The emigration of 1848 was small compared to many of the other years. Indian Agent Thomas Fitzpatrick, who had left Bent's Fork Feb 27 traveled up the Arkansas River to Pueblo where he stayed until April 18. He then moved north to South Platte River.and traveled the South Platte, the main Platte, the Blue and Kansas Rivers to Westport, Missouri..In a letter to Thomas H. Harvey, superintendent of Indian Affairs, Fitzpatrick made note of the emigrants he encountered. He commented, "Three days after passing the forks of Platte River, we commenced meeting the emigrants for Oregon and California and between that point and West Port met 364 wagons moving along quietly in small parties of from 12 to 30 wagons, some few parties were yet behind which we did not meet....The number of souls which I supposed to be for Oregon, about 1700, that for California, 150. I have not taken the Mormons into account here, as I know nothing of their movements."
Three hundred wagons are said to be on the road to California. The 2 largest companies, commanded by Capts. Waumbaugh and Chiles. Col. Fremont is with that portion of the immigration, going again to that country, as we understand, for the purpose of settling some government matters that had been left unadjusted by him." [Oregon Free Press, September 2, 1848]
Captains of 1848
Company 1--Capt. Mahlon M. Wambaugh [referred to as Capt. Wambo in most references] left from St. Joseph, Missouri on April 28 with 20 wagons. Capt. Thomas Gates left at the same time and members of these trains moved back and forth between the two trains. On May 15 Wambaugh was joined by 15-20 more wagons from a company traveling behnd him (probably the Gates Company). Upon reaching Fort Laramie the company grew again with the addition of the Clyman and Cornwall trains. The train was made up of a mix of those heading for California and Oregon. At Fort Hall the train split with Capt. Thomas Gates leading a party to Oregon and Wambaugh continuing on to California. The original Wambaugh train consisted of John T. Crooks, Saml. T. Jones, Mercer co., Ill. Wm Brunson (Branson), Sangamon co, Ill. Ruben Dickens, Warren co., Mo. Thos. Gates, Dupage co., Ill. Orrin Kellogg, Dan'l Hathaway, Joseph Kellogg, Wood Co., Ohio. Robt. Houston, Shelby, O. Elias D. Wilcox, Nathaniel Wilcox, Ft. Atchison, Iowa. Ruben Pigg, Ja's Robinson, Lafayette, Mo. John Stipp, Vermillion, Ill. Ira Patterson, Madison, Ill. Rhinehart Cripe, Andrew Bowers, Benj. Cripe, St. Joseph co., Indiana. Wm. W. King, Knox co, Mo. Riley Root, Knox co., Ill. Ja's Emery, Atchison co, Vt. Lyman Latourette, Senecca co., NY. Dr. D.S. Baker, Wabash co., Ill.
Company 2--Capt. Isaac Miller [some sources state Charles Miller was Captain but Charles was the son of Isaac and only 18 at the time] J.G. Ramsey, E. Garther, Scott co., Ill. Tho's Burbanks, Leonard Williams, Willie Williams, L. Davis, John Davis, Christian Clyne, Cain co., Ill., Tho's Wyatt, Peter D. Cline, Isaac Wyatt, Ind. Jacob Miller, John Dennis, John McKee, Dan'l Trulinger, Mercer co., Ill. Richard Hutchinson, Tho's Adams, Porter co., Ill. Fendal Sutherline, Polk co., Ind. John and Nathan and Gabriel Trullinger, Levi Grant, Davis co, Ill. Isaac and Christian Miller, Montgomery co., Ind. Benj. Cleaver, Jersey Co., Ill. Isaac Owens, Macoupam co., Ill. Horace Rice, David Prestly (Presley), Isaac Winkle, Wm. Porter, Mo., [aslo traveling with this group was Adam Stephens, Sanford Stephens and William Stephens]
Company 3--Isaac (sic- Jesse) and George and C. and H. Belknap, Chapman (Chatman) and David and Jesse Hawley, Abitha and Isaac and Norris Newton, Rev. John Starr, W, Bethers, G. Kittredge, M. Neff, Van Buren co, Io'a. Andrew and Martin and P. Hagey, Anderson De Haven, Adam Cooper, Wm. Armpriest, Des Moine co, Io'a. Geo. W. Jackson, (from Oregon in '47), Benj. B. and Andrew Jackson, John Miller, Henry Moody, Peoria co., Ill. Burrel Griffin (and two others whose first names are not given) Macon co., Mo. John and Willian and --- and Edgar Lindsay, Pettis co., Mo. Henry Henninger, Marshal co., Ind. [This train left VanBuren Co, IA April 10, 1848 led by Jesse Belknap and consisted of the Belknaps, Hawleys, Starrs, Prathers, Bethers, then joined company with Watts, Jacksons and others. At the Platte River their company was formed, laws made and officers elected. George Jackson and Joseph Watts were elected as pilots due to their previous overland experience. The train arrived in Oregon the second week in September] Keturah (Penton) Belknap Diary Richard Cheadle Letter
Company 4--Capt. Greenwood, Des Moines co., Io'a. Ja's Valentine, Geo. Irvin, Putnam co., Mo. Clinton Kelley, Ky. Nathaniel Hamlin, C. Emerick, St. Joseph. Mo. Samuel Welch, St. Clair co., Ill. P. Gearheart, Jefferson co., Io'a. John Moore, Johnson co., Io'a. J.A. Cloneinger, Colwell co., Mo. J.C. Lane, Schuyler co., Mo. P. Hebbert, B. Smith, Tazwell co., Ill. B. Moore, Rock Island, Ill.
Company 5--William and Stephen Porter, H.N.V. Holmes, Watt Tucker, J. Lewis, ---Coffey, Pike co., Mo. John Pervine, Geo. Graham, Morgan co., Ill., --- Hooker, Scott co., Ill. W. H. and W. M. Walker, Pike Co, Mo. Farley Pierce, Pliney Richison, Simon Markham, Knox co., Ill. Daniel Cushman, Fox River, Ill. ---Ball, St. Charles, Mo. A. Prussel, M. Shelley, Jefferson, Io'a. A.? Holcomb, W.Y (L.). Adams, Knox co., Ill. [Capt. Bolivar Walker. Departed from Peters Creek, MO May 5 and reached Oregon City, Oct. 1, 1848. Many of the members of this train settled near Silverton in Marion County. Bolliva Walker Train researcher Jim Hale] 1848 William Porter Diary William Porter Letter Home Purvine-Walker Papers contributed by Vicki Beninga
6. Capt. Pierre Barlow Cornwall outfitted at St. Joseph, Missouri. He was accompanied by his younger brother, Arthur. They hired as their guide, William O. Fallon and left for Council Bluffs on horseback. They were joined at Council Bluffs by Orrin Kellogg, Thomas Corcoran and two men named Hathaway from Wood County, Ohio. They left Council Bluffs April 12 and were planning on joining the rest of their party at Fort Laramie. Their destination was California. They joined with the Wambaugh train.
7. Capt. James Clyman, left April from Council Bluffs with Lambert McComb and family, Caleb Greenwood and family, Stephen Broadhurst, Joshua and Levi Hardman, Rufus Hitchcock and family, and Alvin Waite Stone. Their destination was California. They joined with the Wambaugh train at Fort Laramie.
8. Joseph B. Chiles was returning to California after a visit to Missouri to testify in Fremon't trial. It is unknown how many were in the party with him.
The following article comments on the five main trains arriving in Oregon in 1848, the members in each train, and the trains position on the trail. It is important to note that a family could travel with several different trains over the course of their journey. There were numerous reasons for this. If someone was ill in the family they might hold up for a day and join a train that was coming up behind them. If another train was moving faster than the one they were in they might move up and join it. If they were a small party they usually joined another train to travel in Indian territory. For this reason it is recommended to not only look at the train that a family traveled with, but also at the emigration as a whole. 1848 Oregon Trail Reading Recomendations
Captains of 1848 Trains to Oregon
"Arrival of the Immigration--Our hearts were gladdened on Wednesday afternoon by the arrival of a company of packers from the Immigration, the headmost company of which they left on Grandround river on the 20 ult. These gentlemen, Messrs. Geo. L. Boone, Jackson co, Mo.; G.J. Baskett, Howard co, Mo.; J.N. Ebey, Schuyler co, Mo.; Rueben Joy, Salem, Iowa; Wm. Bristoe, McDonough co., Ill., inform us that the extent of the immigration for Oregon, as far as their knowledge goes, may be put down at 300 wagons--the same number have gone to California. There may be other wagons on the road, perhaps in the rear, that they have not heard of, as those that are known to be coming left the settlements in the early part of May. Joseph L. Meek, our messenger to the U.S. government, arrived at St. Joseph on the 10th of May, and took steamboat on the same day for St. Louis; he would reach Washington about the 25th of May. Up to the time of the departure of these gentlemen nothing had been done for Oregon. The "Oregon Battalion," strange to say, were still where they had wintered, at Fort Karney, on Table creek, about 150 miles above St. Joseph. They had been ordered to be at Grand Island on the 1st of May, to protect the Immigrants. Maj. Fitzpatrick, Agent for the Pawnee, Chayenne and Arapahoe Indians, was met returning to the settlements with an intention of reporting this neglect of orders. The commander of the Battalion, Col. Powell, of St. Charles, Mo., was elected to that post by one vote over Andrew Sublette, who holds a Captain's commission in the Battalion.
The first company, it is supposed, are now between this and the Dalles, the second are a day or two behind the first, and the third are perhaps a day or so in the rear of the second. The 4th and 5th companies are some distrance from the advance, having been left by the packers on the 31st of July, on Goose creek. We give below the names, (chiefly the heads of families,) of the Immigrants who constitute these five companies. Some of the teams are failing, and those who have friends on the road should hasten out to their relief. We are requested to state that a party will start for this purpose on the 10th inst. Up to the time of the departure of the packers from the wagons, no trouble had been experienced from the Indians, and the packers saw few or none in coming in; we are apprehensive of difficulty, however, while the wagons are passing through Cayuse country.
Company 1--(Capt. Thomas Gates) John T. Crooks (capt of Company2), Saml. T. Jones, Mercer co., Ill. Wm Brunson (Branson), Sangamon co, Ill. Ruben Dickens, Warren co., Mo. Thos. Gates, Dupage co., Ill. Orrin Kellogg, Dan'l Hathaway, Joseph Kellogg, Wood Co., Ohio. Robt. Houston, Shelby, O. Elias D. Wilcox, Nathaniel Wilcox, Ft. Atchison, Iowa. Ruben Pigg, Ja's Robinson, Lafayette, Mo. John Stipp, Vermillion, Ill. Ira Patterson, Madison, Ill. Rhinehart Cripe, Andrew Bowers, Benj. Cripe, St. Joseph co., Indiana. Wm. W. King, Knox co, Mo. Riley Root, Knox co., Ill. Ja's Emery, Atchison co, Vt. Lyman Lautarette, Senecca co., NY. Dr. D.S. Baker, Wabash co., Ill.
Company 2--(Capt John T. Crooks) J.G. Ramsey, E. Garther, Scott co., Ill. Tho's Burbanks, Leonard Williams, Willie Williams, L. Davis, John Davis, Christian Clyne, Cain co., Ill., Tho's Wyatt, Peter D. Cline, Isaac Wyatt, Ind. Jacob Miller, John Dennis, John McKee, Dan'l Trulinger, Mercer co., Ill. Richard Hutchinson, Tho's Adams, Porter co., Ill. Fendal Sutherline, Polk co., Inda. John and Nathan and Gabriel Trullinger, Levi Grant, Davis co, Ill. Isaac and Christian Miller, Montgomery co., Ind. Benj. Cleaver, Jersey Co., Ill. Isaac Owens, Macoupam co., Ill. Horace Rice, David Prestly (Presley), Isaac Winkle, Wm. Porter, Mo.
Company 3--Isaac (sic- Jesse) and George and C. and H. Belknap, Chapman (Chatman) and David and Jesse Hawley, Abitha and Isaac and Norris Newton, Rev. John Starr, W, Bethers, G. Kittredge, M. Neff, Van Buren co, Io'a. Andrew and Martin and P. Hagey, Anderson De Haven, Adam Cooper, Wm. Armpriest, Des Moine co, Io'a. Geo. W. Jackson, (from Oregon in '47), Benj. B. and Andrew Jackson, John Miller, Henry Moody, Peoria co., Ill. Burrel Griffin (and two others whose first names are not given) Macon co., Mo. John and Willian and --- and Edgar Lindsay, Pettis co., Mo. Henry Henninger, Marshal co., Ind. [This train left VanBuren Co, IA April 10, 1848 led by Jesse Belknap and consisted of the Belknaps, Hawleys, Starrs, Prathers, Bethers, then joined company with Watts, Jacksons and others. At the Platte River their company was formed, laws made and officers elected. George Jackson and Joseph Watts were elected as pilots due to their previous overland experience. The train arrived in Oregon the second week in September] Keturah (Penton) Belknap Diary Richard Cheadle Letter
Company 4--Capt. Greenwood, Des Moines co., Io'a. Ja's Valentine, Geo. Irvin, Putnam co., Mo. Clinton Kelley, Ky. Nathaniel Hamlin, C. Emerick, St. Joseph. Mo. Samuel Welch, St. Clair co., Ill. P. Gearheart, Jefferson co., Io'a. John Moore, Johnson co., Io'a. J.A. Cloneinger, Colwell co., Mo. J.C. Lane, Schuyler co., Mo. P. Hebbert, B. Smith, Tazwell co., Ill. B. Moore, Rock Island, Ill.
Company 5--William and Stephen Porter, H.N.V. Holmes, Watt Tucker, J. Lewis, ---Coffey, Pike co., Mo. John Pervine, Geo. Graham, Morgan co., Ill., --- Hooker, Scott co., Ill. W. H. and W. M. Walker, Pike Co, Mo. Farley Pierce, Pliney Richison, Simon Markham, Knox co., Ill. Daniel Cushman, Fox River, Ill. ---Ball, St. Charles, Mo. A. Prussel, M. Shelley, Jefferson, Io'a. A.? Holcomb, W.Y (L.). Adams, Knox co., Ill. [Capt. Bolivar Walker. Departed from Peters Creek, MO May 5
and reached Oregon City, Oct. 1, 1848. Many of the members of this train
settled near Silverton in Marion County.]
1848 William Porter Diary
William Porter Letter Home
Purvine-Walker Papers contributed by Vicki Beninga
Company 9-- Capt. Joseph B. Chiles left Independence, Missouri May 5, 1848 on a return trip to California. He was joined by the company of Richard May on May 21 who left at the same time bringing the number of individuals to 37 men and 75 women and children. The company was enlarged again near Fort Kearny when they were joined by a group that included Peter Lassen with an additional 18 wagons bringing their total wagons to 47 and near 80 men.
Emigrants of 1848
NOTE: All women are listed by their maiden names, if known, EVEN if they were married at the time of emigration. Anyone wishing to be listed as a researcher for one of these families is welcome to contact me at the address at the bottom of this page. All additions and corrections are welcome. This is an ongoing project and I acknowledge that there may be individuals missing. The number preceding a name is an indication of which train they traveled in based on the listing above.
5: ADAMS, Helen Elizabeth (18487-1914): m'd JOHNSON, John Wesley; d/o William and Frances (Goodell) Adams; born 05 Jan 1847 Knox Co, IL; husband was the first president of the University of Oregon; buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
5: ADAMS, Inez Eugenia (1845-1933): m. 03 Jul 1863 PARKER, Wilder Webster; d/o William and Frances (Goodell) Adams; born 05 Oct 1845 Henderson Co, IL and died 22 Apr 1933 Seaside, Clatsop Co, OR; buried Clatsop Plains Cemetery, Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon
1: ADAMS, Katharine (c1826-1853): m'd 22 Feb 1843 AUSTIN, Joseph C.; cut off for California
1 & 2: ADAMS, Thomas Perry (1820-1890): m'd 16 Aug 1847 BROADHEAD, Susannah; s/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Ralston) Adams; born 20 May 1820 Crawford Co, OH and died 09 Jul 1890 Harney County, Oregon; father of 6 children (Wilford Eugene Enos, Charles Alfred, John Quincy, Elvira, James Thomas and Irene Isadore)
2: ADAMS, Wilford Eugene Enos (1848-1930): s/o Thomas and Susannah (Broadhead) Adams; born 10 Oct 1848 in Marion Co, OR shortly after arrival and died 23 Dec 1930.
5: ADAMS, William Lysander Dr. (05 Feb 1821- 25 Apr 1906): m'd 25 Aug 1844 GOODELL, Frances Olivia; m2. 22 Oct 1881 MOSIER, Mary Susan; s/o Sebastian and Eunice (Harmon) Adams; buried Idlewild Cemetery, Hood River, Oregon; father of 8 children by first wife (Inez Eugenia, Helen Elizabeth, William Harmon, Julia Frances, Gaines Melancthon, Arthur Craig, Amy Cecelia and Claribelle M.); and father of 2 children by his second wife (Percival Lysander and Lenore Evelyn).
"Author, editor and physician. Born Paineville, Ohio and educated at Bethany College, Va., living in the home of President Alexander Campbell, leader of group later known as Campbellites. With wife and two children came to Oregon in 1848, settling on farm near Yamhill. Taught school; made two profitable trips to California gold fields. In 1852 became locally famous as author of 'Treason, Stratagems, and Spoils', a brisk melodarama in five acts, by Breakspear. This political satire was first published in the Oregonian, republished as a pamphlet, and was the most talked of publication of its time. In 1855 he purchased the declining Oregon Spectator renaming it the Oregon Argus; was appointed collector of customs of Astoria, in 1861, following Gen. John Adair in that post. He resigned in 1867. After two years of travel, followed by four years on his Yamhill farm, he went to Philadelphia where he studied medicine for a year; returning to Oregon with an M.D. degree, an LL.D. degree and a medal for 'eminent attainments in medical science'. From 1874 to 1877 he practiced medicine at Portland, removing then to Hood River where he rounded out his days, respected and long remembered. In 1888 he completed and published A History of Medicine and Surgery from the Earliest Times, with its main object the exposure of frauds. Dr. Adams was twice married; first to Frances O. Goodell, 1844, by whom he had eight children (she died in 1887); and to Mary Susan Moser, 1888, by whom he had two children. A Whig, he was called the 'Father of the Republican Party in Oregon'. His writings as editor of the Argus had the admiration of Abraham Lincoln; while his trenchant use of the language, similar to certain of his editorial contemporaries, gave rise to what was locally known as the 'Oregon Style'." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 3]
ADKINSON, Elizabeth: m'd 1831 SMITH, John Buford
ALDERMAN, Julia Ann ( - ): m'd 1829 MILLER, Joseph
ALLSOPP, James Ponconley Carleton (1826 - ): m'd 1861 HUNTER, Angeline; born in Louisiana his father was English and his mother was Spanish; listed in California voter register 1867, 1880, 1882 San Francisco County; 1869 Monterey County, 1871 Marin County, 1874 Alameda County,
ANDERSON, Louisa ( - ): m'd MCKINNEY, Stephen
ANDERSON, William Reese (1822- ): m'd 1851 STURGESS, Sarah Jane; s/o Jacob and Lucretia (Killinger) Anderson; third of a family of eleven children; became an employee of the US Government in 1848 and by the end of the year had crossed the plains to Oregon; located first at Portland and in 1855 moved to Clark County, WA where he settled near Hazel Dell and was instrumental in establishing the area; father of 14 children (Frank, Charles H., William R. Jr., Marilia; Edward B., Estella F., Lucretia V., George W., Fannie E., Asa, Minnie J., Nina, Katie A. and Robert E.)
