Emigrants To Oregon In 1847

Listing for Surnames M - Z


compiled by
Stephenie Flora and Nancy Prevost  

 The following lists are being updated constantly.  If you have additions or corrections please contact me Stephenie Flora.  If you have pictures of your ancestor that you are willing to share I would love to add them to the Photo Gallery.
In addition to the following list, Francis Milne did quite a bit of research on the 1847 trains many years ago.  Her notes have been put online by Tuck Forsythe at
Francis Milne Notebooks

Captains of 1847

Note: The wagon trains of 1847 were in constant transition.  Wagons left one train and joined another.  Trains joined together, split, and then joined a different train. Each time there was a split another Capt. took over the wagons that split off.  Information will be updated as it is found but this is the information as I show it at this time.  

1) Capt. John William Bewley: started out. Left Independence, MO on May 7, 1847.  It joined later with the Cornlius Smith train that had left from St. Joseph, MO per an account by John Cullen.  Capt. Bewley was elected the permanent Captain after a shakedown period of several days. Included in the party were the Isaac Bewley family, the Campbells, Crisps, Danforths, Greens, Prettymans, Youngs, and the Victor Wallace family. This train appears to have joined up at some point with the rear company of the Oskaloosa split led by Capt. Kees.    There appears to have been a split because a portion of this train joined up with the Rev. Jolly train at Ft. Bridger. Five months and three days after leaving Independence they had their first view of the Columbia. On Oct 10, 1847 they camped at the mouth of the Umatilla and the next morning the party began to separate and follow different paths. Some of the members of the train chose to go to the Whitman Mission where they became embroiled in the Whitman Massacre

2) Capt. Jordan Sawyer: left from St. Joseph, MO; party consisted of 27 wagons including James Moore; Larkins; Fudge; Marck Sawyer; Mr. Smith; Elijah Bird; Robert Bird; William Blair; William Larkin; Sol Allen and Robert Kinney, Rev. Samuel Allen, John Bird and others, making 35 able-bodied men accompanied by their wives and children. They had numerous encounters with Indian along the way and one incident where the wagon of Mrs. Fudge stampeded. They crossed the Cascade mountains over the Barlow road and arrived at Foster's Oct 1, 1847.  At some point this train may have linked with that of Capt. William Vaughn as the Bird family is mentioned by Callaway Hodges as a member of his train Captained by Vaughn.

3) Capt. David D. Davis and Capt. Kees: party was called Oskalaoosa Company.  It started out as one company under Davis and later split with Kees taking over some of the wagons.  It and included Saunders, Canfields, Sawyers, Bakers. At one point it is believed that the Kees company joined up with the party led by Capt. Bewley listed above.  

4) Capt. Joel Palmer: Joel Palmer went to Oregon first in 1845 on his own with a company from Independence. He kept a journal of his travels then and during his return to the East in 1846, at which time he had it published. Few of the copies ordered were completed by the time he was ready to set out for Oregon again in 1847, but it later became widely used. Palmer recruited a large number of people to join his company in 1847. It is believed he had 85 wagons and then was later joined by the Chicago Company led by Thomas Cox that added an additional 14 wagons.  The train included the Ralph C. Geer family, the John W. Grim family, the Graham and Collard families and Christopher Taylor. Robert Crouch Kinney and his brother Samuel also stated in later years that they came with the Palmer Company, although Robert Kinney's name is also listed among those in the train of Capt. Jordan Sawyer.

5) Capt. John E. Ross: led a party of 40 wagons to Oregon in 1847, at the age of 29. John E. Ross Interview transcribed by Ben Truwe

6) Capt. Lot Whitcomb: led a party of 115 wagons from St. Joseph, MO; at least some of the party, including Albert Briggs, arrived at Portland on 14 Oct 1847

7) Capt. Nathaniel Bowman (seen in some diaries as Bomen): A company of 53 wagons commanded by Capt. Bowman started out of St. Joseph, MO.  The train apparently split because they were down to 16 wagons when they were stopped a few miles west of the Dalles August 28th  according to T'Vault, Barlow, and Foster on their way to the relief of the superintendent at the Dalles and a party of emigrants there, who had been attacked by Indians August 23rd. Some of the men in the party did return. A Capt. Bowman led a party over the Barlow Road 

8) Capt. Albert Davidson: started with 48 wagons from St. Joseph, MO; Albert had first journeyed to Oregon in 1845 with his brother James Jr. He returned East in 1846 and persuaded his father and others in Iowa, Illinois and Missouri to go in 1847 via the Southern Route. His brother, Thomas L. Davidson, kept a journal of the trip, later turning it into a manuscript narrative called "The Southern Route". Among others journeying in the Davidson Company was the family of Jesse D. Walling from Illinois.

9) Capt. Rev. William B. Jolly: joined with the Bewley train at Fort Bridger.

10) Capt. John Bonser: left MO May 10 with a train of 100 wagons; spent July 4 at Independence Rock; arrived at the Dalles Oct 5, 1847.  When the train split because of its large size there were 17 wagons that stayed with Capt. Bonser. The Young family joined this train at Ft. Bridger after having been left behind by the Jolly/Bewley trains.

11) Capt. Buell: This party included the Buells, Batemans, Careys, Conners, Franklins, and Putmans.

12) Capt. William Vaughn Wagon Train

13) This is believed to be wagon train #16;  party of 23 wagons left Pittsfield, Pike Co, IL Apr 5, 1847; crossed the Missouri about the first of May, on the Platte River in Nebraska on the 29th of May, Ft. Laramie about 4th of June and reached Oregon City about the 10th of September

14) Capt. Scott; departed IL Feb 1847 and arrived Sept. 20, 1847

15) Capt. White; departed Cedar Rapids April 15, 1847; train consisted of approximately 42 wagons; believe this train joined the #10 Bonser train listed above at some point

16: Collard-Hubbard train; left Independence and arrived via Barlow Road

17: Capt. Frederick: cut off at Ft. Hall and took southern route into Oregon

18.  Capt. Wylie Chapman was leading some of this party; appears he may have originally been in the Oskaloosa Train and took over some of the wagons that didn't want to go the Southern Route including the Saunders, Canfield and Sawyer families.  Some references state that he had 50 wagons and that when the train split Rev. William Jolly took over some of the wagons.

19. Capt. James Curl; 41 wagons

20. Capt. Claypool, 23 wagons

21. Capt. Carter, 19 wagons

22. Capt. Patton, 35 wagons

23, Capt. William Wiggins, led train into CA

24. Capt. McGown (also seen as Magone and Magoon); 90 wagons that split into parties led by Capt. John McKinney, 27 wagons, Capt. Elijah Patterson, 16 wagons and McGown who had the remaining 44 wagons.

25. Capt. Thomas Hockett

*26: Capt. Thomas Cox; left Wilimington, IL March 15 with 13 wagons, was joined at St. Joseph, MO by other family members and at one point traveled through the Nemeha country with the Joel Palmer train.

*27: Unnamed Captain led party of 11 wagons from Smake River near the mouth of Raft River on August 22, 1847 to Oregon; families included John Grimsley, Abraham Coryell, Benjamin Davis, Ira Wells, Daniel Wells, William Wyatt, William Aldrich, Andrew Welsh, William Johnson-single, William Risk-single, John Bonser-single; Daniel Cook-single, Thomas Smith-single "On the Applegate Trail 1847 transcribed by Ben Truwe

Emigrants to Oregon in 1847

NOTE: All female members of the emigration are listed by MAIDEN name [if known] EVEN if they were married at the time of the emigration.

*BR: Barlow Road
*SR: Southern Route

Surnames A - L


MAGOON, Major:

MANSFIELD, Martha Ann (1822-1894): m'd 1843 WHITE, Luther

MARKHAM, Columbia (1847- ):

MARKHAM, Daniel:

MARKHAM, John (1832- ):

MARKHAM, Mary Louisa (1844- ):

MARKHAM, Samuel Barzillai (1790-1878): m'd 1827 WINCHELL, Elizabeth

MARKHAM, Warren (1835- ): ,

MARKHAM, William Henry Harrison (1841- ):

MARK, Alexander Kesterson (1822-1895): m'd 1854 JORDAN, Sarah Jane; m2. 1872 Sparks (HILL) Mary S. F.; s/o John and Frances (Forester) Marks

MARK, Elizabeth Denny (c1827- ): m'd HOWARD, Jack; m2. 1848 ADAMS, Andrew J.; d/o John and Frances (Forester) Marks

MARK, Eliza Jane (1836-1914) m'd 1851 PEEBLES, John Cameron; d/o John and Frances (Forester) Marks

MARK, John (1805-1874): m'd 1818 FORRESTER, Frances

MARK, Lavina H.: m'd 1847 SHIRLEY, James; m'd at Ft. Laramie on June 20, 1847; d/o John and Frances (Forester) Marks

MARK, Mary Ann (1820- ): m'd 1832 ADAMS, Jacob; d/o John and Frances (Forester) Marks

MARK, Samuel F. (1823- ): m'd 1858 ABBOT, Mary Ann; s/o John and Frances (Forester) Marks

MARQUISS, James W.: s/o Jacob and Theresa (Ellis) Marquiss; a death notice in the OHS quarterly states that James came in 1850

MARQUISS, William Rufus: s/o Jacob and Theresa (Ellis) Marquiss; sheriff of Dayton, Columbia Co, WT

MARSH, Lucien (1829-c1850): survivor of Whitman Massacre; disappeared in California gold rush

MARSH, Martha (1824- ): m'd 1841 AVERY, J. C.

MARSH, Mary Elizabeth/Ellen (1836-1907): m'd 1853 CASON, James Pulliam; survivor of Whitman Massacre

MARSH, Walter (c1795-1847): died in Whitman Massacre 

MARSHALL, Delilah ( - ): m'd MAXWELL, Ludlow

MARTIN, Adeline (1842- ): d/o Jacob and Eveline (Parke) Martin

MARTIN, Almira C. (1829-1915): m’d 16 Feb. 1847 WARREN, William Edward; d/o Lewis and Tobitha (Cash) Martin

MARTIN, Amanda Louise (1840- ): d/o Jacob and Eveline (Parke) Martin

MARTIN, Asa ( -1848):

MARTIN, Daniel: s/o Jacob and Eveline (Parke) Martin

MARTIN, Harriet R. (1846- ): m'd OSBURN, John; d/o Jacob and Eveline (Parke) Martin

MARTIN, Jacob (1811-1882): m'd PARKE, Eveline

MARTIN, Mary Ann (1844- ): d/o Jacob and Eveline (Parke) Martin

MARTIN, Susan V. (c1822-after 1880): m’d 8 Apr. 1847 WARREN, Edward Thomas; d/o Lewis and Tobitha (Cash) Martin and sister of Almira C.

MARTIN, Thompson (1828-1853):

MARTIN, William (1838- ): s/o Jacob and Eveline (Parke) Martin

MARVIN, Charles S.: m'd 1848 TERRELL, Mary E.

MARVIN, Charles Sanburn (1826- ): m'd 1848 TERRELL, Mary E.

MATLOCK, Almira Marie "Myra" (1843-1891): m'd YOUNG, Freeman W.; d/o William and Betsy (Ballard) Matlock; settled in Clackamas Co

MATLOCK, Amanda Jane (1833-1864): m'd 1852 CAMPBELL, Samuel L. d/o William and Betsy (Ballard) Matlock; settled in Clackamas Co

MATLOCK, Ellen (1829-1891): m'd 1854 CHAPMAN, Wiley; d/o William and Betsy (Ballard) Matlock

MATLOCK, Noble Noah (1831-1895): s/o William and Betsy (Ballard) Matlock; legislator in 1872 and was first postmaster and shopkeeper of Marshfield, Clackamas Co

MATLOCK, Theodore J. (1840-1900): m'd 1861 CRAGHEAD, Hope Ann s/o William and Betsy (Ballard) Matlock

MATLOCK, William (c1826-c1875): m'd 1852 SHIELDS, Nancy s/o William and Betsy (Ballard) Matlock

MATLOCK, William Tyndall Judge (1806-1872): m'd 1825 BALLARD, Elizabeth; legislature and Speaker of the House in 1850 and 1852; arrived Linn Co 1847, Marion Co 1848 and settled in Clackamas Co 1850

MATTOON, Abel (1808-1889): m'd 1832 LEWIS, Sarah Mariah; s/o Philip and Betsy Mattoon; travelled with wife and five children John Prentiss, Malinda, Oliver Perry, William Henry, Rosilla Mabel, and Orilla A.

MATTOON, Allen (1819-1899): m'd 1838 GRANT, Mary A.; s/o Philip and Betsy Mattoon; wife's surname also given as LAGEE; travelled with wife and children Elizabeth Jane and Orville Alphonso and daughter Nancy born on the trail

MATTOON, Aruna "Runa" (1825-1898): m'd 1852 TRULLINGER, Elizabeth Ann "Eliza"; s/o Philip and Betsy Mattoon

MATTOON, Elizabeth Jane "Betsy" (1841-1923): m1. 1859 WELLS, Alonzo; m2. WELLS, Zura; d/o Allen and Mary A. (Grant-Lagee) Mattoon

MATTOON, Elizabeth (1812-aft 1880 ): m1. c1848 WHEELER, Isaac Newton; m2) 27 Oct 1850 COLVER, David; d/o Philip and Betsy Mattoon; Newton Wheeler came in 1845 and died 1849 in the gold fields

MATTOON, John Prentiss (1834-1916): m'd 1858 HICKENBOTHAM, Martha Matilda; s/o Abel and Sarah Mariah (Lewis) Mattoon

MATTOON, John Prentiss: s/o Philip and Betsy Mattoon did not accompany other siblings to Oregon in 1847; he emigrated in 1852

MATTOON, Malinda (1839-c1896): m'd 1860 DUBOIS, Henry; d/o Abel and Sarah Mariah (Lewis) Mattoon

MATTOON, Malinda (1815-c1880): m. 10 Oct 1834 WELLS, Nicholas, d/o Philip and Betsy Mattoon;

MATTOON, Mary Ethel (1821-1880): m'd 1838 CUTTING, David; d/o Philip and Betsy Mattoon

MATTOON, Nancy (1847-1931): m'd 1868 ANDRUS, Nelson; d/o Allen and Mary A. (Grant-Lagee) Mattoon; born 5 Sep 1847 on the trail at Burnt River crossing, now Baker Co., Oregon

MATTOON, Oliver Perry (1841-1931): m'd 1866 DIXON, Emma Lenora; s/o Abel and Sarah Mariah (Lewis) Mattoon

MATTOON, Oran (1826-1901): m'd 1853 BIDWELL, Emily; s/o Philip and Betsy Mattoon

MATTOON, Orilla A. (1845- ): m'd 1865 WALKER, Newton; d/o Abel and Sarah Mariah (Lewis) Mattoon; twin

MATTOON, Orilla Ann (1823-1891): m1. 1843 CUTTING, Jones; m2. 1850 RICHARDSON, Matthew; d/o Philip and Betsy Mattoon; Jones Cutting came to Oregon in 1846 and is thought to be a son of Charles Sr. and first wife

MATTOON, Orville Alphonso (1842-1914): m'd 1867 RHOADES, Eliza Ellen; s/o Allen and Mary A. (Grant-Lagee) Mattoon

MATTOON, Rosilla Mabel (1845-1932): m'd 1869 HUGHES, William C.; d/o Abel and Sarah Mariah (Lewis) Mattoon; twin

MATTOON, Runa: s/o Philip and Betsy Mattoon

MATTOON, William Henry (1843-1928): m'd 1868 TRACY, Caroline; s/o Abel and Sarah Mariah (Lewis) Mattoon

MATZGER, William (1819- ): m'd 18 Feb 1848 ALLEN, Abigail A., settled Benton County

MAUPIN, Franklin M. "Frank" (1844-1916): m'd 1868 TAYLOR, Melissa Angeline; s/o John and Mary A. (Taylor) Maupin

MAUPIN, Jemina (1846- ): m'd 1866 DARBY, W.H.H.; d/o John and Mary A. (Taylor) Maupin

MAUPIN, John ( -1847): m'd 1838 TAYLOR, Mary Ann "Polly"; s/o William and Sarah (Perkins) Maupin; died in eastern Oregon

MAUPIN, Mary Ann (1841-1901): m'd 1854 EMERICK, George Jacob; d/o John and Mary A. (Taylor) Maupin

MAUPIN, Melcena (1839-1911): m'd 1855 RIGHT, Thomas J.; d/o John and Mary A. (Taylor) Maupin

MAUPIN, Ora E. (1842- ): m'd 1860 SOUTHER, John W.; d/o John and Mary A. (Taylor) Maupin

MAUPIN, Sarah Ann "Sally" (1801-1885): m1. 1831 TURNER, Nathan; m2) 1858 SMITH, Andrew Mercer

MAXON, Clorinda (1840- ): d/o Silas D. and Mary E. (Harlow) Maxon

MAXON, George W. (1845- ): s/o Silas D. and Mary E. (Harlow) Maxon

MAXON, James H. (1847- ): s/o Silas D. and Mary E. (Harlow) Maxon; possibly born on the trail or arrival

*11) MAXON, Phebe (1816-1895): m'd 1843 BATEMAN, John H.; she was aunt to the children of Robert Conner; Buell train

MAXON, Silas D. (1814- ): m1. 1840 HARLOW, Mary E.; m2. 1852 MARTIN, Mary Jane (JOHN); train led by Capt. Patterson, met by brother Hamilton J.G. Maxon (1845 pioneer) near present Washougal

MAXON, Sylvanus (1841- ): s/o Silas D. and Mary E. (Harlow) Maxon

MAXON, Zerelda (1843- ): d/o Silas D. and Mary E. (Harlow) Maxon

MAXWELL, Almeda (1842-1873): m'd 1860 POWELL, William H.; d/o Ludlow and Delilah (Marshall) Maxwell

MAXWELL, Elias (1836-1919): m'd 1864 COX, Mary J.; s/o Ludlow and Delilah (Marshall) Maxwell

MAXWELL, Elizabeth Jane (1844-1935): m'd 1863 GEARHART, William H.; d/o Ludlow and Delilah (Marshall) Maxwell

MAXWELL, Ludlow (1806-1899): m'd MARSHALL, Delilah

MAXWELL, Nancy Ann (1838-1918): m'd 1857 SMITH, Josiah B.; d/o Ludlow and Delilah (Marshall) Maxwell

MAXWELL, Robert (1845- ): s/o Ludlow and Delilah (Marshall) Maxwell

MAXWELL, Thomas Owen (1834- ): m'd POWELL, Ruth

MAY, Andrew Jackson (1830- ): m'd 1852 CRANK, Mary Ann; probably son of John and Elizabeth (Hanson) May and younger brother of Thomas Waldo May

MAY, Delilah C. (1840-1927): m'd 1857 NOYER, Peter S.; d/o Thomas and Nancy (McNealy) May

MAY, Harvey B. (1833- ): m'd MORRIS, Narcissa A.; s/o Thomas and Nancy (McNealy) May

MAY, Sophia (1838-1925): m'd 1855 NOYER, E. G.; d/o Thomas and Nancy (McNealy) May

MAY, Stephen L. (c1845-1863): m'd HOWARD, Rachel; s/o Thomas and Nancy (McNealy) May

MAY, Thomas Waldo (1812-1880): m'd 20 Sep 1832 MCNEALY, Nancy Caroline

MAY, Wiley W. (1835- ): m'd 1857 WARSHAM, Virginia F.; s/o Thomas and Nancy (McNealy) May

McBRIDE, Elizabeth (1841- ): m'd 1852 BOUNDS, Thomas Lovelady; d/o Thomas and Martha (Brink) McBride

MCBRIDE, Henry Clay (c1836- ): s/o Thomas and Martha (Brink) McBride

MCBRIDE, Lavina (c1838- ): m'd 1852 LOVELADY, Preston W.; d/o Thomas and Martha (Brink) McBride

McBRIDE, Margaret (1809-1871): m'd 1829 WOODS, Caleb; d/o Rev. Thomas McBride Sr.

MCBRIDE, Mary Ann (c1845- ): d/o Thomas and Martha (Brink) McBride

MCBRIDE, Nancy (c1843- ): m'd 1860 BOUNDS, John A.; d/o Thomas and Martha (Brink) McBride

MCBRIDE, Thomas Crawford (1806-1848): m'd 1835 BRINK, Matilda Ann; s/o Thomas and Nancy McBride

McBRIDE, Thomas Crawford Sr. [Rev.] (1777-1857): m1. 1796 WOMACK, Eliza; m2. [ ], Nancy; m3. 1851 WRIGHT, Ann; s/o James and Mary (Crawford) McBride; his wife Nancy having died in 1846, Rev. Thomas set out for Oregon with the families of his son Thomas C. Jr., daughter Margaret and Caleb Woods, and two Davis grandsons along with their widowed brother-in-law Elisha Bedwell (Bedwell serving at least part of the journey as their captain), and along with Bedwell and some others completing the journey after Fort Hall on horseback

MCBRIDE, Thomas Hybert (1847- ): m'd 1875 MERRILL, Mary E.; s/o Thomas and Martha (Brink) McBride; born on trail or shortly after arrival

MCCAIN, Paris (1824- ): m'd 1857 STORY , Frances J.

McCALLIE, Susannah (1782-1856): m1. DAVIS, James; m2. 1816 JACK, Jeremiah J.

*12) MCCARTY, Albert H. (08 Jul 1839-1847): died on the Oregon Trail; s/o John and Rosanna (Wilburn) McCarty

*12) MCCARTY, Alexander Vance (04 Jun 1825-10 Oct 1868): m'd 01 Mar 1846 BOUNDS, Jane; s/o John and Rosanna (Wilburn) McCarty; buried Vacaville Elmira Cemetery, Vacaville, Solano County, California

*12 MCCARTY, David B. (1848-): s/o John and Rosanna (Wilburn) McCarty; shown in 1850 census as age 2; probably born on trail or after arrival; died by 1860 census

*12) MCCARTY, Edward Wilburn (15 Sep 1827-06 Dec 1895): m'd 1850 BOUNDS, Amanda; s/o John and Rosanna (Wilburn) McCarty; buried Klum Cemetery, Waterloo, Linn County, Oregon

*12) MCCARTY, Elizabeth Ann (1847-1869): d/o Alexander and Jane (Bounds) McCarty; burial location unknown

*12) MCCARTY, James St. Clair (30 Jul 1844-02 Feb 1924 ): m'd 1872 BRIEDWELL, Sarah Margaret; s/o John and Rosanna (Wilburn) McCarty; buried Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon

*12) MCCARTY, John B.(10 Dec 1798-24 Mar1891): m'd 11 Jan 1824 WILBURN, Rosanna; s/o William and Margaret (Belcher) McCarty; buried Bethel Cemetery, Bethel, Polk County, Oregon

*12) MCCARTY, John Granville (29 Mar 1837- 11 Nov 1901): m'd 29 Oct 1868 WALLING, Cynthia; s/o John and Rosanna (Wilburn) McCarty; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

*12) MCCARTY, Martha Ann (26 Mar 1834-26 Jun 1856): m'd 13 Jul 1854 ASHBY, George B.; d/o John and Rosanna (Wilburn) McCarty; buried Moscow Cemetery, Moscow, Latah County, Idaho

*12) MCCARTY, Nancy Jane (22 Jan 1833-21 Sep 1915): m1. 1851 PIGG, John R.; m2. 1854 CORNETT, William Monroe; d/o John and Rosanna (Wilburn) McCarty; buried Condon Masonic Cemetery, Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon

*12: MCCARTY, Susan Temperance (15 Jan 1842-1925): m'd 1859 HAGER, Elijah [divorced after 1880]; d/o John and Rosanna (Wilburn) McCarty; buried Riverview Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

*12) MCCARTY, William Rucker (04 Dec 1829-03 Dec 1888 ): m'd 17 Sep 1851 LOVELADY, Eliza Ann; s/o John and Rosanna (Wilburn) McCarty; burial unknown

MCCAW, Daughter (1847- ): born on trail; d/o William and Sarah (Findley) McCaw - note there are various stories about this child and her birth, including several that state the McCaws had initially set out in 1846 but arrived at the starting point too late and had to wait until the following year to proceed; the daughter was probably Mary Jane, whose birth has been given as 28 Apr. 1846 in Lee Co., Iowa

MCCAW, William: m'd 1844 FINDLEY, Sarah Ann; s/o John and Mary McCaw

MCCLAIN, Allie Ann (1843- ): m'd 1857 ALLPHIN, Francis Marion

MCCLAIN, Amanda (1819- ): m'd 1838 KELLY, Joseph

MCCLAIN, Caroline (1821-1852): m'd 1839 PITNEY, Cyrus

MCCLAIN, Edmond Carey (1825- ): m'd 1846 RUPE, Susan Elizabeth

MCCLAIN, Elvira (1836-1876): m'd 1854 SMITH, Titus; d/o William and Malinda (Oakley) McClain; born 17 Oct 1838 Platte Co, MO; buried Howell Prairie Cemetery, Marion Co, OR; mother died in MO; Elvira emigrated with father and siblings

MCCLAIN, James Thomas (1832-1911): m'd 1864 LINVILLE, Olive Ogeal

MCCLAIN, Louisa (1829- ): m'd 1850 ALLPHIN, Thomas

MCCLAIN, Malinda Jane (1847- ):

MCCLAIN, Rachel Maria (1828- ): m'd 1847 HOWELL, Thomas E.

MCCLAIN, William Thomas (1796-1850): m'd OAKLEY, Malinda; wife died in MO in 1845; William died in Linn County, OR in 1850

MCCOMAS, John Taylor (1833- ): s/o John B. and Mary Ann (Jolly) McComas and step-son of Isaac Harrell

McCOY, John (1815- ): m'd 1848 [ ], Elizabeth

McCOY, Julia Ann (1825-1897): m1. 1839 BUCKALEW, Garrett; m2. 1848 McCARVER, Morton Matthew

MCCRACKEN, Hannah J. ( - ): m'd KIMSEY, James

McCULLOUGH, James Madison (1832-1908): m'd 1859 JOHNSON, Lucinda; s/o Washington and Eliza McCULLOUGH; surname sometimes appears as McCULLY

MCCULLY, Isaac (1824-1899): m'd 1851 STOUT, Lydia E.





MCHARGUE, James John (1822 - ): m'd 1844 MONTGOMERY, Sarah Jane

MCHARGUE, Mary Ellen (1845- ): d/o James and Sarah (Montgomery) McHargue

MCKAY, James (1844-1847): s/o James and Cecelia (Lawson) McKay

MCKAY, James Thomas (1818-1898): m'd 1841 LAWSON, Cecelia; born in Ireland, married in Scotland; settled in Marion Co, OR near St. Paul; buried in St. Paul Cemetery

MCKAY, William (1843-1847): s/o James and Cecelia (Lawson) McKay

McKEAN, Ambrose Bronson (1824-1906): m'd 1847 MOFFITT, Nancy Jane; s/o Samuel T. and Polly (Hicks) McKean

McKEAN, Clarissa Avalissa "Clara" (1837-1882): m'd 1866 BATTEE, John Marion; d/o Samuel T. and Polly (Hicks) McKean

McKEAN, Eliza Jane (1835-1935): m'd 1852 HUSTLER, Jackson Gregory; d/o Samuel T. and Polly (Hicks) McKean

McKEAN, Eugene Ira (1844-1920): m1. 1869 CAUFIELD, Isadora Amelia; m2. [ ], Emma; s/o Ira H. and Jane M. (Lamoree) McKean

McKEAN, Ira Hicks (1819-1878): m'd 1841 LAMOREE, Jane M.; s/o Samuel T. and Polly (Hicks) McKean

McKEAN, Margaret (1832-1850): m'd 1849 CARPENTER, Dr. William M.; d/o Samuel T. and Polly (Hicks) McKEAN

McKEAN, Samuel Terry (1794-1873): m'd 1817 HICKS, Polly

McKEAN, Samuel Terry Jr. (1840-1900): m'd 1868 SMITH, Mary Jane; s/o Samuel T. and Polly (Hicks) McKEAN

McKEAN, Theresa Catherine (1842-1929): m'd 1862 PAINE, Castanos; d/o Ira H. and Jane M. (Lamoree) McKEAN

McKEE,Cassy (1807-1870): m'd 1824 TULLIS, Joel; returned east by 1850

McKEE, Joel [Capt.] (c1824- ): returned east by 1850

MCKINLEY, Alexander (1804-1874): m'd 18 Dec 1823 PACKWOOD, Martha

MCKINLEY, Alexander: s/o Alexander and Martha (Packwood) McKinley

MCKINLEY, Charles: m'd COOPER, Anginette, s/o Alexander and Martha (Packwood) McKinley

MCKINLEY, Elitha: m'd GAY, Adaline B.; s/o Alexander and Martha (Packwood) McKinley

MCKINLEY, John: m'd MATHENY, Nancy; s/o Alexander and Martha (Packwood) McKinley

MCKINLEY, Thomas: m'd JONES, Mary; s/o Alexander and Martha (Packwood) McKinley


McKINNEY, John Rev. [Capt.] (1798-1878): m1. 1819 KESCHLER, Ann E. (AUSTIN); m2. 1850 CARTER, Orpha (LANKTON); m3. 1874 WARD, Exeline (BALTIMORE); along with married son William, set out initially in company of Capt. Joseph Magone, McKinney leading a party of ten wagons after the train split a short time later; captain of 27 wagons as noted at Mormon ferry


MCKINNEY, William W. (1820-1875): m'd 1847 DARBY, Matilda

McKUNE, William Henry (1829- ): m1. 1851 CAREY, Sarah Ann; m2. [ ], Mary

McLAREN, James (c1834- ): m'd BLAIR, Anna Virginia

McLENCH, Elizabeth French (1816-1890): m1. 1844 THURSTON, Samuel Royal; m2. 1855 ODELL, William Holman

MCMAHAN, John ( -1850): m'd UNKNOWN; brother-in-law of William Jackson Smith; to OR then to CA; said to have died 1850 Sacramento 

16) MCNARY, Catharine (26 Apr 1791-20 Nov 1869): m'd 30 Mar 1817 WHITLEY, Samuel; d/o Hugh and Elizabeth (Lindsey) McNary; sister of Jane McNary Waller

16) MCNARY, Jane Logan (1792-1869): m'd WALLER, Thomas Carter; was 55 year old widow at time of emigration; d/o Hugh and Elizabeth (Lindsey) McNary; sister of Alexander and James McNary of 1845 emigration and Catharine McNary Whitley in this train

McNEELEY, Nancy Caroline (1813-1859): m'd 1832 MAY, Thomas W.

