Emigrants to Oregon in 1850
compiled by Stephenie Flora
copyright � 2004
The following is an incomplete list of those traveling to Oregon in 1850. I will be making updates and additions as I find them. If you have corrections or additons to make please contact me via the comments selection at the bottom of this page.
Captains of 1850
Emigration estimates for the year 1850 state that approximately 6,000 emigrants headed for Oregon, while 2,500 went to Utah and 44,000 cutoff for California. The gold rush was still on and California was the primary destination for many families. Those choosing the Oregon Territory as their destination are listed below.
*1: Hardman Party
*2: Preston Morris Party; this party left spring of 1850 from Adams Co, ILL heading for California but apparently changed routes and went to Oregon. On the 1850 Census they were living in Oregon City but by 1851 Preston Morris had filed a DLC in Linn Co, OR; per Jean Laws at Ivyshire@cs.com
*3: Capt. Alfred Wilson:
*4: Capt. Parrish
*5: Capt. Ball
*6: Capt. Bailey
*7: Party of 5 individuals that had 2 wagons, 2 horses per wagon plus and extra horse for each man except the drivers
*8: Captain of this party unknown at this time
*9: Captain of this party unknown at this time
*10: Capt. Lewis
*11: Capt. Riggs: train was hard hit by cholera and marauding indians. At Fort Hall some turned back and the remainder joined the Lewis Train
*12: Capt. Dominic Mansfield; arrived Oct 1850 with 100 wagons; appears it may have merged with *10 Lewis train
*13: Capt. Charles B. Johnson; soon after reaching the Kansas line cholera broke out in the train and they stayed in camp for 3-4 weeks; several in the party died and were buried on the plains; although originally headed for CA they made the decision at Fort Hall to continue on to Oregon
*14: Capt Calvin C. Reed: train consisted of about 50 wagons; arrived Oct 1850 from Ray Co, MO
*15: Capt. unknown; was about 15 wagons in the train; left from St. Joseph; reached Laurel Hill about Oct 20
*16: Capt. Unknown; party of 11 men left St. Joseph, Missouri 29 Jun 1850; Party included A. F. Hedges, Andrew Fouts, Bernard Genois, William Fouts, Thomas Pyle, I. A. McConnell, Robert Paxton, Mr. Dennis, J.J. McFarland, E. L. Perham and Theodore Wygant
*17: Capt. William Harpool/Harpole
*18: Capt. Stanley Umphlet: led a small train
of family and friends from IL; started out with 8 wagons and 20 persons;
Baughman bio states he traveled with Townsend, Rigdon, Hovenden, Higgings,
Hendricks and others
Capt. unknown, left Council Bluffs, IA 06 May 1850 in train of 56 well-armed
men, 2 old men exempt from guard duty, 4 women and 5 children, traveled south
side of Platte river, Barlow Road; arrived 117 days later
*20: Ambrose train
*21: Linus Brooks Train left Beardstown, IL 28 Mar 1850. Other families joined and the final train consisted of 25-30 persons.
*22) Davidson Train consisted of family and friends, all members of the Christian Church (aka Campbellites or Disciples of Christ). In the early1830s followers of Alexander Campbell, founder of the Disciples of Christ, moved from their homes in Warren Co, KY to Warren Co, IL and established the town of Monmouth, named after their home in Monmouth, Wales. As the word of the virtues of the Oregon Territory reached Illinois, the talk turned to another move. An advanced migration of church members went west in 1850. It consisted of Elijah and Margaret Davidson, Squire S. and Elizabeth Whitman, Thomas and Sarah Lucas and their families, as well as a number of single men. They reached Polk County, OR in August and settled near Independence on the west bank of the Willamette River, establishing what became Monmouth, OR. In April 1852, a second migration of church members began the journey. It was made up of the families of Burford, Butler, Davidson, Lucas, Mason, Murphy, Roundtree and a number of single men.The Monmouth, Illinois Atlas newspaper, on April 16, 1852 described the gathering and departure of the train. In following issues, the newspaper also published several letters written during the journey and from Oregon written by Rev. John E. Murphy. In 1853, the last of these migrations from the church headed west in what was known as The Butler Train. It was led by Ira F. M. Butler and contained family and friends. Butler Family Letters
*23) Capt. Walter Crow; was emigrant to California in 1849, returned east and organized a cattle drive to California; left Missouri Mary 13, 1850 with 721 head of cattle and a company of 46 men, 24 head of work steers and 20 wagons
Note: All women in the list will be listed by their maiden name EVEN if they are married at the time of emigration.
ABBOTT, Amanda (02 Sep 1843- 04 Jan 1933): m'd 11 Aug 1859 WILLIAMS, William Henry; d/o John and Keturah (Ballinger) Abbott; after father's death the mother could not care for them so they went to live with various families; Amanda was the mother of 14 children. She is buried in Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
ABBOTT, Catherine (26 Apr 1844-19
May): m'd 09 Nov 1863 KELLY, Hercules LaTourette;
after father's death the mother could not care for them so they went to live
with various families; in 1860 she is living with the Amory Holbrook
family; d/o John and
Keturah (Ballinger) Abbott; Catherine is
buried in
Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County,
ABBOTT, John Jr. (1851- ): s/o John and Keturah (Ballinger) Abbott; after father's death the mother could not care for them so they went to live with various families; in 1860 census John is enumerated in the W.H. Faucett family; he was reportedly born in Oregon but a definite birth date has not been found; there is no indication he ever married and in family obituaries he was shown as living in Flathead County, Montana. No further information has been found on him.
ABBOTT, John Vance (1810 - Jan 1855): m'd BALLINGER, Keturah "Kittie"; died at Oregon City; stopped at Fort Ogden and wintered over before continuing on to Oregon in 1851.
ABERNETHY, Alexander:
ACHILLES, Shubel Collins (1820-1894): m'd 1868 BENDER, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Charles and Mary (Montgomery) Achilles; carpenter, buried Columbian Cemetery, Portland, OR
ADAIR, Elias Coleman Dr. (1829-1869): m'd 1854 KEMP, Martha M.; to CA 1850; to OR 1852; s/o Henry and Elpha (Grover) Adair; married on board the steamer Gazelle while enroute from Salem to Corvallis; wife was an emigrant of 1852; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR; father of Henry, Florence C., Inez V., Hattie B., Ward B., Vera E.