*7: ANDERSON, William Wright: driver for the Charles Miller family; later went on to CA
APLIN, George Chiffman (1824-1889): m'd 26 Dec 1850 WAGNER, Marie; buried St. Paul Catholic Church, St. Paul, Marion County, Oregon
ARMITAGE, George Henry (26 Jan 1824-12 Feb 1893): m'd 1851 STEVENS, Sarah Jane
"Pioneer, best remembered in early times as operator of a ferryboat that in 1850 first plied between either shore of the McKenzie River, four miles northeast of Eugene. Starting from New York State, he progressed westward through Illinois and Missouri, coming to Oregon in the fall of 1848 with the intent of making a home. A carpenter, he lived at Brownsville, where he was assisted in building the first schoolhouse in the eastside Willamette Valley south of Salem. In 1849, with Harrison Stevens, he built and operated a sawmill, selling his interst to Stevens the following year and devoting his time to the ferry. His former partner became his brother-in-law, when in 1851 he married Sarah Jane Stevens. That year also he drove a herd of cattle and a pack train of supplies to the California mines. Returning he settled on his homestead, building Lane County's second sawmill in 1855, which in 1861, while he was away at the Idaho mines, was washed away by flood. Active in civic endeabors, he was instrumental in securing the State University for Eugene. A Republican in politics, he never sought nor held public office. He fathered ten sons and daughters." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 11]
3: ARMPRIEST, George.: had a family and one wagon
ARMSTRONG, William ( - ):
ATKINSON, George Henry Rev. (10 May 1819-25 Feb 1889): m'd 1846 BATES, Nancy; arrived by ship
"Missionary, educator, scientist, and publicist, is father of Oregon's public school system, founder of Clackamas Female Seminary, and co-founder of Pacific University. Born in Newburyport, Mass., he attended Newbury and Bradford Academies, and graduated from Dartmouth College in 1843. His ministerial training was completed at Andover Theological Seminary in 1846; in that year he married Nancy Bates. Assigned to the Oregon field as a Congregational missionary, he was ordained a minister, February 24, 1847, and with his wife sailed on the bark Samoset via Cape Horn for the Sandwich Islands. From there the couple voyaged to the Columbia River on the Cowlitz, arriving in 1848. Taking residence at Oregon City, Dr. Atkinson remained pastor of Congregational Church for 15 years. Founding the Clackamas Female Seminary, he provided its first corps of teachers; through his efforts Tualatin Academy, later Pacific University was established at Forest Grove. When Oregon became a territory Dr. Atkinson induced the legislature to establish a public school system. Following this, he became the first county school superintendent for Clackamas County, and later for Multnomah County, after his removal to Portland in 1865 to become pastor of the First Congregational Church. Left pastorate of church in 1872, to enter missionary field, and in 1880 became Superintendent of Missions of Congregational Chuches of Oregon, and Washington Territory, traveling widely throughout the interior. In 1885, Oregon and Washington missionary districts were divided, Dr. Atkinson retaining the Oregon superintendency, occupying it until his death, at Portland. He is credited as first to use the term 'Inland Empire' to designate high country region of eastern Oregon and Washington." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 14]
1: AUSTIN, Charles H. (1844- ): s/o Joseph and Katharine (Adams) Austin
1: AUSTIN, Henry B. (1847- ): s/o Joseph and Katharine (Adams) Austin
1: AUSTIN, Joseph C.(c1809-1888): m'd 22 Feb 1843 ADAMS, Katharine; cut off for CA
1: AVERY, James Thomas (1843-1867): s/o Benjamin and Lucretia (Ellis) Avery; emigrated to Oregon with mother and step-father John and Lucretia (Ellis) Stipp; buried Stipp Memorial Cemetery, Marion County, Oregon
1: AVERY, Mary Priscilla (1835-1894): m1. 1849 HUNTLEY, Carsena A. (div 1858); m2. 1861 SAWTELLE, Cheston M.; d/o Benjamin and Lucretia (Ellis) Avery; emigrated to Oregon with mother and step-father John and Lucretia (Ellis) Stipp; buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York
1: AVERY, Richard Benjamin (1832-1903): s/o Benjamin and Lucretia (Ellis) Avery; emigrated to Oregon with mother and step-father John and Lucretia (Ellis) Stipp; buried in San Francisco National Cemetery, San Francisco, San Francisco County, California
1: AVERY, Thomas W. (1833-1867): s/o Benjamin and Lucretia (Ellis) Avery; emigrated to Oregon with mother and step-father John and Lucretia (Ellis) Stipp; buried Stipp Memorial Cemetery, Marion County, Oregon
1: AVERY, William Chaffey (1837-1875): s/o Benjamin and Lucretia (Ellis) Avery; emigrated to Oregon with mother and step-father John and Lucretia (Ellis) Stipp; died in California
BACON, Eli Griffith (1828-Jul 1896): m'd 05 Oct 1871 [unknown], Sophia D.; s/o William and Eleanor (Miller) Bacon; buried Oakwood Hill Cemetery, Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington
BAIRD, Benjamin Harrison (1809-1864) : m'd 30 Jan 1834 CRAIG, Mary Rosetta; s/o
Isham Harrison and Clarissa (Bushnell) Baird; father of 16 children (Alvan C.
Baird, Elizabeth Jane Baird, John Franklin Baird, Carroll Baird, Onesimus
Aresiuess Baird, Sarah Ann Baird, Harriet Eliza Baird, Nancy Lucinda Baird,
Craig Ewing Baird, Benjamin C. Baird, Mary Evalyn Baird, Keturah Belknap Baird,
James T. J. Baird, Joseph S. Baird, Clarissa Ellen Baird, Harrison E. Baird); was attacked by a grizzly
bear while out hunting. The bear bit off one of his arms, clawed
off one side of his face and bit a hole in his chest and side. He
made his way to a miner's cabin where he died in a few hours; buried
Croxton Memorial Park, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
1: BAKER, Dorsey Syng Dr. (18
Oct 1823-05 Jul 1888):
m1. 16 Jun 1850 TIBBETTS, Caroline; m2. 1865 LEGIER, Mary Angeline; m3.
1867 MILLICAN/MCCULLOUGH, Elizabeth; s/o Ezra and Elizabeth (Haupt) Baker; was
doctor for the train;
to CA; to Portland in early 1850s where he had hardware business; later founded
Oakland in Southern Oregon where he built a flour mill; 1861 to Walla Walla, WA
where he was in mercantile business; 1862 became associated with Capt. Ankeny
and Senator Corbett in steamboat business; then built narrow gauge railroad
lines throughout Washington becoming a pioneer railroad builder in that state;
d. 05 Jul 1888 at Walla Walla, Washington;
Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington
5: BALL, Isaac (1812-1895): m'd 03 Jan 1838 HOWLAND, Abigail; s/o Thomas and Martha (Brindley) Ball; buried Ball Cemetery, Ballston, Polk County, Oregon
"BALL, ISAAC--Born in Staffordshire, England, in 1812. Coming to Oregon, he settled in Polk County. His residence is at Ballston, a station of the Oregonian Railway, which received its name from him. Mr. Ball served two terms as county commissioner. He owns several hundred acres of the finest and best soil in the county. He married Miss A. Howland in January, 1838. Children William II., Samuel H., Isaac J., Thomas M., Mary J.,.Lavinia, Margaret A., Anna P. M., and Lida." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.692]
BALL, Isaac James (1841-1863): s/o Isaac and Abigail (Howland) Ball; died in California; buried Ball Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
BALL, Lovina Ann (1847-1938): m'd 18 Nov 1864 COMEGYS, William; d/o Isaac and Abigail (Howland) Ball; buried Ball Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
BALL, Samuel Howland (1839-1853): s/o Isaac and Abigail (Howland) Ball; buried Ball Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
BALL, Thomas Marsden (1843-1866): s/o Isaac and Abigail (Howland) Ball; buried Ball Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
BALL, William Henry (1838-1873): m'd 19 Dec 1859 FAWK, Mary; s/o Isaac and Abigail (Howland) Ball; buried Ball Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
BARNES, Caleb (1818- ):
BARNES, George Anson (31 Aug 1821-29 Nov 1912): m1. 02 Jul 1842 KANDLE, Mary Ann; m2. 1897 BETHEL, Mrs. Eliza S. (EUSTICE) ; m3. 1906 PRIDHAM, Grace Slade; s/o Nelson and Anna (Stevenson) Barnes; father was a contractor working on the Erie Canal; at age 13 George became a clerk apprentice in a general merchandise store; 1837 moved with family to IN; worked as a clerk for a time in IN and then became associated with the fur company of Ewing Chute & Co; 1842 married first wife; 1848 emigrated with his wife to OR where he wintered before going to CA in the spring of 1849; in Nov 1849 took passage and returned to IN where he outfitted wagons and headed west a second time bringing with him all of his father's family; arrived in Portland in August 1850 and proceeded to open a general store; Feb 1852 moved to Olympia, WA where he again opened a store, started the first bank at Puget Sound and became mayor of Olympia; remained in that area remainder of life; was active in civic affairs; had no children; buried Masonic Memorial Park, Tumwater, Olympia County, Washington
BASKETT, George Johnston (1817-1883): m'd 08 Sep 1850 BRISTOW, Catherine Sims; s/o William and Susan (Phillips) Baskett; George Baskett was born 25 Feb 1818 in Shelby Co, KY.returned east to purchase hores and returned again in 1853 ; George and Catherine were the parents of eight children including (Susan Ethel, William Aurelius, Louise Catherine, Margaret Josephine, Francis Frederika, Etna Pauline, Jessie Shelby andGeorge Lafayette Lee); buried City View Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
1: BATEMAN, Thomas ( -1848): died at Bear River of mountain fever
BAUER, Andreas [Andrew] (1810-1884): m'd 1837 SMELTZER, Theresa; buried St. Louis Cemetery, St. Louis, Marion County, Oregon
"BAUER, ANDREW--Born in Germany in 1810; settled in Ohio in 1834, and in Marion County, Oregon, in 1848. Occupation, farming. Died January 24, 1884. Married Theresa Smeltzer in 1837. Children: John, Ferdinand, Eliza (Mrs. Busky), and Mrs. W. T. Chambers. Mrs. Bauer died in 1869." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.692]
BAUER, Child #1 ( - ):
BAYLEY, Thomas Hart ( - ):
3: BELKNAP, Rev. Corrington Gavitt . (1830-1906): m1. 11 Oct 1853 YORK, Ann Aletha (1833-1880); m2. c1882 SUMNER, Mary Josephine; s/o Jesse and Jane (Garlinghouse) Belknap; born 29 Aug 1830 Licking Co, OH and died 09 Sep 1906 Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA; buried Santa Barbara Cemetery, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Co, CA; father of 5 known children by his first wife (Mary Emma, Clara Cordelia, Rosa Aletha, Cora and Charles Carroll); father of 2 children by his second wife (Frederick and James Corrington); was a Methodist minister who served various areas of Oregon and Washington before spending his later years in California; buried Santa Barbara Cemetery, Santa Barbara County, California
3: BELKNAP, George (1817-1897): m'd 03 Oct 1839 PENTON, Keturah G.; s/o Jesse and Jane (Garlinghouse) Belknap; born 30 Aug 1817 Hardin Co, KY and died 16 Sep 1897 Benton Co, OR; buried Alpine Cemetery, Alpine, Benton Co, OR; father of 11 children (Hannah, John, Jesse Walker, Martha, Lorenzo Gilbert, Henry Clay, Millard Fillmore, Lucina Emeline, Lovina Jane, Infant son and George Simpson)
3: BELKNAP, Jesse (1792-1881): m'd 20 Feb 1812 GARLINGHOUSE, Jane; s/o Jonas Newton and Esther (Parker) Belknap; born 26 Jan 1792 Cherry Valley, NY; settled in Benton County, OR where he remained until his death on 19 Nov 1881; father of 7 children (Keziah, Hannah, George, Ransom Amos, Talitha Cumi, Corrington Gavitt and Harley Augustus); some of his children emigrated to OR in 1847
3: BELKNAP, Jesse Walker (1844-1871): m'd c1868 MANN, Florence A.; s/o George and Keturah (Penton) Belknap; born 23 Dec 1844 VanBuren Co, IA and died 18 Dec 1871 Benton Co, OR; buried Alpine Cemetery, Alpine, Benton Co, OR
3: BELKNAP, Lorenzo Gilbert (1848-1926): s/o George and Keturah (Penton) Belknap; born 10 Aug 1848 on the trail in the Vale, Oregon area and died 28 Feb 1926; buried Locust Grove Cemetery, Brewster, Okanogan County, Washington
BENNETT, Levi (1834-1930): m'd 15 Aug 1855 STEPHENS, Mary Matilda; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
"BENNETT, LEVI--Born in Carroll County, Illinois, March 19, 1834; came to Oregon and settled in Yamhill County, residing now at Amity. He is a farmer. August 15, 1855, he married Mary M. Stephens, who was born in Indiana, October 12, 1840. Their children are- Cyrus J., John H., Lillian R., R. J., and Marietta (deceased)." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.692-3]
BENSON, Charles (10 May 1815-08 May 1902): m'd 01 Nov 1849 RUDOLPH, Catherine Elizabeth; m2. 10 Oct 1852 GREENSTREET, Marilda; buried Hobson-Whitney Cemetery, Sublimity, Marion County, Oregon
BERTHOLD, John Badall (c1816 -1850): m'd 1840 [ ], Otillia; born Germany
BERTHOLD, John (25 Dec 1846-27 Nov 1917): m'd REXFORD, Martha; s/o John and Ottilia Berthold; buried Arlington Masonic Cemetery, Arlington, Gilliam County, Oregon
BERTHOLD, Mary Badall (05 May 1841-25 Sep 1921): m'd STANDARD, Oliver Winfield; d/o John and Ottiliia Berthold
BERTHOLD, Phillip (28 Dec 1844-13 Mar 1911); s/o John and Ottilia Berthold; buried Orleans Cemetery, Orleans, Linn County, Oregon
3: BETHERS, George W. (1821-1878): m'd NEWTON, Kezia; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
3: BETHERS, Melissa (1844-1920): m'd LYTLE, Tobia; d/o George W. and Kezia (Newton) Bethers; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
3: BETHERS, Simon; s/o George W. and Kezia (Newton) Bethers
BILES, John DeNormandy (1828-13 Sep 1890): m1. 04 Apr 1852 MALICK, Rachel Henrietta; m2. 03 Sep 1860 KELLY, Mary Elizabeth; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BLACK, Sarah (1804- ): m'd 1836 TUCKER, Samuel
5: BLACKERBY, J. William C (1834-1867): 15 Sep 1864 SEARS, Sophronia J; s/o Joseph and Cassandra (Coffey) Blackerby; buried on private property, Lehman Springs, Umatilla County, Oregon
5: BLACKERBY, Joseph Monroe Dr. (1806-1878): m'd 1834 COFFEY, Cassandra; buried Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion County, Oregon
5: BLACKERBY, Marquis D. L. (1848-1854): never married; s/o Joseph and Cassandra (Coffey) Blackerby; buried Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion County, Oregon
5: BLACKERBY, Sidney Green (1844 -1910): m'd WILCOX, Margaret; s/o Joseph and Cassandra (Coffey) Blackerby; buried Burns Cemetery, Burns, Harney County, Oregon
5: BLACKERBY, Thomas Richard (1836-1906): m'd ALLEN, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Joseph and Cassandra (Coffey) Blackerby; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
6:: BLAIN, Leighton E. (1842 -1927): m'd 1865 MILLER, Mary; s/o Wilson and Elizabeth (Wilson) Blain; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
"BLAIN, L. E.--A son of Wilson Blain, was born in Indiana in 1842. He received a common school education, and on coming of age engaged in merchandising at Albany, in partnership with S. E. Young. In 1872 he went into business for himself in a clothing store, which he still carries on. Married, in 1865, Miss Mary Miller." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.693]
6:: BLAIN, Mary Paulina (1843-1931): m'd 1862 MARKS, James McKinney; d/o Wilson and Elizabeth (Wilson) Blain; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
6:: BLAIN, W. Robert (1847-1920): s/o Wilson and Elizabeth (Wilson) Blain; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
6:: BLAIN, Wilson (1813 -22 Feb 1861): m'd WILSON, Elizabeth; buried Wilson Blain Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
"BLAIN, WILSON--Born in Ohio in 1813; graduated from Missouri University, and afterwards studied theology, and was ordained as a Presbyterian minister in 1838. Came to Oregon as missionary. Became editor of the Spectator newspaper, and served, also, three years in the Legislative Council. Located at Union Point, Linn County, in 1850, and organized a church, of which he was pastor, and likewise taught the pupils of an Academy at the same place. Was married to Elizabeth Wilson, by whom he had six children three sons and three daughters. The sons now live in Albany. Mr. Blain died February 22, 1861." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.693]
"Editor and Presbyterian minister (ordained 1838), came to Oregon as a minister in 1848, for the Associated Reformed Church of the Presbyterian faith. Locating at Oregon City, he became an active part of its life. He was editor of the Oregon Spectator, fall of 1849 to Sept. 05, 1850, meanwhile serving as Territorial printer and member of the first Territorial legislature. On June 18, 1489, organitzed pioneer church at Union Point near Brownsville, moving there the following year as first pastor. Here in Febryary, 185, he was instrumental in consummating a union of various branches of the Presbyterian Church in Oregon, with the Union Point denomination--first United Presbyterian Church, in the world. He continued as pastor until his death, teaching in Untion Point Academy. In early years he was a graduate of Missouri University, later studying theology. He married Eliabeth Wilson; they the three sons and three daughters." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 29]
BOONE, George Luther (06 Jun 1826-04 Dec 1910): m'd 1852 YOUNG, Mourning Ann; s/o Alphonso and Nancy (Linville) Boone; in 1845 he was with fur company stationed at a traders post, Fort Pueblo, at the head of the Arkansas River; spent the next several years in Mexico, Texas, and CA; settled in Benton Co; sold claim in 1865; buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon; [Oregon Historical Society MSS #1508 5pp]
BOWERS: see Bauer
BOWMAN, Amanda: m'd HEMBREE, Houston; separated in 1860s
BOWMAN, Amanda: m'd KELLOGG, [ ]
5: BOWMAN, William:
BOYD, John Nixon (1814-1888): m1. 21 Aug 1833 GOODNOW, Lavina Amelia (1815-1890); m2. [ ], Laverne Frances; John was born 20 Feb 1814 Cooper Co, MO; s/o Robert and Nancy Ann (Wagner) Boyd; brother, Robert Berry Boyd came to OR in 1844; it appears his other siblings remained east; John died 25 Mar 1888 Lane Co, OR; father of 7 children (Sarah Ann Harriet, John R., Nancy E., Joshua C., Martha J., Lavina Frances and George Thomas); buried Young Cemetery, Junction City, Lane County, Oregon
BRADSHAW, Joseph ( - ):
BRADY, Temperance: m'd SCOTT, [ ]
BRAGG, Martha (1807-1867): m'd WINKLE, Isaac; buried Winkle Cemetery, Benton County, Oregon
BRANDON, Ruth Jane (1820-1899): m'd 1843 SHELLEY, Harrison; buried Campbell-Grier Cemetery, Stayton, Marion County, Oregon
1: BRANSON, Alida L. (1845- ): d/o William and Martha (Cooper) Branson
1: BRANSON, Benjamin Burden (1830-1906): m'd 1854 DICKEY, Eliza E.; s/o William and Sally (Graves) Branson; buried Harmony Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
"BRANSON, BENJAMIN B.--Born in De Witt County, Illinois, September 4, 1830. His first place of residence in Oregon was at Grande Ronde, Polk County; he now lives at Mill Creek, in the same county, and is a farmer and stock-grower. He married Eliza E. Dickey, in Yamhill County, September 15, 1854, and their children's names are Sarah A., Josephine, Evanda, Eliza J., Ephraim N., Elnora S., Ida M., Benjamin B., Orby N., Susie G., Lena T., and Gertrude." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.693]
1: BRANSON, George Washington (1832-1898): m'd WOODS, Mary Elizabeth; s/o William and Sally (Graves) Branson; was the father of fifteen children [Henry Clay, I.N., George, Byron, Adaline, Dora, Amos, Troy, Harvey, William, Jesse, Helen, Melvin, Viola and Wayne]; settled in Yamhill County
1: BRANSON, Mary Elizabeth (1841- ): d/o William and Martha (Cooper) Branson
1: BRANSON, Rebecca (1847- ): d/o William and Martha (Cooper) Branson
1: BRANSON, Sarah Catherine (1843- ): d/o William and Martha (Cooper) Branson
1: BRANSON, Thomas Clinton (1836-1902): s/o William and Sally (Graves) Branson
1: BRANSON, William (1791-1860): m1. 1815 GRAVES, Sally M. m2. 1840 COOPER , Martha
BRANSON, William, born Jan. 9, 1791, in North Carolina, and was taken by his parents to South Carolina, in 1793. In 1811 the family moved to Chilicothe, Ohio, where he was married to Sally M. Graves, in 1815. He moved to Indiana, and from there to Sangamon county, Ill., about the time his father came; moved to Galena, and from there to DeWitt county, Ill. They had seven children, and Mrs. Sally M. Branson died May 10, 1840 in DeWitt County. In December, 1840, he was married to Martha Cooper, in Sangamon county. In March, 1847, he moved to Sangamon county, and March 28, 1848, he started overland with his family and arrived Sept 14, 1848 in Polk county, Oregon. He had eight children by the second marriage. He died Nov. 16, 1860. His widow married Michael Shelley, and died Dec. 24, 1868, near Independence, Polk county, Oregon. Nearly all the descendants of William Branson reside in the vicinity of Sheridan, Yamhill county, Oregon. His son, B.B. Branson, Jun., born Sept 4, 1830, went with his father to Oregon, in 1848, married there, Sept. 15, 1854, to Eliza E. Dickey, who was born Jan. 19 1834, in Tenn. They have eight living children." [History of the Early Settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois p. 133]
5: BRISTOW, Abel King (1819-1881):
m'd 26 Jan 1843 GOOCH, Almira K.; s/o Elijah and Susan (Gabbert) Bristow;
settled Lane Co; father emigrated to CA in 1845; 1846 to Oregon; buried
Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
5: BRISTOW, Catherine Sims (21 Sep 1828-05 Mar 1913): m'd 08 Sep 1850 BASKETT, George Johnaron; d/o Elijah and Susan (Gabbert) Bristow; buried City View Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
5: BRISTOW, Elijah Lafayette "Lafe" (02 Jan 1832-21 May 1887): m'd HILL Harriet Eugenia; s/o Elijah and Susan (Gabbert) Bristow; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
5: BRISTOW, Elizabeth Elkins (09 Oct 1815-11 Jan 1878): m'd 1834 HENDRICKS, James Madison; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
5: BRISTOW, John Kennedy (26 Mar 1814-28 Jan 1887): s/o Elijah and Susan (Gabbert) Bristow; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
5: BRISTOW, Mary "Polly" (28 Oct 1820-24 Mar 1911): m'd 05 Dec 1839 CALLISON, Robert; d/o Elijah and Susan (Gabbert) Bristow; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
5: BRISTOW, Sarah Brown (17 May 1817-06 Apr 1875): d/o Elijah and Susan (Gabbert) Bristow; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
5: BRISTOW, William Wilshire (18 Jul 1826-08 Dec 1874): m1. 17 Oct 1850 COFFEY, Elizabeth; m2. 1865 MCCALL, Martha Ann; s/o Elijah and Susan (Gabbert) Bristow; settled Lane Co; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
"BRISTOW, W. W.--Born in Kentucky; came to Oregon in 1848 with his parents, brothers and sisters, and settled in Lane County. Was a member of the Constitutional Convention, and served the people in a variety of other positions. Was elected State Senator in 1872. Died December 9, 1874." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.693]
"Pioneer teacher, legislator and merchant, was born in Kentucky, the son of Elijah Bristow. In 1848, with his brother E.L. Bristow and other family members, he came to Oregon to join his father in the Pleasant Hill district of the upper Willamette Valley. Here he engaged in farming, taught the first school established by this father in 1851, served as justice of the peace, 1852-53, and for a number of years was post master. In 1857 was delegate to State Constitutional Convention, and in 1858 was elected one of first state senators from Lane County; he again served as senator in 1872 and 1874. In 1865 he moved to Eugene City where he engaged in the mercantile business under the name of Bristow & Company. He was three times married; to Elizabeth Coffey,1850; to Martha A. McCall, 1865; to Mary J. Wells, 1869. He had four children by his first wife, one by his second." [Dictionary of Oregon History, edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 35]
1: BROADHEAD, Susannah (1833-1863): m'd 16 Aug 1847 ADAMS, Thomas Perry; d/o John Broadhead and Ann Clarissa Gurley; born 03 Aug 1833 LaPorte Co, IN and died 26 Dec 1863 Santa Clara Co, CA; mother of 6 children (Wilford Eugene Enos, Charles Alfred, John Quincy, Elvira, James Thomas and Irene Isadore)
7: 1: BROADHURST, Stephen (1823- ): m'd MCCOMB, Rebecca O. H.
1: BROCK, Elisha Estes: cut off for California
1: BROCK, Robert: cut off for California
1: BROCK, Tarlton Fleming: cut off for California
BROWN, Damask Constance (1846-1919): m'd 1864 LEMLEY, Horatio Gates P.; buried Richardson Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
BROWN, Eveline: m'd ODEN, [ ]
BROWN, John (1806-1872): m'd 1831 RICHARDSON, Nancy; buried Richardson Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
BROWN, Lucy (1836-1904): m'd 1858 HAYES, Richard Burke; buried Richardson Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
1: BROWN, Mary (1805-1851): m'd 1827 HOUSTON, Robert; settled with family in Linn Co; buried in Houston Cemetery aka East Albany Cemetery
BROWN, Melburn C. (1840-1905): m'd 1863 EDY, Mickey Ann
BROWN, Polly Ann (1838-1891): m'd NIXON, William
BROWN, Sarah Jane (1832-1896): m'd 1850 JENKINS, Stephen Rev.; buried Jenkins Cemetery, Lane County, Oregon
BROWN, Simpson S. (1834-1875): m'd 1855 CHILDERS, Victoria; s/o John and Nancy (Richardson) Brown; buried Richardson Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
BROWN, Sophia (1844-1892): m'd 1862 HAYES, James A.; buried Richardson Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
BURNS, Aumers ( - ):
BURNS, Catherine ( - ):
BURNS, Daniel ( - ):
BURNS, David N. (1835-1893: m'd 01 Jan 1865 TETHEROW, Martha Jane; s/o William J. and Rachel (Ford) Burns; buried Smith Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
"BURNS, DAVID N.--Is part proprietor of a livery stable at Dallas, Polk County, where he resides. He was born in Kendall County, Illinois, in 1835, and came to Oregon at thirteen years of age, and settled in Yamhill County. He married Martha J. Tetherow in Polk County, January 1, 1865." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.694]
BURNS, John H. (1833-1898): m1. 1853 HICKLIN , Susan R.; m2. 30 Oct 1878 CRICHLOW, Cornelia G.; s/o William J. and Rachel (Ford) Burns; buried Smith Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
"BURNS, JOHN--Born in Tazewell County, Illinois, in 1833. Coming to Oregon, he settled in Polk County. Resides now in the Luckiamute Valley, and is a farmer and stock-raiser. He married Susan Hicklin in Washington County, Oregon, in 1853. She died January 15, 1875. Married Cornelia Crichton in Polk County, October 30, 1878. Children: Eliza E., Clarinda E., Emma F., Arthur L., John, Milton M., Columbus, Rachel, Alice, and Ruby M." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.694]
BURNS, Margaret D. (1837-1897): m'd YEATER, James Thomas; d/o William J. and Rachel (Ford) Burns; buried Smith Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
BURNS, Maria C. (1843-1893): m'd 07 Apr 1866 WHITALL, William Caldwell; d/o William J. and Rachel (Ford) Burns; buried Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BURNS, Mary Jane (1831-1864): m'd ALDERMAN, Albert Lockwood; d/o William J. and Rachel (Ford) Burns; buried Brookside Cemetery, Dayton, Yamhill County, Oregon
BURNS, Rachel Maritta(1846-1931): m'd 06 Oct 1864 SMITH, Benjamin d/o William J. and Rachel (Ford) Burns; buried Smith Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
BURNS, Robert ( - ):
BURNS, Sophia ( - ):
BURNS, William (1800- ): m'd 1827 FORD, Rachel
BURNS, William Evans (1840-1917): m'd 1866 JOHNSTON, Drusilla M. s/o William J. and Rachel (Ford) Burns; buried Smith Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
"BURNS, W. E.--Born in Illinois in 1840; came to Oregon and settled in Yamhill County; present residence, Luckiamute Valley, and occupation, farming and stock-raising. He married Drusilla M. Johnson, in Oregon, in 1866, and their children s names are William J., Myta J., and Ada F." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.694]
7: 1: BURROWS, Chloe Ann: step daughter of Rufus Hitchcock
7: 1: BURROWS, Rufus (1834- ): step son of Rufus Hitchcock
7: 1: BURROWS, Susan Ann: step daughter of Rufus Hitchcock
BURTON, Melissa: m'd CORAY, William; to California in 1848; Sierra Nevada mountain peak near the 9,600 foot summit of the Mormon-Carson Emigrant Road has been named for Melissa Coray
BUSHNELL, Estella (1818-1902): m'd 1844 KELLOGG, Joseph; d/o Truman and Hephzibah (Bond) Bushnell
CALLISON, Henrietta (1845- 15 Apr 1858): never married; d/o Robert and Mary (Bristow) Callison; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
CALLISON, Josiah T. (24 May 1842 - 21 Apr 1915): m'd 21 Sep 1862 KNOX, Harriet; s/o Robert and Mary (Bristow) Callison; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
CALLISON, Robert (05 Jun 1818 - 15 Jan 1906): m'd 05 Dec 1839 BRISTOW, Mary Ann "Polly"; s/o Joseph Callison; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
4: CAMP, Susan Rebecca (14 Sep 1829 - 27 Oct 1901): m'd 05 Feb 1845 CLOVINGER, David Andrew
CANNON, Lewis W. (1826- ): m'd 1845 [unknown], Mary
CATLIN, Adam (1842-1907): m'd 04 May 1875 GALLOWAY, Mary J.; s/o Seth and Agnes (Redpath) Catlin; buried Wilhelm's Portland Memorial, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CATLIN, Charles (1844-1900): m'd OSTRANDER, [unknown]; s/o Seth and Agnes (Redpath) Catlin; buried Caitlin Cemetery, Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington
CATLIN, Frederick "Fred" (1848-1929): m1. LAFFEY, Zelia Isabelle; m2. PRICE, Laura L.; s/o Seth and Agnes (Redpath) Catlin; buried Cowlitz View Memorial Gardens, Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington
CATLIN, John (1832- 1902): m'd HENDERSON, Francis Amanda; s/o Seth and Agnes (Redpath) Catlin; buried Riverview Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CATLIN, Robert (1840-1903): m'd SATTERLEE, Mary Lansing; s/o Seth and Agnes (Redpath) Catlin; buried US Soldiers' and Airmen's Home National Cemetery Washington DC
CATLIN, Seth (1791-1865): m'd 22 Mar 1831 REDPATH, Agnes; buried Catlin Cemetery, Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington
3: CHAMBERLAIN, Aaron: m'd 1844 CHEADLE, Adeline M.; originally emigranted in 1844
5: CHAPMAN, Caleb Peacock (03 Oct 1810-14 Jul 1892 ): m'd 09 Jun 1842 SMITH, Elizabeth; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
3: CHEADLE, Adeline (1825- ): m'd 09 Nov 1843 CHAMBERLAIN, Aaron; d/o Richmond
and Mary (Keyes) Cheadle
3. CHEADLE, Marietta (1839-1905): m'd 22 Jul 1858 WHEELER, Alfred F.; d/o Richmond and Mary (Keyes) Cheadle
3: CHEADLE, Richmond B. (1801-1875): m'd 29 Jan 1824 KEYES, Mary H.
3: CHEADLE, Richard (1830- ): m'd 1851 LEE, Louisa Lodema.; s/o Richmond and Mary (Keyes) Cheadle; settled donation land claim in Linn Co
3: CHEADLE, Sarah Elizabeth (1828- ): m'd 17 Oct 1848 THOMPSON, Lewis Rev.; d/o Richmond and Mary (Keyes) Cheadle
CLAYTON, Maria Willis (1804-1863): m'd GRIFFITH, Chisholm
2: CLEAVER, Benjamin (1803-1892):
m'd 1824 TOMPKINS, Rachel; MSS #1508 22pp
2: CLEAVER, Delilah Ann (1831-1892): m'd 1848 EASTHAM, William
2: CLEAVER, Maria Jane (1825- ): m'd 1844 FARROW, Stephen
2: CLINE, Christian:
1: 2: CLINE, Peter Davis (1797-1860): m'd 1818 NEAL, Jemima
4: CLONINGER, David Andrew (1820 - 09 Apr 1886): m'd 05 Feb 1845 CAMP, Susan Rebecca; s/o David and Susanna (Center) Cloninger
7: 1: CLYMAN, James: old mountain man returning to California with a small company
CLYMER, Lucinda: m'd TUCKER, [ ]
CODDINGTON, Mary A. (1806-1892): m'd 1832 MILLER, Christian
5: COFFEY, Cassandra (1811-1885): m'd 1834 BLACKERBY, Joseph Monroe; d/o Nebuzaradan and Elizabeth (Easley) Coffey; buried Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion County, Oregon
5: COFFEY, Catherine Jane (1822-1850): m'd 1844 PORTER, Stephen; d/o Nebuzaradan and Elizabeth (Easley) Coffey; buried Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion County, Oregon
5: COFFEY, Denton D. (1832-1851): s/o Nebuzaradan and Elizabeth (Easley) Coffey; buried Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion County, Oregon
5: COFFEY, Elizabeth (1830-1863): m'd BRISTOW, William Wiltshire; d/o Nebuzaradan and Elizabeth (Easley) Coffey; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
5: COFFEY, Emily J. (1843-1860): d/o Thomas and Louciller (Baker) Coffey; buried Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion County, Oregon
5: COFFEY, Germain I. (1827-1874): m'd 1856 SMITH, Margaret; s/o Nebuzaradan and Elizabeth (Easley) Coffey; buried Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion County, Oregon
5: COFFEY, Martha "Patsy" (1813-1903): m'd 1849 PORTER, William d/o Nebuzaradan and Elizabeth (Easley) Coffey; buried Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion County, Oregon
5: COFFEY, Nebuzardan (1790-1867): m'd 1810 EASLEY, Elizabeth; buried Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion County, Oregon
5: COFFEY, Sarah (1820-1848): m'd 1840 PORTER, William M.; d/o Nebuzaradan and Elizabeth (Easley) Coffey; buried Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion County, Oregon
COFFEY, Thomas C. (1815-1859): emigrated in 1852
DLC #2100 Marion County; Thomas C. Coffey, n. 1815 Kentucky, arrived Oregon 14 Sep 1852, settled claim 14 Oct 1852/4. m'd Lucillar J 26 Apr 1838/9 Pike County, Illinois. Affidavit: William Porter, German J. Coffey, William H. Tucker"
CONSER, Jacob (20 Jul 1818-18 Mar 1893): m1. 28 Feb 1839 GUNSAULES, Nancy; m2. 05 May 1881 HUMPHREY, Mrs. Elizabeth [FELIX]; s/o George and Mary Catherina (Kaup) Conser; buried Jefferson Cemetery, Jefferson, Marion County, Oregon
"Pioneer, farmer, town founder, and legislator, was born in Pa., and arrived in Oregon in 1848, settling in lower Santiam Valley at Santiam City. In 1851 he platted tow of Jefferson, two miles upstream, and there operated a ferry. He served several terms in Territorial Legislature. Home he built at Jefferson later came city hall. Conser moved to Salem in 1881. He was twice married; to Nancy Gunsaulus, 1851 [sic-1839]; and Elizabeth Humprey, 1881. His 10 children were by his first marriage. The Jacob Conser Memorial Bridge across the Santiam, on US 99, is named for him." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 60]
CONSER, John Andrew (30 Dec 1841-12 Aug 1906): m1. 21 Oct 1863 SMITH, Mary F.; m2. 05 May 1867 HUNSAKER, Charlotte Evelyn; m3. 27 Sep 1874 JONES, Synthia Jane; s/o Jacob and Nancy (Gunsaules) Conser; buried Miller Cemetery, Millersburg, Linn County, Oregon
CONSER, Manuel Gunsaules (19 Dec 1839-12 May 1864): m'd 01 Sep 1861 HUNSAKER, Martha Ellen; s/o Jacob and Nancy (Gunsaules) Conser; buried Jefferson Cemetery, Jefferson, Marion County, Oregon
CONSER, Phoebe Catherine (19 Feb 1845-12 Mar 1913 ): m'd 13 Aug 1860 WATSON, Adenirum Judson Sylvester; d/o Jacob and Nancy (Gunsaules) Conser; buried Claquato Cemetery, Claquato, Lewis County, Washington
3: COOPER, Adam:
1: COOPER, Martha (1814-1868): m'd BRANSON, William
CORAY, William; m'd BURTON, Melissa; to California in 1848; Sierra Nevada mountain peak near the 9,600 foot summit of the Mormon-Carson Emigrant Road has been named for his wife, Melissa Coray
Thomas: cut off for CA; traveled with the Orrin Kellogg family, had a parting of
the way and joined the Parks family in the Wambaugh company
6: 1: CORNWALL, Arthur (1834-): brother of Pierre B. Cornwall
6: 1: CORNWALL, Pierre Barlow (1824 - ): cut off for California; carried the Masonic Charter for Oregon, handed it over to Orrin Kellogg at the parting of the way for delivery to Oregon City
COSTELLO, James (1839-1855): m'd COSGROVE, Mary
COUCH, Reuben (1830- ): m'd 1854 , Sophia F.
