, Hypolite:
BLANCHET, Augustine Magloire Alexander Bishop (1797-1887): brother of Archbishop Francis N. Blancet; was made Bishop at Fort Walla Walla 1847; he arrived in September of 1847 to take over post
BLANCHET, O. M. I. George (1818-1906):
*2) BLAND, Nancy (1806-1882): m1. 1823 BLAND, (Unknown); m2. 1832 BIRD, John; d/o Samuel and Mary Ann Bland
*2) BLAND, Samuel T. (1831-1853): m'd 1853 SMITH, Elizabeth; s/o Daniel and Nancy (Bland) Bland; came to Oregon with mother and step-father John Bird
*2) BLAND, William (1825-1902): m'd 1847 BIRD, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o Daniel and Nancy (Bland) Bland; came to Oregon with mother and step-father John Bird
BLANTON, [ ]: d/o Isaac and Hannah (Munkers) Blanton
BLANTON, [ ]: d/o Isaac and Hannah (Munkers) Blanton
BLANTON, Benjamin F. (c1835-1898): possibly m'd 1866 CAPEHART, Almeda and/or m'd 1868 O'HANIE, Mariah; s/o Isaac and Hannah (Munkers) Blanton; a problem drinker, he was in trouble with the law by the time he was thirty, and in and out of jail in Oregon and possibly California for around 13 years before locating in Whitman Co., Washington, where he was convicted at the age of 54 of murder in 1890, appeal reducing the charge to manslaughter, and sentenced to 20 years in the state penitentiary at Walla Walla, dying there just 8 years later
BLANTON, David R. Holt (1847-1921): m'd 1871 BREEDING, Mary Charlotte; s/o Isaac and Hannah (Munkers) Blanton
BLANTON, Isaac (1805-1868): m1. 1828 MUNKERS, Hannah; m2. 1850 NEWMAN, Mrs. Mary; first wife probably came with him to OR and died between 1847 and 1849 [Hannah Munkers was sister of Benjamin Franklin Munkers who emigrated in 1846]
BLANTON, Isaac (1842-1926): m'd 1875 ANDERSON, Rebecca Ellen; buried in Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane Co, OR ; living 1870 and 1880 in Marion Co; 1900 Lane Co; s/o Isaac and Hannah (Munkers) Blanton
BLANTON, James K. Polk (1846-1914): s/o Isaac and Hannah (Munkers) Blanton
BLANTON, John Harvey (1830-1918): m'd c1853 SHEPHERD, Elizabeth; s/o Isaac and Hannah (Munkers) Blanton; note: his cousin was also named John Blanton and married Catherine Sheperd, the sister of his wife, Elizabeth. Cousin John started in 1844, turned back and came again in 1853 [per Steve Showers] ; John and Elizabeth died in Eureka, Humboldt Co, CA
BLANTON, Matilda Jane "Jane" (1827/9-1902): m1. 1850 FIELD, Samuel; m2. 1861 SHEPHERD, Uriah R.; m3. by 1880 NESBITT, William; d/o Isaac and Hannah (Munkers) Blanton
BLANTON, Thomas Benton (c1840- ): possibly m'd 1866 NEIL, Cirena; m'd c1869 SMITH, Mrs. Mary F.; s/o Isaac and Hannah (Munkers) Blanton; living 1887 Whitman Co., Washington
BLANTON, William (1833-1904 ): m'd 1855 RUSH, Elizabeth (1835-1896); s/o Isaac and Hannah (Munkers) Blanton; William and his wife are buried in Mulkey Cemetery, Lane Co, OR
*4) BLEVINS, Mary "Polly" (c1841 -1871): m'd c1857 DOYLE, John ( -1862); d/o William and Cassandra (Perman) Blevins; traveled with mother and step-father, Jeremiah Huntley; at least three children, including Joseph Edward. While her husband was away, in the 1860s, the family home was attacked by Coquelle Indians near Dillard, OR. She was badly beaten and thrown into a stream, presumed to be dead. Her daughter, Diona Doyle Luce was partially scalped but lived to be 100.
BLODGETT, William (1811-1890): m'd 1840
BARR, Asenath; went to mines of CA in 1849; had no schooling in his youth but
as a young man went to college; studied law but never took bar; spoke seven
languages; settled in Benton County in an area 18 miles from Corvallis that
was named for him; in later years he was overtaken by a liquor habit that
resulted in the loss of his possessions; see a picture of Rufus
Blodgett, one of William and Asenath's sons
BOELLING, Conrad (1803-1885): m'd 1838 VEITH, Philipoena F.
BOELLING, Mary Christina Lydia (1839-1928): m'd 1854 FLAVEL, George; d/o Conrad and Philipoena (Vieth) Boelling
BOELLING, Wilamina F. "Mina" (1834-1892): m'd 1850 ROGERS, Moses; d/o Conrad and Philipoena (Vieth) Boelling
BOGGS, Sarah ( -1847): died on trail
*11) BOND, Carolyn (1846- ): m'd 1862 LOVETT, William; d/o James and Laura (Jewett) Bond; died probably by 1865
*11) BOND, James Rev (14 Feb 1821-18 Feb 1849).: m'd 17 Oct 1842 JEWETT, Laura; s/o John and Sarah (Chastain) Bond; s/o John and Sarah (Chastain) Bond; emigrated in 1845, returned east with Joel Palmer and emigrated again in 1847; Baptist minster and farmer; helped organize the Clatsop Plains Baptist Church at Skipanon; organized a Sunday school at Astoria; had a farm near Youngs Bay on the Lewis and Clark River; killed in accidental shooting by Philip Gearhart on Feb 18, 1849 in Clatsop Co, OR; parents and siblings came to Oregon in 1853
*11) BOND, Minerva Amelia (1843-1903): m'd 1859 MCMULLEN, John; d/o James and Laura (Jewett) Bond
BONHAM, William:
*10) BONSER, Abigail "Abbie" M. (1843-07 Nov 1864): m'd 11 Nov 1861 CASTO,
William; d/o John and Rebecca
(Halstead) Bonser; buried
Lake View
Cemetery, Seattle, King County,
Washington; William and Abbie killed by Indians in their home
*10) BONSER, Elizabeth (1840 - 1879): m'd ARMSTRONG, Daniel Boone; d/o John and Rebecca (Halstead) Bonser; died Oregon
*10) BONSER, Hannah (Feb 1847-30 Jul 1865): m'd STYLES, Alva; d/o John and Rebecca (Halstead) Bonser; died with her husband in the wreck of the steamship "Brother Jonathan"
*10) BONSER, Hilton (10 May 1827-26 Nov 1881): m'd 22 May 1853 THOMAS, Margaret B.; s/o Samuel and Hannah (Mead) Bonser; buried Masonic Cemetery, St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon; nephew of John Bonser
*10) BONSER, James Halstead (03 May 1832-14 Jun 1909): 853 THOMAS, Hannah; m2. 1886 PERCY, Rosette; s/o John and Rebecca (Halstead) Bonser; buried Santa Ana Cemetery, Santa Ana, Orange County, California
*27: BONSER, John: single man per *27 narrative
*10) BONSER, John (08 Nov 1803-08 Mar 1893): m'd 11 Mar 1827 HALSTEAD, Rebecca Wood (1803-1864); m2. 23 Jan 1866 DOW, Mrs Ruth Manchester (GIFFORD); s/o Isaac and Abigail (Burt) Bonser; buried Old Vancouver City Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington; Bonser Family Story
*10) BONSER, Julia (1839- ): d/o John and Rebecca (Halstead) Bonser; note: may be same as Elizabeth
*10) BONSER, Lewis (1828-1847): s/o John and Rebecca (Halstead) Bonser; died of "fever" in Andrew Co, MO prior to emigration
*10) BONSER, Martha Jane (17 Sep 1837-02 Dec 1917): m'd ARMSTRONG, Marquis DeLafayette; d/o John and Rebecca (Halstead) Bonser; buried Tumalo Cemetery, Tumalo, Deschutes County, Oregon
*10) BONSER, Stephen Decatur (08 Apr 1830-06 Mar 1917): m'd THOMAS, Mahala; s/o John and Rebecca (Halstead) Bonser; buried Masonic Cemetery, St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon
BOOTH, John (1804-1849): brother of Richard; died in gold
fields; probably came 1847
BOOTH, John Routzon (19 Nov 1844-10 Jul 1920): m'd 08
Apr 1868 OLDS, Ellenette "Ellen"; s/o Richard and Margaret (Routzon) Booth;
Masonic Cemetery,
McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
BOOTH, Mary Elizabeth (18 Feb 1846-27 Nov 1923): m1. 03
Feb 1885 ALLEN, Robertson
Smith; m2.05 Oct 1906 MCDONALD, John A.; d/o Richard and Margaret (Routzon) Booth;
Masonic Cemetery,
McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
BOOTH, Richard (20 Sep 1812-13 May 1883): m'd 17 Dec 1840 ROUTZON, Margaret; s/o John S and Sarah (Snowcroft) Booth; settled Yamhill County; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon; father of 13 known children (Zebuda Jane, Sarah Alice, John Routzon, Mary Elizabeth, William Jolly, Benjamin Music, Richard Snowcroft, West Orlando, Josephus Adamson, Infant, Margaret Letitia, Nathaniel S. and Clarence C.); siblings emigrated in 1852
BOOTH, Sarah Alice (29 Apr 1843-08 Mar 1866): d/o Richard and Margaret (Routzon) Booth;
Masonic Cemetery,
McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
BOOTH, William Jolly (19 Jan 1848-10 Mar 1900): m'd 07 Mar
1875 WYMER, Nancy Elizabeth; s/o Richard and Margaret (Routzon) Booth; born on
Gist Cemetery,
Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Oregon
BOOTH, Zebuda Jane (14 Sep 1841- 01 Jun 1866): m'd 17 Apr 1866 MINOR, George S.;
d/o Richard and Margaret (Routzon) Booth;
Masonic Cemetery,
McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
BORST, Diana (1814-1876): m'd 1837 COLLINS, Luther M.
BOSTON, John W. (1826-1896): m'd 1856 BEAVERT, Nancy
BOUNDS, James Lovelady (1830-1914): m'd 1853 LINVILLE, Rachel; s/o Obediah and Nancy (Lovelady) Bounds
*12) BOUNDS, Jane M. (13 Mar 1827-06 Feb 1908 ): m'd 01 Mar 1846 MCCARTY, Alexander Vance; d/o John Bird and Sarah (Lovelady) Bounds; buried Vacaville Elmira Cemetery, Vacaville, Solano County, California
*12) BOWERS, Thomas (1822- ): m1. 1850 VANDERPOOL, Jane; m2. 1859 MODEY, Martha V. (div. 1870/3); s/o William and Catherine (Linville) Bowers
BOWLES, Susannah (1793-1867): m'd 1822
WHITE, Thomas
BOWMAN, Elizabeth (1784-1849): m'd
BOWMAN, John; (maiden name unknown at this time-possibly Horne)
BOWMAN, John A. (1781-1858): m'd (Unknown), Elizabeth
BOWMAN, John M.: see John "Nathaniel" Bowman
BOWMAN, Mary (1811-1883): m'd 1832 HOLMAN, James S.; d/o Judge John A. Mitchell and Elizabeth Bowman
BOWMAN, Nancy (1810- ): m1. CARTER, (unknown); m2. 17 Sep. 1847 EVANS, Henry W.; d/o Judge John A. Mitchell and Elizabeth Bowman; came with two Carter sons, Hansford and Andrew
BOWMAN, John "Nathaniel" Capt. (1825-1867): m'd 1849 DURBIN, Eliza Porter; s/o Judge John A. Mitchell and Elizabeth Bowman
"emigrant of 1845 who returned who appears to have returned east in 1846 and led a train of 12 wagons west from IL in 1847; served in the Cayuse war, returned east with Meek in 1848, wife was an emigrant to California c1846 with her father and family"
BOWMAN, Preston (1828-1894): m'd 1850 ALLPHIN, America; s/o Judge John A. Mitchell and Elizabeth Bowman
BOYD, John (1818-1852): m'd 1850 ADAMS, Lodowiska
BOZARTH, Elizabeth (10 May 1817-07 Oct 1871): m1. 10 Nov 1834 LEGG, Williamm; m2. 07 Mar 1839 DORT, David; m3. 19 Feb 1843 LANCE, John; m 4. 04 Jul 1849 MILLARD, Gideon G.; born Litchfield, Grayson County, KY and died 07 Oct 1871 Clark County, WA; d/o Squire and Mildred (Willis) Bozarth
BOZARTH, John Shaw (24 Mar 1824-17 Mar 1882): m1. 09 May 1850 LUELLING, Asenath M.; m2. Ingram, Mrs. Louisa Ann (JOHN) Springer; s/o Squire and Mildred Bozarth pioneers of 1845; possibly came first in 1845
BOZARTH, Mary Ann (01 Mar 1822-01 Jun 1860): m'd 05 Jan 1845 STRONG, Solomon; d/o Squire and Mildred (Willis) Bozarth; born Marion County, MO and died Clark County, WA
BRADLEY, John J.: took the CA cut-off
*26) BRADSHAW, Mr.: fur trapper that joined the Thomas Cox train as a guide; see Joseph Bashaw
BRADY, "Bad": shady character who, with one Dooley, offered services (which were declined) as captains to William Vaughan train
1) BRALY, Eusebius Alexander "Sebe" (1846-1889): m1. (unknown), Sophie E.; m2. 1877 BLYTHE, Mary Theodosia; s/o Rev. John E. and Susan (Hyde) Braly; settled in California; lost his life in a railroad accident in 1890 leaving a widow with two children, Edith and Norman (note: sources give the death date as 26 Sep 1889)
1) BRALY, Frank Clark (1839-1862): s/o James and Susan (Hyde) Braly; settled in California; died from the results of an accident in 1862, soon after his graduation from the University of the Pacific
1) BRALY, James Columbus (1833-1902): m'd 23 Apr 1856 WHISMAN, Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie"; s/o Rev. John E. and Susan (Hyde) Braly; settled in California
1) BRALY, John Eusebius Rev. (1805-1880): m'd 20 Sep 1830 Moultrie (Hyde), Susan; born 28 Jan 1805 Rowan County, NC and died 10 June 1880 Santa Clara County, California; was intending to cut off for California but it was too late in the season to avoid snow so turned to Oregon and emigrated to to California in the spring of 1849
1) BRALY, John Hyde (1835-1923): m'd 24 Nov 1861 HUGHES, Martha Jane; s/o Rev. John E. and Susan (Hyde) Braly; settled in California; wrote of life and experiences on the trail in Memory Pictures, An Autobiography by John Hyde Braly
1) BRALY, Margaret Elizabeth "Lizzie" (1837-1915): m'd 1862 CORY, John Manning; d/o Rev. John E. and Susan (Hyde) Braly; settled in California
1) BRALY, Sarah Ann (1831-1916): m'd 16 Mar 1853 CORY, Benjamin; d/o Rev. John E. and Susan (Hyde) Braly; settled in California
1) BRALY, Susan Isabella (1844-1920): m'd 1864 BRALY, James Madison; d/o Rev. John E. and Susan (Hyde) Braly; settled in California
BRAWLEY, Tobe Rev.: in Jolly Train per James Harrell; probably "Sebe" and same as Rev. John Eusebius Braly
BRIDGEFARMER, Adam (1796-aft 1870): did not marry; brother of David Bridgefarmer
BRIDGEFARMER, Adam Shuck (1838-1924): m'd 1865 HOLMES, Mary Emaline; s/o David and Nancy (Hall) Bridgefarmer
BRIDGEFARMER, Alanson Lawson (1832-1906): m'd 1872 BOND, Susan Augusta; s/o David and Nancy (Hall) Bridgefarmer
BRIDGEFARMER, Christian (1830-1909): m'd 1865 WISHARD, Martha Annis; s/o David and Nancy (Hall) Bridgefarmer
BRIDGEFARMER, David (1793-1864): m'd 1823 HALL, Nancy Ann "Annie"; brother of Adam Bridgefarmer
BRIDGEFARMER, David McDonald (1837-1903): m'd 1868 ARCHER, Sarah Jane; s/o David and Nancy (Hall) Bridgefarmer
"BRIDGEFARMER, D.--Born in Missouri in 1837; arrived in Oregon at an early day and settled near Vancouver; now lives two and a half miles north of Gaston, and is a farmer by occupation. He married Sarah J. Archer in 1867, and their children's names are John W., William S., Mary E., and Julia A. Mr. Bridgefarmer served three years in the war of the rebellion in the 1st Oregon Cavalry; also in the Indian war of this State." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.665]
BRIDGEFARMER, Eliza (1844- ): d/o David and Nancy (Hall) Bridgefarmer; either died young or possibly mistake for wife of William
BRIDGEFARMER, Emily (1825-1858): m'd 1850 GARLAND, Daniel O.; d/o David and Nancy (Hall) Bridgefarmer
BRIDGEFARMER, Francis Marion "Frank" (1835-aft 1910): m'd 1867 HUTT, Jane Kansas; s/o David and Nancy (Hall) Bridgefarmer
BRIDGEFARMER, Harriet (1834-1863): m'd 1855 CONDON, James B.; d/o David and Nancy (Hall) Bridgefarmer
BRIDGEFARMER, Julia (1829-1870): m'd 1848 MARTIN, Norman; d/o David and Nancy (Hall) Bridgefarmer
BRIDGEFARMER, Martin (1827-1880): m'd 1868 WARRINER, Mrs. Mary Ann; s/o David and Nancy (Hall) Bridgefarmer; wife's maiden name may have been GRIFFIN who possibly married first ARCHER or ARCHEY
BRIDGEFARMER, William J. (1833-c1912): m'd HOLMES, Eliza Ann; s/o David and Nancy (Hall) Bridgefarmer
BRIDGEFARMER, Zezrell (1826- ): s/o David and Nancy (Hall) Bridgefarmer
BRIDGES, Sarah Jane (c1813- ): m'd 1833 PRESCOTT, Joseph N.; returned east by 1860
BRIGGS, Albert (1813-1884 ): m'd 1833 COOK, Isabel; s/o Benjamin and Electa Briggs; travelled under Capt. Shuck and Capt. Bonser, and took Columbia River route; ; settled Port Townsend area of Washington
BRIGGS, Ansil (1837- ): s/o Albert and Isabel (Cook) Briggs; died probably by 1856
BRIGGS, Daniel (1835-1916): m'd 1859 HENDERSON, Adaline; s/o Albert and Isabel (Cook) Briggs - note that although probably related to Albert Briggs, I could find no evidence of his parentage
*17) BRIGGS, Elias M. (1824-1896): m'd 1847 JOHNSON, Mary; s/o Isaac and Elizabeth (Morris) Briggs; took southern route into Oregon; was bringing hives of bees but lost them when his wagon overturned in water; settled in Lane Co
*17) BRIGGS, Isaac (1802-1891): m'd 1823 MORRIS, Elizabeth; took southern route into Oregon in company of Capt. D.D. Davis
BRIGGS, Noah C. (1839- ): s/o Albert and Isabel (Cook) Briggs; died probably by 1856
BRIGGS, Sarah Jane (1841- ): m'd ROBINSON, Reuben Steven; d/o Albert and Isabel (Cook) Briggs; died probably by 1865
BRIGGS, William C. (1834-1856): s/o Albert and Isabel (Cook) Briggs
BRINK, Martha Ann (1818-1895): m1. 1835 McBRIDE, Thomas Crawford Jr. Rev.; m2. 1850 BOUNDS, John Bird
BRISBIN, John S. (1823-1906): m'd 1851
KINNEY, Mary; s/o William and Sarah (Moore) Brisbin (spelled name as Brisbine)
BRISBIN, Nancy Craig (1813-1864): m'd 1835 HIBBARD, King Hibbard; buried Mt. Hope Cemetery, Marion Co, OR; d/o John Brisbin (1846 pioneer who d. 1846)
BROCK, Elizabeth Jane: m’d EASTON, Redwood or Redman; died by Dec. 1856 or possibly on the Trail
BROCK, Susan (1817-1888): m'd by 1835 KIMZEY/KIMSEY, John; m2. 1850 HYDE, Henry H.; died in Grant County and is buried at Prairie City Cemetery, Grant Co, OR
BRODER, Andrew Henderson (1826-1883): m'd 1854 SMITH, Sarah Anna; cut-off to CA
BRODERICK, Mary (1801-1888): m'd 1820 WATSON, Vincent
BRODHURST, Alice (c1827- ): m'd HARDMAN, Levi; cut-off to CA
BROUILLET, Jean Baptiste Abraham
(1813-1884): Jean Baptiste Abraham Brouillet; came west with Father A.M.A. Blanchet;
they were at Umatilla when the Whitman massacre took place; Brouillet and a
servant or two bathed and buried the victims as best they could; the last five
years of Brouillet's life were spent as Director of the Catholic Indian Bureau
in Washington DC; he died in 1884 and was buried in that city
BROWN, Alexander Monroe (1802-c1855/7): m'd 1830 Martin, Rebecca M. SWAYZE
BROWN, Alexander Monroe (1840-1899): m1. 1867 WILSON, Sarah Mariah; m2. 1882 Selby, Mrs. P. M. GARDNER; s/o Alexander M. and Rebecca M. (Swayze) Brown
BROWN, Amanda Melvina (1838-1922): m'd 1855 RICKETTS, Edward J.; d/o Alexander M. and Rebecca M. (Swayze) Brown
BROWN, Andrew R. (1836-c1876): m'd 1869 GALBREATH, Jeanette; s/o Solomon and Mary (Ralston) Brown; was a teacher in Benton Co; moved to Salem c1875 to work in a drug store and to be a pharmacist
BROWN, Catherine "Kate" (1799-1879): m'd c1820 WHITE, Asa C. Rev.
BROWN, [daughter ] (c1840-1847): d/o of Solomon K. Brown, died and buried on the plains (possibly same as Sara d/o J. Brown below)
*26) BROWN, Elias (1810-1847): m'd 1835 COX, Lucinda; s/o David and Mary (Gregory) Brown; died on the plains of mountain fever
*26) BROWN, Elvira Chadwick (1844-1924): m1. 1860 BARKER, William Clement; m2. c1879 MATHENY, David Layson; d/o Elias and Lucinda (Cox) Brown; born 06 Jul 1844 and died 24 Feb 1924 California
BROWN, George (1823-1903): m'd 1850 HINES, Martha Ann
"BROWN, GEORGE--Born in Kentucky in 1823; moved to Indiana in 1825, and to Missouri in 1831. From there, came to Oregon and settled in Polk County, and he now lives near Dallas where he has a farm. He married Martha O. Hines in Yamhill County, in May, 1850, and their children are William N., June E., James M., Emma E. (deceased), Thomas M. (deceased), Lillian M., Nettie B., Edgar M., Alvin R., and George F." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.665]
BROWN, Henry: m'd 1835 COX, Malinda; s/o David and Mary (Gregory) Brown
*26) BROWN, Isabella F.(c1847- ): d/o Elias and Lucinda (Cox) Brown; born about 6 Jan. 1848 on arrival
BROWN, J. Mr.: said to be father of Sara who d. on Trail; may be mistake for Solomon?
BROWN, James W./M. (c1831/5-1881): s/o Alexander M. and Rebecca M. (Swayze) Brown
*26) BROWN, Joseph Henry (04 Aug 1837-16 Aug 1898): m1. 1869 GRAVES,Margarette R.; m2. 1890 RANTZ, Hattie A.; s/o Elias and Lucinda (Cox) Brown; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon; he went by J. Henry Brown, giving rise to oonfusion over his first name, often given as John; his second wife was in and out of mental institutions, giving birth to their only child in 1895, she was committed to the Oregon State Hospital for several years following his death
"Printer and historian, was born at Wilmington, Illinois, the son of Elias Brown and Lucinda Cox Brown. The family came to Salem in the fall of 1847, where Joseph's grandfather, Thomas Cox, opened the town's first store. Following limited attendance at public schools and Willamette University, Joseph learned the printer's trade, became a journeyman. While employed at Salem and in Portland, he found time to write a vast amount concerning Oregon's history, his outstanding work being a 'Political History of Oregon', 1892. He prepared manuscript histories of the Indian Wars; compiled lists of names of Oregon pioneers with origins; and prepared Salem Directory, which included a history of the town, published in 1871. He was married to Margaret Graves of Salem, in 1869, and removed to Portland about 1880, where he died." Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 36]
BROWN, Julia Ann (c1833-1906): m1. 1856 LENDINGHAM, Waldo;m2. 1858 TOOLEY, John Sloan; s/o Alexander M. and Rebecca M. (Swayze) Brown
*26) BROWN, Martha Jane (1840-1921): m1.1854 PENLAND, Henry; m2. 1891 ANDERSON, Samuel; m3. 1902 QUICK, D.C.; d/o Elias and Lucinda (Cox) Brown; born 04 May 1840 and died 03 Feb 1921
BROWN, Mary (1805-1851): m'd 1827 HOUSTON, Robert; most of the family are buried in the Houston Cemetery aka Knox Butte Cemetery aka East Albany Cemetery, Linn Co, OR - NOTE Robert Houston 1848 emig noted in Oregon Free Press newspaper Sep. 2, 1848
BROWN, Rachel (1804-1878): m1. 1827 CROSBY, John; m2. by 1870 ROWLAND, John M.; died 20 Dec. 1878 Dayton, Columbia Co., Washington; gravestone inscribed "Rachel Roland, mother of Mrs. D. D. Bunnell" - both of her daughters married for a second husband, Dennis Dowd Bunnell
BROWN, Robert W. "Robb" (1825-1891): m'd 1852 MILLS, Mary Jane; s/o James Monroe and Polly (Meade) Brown
BROWN, Sara (c1841-1847): d/o J. Brown; died 16 June on Trail -possibly this is d/o of Solomon?
BROWN, Sarah (c1818- ): m'd 30 Nov 1839 FIELDS, Levi; her surname was given as Fields on marriage record and as Brown on death certificate of daughter Catherine; died before 1 Mar. 1852
BROWN, Sarah B. (c1842/9- ): m'd 1870 McINTIRE, William P.; d/o Alexander M. and Rebecca M. (Swayze) Brown; born either 1842 IA or 1849 OR
BROWN, Solomon Kelly (1810-1893): m1. 1832 RALSTON, Mary;m2. 1842 ROLAND, Ann D.; m3. 1880 DAVIS, Mrs. Huldah Ann; the route Solomon took crossed southern ID and Oregon by way of Goose Lake to northern CA and reentered OR by way of the Rogue River Valley; he reached Wagner Buttes about ten miles south of Corvallis on Nov 8, 1847
BROWN, Susan (1809-1885): m1. ROBERTS, Chat; m2. 1835 MULKEY, Johnson
BROWN, Thomas (1810-1890): m'd FLETT,Sarah
BROWN, Warren:
BROWN, William B. (1833-1929): m'd 1884 BROWN, Louisa Jane; s/o Solomon K. and Mary (Ralston) Brown; returned to Ohio by about 1870
BROWN, William C. (30 Nov 1824-10 May 1909): m'd 02 Aug 1848 TOWNSEND, Martha J.; s/o John and Mary (Chambers) Brown; dentist at Corvallis; buried William Brown Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
"BROWN, W.C.--Born in Ohio in 1824, and came to Oregon and settled near where Albany now stands, but moved the following year to Dallas. Carried a chain in the first survey of Albany, also of Dallas. Built the first brick building of old Dallas. Erected the second building intended for business purposes in old Dallas, and the first in the present town. Was engaged in the mercantile business nearly thirty years, and at present owns a half interest in a hardware store in Dallas. Mr. Brown is the owner of two thousand acres of land in Polk County. He served in the Legislature in 1874. Married Miss Martha J. Townsend in 1848, and has five children John G., Joseph L., Alonzo, Henry, and Ann, all of whom are married." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.666]
BRUSH, John (1822-1909): m'd 1855 BREWSTER, Almira; went to California for gold 1849, then back east to Michigan until 1873 when he returned to Oregon
"BRUSH, JOHN--Lives in Albany, Linn County; is proprietor of the Oregon Wire Works. Born in New York in 1822; married in 1854 to Miss Almira Brewster; children Sarah (deceased), Charles, L., Emma, and Ida." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.666]
BRYANT, John David (1828-1864): m'd 1854 TRAPP, Christiana Ward
BUCK, Clarinda (1822-1863): m'd 1846 HARRIS, Reuben
BUCKALEW, Belinda (1810-1893): m'd 1829 PURDY, Aaron
BUCKALEW, Child ( -1847): youngest c/o Garrett and Julia (McCoy) Buckalew died on the trail
BUCKALEW, Garrett ( -1847): m'd 1839 McCOY, Julia Ann; died 20 Oct. 1847 at Foster's, Oregon
BUCKALEW, Mary Ann "Annie" (c1842-1876): m'd 1862 FERRY, Clinton P.; d/o Garrett and Julia A. (McCoy) Buckalew
BUCKALOO, Joseph ( -1847): died 18 Nov. 1847; Felix A. Collard was appointed administrator of his estate 20 Dec. 1847; possibly related to Collard and/or to the Buckalews who came that year as well
BUCKINGHAM, George C. (1846-1920): m1. 1872 MARTIN, Mary Jane; m2. Michener, Sarah Ann NIBERT; s/o Hiram H. and Margaret (Kincaid) Buckingham
BUCKINGHAM, Hiram Heaton (1821-1854): m1. 1844 KINCAID, Margaret; m2. 1849 HINES, Sarah Catherine
BUCKMAN, Sophia H. (1825-1900): m1. 1842 SEELY, Lucius Alexander; m2. c1897 FORD, Franklin; said to have come in 1847, probably came 1851
BUCKNER, Thomas M.:
BUDD, Caroline (1820-1904): m'd 1846 JORY, John Hicks; d/o Aaron and Phebe Budd; buried at Jory Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
BUDD, Sarah Ann (1827-1923): m'd 1846 JORY, James Jr.; d/o Aaron and Phebe Budd; buried at Jory Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
*11) BUELL, Caroline (12 Nov 1826-27 Apr 1897): m1. 1847
FINDLEY, James Lindsay; husband died in 1847 at Ft. Vancouver of typhoid
fever; m2. 1849 COURTNEY, John Richey; d/o Elias and Sarah (Hammond) Buell;
Weston Cemetery, Weston, Umatilla County, Oregon
*11) BUELL, Cyrus (19 Dec 1836-20 Aug 1920): m'd 30 Jul 1859 CAREY, Amanda Ellen; s/o Elias and Sarah (Hammond) Buell; buried IOOF Cemetery and Mausoleum, Tillamook, Tillamook County, Oregon
*11) BUELL, Elias (20 Jul 1797-14 Nov 1871): m'd 1817 HAMMOND, Sarah; s/o Samuel and Jerusha (Griswold) Buell; farmer, miller, Methodist; reached Ft. Vancouver 15 Nov 1847; worked as blacksmith through winter; went to Polk Co where he plowed 25 acres and put up blacksmith shop; went to CA gold fields returning May 1849 with a little over $2000; built a sawmill in 1851which was destroyed by high water in 1863; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
*11) BUELL, Eliza (02 Mar 1840-26 Oct 1910): m'd 13 Apr 1858 BROOKS, William; d/o Samuel and Mary (Seward) Buell;
Cemetery, Geyserville, Sonoma County, California
*11) BUELL, Elizabeth (20 Nov 1823-17 Nov 1902): m'd 1841 CONNER, Nathan; d/o Elias and Sarah (Hammond) Buell; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
*11) BUELL, Emeline (25 Feb 1829-06 Jul 1877): m'd 1850 BLAIR, Thomas Rainey; d/o Elias and Sarah (Hammond) Buell; buried Blair Cemetery, Buell, Polk County, Oregon
*11) BUELL, John: m'd 1856 FORD, Elizabeth J.; possibly s/o Samuel and Mary (Seward) Buell and may have come 1847
*11) BUELL, Martha Ann (12 Dec 1837-14 Aug 1922): m'd 19 Aug 1855 MANN, Lafayette; d/o Samuel and Mary (Seward) Buell; buried Potter Valley Cemetery, Potter Valley, Mendocino County, California
*11) BUELL, Matilda (05 Jan 1843-24 Jun 1892): m'd 05 Jan 1859 CAREY, Joseph Doan; d/o Samuel and Mary (Seward) Buell; buried Oak Hill Memorial Park, San Jose, Santa Clara County, California
*11) BUELL, Melissa (27 Feb 1831-09 Mar 1923): m1. 01 Jan 1850 HINSHAW, Isaac; m2. 1875 VANHORN, Isaac; m3. 1894 CONLEY, James Reuben; d/o Elias and Sarah (Hammond) Buell; buried Blair Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
*11) BUELL, Polina (23 Jan1833-30 Jul 1865): m'd 1851 ROWELL, Daniel C.; d/o Elias and Sarah (Hammond) Buell; Paulina and her husband and 4 of their children died in the wreck of the "Brother Jonathan"; buried Brother Jonathan Cemetery, Crescent City, Del Norte County, California
*11) BUELL, Samuel (01 Dec 1811-05 Mar 1886): m'd 12 Apr 1832 SEWARD, Mary; s/o Samuel and Jerusha (Griswold) Buell; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
*11) BUELL, Samuel (10 May 1845-16 Mar 1927): m'd 09 May 1868 THARP, Margaret Jane; m2. 1895 SLEPPY, Nancy Sophia BROWN; s/o Samuel and Mary (Seward) Buell; buried Deer Creek Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
*11) BUELL, Sarah Ann (19 May 1839-21 May 1890): m'd 16
Mar 1854 MCKUNE, Robert; d/o Elias and Sarah (Hammond) Buell;
Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
*11) BUELL, Sarah Frances (23 Feb 1836-08 May 1916): m1. 26 Feb 1854 GRIFFIN, Simeon Lang; m2. 10 Oct 1869 WALKER, Lycurgus F.; d/o Samuel and Mary (Seward) Buell; buried Redwood Memorial Gardens, Guerneville, Sonoma County, California
BUFFUM, Carlos (1829-1854): m'd 1850 WALLING, Lucy; s/o Hiram and Sarah (Pierce) Buffum; possibly he came earlier in 1845
BUFFUM, Celestia (1838-1912): m'd 1857 WALLING, Nelson D.; d/o Hiram and Sarah (Pierce) Buffum
BUFFUM, Haman (1841- ): m'd [Unknown], Marrie; s/o Hiram and Sarah (Pierce) Buffum
BUFFUM, Harriet (1833-aft 1902): m'd 1851 BOWMAN, Ira; d/o Hiram and Sarah (Pierce) Buffum
BUFFUM, Hiram "Barney" Jr. (1832-1900): m'd 1855 NEAL, Nancy; s/o Hiram and Sarah (Pierce) Buffum
BUFFUM, Hiram Barney Sr. (1800-1847): m'd 1821 PIERCE, Sarah "Sally"; s/o Stephan and Hannah Buffum; drowned in the raft river
BUFFUM, Josephine (1843- ): m'd 1860 THURBER, Charles; d/o Hiram and Sarah (Pierce) Buffum
BUFFUM, Phoebe (1835-1921): m'd 1851 BURCH, Charles Harold; d/o Hiram and Sarah (Pierce) Buffum; buried at Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill Co, OR
BUFFUM, William B. (1846-1941): m'd 1868 BALCH, Celinda; s/o Hiram and Sarah (Pierce) Buffum
BURBANK, Aaron (1811/4-1862): m'd 1846 LASKEY, Susan/Sabrina;
s/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Lucas) Burbank
BURBANK, Asa (1847-1916): m1. 1869 HAIGHT, Angeline; m2. 1883 DENNIS, Mary; m3. 1893 TUPPER, Rose; m4. 1896/8 Farrier, Allie Ann McCLAIN Allphin; s/o Aaron and Sabrina (Laskey) Burbank; born 5 July on the Trail near Chimney Rock
BURBANK, Asa Wakefield (1818-1872): m'd 1842 HILL, Emily Wealthy; s/o Thomas and Eliza (Lucas) Burbank; later returned east and died in Kansas
BURBANK, Harriet Eliza (1832-1861): m'd 1849 STURGESS, Melvin Dewitt; d/o Thomas and Eliza (Lucas) Burbank
BURBANK, Henry H. "Harry"(1828-1908): m'd 1854 HAIGHT, Minerva; s/o Thomas and Eliza (Lucas) Burbank
BURBANK, Lurissa Rosalia (1846-1925): m'd STAATS, Jacob Hipwell; d/o Asa W. and Emily (Hill) Burbank; later returned east and died in Kansas
BURBANK, Nancy (1815/17-1895): m1. 1832 ALDERMAN, Lorenzo; m2. 1837 DUNCAN, James; m3. 1848 BAKER, George McNamee
BURBANK, Thomas L. (1816-1868): m'd 1843 DAVIS, Sarah J
BURBANK, Thomas McMasters (1786-1854): m1. 1806 LUCAS, Elizabeth Williams "Eliza"; m2. 1854 Tupper, Susan MATTESON, div. soon; settled in Polk Co; first wife died on claim in 1852 leaving eight children
BURBEE, Augustus (1832-1919): m'd 1855 CHAPMAN, Arminda Jane; s/o Jonathan and Cynthia (Kesler) Burbee
BURBEE, Edgar (1844-1917): m'd 1884 FAUL, Ida; m2. 1892 MEHL, Lizzie; s/o Jonathan and Cynthia (Kesler) Burbee
BURBEE, Jonathan (1799-1852): m'd 1825 KESLER, Cynthia Louise; died in wreck of schooner "Demenst"
BURBEE, Jonathan Jr. (1834-1919): m'd 1856 MORE, Ellen M.; s/o Jonathan and Cynthia (Kesler) Burbee
BURBEE, Miriam (1846-1847): d/o Jonathan and Cynthia (Kesler) Burbee; died shortly after arrival
BURBEE, Norman (1837-1917): m'd 1859 JACKSON, Amanda; s/o Jonathan and Cynthia (Kesler) Burbee
BURBEE, Ralph "Rafe" (1841-1914): m'd 1867 WHITTLE, Josephine; s/o Jonathan and Cynthia (Kesler) Burbee
BURCH, Benjamin (1845-1908): s/o John and Lucy (Trent) Burch
BURCH, George Washington: s/o Samuel Burch
BURCH, Jacob Jefferson (1838-1916): m'd NANCE, Angeline D.; s/o Samuel and Eleanor (Locke) Burch
BURCH, John Wesley (1820-1908): m1. 08 Oct 1844 TRENT, Lucy Ann; m2. 1853 FINLEY, Huldah; s/o Samuel and (first wife) Burch
BURCH, Laura (1835- ): d /o Samuel and Eleanor (Locke) Burch; twin of Thomas; not known if she made emigration or whether she died prior to the journey
BURCH, Lucy Ann (1847-1930): m'd 1867 FLINT, Purdy John; d/o John W. and Lucy (Trent) Burch; born Feb. 1847 in Missouri
BURCH, Mary Eleanor (1832-1856): m'd 1851 JEFFREYS, John T.; d/o Samuel and Eleanor (Locke) Burch
BURCH, Faithful Louise (1829-1921): m'd 1845 FOSTER, James S.; d/o Samuel and Eleanor (Locke) Burch
BURCH, Samuel Judge (1793-1854): m1. m2. 1822 LOCKE, Eleanor S.; had three children by first marriage and 9 children by second marriage
BURCH, Samuel Townsend (1831-1927): m'd 1856 FORD, Sarah E.; s/o Samuel and Eleanor (Locke) Burch
BURCH, Thomas Sharp (1835- ): s/o Samuel and Eleanor (Locke) Burch; twin of Laura
BURGE, Eliza Ann (1817-1877): m'd 1832 LEE, Philester; d/o John Burge
BURGET, Reuben F. (1804-1884): m'd 1831 PATTERSON, Alvira; s/o William and Abigail (Andrews) Burget; did not come with wife, who may have died previously; died after 1884; "Reuben F. Burget, Willamette Valley Pioneer" compiled by Milbrey Otto Burgett available through Benton County Historical Society, Philomath, Oregon and Oregon State Archives, Salem, Oregon.
BURGET or BURGETT, William (29 May 1832-22 Feb 1914): m'd 1856 WOOD, Rebecca Jane; s/o Reuben F. and Alvira (Patterson) Burget
BURGIN, Melinda (1808-1892): m'd 1830 GIBSON, William Owen
BURKHART, Catherine Jane (1832-1859): m'd 02 Jul 1848 WHITE, Edward Newton; d/o John and Rebecca (Baltzell) Burkhart; born 01 Dec 1832 Greene Co, IL and died 26 Sep 1859 Albany, Linn Co, OR; buried in Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn Co, OR
BURKHART, Charlotte Elizabeth (1826-1857): m'd 23 Aug1849 LAYTON, Davis; d/o John and Rebecca (Baltzell) Burkhart; born 08 Jun 1826 Hawkins Co, TN and died 03 Mar 1857 Linn Co, OR buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn Co, OR; mother of two children (Augustus Caesar and Ladonia); was a school teacher prior to her marriage
BURKHART, George Washington (1845-1905): m'd 1870 COOPER, Nancy M.; s/o John and Rebecca (Baltzell) Burkhart; born 18 Oct 1846 and died 1905 Albany, Linn Co, OR; father of one child (Hettie); blacksmith; served as US Deputy Marshal for nine years, Albany city marshal two terms and Albany city constable two terms.
BURKHART, John (1786-1855): m'd 07 Mar 1816 BALTZELL, Rebecca; born 26 Sep 1787 Hagerstown, Washington Co, MD and died 30 Sep 1856 Albany, Linn Co, OR; s/o George Peter Burkhart and Anna Margaretha Zimmerman; father of 10 children (Raymond Sanderson (pioneer of 1846), Calvin Peter (Pioneer of 1851), Coriolanius Damarius (Pioneer of 1845), Leander Columbus, Charlotte Elizabeth, Catherine Jane, Loueasa Matilda, John Baltzell, Rebecca Ann and George Washington) "John Burkhart was quite taken with the tales coming from the Oregon Territory in the mid 1840’s, but wanted more “proof” before uprooting his family one last time and, at the age of 60, relocating with his wife as far West as one could go at that time. He asked his eldest sons to go to the Oregon Territory the following year, returning with information that would help him make his final decision. Crill and Raymond came along with the Abner Hackleman group in 1845. When they returned sometime in 1846, they were full of glowing reports of the Pacific Northwest. I believe that my 3x great grandfather was so amazed that he decided to make one last journey Westward. Only Calvin Peter Burkhart remained behind with his family, coming West in 1851. The other Burkhart children packed up and went West, taking the Oregon Trail from St. Joseph, Missouri and arriving in what would become Albany, Linn Co., Oregon Territory Oct 16, 1847. [In a long letter he wrote to his brother, Peter Burkhart, of Knox County, Tennessee about the countless varieties of plant life, animals and about the “snow capped mountains”, one of which was erupting, which they saw as they took the Barlow Route over and around Mt. Hood. It was Mt. St. Helens that was erupting in 1847. One of their children stayed with the Whitmans at their mission during the Winter of 1846. Raymond Sanderson Burkhart and his wife became parents of a baby boy they named George Fred Burkhart on Oct 26, 1847 at the Whitman Mission. Raymond worked at the mill. They left and settled in Lebanon in 1847, prior to the Mission massacre of 1847. " [Kathie L. Webb Blair]
BURKHART, John Baltzell (1838-1914): m. 15 May 1889 WALLEN, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o John and Rebecca (Baltzell) Burkhart; born 03 Feb 1838 Burlington, Des Moines Co, IA and died 07 Nov 1914 Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA;
BURKHART, Leander "Lee" Columbus (1823-1875): m'd 21 Jul 1851 DAVIDSON, Melissa Ann; s/o John and Rebecca (Baltzell) Burkhart; Leander was born 14 Nov 1823 Hawkins Co, TN and died 03 Nov 1875 Albany, Linn Co, OR; buried Riverside cemetery, Albany, Linn Co, OR; father of six children (Hezekiah Davidson, Frances Ann, Nellie Olivia, Robert Lee, William Chester and Bessie); merchant and farmer; kept diary of 1847 journey west
BURKHART, Loueasa "Lou" Matilda (1836-1907): m1. 09 Jul 1855 THOMPSON, David M.; m2. 10 Aug 1882 FOSTER, James H.; d/o John and Rebecca (Baltzell) Burkhart; born 15 Jun 1836 Carolton, Greene Co, IL and died 15 Jan 1907 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; mother of 2 children by first marriage (Harriet Louise and Edward)
BURKHART, Rebecca Ann (05 Jan 1841-11 Jun 1919): m'd 27 May 1858 GAY, Charles Franklin; d/o John and Rebecca (Baltzell) Burkhart; buried Greenwood Memorial Terrace, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; mentioned by sister-in-law in One Woman’s West, Recollections of the Oregon Trail and Settling the Northwest Country by Martha Gay Masterson 1838-1916 edited by Lois Barton, Spencer Butte Press, Eugene, Oregon 1986
BURNSIDE, David (1813-1887): m1. 1838 FENIMORE, Sarah, div. 1850; m2. 1853 Unknown, Mary Ann; s/o Daniel and Mary (Haney) Burnside
BURNSIDE, Jane (1817-1899): m'd 1837 CAUFIELD, Robert; d/o Daniel and Mary (Haney) Burnside
BURROWS, Arthur (1798-1879): m'd 1823 RICE, Nancy P.; came alone; his daughter Mary Ann with her husband Charles LEWIS came west in 1845
BUSH, Delia Ann (1809-1894): m'd HARRISON, Hugh; Bush Letter . This letter dated Aug 13, 1851 was sent to her brother, Palemon Cage Bush in MO.