ADAMS, Annie: m'd WEAVER, William
ADAMS, Sarah Jane: m'd CORNELISON, Joseph Columbus
ADAMS, Sebastian Cabot Jr. (25 Jul 1825-05 Jan 1898): m1. 06 Feb 1851 MCBRIDE, Martha E.; m2. RHAEL, Mrs. Martha F.; m3. 12 Jun 1890 BABCOCK, Mrs. Sarah A. (m1. Siebert, m2. Babcock, m3. 1890 S.C. Adams); s/o Sebastian and Eunice (Harmon) Adams; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR; father of 4 children by first wife (Lucy Louisa, John Quincy, Loring K and Emma A.); father Sebastian C. Adams Sr. came to Oregon in 1852 with son, Oliver Harmon Adams, but died on the trail before he reached Oregon. "Pioneer educator and minister, was born near Sandusky, Ohio, the son of Captain Sebastian and Eunice Harmon Adams, and youngest in a family of eight children. The family moved to Galesburg, Illinois in 1837, where he was educated at Knox College. In 1850 he came overland to California, remaining 40 days to recuperate from near starvation, sailing on the brig Ann Smith for Portland, where he arrived September 13, 1850. He went to live with his brother W. L. Adams in Yamhill County, there filing on a donation land claim, where in 1852 he was joined by his mother, a brother and his sisters. From 1852 to 1854 he taught school nearby, but in 1856 moved to the site of McMinnville, where he opened a day school under Christian (Disciples of Christ) denominational guidance, releasing it in 1858 to the Baptist Church. He was Yamhill County clerk, 1862-1868, and in 1868-69 served as state senator. In 1869 he moved to Salem, where for 13 years he was minister of the Christin church. An ardent student of history, he originated and published at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1871 an Illustrated Map of History, issued both in scroll form and as a folio size volume, both in color. He spent the next six years traveling and selling it, also writing and publishing widely numerous articles on the origins of religions and related historical topics. With a liberalizing of his theological views, he drew away from preaching in the 1880s; organized a Unitarian church at Salem. In 1851 he married Martha E. McBride, by whom he had four children. She died in 1882, and in 1884 he married Mrs. Martha F. Rhael, who died in 1886. He again married in 1890 to Mrs. Sarah Babcock, who survived him." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 2-3]
ADAMS, Seth:
ADAMSON, Esther Ann (1822-1900): m'd 21 Jan 1841 JOHNSON, James Harrison; born 28 Feb 1822 OH and died 19 Aug 1900 Lebanon, Linn Co, OR; mother of 5 children (Sarah Rebecca, Nancy Elizabeth, Mary Catherine, Infant and Martha Jane)
AINSWORTH, John Commingers Capt. (06 Jun 1822-30 Dec 1893): "Pioneer steamboatman, merchant, financier, and banker, was born in Springboro, Ohio, had little schooling, but by vigourous study and diligent reading became and educated man. Left an orphan at 13, he entered the employ of an uncle, a storekeeper, at Farmington, Iowa, where five years later he became proprietor. Disposing of the business, he went to work on a Mississippi steamboat. An unusual ability at boat operation soon advanced him to position of captain. Discovery of gold in California lured the young steamboatman to the Sacramento in 1850. The following year he came to Oregon, where he took command of the riverboat Lot Whitcomb. Later he entered the mercantile business at Oregon City. But transportation fascinated him and he removed to Portland where for more than 30 years he was engaged in river and rail activities. As captain and co-owner of the Carrie Ladd he was influential in forming the Oregon Steam Navigation Company in 1860; this coalition of interests operated on the Columbia and Willamette rivers as a virtual monopoly for many years. In 1880, selling his shipping intersts, Ainsworth enter the banking field; with others he organized the Ainsworth National Bank of Portland, 1883; and the Central Bank of Oakland, Calif, 1892. He was a 33rd degree Mason and first elected Master on Pacific Coast. Three times married; father of three sons, four daughters. He died near Oakland, Calif." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 5]
ALBERSON, John (1850- ): s/o Solomon and Sally (Coy) Alberson
ALBERSON, Solomon (1819- ): m'd 1845 COY, Sally Ann; s/o Early Alberson; settled Marion Co
ALBERSON, William E. (1847-1913 ): m'd 1868 DARLAND, Amanda I.; s/o Solomon and Sally (Coy) Alberson; went to CA shortly after marriage; returned c1878; died Alberson, Harney Co, OR
*12: ALFORD, Albert L. (04
May 1833-30 Oct 1921): m'd 1854 BRINKER,
Catherine K.; s/o Thomas and Kezia (Cupp) Alford; buried
Eastwood IOOF Cemetery,
Medford, Jackson County, Oregon
"ALFORD, ALBERT--Born in Chariton County, Missouri, in 1838; came to Oregon with his parents, who located in Linn County. He resided in that county until 1869, when he removed to Jackson County, and still remains there. Is commissioner of that county. Was married to Miss Catharine Brinker, by whom he has four children Russell A., M. L., Alice, and Amanda." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 708]
*12: ALFORD, Calvin (1846-10 Jun 1850): s/o Thomas and Mary (Mansfield) Alford; drowned at the crossing of the Platte River in Nebraska
*12: ALFORD, Elizabeth (20 Aug 1826-12 Nov 1914): m'd 1847 RODGERS, Milton Alexander; d/o Thomas and Kezia (Cupp) Alford; buried Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
*12: ALFORD, James Knox Polk (10 Aug 1849-19 Apr 1886): m'd 1871 SCRIVENER, Cynthia E.; s/o Thomas and Mary (Mansfield) Alford; buried Masonic Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
*12: ALFORD, Jesse Cornelius (1850-27 Aug 1896): m'd CARTWRIGHT, Narcissa; s/o Russell and Martha (Rodgers) Alford ; buried Coburg IOOF Cemetery, Coburg, Lane County, Oregon
*12: ALFORD, John R. (Apr 1849-1914 ): m'd SCRIVNER, Annie E.; s/o William and Mary (Mansfield) Alford; buried Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
*12: ALFORD, Lucinda (1841-1889): m1. 18 Mar 1858 PAYNE,Alfred M.; m2. 14 Mar 1869 WINN, James Morgan; m3. 03 Oct 1878 LEWIS, Jesse B.; d/o Thomas and Kezia (Cupp) Alford; buried Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
*12: ALFORD, Margaret (15 Apr 1835-15 May 1896): m'd 25 Nov 1851 MANSFIELD, James Matthew; d/o Thomas and Kezia (Cupp) Alford; buried Douglass Pioneer Cemetery, Troutdale, Multnomah County, Oregon
*12: ALFORD, Matilda (20 Oct 1831-22 Dec 1886): m'd 1847 MANSFIELD, Moses; buried Phoenix Pioneer Cemetery, Phoenix, Jackson County, Oregon
*12: ALFORD, Russell (16 Jan 1824-16 Oct 1882): m'd 1848 RODGERS, Martha Jane; s/o Thomas and Kezia (Cupp) Alford; settled in Linn Co; buried Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
*12: ALFORD, Thomas (13
May 1802-20 Nov 1892): m1. 1821 CUPP, Kezia; m2. 20 Dec 1843 MANSFIELD, Mrs.
Polly (WILLIAMS); m3. 04 Feb 1853 GALEY, Emaline; buried
Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon; " Thomas was born 13
May 1802 Wythe County, VA; his father died when he was about 2 years old and his mother
moved to TN when he was 8, she died two years later; Thomas married Kesia Cupp (b.16
Dec 1802, d. 10 Aug 1842), daughter of Jacob Cupp and Sibby Breeding, 1821 in
Claiborne Co, TN; about 1834 moved to Chariton County, MO where his wife died.
Ten children were born to Thomas and Kesia. Thomas married second: 21 Dec 1843, Mrs. Mary
"Polly"(Williams) Mansfield (1823-1850). She was the widow of Nicholas Mansfield
(1820-1842), by whom she had one son, John Nicholas Mansfield (b. 1842). On 5
May 1850, Thomas, his second wife, their two young sons, her son Nicholas, and
his older children, joined a wagon train led by Moses (or Dominic) Mansfield for
OR. His wife and one young son died of cholera on the plains. Mary (Williams) Alford
bore 3 children to Thomas. He arrived 27 Oct 1850, settled claim 1 Oct 1851 about 4
miles NE of Harrisburg and married third: 3 Feb 1854 in Linn County to Miss Emeline
Galey (b. 1825 IL - d. 20 Feb 1895). Together they had six children, four of
whom lived to adulthood; Thomas d. 20 Nov 1892and was buried in Alford Cemetery. He was
the father of 19 children: William (1822-1901), Russell (1824-1882), Elizabeth
(Alford) Rodgers(1827-1914), Matilda (Alford) Mansfield (1831-1886), Albert L. (1833-1921),
Minerva (Alford) Mansfield (1835-1896), Thomas B. (1839-1901), Lucinda
(Alford) Payne Winn Lewis (1841-1889), Calvin (1846-1850), James. K.P. (1849-1886),
George M. (1854-1938), Isaac N. (1857-1914), Sarah J. (Alford ) Leach (1857-1884), Eliza
E. (1859-1862), Delila A. (Alford) Barnett (1862-1884), Susan C. (1863-1868), and three
unnamed." [by Arlene F. Mansfield and Alicia Roundy Houston]
*12: ALFORD, Thomas B. (27 Mar 1839-04 Jun 1912 ): m'd 1870 STANLEY, Charlotte Temple.; s/o Thomas and Kezia (Cupp) Alford; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon
*12: ALFORD, Thomas (1802-1892):m1. 1821 CUPP, Kesia; m2. c1845 MANSFIELD, Mary Williams; m3. c 1853 GALEY, Emeline
*12: ALFORD, William (22 Apr 1822-05 Nov 1901): m1. 1844 MURRAINE, Susam; m2. 1847 MANSFIELD, Mary Ann; s/o Thomas and Kezia (Cupp) Alford; buried Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
ALLEN, Elizabeth: m'd 1844 BROWN, Samuel
ALLEN, Elizabeth B. (1841- ): d/o William and Martha (Partlow) Allen
ALLEN, John Ceton (1825-1889): m'd 1851 MCNARY, Nancy Catherine; s/o Isaac and Margaret (Miller) Allen; emigrant to CA in 1846; removed to OR in 1850; settled Polk Co
"ALLEN, JOHN C.--Born in Missouri in October, 1825; crossed the plains to California in 1846, having set out for Oregon, but coming to the forks of the trail the caravan changed their mind and went to California. Mr. Allen s father, Isaac Allen, died on the Humboldt, in Nevada. He was a native of East Tennessee. His widow married Eli Brown, and died in January, 1884, aged 89 years. In 1846 J. C. Allen served in a military company acting as a home guard during the Mexican war. He mined for gold, and assisted in the organization of Contra Costa County, California. In 1850 he came to Oregon, and took a donation claim in Polk County, and lives now on an adjoining farm. His principal occupation in Oregon lias been farming, but he has traveled to Eastern Oregon and to the Salmon River mines. Married in 1851, Miss Catharine McNary, and by her had four children William W. (deceased), Isaac A., John W., arid James D. Mrs. Allen died in 1861, and in 1864 he married Miss Miriam Harris. Children Lena, Roy, Kate, Elsie, Charles, and Hugh. Mr. Allen is a Republican, and has held seats in both houses of the State Legislature." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 708-9]
ALLEN, Marian W. (1848- ): d/o William and Martha (Partlow) Allen
ALLEN, Martha W. (1850- ): d/o William and Martha (Partlow) Allen
ALLEN, Mary Venable (1826-06 Aug 1891): m'd 1840 EDWARDS, Phillip Leggett; d/o Thomas and Ann Venable (Watkins) Allen; husband first came to Oregon in 1834 with Jason Lee party, returned east in 1838 and emigrated to California in 1850 with his family
ALLEN, William Richardson Dr. ( -c1851): m'd 1846 Tull PARTLOW, Martha Ann; credited with saving 700 victims of cholera on the trail; OHS #655 9pp
ALLINGHAM, William W. (1826-1906): m'd 1855 BRAMWELL, Sarah; s/o George and Ruth (Warren) Allingham; born Mar 1826 KY and died 1906 in Lane Co, OR; settled in Linn Co but by 1870 was residing at Starrs Point, Benton Co ; brother, David W. Allingham, came to OR in 1852; William was the father of seven children (George H., Clarissa, Horatio Edgar, Owen B., Lola A., Winfield and Alma I.)