MEEK, William (1816-1879): m1.POE, Sarah; m2. 1845 STONE, Sarah; m3. 1848 LUELLING, Mary; m4. STONE, Fidelia

MEEKER, Lovisa (1796-1847): died trail at Soda Springs Aug 1847

MELHOLLAND, Theresa J.: m'd SHELTON, James

MEMILLl, Joseph:

*10) MENDENHALL, Enos Thomas (1822-1904): m'd 1848 MILLS, Rachel Emily; s/o Enos and Lydia (Griffin) Mendenhall; one of the Salem IA Quaker party which included the Luellings, Fishers and Hocketts, young William Hockett remembering years later said Enos had a wife with him in 1847, describing them as "a young married couple just commencing housekeeping," if so then his wife must have died on the trail; Enos and Rachel settled in California about 1849

*8*9) MENDENHALL, Rush [Capt.] (1822-1909): m'd 1852 WORDEN, Esther Louise; set out under Capt. Albert Davidson, captain of a division including James Coleman, Aaron Wait, and Columbia Lancaster

MENES, Francois Capt. ( -1867): brought Archbishop Blancet from Europe where he had gone to get funds to continue his work in America; returned again in 1849 with a cargo owned by V. Marzion and Company of Havre de Grave, who planned to establish a French colony in Oregon; his vessel, L'Etoile du Matin (Morning Star) was caught on the bar of the Columbia River and so badly damaged that she was towed to Portland where she was unloaded and her hull burned.  Capt. Menes proceeded to Oregon City where he opened a French store for the vessel's owners.  In 1850 Dr. John McLoughlin became a partner in this store.  Capt. Menes became indebted to Dr. McLoughlin because when Dr. McLoughlin died in 1857 his estate showed that real estate in the amount of $2500 and promisory notes in the amount of $5698.20 was due the estate from F. Menes.  Capt. Francois Menes received naturalization papers in Marion Co in 1862; he died in Marion county in 1867.

MERCHANT, Andrew (1840-1901): m'd 1875 CALDWELL, Narcissa Elizabeth; s/o Robert and Lucretia (Stewart) Merchant

MERCHANT, Henry (1845-c1847): s/o Robert and Lucretia (Stewart) Merchant; died on the trail according to one source, or in infancy in Iowa

MERCHANT, Robert (1797-1861): m'd 1838 STEWART, Lucretia; accompanied by sister-in-law Phoebe (Stewart) Jackson and her two daughters; arrived in Oregon 27 Sep.

MERCHANT, Sarah Jane (1842-1853): d/o Robert and Lucretia (Stewart) Merchant

MERCHANT, William M. (1843-1924): m'd 1868 LANDESS, Martha Ann; s/o Robert

MERRELL, Charles Giles (1799-1876): m'd 1819 DEVOE, Margaret; another son John D. was in Oregon in 1850, other children were daughters Sophronia Ann (m. SIGLER, resided Kansas), and Margaret Jane (m1. Andrew J. ELLIS, m2. Edmond ATCHESON, resided Texas) 

MERRELL, Charles Jackson (1826-1857): m'd 1851 SCHOLL, Sarah Helen; s/o Charles G. and Margaret (Devoe) Merrell

MERRELL, Dewitt Clinton (1841-1907): m'd JOHNSON, Mary Eveline; s/o Charles G. and Margaret (Devoe) Merrell

MERRELL, Elizabeth Deberah (c1833- ): m'd EWING, Francis M.; d/o Charles G. and Margaret (Devoe) Merrell

MERRELL, Josiah M. (1830-1916): m'd 1878 DAVIS, Elizabeth "Lizzie"; s/o Charles G. and Margaret (Devoe) Merrell

MERRELL, Mary Angeline (1838-1901): m'd 1853 WALDRON, Henry J.; d/o Charles G. and Margaret (Devoe) Merrell

MERRILL, Alvin (1842- ): s/o Ashbell and Susannah (Sigler) Merrill; possibly died young before 1847; no evidence to prove he was on the trail in 1847

MERRILL, Ashbell (1796-1847): m1. 1818 TWEED, Catherine; m2. 1822 SIGLER, Susannah; died on the trail at Fort Hall on 11 Aug. 1847

MERRILL, Augustus (c1842- ): s/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Freeman) Merrill; possibly died young before 1847; no evidence to prove he was on the trail in 1847

MERRILL, Electa Ellen (1837-1891): m'd 1857 GIRTY, Henry; d/o Ashbell and Susannah (Sigler) Merrill

MERRILL, Emeret (1831- ): m1. 1849 JACKSON, George W.; m2. 1857 NILES, John Hamilton; m3. 1862 THORPE, Thomas; d/o Ashbell and Susannah (Sigler) Merrill

MERRILL, Emma (1846-1907): m'd 1867 GEORGE, Elzy; d/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Freeman) Merrill

MERRILL, George (1826-1912): m'd 1851 MARTIN, Anna; s/o Ashbell and Susannah (Sigler) Merrill

MERRILL, Joseph (1818-1879): m'd 1840 FREEMAN, Elizabeth; s/o Ashbell and Catherine (Tweed) Merrill

MERRILL, Lyman (1834-1910): never m'd; s/o Ashbell and Susannah (Sigler) Merrill

MERRILL, Lydia (1844-1901): m'd 1863 BARNES, Thomas J.; d/o Ashbell and Susannah (Sigler) Merrill

MERRILL, Mary Ann (1829- ): d/o Ashbell and Susannah (Sigler) Merrill

MERRILL, Wesley (1845- ): never m'd; s/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Freeman) Merrill

MERRILL, William (1825-1894): never m'd; s/o Ashbell and Susannah (Sigler) Merrill

MICHAEL FAMILY RESEARCHER:      Jared Michael Ancestors and Descendants by Charles Senger;  Michael Photo contributed by Charles Senger

*12: MICHAEL, Anna (1823-1867): m'd 1837 CLARK, Jason Squire

*12: MICHAEL, David Kelso (1835-1909): m'd 1860 BOLES/BOLEY, Sarah

*12: MICHAEL, Eli Wesley (1817-1894): m1.1836 FRAZIER, Nancy; m2. 1851 HODGES, Jane; s/o Jared and Mary (Kelso) Michael

*12: MICHAEL, Elijah Grant (1833-1902): m'd1853 SMITH, Marena Ann

*12: MICHAEL, Elizabeth (1827-1868): m1.1843 ALVORD, Joseph; m2. 1848 CADY, Thomas; m3. BALCOM, William A.

*12: MICHAEL, Hannah (1830-1921): m'd 1846 FORGEY, William

*12: MICHAEL, Jared (1792-bef 1870): m'd1815 KELSO, Mary

*12: MICHAEL, Jared Birt (1840-1919): m'd1869 HODGES, Sarah; s/o Elia and Nancy (Frazier) Michael

*12: MICHAEL, Marinda Ruth (1839-1919): m1.1854 PEARL, John; m2. 1878 KEENEY, James; d/o Eli and Nancy (Frazier) Michael

MIDLOCK, Mary (c1792-1848): m'd 1807 DODSON, Elijah; died 14 Feb. 1848 Yamhill County 

MILL, Elijah:

MILL, Lucien:

Richard MILLER FAMILY RESEARCHER:   Coon/Miller Familys
MILLER, [   ]: m'd CRABTREE, J. D.

MILLER, [   ] ( -1847): c/o John and Louisa Miller; died on the trail

MILLER, Abraham George Jr. (1811-1886): m1. 1833 MORGAN, Julia Ann; m2. 1861 TURNIDGE, Elizabeth Crowley (DAGLEY); s/o George and Lydia (Stover) Miller

MILLER, Alexius Newton (1824-1902): m'd 1852 HUTCHINSON, Sarah Jane; s/o Richard N. and Nancy L. (Fulkerson) Miller

MILLER, America Bramble (1839-1911): m'd 1853 KELLY, John Johnson; d/o Richard and Margaret (Stanton) Miller

MILLER, Andrew Jackson (1832-1910): m'd 1852 CAREY, Esther; s/o Richard and Margaret (Stanton) Miller

MILLER, Andrew Monroe (1827-1909): m1. 1851 CROWLEY, Margaret Angeline; m2. LOGAN, Mrs. Lucinda V. (FULKERSON); s/o Richard N. and Nancy (Fulkerson) Miller

MILLER, Andrew Jackson (1832-1910): s/o Richard and Margaret (Stanton) Miller; buried Laurel Grove Cemetery, Springfield, Lane Co, OR

MILLER, Andrew Monroe (1827- ): m'd 1851 [unknown], Margaret Angeline

MILLER, Bluford Stanton (1830-1857): m'd MORRIS, Ellen; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion Co, OR; s/o Richard and Margaret (Stanton) Miller

MILLER, Catherine (c1840- ): m'd 1856 HUBBLES [or HUBLAR], Noah; d/o John and Louisa Miller

MILLER, Charles [Capt.?] (1812- ): m'd 1837 [unknown ], Jane

MILLER, Christopher (c1842- ): s/o George and Elizabeth (Hiatt) Miller

MILLER, David (1830-1858): m'd 1853 DOUGLAS, Margaret M.; s/o George and Elizabeth (Hiatt) Miller

MILLER, Eliel (1837- ): m'd 1870 MULHOLLAND, Martha; s/o George and Elizabeth (Hiatt) Miller

MILLER, Elizabeth Jane (1831-1903): m'd 1851 HUNSAKER, Thomas Howard; d/o Richard N. and Nancy (Fulkerson) Miller

MILLER, George (1804-1853): m'd 1829 HIATT, Elizabeth; s/o John and Catherine (Miller) Miller

MILLER, George J. (1834-1855): s/o Abraham Jr. and Julia Ann (Morgan) Miller

MILLER, George W. (1841-1871): m'd 1864 METZKER, Mary Elizabeth; s/o John and Ruth A. (Franklin) Miller; Buell train

MILLER, Hannah Jane (c1844- ): m'd 1862 MOORE, Henry S.; d/o George and Elizabeth (Hiatt) Miller

MILLER, Henry W. (c1839- ): s/o George and Elizabeth (Hiatt) Miller

MILLER, James (c1836- ): s/o Richard N. and Nancy (Fulkerson) Miller

MILLER, James F. (c1839- ): m'd 1857 SMITH, Julia Frances; s/o Charles and Jane MILLER

MILLER, James L. or Warren (1846-1847): s/o John and Ruth A. (Franklin) Miller; died on trail or on arrival; Buell train

MILLER, Jane [ ] Mrs. (c1814- ): m'd 1837 MILLER, Charles

MILLER, John Stanton (1824-1912): m'd GRIFFIN, Lydia Margaret; buried Griffin Creek Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson Co, OR

MILLER, John (1811- ): m'd [unknown ], Louisa; wife died on the trail

MILLER, John (1817-1886): m'd HUNT, Ruth Ann (FRANKLIN); sometimes given as John B.; Buell train

MILLER, John (c1833- ): s/o George and Elizabeth (Hiatt) Miller; sometimes given as John B.

MILLER, John Jr. (1828-1858): s/o John Sr. and Sarah (Smith) Miller; believed to be the John Jr. refererred to by Nancy (Miller) Coon in 1847 journals, but if so may have returned east and come again in 1851

MILLER, John Washington (1833-1900): m'd 1854 [ ], Mary Elizabeth; s/o Richard N. and Nancy (Fulkerson) Miller

MILLER, Julia Ann (1820-1899): m'd 1842 BYBEE, James Franklin; d/o Robert E. and Sarah C. (Fitzgerald) Miller; may have accompanied her parents in 1845 or come with her husband in 1847

MILLER, Julia Ann (c1846- ): m'd 1864 HARDISTY, J. H.; d/o George and Elizabeth (Hiatt) Miller

MILLER, Louisa [ ] Mrs. ( -1847): m'd MILLER, John (b. 1811); died on the trail

MILLER, Maria M. (c1816-1880: m'd 1837 MOORE, James M.

MILLER, Mary Ann Elizabeth (1813-1883): m1. 1834 SWANK, Harmon; m2. 1879 GROSS, Andrew; she was a physician

MILLER,Mary Jane (1835-1905): m'd 1853 CRABTREE, James Anderson; d/o Richard and Margaret (Stanton) Miller

MILLER, Mary Ramsey (1800-1847): m'd 1823 FULKERSON, James Monroe; d/o James Miller and sister of Rev. Richard N. Miller; died on the trail

MILLER, Matilda Ann (1828-1894): m'd 1851 POLLARD, Richard Henry; d/o Richard and Margaret (Stanton) Miller; buried Mill Creek Cemetery,Prineville, Crook Co, OR

MILLER, Meredith Raines "Sam" (1818-1904): m1. 1852 TROUTMAN, Mary Ann; m2. 1873 CHRISMAN, Harriet; s/o Abraham and Mary (Raines) Miller; called "Sam" at the time, he was one of Joseph Meek's party setting east in spring 1848 carrying word of the Whitman Massacre; to California 1849

MILLER, Nancy ( -1855): m'd 1845 MILLER, Jacob L.

MILLER, Nancy A. (1844-1871): m'd 1862 JONES, Samuel Turley; d/o John and Louisa Miller

MILLER, Nancy Ann (1836-1905): m'd 1853 WEISS, John; d/o Abraham Jr. and Julia Ann (Morgan) Miller

MILLER, Nancy Iness (1827-1907): m'd 1847 COON, James Madison; d/o John Sr. and Sarah (Smith) Miller

MILLER, Rachel (c1838): m'd 1859 BUTLER, James H.; d/o George and Elizabeth (Hiatt) Miller

MILLER, Rebecca Margaret (1842-1900): m'd WHITLOCK,Lorenzo Randolph; d/o Richard and Margaret (Stanton) Miller; mother of Matilda Ann, Arminada, Nancy Ann, Corliss R., Courtney, Addy Louisa, Effie, Clyde, Andrew J. and Wayne.

MILLER, Richard (1803-1872): m1. 1824 STANTON, Margaret; m2. 1858 HARDMAN, Mary; called "Uncle Dicky" Miller; father of John Stanton, William Riley, Matilda Ann, Bluford, Andrew Jackson, Mary Jane, Sarah Jane, America Bramble, Thomas, Rebecca Margaret, Susan and Richard Perry

MILLER, Richard Jackson (1839-1876): m'd 1867 LYNCH, Sarah; s/o Richard N. and Nancy (Fulkerson) Miller

MILLER, Richard N. [Rev.] (1798-1878): m'd 1821 FULKERSON, Nancy Leeper; s/o James Miller and brother of Mary Ramsey (Miller) Fulkerson

MILLER, Richard Perry (1849-1916): m'd LAWSON, Nancy; s/o Richard and Margaret (Stanton) Miller

MILLER, Robert Carolina (1824-1908): m1. 1848 CLAYPOOL, Mary; m2. 1859 HOLLENBECK, Margaret Jane (IRVINE); said to have been the only one of his large family to come to Oregon

MILLER, Samuel Stover (1821-1918): m'd 1851 SHRUM, Mary; s/o George and Lydia (Stover) Miller and brother of Abraham George Jr.

MILLER, Sarah (1832-1909): m'd 1853 HURT, Isaiah; d/o George and Elizabeth (Hiatt) Miller

MILLER, Sarah Jane (1840- ): m'd 1855 HOWE, William; d/o John and Ruth A. (Franklin) Miller

MILLER, Sarah Jane (1837-1873): m'd MOSIER, Joseph; d/o Richard and Margaret (Stanton) Miller

MILLER, Stephen (c1835): s/o George and Elizabeth (Hiatt) Miller

MILLER, Susan E. or C. (1845-1904): m'd 1864 TURNIDGE, William Jasper; d/o Richard and Margaret (Stanton) Miller

MILLER, Thomas (1841-1896): never m'd; s/o Richard and Margaret (Stanton) Miller

MILLER, Thomas M. (1839-1861): s/o Abraham Jr. and Julia Ann (Morgan) Miller

MILLER, William C. (1827-1892): m'd 1854 TURNER, Permelia Ann

MILLER, William F. (1844-c1870): s/o John and Ruth A. (Franklin) Miller

MILLER, William Riley (1826-1849): never married; s/o Richard and Margaret (Stanton) Miller

MILLER, William Thomas (1829-1904): m'd 1851 HUNSAKER, Elizabeth Jane; s/o Richard N. and Nancy L. (Fulkerson) Miller

MILLS, Doctor Napoleon (1842- ): s/o Elkanah and Laurinda (Wisdom) Mills; no evidence he came to Oregon

MILLS, Elkanah (1818-1893): m'd 1837 WISDOM, Laurinda Vianna; settled eventually in Lewis Co., Washington

MILLS, George Washington (1840-1905): m'd O'HARA, Lillie (ROBINSON); s/o Elkanah and Laurinda (Wisdom) Mills

MILLS, John Thomas (1844- ): m'd PRATHER, Mary; s/o Elkanah and Laurinda (Wisdom) Mills

MILLS, Mary Jane (1838-1930): m'd 1852 BROWN, Robert W.; d/o Elkanah and Laurinda (Wisdom) Mills; her husband also a pioneer of 1847

MILLS, Rebecca (1812-1847): m’d 1831 HOCKETT, Nathan Hinshaw; d/o Samuel Hiatt Mills; Quakers from Henry Co., Iowa; died 27 Aug. 1847 on the Trail at Shoshone Falls on Snake River

MILLS, William A.: m'd JOY, Rachel Way - should be removed. She came 1847 but he came 1843

MILLS, William Perry (1846-1931): m'd 1874 CRYSTAL, Teressa Jane; s/o Elkanah and Laurinda (Wisdom) Mills

MILTON, Catherine (c1820- ): m'd 1842 CAMPBELL, Samuel L.

MINTON, Adelaide (1810-1872): m1. 1829 STURGESS, David; m2. 1855 BEATTY, George

*15) MITCHELL, Caroline "Carrie" (1845-1934): m'd 1864 PAINTER, William Charles; d/o Israel and Mary (Arnold) Ross

*15) MITCHELL, Israel (1796-1873): m1. 1840 Ross ARNOLD, Mary; m2. 1863 WILLIS, Ann; family consisted of four step-children, daughter and wife; Emma Ruth Ross Slavin Reminiscence

MOFFITT, Charles: a relative of Nancy's, said to have accompanied the McKean family

MOFFITT, Nancy Jane (1830-1888): m'd 1847 McKEAN, Ambrose Bronson

MONGRAIN, David (1806- ): m'd 1849 LAFANTAISIE, Catherine; came with Bishop Blanchet party

MONROE, John: mentioned as one of those packing from Fort Hall with Stewart Pennington

MONROE, William: mentioned in John Braly reminiscences as in the same train with them

*26) MONTEITH, Thomas (1824-1889): m'd 1854 DUNBAR, Christine Maria; drove wagon for Thomas Cox; born 23 Apr 1824 and died 21 Jul 1889

*26) MONTEITH, Walter (1816-1876): m'd 1855 SMITH, Margaret Amanda; drove wagon for Thomas Cox; died 11 Jun 1876; both he and Thomas were sons of Archibald and Mary (McLain) Monteith

MONTGOMERY,Mr.: left the McKee division at Fort Hall to go to the St. Mary's country with the trappers, and came on in 1848 or afterwards; may be the same as one of the following

MONGTOMERY, [   ]: s/o Samuel and Julia (Grimes) Montgomery (as each of the brothers and sister named a son George S., possibly this was his name)

MONTGOMERY, Andrew Jackson (c1839- ): s/o Samuel and Julia (Grimes) Montgomery

MONTGOMERY, John A. (1826 - ):  m'd 1853 HESTER, Eliza Emily; s/o Samuel and Julia (Grimes) Montgomery

MONTGOMERY, John Milton (1816-1891): m'd 1853 ARMSTRONG, Lizzie; California pioneer

MONTGOMERY, Mary (c1813-1885): m1. 1830 SAUNDERS, Luke Woodbury; m2. 1848 HUSTED, Alanson; d/o David "Frank" and Phebe (Stickney) Montgomery; survivor of the Whitman Massacre

MONTGOMERY, Robert Franklin (1827-1889): m'd 1849 THOMAS, Susan Ann; s/o Samuel and Julia (Grimes) Montgomery

MONTGOMERY, Robert J. (1827-1880): m'd 1850 BROWN, Eveline Jane; s/o John and Ellen (Moore) Montgomery

MONTGOMERY, Samuel (1801-1865): m'd 1823 GRIMES, Julia; came with wife, five sons and one daughter

MONTGOMERY, Sarah Ann or Jane (1823-1897): m'd 1844 MCHARGUE, James John; d/o John and Ellen (Moore) Montgomery

MONTGOMERY, Sarah Jane (1837-1910): m'd 1854 SMITH, David; d/o Samuel and Julia (Grimes) Montgomery

MONTGOMERY, William Grimes (1834-1894):  m'd 1855 CUSICK, Mary Lovina; s/o Samuel and Julia (Grimes) Montgomery

MOODY, George W. (c1826-1910): m1. LYNN, Emily; m2. DEITZMAN, Mrs. Ellen [ ]; California pioneer

MOODY, William A. (c1846- ): s/o George W. and Emily (Lynn) Moody; California pioneer

*2) MOOR, James M. (1809- ):

*2) MOOR, M. T. (1832- ):  

MOORE, Alexander (1826-1902): m'd 1847 SPEINHAUER [or SPAINHOWER], Adeline R.; s/o Eli and Elizabeth (Palmer) Moore; California pioneer

MOORE, Amy [ ] Mrs. (1812- ): m'd 1826 MOORE, David (d. 1831); came as a widow, probably by the southern route; relatives not identified

MOORE, Clarence L. (c1845- ): s/o James M. and Maria (Miller) Moore

MOORE, Eli (1806-1859): m'd PALMER, Elizabeth; California pioneer

MOORE, Eli D. (1847-1928): m'd McCORMICK, Ellen B.; s/o Alexander and Adeline (Speinhauer) Moore; born 12 Dec. 1847 on arrival in California

MOORE, Elizabeth Jane (c1836- ): m'd 1852 CRAWFORD, Ronald C.; d/o James M. and Maria (Miller) Moore

MOORE, Elizabeth Mary (c1845- ): d/o Eli and Elizabeth (Palmer) Moore; California pioneer

MOORE, Emeline (c1843-1883): d/o Eli and Elizabeth (Palmer) Moore; California pioneer

MOORE, Elmira (1816- ): m'd 1835 BARNES, John M.

MOORE, George: said to be a pioneer of 1847

*2) MOORE, James Madison (1809-1884): m'd 1837 MILLER, Maria Malvina.; s/o Robert and Margaret Moore; his father came to Oregon in 1839 as member of Peoria Party; his mother remained in Missouri where she died in 1848

MOORE, Mildred Ann (1842-1879): m'd 1857 PEASE, Capt. George A.; d/o James M. and Maria (Miller) Moore

MOORE, Rachel (c1829- ): d/o Eli and Elizabeth (Palmer) Moore; California pioneer

MOORE, Sarah Jane (1804-1886): m'd 1820 WILLS, George Jacob

MOORE, Thomas W. (1832- ): m1. 1858 HACKETT, Laura Ellen; m2. 1895 HOWE, Lizzie; s/o Eli and Elizabeth (Palmer) Moore; California pioneer

MOORE, William H. (1836-1871): m1. c1857 NICHOLAS, Lizzie; m2) 1871 MERRILL, Helen M.; s/o Eli and Elizabeth (Palme) Moore; California pioneer

MOOREY or MOREY, Pyra or Pyrea (1825-1909): m'd 1842 RUDOLPH, John Casper Jr.

MORFITT, James (1817-1898): m'd 1837 BATEMAN, Susannah

MORFITT, Maria J. (1840- ): m'd 1860 LOCEY, Cyrus T.; d/o James and Susannah (Bateman) Morfitt

MORFITT, William L. (1837-1923): m1. WORSHAM, Juliette; m2. 1899 CARLISLE, Elizabeth M.; s/o James and Susannah (Bateman) Morfitt

MORGAN, Ann (1844-1899): m'd 1859 DICKEY, John A.; d/o Daniel and Rachel (Woodsides) Morgan

MORGAN, Daniel (c1820-1850): m1. 1841 WOODSIDES, Rachel; m2. 1848 TAYLOR, Mary

MORGAN, Hannah (1822-1901): m'd 1844 WARD, Thomas M.; d/o Joseph and Rachel (Lewis) Morgan; cousin of Miller, John and Thomas

MORGAN, Henry Clay (1832-1916): m1. [ unknown], Clarissa; m2. 1867 HUNSAKER, Martha Ellen; s/o Jonathan and Lydia (Bingaman) Morgan; may not have come until 1852

MORGAN, Infant Dau (1847-1847): d/o Daniel and Rachel (Woodsides) Morgan; born on trail; died in Summit Meadows near Mt. Hood, OR

MORGAN, Isaac: on Bancroft's list; one Isaac probably pioneer or 1845 filed on a provisional claim in 1846 and is possibly this man

MORGAN, J.W.: on Bancroft's list; one J.W. shown as a private in Capt. H.A.G. Lee's First Company of Oregon Mounted Riflemen organized Dec. 1847 during the Cayuse War

MORGAN, James Adolph (1847-1916): m1. 1871 BLACHLY, Celestia; m2. 1886 FURGESON, Rosa Cummings; s/o Miller and Elizabeth (Helmick) Morgan; born 12 Nov. 1847 Oregon City on arrival

MORGAN, John C. (1833-1910): m'd 1857 SAVAGE, Prudence Thompson; s/o James Jr. and Sarah (Miller) Morgan; came with brother Miller

MORGAN, Julia Ann (1814-1858): m'd 1833 MILLER, Abraham George Jr.; d/o Thomas and Nancy Ann Morgan

MORGAN, Miller (1824-1901): m1. 1846 HELMICK, Elizabeth; m2. c1895 [ ], Mary; s/o James Jr. and Sarah (Miller) Morgan; accompanied by wife and at least two brothers John and Thomas, and possibly brother William; cousin of Hannah (Morgan) Ward

MORGAN, Seth (1846-1915): m'd 1868 HAMILTON, Margaret Jane; s/o Daniel and Rachel (Woodsides) Morgan

MORGAN, Thomas (1835-1926): never m'd; s/o James Jr. and Sarah (Miller) Morgan; came either with brothers Miller and John or with cousin Hannah (Morgan) Ward

MORGAN, Thomas (1842-1918): m1. 1869 RHEA, Mary Elizabeth; m2. [ ]; s/o Daniel and Rachel (Woodsides) Morgan

MORGAN, William: said to have been in the James Curl train along with Jesse H. Adams, Joseph Hunsaker, Lewis Payne, and Joel Calavan

MORLEY, John (1823-1907): m'd 1855 JONES, Senah Elizabeth

MORRIS, Elizabeth: m'd 1823 BRIGGS, Isaac

MOSER, Sarah C.: m'd MOSER, Joseph Jr.

MOSIER, Daniel (1789- ): m'd 1830 LIGGETT, Alice

MOULTON, William (1821-1904): m'd 1854 SIMMONS, Rebecca E.

MULKEY, America (c1838- ): d/o Johnson and Susan (Brown) Mulkey

MULKEY, America Jane (c1834- ): m'd ODENEAL, T.H.B.; d/o Thomas and Sarah (Carpenter) Mulkey; in later years moved to NY

MULKEY, Augusta Emma (1844-1907): m'd 1864 DOLPH, Joseph N.: d/o Johnson and Susan (Brown) Mulkey

MULKEY, Cyrenus (1832-1914): m'd 1854 GIBSON, Melinda Jane; s/o Thomas and Sarah (Carpenter) Mulkey

MULKEY, David (1826-1889): m'd 1847 (Unknown), Sarah Jane

MULKEY, Eliza (1840 -1921): m'd 1858 HAWLEY, John Henry; d/o Luke and Rutha (Allison) Mulkey

MULKEY, Elizabeth Ann (1841-1873): d/o Johnson and Susan (Brown) Mulkey

MULKEY, Emily (c1843- ): d/o Thomas and Sarah (Carpenter) Mulkey

MULKEY, Emily Augusta (1843- ): d/o Johnson and Susan (Brown) Mulkey

MULKEY, Francis F. (c1848-1918): m'd 1867 ARMSTRONG, R.N.; d/o Johnson and Susan (Brown) Mulkey

MULKEY, Francis Marion (1842-1905): m'd 1865 RODGERS, Harriet Jane; s/o Phillip and Mary (Hargrave) Mulkey

MULKEY, George (1835-1862): s/o Thomas and Sarah (Carpenter) Mulkey

MULKEY, H.B.: s/o Thomas and Sarah (Carpenter) Mulkey; living in CA in 1914

MULKEY, Hamilton O. (1841-1927): m'd 1867 MURPHY, Sarah A.; s/o Thomas and Sarah (Carpenter) Mulkey; father of Hattie, Winnie, Gertie, Ollie and Henderson; never lived in one place for any length of time

MULKEY, Johnson: s/o Phillip and Margaret (Miller) Mulkey; originally emigrant of 1844; returned east in 1845 to bring other family members to Oregon

MULKEY, Luke: s/o Phillip and Margaret (Miller) Mulkey; originally emigrant of 1844; returned east in 1845 to bring other family members to Oregon

MULKEY, Marion Francis (1836-1889):  m'd PORTER, Mary E.; s/o Johnson and Susan (Brown) Mulkey

MULKEY, Martha Madeline (1846-1924): m'd CAUTHORN, James A.; d/o Johnson and Susan (Brown) Mulkey

MULKEY, Mary Ellen (1836-1861): m'd 1853 HOVEY, Albert G.; d/o Luke and Rutha (Allison) Mulkey

MULKEY, Missouri Mary (1838-1872): m'd 1858 PORTER, John; d/o Johnson and Susan (Brown) Mulkey

MULKEY, Monroe (1839-1912): m1: 1858 GARRISON, Mary Ellen; m2. MARTIN, Sarah Mrs.; s/o Thomas and Sarah (Carpenter) Mulkey

MULKEY, Nancy Caroline (1844-1919): m'd 1860 SHARP, John D.; m2. 1864 FAWCETT, Joshua; d/o Phillip and Mary (Hargrave) Mulkey

MULKEY, Rachel A. (1838-1882): m'd 1856 ATTERBURY, Jonathan

MULKEY, Thomas Rev. (1807-1847): m'd 1830 CARPENTER, Sarah "Sally"; s/o Phillip and Margaret (Miller) Mulkey; died on arrival

MULKEY, Thomas G. (1843-bef 1907): s/o Johnson and Susan (Brown) Mulkey

MULKEY, William Anselm (1846-1932): m'd 1873 LYONS, Clarissa; s/o Phillip and Mary (Hargrave) Mulkey

MULKEY, William H. (c1845-1926): s/o Thomas and Sarah (Carpenter) Mulkey

MULKEY, William Johnson (1846-1932): s/o Luke and Rutha (Allison) Mulkey

MULKEY, Zerelda (1831- ): d/o Thomas and Sarah (Carpenter) Mulkey; it is thought that this daughter was married at the time of the emigration and came out in a later emigration.  Her husband's name is unknown at this time.