*16) BUSHNELL, Anna Hulbert (17 Aug1808-03 Jan 1858): m'd1829 RICHARDSON, Nathaniel Carpenter; d/o John and Hannah (Tryon) Bushnell, born 17 Aug 1808 Addison Co, VT and died 03 Jan 1858 Hillsboro, Washington Co, OR; buried Lewis Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon; mother of 7 children ( Mary Elizabeth, John A., George Washington, Frances M., Lois Ann, Cornelia Lucretia and Peter H.)
BUSHNELL, Daniel N. (1837-1865): m'd 1862 CROW, Priscilla Ann; s/o Newton and Jane (Oliver) Bushnell
BUSHNELL, Estella "Stella"(1818- ): m'd 1844 KELLOGG, Joseph; may have come in 1848
BUSHNELL, Eunice R. (1832- ): m'd 1848 CLINE, Joseph; s/o Newton and Jane (Oliver) Bushnell; died probably by 1867
BUSHNELL, Joseph Oliver (1839- ): s/o Newton and Jane (Oliver) Bushnell; possibly m�d 1874 WILLIAMSON, Lavina Estella and died 1914 Victoria, B.C. - NOTE the Bushnell who m'd 1870 FARRELL, Sarah was John Addison Bushnell
BUTLER, James (1813-1907): m1. 1837 ROBINSON, Nancy S. (she d. c1842); m2. 1854 Conklin, Lucinda Isabelle DOUGLASS
BUTLER, Richard T. (c1841- ): s/o James and Nancy S. (Robinson) Butler
BUTLER, Susan Melissa (1840-1944): m1. 1857 RIGGS, Silas Thompson; m2. 1867 RICHARDSON, James W.; d/o James and Nancy S. (Robinson) Butler; age 103 years 8 months 23 days at death
BYBEE, Anne Elizabeth (1844-1885): m'd 1864 PAYNE, Joel W.; d/o James F. and Julia A. (Miller) Bybee; came 1845 or 1847
BYBEE, James Francis (1818-1901): m'd 1842 MILLER, JuliaAnn; arrived in Oregon 22 Aug. 1847; his wife and two children may have come in 1845 with her parents and it is possible 1847 was his second trip
BYBEE, Robert Emmet (1843-1893): m'd 1869 STARKEY, Ella E.; s/o James F. and Julia A. (Miller) Bybee; came 1845 or 1847
CADWALLADER, Jesse (1811- ):
CADY, Thomas W. (1814-1865): m'd 1848
MICHAEL, Elizabeth; Cady was found on the trail unconscious by the Michael party and
he traveled the remainder of the way with them in William Vaughn train. He
moved back east c1860s and is buried in the Pioneer Cemetery at Lake Geneva,
Walworth Co, WI
CAGE, Sarah (c1815-c1856): m'd 1833 SEWARD, Mason S.
CALAVAN, Joel (1825-1859): m'd 1848 CURL, Parthena
CALLAHAN, Clifton Rhodes (1825-1892): m'd 1851 KLINGLER, Christina Willemina
1) 2) CAMPBELL, Almira Jane (1846-1920): m'd 1875 ROBBERSON, Bennett Harrison; d/o James Alexander and Margaret A. (Crisp) Campbell
1) 2) CAMPBELL, James Alexander (1817-1883): m'd Oct 1838, CRISP, Margaret Ann "Peggy"; part of a train from Texas that joined up with the Cornelius Smith train; buried Park Lawn Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
1) 2) CAMPBELL, James P. (1844- ): m'd 1867 SMITH, Flora; s/o Samuel and Catherine (Milton) Campbell
1) 2) CAMPBELL, Mary Hannah (1840-1929): m'd Jun 1856 TODD, John Young, d/o James and Margaret (Crisp) Campbell; buried Lafayette Pioneer Cemetery, Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon
1) 2) CAMPBELL, Martha (1842-aft 1860): d/o James and Margaret (Crisp) Campbell
1) 2) CAMPBELL, Samuel L. (1819- ): m'd 1842 MILTON, Catherine
1) 2) CAMPBELL, Texas Ann (1844-aft 1870 ): d/o James and Margaret (Crisp) Campbell
CANFIELD, Albert (1845-aft 1880): m'd 1866 BAKER, Matilda; s/o William and Sallie (Lee) Canfield; survivor of the Whitman Massacre; resided in Sonoma Co, CA until 1880 when he is shown living in Spokane, Kootenai Co, ID. Father of (William 1872-? and Albert 1875-?)
;CANFIELD, Clarissa A. (1840-1911): m'd c1857 KNOWLES, James H.; d/o William D. and Sallie (Lee) Canfield; survivor of the Whitman Massacre; mother of (William H. Knowles 1858-?) CANFIELD, Ellen S. (1831-1865): m'd SALISBURY, Unknown; d/o William and Sallie (Lee) Canfield; survivor of the Whitman Massacre; died in Sonoma Co, CA
CANFIELD, Ellen S. (1831-1865): m'd SALISBURY, John; d/o William D. and Sallie (Lee) Canfield; survivor of the Whitman Massacre;
CANFIELD, Oscar Fitzallen (1838-1926): m'd 1861 MAPLE, Cynthia Ann; s/o William and Sallie (Lee) Canfield; survivor of the Whitman Massacre; lived in Sonoma Co, CA until 1880 when he is shown living in Spokane, Kootenai Co, ID. Father of (Mary 1866-?, Sherman 1868-?, Sallie Augusta 1873-?, Oscar Berton 1874-?, Charles Oliver 1875-?, Nathan 1878-? and Joseph L. 1879-?)
CANFIELD, Sylvia Ann (1842-1854): d/o William and Sallie (Lee) Canfield; survivor of the Whitman Massacre; died at the age of 12 on Feb 4, 1854 in Sonoma, CA
CANFIELD, William Daniel (1810-1893): m'd 1828 LEE, Sallie Ann;William D. Canfield was born in Vermont Oct 22, 1810. While living in Vermont he married Sallie Ann Lee on June 10, 1828. They moved to Springfield, PA in 1837 and resided there for two years prior to moving to Jersey County, IL. They farmed in that area until June 1842 when they moved to IA. He was responsible for laying out the Oskaloosa town square while in residence. Finding the IA winters too cold they decided to move to Oregon where the climate was reportedly milder. In company with the Oskaloosa Company of 1847 they emigrated west. Upon arrival the family stopped at the Whitman Mission and became victims of the Whitman Massacre. William escaped to Lapwai and the remainder of the family was later ransomed. They resided in what is now Washington for a time and then moved to Sonoma County, CA where William and Sallie lived out their years. Father of (Nathan Lee 1829-1835, Ellen S., 1831-1865, Oscar F. 1838-1926, Clarissa 1840-?, Sylvia Ann 1842-1854, Albert 1845-?, William D. 1848-1849 and Julia 1850-1850).
CANFIELD, William Daniel Jr.(1848-1849): m'd NEVER MARRIED; s/o William and Sallie (Lee) Canfield; born Feb at Oregon City after mother was rescued from Whitman Massacre and died a year later
*16: CANNON, Margaret (1811-1879): m'd 1829 HUBBARD, Charles; buried in Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Marion Co, OR
*16: CANNON, Susannah (1793-1870): m'd 1815 ROBINSON, William Rev.
CANTRELL, Ari (1826-1893): possibly m'd 1883 WARD, Mary Emily
CANTRELL, John Milton (12 Nov 1820-04 Nov 1907): m1. 05 Oct 1851 RAY, Martha Jane; m2. 04 May 1872 WARD, Mrs. Susan J. (CREWS/CRUSE); s/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Mulkey) Cantrell; moved to CA during gold rush; buried Knox Cemetery, Crook County, Oregon
*16: CAPPS, Benjamin Perry (1838-1875): s/o
Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard) Capps
*16: CAPPS, David Hubbard (1834- ): s/o Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard) Capps; disinherited by his father in 1873, his whereabouts were unknown
*16: CAPPS, Francis Marion "Frank"
(1842-1904): m'd 1883 WELSCH, Emma Robinson; s/o Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard)
*16: CAPPS, Isaac (1808-1873): m'd 1832 HUBBARD, Jemima; brother of Stanford Capps
*16: CAPPS, John (1836-1862): m'd 1862
CRAGHEAD, Mary E.; s/o Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard) Capps
*16: CAPPS, Laura Ann (1846-1886): m'd 1862
GILLIAM, William H./A.; d/o Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard) Capps
*16: CAPPS, Mary Jane (1844-1865): m'd 1859
FOREMAN, Stephen W.; d/o Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard) Capps
*16: CAPPS, Stanford Capt.: brother of Isaac Capps; led a small group of family and friends
*16: CAPPS, Stanford (1832-1874): NEVER
MARRIED; s/o Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard) Capps
*16: CAPPS, CAPPS, William Oscar (1840-1929): m1. 1862 SCOTT, Christina; m2. 1895 Warrington, Julia A. MICHAEL; s/o Isaac and Jemima (Hubbard) Capps
CAREY, unknown (c1847- ): infant d/o William and Elizabeth (Whitcher) Carey; born either just prior to leaving Indiana or soon after they left and started across the plains to Oregon, she was taken back to the settlements and left there
*11) CAREY, Amanda Ellen (1843-1908): m'd 1859 BUELL, Cyrus; d/o John and Ruth (Odell) Carey
CAREY, Ann Deliza (1834-1922): m1. 1855 COX, John W.; m2. 1863 CANNON, William R.; d/o William B. and Elizabeth (Whitcher) Carey
*11) CAREY, Charles A. (1840-1932): m1. 1865 HAYNES, Elizabeth Jane; m2. WHITLOW, Jennie D.; s/o John and Ruth (Odell) Carey
CAREY, Esther (1832-1919): m'd 1852 MILLER, Andrew Jackson; d/o William B. and Elizabeth (Whitcher) Carey
*11) CAREY, George W. (1845- ): m'd 1875 WALKER, Lucy M.; s/o John and Ruth (Odell) Carey
*11) CAREY, James (1831-1857): s/o John and Ruth (Odell) Carey
CAREY, Jerusha (1830-1890): m'd 1849 MOORE, Almon; d/o William B. and Elizabeth (Whitcher) Carey
*11) CAREY, John (1802-1880): m'd 1824 ODELL, Ruth
"CAREY, JOHN--Born in Philadelphia in 1802; came to Oregon in 1847, settling in Yamhill County. He removed later to Polk County, and died there in 1880. Was postmaster of Dayton, and justice of the peace; had a seat in the legislature for a term. Mr. Cary possessed poetical gifts of a noticeable order, and produced several creditable poems. He married Ruth Odell in 1826, and had by her Sarah, John W., Joseph D., George W., Amanda E., Alfred M., and Caroline E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.667]
*11) CAREY, John Wesley (1834-1919): m'd 1866 HASH, Caroline Frances; s/o John and Ruth (Odell) Carey
*11) CAREY, Joseph Doan (1837- ): m1. 1859 BUELL, Matilda; m2. 1895 LIVERMORE, Emma M.; s/o John and Ruth (Odell) Carey; died after 1930
CAREY, Robert Bates (1842-1921): m'd 1862 McCRAW, Ailcy Frances; s/o William B. and Elizabeth (Whitcher) Carey
*11) CAREY, Sarah Ann (1829-1904): m'd 1851 MCKUNE, William Henry; d/o John and Ruth (Odell) Carey
CAREY, William Bruce (1806-1884): m'd 1829 WHITCHER,Elizabeth; his wife is said to have died soon on the Trail, leaving an infant daughter which he took back to the settlements before resuming the journey with the remaining four children
CARLISLE, Eben Warren (1817/27-1910): m1. 1855 SYRON, Lydia or Lynda Matilda; m2. by 1879 STEWART, Mary Ann or Miriam; related to Peter G. Carlyle and may have accompanied him in 1847
CARLYLE or CARLILE, Elcey Ann (1837-1916): m'd 1851 TONEY, William Litton; d/o Peter G. and Nancy (Newcomb) Carlyle
CARLYLE or CARLILE, George P. (c1835- ): m1. 1859 MOORE, Mary; m2. by 1880 Tabor, Harriet "Hattie" DESPAIN; s/o Peter G. and Nancy (Newcomb) Carlyle; living 1887 in Klickitat Co. Washington
CARLYLE or CARLILE, James Edward (1844-1919): m1. 1865 STORY, Louisa Benewell; m2. 1890 Greenway, Mary Jane EDENBURG; s/o Peter G. and Nancy (Newcomb) Carlyle; moved in the early 1870's to Klickitat Co., Washington, and later to Coquille River, eventually moving to Alberta, Canada, where he died
CARLYLE or CARLILE, Mary Jane (1842-1916): m1. 1854 WING, Alanson L.; m2. 1888 GREEN, H. L.; m3. 1895 SPENCER, John P.; m4. 1903 GLIDDEN, William Wallace: d/o Peter G. and Nancy (Newcomb) Carlyle
CARLYLE, Peter George. (1811-c1883 ): m'd 1834 NEWCOMB, Nancy; name also appears as CARLILE or CARLISLE
CARNES, Euphema Phoebe (1822-1860): m'd 1843 RHOADES, Alphonso; buried Champoeg Cemetery, Marion Co, OR
CARPENTER, Sarah "Sally" (1811-1856): m1. 1830 MULKEY, Thomas; m2. 1850 LANCEFIELD, Robert J.
CARROLL, Hannah (20 Sep 1824-30 Mar 1870): m'd 16 May 1843 COYLE, Reuben S.; d/o Stephen and Sarah (French) Carroll; buried Carroll Cemetery, Mitchell, Wheeler County, Oregon
CARROLL, Samuel Sylvester (16 Mar 1820-24 Dec 1904): m'd 03 Jul 1853 SCOTT, Margaret Elizabeth; s/o Stephen and Sarah (French) Carroll; buried Carroll Cemetery, Mitchell, Wheeler County, Oregon
CARROLL, Stephen (25 Mar 1793-20 Sep 1883/6): m'd 03 Mar 1814 FRENCH, Sarah; buried Carroll Cemetery, Mitchell, Wheeler County, Oregon
CARTER, Andrew Arthur (c1835- ): m'd 1861 RILEY, Nancy Jane; s/o Nancy (Bowman) Carter; probably died between 1870 and 1880
CARTER, Charles (c1842- ): s/o James and Barbara (Derr) Carter
CARTER, Charles M. (1831-1909): m'd 1862 ARCHER,Mary Hannah; s/o Thomas and Minerva (Feltch) Carter; later resided Washington D.C
CARTER, Cynthia Ann (1847-1874): m1. c1863 PEPPER, Charles; m2. 1871 SIMPSON, Abijah Allen; d/o James and Barbara (Derr) Carter
CARTER, Elizabeth (1845-1924): m'd 1865 GROVER, Lafayette; d/o Thomas and Minerva (Feltch) Carter; her husband was later Governor of Oregon
CARTER, Hansford F. (1834-1861): s/o Nancy (Bowman) Carter
CARTER, James (c1818-c1847): m'd 1841 DERR, Clara Barbara "Barbary"; he died before Dec. 1847, possibly on the Trail or back east; at least his wife and three children came in 1847
CARTER, Jane Minerva (1835-1921): m'd 1851 KINETH, John; d/o Thomas and Minerva (Feltch) Carter
CARTER, Julia Ann (c1828/9-1886): m'd 1849 SMITH, Joseph Showalter; d/o Thomas and Minerva (Feltch) Carter
CARTER, Lafayette:
CARTER, Mary Elizabeth (1844/5-1911): m1. 1861 LINVILLE, William T.; m2. 1865 HART, Moses W.; d/o James and Barbara (Derr) Carter
CARTER, Thomas (1804-1887): m'd 1826 FELTCH, Minerva
CARTER, Thomas Jefferson (1834-1880): m'd 1854 JEWETT, Emma Brown; s/o Thomas and Minerva (Feltch) Carter
CARTWRIGHT, John C.: m'd 1860 HELM, Mary J.
CARUTHERS, Elizabeth (c1776-c1857): m'd 1818 THOMAS, Joseph; when Elizabeth and her son left Missouri on the Oregon Trail they took on the Elizabeth's maiden name so as to avoid being found by her husband, Joseph Thomas. Both are buried at Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery in Portland [per Annette Caruthers]
CARUTHERS, Finice (1818-1860): NEVER MARRIED; s/o Josehp and Elizabeth (Caruthers); when Finice and his mother left Missouri on the Oregon Trail they took on the maiden name of the mother so as to avoid being found by the father, Joseph Thomas. Both are buried at Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery in Portland [per Annette Caruthers]
CARVER, T. J. Capt.:
CARY, William B. - see CAREY, William Bruce
CASE, Bascom (1833- ): m'd 1855 BENNETT, Mary Susanna; s/o Benjamin and Mary (White) Case; cut off for CA
CASE, Benjamin Allen (1795-1871): m'd 1821 WHITE, Mary Amney; cut off for CA
CASE, Rollin Dwight (1844-1908): m'd 1867 WAGOR, Rose; s/o Benjamin and Mary (White) Case; cut off for CA
CATCHING, Ephraim Cannon (1831/3-1902): m1. 1856 QUINTON,
Frances; m2. 1870 PORTER, Virginia Frances; m3. 1876 MOORE, Mary; s/o John and
Jane (Warren) Catching; came with brother James; parents and siblings emigrated
in 1845
CATCHING, James Center (1827-1905): m'd 1854 RUSSELL, Patsy Ellen; s/o John and Jane (Warren) Catching; parents and siblings emigrated in 1845; Where Portland Stands-Reminiscence of James Catching
CAUFIELD, Elizabeth (1848-1855): d/o Robert and Jane (Burnside) Caufield; born 22 Jan. 1848 on arrival
CAUFIELD, David (1845-1936): m'd 1876 BEATIE, Mary "Mollie"; s/o Robert and Jane (Burnside) Caufield
CAUFIELD, Robert (1805-1890): m'd 1837 BURNSIDE, Jane
"CAUFIELD, ROBERT--Born in County Antrim, Ireland, May 5, 1805. Came to the United States in 1832, and lived in Cincinnati until 1837. In that year he was married to Miss Jane Burnside. Came to Oregon and settled in Oregon City, where he still lives. In 1850 he was elected treasurer of Clackamas County, and re-elected the following term. In 1852 was elected Probate Judge, and served two terms. Was the first County Judge of Clackamas County after the admission of Oregon as a State. The names of his children were John (deceased), Mary J. (deceased), Robert F., David, Clarinda, Charles H., Edwin GK, and Elizabeth (deceased) ." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.666]
CAUFIELD, Robert Frew (1843-1925): m'd 1868 POPE, Emma; s/o Robert and Jane (Burnside) Caufield
CAYWOOD, Francis Mrs. (1812- ):
CHAMBERLAIN, David (1819-1892): m'd 1855 COOPER, Martha Ann; s/o Hachaliah and Hannah (Delano) Chamberlain; cousin of Thomas Cady, started 1847 in Thomas Cox's "Chicago" company
CHAMBERLAIN, Irene (1808-1871): m'd 1829/30 WHITCOMB, Lot; d/o Ephraim Chamberlain
CHAMBERLAIN, John (1814-1891): m'd 1849 SMITH, Maria, div. 1867; in Oregon by Oct. 1847; possibly m2. 1867 DELAPENA, Teresa; s/o Theophilus and Catherine (Whitaker) Chamberlain
CHAMBERLIN, Joseph (1816-1887): m'd 1843 WARREN, Olive; said to be pioneer of 1847; they were in Macomb Co. MI in 1850, and in Oregon (again?) in 1857
CHAMBERS, Matthew Cary (1819-1898): m'd 1851 KNOX, Mary Margaret
CHAMBREAU, Belle: m'd CHAMBREAU, J. Edward
CHANCE, Julia Ann (1824-1919): m'd 1841 GILLIAM, Robert Alexander
CHANDLER, William:
CHAPIN, James M. (1823-1901): never married
CHAPLIN, Mary Jarvis (1821-1877): m'd 1839 TUSTIN, Charles Samuel
CHAPMAN, Arthur Inghram (1837-1905): m'd c1888 LOVELESS, Jennie E.; s/o William W. and Margaret F. (Inghram) Chapman
CHAPMAN, Edmond or Edward (c1843-1859): s/o Wiley and Ruhamah (Stockton) Chapman
[UNKNOWN], Henry (c1820- ): black steward of William W. Chapman
CHAPMAN, Houston Ingraham (1847-1879): m'd 1876 INGHRAM, Agnes; s/o William W. and Margaret F. (Inghram) Chapman; born 28 Apr. 1847 Oskaloosa, Iowa; attorney, assassinated in New Mexico 18 Feb. 1879 during the Lincoln County wars
CHAPMAN, James Grimes (1840-1889):
CHAPMAN, John B. (1798- ): said to have come 1847 with son John M.
CHAPMAN, John Montgomery (1825/7-1896): m'd 1861 DOFFLEMYER, Sarah Elizabeth; son of John B. Chapman; located in what became Washington state
CHAPMAN, Mahala (1812-1874): m'd 1827 RIGGS, Daniel
CHAPMAN, Mary Catherine (1845-1931): m1. 1861 MULHOLLAN, John; m2. 1870 BRAINARD, Edward Charles; m3. 1894 GALBRAITH, William J.; d/o William W. and Margaret F. (Inghram) Chapman
CHAPMAN, Memory Noble (1845-1889): m'd 1868 THATCHER, Jennie; s/o Wiley and Ruhamah (Stockton) Chapman
"CHAPMAN, M. N.--Born in Illinois in 1845; is the son of W. Chapman (deceased), and came with his parents to Oregon. Is now a resident of Salem and clerk of Marion County, elected in 1882; has served as deputy clerk, at different times, for twelve years. Married Miss Jennie Thatcher in 1868. Children Lorie, May, Nina (deceased), and Oda." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.667]
CHAPMAN, Rhoda A. (1836/8-1901): m'd EDES, George Alfred; d/o Wiley and Ruhamah (Stockton) Chapman
CHAPMAN, Sarah Evaline (1834-1858): m'd c1853 MARYE, Simon Bolivar; d/o William W. and Margaret F. (Inghram) Chapman
CHAPMAN, Thomas (c1835-1904): s/o William W. and Margaret F. (Inghram) Chapman
CHAPMAN, Wilie or Wiley Capt. (1814-1884): m1. 1835 STOCKTON, Loruhama "Ruhamah" (1820-1847); m2. 1854 MATLOCK, Ellen; s/o Edmund Wilson and Mary Ann (Wood) Chapman
"CHAPMAN, W.--Born in South Carolina in 1814; came from Illinois to Oregon; settled in Marion County in 1848; served as Representative in the Lower House of the Territorial Legislature; held offices in Salem for many years. Married Miss R. Farmer in 1833, who died in1847; by her he had five children. Married again in 1850 Miss Ellen Matlock, by whom he had three children. He died in Clackamas County in 1884." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.667]
CHAPMAN, William H. (c1841- ): m'd (unknown), Ella; s/o Wiley and Ruhamah (Stockton) Chapman
*1) CHAPMAN, William (1824-1911): m'd 1849 BEWLEY, Esther Lorinda; s/o John and Sally (Pierce) Chapman
"CHAPMAN, WILLIAM--Born in New York, September 16, 1824; in 1843 went to Michigan, but returned to New York in 1846; came from New York to Oregon. He immediately enlisted in the Cayuse war, and was in all the fights which followed. In 1848 he went to the mines in California; returned to Oregon in 1849. In 1852 took a donation claim near where Sheridan now stands, and which is still his place of residence, and employed in farming. Married Miss Esther L. Bewley in 1849. Miss Bewley had been captured by the Indians at the Whitman massacre, and was their prisoner three weeks, and a brother, Crocket Bewley, was killed. (See page 311.) Ten children were born to them, namely John M., Catherine, Eusebia J. (deceased), Leonora, Mary, Charles (deceased), Frank, Nettie, Charles, and Fred." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.668]
CHAPMAN, William Warner (c1842-1901): m'd 1869 RODGERS, Anna E.; s/o William W. and Margaret F. (Inghram) Chapman
CHAPMAN, William Williams (11 Aug 1808-18 Oct 1892): m'd 1832 INGHRAM, Margaret Fee
"CHAPMAN, WILLIAM W.--Born at Clarksburg, Virginia, August 8, 1808. Studied law and was admitted to practice. Married Margaret Ingram in 1832. Moved in succession to Ohio, Illinois and Iowa. Was United States attorney for Wisconsin, and was the first Territorial Delegate to Congress from Iowa. Was a member of Iowa s Constitutional Convention, and sat in the Legislature of the new State. Came to Oregon with his family in 1847. Visited California in 1849. Was several times a member of the Legislature under the Provisional, Territorial and State governments. Participated in the Rogue River Indian war of 1855-56. (See pages 433-438.) Rose to the rank of lieutenant- colonel. In 1849 he acquired a third interest in the town site of Portland, and devoted himself thenceforward to building up that city. Has always been enterprising in a high degree, doing a great deal for the introduction of railways, steamship lines,and everything progressive. (See page 492.)" [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.667-8]
CHATFIELD, William Barrick (1812-1892): m1. 1838 TUPPER, Elvira; m2. 1848 WILCOX, Elmira; m3. 1865 O'Brien, Mrs. Lura Bradley WILCOXEN
CHILDERS, Columbus W. (c1828-1875): m'd 1853 MORGAN, Eliza Jane; s/o Robert and Mary Ann (Surber) Childers
CHILDERS, Henry Carroll (1834-1916): m1. 1857 McDONALD, Susan F.; m2. 1866 ASHBY, Lucy Ann; s/o Robert and Mary Ann (Surber) Childers
CHILDERS, John M. (1832- ): m'd 1877 CARDWELL, Mary Malvina; s/o Robert and Mary Ann (Surber) Childers
CHILDERS, Mary Ellen (1830-1923): m'd 1846 NYE, John S.; d/o Robert and Mary Ann (Surber) Childers; possibly arrived in OR later
CHILDERS, Robert (1802-1855): m'd 1828 SURBER, Mary Ann; Captain Childers was mentioned in the A. B. Harden journal as leading the group behind his on 1 June 1847 on the Platte River; Robert Childers arrived in Oregon prior to 1 Dec. 1850 and seems most likely to be this man
CHILDERS, William Perry (c1843-1864): did not marry; s/o Robert and Mary Ann (Surber) Childers
CHILDS, Mr. ( - ): saved from drowning at the Mormon ferry
CHILDS, Caroline E. (1824-1910): m'd 1845 VANDUSEN, Adam
CHIROUSE, Eugene Casimir (1820-1892):
CHURCHILL, Clark Nelson (1845-1915): m'd 1876 LONG, Sarah Isabelle; s/o Joseph and Lucy (Pangburn) Churchill
CHURCHILL, Enoch Chester (1841-1920): m1. 1868 THOMAS, Mariah Alvira; m2. 1885 McKINNEY, Sarah E.; s/o Joseph and Lucy (Pangburn) Churchill
CHURCHILL, Joseph (1811-1892): m'd 1840 PANGBURN, Lucy; s/o Benjamin and Catherine (Blaine) Churchill
CHURCHILL, Lewis (1806-1869): m'd 1835 COOPER, Mary Ann "Polly"; s/o George and Sarah (Arnold) Churchill; came alone in 1847, returned to Iowa and brought family out in 1853
CHURCHILL, Lydia Jane (1848-1891): m'd 1868 BIER, Nicholas; d/o Joseph and Lucy (Pangburn) Churchill; born 14 Jan. 1848 on arrival
CHURCHMAN, Ann (1841-1894): m'd NEVER MARRIED; d/o John and
Caroline (Jagger) Churchman; CA pioneer
CHURCHMAN, George (1843-1912): m'd c1868 CLARK, Janette
Ann; s/o John and Caroline (Jagger) Churchman; CA pioneer
CHURCHMAN, Henry (1836-1918): m'd 1868 BRAIN, Harriet; s/o
John and Caroline (Jagger) Churchman; CA pioneer
CHURCHMAN, John (1805-1873): m'd 1832 JAGGER, Caroline; to
CA 1847; died in Argentina
CHURCHMAN, Mary (1847-1934): m'd 1865 WAHL, Christian; d/o
John and Caroline (Jagger) Churchman; CA pioneer; born 27 Mar. 1847 Iowa
CHURCHMAN, Schuyler (1839-1923): m'd 1865 WILSON, Eliza
Ann; s/o John and Caroline (Jagger) Churchman; CA pioneer
CHURCHMAN, William (1845-c1849?): m'd NEVER MARRIED; s/o
John and Caroline (Jagger) Churchman; unable to verify if he made it to
CIRCLES or CIRCLE, Vincent (1845-1932): m'd 1870 BACKUS, Mary Jane; s/o William and Permelia (Watson) Circles; said to be pioneers of 1847 - see his parents below
CIRCLES, William (1824-1907): m'd 1844 WATSON, Permelia; said to be pioneers of 1847, if so they returned to Missouri by 1849 and came again by 1869; enumerated 1850 in Scotland Co., MO, and in 1860 in Linn Co., KS
CLARK, David Kelso (1847-1899): m'd 1875 WAGGENER, Roena E.; s/o Jason and Anna (Michael) Clark; born 25 Dec. 1847 on arrival
CLARK, Elizabeth Lydia (1843-1922): m'd 1864 STARK, James Rice; d/o Jason and Anna (Michael) Clark
CLARK, James William (1845-1906): m'd 1867 McMILLIN, Laura Stella; s/o Jason and Anna (Michael) Clark
CLARK, Jason Squire (1819-1897): m1. 1837/8 MICHAEL, Anna; m2. 1869 KUNES, Mrs. Rachel; m3. 1877 HACKNEY, Mrs. Emily; s/o Archibald and Nancy (Pope) Clark
CLARK, Oscar Fitsallen (1824-1895): m'd 1849 ALLEN, Mary Ann
CLAY, Sarah Thompson (1822-1895): m'd 1839 GILLIAM, Andrew Jackson; d/o Johnson Clay ( - 1860) & Rebecca Collet (1805-1857)
CLAYPOOL, Charity (1830- ): d/o Reuben and Isabella (Adair)
Claypool; possibly came in 1847; not found on 1850 Census or estate papers
CLAYPOOL, David Wesley (19 Nov 1835-21 Sep 1903): s/o Rueben and Isabella (Adair) Claypool; buried Burns Cemetery, Burns, Harney County, Oregon
CLAYPOOL, Eliza Ann (27 Oct 1847-18 Jul 1910): m'd 1867 McMULLEN, Samuel; d/o Reuben and Isabella (Adair) Claypool, born 27 Oct 1847 in Oregon on arrival; note that some records state she was born in 1848; bied San Joaquin, California
CLAYPOOL, Elizabeth "Betsy" (1823-1847): m'd 1838 CLIFTON, John Lewis; d/o Reuben and Martha (Russell) Claypool; died about 31 July 1847 on the Trail at Bear River
CLAYPOOL, Margaret Frances (23 Jan 1839-06 Jan 1865): m'd 1860 WASHBURN, James Harrison; d/o Reuben and Isabella (Adair) Claypool; buried Claypool Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
CLAYPOOL, Mary T. (14 Feb 1827-1854): m'd 1848 MILLER, Robert Carolina; d/o Reuben and Isabella (Adair) Claypool; died Linn County, Oregon
CLAYPOOL, Minerva (27 Sep 1841-22 Jul 1860): m'd 1860 FOGEL, George; d/o Rueben and Isabella (Adair) Claypool; died Grant County, Oregon
CLAYPOOL, Rebecca Jane (18 Feb 1832-17 May 1865): m'd 1850 DICKSON, James S.; d/o Reuben and Isabella (Adair) Claypool; buried Claypool Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
CLAYPOOL, Reuben Fletcher (02 Jul 1845-08 Jul 1914): m'd 1871 WILSON, Fannie J.; s/o Reuben and Isabella (Adair) Claypool; buried Valley View Cemetery, Vale, Malheur County, Oregon
CLAYPOOL, Reuben Rev. (10 Jul 1791-31 May 1863): m1. 26 Dec 1819 HENDRICK, Nella; m2. 07 Sep 1820 RUSSELL, Martha; m3. 23 Dec 1822 HENDRICK, Elender; m4. 13 Mar 1827 ADAIR, Isabella Ann; s/o John and Ann (Dunbar) Claypool; probably the "Capt. Claypool" mentioned in accounts; buried Claypool Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
CLAYPOOL, Sarah Eveline (26 Mar 1829-14 May 1854): m'd 12 Jul 1849 SETTLE, John T.; d/o Reuben and Isabella (Adair) Claypool; died in Linn County, Oregon
CLAYPOOL, William Redman (16 Aug 1843-26 May 1888): m'd 1885 SIEBENTHALER, Isabella; s/o Reuben and Isabella (Adair) Claypool; buried Masonic Lawn Cemetery, Sacramento, Sacramento County, California
CLAYTON, Jesse (1828-1910): m'd 1868 HECKATHORN, Lydia E. Mrs.
CLELEN, John Henry (1840-1922): m'd 1866 YOUNG, Melinda A.; son of Robert and Adalasha (Gilmore) Cleland; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
CLELEN, Robert (1820-c1881): m1. 27 Dec 1840 GILMORE, Adalasha; m2. 30 Oct 1859 WILSON, Mrs. Mary CRABTREE; first wife died 1847 of measles on Molalla Creek, Clackamas County, Oregon Territory on arrival; to Texas by 1870; aka Cleland
CLELEN, William (c1841-1855/6): s/o Robert and Adalasha (Gilmore) Cleland; died age 15
CLEMENTS, Elizabeth:
1) CLEMENTS, William "Bill" (1838- ): adopted son of Joseph S. Danforth
CLIFTON, Andrew Jefferson (1843-1907): m'd 1879 PARKER,
Flora E.; s/o John and Betsy (Claypool) Clifton
CLIFTON, B. T. - see CLIFTON, Reuben Thomas
CLIFTON, Martha Ann (1839-1918): m'd 1857 BALTIMORE, Aaron H.; d/o John and Betsy (Claypool) Clifton
CLIFTON, Reuben Thomas "B. T." (1841-1883): m'd 1876 STANLEY, Emily A.; s/o John and Betsy (Claypool) Clifton
CLIFTON, Sarah Elizabeth (1847-1936): m'd 1866 BARGER, Cyrus Willard; d/o John L. and Betsy (Claypool) Clifton; born 10 Apr. 1847 St. Joseph, Missouri
CLINE, George (1799-1864): m1. 1819 REED, Mary; m2. 1834 DAVID, Jane; m3. 1840 Bushnell, Jane OLIVER*
CLINE, Jane Emily (1843-1867): never married; d/o George and Jane (Oliver) Cline
CLINE, Joseph (1823/7-1902?): m'd 1848 BUSHNELL, Eunice R.; s/o George and Mary (Reed) Cline; married his step-sister
CLINE, Lewis C. (1830-1904): m�d 1849 GREENWOOD, Mary C.; s/o George and Mary (Reed) Cline
CLINE, Peter O. (1846-1861): s/o George and Jane (Oliver) (Bushnell) Cline
COCHRAN, Delilah (1847-1854): d/o William and Mary "Polly" (Johnson) Cochran; born on the Trail
COCHRAN, John (1817- ): s/o 1845'er James Cochran; said to have come 1847
COCHRAN, Mahala Frances (1846-1922): m1. 1863 RICE, Francis M. "Frank"; m2. 1887 TURNER, Thomas; d/o William and Mary "Polly" (Johnson) Cochran
COCHRAN, Mary Ann (1838-1863): m'd 1856 POWELL, Hiram Rice; d/o William and Mary "Polly" (Johnson) Cochran
COCHRAN, Minerva J. (1843-1878): m'd 1863 RILEY, Rev. Stephen Lattamus; d/o William and Mary "Polly" (Johnson) Cochran
COCHRAN, Nancy Ellen (1841-1910): m'd 1861 SPERRY, Elisha Green; d/o William and Mary "Polly" (Johnson) Cochran
COCHRAN, Nelson J. (1835-1919): m'd 1862 BROWN, Amanda; s/o William and Mary "Polly" (Johnson) Cochran
COCHRAN, Robert G. (1840-1893): m'd 1872 CURRIN, Martha Ann; s/o William and Mary "Polly" (Johnson) Cochran
COCHRAN, Sarah Elizabeth (1837-1903): m'd 1853 COSHOW, Oliver Perrin; d/o William and Mary "Polly" (Johnson) Cochran
COCHRAN, William (1813-1901): m1. 1834 JOHNSON, Mary "Polly" (1813-1854); m2. 1859 Sperry, Cynthia CLARK (1811-1881); m3. Kerns, Lois B. ALLEN (c1826-1894); m4. Warren, Mrs. Helen M. "Nellie" (unknown) Schrader (1836-1900 - possibly her maiden name was BLAKE)
"COCHRAN, WILLIAM--Born in Madison County, Kentucky, November 20, 1813; he is a stock -grower, and resides in Brownsville, Linn County; has lived in that county since 1849. He married Miss Mary Johnson, and his children are Nelson, Robert, William, Sarah E., Nancy E., and Mehala." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.668]
COCKRELL, unknown ( -1847): inf. c/o Claiborne and Susan (Harless) Cockrell, one of two children bpt. and buried Aug. or Sep. on Trail by the Catholic priests
COCKRELL, unknown ( -1847): inf. c/o Claiborne and Susan (Harless) Cockrell, one of two children bpt. and buried Aug. or Sep. on Trail by the Catholic priests
COCKRELL, James (1840/3- ): m'd 1866 WALLACE, Sarah; s/o Claiborne and Susan (Harless) Cockrell
COCKRELL, Jane (1841-1882): m'd c1860 BLANCHET, Damase; d/o Claiborne and Susan (Harless) Cockrell
COCKRELL, Claiborne (1821-1847/8): m'd 1840 HARLESS, Susan; s/o William and Nancy (Wright) Cockrell; died by 28 May 1848, on arrival or soon after; name was rendered as Kockrell or as Kilborn Coquerel in Catholic records
COE, Henry Willard (1820-1896): m'd c1858 SMITH, Hannah Huntington; s/o Ebenezer and Mehitable (Smith) Coe; moved to California in 1848
COE, Jacob G. (1828-1875): m'd 1853 ROSS, Elizabeth; s/o Reuben and Thirza (McKean) Coe and adopted son of his uncle Samuel T. McKean Sr.
COFFIN, Abigail M. "Abbie" (c1840- ): m'd 1858 EYRE, Thomas Turner; d/o Stephen and Susannah (Allison) Coffin
COFFIN, George Allison (1836-25 Oct 1898): m'd 1857 WILLIAMS, Margaret Elizabeth; m2. 1864 SHORBE, Alice Elizabeth; s/o Stephen and Susannah (Allison) Coffin; buried Condon Masonic Cemetery, Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon
COFFIN, Harriet (c1829- ): m'd 1848 HART, Anthony W.; d/o Stephen and Susannah (Allison) Coffin; died possibly by 1880
COFFIN, Hezekiah (1834-1863): s/o Stephen and Susannah (Allison) Coffin
COFFIN, Lucinda (1836-1887): m1. 1850 REED, Cyrus Adams (divorced); m2. 1873 MARVIN, Albert M.; d/o Stephen and Susannah (Allison) Coffin
"MARVIN, LUCINDA (COFFIN)--Born in Indiana in 1839, the daughter of General Stephen Coffin (q.v.)\ came with her parents to Oregon in 1847; lived mainly at Oregon City and Portland, and married, first, C. A. Reed, and, second, Albert M. Marvin. Residence, Salem." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.681]
COFFIN, Mary ( -1850): m'd 1848 BERRY, William H.; d/o Stephen and Susannah (Allison) Coffin
COFFIN, Stephen (04 May1807-15 Mar 1882): m1. ALLISON, Susannah; m2.HILL, Mrs. Lucina (Pickering); s/o Hezekiah and Susannah Coffin; born in Fairfax, Maine, emigrated from Franklin Co., Indiana; buried Brookside Cemetery, Dayton, Yamhill County, Oregon
"COFFIN, STEPHEN--Born in Ohio, in __; came to Oregon, bringing his family. Settled at Oregon City, but two years later purchased a half-interest in the town-site of Portland, it being the Lownsdale claim, now covered by that portion of the city between the Willamette river and Sixteenth street, and A and Caruthers streets. He grew rich by the sale of lots, and manifested immense enterprise in the various projects for building up the city of Portland. Steamship companies, roads and railroads, felt his influence, and the city owes much to his sagacity. General Coffin, as he was commonly known, helped organize the People's Transportation Company in 1860, which, for many years, controlled the traffic on the Willamette, and carried on a fierce battle with the O. S. N. Co. for the control of that of the Columbia. Previously he had, in company with his partners, Lownsdale and Chapman, purchased a controlling interest in the steamer Gold Hunter, which was to run between San Francisco and Portland, in opposition to the vessels of the Pacific Mail Company, which was opposed to Portland and strove to build up St. Helens in opposition to it. The project of the Gold Hunter proved unsuccessful. In 1851 he organized a company to build a plank road to connect the rising metropolis with the towns of the `west side'; The project was only partially successful. In 1860 he was contractor for the bridge work of the Oregon Central Railroad, west side division. Stephen Coffin died at Dayton, Yamhill County, in March, 1883." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.668-9]
COFFIN notes: According to George W. Hunt, whose family encountered Coffin late in their 1847 journey near Fort Boise, Stephen and his family came from Brookville (Franklin Co.), Indiana, which is where Stephen Coffin and Susannah Allison were married; an early Oregon "Ladie's petition against liquor" undated but probably early 1848 during the Cayuse War included signatures of Susan, Harriet, and Mary Coffin; initial of the mother of son Charles W. Coffin born about 7 Apr. 1849 in Oregon and died 26 Jan. 1850 was "S"; middle name of son George born in 1836 was Allison; these facts lead to the conclusion that Stephen Coffin's first "unknown" wife was in fact Susannah Allison, who died probably not long after the birth of son Charles, and that Harriet and Mary were the oldest daughters of the couple. [Nancy Prevost]
"Stephen B. Coffin" [by Connie Lenzen published Genealogical Forum of Oregon, Inc March 2000, Volume 49, Number 3 p. 167-175 provides an indepth look at his life]
COFFIN, Stephen C. Jr. (1845-1900): m'd 16 May 1874 CHAMBERS, Sarah Jane; s/o Stephen and Susannah (Allison) Coffin; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
COLE, Jane (1798-1880): m'd 1820 EVEREST, Richard
COLE, S. F. (1824/8- ): probably did not marry; came as hired man of David Bridgefarmer; living 1889 Asotin Co., Washington
COLEMAN, Anna Catharine "Annie� (1846-1907): m�d 1864 DAVIDSON, William Franklin; d/o James and Fanny (Murray) Coleman
COLEMAN, Charles (1817-1894): m'd 1844 LANE, Jane L.; s/o Timonty and Sarah (Lemmon) Coleman; Charles was born 01 Feb 1817 in Trenton, Huntington Co, NJ. to Oregon 1847, to California c. 1849, returned east in 1851 to Hennepin, IL The census of 1850 lists Charles as living in Sacramento, CA.. note that his mother may have accompanied them, as there was a Sarah Coleman born about 1776 New Jersey in one of the households listed for him in Sacramento in 1850. The story in the family is that they ran a restaurant and/or hotel in CA.They eventually settled in Hennepin, Ill. Charles Coleman's doctor had advised him to go west for his health. He evidently had some sort of upper respiratory illness.