ALSEN, John (1828- ): cut off for CA; per Gilmore researcher Billy Songer
*20: AMBROSE, Alfred T.: (1822-1912): m'd 1847 WOODSON (LYNN), Virlena; s/o William Ambrose; Alfred was born Sep 1822 MO and died 20 Jun 1912 Yoncalla, Douglas Co, OR; for many years ran a stage stop in Douglas Co, OR; buried Applegate Pioneer Cemetery, Yoncalla, Douglas Co, OR; father of James Marion (1849 - 1931), Nathan A. (1852-1919), Josephine Belle Ambrose (1854-1927), Eugene (1856-1927), Verlena E. (1861-1945), Alfred T Ambrose (1864 - 1900); Verlena Lynn Woodson was the widow of Jesse Lafayette Woodson who was killed in an accident in 1846; Lynn-Ambrose-Woodson Family Photos contributed by Dianne Johnson
*20: AMBROSE, James Marion (1849-1932): m'd STALEY, Clara; s/o Alfred and Virlena (Lynn) Ambrose; James was born 01 Oct 1849 Boone Co, MO and died 28 Sep 1931 Yoncalla, OR;
buried Applegate Pioneer Cemetery, Yoncalla, Douglas Co, OR; father of Ann M. Ambrose (1873- ); Charles Gustavus Ambrose (1876- );
James Merzies Ambrose (1881-1959); Alma Carrie Ambrose (1884- ); Elma Clara
Ambrose (1884- ); Grover Cleveland Ambrose (25 Oct 1888-1967)
ANDERSON, Daniel Lafayette (1830-1918): m'd 1854 FITZHUGH, Mary Ann; s/o Thomas and Hannah Anderson; settled Douglas Co
ANDERSON, Jenetta: m'd MILLER, Malcolm
ANDREWS, James (1830- ): m'd 1855 KIBBEY, Sara; settled Polk Co
ANKENY, Alexander Postlewaite Capt. (06 Nov 1823-24 Mar 1891): m1. 19 Nov 1842 MONTANYE, Ruthanna Butler; m2.08 Apr 1851 GEER, Charity Christine (1822-1864) m3. 1867 STAPLES, Mrs. Kate M.; "Financier, banker, steamboat owner, and mine operator, is credited with having inaugurated many enterprises that pushed Portland forward at an early date. Of his life and education in the East, little is known. He probably started for Oregon in 1850, for in that year he spent several months on the Green River, In Wyoming, ferrying emigrants; he arrived in Portland in the winter of 1850-51. Remaining there briefly he located on a farm in Yamhill County, where he lived until 1856, when he went to the Idaho mines. In 1855-56 he commanded the Second Company of Yamhill County volunteers in the Yakima Indian War gaining the rank of captain. Returning to Portland he built a house at a site later occupiled by the New Market Theatre. becoming a steamboat operator on the Columbia in 1860; and in 1865 was one of the incorporators of the First National Bank of Portland. In the years that followed he engaged in a variety of financial and commercial enterprises in Portland and southern Oregon. Ankeny Street, Portland, is named for him. He was three times married." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 9]
ANKENY, Arabella Josephine (18 Feb 1846-30 Apr 1925): m'd 04 Jul 1866 RANDALL, Darius Bullock; d/o Alexander and Ruth (Montanye) Ankeny
ANKENY, Henry Edward (29 Apr 1844-22 Dec 1906): m'd 10 Jun 1866 STRYKER, Cordelia Lydia; s/o Alexander and Ruth (Montanye) Ankeny
ANKENY, Levi Schmidt (01 Aug 1845-29 Mar 1921): m'd c 1867 NESMITH, Jane; s/o Alexander and Ruth (Montanye) Ankeny
ANKENY, Oronoco Lelia (21 Mar 1849-03 Aug 1897): m'd 1868 COOKE, Vincent; d/o Alexander and Ruth (Montanye) Ankeny
ARBUCKLE, Joseph Warren (1848-1922): s/o Robert and Rhoda (McDonald) Arbuckle; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, OR
ARBUCKLE, Robert (1819-1912): m'd 1845 MCDONALD, Rhoda; settled Lane Co; buried Long Creek Cemetery, Grant Co, OR
ARMSTRONG, William (1832- ): settled Linn Co
*23) ARMSTEAD, Levi ( - June 10, 1850): died on trail near Ash Hollow; member of Crow cattle drive to California
AUBREY, Angelina (1810- ): m'd AUBREY, Thomas; maiden name unknown at this time
AUBREY, Eliza C. (1845- ): d/o Thomas and Angelina Aubrey; m'd 1863 MILLIRONS, Thomas A.
AUBREY, Elizabeth (1833- ): d/o Thomas and Angelina Aubrey
AUBREY, Marian (1840- ): d/o Thomas and Angelina Aubrey
AUBREY, Marshall (1829- ): s/o Thomas and Angelina Aubrey
AUBREY, Milton T. (1830-1918): m'd 1856 BLAKE, Tabitha Frances; settled Lane Co
AUBREY, Thomas N. Dr. (1800- ): m'd Unknown, Angelina; in 1852 Thomas N. Aubrey was representative to Oregon House of Representatives from Lane Co
AUBREY, Thomas (1836- ): s/o Thomas and Angelina Aubrey
AUBREY, William L. (1848- ): s/o Thomas and Angelina Aubrey
BACKUS, Aaron R. (1848- ): m'd CIRCLE, Mary E.; s/o Gideon and Mary (Hardman) Backus
*1: BACKUS, Cyrus Franklin (03 May 1845-1906): m'd LEEDY, Elizabeth; s/o Gideon and Mary (Hardman) Backus
*1: BACKUS, Gideon W. (29 Nov1817-08 Aug 1900): m1. 18 Sep 1840 HARDMAN, Mary Ann; m2. 23 Mar 1887 HOWE, Mrs. Esther; s/o Seth and Elizabeth (Hammel) Backus; settled Linn Co; buried Idlewild Cemetery, Hood River, OR
*1: BACKUS, Gideon M. (1847- ): s/o Gideon and Mary (Hardman) Backus
*1: BACKUS, Joseph A. (1849- ): m'd KISER, Mary C.; s/o Gideon and Mary (Hardman) Backus
*1: BACKUS, Levi Oakes (1843-1885): m'd RITTER, Polly J.; s/o Gideon and Mary (Hardman) Backus
*1: BACKUS, Mary J. (1852- ): m'd HARDMAN, Samuel; d/o Gideon and Mary (Hardman) Backus
*1: BACKUS, Sarah (1844- ): d/o Gideon and Mary (Hardman) Backus
*17: BAKER, Harrison (1814- ): m'd 1825 HENDERSON, Elizabeth; settled Marion Co, ran freight from Turner to Oregon City
BAKER, John W. (1832- ): settled Marion Co
17: BAKER, Mary (1850-1922): m'd HOWD, Julius C.; d/o Harrison and Elizabeth (Henderson) Baker
BAKER, William (1800- ): m1. ; m2 1859 [ ], Alice T.