COX, Benjamin (
05 Jan 1828-11 Mar 1908): s/o Solomon and Mary (Norris) Cox;
Roseburg National Cemetery,
Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
COX, Harriet (1824-1862): m'd 14 Aug 1842 COX, Samuel Stanfield; d/o Solomon and Mary (Norris) Cox; buried Bethany Pioneer Cemetery, Bethany, Marion County, Oregon
COX, John F. (01 Oct 1818-13 Jul 1896 ): s/o Solomon and Mary (Norris) Cox; buried IOOF Cemetery, Medford, Jackson County, Oregon
COX, Julatha Ann (03 Feb 1826 -28 Sep 1916): m'd 10 Jun 1848 RICHARDSON, Benjamin Perry; d/o Solomon and Mary (Norris) Cox; buried Richardson Family Cemetery, Lancaster, Lane County, Oregon
COX, Mary A. ( 10 Dec 1830-25 Feb 1918): m'd 05 Jul 1849 RICHARDSON, Franklin William; d/o Solomon and Mary (Norris) Cox
COX, Mary A. (07 Apr 1844-c1850): d/o Samuel and Harriet (Cox) Cox
COX, Samuel Stanfield (05 Oct 1819-28 Jul 1900): m1. 14 Aug 1842 COX, Harriet; m2. 1863 KING, Elizabeth Young; s/o John and Sarah (Stanfield) Cox; buried Bethany Pioneer Cemetery, Bethany, Marion County, Oregon
COX, Solomon (28 Sep 1845-14 Oct 1938): s/o Samuel and Harriet (Cox) Cox
COX, Solomon Thomas Sr. (29 Mar 1793-04 Mar 1889): m'd 25 Aug 1817 NORRIS, Mary; wife died prior to emigration
COX, William N. (29 Apr 1829 - 13 Dec 1895): s/o Solomon and Mary (Norris) Cox; buried Camp Polk Cemetery, Cloverdale, Deschutes County, Oregon
CRAIG, Mary (1814-1901): m'd 30 Jan 1834 BAIRD, Benjamin Harrison; m2. c1868 ROSS, William H.; d/o John and Jane (Reed) Craig; buried Brainard Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; mother of 16 children (Alvan C. Baird, Elizabeth Jane Baird, John Franklin Baird, Carroll Baird, Onesimus Aresiuess Baird, Sarah Ann Baird, Harriet Eliza Baird, Nancy Lucinda Baird, Craig Ewing Baird, Benjamin C. Baird, Mary Evalyn Baird, Keturah Belknap Baird, James T. J. Baird, Joseph S. Baird, Clarissa Ellen Baird, Harrison E. Baird)
CRAIN, Mariah Maldon ( - ): m'd KELLY, Clinton Rev.
1: CRIPE, Benjamin:
1: CRIPE, Rhinehart:
1: CROOKS, Aaron Harlan (30 Jun 1837-15 Mar 1882): m'd FARRIER, Anna; s/o John and Demercy (Everman) Crooks; buried Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prineville, Crook County, Oregon
1: CROOKS, Abraham Warford (31 Aug 1844-16 Feb 1901 ): s/o John and Demercy (Everman) Crooks; buried Miller Cemetery, Millersburg, Linn County, Oregon
1: CROOKS, Barton William (11 Jul 1834- 17 Oct 1893): m'd CRANFILL, Virginia Caroline "Carrie"; s/o John and Demercy (Everman) Crooks; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
1: CROOKS, John Thomas Jr. (09 Oct 1841-23 Aug 1902): m1. 1871 EARNEST, Jennie; m2. 1881 FISHER, Harriet Josephine; s/o John and Demercy (Everman) Crooks; Buried IOOF Mountain View Cemetery, Goldendale, Klickitat County, Washington
1: CROOKS, John Turley (14 Sep 1807-31 Jan 1896): m1. 1833 EVERMAN, Demercy; m2. 1877 HARDMAN, Mary Jane; s/o James and Elizabeth (Warford) Crooks; buried Miller Cemetery, Millersburg, Linn County, Oregon; [son, James Andrew 1835-1839 died prior to emigration and daughter Mary Jane 22 Dec 1848- 01 Dec 1934 was born shortly after arrival. She married Abraham Hinkle Miller and is buried in Miller Cemetery, Millersburg, Linn County, Oregon]
1: CROOKS, Joseph Henry (06 May 1843-18 Oct 1918): m'd WARREN, America Jane; s/o John and Demercy (Everman) Crooks; buried Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prinveville, Crook County, Oregon
1: CROOKS, Richard Harrison (07 Nov 1839- 25 Jun 1915): s/o John and Demercy (Everman) Crooks; buried Miller Cemetery, Millersburg, Linn County, Oregon
1: CROOKS, Samuel Thompson (26 Dec 1846-22 Mar 1904): m'd PURSIFULL, Lydia; s/o John and Demercy (Everman) Crooks; buried Miller Cemetery, Millersburg, Linn County, Oregon
5: CUSHMAN, Daniel (Jul 1818- 29 Mar 1862): m'd 09 Mar 1851 BERTHOLD, Mrs. Ottilia; s/o William and Betsey (Barnett) Cushman; buried Orleans Cemetery, Orleans, Linn County, Oregon
2: DAVIS, John T. (1830- ): m'd 1851 CARMACK, Odessa
2: DAVIS, L.:
2: DAVIS, Sarah Jane (1827-1918): m'd 20 Feb 1843 BURBANK, Thomas L.
1: DAWSON, Rebecca: at Burnt River, "Mrs. Rebecca Dawson,
a member of their company, a lady seventy-four years of age who was coming to
Oregon with her children, died." [An Illustrated History of the State of Oregon
by Hines p. 807-8]
DEHART, Diana ( - ): m'd ROBERTS, Henry
3: DEHAVEN, James "Anderson" (13 Mar 1821-1881): m'd 13 Feb 1845 HAGEY, Amanda Jane "Polly"; buried Fairfield Cemetery, Gervais, Marion County, Oregon
3: DEHAVEN, Levi (Nov 1845-17 Feb 1930): s/o James "Anderson" and Amanda (Hagey) Dehaven; buried Fairfield Cemetery, Gervais, Marion County, Oregon
3: DEHAVEN, Miranda (29 Sep 1847-14 Mar 1927): m'd 1863 DAVIDSON, Gideon Blackburn; d/o James "Anderson" and Amanda (Hagey) Dehaven; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
2: DENNIS, John:
1: DICKENS, J. Ella (1837- ):
1: DICKENS, Jehu (1826- ):
1: DICKENS, Jeremiah (1823- ): m'd 1847 , Leah Parmelia
1: DICKENS, Jesse (1832- ):
1: DICKENS, John (1826- ): m'd 1853 , Susanna
1: DICKENS, Jordan (1834- ):
1: DICKENS, Joshua (1828- ):
1: DICKENS, Julia Ann "Annie" (1830-1910): m'd PATTON, William Thomas
1: DICKENS, Leah Parmelia: m'd DICKENS, Jeremiah
1: DICKENS, Reuben Rev. (1797-1878): m'd 1822 PHILLIPS, Nancy
DOAK, Andrew Jackson (1816-22 Aug 1885): m'd 08 Feb 1838 MCCONNEL, Mary Rebecca Jane; m2. 16 Apr 1856 HALE, Elizabeth; s/o John and Lydia (Thompson) Doak; died Lane County, Oregon [emigrant of 1848??]
"DLC #4334 Polk County, Andrew J. Doak, b. 1816 Campbell County, Tennessee; settled claim 11 Jun 1850; m'd Rebecca 08 Dec 1838 Pike County, Missouri. She died on claim 29 Mar 1854. Affidavit: Horace Rice, John Philips, Robert W. Hamilton."
2: DOAK, Nancy: m'd MILLER, Jacob L.
DONACA, Catherine L. (May 1842- ): m'd 1859 HUTTON, Benjamin; d/o Thomas and Hester (Rudolph) Donaca
DONACA, Charles H. (19 Jan 1840-1924): m'd 1864 COY, Nancy Mildred; s/o Thomas and Hester (Rudolph) Donaca
DLC #5254 Marion County; Charles H. and Catherine L., orphans of Thomas Donaca; Charles L. born 1840; Catherine L. born 1842, both in Knox County, Illinois; arrived Oregon 1848. Samuel S. Denny gave affidavit that he knew Thomas Donaca lost his wife in Illinois then emigrated to Oregon with his two children Charles H & Catherine l. and that Thomas Donaca died 1852 in Oregon. John C. Rudolph gave affidavit he knew Thomas Donaca & his children came to Oregon in 1848. He also gave dates and place of birth of both children (above) & stated that Hester Donica (spelled this way on document) wife of Thomas died 01 Apr 1848. Samuel Donaca was guardian for the orphans, Charles H. and Catherine L. Donaca"
DONACA, Rebecca Ann (06 Nov 1827-12 Jul 1909: m'd 28 Mar 1847 RUDOLPH, Morgan; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Cook) Donaca/Donaghe; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Ballard, Santa Barbara County, California;
DONACA, Thomas (1816-01 Oct 1852): m'd 07 Apr 1839 RUDOLPH, Hester May; s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Cook) Donaca/Donaghe
EASLEY, Elizabeth (1791-1880): m'd COFFEY, Nebuzaradan; d/o William and Sarah Easley; buried Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion County, Oregon
5:: EASTHAM, William French (1823-1901): m'd 1848 CLEAVER, Delilah Ann
EBEE, Col.? ( - ):
EGGIMAN, Francis:
ELDER, Joshua (1820-1891):
ELLIS, Lucretia (1806-1887) m1. AVERY, Benjamin Green; m2. 1846 STIPP, John
4: EMERICK, Christian: m'd [], Mary Catherine
EMERICK, Solomon: emigrant of 1843; returned east and emigrated again with Watt party in 1848
1: EMERY, James (1823- ):
1: EVERMAN, Demercy (04 Oct 1813-17 Sep 1876): m'd Feb 1833 CROOKS, John Turley; d/o Andrew and Nancy (Wasson) Everman; buried Miller Cemetery, Millersburg, Linn County, Oregon
FAILING, Helen Marie ( - ):
FAILING, William ( - ):
6: 1: FALLON, William O. ( -1848): old mountain man returning to California, died in Indian attack
5:: FARROW, Stephen French (1815-1885): m'd 1844 CLEAVER, Maria Jane
5:: FARROW, Virginia (1848-1863): m'd NEVER MARRIED,
FERGUSON, Mary ( - ): m'd WALKER,
FIELDS, Ambrose (1792-1872): m'd NOWER, Ann; family emigrated
in 1852; no indication whether Ambrose returned east to accompany
"FIELDS, AMBROSE--Born in Kentucky, February 2, 1792; was a farmer by occupation, and died at Oregon City, March 17, 1872. His wife s previous name was Annie Nour. Children Mary A. (deceased), Nelson (deceased), William S. (deceased), Mary J., Minerva L., Catherine E., Joseph A. (deceased), Sarah N., and Thomas R." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 702, listed as pioneer of 1849]
FISHER, Mary ( - ): m'd PETREE, John
FORD, Rachel (1809-1889): m'd 1827 BURNS, William J.; d/o Robert and Mary (Evans) Ford; buried Smith Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
FORSYTHE, James B. ( - ): m'd WATSON, Margaret
5:: FULLER, James M. (1831- ):
5:: FULLER, John M.:
FULLER, Nahyr ( - ):
GABBERT, Susan ( - ): m'd 1811 BRISTOW, Elijah
GARLINGHOUSE, Jane (1795-1876): m'd20 Feb 1812 BELKNAP, Jesse; d/o James Elijah and Eleanor (Hunt) Garlinghouse; mother of 7 children (Keziah, Hannah, George, Ransom Amos, Talitha Cumi, Corrington Gavitt and Harley Augustus); some of her children emigrated to OR in 1847
GARLINGHOUSE, Rachel (1806- ): m'd NEWTON, Abiathar
5:: GARRETT, John D. (1810-1880): m'd 1836 STARK, Eunice
5:: GARRETT, Martha A. E. (1848-1863):
1: GATES, Alonzo (1827-1872): m'd 1851 , Hanna Maria; m2. 23 Jul 1866 CORNELIUS, Ellen; brother of Thomas Gates
1: GATES, Thomas (1820- ): m'd 1847/48 YORK, Cynthia; shown as emigrant of 1847 in some family researcher files but have not found documentation to support that year; was definitely in 1848 as a Captain of a train
4: GEARHART, Annie Elizabeth (23 Oct 1840-30 Aug 1910): m'd STOUT, Jonathan d/o Philip and Margarette (Logan) Gearhart; buried Ilwaco Cemetery, Ilwaco, Pacific County, Washington
4: GEARHART, Hayden Philip (Nov 1848-03 Jun 1925): m'd 26 Apr 1875 SPEDDEN, Lizzie Blanche; s/o Philip and Margarette (Logan) Gearhart; died Napa County, California; born about 6 weeks after family arrived in Oregon
4: GEARHART, John Wesley (02 Oct 1837-10 Sep 1894): m'd 1879 NEAL, Celestia Ann; s/o Philip and Margarette (Logan) Gearhart; buried Clatsop Plains Pioneer Cemetery, Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon
4: GEARHART, Philip (02 May 1810-14 Sep 1881): m'd 1836 LOGAN, Margarette; buried Clatsop Plains Pioneer Cemetery, Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon, father of John Wesley, Annie Elizabeth, Sarah Long, Hayden Phillip, Margaret Robinson, Pierce Owens Gearhart
"Pioneer cannery owner and farmer, born in Pennsylvania and came to Oregon in 1848, settling on a donation land claim now the site of Gearhart, Clatsop County, 1850. Here he operated first fish cannery and first sawmill on Oregon coast. He married Margaret C. Logan, of Indiana, in 1850 [sic-1836], they had two [sic-six] children." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 97]
4: GEARHART, Sarah Long (Oct 1844-13 Jul 1940): m'd 31 May 1876 BYRD, Franklin Neal; d/o Philip and Margarette (Logan) Gearhart; buried Clatsop Plains Pioneer Cemetery, Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon
GEER, Elizabeth ( - ):
GEER, Mr. ( - ):
GIBSON, Jane Lucinda ( - ): m'd HISE, John B.
2: GILMORE, Lucinda H. (25 Nov 1823 - 14 Nov 1910): m'd 02 Mar 1844 STEPHENS, Adam; settled Marion County; buried Hayesville Cemetery, Hayesville, Marion County, Oregon
5: GOOCH, Almira K. (1825-1917): m'd 1843 BRISTOW, Abel King; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
5:: GOODELL, Frances Olivia (1821-1880): m'd 25 Aug 1844 ADAMS, William Lysander; d/o Abel and Eunice (Harmon) Goodell; born 05 Oct 1821 Harmony, Somerset Co, ME and died 23 Jun 1880; mother of 8 children (Inez Eugenia, Helen Elizabeth, William Harmon, Julia Frances, Gaines Melancthon, Arthur Craig, Amy Cecelia and Claribelle M.)