MULLIGAN, Charnel (1825-1899): m'd 1851 SPORES, Martha Jane; said to be brother of Elenore (Mulligan) Blair

MULLIGAN, Elenore (1810-1878): m1. 1825 GOOLDY, Lewis H.; m2. 1834 BLAIR, Prior F.; said to be sister of Charnel Mulligan; probably mother of Wilkinson Gouldy

MUNDEN, William Gilbert (1820-1883): m'd 1852 DEAN, Elizabeth J.; had come previously in 1843 and again in 1847

MUNSELL, David (1827- ): 

MUNKERS, Hannah (1807-1847/9): m'd 1828 BLANTON, Isaac

MUNSELL, David (1827- ):

MURPHEY, William Commodore (1818-1906): m1. 1852 GRIFFITH, Elvira Ann; m2. 1880 Ward, Louisa Jane NELSON

MURPHY, Agnes (1820-1876): m'd 1850 TALLENTINE, Thomas (pioneer of 1845)

MURPHY, Elizabeth (1790-1874): m'd TAYLOR, John

MURPHY, Mary Jane "May" (1796-1848): m'd 1815 PAYNE, Aaron; may have remained in Illinois and died there

MURRAY, Bernard "Barney" (c1784- ): came to US from Ireland c1827; filed intention to become citizen in Mercer Co, OH 14 May 1833; emigrated with his daughter, Frances Murray Coleman in the Davidson/Mendenhall train; first settled in Muddy Valley; first person buried in St. Patrick's church, a church he helped build on 10 acres of his son-in-laws land claim which was donated to the Catholic Church

MURRAY, Frances "Fanny" (1824-1896): m'd 1847 COLEMAN, James; d/o Bernard Murray

MURRAY, Lavina (1814-1860): m'd 1833 CATCHING, Benjamin Holland

MUSIC, Benjamin F. (c1828-1883): m'd 1852 WATSON, Iantha Amanda

MYERS, Henry (1818-1900): m'd 1842 SHANKLINE, Elizabeth Jane; brother of William

MYERS, John H. (c1846-c1876): m'd 1870 LOGAN, Mary C.; s/o Henry and Elizabeth (Shankline) Myer

MYERS, William (c1821-1852): m'd 1848 CROWLEY, Rebecca Jane; brother of Henry

NACHAND, Henry (1842-1927): m'd 1872 KENDALL, Lucinda (PERKINS); s/o John and Catherine (Shafer) Nachand

NACHAND, John (1811-1885): m'd 1837 SHAFER, Catherine

NASH, Margaret (1819-1909): m'd GEDDIS, Robert; m2. 1846 KLUM, William; m3. 1867 RAY, John

NEAL, Susannah E. (1819-1883): m'd 1841 TURNER, Thomas Lee

NELSON, George S. (1847-1920): m'd 1891 WALLACE, Jennie; s/o Henry and Louisa (Harmon) Nelson; born July on the trail in present Nebraska or Utah

NELSON, Henry W. (1818-1894): m'd 1844 HARMON, Louisa; probably the Nelson family noted by James Jory in the Magone train; child born on the trail; removed to California c1850; children William Henry, George S., Horatio Q., Joshua, David, Samuel W., Reuben C., Benjamin Franklin

NELSON, John M. (1824-1916): m'd STEWART, Alvira A.

NELSON, William Henry (1845-1922): m'd 1870 FOWLER, Sarah E.; s/o Henry and Louisa (Harmon) Nelson

NEWCOMB, Nancy (c1812-c1887): m'd 1834 CARLYLE, Peter George

NEWTON, Betty (1835- ):

NEWTON, Diana (c1803-1848): m'd 1823 GRAVES, James B.; buried Graves Family Cemetery, Sheridan, Yamhill County, Oregon

NICHOLS, Israel Boyde (1824- ): m'd 1852 RIDDLE, Isabella; California immigrant of 1847; to Oregon in 1851

NICHOLSON, Sylvester G. (1816-1861): m'd 1847 SPORES, Esther

NICKOLS, Rachel Rebecca (c1818-1854): m'd 1837 TAYLOR, Felix M.

NOBLE, Delborne W. or Bristan (1847- ): s/o Henry and Mercy (Wilson) Noble; born on the trail or on arrival

NOBLE, Ellen Elizabeth (1845-1907): m1. 1859 PEEK, James Lewis; m2. 1871 WEISS, William; d/o Henry and Mercy (Wilson) Noble

NOBLE, Emma Amelia (1843-1917): m'd 1860 HAWLEY, Sewel R.; d/o Henry and Mercy (Wilson) Noble

NOBLE, Henry (1815-1856): m'd 1839 WILSON, Mercy

NOE, Sarah Jane (c1829- ): m'd 1847 MULKEY, David; married on the trail 22 June at Cedar Camp on the Platte River

NOLAN, Clorinda): m'd BEAL, Philip

NORRIS, Rosana (1805-1887): m'd 1822 BEAL, George

NYE, Catherine Jane (1830 -1906): m'd  25 May 1847 KLUM, George W.; born 13 Jul 1830 Rush Co, IN and died 12 Apr 1906 Linn Co, OR; d/o Jacob and Margaret (Graham) Nye

NYE, Druzilla M. (1832-1916): m'd 24 Jun 1852 POLLEY, Henry B.

NYE, Francis J. (1826-1880): m'd 18 Mar 1844 WALLING, George Washington;

NYE, Jacob L. (1793-1875): m. Feb 1815 GRAHAM, Mrs. Margaret (PETERS); father of 10 children (Harriet A., George V., Andrew J., Elizabeth Catherine, John S., Francis J., Adam P., Catherine Jane, Druzilla M. and Jacob L.); s/o John and Mary Nye

NYE, Jacob L. (1837-1910): m'd 1859 SETTLE, Henryett; s/o Jacob and Margaret (Peters) Nye; was toll-gate keeper for the Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road for many years

OAKLEY, Malinda (1800- ): m'd MCCLAIN, William; some info says she died in 1845

*11) ODELL, Ruth (c1806-c1887): m'd 1824 CAREY, John

OFFICER, Lucinda (1809-1899): m'd  1832WRITSMAN, Francis

OLIVER, Jane (1811-1898): m1. 1831 BUSHNELL, Newton; m2. 1840 CLINE, George; m3. 1865 DAVIS, Joseph; came with second husband George Cline and family including her three Bushnell children

OLMSTEAD, Samuel Bedient (1831-1882): m'd 1861 YALE, Sarah Frances; said to have crossed the plains in 1847 keeping a diary, returned east about 1849 and came west again with his family in 1870

ORCHARD, John G. (1815-1886/8): m1. 1849 WHITLEY, Amelia M.; m2. 1871 DODSON, Lizzie C.

ORNDORF, Nancy (1812-1891): m1. 1831 TRIMMER, Frederick; m2. 1842 SPORES, Jacob Collyar

OWENS, Caroline (1826-1914): m'd 1846 HAMILTON, Joseph Elmer

OWENS, Nancy ( -1848): m'd GIBSON, Isaac; she crossed the plains with family of son William O. Gibson and died of mountain fever Jan. 1848 at Linnton

14) PAGE, Melissa Ann (1804-1877): m'd 1821 DAVIDSON, Hezekiah

PALMER, Elizabeth (1804-1883): m'd MOORE, Eli; CA pioneer 1847

PALMER, Jane (1811-1877): m'd 1833 TRUBODY, John; CA pioneer 1847

PALMER, Joel [Capt.] (1810-1881): m1. CAFFEY, Catherine; m2. 1836 DERBYSHIRE, Sarah Ann; originally came 1845, returned east and brought his family in 1847

PALMER, Joeline (1845-1877): m'd 1861 MANN, Joseph C.; d/o Joel and Sarah A. (Derbyshire) Palmer

PALMER, Lorenzo (1840-1902): m'd 1859 JACOBS, Sarah Lovina; s/o Joel and Sarah A. (Derbyshire) Palmer

PALMER, Mary Ellen (1838-1907): m'd 1858 JACOBS, Cyrus; d/o Joel and Sarah A. (Derbyshire) Palmer

PALMER, Melissa (1842-1917): m1. 1861 BURROWS, Charles E. (div.); m2. 1868 RICHARDSON, Melvin E.; m3. JOHNSON, [ ]; d/o Joel and Sarah A (Derbyshire) Palmer

PALMER, Nancy (1829-1859): m'd 1845 WARREN, Henry

PALMER, Sarah Elizabeth (1832-1862): m'd 1848 SMITH, Andrew; d/o Joel and Catherine (Caffey) Palmer

PANDOSY, Louis John (1826-1891): scholastic with Fr. Ricared and the Blanchett party

PANGBORN, Laura Ann (1811-1859): m'd 1828 DIMICK, Augustus R.

PANGBORN, Lucy (1818-1900): m'd 1841 CHURCHILL, Joseph

PARKE, Eveline (1815-1903): m'd MARTIN, Jacob

PARKER, Eliza (1814-1888): m'd 1832 COX, Joseph

PARKER, Sarah ( -1848): m'd 1841 COTTLE, Royal; died a few days after birth of daughter in Dec. 1848 in Linn Co., OR

PARROTT, Jane Gill (05 Aug 1845-15 Jan 1922): m'd 17 May 1859 GOLDEN, John James; d/o Lewis and Amy (Long) Parrott; buried IOOF Mountain View Cemetery, Goldendale, Klickitat County, Washington; husban established town of Goldendale, Washington

PARROTT, John (1812- ):

PARROTT, Joseph Elgin (21 Dec 1821-03 Sep 1872): m1. 17 Sep 1851 GARRISON, Susan; m2. 21 May 1870 Worden GOODRICH, Lydia Ann; s/o Samuel and Sarah (Coleman) Parrott; burial location unknown

PARROTT, Lewis Smith (21 Dec 1817-26 Oct 1902): m'd 01 Sep 1841 LONG, Amy [divorced by 1880: Goldendale, Washington census; s/o Samuel and Sarah (Coleman) Parrott; buried IOOF Mountain View Cemetery, Goldendale, Klickitat County, Washington

PARROTT, Mary Ann (22 Dec 1847-25 Mar 1920): m'd 1863 SNIPES, Benjamin Elliott Sr; d/o Lewis and Amy (Long) Parrott; born on arrival; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon

PARROTT, William:

PARROTT, William Samuel (20 Feb 1844-06 Jun 1915): m1. MORRISON, Sadie; m2. HENDERSHOT, Sue; s/o Lewis and Amy (Long) Parrott; buried IOOF Mountain View Cemetery, Goldendale, Klickitat County, Washington; an artist of world renown

PARSONS, Horace (1794- ): may have been emigrant of 1846

PARTLOW, Martha: m'd TULL,

PATTERSON, Elijah Capt.: 

PATTON, Emily (1838- ): d/o Matthew and Polly (Grimes) Patton;  this may be the Eunity, d/o Matthew and Polly (Grimes) Patton who d. 17 Jan. 1859 no age given buried in the old Patton Cem. near Beaverton

PATTON, John Alden (17 Mar 1831-23 Dec 1864 ): m'd 18 Jan 1855 SIMMONS, Margaret Lovisa; s/o Matthew and Polly (Grimes) Patton; note DLC says he arrived in 1850 but it is believed he arrived in 1847; buried Patton Cemetery, Raleigh Hills, Washington County, Oregon

PATTON, Lydia (1822-1847): m'd c1837 EDMUNSON, John Hicklin; died on 15 Aug. 1847 on the Trail near the crossing of Raft River; her grave noted by J. Goldsborough Bruff in his 1849 journal "To the Memory of Lydia Edmonson, who died Aug. 15, 1847, Aged 25 years." He was at Raft River when he saw the grave.  [Deaths On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck,  Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]

PATTON, Matthew  (15 Nov 1805-17 Sep 1892): m'd 15 Apr 1830 GRIMES, Mary "Polly"; m2. 16 Jul 1868 McBURNEY, Mrs. Catherine E. [McClure]; s/o Robert Jesse and Eleanor (Evans) Patton; buried Patton Cemetery, Raleigh Hills, Washington County, Oregon

PATTON, Priscilla (06 Apr 1833-07 Oct 1924): m'd 1851 WATSON, William Penn; d/o Matthew and Polly (Grimes) Patton; died in Long Beach California

PATTON, Robert Jesse (15 Aug 1835-06 Aug 1901): m'd 01 Jan 1859 McBURNEY, Martha Jane; s/o Matthew and Polly (Grimes) Patton; listed in census as a physician

PATTON, William Newton (13 May 1842-23 Aug 1871): m'd 25 Dec 1863 GAULT, Lucy C.; s/o Matthew and Polly (Grimes) Patton; buried Patton Cemetery, Raleigh Hills, Washington County, Oregon

PAYNE, Aaron (1789-1883): m'd 1815 MURPHY, May or Mary Jane; there is some question as to whether or not his wife came to OR, based in part on his original filing for 640 acres on his DLC, but it seems more likely May's death in Jan. 1848 was in Putnan Co. IL instead, as he was eventually allowed only 320 acres; they were the parents of at least 11 children; son Caleb was a pioneer of 1845, daughter Cynthia with her husband Calvin Ish came in 1846; son Joseph R. and daughter Margaret who m'd James Scott came in 1847; son William was in OR by 1858 but his arrival date is not known; other known children were Jeremiah, John Adam, Minerva, Christopher, Sarah J., and James T.

PAYNE, Demetrius Lafayette (1845-1914): m'd HUNT, Catherine; s/o Lewis and Samirah A. (Curl) Payne

PAYNE, Joseph R. (1824-1853): never m'd; s/o Aaron and May (Murphy) Payne

PAYNE, Josephine (1843-1916): m1. 1865 BAKER, Marquis; m2. 1882 FARMER, William E.; d/o Lewis and Samirah A. (Curl) Payne

PAYNE, Lewis (1819- ): m'd 1842 CURL, Samirah Ann

PAYNE, Margaret (1822-1862): m'd 1837 SCOTT, James; d/o Aaron and May (Murphy) Payne

PAYNE, William A. (1847- ): s/o Lewis and Samirah A. (Curl) Payne; born on Trail near The Dalles

PEARCE, Ashby (1821-1902): m'd 1860 REED, Susan; note sometimes miscalled Ashley Pierce

PEARSON, Joseph N. (1829-1894): m'd 1851 EADS, Eletha

PECKENPAUGH, Elizabeth (1821-1847): m'd 1839 ROSE, Commodore S. D.; died 19 Nov. 1847 on the Columbia River near the mouth of Sandy Creek on the Trail

PEEK, Abraham Morton (1827-1911): m'd 1846 HAKES, Fannie Maria; s/o James W. and Eliza (Empson) Peek

PEEK, Charles (1840-1870): m'd 1861 PEPIOT, Mary Octavia; s/o James W. and Eliza (Empson) Peek

PEEK, James Lewis (1833-c1868): m'd 1859 NOBLE, Eleanor [Ellen Elizabeth]; s/o James W. and Eliza (Empson) Peek

PEEK, James W. (1806-1865): m1. 1826 EMPSON, Eliza [Elizabeth]; m2. 1865 Lakin SWEET, Sarah Jane; s/o Abraham and Gertrude (Vanvalkenburg) Peek; his mother accompanied them to Oregon

PEEK, Mary Ann (1835-1927): m1. 1855 BEEM, Milton; m2. 1868 SMITH, Thomas C.; m3. 1876 GAULT, Isaac R.; d/o James W. and Eliza (Empson) Peek

PEEK, William Henry (1831-1865): m'd 1856 LANDERS, Martha Jane; s/o James W. and Eliza (Empson) Peek

PELLETIER, Emilie (c1818- ): m1. 1853 BIHAN, Julian Mari; m2. 1868 CLARKE, Ferdinand; d/o Jean Baptiste and Rosalie (Blanchet) Pelletier and niece of Bishop A. M. A. Blanchet; to OR with Blanchet

PELLETIER, Marie Louisa Henrietta (c1812-1883?): m'd 1848 PLOMONDON, Simon; d/o Jean Baptiste and Rosalie (Blanchet) Pelletier and niece of Bishop A. M. A. Blanchet; to OR with Blanchet

PENDLETON, Champney (1812-1857): m'd 1830 MANN, Phoebe; daughter Lucy was b. Jan 1848 on arrival

PENDLETON, Elizabeth (c1843- ): m'd 1859 WHITNEY, James; d/o Champney and Phoebe (Mann) Pendleton

PENDLETON, Francis Marion (c1840- ): m'd FLETCHER, Mary Ellen; s/o Champney and Pheobe (Mann) Pendleton

PENDLETON, Hannah (1837- ): m1. 1855 DANIELS, Alay C.; m2. 1866 WHITNEY, Robert; d/o Champney and Phoebe (Mann) Pendleton

PENDLETON, John (1832- ): s/o Champney and Phoebe (Mann) Pendleton

PENDLETON, Michael (1835-1923): m1. 1865 ABBOTT, Elizabeth Jane; m2. 1871 BALL, Julia Ann; s/o Champney and Phoebe (Mann) Pendleton

PENDLETON, Rice (1831- ): s/o Champney and Phoebe (Mann) Pendleton

PENLAND, Henry (1833- ): m'd 1854 BROWN, Martha Jane

PENNINGTON, Stewart McKindra (1824- ): m'd 1850 COOPER, Abigail

*4:  PERMAN, Cassandra ( -1847): m1. 03 Oct 1839  BLEVINS, William; m2. 1845 Jeremiah HUNTLEY; died on trail and is buried near Willow Springs, OR

PETERSON, Richard B. "Ziba" (1805-1849): m'd 1831 HOPPER, Rebecca; with children Emily C., Thomas Charles, Cynthia Ann, George Washington, Mary, Corn or Com P., and A. S.; CA pioneers; per findagrave they arrived in 1846 as members of the Charles Hopper train, however that train crossed the plains in 1847; Ziba was sheriff of Dry Diggins by fall 1847, which was better known as Hangtown from  1848 to 1854, now Placerville

PETREE, Mahlon (1828-1914): m'd Davidson (SPLAWN), Matilda 

*12: PETTIJOHN, Isaac (1814-1872): m'd 1856 SAWTELLE, Abigail; kept a diary 1847; returned east in 1848

*12) *26) PETTYJOHN, Lewis (1820-1900): m'd 1844 RAINES,Sarah Ann; s/o Samuel and Lovisa Pettyjohn; brothers Molliston and William supposedly also came in 1847, but probably arrived later

*12) *26) PETTYJOHN, Martha Elizabeth "Lizzie" (1847-1930): m'd 1862 ROLAND, George W.; d/o Lewis and Sarah A. (Raines) Pettyjohn; b. 8 Feb. 1847 Missouri

*12) *26) PETTYJOHN, Mary Jane (1845-1902): m'd 1862 CRUMP, William R.; d/o Lewis and Sarah A. (Raines) Pettyjohn

PICKERING, Lucina A. (25 Aug 1819-06 Jun 1910): m1. 31 Dec 1835 HILL, Elijah; m2. 03 Mar 1852 COFFIN, Stephen; d/o Peter and Hannah (Bennett) Pickering; mother of 5 children by first husband and 5 children by second husband

PIERCE, Ashley: see PEARCE, Ashby

PIERCE, James Harrington (1824-1887): m'd 1850 PUTMAN, Martha Jane; s/o William and Nancy Jane (Hart) Pierce

PIERCE, Marie: m'd PORTER, William

PIERCE, Nancy Jane (1826-1912): m'd 1844 WOODFIN, Thomas Snelson; d/o William and Nancy Jane (Hart) Pierce

PIERCE, Sarah "Sally" (1801-1872): m'd 1821 BUFFUM, Hiram Barney

PIGG, John R. (1828-1852): m'd 1851 McCARTY, Nancy Jane; provisional land claim 25 Nov. 1847 in Polk County; his father Reuben is said to have arrived in 1848

PILES, Anna (c1810-aft 1880): m'd 1829 JOHNSON, James

PITNEY, Cyrus (1819-1856): m1. 1843 McCLAIN, Caroline; m2. 1854 FRIEND, Mrs. Martha

PITNEY, Eliza Ann (1843-1930): m'd 1858 EARNEST, Jacob; d/o Cyrus and Caroline (McClain) Pitney

PITNEY, Malinda (c1846-c1920): m'd 1862 SCHINDLER, Leonard; d/o Cyrus and Caroline (McClain) Pitney

PITNEY, Rachel (c1844- ): d/o Cyrus and Caroline (McClain) Pitney

PITNEY, Samuel (1843-1905): m'd 1870 JACOBS, Catherine J.; s/o Cyrus and Caroline (McClain) Pitney

PLUM,Mr.: in Burlington Iowa Company

POE, Andrew Jackson (1817-1902): m'd 1843 MEEK, Rachel Jane; kept a trail journal; returned east in 1848; he was brother-in-law of William Meek, unknown if wife and daughter Cynthia accompanied him

POLK, Adam Guthrie (11 Feb 1807-10 Nov 1847): m1. 1831 BURNSIDE, Caroline Lauren; m2. 1842 Cullen WINCHELL, Otelia; s/o William B. and Sarah (Cooper) Polk; died 9 or 10 Nov. 1847 on Columbia River on the Trail

POLK, Caroline Lauren "Carrie" (03 Apr 1843-08 Oct 1935): m'd 1870 WELLMAN, William; d/o Adam and Otelia (Winchell) Polk; buried Cypress Lawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo County, California

POLK, Cyrus (16 Feb 1834-07 Mar 1881): probably never m'd; s/o Adam and Caroline (Burnside) Polk; 1880 census residing in Pleasant Valley, Baker County, Oregon

POLK, Jerome (30 Sep 1835-13 Aug 1859): probably never m'd; s/o Adam and Caroline (Burnside) Polk; died at the Dalles, Oregon

POLK, Milton (21 Oct 1837- 20 Feb 1908): probably never m'd; s/o Adam and Caroline (Burnside) Polk; buried Grandview Cemetery, LaGrande, Union County, Oregon

POLK, Sarah Ellen (1845-05 Jan 1924): m'd 10 Dec 1862 HARKER, James Bartlett; d/o Adam and Otelia (Winchell) Polk; died Palo Alto, Santa Clara, California

POLK, William (04 Oct 1839-24 Feb 1896 ): s/o Adam and Caroline (Burnside) Polk; may have remained in the east with relatives; buried Hampton National Cemetery, Hampton, Hampton City, Virginia

POLLARD, Richard Henry (1822-1897): m'd 1851 MILLER, Matilda Ann*26) POLLEY, Joseph Cox (1831-1912): s/o Peter and Elizabeth (Cox) Polley; born 28 Sep 1831 and died 25 Jan 1912

*26) POLLEY, Joseph Cox (1831-1912): m1. 1857 PENLAND, Nancy; m2. 1900 Taylor TRIMBLE, Charlotte; s/o Peter and Elizabeth (Cox) Polley; born 28 Sep 1831 and died 25 Jan 1912

*26) POLLEY, Peter (1806-1911): m'd 1829 COX, Elizabeth; born 09 Jul 1806 and died 29 Dec 1893

POPE, Mary: m'd COX, Mr.

PORTER, Ann Maria (1814-1891): m'd 1828 KINNEY, Samuel

PORTER, Eleanor (1834- ): m'd 1850 LENOX, Edward Henry; d/o William and Susannah (Ramsey) Porter

PORTER, John Ramsey (1827-1886): m1. 1854 LEVERICH, Permelia Ann; m2. [ ], Silicia A.; s/o William and Susannah (Ramsey) Porter

PORTER, Lucinda (1838- ): m'd 1866 WHETMORE, James A.; d/o William and Susannah (Ramsey) Porter

PORTER, Nancy (1829-1847): d/o William and Susannah (Ramsey) Porter; died on the Trail

PORTER, Sarah Jane (1832-1868): m'd 1850 SHANNON, Samuel Ward; d/o William and Susannah (Ramsey) Porter

PORTER, Susannah (1841- ): m'd 1861 ROLFE, Samuel; d/o William and Susannah (Ramsey) Porter

PORTER, William [Rev.] (1803-1872): m'd 1824 RAMSEY, Susannah; Baptist minister from Ohio and Illinoi, crossed the plains with wife and seven children, one dying on the Trail; oldest daughter Ruth with husband David McCurdy came to OR in the mid 1860's

PORTER, William A. (1844- ): s/o William and Susannah (Ramsey) Porter

POST, Albion K. [Alva] (c1826-c1863): m'd c1854 [ ], Mary A.

POTTER, John (c1803- ): m'd 1849 MILLER, Hulda

POTTER, Levi Cincinnatus (1826-1898): m'd 1857 KNOX, Hannah Mary

POUJADE, Ann (1793-1886): m'd 1838 POUJADE, J. P.

POUJADE, Andrew [Andre] Isadore (1836-1907): m1. 1857 KLINGLER, Matilda, div.; m2. 1874 O'BRIEN, Mary Agnes; s/o John and Mary (Noble) Poujade

POUJADE, John Pierre. Dr.:( 1790-1875): m1. NOBLE, Mary; m2. Nov. 1838 or 1839 [ ], Ann; all of his children were by his first wife, who died in Louisiana

POUJADE, Louis Henry (1828-1916): m1 1853 SIMMONS, Catherine; m2. 1869 BARNES, Mary Ann; s/o John and Mary (Noble) Poujade

POUJADE, Mary ( -c1850): m'd 1849 KENNEDY, John; d/o John and Mary (Noble) Poujade; called "underage daughter" at marriage

POUJADE, Theodore Clement (1830-1904): m'd 18 Feb 1851 COSGROVE, Marguerite; s/o John and Mary (Noble) Poujade

POWELL, David (1814-1887): m1. HURLESS, Almedia; m2. 1852 GREER, Ann Eliza; s/o Allen and Polly (Johnson) Powell; brothers Jackson, William and John also came in 1847; brother James and sister Jane PUGH came in 1852

POWELL, Exum (1791-1863): m'd 1822 LOUDERBACK, Mrs. Elizabeth [ ]; came with family of her son John Louderback

POWELL, Hannah (1818-02 Jan 1893): m'd 17 Sep 1834 ROBNETT, William; d/o Richard and Rachel (James) Powell; buried Crawfordsville Union Cemetery, Crawfordsville, Linn County, Oregon

POWELL, Jackson (1816-1890): m'd 1853 PUGH, Nancy R.; s/o Allen and Polly (Johnson) Powell; came again in 1852

POWELL, James M.:

POWELL, John (1823-1899): m'd 1852 MILLIORN, Martha Ann; s/o Allen and Polly (Johnson) Powell

POWELL, John Wesley (c1843-1862): s/o David and Almedia (Hurless) Powell

POWELL, Leonard Jackson (1834-1887): m'd 1861 RANSOM, Martha; s/o David and Almedia (Hurless) Powell

POWELL, Nancy M. (1802-1866): m'd 1826 ALLEN, Solomon

POWELL, Sarah Ann (c1846- ): m'd 1865 HILL, H.C.; d/o David and Almedia (Hurless) Powell

POWELL, Susan Frances (c1841- ): m'd 1867 WEBB, Henry M.W.; d/o David and Almedia (Hurless) Powell

POWELL, Thomas:

POWELL, William (c1820-1847): s/o Allen and Polly (Johnson) Powell; died about 23 July 1847 on the banks of Green River on the Trail; he was baptized at Fort John "on the Laramie" on 27 June 1847 age 27 by J.B.A. Brouillet and buried by the Catholic priests several weeks later as noted in the journal of Bishop blanchet and the notes of Brouillet, later incorporated into the records of the Mission of St. Rose and St. Patrick's Church in Walla Walla

POWELL, William ( -1847): infant s/o David and Almedia (Hurless) Powell; among those baptized and buried between 13 Aug. and 30 Sep. along the Trail by the Catholic priests

POWERS, Winslow P. (1821-1895): m'd 1854 TOWER, Harriet N.

PRATTON, Abram (1828- ): m'd 1851 MOUNT, Julia Ann

*10) PRESNALL, Elizabeth (1813-1851): m'd 1830 LUELLING, Henderson H.

PRETTYMAN, Daniel L. (1834-1905): m'd 1856 RENNISON, Susan Jane; s/o Perry and Elizabeth (Vessels) Prettyman

PRETTYMAN, David D (1832-1909): m'd 1850 RIGGS , Sarah A.; s/o Perry and Elizabeth (Vessels) Prettyman

PRETTYMAN, Henry W. (1839-1924): m'd 1868 VANDEVERT, Rachel D.; s/o Perry and Elizabeth (Vessels) Prettyman

PRETTYMAN, Hester H. (c1836-c1848): d/o Perry and Elizabeth (Vessels) Prettyman; died not long after arrival in Oregon at age 12

PRETTYMAN, Perry Dr. (1796-1872): m'd 1825 VESSELS, Elizabeth H.; said to have had ten children, only 4 living in 1872

PRETTYMAN, William D. (1846-1921): s/o Perry and Elizabeth (Vessels) Prettyman

*4) PREWETT, David (1838- ): m'd 1863 THOMAS, Juley; s/o John and Mary Ann Prewett

PREWETT, Elizabeth (c1841- ): d/o Thomas and Mahala M. Prewett

*4) PREWETT, Esau (18 Feb 1836-06 Feb 1908 ): m'd 19 Aug 1860 ARCHER, Sarah E.; s/o John and Mary Ann Prewett; settled in Linn County and later removed to Coos County where he died; “Esau Prewett.  b. Indiana 1836.  Settled near Parkersburg 1875.  Married Sarah E. Archer.  Children: Cornelia, Nancy, Mary, Martha, Thomas, Amanda, May E. D., Lillie G., Rosilla E.B.” [A Century of Coos and Curry County by Peterson and Powers p. 565]

*4) PREWETT, David (1838- ): s/o John and Mary Prewett

*4) PREWETT, Jacob F. (15 Feb 1834-05 Dec 1908 ): m'd 09 Jul 1857 FOLLIS, Mary Jane; s/o John and Mary Ann Prewett; settled originally in Marion County; 1849 went with his father to CA in search of gold, returning the same year; 1850 moved to Linn County, locating near Scio.  In 1868 he moved to Looking Glass and a year later to Brewster Valley, Coos Co., Or.. After a year he moved to Coquille City and twelve months later he moved to Bear Creek, Coos Co, OR. He was the father of  David H., born Nov. 29, 1858; Mary C., born Feb. 2, 1861; Wm. A., born Aug. 29, 1863; Sarah J., born Aug. 29, 1863; Lucy A., born Nov. 29, 1865; Jacob F., born Feb. 6, 1868; Samuel T., born Sept. 26, 1876 [The Pioneer History of Coos and Curry Counties,  OR contributed by Robyn Greenlund]

*4) PREWETT, John (1808-aft 1870): m'd 06 Sep 1829 FLEENER, Mary Ann; settled Linn County

*4) PREWETT, Joseph (1826-1850): m'd 1846 BAKER, Martha "Patsy"; s/o Esau and Elizabeth (Brooks) Prewett

*4) PREWETT or PRUETT, Mrs. Mahala M. (c1824- ): m'd PREWETT, Thomas

*4) PREWETT, Mary Ann (c1810- ): m'd 1829 PREWETT, John; maiden name unknown at this time

*4) PREWETT, Minerva (12 May 1830-Jun 1863): m'd 1849 CRANK, Joseph; d/o John and Mary Ann Prewett

PREWETT, Nancy J. (c1845- ): d/o Thomas and Mahala M. Prewett

*4) PREWETT, Rowena (16 feb 1832-03 May 1910): m'd 1848 NEAL, John Oliver; d/o John and Mary Ann Prewett

PREWETT, Samuel (1846-1927): m1. 1868 Allard THACKER, Ellen; m2. 1886 Tully RICHARDSON, Ida L.; s/o Joseph and Martha (Baker) Prewett

*4) PREWETT, Thomas (1838- ): s/o John and Mary Prewett

PREWETT, Thomas (c1821-c1850): m'd [ ], Mahala M.; s/o Esau and Elizabeth (Brooks) Prewett

PREWETT, William (c1843- ): s/o Thomas and Mahala M. Prewett

PRUETT, Jehu Higgins (1820-1866): m'd 1843 RINGO, Elizabeth; s/o Samuel and Hannah (Higgins) Prewett

PRUETT, John Alvin (1846-1893): m'd 1882 DUNN, Ida; s/o Jehu and Elizabeth (Ringo) Pruett

PRUETT, William Hamilton (1844-1902): m'd 1871 HARPOLE, Barbara; s/o Jehu and Elizabeth (Ringo) Prewett

PUMPHREY, Susanna T.(1820-1877): m'd HURFORD, Joseph E.