COLEMAN, Eliza (1807-1851): m'd 1827/8 SMITH, William Jackson; d/o Timothy and Sarah (Lemmon) Coleman; to OR 1847; to CA; returned east by ship 1851; died soon after arrival in Hennepin IL from exposure suffered when ship wrecked near Panama
COLEMAN, George A.:
COLEMAN, Henry (1824-1908): m'd NEVER MARRIED,; s/o Nathan G. and Mary (Henry) Coleman
COLEMAN, James R. (1821-1911): m'd 1847 MURRAY, Frances
"COLEMAN, JAMES--Born in Ohio in 1831 (sic-1821); came to Oregon and settled m Yamhill County. Present residence, St. Paul, Marion County, and occupation, farmer. He married Fanny Murray, of Iowa, in 1845, and they have eleven children." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.669]
COLEMAN, William Smith (1845-c1895): m'd 1871 RAUCH, Margaretta F.; s/o Charles and Jane (Lane) Coleman; to Oregon; to California; returned east to Hennepin, IL in 1851
"In 1847 a group of 200 left in a covered wagon under Captain Haws. They had oxen team. Each wagon had a bed in back. My grandmother & grandfather and my father 2 yrs. old when they left wanted to sit with the driver. He fell out broke his leg wagon ran over it. They made a stretcher and carried him on it. It took 6 months to reach Oregon. They stayed there 2 yrs. then went to California when gold rush was on. They were gone 2 years then took a sail boat home and were out longer than expected with food and water supply running short. They spread a tarpolin for water. My father cried for sugar and they gave him a blue glass sugar bowl from the Captains table. We have the bowl now and value you it highly. Bess C. It is over 100 yrs old" [This was written by Bess Coleman, enclosed in an envelope marked�family history�, and put into the blue sugar bowl. Bess was one of the daughters of William Smith Coleman, the 2 year old of the history. It is poorly written, which is surprising as Bess was a school teacher. The text was not corrected for grammar and was contributed by Jenny Bolin]
*16: COLLARD, Elihu Benton (1838-1917): m'd 1866 WALDRON, Isaphenia
"COLLARD, E. B.--Of Lafayette, was born in Illinois, in 1838; came with his parents to Oregon in 1847. His father, F. A. Collard, was a member of the Legislature of Oregon for three terms. The subject of this sketch worked at various times in Idaho and Eastern Oregon before settling in Yamhill County, which he did in 1874. Since coming to that county he was in the grain business at Dayton until 1882, in which year he was elected sheriff, and was re-elected in 1884. He is a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellow s Orders. Married Miss Isaphenea Waldron in 1866, and their family consists of eight children Frank A., Agnes A., Lyman, Roy L., Ella Maud, Mabel, Samuel, and an infant unnamed." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.669]
*16: COLLARD, Felix Alver (1810-1864): m'd 25 Mar 1832 LEWIS, Martha Damaris; s/o John Collard (1784-1818) & Lydia Cannon (1791-1869)
*16: COLLARD, Isaac Newton (1848-1929): m'd 1877/8 ROGERS, Jane Ann; s/o Felix A. and Martha Damaris (Lewis) Collard; born 15 Jan. 1848 on arrival
*16: COLLARD, Isaphene (1843-1917): m'd 11 Apr 1858 GREENMAN, Clark N.; d/o Felix Alver Collard (1810-1864) & Martha Damaris Lewis (1814-1867)
*16: COLLARD, John Jasper (1835-1906): m'd 21 May 1857 HENDERSON, Martha Frances; s/o Felix Alver Collard (1810-1864) & Martha Damaris Lewis (1814-1867)
*16: COLLARD, Lydia Ursula (1840-1894): m'd 1858 SPRAGG, G. S.; m2. c1874 ARMSTRONG, James; d/oFelix Alver Collard (1810-1864) & Martha Damaris Lewis (1814-1867)
*16: COLLARD, Mary Jane (1833-1865): m'd 17 Sep 1850 JONES, Earl Douglas; d/o Felix Alver Collard (1810-1864) & Martha Damaris Lewis (1814-1867)
COLLINS, Carolyn ( -1847): m'd WALLING, Ebenezer
COLLINS, Lucinda (1838-1886): m1. 1855 MERILET, Louis; m2. c1870 FARES, Joesph; m3. 1878 GORDON, John; d/o Luther and Diana (Borst) Collins
COLLINS, Luther M. (1813-1852): m'd 1837 BORST, Diana
COLLINS, Stephen (c1843- ): m'd 1878 GROVER, Mrs. Anna; s/o Luther and Diana (Borst) Collins
COMEGYS, Abraham S. (07 Apr 1831-16 Mar 1874): m'd 1856 NICKLIN, Emily Jane; s/o Jacob and Mary (Spencer) Comegys; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
COMEGYS, Edna Angeline (1840- ): m'd 1855 STUART, George Julian; d/o Jacob and Angeline (Gaty) Comegys; later to CA; shown in Mendocino County, California in 1900 census as Edna W. Stuart
COMEGYS, George William (21 Oct 1845-25 Apr 1897): m'd 1877 GARDNER, Amanda Ada; s/o Jacob and Angeline (Gaty) Comegys; to CA 1856; buried Odd Fellow Cemetery, Point Arena, Mendocino County, California
COMEGYS, Jacob L. (07 Aug 1796-28 Nov 1870): m1. 30 Jul 1829 SPENCER, Mary; m2. 1838 Mills, Mrs. Angeline Perces (GATY); s/o Abraham and Ann (Smith) Comegys, to CA 1856; buried Oak Hill Memorial Park, San Jose, Santa Clara County, California
COMEGYS, Jacob Louis Lynn (1843- ): m'd 1871 CALDWELL, Sarah Pauline; s/o Jacob and Angeline (Gaty) Comegys; to CA 1856; shown in California Voter register for Santa Clara County, California in 1866; not found in 1870 census; wife died 03 Apr 1876 and is buried in Oak Hill Memorial Park, San Jose, Santa Clara County, California
COMEGYS, Mary Ann (1831-14 Jan 1861): m'd 1851 BURCH, Benjamin S.; d/o Jacob and Mary (Spencer) Comegys; to CA by 1860; buried Oak Hill Memorial Park, San Jose, Santa Clara County, California
COMSTOCK, Zurilda (1824-1853): m'd 1847 SALTMARSH, Arthur Vance
CONE, Gustavus Adolphus. Sr. (1798-1881): m'd 1819 GARRISON, Mary
"CONE, G. A.--Born in Vermont, and subsequently settled in Iowa, from which State he moved to Oregon. Settled at Butteville, Marion County, and resided there until his death, April 7, 1881. His occupation was merchandising. Five sons survived him." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.731] Note: listed as pioneer of 1851 in this publication
CONE, Gustavus Adolphus Jr. (1823-1898): m1. 1850 ILER, Emma Rebecca; m2. 1883 McCOLLUM, Maria; s/o Gustavus A. and Mary (Garrison) Cone; came with brother Oscar H., brothers Anson and Aaron came in 1846, father in 1851, mother and brothers Oliver, Francis and Philander in 1853
CONE, Oscar H. (1831-1907): m'd 1853 STRONG, Margaret J.; s/o Gustavus A. and Mary (Garrison) Cone
CONKLIN, Charles (1818-1882): m'd 1851 DOBBIN, Margaret A.
"CONKLIN, CHARLES--Born in Ohio in 1818; on arriving in Oregon he settled one mile northeast of Glencoe, and was a farmer by occupation. He married Margaret A. Beach nee Dobbin, in 1851, and their children's names are Ann Louisa, Catharine, Charles T., Ada, and Sarah. Mr. Conklin died in 1882." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.669]
CONKWRIGHT, Elizabeth (1795-21 Nov 1876): m'd 24 Feb 1811 LANDESS, Abraham Sr.; d/o Isaac Conkright; buried Lewis Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
CONLEE, John Jefferson (1826-1899): m1. 1848 DEVAUL, Emilessa �Lissie�; m2. 1860 Hamilton, Huldah Minerva NUNNELY; m3. 1865 Steel, Sarah Rebecca MINIER; s/o Reuben and Nancy (Doyle) Conlee
CONLEE, Mary (1818-1908): m'd 1838 SHUCK, Andrew J.; d/o Reuben and Nancy (Doyle) Conlee
CONLEY, Ruth Eveline (1811-1900): m1. c1836 KESTER, Jesse; m2. 1858 BARKLEY, Gabriel McNiel; returned east by 1850
CONNOR, Amanda (23 Jun 1846-26 Apr 1929): m'd 1875 GUTTRY, John L. Smith; d/o William and Theodatia (Layton) Conner; buried Plesant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
CONNOR, James: filed provisional land claim 20 Oct. 1847 - he seems most likely to be the one b. c1829 TN in a household with other men from Oregon in Shasta, Colusa, Trinity Dist., CA, in 1850
*11) CONNOR, Job (03 Dec 1827-10 Nov 1887): m1. 1855 SHELTON, Mrs. Polly Ann (RIGGS); m2. 1872 JAMES, Mrs. Martha A. (HICKLIN); s/o Robert and Nancy (Maxon) Conner; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
"CONNOR, J.--Born in Darke County, Ohio, and came to Oregon in 1847. Settled at Ballston and engaged in the pursuits of agriculture. He married Miss P. A. Riggs^in 1853. Children R. S., T. E., C. J., L., R, M. L., and N. A." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.670]
*11) CONNOR, Martha Jane (08 Jan 1844-24 Jan 1942): m1. 1858 POWELL, Albon; m2. MILLS, Christopher; d/o William and Theodatia (Layton) Conner; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
*11) CONNOR, Mary E. (23 Feb 1845-18 Mar 1918): m1. 03 Jan 1858 ALLEN, William; m2. HAMLIN, William; m3. LEACH, Frank; d/o William and Theodatia (Layton) Conner; buried Lake View Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington
*11) CONNOR, Mary Jane (13 Sep 1845-08 Dec 1905): m'd 1866 HOBART, George Washington; d/o Nathan and Elizabeth (Buell) Conner; buried Prairie View Cemetery, Grangeville, Idaho County, Idaho
*11) CONNOR, Nathan (17 Jun 1821-16 Jul 1888): m'd 1841 BUELL, Elizabeth; s/o Robert and Nancy (Maxon) Conner; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
"CONNER, NATHAN--Born in Preston County, Missouri [sic-Virginia], in 1821. Game to Oregon and settled in Polk County, and resides there still. Is a farmer by occupation. He married Miss E. Buell (born in Louisa County, Iowa), and they have had eight children." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.670]
*11) CONNOR, Sarah Ann (26 Mar 1813-19 Nov 1879): m'd 1839 FRANKLIN, Josiah; d/o Robert and Nancy (Maxon) Conner; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
*11) CONNOR, Sarah Ann (07 Aug 1842-30 Mar 1879): McCAIN, James Spencer; d/o Nathan and Elizabeth (Buell) Conner; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
*11) CONNOR, William (03 Nov 1815-16 Jul 1892): m'd 1841 LAYTON, Theodatia [or Theodocia]; m2. HICKLIN, Jane; s/o Robert and Nancy (Maxon) Conner; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
COOK, Alonzo Robert (1830-1898): m'd 1866 WOOD, Telitha; s/o John and Lavina (Norcross) Cook
COOK, Daniel N. (1829-1915): m'd 1858 (Indian), Nancy; s/o Eliphalet T. and Laura N. (Wells) Cook; called "brother-in-law of Mr. Wells" by historian Walling, but was instead the nephew of Ira Wells
COOK, David (c1827?- ): took the ApplegateTrail; possibly same as Daniel Cook
COOK, Emmett:
COOK, Isabel (1811-1888): m'd 1833 BRIGGS, Albert
*16: COOK, Mary Polly (1825-1912): m'd 1846 HUBBARD, Charles
COOKE, Calvin Whitley "C. W." (1825-1911): m'd 1849 HOOD, Rebecca E.; kept a Trail diary from 28 Apr. to 7 June 1847
Coon/Miller Familys
COON, Henry Clay (1847-1848): s/o James M. and Nancy I.
(Miller) Coon; born 25 Dec. 1847 on arrival
COON, James Madison (1813-1890): m'd 1847 MILLER, Nancy Iness; s/o Michael and Elizabeth (Kelly) Coon Jr.
COONCE, See Koontz
COOPER, Abigail E. (1831-1908): m'd 1850 PENNINGTON, Stewart McKindra; d/o Samuel Cooper and 1st wife
COOPER, Bazzel W. (03 Oct 1833-1907): m'd 1855 UMPHREY, Sarah E. ; s/o Samuel Cooper; settled in Linn Co; mined in CA in 1855
COOPER, Chandler (1823-1865): m'd c1853 FRYER, Elvira Ann; s/o George Cooper; brother of Franklin who also came; evidently was in CA and back east in IN before arriving a second time in 1850
COOPER, Franklin (1822-1903): m1. 1858 Irwin, Kisena HALL Chamness; m2. 1870 Dunbar, Angeline BEEBE; s/o George Cooper; brother of Chandler who also came; evidently made at least one trip east around 1850 and back
COOPER, Jacob "Jake" (c1823-1873): s/o David Cooper; probably the one who married on the Trail near the Mormon ferry on the North Platte on 16 July 1847 to "Kittean HUCKLEBEE" who may be the same as Catherine Huckaby who married 1847 pioneer Jefferson John Louk in 1848/9. The Trail marriage was evidently not performed by a minister, the group instead deputizing a man to say the ceremony, and may have been deemed invalid after their arrival in Oregon. Jake died leaving no wife or children, his heirs brothers and sisters mostly residing in Iowa, but his will contained a bequest to the oldest son of "Katy Ann Lowke".
COOPER, James Gordon (1841- ): s/o Samuel Cooper and first wife
COOPER, John (1839- ): s/o Samuel Cooper and first wife
COOPER, Minerva (1818-1887): m'd 1836 YOCUM, Jesse; d/o Meredith and Polly (Witcher) Cooper
COOPER, Nancy ( - ): m'd BURKHART, George W.
COOPER, Sadine (1848-1867): m'd 1865 CROCKET, Francis M.; d/o Samuel and Rebecca (Short) Cooper; born about 10 Jan. 1848 after arrival
COOPER, Samuel (1799-1883): m1. unknown; m2. 1846 Skinner, Rebecca SHORT; said to have brought six sons (which included two step-sons) and two daughters in 1847; possibly he came first in 1843
COOPER, Tabitha Jane (1836-1890): m'd 1854 BRINGHAM, Samuel Martin; d/o Samuel Cooper and first wife
CORBELL, Mary Ann (1823-1857): m'd 1841 LARKINS, William Henry
CORNELIUS, Isaac ( -1847):
CORNELIUS, John A. (1839-1880): m'd 1865 WALLACE, Elizabeth Jane
CORY, Benjamin Dr. (1822-1896): m'd 1853 BRALY, Sarah Ann; s/o James Manning Cory Sr.; a physician, he kept Trail journal; to OR 1847 and then by sea to CA in Nov. 1847
*27: CORYELL, Abraham Hoagland (1788-08 Jun 1862): m'd 29 Apr 1815 FLAGG, Abigail; s/o Cornelius and Phebe (Williams) Coryell; wife died prior to emigration
CORYELL, George Matthew (16 Apr 1828-09 May 1909): m1. 11 Jan 1851 McBEE, Nancy Ann; m2. 1872 THOMPSON, Mary Caroline (MILLER); s/o Abraham H. and Abigail (Flagg) Coryell; buried Colfax Cemetery, Colfax, Whitman County, Washington
CORYELL, Lewis Stillwell (19 Sep 1820-30 Jan 1905): m'd 1851 MATHENY, Mahala; s/o Abraham H. Coryell; died Coburg, Lane County, Oregon
COSGROVE, Anna E. (17 Mar 1834-30 Aug 1897): m'd 1851 ELDRIEDGE, Freeman Edward; twin of Mary Ellen Cosgrove; d/o Hugh and Mary (Rositer) Cosgrove; buried St. Louis Cemetery, Gervias, Marion County, Oregon
COSGROVE, Caroline (Feb 1847-23 Aug 1907): m'd c1867 VANTINE, William D.; d/o Hugh and Mary (Rositer) Cosgrove; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
COSGROVE, Elizabeth A. (20 Jul 1837-16 May 1899): m'd 24 Nov 1856 MURPHY, Andrew Daniel; d/o Hugh and Mary (Rositer) Cosgrove; buried St. Paul Catholic Cemetery, St. Paul, Marion County, Oregon
COSGROVE, Hugh F. (24 Dec 1802-10 Apr 1901): m1. 15 Jun 1831 ROSITER, Mary Maria; m2. 17 May 1877 BARNES, Amanda; m3. 1891 Eagleson, Jane WRIGHTSON; s/o Hugh and Margaret (Fitzpatrick) Cosgrove; buried St Paul Catholic Cemetery, St. Paul, Marion County, Oregon; Hugh and Mary had two more children born in Oregon - Hugh Francis and Marie Emmeline "Emma"; out of eleven children, only four were still living at Hugh's death
"COSGROVE, HUGH--Born in Ireland in 1811; arrived in Canada in 1820; came to Oregon and settled two and a half miles south of Champoeg on a farm and still resides there. Married Mary Rossiter in 1831, who is now dead. Children: Mrs. A. Eldridge, Mrs. Mary Jackson, Mrs. E. Murphy, Mrs. C. Vantine, Susan Cosgrove, and Mrs. E. Wagner." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.670]
COSGROVE, Hugh (12 1848-Jan 1848): s/o Hugh and Mary (Rositer) Cosgrove; born and died 12 Jan. 1848 on arrival; buried Old St. Paul Catholic Cemetery, St. Paul, Marion County, Oregon
COSGROVE, James (1839-03 Feb 1863): m'd 20 Feb 1860 CAVENAUGH, Mary A. E.; s/o Hugh and Mary (Rositer) Cosgrove; buried St. Paul Catholic Cemetery, St. Paul, Marion County, Oregon
COSGROVE, Marguerite (27 Jul 1832-20 Feb 1875): m'd 24 Feb 1851 POUJADE, Theodore Clement; d/o Hugh and Mary (Rositer) Cosgrove; died Lincoln County, Nevada
COSGROVE, Mary Ellen (17 Mar 1834-12 Dec 1899): m1. 1853 COSTELLO, James; m2. 1860 JACKSON, Jerome B.; twin of Anna E. Cosgrove; d/o Hugh and Mary (Rositer) Cosgrove; buried St. Paul Catholic Cemetery, St. Paul, Marion County, Oregon
COSPER, William (09 Feb 1821-29 Oct 1900): m'd 21 Mar 1850 BRANSON, Almira, father of 8 known children (the majority died young), resided Polk and Marion counties, buried Looney Cemetery, Jefferson, Marion County, Oregon
COSGROVE, Susan G. (Mar 1845-09 Apr 1914): never married;d/o Hugh and Mary (Rositer) Cosgrove; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
COTTINGHAM, Alsea (1799- ): m1. 1816 VICTOR, Samuel B.; m2. 1824 DAVIS, Truet; d/o William and Mary Cottingham; died late 1860's
COTTLE, Charles H. (1845-1919): s/o Royal and Sarah (Parker) Cottle; lived in California, Oregon, Idaho and Montana; evidently did not marry
COTTLE, Frank (1842- ): m'd 1879 Larcom, Arabella Esther "Belle" CAROTHERS; s/o Royal and Sarah (Parker) Cottle; he died between 1910 and 1919 California
COTTLE, Royal (1810-1891): m1. 1841 PARKER, Sarah; m2. 1852 BRYANT, Mary; elected to the Oregon Territorial legislature in 1853; to San Jose CA about 1857*
COTTON, Caltha Hillman (1840- ): m'd c1861 DEARDORFF, James G.; d/o William R. B. and Tallitha M. (Vivian) Cotton
COTTON, Charles Edward (1843- ): s/o William R. B. and Tallitha M. (Vivian) Cotton
COTTON, Frances A. "Fanny" (1826-1853): m'd 1842 TURPIN, William M.; d/o William R. B. and Tallitha M. (Vivian) Cotton
COTTON, George Taylor (1846-1920): m'd 1876 BARKER, Florence Janette �Jennie�; s/o William R. B. and Tallitha M. (Vivian) Cotton
COTTON, Mary Eliza (1837- ): m�d 1855 STRONG, George M.; d/o William R. B. and Tallitha M. (Vivian) Cotton
COTTON, Sarah Martha (1835-1915): m'd 1859 SHIELDS, James; d/o William R. B. and Tallitha M. (Vivian) Cotton
COTTON, Susan Jane (1832- ): m'd 1855 STANSBURY, Zenus Nehemiah; d/o William R. B. and Tallitha M. (Vivian) Cotton
COTTON, William Richard Barnes (1802- ): m'd 1825 VIVIAN, Tallitha M.
COWAN, Elizabeth A. (1839-1879 ): m'd 12 Dec 1855 HACKLEMAN,
John Harris; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn Co, OR - she would appear
to be a daughter of Andrew and Nancy (Hayes) Cowan; her father Andrew was
listed in Clatsop Co. OR on the 1850 census and also with the family in Missouri
and gave an arrival date of 1852 on his donation claim
COWAN, Emmeline Ann (08 Apr 1847-14 Dec 1921): m'd 1872 CARR, Samuel Basil; d/o Robert B. and C. Mary (Jones) Cowan; buried Applegate Pioneer Cemetery, Yoncalla, Douglas County, Oregon
COWAN, Mary Jane (03 Sep 1845-07 Oct 1913): m1. 12 May 1862 CANNON, George Washington [divorced]; m2. 1904 LINGENFELTER, Samuel; d/o Robert B. and C. Mary (Jones) Cowan; buried Quilcene Cemetery, Quilcene, Jefferson County, Washington
COWAN, Robert Burns (15 Aug 1822-09 Mar 1865): m'd 1844 JONES, Caroline Mary; buried Cowan Family Cemetery, Yoncalla, Douglas County, Oregon
*16) COWHICK, Elizabeth (07 May 1808-01 Feb 1872): m'd 21 Aug 1828 SCHOLL, Peter; d/o Thomas and Lucy (Adamson) Cowhick; buried Lewis Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
COWHICK, Thomas Andrew (1774-1866): m1. 25 Dec 1803 ADAMSON, Lucy (1776-1841);
m2. 09 Feb 1849 PUGH, Mrs. Mary; s/o Patrick and Catherine (Lawson) Cowhick;
second wife seems likely to have been Mary (Donovan) Pugh (1791-1872) who came
in 1846; settled in Washington County; father of seven children (Elisha Adamson,
Mary A., Elizabeth, Anna M., Katherine, Osa and John.
Only Elizabeth emigrated to Oregon]
*26) COX, Cynthia Ann (1831- ): m'd
REYNOLDS, James S.; d/o Thomas and Martha (Cox) Cox
*26) COX, Daniel W. (1839-1883): m'd 1861 MAY, Henrietta; s/oJoseph and Eliza (Parker) Cox
*26) COX, Eliza (1829-1866): m'd 1851 HARDING, Benjamin Franklin; d/o Thomas and Martha (Cox) Cox; born 06 Jun 1829 and died 18 Aug 1866 Marion Co, OR
*26) COX, Elizabeth Catherine (1813-1889): m'd 1829 POLLEY, Peter; d/o Thomas and Martha (Cox) Cox; born 01 Mar 1813 and died 15 May 1889
*26) COX, Elizabeth or Eliza Caroline "Lizzie" (1846-1863): m'd1862 BROWN, James C.; d/o Joseph and Eliza (Parker) Cox
*26) COX, Joseph (1811-1876): m'd 1833 PARKER, Eliza; s/o Thomas and Martha (Cox) Cox
*26) COX, Lucinda (1816-1888): m1. 1835 BROWN, Elias (1810-1847); m2. 1850 ALLEN, Hiram; m3. 1859 SPENCER, George Washington; twin d/o Thomas and Martha (Cox) Cox
*26) COX, Malinda (1816- ): m'd 1833 BROWN, Henry; d/o Thomas and Martha (Cox) Cox
*26) COX, Malinda E. (1841-1882): m'd 1855 GLENN, George G.; d/o Joseph and Eliza (Parker) Cox
*26) COX, Martha (1791-1849): m'd 1807 COX, Thomas; maiden name same as married name; born 25 Oct 1791 and died 22 May 1849 Marion Co, OR
*26) COX, Milton R. (1843-1920): m1. 1863 HARRIS, Alma; m2.(unknown), Maryette; s/o Joseph and Eliza (Parker) Cox
*26) COX, Sarah W. ( -1918): m'd BARKER, William Clement - this is probably a mistake. Barker's first wife was Elvira Chadwick Brown, d/o Lucinda Cox, and his second wife was Sarah Fiester
*26) COX, Thomas (1791-1862): m'd 1807 COX, Martha; born 22 Oct 1791 and died 08 Oct 1862 Marion Co, OR; a daughter, Martha Cox , did not accompany the emigration and instead remained in Wilmington, IL where she died in 1851
*26) COX, Thomas H. (1836-1878): m'd 1858 COX, Loretta A.; s/oJoseph and Eliza (Parker) Cox
*26) COX, William H. (1827-1865): m'd 1849 SAUCIER, Adeline Frances; s/o Thomas and Martha (Cox) Cox; born 07 Jan 1827 and died 16 Sep 1865 Walla Walla, WA
COYLE, John Henry (1847-1916): m'd 1874
THOMPSON, Margaret J.; s/o Reuben Stringer and Hannah (Carroll) Coyle
COYLE, Michael (1812-1867): m'd 1857 McLELLAN, Theresa; divorced 1858/60; from Scotland, he was not related to the other 1847 Coyles
COYLE, Reuben Stringer (1821-1888): m'd 1843 CARROLL, Hannah; s/o John "Jackie" Patrick and Elizabeth (Stringer) Coyle; father died in 1848 and mother emigrated with younger children in 1851; started from Peoria Co, IL; settled Linn Co, OR
COYLE, Thomas Jefferson "Jeff" (1845-1925): m1. 1868 KIRKENDALL, Elizabeth Ann; m2. 1897 Merriam, Nancy Anna HAZEN; s/o Reuben S. and Hannah (Carroll) Coyle
COYLE, William (1824-1882): m'd 1847 JONES, Mary Ann; s/o John "Jackie" Patrick and Elizabeth (Stringer) Coyle; father died in 1848 and mother emigrated with younger children in 1851; started from Peoria Co, IL; settled in Linn Co, OR
CRAFT, Daniel Joseph (1828/32-1908): m'd 1853 FIELDS, Ruth
CRAIN, J. H. (1831- ): listed in Bancroft and probably refers to Joseph A. Crain (1831-1896): s/o John and Elizabeth Crain; but his gravestone says pioneer of 1851 and he and his parents were in Fountain Co., Indiana, in 1850
CRANDALL, Elias J. (1817-1890): m'd 1848 DANFORTH, Sarah Ann
*26) CRANE, Mary Catherine (1792-1876): m'd 1814 BELLINGER, John Henry
*2: CRANFILL, Francis "Octavia" (25 Feb
1847-1870): m'd 1866 ROBNETT, John A.; d/o Isom and Matilda (Doyle) Cranfill;
Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
*2: CRANFILL, Franklin Lafayette (02 Jun 1844-18 Feb 1914): m'd 1875 CROW, Ophelia; s/o Isom and Matilda (Doyle) Cranfill; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
*2: CRANFILL, Isom Jason Rev. (27 Nov 1807-24 Nov 1877): m1. 1830 GROCE/GROSS, Nancy; m2. 17 Dec 1840 DOYLE, Matilda L.; s/o Thomas and Sarah (Eaton) Cranfill; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon; secretary for the Jordan Sawyer wagon train, kept a journal that is now available at the University of Oregon library; Baptist minister
*2 :CRANFILL, Jasper Newton (10 Oct 1841-10 May 1868): s/o Isom and Matilda (Doyle) Cranfill; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
*2: CRANFILL, Virginia Caroline (13 Apr 1843-23 Feb 1927): m1. 1860 CROOKS, Barton William; m2. 07 Dec 1897 CRAWFORD, William Anderson; d/o Isom and Matilda (Doyle) Cranfill; buried Selah Pioneer Cemetery, Selah, Yakima County, Washington
CRANK, Joseph (1820- ): m'd 1849 PREWETT, Minerva
CRANK, Mary A. (1836- ): m'd 1852 MAY, A. J.
CRANK, Minerva P. (1847- ): m'd WHITSETT, William C. R.
CRANK, Nathaniel (1795- ): m'd 1819 FITZPATRICK, Susannah
CRANK, Perlina (1840- ): m'd 1857 GRIFFITH, John
CRANK, Sarah B. (1826- ): m'd 1848 FLEENER, Simon P. C.
CRANK, William M. (1846- ):
CRAWFORD, John Davis (16 Aug 1824-04 Aug 1877): m'd 1857 BARNHART, Agnes McEwan; s/o Samuel G. and Elizabeth (Davis) Crawford; brother, Medorum Crawford emirgated to Oregon in 1842; buried Butteville Cemetery, Butteville, Marion County, Oregon
CRAWFORD, Peter W. (27 Nov 1819-10 Jun 1889): m'd 30 Aug 1854 PATTERSON, Drucella "Zillah" H.; born in Scotland, s/o Alexander and Jane (Pringle) Crawford; buried Old Vancouver City Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington; Peter kept a Trail journal from which he later worked up a long account for the historian Bancroft (it is housed in the Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley, California); started from Valparaiso IN as a driver for George Cline in the Oskaloosa Company, taking the Columbia River route when that train divided in two; on the advice of Dr. Marcus Whitman he located on the Cowlitz River in what became Washington; a surveyor, he did much early work in both Washington and Oregon drawing lines for claims and platting towns
CRAWFORD, Ronald C. (31 Jan 1827-12 Jul 1924): m'd 02 Apr 1852 MOORE, Elizabeth Jane; s/o Samuel G. and Elizabeth (Davis) Crawford; buried Lake View Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington
1) 2) CRISP, Benjamin Franklin (03 Jul 1830-01
Sep 1849): never married; s/o
William M. and Hannah (Wilson) Crisp; fell ill in the CA gold fields and died 1
Sep. 1849
1) 2) CRISP, Elmira J. (14 Sep 1832- ): m'd 11 Aug 1850 DAVIS, John Henry; d/o William M. and Hannah (Wilson) Crisp
1) 2) CRISP, Louisa T. (21 Jul 1815-1875): m'd Sep 1832 JOHNSON, James L.; d/o William M. and Hannah (Wilson) Crisp
1) 2) CRISP, Mansil Roundtree (01 Dec 1820-21 Apr 1886): m'd 20 May1851 BEAGLE, Nancy Jane; s/o William M. and Hannah (Wilson) Crisp
1) 2) CRISP, Margaret Ann "Peggy" (29 May 1818-17 Dec 1871): m'd Oct 1838 CAMPBELL, James Alexander; d/o William M. and Hannah (Wilson) Crisp
1) 2) CRISP, Mary Malvina (29 May 1837-c1891): m'd 27 Apr 1852 BEAGLE, Perry Oliver Hazard; d/o William M. and Hannah (Wilson) Crisp
1) 2) CRISP, William Mansil (1788-1847): m'd 18 May 1809 WILSON, Hannah; part of the Texas train of 16 wagons that joined the Cornelius Smith train; died mid Dec. 1847 at Portland on arrival; daughter Lucinda Wilson Crisp and her husband Elijah Millican came to OR in 1843
1) 2) CRISP, William S. Houston (1828-1849): never married; s/o William M. and Hannah (Wilson) Crisp; fell ill in the CA gold fields and died 20 Nov. 1849 at sea returning to Oregon
CROSBY, Ann Eliza aka Marie Louise (1832-1871): m1. 1848 FISETTE, Charles; m2. c1860 BUNNELL, Dennis Dowd; d/o John and Rachel (Brown) Crosby
CROSBY, Charles John Brown Woodby (1828-1903): m1. 1851 FLORENCE, Margaret Virginia; m2. 1882 MORGAN, Martha; s/o John and Rachel (Brown) Crosby
CROSBY, Edward:
CROSBY, John (1794-1866): m'd 1827 BROWN, Rachel
CROSBY, Martha S. aka Susanna Mathilda (1835-1881/82): m1. 1851 SCOTT, Emsley R.; m2. c1873 BUNNELL, Dennis Dowd; d/o John and Rachel (Brown) Crosby
CROWDER, Reuben (1829-1900): m1. 1870 HENDRIX, Nancy E.; m2. 1881 WILKINSON, Eliza A.
*16) CRUMBAKER, Ann E. (1818-1890): m'd 1837 STEWART, Benjamin Elliott; buried Yamhill Carlton Pioneer Memorial Cemetery, Yamhill, Yamhill County, Oregon
CULLEN, John Winchell (18 Jun 1838-14 Dec 1939): m'd 1859 HEMBREE, Anna "Annie" Eliza; s/o John and Otelia (Winchell) Cullen; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
"Minister, printer, Indian fighter, was born in La Porte Co., Ind. and came overland with mother and stepfather, 1847. Lived in Portland's first frame house built by John Morrison for Nathaniel Crosby; learned harness and saddlery trade and printing. Served in Yakima Indian War and in Civil War, with Oregon volunteers. Became M.E. minister in 1870s until death. Often spoken of as Oregon's last Indian War veteran. He married Anne E. Hembree, 1859; they had 11 children." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 67]
came with his mother and step-father Adam G. Polk; he had a long and colorful career, serving in the Rogue River Indian War, the Civil War, the Nez Perce War, and the Bannock War; learned the saddlery business, was a pioneer printer in Washington and Oregon, and a preacher in Oregon, Idaho and California; wrote an account of the 1847 journey for the Oregon Historical Society using the Elizabeth (Dixon) Smith journal and adding his personal recollections; died 14 Dec. 1939 Portland age 101
CURL, Amanda E. (1845-1876): m'd 1860 POWELL, Abraham Thomas; d/o James and Anna (Elliott) Curl
CURL, Caleb W. (1829-1905): m'd 1850 FULKERSON, Margaret Emeline; s/o James and Anna (Elliott) Curl
CURL, Cornelius G. (1837-1874): m'd 1864 STIPP, Nellie; s/o James and Anna (Elliott) Curl
CURL, Demarcus Lafayette "D. L." (1834-1900): m'd 1861 SHELTON, Lucy Virginia; s/o James and Anna (Elliott) Curl
CURL, James (1798-1863): m'd 1822 ELLIOTT, Anna; besides his own children, he brought the youngest two children of his brother John Curl to Oregon in 1847
CURL, John (1832-1920): m'd 1853 SNODDERLY, Elizabeth Caroline; s/o James and Anna (Elliott) Curl
CURL, Martha (1836-1915): m'd 1853 MOREHEAD, Robert M.; d/o James and Anna (Elliott) Curl
CURL, Mary E. (1843- ): m1. 1858 RAY, Martin; m2. c1870 DOUGHERTY, Michael Mcmaley; d/o James and Anna (Elliott) Curl
CURL, Newton Glasco (1837-1903): m1. 1871 HEARN, Augusta; m2. 1882 DeBEAUMONT, Marie E.E.; son of Rev. John and Sarah Curl; came with uncle James Curl
CURL, Parthana J. (1826-1914): m1. 1842 THOMISON, James W.; m2. 1848 CALAVAN, Joel; d/o James and Anna (Elliott) Curl; said to have been a widow with two Thomison children in 1847
CURL, Samirah Ann [Samaria or Samysah] (c1824- ): m'd 1842 PAYNE, Lewis; d/o James and Anna (Elliott) Curl
CURL, Sarah Ann "Sally" (1839-1908): m'd 1857 JAMES, Andrew Jackson; d/o Rev. John and Sarah Curl; came with uncle James Curl
CURL, Thomas R. (1841-1904): m'd 1860 RAY, Josephine; s/o James and Anna (Elliott) Curl
CURTIS, Mary Jane (1818-c1875): m1. 1842 BALCH, Danford; m2. 1862 CONFER, John
CUTTING, Abel (1846-1921): m'd Dec 1869 POWERS, Perces; s/o David and Mary Ethel (Mattoon) Cutting
CUTTING, Adelia Malvena "Ada" (1823- ): m'd 1843 ELLIOTT, Francis N.; d/o Charles Sr. and Abigail (Hall) CuttingCUTTING, Adelia Malvena "Ada" (1826-1893): m�d 1843 ELLIOTT, Francis; d/o Charles and Abigail (Hall) Cutting; half-sister of David, her parents came in 1846
CUTTING, Child: c/o David and Mary Ethel (Mattoon) Cutting evidently Mary below
CUTTING, David (1814-1868): m'd 31 Nov 1838 MATTOON, Mary Ethel; s/o Charles Sr. and Sally Reed (Hall) Cutting; his father, stepmother Abigail (Hall) Cutting, probable brother Jones Cutting, and half-brothers Andrew Jackson and Charles Jr. emigrated to OR in 1846
CUTTING, James Jones (1840-1876): s/o David and Mary Ethel (Mattoon) Cutting
CUTTING, Joseph Hubbard (1789-1858): m'd 1809 HATCH, Fannie; s/o Jonas and Sarah (Baker) Cutting; he went to CA 1847, returned east 1848, and was a guide for a train in 1849 under Capt. J. A. Gooding, again to CA; in CA 1852, died Lockport, Will Co., IL
CUTTING, Mary (1843- ): d/o David and Mary (Mattoon) Cutting; died by 1849
CUTTING, Oren (1847-1924): m'd 03 Mar 1888 VAUGHN, Nancy Virginia; s/o David and Mary Ethel (Mattoon) Cutting; born 14 Oct 1847 on arrival at Park Place, OR
CYRUS, Enoch (27 Mar 1844-01 Sep 1916): m'd 1869 SUTHERLIN, Mary; s/o William and Mary Ann (Deakins) Cyrus; buried Juniper Hazen Cemetery, Prineville, Crook County, Oregon
CYRUS, Hepsabah (20 Oct 1846-13 Mar 1878): m'd 12 May 1867 QUEENER, John H.; d/o William and Mary Ann (Deakins) Cyrus; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
CYRUS, James (1812-1861): m'd 1832 DUNCAN, Margaret; s/o Nimrod and Frances Cyrus; uncle of William Cyrus, said to have come in 1847, if so returned to Henderson Co. IL by 1850 before bringing family out in 1853
CYRUS, Rachel (1843-1923): m'd 25 Oct 1864 DORRIS, Columbus; d/o William and Mary Ann (Deakins) Cyrus; buried Alturas Cemetery, Alturas, Modoc County, California
CYRUS, Rebecca Jane (19 Nov 1842-14 Sep 1863): m'd 14 Jul 1861 HASSLER, James Hassler; d/o William and Mary Ann (Deakins) Cyrus; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
CYRUS, William (17 Dec 1820-06 Jun 1890): m1. 24 Feb 1842 DEAKINS, Mary Ann; m2. 1865 Garland, Jane BRISCOE Sutherlin; m3. 1880 Moore, Margaret H. CHARLTON; s/o Enoch and Rebecca (Cook) Cyrus; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
"CYRUS, WILLIAM--Is engaged in farming and stock-growing at Scio, Linn County. He was born of Scotch and English parents in Granger County, Tennessee, on the seventeenth of December, 1820; came overland to Oregon and has lived for a great number of years on his farm in Linn County. Was elected a State Senator from that county in 1866, and in 1872 was elected county commissioner. His farm at Scio consists of eleven hundred acres of land. He was married three times; his first wife s previous name was Mary A. Deakins, a native of Indiana. By her his children are Rebecca J., Enoch, Rachel, Hepsibah, Henry, Charlotte, Mary E., Nancy C., Christiancy M., and John E. By his second wife, Jane Brisco, of Indiana, his children are Owen B., Jane, and Warren. His third wife was Margaret H. Charlton, of Virginia. In 1884 there were photographed on Mr. Cyrus farm, his family, consisting of sixty-four children and grandchildren." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.670]
D'ARCY, Maria S.:
DANFORD or DANFORTH, John C. (c1822- ): probably did not marry; one
of four men who packed from Fort Hall with Stewat Pennington; was in First
Company of Oregon Riflemen in 1847, he filed on
provisional land claims in 1847 and 1848 in Clatsop County but did not file a
donation claim; was in CA in 1850, arrived back in Oregon in January 1850 aboard
the Bark John W. Cater that narrowly missed wrecking at the mouth of the
Columbia, was in Douglas County Oregon in 1860 and 1870;
possibly same as John Chase Danford, s/o Ebenezer and Hepzibeth (Dufur) Danford
or Danforth, born 26 Jan. 1821 Belknap Co. NH
DANFORTH, Joseph S. (1791- 1860): m1. 16 Nov 1817 WELLS, Rosalinda; m2.
24 Jan1859 BAKER, Mrs. Elizabeth ROBINSON
1) DANFORTH, Lucius (1822-c1900): m1. 1844 WELLS, Sophia A. (divorced); m2. 1857 BASYE, Mary Ann; s/o Joseph and Rosalinda (Wells) Danforth; a physician, returned east with his family late 1849 or early 1850 and came again alone in 1852, later divorcing Sophia for abandonment because of her refusal to accompany him; buried Fraternal Cemetery, Thompson Falls, Sanders County, Montana
1) DANFORTH, Manly (1818-aft 1885): m1. 22 Mar 1847 WELLS, Rosalinda (1829-1847); m2. 20 Jun 1851 MALY, Maria Anna, divorced; s/o Joseph and Rosalinda (Wells) Danforth; was still living in 1885; settled Yamhill County, was in Lane County by 1860 census; 1870 was in Jackson County and by 1880 was living in Columbia County, Washington
DANFORTH, Sarah Ann (c1832- ): m1. 1848 CRANDALL, Elias Jones (divorced); m2. 1862 WILLSEY, Alamando
(divorced); m3. GAY, Evans Stewart; d/o Joseph and Rosalinda (Wells)
DARBY, Matilda (1831-1921): m'd 1847 MCKINNEY, William W.
DARLAND or DORLAND, Mary (1812-1889): m'd 1834 ROBINSON, Nathan
DARLING, Rachel Ann (1815-1893): m'd 1831 FIESTER, Daniel
DARST, Paul (1819-1874): m'd 1861 PHILLIPS, Cinderella; s/o David
and Mary (Shuler) Darst
DARST, William (1824-1891): m’d 1869 O'CONNOR, Catherine E.; s/o David and Mary (Shuler) Darst
DAVIDSON, Albert Franklin Capt. (1819-1890): m'd 1851 MUNKERS, Mary
Elizabeth, divorced 1856; s/o James and Mary A. (Ament) Davidson; came first in
1845, captain of 1847 emigrant train
DAVIDSON, Aurelia Amelia or Ann (1825-1907): m'd Apr. 1846 BARKER,
William Swett; d/o James and Mary A. (Ament) Davidson
DAVIDSON, Charles Henry (1828-1909): m'd 1868 SYLVESTER, Mary
Estella; s/o James and Mary A. (Ament) Davidson; a physician, lived various
places before locating by 1880 in the area of Brigham City UT
14) DAVIDSON, Eliza Ann (1828-1899): m'd 1848 BURCH, Benjamin
Franklin; d/o Hezekiah and Melissa (Page) Davidson; husband was Capt. in 1855
Indian wars; 1857 served on State Constitutional Convention; member of first
legislature; 1868 state senator; Superintendent of state prison; 1887 appointed
Receiver of Land Office; raised stock south of Independence, Polk Co
DAVIDSON, Gideon Blackburn Dr. (1820-1873): m'd 1854 ROBINSON,
Rebecca J.; s/o James W. and Mary (Lipe) Davidson; came 1847 and again in 1849
(or from California); possibly additional trip in 1852
DAVIDSON, Green Clay (1818-1878): m1. 1839 MILLION, Nancy; divorced
1867; m2. (unknown), Melissa R.; s/o James W. and Mary (Lipe) Davidson; on
Bancroft's list, but if he came 1847 he returned east by 1850 and came again in
14) DAVIDSON, Hezekiah (1789-1876): m'd 1821 PAGE, Melissa Ann; s/o
John and Rachel (Ellis) Davidson
14) DAVIDSON, Hezekiah Jr. (1830-1910): m'd c1852/55 HASLET, Ellen
S.; s/o Hezekiah and Melissa A. (Page) Davidson
DAVIDSON, James (1792-1876): m'd 1817 AMENT, Mary Amelia; s/o John
and Rachel (Ellis) Davidson
14) DAVIDSON, James Orville (1825-1899): m'd 1851 LINVILLE, Mary E.; s/o Hezekiah and Melissa A. (Page) Davidson
"DAVIDSON, JAMES O.--Born in Warren County, Kentucky, in October, 1825, and was taken to Illinois two years later. He came to Oregon in 1847, and settled at Monmouth, Polk County, but now resides at Buena Vista. Is a farmer and stock -raiser. He married Mary E. Linville in 1850, in Polk County, and their children are Annette, Lida, Orville P., Ellis, Mary B., James L., and Ralph L." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.671]
14) DAVIDSON, John E. (1823-1890): m'd 1850 DAVIS, Mary N.; s/o Hezekiah and Melissa (Page) Davidson; to CA gold fields 1848; built first business building in Independence in 1850; with Nesmith in Cayuse War; 1853 became physician in Independence
"DAVIDSON, J. E., M.D.--Born in Barroii County, Kentucky, November 17, 1823. Moving in 1829 to Illinois, he resided there until he came to Oregon, and took up a claim to the land whereon Independence now stands. In 1850 he erected there the first business house of that place, in company with Burbanks. Two years preceding he had spent in the California gold mines. When the Cayuse war ensued, Dr. Davidson joined Nesmith's command and served against the Indians. The Doctor has practiced medicine since 1853, but secured his diploma in 1808, at the Willamette University. He was married in 1850 to Mary Davis. Is in medical practice at Independence." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.670-1]
DAVIDSON, John P. ( -1847):
14) DAVIDSON, Jonathan (1840-1896): m'd (unknown), Ellen; s/o
Hezekiah and Melissa (Page) Davidson; 1870 is listed in census as farmer; 1880
is single, working in mill and living with brother, John in Independence
14) DAVIDSON, Lauretta Jane (1822-1900): m1. 1839 WEBB, Wiley; m2.