GOODELL, Warren N. (1809- ): m'd bef 1855 Harriet WINGFIELD (1822- ) who arrived in 1843
GOODNOW, Levina A. (1815-1890): m'd BOYD, John Nixon; buried Young Cemetery, Junction City, Lane County, Oregon
2: GORDON, Innocent Mayfield (1823-1858): m'd 29 Sep 1847 STEPHENS, William B.; settled Marion County
5: GRAHAM, George (1822- ): m'd 1846 LARKINS Silome
"GRAHAM, GEORGE--Born in Ohio in 1822; is a farmer by occupation, and lives near Oregon City. Married Miss S. Larkins, and by her had one child James K." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.694]
GRAHAM, James K. (1847- ):
"GRAHAM, JAMES K,--Born in Morgan County, Illinois in 1847; the son of George Graham; is a farmer by occupation, and lives near Oregon City. Married Hannah M. Wingfield, and their children are George K., Ilorton N., Clara A., and Hardin W." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.695]
2: GRANT, Levi:
7: 1: GREENWOOD, Angeline; d/o Caleb Greenwood
7: 1: GREENWOOD, Britton Bailey; s/o Caleb Greenwood
7: 1: GREENWOOD, Caleb: old mountain man and family traveling with Clyman train, returning to California
4: GREENWOOD, Eliza (1835- ): m'd SMITH, Harvey
7: 1: GREENWOOD, Govenor Boggs; s/o Caleb Greenwood
7: 1: GREENWOOD, James Case; s/o Caleb Greenwood
7: 1: GREENWOOD, John; s/o Caleb Greenwood
4: GREENWOOD, John W. (1838- ): m'd , Mary E.
4: GREENWOOD, Mary ( - ): m'd CLINE, Lewis
4: GREENWOOD, Olive A. (1843-1911): m'd 1865 NEWSOM, John William
7: 1: GREENWOOD, Samuel; s/o Caleb Greenwood
7: 1: GREENWOOD, Sarah Mojave; d/o Caleb Greenwood
4: GREENWOOD, William (1806-1869): 12 Aug 1828 [ ], Elizabeth Jane;
"DLC #2259 Marion County; William Greenwood, b. 1806 Hardy County, Virginia; arrived Oregon 22 Sep 1848; settled claim 05 Oct 1848; m'd Elizabeth Jane 12 Aug 1828 Hardy County, Virginia. Affidavit: William Shaw, Wesley Shannon, Thomas C. Shaw, Elias Cox."
4: GREENWOOD, William (1838- ):
7: 1: GREENWOOD, William Sublette; s/o Caleb Greenwood
3: GRIFFIN, Burrel Bell (1808-1881): m'd 1829 THROCKMORTON, Sarah "Sally" (1808-1885); Burrel Griffin & Sally
Throckmorton had a son, Amos Campbell, born & died in 1836 in Macon County,
MO. Three children born after their arrival in Oregon: (Lafayette Monroe Griffin, b.
1849, d. 1915 m. twice -- Sarah E Rash b/4 1876 & Jennie Alvira Bown
1886. Sarah b. about 1856, d. 1882, Jennie b. 1861, d. 1941; Josephine Griffin, b.1851, d.
1926, m. James L Wilson 1889. James Wilson b.1856, d. 1922;
and John Bell Griffin b.1853, d.
1939, m. Bernetta "Nettie" Naylor 1878. Bernetta
b. 1858, d. 1936.) Traveled in a party of 15 wagons, 100 head of
cattle and only one horse team, oxen used for the majority of the wagon power;
arrived at the foot of the Cascades on the south side of the Columbia river in
September; Burrel & Sally arrived in
Linn County on Sep 19, 1848 and put down roots at Brownsville and moving later
to Albany. However, in 1849 Burrel
succumbed to the lure of gold to be found in California, and with oldest son,
William, made a trek to the gold fields. As he passed through the Rogue
Valley, he fell in love with the place, and in 1852 again packed up his family
and moved to Jackson County. He was wounded twice during the Indian War
of 1853. Their home was burned by the Indians during an uprising in
1855. Burrel served as Jackson County Commissioner in 1853, and was
instrumental in establishing the first school in 1854. The log building
was burned by the Indians in 1857. In 1858, Burrel served as Jackson
County Coroner, and is mentioned in an article about the murder of Dr. David
Sisson. His name graces several land marks in Jackson County:
Griffin Road, Griffin Creek, Griffin School, and, of course, Griffin Cemetery
where Burrel & Sally and many members of their family are buried.
3: GRIFFIN, Burrel Willis (1840-1905): m'd PARRISH, Abbie (1853-1875); Burrel Willis Griffin & Abbie Parrish were married in 1869. After her death he married Margaret Ann Courtney in 1876. Margaret b. 1859, d. 1942
GRIFFIN, James Taylor (1846-1927): James Taylor Griffin drove stage out of Boise, Idaho and never married.
GRIFFIN, Jeanette Ann (1844-1924): m'd 1863 REDPATH, David (1825-1873); Jeanette Ann Griffin (after the death of David Redpath) married John B Montgomery in 1878. John b. 1831, d. 1910. John was a stage coach driver between Medford & Portland, and is the subject of a story about the "biggest stage coach robbery in history", published in 1955.
GRIFFIN, Joseph Franklin (1831-1906): m'd 1865 HOWARD, Elizabeth Boyd (1840-1911); Joseph Griffin became an influential land owner in the Wood River Valley of Idaho, and served one term in the Idaho Territorial Legislature.
GRIFFIN, Louisa Meyers (1833-1918): m'd 1856 HAILEY, John (1835-1921); Louisa's husband, John Hailey, also fought the Indians in Jackson County, this time in 1855 and 1856. He was very prominent in the early history of Idaho, having owned and operated several large stage and pack trains that served eastern Idaho & Oregon. Among other accomplishments, he represented the Idaho Territory in Congress 1873 - 1875 and again in 1885 - 1887, and was warden of the Idaho State Prison 1899 - 1901.
GRIFFIN, Lydia Margaritte (1837-1871): m'd 1851 MILLER, John Stanton (1824-1912)
GRIFFIN, Sally Wesley (1842- ): m'd 1859 ARMSTRONG, John W. (1833- )
GRIFFIN, William Marion (1830-1901): m'd 1857 HAMLIN, Mary Ann (1841-1932)
GRIFFITH, Chisholm:
GRIMES, Catherine:m'd HAGEY, Andrew Jackson
GUNSAULES, Nancy (31 Aug 1822-18 Apr 1879): m'd 28 Feb 1839 CONSER, Jacob; d/o James and Phebe Ann (Teel) Gunsaules; buried Jefferson Cemetery, Jefferson, Marion County, Oregon
6: 1: GUTHRIE, Mr. ( -1848): a Scotsman that joined company at Fort Hall; died in Indian attack with William O. Fallon
1: HADLEY, Mary (1818-1906): m'd KING, William Myron; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
3: HAGEY, Adam Wesley (1847-1926): m'd 03 Nov 1867 DILLEY, Julia Ann; s/o Andrew and Catherine (Grimes) Hagey; born 21 Sep 1847 and died 26 Jan 1926; buried Multnomah Park Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; father of 4 children (Clara, Catherine, Martha and Thomas)
3: HAGEY, Amanda Jane (1834-1851): m'd 05 Dec 1850 SMITH, Titus; d/o Andrew and Catherine (Grimes) Hagey; born 1834 and died 17 Oct 1851
3: HAGEY, Amanda Jane "Polly: (May 1827 - 1903): m'd 13 Feb 1845 DEHAVEN, James "Anderson"; buried Fairfield Cemetery, Gervais, Marion County, Oregon
3: HAGEY, Andrew Jackson (1838- ): m'd. 17 May 1860 HALL, Martha M.; s/o Andrew and Catherine (Grimes) Hagey; born Aug 1838 Burlington, Des Moines Co, IA; resided in Marion County until after wife's death in 1885 when he moved to WA to live with his daughter at Spokane; father of 6 children (Catherine A., E. Grant, Annie E., Willis A., Ella Pearl and Amy M.)
3: HAGEY, Andrew Jackson (1800-1851): m'd 09 Jul 1818 GRIMES, Catherine; s/o John and Sybila (Myers) Hagey; born 1800 Davidson Co, NY and died 26 Apr 1851 Marion Co, OR; father of 11 children (Mary, Mathias, Levi, Polly, Peter H., Amanda Jane, Sarah Catherine, Andrew Jackson, Samuel Ransom, John Milton and Adam Wesley); several of his older children had emigrated in 1845 and 1847
3: HAGEY, John Milton (1844-1914): m'd 25 Apr 1865 HARPOLE, Nancy Emeline; s/o Andrew and Catherine (Grimes) Hagey; born 15 Mar 1845 and died 04 Feb 1914
3. HAGEY, Matthias (1822- ): m'd 1845 DEHAVEN, Sarah
"HAGEY, MATTHIAS--Born in North Carolina in 1822. Came to Oregon and settled at French Prairie, Marion County. Present residence, Silvers, Polk County, and occupation, farming. He married Sarah A. DeHaven in Iowa in 1845, and their children s names are Eliza A., Andrew W., Sarah C., Peter H., Mary E., George D., Alice, and Joseph." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.695]
3: HAGEY, Peter H. (1829-1905): m1. 04 Feb 1858 HALL, Eliza M.; m2. 19 Jul 1877 WILSON, Mariam F. (KIMBERLIN); s/o Andrew and Catherine (Grimes) Hagey; born Nov 1829 Putnam Co, IN and died 17 May 1905 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR after being hit by motor vehicle; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington Co, OR; father of 5 children by first wife (Delphia, Ernest Grover, Clara, Amanda and Mary E.); father of 3 children by second wife (Christena, Christopher D. and John C.)
3: HAGEY, Samuel Ransom (1841-1911): m1. 01 Jun 1865 DILLEY, Susan Sophia; m2. 19 Oct 1873 DILLEY, Mary Ann; s/o Andrew and Catherine (Grimes) Hagey; born 28 Jul 1842 and died 1911
3: HAGEY, Sarah Catherine (1836-1913): m'd 04 Sep 1851 GILLIAM, Mitchell Porter; d/o Andrew and Catherine (Grimes) Hagey; born 23 Apr 1836 and died 13 Nov 1913
7: 1: HAGUE, Hannah (22 Dec 1787-19 Jan 1887): m'd 12 Jan 1811 MCCOMB, Lambert; d/o William and Ruth (Mendenhall) Hague
5:: HALE, Calvin T.: drove wagon for Bristow family, after arrival went to CA with William Bristow, later returned to IL where he was married; returned to Oregon in 1852 of Capt. of a train including family and friends
1: HALSTEAD, Martha (1807- ): m'd PATTERSON, Ira
4: HAMLIN, Nathaniel (1809- ): m'd 1829 , Nancy Ann
HANNA, Stewart (1798- ): m'd 1842 , Mary Jane
7: 1: HARDMAN, Catherine (1843- ): d/o Joshua and Martha (McComb) Hardman
7: 1: HARDMAN, Elisha J. (1845- ): s/o Joshua and Martha (McComb) Hardman
7: 1: HARDMAN, Joshua (1814- ): m'd MCCOMB, Martha Elizabeth
7: 1: HARDMAN, Levi Wise (1820- ) :
7: 1: HARDMAN, Perry Ann (1847- ): d/o Joshua and Martha (McComb) Hardman
7: 1: HARDMAN, Placida (1840- ): d/o Joshua and Martha (McComb) Hardman
1: HARPER, W. W.:
6: 1: HATHWAY, Arthur (1821- )
6: 1: HATHAWAY, Daniel (1816-1900): KELLOGG, Phoebe
6: 1: HATHAWAY, Daniel W. (1846- ): s/o Daniel and Phoebe (Kellogg) Hathaway
6: 1: HATHAWAY, Huldah (1844- ): d/o Daniel and Phoebe (Kellogg) Hathaway
3: HAWLEY, David (1828-1913): m
'd FREEL, Martha Elan; s/o Henry and Keziah (Belknap) Hawley
3: HAWLEY, Henry Chatman (1802-1857): m'd 24 Aug 1827 BELKNAP, Keziah; born 13 Nov 1802 and died 02 Dec 1857 Benton Co, OR; buried Alpine Cemetery, Alpine, Benton Co, OR
3: HAWLEY, Jesse (1832-1897): m'd 22 Mar 1855 STARR, Elizabeth Ann; s/o Henry and Keziah (Belknap) Hawley; born 13 Nov 1832 Licking Co, OH and died 04 Oct 1897 Eugene, Lane Co, OR; buried Alpine Cemetery, Alpine, Benton Co, OR
3: HAWLEY, Sarah Jane (1843-1915): m'd RYCRAFT, Squire Little; d/o Henry and Keziah (Belknap) Hawley; born 14 Jun 1843 VanBuren Co, IA and died 04 Aug 1915 Alsea, Benton Co, OR;
3: HAWLEY, Sewell Ransom (1838-1896): m 'd NOBLE, Emma Amelia; s/o Henry and Keziah (Belknap) Hawley; born 02 Feb 1838 Licking Co, OH and died 01 Jun 1896 Benton Co, OR; buried Alpine Cemetery, Alpine, Benton Co, OR
HAYTER, Mary ( - ): m'd WHITEAKER, Benjamin
HAZLETON, Mary J. ( -1866): m'd 1861 HENDRICKS, Thomas G.
5: HENDRICKS, Benjamin Franklin (1835-1915):
m'd ELLIOTT, Margaret Ann; s/o James and Elizabeth (Bristow) Hendricks; buried
Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
5: HENDRICKS, Caswell (1819-1893) m1. HIGH, Francis Carol; m2. DAVIS, Hannah Ann; settled Lane Co.; buried Mt. Vernon Pioneer Cemetery, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon
HENDRICKS, Columbus C. ( - ):
HENDRICKS, Elijah B. ( - ):
5: HENDRICKS, James Madison (05 Feb 1809-20 Mar 1878): m'd BRISTOW, Elizabeth; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
HENDRICKS, Lafayette ( - ):
HENDRICKS, Sarah A. ( - ): m'd SKAGGS, J. W.
5: HENDRICKS, Susan Jane ( -1898): m'd WINTER, John A.; d/o James and Elizabeth (Bristow) Hendricks; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
5: HENDRICKS, Thomas Grundy (1838-1919): s/o James and Elizabeth (Bristow) Hendricks; buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
"HENDRICKS, THOMAS G.--Born in Henderson County, Illinois, in 1848 [sic-b. 1838], and was brought by his parents to Oregon in the same year. They settled in Lane County, and both survived until 1878. The son lived on the home farm until he was twenty-two years of age, when he removed to Eugene City, and was employed at first as clerk, but eventually succeeded his employers in their business, which he now carries on. Is a member of the board of regents of the State University. Served three years as county superintendent of schools. Was elected State Senator in 1880." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.695]
HENDRICKSON, Lemuel (1827- ): m'd 1853 DOANE, Sarah Ann; s/o John and Margaret (Burroughs) Hendrickson; settled in Multnomah Co on what was then Swan Island until his home burned in 1858; by 1873 they were living in Washington Territory; by 1880 they were back in Multnomah county living on Sauvie's Island; in 1885 they were again found in Cowlitz Co, Washington Territory; when some of their children moved to Idaho they followed, both Lemuel and Sarah are buried in Lewiston, ID.
3: HENNINGER, Henry:
HIBBARD, Martha: m'd HOLDRIDGE, Francis
HINES, Thomas Madison (1819- ): m'd 1842 [ ], Mary
HINTON, Clarissa: m'd MANNING, [ ]
HINTON, Clayton Burke ( - ):
HISE, John B. ( - ): m'd GIBSON, Jane Lucinda
7: 1: HITCHCOCK, Rufus (1805- ): m'd RICE, Nancy P.
5: HOLCOMB, Almond B. ( - ):
6:: HOLDRIDGE, Francis: had a family and one wagon; was a member of the Peoria Brass Band, had brought his instrument with him and frequently played for the enjoyment of the train
5: HOLMES, Alexander Monroe (1844- ): m'd 04 Jul 1865 Mary Almira Frizzell; s/o Horatio and Frances Holmes; born Nov. 1, 1843 in Pike CO, ILL.and died Dec. 5, 1918 near Sublimity, Marion Co. Ore. He married Mary Almira Frizzell in Polk County, Ore. July 4, 1865 at the home of her mother Mrs. Lilly Porter Frizzell. Lilly Frizzel and Nancy Holmes were first cousins. Mary Almina Frizzell was born Feb.10, 1846 near Springfield, Green Co., MO. and had gone to Oregon with her parents in 1852. Her father Reese Porter Frizzell, died enroute to Oregon. Alexander Holmes was a lad of five years of age when he "crossed the plains" in a covered wagon with his parents. He was educated in the public schools of Polk County and completed his studies at Bethany College. When he was a young man he bought 400 acres in Polk County and engaged in grain farming for many years. He worked the land until he was past seventy years and finally sold his farm in 1917 and moved to his daughter's ( Joseph Downing) home. Alexander and his wife are both buried in City View Cemetery. Alexander was the father of 8 children.
5: HOLMES, David Jackson (1839-1915): m'd 1866 LEWIS, Mary Ellen; s/o Horatio and Frances Holmes; born July 1, 1839 in Pike Co. ILL and died Nov. 1, 1915 at Salem. Marion Co. Ore.; He married Dec. 16, 1866 to Mary Ellen Lewis d/o John H. and Ellen (Gilliam) Lewis. She was born Sept. 2, 1848, near Salem, Ore. and died April 19, 1930. Both are buried at City View Cemetery. David Jackson Holmes, a boy of nine, crossed the plains with his parents in 1848. He attended public schools and old Oregon Institute at Salem, after which he taught in Polk County for several years. He then took up the management of the home farm where he remained until 1880 when he sold out his interests there and went to Wasco County. He took up sheep ranching there for about ten years. In 1889 he lost several thousand sheep which were snowed under in a heavy blizzard. Soon after this, he returned to Salem until his death. His widow made her home with their daughter, Stella Fontaine, in Baker, Ore. David was the father of four children (Webster, Frank, Estella and Eleanor L.)
5: HOLMES, Horatio Nelson Viscount (1813-1885): m'd 27 Sep 1837 PORTER, Nancy; s/o Alexander Holmes and Jane MaCaw Holmes; born July 24th, 1813 in Wythe Co. VA.and died 26 Mar 1885 Salem, Marion Co, OR; buried in City View Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
5: HOLMES, John Porter (1846-1928): m'd 15 Jul 1877 JOHNSON, Catherine "Kate"; s/o Horatio and Frances Holmes; John was born July 24, 1846 in Pike Co., ILL and died Sept. 12, 1928 in Washington Co., OR; He married Catherine Paul Johnson (Katie) on July 15, 1877 in Salem, Ore. She was the daughter of Paul Johnson. She was born Sept., 1858 in Washington Co. Ore and died Dec. 21, 1927 in Lincoln Co. Ore. Both are buried in City View Cemetery. John was the father of 2 children.