PURDY, Aaron (1806-1866): m'd 1829/30 BUCKLEW, Belinda

PURDY, Aaron Jasper (1840-1880): m'd c1871 SMITH, Eva J.; s/o Aaron and Belinda (Bucklew) Purdy

PURDY, Hannah (1832-1859): m'd 1850 SAVAGE, Morgan Louis; d/o Aaron and Belinda (Bucalew) Purdy

PURDY, Sarah Eleanor (1838-1938): m'd 1857 HARDING, Elisha Jenkins; d/o Aaron and Belinda (Bucklew) Purdy

PUTMAN, Daniel Bennett (1810-1887): m1. 1830 FINDLEY, Isabelle; m2. 1851 Landingham (KEENEY), Rebecca; s/o Hazeal and Isabel (Combs) Putman

*11) PUTMAN, David Hazeal (1836-1888): m'd 1854 LEMASTER, Catherine; s/o Daniel and Isabelle (Findley) Putman

*11) PUTMAN, James Lee McHinson (1847-1916): m'd 1870 EWING, Mary Ellen; s/o Daniel and Isabelle (Findley) Putman; born on trail or on 10 Jan. 1847 Holt Co., MO

*11) PUTMAN, John Harrison (1838-1905): m'd 1861 WOODFIN, Hannah Louisa; s/o Daniel and Isabelle (Findley) Putman

*11) PUTMAN, Mahala (1834-1905): m'd 1850 ROBINETT, Pleasant; d/o Daniel and Isabelle (Findley) Putman

*11) PUTMAN, Martha (1832-1905): m'd 1850 PIERCE, James; d/o Daniel and Isabelle (Findley) Putman

*11) PUTMAN, Mary Elizabeth (1842-1917): m'd 1855 LEMASTER, James F. Elam; d/o Daniel and Isabelle (Findley) Putman

*12: PYBURN, George W. (1830-1872): m'd 1851 CAHOON, Adaline Isabell; s/o Amon and Rachel (Robins) Pyburn (may have been emigrant of 1844)

RADER, Archibald M. (1828-after 1870): m’d 1849 SIMMONS, Drucilla, divorced 1870

RADER, Catherine (1817-c1849): m’d 1841 SIMMONS, William; d/o John and Catherine (Kifer) Roeder; not mentioned in claim papers, but a fifth child born end of Dec. 1848 Oregon

RAINES, John ( -1849): m’d 1829 Neal, Millie (COX); probably came alone, and evidently went back to Missouri where he died, birth of 1819 as given in pioneer register undoubtedly off by some years

*12) *26) RAINES, Sarah Ann (1827/9-1916): m’d 1844 PETTYJOHN, Lewis; d/o John and Millie (Cox) Raines and niece of Thomas Cox 

RAINWATER, A. M. (1820- ): m'd , S. E. - should be RAINWATER, Alexander Martin (1820-1890): m’d 1852 EMMETT, Sarah Elizabeth

*8*9) R
ALSTON, Charles Henry (1847-1929): m'd 1870 GRIGGS, Sarah Katherine; s/o Jeremiah and Jemima (Ashpaugh) Ralston; born 1 June 1847 on the Trail at Ash Hollow

*8*9) RALSTON, Eliza (1843-1917): m’d 1858 ROLAND, David Sylvester; d/o Jeremiah and Jemima (Ashpaugh) Ralston

*8*9) RALSTON, Elizabeth Jane (1828-1915): m’d 31 Jul 1849 MOIST, Joseph; d/o Jeremiah and Margaret (McKnight) Ralston

*8*9) RALSTON, Jeremiah (1798-1877): m1. 26 Dec 1822 MCNIGHT, Margaret; m2. 20 Sep 1838 ASHBAUGH, Jemima; s/o Joseph and Jane (Walker) Ralston; settled Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon; died after being injured in a wagon accident

*8*9) RALSTON, Jeremiah Jr. (1833-1866): m’d 1857 BREEDEN, Elizabeth Jane “Lizzie”; s/o Jeremiah and Margaret (McKnight) Ralston

*8*9) RALSTON, Joseph R. (1826-1897): m'd 1852 HOOD, Caroline ; s/o Jeremiah and Margaret (McKnight) Ralston

*8*9) RALSTON, Sarah Catherine (1841-1862): m'd 05 Mar 1857 ROLAND, Jacob O.; d/o Jeremiah and Jemima (Ashpaugh) Ralston

*8*9) RALSTON, William McKnight (1824-1906): m1. 10 Mar 1853 DENNY, Laura Ann; m2. 26 May 1901 BIDDLE, Mrs. Plantena; s/o Jeremiah and Margaret (McKnight) Ralston

RAMEY, Daniel C. (1828-1909):

RAMSAY, Elizabeth M. (1812-1898): m'd 1830 TEMPLETON, William Thompson

RAMSBY, Maxwell (1821-1906): m’d 1849 SMITH, Elizabeth “Eliza” Ann; although records indicate 1847, note that gravestone calls him pioneer of 1846

RAMSEY, Amelia Ann "Milly" (1840- ): m'd 1857 ETZWILER, John Joseph; m2. by 1887 STOLTZ, unknown; she is possibly the Milly STOLTE who died 1888; d/o David and Susanna (Shuck) Ramsey; mother of  9 children (William Henry, Simon Loyal, Sarah E., Martha Jane, George Monroe, John J., Julia Ann, Mary Cecillia and Samuel Joseph)

RAMSEY, David (1815-1891): m'd 1838 SHUCK, Susanna; was one of the first members of the Quaker faith to settle in the Newberg area; David Ramsey was the father of 12 children (Amelia Ann, Martin J., Elizabeth B., William Marion, Sarah A., Louise Jane, Mary Lucinda, George, David M., James M., Emma and Minnie M.)

RAMSEY, Eliza Ann (1827-1888): m’d 1845 INGRAM, Charles Thomas

RAMSEY, Elizabeth (1845-1872): m'd 1861 PARROTT, Samuel; m2. 1863 EVEREST, Reuben; d/o David and Susanna (Shuck) Ramsey; mother of 6 children (Edwin, Bina, Dilla, Anna, Walter and James T.)

RAMSEY, Frederick H. (1824-1895): said to be pioneer of 1847; came originally 1844

RAMSEY, Martin J. (c1843-1897): m'd 1870 HANNA, Mary W.; m2. 1875 POWELL Sultina (HARRIS)  ; s/o David and Susanna (Shuck) Ramsey; appears to have no children

RAMSEY, Susannah (1803-1896): m’d 1824 PORTER, William Rev.; d/o William Ramsey

RAMSEY, William Marion (1846-1937): m'd 1870 HARRIS, Mahala Alzada; m2. 1896 SNYDER, Julia L. (JOHNSON); s/o David and Susanna (Shuck) Ramsey; lawyer at McMinnville;organizer and first dean of law school at Willamette University (1884-1888), OR state supreme court (1913-1915), and circuit court of appeals judge until sometime prior to his retirement.  He served as an attorney in OR for 69 years (1868-1937).  1876 moved to Salem; 1888 moved to Pendleton but remained only 3 years due to the health of his wife, moving back to McMinnville;  in later years he moved several times but by 1911 had returned to McMinnville once again.  He served in several public positions including Mayor of Salem from 1886-1888.  William Ramsey was the father of four children by his first wife (Nellie, Frederick E., Horace M. and Mary E.) and 1 child by his second wife (Margaret).

RANDALL, Chester E. (1840-1915?): m1. 1862 CRABTREE, Rebecca; m2. 1877 Gaylord, Henrietta (STEWART); s/o Elisha H. and Susannah (Earl) Randall

RANDALL, Darius Bullock (1837-1877): m’d 1866 ANKENY, Arabella Josephine "Belle"; s/o Elisha H. and Susannah (Earl) Randall

RANDALL,Elisha H. (1810-1883): m’d 1836 EARL, Susannah

RANDALL, Elisha S. (1842-1860): s/o Elisha H. and Susannah (Earl) Randall

RANDALL, Mary S./J. (1844-1894?): m1. 1861 BROWN, Horace M.; m2. 1885 LEIGH, Joseph C.; d/o Elisha H. and Susannah (Earl) Randall

RANSOM, Martha: m'd 1861 POWELL, L. J.

RAYNER, James O. (1823-1888): m’d 1850 HOOD, Mrs. Sarah Jane; kept a trail journal; settled in Oregon; Methodist minister, chaplain for US Army 1864 to 1887 in California, where he died

REDDING, Elizabeth “Eliza” Ann (1843-1928): m’d 1858 PALMER, John Hopkins; d/o Stephen H. and Mary A. (Beaver) Redding

REDDING, Henrietta (1841-1905): m1. 1856 CUNNINGHAM, Philander; m2. c1862 Francis David MARTIN; m3. 1865 SPRINGER, John; d/o Stephen H. and Mary A. (Beaver) Redding

REDDING, Mary (1826-1883): m’d 1842 HARTY, Dennis; d/o James and Nancy (Bates) Redding

REDDING, Mary Arminta (1846-1938): m1. 1860 TEMPES, Edward Francis; m2. 1924 ADAMS, John Whitman; d/o Stephen H. and Mary A. (Beaver) Redding

REDDING, Stephen H. (1818-1847): m’d 1840 BEAVER, Mary Ann; s/o Stephen H. and Emelia Redding; died 12 July 1847 at the second crossing of the Platte River on the Trail

REDDING, William E. (1845- ): s/o Stephen H. and Mary A. (Beaver) Redding; not found in 1850, possibly died young in Missouri

REDMAN, Francis Kendrick [K. F. “Ken”] (1828-1910): m’d 1852 FARRELL, Matilda; to OR 1847; to CA 1848; to MO 1850/1; to CA again 1864

REED, Adeline (c1832-1873/8): m1. 1849 WILLIAMSON, Solomon D.; m2. 1872 STARR, John Wesley (son of William Fletcher Starr); d/o Reason and Nancy (Lee) Reed

REED, David ( -1847): brother of Reason Reed; died at Vancouver in Dec.

REED, Henry (1814- ):

REED, Joseph (c1834- ): m’d 1857 Williamson, Mrs. Rachel Maria(PEARSON); s/o Reason and Nancy (Lee) Reed; died possibly by 1870

REED, Mary Margaret (c1830-1848): d/o Reason and Nancy (Lee) Reed; died at Vancouver soon after arrival

REED, Rachel (1796-1875): m’d 1816 LARKINS, William E.

REED, Reason (1807-1883): m1. 1830 LEE, Nancy; m2. 1854 McCullock, Mrs. Susan (WARE); brother of David Reed and brother-in-law of George Cline

REED, Samuel (c1839- ): prob. m’d 1863 SLOCUM, Emma A.; s/o Reason and Nancy (Lee) Reed

REED, Sarah Elizabeth (1837-1870): m’d 1858 BARNETT, Carrick H.; d/o Reason and Nancy (Lee) Reed

REES, George (1818-1904): m’d 1848 ENGLE, Sarah; m2. 1861 WILSON, Mrs. Eunice Ann (THOMPSON)

REES, Lewis (1822-1893): m'd by 1870, COLWELL, Mrs. Huldah, divorced 1875

REXFORD, Charles (c1844-1924): m’d 1874 Rexford, Serepta (HALLOCK); s/o William D. and Laura A. (Hamilton) Rexford

REXFORD, Ensign E. (1841-1915): m'd 1874 Farmer, Amanda Jane (WYLIE); s/o William D. and Laura A. (Hamilton) Rexford

REXFORD, Hannah (c1832-after 1800): m'd 1849 CUSHMAN, Wallace; d/o William D. and Laura (Hamilton) Rexford

REXFORD, John Paul (1830-1903): m’d 1854 WOODY, Mary “Polly”, divorced; s/o William D. and Laura A. (Hamilton) Rexford

REXFORD, Laura Ann (c1839-1903): m1. 1854 BENNETT, William, divorced; m2. c1870 DEVENDORF, George M. (common law); m3. 1885 MURRAY, Charles; d/o William D. and Laura A. (Hamilton) Rexford

REXFORD, Martha (1846-1928): m1. 1861 ROSS, Isaac Parson; m2. c1907 BERTHOLD, John; d/o William D. and Laura A. (Hamilton) Rexford

REXFORD, William Dows (1800-1875): m’d 1825 HAMILTON, Laura Ann

REXFORD, William Riley (c1835- ): s/o William D. and Laura Rexford

REYNOLDS, Jackson (1830- ):


RHOADES, Alphonso (1820- ): m1. 1843 CARNES, Phoebe Euphema; m2. 1860 Parrott, Maria (EVEREST), divorced 1862; s/o Ezekiel and Eliza V. (Blackington) Rhoades; originally settled in Marion County; later moved to to Pacific Co, WA where they were engaged in oystering..

RHOADES, Ann Eliza (1846-1906): m’d 1861 PARROTT, Thomas H., d/o Alphonso and Phoebe (Carns) Rhoades

RHOADES, Dalinda (1825-1882): m'd  03 Aug 1843 GOODELL, John Brown; d/o Ezekiel and Eliza (Blackington) Rhoades; born 21 Jul 1825 Clermont Co, OH and died 10 Feb 1882 Oakville, Linn Co, OR; settled with husband and children at Champoeg, Marion Co, OR;  after death of husband she moved to Linn County;  buried Oakville Cemetery, Oakville, Linn Co, OR; mother of 7 children (Thomas R., Cynthia Ann, Mary Avarilla, Francis Marion, William Henry, Christopher Columbus and John Lincoln)

RHOADES, Eleazer (1844-1900): m'd 1872 GARLETTS, Harriet E.; s/o George and Mary M. (Kaler) Rhoades

RHOADES, Eliza Ann [Mary Ann] (c1823/9- ): d/o Ezekiel and Eliza V. (Blackington) Rhoades

RHOADES, Francis Marion (1832-1915): m’d 1854 MOUNTS, Mary Ann; s/o Ezekiel and Eliza V. (Blackington) Rhoades

RHOADES, George (1822-1895): m1. 1843 KALER, Mary Magdalene “Lany”; m2. 1859 Oglesby, Martha Jane (BONNEY); s/o Ezekiel and Eliza V. (Blackington) Rhoades


RHOADES, Julia Jackson ( -1914): emigrated as a single man

RHOADES, Lewis Henry (1844-1916): m’d 1861 PARROTT, Catherine; s/o Alphonso and Phoebe (Carns) Rhoades

RHOADES, Malvina (c1835- ): d/o Ezekiel and Eliza V. (Blackington) Rhoades

RICARD, Fr. Pascal (1805-1862): Oblate superior with Bishop Blanchet; returned to France 1856

RICE, Julius Jackson (1828-1893): m’d 1857 McCLURE, Elizabeth Anna

16) RICHARDSON, Cornelia Lucretia (1847-1928): m1. 1866 MYERS, William; m2. 06 Jan 1886 GREGORY, George Elmer; d/o Nathaniel and Anna (Bushnell) Richardson; born 14 Sep 1847 Foster Farm, Clackamas Co, OR and died 02 Mar 1928 Meridian, Ada Co, ID; buried Meridian Cemetery, Meridian, Ada Co, ID; mother of 6 children by first husband (Edward Elmer, Mary Ethel, Ernest Shannon, Volna Lewis, Marion Doone, and Vernon Clarence) and 2 children by second husband (Child and Raymond Percy); residing in ID by 1870 census where she remained until her death

RICHARDSON, Elizabeth (1812 -1888): m'd GUILD,Peter; Elizabeth was born 26 April 1812 in Blacksburg, Virginia and died on 17 October 1888 at Portland, Oregon. Peter and Elizabeth are buried in the family plot at Riverview Cemetery in Portland, Oregon. They had 8 children including my great grandmother Isabelle Guild born 20 Dec. 1849 in Portland, Oregon.  Peter and Chloe had 3 children (Leonard b. 8 NOV. 1830 , Betsy b. 5 Nov. 1832 and Charles b. 8 Feb.1835).   Charles was the only child to survive the accident on the river, Leonard and Betsy drowned.  

16) RICHARDSON, Francis or Frances M. (c1838- ): c/o Nathaniel and Anna (Bushnell) Richardson; listed as a son in 1850 census. Information regarding the marriage to Lindsay Littleton is incorrect.

RICHARDSON, George ( -1847): of Schuylkill PA; said by George BRUBAKER to be among three men captured by "Camanches" 1847 on the way to California, and killed shortly after attempting to escape

RICHARDSON, George (1812-1877): m1. 1840 WILLIAMSON, Martha; m2. 1854 Lambert, Mrs. Sarah A. (GUSTIN); s/o Shadrach and Mary Elizabeth (Garrett) Richardson; brother of Solomon 

16) RICHARDSON, George Washington (1836-1900): s/o Nathaniel and Anna (Bushnell) Richardson; born 1836 Adams Co, IL and died 1900 Baker, Baker Co, OR; buried Mt. Hope Cemetery, Baker, Baker Co, OR

RICHARDSON, James (1843-1847): s/o Solomon and Elizabeth (Trullinger) Richardson; died 25 June 1847 on the Trail along Platte River, run over by a wagon

RICHARDSON, John A. (1846-1911): m’d 1873 SPEAKE, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Solomon and Elizabeth (Trullinger) Richardson

16) RICHARDSON, John Albert (1833-1900): m'd 12 Jul 1871 WHITED, Minerva Jane; s/o Nathaniel and Anna (Bushnell) Richardson; born 17 May 1833 Adams Co, IL and died c1899 Baker, Baker Co, OR; father of 7 children (George G., Mary May, Clarence Victor, Albert, Emory Harlan, Clara B.. and Francis Wallace); by 1880 had moved to Baker Co where he remained until his death c1899 (his wife is enumerated as a widow in the 1900 census)

16) RICHARDSON, Lewis Clarke (1826-1868): m'd 15 Aug 1852 WHITLEY, Eliza; s/o John G. and Orpha (Thompson) Richardson (reportedly went to CA in 1847, returned east and emigrated with parents in 1851 (see 1851). born 12 Jun 1826 Morgan Co, IL and died 18 Feb 1868 in probably CA; after wife's death in 1866 he is found listed in the 1866 San Francisco, CA voters registration; father of two children (Samuel Thurston and Mary Louisa)

16) RICHARSON, Lois Ann (c1842-c1885): m'd 07 Nov 1861 KRAMER, Lewis P.; d/o Nathaniel and Anna (Bushnell) Richardson; born c1842 Adams Co, IL and died c1885 probably in Walla Walla Co, WA; mother of 9 children (John M., Calvin L., Nettie R., William Ernest, Robert Clifford, Annie, Mary J., Charles W., and Nellie I.)

16) RICHARDSON, Mary Elizabeth (1831-1890): m1. c1855 FORD, Augustus E.; m2. 1874 NEWCOMER, Solomon; d/o Nathaniel and Anna (Bushnell) Richardson; born 09 Oct 1831 Quincy, Adams Co, IL and died 20 Aug 1890 Boise, Ada Co, ID; mother of 5 children by her first husband (George E., Albert H., Laura A., Mary C. and Guilford D.)

RICHARDSON, Mary Elizabeth “Lizzy” (1840-1904): m1. 1853 JACOB, John Thomas; m2. 1889 ESSIG, George Jacob; d/o George and Martha (Williamson) Richardson

RICHARDSON, Matthew (1819-1898): m’d 1850 CUTTING, Orilla Ann (MATTOON)

16) RICHARDSON, Nathaniel Carpenter (1808-1898): m1. 09 Mar 1829 BUSHNELL, Anna Hurlburt (1808-1858); m2. 23 Jan 1873 COX, Mrs. Catherine Lydia (MCCONNAUGHEY); s/o George F. and Sarah (Griffin) Richardson; born 1808 Madison Co, IL and died 23 Dec 1899 Hillsboro, Washington Co, OR; buried Lewis Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington Co, OR; father of 7 children by first wife ( Mary Elizabeth, John A., George Washington, Frances M., Lois Ann, Cornelia Lucretia and Peter H.) father of 1 child by second wife (Nathan); moved from Clackamas Co to Polk Co and by 1870 was in Washington Co, where he remained until his death

RICHARDSON, Shadrach “Shade” (1843-1916): m’d 1880 OLDS, Charity America; s/o George and Martha (Williamson) Richardson

RICHARDSON, Solomon (1813-1888): m’d 1842 TRULLINGER, Elizabeth; s/o Shadrach and Mary Elizabeth (Garrett) Richardson; brother of George

RICHARDSON, William Jackson (1846-1905): never married; s/o George and Martha (Williamson) Richardson

RICHES, George Palgrave or Palgriffe Smith (1821-1891): m1. 1851 HUNT, Mary Shotwell; m2. 1852 WALKER, Mary Jane (WATKINS)

RICHIE/RICHEY, James: settled Clatsop county

RICHIE/RICHEY, John: settled Clatsop county

RIDENOUR or RYDENHOUR family: all died on Trail but one boy, per James Jory

*11) RIDGEWAY, Mary (1810-1873): m'd 1833 Watson, James

RIGGS, Daniel (1804-1890): m1. 1827 CHAPMAN, Mahala Einear; m2. 1874 MILLER, Mary; s/o Timothy and Nancy (Welch) Riggs

RIGGS, Elisha (1841-1921): m’d 1863 OFFIELD, Sarah Jane; s/o Daniel and Mahala (Chapman) Riggs

RIGGS, Francis Marion (1832-c1895): m’d 1854 DONELSON, Elizabeth M.; s/o Daniel and Mahala (Chapman) Riggs

RIGGS, George Washington (1836-1914): m’d 1873 DONALDSON, Sophronia Mary; s/o Daniel and Mahala (Chapman) Riggs

RIGGS, John C. (1839-1928): m1. 1866 BURSON, Rebecca; m2. c1893 GILGARD, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth; s/o Daniel and Mahala (Chapman) Riggs

RIGGS, Nancy Ann “Annie” (1834-1925): m1. 1851 GRIBBLE, Andrew Ensley; m2. 1882 KESSELRING, George W.; d/o Daniel and Mahala (Chapman) Riggs

RIGGS, Rebecca (1812-1874): m’d 1829 FIELDS, Thomas; d/o Thomas and Leah (Hunt) Riggs

RIGGS, William W. (1843-1877): m’d 1864 CONNER, Sarah Jane; s/o Daniel and Mahala (Chapman) Riggs

RILEY, George W. (1844-after 1900): s/o John and Hannah (Everest) Riley

RILEY, John (1818-1859): m’d 1841 EVEREST, Hannah

RINGO, Elizabeth (1829-1865): m’d 1843 PRUETT, Jehu Higgins; d/o Robert and Sarah (Hodge) Ringo; sister of Emily and Mary Jane

RINGO, Emily (1819-1898): m1. 1836 SMITH, Daniel S.; m2. 1859 SIMPSON, Samuel; d/o Robert and Sarah (Hodge) Ringo; said to be pioneer of 1847; sister of Elizabeth and Mary Jane

RINGO, Mary Jane (1823-1899): m’d 1844 SMITH, John Thompson; d/o Robert and Sarah (Hodge) Ringo; sister of Elizabeth and Emily

*27: RISK, William: single man

RITCHEY, James H. (1819-Apr 1901): s/o George Washington and Lucy (Humphreys) Ritchey; died San Luis Obispo, California

RITCHEY, Jane (1813-1898): m’d 1829 FINDLEY, David Jr.; d/o James and Elizabeth (Macon) Ritchey

RITCHEY, John M. (c1819-aft 1890) s/o George Washington and Lucy (Humphreys) Ritchey; lived in Washington County 1850s; showed in Portland City Directory 1872; a John M. Ritchey was living in California 1890

RITCHIE, Janet/Jennett (c1781-1856): m'd 1800 FINDLEY, David Sr.; husband died in 1838 in IL; d/o John and Nancy (Carmichael) Ritchie

ROBBINS, Elias (1825-1906): m’d 1851 WHITE, Sarah

ROBERTS, Emily Jane "Emma" (1840-1914): m1. 1864 COWELS, Robert A.; m2. 1868 ARZNER, John Lucas; d/o Jesse and Jane (Dodson) Roberts

ROBERTS, General Napoleon (c1845-1892): m'd 1879 CHAPMAN, Almarine; s/o Jesse and Jane (Dodson) Roberts

ROBERTS, George W. (c1843-1922): m'd 1863 MARTIN, Frances "Fanny"; s/o Jesse and Jane (Dodson) Roberts

ROBERTS, James M. (c1829-1865?): s/o Chatham and Susan (Brown) Roberts

ROBERTS, Jesse (1813-1861): m’d 1834 DODSON, Mary Jane; s/o Jesse and Nancy Jane (Anderson) Roberts

ROBERTS, Jonathan Chatham “Chat” (1831-after 1900): m’d 1852 ROBINETT, Rachel Elizabeth; s/o Chatham and Susan (Brown) Roberts

ROBERTS, Nelson (c1836-after 1880): m’d 1858 YOCUM, Ruby J. (divorced by 1868); s/o Jesse and Jane (Dodson) Roberts

ROBERTSON, Catherine (c1812-1890): m’d 1826 TAYLOR, James

ROBINETT: see ROBNETT  Early family records show the spelling as Robnett.  Some family members retainred that spelling as indicated on their headstones.  Other changed it to Robinett

ROBINSON, Clarinda Belle (1831-1877): m’d 1851 SCOTT, James Morgan; d/o Rev. William and Susannah (Cannon) Robinson

ROBINSON, Elizabeth R. “Betty” (1819-1876): m1. 1838 ALFREY, Joseph W.; m2. 1853 BARBUR, James Asbury; d/o Rev. William and Susannah (Cannon) Robinson

ROBINSON, Mary Elizabeth (1847-30 Jul 1926): m1. 02 Mar 1871 LEACH, William (divorced 1880); m2. 13 Seo 1786 PENFIELD, Abraham C.; m3. FORTAINE, Julian Othello; d/o Nathaniel and Mary (Dorland) Robinson; died Los Angeles County, California; burial unknown

ROBINSON, Matilda Sarah (1834-1917): m1. 1849 [or 1850] RIGGS, Washington Lafayette; m2. c1876 HAAS, James W.; d/o Rev. William and Susannah (Cannon) Robinson

ROBINSON, Nancy Jane (1840-1881): m'd 31 Dec 1857 JOHNSON, Ashbel Logan; d/o Nathaniel and Mary (Dorland) Robinson; burial unknown

ROBINSON, Nathaniel (29 Dec 1810-04 Nov 1881): m'd 26 May 1834 DORLAND, Mary Elizabeth; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon

ROBINSON, Rebecca Ellen (1843-1890): m'd 28 May 1863 WEATHERFORD, James Washington; d/o Nathaniel and Mary (Dorland) Robinson; burial unknown

ROBINSON, Richard Cannon (1825-1906): m’d 1853 PETREE, Sarah Ann; s/o Rev. William and Susannah (Cannon) Robinson

ROBINSON, Surrenea Jane (1828-1919): m’d 1850 SCOTT, William Jehu Jackson; d/o Rev. William and Susannah (Cannon) Robinson

ROBINSON, William Rev. (1789-1864): m'd 1815 CANNON, Susannah

ROBISON [or ROBINSON], Amanda (c1846- ): d/o James B. and Melissa H. (Warner) Robison

ROBISON [or ROBINSON], J. Munsel ( -1847); with the Salem IA party first under Capt. Joseph Magone then under Capt. Thomas Hockett; died about 17 or 18 Aug. 1847 on the Trail, drowned first crossing of the Snake River - NOTE I don't know if this is the same man you have listed as ROBISON, James M. ( -1847): m'd KNOTTS, Sarah as I found no mention in records discovered of any marriage for J. M. or J. Munsel Robison or Robinson who died on the trail

ROBISON [or ROBINSON], James B. (1812-1857): m’d 1841 WARNER, Melissa H.; s/o John Robinson


ROBNETT, James (23 Jun 1830-06 May 1896): m’d 27 Nov 1851 SHIELDS, Jemima; s/o Joseph and Nancy (Barker) Robnett; buried Shields Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon

ROBNETT, Joseph (23 Jun 1824-30 Dec 1890): m’d 1851 HEADRICK, Mary Ann; s/o Joseph and Nancy (Barker) Robnett; said to be twin of Samuel; buried New Pine Creek Cemetery, New Pine Creek, Lake County, Oregon

ROBNETT, Joseph (09 Sep 1835-09 Mar 1904): m’d 14 Apr 1859 BROWN, Mary Barsheba; s/o William and Hannah (Powell) Robnett; buried Normal Hill Cemetery, Lewiston, Nez Perce County, Idaho

ROBNETT, Lucinda: See ROBNETT, Matilda Lucinda

ROBNETT, Martha Jane (02 Nov 1837-12 Apr 1918): m’d 1856 YATES, Joseph William; d/o William and Hannah (Powell) Robnett; buried Oakville Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon

ROBNETT, Matilda "Lucinda" (16 Feb 1812-09 Mar 1899): m'd 28 Dec 1833 HALL, Thomas Ammon; d/o Joseph and Nancy (Barker) Robnett; she was the mother of 7 known children (Robert, Mary Ann, Thomas, Lucinda, Missouri, Catharine, Liza and Louella) Thomas A. Hall family; buried Hall Cemetery, Saginaw, Lane County, Oregon

ROBNETT, Nancy (02 Jun 1842-06 Apr 1899): m’d 1857 RICE, James Norval; d/o William and Hannah (Powell) Robnett; buried Crawfordsville Union Cemetery, Crawfordsville, Linn County, Oregon

ROBNETT, Pleasant (12 Mar1821-31 Oct 1878): m’d 29 Jan 1849 PUTMAN, Mahala; s/o Joseph and Nancy (Barker) Robnett; buried Crawfordsville Union Cemetery, Crawfordsville, Linn County, Oregon

ROBNETT, Rachel Ann (22 Oct 1839-03 Dec 1913): m’d 1855 VAWTER, William; d/o William and Hannah (Powell) Robnett; buried San Jacinto Valley Cemetery, San Jacinto, Riverside County, California

ROBNETT, Samuel (23 Jun 1824-bef 1870): s/o Joseph and Nancy (Barker) Robnett; said to be twin to Joseph;

ROBNETT, Sarah Elizabeth (01 Sep 1844- 16 Apr 1869): m’d 26 Dec 1861 MOSS, Stephen Pike; d/o William and Hannah (Powell) Robnett; buried Crawfordsville Union Cemetery, Crawfordsville, Linn County, Oregon

ROBNETT, William (16 Feb 1809 - 03 Apr 1886): m'd 17 Sep 1834 POWELL, Hannah; s/o Joseph and Nancy (Barker) Robnett; buried Crawfordsville Union Cemetry, Crawfordsville, Linn County, Oregon

ROBNETT, William E. (11 Apr 1846-11 Feb 1908): m1. 1868 PEARL, Mary; m2. 1888 Dunbar, Mary E. (McFERON); s/o William and Hannah (Powell) Robnett; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon

ROBSON, Edward: said to be pioneer of 1847; probably same as ROBSON, Edward M. (1808-1860): arr. 25 Sep. 1844

RODGERS, John (c1800- ): m’d [ ], Margaret

RODGERS, Margaret Mrs. (c1794- ): m’d RODGERS, John

RODGERS, Mary (1822-1886): m’d 1846 HOYT, Nelson; d/o John and Margaret Rodgers

ROGERS, Thomas George (1818-1903): m’d 1881 CHORD, Mahala (HENSON); s/o Thomas and Elizabeth Ellen (Rogers) Rogers; came 1847 in Oskaloosa Company; to CA 1848

ROLAND, Ann D. (1810-1880): m’d 1842/3 BROWN, Solomon K.