1854 JOHNSTON, David; d/o Hezekiah and Melissa A. (Page) Davidson; said to have
come in 1847 with her family but she was in IL in 1850, in OR by 1853
DAVIDSON, Laurinda Jane (1830-1916): m'd 1849 GOODHUE, Samuel H.;
d/o James and Mary A. (Ament) Davidson
DAVIDSON, Louisa Frances "Fanny" (1840-1905): m'd 1860 O’MEARA, James; d/o James and Mary A. (Ament) Davidson
14) DAVIDSON, Mary E. (1833-1889): m'd 1850 WALLER, Hugh McNary; d/o Hezekiah and Melissa (Page) Davidson
14) DAVIDSON, Melissa Ann (1835-1898): m'd 1851 BURKHART, Leander Columbus; d/o Hezekiah and Melissa (Page) Davidson; husband was a businessman at Albany, Linn Co
DAVIDSON, T. C.: m'd GESNER, Amney - this was Thomas Clinton,
s/o Albert Franklin Davidson, not born til 1855
DAVIDSON, Thomas Luther (1833-1920): m’d 1868 MELSON, Mary Susan; s/o James and Mary A. (Ament) Davidson
DAVIS, Benjamin F. (1808-1858): m’d 1831 SLUYTER, Catharine S.; s/o
Enos and Hannah (Marshall) Davis
DAVIS, Caroline Eunice (1842-c1903): m1. 1858 SMITH, Daniel; m2.
c1861 DAVIS, Edward Whitaker; d/o Benjamin F. and Catharine (Sluyter) Davis
DAVIS, David Daniel (1807-1860): m'd 1831 DONAHOE, Hannah; m2. 1852 Sarah Ann (KINDRED) Bowman; David D Davis Family
DAVIS, Eleanor B. (1825/9-1899): m’d 1849 HACKLEMAN, Abraham; d/o
Truet and Alsea (Cottingham) Davis*
DAVIS, Elizabeth (1827/8-1903): m’d McCLELLAND, Ephraim D.; d/o
Truet and Alsea (Cottingham) Davis; possibly came in 1847, but if so returned
east, residing in Kansas by 1860*
DAVIS, Elizabeth (1842- ): m’d by 1859 BAXTER, Frank M.; d/o David
D. and Hannah (Donahoe) Davis; possibly died by 1870
DAVIS, Hannah Ann (1833-1904): m'd 1851 HENDRICKS, Caswell; d/o David D. and Hannah (Donahoe) Davis .
DAVIS, Henry W. (c1804/1812-1878): m'd (unknown), Trijah; known as
the “Hillsboro Hermit”; born in England, to Canada early and to Cincinnati OH
after 1837, brought millstones to OR in 1847 with Capt. Joseph Magone and then
Capt. John McKinney, and referred to as the "old Englishman"
DAVIS, Iantha Jane (1834-1897): m1. 1850 EVANS, George W.; m2. 1857
CASTLEMAN, Philip Frederick; d/o Benjamin and Catharine (Sluyter) Davis
DAVIS, Isaac (1825-1882): m1. LEDGERWOOD, Margaret; m2. 1856
Buckingham, Mrs. Sarah Catherine (HINES); s/o Henry C. and Lavina (McBride)
Davis and bro-in-law of Elisha Bedwell
DAVIS, Jane "Diana" (1832-1853): m'd 1849 WINTERS, John F.; d/o
David D. and Hannah (Donahoe) Davis
DAVIS, John Henry (1826- ): m'd 1850 CRISP, Elmira; s/o Henry C.
and Lavina (McBride) Davis and bro-in-law of Elisha Bedwell; living 1910 CA
DAVIS, John J. (1833-1909): m'd 1864 WILEY, Mary E.; s/o Truet and
Alsea (Cottingham) Davis
DAVIS, John M.: m'd JACK, Fanny
DAVIS, Lemuel Eli (1832-1917): m'd 1853 Webster, Mrs. Mary Jane
(OGLE); s/o Benjamin and Catharine (Sluyter) Davis
DAVIS, Lycurgus (1839-1918): m'd 1861 BUTLER, Elizabeth Amanda; s/o
Benjamin and Catharine (Sluyter) Davis
DAVIS, Mary "Nancy" (1810-1868): m'd 1831 JONES, William James; d/o
Isaac Davis
DAVIS, Meshach R. (1837-1875): m'd 1867 MUNSELL, Minerva M. “Almira”; s/o David D. and Hannah (Donahoe) Davis; he was called “Meck” or “Mack” and sometimes “McDavis”
DAVIS, Nancy (1806-1849): m'd 1838 ALLEN, Hiram
DAVIS, Rachael (1844-1854): d/o David D. and Hannah (Donahoe)
DAVIS, Rebecca (1835-1851): d/o David D. and Hannah (Donahoe)
DAVIS, Samantha Ann (1837-1926): m'd 1853 HUDDLESTON, James; d/o
Benjamin and Catharine (Sluyter) Davis
DAVIS, Thomas Crawford (1821-1887): m'd 1850 HINES, Nancy Ann; s/o
Henry C. and Lavina (McBride) Davis and bro-in-law of Elisha Bedwell
DAVIS, Thomas W. (1839-1890): m'd 1867 HALL, Missouri; s/o David D.
and Hannah (Donahoe) Davis
DAVIS, Truet (1803- ): m'd 1824 VICTOR, Alsea (COTTINGHAM); died
between 1865 and 1870
DAVIS, Truet Jr. (1841-1865): m'd 1864 RILEY, Lucinda; s/o Truet and Alsea (Cottingham) Davis
DAVIS, William: adult, said to be among single men of
Oskaloosa Company - possibly same as Woolen Davis
DAVIS, William D. (1846-1925): never married; s/o David D. and
Hannah (Donahoe) Davis
DAVIS, William Lewis T. (1840-1908): m1. 1861 HOWARD, Mary
Josephine, divorced 1869; m2. 1874 BROWN, Julia Saphronia, divorced 1889; m3.
1890 Brothers, Adolphine "Dolly A." (PEPIN-LACHANCE); s/o Benjamin and Catharine
(Sluyter) Davis
DAVIS, Woolen (1828-1878): m'd 1854 BERKLEY, Mary Ann; s/o Truet
and Alsea (Cottingham) Davis
DAWSON, Eveline (c1847- ): d/o John and Rachel (Dodson) Dawson
DAWSON, Henrietta (1818- ): m1. 1839 DODSON, William; m2. 1859
KUDER, David E.
DAWSON, Irena June (c1841-1885): m1. 1856 BENSON, John A.; m2. 1877
BEEKS, William Wesley; d/o John and Rachel (Dodson) Dawson
1) DAWSON, John (1815-1888): m'd 17 Apr 1836 DODSON, Rachel; buried Antioch Cemetery, Sams Valley, Jackson County, Oregon
DAWSON, Julia Adela or Ann (1846-1922): m'd 1860 KNIGHTON, William
S.; d/o John and Rachel (Dodson) Dawson
1) DAWSON, Levi (1838-1908): m'd 1883 MYERS, Laura Etta; s/o John and Rachel (Dodson) Dawson; buried Trail Cemetery, Jackson County, Oregon
DAWSON, Mahulda "Hulda" (1827-c1867): m1. 1844 HARRIS, Thomas; m2.
1858 WILLIAMSON, Jacob T.
DAWSON, Nancy (1827-1864): m'd 1846 TAYLOR, Luke; d/o Hester Ann (Rose) Dawson Landphear; mother and step-father also emigrated in 1847.
1) DAWSON, Paulina (c1844-1890): m1. 1865 McLIN, Lafayette; m2. 1868 ROLFE, Charles W.; m3. 1873 MOSS, Churchill; d/o John and Rachel (Dodson) Dawson
DEAKINS, Mary Ann (15 Sep 1816-14 Oct 1863): m'd
24 Feb 1842
CYRUS, William; d/o William and Rachel (Hollingsworth) Deakins;
Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn
County, Oregon
DEAKINS, Thomas (03 Apr 1826-28 Aug 1878): m'd 18 Apr 1855 PRINE, Ailcey E.; s/o William and Rachel (Hollingsworth) Deakins; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
DEAN, Jacob: m'd 1857 [unknown], Frances - DEEN or DEAN, Jacob (c1825-
): m'd 1857 KNIGHTEN, Hannah Frances; although said to have come 1847, he may
have come later
DeCHAMP, Jean Baptiste (1823- ): m'd 1850 Mary (Amice or Amis, Nisqually Indian woman); he came first in 1845
DECKER, Diana (09 Jul 1824-11 May 1882): m1. 1843 LANDESS, Abraham "Abram" Jr.;
m2. 1856 FRYER, John L.; d/o John and Eleanor (Johnston) Decker; per a Landess
bio, her father also came in 1847, settling in Washington County, but there is
no evidence he actually did so - he and Eleanor were in Illinois in 1850 and
died there; the same is true of her brothers Washington (1822- ) and John
(c1834- ) who were enumerated twice in 1850, first in Illinois and then later in
the year in Oregon
DELORME, Bartholomew Vicar (1825-1901): RC clergyman; born 26 Apr.
1825 France, died 26 June 1901 Therins, Rhone, France; came by sea 1847
DEMY, Peter ( -1847): of Dauphin Co. PA; said by George BRUBAKER to
be among three men captured by "Camanches" 1847 on the way to California, and
killed shortly after attempting to excape
DENMAN, Rhoda (1815-1847): m'd 1821 HUDSON, John; she died on the
DERBYSHIRE, Sarah Ann (1815-1891): m'd 1836 PALMER, Joel
DERR, Barbara Clara "Barbary" (1824/6-1880): m1. 1841 CARTER, James; m2. 1848 PRATHER, William B.
DEVAUL, Daniel (1769-1847):
DEVAUL, Emilessa "Emma Lissie" (1835-1918): m1. 1848 CONLEE, John J., divorced 1860; m2. 1863 JACKMAN, O. M., divorced 1868
DEVENDORF or DEFENDORFF, Cornelius H. ( -1848): journeyed in the same train with Isom Cranfill and Benjamin Cory in 1847; a native of NY, chosen as master of guards; a lawyer by profession he was building a practice at Oregon City when the first company of Oregon Mounted Riflemen was organized in response to the Whitman Massacre, and was appointed commissary; about 1 Mar. 1848 he returned to Oregon City, and feeling unwell is said to have accidently overdosed on tincture of opium
DEVOE, Margaret (1799-1882): m'd 1819 MERRELL, Charles Giles
DIAMOND, John (1815-1902): never married; native of Ireland,
located in Chicago IL 1836; in 1847 travelled as far as Fort Hall with Jacob C.
Spores, and from there went ahead on horseback; took up a claim in Lane County
where the town of Coburg now stands, he and Spores the first to explore the
DICKERSON or DICKINSON, Hannah Rhetta (1832-1919): m1. 1847/8
GILLIAM, John; m2. 1850 WILSON, William Hunt; d/o Spencer D. and Margaret M.
(Jacobs) Dickinson; said to have married to John Gilliam on the Trail in 1847
with the marriage officially recorded later in Polk Co., Oregon
DICKSON, James S. (1823-1890): m1. 1850 CLAYPOOL, Rebecca Jane; m2. 1866 BRIGGS, Mary E.
DILL, James Scott (1814- ): m'd 08 Jun 1843 WILLIAMS, Sarah Jane; divorced 1855
DILL, Mary Jane (1844-1921): m1. 11 Jun 1858 BENNETT, James Ellison; m2. 1864 SMELSER, John Jasper; m3. 31 Jul 1870 FURMAN, John Jacob; d/o James and Sarah (Williams) Dill
DILL, Nancy (c1846-1848): d/o James S. and Sarah J. (Williams)
Dill; died of measles 4 Feb. 1848 after arrival
DILLON, Arthur Jonah (1847-1922): m'd 1866 NYE, Nancy Joella; s/o of William H. and Harriet (Hatten) Dillon; twin to Marie; born 23 Feb. 1847 Cedar Co. IA
DILLON, Junipher T. (1821-1891): m'd 1847 Bryant, Rebecca SPURGEON; s/o Arthur and Nancy (Townsend) Dillon; came with brother William; went to CA in 1848 and again in 1849, and returned east to Iowa by 1853
DILLON, Maria (1847-1849): d/o of William H. and Harriet (Hatten)
Dillon; twin to Arthur
DILLON, Nancy Jane (1843/4-1917): m1. c1860 JOHNSON, John; m2.
c1866 DURGAN, Alonzo; d/o William H. and Harriet (Hatten) Dillon
DILLON, William Henry (1818-1895): m1. 1840 HATTEN, Harriet; m2. 1872 SWETLAND, Mrs. Eliza; s/o Arthur and Nancy (Townsend) Dillon; came with brother Junipher in Oskaloosa Company, first with Capt. Chapman then with Capt. Wills, via Columbia River; settled in Clark Co. WA; brother Jeremiah came west c1852, brother John T. early 1850's, sister Mary Ann Yaeger by 1853
DIMICK, Alzina Clarinda (1832-1897):
m'd 1848 BONNEY, Bradford Sherwood; d/o of Augustus R. and Alzina (Crowell) Dimick
DIMICK, Augustus Right (1790-1863): m1. c1815 BUELL, Clarinda; m2.
1829 CROWELL, Alzina; m3. 1833 PANGBORN, Laura Ann; s/o Solomon and Electa
(Bird) Dimick
DIMICK, George Washington (1837-1918): m1. 1859 GLEASON, Minerva
Ann; m2. 1878 GLEASON, Rhoda L.; m3. 1890 McCraw, Mrs. Sadie (WRIGHT); m4. 1908
FRALICH, Addie; s/o Augustus R. and Laura Ann (Pangborn) Dimick
DIMICK, Harriet Lydia (1834-1891): m'd 1851 COOLEY, Jackson L.; d/o
Augustus R. and Laura Ann (Pangborn) Dimick
DIMICK, John Buell (1840-1903): m’d 1864 EBERHARD, Almira Frances; s/o Augustus R. and Laura Ann (Pangborn) Dimick
DIMICK, Mary Adeline (c1840-1856): d/o Benjamin and Eliza (Spores)
Dimmick; granddaughter of Augustus R., came with mother and step-father Lauren
L. Thomas
DIMICK, Moore C. (1829-1888): m'd 1856 MORRIS, Phoebe Jane; s/o
Augustus R. and Clarinda (Buell) Dimick
DIMICK, Olive Elnora (1830- ): m1. 1847 VANDERWALKER, William, divorced; m2. 1861 PIERCE, Alexander, divorced; m3. 1863 GREGORY, Thomas J.; d/o Augustus R. and Alzina (Crowell) Dimick; died by 1890
DIMICK, Ziba (1816-1878): m1. 1838 HALL , Cynthia Delight; m2. 1852 HEWITT, Jane; s/o Daniel and Rachael (Leonard) Dimmick; came to OR in 1847, returned east in 1848 where he is recorded as having a son in 1849; 1850 went to CA and returned east again in 1851; left for OR again in 1853 as Captain of a train accompanied by his second wife and 4 children from his first marriage; settled on the Umpqua River at Kellogg, Douglas Co, OR where he later died
DISHER, Family:
DISHER, Jonny (1834- ):
DIXON, Elizabeth (1808-1855): m1. 1828 SMITH, Cornelius; m2. 1849
GEER, Joseph Carey Sr.
DOBELBOWER, William Brown (1823-1911): m'd 1854 TIGARD, Emily Adeline; gave affidavit regarding deaths of Nathan Hockett and wife on the Trail
DODSON, Elijah (1790-1860): m1. 1807 MIDLOCK, Mary; m2. 1848 Hines, Elizabeth Garrett (FULKERSON); m3. 1855 unknown, Sarah H. (div. 1857); m4. 1858 Burbank, Susan (MATTESON) Tupper
DODSON, Elizabeth Mrs. (1813- ): m'd DODSON, Jesse
DODSON, George (c1844- ): s/o Jesse and Elizabeth (Thomas) Dodson
DODSON, Henrietta Mrs. - see DAWSON, Henrietta above
DODSON, James R. (1842- ): s/o Jesse and Elizabeth (Thomas) Dodson
DODSON, Jane (1818-1880): m'd 1834 ROBERTS, Jesse; d/o Elijah and
Mary (Midlock) Dodson
DODSON, Jesse (1813- ): m'd 1835 THOMAS, Elizabeth; son of Elijah
and Mary (Midlock) Dodson
DODSON, Louisa Jane (c1843- ): m'd 1859 FAIRCHILD, Joel; d/o
William and Henrietta (Dawson) Dodson
DODSON, Margaret Ann (1826-1877): m'd 1848 WILSON, Thomas A.; d/o Elijah and Mary (Midlock) Dodson
DODSON, Mary Polly (1815-1877): m'd 1835/36 HARRIS, John; d/o Elijah and Mary (Midlock) Dodson; buried Masonic Cemetery, Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon
DODSON, Mary Ann (c1838- ): m'd 1854 WALKER, Francis M., divorced
1864; d/o Jesse and Elizabeth (Thomas) Dodson
DODSON, Rachel (1819-1891): m'd 1836 DAWSON, John; d/o Elijah and Mary (Midlock) Dodson; buried Antioch Cemetery, Sams Valley, Jackson County, Oregon
DODSON, Robert H. (c1836- ): m'd 1857 ROY, Mary; s/o Jesse and
Elizabeth (Thomas) Dodson
DODSON, Sarah (c1838- ): d/o Jesse and Elizabeth (Thomas) Dodson
DODSON, Victoria (c1847-): d/o Jesse and Elizabeth (Thomas) Dodson;
possibly born on the Trail or soon after arrival
DODSON, William (1809-1858): m'd 1839 DAWSON, Henrietta; s/o Elijah and Mary (Midlock) Dodson
DONACA or DONICA, Rebecca Ann (1827-1909): m'd 1847 RUDOLPH, Morgan
DONAHOE, Hannah (1811-1848): m'd 1831 DAVIS, David D.*
DORLAND, Mary Elizabeth (25 Nov 1812-03 Dec 1889): m'd 26 May 1834 ROBINSON, Nathaniel; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
DORRIS, Hiram Casey ( -1847): m'd 1841 FULKERSON, Elizabeth
DORRIS, James J. (1842- ): m'd 1860 SHIELDS, Mary E.
"DORRIS, J. J.--Born in Nodaway County, Missouri, April, 1841; set out with his parents for Oregon when six years old ; the father died on the journey, and the family, destitute and unprotected, settled on the La Creole in Polk County. Subsequently the widow married Alvis Kinsey, who lived four miles south of Dayton, Yamhill County; but he dying in 1858, the Dorrises, with their mother, removed to Linn County, where J. J. Dorris has continuously resided since, excepting five years which he spent in California. He married Mary E. Shields in 1860, and they have had twelve children, of whom ten are now living. Address, Scio, Linn County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.671]
DORSON or DAWSON, Jane (c1823-1885?): m’d 1845 WATERBURY, Thomas
DORT, Elizabeth Ann (1839-1897): m’d 1857 FISHER, Adam; d/o David
and Elizabeth (Bozorth) Dort; came with mother
DOTY, Mr.:
DOUGHTY or DOTY, Nancy Orson (1805-1849): m'd 1830 LAUGHLIN, Samuel
DOWNER, Clarissa Lauretta (1821-1898/9): m1. 1839 FREDRICK, James
M.; m2. 1857 LINVILLE, Harrison H.; d/o John and Sarah (Macbeth) Downer and
sister of Joseph W.
DOWNER, Joseph Warren (1825-1905): m1. 1850 PIGG, Eleanor A.; m2.
1855 Denison, Exanna Elinor (DICKINSON); s/o John and Sarah (Macbeth) Downer and
brother of Clarissa L.
DOWNING, William:
DOYLE, Matilda L. (1818-1903): m'd 1840 CRANFILL, Isom
DRIGGS, Jeremiah (1808-1880): m'd 1844
KETCHUM, Eliza Ann
DRIGGS, Joel K. (1845/6-1867): s/o
Jeremiah and Eliza A. (Ketchum) Driggs
DRIGGS, Julia A. (1847/8-1931): m'd
1860 HILL, George Alfred; d/o Jeremiah and Eliza A. (Ketchum) Driggs; poss. b.
on Trail or soon after arrival - per her death cert she was born 14 July 1848,
which does not agree with census records
DUNBAR, Jemima (1827-1880): m'd 1847
DUNCAN, Elizabeth (c1837- ): m'd 1853 JACKSON, Henry Putnam; d/o James and Nancy (Burbank) Duncan and half-sister of Orlando Alderman; died possibly 6 Jan. 1916 Tacoma WA
DUNLAP, Clark (1844-1920): m'd 1874
CHAPMAN, Nancy Jane; s/o Smith and Madeline Dunlap
DUNLAP, David Findley (1843-1924): m'd1867 CRAWFORD, Mary Ann; s/o John A. and Jane C. (Findley) Dunlap
DUNLAP, Elenor Jane (1841-1847): d/o
John A. and Jane C. (Findley) Dunlap; died 26 Dec. 1847 at Fort Vancouver
DUNLAP, Ellen (c1841-c1871): m'd 1855
ARMSWORTHY, Levi; d/o Smith and Madeline Dunlap
DUNLAP, Harriet (c1845- ): m'd TRIMBLE, Henry "Hank"; d/o Smith and Madeline Dunlap
DUNLAP, John Alexander (1812-1894): m'd 1837 FINDLEY, Jane Carson
DUNLAP, Madeline ( -1849): m'd DUNLAP, Smith
DUNLAP, Sarah Amanda (1847-1857): d/o John and Jane (Findley) Dunlap .
DUNLAP, Smith ( -1847): m'd unknown,
Madeline; from Peoria IL, in Cornelius Smith train; he died about 1 July on the
Trail along Platte River in an accident while out hunting, leaving widow and
four or six children; he was probably the Smith Dunlap, s/o Smith and Eleanor
(Lane) Dunlap, born 23 Aug. 1816 Oswego Co. NY
DUNLAP, William (c1840- ): s/o Smith
and Madeline Dunlap; living 1905
DUNLAP, William Alexander (1839-1864):
s/o John A. and Jane C. (Findley) Dunlap
"DURHAM, GEORGE H.--Born in Springfield, Illinois, December 4, 1843. His parents settled in Clackanias County, Oregon, in 1847. He was educated in the Willamette University and the Pacific University, graduating from the latter in 1866. Was a member of the First Oregon Cavalry. Studied law and wras admitted to practice in 1869. Was elected district attorney of the Fourth Judicial District of Oregon, in 1872. Is in legal practice at Portland. Married Miss S. E. Clarke, daughter of Rev. Harvey Clarke." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.671]
DUTTON, Elizabeth "Betsy" (1812-1876):
m'd 1829 TOMPKINS, Daniel Dean
DYER, Andrew Norton (c1817-1854): m1. 1837 TOWER, Mary J.; m2. 1848 KLUM, Sarah Jane (div 1851); s/o Sylvanus and Hannah (Norton) Dyer; the surname Dyer appears on Bancroft's list - Andrew N. Dyer filed on provisional land claims in Oregon early in 1848, and on 24 April 1848 married a young 17 year old girl in Oregon; they lived together until Mar. 1850 when he returned east to buy a steamboat, then in October 1850 he wrote to her admitting he already had a lawful wife in the states of whom Sarah had not been aware, and that he was again residing with her and did not intend to return to Oregon; he and Mary were listed with his mother in Aug. 1850 in Oneida Co. NY, he died in Fulton Co. IL
EARL, Perry Greenlif (1825-1883): m'd
1855 BOND, Lucinda; s/o Edward Isaac and Sarah Perina (Shinn) Earl
EARL, Simeon Drake (1826-1900): m'd
1852 MILLER, Lucinda Ann; s/o Edward Isaac and Sarah Perina (Shinn) Earl
EARL, Susanna (1815-1899): m'd 1836 RANDALL, Elisha H.
EASTIN, James Woodson (1821-1893): m'd
1843 FINE, Rebecca Ann; CA pioneer
EASTIN, Jeremiah Vardiman "Jerry"
(1823-1887): m'd c1855 GRUWELL, Sarah; bro. of James W.; CA pioneer
EASTIN, Lafayette Findla (1845-1903):
m'd 1874 SUTTON, Fannie; s/o James and Rebecca (Fine) Eastin; CA pioneer
EASTON, John (1836- ): s/o Redwood and
Jane (Brock) Easton
EASTON, Mahlon (1842- ): s/o Redwood
and Jane (Brock) Easton
EASTON, Margaret (1844-1866): m'd 1861
ARTHUR, William; d/o Redwood and Jane (Brock) Easton
EASTON, Mary E. (1838-1865): m'd 1856
MALONE, Richard D.; d/o Redwood and Jane (Brock) Easton
EASTON, Redwood or Redman: m'd BROCK,
Elizabeth Jane; died by Dec. 1856 and possibly by 1850; family may have come
1846 rather than 1847
EATON, Irene (1791-1865): m'd YOUNG, Elam
EBEY, Isaac Neff Colonel (1818-1856): m'd 1843 DAVIS, Rebecca Whitby; emigrated alone in 1847; met family 80 miles east of Old Fort Boise when they came in emigration of 1851; settled in Washington Territory where he was shot and beheaded by Indians during the 1855-56 Indian Wars in that area
EDDY, Phebe (1804-1854 ): m1. c1824 GRIMES, Ephraim; m2. 1851 LUELLING, Henderson H.; first husband died in 1845 in MO prior to emigration; d/o Enoch Eddy
EDMUNSON, John Hicklin (1816-1869): m1.
c1837 PATTON, Lydia; m2. 1850 SCHRUM, Euphama Anderson; s/o Richard C. and Leah
(Hicklin) Edmunson; first wife died on the Trail; a brother Rufus Coleman
Edmunson came with his family in 1849
EDMUNSON, Martha (1838- ): m'd 1857
CLEMMENS, Thomas; d/o John H. and Lydia (Patton) Edmunson; died between 1871 and
ELDRIDGE, Permelia Cordelia
(1828-1852): m'd 1844 FITZGERALD, Thomas; d/o Gardner and Permelia (Mecham)
ELDRIDGE, Freeman Edward (1826-1890): m'd 1851 COSGROVE, Anna E.; s/o Gardner and Permelia (Mecham) Eldridge
ELLIOTT, Anna (1805-1863): m'd 1822
CURL, James; d/o Bartlett Elliott
ELLIOTT, Francis N. (1822-1900?): m'd
1843 CUTTING, Adelia Malvena; s/o Smith and Philata (Lansing) Elliott
ELLIOTT, George W. (1847/8-1927): s/o Francis N. and Adelia M. (Cutting) Elliott; birth given variously as 14 Feb. 1847 or 13 Mar. 1848; possibly briefly married but left no descendants
ELLIOTT, Henrietta "Hattie" (1844-1929):m1. 1858 LEDFORD, John M.; m2. 1862 DEVINE, Charles G.; d/o Francis N. and Adelia Malvena (Cutting) Elliott
ELLIOTT, Milton (1815-1900): never
married; brother of Susan and Olivia Elliott
ELLIOTT, Olivia (1809-1903): never married; sister of Susan and Milton Elliott
ELLIOTT, Susan L. (1825-1883): m'd 1847 SHIVELY, James M.
ELLIS, Catherine (1802-1867): m'd 1823 BEWLEY, John William
ELLIS, Sophia ( -1847): m'd BEWLEY, Isaac
ELLIS, Theresa C. ( - ): m1. 1840 MARQUISS, Jacob; m2. JEFFREY, George
EMPSON, Elizabeth (1805-1864): m'd 1826
PEEK, James W.
END, Mary Theodocia (1822-1906): m'd 1838 WYATT, William
ENG, W. W.:
ENGLISH, Nancy C. (1820-1900): m'd 1841 EOFF, George
ENGLISH, Nathan (1816-1848): driver for Scholl; killed by Indians while panning for gold; some family researchers list him as the son of Levin and Mary (Tucker) English but records do not prove this to be the case for this Nathan English
EOFF, Cynthia Ann (1833-1909): m1. 1848
GEER, Heman Johnson (div. 1866); m2. 1866 LANE, Joseph; m3. 1878 TRENSCHEL,
August Frederick; d/o John L. and Mary A. (Routen) Eoff
EOFF, George (1807-1890): m'd 1841
ENGLISH, Nancy C.; s/o John and Jane (Higgins) Eoff
EOFF, James Fleming (1845-1890): m'd
1868 WATERBURY, Mary Ellen; s/o John L. and Mary A. (Routen) Eoff
EOFF, John Leonard (1812-1899): m'd 1833 ROUTEN, Mary Ann “Polly”; s/o John and Jane (Higgins) Eoff
EOFF, Mary Emily (1841-1847); d/o John
L. and Mary A. (Routen) Eoff; died 31 Oct. 1847 on arrival
EOFF, Nancy Elizabeth (1843-1847): d/o John L. and Mary A. (Routen) Eoff; died 4 Nov. 1847 on arrival
ESTEP, Temperance (1804-1850): m'd 1823 HUNT, John Shotwell
ESTEP, Temperance Estep (1834-1876): m'd 1849 DOWNING, John
ESTES, Morning (1810-1885): m'd 1836 HUFFMAN, Jesse Gee
EUDEY, Abel (c1818/22-1883): m'd 1863 WHEAR, Thomazine; written on some records as ENDY; a native of Cornwall, England, he returned there to marry and brought his bride back to Oregon
EVANS, Henry W. (1815/23- ): m'd 1847
Carter, Nancy (BOWMAN); possibly m2. 1865 TRUE, Mrs. Eliza B.; married his
first wife In Oregon just 11 days after stated arrival date, and probably they
met on the Trail
EVANS, Sarah E. (1842- ): m'd 1854 REEVES, William; said to be pioneer of 1847 but came 1845
EVEREST, Anne (1832- ): m'd DENNIS,
EVEREST, David (1824-1898): m'd 1856
JONES, Irena; s/o Richard and Jane (Cole) Everest
EVEREST, Emma (c1840- ): said to be d/o
Richard and Jane (Cole) Everest and possibly came to Oregon with them, but if so
she died before 1850
EVEREST, George (1828- ): m’d 1856 WINTU, Dianah; s/o Richard and Jane (Cole) Everest; died before 1882
EVEREST, Hannah (1823- ): m1. 1841 RILEY, John; m2. 1863 LINKSWILER, Tobias L.; d/o Richard and Jane (Cole) Everest; died before 1882
EVEREST, James (1819- ):
EVEREST, Joseph (1821- ): s/o Richard
and Jane (Cole) Everest; died before 1882
EVEREST, Mary E. (29 Jul 1830-17 Oct 1902): m'd 11 Apr 1850
BRUTSCHER, Sebastian; d/o Richard and Jane (Cole) Everest
EVEREST, Reuben (1834-1902): m1. 1863 Parrott, Elizabeth (RAMSEY); m2. 1874 HASH, Mary Jane; s/o Richard and Jane (Cole) Everest
EVEREST, Richard (1798-1882): m'd 1820
COLE, Jane; born on the same day in England, they are said to have crossed the
plains with nine children, and according to one source had a daughter born on
the Trail
EVEREST, Sarah (c1846/7- ): said to be
d/o Richard and Jane (Cole) Everest, born "on the Trail"; she may be the Sarah
age about 4 born in Oregon in the household in 1850, but if she was a daughter
she died young before 1860
EVEREST, Thomas (1826- ): s/o Richard
and Jane (Cole) Everest; possibly came in 1847, but may have died young instead
EVEREST, William (1836-1907): m'd 1894
ACHESON, Sarah Josephine; s/o Richard and Jane (Cole) Everest
EVERSON, William Rust (1822-1888): m'd
1844 COVALT, Margaret G.; returned to Ohio by 1850 and brought wife and sons
west by 1853
EVERTS, Henry H.: provisional land claim 12 Nov 1847
FACKLER, Samuel (1785-1867):
FACKLER, St Michael Rev. (1813-1867): m1. 1849 WILBUR, Ann
Elizabeth; m2. 1857 WANDS, Rachel; drove a flock of sheep across the plains for
Fields (Vaughan); instrumental in establishing Episcopal churches in Oregon and
Idaho, he was on a voyage east in 1867 via the Isthmus when an epidemic of
cholera broke out on board his ship; after working himself to exhaustion
ministering to the sick and dying, he fell ill and died, buried at Key West
FAIL, Phoebe (1815-1886): m'd 1831 STANTON, Alfred
FAIRCHILD, Ephraim (1822-1898): m'd 1851 FORD, Sarah Kiltin; CA
pioneer; evidently came again in 1853
FAIRCHILD, William H. Capt. (1819-1882): m'd. 1853 GRAY, Anna; California pioneer; settled on a ranch about 4 miles east of Stockton on the Waterloo Road (state Hwy 88)
FANNING, H. F.: CA pioneer
FARLEY, Anna (1840-1931): m'd 1855 WEBBER, Joseph K.; claimed to be
pioneer of 1847 - went to California with her parents and brothers in 1847/8,
the father and older brothers having been members of Cal Stephenson's regiment
of New York volunteers sent out to take part in the Mexican War
FELLOWS, Hiram (1825-1899): m'd 1851 WILCOX, Clarissa
FELLOWS, William:
FELTCH, Minerva (1808-1895): m'd 1826 CARTER, Thomas L.
FENIMORE, Sarah (1821-1897): m1. 1838 BURNSIDE, David, div. 1850; m2. 1853 McCUE, Charles
FENN, Elizabeth Ann (1842-1925): m'd 1860 COONC, David Madison; d/o
John and Mary (Jory) Fenn
FENN, James William (1843- ): s/o John and Mary (Jory) Fenn
FENN, John (1812-1883): m1. 1839 JORY, Mary; m2. JORY, Elizabeth; born in Alyesworth, Northhamptonshire, England; s/o Thomas and Nancy Fenn; settled in Marion County, OR; died at Waitsburg, Washington; his first wife, Mary died in November 1846 of malaria; in the spring of 1847 he married Mary's sister, Elizabeth Jory
FENN, Nancy Jane (1840-1927): m'd 1855 McPHERSON, William Angus;
d/o John and Mary (Jory) Fenn
FENN, Thomas (1845- ): s/o John and Mary (Jory) Fenn
FERGUSON, America (1839-1874): m'd 1855 SUTTON, Levi; d/o Abraham
and Nancy (Vaughan) Ferguson
FERGUSON, Eli (1827-1906): m'd 1851 DUNAWAY, Permelia Jane; s/o
Abraham and Nancy (Vaughan) Ferguson
FERGUSON, Harvey (1840-1908): m'd 1868 HAM, Ella Belle; s/o Abraham
and Nancy (Vaughan) Ferguson
FERGUESON, James Marion (1847-1881): m'd 1869 HINTON, Melvina; s/o
John B. and Mary (Waldroup) Fergueson
FERGUESON, John B. (1825-1899): m1. 1846 WALDROUP, Mary; m2. 1881
[or c1879] HINTON, Elizabeth Caroline; s/o Samuel and Jane (Bonser) Fergueson
FERGUSON, Levi (1829-1895): s/o Abraham and Nancy (Vaughan) Ferguso
FERGUSON, Lotterville (1835- ): same as Monteville
FERGUSON, Monteville or Mounteville “Mount” (1832-1911): did not
marry; s/o Abraham and Nancy (Vaughan) Ferguson
FERGUSON, Nancy (1804- ): m'd 1845 FERGUSON, Abraham
FERGUSON, Thomas (1835-1906): m'd unknown; s/o Abraham and Nancy
(Vaughan) Ferguson
FICKLE, Mahala Barnes (03 Aug 1829-04 Aug 1906): m'd 27 Apr 1847 HODGES, Drury Robertson
FIELDS, Ambrose Carr (08 Oct 1792-17 Mar 1872): m'd
18 Dec 1817 NOWER, Ann; s/o Robert Nelson
Pleasant and Mary (Dodd) Fields;
Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon; came with sons Joseph and William; wife and the
other 7 of their 9 children came 1852
FIELDS, Benjamin (c1805-1848): m'd 1827 TAYLOR, Mary “Polly”; s/o
Benjamin Fields; this couple both died of measles soon after arrival, Benjamin
early in January 1848; he was probably brother of Levi Fields and cousin of
Thomas Fields
FIELDS, Benjamin Franklin (10 Mar 1840-09 Jul 1923): m1. 1868 Fields, Mary L.
(CARTER); m2. 1913 Landphere, Hester Ann (WELCH or LESTER); s/o Benjamin and
Polly (Taylor) Fields
FIELDS, Catherine (1845-1905): prob. m1. 1857 FIELDS, Reuben, div.
1860; m2. c1860 CASNER, Andrew Jackson; d/o Levi and Sarah (Brown or Fields)
FIELDS, Elizabeth (18 Jun 1831-03 Sep 1885): m'd 1848 VAUGHAN, Alexander
Hamilton; d/o Benjamin and Polly (Taylor) Fields
FIELDS, Harvey (1832-1916): m'd1854 CASNER, Nancy Jane; s/o Thomas
and Rebecca (Riggs) Fields; arrived second time in 1852
FIELDS, James K. Polk (1844-1919): never married; s/o Benjamin and
Polly (Taylor) Fields
FIELDS, John (1833-1867?): s/o Thomas and Rebecca (Riggs) Fields;
possibly m'd BROWN, Sarah, and HALEY, Mary, but no confirmation found for
marriages or death
FIELDS, Joseph Alva (11 Sep 1829-12 Mar 1876): m1. 06 Nov 1856 CLARK, Mary Elizabeth;
m2. 21 Jun 1868 SEBASTIAN, Mariah Jane; s/o Ambrose and Ann (Nower) Fields
FIELDS, Josiah (1833-c1867): m'd 1858 CARTER, Mary L.; s/o Benjamin and Polly (Taylor) Fields; his widow married 2nd his brother Benjamin
FIELDS, Levi (1815-05 Jan 1896): m1. 30 Nov 1839 BROWN, Sarah; m2. 04 Mar 1854
CARTER, Nancy J. "Nettie"; s/o Benjamin Sr. and Rachel (DeWitt) Fields; probably
brother of Benjamin and cousin of Thomas
FIELDS, Mary Catherine (1847-1903): m'd 1863 BUTLER, Jason Robbins;
d/o Thomas and Rebecca (Riggs) Fields; born 12 Dec. 1847 on arrival
FIELDS, Mary Jane (1835-1908): m'd 1850 SMITH, Joseph; d/o Benjamin
and Polly (Taylor) Fields
FIELDS, Mrs. ( -1847): not sure if this person who died in 1847 is the wife of Benjamin or the wife of Levi? See Sarah Fields below.
FIELDS, Nancy Jane (1839- ): m'd 1855 FIELDS, George; possibly d/o Levi Fields and/or of his first wife Sarah
FIELDS, Preston (1842-1880): m'd 1878 MATLOCK, Sarah Ann; s/o Thomas and Rebecca (Riggs) Fields
FIELDS, Reuben (1837-1916): m1. 1857 FIELDS, Catherine, divorced
1860; m2. 1887 Black, Mary E. (ROGERS), divorced 1889; s/o Thomas and Rebecca
(Riggs) Fields
FIELDS, Ruth (10 Ap 1838-20 Oct 1888): m'd 1853 CRAFT, Joseph Daniel; d/o Benjamin and Polly (Taylor) Fields; buried Croxton Memorial Park, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
FIELDS, Thomas (1809-1875): m'd 1829 RIGGS, Rebecca; s/o Ebenezer
and Sarah Roxannah (Burden) Fields; probably cousin of Benjamin and Levi
FIELDS, Thomas Newton (1844-1904): m'd 1871 SLAVENS, Louisa Ellen;
s/o Thomas and Rebecca (Riggs) Fields
FIELDS, William (1828- ): s/o Benjamin and Polly (Taylor) Fields;
died without issue
FIELDS, William (1829- ): m'd 1853 CARTER, Elizabeth Ann; s/o
Thomas and Rebecca (Riggs) Fields; arrived 1852 for second time*
FIELDS, William Samuel (06 Nov 1824- c1863): m'd 1859 MARTIN, Josephine; s/o
Ambrose and Anne (Nower) Fields
FIESTER, Charles (1844-1898): m'd 1865 BROWN, Nancy Elizabeth; s/o
Daniel and Rachel A. (Darling) Fiester; estranged from his wife for some time,
on 19 May 1895 he quarreled with her and drowned her in front of their three
youngest children, for which crime he was eventually hanged on 9 or 10 June 1898
at Grants Pass
FIESTER, Daniel (1811-1891): m'd 1831 DARLING, Rachel Ann; s/o
Henry and Margaret (Shipman) Fiester
FIESTER, Fannie Maria (1836/41- ): m1. 1857 KELLY, William A.; m2.
1892 GILLAM, Simon L.; d/o Daniel and Rachel A. (Darling) Fiester
FIESTER, Henry (1816-1854): m'd 1842 BELKNAP, Mary Jane "Jane"; s/o
Henry and Margaret (Shipman) Fiester; he died suddenly 29 Mar. 1854 at Olympia
WA the evening of the same day he was sworn in as representative for Pacific
County in the Territorial legislature
FIESTER, Mary Ellen (1844-1933): m1. 1860 TAYLOR, John; m2. 1880
McCORMACK, Marion; d/o Henry and Mary Jane (Belknap) Fiester; she was called
daughter of Daniel in her obituary
FIESTER, Sarah W. (1837/41-1918): m1. 1851 DAVENPORT, Ambrose H.;
m2. 1853 STEWART, George W.; m3. 1878 BARKER, William Clement; d/o Daniel and
Rachel A. (Darling) Fiester
FIESTER, William: m'd 1863 HUBBARD, Nancy J.
FINCH, Christiana (1825-1897): m'd 1841 WEBB, James; surname also
given variously as HOPE and LEECH
FINCH, Elizabeth (1818-1900): m'd 1834 WRIGHT, Thomas M.
FINDLA, James (1812- ): m'd FINE,
Eliza; CA pioneer
FINDLEY, Alexander Blakey (1838-1912):
m'd 1859 REEVES, Sarah Jane; s/o David Jr. and Jane (Ritchey) Findley
FINDLEY, David (1803-1880): m'd 1829 RITCHEY, Jane; s/o David and Janet (Ritchie) Findley
FINDLEY, David Milton (1831-1851):
never married; s/o John and Nancy (Findley) Findley
FINDLEY, Eliza (1847-1847): d/o David
Jr. and Jane (Ritchey) Findley; born 21 June 1847 along Platte or Sweetwater,
and died Oct. 1847 at The Dalles of measles
FINDLEY, Elizabeth Ann (1833-1911): m'd 1850 CHENOWETH, Francis A.; d/o David Jr. and Jane (Ritchey) Findley
FINDLEY, Isabelle (1814-1847): m'd 1830 PUTMAN, Daniel Bennett; d/o David Sr. and Jennet (Ritchey) Findley; died 30 Oct. 1847 at Oregon City on arrival
FINDLEY, James "Alexander" (c1828-1848): s/o David Sr. and Janet (Ritchie) Findley; original emigrant of 1845; died of pneumonia near Oregon City in Jan of 1848
*11) FINDLEY, James Lindsey (28 Feb 1825-23 Dec 1847): m'd 1847 BUELL, Caroline; s/o John and Nancy (Findley) Findley; died at Ft. Vancouver of typhoid fever; buried Hudson Bay Company Pioneer Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
FINDLEY, James Madison (1829-1919): m1.
c1870 [unknown] , Agnes; m2. 1875 PRATT, Mary P.; s/o David Jr. and Jane (Ritchey)
FINDLEY, Jane Carson (1816-1884): m'd 1837 DUNLAP, John Alexander; d/o David Sr. and Jennet (Ritchey) Findley
FINDLEY, John (1801-1858): m'd 1823 FINDLEY, Nancy; s/o David and Janet (Ritchie) Findley; father of 8 children, 6 of which died in infancy prior to emigration
FINDLEY, M. Daniel Milton (1830-1852):
- see FINDLEY, David Milton; gravestone inscribed "Mr. D. M." which has
obviously caused confusion
FINDLEY, Madison: s/o David Jr. and
Jane (Ritchey) Findley - see FINDLEY, James Madison
FINDLEY, Mary Boyd (c1818-1846): m1. 1838 SMITH, Simpson; m2. 1839 RUSSELL, Levi; d/o David Sr. and Jennet (Ritchey) Findley; said to have died in Holt Co. MO
FINDLEY, Nancy (1802-1896): m1. 1823
FINDLEY, John (her cousin); m2. 1862 BARRETT, Thomas; d/o James and Mary
(Ritchey) Findley
FINDLEY, Nancy Jane (1810-1890): m'd
1829 HASKIN, William Anson; d/o David Sr. and Jennet (Ritchey) Findley
FINDLEY, Nancy M. (1837-1909): m'd 1858 IZETT, John M.; d/o David Jr. and Jane (Ritchey) Findley
FINDLEY, Sarah C. (c1842-1871): m'd
1857 JOSLIN, Benjamin; d/o David Jr. and Jane (Ritchey) Findley
FINDLEY, Thomas Lewis (c1827- ): s/o
John and Nancy (Findley) Findley; probably died in childhood in the east as only
two of their children reached adulthood, both accounted for
FINDLEY, William (c1831- ): s/o David Jr. and Jane (Ritchey) Findley; went south to California about 1860 after which no further word was heard from him
FINDLEY, William Ritchey (1820-1890): m'd 1852 TEMPLETON, Margaret Elizabeth; s/o David Sr. and Janet (Ritchie) Findley; original emigrant of 1845
FINE, Eliza (1812-1887): m'd FINDLA,
James; d/o Lidgard and Elizabeth (Netherton) Fine; CA pioneer
FINE, Rebecca Ann (1810-1883): m'd 1843
EASTIN, James Woodson; d/o Lidgard and Elizabeth (Netherton) Fine; CA pioneer
FINE, Thomas Lewis or Lears (1827-1896): m'd 1850 HASKIN, Amelia Jane; s/o Henry Levi and Nancy (Oden) Fine
FISH, Eleanor Elsey (1846-1873): m1. 1861 PARROT, Joseph Jr. (div. 1862); m2. 1862 FISH, Gilbert Warren; d/o Walter and Catherine (Leabo) Fish
FISH, Walter (1817-1884): m'd 1845 LEABO, Catherine
FISHER, Angelina (1845-1847); d/o John
H. and Rachel W. (Joy) Fisher; died 12 Aug. 1847 on the Trail at Snake River
FISHER, John H. (c1816-1847): m'd 1841 JOY, Rachel Way; he died 6 June 1847 near Platte River on the Trail
FISHER, Margaret (1802-1883): m'd 1825 HEADRICK, Isaac
*16) FISCUS, Elizabeth 01 Jun 1807-1852): m'd 1832 THOMPSON, Isaac; returned east by ship 1851 with family and died on the Missouri River during the return journey; d/o George and Peggy (Powell) Fiscus
FITZGERALD, Honora Lucy (1845-1933): m'd c1864 MURPHY, John; d/o Thomas and Permelia (Eldridge) Fitzgerald;
FITZGERALD, Penora (1845- ): probably
mistake for Honora
FITZGERALD, Mary Magdalen (1847-1898):
m'd c1874 MURPHY, James J.; d/o Thomas and Permelia (Eldridge) Fitzgerald; she
was baptized on the Trail 1 Aug. 1847 by the Catholic priests, who wrote her
birth down as Jan. 1847 in Oregon, month of birth or place evidently a mistake
FITZGERALD, Priscilla (1797-1876): m'd 1819 SHELTON, Haman; d/o FITZGERALD, Harvey Lee; settled in Linn Co; died at Scio
FITZGERALD, Thomas (1818-1860): m1.