5: HOLMES, Nancy Jane (1841-1862): Never married; d/o Horatio and Frances Holmes; born March 27, 1841 and died May 12, 1862
1: HOLT, Mary A. (c1829- ): m'd 23 Mar 1845 WILCOX, Nathaniel C.
5: HOOKER, Cyrus A. ( - ):
5: HOOKER, Cyrenus C.
5: HOOKER, D. D. (1826- ): m'd 1861 LEWIS, Annie N.
"HOOKER, D. D.--Born in Illinois in 1826; came to Oregon and settled in Luckianmte Valley, where he still resides. Occupation, farming and stockraising. He married Annie N. Lewis, in Oregon in 1861, and their children's names are Mary M., Olive O., Cyrus D., Annie A.,Emily E., Darius D., Ira J., Jennie, and Myrtle I." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.696]
5: HOOKER, Demetrius:
5: HOOKER, Eliza:
5: HOOKER, Ira A. (1781- ): m'd 1807 , Sarah
5: HOOKER, Permenus P. (1816- ): m'd 1847 , Charlotte Jane
1: HOUSTON, James Brown (1834-1904):
m'd 1866 BROWN, Caroline Carena; s/o Robert and Mary (Brown) Houston;
member of First Mounted Oregon Volunteers in 1855 and 1856 Yakima
Indian Wars; after death of his wife he moved to Council, ID where he died and
is buried
1: HOUSTON, Melissa (1838- ): m'd 1860 CUNNINGHAM, H.A.; d/o Robert and Mary (Brown) Houston
1: HOUSTON, Milton (1830-1887): m'd 1859 NICKERSON, Valinda; s/o Robert and Mary (Brown) Houston
1: HOUSTON, Newton (1828-1904): m'd 1854 PARRISH, Louisa; s/o Robert and Mary (Brown) Houston
1: HOUSTON, Robert (1793-1876): m'd 1827 BROWN, Mary; the family crossed the Barlow Road and continued on to settle in Linn Co; Robert served as Justice of the Peace in both OH and OR; was also a school board member for years
1: HOUSTON, Robert Jr. (1844-1851): s/o Robert and Mary (Brown) Houston; buried in Houston Cemetery, Albany, OR
1: HOUSTON, Thomas Benton (1842-1901): m'd 1874 KINZER, Armilda; s/o Robert and Mary (Brown) Houston; died in Council, Washington Co, ID
HOWLAND, Abigail (1814-1900): m'd 03 Jan 1838 BALL, Isaac; d/o Samuel and Polly (Waters) Howland; buried Ball Cemetery, Ballston, Polk County, Oregon
1: HUNSAKER, Daniel (1803 - ): m'd KING, Charlotte N., cut off for California
1: HUNSAKER, Harrison King (1838-1917): m'd 1806 JONES, Susannah; s/o Daniel and Charlotte (King) Hunsaker; cut off for California with family but settled in Oregon in later years
1: HUNSAKER, James Carroll (1834- ): cut off for California
1: HUNSAKER, Joseph (1830- ): cut off for California
2: HUTCHISON, Richard:
HYDE, Aaron J. (1820-1857): m'd 1849 , Rachel
4: IRVIN, George ( - ):
3: JACKSON, Andrew: three brothers from IL joined train
3: JACKSON,Benjamin: three brothers from IL joined train
3: JACKSON, George: three brothers from IL joined train (returning to OR)
3: JACKSON, Ulysses (1824- ): m'd 1851 , Lucinda
JEFFERSON, Delos (1824- ): m'd APPERSON, Matilda; also appears he may have been an emigrant of 1850
JENKINS, Sarah Mrs.:
JESSEE, David M. (1822- ): m'd 1850 , Sarah Jane
JOHNSON, Elizabeth Amanda (1805-1886): m'd 1823 TRULLINGER, Daniel; d/o Archibald Johnson; mother of 10 children; died at Roseburg, Douglas Co
JOHNSON, John Charles (1842- ): m'd 1864 GUNSAULES, Violetta
JONES, Lewis W. (1812-1885): m'd 1836 MCALPIN, Mary Ann
JONES, Mary (1792-1850): m’d c1805 KEES, Jacob; said to have come in 1847 prob. 1848
1: JONES, Samuel T. (1826- ): m1. MILLER, Nancy; m2. HOLMAN, Sarah J; cut off for California; believed to also be an emigrant of 1851
"JONES, SAMUEL T.--Is a farmer and lives at Miller's, Linn County. Owns four hundred and eighty acres of land. Born in Kentucky, June 2, 1826. For his first wife he married Miss Nancy Miller ; his second wife was Sarah J. Holmau. His children are Mary E. and Joseph A." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.696]
KANDLE, Mary Ann (1821-1896): m'd 02 Jul 1842 BARNES, George A.; buried in Masonic Memorial Park, Tumwater, Olympia County, Washington; 1848 to California, returned east in 1849 and emigrated to Oregon in 1850
KEES, Jacob (1783-1850): m’d c1805 JONES, Mary; said to be 1847 pioneers probably 1848
KEES, Owen (1832- ):
6: 1: KELLOGG, Charles H. (1846-1889): buried Greenwood Hills Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; s/o Joseph and Estella (Bushnell) Kellogg
6: 1: KELLOGG, Edward (1835-1907): s/o Orrin and Margaret (Miller) Kellogg; buried Siskiyou Memorial Park, Medford, Jackson County, Oregon
6: 1: KELLOGG, Elisha (1846- 1904): m'd [ ], Sarah Margaret; s/o Orrin and Margaret (Miller) Kellogg; buried Greenwood Hills Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
6: 1: KELLOGG, George E. (1814-1886): m'd EDWARDS, Mary Celine; s/o Orrin and Margaret (Miller) Kellogg; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
6: 1: KELLOGG, Jason (1832- 1904): s/o Orrin and Margaret (Miller) Kellogg; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
6: 1: KELLOGG, Joseph Capt. (1812-1903): m'd 1844 BUSHNELL, Estella; s/o Orrin and Margaret (Miller) Kellogg; originally emigrant of 1845; buried Greenwood Hills Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
6: 1: KELLOGG, Orrin (1845-1924): m'd 1870 WESTFALL, Margaret; s/o Joseph and Estella (Bushnell) Kellogg; buried Greenwood Hills Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
6: 1: KELLOGG, Orrin (1790-1873): m'd 1811 MILLER, Margaret; s/o Joseph and Susan (Bailey) Kellogg; carried the Charter for a Masonic Lodge in Oregon City from Fort Hall; the charter was originally in the possession of Pierre Cornwall but he decided to cut off for CA; originally emigrant of 1845, returned east in 1846 and brought out family and friends in 1848; buried Greenwood Hills Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
6: 1: KELLOGG, Phoebe (1816-1851 ): m'd HATHAWAY, Daniel; d/o Orrin and Margaret (Miller) Kellogg; buried Greenwood Hills Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
6: 1: KELLOGG, William G. (1839- ): s/o Orrin and Margaret (Miller) Kellogg
KELLY, Archon (1832- ): m'd 1855 , Elizabeth
KELLY, Bengal ( - ):
KELLY, Calmet ( - ):
4: KELLY, Clinton Rev. (1808- ): m'd 1841 CRAIN, Mariah Maldon
KELLY, Hampton (1830- ): m'd 1853 , Margaret
KELLY, Laura Frances ( - ):
KELLY, Mary Ann ( - ):
KELLY, Mary Jane ( - ):
KELLY, Penumbar (1845- ): m'd MARQUAM, Mary E.
"KELLY, PENUMBRA.--Born in Kentucky in 1845, and when three years old was brought to Oregon by his parents, who located at East Portland the next year. He married Miss Mary E. Marquam. Resides two miles from East Portland. Has been in politics, representing Multnomah County three or more times in the Legislature, and is now United States Marshal." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.696]
5:: KELLY, Plympton (1828- ): may have been with Walker party. arrived about the same time.
KELLY, Sarah Margaret (1843- ):
KELLY, Thomas ( - ):
KILBORN, Caroline ( - ):
KILBORN, William K. ( - ):
KILLIN, Benton ( - ):
1: KING, Caroline J.(1843-1932): d/o William and Mary (Hadley) King; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
1: KING, Charlotte (1808- ): m'd HUNSAKER, Daniel; cut off for California
1: KING, Ellen Douglas (1841-1916): d/o William and Mary (Hadley) King; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
1: KING, James W. (1847-1920): s/o William and Mary (Hadley) King; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
1: KING, Marian W. (1838- ): s/o William and Mary (Hadley) King
1: KING, William Myron (1800-1869): HADLEY, Mary; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
3: KITRICH/KITTRIDGE, Eliza (1848- ):
3: KITRICH/KITTRIDGE, George ( - ): m'd , Maria
3: KITRICH/KITTRIDGE, Maria ( - ): m'd KITRICH, George
LAMBERSON, Davis W. (1847- ):
LAMBERSON, Elizabeth (1842- ):
LAMBERSON, Henry C. (1844- ):
LAMBERSON, John Lee (1840- ):
LAMBERSON, Lucinda (1839- ):
LAMBERSON, Samuel (1831-1901): m'd 1853 ARMSTRONG, Mary Jane
LAMBERSON, Sarah ( -1852): m'd 1830 LAMBERSON, Timothy
LAMBERSON, Timothy (1835- ):
LAMBERSON, Timothy (1809-1891): m'd 1830 , Sarah
4: LANE, J.C.:
LANE, Elizabeth ( - ): m'd HILL, Isaac
5: LARKINS, Silome: m'd 1846 GRAHAM, George
1: LATOURETTE, Lyman Dewitt Clinton (1825-1886): m1. 27 Sep 1851 FISHER, Lucy Jane Grey; m2. 25 Jun 1864 FISHER, Ann E.; s/o David and Hannah (Hegeman) Latourette; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon; note: name listed in Oregon Spectator Index as Lyman Daniel Cornwall Latourette; other sources list him as Lyman Dewitt Clinton Latourette. settled in Clackamas County where he was a successful merchant; died when his leg was amputated after an accident
1: LEFLEUR, Levi: believed to have cut off for California
LEMPFRIT, Honore Timothee ( - ):
LEVENS, Henry ( - ):
LEVENS, Isaac (1821-1892): m'd 1850 WHITEAKER, Eleanor S.
LEVENS, Thomas ( - ):
LEVENS, Zachariah ( - ):
5: LEWIS, J.:
LEWIS, Isaac (1822- ): m'd 1850 WHITEAKER, Eleanor S.
"LEWIS, ISAAC--Lives in Dallas, Polk County, and is a farmer by occupation; he was born in Illinois in 1822; came across the plains to Oregon and settled in Polk County; went to California in 1849, but returned in 1850, and bought a place at Dallas, where he still lives. In 1850 he was married to Miss Eleanor S. Whiteaker. They have two children Mary A. and Lucy E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.697]
3: LINDSAY, Edgar
3: LINDSAY, John:
3: LINDSAY, William
LIONET, J. Rev. ( - ):
4: LOGAN, Margarette Craven (11 Jan 1812 -04 Sep 1899): m'd 10 Nov 1836 GEARHART, Philip; d/o Joseph Logan; buried Clatsop Plains Pioneer Cemetery, Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon
LUCAS, Eliza Ann ( - ): m'd STARR, John Wesley Rev.
LYMAN, Horace (1815- ):
"LYMAN, HORACE--Professor Lyman was born in Massachusetts in 1815, the descendant of a long line of Puritan ancestors, from whom have sprung many distinguished persons who have made themselves famous in various walks of life, and among whom a marked tendency to the ministerial profession is discoverable. Professor Lyman was educated at Williams College, class of 1842, and after wards attended the theological school at Andover, Massachusetts. He came to Oregon in 1849, and located first at Portland, establishing its first Congregational Church, on the site of the present church of that denomination. Concluding his work in Portland, he went to Dallas, in Polk County, and continued his ministration in connection with teaching. To him belongs the honor of having originated the since well-known La Creole Academy, which owes its establishment to the efforts of the Professor, assisted by certain citizens. Removing from Dallas, Professor Lyman located in Forest Grove, and became professor of mathematics in the Tualatin Academy, and continued in that chair for fifteen or sixteen years, at the expiration being appointed to that of history and rhetoric. This he resigned in 1879, and retiring permanently from the arduous occupation of teaching, he has since lived at his home in Forest Grove. Professor Lyman is a worthy representative of the class of educated, refined New Englanders, who, reared in comfort and amid peaceful surroundings, have, with a self-devotion rare as it is praiseworthy, devoted themselves to the arduous and well-nigh thankless task of instructing, Christianizing and refining the children of the border. Their influence cannot be over-rated. It extends to all classes of society. They are foremost in every Christian and moral work. . They teach the youth; they throw the restraints of. religion about the young and the old. As missionaries they have penetrated to the noisome abodes of savages; as teachers they have chosen penury and a residence among the hard ships and privations of pioneer life in preference to all the comforts and amenities of civilization. Their rewards have been ill-proportioned to such sacrifices; but their own strong and enduring religious convictions point to a higher and better reward than any earthly lot, however bright and glorious." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.705] Note: listed in this publication as pioneer of 1849.
MACKEY, Jane (c1819- ): m'd 1843 WALKER, Walter M.
MANNING, Absalom Monroe ( - ): m'd HINTON, Clarissa Jimison; emigrant of 1851??
MANNING, Clarissa Jimison ( -1882): m'd MANNING, Absalom Monroe; emigrant of 1851??
MANNING, James David (1846- ): m'd DAVIS, Alice; emigrant of 1851??
5: MARKHAM, Samuel: listed as emigrant of 1847
MARTIN, Jacob (1812-1882): m'd PARKS, Evaline ; l isted as emigrant of 1847
MASSEY, Edward Livingson (1803-1867): m1. wife died before 1848; m2. 22 Dec 1856 GHOLSON, Martha Caroline; 3rd marriage for wife who was thought to have emigrated with her parents and siblings in 1853; "In 1867 while traveling in Idaho he had his feet frozen, from the effects of which he died in August of that year" [Walla Walla Statesman, August 30, 1867]
MATHER, John Addison ( - ): m'd KYLE, Margaret; emigrated alone in 1848, returned east and emigrated again in 1854 with his family
MAY, Richard Martin ( - ):
MAYS, Sena ( -1861): m'd SHELLEY, Michael
5:: MCALLISTER, Harden (1825-1915): m'd , Julia
MCCALLISTER, Mahala ( - ): m'd SMITH,
7: 1: MCCOMB, Araminta "Minty" (1814-1873): m'd BACKUS, Joseph; d/o Lambert and Hannah (Hague) McComb
7: 1: MCCOMB, Benjamin Franklin (05 Dec 1827-05 Dec 1922): m'd 20 Nov 1854 LEAR, Lavina; s/o Lambert and Hannah (Hague) McComb
7: 1: MCCOMB, Hannah (05 Apr 1822-28 Jul 1908): m'd 22 Aug 1849 CLYMAN, James; d/o Lambert and Hannah (Hague) McComb
7: 1: MCCOMB, Isaac (13 Sep 1820-04 May 1904): m'd 10 Jan 1856 BLAKE, Arminta; s/o Lambert and Hannah (Hauge) McComb
7: 1: MCCOMB, Jacob Riley (07 Jun 1824- ): s/o Lambert and Hannah (Hauge) McComb
7: 1: MCCOMB, Lambert (02 Jul1790 -01 Dec1849 ): 12 Jan 1811 HAGUE, Hannah; s/o William and Elizabeth (Riley) McComb; cut off for California
7: 1: MCCOMB, Martha Elizabeth (06 Feb 1816-01 Nov 1891): m'd 11 Dec 1838 HARDMAN, Joshua; d/o Lambert and Hannah (Hauge) McComb
7: 1: MCCOMB, Rebecca O. H. (13 Aug 1826- 21 Apr 1891): m'd 16 Apr 1848 BROADHURST, Stephen; d/o Lambert and Hannah (Hauge) McComb
MCINTIRE, Joseph (1822-1857):
2: MCKEE, John: emigrant of 1853??
MCKINNEY, Francis Marion (1831-1854):
MCKINNEY, Mary Louisa ( -1848): d/o Stephen and Louisa (Anderson) McKinney; died and was buried on the Platte River on July 4, 1848
MCKINNEY, Sarah Ann ( - ):
MCKINNEY, Stephen (1796- ): m'd 1826 ANDERSON, Louisa; traveled in a party led by Joseph Watt
MCKINNEY, William Felix ( - ): went into CA for gold; went down to the Isthmus of Panama and then returned east to Missouri; emigrated to Oregon again in 1852
1: MCPHERSON, John: cuf off for California; single, teacher, journalist, poet, historian in California
MEEKER, Isaac (1847-1910):
m1. 1878 HALE, Melvina; m2. 1900 GROSHONG, Mary Elizabeth; s/o John and
Lydia (Miller) Meeker
MEEKER, John D. (1822-1889): m'd 1844 MILLER, Lydia
MEEKER, Sarah Elizabeth (1845- ): d/o John and Lydia (Miller) Meeker
MENZIES, James (1820-1883): m'd 1849 MILLER, Parthena Elizabeth
METZKER, John:L m'd PETREE, Lucinda
*7: MILLER, Charles (1830-1913): m'd 1854 VAUGHN, Nancy (1832-1904); s/o Isaac and Elizabeth (Coddington) Miller
MILLER, Chris (1830- ):
2: MILLER, Christian (1809-1874): m'd 1832 CODDINGTON, Mary A.
MILLER, Enoch:
2: MILLER, Isaac Sr. (1806-1878): m'd 1827 CODDINGTON, Elizabeth
2: MILLER, Jacob L. (1822-1862): m'd 1845 [ ] , Nancy
MILLER, James Dailey Capt. ( - ):
1: MILLER, John
3: MILLER, John:
MILLER, Joseph ( - ): m'd ALDERMAN, Julia Ann
MILLER, Lydia ( -1886): m'd 1823 MEEKER, John
MILLER, Margaret (1795-1858): m'd 1811 KELLOGG, Orrin
MILLER, Maria:
MILLER, Mart V. (1837- ): m'd 1860 CUNNINGHAM, Mary C.
MILLER, Moses:
MILLER, Nelson:
*7: MILLER, Samuel (1831-1861): m'd 04 Sep 1851 EARL, Ellen (1833-1920); s/o Isaac and Elizabeth (Coddington) Miller; Samuel was born 1831, Crawfordville, Montgomery Co., Indiana and died 1861, California; note: There were TWO Samuel Millers who lived within a few miles of each other in Marion county causing some confusion
MILLER, Samuel S.