ROOKER, Nancy (1802-1860): m'd 1822 CLAYPOOL, David

ROOT, Phebe Emerit (1812-1847): m’d 1829 SIGLER, George; d/o Jeriel and Sarah (Coleman) Root; died 31 July 1847 on Trail at Smith’s Fork

RORICK, Lucy (1790-1883): m’d 1808 WALLING, Gabriel

ROSE, Commodore Stephen Decatur (1818-1899): m'd 1839 PECKENPAUGH, Elizabeth

ROSE, Hester Ann (1786-1876): m1. DAWSON, Mr. m2. LANDPHEAR, Jonas

ROSE, Loiza Catherine (c1846-1847): d/o Commodore and Elizabeth (Peckenpaugh) Rose; died 25 Oct. at The Dalles on Trail

ROSE, Mary Ann (c1823-1903): m’d 1845 LOUDERBACK, John W.

ROSE, Mary Emeline (1845-1939): m1. 1861 JACKSON, John; m2. HOLLADAY, John Quincy Adams; d/o Commodore and Elizabeth (Peckenpaugh) Rose

ROSE, Randolph Thomas (1840-1931): m'd 1860 BEAVER, Rachel; s/o Commodore and Elizabeth (Peckenpaugh) Rose

ROSE, Sarah Jane (1842-1911): m'd 1858 PUGH, Silas George; d/o Commodore and Elizabeth (Peckenpaugh) Rose

ROSITER, Mary Maria (03 May 1811-15 Sep 1873): m’d 15 Jun 1831 COSGROVE, Hugh F.; d/o Richard and Mary (Keating) Rositer; buried St Paul Catholic Cemetery, St. Paul, Marion County, Oregon

ROSS, Ann (c1829- ): d/o Benjamin and Mary "Marcy" Ross

ROSS, Benjamin (1790/3-c1862): m’d 1815 [ ], Marcy [Mary or Mercy]; possibly the Benjamin who m'd 1818 STOVER, Mary; located at Port Townsend WA in 1852

ROSS, Edward Carpenter (1838-1919): m’d 1869 BOONE, Mattie; s/o Luther and Mary (Arnold) Ross; traveled with mother and step-father

ROSS, Emma Ruth (1836-1916): m’d 1852 SLAVIN, John Addison; d/o Luther and Mary (Arnold) Ross; traveled with mother and step-father; Emma Ruth Ross Slavin Reminiscence

ROSS, JoAnn (c1834- ): d/o Benjamin and Mary "Marcy" Ross

ROSS, John England (1818-1890): m1. 1840 ROBINSON, Margaret (d. 1841); m2. 1853 HOPWOOD, Elizabeth; s/o Angus and Elizabeth (Germain) Ross; his sister Abarilla (Ross) Trimble came 1846; John E. Ross Interview transcribed by Ben Truwe 

ROSS, Linus Arnold (1834-1908): m’d 1856 McKENZIE, Susan Elizabeth; m2. by 1895 Goodchild, Elizabeth (WOODSIDES); s/o Luther and Mary (Arnold) Ross; traveled with mother and step-father

ROSS, Mary "Marcy" Mrs. (1790/3- ): m’d 1815 ROSS, Benjamin; died probably by 1860; surname possibly STOVER or HANCOCK

ROSS, Ruel W. (1825/30-after 1881): m’d c1859 SWASEY, Maria; s/o Benjamin and Mary "Marcy" Ross; located at Port Townsend WA in 1852

ROSS, Sarah Ann (1832-1903): m’d 1854 BROWN, Alvin Clark; d/o Luther and Mary (Arnold) Ross; traveled with mother and step-father

ROTH, Charles (1818- ): m'd CONOVERT, Martha

ROUSSEAU, Fr. Louis Pierre Godefroy (1823-1852): came with Bishop Blanchet; deacon, later priest and secretary to Bishop Blanchet; died at sea returning to Canada

ROUTEN, Mary Ann “Polly” (1814-1890): m’d 1833 EOFF, John Leonard

ROUTZON, Margaret (18 Aug 1822-01 Dec 1865): m’d 17 Dec 1840 BOOTH, Richard; d/o John and Jane (Campbell) Routzon; settled with family in Yamhill County;  buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon

ROWELL, James M. (1809-after 1890): m’d 1863 MILLER, Mrs. Susan, divorced 1870 

ROY, Isabella Kennedy (1819-1899): m’d 1841 WALLACE, Victor Moreau

RUDOLPH, Harvey Sampson (Feb 1844-09 May 1922): m1. 11 Sep 1864 PRESLEY, Elizabeth; m2. 19 Oct 1916 NICHOLS, Mrs. Pastoria (DAKIN); s/o John and Pyra (Moorey) Rudolph; buried Lompoc Evergreen Cemetery, Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, California

RUDOLPH, John Casper [Johann Kaspar RUDOLF] (15 Aug 1788-15 Dec 1870): m’d 1815 HAMBLIN [HAMLIN], Mary; born in Austria; buried Petrolia Pioneer Cemetery, Petrolia, Humboldt County, California

RUDOLPH, John Casper (1819-17 Mar 1900): m1. 1842 MOOREY, Pyra, divorced 1865; m2. 1866 DOUGHERTY, Emeline (PRATT); s/o John Casper and Mary (Hamblin) Rudolph; buried Lompoc Evergreen Cemetery, Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, California

RUDOLPH, Morgan Warren (05 Sep 1824-31 Dec 1908): m’d 1847 DONICA, Rebecca Ann; s/o John Casper and Mary (Hamblin) Rudolph; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Ballard, Santa Barbara County, California

RUDOLPH, Thomas King (30 Aug 1830-03 Mar 1896): m’d 25 Dec 1853 COY, Martha; s/o John Casper and Mary (Hamblin) Rudolph; buried Petrolia Pioneer Cemetery, Petrolia, Humboldt County, California

RUPES, Susan Elizabeth (c1828-1852): m’d 1847 McCLAIN, Edmond Carey

RUSSELL, Harvey Daniel (c1843- ): s/o Levi and Mary B. (Findley) Russell

RUSSELL, Child #2

RUSSELL, Child #3

RUSSELL, Levi (1816- ): m1. 1839 FINDLEY, Mary Boyd; m2. 1847 THORNTON, Mary K.; said to have come in 1847 but may have remained in Missouri until 1851, where he certainly was residing early in 1850; at least 3 children came to Oregon in 1847 under the care of their grandmother Findley and aunt Sarah McCaw

RUSSELL, Nancy (1795-1876): m’d 1814 SCOTT, Peter

RUSSELL, Robert W. (1815-1859): probably brother of Samuel; probably came 1847

RUSSELL, Samuel (1825-1848): m’d 07 Mar 1841 HUGHES, Sarah Jane

RUSSELL, William J. (Apr 1842-10 Jan 1920): s/o Samuel and Sarah Jane (Hughes) Russell

SAFFRON, Dr. ( - ): most likely this was a reference to Dr. Henry SAFFARANS (1821-1872), who made several trips to Oregon, the first in 1844, and evidently traveled at least part of the Trail again in 1847; according to a son-in-law, he was serving as Indian agent at The Dalles in 1847

SALES, Amos ( -1847): s/o John and Catherine Sales of Perry County, Ohio, born between 1820 and 1825; both parents died c1835. About 1845 Amos, a single man, and his married brother Jacob and family removed from Perry County to the Beacon area of Oskaloosa Township in Mahaska County, Iowa. Amos "of Mahaska County, Iowa" deeded an inherited fractional interest in 40 acres of farmland in Bearfield Township, Perry County, Ohio, to his brother Jacob, who then sold the full interest in 1846. The deed was recorded in Perry County, and it proves the relationship of Amos and Jacob to parents John and Catherine. In the spring of 1847 Amos joined the "Oskaloosa Company" as a teamster and headed for the Oregon Country. Part of the Company joined the train commanded by Capt. John William Bewley. In October 1847 Jacob left the Bewley train, as did some others, at the Whitman's Waiilatpu mission on the Walla Walla River. He fell ill at the mission (measles or typhoid) and when nearly recovered, he was killed by Cayuse Indians on December 8, about ten days after Marcus Whitman and his wife and others had been killed. [research on Amos Sales the work of William Archerd Sr.]

SALES, Sheppard: on Bancroft list

SALTMARSH, Arthur Vance (1823-1896): m1. 1847 COMSTOCK, Zurilda A.; m2. 1854 LEE, Elvira Belle; s/o Lyman and Elizabeth (Chamberlain) Saltmarsh

SAMPSON, Elizabeth S. (1833-1916): m'd 1850 VAUGHAN, Thomas J.; d/o Benjamin and Elizabeth (Holtzclaw) Sampson; sister of Ephriam Sampson and half-sister of Martha Ann (Mansfield) White, came with Luther White family

SAMPSON, Ephriam Alfred (1835-1895): m'd 1854 WARNER, Eunice; s/o Benjamin and Elizabeth (Holtzclaw) Sampson; came with Luther White family

SANBORN, Harriet (1809-1892): m1. 1831 KIMBALL, Nathan Schofield; m2. 1848 JEWETT, John; Whitman Massacre survivor

SANBURN, Charles T. (1826-1875): m'd 1848 GEER, Elizabeth, divorced; s/o Nathaniel and Archarnge (Duibrelle) Sanburn; brother of John Gould Sanburn

SANBURN, John Gould (1828-1916): m'd 1873 HUPP, Louisa; s/o Nathaniel and Archarnge (Duibrelle) Sanburn; brother of Charles T. Sanburn; to OR; on to CA 1849 

SAPPINGFIELD, George (1845-1900): m'd 1873 LAFOLLETT, Irene G.; s/o John and Mary (Hagey) Sappingfield

SAPPINGFIELD, John (1809-1903): m'd 27 May 1838 HAGEY, Mary E.; s/o George and Catherine (Myers) Sappingfield; born 25 Nov 1809 Davidson Co, NC and died Mar 1903 Howell Prairie, Marion Co, OR; buried Howell Prairie Cemetery, Marion Co, OR; father of 7 children (William, Louisa, George, Amanda, John W., Henry A. and Charles)

SAPPINGFIELD, Louisa (1841-1857): d/o John and Mary (Hagey) Sappingfield

SAPPINGFIELD, William (1838-1911): m'd 1866 LOONEY, Francis W.; s/o John and Mary (Hagey) Sappingfield

SAUNDERS, Alfred Woodbury (1841- ): s/o Luke and Mary (Montgomery) Saunders; [survivor of Whitman Massacre of 1847]

SAUNDERS family: John Hyde Braley reminiscences note a Mr. Saunders who died of measles sometime before reaching Grande Ronde valley, leaving a wife and three children; the oldest son had been run over by a wagon only a few days before and survived

SAUNDERS, Helen Mar (1833-1921): m1. 1850 FOSTER, Eli W., divorced; possibly m2. NORTHRUP, [ ]; m2/3. CHURCH, Emory Jessie; d/o Luke Woodbury and Mary (Montgomery) Saunders; Whitman Massacre survivor

SAUNDERS, Luke Woodbury (1807-1847): m'd 1830 MONTGOMERY, Mary; [casualty of Whitman Massacre of 1847]; had just commenced school when heard beginning of attack; ran to see what was happening and was attacked by Indians; put up a valiant fight but was overpowered and shot and beat to death

SAUNDERS, Mary Ann (1845-1928): m'd 1863 COPLEY, Edward; d /o Luke and Mary (Montgomery) Saunders; [survivor of Whitman Massacre of 1847]

SAUNDERS, Phoebe Louisa Marion (1838-1922): m'd 1856 MCKAY, Anthony B.; d/o Luke and Mary (Montgomery) Saunders; [survivor of Whitman Massacre of 1847]

SAUNDERS, Sarah Nancy Jane (1843-1910): m'd 1858 HUGHES, George Washington; d/o Luke and Mary (Montgomery) Saunders; [survivor of Whitman Massacre of 1847]

SAVAGE, Morgan Lewis “Lute” (1815-1880): m1. 1850 PURDY, Hannah; m2. 1861 PRESLEY, Ellen; s/o John Savage

*2) SAWYER, Almira (1843-1927): m1. 1860 SHERWOOD, Truman; m2. 1870 SPARKS, Richard; d/o Mark and Susan (James) Sawyer

*2) SAWYER, Ellis (1839-1929): m’d 1855 HENDRICK, Marion Bird; d/o Mark and Susan (James) Sawyer

SAWYER, George Henry (1847-1919): m’d 1870 GANT, Itha J.; s/o Mark and Susan (James) Sawyer; born 20 Nov. on arrival

*2) SAWYER, Jesse (1783-1849): m’d GIBSON, Margaret; father of Mark and Jordan, he came with them to see the country; died 8 May 1849 at sea either going to the goldfields or returning to Illinois where his wife had remained

*2) SAWYER, Jordan Capt. (c1810/1-1850): m’d unknown; s/o Jesse and Margaret (Gibson) Sawyer; widower

*2) SAWYER, Margaret[te] (1842-1862): m’d 1857 OSBORNE [or OSBORN], Daniel H.; d/o Mark and Susan (James) Sawyer

*2) SAWYER, Mark (1813-1884): m’d 1838 JAMES, Susannah “Susan” [or MEYERS]; s/o Jesse and Margaret (Gibson) Sawyer

*2) SAWYER, Samuel T. (c1838- ): s/o Jordan Sawyer and nephew of Mark

*2) SAWYER, Sarah E. (1840-1896): m’d 1862 ANTRIM, Benjamin; d/o Mark and Susan (James) Sawyer

*2) SAWYER, Susan: m'd ANTRIM, Benjamin; d/o Mark and Susan (James) Sawyer; mother of four children (George, Eldon E., Mary and Ray L.)

SCHLOSSER, Mrs. Catherine (c1824/7- ): m’d SCHLOSSER, Theodore Harmon; probably with her husband 1847 to CA

SCHLOSSER [SLUSSER], Levi Samuel Bacon (1819-1903): m’d BOHRING, Sarah; s/o Jacob and Mary Schlosser; brother of Theodore; CA pioneer, in same train as Chester Ingersoll

SCHLOSSER, Mary (c1845- ): d/o Theodore Harmon and Catherine Schlosser; probably with her parents in 1847 to CA

SCHLOSSER [SLUSSER], Theodore Harmon (1822- ): m’d , Catherine; s/o Jacob and Mary Schlosser; brother of Levi; CA pioneer, in same train as Chester Ingersoll

16) SCHOLL, George W. (26 Sep 1831-16 Mar 1856): s/o Peter and Elizabeth (Cowhick) Scholl; buried Lewis Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

16) SCHOLL, Lucy E. (12 Jul 1829-29 Mar 1913): m’d 18 Oct 1849 WALKER, Stephen H.; d/o Peter and Elizabeth (Cowhick) Scholl; buried Lewis Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

16) SCHOLL, Mary S. (14 Jul 1838-15 Jun 1886): m’d 13 Sep 1857 RISLEY, Jacob Swain; d/o Peter and Elizabeth (Cowhick) Scholl; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

16) SCHOLL, Peter Morgan (20 Oct 1809-23 Nov 1872): m’d 21 Aug 1828 COWHICK, Elizabeth, s/o William and Martha Jemima (Elledge) Scholl; buried Lewis Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

16) SCHOLL, Peter Boone (07 Sep 1844-09 Jan 1877): m’d 19 Mar 1871 LEVERICH, Louisa Elizabeth; s/o Peter and Elizabeth (Cowhick) Scholl; buried Lewis Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

16) SCHOLL, Sarah Helen (16 Aug 1833-19 Feb 1883): m1. 11 Mar 1851 MERRELL, Charles Jackson; m2. 1859 BENNETT, James R.; d/o Peter and Elizabeth (Cowhick) Scholl; buried Lewis Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

16) SCHOLL, William Thomas (23 Oct 1835-02 Sep 1897): never married; s/o Peter and Elizabeth (Cowhick) Scholl;

SCHROEDER, Louisa A. (c1828-1869): m’d c1843 GERKE, Henry; CA pioneer

SCOTT, Mr. ( -1847): died on the Trail on 31 May on Blue Earth River; from Washington Co., Iowa per Coon diary

SCOTT, Artamesia (1820-1896): m’d 1849 GRIFFITH, James Alfred; d/o Peter and Nancy (Russell) Scott

SCOTT, James (1815-1899): m'd 1837 PAYNE, Margaret; s/o Peter and Nancy (Russell) Scott; some sources show him arriving 1845, evidently in error as he came with his parents, wife and children in 1847

SCOTT, James E. ( -1904): m'd NEVER MARRIED

SCOTT, Lafran : mentioned A. B. Harden journal; may be same as Lawson Scott

SCOTT, Lawson (c1829-1916): m’d c1852 YOUNG, Jane Elizabeth; s/o Peter and Nancy (Russell) Scott

SCOTT, Lemuel (1821-1891): m1. 1843 TALLEY, Mary Jane; m2. 1852 MORGAN, Julia A. V.; s/o Peter and Nancy (Russell) Scott

SCOTT, Louisa J. (1845-1899): m1. 1860 DIXON, Robert John; m2. 1865 VANCE, James Hogg; d/o Lemuel and Mary Jane (Talley) Scott

SCOTT, Mary M. (1802-1883): m’d 1821 GRIMSLEY, John; d/o Hugh and Sophronia “Sophie” (Dallis) Scott

SCOTT, Moses (c1832- ): s/o Samuel Scott; CA pioneer of 1847

SCOTT, Myra:

SCOTT, Nancy (1799-1874): m1. c1814 WISDOM, Joseph; m2. 1825 SMITH, Doctor (1803-1847); m3. 1851 HUNT, John Shotwell; d/o Moses and Nancy (Early) Scott

SCOTT, Norman H. (1826-1886): m’d 1850 FUDGE, Maria K.; s/o Peter and Nancy (Russell) Scott

SCOTT, Olive Angeline (1844-1928): m’d 1863 CAMPBELL, Joseph N.; d/o James and Margaret (Payne) Scott

SCOTT, Oliver C. (1842-1905): never married; s/o James and Margaret (Payne) Scott

SCOTT, Orville Peter (1841-1861): never married; s/o James and Margaret (Payne) Scott

SCOTT, Peter Capt. (1795-c1849): m’d 1814 RUSSELL, Nancy; s/o John Scott

SCOTT, Rachel:

SCOTT, Robert J.:

SCOTT, Samuel (c1810-1881): m1. unknown; m2. 1866 DALE, Mary; CA pioneer of 1847; member of Wiggins train

SCOTT, Sarah (1800-1866): m’d 1825 STARR, Jeremiah; d/o Stephen Scott

SCOTT, Shannon:

SCOTT, Theophilua:

SCOTT, William (c1835- ): s/o Samuel Scott; CA pioneer of 1847; died by 1881

SELDERS, Anthony (1815-1885): evidently did not marry

SEWARD, Catharine (c1839- ): m’d 1854 FOSTER, Warren R.; d/o Mason S. and Sarah (Cage) Seward

SEWARD, George Mesmore (c1841-1917): m'd 1882 HORNER, Melinda Eveline; s/o Mason S. and Sarah (Cage) Seward

*11) SEWARD, Mary (01 Aug 1814-17 Sep 1884): m’d 12 Apr 1832 BUELL, Samuel; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon

SEWARD, Mason S. (1812-after 1869): m’d 1833 CAGE, Sarah

SEXTON, David H. (1828-1908): m’d 1857 Niday, Caroline (STUMBO)

SHAFER, Katherine (1808-1887): m’d 1837 NACHAND, John

SHAMBROOK, George: (1826-1903):  m1.  Mar 1851 FITZHUGH, Nancy Katherine; m2. 1855 RIDENOUR, Lucretia; George was born 14 Aug 1826 Cambridge, England and died 12 Jul 1903 Coles Valley, Douglas County, Oregon; buried Coles Valley Cemetery, Coles Valley, Douglas County, Oregon; s/o John Shambrook and Mary Titmous

SHAMBROOK, Hannah E. "Anna" (1824-after 1880): m’d SMITH, Joseph F.; d/o John and Mary (Titmous) Shambrook; Whitman Massacre survivor

SHANKLINE, Elizabeth Jane (1826-1899): m’d 1842 MYER[S], Henry

SHANNON, Samuel Ward (1823-1887): m’d 1850 PORTER, Sarah Jane

SHARTZER, Mr.: m'd [unknown], Sarah Jane

SHARTZER, Sarah Jane ( -1896): m'd SHARTZER, Mr.

SHELTON, Alfred Miller (1829-1914): m'd 1854 TURNER, Sarilda Jane; s/o Haman and Priscilla (Fitzgerald) Shelton

SHELTON, Charlotte I. (1825-1909): m'd 1850 THOMAS, John S. d/o Haman and Priscilla (Fitzgerald) Shelton

SHELTON, David (1812-1897): m'd 20 May 1837 WILSON, Frances; born 15 Sep 1812 Buncombe Co, NC; s/o Lewis Shelton; joined gold rush in 1849, resided in Portland in 1860 census and moved to to Washington Territory 1862 where the town of Shelton, WA is named for him.

SHELTON, Haman (1799-1876): m'd 1819 FITZGERALD, Priscilla; s/o SHELTON, Claiborne; emigrated with 10 of their 12 children--one daughter, Elizabeth, had died prior to the emigration and son, William, had small children and waited to emigrate in 1853; the Shelton family traveled with three wagons pulled by oxen; one was driven by Haman, one by James C. and one by Lucy Virginia Shelton; the trip was made without any unusual difficulties; after their arrival they took up a donation land claim at present day Scio, Linn Co; Haman and Priscilla are buried in Providence Cemetery, outside of Scio, Oregon.

SHELTON, Haman Jr. (1843-1930): m'd 1866 HOLMAN, Olive "Ollie"; s/o Haman and Priscilla (Fitzgerald) Shelton

SHELTON, Harbard (1833-1883): m’d 1880 WRAY, Bernetta U. "Nettie"; s/o Haman and Priscilla (Fitzgerald) Shelton

SHELTON, Harvey (1822-1893): m'd 1852 THOMAS, Caroline; s/o Haman and Priscilla (Fitzgerald) Shelton; settled in Linn Co;

SHELTON, James C. (1828-1915): m'd 1854 MILHOLLEN, Theresa Jane "Trissa"; s/o Haman and Priscilla (Fitzgerald) Shelton; settled Linn Co

SHELTON, John Speed Smith Wilson (1844-1906): m'd 1880 COLKETT, Sarah Mason "Sadie"; s/o David and Frances (Wilson) Shelton; in 1880 was a school teacher on Whidbey, Island, WA

SHELTON, Leander "Lee" (1835-1912): m'd 1863 FORGEY, Mary Ann; s/o Haman and Priscilla (Fitzgerald) Shelton; settled Linn Co

SHELTON, Lewis David Wilson (1841-1919): m'd 1887 MORRIS, Lydia; s/o David and Frances (Wilson) Shelton; surveyor in WA; appointed 1879 as US Deputy Surveyor; superintendent of logging operations for the Port Blakely lands

SHELTON, Lucy Virginia (1835-1906): m'd 1861 CURL, Damarcus; d/o Haman and Priscilla (Fitzgerald) Shelton

SHELTON, Mary Elizabeth (1837-1904): m’d 1864 HUNT, Enoch; d/o Haman and Priscilla (Fitzgerald) Shelton 

SHELTON, Sarah C. (1840-1917): m'd 1874 GAINES, John Wesley; d/o Haman and Priscilla (Fitzgerald) Shelton

SHELTON, Stacy H. (1831-1875): m’d 1853 TURNER, Thomas A.; d/o Haman and Priscilla (Fitzgerald) Shelton

SHEPHERD, William (1821-1905): m’d 1851 PALMER, Mariette [Mary F.]

SHEPPARD, [ ] Mr. ( -1847): killed by Indians 23 Aug. 1847 in an altercation at The Dalles 

SHIRLEY, James (1817-1898): m’d 1847 MARK, Luvina H.; s/o Frederick Shirley; married 30 June 1847 on the Trail

SHIRLEY, William (1828- ): s/o Frederick Shirley

SHIVELY, Charles William (1839-1910): m’d 1869 DIELSCHNEIDER, Annie M.; s/o John M. and Martha (Meade-Johnson) Shively

SHIVELY, John M. (1804-1893): m1. 1836 MEADE-JOHNSON, Martha Ann; m2. 30 Mar. 1847 ELLIOTT, Susan L.; came first in 1843 and returned east 1845 or 1846; appointed postmaster for Astoria, Oregon, on 9 Mar. 1847 in Washington D.C., and with his son from the first marriage, his second wife and her unmarried sister (and probably brother as well) returned to Oregon in 1847 in the company of Capt. Nat Bowman 

SHORT, Rebecca Ann (1812-1889): m1. 1840 SKINNER, William; m2. 1846 COOPER, Samuel; possibly a prior marriage to ABBOTT

SHORT, Robert Valentine (1823-1908): m’d 1848 GEER, Mary

SHUCK, Andrew J. (1815-1894): m'd 1838 CONLEE, Mary; s/o Jacob and Susanna (Jones) Shuck; sheriff of Yamhill Co; father of children (Eliza Jane, Susan M., Nancy Ellen, Matilda, William Marion, Reuben Dodge and Anna Mary)

SHUCK, Eliza Jane (1839-1922): m'd 1857 WALLACE, Collin A.; d/o Andrew and Mary (Conlee) Shuck

SHUCK, Elizabeth (1826-1887): m'd 18 Mar 1847 HAGEY, Levi; d/o Jacob and Susanna (Jones) Shuck; born 11 Jan 1826 IN and died 24 Aug 1887 Yamhill Co, OR; buried in Dundee Pioneer Cemetery, Dundee, Yamhill Co, OR; mother of  9 children (Susan, Amanda J., Mary Ann, Andrew, Jacob, Sarah Catherine, Eliza E., Henry Levi and Peter)

SHUCK, Jacob (1784-1855): m'd 1805 JONES, Susanna; settled in Yamhill County, OR; buried in Dundee Pioneer Cemetery, Yamhill Co, OR

SHUCK, Matilda (1844-1916): m'd 1879 WOOD, Edmond; d/o Andrew and Mary (Conlee) Shuck -

SHUCK, Nancy Ellen (1841-1917): m’d 1859 OLDS, George W.; d/o Andrew and Mary (Conlee) Shuck; twin to Susan M.

SHUCK, Reuben Dodge (1846-1916): m’d 1884 BAKER, Mary Ellen "Ella"; s/o Andrew and Mary (Conlee) Shuck; buried Pike Cemetery, Yamhill Co, OR

SSHUCK, Sarah Ann "Sally" (c1826-1899): m'd HAYNES, Jacob; d/o Jacob and Susanna (Jones) Shuck - may not have come until some time between 1852 and 1854

SHUCK, Susan M. (1841-1941): m1. 1858 WALLACE, Lewis K.; m2. c1896 OPPENHOFF, [William?]; d/o Andrew and Mary (Conlee) Shuck; twin to Nancy Ellen 

SHUCK, Susanna (1821-1894): m'd 1838 RAMSEY, David; d/o Jacob and Susanna (Jones) Shuck; Susanna was the mother of 12 children (Amelia Ann, Martin J., Elizabeth B., William Marion, Sarah A., Louise Jane, Mary Lucinda, George, David M., James M., Emma and Minnie M.)

SHUCK, William M. (1845 - 1916): m'd 1866 LIVENGOOD, Harriet; s/o Andrew and Mary (Conlee) Shuck

SIGLER, Alonzo (1845-1927): m’d c1871 BUTLER, Anna Elizabeth; s/o George and Phebe (Root) Sigler

SIGLER, George (1808-1864): m1. 1829 ROOT, Phebe Emerit; m2. 1848 DUNLAP, Lovina; m3. 1854 Conrad, Mrs. Lura B. (WILCOCKSON) Jackson; said to have come in 1845; if so returned east and came again in 1847 with his family; probably related to Susannah (Sigler) Merrill

SIGLER, Hanna Augusta (1841-1920): m’d 1863 CROWDEN, John George; d/o George and Phebe (Root) Sigler

SIGLER, John Church (1836-1859): s/o George and Phebe (Root) Sigler

SIGLER, Julia A. [Juliather] (1843-1932): m’d 1858 WALKER, Samuel; d/o George and Phebe (Root) Sigler

SIGLER, Susannah (1800-1896): m'd 1822 MERRILL, Ashbell; m2. c1848 TULITSON or TILLOTSEN (possibly Cyrus TILLISON) but resumed Merrill surname in 1853; probably related to George Sigler

SIGLER, William (1839-1923): never married; s/o George and Phebe (Root) Sigler

SIMKINS, Hiram B. (1826-1905): m'd 1857 GAY, Mary Ann

SIMMONS, Andrew J. (1828-1872): evidently did not marry; said to be a pioneer of 1847, he located on a donation claim in what became Thurston Co., Washington, in Aug. 1848

SIMMONS, Archibald (1846-1939): m’d 1879 VAUGHAN, Martha A.; s/o William and Catherine (Rader) Simmons

SIMMONS, Drucilla (1829-1915): m1. 1849 RADER, Archibald M., divorced 1870; m2. 1871 WIGLE, Jacob W.; d/o William and Martha (Stafford) Simmons

SIMMONS, Louisa J. (1844-1902): m’d 1859 RAMSAY, Jacob; d/o William and Catherine (Rader) Simmons

SIMMONS, Lucinda (1844-1898): m'd 1866 THARP, Jonathan M.; d/o William and Catherine (Rader) Simmons

SIMMONS, Nancy Ann (1842-1911): m1. 1860 WILKINS, William, div. by 1900; m2. by 1910 GREEN, Merrick A.; d/o William and Catherine (Rader) Simmons

SIMMONS, William (1803-1888): m1. 1824 STAFFORD, Martha; m2. 1841 RADER, Catherine

SIMPSON, Beverly ( - ): one of the drivers for George Cline of Valparaiso, Indiana, mentioned Peter W. Crawford account

SIMPSON, Macy (1814-1890): m1. PRICE, [William?]; m2. 1840 KIMSEY, John F.; d/o James and Elizabeth (Kimsey) Simpson

SINNETT, Harriet Mildred (1816-1895): m’d 1836 LOCKE, Abraham Nelson Sr.