1844 ELDRIDGE, Permelia Cordelia; m2. 1853 O'LAUGHLIN, Mary
FITZPATRICK, Susannah (1804- ): m'd 1819 CRANK, Nathaniel
FLANADAY, Mary Frances (1798-1850): m'd 1815 TUSTIN, Samuel
FLEENER, Simon Peter Cartwright (1822-1911): m1. 1848 CRANK, Sarah B.; m2. 1888 Woodmansee, Serena Ann (McLANE)
FLEMMING, Jesse (1811-1855): m'd NEVER MARRIED,
FOLGER, William D.:
FORD, Reuben Wraymon (1822-1900): m'd
1848 LENOX, Mary Ann; they went back east to New York in 1855, and to Austin TX
in 1858 where they remained
FOREMAN, Jacob (1812-1880): evidently
did not marry
FORESTER, Frances "Fanny" (1798-1859): m'd 1818 MARKS, John
FORGEY, Mary Elizabeth (1847-1847): d/o
William A. and Hannah M. (Michael) Forgey; born 14 July 1847 and died 3 Aug.
1847 on the Trail
FORGEY, William Alexander (1821-1896): m'd 1846 MICHAEL, Hannah M.
FORRESTER, Martha Frances (1798-1859): m'd 1818 MARK, John
FOSTER, James S. (1818-1895): m1.
BURCH, Elizabeth; m2. 1845 BURCH, Faithful Louise
FOSTER, Samuel Singleton (1847-1928): did not marry; s/o James S. and Faithful L. (Burch) Foster; born about 1 Aug. 1847 on the Trail
FOSTER, Wallace:
FOURGEAUD, Armand Du Pre (c1845-1849):
s/o Victor and Ellen (Walker) Fourgeaud; possibly same as Nonie; CA pioneer
FOURGEAUD, Augusto or Gustavus "Gus"
(c1820-1867): brother of Victor Fourgeaud; CA pioneer
FOURGEAUD, Ellen Mrs. (1819-1883): m'd
1840 FOURGEAUD, Victor J. - should be WALKER, Ellen (1819-1883): m'd 1840
FOURGEAUD, Victor J. ; CA pioneer
FOURGEAUD, Nonie (c1841-c1855?): s/o
Victor J. and Ellen (Walker) Fourgeaud; possibly same as Armand; CA pioneer
FOURGEAUD, Victor Jean [Dr.] (1816-1875): m'd 1840 WALKER, Ellen; CA pioneer
*26) FOX, Esom (1826- ):
FOX, Mary Ann (1815-1901): m'd 1833 TIBBETTS, Gideon; native of NY; moved with parents to IN where she met and married her husband; moved to IA until they emigrated to OR in 1847; settled in what is now East Portland directly opposite Ross Island; after the death of her husband in in 1887 she moved to Walla Walla where she remained until her death; buried in Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, OR
FRAKES, Permelia Elizabeth (1818-1849): m'd 1843 JONES, Fielding
*11) FRANKLIN, Hannah A. (1839-1912):
m'd 1855 HICKLIN, William Carroll; d/o Josiah and Sarah A. (Conner) Franklin
*11) FRANKLIN, Josiah (1816-1898): m1.
1839 CONNER, Sarah Ann; m2. 1887 Wilson, Sarah (STRONG); m3. 1897 Simeral,
Almira E. (CRANE); s/o William and Hannah (Hackney) Franklin
*11) FRANKLIN, Mary Jane (1841-1860):
m'd 1858 MOODY, Malon O.; d/o Josiah and Sarah A. (Conner) Franklin
*11) FRANKLIN, Ruth Ann (1814-1903):
m1. 1832 HUNT, Enoch; m2. 1836 MILLER, John; d/o William and Hannah (Hackney)
Franklin; Buell train
*11) FRANKLIN, Sarah Elizabeth (1844-1930?): m'd 1860 THOMSON, Henry P.; m2. HOLLENBECK, ; d/o Josiah and Sarah A. (Conner) Franklin
FRAZER, George E.:
FREDERICK, Emma Louise (1847-1855): d/o James M. and
Clarissa (Downer) Frederick; born 23 June 1847 on the Trail
FREDERICK, Irene Melvina (1845-1891): m'd 1859 HUNTER, Joseph C.; d/o James M. and Clarissa (Downer) Frederick
FREDERICK, James M. (1815-1856): m'd 1839 DOWNER, Clarissa L.
"FREDERICKS, JAMES M.--Born in Ohio in 1814; went thence to Illinois and Iowa, coming to Oregon in 1847, and settling in Polk County. Bought the Applegate farm and cultivated it. Married Clara L. Downer, in 1837. Children Martha J., Irene, Judith E., and Jacob W. Mr. Fredericks died in 1856." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.672]
FREDERICKS, Irene (1844- ):
FREDERICKS, Judith Emma (1847- ): see FREDERICK, Emma Louise
FREDERICK, Martha Jane (1842-1920): m'd
1857 COSPER, David J.; d/o James M. and Clarissa (Downer) Frederick
FREEMAN, Elizabeth (1820-1900): m'd 1840 MERRILL, Joseph; d/o Lemuel and Rebecca Freeman
FRESHOUR, James Rufus (1826-1908): m'd 1852 MCKELHANY, Frances Annette
FRESHOUR, Rutha Malinda (1824-1890): m'd 1846 GANN, Nicholas Broyles
FRIEDLEY, James R. (1822- ): may be mistake for FRIEDLEY, Jos. P.
FRIEDLEY, Joseph Parker (1822-1881): m'd 1851 STROUD, Amanda
*2) FUDGE, Adam (1777/80-1849):
1824 WHITEAKER, Catharine; died on board ship off Astoria returning from the
California gold fields
*2) FUDGE, Adam Jr. (1845-1901): m'd 1868 PERKINS, Mary Mildred
*2) FUDGE, Amanda Jane (1843-1915): m'd 1860 HEDGES, David L.
*2) FUDGE, David (1828-1881): m'd by
1870 HAMMER, Melissa
*2) FUDGE, Elizabeth (1829-1876): m1.
1851 BOONE, Jesse VsnBibber; m2. 1874 CREERY, Thomas M.
*2) FUDGE, James (1836-1909): m'd 1866 PIPER, Julia Allen
*2) FUDGE, John (1832-1892): m'd 1864 SMITH, Cordelia C. :
*2) FUDGE, Julia (1840-1879): m1. 1860
RITCHESON, Robinson; m2. 1863 COX, Philip Walter; twin to Susan
*2) FUDGE, Maria (1825-1888): m'd 1850
SCOTT, Norman
*2) FUDGE, Susan A. (1840-1925): m'd
1857 JONES, William; twin to Julia
*2) FUDGE, William (1839-1917): m's
1863 BILLUPS, Elizabeth
FULKERSON, Elizabeth Kincaid
(1824-1888): m1. 1841 DORRIS, Hiram Casey; m2. 1848 KIMSEY, Alvis; m3. 1857
GAINES, Willis; d/o James M. and Mary R. (Miller) Fulkerson
FULKERSON, Elizabeth Garrett
(1806-1854): m1. 1824 HINES, William Talbert (1803-1847); m2. 1848 DODSON,
Elijah; d/o James and Elizabeth (McMillin) Fulkerson
FULKERSON, Frederick Richard (1829-1847): s/o James M. and Mary R. (Miller) Fulkerson; died 1 July 1847 on the Trail near Devil's Gate
FULKERSON, Hannah Rebecca (1835-1931): m'd 1855 CROWLEY, Solomon Kimsey; mother of Mary Virginia (1857-1932); James Monroe (1859-1936); John F. (1861-1897); Nancy Jane (1863-1899); Solomon Holt (1866-1945); Manson Kimsey (1869-1946); Ada Beulah Catherine (1871-1943); Effie Lelah (1874-1951): Ora Priscilla (1878-1956)
FULKERSON, James Monroe (1803-1884): m'd 1823 MILLER/FULLER, Mary Ramsey
"FULKERSON, JAMES W.--Born in Virginia, August 28, 1803; in 1807 his family moved to Tennessee, and in 1817 to Missouri. In the spring of 1847 he set out for Oregon, and arrived in Polk County in October of that year. He made that locality his home until his death, May 31, 1884. Served several terms in the Territorial Legislature. Was married in 1823 to Miss Mary Fuller, by whom he had eleven children, six of whom still live. These are Elizabeth (Mrs. Willis Gaines), Sarah (Mrs. A. Cain), Virginia (Mrs. J. McDaniel), Margaret (Mrs. Caleb Curl), Hannah (Mrs. S. Crowley), and William H. Mrs. Fulkerson died on the plains, and in 1848 he married Mrs. Catharine Crowley, mother of the Miss Leland Crowley, whose death and burial at Grave Creek form such a romantic episode in the history of Southern Oregon. The lady was a pioneer of 1846." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.672]
FULKERSON, Margaret Emeline (1831-1906): m'd 1850 CURL, Caleb W.
FULKERSON, Nancy Leeper (1801-1863): m'd 1821 MILLER, Richard N.; d/o James and Elizabeth (McMillin) Fulkerson
FULKERSON, Virginia Ann (1828-1914):
m'd 1848 McDANIEL, Joshua; d/o James M. and Mary R. (Miller) Fulkerson
FULKERSON, William Holt (1840-1925): m'd 1867 CRAVEN, Sarah Jane; s/o James M. and Mary R. (Miller) Fulkerson
"FULKERSON, WILLIAM H.--Born in Missouri in 1840, the son of the preceding. Came with his parents to Oregon when seven years of age, and has lived in Polk County ever since. Is a farmer by occupation, his farm being in Polk County, near Salem. Married Miss Sarah J. Craven in 1867. They have had five children Frederick (deceased), Albert N., Pearly P., James M. (deceased), and Lois F." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.672]
FULTON, Elizabeth “Lizzy” (1843-1915):
m'd 1864 SCHOLL, Louis; d/o James and Priscilla (Welles) Fulton
FULTON, James (1816-1896): m'd 1840
WELLES, Priscilla
FULTON, James Jr. (1847-1919): m'd 1867
FOSS, Georgiana; s/o James and Priscilla (Welles) Fulton; born 17 Feb. 1847
FULTON, Katherine (1829-1926): m'd
SCHOLL, - I don't know when she arrived in Oregon; her surname was HAAS not
Fulton, and she married Andrew Scholl
FULTON, Lucinda "Lucie" (1841-1916): m'd 1860 ISAACS, Henry Perry (pioneer of 1852); d/o James and Priscilla (Welles) Fulton; settled at Walla Walla, WA where her husband was a merchant ,
GANN, Mahala Jane (1841-1925): m'd 1857 HOBBS, Samuel K.; d/o
Nicholas B. and/or Rutha M. (Freshour) Gann; CA pioneer
GANN, Nicholas Broyles (1807-1887): m'd 1846 FRESHOUR, Rutha
Malinda; CA pioneer
GANN, William Henry (1847-1919): s/o Nicholas B. and Rutha M.
(Freshour) Gann; b. 11 Oct. 1847 on arrival in CA
GANT, John:
GARLAND, Daniel O. (1820-1862): m1. 1850 BRIDGEFARMER, Emily; m2.
1861 Sutherlin, Jane (BRISCOE)
GARRETT, Christopher C. (1840-1917): m1. 1867 ROSS, Rebecca Jane;
m2. 1888 (unknown), Lillian A. "Lillie"; s/o John D. and Eunice (Stark) Garrett
GARRETT, Isaac William (1838-1898): m1. 1859 WELCH, Amanda; m2.
1872 CHILD, Emma E.; s/o John D. and Eunice (Stark) Garrett; moved to Idaho in
1860, serving as Secretary of State 1895-7
GARRETT, James Henry (1836-1920): m'd 1869 KILLIN, Rachel; s/o John
D. and Eunice (Stark) Garrett
GARRETT, John Dunlap (1810-1889): m'd 1836 STARK, Eunice
GARRETT, John Marshall (1841-1869): m'd 1867 TOWNSEND, Miriam; s/o
John D. and Eunice (Stark) Garrett
GARRETT, Martha A. E. (1845-1863): d/o John D. and Eunice (Stark)
GARRETT, Rebecca Ellen (1843-1896): m'd 1860 LONG, Charles Marion;
d/o John D. and Eunice (Stark) Garrett
GATES, Alonzo
(1827- ): m'd 1866 CORNELIUS, Ellen; father of (Ellen, Frank H., Ellen
Ida, Anna P., Alonzo B., and Lena Elberta); brother of Thomas
GATES, Thomas Waterman (1821- ): m'd 1847 YORK, Cynthia; father of (William, Laura Louise, Lafayette O., Don Carlos, Sarah Adeline, Emma May and Mary)
GATY, Angeline Perces (c1807- ): m1. MILLS, Ignatius W.; m2. 1838 COMEGYS, Jacob L.; she moved to CA 1856
GEDDIS - Mary M. and Sylvanus Ray Geddis were children of Robert and Margaret (Marsh) Geddis and came with their mother and step-father William Klum
GEDDIS, Sylvanus Ray (1838-1912): m'd 1859 TOURMAN, Emily C.
GEER, Adelia
Honeywood: was the daughter of Frederick W. Geer, and emigrated in 1846 not
GEER, Elizabeth (27 Oct 1832-17 Jun 1916): m1. 20 Aug 1848 SANBORN, Charles T.; m2. 28 Apr 1855 SWEITZER, Christian E.; m3. 21 Apr 1861 SWEITZER, Joseph Robinson; m4. 1867 MULLINS, William; m5. 17 Feb 1870 KENT, Charles Francis; d/o Joseph C. and Mary (Johnston) Geer; buried Greenwood Hills Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
GEER, Florinda "Flora" (03 Sep 1839-20 Nov 1870): m'd 17 Nov 1854 DAVENPORT, Timothy Woodbridge; d/o Ralph and Mary (Willard) Geer; buried Geer Family Farm Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
GEER, Frances Emeline (16 Sep 1821-16 Oct 1897): m'd 16 Aug 1843 GRIM, John Walker; d/o Joseph and Mary (Johnson) Geer; buried Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Marion County, Oregon
GEER, George T.: G. T. Geer had a provisional land grant 8 Nov. 1847 Lewis County - possibly this was George T. Geer (1822-1898): m'd 1860 NEFF, Samantha; s/o Samuel and Betsey Geer; but if so he returned to Connecticut; he was a sea captain:
GEER, Heman Johnson (23 Sep 1828-16 Aug 1903): m1. 12 Oct 1848 EOFF, Cynthia Ann (divorced c 1863); m2. 14 Oct 1866 DUNCAN, Eliza Ann; s/o Joseph C. and Mary (Johnson) Geer; burial details unknown
GEER, Iantha (06 Dec 1836-29 Jan 1907): m'd 31 Aug 1852 KRUSE, John L.; d/o Joseph C. and Mary (Johnson) Geer; buried Robert Bird Cemetery, Wilsonville, Clackamas County, Oregon
GEER, Isaiah (13 Apr 1825-23 Feb 1893): m1. 1853 CRANDALL, Phebe R.; m2. OVERBY, Mrs. Elizabeth M.; s/o Joseph and Mary (Johnson) Geer; buried Old Oroville Cemetery, Oroville, Butte County, California
GEER, Joseph Cary/Carey Sr. (05 Feb 1795-27 Aug 1881): m1. 1815 JOHNSON, Mary (1797-1847); m2. 24 Jun 1849 Smith, Elizabeth (DIXON); m3. 02 Jun 1856 Strong, Mrs. Mary (SPRINGER); buried Geer Cemetery, Clackamas County, Oregon
"GEER, JOSEPH C., Sr.--Born in Windham County, Connecticut, February 5, 1795; served in the war of 1812, for which, many years after, he obtained a pension. In 1815 married Mary Johnston, a native of Rhode Island, and three years after moved to Madison County, Ohio, and was a farmer for twenty-two years. In 1840 he moved westward again, settling in western Illinois. In 1847 he set out for Oregon. He located in Clackamas County, opposite Butteville, and died there of old age, August 27, 1881. He left an aged widow, seven sons and four daughters. His lineal descendants, all residing on this coast, number one hundred and fifty persons. He was the oldest member of the Pioneer Association." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.672-3]
GEER, Juliette (c1834-c1853): d/o Joseph C. and Mary (Johnson) Geer; died age 19; burial location unknown; possibly in Geer Cemetery in Clackamas County, Oregon
GEER, LeGrande Byington (11 Mar 1845-07 May 1909): m'd 16 May 1870 DEHART, Eglentine; s/o Ralph and Mary (Willard) Geer; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Waldo Hills, Marion County, Oregon
GEER, Mary (10 May 1830-28 Jun 1899): m'd 19 Feb 1848 SHORT, Robert Valentine; d/o Joseph and Mary (Johnson) Geer; buried Multnomah Park Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
GEER, Ralph Calvin (30 Oct 1837-01 Jul 1930): m'd 21 Nov 1858 LEONARD, Ellen Sylvania; s/o Ralph and Mary (Willard) Geer; died in San Francisco, California
GEER, Ralph Carey (1816-09 Jan 1895): m'd 08 Jan 1837 WILLARD, Mary Catherine; s/o Joseph and Mary (Johnson) Geer; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Waldo Hills, Marion County, Oregon
"Nurseryman and livestock imprter; was born in Windham Co., Conn; died at Waldo Hills, son of Joseph Carey Geer, Sr., and his wife Mary Johnson Geer, both New England stock. He came to Waldo Hills in 1847, where he started nursery business with apple and pear seedlings brought across the plains. In 1848 he taught school and served as captain of the volunteer military company which fought in Battle of Abiqua Creek. He was a member of the territorial legislature (1854). In 1858 he imported sheep from England and became a pioneer in glax growing in the Willamette Valley. He married Mary Catherine Willard in Ohio in 1837. They had four daughters, one was the mother of Homer Davenport."
GEER, Samantha (02 Jul 1842-19 Jan 1929): m'd 04 Jul 1858 BOWERS, Phillip; d/o Ralph and Mary (Willard) Geer; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Waldo Hills, Marion County, Oregon
GERKE, Caroline
Minna "Carrie" (c1844-1911): m'd c1867 HAMLIN, George; d/o Henry and Louisa
(Schroeder) Gerke; CA pioneer
GERKE, Henry
(1810-1882): m'd c1843 SCHROEDER, Louisa A.; CA pioneer; established one of the
largest vineyards in the state and was one of the most successfull wine-makers
in the upper Sacramento Valley
GERKE, Louis [George Louis A.] (1847- ): s/o Henry and Louisa Gerke; b. soon after reaching SF; some sources give his birth as 1849
Abigail (1833-1860): m'd 1853 SCHRODER, Jacob W.; d/o Joseph G. and Maria
(Giddings) Gibbons
(1835-1915): m'd 1865 FLETCHER, Charlotte; s/o Joseph G. and Maria (Giddings)
(1837-1858): never married; s/o Joseph G. and Maria (Giddings) Gibbons
Joseph G. (1797-1874): m'd 1831 GIDDINGS, Maria
GIBBONS, Maria G. Mrs. (1816-1901): m'd 1831 GIBBONS, Joseph G.
GIBBONS, Mathias Mason (1841-1895): m'd c1868 FLETCHER, Sarah Anne; s/o Joseph G. and Maria (Giddings) Gibbons
Jane (1842-1916): m'd 1856 WOOLEY, Henry; d/o William O. and Melinda (Burgin)
Elizabeth "Lizzy" (1837-1918): m1. 1851 EVANS, Isaac M./W.; m2. 1879 WHITCOMB,
Levi Lee; d/o William O. and Melinda (Burgin) Gibson
Humphrey (1835-1848): s/o William O. and Melinda (Burgin) Gibson; d. Jan. 1848
at Linnton
W. (1834-1927): m1. 1858 WHETSTONE, Hannah; m2. 1875 Baldra, Anna Aseneath
(SWAN); s/o William O. and Melinda (Burgin) Gibson
GIBSON, John I.:
GIBSON, Nancy: m'd BOYD, Michael; d/o William and Melinda (Burgin) Owen; did not come west until c1857
(1832-1847): d/o William O. and Melinda (Burgin) Gibson; d. at the Cascades
GIBSON, Tryon (1840-1848): s/o William O. and Melinda (Burgin) Gibson; d. Jan. 1848 at Linnton
GIBSON, William Owen (1810-1890): m'd 1830 BURGIN, Melinda
"GIBSON, W. O.--Born in Tennessee in 1810; crossed the plains with a family of six children and his mother. The year following his arrival in Oregon he settled in Washington County then Tualatin County and took a donation claim near Forest Grove, on which he lived twelve years. He has resided in Hillsboro since 1875; owns city property and some land. In 1830 married Miss M. Burgin, and has four living children and six dead. The living are James W., Elizabeth, Eliza J. and Jacob." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.673]
GIDDINGS, Maria (1816-1901): m'd 1831 GIBBONS, Joseph G
GILAM or GILLAM, Mary Elizabeth (1824-1883): m'd 1845 AKIN or AIKEN, John
GILBERT, Corington (1846-1864): s/o Lorenzo D. and Hannah (Belknap) Gilbert,
GILBERT, George (1836-1896): m'd 1862 HALEY, Elizabeth Courtney
GILBERT, Jane (1838-1923): m'd 1856 CLARK, Nelson
GILBERT, Lorenzo Dow (1812-1882): m'd 1833 BELKNAP, Hannah
GILBERT, Philander (1834-1905): m'd 1855 WATTS, Mary
GILBERT, Phineas (1843-1929): m1. 1868 BOWEN, Adelia Ann; m2. 1908 Guy, Anna (NELSON); s/o Lorenzo D. and Hannah (Belknap) Gilbert
GILBERT, Riley (1841-1916): m1. 1865 ALLEN, Nancy D.; m2. 1879 CUMMINGS, Emma C.; s/o Lorenzo D. and Hannah (Belknap) Gilbert
GILBORIN, A. J. (1818- ): probably a misreading of Gilliam, Andrew Jackson
GILCHREST, Thomas Marion (1846-1911): m'd 1886 Frazer, Anna (JOHNSON); s/o William M. and Mary Ann (Parris) Gilchrest
GILCHREST, William Marion (1826-1897): m'd 1844 PARRIS, Mary Ann
GILL, Peter : probably Peter GUILD
GILLIAM, Andrew Jackson (1818-1890): m'd 12 Dec 1839 CLAY, Sarah Thompson "Sally"; s/o of Jesse Gilliam (1790-1867) & Jennett McDowell (c1791-1860)
"GILLIAM, ANDREW J.--Was born in Carrol County, Missouri, in 1818; came to Oregon and settled in Polk County. His present residence is Dallas, and occupation, farming. He married Sarah T. Clay in Missouri in 1839, by whom he has eleven children." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.673]
GILLIAM, Eleazar (1840-1902): m'd 13 Oct 1861 ROBBINS, Nancy Jane; s/o Andrew J Gilliam & Sarah T. Clay
GILLIAM, Ellen (1814-1876): m'd 2 Jul 1835 LEWIS, John Harrison; d/o of Jesse Gilliam (1790-1867) & Jennett McDowell (c1791-1860)
GILLIAM, Elizabeth Caroline (1844-1923): m'd 1863 WILKES,
Thomas Edwin; d/o Robert Alexander and Julia (Chance) Gilliam
GILLIAM, George: said to have come in 1847 via the Applegate Trail
GILLIAM, John ( -c1849): m'd 1847/8 DICKERSON, Hannah Rhetta; said to have come in 1847 via the Applegate Trail; died in CA gold fields
GILLIAM, Martha Jane (1846-1906): m'd 29 Jul 1862 STANLEY, William Jasper; d/o Andrew J Gilliam & Sarah T. Clay
GILLIAM, Rebecca Ann (1844-1902): m'd 14 Sep 1858 SPLAWN, Francis Marion; d/o Andrew J Gilliam & Sarah T. Clay
GILLIAM, Robert Alexander (1816-1886): m'd 1841 CHANCE,
Julia Ann; s/o Jesse and Jenett (McDowell) Gilliam; said to have come to OR in
1847 in a party led by Mitchell and Cornelius Gilliam
GILLILAND, Isaac ( -1847): an elderly man from Long Island, with no family, he drove a wagon across the plains for Luke Saunders; he was a tailor by trade and was engaged by Dr. Marcus Whitman to make some suits, falling victim at his sewing table on 29 Nov. 1847 in the Whitman Massacre:
GILMORE, Adalasha (1820-1847): m'd 27 Dec 1840 CLELAND, Robert; died 1847 of measles on Molalla Creek, Clackamas County, Oregon Territory upon arrival
GLENN, Elizabeth Vinson (1824-1868): m'd 1841 LARKINS, Monroe
GLOVER, Matilda Ann (29 Jan 1811-14 Feb 1901): m1.
1837 KOONTZ, Nicholas; m2. 1848 JACKSON, John Robinson; d/o John and Matilda (Nettle)
Glover; buried
Fern Hill Cemetery, Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington; after death of husband on trail Matilda continued on with her two sons
and in 1848 married John Jacksonat Oregon City; they settled on
Jackson Prairie, WA
GLOVER, William (1822-1892): m'd 1843 GRAVES, Jane Jett; s/o Philip and Sarah (Koontz) Glover; nephew of Matilda; his parents, brothers and sisters came 1849
GOFF, David
Reason (1847-1847): s/o Samuel F. and Nancy (Virgin) Goff; born on the Trail and
died at the foot of the Calapooia Mountains on the Trail
GOFF, Leonard -
possibly a mistake for John Leonard Eoff
GOFF, Samuel
Ford (1820-1887): m'd 1844 VIRGIN, Nancy; took the southern or Applegate route;
his parents and other family members came 1844
GOODELL, John Brown (1820-1875): m'd 03 Aug 1843 RHOADES, Dalinda; s/o Samuel and Sarah (Brown) Goodell; born 18 Jun 1820 Lancaster, Genesee Co, NY and died 22 Feb 1875 Champoeg, Marion Co, OR; buried Champoeg Cemetery, Champoeg, Marion Co, OR; father of 7 children (Thomas R., Cynthia Ann, Mary Avarilla, Francis Marion, William Henry, Christopher Columbus and John Lincoln)
GOODELL, Thomas R. (1844-1922): m'd c1871 ADY, Gerutha Ella; s/o John and Dalinda (Rhoades) Goodell; born 25 Aug 1844 Fulton Co, IL and died 11 Apr 1922 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co, OR
GOODHUE, Samuel Henry (1809/13-1897): m'd 1849 DAVIDSON, Laurinda Jane; said to be pioneer of 1847, possibly earlier
Mr.: named in Bishop Blanchet journal - may be one of the following (Gooding or
A. (c1819- ): CA pioneer
GOODWIN, William Henry (1813-1880): never married
GORDNEY, Samuel:
Benjamin (1813/7- ): said to be pioneer of 1847 - per Early Oregonian Search,
pioneer of 1846; settled in WA state
GORDON, Thomas
(1827-1854): s/o William and Juana Maria (Lucero) Gordon; returning from the
east to CA; diverted to OR with Wiggins party
GOTHARD, Samuel (1815- ):
GOULD, Elizabeth ( -1849): m'd 1815 WARREN, Edward
GOULDY, Wilkeson (1828- ): aka Wilkinson Gula or Wickliff Gouley; prob. s/o Lewis H. and Elenor (Mulligan) Gooldy; took the Applegate Trail; said to have been a relative of Prior Blair
GRACE, Oliver (1829-1902): m'd 1865 HILL, Esther
GRACER, Jacob:
C. (1818-1865): m'd c1854 BRICKLEY, Margaret Melinda; s/o David and Margaret
(Parks) Graham
GRAHAM, John (
-1847): s/o William and Mary (Griswold) Graham; died on the plains on the Trail
(1838-1914): m'd 1856 STARR, Willis; d/o William and Mary (Griswold) Graham
GRAHAM, William
W. (1821-1905): m'd 1846 MARION, Catherine; s/o David and Margaret (Parks)
GRAHAM, William (1800-1881): m'd 1830 GRISWOLD, Mary
GRANT, Eliza
(c1829- ): m'd 1846 WELLS, Daniel F.
GRANT, Hugh R.
(1830-1912): m'd 1851 WILLIAMS, Josephine; s/o John Grant; said to be pioneer of
1847, if so returned east and came again in 1852
Francis (1831-1907): m'd BRUNEAU, Clotilde; son of Richard and Marie (Breland)
Grant; his father the proprietor of Fort Hall; traveled to Fort Hall partway
with Magone Company
Stanislas Richard (1825-1852): m'd 1847 de LANGIE, Christine Emilie Levreault;
son of Richard and Marie (Breland) Grant; his father the proprietor of Fort
Hall; traveled to Fort Hall partway with Magone Company; said to have an infant
son with him as well
1) GRAVES, George Washington (1833-1913): m'd 18 Oct 1855 MCCAIN, Ellen; s/o James and Diana (Newton) Graves; buried Sheridan Masonic Cemetery, Sheridan, Yamhill County, Oregon
"GRAVES, G. W.--Born in Warren County, Missouri, in 1833, the son of the succeeding. Coming to Oregon, he settled at Sheridan, near which town he still resides, occupying himself in the pursuits of agriculture. He married Miss Ellen McCanein October, 1855. Children: Walter, Lucy E., James F., Ezra C., J. O., Cora B., and C. C." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.673]
1) GRAVES, Harriet (1832- ): black servant with James B. Graves family
1) GRAVES, Harrison Taylor (1840-1915): m'd
129 Sep 1879 CHAPMAN, Eusebia Jane; s/o James and Diana (Newton) Graves; buried
Sheridan Masonic Cemetery, Sheridan, Yamhill County, Oregon
GRAVES, James Buchanan (1796-1882): m'd
24 Dec 1822
NEWTON, Diana; m2. 1849 BEWLEY, Mrs. Catherine (ELLIS);
s/o Thomas Nelson Graves (1774-) and Mary Polly Mason
"GRAVES, JAMES B.--Born in Virginia in 1797; moved to Kentucky in an early day, and was married to Diana Newton in 1823. Moved next to Missouri, and from there to Oregon in 1847. Settled near what is now Sheridan, in Yamhill County. Was a member of the Territorial Legislature one term. Had a family of nine children, of whom eight grew up. Six of these still live. Their names are Charles B., Helen M., Thomas N., George W., Lacy, and Harrison T. Mr. Graves died in 1882." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.673]
1) GRAVES, James Milton (1829-1859): m'd 22 Nov 1853 PYBURN, Melvina; s/o James B. and Diana (Newton) Graves; buried Graves Family Cemetery, Sheridan, Yamhill County, Oregon
GRAVES, Jane Jett (1827-1876): m'd 1843 GLOVER, William
1) GRAVES, Lucy Elizabeth (1836-1903): m1. 12 Sep 1852 BEWLEY, James Frank; m2. 24 Aug 1893, COWLS, John W.; d/o James B. and Diana (Newton) Graves; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
1) GRAVES, Thomas Newton (1831-1898): m'd 01 Sep 1852 BEWLEY, Maranda Narcissa; s/o James and Diana (Newton) Graves; buried Sheridan Masonic Cemetery, Sheridan, Yamhill County, Oregon
"GRAVES, THOMAS NEWTON--Born in Missouri in 1831; came to Oregon in 1847, and settled in Yamhill County, where he still resides. Is a farmer. Married Miss Miranda N. Bewley in 1862 (sic-1852). Children Henry H., Eugene M., Charles, Walter F., Edward B., L. C., Nellie E., Louis J., Christine M., Wilbur and Bertha." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.673-4]
GREEN, Anna Harvey (1807-1900): m'd 1827 LEE,
Philander; d/o Israel and Hannah (Witter) Green;
Anna Harvey Green b. 17 Dec 1807, Ovid Seneca, NY d. 28 Mar 1900
Canby, Clackamas, Oregon, m Philander lee b. 22 Feb 1802 Warren Co., NY d. 12
Jan 1887 Canby, Clackamas, Oregon on 20 Oct 1827 Jefferson Co.,
GREEN, Calvin (1832-1873): d 1873 Near Eureka, Nevada; s/o John and Philinda (Lee) Green; Calvin was a stockman in Eastern OR. While traveling with a band of horses, he was shot and killed by Hank Vaughn, a notorious outlaw and horse thief; Calvin died without issue
GREEN, Israel Nelson (1827-aft 1910): m. 30 Jan. 1853 Monroe Co., IA, UNDERWOOD, Urana; b. 11 Jun 1827 Jefferson Co, NY d. 10 Aug 1919 Sulphur Springs, Hopkins, Texas (Oregon Trail in 1847 with the Lee & Greens but returned to Iowa and his family's farm)
GREEN, James (1817-1888): m'd 1874 MCDONALD, Mrs. Edna S.
"GREEN, JAMES--Mr. Green came to Oregon in 1847. His birth took place in Pennsylvania, in 1817; he resided throughout his early years in that State, New York, and Illinois; started for Oregon in 1847, and settled in Yamhill County. His occupation has been farming, and his present residence is at Lafayette." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.674]
GREEN, John Harvey (1805-1847): m'd LEE, Philinda; John Harvey �Harvey� Green b. 17 Oct 1805 Ovid, Seneca, NY d. 9 Sep 1847 drowned in the Snake River @ American Falls, Idaho also son of Israel Green/sp Hannah Witter m Philinda Lee b. 12 Feb 1812 Jefferson Co., NY d. 19 Oct 1873 Portland, Oregon
GREEN, William Orville (1830-1878): m'd 1855 YOUNG, Mary Frances; s/o John and Philinda (Lee) Green
GREENING, Mary Jane (1786-1858): m'd 1813 ALDRIDGE, John
Robert (1824/5-1901): m'd 1850 TULLIS, Minerva Jane; s/o Robert and Dorcas Jane
(Frakes) Greenwell; one of 4 men “packing” from Ft. Hall with S. M. Pennington;
returned east to Schuyler Co. IL by 1850, and later to Kansas
GREGG, Margaret
(c1814- ): m'd 1836 YOUNG, Pleasant
(1812-1888): never married; son of John and Mary (David) Grewell
GREWELL, Mary Ann (1814-1902): m'd 1831 WHEALDON, Isaac; d/o John and Mary (David) Grewell
(1827-1903): m1. 1848 MORRIS, Sarah Jane; m2. 1881 GARD, Mrs. Ruth G. [ ];
described variously as pioneer of 1847 and of 1850; probably returned east and
came again
GRIM, Byron J. (1846-04 Feb 1938): m'd 1867 SEWELL, Mary A.; s/o John W. and Frances E. (Geer) Grim; wife also seen as SENEL, Mari H.; buried Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Marion County, Oregon
GRIM, John Walker (1820-1892): m'd 11 Aug 1844 RICE, Francis Emeline (GEER); marriage date has been given as 16 Aug. 1843 Knox Co., Illinois, but is actually recorded as 11 Aug. 1844 in Knox Co., buried Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Marion County, Oregon
"GRIMM, J. W.--Judge Grimm was born in Ohio, June 16, 1820. He removed to Illinois at the age of ten years, and in 1847 joined the noted and important immigration of that year, and came to Oregon by the usual route across the plains. He settled in Marion County, and still resides there. His home is on a farm two miles west of Aurora. The Judge has been prominently connected with the growth and progress of the State, and has held various important offices. In 1849 he was a member of the first Territorial Legislature; in 1850 he became county commissioner and ex officio probate judge, and was re- elected two years later. Was chosen State Senator in 1858, and served until 1866. Again, from 1878 until 1882 he held the same position. His acceptance of the latter office was only at the solicitation of the celebrated Colonel and Senator, E. D. Baker. Judge Grimm is a prominent member of the Pioneer Association. He married in 1843, Miss Frances E. Geer, by whom he has had twelve children, whose names are--Byron J., Martha (Mrs. Schneur), William, Thurston, Isaiah, Edgar, Edwin, John W., Mary E., Jacob C., Ralph and Alice." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.674]
GRIM, Lois (07 Jan 1844- 28 Aug 1880): m'd 02 Jun 1861 DUVALL, George Richard; her parents have been given as John and Frances, but perhaps she was a daughter of Frances by her first husband Mr. Rice; otherwise I don't know why she should have been left off the list given in the biography of John W. Grim above; 1850 census lists her as Louis; her birthdate is not correct based on marriage year of parents; died in California
GRIM, Martha Nebraska (12 May 1847-21 Dec 1926): m'd 1860 SCHNUR, Michael; d/o John W. and Frances E. (Geer) Grim; born 12 May 1847 in Nebraska on the Trail; buried Mount Olive Cemetery of Laurel, Laurel, Washington County, Oregon
GRIMES, Catherine (1804-1881): m'd 1818
HAGEY, Andrew;
m2. 1853/5 BOOTH, Austin;
came 1848
GRIMES, Ephraim (1800-1845): m'd c1824 EDDY, Phebe; Ephraim died in MO in 1845 prior to emigration
GRIMES, George
W. (c1831- ): s/o Ephraim and Phebe (Eddy) Grimes
(1802-1866): m'd 1823 MONTGOMERY, Samuel
GRIMES, Mary "Polly" (1810-1868): m'd 1830 PATTON, Matthew
GRIMES, Philander: s/o Ephraim and Phebe (Eddy) Grimes
GRIMES, Willard L.: s/o Ephraim and Phebe (Eddy) Grimes
GRIMSLEY, Almeda (1826-1912): m'd 1847 MORRIS, Joseph Hooker; d/o John and Mary (Scott) Grimsley; probably came 1851.
*27: GRIMSLEY, John (1793-1887): m'd 1821 SCOTT, Mary
Malinda (1838-1918): m'd 1852, div. and remarried 1860 WINKLE, Montgomery; d/o
John and Mary (Scott) Grimsley
Ellen (1840-1925): m'd 1858 PALMER, Andrew; d/o John and Mary (Scott) Grimsley
Matilda (1828-c1859): m'd 1848 STEWART, Archimedes "Kim"; d/o John and Mary
(Scott) Grimsley
Pamelia (1834-1905): m'd 1851 WINKLE, Wiley; d/o John and Mary (Scott) Grimsley
Robert D. O. (1831-c1861): m'd 1851 WINKLE, Gilla Ann; s/o John and Mary (Scott)
GRISWOLD, Mary (1810-1874): m'd 1830 GRAHAM, William
GROCE, Nancy (1810-1876): m'd 1827 ZUMWALT, Solomon
GUILD, Berrich Chickering (1845-1918):
m'd 1871 LARUE, Emily Maria
GUILD, Charles (1835-1905): m'd 1868 SAVAGE, Cordelia
GUILD, James Otis (1840-1901): m'd 1869 ROBERTS, Rosabelle "Rosa"
GUILD, Jesse William (1843-1896): m'd 1870 POPEJOY, Rachel
GUILD, Joseph
Smith (1844-1916): m1. 1868 REDDICK, Christiana; m2. HUNTINGTON, Martha; m3.
LEAVY, Myra Margaret
GUILD, Mary I.
(1837- ): m'd 1859 TILDEN, Thomas F. - this was Mary J. GILL (1843- ), d/o 1852
pioneers Lewis and Anne (Wilson) Gill
GUILD, Mary Jane (1837-1854): m'd 1853 MATTHEWS, Albert Atwater; d/o Peter or Eliza (Richardson) Guild; family Bible records her birth as 10 Feb. 1837 immediately following the entry for birthdate of Eliza (Richardson) Guild - timewise it falls between the death of Peter's wife Chloe and before his marriage to Elizabeth, making her parentage problematical; she died giving birth to twins, both of whom also died
GUILD, Peter (1797-1870): m'd c1829 (Unknown) , Chloe ( -1836); m2. 1839 RICHARDSON, Elizabeth; Peter GUILD married Chole in 1828/1830, but on 12 January 1836 she died as a result of measles, after still being weak from almost drowning in a river accident. She was buried with her daughter Betsy. In January of 1839 Peter married Elizabeth RICHARDSON in Whiteside County, Il. Elizabeth was born 26 April 1812 in Blacksburg, Virginia. She died on 17 October 1888 at Portland, Oregon. Peter and Elizabeth are buried in the family plot at Riverview Cemetery in Portland, Oregon. They had 8 children including my great grandmother ISABELLE Guild born 20 Dec. 1849 in Portland, Oregon. Peter and Chloe had 3 children Leonard b. 8 NOV. 1830 , Betsy b. 5 Nov. 1832 and Charles b. 8 Feb.1835. Charles was the only child to survive the accident on the river. Leonard and Betsy drowned. Peter and Elizabeth along with Charles and 4 of " their " children came to Portland in 1847 on the Oregon Trail.
GUILE, Benjamin
C. - Benjamin C. Guile filed on a provisional land claim on 6 June 1848 in Linn
County. There were a number of Benjamin Guiles in eastern states in 1850, so
perhaps he returned there.
GUSHURST, Mary Margaret (1824 -1914): m'd 1854
LAFORREST, Eugene; buried in Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas
Co, OR
HACKETT, John C. (1825-1895): m'd 1850 JOHNSON, Esther Ellen
Abraham/Abram (1829-1904): m1. 1849 DAVIS, Eleanor Benston; m2.
1900 McKinnon, Elvira "Vira" (ANTHROM)
"HACKLEMAN, A.--Born in Indiana; came to Oregon and took a donation claim, on which a part of the city of Albany now stands. Owns a farm of five hundred acres near Albany. Married Miss Eleanor B. Davis, by whom he has had five children, namely Pauline, Thurston P., Josephine (deceased), Denver D., and Frank." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.674]
HACKLEMAN, John Harris (1834-1883): m'd COWAN, Elizabeth A.; s/o Abner and Elizabeth (Lines) Hackleman; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn Co, OR; father came to OR in 1845, returned east to bring his family to OR and died there in 1846; mother and children emigrated in 1847
HACKLEMAN, Perlina ( - ): m'd 1852 SMITH, Absalom M.; d/o Abner and Elizabeth (Lines) Hackleman; father came to OR in 1845, returned east to bring his family to OR and died there in 1846; mother and children emigrated in 1847
HAGEY, Levi (1825-1905): m1. 18 Mar 1847 SHUCK, Elizabeth; m2. 13 Aug 1891 CHANEY, Mrs. Emily (STOCKTON); s/o Andrew and Catherine (Grimes) Hagey' born 15 Aug 1825 NC and died 25 Jun 1905 Yamhill Co, OR; father of 9 children by first wife (Susan, Amanda J., Mary Ann, Andrew, Jacob, Sarah Catherine, Eliza E., Henry Levi and Peter)
HAGEY, Mary E. (1820-1911): m'd 27 May 1838 SAPPINGFIELD, John; d/o Andrew and Catherine (Grimes) Hagey; born 07 Dec 1820 NC and died 26 Aug 1911 Marion Co, OR; buried Howell Prairie Cemetery, Marion Co, OR; mother of 7 children (William, Louisa, George, Amanda, John W., Henry A. and Charles)
HAKES, Fannie Maria (1826-1883): m'd 1846 PEEK, Abraham Morton
HALEY, Mary: m'd BIRD, Robert
HALEY, Nancy B. (1823-1881): m'd 1839 BAKER, John; buried Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
HALL, Alonzo (1829-1870): never married; s/o Mathew and Malinda Hall; was listed in several census records as insane; lived on the home farm up until 1880 when he is not longer found in the records.
HALL, Anne Eliza (1841-1864): m'd 1856HOLLAND, Alamanza; d/o Peter and Rachel Eliza (Huff) Hall Whitman Massacre Peter D. Hall family
HALL, Eliza M.(1838-1874): m'd 04 Feb 1858 HAGEY, Peter H.; d/o Mathew and Malinda Hall; born 03 Nov 1838 IL and died 28 Nov 1874 Yamhill Co, OR; buried in Dundee Cemetery, Dundee, Yamhill Co, OR; mother of 5 children (Delphia, Ernest Grover, Clara, Amanda and Mary E.); after her death her husband remarried and was killed in Portland in 1905 when he was hit by a truck
HALL, Gertrude Jane (1837-1933): m'd1853 WHITE, Leonard; d/o Peter and Rachel Eliza (Huff) Hall Whitman Massacre Peter D. Hall family
HALL, Harriet (1831-1918): m'd HALD, Henry C.; d/o Mathew and Malinda Hall; born 31 May 1831 IL and died 14 Feb 1918 Hood River Co, OR
HALL, Lafayette (1843- ):
HALL, Lafayette F. (1846-1923): m1. 25 Jul 1867 ELLISON, Amanda S.; m2. Nov 1885 ROWLAND, Frances M.; s/o Mathew and Malinda Hall; born 17 Jan 1846 Macoupin Co, IL and died 20 Jun 1923 Newberg, Yamhill Co, ORl fathr of 4 sons by first wife (William L., Overt E., Elmer C. and Ellis); father of 1 daughter by second wife (Ethel)
HALL, Lucinda (08 Jan 1847-05 Feb 1872): m'd 07 Mar 1867 HAYES, Ebenezer; d/o Thomas and Lucinda (Robnett) Hall; Thomas A. Hall family
HALL, Malinda (1804-1883): m1. 28 Feb 1824 HALL, Matthew; m2. 30 Jan 1870 JONES, William (divorced 01 Nov 1873); d/o John Hall; mother of 7 children (Alonzo, Harriet, Caroline, Presley, Eliza M., Martha M. and Lafayette F.)