BAKER, William W. (1828- ): m'd 1849 HACKNEY, Frances Isabel; settled Washington Co
BALES, Oliver (1829- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Malinda; settled Lane Co
BALLINGER, Katurah "Kittie" (07 Apr1818-23 Apr1907): m'd ABBOTT, John
Vance; died at Oregon City at the home of her son, Hercules L. Kelly;
Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County,
BARBUR, James A. (c1825- ): m'd 1853 ALFREY, Elizabeth R.; settled Polk Co
BARCLAY, Eliza Jane (c1837- ): m'd RICHARDSON, [ ]; d/o William and Mary (Brown) Barclay; after mother died on trail she took care of siblings
BARCLAY, James Eusebius (1827-1892): m'd 1877 Herron (NEILL), Mary Wallace; s/o Robert and Mary (Hubbard) Barclay; settled Benton Co
BARCLAY, James Richard (1844-1930): m'd REEVES, [ ]; s/o Willam and Mary (Brown) Barclay
BARCLAY, Lucy Ann (1841- ): d/o William and Mary (Brown) Barclay
BARCLAY, Margaret (1846-1932): m'd 1865 HINTON, Thompson D.; d/o William and Mary (Brown) Barclay
BARCLAY, Mary ( -1850): died June 10, 1850 on the south side of the Platte 20 miles east of the California crossing [death info per Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ.]
BARCLAY, Mary Elizabeth (1842-1923): m'd RICKARD, Andrew; d/o William and Mary (Brown) Barclay
BARCLAY, Rebecca Winifred "Winnie" (1848-1918): m'd LEVAUGH, William; d/o William and Mary (Brown) Barclay
BARCLAY, Robert Sterling (1838-1917): s/o William and Mary (Brown) Barclay
BARCLAY, William (1805-1889): m'd 1835 BROWN, Mary Ann; s/o Robert and Mary (Hubbard) Barclay
BARCLAY, William D. (1850-1931): m'd REEVES, Eliza; s/o William and Mary (Brown) Barclay
BARICHIO, Antonio (1831- ): settled Columbia Co; b. Austria
BARKER, James (1818- ): settled Washington Co
BARNES, Charlotte (13 Apr 1838-08 Apr 1915): d/o Nelson and Anna (Stephenson) Barnes
BARNES, Dudley B. (10 May 1833-15 May 1875): s/o Nelson and Anna (Stephenson) Barnes
BARNES, George A.: was originally emigrant of 1848; returned east in 1849 and led all of father's family west in 1850; see 1848 listing
BARNES, Hiel (10 May 1828- ): c/o Nelson and Anna (Stephenson) Barnes; unknown if they were in emigration or died prior
BARNES, Lucy Ann (10 Mar 1835-04 Sep 1916): d/o Nelson and Anna (Stephenson) Barnes
BARNES, Mary (07 Feb 1823- ): c/o Nelson and Anna (Stephenson) Barnes; unknown if they were in emigration or died prior
BARNES, Nelson (26 Sep 1830-14 Sep 1852): s/o Nelson and Anna (Stephenson) Barnes
BARNES Nelson (19 Dec 1798-10 Apr1886): m'd 03 Dec 1820 STEPHENSON, Anna Gay
BARNES, William Henry (03 Dec 1825-29 Jan 1890): s/o Nelson and Anna (Stephenson) Barnes
BARTLY, Capt.: Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley. "I have been informed this morning that Capt Bartly has left me."
*18: BAUGHMAN, Jacob H. (1827-aft 1921 ): m1. 1847 TOWNSEND, Abigail; ,2 c1875 Woodward (HEADRICK), Martha
"BAUGHMAN, J. H.--Born and reared in Illinois; settled in Marion County on coming to Oregon, and still resides there. Has been a member of the legislature." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 709]
BAUGHMAN, Lafayette (1848-1850): s/o Jacob and Abigail (Townsend) Baughman; died of cholera and was buried near Steamboat Springs
BAUM, John: emigrant of 1847
BAUM, L. (1820- ): settled near Portland and was a merchant there
BAY, Henry A. (1848- ): s/o William and Nancy (Kirkpatrick) Bay
BAY, William F. (1820-1876): m'd 1844 KIRKPATRICK, Nancy Jane; settled Douglas Co
BEALS, H. Dr.:
BEAN, Obediah Roberts (1832- ): m'd 1853 SHARP, Julia A.; s/o Robert Bean; to CA 1850; to OR 1851; settled Yamhill Co; brother, James Riley Bean, was emigrant of 1845
BEANE, Joseph H. (1831- ):
BEARDSLEY, Orondo (1818-1866): m'd 1854 TOWNSEND, Anna; settled Marion Co; sailor for seven years; went to CA in 1849; to OR in 1850
BEARY, Solomon (1825- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Eliza Ann; settled Yamhill Co
BEATTIE, Charles Fountain (1827-1882): m'd 1853 [ ], Nancy Jane; s/o William and Rhonda (White) Beattie; settled Clackamas Co
BEATTY, James F. (1820- ): cut off for CA; per Gilmore researcher Billy Songer
BEATTY, George (c1850- ): s/o William and Margaret Beatty
BEATTY, William F. (1818- ); m'd 1842 [ ], Margaret A.; settled Benton Co
BELCHER, James Madison (1823- ): m'd 1844 CHRISMAN, Margaret; s/o John and Sarah (Brown) BELCHER; settled Yamhill Co
BELKNAP, Eleanor (1825- ): m'd 1848 BALES, Charles
BELKNAP, Silas (1817- ): m'd 1836 TODHUNTER, Clarinda; settled Benton Co
BELL, Daniel: Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley."Daniel Bell is taken with something like cholera."
BELL, John Colgate (1814-1906): m1. m2 1845 WARD, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o William and Verlinda (Grimes) Bell; died Portland, OR; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, OR
BELL, Laura W. (Bef 1845- ): m'd GRAY, J.D.H. d/o John Bell
*1: BELLINGER, Alwinda (1850- ): d/o Francis and Catherine (Hardman) Bellinger
*1: BELLINGER, (father of Francis)
*1: BELLINGER, (mother of Francis)
*1: BELLINGER, (3 brothers of Francis)
*1: BELLINGER, Francis L (1826- ): 1849 HARDMAN, Catherine
BELT, Alfred M. (1847- 1881): s/o Alfred and Nancy (Ward) Belt
"BELT, ALFRED M.--Born in Flemingsburg, Kentucky, July, 1804. His father, Major Joseph Belt, was a native of Maryland, and a soldier of the -war of 181 2. In 1840, Alfred Belt moved to Platte County, Missouri, and ten years later crossed the plains to Oregon. He settled in Salem, resided there until 1880, then removed to Independence, and died there, August 18, 1881. Was a physician by profession, educated by a private tutor, and belonged to the State Medical Society of Oregon. Held the office of Surgeon General during the Indian war of 1855-56, and for several years was physician to the State Penitentiary. Was a prominent Mason, and the first Grand Master of the State. In 1835 he was married to Miss Nancy Ward, daughter of General Thompson Ward, of Kentucky. Their children were ten in number." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 709]
BELT, Alfred Metcalf Dr. (1804-1881): m'd 1835 WARD, Nancy
BELT, Emily (1842- ): m'd JORDAN, J.W.; d/o Alfred and Nancy (Ward) Belt
BELT, John D. (1849- ): m'd 1878 HACKLEMAN, Nellie; s/o Alfred and Nancy (Ward) Belt; settled Marion Co; graduated from Willamette University 1865; farmed until 1878 when he moved to Salem and operated a drug store for 5 years
BELT, Joseph C. (1836- ): s/o Alfred and Nancy (Ward) Belt
BELT, Sarah Elizabeth (1840- ): m'd HUELAT, [ ]; d/o Alfred and Nancy (Ward) Belt
BELT, Thompson W. (1835- ): s/o Alfred and Nancy (Ward) Belt
BENNETT, Eliza Anne (1844-11 Jul 1882): m'd 22 Jul 1860 COPELAND, Joseph M.; d/o o Squire and Dolly (Johnston) Bennett; settled at St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon
BENNETT, James A. (1831-26 Aug 1899): m'd 1857 WILLIAMS, Laura; s/o Squire and Dolly (Johnston) Bennett; wife was d/o Lyman and Nancy (Thomas) Williams. She died 24 Dec 1927 Kalama, Cowlitz County, Washington
BENNETT, James Abner (1808-1885): m'd 1840 BANE, Louisa E. R.; born in Bracken County, Kentucky where he remained until 1830 when he moved to Boone County, Kentucky. After three years at that location he moved to Jackson County, Missouri and by 1839 was living in Platte County, Missouri and then back to Jackson County, Missouri where their son, John R. Bennett died in 1848. In 1849 James Bennett joined the masses going to California. On his return he started with Mrs. Bennett for Oregon. They started on May 9th and arrived October 2, 1850. They located at Corvallis where he served as a Senator from Benton Co. They later moved to Ada County, Idaho and operated a dairy farm; remains brought back to Corvallis for burial in Crystal Lake Cemetery