SKINNER, Guilford L. (1842-1916): m’d 1871 PICKENS, Susan Elvina; s/o William and Rebecca (Short) Skinner; stepson of Samuel Cooper

SKINNER, William Azzleburr (1844-1923): m'd 1874 ISOM, Mary Catherine; s/o William and Rebecca (Short) Skinner; stepson of Samuel Cooper

SLATER, Catherine (1810-1897): m'd DAVIS, Benjamin to read: SLUYTER, Catharine S. (1811-1898): m’d 1831 DAVIS, Benjamin; d/o William Sluyter

SMITH, Charles (c1836- ): s/o Joseph and (first wife) Smith; survivor of Whitman Massacre;
Joseph Smith Genealogy

SMITH, Charles C. (1838-1906): m'd 1860 HARTENBOWER, Isabella; s/o William Jackson and Eliza (Coleman) Smith; returned east to IL in 1851 

SMITH, Cornelius Capt. (1805/8-1848): m’d 1828 DIXON, Elizabeth; died of Trail related illness at Portland on 1 Feb. 1848

SMITH, David H. (1826-1902): m’d 1851 ALLEN, Eveline; s/o Nathan Smith

SMITH, Doctor J. Capt. (1803-1847): m’d c1824 Wisdom, Nancy (SCOTT); s/o Ira and Susan (Means) Smith; Doctor was his given name; died on the Trail 1 July 1847 at Green River

SMITH, Doctor W. (1842-1860): never married; s/o Doctor J. and Nancy (Scott) Smith

SMITH, Edwin R. (c1834- ): s/o Joseph and (first wife) Smith; survivor of Whitman Massacre; Joseph Smith Genealogy

SMITH, Eleanor “Ellen” (1839-1911): m’d 1861 KNIGHT, Rev. Plutarch Stewart; d/o Cornelius and Elizabeth (Dixon) Smith

SMITH, Eliza Maria "Marie" (1846/7-1930): m’d 1881 MARSH, Robert J.; d/o Cornelius and Elizabeth (Dixon) Smith - note this is probably same as your entry for Smith, Martha m'd MARSH

SMITH, Elizabeth Nancy (1834-1891): m’d 1851 HUNT, George Washington; d/o Doctor J. and Nancy (Scott) Smith

SMITH, Erastus (1833- ): s/o Cornelius and Elizabeth (Dixon) Smith; said to have died 1848 but named in mother’s will 1854

SMITH, Francis M. “Frank” (1831/2-1910): never m’d; s/o Doctor J. and Nancy (Scott) Smith SMITH, Ira Perry (1823- ): m'd 1844 KIMSEY, Achsa

SMITH, Hannah (1808/9-1894): m’d 1828 TOWNSEND, Jesse James ( -1836); d/o Ira and Susan (Means) Smith

SMITH, Harriett Evaline (1840-1858): d/o Doctor J. and Nancy (Scott) Smith

SMITH, Harvey (1829-1873): m’d 1854 Shaw, Eliza Jane (GREENWOOD); s/o Nathan Smith

SMITH, Ira Perry (1823-1905): m1. 1844 KIMSEY, Achsa; m2. 1860 PRICE, Elizabeth; s/o Ira and Susan (Means) Smith

SMITH, Jasper (1842-1911): m’d 1866 HARPER, Sarah Abigail; s/o Cornelius and Elizabeth (Dixon) Smith

SMITH, John Barney (1830-1854?): s/o William Jackson and Eliza (Coleman) Smith; returned east 1851 

SMITH, John Thompson (1818-1897): m’d 1844 RINGO, Mary Jane; s/o Nathan Smith

SMITH, Joseph F. (c1804 - aft 1880 ): m1. [ ]; m2. c1843 SHAMBROOK, Anna E.; Joseph Smith Genealogy

SMITH, Joseph (1827-1896): m’d 1848 HALL, Sarah Ann

SMITH, Joseph H. (1833- ): s/o William Jackson and Eliza (Coleman) Smith; returned east 1851 

SMITH, Joseph Showalter (1824-1884): m’d 1849 CARTER, Julia Ann; s/o Peter and Barbara (Showalter) Smith; possibly came first in 1844

SMITH, Mandana (1826-1899): m1. 1847 KIMSEY, Duffield “Duff”; m2. 1859 BUSH, William Owen; d/o Doctor J. and Nancy (Scott) Smith

SMITH, Martha ( - ): m'd MARSH,

SMITH, Martha J. (1822-1868): m’d 1844 WILSON, Thomas T.

SMITH, Mary E. (c1832 - ): d/o Joseph and (first wife) Smith; survivor of Whitman Massacre; Joseph Smith Genealogy

SMITH, Mortimer K. (1843- 1916): s/o Joseph and (first wife) Smith; survivor of Whitman Massacre; Joseph Smith Genealogy

SMITH, Moses Ira (1829-1894): m1. 1853 PERKINS, Nancy; m2. Stoughton, Lucy (FRY); m3. 1873 Maxey, Frances J. (GRAVES); s/o Doctor J. and Nancy (Scott) Smith

SMITH, Nathan (c1785-1866): m1. unknown; m2. OLIPHANT, Margaret who died before 1846; m3. 1857 Shepherd, Hannah (PETERS)

SMITH, Nelson R. (1844-1925): m'd 1893 WILKINS, Minnie Iona; s/o Joseph and Anna E. (Shambrook) Smith; survivor of Whitman Massacre; Joseph Smith Genealogy

SMITH, Owen McMahon (1841- ): s/o William Jackson and Eliza (Coleman) Smith; returned east 1851 

SMITH, Perley M. (1834-aft. 1912): m'd unknown; s/o Cornelius and Elizabeth (Dixon) Smith 

SMITH, Peter: mentioned A. B. Harden journal; possibly the one who died by 1850 leaving estate in Yamhill Co. OR

SMITH, Rebecca Jane (1825-1919): m'd 1842 BARGER, John; d/o James and Sarah (Jennings) Smith; settled in Marion County; in later years moved to eastern Oregon but after death of husband she moved to Portland; she later returned to Marion county where she died at the home of her niece; mother of two children (Eliza and Cyrus Willard)

SMITH, Samuel Holmes (1836-1909): m'd 1858 SCHOOLER, Mary Jane; s/o William Jackson and Eliza (Coleman) Smith; returned east to Hennepin IL in 1851 

SMITH, Sarah (c1827-1901): m’d 1843 WELCH, Russell; d/o Cornelius and Elizabeth (Dixon) Smith - note replaces your two entries reading Susan Smith m'd Russell Welch

SMITH, Sarah Ann “Sally” (1837-1916): m’d 1854 DURBIN, Daniel; d/o Doctor J. and Nancy (Scott) Smith

SMITH, Sarah Frances (1847-1883): m’d 1860 EDWARDS, Samuel B.; d/o John T. and Mary J. (Ringo) Smith

SMITH, Sarah Jane (1843- ): d/o William Jackson and Eliza (Coleman) Smith; returned east 1851 

SMITH, Seneca (1844-1914): m1. 1879 GILLILAND, Margaret; m2. 1891 SOUTHWORTH, Susan E.; s/o Cornelius and Elizabeth (Dixon) Smith 

*27: SMITH, Thomas (1824-1910): m’d 1852 LYNN, Arethusa Emeline; s/o George and Mary (Perrin) Smith; single man per *27 narrative

SMITH, William (1826-1899): m’d 1851 LUCKEY, Nancy Adeline; s/o George and Mary (Perrin) Smith 

SMITH, William H. (c1835- ): s/o Joseph and (first wife) Smith; not mentioned in Whitman Massacre sources but listed with the family in Illinois in 1850; Joseph Smith Genealogy

SMITH, William Jackson (1806-1849): m'd 1827/8 COLEMAN, Eliza; s/o Mr. and Hannah (Jackson) Smith; to OR; in company with stepfather Samuel Holmes and brother-in-law John McMahan (and probably the family of Eliza's brother Charles Coleman), all said to have "helped in the rescue" of the survivors of the Whitman massacre; later to CA; set up as a grocer in partnership with R. W. VanSyckle; died 20 Dec. 1849 Sacramento; wife and children returned east to Hennepin IL in 1851 

SMITH, William X. (1831-after 1900): m1. 1854 HALL, Mary Catherine; m2. by 1880 unknown, Mrs. Sarah D.; s/o Cornelius and Elizabeth (Dixon) Smith

SNELLING, Vincent S.; Baptist Minister in the Willamette Valley

SNOOKS, Lower: mentioned A. B. Harden journal; poss. same as John S. SNOOK who filed provisional land claims 9 Oct. and 4 Dec. 1847 in Clackamas County?

SPEAR, Asa (c1840-1912): m'd c1870  , Margaret; s/o Madison and Jane (White) Spear

SPEAR, Emma (c1845- ): d/o Madison and Jane (White) Spear; d. young after 1850

SPEAR, Juliette “Etta” (1842-1896): m’d KISTER, John Scott; d/o Madison and Jane (White) Spear

SPEAR, Madison (1815-1890): m’d 1837 WHITE, Jane; son-in-law of Rev. Asa White; later to CA

SPECT, Jonas (c1816-1882/3): m1. 1850 MORRIS, Elizabeth; m2. 1874 Tompkins, Sarah Louise (GEORGE); to OR 1847, to CA 1848

SPEINHAUER, Adeline R. (1822-1902): m'd 1847 MOORE, Alexander; d/o Daniel and Mary (Hauser) Speinhauer; to CA 1847

SPEINHAUER, Emily Amanda (1818-1896: m'd 1842 HOBSON, Hadley; d/o Daniel and Mary M. (Hauser) Speinhauer; to CA 1847; to OR 1848; buried Lone Oak Cemetery, Stayton, OR

SPEINHAUER, Sarah P. "Sally" (1828-1919): m'd 1847 HOBSON, George; d/o Daniel and Mary (Hauser); to CA 1847; to OR 1848

SPENCER, William Christy (1823-1903): m’d 1848 SCOTT, Julia [Juliatte E.]

SPENCER, William H:,

SPORES, Eliza E. (1821-1906): m1. 1839 DIMICK, Benjamin; m2. 1841 THOMAS, Lauren L.; d/o Jacob C. and Eliza (Hand) Spores

SPORES, Esther (1826-1891): m’d 1847 NICHOLSON, Sylvester G.; d/o Jacob C. and Eliza (Hand) Spores; twin to John; m’d on arrival

SPORES, Henry (1846-1912): m’d 1868 MONROE, Sarah Philena; s/o Jacob C. and Nancy (Orndorf) Spores

SPORES, Jacob (1831-1856): s/o Jacob C. and Eliza (Hand) Spores

SPORES, Jacob Collyar (1795-1890): m1. 1816 HAND, Eliza; m2. 1842 Trimmer, Nancy (ORNDORF)

SPORES, James Madison (1835-1900): m’d 1853 THOMAS, Mary Catherine; s/o Jacob C. and Eliza (Hand) Spores

SPORES, Lewis (1843-1881): m’d 1863 FOUNTAIN, Amanda; s/o Jacob C. and Nancy (Orndorf) Spores

SPORES, Martha Jane (1836-1898): m’d 1851 MULLIGAN, Charnel; s/o Jacob C. and Eliza (Hand) Spores

SPORES, Matilda (c1843- ): d/o Jacob and Nancy (Orndorf) Spores or possibly surname was TRIMMER

SPORES, Nancy (1833-1920): m'd 1850 GRIFFITH, William Norris; d/o Jacob and Eliza (Hand) Spores 

SPORES, William S. (c1837- ): s/o Jacob C. and Eliza (Hand) Spores; d. young after 1850 or possibly same as William Trimmer

SPURGEON, Rebecca (1819-1898): m1. BRYANT, unknown; m2. 1847 DILLON, Junipher T.; returned east by 1853

ST. JOHN, Child (c1835-1847): s/o Mr. St. John; killed by lightning soon after crossing the Missouri River

ST. JOHN, Mr.: in train with the family of Luke Saunders with at least one son who died

STANLEY, Catharine (1796-1857): m'd 1812 HODGES, Jesse Monroe; the family were accompanied to Oregon by 8 of their 12 children; four children stayed behind with their families; the Hodges family settled at Corvallis in Benton County; Catherine is buried in Locke Cemetery, Benton Co, OR

STANTON, Alfred (1808-1892): m1. 1831 FAIL, Phebe Ann; m2. 1887, Converse, Mrs. Laura (HENRY); s/o Aaron and Lydia (Fosdick) Stanton

STANTON, Benjamin ( -1847): died on trail

STANTON, Francis Marion “Frank” (1837-1897): m’d 1857 RITCHIE, Judith Amanda; s/o Alfred and Phebe (Fail) Stanton

STANTON, Lydia (1844-1863/4): m’d 1858 SIMMONS, Daniel James; d/o Alfred and Phebe (Fail) Stanton

STANTON, Margaret (1805-1856): m'd 1824 MILLER, Richard; d/o John and Margaret (Paveley) Stanton

STANTON, Marietta (1835-1891): m’d 1850 GILBERT, Isaac Newton; d/o Alfred and Phebe (Fail) Stanton

STANTON, Rozina Alice (1833-1916): m’d 1852 RICKEY, Thomas B.; d/o Alfred and Phebe (Fail) Stanton

STANTON, Sarah Elma (1840-1916): m1. 1855 STOVER, John W.; m2. 1866 MURPHY, William Preston; d/o Alfred and Phebe (Fail) Stanton

STARK, Eunice (1812-1893): m’d 1836 GARRETT, John Dunlap

STARR, Elizabeth Jane (1841-1921): m’d 1859 TURNER, Garrison; d/o Samuel F. and Talitha C. (Belknap) Starr

STARR, Greenberry J. (1835-1862): s/o Jeremiah and Sarah (Scott) Starr

STARR, Hiram Henry (1826-1912): Never Married; s/o Jeremiah and Sarah (Scott) Starr

STARR, James C. (1833- ): s/o Jeremiah and Sarah (Scott) Starr

STARR, Jeremiah (1794-1885): m1. 1818 BEAVERS, Elizabeth; m2. 1825 SCOTT, Sarah; s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Stump) Starr

STARR, Jeremiah Linton (1831- ): s/o Jeremiah and Sarah (Scott) Starr

STARR, Leander James (1845-1932): m’d 1869 COYLE, Melinda Frances “Fannie”, divorced 1889; s/o Samuel F. and Talitha C. (Belknap) Starr

STARR, Mahala (1820-1900): m’d 1842 BELKNAP, Ransom Amos; d/o Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Beavers) Starr

STARR, Moses Wesley (1847-1912): m’d 1872 WELLSHER, Emma Alice; s/o Samuel F. and Talitha C. (Belknap) Starr; born 7 Dec. on arrival

STARR, Nancy (1816-1907): m'd 1835 BELKNAP, Orin; d/o John and Hannah (McWilliams) Starr

STARR, Samuel Fletcher (1820-1858): m’d 1840 BELKNAP, Talitha Cumi; s/o Moses and Elizabeth (Calhoun) Starr

STARR, Spencer B. (1829- ):  s/o Jeremiah and Sarah (Scott) Starr

STEINKAMP, Maria Anna (1824-1890): m1. 1844 KLINGLER, John Ludwig; m2. 1864 SMITH, John H.

STEPHENS, Mary (1792-1875): m’d 1814 JORY, James; d/o William Stephens

STEPHENS, Thomas (1817-1905): m'd 1854 OGLE, Lucy Ann; possibly brother of William

STEPHENS, William (1812-after 1887): evidently did not marry; s/o Stephen D. Stephens; possibly brother of Thomas

STEVENS, Alvin Burt (1832-1903): m1. 1854 NOLAND, Lena A. "Delia"; m2. 1871 McALLISTER, Elizabeth; s/o William M. and Hixey V. (Jones) Stevens

STEVENS, Ashley [Ashland] Orlando (1830-1907): m’d 1855 STEWART Mary Margaret; s/o William M. and Hixey V. (Jones) Stevens

STEVENS, Charles Jefferson (1845-1864): never married; s/o William M. and Hixey V. (Jones) Stevens

STEVENS, Emeline [Emmaline] Matilda (1841-1912): m’d 1857 LINVILLE, Lewis George/Green; d/o William M. and Hixey V. (Jones) Stevens

STEVENS, Harrison Andrew (1829-1875): m1. 1853 PEARCE, Emily E.; m2. 1857 BOGART, Jemimah Jane; m3. 1865 FOLEY, Mrs. Sarah E.; s/o William M. and Hixey V. (Jones) Stevens

STEVENS, Isaac Esdras (1835-1923): m1. 1858 WORSHAM, Careen E.; m2. 1907 ANDERSON, Eliza Ann (CAMPBELL); s/o William M. and Hixey V. (Jones) Stevens

STEVENS, James Anderson (1839-1904): m’d 1868 GREENWOOD, Emily F.; s/o William M. and Hixey V. (Jones) Stevens

STEVENS, Mary Ann (1837-after 1900): m1. 1859 GRIFFITH, John Washington Jr.; m2. 1867 THOMPSON, Samuel G. Jr.; d/o William M. and Hixey V. (Jones) Stevens

STEVENS, Sarah Jane (1833-1916): m’d 1851 ARMITAGE, George Henry; d/o William M. and Hixey V. (Jones) Stevens

STEVENS, William Henry (1843-1883): m. c1873 , Josephine; s/o William M. and Hixey V. (Jones) Stevens

STEVENS, William M. (1805-1860): m’d 1828 JONES, Hixey [Hester] V.

*16) STEWART. Benjamin (08 Apr 1815-19 Aug 1877):: m'd 1837 CRUMBAKER, Ann E.; buried Yamhill Carlton Pioneer Memorial Cemetery, Yamhill, Yamhill County, Oregon

STEWART, David C. (1840-1905): m’d 1865 LEE, Mary; s/o Benjamin E. and Ann E. (Crumbaker) Stewart

STEWART, Emeline “Emma” (1838-11 Feb 1901): m’d 1856 LAUGHLIN, Lee; d/o Benjamin E. and Ann E. (Crumbaker) Stewart; buried Yamhill Carlton Pioneer Memorial Cemetery, Yamhill, Yamhill County, Oregon

STEWART, Eminger “Billy” (18 Mar 1843-03 Aug 1916): m’d 1888 Miller, Sarah Anne (OFFICER); s/o Benjamin E. and Ann E. (Crumbaker) Stewart; buried Yamhill Carlton Pioneer Memorial Cemetery, Yamhill, Yamhill County, Oregon

STEWART, James Y. (22 Feb 1845-13 Aug 1874): s/o Benjamin E. and Ann E. (Crumbaker) Stewart; buried Yamhill Carlton Pioneer Memorial Cemetery, Yamhill, Yamhill County, Oregon

STEWART, Lucretia (1818-1891): m'd 1838 MERCHANT, Robert

STEWART, Orville (1847-24 Jan 1903: m’d 10 Oct 1869 HALEY, Marcia Willie; s/o Benjamin E. and Ann E. (Crumbaker) Stewart, born on the Trail near present Pendleton; buried North Yamhill Cemetery, Yamhill, Yamhill County, Oregon

STEWART, Phoebe Orinda (1821-1900): m1. 1843 JACKSON, Thomas James (div. 1848); m2. 1848 CLARK, William Dewey; she and her Jackson children came with Robert Merchant family

STILLWELL, Lucintha Jane (c1813-1886): m1. 1833 HORNER, Emanuel; m2. c1856 DEFORD, Samuel

STITES, Jane (1806/7-1872): m’d 1839 ANGEL, Woodson W.; d/o John Stites; CA pioneer

STITES, John: father of Jane; said to be CA pioneer

STOCKTON, Ruhamah [Loruhama] (1820-1847): m’d 1835 CHAPMAN, Wilie [Capt.]; she died 12 or 22 Oct. 1847 on the Trail in Grande Ronde valley

STRAWN, Elizabeth Jane (1818-1897): m'd 1834 JOLLY, William B.

STRONG, George Washington (1845-1876): m'd 1873 GILSON, Melissa; s/o Solomon and Mary Ann (Bozarth) Strong

STRONG, Mary Ellen (1847-1907): m1. 1864 WILLS, Jonathan; m2. 1878 ROBINSON, Joseph; d/o Solomon and Mary Ann (Bozarth) Strong; born 2 Dec. 1847 on arrival

STRONG, Solomon (1817-1903): m1. 05 Jan 1845 BOZARTH, Mary Ann; m2. 1861 BOLTON, Mrs. Cornelia Ann; m3. c1897, unknown, Mary E.;  ; born Nov 1817 New York and died :01 Dec 1903 Woodland, Cowlitz County, WA

STURGES/STURGESS FAMILY RESEARCHER: Note: this particular line appears to use the double "s" at the end of their name
STURGESS, Andrew Jackson (1834-1898): m1. 1855 PATTERSON, Susan K.; m2. 1877 ARMSTRONG, Amanda Rosetta "Rose"; m3. 1886 FIELDS, Anna M.; s/o David and Adelaide (Minton) Sturgess

STURGESS, David (1797-1854): m’d 1829 MINTON, Adelaide; s/o Aaron and Sarah (Moorehouse) Sturgess; drowned fishing on the Columbia River

STURGESS, David (c1841- ): s/o David and Adelaide (Minton) Sturgess; per father's estate file, living 1855

STURGESS, Eudora Angeline "Dora" (1841-1894): m’d 1855 BYBEE, James; d/o Moses and F. Elizabeth (Weldon) Sturgess

STURGESS George Washington (1845-after 1916): m’d McCLURE, Frances E.; s/o Moses and F. Elizabeth (Weldon) Sturgess

STURGESS, John M.: s/o David and Adelaide (Minton) Sturgess; per father's estate file, living 1855, but per one source drowned with his father in 1854

STURGESS, Louisa L. (c1829- ): m’d by 1850 PHILIPS, Alonzo; d/o David and Adelaide Sturgess; per father's estate file, living 1855

STURGESS, Melvin DeWitt (1825-1909): m1. 1849 BURBANK, Harriet Eliza; m2. 1865 McKEE, Almira Ann; s/o David Sturgess, possibly by a prior wife

STURGESS, Moses (1809-1847): 1835 m’d WELDON, Frances Elizabeth; s/o Aaron and Sarah (Moorehouse) Sturgess; he drowned 7 Sep. 1847 in Snake River on the Trail

STURGESS, Orville D. (1830-1861): m’d c1855 GODDARD, Mary Louise; s/o David and Adelaide (Minton) Sturgess

STURGESS, Sarah Ann (1832-1891): m’d 1851 GARDNER, Samuel W.; d/o David and Adelaide (Minton) Sturgess

STURGESS, Sarah Jane (1837-1912): m'd 1851 ANDERSON, William Reese;  d/o Moses and Elizabeth (Weldon) Sturgess; settled in Hazel Dell, Clark Co, WA; mother of 14 childrenof 14 children (Frank, Charles H., William R. Jr., Marilia; Edward B., Estella F., Lucretia V., George W., Fannie E., Asa, Minnie J., Nina, Katie A. and Robert E.); in later years she won a gold medal at the pioneer's reunion for playing the violin; buried Old Vancouver City Cemetery, Vancouver, Washington

SUMMERS, Sophronia ( -1847): m’d 1827 JEWETT, John; died Ft. Vancouver on arrival

SURBER, Henry (c1776- ): probably father of Mary Ann; listed in Childers household in 1850 and probably came with them to Oregon

SURBER, Mary Ann (c1804-bef. 1872): m'd 1828 CHILDERS, Robert; probably d/o Henry Surber

SWANK, Delilah Jane (c1846/7-1926): m1. 1864 FORQUER, John J.; m2. 1868 WATKINS, Lee; m3. c1883 SCOBLE, Richard John; d/o Harmon and Mary A. E. (Miller) Swank; birth has been given as c1846 Missouri or 27 Aug. 1847 Marion Co., Oregon

SWANK, Harmon (1815-1876): m’d 1834 MILLER, Mary Ann Elizabeth; settled at the mouth of the Sandy River

SWANK, James Washington (1834/5-1910): m’d 1865 ARNOLD, Martha; s/o Harmon and Mary A. E. (Miller) Swank

SWANK, James Washington (1835 - 1910): m1. 1863 DAWSON, Jane; m2. 1865 ARNOLD, Martha; s/o Harman and Mary Ann (Miller) Swank

SWANK, Mary Ann (1814- ): m'd SWANK, Herman; maiden name unknown at this time

SWANK, Susan Delany (1845-1933 ): m'd 1859 KEENEY, James Benton; d/o Herman and Mary Ann Swank

SWANK, William Harmon (1843-1918): m'd 1872 SNIDER, Marie Emaline Augusta; s/o Harman and Mary A. E. (Miller) Swank

SWAYZE or SWAZEE, Rebecca Malinda (c1806-1875): m1. 1822 MARTIN, David King; m2. 1830 BROWN, Alexander Monroe; m3. 1857 PATTERSON, Ira

TALLEY, Mary Jane (c1824-1851): m’d 1843 SCOTT, Lemuel

TAYLOR, Capt.: Harmon diary - "June 30... ferried... Capt. Taylor's co. of 12 wagons." Not further identified; may be same as one of the other Taylors following.

TAYLOR, Benjamin (1816-after 1880): m1. 1840 CUMMINS, Martha; m2. 1849 LIGGETT, Mary “Polly” (div. 1859, remarried 1860); probably brother of Thomas (d. c1850) and James (b. 1806); brought children Sarah Ann and Lewis, but not known if first wife was still living


TAYLOR, Charles (1826-1853): m'd NEVER MARRIED; s/o Nathan Taylor and Elizabeth (Newcomb) Fairchild; half brother of Ephraim and William H. Fairchild; arriving California 30 September with Charles Hopper 1847 train; died 4 June 1853 near present Durham, Butte County, California from injuries breaking a horse.  Grave marker in Old Durham Cenetery, California next so Sam Neal's monument.

TAYLOR, Christopher (1822-1892): m’d 1850 WILLIAMS, Sarah A.; s/o Christopher and Elizabeth (Emerick) Taylor

TAYLOR, Christopher “Chris” C. (c1834-1910): m’d 1872 McCONNELL, Susanna; s/o James and Catherine (Robertson) Taylor

TAYLOR, Dilwood (1831-1920): never married; s/o James and Catherine (Robertson) Taylor

TAYLOR, Elizabeth (c1834-1855): m’d 1850 ROBERTS, Antony; d/o Thomas Taylor (d. c1850)

TAYLOR, Elizabeth (1808-1875): m'd 1827 WHITNEY, William M. Sr.

16) TAYLOR, Elizabeth Ann (10 Apr 1836-08 Feb 1875): m’d 1849 HUMPHREYS, Thomas Dabney; d/o William and Mary (Landess) Taylor; came with Landess grandparents

TAYLOR, Felix M. (1816-after 1878): m1. 1837 NICHOLS, Rachel Rebecca; m2. 1857 Crabtree, Marcella (TURPIN) ; m3. 1867 Weller, Olive A. (PORTER), divorced 1878; s/o John and Elizabeth (Murphy) Taylor; came with first wife and children Jemima A., Franklin, Mary Frances, and William M.

TAYLOR, Franklin (c1841- ): s/o Felix M. and Rachel (Nichols) Taylor

TAYLOR, Frederick G. (c1827- ): m1. ; m2. c1865 SULLENS, Martha Frances; s/o John and Elizabeth (Murphy) Taylor

TAYLOR, George W.:

TAYLOR, Hannah E. (c1845-1897): never married; d/o James and Catherine (Robertson) Taylor

TAYLOR, Henry:

TAYLOR, James (1806-bef. 1897): m’d 1826 ROBERTSON, Catherine; probably brother of Thomas (d. c1850), and Benjamin; came with wife and children William M., John, Dilwood, Chris, Stephen, Thomas, Hannah E. and presumably James Jr.