HALL, Martha M. (1841-1885): m'd 17 May 1860 HAGEY, Andrew J.ackson; d/o Mathew and Malinda Hall; born 1841 IL and died 17 Mar 1885 Howell Prairie, Marion Co, OR; mother of 6 children (Catherine A., E. Grant, Anna E., Willis A., Ella Pearl and Amy M.)
HALL, Mary Ann (1840-1863): m'd 01 Jan 1853 PECKENPAUGH, Ezariah;; d/o Thomas and Lucinda (Robnett) Hall; mother of 1 known child (Sylvanus) Thomas A. Hall family
HALL, Mary Catherine (1839-1874): m'd1854 SMITH, William X.; d/o Peter and Rachel Eliza (Huff) Hall Whitman Massacre Peter D. Hall family
HALL, Matthew "Squire" (1798-1869): m'd 28 Feb 1824 [ ], Malinda; s/o William and Sarah (Holland) Hall; born 05 Feb 1798 NC and died 18 Jan 1869 Yamhill Co, OR; was the father of 7 children (Alonzo, Harriet, Caroline, Presley, Eliza M., Martha M. and Lafayette F.); was shot and killed by his son, Presley during an altercation.
HALL, Nancy Ann "Annie" (1798-1855): m'd 1823 BRIDGEFARMER, David
HALL, Noah (c1820-1847): m'd 1844 BEAL, Rosanna; died on the Trail near the confluence of the Columbia and Umatilla rivers of measles
HALL, Peter D. (1816-1847): killed in aftermath of Whitman Massacre Peter D. Hall family
HALL, Presley (1834-aft 1880): s/o Mathew and Malinda Hall; convicted of shooting and killing his father during an altercation; spent 10 years in the Oregon penitientiary; was living with family member until 1880 census when he is no longer found in the records
HALL, Rachel Mariah (1846-1866): m'd1863 ROOD, Grandville H.; d/o Peter and Rachel Eliza (Huff) Hall Whitman Massacre Peter D. Hall family
HALL, Rebecca (1844-1909): m'd 1860 CONE, Philander Johnson; m2. 1892 HOPKINS; d/o Peter and Rachel Eliza (Huff) Hall Whitman Massacre Peter D. Hall family
HALL, Robert (1838-bef 1899): m'd 24 Aug 1865 CARTER, Mary Ann; Robert was born 1838 MO and died bef 1899; s/o Thomas and Lucinda (Robinette) Hall; settled Linn Co, OR Thomas A. Hall family
HALL, Sarah Vilena (1847-1918): m'd 1863 SCHOLFIELD, Benjamin David; d/o Noah and Rosanna (Beal) Hall
HALL, Thomas (1845-bef 1899): s/o Thomas and Lucinda (Robinette) Hall; Thomas A. Hall family
HALL, Thomas A. (1804-1873): m'd 28 Dec 1833 ROBINETTE, Lucinda; father of seven known children (Robert, Mary Ann, Thomas, Lucinda, Missouri, Catharine, Eliza and Louella) Thomas A. Hall family
*10) HALSTEAD Family:
*10) HALSTEAD, Rebecca Wood (04 Jun 1803-02 Jul 1864): m'd 1827 BONSER, John; buried Old Vancouver City Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
HAMILTON, Angeline Martha “Nancy” (1847-1919): m'd 1867 RIDDELL,
George H.; d/o Joseph and Caroline (Owens) Hamilton; born on the Trail
HAMILTON, John (1815-1894): m'd 1853 MOORE, Jane; s/o Joseph and
Martha (Boyd) Hamilton; came with brothers William and Joseph; returned to Iowa
HAMILTON, Joseph Elmer (1819-1884): m'd 1846 OWENS, Caroline; s/o
Joseph and Martha (Boyd) Hamilton; came with brothers William and John Hamilton
HAMILTON, Laura Ann (1808-c1885): m'd 1825 REXFORD, William Dows
HAMILTON, Mary Ellen (1818-1880): m1. 1840 WILLIS, Jacob; m2. 1851
VANCE, Samuel N.
HAMILTON, William (1813-1851): m'd c1850 TAYLOR, Melcena; s/o
Joseph and Martha (Boyd) Hamilton; said to have come in 1845, but if so returned
east and brought his brothers John and Joseph out in 1847; murdered 1851
*11) HAMMOND, Sarah (22 Jan 1800-06 Jan 1885): m'd 19 Oct 1817 BUELL, Elias; d/o Lot and Elizabeth (Davis) Hammond; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
HANEY, Mary (1784-1851): m'd BURNSIDE, Daniel
HANSLEY or ANESHANSLEY, Tobias (1826-1907): m'd 1852 KIRKPATRICK, Mary E.; according to the OHS Pioneer Register he arrived in Oregon in Oct. 1847, but possibly this is an error; may have come to Oregon later with the US Army, in which he enlisted for his second term on 29 Nov. 1848 at Lancaster Ohio
HARDEN, Absolom B. (c1814-1887): m1. 1831 ASHCRAFT, Delilah; m2.
1857 WHITMAN or WHITEMAN, Rosa Ann; m3. 1861 ENGLISH, unknown; m4. 1870
BENEFIELD, Louisa; moved to California by 1852
HARDEN, Elizabeth Jane (1839-1915): m'd c1857 VINCENT, Albert; d/o
Absolom B. and Delilah (Ashcraft) Harden
HARDEN, Henry (c1845- ): s/o Absolom B. and Delilah (Ashcraft)
HARDEN, John Richard (1834-1908): m1. 1861 CARTWRIGHT, Lucretia;
m2. 1901 SUMSTINE, Mrs. Jane; s/o Absolom and Delilah (Ashcraft) Harden
HARDEN, Lucinda (1836- ): m'd 1855 OLMSTEAD, Cornelius W.; d/o
Absolom and Delilah (Ashcraft) Harden
HARDEN, Mary Ellen (1842-1912): m1. 1857 DALE, George W.; m2. 1871
HOFFMAN, George L.; d/o Absolom B. and Delilah (Ashcraft) Harden
HARDMAN, Catherine (1843-1916): m'd 1860 EASTLAND, George; d/o
Joshua and Martha E. (McCombs) Hardman; CA pioneer
HARDMAN, Elisha (1845-1928): m'd 1867 SMITH, Mary Ellen; s/o Joshua
and Martha E. (McCombs) Hardman; CA pioneer
HARDMAN, Joshua (1814-1885): m'd 1838 McCOMBS, Martha Eliza; s/o
Benjamin J. and Catherine (Hostetler) Hardman; to CA 1847, or possibly 1848
HARDMAN, Levi Wise (1820-1897): m'd 1846 BROADHURST, Alice; s/o
Benjamin J. and Catherine (Hostetler) Hardman; said to have gone to CA 1847 with
brother Joshua, but child born "Utah" or "Idaho" 8 July 1848, if date of birth
correct then came 1848
HARDMAN, Perry Ann (1847-1917): m'd 1866 HOWARD, Rufus Warren; d/o
Joshua and Martha E. (McCombs) Hardman; CA pioneer
HARDMAN, Placida (1840-1904): m'd 1856 GRIDLEY, Jackson; d/o Joshua
and Martha E. (McCombs) Hardman; CA pioneer
HARDMAN, Samuel (1818-1883): m'd 1842 BACKUS, Mary; s/o Benjamin J.
and Catherine (Hostetler) Hardman; birth of daughter said to be in May 1848 in
Indiana makes it unlikely he came 1847; brought family out in 1850
HARDMAN, T. L. (c1847/8- ): c/o Levi and Alice (Brodhurst) Hardman;
born Utah, possibly on Trail?
HARDMAN, William B. (1847- ): s/o Levi and Alice (Brodhurst) Hardman; said to have gone to CA 1847
HARE, Margaret (1810-1893): m'd 1833
WRIGHT, Jesse;
m2. 1848 LUCE [LOOSE], John
HARGRAVE, Mary Jane (1820-1862): m'd 1841 MULKEY, Phillip P.
or Ann Eliza (1815-1848): m'd 1836 POWELL, David; d/o Joseph and Agnes (Adkins)
HARLESS, Susan (c1822-c1859): m1. 1840 COCKRELL, Claiborne; m2. 1848 RYAN, William; d/o Joseph and Agnes (Adkins) Harless
HARMON, Louisa (1829-1912): m'd 1844 NELSON, Henry W.
Barbara (1845-1920): m'd 1871 PRUETT, William Hamilton; d/o James and Mahala
(Zumwalt) Harpole
HARPOLE, Elizabeth (1839-1900): m'd 1861 LINGO, James Wesley
Walker (1814-1893): m1. 1837 ZUMWALT, Mahala ( -1847); m2. 1853 LINGO, Cynthia
Ann (ZUMWALT); s/o Paul P. and Barbara (Conrad) Harpole; his first of 3 plains
crossings - first wife died 13 Aug. 1847 at Powder River on the Trail; he went
to the CA gold mines in 1848 and again in 1850, returned east by sea and crossed
the plains again in 1851 as captain of a train; returned east again in 1852 and
again crossed the plains in 1853 as captain of a train
HARPOLE, John (1843-1926): never married,
s/o James and
Mahala (Zumwalt) Harpole
HARPOLE, Marion D. (1831-1900): m'd 1868 LIVERMORE, Mary Ann
HARPOLE, Nancy E. (1847- ): m'd 1867 HAGEY, John M.
(1841-1919): m1. 1864 SOUTHWORTH, Elizabeth Ann; m2. 1893 or c1897 DAVIS, Serena
Harman; s/o James and Mahala (Zumwalt) Harpole
HARPOLE, Sarah (1837-1912): m'd 1857 DAUGHERTY, John W.; d/o James and Mahala (Zumwalt) Harpole
HARPOLE, Susan (1845- ): m'd SHAFFER, Mr.
HARPOLE, William Pope (1807-1862): m'd 1829 McMULLIN, Nancy Mary; s/o Paul P. and Barbara (Conrad) Harpole; said to be pioneer of 1847, but birth date of daughter Nancy, given as 2 May 1848 IL, would appear to rule this out; probably his only trip was in 1851, probably under brother James Harpole as captain
Harrison (1840-1916): s/o Isaac and Mary Ann (Jolly) Harrell
Emmaline J. (1828-1856): d/o Isaac and Mary Ann (Hollis) Harrell; possibly came
in 1847
(1806-1893): m1. 1827 HOLLIS, Mary Ann; m2. 1838 McComas, Mary Ann (JOLLY)
Edwin Ray (1830-1924): m'd 1878 JOHNSON, Emma; s/o Isaac and Mary Ann (Hollis)
Ann (1847-1923): m'd 1867 JONES, W. W.; d/o Isaac and Mary Ann (Jolly) Harrell;
she had a son William W. Ellison by Zachariah Ellison in 1870
Elizabeth (1843-1931): m'd 1866 WALKER, James W.; d/o Isaac and Mary Ann (Jolly)
William Hollis (1833-1915): m'd 1857 CAVE, Mary Ann; s/o Isaac and Mary Ann
(Hollis) Harrell
1) HARRIS, Eliza (1843-1862): m'd 1859
WEST, William N.; d/o Thomas and (first wife) Harris
1) HARRIS, John (1798-1870): m1. c1819 unknown; m2. 05
Jan 1837 DODSON,
Mary; buried
Masonic Cemetery, Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon
HARRIS, John Carl (1825-1923): m1. 1848 STEPHENS,
Lucy; m2. 1853
SMITH, Cinderella R.;
to California
1847 and came up to Oregon 1848
1) HARRIS, John E. (1847- ): m'd 1867
SMITH, Elizabeth M.; s/o Ruben and Clarinda (Buck) Harris;
born July 1847
on the trail
1) HARRIS, Maria (1842-1919): m'd 1857 DAVIS, John; d/o Thomas and (first wife) Harris
1) HARRIS, Ruben (1820-1889): m'd 11 Jun 1846 BUCK, Clarinda; s/o John and (first wife) Harris; buried Masonic Cemetery, Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon; note--in the 1880 census is listed a Mary Harris, age 55. Some researchers have thought this was a second wife but it is actually believed to be his step mother who moved in with his family after the death of his father.
"HARRIS, REUBEN--Born in Tennessee in 1820, and removed, when young, to Illinois; and afterwards to Iowa and Missouri. Married Miss Clarinda Buck, by whom lie has had John E., Lafayette T., Sultana, Alzada, Mehala, Mary, W. E., and Thomas J. Crossed the plains by ox-team in 1847, and halted in Washington County. Spent a year in California. Farmed in Yamhill County. Is partner with John Haney in the boot and shoe business at Lafayette." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.674-5]
1) HARRIS, Thomas (1820-1856): m1. unknown; m2. 1844 DAWSON, Mahulda "Hulda"; s/o John and (first wife) Harris; buried Pike Cemetery, Yamhill County, Oregon
1) HARRIS, William Jasper (1846-1918): m'd 1867 TUPPER, Alice L.; s/o Thomas and Mahulda (Dawson) Harris
HARRIS, William M. (1826/7-1905): m'd 1851 BONNEY, Harriet Newell; m2. 1852 ELLENBURG, Harriet Mrs; may be brother of Thomas and Ruben said to be pioneer of 1847 - gravestone identifies as 1848
HARRISON, Ann (1834- ): d/o
Hugh and Delia Harrison
HARRISON, Catherine (1847- ): m'd 1866 WRIGHT, Thomas; born shortly after arrival; d/o Hugh and Delia (Bush) Harrison
HARRISON, Evaline Elizabeth (c1845-1914 ): m'd c1860 ROE, John F.; d/o Hugh and Delia (Bush) Harrison
HARRISON, Hugh (1801-1877): m'd 1831 BUSH, Delia
HARRISON, James Lawrence (1841-1894): m'd 1873 TAYLOR, Adelaide Sarah; twin brother of Susan; s/o Hugh and Delia Harrison
HARRISON, Margaret Jane (1838- ): m'd 1858 WORTHINGTON, Charles; d/o Hugh and Delia (Bush) Harrison
HARRISON, Mary Moore (1832- ): m'd 1850 EVANS, Napoleon B.; d/o Hugh and Delia (Bush) Harrison
HARRISON, Sarah (1836-1929): m'd 1854 REEVES, Bartel; d/o Hugh and Delia (Bush) Harrison
HARRISON, Susan Delia (1841- ): m'd 1859 MURPHY, Daniel H.; twin sister of James; d/o Hugh and Delia (Bush) Harrison
HART, Horace: said to be pioneer of 1847 - possibly Horace George (1824- ): removed to CA by 1850
HARTY, Abraham (1841-1863):
s/o Dennis and Mary (Redding) Harty
HARTY, Dennis (1818-1870): m'd 1842 REDDING, Mary; s/o Daniel and Sally (Long) Harty
HARTY, James N. (1822-1894): m1. 1852 McKAY, Christiana; m2. 1868 WATSON, Verlinder; s/o Daniel and Sally (Long) Harty
HARTY, Julia Ann (1846-1850): d/o Dennis and Mary (Redding) Harty; died from burns caused by her clothes catching fire
HASKIN, Amelia Jane (1830-1901): m'd 1850 FINE, Thomas L.; d/o William A. and Nancy (Findley) Haskin; located in Oregon and Washington
HASKIN, Benoni (1833-c1907): m'd c1890 (unknown), Minerva A.; s/o William A. and Nancy (Findley) Haskin; located in Oregon where he saw military service, and later in Washington
HASKIN, David Harvey (1841- ): m'd c1870 SPEARS, Hattie J.; s/o William A. and Nancy (Findley) Haskin; died after 1880; a minister, lived in California
HASKIN, Henry Clay (1837-1903): m'd 1868 GULBERSON, Margaret Catherine; s/o William A. and Nancy (Findley) Haskin; lived in California where he served during the civil war there and in Utah
HASKIN, James B. (1834-1912): m'd c1855 SHIRTZ, Evaline; s/o William A. and Nancy (Findley) Haskin; a blacksmith, settled in Oregon about 1858
HASKIN, Joseph (1843- ): m'd c1869 BRAINARD, Katherine; s/o William A. and Nancy (Findley) Haskin; died after 1896; a blacksmith, settled in California
HASKIN, Ozro (1839-1902): m1. 1865 STARK, Elizabeth Angeline; m2. 1887 Campbell, Abbie Olivia (CANFIELD); s/o William A. and Nancy (Findley) Haskin; a blacksmith and general machinist, lived in California and Arizona
HASKIN, William Alexander (1846-1906): m'd 1876 LAMPKIN, Mary E.; s/o William A. and Nancy (Findley) Haskin; served during the civil war in the Pacific Northwest, settled in California
HASKIN, William
Anson (1811-1881): m'd 1829 FINDLEY, Nancy Jane; family went south from Oregon
to California in 1849 during the gold rush, where most remained, William
settling in Napa County
HASTINGS, Loren Brown (1814-1881): m'd 1843 BINGHAM, Lucinda
HASTINGS, Oregon Columbus (1846-1912): m1. 1867 BIRCH, Matilda; m2. 1884 Smith, Sylvestria (LAYZELL); s/o Loren B. and Lucinda (Bingham) Hastings
HATTON, Harriet: m'd DILLON, William H.; d/o Jonah
Berget Matthews; siblings and father came in 1852. Her father died on
the trail of cholera. Other family members settled in Clark Co, WA
HAUN, [ ]:
probably same as HAWN, Jacob (1804- ): m2. PIERSON, Harriet E.; a miller,
brought his family out in 1843 and probably made several trips across the plains
HAWKINS, William (1824-1901): called pioneer of 1847; may have come in 1846
HAWKS, Helen Maria (1812- 1892): m'd 1837 LAMSON, Jeremiah
HAWORTH or HAYWORTH, Alta Marilda Samara Clementine (1842-1894): m'd 1858 CUSKER, James E.; d/o Job S. and Clementine Samara Hayworth
HAWORTH or HAYWORTH, Job Scott (1805-1892): m1. 1838 ESKEW?, Semera [or SAMARIA, Clementine]; m2. 1844 THORNBURG, Elizabeth Burris
HAWORTH or HAYWORTH, Mary Elizabeth (1846-1898): m'd c1860 HAMILTON, William; d/o Job S. and Elizabeth (Thornburg) Hayworth
- see Alta Marilda Samara Clementine
HAYES, Henry Clay ( -1847):
HAYES, Henry Elizur (1830- ):
HAYES, Mr. ( -1847):
HAYES, Rapoleon ( -1847):
HAYES, Rebecca Mrs.: m'd HAYES, [unknown]
HAYHURST, William (1793-1863): came as a single man
HAZLETT, Phoebe (1809-1901): m'd 1827 VAUGHAN, William Tyler
HAYNES, Henry (c1820- ): two young men named Haynes mentioned in Benjamin Cory diary; Henry and Reason both filed provisional land claims in Champoeg County but by 1850 were in California
HAYNES, Reason (c1822- ):
HEADRICK, Benjamin (1832-1916): m'd NEVER MARRIED, s/o Isaac and Margarett (Fisher) Headrick
HEADRICK, Daniel P. (1843-1883): m'd 1867 REED, Martha E.; s/o Isaac and Margarett (Fisher) Headrick
HEADRICK, Isaac (1800-1882): m'd 1823 FISHER, Margaret or VON FISCHER, Margarett
HEADRICK, Isaac P. (1835-1852): m'd NEVER MARRIED, s/o Isaac and Margarett (Fisher) Headrick
HEADRICK, Jacob (1823-1866): m'd NEVER MARRIED, s/o Isaac and Margarett (Fisher) Headrick
HEADRICK, Josephine (1827-1905): m'd 28 Nov 1850 SHAW, Thomas Clemmons/Clemens; d/o Isaac and Margarett (Fisher) Headrick
HEADRICK, Martha Ellen (1842-1918): m1. 1858 WOODWARD, George M.; m2. 1871 BAUGHMAN, Jacob H.; d/o Isaac and Margarett (Fisher) Headrick
HEADRICK, Mary Ann (1828-1899): m'd 1851 ROBINETT, Joseph; s/o Isaac and Margarett (Fisher) Headrick
HEADRICK, Samuel (1836-1869): m'd 1862 CASE, Sarah Isabella
HEADRICK, Sarah Margaret (1839- ): m'd 1856 KAYS, James M.
HEADRICK, William Joseph (1838-1916 ): m'd 26 Apr 1858 TAYLOR, Lucy Jane; s/o Isaac Headrick (1800-1882) & Margarett Fischer (1802-1883)
HEDGES, Absalom F.:
HELMICK (or HELMIG), Elizabeth (1828-1893): m'd 1846 MORGAN, Miller
HENRY, Francis "Frank" (1827-1893): m'd 1857 HENRY, Eliza Bradstreet; called pioneer of 1847; Lt. in Mexican War, later settled at Olympia WA
HIATT, Elizabeth (c1805- ): m'd 1829 MILLER, George
HIBBARD, Elvira Jane (1843-1916): m'd
1864 KNOWLES, John
HIBBARD, King Henry (1806-1860): m1. 1826 TWIGG, Phoebe; m2. 1835 BRISBIN, Nancy Craig
HIBBARD, King Lemuel (1837-1900): m'd 1859 GRIFFITH, Julia Ann; s/o King H. and Nancy (Brisbin) Hibbard
HIBBARD, Philena Caroline (1847-1891): m'd 1860 FITZGERRAL, Milton
HIBBARD, Trenton Root (1836-1910): never married; s/o King H. and Nancy (Brisbin) Hibbard
John P.
(1826-1874): m'd c1868 ARMSTRONG, Lucy Rogers; his brother George F. came to
Oregon in 1844; John went south to CA during the gold rush, operating a livery
stable at Sacramento, then filed on a donation claim in Yamhill County in 1851;
returned to Missouri by 1860
HICKLIN, Felix Grundy (1826-1897): m'd 1866 STOTT, Sarah Jane; said to be a pioneer of 1847, possibly 1849 instead
HICKS, Polly (1826-1877): m'd 1817 MCKEAN, Samuel Terry
HICKS, William Col. (c1819- ): m'd McCAULEY, Mrs. Sarah T.; CA pioneer
HILL, Charles Henry (02 Apr 1837-11 May 1919): m'd 12 Jan 1859 KLINE, Sarah Virginia “Jennie”; s/o Elijah and Lucina (Pickering) Hill
HILL, Clark (1846-1847): s/o Elijah and Lucina (Pickering) Hill; died on Trail
HILL, Elijah (09 Jul 1815-11 Oct 1850): m'd 31 Dec 1835 PICKERING, Lucina A. [Lucy/Lucinda]
HILL, Emily Wealthy (1826-1875): m'd 1843 BURBANK, Asa Wakefield; d/o Laydue and Eliza (Taylor) Hill; returned east and died in Kansas
HILL, Franklin A. "Frank" (17 Aug 1842-19 Oct 1883): m'd 29 Dec 1872 WATSON, Mary; s/o Elijah and Lucina (Pickering) Hill
HILL, Helen Charlotte (18 Sep 1839-19 Jun 1916): m'd 29 Dec 1855 POWELL, William Scoles; d/o Elijah and Lucina (Pickering) Hill
HILL, Henry Washington (1827-1904): m'd 1851 VIRGIN, Martha Ann; s/o Laydue and Eliza (Taylor) Hill
"HILL, HENRY--Born in Jefferson County, New York, in 1820; moved to Ohio in 1831; to Illinois in 1840; and seven years later left Illinois for Oregon; arrived in Polk County and became the founder of Independence in 1868, which town is still his place of residence, and occupation, farming. He married Martha A. Virgin in 1851, and their children s names are Roseltha, Clarinda, Ladue, Mary E., Lucy V., Nellie M., Homer V., Verdie, and one other." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.675]
HILL, James (1818-1882): m'd 1849 SMALL, Jane; "James Hill was the seventh child of Rev. Col. Joab Hill (1775-1847) and
Elizabeth Lane Hill. He was born 5 October 1818 in Sweetwater, Monroe County, Tennessee. The
family moved to McMinn County on a land grant given to Joab Hill for services in
the War of 1812. They then moved to southeastern Iowa for one winter, 1839,
then over the state line to Clark County, Missouri, because they could not keep
their slaves in Iowa. Their first home in Missouri was a large log cabin
located northwest of Revere about five miles.
James returned to Tennessee and married Jane Small Johnson in McMinn County
on 4 February 1849. Jane was born 21 January 1830 in McMinn County, Tennessee,
the daughter of Rev. James Small and Mary Ann Wallace. Jane Small's brief first
marriage was to Frederick M. Johnson, 10 Feb. 1846, Meigs County,
James and Jane made their wedding trip to Oregon. They accompanied his
three brothers, Isaac, Russell, and George, and his mother, Elizabeth Lane Hill,
and his sister Maria Louisa Kelly and three nephews of whom he was very fond,
LaGrand Hill, Isham P. Keith, and Sterling Hill.
By the 1850 census, James (age 33) and Jane (age 20) were in Linn County,
Oregon, with his mother, Elizabeth (age 65) and two brothers, Isaac and George
W., living with them. Brother R.T. Hill was living next door to them and to the
Chamberlain family, including the wife, Adeline Cheadle Chamberlain, whom he
later married.
James' daughter wrote, "in 1852 Father and Mother with Shasta Ruby returned
to Missouri. Father had promised Mother's father, Rev. James Small, that he
would bring Mother back when he made enough money to start in business." So
they left Oregon, but later regretted it because they felt their children would
have had an easier life there. During the Civil War, James took his family to
Texas "for the sake of peace" -- to escape the fighting in Missouri.
James and Jane Hill located ten miles southwest of Springfield, Missouri,
in Greene County on Grand Prairie in the beautiful Ozark country. Jane died on
20 March 1879, and James died 20 January 1882 in Ash Grove, Dade County,
Missouri. They are buried on Rev. James Small's homestead.
James and one of his brothers, Russell, went to the Pacific coast across
the plains in 1847. The Oregon Donation Land Grant #2145 in Linn
County indicates that they arrived in Oregon on 25 September 1847. When their
father Joab wrote his will on 20 August 1847, while the boys were still on the
trail, he said he was leaving: "To my sons, Russell T. and James Hill, I give a
Heifer a piece, if they should come back from Oregon." [per Jennie Hill Cobb, also contributed photo]
HILL, Nancy ( -1847): engaged to a Mr. Wright; she died on the border between ID and WY and is buried at Robinson's Hollow on Ham's Fork per In The Wake of the Prairie Schooner; Note: Nancy Jane Hill actually died on the trail in 1852
HILL, Russell Taylor (1816-1874): m'd
1850 CHEADLE, Adaline M.; "Russell Taylor Hill is the sixth of the nine children of Rev./Col. Joab
Hill and Elizabeth Lane Hill. He was born in 1816 in Claiborne County,
Tennessee. The family moved to McMinn County on a land grant given to Joab Hill
for services in the War of 1812. They then moved to southeastern Iowa for one
winter, 1839, then over the state line to Clark County, Missouri, because they
could not keep their slaves in Iowa. Their first home in Missouri was a large
log cabin located northwest of Revere about five miles.
Russell and his brother, James, came to the Pacific coast across the plains
in 1847, several years ahead of the gold discovery. The Oregon Donation Land
Grant #2145 in Linn County indicates that Russell and his brother arrived in
Oregon on 25 September 1847. When their father Joab wrote his will on 20 Aug
1847, while the boys were still on the trail, he said he was leaving: "To my
sons, Russell T. and James Hill, I give a Heifer a piece, if they should come
back from Oregon."
Other Hill family members came to Oregon in 1848, including Elizabeth Lane
Hill, their widowed mother. Russell Hill and his mother were living at "Clatsop
Plains" in December 1849.
Russell married Adaline M. Cheadle Chamberlain, a native of Michigan who
also came west by the plains route, on 17 November 1850 in Linn County, Oregon.
They had at least five children together, and she had sons before they married.
The marriage did not last--as indicated in a letter dated July 6, 1868, from
Elizabeth Fine Hill to Elizabeth Hill Duty in Missouri. "...Russell Hill and
his wife are separating. He has all his children, and she has the boys she had
when he married her. He is in great trouble."
His life was full of adventure typical of the times. He first settled at
Lebanon, Oregon, moving down to California when gold was discovered and living
in that state a number of years. After deciding to settle in California,
he brought his family there in time for the 1860 census in Suisan, Salano
Like many another attracted by the mining possibilities, he found his
fortune in quite another line, being engaged mainly as a stockman, buying and
selling cattle, and as a drover. He moved from California when his son George
R. was seven years old to Idaho, where he built a toll road into Idaho City,
where he also engaged in butchering, raised stock, and led the life of a genuine
Russell Taylor Hill died in Bruneau, Owyhee County, Idaho on 2 July 1874,
when he was 58 years old." [per Jennie Hill Cobb]
HILL, William C. (c1824- ): m1. c1849 unknown, Elizabeth A.; m2. 1854 STORY, Angeline; came alone 1847, returned east by 1849, married and brought family out from Missouri in 1853
HILLS, Cornelius Joel (1818-1898): m'd 1851 BRIGGS, Sophrona P.; s/o Joel and Mary Ann (Fox) Hills; made a trip to IA in 1850 where he married, returning across the plains to Oregon 1851
HINES, Elizabeth F. (1845-1917): m'd
CARR, Sumner
HINES, John Wesley (1832-1898): m'd NEVER MARRIED
HINES, Margaret Jane (1827-1879): m1. 1848 KUYKENDALL, William H.; m2. 1853 BABCOCK, Avery D.; d/o William and Elizabeth G. (Fulkerson) Hines
HINES, Martha Ann (1834-1907): m'd1850 BROWN, George; d/o William and Elizabeth G. (Fulkerson) Hines
HINES, Mary Elizabeth (1836-1904): m'd c1854 POWELL, Alexander H.; d/o William and Elizabeth G. (Fulkerson) Hines
HINES, Nancy Ann (1830-1891): m'd 1850 DAVIS, Thomas Crawford; d/o William and Elizabeth G. (Fulkerson) Hines
HINES, Sarah Catherine (1829-1886): m1. 1849 BUCKINGHAM, Hiram H.; m2. c1856 DAVIS, Isaac; d/o William and Elizabeth G. (Fulkerson) Hines
HINES, William James (1840-1858):
HINES, William Talbert (1803-1847): m'd 1824 FULKERSON, Elizabeth Garrett; died on the Trail 7 Aug. 1847 at Salmon Falls immigrant crossing of Snake River
HOAG, Almina (c1814- ): m'd 1832 ST. JOHN, Daniel; possibly came 1847
HOBSON, Alfred
David (1825-1897): m'd 1855 WALL, Martha Jane; s/o David and Ann (Hadley)
Hobson; Rev. John McKinney train from St. Joseph; took CA cut-off, settled in
Sonoma County
HOBSON, George (1823-1892): m'd 1847 SPEINHAUER, Sarah "Sally"; s/o David and Ann (Hadley) Hobson; Rev. John McKinney train from St. Joseph; took CA cut-off, settled at San Jose
HOBSON, Hadley (1811-1887): m'd 1842 SPEINHAUER, Emily Amanda; s/o David and Ann (Hadley) Hobson; in Rev. John McKinney train from St. Joseph; diverted to CA at Fort Hall; to OR by sea 1848
HOBSON, Mary Ann (1843-1919): m'd 1861 BARKER, John; d/o Hadley and Emily A. (Speinhauer) Hobson
HOBSON, William Henry (1847-1932): m1. 1871 GIBSON, Ella; m2. 1880 THOMAS, Anna; s/o Hadley and Emily A. (Speinhauer) Hobson; born 14 Mar. 1847 in Missouri just prior to departure
HOCKETT, Jesse Mills (1846-1929): m'd 1875 BOOTH, Sarah Foster; s/o Nathan H. and Rebecca (Mills) Hockett
HOCKETT, Nathan Hinshaw (1812-1847): m'd 1831 MILLS, Rebecca; s/o William and Rachel (Hodgson) Hockett; Quakers from Henry Co., Iowa; died 22 Aug. 1847 on the Trail near Green River
HOCKETT, Rachel (1832-1858): m'd 1849 GRIFFITH, John S.; d/o Nathan H. and Rebecca (Mills) Hockett
HOCKETT, Solomon Isaac (1835-1906): m'd 1867 MILLER, Tusa Jane; s/o Nathan H. and Rebecca (Mills) Hockett; returned east 1851, to Washington state c1905 where he died
HOCKETT, Thomas Capt. (1820-1859): m'd 1839 ADCOCK-EMRY, Susannah; s/o William and Rachel (Hodgson) Hockett; left family in east; returned to St. Joseph 1848 for troops; to CA 1849 and Oregon again 1850, returned east to Iowa 1851
HOCKETT, William Albert (1838-1918): m'd 1862 SPURGIN, Amanda Jane; s/o Nathan H. and Rebecca (Mills) Hockett; returned east to Iowa 1851; later wrote recollections of trip west
*12: HODGES, Alexander (1821-1891): m'd 1850 ZUMWALT, Abigail; m2.
1853 Vanderpool (TOMLINSON) Dulcina; s/o Jesse and Catharine
(Stanley) Hodges; died in Crook county, OR; founded Prineville along with his
brother Monroe; may have come in 1846
*12: HODGES, Calloway (1829-1917): m'd 1851 BELIEU, Rebecca Elizabeth; s/o Jesse and Catharine (Stanley) Hodges
*12: HODGES, Drury Robertson (c1824-1911 ): m'd 1847 FICKLE, Mahala Barnes; s/o Jesse and Catharine (Stanley) Hodges; died in Benton Co, OR
*12: HODGES, Elizabeth Coffman (1836-1912): m1. 1853 FROST, John; m2. 1861 MORSE, John; m3. 1868 MELINE, John; died British Columbia, Canada
*12: HODGES, Harrison (1832-c1873): Never Married; s/o Jesse and Catharine (Stanley) Hodges
*12: HODGES, Jane (1827-1905): m'd 1851MICHAEL, Eli Wesley; d/o Jesse and Catharine (Stanley) Hodges; died Benton county, OR
*12: HODGES, Jesse Monroe (1788-1877): m'd 1812 STANLEY, Catherine; four of their 12 children had families and did not make the emigration with their parents (Evander Thomas who moved to KS, Margaret Hodges Gruber moved to KS, Emeline Hodges Hundley stayed in MO and Charles Monroe emigrant to OR in 1853); the family settled in Corvallis, Benton county, OR; Jesse is buried in Gingles Cemetery
*12: HODGES, Monroe (1833-1905): m'd 1856 WILSON, Rhoda Elizabeth; s/o Jesse and Catharine (Stanley) Hodges; died in Crook County, OR; founded Prineville along with his brother Alexander
( -1847): unmarried; victim of
Whitman Massacre;
possibly he was s/o William and Sarah "Sally" (Smith) Hoffman, born c1814
Chemung Co., NY
HOGUE, Rebecca Marie (1828-1858): m'd 1841 LAYTON, John; d/o James and Sarah (Finney) Hogue; buried Riverside Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
HOLGATE, John Cornelius (1828-1868): located at what became Seattle, Washington; mother and others of family came 1851/3
HOLLER, Nancy (1826/9-1886): m'd 1846 VAN ALLMAN, John Caspar; died Victoria BC Canada
HOLMAN, Hardy (1840-1919): m'd 1861
ALLEN, Margaret E.
"HOLMAN, HARDY--The son of James S. Holman, was born in Missouri in 1840, and came with his parents to Polk County, Oregon, in 1847. He engaged in farming, and now possesses considerable real estate. He was in the mercantile business at Buena Vista for eight years. Was also in the stock business in Eastern Oregon. Was elected sheriff of Polk County in 1882, having previously been deputy for his father. Married Miss Margaret E. Allen in 1861, and they have seven children James M., Mary E., Eva H., Nathaniel A., Addie E., Alice, and Meda." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.675]
HOLMAN, James S. (1813-1881): m'd 1832 BOWMAN, Mary
"HOLMAN, JAMES S.--Born in Tennessee in 1813; emigrated to Missouri when young, and while there married Miss Mary Bowman in 1832. Came across the plains to Oregon and settled in Polk County. Became a member of the Territorial Legislature and of the Constitutional Convention; was sheriff of Polk County seven years, and held that office at the time that Oregon was admitted to the Union. Was a member of the Legislature two terms after the State was organized. He was an active member of the Baptist Church, and one of the founders of the college at McMinnville. His children numbered seven when he came to the State of Oregon, namely -Hardy, John, Preston, Nathaniel, Amos H., Nancy, and Mary H. Three of them, John, Nancy, and Mary H. are now deceased. Mr. Holman died January 13, 1881." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.675-6]
HOLMAN, John (1842-1881):
m'd c1867
HALL?, Sarah J.; s/o James S. and Mary (Bowman) Holman
HOLMAN, Nancy (1836-1878): m'd 1852 WARD, James H.
HOLMAN, Nathaniel (1846-1900): m'd 1868 WATERS, Martha A..; s/o James S. and Mary (Bowman) Holman
"HOLMAN, NATHANIEL--Born in Platte County, Missouri, in 1846, son of James S. Holman; came when an infant to Oregon, and now lives at Dallas, Polk County. His occupation is that of a farmer and livery stable keeper. He married Martha A. Waters, in Polk County, in 1868, and their children's names are William H., Nettie J., John D., and James N." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.676]
HOLMAN, Preston H. Rev. (1844-1889): m'd 1866 HUBBARD, Isophenia Elizabeth
"HOLMAN, PRESTON--Lives in Dallas, Polk County. He was born in Missouri in 1844, the son of James S. Holman, and came with his parents to Oregon when three years of age; received his education at the Baptist College, McMinnville, and entered the ministry at twenty-five years of age, and now, in connection with ministerial duties, is engaged in a tannery, in partnership with Charles McDonald. Was in the war in 1864-67. Married Miss I. E. Hubbard in 1866. Children Frank, Mollie E., Nellie M. (deceased), Fred J., and Juanita P." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.676]
HOLMES, Diantha (1814-1885): m1. 1839 WATTS, Russell U.; m2. 1855 HALEY, Stephen D.
HOLMES, Samuel ( -1850): m'd JACKSON, Hannah; stepfather of
William Jackson Smith; to OR 1847 then to CA where he d. 30 Oct. 1850
HOLT, Norman: mentioned A. B. Harden journal
HOPKINS, Emily (c1846/7- ): d/o Stephen and Elizabeth (White) Hopkins
HOPKINS, Stephen (c1818- ): m'd 1846 WHITE, Elizabeth "Betsy"; son-in-law of Rev. Asa White; to OR 1847, by 1850 to CA
HOPPER, Charles Capt. (1800-1880): m'd 1828 HOPPER, Rebecca (his cousin); s/o of Thomas and Rebecca Hopper; led a California bound company 1847
HOPPER, Charles H. (1840-1852): s/o Charles and Rebecca (Hopper) Hopper; CA pioneer
HOPPER, Charlotte (1833-1859): m'd 1852 MAY, Charles [or Rev. John T.]; d/o Charles and Rebecca (Hopper) Hopper; CA pioneer
HOPPER, Eliza (1846-1926): m'd 1861 COOK, Isaac F.; d/o Thomas and Minerva (Young) Hopper; CA pioneer
HOPPER, Elizabeth Frances (1835-1914): m'd 1853 BEAUCHAMP, Ashley; d/o Charles and Rebecca (Hopper) Hopper; CA pioneer
HOPPER, Greenberry Barton (1843-1908): m'd 1862 VANN, Sarah E.; s/o John and Jane (Leigh) Hopper; CA pioneer
(1821-1889): m'd 1837 LEIGH, Jane; s/o William and Nancy (Armstrong) Hopper; CA
HOPPER, John William (1847-1927): m'd 1868 WISECARVER, Isabelle; s/o Thomas and Minerva (Young) Hopper; CA pioneer; b. on Trail
HOPPER, Jonathan Ari (1845-1856): s/o John and Jane (Leigh) Hopper; CA pioneer
HOPPER, Julia Ann (1845-1927): m1. 1862 JENKINS, Samuel C., div.; m2. BROOKS, unknown; m3. 1882 TRAVIS, James Thomas; d/o Charles and Rebecca (Hopper) Hopper; CA pioneer
HOPPER, Nancy Emeline (1830-1903): m1. c1846 COOK, Edmun Miller; m2. c1851 REED, William Martin; m3. SPRIGGS, John Milton; d/o Charles and Rebecca (Hopper) Hopper; CA pioneer
HOPPER, Rebecca (1808-1896): m'd 1831 PETERSON, Ziba; d/o Thomas and Rebecca Hopper; CA pioneer
HOPPER, Rebecca (1810-1880): m'd 1828 HOPPER, Charles; d/o Jasper and Nancy (Mullins) Hopper; CA pioneer
HOPPER, Sarah (1819-1881): m'd 1840 LEE, Nicholas; d/o John W. and Martha (Anderson) Hopper
HOPPER, Sarah Jane (1840-1925): m1. 1858 LOGAN, Samuel Hays Hulet; m2. DUTTON, unknown; d/o John and Jane (Leigh) Hopper; CA pioneer
HOPPER, Susan R. (1844-1848): d/o Charles and Rebecca (Hopper) Hopper; CA pioneer
HOPPER, Thomas (1820-1912): m'd 1844 YOUNG, Minerva; s/o William and Nancy (Armstrong) Hopper; CA pioneer
HOPPER, Thomas Benton (1836-1920): m1. 1859 HILL, Mary E. Chiles; m2. FEATHERS, Josie E.; s/o Charles and Rebecca (Hopper) Hopper; CA pioneer
HORNER, Albert Dana (1838-1912): m1. c1866 HANNAFORD, Mary Ellen; m2. 1873 TEELING, Rosanna Maude
HORNER, Ann Maria (1837- ): m'd 1861 PERRY, Henry
HORNER, Emanuel (1813-1887): m1. 1833 STILLWELL, Lucintha Jane; m2. c1857 DEFORD, Luvina
HORNER, Helen Mar (1836-1909): m'd 1853 JACKSON, Edward
HOSEA, Daniel (1833- ):
*26) HOWARD, Eliza Ann (1822-1886): m1. 1839 BELLINGER, Edward H. (1815-1850); m2. 1851 BROOKS, Caleb (div.); m3. c1852/3 AUSTIN, Peter?; m4. before 1870 NEWTON, unknown; d/o William and Elizabeth (Slater) Howard
HOWARD, Fales (1811-c1880): m'd 1851
GREENSTREET, Pamelia; s/o David and
Hannah (Fales) Howard
HOWARD, Jack ( -1847): m'd MARK, Elizabeth; died on trail
HOYT, Nelson (1815/22-1902): m'd 1846 RODGERS, Mary
*16: HUBBARD, Celia Belle (1840-1904): m'd 1855 YOUNG, Milton; d/o Charles H. and Margaret (Cannon) Hubbard
*16: HUBBARD, Charles (1800-1884): m1. 1821 KING, Sarah; m2. 1829 CANNON, Margaret; s/o Charles and Jemima (Capps) Hubbard
*16: HUBBARD, Charles (1823-1887): m'd 1846 COOKE, Mary Polly; s/o David and Hannah (Morrow) Hubbard, and nephew of Charles Jr.
*16: HUBBARD, Charles Strawder (1832-1896): m'd 1863 WHITNEY, Alice; s/o Joseph and Ruth (Crawford) Hubbard, and nephew of Charles Jr.
*16: HUBBARD, Gideon Capps (1827- ): s/o David and Hannah (Morrow) Hubbard, and nephew of Charles Jr.
*16: HUBBARD, Goalman Thomas (1830-1909): m'd 1858 SMITH, Nancy Jane; s/o David and Hannah (Morrow) Hubbard, and nephew of Charles Jr.