BENNETT, Joseph L./S.. (1840-02 Oct 1869): s/o o Squire and Dolly (Johnston) Bennett; died in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California
BENNETT, Mary Ann (1837-1885): d/o Squire and Dolly (Johnston) Bennett
BENNETT, Squire (01 Dec 1809-24 Mar 1877) : m1. 18 Mar 1830 JOHNSTON, Dolly (c1810-c1846); m2. 23 Jun 1849 BARRETT, Mrs. Lucy (Thompson); m3. 23 Oct 1863 WHITTLE, Mrs. Hannah (Garner); settled at St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon
BENNETT, William Wallace (15 Nov 1834-23 Nov 1914): m'd 15 Jan 1855 REXFORD, Laura Ann (later divorced); born in Ohio, emigrated with one brother, settled in Linn County until 1854 when he moved to Philomath in Benton County; died at The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
BENSON, Newton (c1829- ): states he is married but is found living alone in 1854 census of Benton Co; no wife appears in 1860 or 1870 census either
*7: BENTLEY, William P.: settled Marion Co
BENTON, A. B. (1825- ): cut off for CA; per Gilmore researcher Billy Songer
BENTON, Greer (1829- ): cut off for CA; per Gilmore researcher Billy Songer
BERKSHIRE, Mahala (1820-c1862): m1. GRIM, Jacob (divorced 1858); m2. CONE, [];
d/o Otho and Sarah (Hamilton) Berkshire
BERRY, Charles (1820-1865): m'd 1853 LEMAISTRE, Rebecca
BERRY, Margaret (07 Mar 1818-12 Feb 1905): m'd c1839 FOWLER, Jesse; settled Cowlitz County, Washington, in later years moved to Oregon; mother of 12 children
BILLS, Charles Franklin (1848- ): s/o Worthington and Henrietta (Wheatley) Bills; in WA by 1855 but may have emigrated after 1850
BILLS, Cincinnati (c1826-1871): m2. 1848 LYONS, Jane; m2. 1850 ADKINS, Anna Elizabeth; s/o Lemuel and Lydia Bills; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, OR; in OR by 1854 but may have emigrated later than 1850
BILLS, Lemuel (1802-1875): m'd 1823 [ ], Lydia; m2. [ ], Laura; died Steilacoom, Pierce Co, WA
BILLS, Worthington (1825-c1878): m1. 1847 WHEATLEY, Henrietta R.; m2. 1855 IRIE, Bridget Lucrecia Picereaseat; s/o Lemuel and Lydia Bills; settled WA; moved to MT c1860; in WA by 1855 but may have emigrated after 1850
BILLUPS, Charles (c1827- ): settled Multnomah Co; s/o John and Betty (Wilgus) Billups
BILYEU, Peter (29 Sep 1802-27 Jul 1877): m'd 18 Mar 1821 COKER, Mary Jane; s/o John and Sarah (McGrew) Bilyeu; buried Bileyu Den Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon; wife did not accompany Peter to OR and they were divorced 20 May 1859; wife later came to OR with daughters family; known children of Peter and Jane Bilyeu are Nancy (Bilyeu) Dyer (did not emigrate to Oregon); John Long Bilyeu (Pioneer of 1853); George Bilyeu (Pioneer of 1853); Didamia (Bilyeu) Kinder (did not emigrate to Oregon); Delila Jane (Bilyeu) Topping, Mayo, Shahan (emigrated to Oregon in 1870s and probably brought her mother with her); Sarah (Bilyeu) Barnes, Myers (did not emigrate to Oregon)
BINGHAM, Martin (1831- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Tabitha Jane; settled Linn Co
BLACKER, John H. (1811- ): settled Clackamas Co
BLACKMAN, Henry (1848-): m'd 1878 HEPPNER, Miss; emigrated to California in 1850 with his parents; moved to Heppner, Oregon in 1880 where he went into business with his brother-in-law, Henry Heppner
BLEVINS, Alfred (1837- ): m'd 1870 MAXIE, Lucina; s/o Isaac and Eliza (Maupin) Blevins
BLEVINS, Andrew Jackson (1835- ): m'd 1859 MILLER, Alvilda; s/o Isaac and Eliza (Maupin) Blevins
BLEVINS, Isaac (1799- ): m'd 1833 MAUPIN, Eliza
BLEVINS, Isaac C.: s/o Isaac and Eliza (Maupin) Blevins
BLEVINS, John: s/o Isaac and Eliza (Maupin) Blevins
BLEVINS, Pendleton: s/o Isaac and Eliza (Maupin) Blevins
BOISE, Reuben P. (09 Jun 1818-10 Apr 1907): m1. 17 Sep 1851 LYON, Ellen T.; m2. 1867 PRATT, Emily A; s/o Reuben and Sally (Putnam) Boise; member of state capitol building commission which supervised rebuilding of capitol after it burned; settled Polk Co; died in Marion Co; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
"BOISE, REUBEN P.--Born in Blanford, Massachusetts, in 1819. Graduated from Williams College, class of 1843. Was admitted to the bar in 1848 and practiced two years, coming then to Oregon and settling at Portland. Was chosen prosecuting attorney of the first and second districts in 1852. Was one of the commissioners who prepared the Oregon code in 1854. In 1854 was re-elected prosecuting attorney, and also elected to the Territorial Legislature. Was a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1857, and in the same year was appointed Supreme Judge of the Territory. When Oregon was admitted he was elected Chief Justice of the new State, and when his term expired in 1864, he was chosen to the supreme bench. Returned to the practice of the law in 1870 until 1876, when he was again elected to the supreme bench. In 1880 became judge of the third judicial district. The judge owns an immense farm in Polk County, and has held the position of Master of the State Grange of Oregon as well as being a member of the board of trustees of the Pacific University at Forest Grove, the LaCreole Academy at Dallas, and the Willamette University at Salem." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 728] Note: listed as pioneer of 1851 in this publication
"Lawyer, jurist and author, was born at Blandford, Mass., to Reuben and Sally Putnam Boise. He graduated from Williams College in 1843, was admitted to Mass. bar, 1847. Arriving in Oregon in 1850, he practiced law at Portland until 1857, when he moved to Salem. In 1853, with James K. Kelly, and D.R. Bigelow, he prepared the first code of Oregon laws, resulting from the 'Blue Book Controversy'. In 1857 was appointed justice of Territorial supreme court; was elected justice of Supreme Court when Oregon became state in 1859, serving until 1870, being chief justice, 1862-1864. Was again elected to supreme court in 1876 and served until 1880, when he was elected circuit judge of 3rd judicial district. He served ontinuously until 1892, after which he devoted six years in private business. In 1898 was again elected circuit judge, retiring in 1904. He was twice married, first to Ellen Frances Lyon, in 1851, by whom he had two sons; and in 1867 to Emily A. Pratt, by whom he had two daughters. He served as trustee of Pacific University, LaCreole Academy, and Willamette University, and as regent of OAC; was master of State Grange five terms and was proprietor of Ellendale Woolen Mill." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 31]
*18: BONNEY, Hannah S.: m'd SHERWOOD, John
BONNEY, Mary Ann (1823-1916): m'd 1843 Boynton, Charles Oscar; d/o Truman and Pemelia (Townsend) Bonney; buried Rock Creek Cemetery, Clackamas Co, OR
BOONE, Daniel M. (c1828- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Elizabeth Ann; settled Polk Co
BOOTH, Robert A. (1820-1917): to CA in 1850; returned east and
emigrated to OR with family in 1852; see Robert Asbury Booth 1852 list
BORGES, G. H. (1833- ):
BORST, Jeremiah (1830-1880): m1. Sally Indian; m2.Mina Indian; m3. Kate Kanim Smith; went to gold fields in 1850 and moved up into Washington Territory in 1858 and settled on Snoqualmie Prairie; later established town of Falls City, Washington; buried Fall City Cemetery, Fall City, King County, Washington
BOTTS, Louisa ( -1852): m'd 08 Jun 1847 EMBREE, Calvin; d/o Seth and Elmina (Harper) Botts. She was the mother of two sons George F. and John B Embree. Louisa died on the 11th of March 1852 and was buried on the their land about 8 miles south of Roseburg, Douglas Co, OR.