MILLER, William (1817- ): m'd 1837 MCDONALD, Jane; returned east and emigrated again in 1850 with a party that included his mother-in-law, brother-in-law, David McDonald, and his brother, Malcolm Miller
MINKLER, Daniel S. (1812 -1853 ):
m'd 1837 PERRY, Clarissa
MINKLER, Sarah ( - ):
3: MOODY, Henry Clay (1827-):
4: MOORE, B.:
4: MOORE, John:
5:: MOORE, William S. (1829-1899): m'd 1854 MELDRUM, Margaret Octavia
MORRIS, Jesse (1815- ): m'd 1851 , Sarah Jane
MORROW, Margaret (1797-1874): m'd RICHARDSON, Gideon; buried Richardson Cemetery, Lancaster, Lane County, Oregon
1: MULLEN, G. W.; believed to have cut off for California
1: 2: NEAL, Jemima ( -1857): m'd 1818 CLINE, Peter Davis
NEALL, James ( - ):
3: NEFF, Marcus ( -1896):
3: NEWTON, Abiathar (1806-1892): m1. GARLINGHOUSE, Rachel; m2. [unknown], Lydia P. emigrant of 1846, returned east and brought out family
3: NEWTON, Abraham:
3: NEWTON, Cynthia Ellen (1833-1924): m1. FIECHTER, John; m2. JOHNSON, Jasper Archibald; d/o Abiathar V. and Rachel (Garlinghouse) Newton; buried Oak Lawn Memorial Park, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
3: NEWTON, Gamaliel Garlinghouse (1839-1915): m'd WOOD, Susan; s/o Abiathar V. and Rachel (Garlinghouse) Newton; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
3: NEWTON, Isaac H. (1832-1874): buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
3: NEWTON, Jasper:
3: NEWTON, Kezia (1828-1917): m'd BETHERS, George W.; d/o Abiathar V. and Rachel (Garlinghouse) Newton; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
3: NEWTON, Mahala (1845-1928): m'd BOHANNON, William Elliott; d/o Abiathar V. and Rachel (Garlinghouse) Newton
3: NEWTON, Norris Peter (1830-1911): m'd KNOTTS, Justina; s/o Abiathar V. and Rachel (Garlinghouse) Newton; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
NICKERSON, Esther (1845- ):
NORDYKE, William H.:
2: OWENS, Isaac:
PARK, Azariah (1818-1898): m'd 1854 MOORE, Elizabeth Ann
1: PARKS, Absolom (1830-1873): cut off for California; s/o David and Catherine (Schnelebarger) Parks
1: PARKS, Charles (1835-1886): cut off for California; s/o David and Catherine (Schnelebarger) Parks
1: PARKS, Daniel (1847- ): cut off for California; s/o David and Catherine (Schnelebarger) Parks
1: PARKS, David (1805-1875): m'd SCHNELEBARGER, Catherine; cut off for California
1: PARKS, David Jr. (1832-1892): cut off for California; s/o David and Catherine (Schnelebarger) Parks
PARKS, Evaline (1815-1903): m'd MARTIN, Jacob
1: PARKS, Isaac (1841-1889): cut off for California; s/o David and Catherine (Schnelebarger) Parks
1: PARKS, John (1826-1854): cut off for California; s/o David and Catherine (Schnelebarger) Parks
1: PARKS, William (1844-1851): cut off for California; s/o David and Catherine (Schnelebarger) Parks
1: PATTERSON, Ira (1800-1875): m1. 01 Jul 1827 HALSTEAD, Martha; m2. 25 May 1857 SWAYZE, Rebecca Malinda
1: PATTERSON, Sarah Rebecca (1844-1926): m'd 1863 SLOCUM, Edward A.; d/o Ira and Martha (Halstead) Patterson
1: PATTERSON, Susan K. (1839-1876): m'd 30 Aug 1855 STRUGESS, Andrew Jackson; d/o Ira and Martha (Halstead) Patterson
1: PATTERSON, Zilla Halstead (1836-1888): m'd CRAWFORD, Peter; d/o Ira and Martha (Halstead) Patterson
1: PATTERSON, William Denman (1834-1854): s/o Ira and Martha (Halstead) Patterson
1: PATTON, William Thomas (1828-1892): m'd DICKENS, Julia Ann; driver for Reuben Dickens
PENTON, Keturah G. (1820-1913): m'd 03 Oct 1839 BELKNAP, George; born 15 Aug 1820 Hamilton Co, OH and died 19/22 Aug 1913 Coquille, Coos Co, OR; buried Alpine Cemetery, Alpine, Benton Co, OR; moher of 11 children (Hannah, John, Jesse Walker, Martha, Lorenzo Gilbert, Henry Clay, Millard Fillmore, Lucina Emeline, Lovina Jane, Infant son and George Simpson)
PERRY, Clarissa ( - ): m1. MINKLER, Daniel S. (1812-1853); m2. LESLEY, [ ]
PETREE, John ( - ): m'd FISHER, Mary
PETREE, William Franklin ( - ):
PHILLIPS, Nancy (1805-1879): m'd 1822 DICKENS, Reuben Rev
5: PIERCE, Farley:
1: PIGG, Ellen (1833- ): d/o Reuben and Adeline (Bett) Pigg
1: PIGG, Henry C. (1841- ): s/o Reuben and Adeline (Bett) Pigg
1: PIGG, Lucretia (1837- ): d/o Reuben and Adeline (Bett) Pigg
1: PIGG, Mary A. (1844- ): d/o Reuben and Adeline (Bett) Pigg
1: PIGG, Nancy J. (1832- ): d/o Reuben and Adeline (Bett) Pigg
1: PIGG, Reuben (1799- ): m'd BETT, Adeline
1: PIGG, Reuben Jr. (1839- ): s/o Reuben and Adeline (Bett) Pigg
1: PIGG, William Frederick (1830- ): s/o Reuben and Adeline (Bett) Pigg
William Porter 1848 Trail Diary
William Porter Letter Home
2: PORTER, Elizabeth Nancy (1843-1922):
m'd 20 Oct 1864 READ, Clifton Kittridge; d
/o William and Sarah (Coffey) Porter; born 21 Aug 1843 Pike Co, IL and died 27 Aug 1922 Turner, Marion Co, OR; buried Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion Co, OR; mother of 9 children (Virgil Henry, Sarah Isabelle, Silas William, John Franklin, Lydia Eva, Ethel Florence, Nettie May, George Sidney and Jessie Ava)
2: PORTER, John E. (1823- ): m'd 30 Dec 1847 WINKLE, Mary
2: PORTER, John Hancock (1845- ): m'd 10 Nov 1870 VANNUYS, Mary Ada; s /o William and Sarah (Coffey) Porter; born 08 Nov 1845 Pike Co, IL and died 02 Apr 1924; buried Lone Oak Cemetery, Stayton, Marion Co, OR; father of 6 children (Ernest Emmett, Charles Reese, Edward Floyd, Nettie C., Harry Welton and Elbert Leroy)
2: PORTER, McCauley ( - ): m'd WINKLE, Martha
2: PORTER, Nancy (1822-1904): m'd 27 Sep 1837 HOLMES, Horatio Nelson Viscount; d/o David Porter and Nancy Culton Porter; February14, 1822 in Lincoln Co.,MO and died March 9, 1904 in Salem Co.,OR; buried in City View Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR; mother of 7 children (David Jackson, Nancy Jane, Alexander Monroe, John Porter, William Henry, Horatio Reese and Mary Adela)
2: PORTER, Sidney Reese (1847-1927): m'd 26 Sep 1875 BROWNSON/BROWNSTONE, Mary Ellen;s/o William and Sarah (Coffey) Porter; born 05 Oct 1847 Pike Co, IL and died 22 Apr 1927 Stayton, Marion Co, OR; buried Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion Co, OR; father of 2 children (William Henry and Eva)
5: PORTER, Stephen (1819-1890): m1. 01 Sep 1844 COFFEY, Catherine Jane (1822-1850); m2. 14 Aug 1851 GIBSON, Susan; s/o David and Nancy (Culton) Porter; born 24 Jun 1819 MO and died 24 Aug 1890 Marion Co, OR; held one of three land claims that made up Stayton, Marion Co, OR
2: PORTER, William G. (1841-1880): m'd LEWIS, Malinda Elmyra; s/o William and Sarah (Coffey) Porter; born 04 Oct 1841 Pike Co, IL and died 29 Jan 1880 Turner, Marion Co, OR; buried Twin Oaks Cemetery, Turner, Marion Co, OR; father of 4 children (Minnie Clyde, Essie May, Francis Henry and Marion Lincoln)
2: PORTER, William Grayson (1820- ): m'd , Elizabeth
5: PORTER, William Marion (1812-1899): m1. 25 Nov 1840 COFFEY, Sarah (1820-1848); m2. 04 Oct 1849 COFFEY, Martha Frances; s/o David and Nancy (Culton) Porter; William Porter was born in Lincoln County, Missouri, Dec. 14, 1812, one of a family of ten children. At the age of 18, making his own way in the world he entered college at Jacksonville, Illinois, remaining four years preparing himself to teach. He went to Pike County, where he taught until 1846. In Pike County he married Sarah Coffey in 1840. In the spring of 1848 he started for St. Joseph, Missouri to join the wagon trains for Oregon. Without serious mishap, William Porter and his wife arrived in Oregon and spent the first winter with the Pringles near Aumsville. The next year, on October 9, 1849, Mr. Porter took a donation land claim near the present city of Aumsville. Hardly was the cabin built when his wife died. Later he married Miss Martha Coffey, a sister of his first wife. William Porter was chief clerk in the territorial legislature of 1849. He served 4 years as County Assessor of Marion County; father of 4 children by first wife (William G., Elizabeth Nancy, John Hancock, and Sidney Reese); father of 3 children by second wife (Henry Clay, Sarah Louisa, and Mary Jane)
"PORTER, WILLIAM.--Born in Lincoln County, Missouri, in 1812; rnoved to Illinois in 1836; thence to Oregon in 1848, with his wife, Sarah, daughter of N. Coffey, and four children W. G., Elizabeth N., John H.,and Sydney R. W. G. Porter was born in Pike County, Illinois, 1841 ; died in Marion County, Oregon, in 1880. The other children were also born in Pike County, and are married and live in Marion County, Oregon. Sarah, their mother, died soon after arriving in Oregon, in the fall of 1848. The father married her sister, Martha, in the fall of 1849, by whom he has three grown children Henry C., Sarah L., and Mary Jane. All are now living in Marion County, Oregon. , Henry C. is married, and has a five-year-old daughter." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.697]
POWELL, Matilda: m'd LEE, [ ]
PRATHER, ( - ):
PRATT, Orville C.:
2: PRESLEY, Almenia (1838-1860):
m'd 1856 VANLANDIGHAM, George;
d/o David and Mahala (Welty) Presley
2: PRESLEY, Anthony Wesley (1833-1918): m'd 1860 MARTIN, Rebecca Melissa s/o David and Mahala (Welty) Presley
2: PRESLEY, Barbara (1830-1866): m'd 1849 SMITH, Sidney; d/o David and Mahala (Welty) Presley
2: PRESLEY, David (1803-1877): m'd 1827 WELTY, Mahala
2: PRESLEY, Elias (1837- ): m'd , Lucy; s/o David and Mahala (Welty) Presley
2: PRESLEY, Elizabeth (1844-1924): m'd RUDOLPH, Harvey S.; d/o David and Mahala (Welty) Presley
2: PRESLEY, Ellen (1842-1916): m'd SAVAGE, Morgan Lewis "Lute"; d/o David and Mahala (Welty) Presley
2: PRESLEY, Franklin (1835- ): m'd WISE, Hannah; s/o David and Mahala (Welty) Presley
2: PRESLEY, Mary "Polly" (26 Oc 1828-06 Sep1898): m'd 08 Jun 1846 STEPHENS, Sanford; d/o David and Mahala (Welty) Presley; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon
2: PRESLEY, Ransom (1841-1866): m'd 1865 BROWN, Carolina E.; s/o David and Mahala (Welty) Presley
2: PRESLEY, Rhoda (1832-1866): m'd 1850 SAVAGE, John; d/o David and Mahala (Welty) Presley
5: PURVINE, Andrew J. (1833- ): m'd 1857 DOUGHERTY, Mary J.; m2. 1873 STAIGER, Pauline; s/o John and Mary Purvine
"PURVINE, A. J.--Born in Illinois in 1833, and crossed the plains with his parents in 1848. They settled in Marion County. Mr. Purvine has been a resident of Polk County since 1862, and cultivates his farm near Zena. He married Miss Mary J. Dougherty in 1857, by whom he had three children Jordan, Cyrus, and Charles. Mrs. Purvine died in 1864, and he married Miss Pauline Staiger, in 1873, by whom he has had Ida, Albert, Emma, Gertie, Monroe, and Fred." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.697]
5: PURVINE, Charles (1836- ): s/o John and Mary Purvine
5: PURVINE, Henry (1827- ): s/o John and Mary Purvine
5: PURVINE, John L. (1842- ): m'd 24 Nov 1864 WALKER, Mary V.; s/o John and Mary Purvine
"PURVINE, J. L.--Born in Illinois in 1842; the son of John Purvine. Crossed the plains in 1848, and settled in Marion County. Is a farmer, and resides at Zena, Polk County. Married in Polk County, November 24, 1864, to Miss Mary V. Walker, who has borne him four children Elnia, Dudley, Frank, and Lynn." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.697-8]
5: PURVINE, John (1800-1852): m1. [ ], Mary; m2. 1850 GOUDY, Rosaline; Purvine-Walker Papers contributed by Vicki Beninga
5: PURVINE, Mary ( -1849): m'd PURVINE, John; maiden name unknown at this time
5: PURVINE, Nelson (1834- ): s/o John and Mary Purvine
5: PURVINE, Smiley (1840- ): s/o John and Mary Purvine
5: PURVINE, William (1825- ): s/o John and Mary Purvine
2: RAMSEY, J.G.:
REDPATH, Agnes (1806-1885): m'd CATLIN, Seth; d/o James and Isabel (Hay) Redpath; buried Catlin Cemetery, Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington
2: RICE, Horace:
7: 1: RICE, Nancy P. (1806- ): m1. BURROWS; m2. HITCHCOCK, Rufus
7: 1: RICE, Street: brother of Nancy (Rice) Hitchcock
RICHARDSON, Benjamin Perry (01 Jan 1829-28 Mar 1908): m'd 10 Jun 1848 COX,
Julatha Ann; s/o Gideon and Margaret (Morrow) Richardson;
Richardson Family Cemetery,
Lancaster, Lane County, Oregon
RICHARDSON, Franklin William (07 Oct 1825-25 Feb 1874): m'd 05 Jul 1849 COX, Mary A.; s/o Gideon and Margaret (Morrow) Richardson
RICHARDSON, Gideon: m'd MORROW, Margaret Hutchinson; s/o Daniel and Nancy (Townsend) Richardson; buried in Richardson Cemetery, Lane Co, OR
RICHARDSON, Lucy B. (1823- ): m1. 1850 Martin T. BROWN; m2. 1854 Fendal SUTHERLIN Jr.; d/o Gideon Richardson; settled in Lane Co; moved to Douglas Co after second marriage
RICHARDSON, Nancy (1808-1881): m'd BROWN, John; s/o Daniel and Nancy (Townsend) Richardson
RICHARDSON, Sarah ( - ):
5: RICHISON, Pliney:
RIGGS, Ann ( - ): m'd GRIBBLE,
ROBERTS, Abraham H. (1826- ):
ROBERTS, Albert ( - ):
ROBERTS, Christopher ( - ):
ROBERTS, Erastus ( - ):
ROBERTS, Henry (1800- ): m'd HARRISON,
ROBERTS, Jacob ( - ):
ROBERTS, Phoebe ( - ): m'd LOUGHLIN, William
ROBERTS, Samuel (1837- ): m'd 1858 GRIFFIN, Sarah
ROBERTS, Vincent ( - ):
ROBERTS, William (1828- ): m'd 1852 , Sarah M.
1: ROBINSON, James:
ROBINSON, Lucinda (1828-1894): m'd 1846 SWEGLE, Charles
1: ROOT, Riley (1795-1870): an emigrant from Illinois, he arrived in Oregon in the fall of 1848, went to California to the gold fields in the spring of 1849 and returned to Illinois in 1850 where he spent the remainder of his life.
RUDOLPH, Alfred Madison (22 Mar 1851-10 Dec 1930): s/o Morgan and Rebecca (Donica) Rudolph; buried Lompoc Evergreen Cemetery, Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, California;
RUDOLPH, Mary ( 03 Jan 1849-20 Oct 1852): d/o Morgan and Rebecca (Donaca) Rudolph; died Oregon
RUDOLPH, Morgan Warren (1824-12 Jul 1901): m'd 28 Mar 1847 DONACA, Rebecca Ann; s/o John and Mary (Hamblin) Rudolph; may have emigrated earlier; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Ballard, Santa Barbara County, California
RUSSELL, William (1827- ):
m'd 1851 , Eliza
SCHNEIDER, Henry ( - ):
SCOTT, John C.:
SCOTT, Mary ( - ): m'd WATT, John; buried in Amity Cemetery, Yamhill Co, OR
SEROR, Joseph (1828- ): m'd 1854 , Mary Ann
1: SCNELEBARGER, Catherine (1808-1880): m'd PARKS, David; cut off for Callifornia;
1: SHARP, Hamilton: cut off for California
5: SHELLEY, Ellen E. ( - ): m'd SUMMERVILLE, John
5: SHELLEY, Harrison (1821- ): m'd 1843 BRANDON, Ruth Jane
5: SHELLEY, Henry ( -1861):
5: SHELLEY, James Monroe (1843- ): m'd BAXTER, Lydia A.
5: SHELLEY, Mary ( - ): m'd SITTON,
5: SHELLEY, Michael ( -1894): m'd MAYS, Sena
5: SHELLEY, Miss ( - ): m'd HUSTON, Walter
5: SHELLEY, R. L. ( - ):
5: SHELLEY, Ransom ( -1865):
5: SHELLEY, Roswell (1846- ): m'd 1878 TATOM, Mary L.