"HUBBARD, G.--Born in Pike County, Missouri, in 1830; came from Illinois to Oregon and settled in Polk County. His present residence is Dixie, and occupation farming. He married Nancy J. Smith, in Polk County, in 1858, and their children s names are Laura, Samuel H., McClellan, David R., Hannah H., Nettie A., John V., Thomas G., James I., Charles A., Jemima E., Grace J., Joseph C., Lee F., and Metzler." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.676]
*16: HUBBARD, Jemima (1817-1892): m'd 1832 CAPPS, Isaac; d/o Charles and Jemima (Capps) Hubbard
Ann or Julianne (1839-1897): m1. 1853 JONES, Mithra Milton; m2. 1876 HATCH,
Samuel; d/o Charles H. and Margaret (Cannon) Hubbard
*16: HUBBARD, Keziah Jane (1832-1875): m'd 1849 KESTER, James Johnson; d/o Charles H. and Margaret (Cannon) Hubbard
*16: HUBBARD, Lewellen (1847-1847): s/o Charles H. and Margaret (Cannon) Hubbard; born and died Cascade Mountains on the Trail
*16: HUBBARD, Marcus David (1847-1914): m'd 1870 WARD, Mary "Nancy"; s/o Charles L. and Mary (Cook) Hubbard; born 21 Dec. 1847 on arrival
*16: HUBBARD, Rebecca Ellen "Nancy" (1843-1924): m'd 1860 COOLEY, Robert Franklin; d/o Charles H. and Margaret (Cannon) Hubbard
*16: HUBBARD, William Cannon (1836-1929): m'd 1859 COOLEY, Helen Miriam; s/o Charles H. and Margaret (Cannon) Hubbard
HUCKLEBEE, Kittean ( - ): m'd 1847 COOPER, Jacob; married on Trail; possibly same as Catherine HUCKABY or HUCKABEE (1827-1900): m'd 1849 LOUK, John Jefferson
HUDSON, A. Clark (1832-1868): m'd 1860 GILLETT, Huldah Jane; s/o John and Rhoda (Denman) Hudson
HUDSON, John (1796-1869): m'd 1821 DENMAN, Rhoda
HUDSON, John (c1836-1847): s/o John and Rhoda (Denman) Hudson; died 22 Oct. 1847 on the Trail in southern Oregon
HUDSON, Joseph Denman (1834-1905): m'd 1867 WHEELER, Margaret Ann; s/o John and Rhoda (Denman) Hudson
HUDSON, William (c1841-1847): s/o John and Rhoda (Denman) Hudson; died 9 July 1847 on the Trail along the Sweetwater River
HUDSON, Shadrach (1830-1914): m'd 1868 WILLIAMS, Ann
HUFF, Rachel Eliza (1816-1860): m1. c1836 HALL, Peter D. (1816-1847); m2. 1850 BEER, Robert; survived Whitman Massacre
HUFFMAN, Bradley [Braley or Beuah/Beulah] (c1837/9- ): c/o Jesse G. and Mourning (Estes) Huffman; died by 1875 without issue
HUFFMAN, Jesse George (1812-1893): m'd 1836/7 ESTES, Morning
HUFFMAN, M. E. "Nancy" (1841- ): d/o Jesse and Mourning (Estes) Huffman; died by 1875 without issue; evidently not the same as the HOFFMAN, Nancy M. (1841- ): m'd 1858 WHITE, Edward M., as that Nancy was still living in 1910
HUFFMAN, Nancy (1841- ): m'd 1858 WHITE, Edward N.
HUFFMAN, Rufus M. (c1843- ): s/o Jesse G. and Mourning (Estes) Huffman; died by 1875 without issue
HUFFMAN, Sarah Jane (1847-1927): m'd 1868 TUNNICLIFFE, James
HUFFMAN, Woodfred T. (1845-1881): m'd 1866 WATKINS, Sarah; s/o Jesse G. and Mourning (Estes) Huffman
HUGHES, Elias: mentioned in James Harty letter - possibly reference is to Ephraim Hughes instead
HUGHES, Emily Elizabeth (1842-1931): m1. 1859 HALEY, William G.; m2. 1866 SLOAN, Enoch D.; d/o George H. and Sarah A. (Anderson) Hughes
HUGHES, Ephraim B. (1819-1890): m'd 1843 THOMPSON, Mary Ann
HUGHES, Espy Naomi Ann "Ann" (1843-1884): m'd 1858 WALLING, Gabriel; d/o Ephraim B. and Mary A. (Thompson) Hughes
HUGHES, George H. (1816-1892): m'd 1839 ANDERSON, Sarah Ann; settled in Linn County; lost five children during a diphtheria epidemic in 1858
HUGHES, George Washington (1846-1847): s/o George H. and Sarah A. (Anderson) Hughes; twin to Joanah; d. 12 Nov. 1847 on arrival
HUGHES, Joanah Emeline (1846-1858): d/o George H. and Sarah A. (Anderson) Hughes; twin to George W.
HUGHES, John Thomas (1840-1901): m'd 1861 BEACH, Amelia M.; s/o George H. and Sarah A. (Anderson) Hughes
HUGHES, Jane Alice (1846- ): m'd 1866 SMITH, John M. - I don't know who this is. I think the "Jane A." on the 1850 census in hh of George Hughes was daughter Joanah Emeline who died 1858 during the diptheria epidemic
HUGHES, Mary A. Mrs. (1825- ): m'd 1843 HUGHES, Ephraim B. - replace with THOMPSON, Mary Ann (1820-1890): m’d 1843 HUGHES, Ephraim B.
HUGHES, Sarah A. (1818- ): m'd HUGHES, G. H. - already replaced with ANDERSON, Sarah Ann
HUGHES, Sarah Jane (1843-1858): d/o George H. and Sarah A. (Anderson) Hughes
HUGHES, Sarah Jane (c1825-1888): m1. 1841 RUSSEL, Samuel; m2. 1849 ADKINS, Gallatin; d/o Clayburn Hughes
HULIN, Lester (1823-1897): m'd 1853 CRAIG, Abigail Jane; he went to CA with Fremont in 1845, then returned to IA 1846 before emigrating to Oregon in 1847
16) HUMPHREYS, Thomas Dabney (04 Feb 1822-01 May 1898): m'd 1849 TAYLOR, Elizabeth Ann; s/o Samuel and Rhoda (Jameson) Humphreys; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
"HUMPHREYS, THOMAS DABNEY--Born in Indiana in 1822; spent his early life in the Mississippi States, and taught school on reaching sufficient age. Left St. Jo., Missouri, May 5, 1847, for Oregon, and arrived at Oregon City on September 15th of that year. Mined on Feather River, California, in the early days, but returned in less than a year, settled on a donation claim in Washington County, and engaged in farming. His first location, made in 1847, was on the Tualatin, nine miles from Hillsboro, but about 1868 he removed to that town, and has lived there since. Was probate judge in old times, and since has been United States assessor, county clerk, and county judge, and now (1885) acts in the latter capacity. Married in 1849 to Miss Elizabeth A. Taylor, and their children, eight in number, were all born in Oregon. Their names are S. H., Mrs. J. D. Morgan, Mrs. Bruce Wolverton, John H., Thomas J.. Araminta E., Arthur, and Samuel." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.676-7]
HUNEAU, Joseph: of Kansas Landing MO, engaged as guide to Fort Hall by Bishop Blanchet
HUNSAKER, Andrew Jackson Rev. (1834-1924):
m1. 1855 HILL,
Emily J.; m2. 1860 ADAMS, Mary Elizabeth; m. 3) Deford, Carrie V. (PRUDEN); s/o
Joseph and Elizabeth J. (King) Hunsaker
HUNSAKER, Daniel F. (1803-1897): m'd KING, Charlotte M.; s/o Joseph and Margaret (Stinson) Hunsaker; CA pioneer of 1847; some sources give arrival of Daniel with wife and sons Joseph, Harrison, and James as 1848, joining Nicholas who arrived in 1847, but Bancroft states Daniel was noted among those in the approaching immigration in Aug. 1847
HUNSAKER, Daniel Stinson (1829-1909 ): m1. 1855 WILLIAMS, Mary E.; m2. 1896 DUNTEN, Martha Emma (WILLIAMS); s/o Joseph and Elizabeth J. (King) Hunsaker
HUNSAKER, Elizabeth Jane (1835-1920): m'd 1851 MILLER, William Thomas; d/o Joseph and Elizabeth J. (King) Hunsaker
HUNSAKER, Harrison King (1838-1917): m'd 1860 JONES, Susannah; s/o Daniel and Charlotte M. (King) Hunsaker; to CA 1847
HUNSAKER, infant (1847-1848): c/o Joseph and Elizabeth (King) Hunsaker; born on arrival
HUNSAKER, James Carroll (1834-1865): m'd HASTINGS, Mary Wait; s/o Daniel and Chalotte M. (King) Hunsaker; to CA 1847; d. wreck of “Brother Jonathan”
HUNSAKER, Joseph (1799-1869): m'd 1820 KING, Elizabeth Jane; s/o Joseph and Margaret (Stinson) Hunsaker
HUNSAKER, Margaret Ann (1838-1925): m'd 1853 BARBRE, Thomas; settled in Lane Co; mother of 9 children per Pat (Barbre) Alexander at bopat@cruzio.com
HUNSAKER, Martha Ellen (1842- ): m1. 1861 CONSER, Manuel Gonsaules; m2. 1867 MORGAN, Henry Clay; d/o Joseph and Elizabeth J. (King) Hunsaker
HUNSAKER, Nicholas (1825-1916): m'd c1854 HASTINGS, Lois Elizabeth; s/o Daniel and Charlotte M. (King) Hunsaker; to California 1847
HUNSAKER, Thomas Howard (1824-1888): m'd 1851 MILLER, Elizabeth Jane
HUNT, George Washington (1831-1902): m1. 1851 SMITH, Elizabeth Nancy; m2. 1901 EWING, Mrs. Elizabeth; s/o John S. and Temperance (Estep) Hunt
HUNT, James Tarkington (1844-1930): m1. 1869 AMON, Matilda J.; m2. c1885 SPRAY, Anna C.; s/o John S. and Temperance (Estep) Hunt
HUNT, John Abram (1836-1916): m'd 1858 AMON, Mary Ellen
"HUNT, JOHN A.--Born in Union County, Indiana, in 1836. Removed to Oregon and settled ten miles east of Salem. Visited California during the gold excitement. Removed to Douglas County. Represented that section in the Legislature of 1882. Married in 1860 to Miss Ellen Ammen." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.677]
HUNT, John Shotwell (1803-1860): m1. 1823 ESTEP, Temperance; m2. 1851 Smith, Nancy (SCOTT) Wisdom
HUNT, Jonathan Harrison (1840-1869): m'd 1859 MORLEY, Lucinda; s/o John S. and Temperance (Estep) Hunt
HUNT, Mary Shotwell (1825-1852): m'd 1851 RICHES, George Palgriffe
HUNT, Temperance Estep (1834-1876): m'd 1849 DOWNING, John; d/o John S. and Temperance (Estep) Hunt
HUNT, Thomas Benton (c1841-1861): s/o John S. and Temperance (Estep) Hunt
HUNT, Thomas Thomas J. (1823-1890): m'd 1851 COX, Catherine; s/o Thomas and Margaret (Roache) Hunt; born in Ireland
HUNTER, Henry C. (1825-1908): m'd 1848 BECKNER, Ruannah; of Linn Co. Iowa, possibly came only partway, "the trials of the trip proved too much for his health and he had to be taken back to his home"; returned east until 1865
Carsena A. (1814-1890): m1. 1849 AVERY, Mary Priscilla; m2. 1874 Underwood,
Eliza Jane (LONG); s/o Martin and Sarah (Way) Huntley; distant cousin of
Jeremiah Huntley
HUNTLEY, Eben (c1838-c1882): m1. 1862 MASTERS, Cecelia; m2. c1872 WHOBREY, Margaret Ann; s/o Jeremiah and Minerva (Pearson) Huntley
*4) HUNTLEY, Jeremiah "Jerry" (1811-1862): m1. 1832 PEARSON, Minerva Pauly; m2. 1845 BLEVINS, Mrs. Cassandra (PERMAN); his second wife died on the Trail; brothers Nathaniel C., Daniel, and Enoch to OR by 1848; brother Joseph David in 1851; brother John to OR mid-fifties and again by 1870
*4) HUNTLEY, John Milton "Milton" (c1833-1884): m'd 1866 ALEXANDER, Louisa; s/o Jeremiah and Minerva (Pearson) Huntley
*4) HUNTLEY, Marilla (1842-1916): m'd 1856 LEE, Joseph Dunn Bradford; d/o Jeremiah Huntley; mother of 4 children (Sylvia C. who passed away in her 20th year; Alva and Milton R., both of Myrtle Point, and 1 who died in infancy). Marilla passed away in Aug, 1916.
*4) HUNTLEY, William H. (1846-1917): m'd 1874 WHOBRAY, Mary E.; s/o Jeremiah and Cassandra Huntley
HURFORD, Joseph E. (c1815-1891): m'd 1844 PUMPHREY, Susanna T.; s/o Benjamin and Charity Hurford; brother of Sarah (Hurford) Jeffers; no children
HURFORD, Sarah (1808-1902): m'd 1829 JEFFERS, Joseph; d/o Benjamin and Charity Hurford; sister of Joseph E. Hurford
HURLESS, Almedia ( -1848): m'd POWELL, David; see HARLESS
HURST, David (1827-1892): m'd 1855 WHISTLER, Margaret A.
HUTCHINSON, Robert M. (1819-1902): m'd 1845 HANNA, Elizabeth; said to have come alone in 1847 and again in 1849, bringing family west in 1853
Jacob Aultfather (1841-1915): m'd 1869 DUNLAP, Mary E.; s/o David and Susannah
(Aultfather) Hutchison; to California 1847*
HUTCHISON, David S.: m'd 1840 AULTFATHER, Susannah H. "Susan"; arrived California 5 Oct. 1847; located in vicinity of Sacramento, and before 1850 went north to the mines and was never heard from again
HUTCHISON, David Hamilton (1844-1924): s/o David and Susannah (Aultfather) Hutchison; to California 1847
HUTCHISON, James E. (1845-1922): s/o David and Susannah (Aultfather) Hutchison; to California 1847
HUTCHISON, Robert Smith (1842-1921): m'd c1885, ROBERTS, Rose I.; s/o David and Susannah (Aultfather) Hutchison; to California 1847
HUTT, James R. (-1876): m'd LAUGHLIN, Rachel; traveled with wife's family
HUTT, Jane Kansas (1847-1905): m'd 1867 BRIDGEFARMER, Francis M.; d/o Thomas B. and Rachel (Laughlin) Hutt; born 18 May 1847 on the Trail
HUTT, Thomas B. (1821-1876): m'd 1846 LAUGHLIN, Rachel
HYDE, Susan (1805-1897): m1. c1825 MOULTRIE, Larkin; m2. 20 Sep 1830 BRALY, John E. Rev.; born 06 Jul 1805 NC and died 21 Mar 1897 Santa Clara County, California; had one son by first marriage, Joseph Addison Moultrie who was fighting in the Mexican War during the 1847 emigration. He later joined family in California. Susan came with family first to Oregon and in the spring of 1849 the family removed to California where they remained.
HYDE, Thomas
Calvin Hon. (1847-1896): said to be pioneer of 1847 - but he was born 25 Sep.
1847 in Clackamas Co., Oregon, son of 1845 pioneers Henry H. and Henrietta
(Holman) Hyde
ILER, David Cassat (1830-1898): m'd 1860 McCONNELL, Naoma
Elizabeth; prob. s/o Jacob T. and Rachel (Iler) Iler; raised by James Iler and
came to Oregon with him
ILER, James (1808-1882): m'd 1828/31 VANALSDALE, Maria; probably
son of Jacob and Lydia (Green) Iler
ILER, John (1796-1864): m'd 1818 WILSON, Ann Wainwright (1800-1831); probably s/o Henry and Margaret Iler; came as widower with at least one son and one daughter
ILER, Mary ( - ): m'd 1854 YOUNG, William B.
ILER, Rebecca Emma (1835-1880): m'd 1850 CONE,
Gustavus A
; d/o James and Maria (Vanalsdale) Iler
ILER, Savil Wilson (1823-1899): m'd 1850 LEE, Caroline; s/o John
and Ann W. (Wilson) Iler
ILER, William E. (1845-1917): m'd 1870 STEPHENS, Juliet "Loulie"; s/o James and Maria (Vanalsdale) Iler
"ILER. W. E.--Born in Missouri in 1845; came to Oregon in 1847 and settled at Oregon City. Present residence two miles east of Butteville; and occupation farmer. He married Loulie Stevens in 1870, and their children s names are Emma R., Arthur, Birdie, and Ettie." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.677]
INGERSOLL, Benjamin F. (1837-1880): s/o Chester and Phebe (Weaver) Ingersoll; cut off for California; returned east c1850
INGERSOLL,Chester (1789-1849): m1. BURDICK, Mary; m2. 1833 WEAVER, Phebe; s/o Josiah and Hannah (Ingalls) Ingersoll; a founder of Plainfield, IL; cut off for California; he made a fortune in 1848 in CA and died 9 Sep 1849 at San Francisco following a two week bout with dysentery
INGERSOLL, Chester Jr. (1834-1889): s/o Chester and Phebe (Weaver) Ingersoll; cut off for California; returned east c1850
INGERSOLL, Dallas (1846-1848): s/o Chester and Phebe (Weaver) Ingersoll; cut off for California
INGERSOLL, Flavilla (1820-1920): m1. 1841 ALFORD, Sterling; m2. 1848 EDDY, William; m3. 1854 WILLIS, Winwright; d/o Chester and Mary (Burdick) Ingersoll; birth also given as 1826, she went to CA in 1847 with her father and two Alford children, returning to IL about 1853
INGERSOLL, James Knox Polk (1844-1902): m'd 1869 PRESTON, Hannah E.; s/o Chester and Phebe (Weaver) Ingersoll; cut off for California; returned east c1850
INGERSOLL, Josiah (1842-1871): s/o Chester and Phebe (Weaver) Ingersoll; cut off for California; returned east c1850
INGHRAM, Margaret Fee (1816-1889): m'd 1832 CHAPMAN, William Williams
INGRAM, Charles Thomas (1816-1889): m1. HOLLAND, Susan; m2. 1845
RAMSEY, Eliza Ann
INGRAM, William H. "Henry" (1846-1891): s/o Charles T. and Eliza A. (Ramsey) Ingram
JACK, Jeremiah J. (1787-1862): m'd 1816 DAVIS, Susannah (McCALLIE)
JACK, John James Crenshaw (1839-1875): m'd 1867 CASON, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Nathaniel D. and Sena (Lebo) Jack
JACK, Nathaniel Daniel (1819-1857): m1. 1838 LEBO, Sena; m2. 1851 Belieu, Sarah (LIGGETT); s/o Jeremiah and Susannah (McCallie) Jack
JACK, Robert Alexander (1822-1898): m'd1858 JOHNSON, Adeline A.; s/o Jeremiah and Susannah (McCallie) Jack
JACK, Susan Jane (1844-1866): never married; d/o Nathaniel D. and Sena (Lebo) Jack
JACK, Thomas Porterfield "Porter" (1824-1906): m'd 1852 JOHNSON, Sarah F.; s/o Jeremiah and Susannah (McCallie) Jack
JACK, William Allen (1818-1895): m'd 1854 WEDDLE, Mary Jane; s/o Jeremiah and Susannah (McCallie) Jack
JACK, William H. (1842-1879): m'd unknown; s/o Nathaniel D. and Sena (Lebo) Jack - note that although his probate file noted a widow, she was not named, and the only heirs named in his file were his sister Martha and brother E. W. Jack. It was the latter, Elias Walter Jack, born 1851, who married Henrietta Averill
JACKSON, Angeline Fidelia (1844-1893): m'd 1860 GILLESPIE, George C.; d/o Thomas J. and Phoebe (Stewart) Jackson; came with mother
JACKSON, Mary Louisa (1845-1934): m'd 1863 DAVIS, James S.; d/o Thomas J. and Phoebe (Stewart) Jackson; came with mother
JACOB, John Thomas (1826-1889): m'd 1853 RICHARDSON, Mary Elizabeth
JAGGER, Caroline (1812-1898): m'd 1832 CHURCHMAN, John; d/o Schuyler and Phebe (Smith) Jagger or Yaeger; CA pioneer
JAMISON, Francis Marion: s/o William and Martha (Findley) Jamison
JAMISON, John Calvin: s/o William and Martha (Findley) Jamison
JAMISON, William Rowland (1808-1882): m'd 1828 FINDLEY, Martha; s/o Samuel and Sally (Rowland) Jamison; wife d. in IN; two children also d. in IN
JAMES, Susannah R. "Susan" (1821-1896): m'd 1837 SAWYER, Mark; surname also given as MYERS
JAMISON, Francis Marion (1832- ): m'd 1853 ALLEN, Margaret I. C.; s/o William R. and Martha (Findley) Jamison; said to have come in 1847 but may not have come; married in Warren Co., IL
JAMISON, John Calvin (1830- ): m'd Feb. 1851 DAVIS, Eunice; s/o William R. and Martha (Findley) Jamison; said to have come in 1847 but possibly did not; in Henderson Co. IL 1850 and m'd in Lewis Co. MO, DLC arr. 14 Sep. 1851
JAMISON, William Rowland (1808-1882): m1. 1828 FINDLEY, Martha (d. 1835); m2. 1836 GILES, Margaret McElvaney; s/o Samuel and Sally (Rowland) Jamison; said to have come in 1847; but he and 2nd wife had children b. 1847 and 1848 Henderson Co., IL and he may not have come to Oregon; he died in Florida
JEFFERS, Caroline E. "Carrie" (1845-1929): m1. by 1873 HARNED, James Joseph; m2. 1878 HIBBARD, George Lovector; d/o Joseph and Sarah (Hurford) Jeffers
JEFFERS, Elijah Craven (1839-1920): m'd 1871 HESS, Betsy Jane A.; s/o Joseph and Sarah (Hurford) Jeffers
JEFFERS, John H. (1830-1850): never married; s/o Joseph and Sarah (Hurford) Jeffers
JEFFERS, Josephine (1848-1878): m'd 1867 HIBBARD, George Lovector; d/o Joseph and Sarah (Hurford) Jeffers; born 15 Feb. 1848 on arrival
JEFFREY, George (1793-1872): m1. unknown; m2. 1848 Marquiss, Theresa C. (ELLIS); married first in England; to Canada by mid-1830's and Illinois by c1836, at least 5 sons from first marriage raised families in Illinois and Iowa, while two of those - Joseph b. c1833 and Samuel b. 1836 spent some time in Oregon around 1870
JENNINGS, Berryman (1807-1888): m1. 1833 WHITE, Lucinda; m2. 1850 Pope, Martha (HULL); possibly came first in 1844
JENNINGS, Child ( -1847): infant d/o Berryman and Lucinda (White) Jennings; died on Trail
JENNINGS, Edward Thomas (1835-1896): m'd 1880 FETTER, Sarah Maud; s/o Berryman and Lucinda (White) Jennings
JEWETT, Addison (1832-1893): s/o John and Sophronia (Summers) Jewett
JEWETT, Caroline (1836-1930): note that these dates match Caroline Minerva (Friend) Jewett, wife of Joseph Henry Jewett, arrival unknown but after 1900. There was a Caroline (c1824- ): d/o John and Laura (Durand) Jewett; said to have come 1847 but possibly she was the Caroline (c1825-1846): m'd 1846 PARSONS, Jonathan H., who died in Iowa
JEWETT, Daniel (1837- ): s/o John and Sophronia (Summers) Jewett; twin to David
JEWETT, David (1837-1916): evidently did not marry; s/o John and Sophronia (Summers) Jewett; twin to Daniel
JEWETT, Frank (1843-1933): evidently did not marry; s/o John and Sophronia (Summers) Jewett
JEWETT, Henry W. (1835-1916): m'd 1857 SKEENE, Nancy A.; s/o John and Sophronia (Summers) Jewett
JEWETT, John Haynes (1796-1880): m1. 1823 DURAND, Laura; m2. 1827 SUMMERS, Sophronia ( -1847); m3. 1848 Kimball, Harriet (SANBORN); s/o John Jewett
JEWETT, John T. (1839-1911): m'd 1873 NORTON, Sarah; s/o John and Sophronia (Summers) Jewett
JEWETT, Joseph Henry (1835-1922): m'd as noted for his wife Caroline, no evidence of arrival of this man until after 1900
JEWETT, Laura F. (1827-1897): m1. 1842 BOND, Rev. James; m2. 1850 SHANE, Carlos Walstier (div.); m3. 1859 FERRELL, Ferdinand; d/o John and Sophronia (Summers) Jewett
JEWETT, Sophrona Mrs. ( -1847): m'd 1825 JEWETT, John - replace with: SUMMERS, Sophronia ( -1847): m’d 1827 JEWETT, John; died Ft. Vancouver on arrival
JEWETT, Warren (1829-1841); died in the east
JEWETT, Washington (1831- ): s/o John and Sophronia (Summers) Jewett
JOBE, Henry:
JOBE, Noah J. (1825-1905): m'd 1851 GARWOOD, Lydia; also said to have come in 1845; probably returned east and came again in 1847
JOHNS, Isaiah M. (1821-1896): m'd 1850 MARTINS, Mary Sophia
(1845-1925): m1. c1861 RIDDLES, Richard; m2. c1869 PEDERSON, John; d/o Nelson
and Martha L. (Walker) Johnson
JOHNSON, Andrew Jackson (c1846- ): s/o Nelson and Martha L. (Walker) Johnson
JOHNSON, Ashba Logan (c1834-1919): m'd 1857 ROBINSON, Nancy Jane; s/o James and Anna (Piles) Johnson
1) 2) JOHNSON, Barbara Ann (1843-1923): m'd 1863 JOHNSON, Burr; d/o James S. and Louisa (Crisp) Johnson
JOHNSON, Burr (1840-1928): m'd 1863 JOHNSON, Barbara A.; s/o James and Juliette (Perkins) Johnson; probably came 1844
JOHNSON, Caroline C.
(1842-1926): m'd 1859 APPLEGATE, James; d/o Melchior and Delilah (Ware) Johnson
JOHNSON, Charles J. (1840- ): m'd GONSOLAS, Violetta: see John Charles Johnson
JOHNSON, David: m'd DAVIDSON, Loretta
JOHNSON, Elizabeth (1806-1858): m1. 1830 LEE, Philemon; m2. 1858 KELLY, Peter
JOHNSON, Ellison Carl (1831-1902): m'd 1853 GILLIAM, Nancy Jane; s/o James and Anna (Piles) Johnson
JOHNSON, Exie Anne [or Hexo A.] (c1843- ): m'd c1860 FOSS, George N.; d/o Nelson and Martha L. (Walker) Johnson
1) 2) JOHNSON, Francis (1838- ): s/o James S. and Louisa (Crisp) Johnson
*16) JOHNSON, George Washington (19 Jul 1844-16 Oct 1919): m'd 1866 JONES, Mary P.; s/o Hiram and Elizabeth (Whitley) Johnson; farmed in Marion Co until 1875 and then was businessman in Scio and Salem; fought in Civil War; served in state legislature 1911-1913; buried Mount Crest Abbey Mausoleum, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
JOHNSON, George Washington (c1838- ): s/o James and Anna Johnson
JOHNSON, Hexo A. (1843- ):
*16) JOHNSON, Hiram Alvah Sr. (16 Feb 1819-1896):
m'd 25 Jul 1841 WHITLEY, Elizabeth J.;
s/o Charles and Rachel
(Pratt) Johnson
"JOHNSON, H. A.--Born in New York in 1819; moved to Illinois when twenty-one; married Miss Elizabeth Whitley the next year; in 1847 set out for Oregon, and settled in Marion County; went next year to the California mines for a short stay; in 1862 went into mercantile business, and so occupied himself for five years. Mr. Johnson resides at Salem with his family, which includes seven children J. C., W. G., W. W., H. A., Jr., S. T., F. M., and Rachel C." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.678]
JOHNSON, James (1809-1870): m'd 1829 PILES
, Anna;
s/o James and Delila
(Bennett) Johnson
1) 2) JOHNSON, James S. "Texas" (1811-bef
m. 1832
18 Aug 1832 CRISP, Louisa T.
*16) JOHNSON, John Charles (29 May 1842-04 Dec 1920): m'd 1864 GUNSAULES, Violetta; s/o Hiram and Elizabeth (Whitley) Johnson; buried Mount Crest Abbey Mausoleum, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
1) 2) JOHNSON, John Franklin (1841-1916): m'd 1864 WRIGHT, Margaret L.; s/o James S. and Louisa (Crisp) Johnson; buried Pike Cemetery, Yamhill County, Oregon
JOHNSON, Joseph Dorris (1839- ): m'd 1857 ROBINSON, Hannah F., divorced; s/o Nelson and Martha L. (Walker) Johnson
JOHNSON, Joseph Franklin (1839-1923): m'd 1871 APPLEGATE, Frances "Fannie"; s/o Melchi and Delilah (Ware) Johnson
JOHNSON, Leander W. (c1844-1866): s/o James and Anna (Piles) Johnson
1) 2) JOHNSON, Lucinda Adaline (1844-1921): m'd 1859 McCULLOUGH, James Madison; d/o James S. and Louisa (Crisp) Johnson; buried Echo Memorial Cemetery, Echo, Umatilla County, Oregon
JOHNSON, Mary (05 Jul 1797-06 Dec 1847): m'd 1815 GEER, Joseph Carey; d/o Kenyon and Elizabeth (Peckham) Johnson; died 6 Dec. 1847 on arrival; buried Geer Cemetery, Clackamas County, Oregon; note: surname also seen as Johnston
JOHNSON, Mary (c1827- ): m'd 1847 BRIGGS, Elias M.
JOHNSON, Mary (1840-1925): m'd 1851 CLYMER, Henry Vance - d/o William and Elizabeth (Layman) Johnson; pioneer of 1846
JOHNSON, Mary "Polly" (1813-1854): m'd 1834 COCHRAN, William; d/o Samuel Johnson
JOHNSON, Mary Ann (1837-1846/7): d/o Melchior and Delilah (Ware) Johnson; died either 1846 MO or 1847 OR on arrival
JOHNSON, Melchior "Melchi" (1807-1875): m'd 1834 WARE, Delilah Leavensworth; s/o Samuel and Sarah (Rowland) Johnson; brother of Nelson
JOHNSON, Nelson (1809- ): m'd 1837 WALKER, Martha Lee; s/o Samuel and Sarah (Rowland) Johnson; brother of Melchior
JOHNSON, Nelson (c1847-bef 1860): s/o James and Anna (Piles) Johnson
JOHNSON, Nelson J. (1843-1899): m'd 1872 GREEN, Mary E. "Zina"; s/o Melchior and Delilah (Ware) Johnson
JOHNSON, Polly (1813-1854): m'd COCHRAN, William - duplicate entry, you have her under Mary "Polly"
JOHNSON, Richard Tolliver (1834-1916): m'd TITTLE, Angeline; s/o James and Anna Johnson
*16) JOHNSON, Rufus (1830 - ): wagon driver for Samuel Whitley; this is possibly the Johnson that ended up a pioneer to Montana; he may have returned east after the 1847 emigration and returned West a few years later
JOHNSON, Sarah Elizabeth (1846-1903): m'd 1865 FISHER, Charles G.; d/o Melchior and Delilah (Ware) Johnson
JOHNSON, Travis (c1838- ): s/o James S. and Louisa(Crisp) Johnson; also found as Francis, a daughter
1) 2) JOHNSON, William (c1835- ): s/o James S. and Louisa (Crisp) Johnson
JOHNSON, William: said to have come 1847 via the Applegate Trail; said to be an old bachelor per *27 narrative
*16) JOHNSON, William Warren (20 May 1847-12 May 1906): m'd 25 Feb 1869 HARRIS, Caroline; s/o Hiram and Elizabeth (Whitley) Johnson; born on trail in Nebraska; moved to eastern Oregon c1871 and then to Harney Co c1876 where he remained until his death; buried Burns Cemetery, Burns, Harney County, Oregon
JOLLY, Anna Eliza (1839-1905): m'd 1856
JOLLY, David (1816-1904): s/o William Sr. and bro. of Rev. William; came 1847 or 1850 but returned east
JOLLY, Joseph Warren (1837-1862): Never married
JOLLY, Mary Ann (1808-1897): m1. 1832 McCOMAS [or McCOMIS], John B.; m2. 1838 HARRELL, Isaac; d/o William and Elizabeth (Cating) Jolly; sister of Rev. William
JOLLY, Paulina S. (1841-1881): m1. 1859 PURVINE, Nelson; m2. 1874 FEKER, Michael; d/o Rev. William and Elizabeth J. (Strawn) Jolly
JOLLY, Urmanda Matilda (1846-1929): m1. 1865 ESTES, C. E.; m2. 1881 HOWARD, Henry Vernon; m3. THEIN, Marshall M.; d/o Rev. William and Elizabeth J. (Strawn) Jolly
William Rev. (1813-1892):
m'd 1835 STRAWN, Elizabeth “Eliza” Jane; s/o William and Elizabeth (Cating)
JOLLY, William Bonham (1843-1920): m1. 1865 GRIFFIN, Harriet B.; m2. 1879 WOODWORTH, Hattie E.; s/o Rev. William and Elizabeth J. (Strawn) Jolly
"JOLLY, W. B.--Born in Knox County, Illinois, May 26, 1843, and was brought by his parents to Oregon in 1847. Married, November 9, 1865, a daughter of Rev. J. S. Griffin; she died on October 25, 1877, and on April 10, 1879, he married Miss Hattie E. Woodworth, of Howells Prairie, Marion County. Mr. Jolly resides near Hillsboro, Washington County, and is a farmer." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.678]
JONES, America (1839- ):
m'd 1859 OFFIELD, William
Asbury; d/o Joseph Jones; arrival unknown
JONES, Caroline Mary (1822-1904): m'd 1844 COWAN, Robert Burns; d/o John and Minerva (Calloway) Jones
*16) JONES, Earl Douglas (1825-1884): m'd 1850 COLLARD, Mary Jane; s/o Samuel and Lydia (Douglas) Jones
JONES, Eveline (1837-1923): m1. HESS, Thomas (div.); m2. 1861 EVEREST, William C.; d/o William and Nancy (Davis) Jones
JONES, Fielding (1818-1903): m1. 1843 FRAKES, Permelia Elizabeth; m2. 1852 KILLIN, Martha Catherine; son of Martin and Rosannah (Shuck) Jones; name also written Fielden
JONES, Hixey V. (1807-1879): m'd 1828 STEVENS, William M.
JONES, Irena (1840-1925): m1. 1856 EVEREST, David; m2. 1908 HEATER, A. James; d/o William and Nancy (Davis) Jones
JONES, Mary Ann (1843-1909): m'd 1859 COOLEY, James Harvey; d/o Fielding and Elizabeth (Frakes) Jones
JONES, Mary Caroline (1825- ): m'd 1844 COWAN, Robert
JONES, Mithra Milton (1831-1919): m'd 1853 HUBBARD, Julia Ann; s/o Egbert James and Mary (Harpole) Jones; said to be pioneer of 1847; came 1850.
JONES, Nancy (c1844- ): possibly m'd 1863 THORNALLY, Benjamin; d/o William and Nancy (Davis) Jones; died after 1860 but before 1892 without issue
JONES, Nathan B. (1819-1894): never married; s/o William and Hulda W. (Harris) Jones; died of injuries suffered during a robbery attempt at his home
JONES, Rebecca (1835-1916): m1. 1850 CULLY, Thomas (div.); m2. MEYER, Henry A.; d/o William and Nancy (Davis) Jones
JONES, Rosannah (c1842-1926): m1. 1862 TOOHILL, John; m2. 1874 McGUIRE, Henry G.; d/o William and Nancy (Davis) Jones
JONES, Rosannah (c1817-1903): m'd 1837 LANCASTER, Columbia; d/o Thomas and Sarah (Wilson) Jones
JONES, Susannah (1785-1868): m'd 1805 SHUCK, Jacob; d/o Martin Jones
JONES, Susan Catherine (1845-1891): never married; d/o Fielding and Elizabeth (Frakes) Jones
JONES, William (1811-1892): m1. 1831 DAVIS, Nancy; m2. 1870 Hall, Mrs. Malinda (HALL); son of Martin and Rosannah (Shuck) Jones
JONES, William James (1833-1908): m'd 1859 SHUCK, Elizabeth; s/o William and Nancy (Davis) Jones
JORDAN, Sarah Jane (1836-1859): m'd 1854 MARK, Alexander; came in 1853 as babysitter for Mulkey family
JORY, Elizabeth (1822-1855): m'd 1848 FENN, John; was sister of John's first wife, Mary Jory; d/o James and Mary (Stephens)
JORY, Hugh Stephens (1833-1912): m'd 1857 BUDD, Mary; s/o James and Mary (Stephens) Jory
"JORY, HUGH S.--Born in St. John's, New Brunswick, in November, 1833; present residence, South Salem. Occupation: wagon and carriage maker. Married in 1857 to Miss Mary Budd, who came to Oregon in that year. Their children were Charles, Oliver, Allie, and Ralph. The two latter were drowned in the Willamette in 1879." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.678]
JORY, James Jr. (1820-1905): m'd 1846 BUDD, Sarah Ann; s/o James and Mary (Stephens) Jory
JORY, James Sr. (1787-1870): m'd 1814 STEPHENS, Mary; settled in Marion County, OR
JORY, James W. (1846-1910): m'd WESTON, Mrs. Anna; s/o John H. and Caroline (Budd) Jory
JORY, John Hicks (1815-1899): m'd 1846 BUDD, Caroline; s/o James and Mary (Stephens) Jory
JORY, Phoebe Ann (1847-1924): never married; d/o James and
Sarah Ann (Budd) Jory;
born Sep. 1847 on the Trail
JORY, Thomas (1825-1882): m'd 1857 LEABO, Mary Catherine; s/o James and Mary (Stephens) Jory
JORY, William (1828-1924): m'd 1856 MOORE, Jane E.; s/o James and Mary (Stephens) Jory
JOY, Rachel Way (1822-1869): m1. 1841 FISHER, John H.: m2. 1848 MILLS, William A.; d/o Reuben and Rachel Joy
JUDD, Daniel M. (1818-1877): m'd 1842 DEWEY, Sarah M.; of Waterford, Michigan, he wrote a series of letters on the Trail in 1847; probably came alone, returned east by 1849
KALER, Mary Magdalene (1825-1855): m'd 1843 RHOADES, George
KEAS, Elias Dudley (1809- ): m'd 1837 ALDRIDGE, Mary Ann "Polly"
KEAS, John W. (1841-1906): m'd 1886 RAINEY, Fannie Lee; s/o Elias D. and Polly (Aldridge) Keas
KEAS, Martha A. (c1838- ): d/o Elias D. and Polly (Aldridge) Keas
KEAS, Mary Ann (c1845/7- ): m1. 1863 BIGHAM, David; m2. by 1880 MARION, William; d/o Elias D. and Polly (Aldridge) Keas
KEENE, Alfred Carter (1821-1886): m'd 1849 NEAL, Nancy; s/o Enoch and Mary (Williams) Keene
KEENE, David Madison Rev. (1825-1889): m'd 1853 CAMPBELL, Elizabeth H.; s/o Enoch and Mary (Williams) Keene
KEENEY, Jonathan (1827- ): m1. 1849 RAGSDALE, Catherine; m2. 1858 MITCHELL, Margarette Smith; m3. ; went to CA 1847 with the Army, returned east and emigrated with Catherine in 1851; Catherine and Jonathan were divorced in Lane Co.
KEES: also see Keas
KEES, Jacob (1783-1850): m'd c1805 JONES, Mary; said to be 1847 pioneers see:1848
KEES, Mary Mrs. (1792-1850): m'd 1805 KEES, Jacob; said to be 1847 pioneers see:1848
KELLER, Isaac D. (c1805-1880): m1. 1830 BENNETT, Bessie; m2. 1853 FLOREY, Ann Lasher; son John said to be pioneer of 1847, and Isaac and another son James were listed with John in Clark Co. in 1850, presumably also coming that year; Isaac returned to Missouri by 1853 and remained there
KELLER, James Madison (1831-c1898): m'd c1864 GLENN, Sarah E.; s/o Isaac and Bessie (Bennett) Keller; in California by 1860 and did not return to Oregon
KELLER, John A. (1832-1879): m'd 1867 ELLIOT, Mary; s/o Isaac and Bessie (Bennett) Keller; J. Keller on Bancroft list; settled in Baker and Union counties
KELLEY, James William (1836-1925): m'd 1858 EGGMAN, Calista
KELLEY, Joseph (1799-1850): m'd 1836 MCCLAIN, Amanda
KELLOGG, Moses K. (c1820-1851): m'd 1848 Sturges, Frances Elizabeth (WELDON)
KELLY, Albert Rev. (1814-1873): m'd 1837 BINGHAM, Nira C. - probably 1849
KELSEY, Joseph (1824-1895) m'd 1851
KELSO, Mary (1796-1874): m'd 1815 MICHAEL, Jared
KENDALL, Jehial S. (1816-1888): m'd 1853 Matte, Mary Ann (TAYLOR) Maupin; called pioneer of 1847; see 1845 listing
(1811-1865): m'd 1839 UNDERWOOD, Arah; s/o Charles and Mary (Crooson) Kennedy
"KENNEDY, BARNEY--Born in Ireland in 1811; came to Oregon and settled on a farm two and a half miles south of Champoeg. Occupation, farming. Married Arah Underwood in 1839, and they had John, William, Mary, and Sarah. Mr. Kennedy died in 1865. Mrs. Kennedy still resides near Champoeg." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.678]
KENNEDY, Charles (1842- ): presumably this is oldest known child of Barney and Arah (Underwood) Kennedy - can find no evidence of his presence in Oregon and probably he died young, perhaps before the journey
KENNEDY, John (1845-1905): m'd 1869 SCOLLARD, Julia; s/o Barney and Arah (Underwood) Kennedy
KENNEDY, John (1816-1884): m1. McCABE, Catherine; m2. 1849 POUJADE, Mary; m3. 1869 PIXLEY, Belle; s/o Charles and Mary (Crooson) KennedyKENNEDY, Mary (1842-1925): m'd 1859 JOHNSTON, John; d/o John and Catherine (McCabe) Kennedy
KESLER, Cynthia Louise (1811-1898): m1. 1825 BURBEE, Jonathan; m2. 1855 SMITH, Lorenzo P. (div.); m3. 1860 JACKSON, Henry
KESTER, Charles M. (1826-1894): m1. 1849 JOHNSON, Martha C.; m2. 1882 STRAWSER, M. L.; s/o Jesse and Sarah (Johnson) Kester; settled in Clackamas County
KESTER, Emeline (1831-1906): m1. 1850 ROBERTS, George W.; m2. 1862 BRADBURY, William J.; d/o Jesse and Sarah (Johnson) Kester; settled in Clackamas County
KESTER, Henderson Warner (1837-1884): m'd STINE, Mary M.; s/o Jesse and Ruth (Conley) Kester; returned east, settled in Iowa
KESTER, James Johnson (1823-1887): m'd 1849 HUBBARD, Keziah Jane; s/o Jesse and Sarah (Johnson) Kester; settled in Marion County
KESTER, Jesse (1800-1856): m1. 1818 JOHNSON, Sarah; m2. c1836 CONLEY, Ruth Eveline; came with second wife and a number of children, locating in Clackamas County before visiting the gold fields and returning east to Putnam Co. Illinois by 1850
KESTER, Margaret Ann (1828-1897): m'd 1853 RADCLIFF, John C.; d/o Jesse and Sarah (Johnson) Kester; returned east, died in Kansas
KESTER, Maria Louisa (1842-1906): m'd 1860 GREEN, William Henry; d/o Jesse and Ruth (Conley) Kester; returned east, died in Iowa
KESTER, Sarah Elenor (1839-1916): m1. 1855 HARTENBOWER, Snider; m2. LOGENCRANTZ, John August; m3. 1893 JOHNS, Benjamin F.; m4. 1897 OLSEN, Halvor; d/o Jesse and Ruth (Conley) Kester; returned east, lived in Wisonsin and Michigan, surname Johns at death
KETCHUM, Eliza Ann (1827-1907): m'd 1844 DRIGGS, Jeremiah; d/o Joel and Julia Ann (Darling) Ketchum
KETCHUM, Joel (1803-1891): m'd 1825 DARLING, Julia Ann
KETCHUM, Lewis Grant (1839- ): m'd 1860 HANAN, Julia Ann; s/o Joel and Julia Ann (Darling) Ketchum
KETCHUM, Walter M. (1829-
): m'd 1851 PETERSON, Laura; s/o Joel and Julia Ann (Darling) Ketchum
"KETCHUM, W. M.--Lives in Albany, Linn County, engaged in a planing mill and sash and door factory. Pie was born in New York in 1820; married in 1851 to Miss Laura Patterson; have four children Emma, Ella, Frank, and Alva." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.678]
KIMBALL, Byron Steuben (1839-1899): s/o Nathan S. and Harriet (Sanborn) Kimball; Whitman Massacre survivor; probably never married
KIMBALL, Clarice (1844-1847): d/o Nathan S. and Harriet (Sanborn) Kimball; died on the Trail about 19 June 1847
KIMBALL, Mina Ann (1846-1928): m1. 1860 BOGGS, Isaac (div.?); m2. 1867 MEGLER, Alexander J.; m3. 1904 HEDRICK, J. W.; d/o Nathan S. and Harriet (Sanborn) Kimball; Whitman Massacre survivor; note she resumed Megler surname by 1910
KIMBALL, Nathan M. (1835-1906): m'd 1861 NILES, Lucinda; s/o Nathan S. and Harriet (Sanborn) Kimball; Whitman Massacre survivor
KIMBALL, Nathan Schofield (1807-1847): m'd 1831 SANBORN, Harriet; victim of Whitman Massacre
(1833-1847): s/o Nathan S. and Harriet (Sanborn) Kimball; died on the Trail
about 26 Sep. 1847 along Snake River
KIMBALL, Susan Marie (1831-1905): m'd 1850 WIRT, Augustus C.; d/o Nathan S. and Harriet (Sanborn) Kimball; Whitman Massacre survivor
note that the name is found
both KIMSEY and KIMZEY although most of the Oregon immigrants used KIMSEY, and
they were all related closely
KIMSEY, Achsa (1816-1859): m'd 1844 SMITH, Ira
Perry; d/o James and Hannah (McCracken) Kimsey
KIMSEY, Benjamin Franklin (1828-1904): m1. 1854 SMITH, Malinda; m2. c1870 FAUST, Mrs. Pamelia; s/o James and Hannah (McCracken) Kimsey
KIMSEY, Duffield G. "Duff" (1821-1858): m'd 1847 SMITH, Mandana; s/o James and Hannah (McCracken) Kimsey
KIMSEY, Edna (1819-1874): m1. 1841 BENSON, John A.; m2. 1867 PEMBERTON, J. C.; d/o James and Hannah (McCracken) Kimsey; removed to California by 1849
KIMSEY, Edson Ross (1826-1906): m'd 1852 WALKER, Jane Malinda Ann; s/o James and Hannah (McCracken) Kimsey
KIMSEY or KIMZEY, Elizabeth Jane (1834-1925): m1. 1849 TUCKER, Henry L.; m2. 1879 KELLAND, James; d/o John and Susan (Brock) Kimsey
KIMSEY, James (1784-1860): m'd 1805 MCCRACKEN, Hannah J.