BOUNDS, James Lovelady (1831-1900 ): m'd 1853 LINVILLE, Rachel; settled Benton Co; died Nez Perce Co, ID
BOWGER, N.A. (1820- ):
BOWMER, John (1817-1906): cut off for CA
BOWMER, William Jr. (1823- ): cut off for CA
*18: BOYNTON, Bradford A. (1846- ): s/o Charles and Mary (Bonney) Boynton
*18: BOYNTON, C.C. (1822- ):
*18: BOYNTON, Charles Oscar (1826- ): m'd BONNEY, Mary Ann
*18: BOYNTON, Ebenezer Larned (1844- ): MORGAN, Lucinda; s/o Charles and Mary (Bonney) Boynton
*18: BOYNTON, Helen A. (1848- ): m'd MCCOWN, Clark; d/o Charles and Mary (Bonney) Boynton
*18: BOYNTON, M.A. (1824- ):
BRADFORD, Putman Flint (1826-1920): m'd 1852 [ ], Helen; buried Idlewilde Cemetery, Hood River, OR
BRADLEY, Indiana J. (1831- ): m'd 1850 HASKINS, John J.; d/o Thomas and Edith (West) Bradley
BRADLY, John (1833- ): settled Benton Co
BRATTAIN, John (1827-1893): s/o Paul and Mary (Hill) Brattain; born 1827 Morgan Co, IL and died 1893 Baker City, Baker County, OR; emigrated to the gold fields of CA in 1850 with his brother and came to settle in Oregon in the spring of 1851
BRATTAIN, Thomas Jefferson (1829-1909): m'd 30 Jun 1859 GILLESPIE, Permilla; s/o Paul and Mary (Hill) Brattain; born 02 Jan 1829 Morgan Co, IL and died 02 Dec 1909 Paisley, Lake Co, OR; emigrated to the gold fields of CA in 1850 and in the spring of 1851 came to settle in Oregon; father of 4 children (Celeste Maude, Elden Marcellus, Hazen Adelbert and Paul Jacob); sheriff or both Lake and Lane County
BRECK, John Malcolm Sr. (1828- ): arrived by ship
BREYMAN, Werner (26 Sep 1829-20 Nov 1916): m'd WATT, Isabella/ s/o Theodore Breyman; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon; born in Germany, journeyed to Oregon with three other young men by horse and mule teams; reportedly owned the first store in Amity, had extensive interests in Yamhill, Marion and Multnomah counties, was treasurer of Yamhill County, was a councilman in Salem, father of three daughters
BRIEDWELL, James W. (1829-1892): m1. c1857 REYNOLDS, Eliza A.; m2. BALL, Mrs. Mary H.; settled Polk Co; buried Bethel Cemetery, Polk Co, OR
"BRIEDWELL, J. W.--Born in Ohio in 1829; crossed the plains to California, and spent eighteen months in the mines. Took up a claim near King's Valley, and engaged in the stock business. Is in the same occupation now, but lives near Dallas, Polk County, which is his postoffice. He owns one thousand one hundred and seventy-four acres of land, part of which he farms. Was married in 1857 to Miss Eliza M. Reynolds, and had five children. Mrs. Briedwell died in 1875, and he married Mrs. Mary H. Ball. By her he has one child living. The names of the six are Milton J., Mary L., William E., Sarah A., James F., and Elizabeth." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 709-10]
*12: BRINKER, Catherine K. (23 Dec 1838-09 Oct 1925): m'd 1854 ALFORD, Albert; d/o John and Elizabeth (Stipple) Brinker; buried Eastwood IOOF Cemetery, Medford, Jackson County, Oregon
BRISBINE, Joseph (27 Oct 1829-26 Feb 1910): see 1852 listing; emigrated to California gold fields 1850 and to Oregon 1852
BRISCOE, Jane (09 Feb 1828-25 May 1879): m1.18 Nov 1847 SUTHERLIN, Thomas (div 15 Mar 1859); m2. 14 Sep 1861 GARLAND, Daniel; m3. 27 Mar 1865 CYRUS, William; d/o John F. and Catherine Briscoe; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
BRISTOW, Zelphia Etna (09 Sep 1834-11 May 1903): m'd RIGDON, Stephen; d/o Elijah and Susan (Gabbert) Bristow; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
BROADWELL, Jacob C. (1827- ): m'd 1865 MAY, Mary A.; to CA 1850, moved same year to OR; settled Oregon City; 1883 to Linn Co
"BROADWELL, JACOB C.--Born near Springfield, Illinois, in March, 1827; went to California in 1850, and in the same year to Oregon. Settled in Oregon City. Removed to Linn County in 1883. Present address, Shedd. Married in 1865 to Miss Mary A. May. Their children are-Charles C., Ida M., Silas W., Ivan J., Helen L., Mary, Edward, and an infant." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 710]
BROCK, Vinyard C. (1816- ): settled Linn Co
BROCK, Walter Stuart (1824- ): m'd 1854 EGGLESTON, Mary; settled Lane Co
BRONSON, Gilbert P. (1818- ): cut off for CA; per Gilmore researcher Billy Songer
BROOKS, Amasa (1825- ): to CA 1850; worked in San Francisco until 1852 when he removed to McMinnville, Yamhill Co, OR
*21: BROOKS, Edgar Seldon (1838-1900): m'd PERKINS, Emma Florence; s/o Linus and Eliza (Humiston) Brooks; born 31 Jan 1838 Beardstown, IL and died 26 Jul 1900 Eugene, Lane Co, OR
*21: BROOKS, Eliza Maria (1835- ): m'd 30 Oct 1867 BRAINARD, William E.; d/o Linus and Eliza (Humiston) Brooks; born 20 Feb 1835
*21: BROOKS, Henry Jonathan (1842-1901): m'd 17 Feb 1870 RHOADES, Mary L., s/o Linus and Eliza (Humiston) Brooks; born 07 Mar 1842 IL and died 01 Jan 1901
*21: BROOKS, Linus (1805-1879):m'd 26 Apr 1827 HUMISTON, Eliza; s/o Johnathan and Rachel (Clark) Brooks; born 25 Apr 1805 OH and died 03 Dec 1879; the town of Brooks in Marion County was named for him
*21: BROOKS, Samuel Linus (1830- ): m'd PENTLAND, Anna; s/o Linus and Eliza (Humiston) Brooks; born 08 Nov 1830 Geauga Co, OH
BROWN, Alvira A. m'd REED, Calvin C.; The Reeds arrived at the Philip Foster Farm in Eagle Creek, Clackamas, Oregon - a few days after the birth of their 7th child Bianca. The birth occurred on the western slope of Mt. Hood on the Barlow Road. Alvira A. Reed died 17 December 1862 - Wilbur, Douglas, Oregon.
BROWN, C.J.: s/o George and Martha (Todd) Brown
BROWN, Catherine: m'd ELDER, Robert
BROWN, Elizabeth: m'd JONES, James; d/o George and Martha (Todd) Brown
BROWN, Elizabeth Mrs. ( -1896): died Woodburn, Marion Co, OR
BROWN, George W. (1817-c1893): m'd TODD, Martha Ann; father of 12 children; settled Benton Co
BROWN, James Henton Jr. (1842- 1921): m'd 1865 YOCUM, Evelyn; s/o James and Sophia (Hussey) Brown
BROWN, James Henton Sr. (1796-1875): m'd 1833 HUSSEY, Sophia Weston; emigrated with 3 wagons, six yoke oxen, team of horses and a spring wagon
"BROWN, JAMES H.--Born in Washington County, Virginia, in November, 1796. On his arrival in Oregon he settled in Yamhill County. Resided in Willamina, and was a farmer. In 1833 he was married to W. Husey, and their children s names are Mary E., Sarah, Margaretta J., James H., Joseph E., Nathan A., and Nancy S. Mr. Brown died in Yamhill County, May 30, 1875." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 710]
BROWN, Jesse (1843- ): m'd 1866 MODIE, Effie E.; s/o George and Martha (Todd) Brown
BROWN, Joseph Edward (1844-1922): m'd METSKER, Nancy A.; s/o James and Sophia (Hussey) Brown
BROWN, Margaret Jane (1840-1908): m1. MCMEEKIN, Archibald; m2. SMITH, Irwin Lucien; d/o James and Sophia (Hussey) Brown
BROWN, Mary Elizabeth (1836-1926): m1. RANSDALL, Shelton; m2. LORD, Edwin Harvey; d/o James and Sophia (Hussey) Brown
BROWN, Nancy Ann ( -1850): m'd BARCLAY, William; died on trail of cholera; buried near Green River, WY; mother of 7 children; listed in some sources as Mary Ann
BROWN, Nancy Sophia (1850-1931): m1. c1870 SLEPPY, William F.; m2. 1893 BUELL, Samuel; d/o James and Sophia (Hussey) Brown
BROWN, Nathan Allyn (1848-1911): m'd FUGUA, Martha Alice; s/o James and Sophia (Hussey) Brown
BROWN, Samuel (1821- ): m'd 1844 ALLEN, Elizabeth
"BROWN, SAMUEL--Born in York, Pennsylvania in 1821; when seventeen moved to Indiana; spent five years in that State and learned the carpenter trade. Lived a while in Missouri, and came to Oregon by way of California, first spending four years from 1846 to 1850 in the search for gold. Was State Senator from 1864 until 1872. Resides in Gervais, Marion County, and farms extensively, having about one thousand acres of land. Was married in 1844 to Elizabeth Allen; their children are Columbus, Carrie, G. A., Frank M., Sarah, Albert M., Nellie D., Ernest, Clyde A., Mabel C., Samuel, and Nettie." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 710]
BROWN, Sarah (1838-1911): m'd SAVAGE, William Eugene; d/o James and Sophia (Hussey) Brown
BROWN, Walter: s/o George and Martha (Todd) Brown
BRUCE, James (1827- ): m'd 1857 KINNEY, Margaret; 1850 by ox team to California mines; participated in the Indian Wars, in later years settled in Benton County
BRUMLEY, Joseph L. (c1824-1880): m'd 1853 PATTISON, Margaret; returned east and came west again in 1853
BULL, Archibald (1813- ): settled Washington Co
BURGE, John (1793- ): m'd 1815 [ ], Polly; settled Linn Co
BURGE, John M. (1818- ): m'd 1845 [ ], Julia Ann; s/o John and Polly Burge; settled Linn Co
BURK, Ervin (1827- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Harriet C.; settled Multnomah Co
BURNETT, James Danforth (1822- ): m 'd LOVE, Margaret; s/o John and Lydia (Danforth) Burnett; father of eight children (Martha, Francis, Mary, Lydia, Thomas B., Virginia C., Lucile and Laura)
BURNHAM, Martin: OHS #635 45pp
BURT, George Arthur (1827-1909): :m. APPLEGATE, Ellen (1832-1867). Yoncalla in now sited upon the George A. Burt' DLC.