TAYLOR, James Jr. ( - ): s/o James and Catherine (Robertson) Taylor; only child named on parents' donation papers, he is presumed to have accompanied them to Oregon, but no dates for him have been found nor has he been further positively identified

TAYLOR, James (1824-1901): m1. 1853 PENLAND or TRIBBLE, Susan; m2.  , Martha L.; m3. 1894 YOUNG, Bessie; s/o Thomas Taylor (d. c1850); may not have come until 1850

TAYLOR, Jemima A. (1839-1915): m’d 1857 SMITH, Solomon; d/o Felix M. and Rachel (Nichols) Taylor

TAYLOR, John: "a famous fiddler" per Peter W. Crawford, he set off down the Columbia from The Dalles on a large raft along with Crawford, Beverly Simpson, and another young man with the wagons of the Hill, Peak, Reed and Cline families; possibly same as John F. and/or the John Taylor b. c1815 listed with William and Susannah Wallace in 1850

TAYLOR, John (1792-1870): m’d 1813 MURPHY, Elizabeth; children Hiram (probably came 1845), Felix M., William (came 1845), Mary Ann "Polly", Oliver Perry (came 1850), George Washington (came by 1852), Frederick G., Melcena and Melville

TAYLOR, John (1829-1905): m’d 1865 MILLER, Laurnetta Elizabeth; s/o James and Catherine (Robertson) Taylor

TAYLOR, John F.: per Bancroft, "never had a home. Lived among the old settlers; died age 78; and was buried at public charge." May be the one mentioned in Crawford, perhaps the same as John F. (1822- ) of donation claim in Lane Co. with affidavits from the Peeks; or the John or J. F. (c1813/4- ) found on various census records

TAYLOR, Lewis (c1844- ): s/o Benjamin and Martha (Cummins) Taylor

TAYLOR, Luke (1824- ): m’d 1846 DAWSON, Nancy Ann; s/o Thomas Taylor of England

TAYLOR, Mary (1828-1877): m1. 1848 MORGAN, Daniel; m2. 1851 SYLVESTER, John; d/o Thomas Taylor (d. c1850)

TAYLOR, Mary Frances (1843-1860): m'd 1857 SMITH, James; d/o Felix M. and Rachel

TAYLOR, Mary "Polly" (1808-1848): m'd 1827 FIELDS, Benjamin; died of measles by 1 Feb. 1848 after arrival in Oregon 

TAYLOR, Mary Ann "Polly" (1822-1895): m1. 1838 MAUPIN, John; m2. 1849 MATTE, Charles P.; m3. 1853 KENDALL, Jehial S.; d/o John and Elizabeth (Murphy) Taylor

TAYLOR, Melcena (1829-1887): m1. 1850 HAMILTON, William (1813-1851); m2. 1852 TABOR, John Bayless; d/o John and Elizabeth (Murphy) Taylor and twin to Melville; thought by some to have come 1845, but probably came 1847

TAYLOR, Melvin ( - ): m'd MCDONALD, Serena - this should read: TAYLOR, Melville (1829-1914): m’d 1852 McDONALD, Cyrena; s/o John and Elizabeth (Murphy) Taylor; twin to Melcena

16) TAYLOR, Nancy Lindsey (1838-01 Nov 1882): m’d 14 Aug 1857 LINDSAY, Littleton; d/o William and Mary (Landess) Taylor; came with Landess grandparents

TAYLOR, Sarah Ann (c1842- ): m’d 1858 MOORE, William L.; d/o Benjamin and Martha (Cummins) Taylor

16) TAYLOR, Simon Peter (02 Apr 1834-02 Feb 1873): m’d 19 Nov 1863 WIGGINTON, Iowa Louisa; s/o William and Mary (Landess) Taylor; came with Landess grandparents

TAYLOR, Stephen (c1831-c1867): m’d 1859 FICKLE, Lydia; s/o Thomas Taylor (d. c1850)

TAYLOR, Stephen (c1837-1858): never married; s/o James and Catherine (Robertson) Taylor

TAYLOR, Thomas ( -1850): m’d  ; probably brother of James (b. 1806) and Benjamin (b. 1816); children James, William C., Mary, Stephen, Thomas, and Elizabeth; no wife has been identified; his arrival in 1847 is based on marriage of daughter Mary in July 1848 in Oregon, most of the family appears to have gone to the California gold mines and returned to Benton Co., Oregon, early in 1850

TAYLOR, Thomas (c1831?- ): s/o Thomas Taylor (d. c1850)

TAYLOR, Thomas (c1839-1907): never married; s/o James and Catherine (Robertson) Taylor

TAYLOR, William C. (1826-1893): m’d 1851 TRIMBLE, Charlotte; s/o Thomas Taylor (d. c1850); probably came 1847

TAYLOR, William M. (1827-1919): m’d 1856 MILLER, Elizabeth Stinson; s/o James and Catherine (Robertson) Taylor

TAYLOR, William M. (1846-1936): m1. c1866  ; m2. 1876  ; m3) 1916 Carr, Rosa (MATTHEWS); s/o Felix M. and Rachel (Nichols) Taylor

 TEAS, Spicer [Spencer] (c1827-c1853): teamster for Luelling

TEMPLETON, David Edmondson (1831-1908): m'd 1855 PELL, Lavina; s/o William and Elizabeth (Ramsay) Templeton

TEMPLETON, James Ramsay (1832-1899): m1. 1855 RITCHEY, Martha; m2. 1873 YANTIS, Mary Katherine; s/o William T. and Elizabeth M. (Ramsay) Templeton

TEMPLETON, John Calvin (1840-1878): m'd 1863 WILLIAMS, Naoma Jeanette; s/o William and Elizabeth (Ramsay) Templeton

TEMPLETON, Joseph Holt (1842-1908): m'd 1883 HUDELSON, Emma D. Della; s/o William and Elizabeth (Ramsay) Templeton

TEMPLETON, Margaret Elizabeth (1835-1920): m'd 1852 FINDLEY, William R.; d/o William and Elizabeth (Ramsay) Templeton

TEMPLETON, Matilda Jane “Tillie” (1843-1925): m1. 1863 LINVILLE, Robert Sloan; m2. 1865/6 FOSTER, Alexander M.; m3. c1882 HAUSMAN, Augustus Ceasar; d/o William T. and Elizabeth M. (Ramsay) Templeton

TEMPLETON, Robert Russell "Bob" (1846-1928): m1. 1872 SMITH, Mary; m2. 1882 MONTGOMERY, Orpha Olive; s/o William T. and Elizabeth M. (Ramsay) Templeton

TEMPLETON, Samuel Rutherford (1834-1902): s/o William and Elizabeth (Ramsay) Templeton

TEMPLETON, William Alford "Billy" (1845-1916): m'd 1872 MEEKER, Ella Antoinette; s/o William and Elizabeth (Ramsay) Templeton

TEMPLETON, William Thompson (1809-1882): m'd 1830 RAMSAY, Elizabeth M.

THATCHER, Harmon (1811/2-1880): m’d 1847 DUNBAR, Jemima [also given as PARKER, Jemima Dunbar] 

THESSING, John Henry Dr. (aka Johan Heinrich) (01 Feb 1819-16 Dec 1895): m'd HARDISON, Amanda Malvina; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

THOMAS, Alvin A. (1837-1904): m’d 1860 QUINN, Mary Jane; s/o Lauren L. and Mary A. (Mathews) Thomas

THOMAS, Daniel C. (1843-1868): m’d c1865 GRAVES, Sarah J., divorced 1867; s/o Lauren L. and Eliza (Spores) Thomas

THOMAS, Elizabeth (c1813- ): m’d 1836 DODSON, Jesse 

THOMAS, John S. (1823-1900): m’d 1850 SHELTON, Charlotte I.; s/o Frederick and Rebecca (Smith) Thomas; his parents came in 1845

THOMAS, Lauren Lewis (1816-1883): m1. MATHEWS, Mary A.; m2. 1841 Dimick, Eliza E. (SPORES); s/o Daniel and Prudence (Sprague) Thomas

THOMAS, Lewis Lauren (c1843-1876): m’d 1866 HOOK, Mahala; s/o Lauren L. and Eliza (Spores) Thomas

THOMAS, Lorenzo Sprague "Deak" (1839-1918): m1. 1869 ADAIR, Sarah Ellen Frances; m2. BRYNTON, Bessie, divorced; s/o Lauren L. and Mary A. (Mathews) Thomas

THOMISON, child: c/o James W. and Parthana (Curl) Thomison; one of two young children said to have accompanied their widowed mother in 1847, probably the "Morriss" Calavan age 6 shown on 1850 census; possibly this is Narcissus J. Thomison (1844-1862): m'd 1860 POWELL, Richard Washington

THOMISON, child: c/o James W. and Parthana (Curl) Thomison; possibly this is same as Elizabeth Calavan age 3 shown on 1850 census

*16) THOMPSON, Almond (1843-01 Jun 1916 ): s/o Isaac and Elizabeth (Fiscus) Thompson; returned east 1851; died in Kansas; twin to Philamon Thompson

*16) THOMPSON, Alvina (1839-01 Jun): d/o Isaac and Elizabeth (Fiscus) Thompson; returned east 1851; possibly same as Elvina (1840-1910): m1. by c1866 MILES,  ; m2. by 1880 PRICHARD, Samuel; died in Missouri

THOMPSON, Amos Fisk (1824-1910): m’d 1852 Hon, Elizabeth Catherine “Betsy” (NYE); son of Daniel and Eliza (Ronalds) Thompson; settled initially in Linn County, OR where he remained for 22 years at which time he moved to Crook County.  He was the father of 7 children (Susannah C., Margaret Jane, William Riley, Minta Ellen, Victoria M, Henry Preston and Franklin); buried Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prineville, Crook Co, OR

*16) THOMPSON, Isaac (01 Jun 1805-01 Dec 1871): m1. 21 Apr 1832 FISCUS, Elizabeth; m2. c1853 BARRETT, Martha; s/o David and Sally (Fisk) Thompson; known children were Milton, Sirena, Shelton, Marion, Alvina, Matilda Ann, Almond, Leander, Philander (b. 1848), Orrin (b. c1850), and Martha (b. c1855); 1848 to CA where he accumulated a small fortune; returned to OR where he and his family remained until 1851; 1851 boarded a ship with wife and 9 children at Portland for a return journey east; went by ship to San Francisco where they took a ship headed to New Orleans; changed ships at the Isthmus of Panama for a ship that carried them to NY; from NY they went to Philadelphia and then on to Pittsburgh; while at Pittsburg all the children came down with measles (two of them died); they went down the Ohio river by steamer and up the Mississippi to St. Louis where they boarded a steamer for Camden, MO; here the wife and mother died; at Camden Mr. Thompson purchased oxen and wagons and took his family to Buchanan County, MO where they remained until 1856 when he removed to Kansas; he remained in Kansas until his death

THOMPSON, Jacob (1827-1911): m’d 1863 Butler, America E. (ROLLINS); son of Daniel and Eliza (Ronalds) Thompson

*16) THOMPSON, Leander (c1845-24 Mar 1898): m1. by 1875 BRAY, Mary Hopkins; m2. 1890 GANN, Sarah; s/o Isaac and Elizabeth (Fiscus) Thompson; returned east 1851 and died in Oklahoma

*16) THOMPSON, Marion (01 Jun 1838-11 Oct 1916): m1. 1865 SOUTHARD, Nancy Jane; m2. 1888 HARTSOCK, Mrs. Ellen (LYONS); s/o Isaac and Elizabeth (Fiscus) Thompson; returned east 1851 and died in Oklahoma

THOMPSON, Mary Ann (1820-1890): m’d 1843 HUGHES, Ephraim B.

*16) THOMPSON, Matilda Ann (18 Feb 1842-20 Oct 1930): m’d 1862 THOMPSON, William Hunter; d/o Isaac and Elizabeth (Fiscus) Thompson; returned east 1851 and died in Kansas

*16) THOMPSON, Milton (21 Apr 1833-22 Apr 1903): m’d  01 Nov 1855 LEWIS, Nancy Franklin; s/o Isaac and Elizabeth (Fiscus) Thompson; remained in Oregon when his parents went east in 1851

*16) THOMPSON, Philamon (1843-1852): s/o Isaac and Elizabeth (Fiscus) Thompson; treturned east 1851 and died on trip; twin to Almond Thompson

*16) THOMPSON, Serena (01 Apr 1835-1921): m’d c1852 BUSH, James Francis; d/o Isaac and Elizabeth (Fiscus) Thompson; returned east 1851 and came back to OR 1897 

*16) THOMPSON, Shelton (1837-1852): s/o Isaac and Elizabeth (Fiscus) Thompson; died of measles at Pittsburg during return journey to east

THORNTON, Patsy Martha (c1795 -1864 ): m'd 20 Apr 1822 TONEY, James; d/o William Thornton (1765-1843) & Martha Ann "Patsey" Owen (1767-1844)

THORNBURG, Elizabeth Burris (1822-1903): m’d 1844 HAWORTH or HAYWORTH, Job Scott; d/o Joseph and Rachel (Burris) Thornburg

THURSTON, George Henry (1846-1927): m’d 1872 HENDERSON, Marietta; s/o Samuel R. and Elizabeth F. (McLench) Thurston

THURSTON, Samuel Royal (1816-1851): m’d 1844 McLENCH, Elizabeth French; s/o Trueworthy and Priscilla (Royal) Thurston; they came 1847 in Burlington Iowa Company; elected first delegate of Oregon Territory to the US Congress in 1849; died onboard steamer "California" off the coast near Acapulco, Mexico, while returning to Oregon in 1851

TIBBETTS, Alvira (1837-1863): m’d 1858 FAIN, William B.; d/o Gideon and Mary (Fox) Tibbetts

TIBBETTS, Caroline (1834-1863): m’d 1850 BAKER, Dorsey S.; d/o Gideon and Mary (Fox) Tibbetts

TIBBETTS, Emeline (c1836?- ): d/o Gideon and Mary (Fox) Tibbetts; d. possibly before 1847

TIBBETTS, Gideon (1809-1887): m'd 1833 FOX, Mary Ann; s/o Benjamin and Hannah (Snow) Tibbetts; settled in what is now East Portland directly opposite Ross Island where they remained for the rest of their lives; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, OR

TIBBETTS, Granville (1846-1858): s/o Gideon and Mary (Fox) Tibbetts

TIBBETTS, Harriet (1843-1929): m1. 1863 WALLER, Ashael B.; m2. KENNEDY, James K.; d/o Gideon and Mary (Fox) Tibbetts

TIBBETTS, Oscar (1841-1908?): m’d 1865 TRUE, Louisa A.; s/o Gideon and Mary (Fox) Tibbetts

TODD, John Y. (1831-1919): m’d c1857 CAMPBELL, Mary Hannah; s/o Samuel E. and Margaret (Murphy) Todd; to CA 1847 hauling supplies (possibly for US Army), returned east and came again

TOMPKINS, Daniel Dean (1802-1886): m1. 1825 MULTON, Alida; m2. 1830 DUTTON, Elisabeth

TOMPKINS, Helen (1836-1925): never married; d/o Daniel D. and Elisabeth (Dutton) Tompkins

TOMPKINS, Josephus (1838-1928): m’d 1873 HUNSAKER, Sarah; s/o Daniel D. and Elisabeth (Dutton) Tompkins

TOMPKINS, Jotham D. (1843-1927): m1. 1875 COX, Julia Elenora; m2. 1890 BURNS, Lucy M.; s/o Daniel D. and Elisabeth (Dutton) Tompkins

TOMPKINS, Mary Ann (c1831-1859): m’d 1850 MAGONE, Joseph; d/o Daniel D. and Elisabeth (Dutton) Tompkins

TOMPKINS, Pauline (1833-1923): m’d BOLTON, Edward; d/o Daniel D. and Elisabeth (Dutton) Tompkins

TOMPKINS, Rodger D. (1845-1935): evidently did not marry; s/o Daniel D. and Elisabeth (Dutton) Tompkins

TOMPKINS, Rodney (1845-1924): m’d 1876 FRANCIS, Marion; s/o Daniel D. and Elisabeth (Dutton) Tompkins

TONEY, James ( 1798-1891 ): m1.20 Apr 1822 THORNTON, Patsy Martha; m2. 1890 MINOR, Mary; s/o Malinda "Linny" Chastain & Edmund Toney (1765-1825)

TONEY, James Patrick "JP" (1833-1912); m�d 21 Jan 1858 METZKER, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o James Toney (1798-1891) & Patsy Martha Thornton (c1795-1864)

TONEY, Jonathan (1837-1886): m'd 11 Oct 1866 BOOTH, Mary Lucinda; s/o James Toney (1798-1891) & Patsy Martha Thornton (c1795-1864)

TONEY, Malinda (1829-1898): m1. 1850 PAYNE, Caleb J.; m2. 1873 BUTLER, Junius J.; d/o James and Patsey (Thornton) Toney

TONEY, Melissa Bellzara "Mazela" (1823-?) m'd 21 Mar 1842 TURNER, Owen Price; d/o James Toney (1798-1891) & Patsy Martha Thornton (c1795-1864)

TONEY, William Litten (1827-1924 ): m'd 4 Mar 1851 CARLISLE, Elcey Ann

TORRANCE, Luke G. (1814- ): m’d 1845 WOOD, Sarah J., divorced 1859; s/o Jeduthan and Eunice (Gibbs) Torrance

TORRANCE, William Sinclair (1823-1902): m’d 1849 WHITCOMB, Mary Jane; s/o Jeduthan and Eunice (Gibbs) Torrance

TOWNSEND, Absalom Perry (1833-1859): m’d 1854 SMITH, Elzira Jane; s/o James and Hannah (Smith) Townsend

TOWNSEND, Ira Smith (1829-1894): m’d 1853 SMITH, Beersheba F.; s/o James and Hannah (Smith) Townsend

TOWNSEND, James M. (1811-1870): m'd 1832 [   ], Mary - dlc says arrived January 1847; possibly 1846 pioneer?

TOWNSEND, Jess [Jesse] B. (1836-1859): s/o James and Hannah (Smith) Townsend

TOWNSEND, John Washington (1832-1908): m’d 1854 McCRACKEN, Lettis Elizabeth; s/o James and Hannah (Smith) Townsend

TOWNSEND, Martha J. (1826-1899): m’d 1848 BROWN, William C.; d/o James and Hannah (Smith) Townsend

TOWNSEND, W.L. (1834- ): m'd PRICE, Sophronia - should read TOWNSEND, James C. M. (1834-1892): m’d 1860 PRICE, Sophronia; s/o James and Hannah (Smith) Townsend 

TRAPP, Christiana Ward (1836-1911): m1. 1854 BRYANT, John David; m2. 1868 ELDER, Robert R. M.; m3. 1885 RODGERS, Eli Carol; d/o John and Cynthia (Travis) Trapp

TRAPP, Francis Monarrh "Frank" (1842-1906): m'd 1869 PIERCE, Anna Elizabeth; s/o John and Cynthia (Travis) Trapp; he settled in California

TRAPP, John (1814-1879): m’d 1831 TRAVIS, Cynthia; s/o Martin and Jemima Trapp; died in California

TRAPP, Jones “Ionis” Dudley (1840-after 1880): s/o John and Cynthia (Travis) Trapp

TRAPP, Matthias Luther (1838-1927): m’d 1863 BLAIR, Meka "Meeky" Montgomery; s/o John and Cynthia (Travis) Trapp

TRAPP, Mary Columbia (1839-1927): m’d 1858 CROUCH, J. William; d/o John and Cynthia (Travis) Trapp

TRAPP, William Carrol (1834-1857): never married; s/o John and Cynthia (Travis) Trapp

TRAVIS, Cynthia (1810-1882): m’d 1831 TRAPP, John; d/o Francis and Nancy (Shirley) Travis

TRENT, Lucy Ann (1820-1847): m'd BURCH, John Wesley; died on trail

TRICKLE, Capt. ( - ): mentioned A. B. Harden journal

*10: TRIMBLE, William "Bill":

TRIMMER, Malinda [or Matilda] (c1833/43?- ): d/o Frederick and Nancy (Orndorf) Trimmer; possibly came, but if so died young

TRIMMER, William Frederic (1837-1881): m’d 1870 VAUGHAN, Phoebe Ellen; s/o Frederick and Nancy (Orndorf) Trimmer

TRISTAN, Mr. ( - ): mentioned Cranfill journal; may be same as TUSTAN

TRUBODY, John (1808-1897): m’d 1833 PALMER, Jane; s/o Edward and Mary (Simmons) Trubody; CA pioneer

TRUBODY, Josiah Palmer (1836-1914): m’d 1865 AMENT, Sophronia; s/o John and Jane (Palmer) Trubody; CA pioneer

TRUBODY, William Alexander (1839-1933): m’d 1868 GRIGSBY, Lura Jane; s/o John and Jane (Palmer) Trubody; CA pioneer


TRULLINGER, Elizabeth (1823-1883): m’d 1842 RICHARDSON, Solomon; d/o Abraham and Margarette Trullinger

TUBBS, Jane Gilbert (15 Mar 1800-27 Feb 1859): m1. 12 Jun 1824 APPERSON, Beverly; m2. 18 Dec 1851 MOORE, Robert; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon; first husband died on the Trail 1847

*2) TUCKER, Julia Ann (1830- ): m'd 1846 LARKINS, James Franklin

TULL, William S.:

TULLIS, Amanda: d/o Joel and Cassey (McKee) Tullis; d. on Trail or in OR

TULLIS, Cassie: d/o Joel and Cassey (McKee) Tullis; d. on Trail or in OR

TULLIS, Elizabeth Katherine (1844-1886): never married; d/o Joel and Cassey (McKee) Tullis; returned east and died in KS

TULLIS, Harriet Ellen (1846-1926): m’d 1873 SCOTT, George Byron "Byron"; d/o Joel and Cassey (McKee) Tullis; returned east and died in KS

TULLIS, Hosea Balou (1838-1906): m’d 1886 WINANS, Mary Etta Catherine; s/o Joel and Cassey (McKee) Tullis; returned east and died in KS

TULLIS, James Harding (1842-1897): m’d 1868 ABBOTT, Mary Emeline; s/o Joel and Cassey (McKee) Tullis; returned east and died in KS

TULLIS, Joel (1800-1888): m’d 1824 McKEE, Cassey; possibly m2. 1871 IRVIN, Cassy (SEWARD); s/o Joel and Mary (Peckenpaugh) Tullis; cousin of Elizabeth (Peckenpaugh) Rose, and step-brother of C. S. D. Rose; returned east to IL by 1850, to KS c1884 where he died

TULLIS, John Henry (1840-1916): m1. 1861 HARDING, Clara A.; m2. 1875 HILLS, Anna Maria "Maria"; s/o Joel and Cassey (McKee) Tullis; returned east and died in KS

TULLIS, Mary: d/o Joel and Cassey (McKee) Tullis; d. on Trail or in OR by 1849

TULLIS, Minerva Jane (1833-1900): m’d 1850 GREENWELL, Robert; d/o Joel and Cassey (McKee) Tullis; returned east to IL 1850, later to KS and died in CO

TULLIS, Sarah: d/o Joel and Cassey (McKee) Tullis; d. on Trail or in OR by 1849

TUPPER, Oscar Fidelius (May 1825-21 Aug 1900): m’d 1860 TUPPER, Martha; s/o Benjamin and Susan (Matteson) Tupper; came with brother Robert, others of the family came west in 1852 including the father, who died that year on the Trail

TUPPER, Robert Sweet (22 Jan 1824-04 Feb 1882): m’d 1848 BEAL, Malinda; s/o Benjamin and Susan (Matteson) Tupper

TURNER, [ ] (c1844-1847): s/o Mr. Turner, died on the Trail; possibly s/o Owen P. and Mazela (Toney) Turner

TURNER, Adelpha J. "Delpha" (c1846-1903?): m1. 1863 REED, Samuel P.; m2. 1879 CONRAD, John C.; d/o Owen P. and Mazela (Toney) Turner

TURNER, Eliza (1835-1898): m'd 13 May 1849 FRAZER, Abner Russell; d/o Nathan and Sarah (Maupin) Turner; by the 1870 census the family is living in Contra Costa Co, CA.  Eliza died 04 Sep 1898 Tulare Co, CA

TURNER, Lavisa (1845-after 1900): m’d 1863 WOOD, John; d/o Thomas L. and Susanah E. (Neal) Turner

TURNER, Nancy Jane (1843-1930): m1. 1860 ROBERTS, Marshall; m2. 1910 MEEKS, Peter T.; d/o Thomas L. and Susanah E. (Neal) Turner

TURNER, Nathan (1787-1852): m1. 1811 TILFORD, Mary "Polly"; m2. 10 Apr 1831 MAUPIN, Sarah Ann; Nathan was born 17 Oct 1787 Madison Co, KY to Andrew Hardin Turner and Comfort Patterson; settled in Linn Co; father of  4 children by first wife (Washington A., Nancy, Cynthia Ann, Mary "Polly") and 7 children by second wife (Thomas, Margaret, Eliza, Rachel Arminda, Surilda Jane, Samuel T. and Sarah Catherine).  Despite the recording of the 1850 Oregon census the older children of the first wife did not emigrate to Oregon and remained in MO [marriage to Polly TILFORD was in 1811; recorded marriage in Morgan Co. Illinois records of Nathan and "Sally" MAUPIN was 10 Apr. 1831; said to have come with six children]

TURNER, Margaret (1833- ): d/o Nathan and Sarah (Maupin) Turner

TURNER, Owen Price (1813-1895) m'd 21 Mar 1842 TONEY, Melissa Bellzara "Mazela" [parents have been given as Shores Price and Adelhia (Turner) Turner, while wife is most often found as Mazela Barzella "Melissa" TONEY]

TURNER, Polly Ann (1847-1888): m'd 1862 HAYDEN, Andrew J. - TURNER, Mary Ann "Polly" (1847-1888): m’d 1862 HAYDEN, Andrew J.; d/o Thomas L. and Susanah E. (Neal) Turner, born 3 Aug. 1847 on the Trail

TURNER, Rachel Arminda (1837-1908): m'd 16 Oct 1852 THOMAS, Washington A.; d/o Nathan and Sarah (Maupin) Turner; settled in Linn County; died 01 Jun 1908

TURNER, Samuel Terrance/Talton (1839-1907): m'd 27 Oct 1869 CRABTREE, Phoebe; born 14 Jan 1839 s/o Nathan and Sarah (Maupin) Turner

TURNER, Sarah Catherine (1843-1903): m'd 15 Apr 1858 BILYEU, William; born 09 May 1843 and died 17 Dec 1903 Albany, Linn Co, OR; d/o Nathan and Sarah (Maupin) Turner;

TURNER, Sarilda Jane (1837-1930): m'd 30 Mar 1854 SHELTON, Alfred; d/o Nathan and Sarah (Maupin) Turner; settled in Linn County

TURNER, Thomas Alvin (1831-1923): m1. 29 Jun 1953 SHELTON, Stacy; m2. 08 Oct 1876 SMITH, Nancy A. s/o Nathan and Sarah (Maupin) Turner; settled Linn County

TURNER, Thomas Lee (1818-1881): m'd 1841 NEAL, Susannah E.

TURPIN, William M. (1824- ): m1. 1842 COTTON, Frances A. “Fanny”; m2. 1858 KLINE, Louise Frances; last found located in Hunt Co. TX in 1860

TUSTIN, Amanda (1841-1889): m’d 1857 LEONARD, Peter; d/o Charles S. and Mary (Jarvis/Chaplin) Tustin

TUSTIN, Barbara: young girl mentioned Cory diary

TUSTIN, Barbara Ann (1818-1900): m’d LEWIS, Joshua H.; d/o Samuel and Mary (Flanaday) Tustin; poss. came 1847

TUSTIN, Caleb Samuel (1845-1919): never married; s/o Charles S. and Mary (Jarvis/Chaplin) Tustin

TUSTIN, Charles Samuel (1816-1862): m’d 1839 CHAPLIN, Mary Jarvis [or JARVIS, Mary]; s/o Samuel and Mary (Flanaday) Tustin

TUSTIN, Christopher Columbus (1826-1883): m'd 1855 CLEVELAND, Martha Mary; s/o Samuel and Mary (Flanaday) Tustin

TUSTIN, Franklin Benjamin (1836-1890): m'd 1876 WOODS, Martha; s/o Samuel and Mary (Flanaday) Tustin

TUSTIN, Isaac (1833-after 1880): m’d 1855 BARNS, Josephine; s/o Samuel and Mary (Flanaday) Tustin

TUSTIN, Marion Francis [General Francis Marion] (1840-1888): m’d 1858 PENNINGTON, Martha Matilda; s/o Charles S. and Mary (Jarvis/Chaplin) Tustin

TUSTIN, Mary Elizabeth (c1843-1850?): d/o Charles S. and Mary (Jarvis/Chaplin) Tustin

TUSTIN, Samuel (1791-1863): m’d 1815 FLANADAY, Mary Frances

TUSTIN, Samuel Jr. (1831-1850): s/o Samuel and Mary (Flanaday) Tustin

TUSTIN, Wesley J. (1828-1847): s/o Samuel and Mary (Flanaday)Tustin; died 19 June 1847 on the Trail, drowned at the second crossing of the Platte River near the Mormon ferry

TUTTLE, family:

UNDERWOOD, Alexander: m'd WHITE, Maria;  emigrated with 4 children 

UNDERWOOD, Arah (1819-1904): m'd 1839 KENNEDY, Barney

USHER, Mary Ellen (c1845- ): m1. 1863 McCONNEL, Elihu, divorced; m2. 1866 SWARTS, David; d/o Richard and Sarah (Barcus) Usher; indicted on suspicion of complicity in the murder of 2nd husband in 1884 but found not guilty, after which no record found

USHER, Richard (1818/20-1876): m'd 1844 BARCUS, Sarah

VAN ALLMAN, Henry (1809-1858): born Switzerland, citizenship 1845 Linn Co. IA, located first in Vancouver Co. (now WA); died Vancouver Island, BC, Canada; probably brother of John Caspar

VAN ALLMAN, John Caspar (c1812-1885): m'd 1846 HOLLER, Nancy; probably brother of Henry; married 11 Mar. 1846 in Linn Co. IA; located first in Vancouver Co. (now WA); by 1860 was in vicinity of Victoria BC Canada where he lived the remainder of his life

VANALSDALE, Maria (1812-1879): m'd ILER, James

VAN ANDA, Jane (c1826-1883?): m'd c1850 PINKHAM, Jonathan F.; sister of Sarah, came with the Anthonys to CA

VAN ANDA, Sarah A. (1819-1898): m'd 1845 ANTHONY, Elihu; CA pioneer

VANDERWALKER, William (1819-1893): m'd 1847 DIMICK, Olive Elnora; divorced

VANDORN, Harriet (1814-1871): m1. 1834 WILCOX, Franklin Sylvester; m2. 1851 MORROW, William; to Oregon 1847 then to California about 1849

VAN DUSEN, Adam (1823-1884): m’d 1845 CHILDS, Caroline E

(1771-1869): m’d 1799 PEEK, Abraham J.

VASQUEZ, Pierre Louis "Lewis" (1798-1868): m’d c1846 Ashcraft, Narcissa (LAND) Coldwell; partner of Jim Bridger; from St. Louis to Fort Bridger 1847, travelling with the Cornelius Smith family from Fort Laramie; he eventually retired to a farm near Westport MO, where he died

VASQUEZ, Pierre Louis Jr. (1847-1881): m1. c1867 STRANGE, Sarah; m2. 1875 DEUL or DEAL, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o Lewis and Narcissa (Land) Vasquez, born 7 July 1847 at Fort Bridger

*12) VAUGHAN, Alexander Hamilton (1829-1915): m1. 1848 FIELDS, Elizabeth; m2. 1886 ARNOLD, Mrs. Isabelle; s/o William T. and Phoebe (Hazlett) Vaughan; father of the notorious "Hank" Vaughan

*12) VAUGHAN, Amanda N./M. (1845-1916): m1. 1864 LAYTON, Francis M.; m2. 1880 CONNOLY, Edward; d/o William T. and Phoebe (Hazlett) Vaughan

VAUGHAN, Andrew J. (1826-1852): m’d 1849 HALL, Adaline Eglentine; s/o Liberty and Nancy (Briceland) Vaughan; possibly came 1847

*12) VAUGHAN, Floyd G. (1832/3-1926): m1. 1865 BABER, Angeline; m2. 1882 Haskett, Miranda J. (FREEZE); s/o William T. and Phoebe (Hazlett) Vaughan

*12) VAUGHAN, George Washington (1837-1912): m1. 1864 BRIGGS, Ann Elizabeth; m2. 1908 ARBUCKLE, Margaret E.; s/o William T. and Phoebe (Hazlett) Vaughan

*12) VAUGHAN, John Quincy (1839/40-1935): m’d 1871 CANTERBURY, Flora L.; s/o William T. and Phoebe (Hazlett) Vaughan

*12) VAUGHAN, Marquis De LaFayette “L. F.” (1843-1898?): m1. 1864 BRIGGS, Harriet Aurelia; m2. 1872 Amos, Adeline GORE; s/o William T. and Phoebe (Hazlett) Vaughan

VAUGHAN, Nancy (1804-1873): m1. 1827 FERGUSON, Abraham; m2. 1854 CRANE, Wyatt; d/o Thomas and Nancy (Ford) Vaughan

*12) VAUGHAN, Nancy Jane (1835-1897): m1. 1850 HASKET, Jesse; m2. 1853 SIPPY, W. John; d/o William T. and Phoebe (Hazlett) Vaughan

*12) VAUGHAN, Thomas Jefferson (1830/1-1912): m’d 1850 SAMPSON, Elizabeth S.; s/o William T. and Phoebe (Hazlett) Vaughan

*12) VAUGHAN or VAUGHN, William T./H. (1841-1931): m1. 1865 BRIGGS, Aurelia (NEWTON); m. 2) 1878 Gilbert, Martha Ann McCALL; s/o William T. and Phoebe (Hazlett) Vaughan; died Madison Co. Idaho

 *12) VAUGHAN, William Tyler Capt. (1808-1888): m’d 1827 HAZLETT, Phoebe; s/o Thomas and Nancy (Ford) Vaughan

VEITH, Friederika Mrs. (1799-1878): m’d VEITH, ; came with the Boellings

VEITH, Philipena F. Katherine (1818-1898): m’d 1834/8 BOELLING, Conrad; d/o Friederika Veith

VERNEY, Celestin (1813/26-1889): lay brother with Fr. Ricard and Blanchett party; died New Westminster, British Columbia

VESSELS, Elizabeth Hammond (1803-1874/5): m’d 1825 PRETTYMAN, Perry

VIRGIN, Martha Ann (1834-1915): m’d 1851 HILL, Henry Washington; d/o Reason and Mary Clarinda (Womack) Virgin; came with the Goffs

VIRGIN, Mary Eliza (1838- ): m’d 1856 KIBBEY, Tignal Womack; d/o Reason and Mary Clarinda (Womack) Virgin; came with the Goffs; died after Sep. 1902

VIRGIN, Nancy (1826-1900): m’d 1844 GOFF, Samuel Ford; d/o Reason and Mary Clarinda (Womack) Virgin

VIRGIN, Rezin Seaton (1831-1849): s/o Reason and Mary Clarinda (Womack) Virgin; came with the Goffs

VIVIAN, Tallitha M. (c1806-1857): m’d 1825 COTTON, William R. B.; d/o Flavel Vivian; surname also appears as VIVION

WAGONER, Violet or Viola W. (1831-1905): m1. 1846 BERRY, William J.; m2. 1865 ELLIOTT, William

WAIT, Aaron E. (1813-1898): m1. 1853 SPRENGER, Mary Ann; m2. 1860 QUIVEY, Catharine Maria

WALDROUP, Mary T. (1826-1877): m'd 1846 FERGUESON, John B

WALKER, Charles (1819-1875): m’d 1853 LASKEY, Caroline B.