"KINSEY (sic), JAMES--Born in Virginia in 1784; settled eventually in Missouri after considerable wandering, and was county judge of Holt County for several years. Came to Oregon, and settled in Polk County. His residence was near Dixie. Occupation, farming. Married Miss Hannah McCracken. Children Edson, Benjamin, and Anson. Mr. Kinsey died in 1861, and his widow two years later." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.679]
Samuel (1835-1910): m1. 1860 YOUNG, Pernecy; m2. 1876 Peasley, Mary (BASIL); s/o
John and Susan (Brock) Kimsey
KIMSEY, John F. (1812-1880): m'd 1840 Price, Masey (SIMPSON); s/o James and Hannah (McCracken) Kimsey
KIMSEY, Leonidas Oldham (1841-1920): m1. 1868 KIMSEY, Hannah Jane; m2. 1892 McRAE, Rosa Belle; s/o John F. and Masey (Simpson) Kimsey
KIMSEY or KIMZEY, Lavinia Talitha (1841-1925): m'd 1861 WHALLEY, John William; d/o John and Susan (Brock) Kimsey
KIMSEY, Mahala (1808-1861):
never married; d/o James and Hannah (McCracken) Kimsey; possibly came out later
but was in Oregon by 1850
KIMSEY or KIMZEY, Rachel Johnson (1839-1916): m1. 1853 GARRISON, Joseph H.; m2. 1868 MISSLER, Adam; d/o John and Susan (Brock) Kimsey
KIMSEY or KIMZEY, Terry Wayne (1846-1933): m1. 1872 Hughes, Rebecca A. (BUXTON); m2. 1896 Cleaver, Mary Valentine (PRUITT); s/o John and Susan (Brock) Kimsey
KIMSEY, Thomas Lafayette (1823-1872/7): m'd 1852 ZACHARY, Milley Jane; s/o Samuel and Rachel (Townsend) Kimsey; arrived 1847 but may have crossed plains 1846 to CA
KIMSEY, Tirzah Ellen (1843-1920): m. 1860 McCRACKEN, Christopher C.; d/o John F. and Masey (Simpson) Kimsey
KIMSEY or KIMZEY, William Thomas (1844-1917): m'd 1877 CHANDLER, Mary E.; s/o John and Susan (Brock) Kimsey
KINCAID, Margaret ( -1847): m'd 1844 BUCKINGHAM, Hiram Heaton
KINDER, Franklin Peter (1828-1889): m'd 1851 EVANS, Rebecca Isabel; in California 1850, evididently returned east and married and came again 1852; died Waitsburg WA
KING, Charlotte Manelle (1807-1894): m'd 1823 HUNSAKER, Daniel; d/o Elijah and Frances (King) King; CA pioneer of 1847
KING, Elizabeth Jane (1804-1864): m'd 1820 HUNSAKER, Joseph; d/o Elijah and Frances (King) King
KING, Hannah (1800-1887/9): m'd 1821 WHISMAN, John Wilson; d/o James and Rachel (Stewart) King; CA pioneer
KINGERY, Samuel (1824-1884): m'd 1858 BENEFIEL, Jane Cydonia.
KINNEY, Albert William (1842/3-1881): m'd 1867 NEWBY, Virginia; s/o Robert C. and Eliza (Bigelow) Kinney
KINNEY, Andrew Christie (1837-1881): m'd 1857 DAVIS, Nancy Catherine "Kate"; s/o Samuel and Maria (Porter) Kinney
KINNEY, Augustus Dr. (1845-1908): m'd 1867 WELCH, Jane; s/o Robert C. and Eliza (Bigelow) Kinney - note that his middle name has been given as Crouch, as Ceasar, and as Ceasar Dodge
KINNEY, John Lafayette (1839-1908): m'd 1868 CARTER, Sarah Luiza; s/o Samuel and Maria (Porter) Kinney
KINNEY, Lyman C. (1841-1903): m'd c1896 FOLSOM, Julia; s/o Samuel and Maria (Porter) Kinney
KINNEY, Marshall Johnston (1847-1932): m1. 1876 MORGAN, Margaret; m2. 1888 WHITE, Narcissa; s/o Robert C. and Eliza (Bigelow) Kinney
KINNEY, Mary (1830-1908): m'd 1851 BRISBINE, John H.; d/o Samuel and Maria (Porter) Kinney
KINNEY, Mary Jane (1837-1921): m'd 1857 SMITH, John Henry; d/o Robert C. and Eliza (Bigelow) Kinney
KINNEY, Rebecca Ann (1835-1875): m'd 1851 MONROE, John A. “Jack”; d/o Samuel and Maria (Porter) Kinney
*4) KINNEY, Robert Crouch (1813-1875): m'd 1833 BIGELOW, Eliza;
s/o Samuel and Mary
(Gibbons) Kinney
"KINNEY, ROBERT CROUCH--Born .near Summerville, Illinois, July 4, 1813; married Miss Eliza Bigelow in 1833; founded the town of Muscatine, Iowa; participated in the Black Hawk war; came to Oregon with his family and his brother Samuel, in Palmer's company; the brothers settled in the Chehalem Valley, Yamhill County, and became successful farmers. Robert removed to McMinnville in 1857, to be near school; bought the McMinnville flouring mill; in 1862 bought the Brooklyn flour mill opposite Portland; removed to Salem in 1867 and invested in the woolen manufacturing company, and afterwards entered upon flour milling with great success, handling one -fourth of the Oregon wheat crop, and shipping great quantities of flour and grain to Europe. Mr. Kinney died in February, 1875. He had held several public offices, having been a member of the Constitutional Convention and Territorial Legislature. His children were Mary Jane, wife of J. H. Smith, of Harrisburg; Albert William, of Salem (died January 1, 1881); Augustus C., a physician; Marshal J., of San Francisco; Alfred C., a physician; Josephine E., of San Francisco; William S., and Eliza L." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.678-9]
KINNEY, Samuel (1810-1875): m'd 1828 PORTER, Ann Maria "Maria"; s/o Samuel and Mary (Gibbons) Kinney
KINNEY, Sarah Elizabeth (1845-1924): m'd 1873 LAIGHTON, Frank H.; d/o Samuel and Maria (Porter) Kinney
KIRKPATRICK, John Marion (1825-1910): m'd 1857 COPLANTZ, Rebecca; made several trips across the plains
KITCHEN, Thomas Stephens (1817-1900): m1. 1840 McHARGUE, Mary; m2. 1856 BEST, Mary Jane; came alone in 1847, to Calif. 1849 and returned east 1851
FAMILY RESEARCHER: Note: some family
members shortened name to Klinger
KLINGLER, Christina Willemine
(14 Seo 1834-02 Jul 1894): m'd 1851 CALLAHAN, Clifton; d/o John and Marie (Woesthof) Klingler; born Charlette Twp, Warren Co, MO;
KLINGLER, Gustavius Ernst (06 Nov 1843-16 Jan 1887): m'd 1867 BUNTON, Martha Ann; d/o John and Marie (Woesthof) Klingler; born Charlette Twp, Warren Co, MO;
KLINGLER, Helena (14 Mar 1841-02 Aug 1928): m'd 07 Mar 1861 MORRIS, David; d/o John and Marie (Woesthof) Klingler; born Charlette Twp, Warren Co, MO;
KLINGLER, John Ludwig (05 Oct 1810-28 Nov 1859): m1. WOESTHOF, Marie Therese; m2. STEINKAMP, Marie Anna; John (Johannes) Ludwig Klingler was born in Warburg, Westfalen, Prussia. He was the son Johannes Ludwig and Christine (Koch) Klingler. His first wife, Maria Therese Wosthoff ,was born Neuenheerse, Westfalen, Prussia, the daughter of Anthon nd Maria Franziska (Pratt) Wosthoff a.. John died being crushed and was buried in the Klingler Cemetery 28 November 1859. John (Johannes) Ludwig Klingler came on the wagon train with his second wife Marie Anna Steinkamp. His first wife died in Warren County Missouri 1844.
KLINGLER, Lewis Johannes (08 Mar 1839-16 Aug 1915):
m'd 28 Mar 1861 WOODCOCK, Melissa; s/o John and Marie (Woesthof) Klingler;
born Charlette Twp, Warren
Co, MO; also known as Louis John KLINGER
KLINGLER, Matilda L. (08 Jan 1836-1907): m1. Poujade, Andrew Isasore; m2. GRIBBLE, William B.; m3. KLOCK, Henry; d/o John and Marie (Woesthof) Klingler; born Charlette Twp, Warren Co, MO; Matilda L. Klingler and the children were abondoned by her husband Andrew Isadore Poujade and she divorced him. She then married William B. Gribble 2 April in Canby, Clackamas Oregon. They had children and he died 1875 in Jackson, Oregon. Matilda L. Klingler then married Henry Klock 1879 (aka Clock). He helped raise the Poujade and Gribble children. Then he and Matilda moved to California and was on the 1900 Modoc, California Census. Matilda died in California.
KLINGLER, Therese Maria (08 Mar 1839-c1893): m'd 13 Apr 1858 MARTIN, Joseph Hiram; d/o John and Marie (Woesthof) Klingler; born Charlette Twp, Warren Co, MO;died in California
KLINGLER, William Frederick (14 Sep 1847-02 Jul 1866): s/o John and Maria (Steinkamp) Klingler; born on the trail. He was crippled his whole life. He died Jul 7, 1866 and was buried in the Klingler Cemetery (Mollala,Clackamas County, Oregon)
KLUM, Charles K. (1828-1911): m'd 1875 FINLEY, Lucinda H.; s/o William and Sarah (Rockefeller) Klum
KLUM, George William (1825-1916): m'd 1847 NYE, Catharine Jane; s/o William and Sarah (Rockefeller) Klum
KLUM, Mary Ellen (1834-1878): m'd 1852 SALTMARSH, Joseph Bolivar; d/o William and Sarah (Rockefeller) Klum
KLUM, Sarah Jane (1831/2-1854): m1. 1848 DYER, Andrew Norton (div. 1852); m2. 1852 MILLER, David; d/o William and Sarah (Rockefeller) Klum; Andrew N. Dyer filed on provisional land claims in Oregon early in 1848, and on 24 April 1848 married a young 17 year old girl in Oregon; they lived together until Mar. 1850 when he returned east to buy a steamboat, then in October 1850 he wrote to her admitting he already had a lawful wife in the states of whom Sarah had not been aware, and that he was again residing with her and did not intend to return to Oregon;
KLUM, William (1795-1865): m1. ROCKEFELLER, Sarah; m2. 1846 Geddis, Margaret (MARSH)
name appears as both Knighten and Knighten. Descendants say the correct
spelling is Knighten
(1787-1877): m'd 1810 COX, Fannie
KNIGHTEN, Commodore Perry (1821- ): s/o Ammon and Fannie (Cox) Knighten - note that he may not have come until 1850 - corrected entry should read: KNIGHTEN, Commodore Perry (1823-1898): m1. 1850 BLAZER, Rosannah W.; m2. 1880 Phipps, Mrs. Frances E. (NANNEY); s/o Ammon and Fannie (Cox) Knighten
KNIGHTEN, Frances "Fannie"
(1840-1916): m'd 1857 DEEN, Jacob; d/o Wiley and Louisa (Wideman) Knighten
KNIGHTEN, Isaac (1834-1917): 1861 MCBEE, Rebecca; s/o Ammon and Fannie (Cox) Knighten
KNIGHTEN, Joseph Magoon (1847-1917): s/o Wiley and Louisa (Wideman) Knighten, born 3 Sep. 1847 in Blue Mountains on the Trail; probably never married
KNIGHTEN, Lovell (1814-1905): m'd 1852 LINEBARGER, Mary Grace; s/o Ammon and Fannie (Cox) Knighten
KNIGHTEN, Melissa (1830-1864): m'd 1848 SHRUM, John W.; d/o Ammon and Fannie (Cox) Knighten; buried Stipp Cemetery, Macleay, Marion Co, OR
KNIGHTEN, Minerva (1828-1911): m'd 1849 WOOD, Robert; d/o Ammon and Fannie (Cox) Knighten
KNIGHTEN, Nancy Ann (1826-1910): m'd 1846 WATTS, Marvel Markham; d/o Ammon and Fannie (Cox) Knighten - came 1850
KNIGHTEN, Sarah Elizabeth
(1841-c1885): m1. 1858 WOOD, Rollen R.; m2. c1879 MILLER, Gideon W.; d/o Wiley
and Louisa (Wideman) Knighten
KNIGHTEN, Thomas Ammon (1832-1891): m'd 1855 RANES, Nancy J.; s/o Ammon and Fannie (Cox) Knighten
"KNIGHTEN, THOMAS--Born in Missouri in 1831; came to Oregon, and his first settlement in this State was made near Gales Peak, Washington County. He now lives three miles west of Forest Grove, engaged in farming. He married Nancy Raues in 1855, and they now have six children." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.679]
KNIGHTEN, Wiley Leander (1818-1892): m1. 1839 WIDEMAN, Louisa; m2. 1854 WINDOM, Nancy B.; s/o Ammon and Fannie (Cox) Knighten
KNIGHTEN, William Green (1837-1928): m'd 1860 DAWSON, Julia A.; s/o Ammon and Fannie (Cox) Knighten
KNIGHTEN, William Green (1843/5-1937): m'd 1879 Sarah Annabelle MAGILL; s/o Wiley and Louisa (Wideman) Knighten
KONKRIGHT: see Conkright
KOONTZ, Alonzo Barton (01 Apr 1840-19 May 1917): m'd 1908 RICHES, Mrs Jane Elizabeth (WILKINS); buried Fern Hill Cemetery, Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington; s/o Nicholas and Matilda (Glover) Coonce; settled at Jackson Prairie, WA
KOONTZ, Felix Grundy (1841-07 Dec 1855); s/o Nicholas and Matilda (Glover) Coonce; buried Jackson Cemetery, Marys Corner, Lewis County, Washington; settled at Jackson Prairie, WA
KOONTZ, Henry M. (16 Jul 1838-01 Jun 1857): s/o Nicholas and Matilda (Glover) Coonce; buried Jackson Cemetery, Marys Corner, Lewis County, Washington; settled at Jackson Prairie, WA, drowned age 18 at Cowlitz Landing
KOONTZ, Infant Daughter (Sep 1847-Sep 1847) d/o Nicholas and Matilda (Glover) Coonce; died 2 days after fathers death, newborn
KOONTZ, John Nicholas (06 Apr 1844-22 Dec 1901): m'd 13 Nov 1867 SIMMONS,Charlotte Elizabeth; s/o Nicholas and Matilda (Glover) Coonce; buried Claquato Cemetery, Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington
KOONTZ, Nicholas Jr. (1811-Sep 1847); m'd 1837 GLOVER, Matilda; s/o Nicholas and Rebecca (McConnell) Coonce; drowned while crossing the Snake River; his widow and four sons continued on and his widow later settled at Jackson Prairie, WA
KUYKENDALL, William (1809-1851): m'd 1848 HINES, Margaret Jane; was in New Mexico 1844, and may have come to Oregon first in 1845; brought a train of pack mules in 1847
LABRIE, Ferdinand M. (1828-1866): m'd 1857 ROWLEY, Ann Eliza; came as servant of Bishop Blanchet; settled in Douglas Co
LADY, James W. (1832-1916): m'd 12 Feb 1857 WOOD, Sarah; thought to have emigrated with his uncle, John William Bewley; returned east and came west again with family members in 1853.
LAFOREST, Eugene (1827-1876): m'd 1854 GUTHUEST, Mary Margaret Salome; said to be an 1847 pioneer but possibly came in 1846, probably by sea; note his wife Mary also arrived by sea, possibly either in 1850 or 1852
LAGEE, Mary A. (1822-1898): m'd 1838 MATTOON, Allen; name given as Mary Grant on marriage record; said to be d/o Philip Lagee
LAMSON, Henry Ward (1840-1922): m'd 1860 CHARLTON, Sarah Nancy; s/o Jeremiah and Helen M. (Hawks) Lamson
LAMSON, Jeremiah (1812-1879): m'd 1837 HAWKS, Helen Maria
LAMSON, Roswell Hawks (1838-1903): m'd 1867 Catherine BUCKINGHAM; s/o Jeremiah and Helen M. (Hawks) Lamson
LANCASTER, Columbia (1803-1893): m'd 1837 JONES, Rosannah; made partial journey on Trail in 1842; Oregon Territory supreme court judge; first delegate to Congress from Washington Territory
LANCASTER, Sarah (1843-1911): m'd 1861 HEITMAN, Henry; d/o Columbia and Rosannah (Jones) Lancaster
LANCE, Orson H. (1844-1907): m's 1865 PULLEN, Sarah E.; s/o John and Elizabeth (Bozarth) Lance
LANCE, Owen Almon (1846-1898): m'd 1871 WHITE, Jurida Caroline "Cadie"; s/o John and Elizabeth (Bozarth) Lance
LAND, Narcissa Burdette (1819-1899): m1. 1837 COLDWELL, John; m2. ASHCRAFT, Joseph; m3. c1846 VASQUEZ, Louis; m4. 1869 GORENFLO, Julius; m5. 1879 BUCHANAN, James; m6. McDOWELL, unknown; from St. Louis to Fort Bridger 1847; she died in Colorado, buried under the surname Vasque
NOTE the two Ashcraft
children said to have accompanied Narcissa and Louis Vasquez in 1847 were,
according to Vasquez family records found:
LANDESS, Abraham Sr.
(15 Mar 1789-27 Mar 1855): m'd
24 Feb 1811
*16) LANDESS, Felix (13 Oct 1820-01 Mar 1903): m'd
Nov 1840 WHITE,
Elizabeth Jane;
s/o Abraham and Betsy
(Conkright) Landess
*16) LANDESS, John (25
Jan 1823-29 Sep 1904): m'd 14 Dec 1862
s/o Abraham and Betsy
(Conkright) Landess
*16) LANDESS, Mary Jane (19 Nov 1845-06 May 1920): m'd
1859 TUCKER, William;
d/o Abram and Diana
(Decker) Landess
LANDESS, William
(21 Aug 1833-04 Jan 1895): m'd 17 Feb 1853 GRAHAM, Elizabeth Caroline; s/o Abraham and Betsy
(Conkright) Landess
LAMPHEAR, Jonas (1784-after 1860): m'd 1841 Dawson, Hester Ann (ROSE), divorced 1859
LANE, Jane L. (1826-1900): m'd COLEMAN, Charles; Jane was born 18 Feb 1826 in Cranbury, NJ; after emigrating west the family settle for a short time in Oregon before removing to California. They later returned to Illinois.
LANGWORTHY, Augustus J. (1826-1910): m'd 1851 GARWOOD, Jane; s/o Augustus and Ada (Meachem) Langworthy; cousin of George
LANGWORTHY, George Anson (1824-1876): m'd 1853 GARWOOD, Sabrana; s/o Anson and Amanda (Russell) Langworthy; cousin of Augustus
LARKINS, Alexander D. (1842-1869): s/o Monroe and Elizabeth (Glenn) Larkins; served during the Civil War
LARKINS, David K. (1834- ): s/o William E. and Rachel (Reed) Larkins; died before Oct. 1859
*2) LARKINS, James Franklin (1824- ): m'd 1846 TUCKER, Julia Ann
LARKINS, James (1824-bef. 1900): m1. 1853 STEWART, Harriet; m2. 1855 HILLARY, Lydia; s/o William E. and Rachel (Reed) Larkins
LARKINS, Jeremiah R. (1815-1880): m1. 1837 DAVIS, Sarah Ann; m2. 1846 HAILY, Keturah E.; s/o William E. and Rachel (Reed) Larkins; had provisional land claim 1847 but per desc. did not come west
LARKINS, Joel (1837-1859): never married; s/o William E. and Rachel (Reed) Larkins
LARKINS, Joel (c1843-after 1860): s/o William H. and Mary Ann (Corbell) Larkins
LARKINS, Jehu (c1845- ): s/o William H. and Mary Ann (Corbell) Larkins; served during the Civil War
LARKINS, John Reed (1829-1912): m'd 1855 GARD, Minerva; s/o William E. and Rachel (Reed) Larkins
LARKINS, Louisa J. (1843-1868): m'd 1866 CHAPELL, Henry; d/o Monroe and Elizabeth (Glenn) Larkins
LARKINS, Luticia (c1846-after 1860): d/o William H. and Mary Ann (Corbell) Larkins
LARKINS, Mary Melissa (1844-1914): m'd 1860 AUSTIN, Henry H.; d/o William E. and Rachel (Reed) Larkins
LARKINS, Monroe (1818-1898): m1. 1841 GLENN, Elizabeth Vinson; m2. 1874 WILLIAMS, Grace D.; s/o William E. and Rachel (Reed) Larkins
LARKINS, Rachel (1832-1849): m'd 1848 BARLOW, William; d/o William E. and Rachel (Reed) Larkins
LARKINS, Rebecca K. (1826-1900): m1. 1848 BARLOW, James K.; m2. 1874 MOORE, David S.; d/o William E. and Rachel (Reed) Larkins
LARKINS, Salome Reed (1822-1892): m'd 1848 GRAHAM, George; d/o William E. and Rachel (Reed) Larkins
2) LARKINS, William E. (1794-1850): m'd 1816 REED, Rachel
LARKINS, William Henry (1820-1894): m1. 1841 CORBELL, Mary Ann; m2. 1859 Harvey, Caroline A. (McMAHON) Moore (div.); m3. 1868 Kelty, Priscilla (STILLWELL) Rowland; s/o William E. and Rachel (Reed) Larkins
LARKINS, Zerilda (1845-1847): d/o Monroe and Elizabeth (Glenn) Larkins; said to have died 14 July 1847 Green River or Fort Bridger on the Trail
LAROQUE, George (1820-1877): m'd 1855 CLARK, Asinoe Matilda; s/o Joseph Laroque
"LAROQUE, GEORGE--Born near Montreal, Canada, in 1820; came to the United States in 1836, and three years later entered the service of the American Fur Company, and set out to the Rocky Mountain country. He continued in the wild plains life for several years, and in 1847 settled in the Willamette Valley. In the fall of 1848 he went to California on the brig Henry, and spent several mouths prospecting for gold. In one year he took out $12,000 in gold, and returned to Oregon. In 1851 he became a member of the firm of F. X. Mathieu & Co., at Butteville, and remained therewith for several years. He afterwards embarked in the wheat trade and milling business at Oregon City, and so remained until his death at Oakland, California, February 23, 1877. Left a wife, daughter, and three sons." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.679-80]
LASKEY, Sabrina Amelia (1828-1902): m1. 1846 BURBANK, Aaron; m2. 1869 PAGE, Simeon; m3. 1871 CRAVEN, Nathaniel
LAUGHLIN, Delia Anne (1837-1908): m'd
1852 SMITH, William C. d/o Samuel and Nancy (Doughty/Doty) Laughlin
LAUGHLIN, Lee (1833-1916): m1. 1856 STEWART, Emeline; m2. 1904 BROWN, Anna; s/o Samuel and Nancy (Doughty) Laughlin
"LAUGHLIN, LEE--Born in Missouri in 1833; came to Oregon when fourteen years of age; was in the Yakima war in 1856, and served until its close. He took a donation claim when he became of age. Commenced mercantile business in 1866 at North Yarnhill, and is still engaged therein. In 1860 was elected assessor; was elected to the Legislature in 1870, and re-elected in 1874. Was a candidate for a seat in the State Senate in 1884, which is now being contested. Married Miss Emma Stewart in 1856." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.680]
LAUGHLIN, James (1801-1878): s/o James and Rachel (Dalrymple) Laughlin; went to California during the gold rush where he remained; evidently did not marry
LAUGHLIN, Lucinda Violet (1842-1889): m'd 1857 SAPPINGTON, John W.; d/o Samuel and Nancy (Doughty) Laughlin
LAUGHLIN, Mary Francis (1845-1867): m'd 1865 SAPPINGTON, George W.; d/o Samuel and Nancy (Doughty) Laughlin
LAUGHLIN, Nancy Jane (1840-1916): m1. 1857 HOWARD, Martin P.; m2. 1866 CAPPS, Jacob D.; d/o Samuel and Nancy (Doughty) Laughlin
LAUGHLIN, Rachel (1826-1901):
m1. 1846 HUTT, Thomas B.;
m2. 1879 BARNEY, Harlow; d/o Samuel and Naomi (Morrow) Laughlin
LAUGHLIN, Robert Rankin (1828-1894): m1. 1852 GRIFFIN, Nancy Love; m2. 1871 WILLIS, Anna Maria; s/o Samuel and Naomi (Morrow) Laughlin
(1792-1869): m1. MORROW, Naomi; m2. DOUGHTY/DOTY, Nancy; m3. DAVIS, Jane
(Jones); two older sons emigrated in 1850; Samuel went back to MO in 1865 and
returned with a final son, Alfred; settled in Yamhill Co; s/o James and Rachel
(Dalrymple) Laughlin; father of 14 children, nine of whom (along with his
brother James and granddaughter Elizabeth Baxter) came with him to Oregon in
1847 in the train captained by Joseph Magone, taking the Columbia River route
"LAUGHLIN, SAMUEL, SR.--Born in Pendleton County, S. C., December 2, 1792; removed to Kentucky in 1803s and to Missouri in 1815; came to Oregon in 1847 and settled in Yamhill County. In 1868 the members of the Laughlin family residing in Yamhill numbered one hundred and eleven persons. Mr. Laughlin died in 1869." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.680]
LAUGHLIN, Samuel Doughty (1835-1911): m'd 1858 MINTER, Amanda Dorcas; s/o Samuel and Nancy (Doughty) Laughlin
LAUGHLIN, William (1830-1918): m'd 1857 ROBERTS, Phoebe Ann; s/o Samuel and Nancy (Doughty) Laughlin
LAWSON, Cecelia (1822-1870): m'd 1841 MCKAY, James Thomas; b. Scotland; settled near St. Paul, Marion Co, OR
(1822-1862): m1. 1849 BURKHART, Charlotte Elizabeth; m2. 1857 HOGUE, Margaret
Emma; s/o Asher and Rebecca (Davis) Layton
LAYTON, Francis M. (1845-1909): m1. 1864 VAUGHAN, Amanda, divorced; m2. 1880 Taylor, Mary E. (FISHER); s/o John and Rebecca M. (Hogue) Layton
LAYTON, John (1823-1909): m1. 1841 HOGUE, Rebecca Marie; m2. 1861 LEWIS, Sarah Ann; m3. 1875 Newton, Anna (ALLEN); s/o Asher and Rebecca (Davis) Layton; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton Co, OR
LAYTON, Mary Ann (1846-1875): m'd 1859 LEWIS, David J.; d/o John and Rebecca (Hogue) Layton; buried Riverside Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
*11) LAYTON, Theodocia (16 Jun 1819-16 Sep 1855): m'd 1841 CONNER, William; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
LEABO, Catherine (1825-1899): m'd 1845 FISH, Walter; d/o Noah and Unicey (Gillette) Leabo; niece of Jacob Leabo
LEABO, Jacob (1795-1880): m'd 1824 BAILEY, Elizabeth; s/o Francois Isaac and Sarah (Jennings) Leabo; came alone and returned east 1848, to CA 1852, returned east 1853, to Oregon again 1862
LEABO, Sena (1822-1851): m'd 1838 JACK, Nathaniel Daniel; d/o Joseph H. and Nancy (Stubblefield) Lebow; also given as Senna LEBO or LEBOW
LEAVERTON, Sarah (1814-1909): m'd 1829 WALLING, Jerome B.
LECLAIR, Guillaume (1821-after 1863): subdeacon accompanying Bishop Blanchett; ordained a priest c1849; returned to Quebec by 1853
LEE, Albert H. (1847-1936): m'd 1871 HALL, Martha
J.; s/o Philander and Anna (Green) Lee;
Albert Harvey Lee b. 22 Jan 1847 Ottumwa, Wapello, Iowa d. 23 Aug 1936 Canby,
Clackamas, Oregon
LEE, Amanda (1834-1911): m'd 1850 HOLCOMB, Stephen Allen; d/o Philemon and Elizabeth (Johnson) Lee
LEE, Andrew Jackson (1841-1909): m'd 1861 LAKIN, Martha Elizabeth; s/o Philester and Eliza Ann (Burge) Lee
LEE, Caroline (1841- ): m'd 1864 ROOK, Rev. George W.; d/o Philander and Anna (Green) Lee; Caroline "Carrie" Euphemia Lee b. 6 Jun 1841 Jefferson Co., NY d. Salem, Marion, Oregon m. Rev George W. Rook 03 Jul 1864 Clackamas Co., Oregon - properly this is - LEE, Euphemia Caroline "Carrie" (1841-1895): m’d 1864 ROORK, Rev. George W.; d/o Philander and Anna (Green) Lee
LEE, Caroline (1837-1914): m'd 1850 ILER, Savil or Seville Wilson; d/o Philemon and Elizabeth (Johnson) Lee
LEE, Edward Daniel (1835-1907): s/o Philester and Eliza Ann (Burge) Lee
LEE, Edwin Tallman
(1830-1872/3): m1. 1851 KILLIN, Catherine (div.); m2. 1868 FICKERT, Henrietta;
m3. 1870 Gossett, Priscilla (STRATTON); s/o Philander and Anna (Green) Lee
LEE, Elvira Belle (1835-1915): m'd 1854 SALTMARSH, Arthur Vance; d/o Philander and Anna (Green) Lee; Elvira Lee b. 24 Dec 1835 Jefferson Co., NY d.. 25 Jun 1915 Lebanon, Linn, Oregon
LEE, Emily Armine (1828-1857): m'd 1854 LEABO, James Roland; d/o Philander and Anna (Green) Lee; b. 22 Jul 1828 Jefferson Co., NY d. 15 Dec 1857
Lee, Heman A. (1833- ): m'd 1869 TICE, Eda Elizabeth; s/o Philander and Anna (Green) Lee; Heman Allen Lee b. 29 Mar 1833 Jefferson Co., NY d. 7 Jan 1914 Canby, Clackamas, Oregon m. Eda Elizabeth Tice (Oregon Trail in 1863) b. 10 Jul 1851 Page Co;, Iowa d. 5 Jun 1911, Portland, Multnomah, Oregon on 9 Apr 1867 Portland, Multnomah, Oregon
LEE, Jason R.: s/o Philander and Anna (Green) Lee; Jason R. Lee b. 22 Jun 1844 Jefferson Co., NY d. Sep 1846 Ottumwa, Wapello, Iowa and he did not live to make the trip with the family
LEE, John Milo (1846-1874): s/o Philester and Eliza Ann (Burge) Lee
LEE, Josephus C. (1841-1916): m'd 1865 TAYLOR, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o Philemon and Elizabeth (Johnson) Lee
LEE, Joseph "Josephus": m'd TALLMAN, Abigail; b. 12 Sep 1783 Hanover Twp, Grafton, NH d. 1848 Salem, Marion, Oregon buried there under a large Oak Tree. Abigail Tallman b. 1783 Grafton, NH d. abt 1820 Jefferson Co. NY did not live to make the trip as well as one daughter of Phidellia Lee b. 1815 Jefferson Co., NY d. aft 1830
LEE, Louisa Lodema (1834-1907): m'd 1851 CHEADLE, Richard; d/o Philester and Eliza Ann (Burge) Lee
LEE, Lucinda Jane (1844-1926): m'd 1863 MATTHEWS, Lemuel; d/o Philester and Eliza Ann (Burge) Lee
LEE, Maranda (1835-1909): m'd c1854 MARTIN, Orin; d/o Philemon and Elizabeth (Johnson) Lee
LEE, Mary Ann (1847-1912): m'd 1865 SHEPHERD, John; d/o Philemon and Elizabeth (Johnson) Lee; said to have been born 18 Dec. 1847 on arrival
LEE, Mary Eliza (1839-1931): m'd 1857 VAIL, Joel; d/o Philester and Eliza Ann (Burge) Lee
LEE, Nancy ( -1853): m'd 1830 REED, Reason
LEE, Nicholas (1818-1879): m'd 1840 HOPPER, Sarah; s/o Joseph and Amy (Lunbeck) Lee
"LEE, NICHOLAS--Born in Pike County, Ohio, in February, 1818; learned the trade of cooper; married in 1840 to Miss Sarah Hopper, a native of Virginia. They moved westward in the following year, and stopped for a time in Iowa, but in 1847 came overland to Oregon by the southern route. In the following spring they moved to Polk County, and one year later settled on the Lee homestead, two and a half miles south of Dallas. Mr. Lee tilled the soil and raised stock until 1862, when he established a business house in Dallas and conducted it until 1876, when he disposed of it and retired to the old homestead. He died on July 11, 1879, and Mrs. Lee survived him for eighteen months, dying on the eleventh of January, 1881. Mr. Lee was instrumental in founding the LaCreole Academy and was one of the first trustees. He was licensed as a local preacher of the M. E. Church in 1854. Of their children, Joseph IX, E. Jennie Smith and George W. Lee live in Polk County; Mrs. Martha A. Odell, in Yamhill County; Miss Sarah L. Lee, and Mrs. V. A. Gwynn, in Benton County, and Mrs. Mary A. Butler in Whitman County, Washington Territory." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.680-1]
LEE, Norman Leslie Dr. (1837-1919): m'd 1868 GRIGGS, Amanda Melvina; s/o Philester and Eliza Ann (Burge) Lee
LEE, Oren (1838-1881): m'd 1876 WHITING, Cleo P.; s/o Philander and Anna (Green) Lee
LEE, Philinda (1812-1873):
m1. GREEN, John Harvey "Jack" ( -1847); m2. 1848 TERWILLIGER, James; d/o
Josephus and Abigail (Tallman) Lee
LEE, Philander (1802-1887): m'd 1827 GREEN, Anna Harvey; s/o Josephus and Abigail (Tallman) Lee; Philander Lee b. 22 Feb 1802 Warren Co., NY d. 12 Jan 1887 Canby, Clackamas, Oregon son of Joseph "Josephus" Lee and Abigail Tallman. Jefferson Co., NY
"LEE, PHILANDER--Lives at Canby, Clackarnas County, and is a farmer by occupation; was born in New York in 1802; married Miss Annie Green, by whom his children were Emily A. (deceased), Edwin T. (deceased), Heman A., Elvira, Oren (deceased), Caroline, Jason R. (deceased), and Albert H." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.680-1]
LEE, Philemon (1803-1851): m'd 1830 JOHNSON, Elizabeth; s/o Josephus and Abigail (Tallman) Lee
LEE, Philester (1809-1892): m'd 1832 BURGE, Eliza Ann (div. 1859); s/o Josephus and Abigail (Tallman) Lee
LEE, Sally Ann (1810-1883): m'd CANFIELD, William Daniel; While living in Vermont she married William D. Canfield on June 10, 1828. They moved to Springfield, PA in 1837 and resided there for two years prior to moving to Jersey County, IL. They farmed in that area until June 1842 when they moved to IA. He was responsible for laying out the Oskaloosa town square while in residence. Finding the IA winters too cold they decided to move to Oregon where the climate was reportedly milder. In company with the Oskaloosa Company of 1847 they emigrated west. Upon arrival the family stopped at the Whitman Mission and became victims of the Whitman Massacre. William escaped to Lapwai and the remainder of the family was later ransomed. They resided in what is now Washington for a time and then moved to Sonoma County, CA where William and Sallie lived out their years. Mother of (Nathan Lee 1829-1835, Ellen S., 1831-1865, Oscar F. 1838-1926, Clarissa 1840-?, Sylvia Ann 1842-1854, Albert 1845-?, William D. 1848-1849 and Julia 1850-1850).
LEGG, William Thomas (1835-1916): m'd 1859 JOHN, Christina Rachel; s/o William and Elizabeth (Bozorth) Legg
LEIGH, Jane (1814-1898): m'd 1837 HOPPER, John; CA pioneer
LEONARD, Mr. ( - ): involved in the affray with the Indians at The Dalles in Aug. 1847, and killed Thomas Aram in Aug. 1848, leaving soon afterwards for California; possibly the William Leonard who filed a provisional claim 27 Feb. 1848 Lewis County
LEWIS, Martha Damaris (1814-1867): m'd 25 Mar 1832 COLLARD, Felix Alver
LEWIS, Elizabeth Jane (1837-1854); never married; d/o John Harrison Lewis & Ellen Gilliam
LEWIS, Jesse Cosby (1840-1899); m'd 24 Aug 1873 SHAW, Elisabeth Ellen; s/o John Harrison Lewis & Ellen Gilliam
LEWIS, Joe: s/o black and indian parentage; arrived at Whitman mission late in fall of '47; said he was born in Canada and brought up in Maine in the Penboscot country; had been in Fremont's camp in Mexican War; Catholic; joined the immigrants at Fort Hall; was much disliked by the immigrants who would not allow him to rejoin them after reaching Whitman mission; employed by Dr. Whitman; said to have stirred up Indians by telling the white man was spreading poison to get rid of them and causing the Whitman Massacre
LEWIS, John Harrison (1812-1876); m'd 2 Jul 1835 GILLIAM, Ellen
LEWIS, Peter (1827-1893): never married; s/o Mrs. Catherine Lewis and brother of Sarah Mariah Lewis Mattoon, came with Mattoons 1847
LEWIS, Sarah Mariah (1810-1894): m'd 1832 MATTOON, Abel; sister of Peter Lewis, John W. Lewis, and Olive (Lewis) McCord, and related to Benjamin Lewis and William Henry Lewis, some of whom may also have arrived in 1847 but all of whom immigrated to Oregon
LEWIS, William McDowell (1837-1892): m'd WARD, Mary; s/o John Harrison Lewis & Ellen Gilliam
LIGGETT, Alice (1794-1870): m'd 1830 MOSIER, Daniel; daughter of William and Esther (Hays) Liggett
LINES, Elizabeth: m'd 1824 HACKLEMAN, Abner; father came to OR in 1845, returned east to bring his family to OR and died there in 1846; wife and children emigrated in 1847 - I think she did not come until 1851 or 1852
LINGO, James Wesley (1843-1907): m'd 1861 HARPOLE, Elizabeth; believed to have come after 1847
LOCKE, Abraham Nelson "Abram" (1810-1872): m'd 1836 SENNETT, Mildred Harriet; s/o Abraham and Faithful Sharp (Duncan) Locke
LOCKE, Abram Nelson Jr. (1842-1907): m'd 1883 Swindler, Anna Eliza "Annie" (SINNETT); s/o Abram N. Sr. and Harriet (Sennett) Locke
LOCKE, Eleanor Sharp (1798-1870): m'd 1823 BURCH, Samuel; d/o Abraham and Faithful Sharp (Duncan) Locke
LOCKE, Laura Ann (1846-1870): m'd 1867 CAUTHORN, Wilbur Fiske; d/o Abram Sr. and Harriet (Sennett) Locke
LOCKE, Thomas Sharp (1836-1869/70): s/o Abram Sr. and Harriet (Sennett) Locke
LOCKE, William Sennett (1840-1908): m'd 1868 JENKINS, Livonia; s/o Abram Sr. and Harriet (Sennett) Locke
LONG, Amey (1816-04 Apr 1889): m'd 01 Sep 1841 PARROTT, Lewis Smith; divorced by 1880 Goldendale, Washington census; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
LONG, Edward (1817-1889): m1. 1846/47 WILLS, Martha J.; m2. 1856 Creswell, Avis Maria (POTTER); m3. 1863 CHASE, Mrs. Nancy L.; s/o Matthew and Margaret (Taylor) Long
LONG, Sarah Jane (1847-1929): m'd 1865 PERRY, George Frank; d/o Edward and Martha J. (Wills) Long; b. 26 Dec. 1847 on arrival
LOUDERBACK, Elizabeth Mrs. (1792-1877): m1. LOUDERBACK, unknown; m2. 1822 POWELL, Exum
LOUDERBACK, George W. (1847- ): s/o John and Mary A. (Rose) Louderback
LOUDERBACK, Hiram (1845-1919): m'd 1874 BARRON, Hester Ann; s/o John and Mary A. (Rose) Louderback
LOUDERBACK, John W. (1813-after 1880): m'd 1854 ROSE, Mary Ann; s/o Mrs. Elizabeth Louderback
LOUK, Jefferson John (1829- ): m'd 1848/49 HUCKABEE, Catherine; disappeared c1878
LOVE, Alfred (c1826- ):
1847 WHITE, Fannie Tamer; son-in-law of Rev. Asa White; initially located in
Oregon, by 1850 to CA
*10) LUELLING, Albert
William (1845-1883): m'd 1874 GARDNER, Mary Eveline; s/o Henderson and Elizabeth
(Presnall) Luelling
*10) LUELLING, Alfred William (1831-1904): m'd 1851 CAMPBELL, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Henderson and Elizabeth (Presnall) Luelling
*10) LUELLING, Asenath Martha (1834-1874): m'd 1850 BOZARTH, John Shaw; d/o Henderson and Elizabeth (Presnall) Luelling
*10) LUELLING, Hannah Eleanor (1841-1917): m1. 1857 WOOD, Walter; m2. 1860 BRADBURY, William J.; m3. 1899 HAWES, Col. A. P.; d/o Henderson and Elizabeth (Presnall) Luelling
*10) LUELLING, Henderson H. - should be - LUELLING, Henderson William (1809-1878): m1. 1830 PRESNALL, Jane Elizabeth; m2. 1851 GRIMES, Phebe (EDDY); m3. 1855 EDDY, Betsy Ann; m4. c1858 LEE, Mary Ann (WARREN); he brought a specially built wagon or "travelling nursery" in 1847, filled with young trees, seedlings, and shrubs; became well know as horticulturist; instrumental in some of first orchards in Oregon and California, where he is knows as the "Father of the Pacific Fruit Industry"
*10) LUELLING, Jane Harriet (1839-1872): m'd 1853 EDDY, Henry W.; d/o Henderson and Elizabeth (Presnall) Luelling
*10) LUELLING, Levi B. (1843-1877): m'd 1874 EATON, Emma; s/o Henderson and Elizabeth (Presnall) Luelling
*10) LUELLING, Mary (1833-1850): m'd 1848 MEEK, William; d/o Henderson and Elizabeth (Presnall) Luelling
*10) LUELLING, Oregon Columbia (1847-1912): m'd 1879 NORRIS, Emily Jane; s/o Henderson and Elizabeth (Presnall) Luelling; born soon after arrival on 3 Dec. 1847 near present East Portland on the banks of the Columbia River
LUELLING, Rachael Hattie "Hattie" (1837-1919): m1. 1853 EDDY, Seth
William; m2. 1860 WILSON, Henry Charles; d/o Henderson and Elizabeth (Presnall)
*11) LYMAN, Alba Andrew (1844-1866): s/o [Walter H.? ] and (Jane P. Marsh?) Lyman; grandson of Walter Marsh below; said to be survivor of Whitman Massacre
LYNN, Emily (1829-1868): m'd 1845 MOODY, George Washington; d/o James and Mary (Haun) Lynn; CA pioneer
LYNN, Frances Elizabeth "Fanny" (1840-1936): m'd 1856 MOODY, Barton Stewart; d/o James and Mary (Haun) Lynn; CA pioneer
LYNN, James Capt. (1803-1867): m1. 1828 HAUN, Mary "Polly"; m2. 1859 Truett, Louisa (McCALEB); CA pioneer; led wagon trains to California in 1847, 1850, and 1859
LYNN, James Alonzo (c1833-after 1880): m'd 1859 MOODY, Nancy Olive; s/o James and Mary (Haun) Lynn; CA pioneer
LYNN, Mary Ann (1837-1878): m'd 1856 BROWN, Hugh King; d/o James and Mary (Haun) Lynn; CA pioneer
LYNN, Serelda (1835-1872): m'd 1848 WHISMAN, Andrew; d/o James and Mary (Haun) Lynn; CA pioneer
LYNN, Thomas M. (1844-1894): m'd 1868 MATTHIS, Mary Elizabeth; s/o James and Mary (Haun) Lynn; CA pioneer
LYNZZ, William:
mentioned in diary of Dr. Benjamin Cory as having shattered his wrist with an
accidental gunshot wound on the Trail; possibly surname was LYNZY or LINDSEY
My name is Stephenie Flora. Thanks for stopping by.
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