BUSH, Asahel II (04 Jun 1824-23 Dec 1913): m'd 1854 ZIEBER, Eugenia; s/o Asahel and Sally (Noble) Bush; publisher, banker, political leader; arrived via the Isthmus of Panama; Family Tree compiled by Kristy Lommen; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
"BUSH, ASAHEL--Born in Massachusetts in 1824; when sixteen years old, he went to Saratoga, New York, thence returning to Massachusetts, and finally coming to Oregon in 1850. Read law in Salem and was admitted to the bar, but never practiced. Was clerk of the lower house of the Legislature in 1850-51. Became a newspaper editor and conducted the Statesman in the period of its greatest celebrity and influence. Was prominent in politics and controlled for a time the destinies of Oregon. Quitting public affairs at a later date he devoted himself to banking, and as a member of the firm of Ladd & Bush added largely to his already considerable wealth. Mr. Bush was the first State Printer of Oregon, and held that office for some twelve years in all. Resides at Salem." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 710-11]
BUTCHER, George W. (1830- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Sarah Jane
BUTLER, Benjamin D. (1819- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Elvira Josephine; settled Polk Co
BUTLER, Isaac M. (1831- ): m'd 1856 WEBB, Sarah; s/o Peter and Rachel (Murphy) Butler; settled Polk Co
"BUTLER, I. M.--Born in Illinois in 1831 and was reared there. Came across the plains to Oregon, and in the same year made a trip to California and returned to this State. Went to Illinois in 1851 via the Nicaraogua route, and came again to Oregoon in 1852. Bought a claim in Polk County, which he still owns. Has resided in Independence since 1868. Was in the grain business there for ten years, retiring in 1881 and investing in an opera house. Mr. Butler served in Captain Hayden s company in the Yakima war. Was sheriff of Polk County from 1860 until 1864. Married Miss Sarah A. Webb in 1857, and has two children Ella (Mrs. E. W. Cooper, of Independence), and Bessie May." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 711]
BUTLER, John ( -1850): Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley "June 6 "Squire Butler was of Franklin Co MO was taken with the cholera this evening" [died June 9 at or near Ash Hollow per Richard Rieck]; "June 11 I heard this morning that Butler died Sunday morning at One Oclock. he left a wife and five children he was a poor man."
BUTLER, Junius J. (1815- ): m'd 1873 TONEY, Melinda; settled Yamhill Co; carpenter and farmer
"BUTLER, JUNIUS J.--Born in Iredell County, North Carolina, in October, 1815. In 1836 moved to Missouri. In 1850 came to Oregon and settled in Yamhill County, and now lives in Bellevue, same county, engaged as carpenter and farmer. He married Melinda Toney, in Yamhill County, in 1873, and their children's names are Amanda J., Mary L., and Philip J." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 711]
BYBEE, James (1827- ): settled Clackamas Co
BYBEE, William: 1850?
CAIN, John W. (1829- ): settled Washington Co
CALDWELL, William S. (28 Nov 1824-25 May 1882): PIERCE, Rosalie DeLaitre; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; settled Washington Co; was notary in Washington Co in 1857
CALLAHAN, Zilpha (c1813-1888): m'd MCCOLLUM, Samuel
CALLENDER, Philo (1805- ): settled Clatsop Co
CAMPBELL, Elizabeth (c1827 -1850): died on trail; buried at Independence Rock
CAMPBELL, Faithful Amanda: m'd HARRIS, James
CAMPBELL, Ruth (1806-1897): m1. 1846 WATSON, Thomas; m2. 1848 PORTERFIELD, James Erastus; d/o Samual and Elinor (Duncan) Campbell.
CANE, William:
CANFIELD, James (c1824- ): settled Washington Co
CAPLES, J.W. (1840- ): m'd 1866 GILSON, Harriet L.
"CAPLES, J. W.--Residence and address, Forest Grove. Born in Ohio, January 18, 1840; came to Oregon in 1850. Was in Washington Territory twelve years, engaged in general merchandising; went to Forest Grove in the spring of 1883, and formed a partnership with J. C. Woods in the mercantile business. Owns city property in that town. Married Miss Harriet L. Gilson in 1866, and they now have five children Conrad, Jesse, John, Arthur and Ora Dell." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 711-12]
CAPLES, Jacob G. (1820- ): m'd 1848 [ ], Margaret; wife did not accompany him and they were divorced by 1854; settled Columbia Co
CARMON, Waters (1811-1878): m'd 1835 BUCKMAN, Lavina
"CARMON, WATERS--Born in Pennsylvania in 1811; removed to Illinois in 1822, and remained there until 1849. Served in the Black Hawk war. In 1835 was married to Lavina Buckman, by whom he had four children. She died in 1846, and three years later Mr. Cannon went to California, and the next year came to Oregon. In 1852 he married Mrs. Lucretia Gurney, by whom he had four children. Settled on a farm near Oswego, in 1853, and resided there until his death, Sep tember 29, 1878." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 712]
CARPENTER, William R. (1822- ):
"CARPENTER, WILLIAM R.--Born in Delaware County, Ohio, in 1822; lives near Gaston, and is a farmer. He married Vashti Parsons, in 1851, who died in 1863." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 712]
CARTER, William D. (1828- ): see 1849 listing
CARWELL, Philip ( -1896): died Goldendale, WA
CARY, Luther (1817- ): m'd 1848 [ ], Rebecca; settled Marion Co
CARY, Miles (1826- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Nancy Jane; settled Linn Co
CARY, Robert (1829-1903): m1. m2. GILLETTE, Huldah Jane; born 03 Feb 1829 near Independence, MO; died 17 May 1903; buried Franklin Butte Cemetery, Linn Co, OR; settled Linn Co
CASE, I.W.: settled Marion Co
CATON, Nathan T. (1833- ): m'd 1853 HERREN, Martha Ann; settled Marion Co
CHANCE, William:
CHANDLER, Daniel (c1830- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Martha Ann; settled Polk Co
CHASE, Henry M.: settled Linn Co
CHILDERS, Columbus Washington (1828-1875): m'd 1853MORGAN, Eliza Jane; s/o Robert and Mary (Surber) Childers; father of Elizabeth, Mary C., Francis "Frank", Asa (or Ada) Childers
CHILDERS, Henry Carroll (1835- ): m'd 1857 MCDONALD, Susan F.; m2. 1866 ASHBY, Lucy Ann; s/o Robert and Mary (Surber) Childers; father of Ripley and George Solomon by first wife; father of Grant Asby, Charles Henry and John Marion Childers by second wife.