WALKER, Ellen (c1816-1883): m’d c1840 FOURGEAUD, Victor Jean; CA pioneer

WALLACE, Rosetta (1846-1928): m’d 1873 HEWITT, Thomas; d/o Victor M. and Isabella K. (Roy) Wallace

WALLACE, Sally (1842-after 1900): m1. 1863 BROOKS, James M.; m2. c1889 WRIGHT, Albert W.; d/o Victor M. and Isabella K. (Roy) Wallace

WALLACE, Victor Moreau (1807-1895): m’d 1841 ROY, Isabella Kennedy; s/o Moses and Betsy (McKeith?) Wallace

16) WALLER, George Townsend (24 Sep 1830-24 Dec 1893): m'd 24 Jun 1855 DOTEY, Mary Jane; s/o Thomas and Jane (McNary) Waller;  businessman in Eola, Polk Co and McMinnville, Yamhill Co

16) WALLER, Hugh McNary (09 Sep 1817-25 Feb 1893): m'd 18 Aug 1850 DAVIDSON, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Thomas and Jane (McNary) Waller; minister of Deciples of Christ Church

WALLING, Albert Gilmore Jr. (1847-1928): m1. 1875 BULLOCK, Elizabeth J.; m2. 1881 BAGBY, Mary; s/o George W. and Frances J. (Nye) Walling, born on 24 June 1847 at Pacific Springs on the Trail

WALLING, Albert Gallatin Sr. (1828-1896): m1. 1854 WHITE, Sarah Ann; m2. 1892 DAY, Mary J.; s/o Gabriel and Lucy (Rorick) Walling; probably accompanied the family in 1847, returning east to come again in 1849 for his "official" arrival; married 1854 in Iowa and returned again by 1856

WALLING, Ebenezer (1811-1847): m’d 1832 COLLINS, Caroline (1817-1854); s/o Gabriel and Lucy (Rorick) Walling; said to have come in 1847 and died on the Trail along with his wife; Caroline actually did not die on the Trail - she and their children were in Fulton Co. IL in 1850; family researchers give Ebenezer's death as either 14 May 1849 or 1847 about 40 miles from St. Joseph on the Trail, so either the rest of the family did not go with him or they returned to Illinois following his death [Notes from Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ state "The September 19, 1849 issue of the Weekly North-Western Gazette (Galena, IL), p. 2, c. 3, gives a list of *1849* trail deaths and lists "E. Walling, Canton, Ill." Canton is in Fulton County where his family lived (as you mention above). All the names in the extensive death list were from the south side of the Platte River, so a departure from St. Joe is not precluded.]

WALLING, Fletcher (1838-1907): m’d 1876 REED, Minnie; s/o Jerome B. and Sarah (Leaverton) Walling 

WALLING, Gabriel (1788-1857): m’d 1808 RORICK, Lucy Ann; s/o Inman and Susannah Amy/Anna (Smith) Walling

WALLING, George Washington (1818-1891): m’d 1844 NYE, Frances J.; s/o Gabriel and Lucy (Rorick) Walling

WALLING, Inman (c1829- ): m’d 1857 SPRINGER, Nancy B., divorced 1859; s/o Jerome B. and Sarah (Leaverton) Walling

WALLING, Jasper (c1832- ): s/o Jerome B. and Sarah (Leaverton) Walling

WALLING, Jeptha (1830-1905): m’d 1860 TRASK, Bethair “Bertha”; s/o Jerome B. and Sarah (Leaverton) Walling

WALLING, Jerome Bishop (1809-1897): m’d 1829 LEAVERTON, Sarah; s/o Gabriel and Lucy (Rorick) Walling

WALLING, Jesse D. (1816-1870): m'd 1839 WISE, Eliza A.; s/o Gabriel and Lucy (Rorick) Walling

WALLING, John (1846-1928/9): m’d 1870 HARRIS, Celia J.; s/o Jesse D. and Eliza A. (Wise) Walling

WALLING, Lucy (1834-1912): m1. 1850 BUFFUM, Carlos; m2. 1856 LOOSLEY, John; d/o Jerome B. and Sarah (Leaverton) Walling

WALLING, Mary (1836-1872): m’d 1851 JACKSON, Thomas B.; d/o Jerome B. and Sarah (Leaverton) Walling

WALLING, Nelson D. (1832-1884): m’d 1857 BUFFUM, Celestia; s/o Gabriel and Lucy (Rorick) Walling

WALLING, Nelson (1832-1884): s/o Gabriel and Lucy (Rorick) Walling

WALLING, Olive (1842-1918): m’d 1860 MORRIS, Thomas; d/o Jesse D. and Eliza A. (Wise) Walling

WALLING, Phebe (1824-c1852?): m’d c1849 SAVAGE, Charles W.; d/o Gabriel and Lucy (Rorick) Walling; said to have come in 184

WALLING, Phebe (1844-1919): m’d 1866 McGREW, John William; d/o Jesse D. and Eliza A. (Wise) Walling

WALLING, Rosalie (1844-1930): m1. 1862 DEWEESE, Alexander; m2. 1872 GILE, Isaac Porter; m3. 1908 GUILE, William Henry; m4. TURNER, ; d/o Jerome B. and Sarah (Leaverton) Walling

WALTERS, Samuel (1820-1894): m'd 1866 OLIVER, Naomia Catherine; arrived in OR in 1847; went to CA gold fields; returned to OR 1851; settled at Cedar Mills in Washington CO

WALTON, John Davenport (1834-1910): m’d 1855 FICKLE, Sarah Jane; s/o Henry and Permelia (Adkins) Walton; came with Adkins relatives

WALTON, William Washington (1832-1896): m’d 1871 BOWMAN, Elizabeth E.; s/o Henry and Permelia (Adkins) Walton; came with Adkins relatives

WARD, Anderson Winfield Scott “Scott” (1847-1922): m’d 1871 ISOM, Frances Ann “Fannie”; s/o Thomas M. and Hannah (Morgan) Ward; born in Grand Ronde Valley on the Trail 9 Sep.

WARD, Mary Elizabeth (1845-1908): m1. 1861 REED, Francis Isaac "Ike"; m2. 1868 WILLIAMS, Richard M.; m3. 1876 FISHER, William A., divorced by 1880; m4. 1881 CAROTHERS, Louis Feree; possibly m5. GARRISON, Sol J.; d/o Thomas M. and Hannah (Morgan) Ward

WARD, Thomas M. (1815-1888): m’d 1844 MORGAN, Hannah

WARE, Delilah Leavensworth (1820-1900): m’d 1834/5 JOHNSON, Melchior

WARLEIGH or WADLEIGH,  ( - ): traveling companion of Benjamin Cory; possibly Joseph WADLEIGH?

WARNER, Melissa H. (1816-1886): m1. 1841 ROBISON or ROBINSON, James B.; m2. c1859 STOUDER, Jacob

WARREN, Charles E. (c1846-1874): m’d 1872 SAFFARANS, Ellen; s/o Henry and Nancy (Palmer) Warren

WARREN, Edward Thomas (1824-bef. 1880): m’d 8 Apr. 1847 MARTIN, Susan V.; s/o Edward and Elizabeth (Gould) Warren

WARREN, Elizabeth J. (c1832-after 1880): m1. 1849 HALL, Orange S.; m2. 1853 WHITE, Richard Allen; d/o Edward and Elizabeth (Gould) Warren

WARREN, Henry (1817-1885): m'd PALMER, Nancy; m2. 1854 SCHRADER, Mrs. Nellie; s/o Edward and Elizabeth (Gould) Warren

WARREN, Jane: m'd CATCHING, John; husband was deceased; emigrated to Oregon with her sons and their families in 1845 or 1847

WARREN, Mary (c1834-before 1870): probably m'd by c1853 COLEMAN, Dewitt Clinton; d/o Edward and Elizabeth (Gould) Warren

WARREN, Olive (1822-1874): m’d 1843 CHAMBERLAIN, Joseph

WARREN, William Edward (1816-1897): m’d 16 Feb. 1847 MARTIN, Almira C.; s/o Edward and Elizabeth (Gould) Warren

WATERBURY, Emma Jane (1846-1917): m1. 1863 MARKWOOD, Nathaniel; m2. 1877 DUKES, Martin VanBuren; m3. 1913 BOLDING, Christian; d/o Thomas and Jane (Dawson) Waterbury

WATERBURY, Samuel P. (1843-1931): m’d 1867 COX, Louisa; s/o Thomas and Hannah (Drake) Waterbury

WATERBURY, Thomas (1814/7-1901?): m1. 1840 DRAKE, Hannah; m2. 1845 DAWSON, Jane 

WATSON, Benjamin F. (1845-1850): s/o James and Mary (Ridgeway) Watson

WATSON, Henry (1830-1900): m’d 1863 WHITCOMB, Lovina; s/o Vincent and Mary (Broderick) Watson

WATSON, James (1808-1861): m’d 1833 RIDGEWAY, Mary; s/o Arthur and Temperance (Robinson) Watson

WATSON, James Madison (1839-1914): m’d 1874 BRYANT, Mary M.; s/o James and Mary (Ridgeway) Watson.

WATSON, Julia Ann (c1843- ): m’d 1861 WILLIAMS, John M.; d/o James and Mary (Ridgeway) Watson; died probably by 1873

WATSON, Mary Elizabeth (1840-1890): m’d 1860 WILSON, Aaron; d/o Vincent and Mary (Broderick) Watson

WATSON, Mary Ellen (1846-1865): d/o James and Mary (Ridgeway) Watson

WATSON, Minerva Jane (1845-1926): m’d 1861 SMITH, William James; d/o Vincent and Mary (Broderick) Watson

WATSON, Perry Noah (1826-1906): m’d 1852 NEEDHAM, Mary Jane; s/o Vincent and Mary (Broderick) Watson

WATSON, Vincent (1799-1881): m’d 1820 BRODERICK, Mary; s/o William Isaac and Elizabeth (Jones) Watson

WATSON, Vincent M. (1836-1872): never m’d; s/o Vincent and Mary (Broderick) Watson

WATSON, William H. (1841-1917): m’d 1869 CHAMBERS, Sarah; s/o James and Mary (Ridgeway) Watson

WATTS, Francis Austin (1846-1922?): m’d 1872 GILBERT, Emma; s/o Russell and Diantha (Holmes) Watts

WATTS, George J. (1797/8-1883): m1. WATTS, Rachel (cousin); m2. 1834 FARRINGTON, Eliza [Elvira or Elmira]; m3. 1838 MARTIN, Johanna "Jane"; s/o Samuel Watts

WATTS, John M. (1839-1916): s/o George J. and Johanna (Martin) Watts

WATTS, Lewis Wesley (1847-1916): m’d 1871 BENDER, Louisa Imelda; s/o George J. and Johanna (Martin) Watts; born August 1847 on the Trail at Snake River

WATTS, Mary W./A. (1840-1912): m’d 1855 GILBERT, Philander; d/o Russell and Diantha (Holmes) Watts

WATTS, Russell Underwood (1813-1854): m’d 1839 HOLMES, Diantha; s/o Benjamin Watts

WATTS, Sarah Maria (1843-1935): m’d c1862 STINSON, Ashby L.; d/o Russell and Diantha (Holmes) Watts

WATTS, Susan Elmira (1844-1935): m’d 1863 STIMSON, David Sinclair; d/o George J. and Johanna (Martin) Watts

WEAVER, Phebe (1812-1879): m1. 1833 INGERSOLL, Chester; m2. 1850 RUSSELL, Benjamin F.; cut off for California; returned to IL about 1850

WEBB, Adelaide (1846-after 1891): m’d c1860 BROUILETT, Maxim; d/o Isham Webb

WEBB, Isham [Isam] (c1783-1853): m1. 1820 HUSTON, Mary; m2. 1853 BUFORD, Mrs. Mary Ann; note that it is not known for certain how many times Isham Webb may have been married, or how many of his children came west with him in 1847 besides James and probably the youngest daughter Adelaide, who was listed in James's household in 1850; an affidavit filed with the application for a donation land claim for for his widow stated he had emigrated to Oregon from Iowa in 1847, gone to California in 1849 and returned the same year; the paperwork in Isham's estate file contains a list of Isham's eleven childrn with their dates of birth, and following the list is written "first how many living heirs there is to the estate of Ishum Webb - and if any are deceased, whether the deceasd ones left any body issue and where they reside," while interlined between the day and year of birth for some is a location added later; James and Adelaid were at the time in Oregon, while daughter Nancy (the oldest) and son John were in California, but most of the others, if known, were at the time residing in the east in Ohio or Indiana, and there is an eight year gap between the birth of the youngest of those, Mary, and Adelaid

WEBB, James (1823-1908): m’d 1841 FINCH, Christiana; s/o Isham Webb 

WEBB, John (1825- ): s/o Isham Webb; possibly came 1847 if he is the one who filed a provisional claim 8 Aug. 1848

WEBB, Margie: note that this name was not found on lists of children of either Isham or James

WEBB, Nancy Jane (1844-1925): m’d 1860 WADE, Murray A.; d/o James and Christiana (Finch) Webb

WEBB, Tabitha (1847-1930): m1. 1862 DONICA, Richard W.; m2. 1873 STEVENS, Benjamin P.; d/o James and Christiana (Finch) Webb; born 4 Jan. 1847 Iowa

WEDDEL, Eleanor Forgey (1814-1896): m’d 1831 YOUNG, Harvey; d/o Thomas William and Rosamund (Wallen) Weddel

WEEKS, Elijah ( -1847): drowned at Three Island Crossing in August; member of Joel Palmer Company

WEGER, James Fletcher (1847-1912): m’d 1891 THOMPSON, Agness L.; s/o Thomas and Mary Jane (Wilson) Weger; b. on Trail 26 July at Fort Hall

WEGER, John William (1845-1908): m1. 1867 PLASTER, Ellen Elizabeth, divorced; m2. 1876 KAUBLE, Elizabeth Ann; m3. 1881 LEARD, Elizabeth H., divorced; m4. 1892 LaLond, Matilda Mercy(GAULT); s/o Thomas and Mary Jane (Wilson) Weger

WEGER, Thomas McFarland (1821-1895): m1. 1844 WILSON, Mary Jane; m2. 1858 Swan, Mary Elizabeth (LOCKROW)

WEISS, Peter Anthony (1825-1896): evidently never married

WELCH, Russell: m'd SMITH, Susan

WELCH, Thaddeus (1844-1919): m'd ,

*27: WELLS, Child ( - 1852): s/o Ira Wells; died on the north bank of the North Umpqua River when they fell out of the wagon and both wheels ran across its head and killed it.  The child was taken to Eugene City and buried on the claim of E.F. Skinner

*27: WELLS, Daniel and wife

*27: WELLS, Ira:  wife and child

1) WELLS, Sophia A. (1825-1874): m1. 1844 DANFORTH, Lucius, divorced; m2. 1854 SAYRE, Martin Field; d/o Lucius and Eunice E. (McMurphy) Wells; Lucius divorced her in 1855 after she would not return to Oregon with him in 1852; she died in Iowa 

1) WELLS, Rosalinda (1829-1847): m’d 1847 DANFORTH, Manly; d/o Lucius and Eunice E. (McMurphy) Wells; died 1 Oct. 1847 at Burnt River or 15 Oct. 1847 near present Baker OR 

*27: WELSH, Andrew: wife and two or three children; probraby Welch listed above

WHEALDON, Elizabeth: m'd 1853 MUDGE, Nathan F.

WHEALDON, Isaac: m'd 1830 GREWELL, Mary Ann

WHEELER, Jason (1821-1907): m1. 1850 CLAYPOOL, Eliza D.; m2. 1898 HANCHETT, Diana Elizabeth; s/o Deland and Margaret (Court) Wheeler; drove an ox team to OR under the command of Albert Davidson; settled in Linn Co; one of the builders of the Albany-Lebanon canal; raised stock; 3 terms county commissioner; member of Oregon legislature in 1878; first sheriff of Linn County before the territorial government was formed in 1849;

WHEELER, Leonard M. (1825-1900): m'd 1854 MILLER, Isabelle; s/o Deland and Margaret (Court) Wheeler; settled in Linn Co

WHITCOMB, James H. ( - ): m'd 1845 ADAMS, Hannah Ann

WHITE, Anna (1795-1864): m'd WOODSIDE, Thomas; buried Stipp Cemetery, Macleay, Marion Co, OR

WHITE, Asa Rev.: Methodist missionary from IL; known for his blue tent, which his family lived in and which was also used for services; moved to San Francisco with his family during gold rush years

WHITE, Asa P.: s/o Asa and Catherine White

WHITE, Catherine: d/o Asa and Catherine White

WHITE, Elizabeth: d/o Asa and Catherine White

16] WHITE: Elizabeth Jane (11 Oct 1821-15 Jan 1914): m'd 08 Nov 1840 LANDESS, Felix

WHITE, Fanny T.: m'd LOVE, Alfred

WHITE, Harriet: d/o Asa and Catherine White

WHITE, Henry: s/o Asa and Catherine White

WHITE, Jane: m'd SPEAR, Madison

WHITE, Luther (1815-1912): m'd 1843 MANSFIELD, Martha Ann

WHITE, Lydia: d/o Asa and Catherine White

WHITE, Maria: m'd UNDERWOOD, Alexander

WHITE: Miranda Almira (18 Dec 1814-14 Nov 1904): m'd 06 Dec 1836 DURHAM, Albert Alonzo; buried Greenwood Hills Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

WHITEAKER, Benjamin (1796-1873): m'd 1823 HAYTER, Mary

16) WHITLEY, Amelia Mandeville (22 Aug 1822-16 Apr 1866): m'd 04 Mar 1849 ORCHARD, John G.; d/o Samuel and Catharine (McNary) Whitley; settled first in Polk Co but by 1880 are farming in Stayton, Marion Co; Amelia died in Linn Co

16) WHITLEY, Eliza Ann (05 Mar 1824-05 Aug 1866): m'd 15 Aug 1852 RICHARDSON, Lewis Clark; d/o Samuel and Catharine (McNary) Whitley; husband farmed near Scio, Linn Co, OR

16) WHITLEY, Elizabeth Jane (26 Aug 1819-26 Feb 1897): m'd 25 Jul 1841 JOHNSON, Hiram Alvah Sr.; d/o Samuel and Catharine (McNary) Whitley; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon

16) WHITLEY, John Harvey (14 Dec 1825-22 Dec 1858): Never married; s/o Samuel and Catharine (McNary) Whitley; farmed at the forks of the Santiam, Linn Co

16) WHITLEY, Julia Ann (1827-31 Mar 1895): m'd 13 Mar 1856 SHORE, John; d/o Samuel and Catharine (McNary) Whitley; settled in Marion and then Linn Co; husband listed as teamster on 1870 Marion Co Census

16) WHITLEY, Rachel Catherine (01 May 1830-03 Jun 1860): m'd 02 Aug 1855 GILKESON, Eben Sturgis; d/o Samuel and Catharine (McNary) Whitley; 1860 census living with parents, husband listed as harness maker; Catharine died in 1860 and husband remarried in 1861 and moved to southern OR

16) WHITLEY, Samuel (25 Dec 1789-30 Sep 1868): m'd 30 Mar 1817 MCNARY, Catharine L.; s/o Samuel and Sarah (Beggs) Whitley Sr; settled on farm just north of Jefferson, Marion Co

WHITNEY, Alice (1845- ): m'd  HUBBARD, Charles S.

WHITNEY, David (1844- ): 

WHITNEY, Elizabeth (1841- ): 

WHITNEY, Grim J. ,

WHITNEY, James (1838- ):,

WHITNEY, James (1840- ):,

WHITNEY, John (1812- ): m'd [unknown] , Mary

WHITNEY, Mary (1815- ): m'd WHITNEY, John

WHITNEY, Mary Ann (1840- ):

WHITNEY, Robert (1834-1906): 

WHITNEY, Sarah (1843- ): ,

WHITNEY, Susan (1846- ):

WHITNEY, William:

WHITNEY, William M. Sr. (1808-1878): m'd 1827 TAYLOR, Elizabeth

*12) WILBURN, Rosanna (11 Mar 1806-15 Sep 1872): m'd 11 Jan 1824 MCCARTY, John B.; d/o Edward and Sarah Ann (Benham) McCarty; buried Bethel Cemetery, Bethel, Polk County, Oregon

WILCOX, George Washington: m'd 1856 DIXON, Mary E.

WILCOX, Joel ( -1847): m'd WILLIAMS, Sarah

WILCOX, Loammi ( -1847): never married

WILES, John (1822- ): m'd 1851 HUGHART, Martha Ann

WILKINS, Mitchell: m'd ALLEN, Parmelia Ann

WILLARD, Abner S. Jr. (23 Oct 1827-11 Jul 1851): m'd 13 Feb 1851 FRY, Mary J. ; settled on donation land claim three miles south of Silverton where he died four months later of consumption; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Marion County, Oregon

WILLARD, Mary Catherine (05 Aug 1819-09 Jun 1897): m'd 08 Jan 1837 GEER, Ralph Carey; d/o Abner Spencer and Huldah (Colver/Culver) Geer; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Waldo Hills, Marion County, Oregon

WILLIAMS, Roxanna Stephays (1819-1887): m'd 1838 BEALS, Isaac Finch; came via Barlow Road

WILLIAMS, Sarah ( -1847): m'd WILCOX, Joel

WILLIAMS, Sarah Jane (1825-1908): m1. 08 Jun 1844 DILL, James (divorced 1855); m2. 04 Mar 1855 MCCOY, Nelson William; d/o Henry and Mary (Carrington) Williams

WILLS, Elizabeth:

WILLS, George Jacob: m'd MOORE, Sarah Jane

WILLS, George Washington:

WILLS, Jacob:

WILLS, Jemima J.:

WILLS, Martha J. ( -1855): m'd 1847 LONG, Edward

WILLS, Reuben Paddock:

WILSON, Frances (1816- ): m'd 30 May 1837 SHELTON, David; d/o David Wilson; resided in Oregon until 1862 when family moved to Washington Territory

WILSON, Hannah Dickinson:,



WILSON, Mercy (1820-1853): m'd 1839 NOBLE, Henry

WINCHELL, Elizabeth ( - ): m'd MARKHAM, Samuel

WINCHESTER, Miles (1804- ): m'd 1853 HENSLEY, Catherine

WINGFIELD, Joseph Thomas ( -1896): m'd ,

WISDOM, Laurinda Vianna (1818-1900): m'd 1837 MILLS, Elkanah; d/o Joseph and Nancy (Scott) Wisdom

WITHAM, Alfred M. (1821- ): m'd 1842 ALLEN, Rosanna

*26) *12 WITHAM, Hetty Ann (1809- ): m'd 1826 ALLEN, Charles

WITODEN, Elizabeth "Betsy" (c1820 - c1875 ): m1. STURGESS, Moses, 1835; m2. KELLOGG, Moses, 1847; m3. DAVIS, Thomas, 1851; first husband died on the trail, drowned in the Snake River, near Shoshone Falls, when he was pulled off his horse by the current.  After the accident she married Moses Kellogg, one of their drivers, in Oregon City.  Her second husband died soon after their marriage and their only baby died - both 1851. After a stint as a cook for Capt. U.S. Grant at Ft. Vancouver she then married Thomas Davis. She died, by one account, of childbirth at The Dalles.

WITT, Amy (1822 - 12 May 1852): m'd 05 Feb 1834 WOOD, John P.; d/o Edmund Witt and Sarah Cook; burial location unknown

WOOD, Edmund George (01 Jan 1836- 26 Jan 1922 ): m'd 1882 SHOOK, Matilda A.; s/o John and Amy (Witt) Wood; buried Willamina Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon

WOOD, Henry Monroe (12 Nov 1838-01 May 1906): m'd 29 Nov 1864 SALING, Lavina D.; s/o John and Amy (Witt) Wood; buried Milton-Freewater IOOF Cemetery, Milton-Freewater, Umatilla County, Oregon  Note: There were 2 Henry Monroe Wood living near each other and records get confusing.  Other Henry M. Wood married Adeline.  This Henry Wood was married to Lovina Saling until their death

WOOD, John P. (12 Oct 1811-08 Jan 1892): m'd 05 Feb 1834 WITT, Amy; burial location unknown

WOOD, Joseph (02 Sep 1834- 03 Dec 1893): m'd ATKINSON, Mary Elizabeth; s/o John and Amy (Witt) Wood; buried Gist Cemetery, Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Oregon

WOOD, Mary Elizabeth (22 Mar 1842-23 Jul 1909) .: m'd 14 May 1857 BRANSON, George Washington; d/o John and Amy (Witt) Wood; buried Hopewell Cemetery, Dayton, Yamhill County, Oregon

WOOD, Sarah E. (12 Oct 1840-05 May 1896): m'd 12 Feb 1857 LADY, James W.; d/o John and Amy (Witt) Wood; buried Sheridan Masonic Cemetery, Sheridan, Yamhill County, Oregon

WOODS, Caleb (1806-1896): m'd 1829 McBRIDE, Margaret

WOODS, George Lemuel (1832-1896): m'd McBRIDE, Louisa A.

WOODS, Henry (1834- ): s/o Caleb and Margaret (McBride) Woods

WOODS, James C. (1838-1912): m'd CAPLES, Charlotte L.; s/o Caleb and Margaret (McBride) Woods

WOODS, Thomas A. (1830-1866): s/o Caleb and Margaret (McBride) Woods

WOODSIDE, Anna (1833-1915): d/o Thomas and Anna (White) Woodside

WOODSIDE, Eleanor (1831-1847): d/o Thomas and Anna (White) Woodside; died on trail

WOODSIDE, Elizabeth (1836- ): d/o Thomas and Anna (White) Woodside

WOODSIDE, Jacob (1825-1864): s/o Thomas and Anna (White) Woodside

WOODSIDE, John (1829-1847): s/o Thomas and Anna (White) Woodside; died on trail

WOODSIDE, Mary (1827-1847): d/o Thomas and Anna (White) Woodside; died on trail

WOODSIDE, Rachel (c1822-1847): m'd MORGAN, Daniel; died on trail near Independence Rock, WY; d/o Thomas and Anna (White) Woodside

WOODSIDE, Sarah (1830- ): d/o Thomas and Anna (White) Woodside

WOODSIDE, Thomas (c1790-1847): m'd 1820 WHITE, Anna; died on trail near Independence Rock, WY

WRIGHT, Ben (07 Apr 1828-23 Feb 1856):  s/o John and Elizabeth (Justice) Wright; Ben The family moved to Madison County when Ben was six years of age. He lived there until 1847, when he accompanied a company of emigrants to Oregon.  After arrival in the Pacific Northwest he gained notoriety as an Indian fighter and was instrumental in the killing of numerous Indians including leading the massacre of 41 Modoc Indians in 1852.  The biographies of Ben Wright detailing his encounter with the various tribes are many and often incorrect.  Wright was killed near the mouth of the Rogue River on February 23, 1856 while on assignment with Capt. Poland to move a tribe of friendly Indians further up the coast away from hostile bands in the area.

 WRIGHT, Rebecca (1822-1875): m'd 1837 ADAMS, Jesse H.

WRITSMAN, Francis (1801-1877): m'd OFFICE, Lucinda

WRITSMAN, John W. (1840- ):

*27: WYATT, William (1816- ): m'd 1838 END, Mary Theodosia; traveled with wife and two or three children

WYATT, William:

YOCUM, Abel: s/o Jacob and Mary (Booth) Yocum

YOCUM, Elijah: s/o Jacob and Mary (Booth) Yocum

YOCUM, Franklin: s/o Jacob and Mary (Booth) Yocum

YOCUM, George W.: s/o Jacob and Mary (Booth) Yocum

YOCUM, Hathaway (1831-1889): m'd THARP, Mary; may be emigrant of 1850; s/o Jacob and Mary (Booth) Yocum

YOCUM, Jesse: s/o Jacob and Mary (Booth) Yocum

YOCUM, Rebecca: d/o Jacob and Mary (Booth) Yocum

YOCUM, Sarah: d/o Jacob and Mary (Booth) Yocum

YOCUM, Stephen: s/o Jacob and Mary (Booth) Yocum

YOCUM, Thomas Jefferson (1828-1909): m'd 1851 THARP, Elizabeth; s/o Jacob and Mary (Booth) Yocum; father of 10 children

YORK , Cynthia (c1830-1874): m'd 1847 GATES, Thomas Waterman; drowned in the Columbia River Jun 14, 1874 off Cathlamet, WA

YOUNG, Daniel (1826- ): m'd ,

YOUNG, Elam (1788-1855): m'd 1808 EATON, Irene

YOUNG, James (1823-1847): m'd ,

YOUNG, John Quincy Adam (1828- ): m'd ,

ZUMWALT, Louisa C.:

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