"SHELLEY, ROSWELL--Mr. Shelley was born in Iowa in the year 1846, and came with his parents to Oregon in 1848. His first home in Oregon was in Lane County, where he lived until 1857 when he moved to Polk County, and that has continued to be his home with the exception of a few years spent in Wasco County. .Dealt in merchandise for several years. In 1882 was elected county clerk, and was placed in nomination again m 1884 for the second term but was defeated. Owns city property in Dallas. Married Miss Mary L. Tatom in 1878, and has two children Ralph D., and Hugh T." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.698]
5: SHELLEY, Troy (1845- ):
1: SHIELDS, Henry: cut off for California
1: SHIELDS, James ( -1848):
died on Mary’s River (the Humboldt in Nevada) when he pulled his rifle out of
his wagon and accidentally shot himself
SLANI, John A. ( - ):
6:: SIMMONDS, Daniel:
SMELTZER, Theresa (1810-1869): m'd 1837 BAUER, Andreas [Andrew]
SMITH, Austin E. ( - ):
SMITH, Charles ( - ):
SMITH, David H. ( - ): m'd 1851 ALLEN, Eveline
SMITH, Edward L. B. ( - ):
SMITH, Elizabeth (15 Dec 1819-04 Jul 1900): m'd 09 Jun 1842 CHAPMAN, Caleb Peacock; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
SMITH, Francis Marion ( - ):
4: SMITH, John Beuford (1806-1870): m'd 1831 ADKINSON, Elizabeth
SMITH, Titus (1826-1902): m'd MCCLAIN, Elvira
SMITH, William R. ( - ):
SNYDER, Charles ( - ):
5:: STARK, Eunice ( - ): m'd 1836 GARRETT, John D.
3: STARR, Albert ( - ):
3: STARR, Eliza Ann ( - ): m'd BURLINGAME,
3: STARR, James M. ( - ):
3: STARR, John W. Jr. ( - ):
3: STARR, John Wesley Rev. (1794-1868): m'd 1829 LUCAS, Eliza Ann
3: STARR, LeRoy Hamlin ( - ):
3: STARR, Matilda J. ( - ):
3: STARR, Milton Lee (1833- ):
3: STARR, Moses F. ( - ):
3: STARR, P. M. ( - ):
3: STARR, Precious (1832-1908): m1. 1848 CATON, Jesse H.; m2. SHED, Silas L.; d/o John and Eliza Ann (Lucas) Starr
3: STARR, S. C. ( - ):
3: STARR, Samuel Emery ( - ):
*2 STEPHENS, Adam (07 Jan 1819-18 Sep 1891): m'd 02 Mar 1844 GILMORE, Lucinda H.; s/o Stephen Andrew and Sarah Jane (Hall) Stephens; settled Marion County; buried Hayesville Cemetery, Hayesville, Marion County, Oregon
*2 STEPHENS, Sanford (04 Nov 1823- 06 Jan 1897): m'd 08 Jun 1846 PRESLEY, Mary; s/o Stephen Andrew and Sarah Jane (Hall) Stephens; settled Marion County, later moved to Lake County; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon
*2 STEPHENS, William Bella (1821-22 Oct 1893): m'd 29 Sep 1847 GORDON, Innocent Mayfield; s/o Stephen Andrew and Sarah Jane (Hall) Stephens; settled Marion County, buried Pioneer Memorial Cemetery, Marion County, Oregon
STEVENS, Lucretia:
5:: STEWART, Hanna: (maybe with Walker party. arrived about the same time)
1: STIPP, Daniel L.(1834-021860): S/o John and Sarah Stipp
1: STIPP, Elizabeth (1841- ):d/o John and Sarah Stipp
1: STIPP, John (1806-1892): m1. [ ], Sarah; m2. 1846 Avery (ELLIS), Lucretia
1: STIPP, Nancy (1842- ): d/o John and Sarah Stipp
1: STIPP, Sarah (1845- ): d/o John and Sarah Stipp
7: 1: STONE, Alvin Waite (1825- ):
STONE, David (1812 -aft 1870): s/o Isaac and Eunice (Tracy) Stone; mother died on trail
STONE, Nathaniel (1815-1876): m'd c1839 KLINCK, Emeline; s/o Isaac and Eunice (Tracy) Stone; mother died on trail; buried Caitlin Cemetery, Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington
2: SUTHERLIN, Fendal:
SWEGLE, Charles W. (1821-1888): m'd 1846 ROBINSON, Lucinda D.; s/o Matthias and Sarah (Vanatta) Swegle
"SWEGLE, CHARLES--Born in New Jersey in 1821; moved in 1828 to Illinois; came to Oregon twenty years after. Married in 1847 to Lucy D. Robinson. Children: George, Nancy, Oliva, Marion, and Albert J. In 1860 located in Marion County; occupation, farmer, owning several farms in that county. Lives at present at the Whitman mission at Waiilatpu, Washington Territory. Is one of the foremost wheat growers in the Territory." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.698]
SWEGLE, Eliza (1834-1865): m'd RUSSELL, William; d/o Matthias and Sarah (Vanatta) Swegle
SWEGLE, Elizabeth (1834- ): m'd FORGEY, James; d/o Matthias and Sarah (Vanatta) Swegle
SWEGLE, Matthias (1797-1861): m'd 09 Jul 1818 VANATTA, Sarah
SWEGLE, Matthias Jr. (1826-1891): m'1. 03 Jun 1853 GRIER, Margaret; m2. 28 Nov 1867 MOORE/MOON, Belle ; s/o Matthias and Sarah (Vanatta) Swegle
SWEGLE, Sarah (1829-1886): m'd 13 Nov 1851 SIMMONS, Asa B.; d/o Matthias and Sarah (Vanatta) Swegle
TAITES, Elizabeth ( - ): m'd COX,
THROCKMORTON, Sarah "Sally" (1808-1885); m'd 1829 GRIFFIN, Burrel Bell
TRACY, Eunice: m'd STONE, Isaac; emigrated with sons; died 28 Jul 1848 Bear River, Wyoming
TRIMBLE, Benjamin (1836-1923: s/o Samuel and
Nancy (Willson) Trimble; bur Alsea Cemetery, Benton Co, OR
TRIMBLE, Charlotte (c1838- ): m'd TAYLOR, William C.
TRIMBLE, Ed (1842- ): s/o Samuel and Nancy (Willson) Trimble
TRIMBLE, Jasper: s /o Samuel and Nancy (Willson) Trimble
TRIMBLE, Lydia (1812- ): m'd DRUMM, Abner William
TRIMBLE, Mary Jane (1848- ): m'd EVANS, [ ], d/o Samuel and Nancy (Willson) Trimble
TRIMBLE, Samuel S.: m1. ; m2. 1854 MCMAHON, Hulda
1: 2: TRULLINGER, Amanda (1830- ): m'd 1849 WRIGHT, John; d/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Johnson) Trullinger
1: 2: TRULLINGER, Daniel (1801-1869): m'd 1823 JOHNSON, Elizabeth Amanda; part time minister for the Christian Church; farmer; went to CA gold fields in 1849 but returned home after short time
1: 2: TRULLINGER, Daniel Perry (1840-1928): m'd 1873 WOOD, Emily; d/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Johnson) Trullinger
1: 2: TRULLINGER, Eliza (1838-1915): m'd 1852 MATOON, Rene; d/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Johnson) Trullinger
1: 2:: TRULLINGER, Elizabeth (1836-1913): m'd 1856 MORGAN, Harbison Beaumont; d/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Johnson) Trullinger
1: 2: TRULLINGER, Evangeline (1838- ): m'd 1854 LOWE, William;d/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Johnson) Trullinger
1: 2: TRULLINGER, Gabriel (1824-1905): m'd 1851 GLOVER, Sarah E.; s/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Johnson) Trullinger; cabinet maker; went to CA gold fields in 1849 where he stayed for 2 years
1: 2: TRULLINGER, J. C. (1809- ):
1: 2: TRULLINGER, John Corse (1828-1908): m'd 1853 BOYLE, Hannah; s/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Johnson) Trullinger; went to CA gold fields in 1849 where he stayed for 2 years; reportedly brought back $18,000
1: 2: TRULLINGER, Mary Jane (1833- ): m'd 1849 CUTTING, Andrew; d/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Johnson) Trullinger
1: 2: TRULLINGER, Nathan H. (1826- ): m'd GRESHEN, Frances; s/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Johnson) Trullinger
1: 2: TRULLINGER, Sarah (1843- ): d/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Johnson) Trullinger
[Editorial note: Samuel Tucker was the father of the following
children. It is not known at this time if they were all in the emigration of
5:: TUCKER, Benjamin (1818- ): s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Tucker ; emigrant of 1851??
5:: TUCKER, Eliza Ann (1827- ): d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Tucker
5:: TUCKER, Elizabeth (1806- ): d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Tucker
TUCKER, Elizabeth J.
5:: TUCKER, Frances (1814- ): s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Tucker
5:: TUCKER, Jane (1812- ): d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Tucker
5:: TUCKER, Joseph (1845- ): m'd BALES, Elizabeth; s/o Samuel and Sarah (Black) Tucker
5:: TUCKER, Julia Ann (1830- ): m'd 1846 LARKIN, James F.; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Tucker
5:: TUCKER, Lucia/Lentia (1837-1914): m'd COX, Elias; d/o Samuel and Sarah (Black) Tucker
5:: TUCKER, Mahala (1820- ): d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Tucker
5:: TUCKER, Martha (1839- ): d/o Samuel and Sarah (Black) Tucker
TUCKER, Martha L.
5:: TUCKER, Mary (1822- ): d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Tucker
5:: TUCKER, Nathaniel (1808- ): s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Tucker
5:: TUCKER, Rebecca (1841- ): d/o Samuel and Sarah (Black) Tucker
5:: TUCKER, Sallie Ann (1826- ): d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Tucker
5:: TUCKER, Samuel (1782-1867): m1. 1804 HARDESTY, Elizabeth; m2. 1836 BLACK, Sarah
5:: TUCKER, Samuel H. (1824- ): s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Tucker
5:: TUCKER, Susan (1804- ): d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Tucker
5:: TUCKER, Thomas (1810- ): s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Tucker
5: TUCKER, Walter H. (1816- ): s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Tucker
4: VALENTINE, James (1801- ): m'd 1843 , Mary E.
VANATTA, Sarah (1794-1866): m'd 09 Jul 1818 SWEGLE, Matthias
5:: VANDERVERT, Jackson J. (1822- ): m'd 1853 CLARK, Grace
*7: VAUGHN, Nancy ( - ): m'd 1854 MILLER, Charles
VENNING, Mary Catherine ( -1848): m'd EMERICK, Christian;
died on Muddy fork of the Bear River on July 14, 1848
WALKER, Aaron Jay ( - ):
5: WALKER, Bolivar Capt. ( - ): Purvine-Walker Papers contributed by Vicki Beninga
6: 1: WALKER, Jeemes: nephew of Kentucky scout, Joe Walker
5: WALKER, Mary Virginia (1844-1929): m'd 1864 PURVINE, Joshua L.; d/o Walter and Jane (Mackey) Walker; settled in Polk Co; buried Zena Cemetery, Polk Co, OR
5: WALKER, W. H. ( - ):
5: WALKER, Walter M. (1814-1896): m'd 1843 MACKEY, Jane; also accompanied by black child, Elizabeth who was about 15 years old
"WALKER, W. W.--Born in Virginia, July 23, 1814; removed with his parents to Missouri in 1829, and remained there until 1848, when he settled in Spring Valley, Polk County. This pleasant and fruitful locality was so named by Mr. Walker in 1852. The gentleman derives his title of Major from the circumstance of having held a commission in the Missouri state militia. In this country he held offices as follows: Was commissioner of Polk County in 1849, and was a member of the Territorial Legislature in 1856. Was married in Missouri, in 1843, to Miss Jane MacKey. They have five children-Mary V. (wife of J. L. Purvine), Susan M. (wife of Dr. Jeffreys), Nancy (wife of H. G. Henry), L. (wife of J. K. Sears), and Dora. Major Walker's occupation is farming; his address is Zena, Polk County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.698-9]
1: WAMBAUGH, Mahlon M. (c1822-c1866): m'd 01 Aug 1855 MOFFITT, Margaret J.; referred in most diaries and reminiscences as Capt. Wambo; led a company to California where he was a hotel keeper in the 1850 Yolo County census; returned to Ohio where he is enumerated as an attorney in the 1860 census.
WATSON, Margaret ( - ): m'd FORSYTHE, James B.
6:: WATT, Ahio S. (1824- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Mary Elizabeth
6:: WATT, Aurora (1843- ): d/o John and Mary (Scott) Watt
6:: WATT, Clara (1846- ): d/o John and Mary (Scott) Watt
6:: WATT, Elizabeth (1831- ): d/o John and Mary (Scott) Watt
6:: WATT, Isabelle (1833-1909): m'd BREYMAN, Werner; d/o John and Mary (Scott) Watt; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
6:: WATT, John (1792-1954): m'd 1816 SCOTT, Mary; veteran of War of 1812; buried in Amity Cemetery, Yamhill Co, OR
"WATT, JOHN--Born in Pennsylvania in 1792; served in the war of 1812; came to Oregon and settled at Amity, Yamhill County. He practiced the trade of carpenter to some extent, but gave his attention to farming. He died in 1854. Was married in 1816, to Mary Scott, by whom he had fourteen children, those now living being J. V., A. S., Adeline (Mrs. Fullquartz), Elizabeth (Mrs. Wren), Isabelle (Mrs. Breyman, of Salem), Aurora (Mrs. Bowman, of Portland), and Clara (Mrs. Morton)." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.699]
6:: WATT, Joseph: returning to Oregon with a herd of sheep; emigrant of 1844
6:: WATT, Margaret ( - ):
6:: WATT, Missouri (1840- ): d/o John and Mary (Scott) Watt
6:: WATT, Roxanna (1836- ): d/o John and Mary (Scott) Watt
6:: WATT, Thomas C. ( - ):
6:: WATT, William ( - ):
4: WELCH, Samuel (1807- ): m'd 1847 , Lucy D.
WELLS, Justus (1816- ): enumerated in the 1850 Washington Co, OR Census, reportedly
bought a sawmill in Scappoose area and then returned to IA and brought his family
out in 1852; settled in Jackson Co but by 1870 is enumerated in the Crescent
City, CA census;
WELLS, W. ( - ):
*1 WELTY, Mahala (1810-1898): m'd 1827 PRESLEY, David
WHEELER, John ( - ): s/o Deland and Margaret (Court) Wheeler; two brothers came in 1847; John died near Grants Pass
WHITEAKER, Benjamin (1796- ): 1823 HAYTER, Mary
"WHITEAKER, BENJAMIN--Born in North Carolina in 1796, and removed to Virginia at an early age. Went to Illinois in 1836, and crossed the plains to Oregon in 1848; settled in Polk County. His occupation was farming. He married Miss Mary Hayter in 1823. Their children numbered eleven, of whom David J., Rachel, Ellen, Benjamin, Maria, and George survive. Mr. Whiteaker died." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.699]
WHITEAKER, David J. (1824-1902): m'd 1871 TITUS, Lucy L.
"WHITEAKER, DAVID J.--Born in West Virginia, October 29, 1824; removed with his parents to Illinois in 1836, and came with his father, Benjamin Whiteaker, to Oregon, twelve years after. Went to the California mines in 1849, and returned in 1850. In 1851 and 1852 was in the Rogue River country. Served in the Yakima war. In 1859 went to the Upper Columbia region, and lived many years, returning to the valley in 1878, and settling in Polk County. Resides now on a farm near Independence. Married Miss Lucy L. Titus in 1871." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.699]
WHITEAKER, Eleanor S. (1832- ): m'd 1850 LEVENS, Isaac
WHITEAKER, George W. ( - ):
WHITEAKER, James ( - ):
WHITEAKER, Maria ( - ):
WHITEAKER, Mary (1846-1864): m'd 1861 COLLINS, James L.
WHITEAKER, Mirah ( - ): m'd OGDEN,
WHITEAKER, Rachel ( - ): m'd MCGEE,
WHITEAKER, William H. (1826- ):
WILBUR, James H. Rev. ( - ):
1: WILCOX, Elias Dudley (1789-c1849 CA ): m'd CHITTENDEN, Mary
1: WILCOX, Jasper (1846- ): s/o Nathaniel and Harriet (Holt) Wilcox
1: WILCOX, Nathaniel C. (c1819-1850 CA): m'd 23 Mar 1845 HOLT, Harriet A.; s/o Elias Dudley and Mary (Chittenden) Wilcox
WILCOX, Sanford E. (1827- ): m'd 1854 BUTTS, Mary Ann
"WILCOX, SANFORD E.--Born in New York in 1827; came to Oregon and settled near Wapatoo Lake, Washington County, where he still has his residence, on a donation claim; his occupation is farming. He married Mary A. Butts in 1852, and their children s names are John, Louis, Dudley, Olive, Melva, and Mary. Mr. Wilcox is county commissioner of Washington County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.691]
WILLIAMS, Emily ( -1854): m'd 1832 WILLIAMS, Leonard
2: WILLIAMS, Leonard (1810- ): m'd 1832 , Emily
2: WLLIAMS, Willie:
5: WILSON, Elizabeth (1819-1904): m'd BLAIN, Wilson; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
2: WINKLE, Gilla
Ann (1834- 1904):
m'd FISHER, Granville; buried
Inman Cemetery, Elmira, Lane County, Oregon
2: WINKLE, Isaac (1802-1874): m1. BRAGG, Martha; m2. BRYAN, Lucinda (MAUPIN); buried Winkle Cemetery, Benton County, Oregon
2: WINKLE, Martha (1836 - 1907): m'd PORTER, McCauley; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
2: WINKLE, Mary (1830 - 1890): m'd PORTER, John Edward; d/o Isaac and Martha (Bragg) Winkle; buried; buried IOOF Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
2: WINKLE, Oscar ( - ):
2: WINKLE, Wiley (1828-1912): m'd 1851 GRIMSLEY, Pamelia; s/o Isaac and Martha (Bragg) Winkle; buried Winkle Cemetery, Benton County, Oregon
WOODRUFF, Lyman ( - ):
2: WYATT, Isaac:
2: WYATT, Thomas
1: YOUNG, Mr: mentioned by Thomas Corcoran as being the "Young from Hayes Grove"
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