CHILDERS, John Nierian (1832-aft 1860): s/o Robert and Mary (Surber) Childers
CHILDERS, Lewis (1828- ): settled Clackamas Co
CHILDERS, Mary Ellen (1830-1923): m'd 1846 NYE, John S ; d/o Robert and Mary (Surber) Childers
CHILDERS, Robert (1802-1855): m'd 1828 SURBER, Mary Ann; s/o Moseby and Elizabeth (Jeffries) Childers; father of Columbus Washington, John Nieran, Henry Carroll, William Perry and Mary Ellen Childers
CHILDERS, William Perry (1843-1864): s/o Robert and Mary (Surber) Childers
CHILDS, Lewis H. (1825- ): cut off for CA; per Gilmore researcher Billy Songer
CHILES, John B. (1820-1862): m'd 1846 [ ], Henrietta; settled Clackamas Co
CHISHAM, James M. (c1820- ):
"CHISHAM, J. M.--Lives in Independence, Polk County, and is a wagon-maker by occupation. He was born in Scott County, Kentucky, in 1820. After extensive traveling through various States he finally arrived in Oregon. In 1855-5.6 was in the Indian war as First Sergeant in Company A, of Benton County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 712]
CHISOLM, Robert:
CHITWOOD, James: went to CA in 1850, visited Oregon and returned to Iowa in 1852. He crossed the plains again with his family in 1853.
CHOATE, Jesse L. (1800- ): m'd 1835 [ ], Ragenah S.; settled Clackamas Co
CHRISMAN, Ada ( -1850): m'd CHRISMAN, Walker; accompanied dau and son-in-law to OR in 1850; "Aidy Chrisman died June 11, 1850 on the south side of the Platte 20 miles east of the California crossing" [death info per Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ.]
CHRISMAN, Margaret (1820- ): m'd 1844 BELCHER, James Madison; d/o Walker and Ada Chrisman
CHRISMAN, Walker ( -1877): accompanied dau and son-in-law to OR in 1850; wife died on plains; resided in Yamhill Co for a time, to CA for time; returned to Yamhill Co where he remained until his death
CLAESSENS, William (1811- ): settled Marion Co
CLANCY, Joanna: m'd 1847 MCCORMICK, Matthew
CLARK, Charles:
CLARK, Joseph E.:
CLARK, Mary Jane: m'd CLARK, [ ]; d/o [ ] Rackleff
CLARK, Peter F. (c1829- ): traveled without family
CLARKE, Samuel Asahel (08 Mar 1827-20 Aug 1909): m'd 23 Feb 1852 BUCKINGHAM, Harriet Talcott; s/o George and Mary (Jessup) Clark; arrived via ship around the Horn; settled Marion Co; journalist; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
"CLARKE, S. A.--Born on the Island of Cuba in 1827; arrived in Oregon in September, 1850, and settled at Portland, and remained there two years; then removed to Salem, where he still resides; he is a journalist by occupation, and gives some attention to fruit -culture. He married Harriet T. Buckingham in 1852, in Portland, and their children s names are Harriet, Minnie (deceased), Sarah, and William J. Mr. Clarke is now editor and proprietor of the Willamette Farmer, the principal agricultural journal of the Northwest. In its conduct he is assisted by his son, William J. Clarke. The publication office is in Salem. Mr. Clarke s journalistic experience has been varied and considerable. He had charge of the Statesman for several years. Mrs. Clarke came to the State in 1851. She is a native of Norwalk, Ohio, and was born in 1832. She crossed the plains with her relative Hiram Smith, a man of much note in early times, and whose life was spent in actively developing and making known the resources of this country. His widow resides in Portland, Oregon, and performs literary work for publication in the Willamette Farmer." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 713]
*23) CLARY, John (1833- ): s/o Daniel and Rachel Clary; may have left with cattle drive to California but appears to have traveled with other emigrants as one point
*23) CLARY, William (1831-June 21, 1850): s/o Daniel and Rachel Clary;may have left with cattle drive to California but appears to have traveled with other emigrants as one point; died June 21, 1850 Wyoming
CLAYPOOL, Eliza D. ( -1897): m'd 1850 WHEELER, Jason
CLEASON, M.J. (1844- ):
CLUFF, Edward (1828- ): settled Yamhill Co
COCHRAN, John (1817-10 Jul 1859): m'd 28 Oct 1838 KELLY, Letitia; s/o James and Elizabeth (Bevins) Cochran; buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
"DLC #1153 Lane County; John Cochran, heirs-at-law; b. 1817, arrived Oregon 13 Oct 1850, settled claim 22 Sep 1852; m'd Lelticia Kelly 28 Oct 1838 Putnam County; 14 Feb 1867 letter to land office lists Letttica Dillard as wife of deceased John Cochran and Robert Cockran, Lucretia McMurry & Sarah M. Redford as heirs. 21 Mar 1869 Robert Cochran, as owner of claim, wrote land office that he had never received certificate for claim issued in name of of Letticia Dillard, later Lettecia Cochran, widow. Affidavit: Robert S. Cathey, F.M. Hazelton, Henry Small."
COCHRAN, Robert C. (01 Aug 1842-09 Jan 1883): m'd DILLARD, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o John and Lettitia (Kelly) Cochran; buried McFarland Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
COCHRAN, Sarah Martha (04 Aug 1840 -27 Feb 1875): m'd 14 Jan 1855 REDFORD, Edward P.; d/o John and Lettitia (Kelly) Cochran; buried Shields Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
COCHRAN, Winifred (11 Oct 1843-05 Jun 1917): m'd BREEDING, Robert Carson; d/o John and Lettitia (Kelly) Cochran; buried Fossil IOOF Cemetery, Fossil, Wheeler County, Oregon
COCHRANE, James ( -1859): started with 2 span oxen, a light buggy, and 2 Canadian ponies; moved to Chehalis, WA c1851 where he ran an inn and ferry with his friend, George Washington, who was also an 1850 emigrant
COFFIN, S.C. (1825- ):
COLBY, Allen James (1848-1856): s/o Elias and Mary (Edwards) Colby; died Marion Co
COLBY, Elias F. (1811-1884): m'd 1841 EDWARDS, Mary M.; settled Marion Co
COLBY, Francis Ann (c1842- ): m'd FORWARD, Blair; d/o Elias and Mary (Edwards) Colby
COLE, George Edward (23 Dec 1826-03 Dec 1906: m1. 1863 CARDWELL, Mary E.; m2. KING, Annie Augusta; settled Benton Co
"Merchant, politician and contractor, was born in Trenton, N.Y., the son of Nathan Cole. He attended district school and Hobart Hall University, after which he taught school and clerked in store. From other educational endeavors in Corning, N. Y., and Iowa City, where he also worked for the Sec. of State, he went overland to Sacramento City, Calif., 1850. Coming to Oregon by Boat, he took a claim near Corvallis, becoming a legislator in 1851. In 1859 he was appointed U. S. district clerk for Oregon, but the next year went to Walla Walla, operating stores in the new gold towns of Oro Fino and Pierce City, Ida. He was a co-founder of Lewiston, Ida., and in business there, 1861-62. He was Washington Territorial Governor, 1866-67. Thereafter he returned to Oregon, wa active in construction of O & C. R. R. (1868-73), and N. P. R. R. (1881-83), serving as Portland postmaster, 1873-81. From 1888 to 1893 he was treasurer of Spokane Co, W. T. He published one book, Early Oregon, 1850-1860. He was twice married and the father of two children." [Dictionary of Oregon History, edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 58]
COLVER, Amos (1813-1906): m1. ; m2. 1852 FRY, Mary Jane; m3. 1856 Jackson HARKLEMAN, Margaret; s/o Charles and Olive Colver; emigrated by boat from NY to Panama, crossed the Isthmus of Panama by mule, took a boat to San Francisco, CA and then by horse to OR
COLVER, Rosina: d/o Amos Colver and first wife
COLVER, Samuel (10 Sep 1815-15 Feb 1891): m'd CALLENDER, Huldah; s/o Samuel and Rachel (Curry) Colver; buried Phoenix Pioneer Cemetery, Phoenix, Jackson County, Oregon
the spring of 1851 the Colver family has been known as an industrious and
deserving one, and has maintained the reputation for excellent farming for which
the Jackson county family is justly famous. That honored pioneer, Samuel Colver,
settled first on the present site of Phoenix, where he took up a donation claim
and where he spent his entire life. The house which still shelters an
industrious household was erected in the days when Indians prowled around by
night, and menaced the life and property of the earnest men and women who were
striving to make a living upon the neglected and uncultivated land. Many
neighbors used to assemble in the improvised fort at night, returning to their
farms during the day. Thus the families cherish the old building for the good it
has done, and doubtless would feel lost in any other habitation
Mr. Colver was born in the state of Ohio in 1815, and at Middleburg married
Hulda Calendar, born in January, 1823. The family crossed the plains in a large
train of emigrants in 1850, meeting with little opposition on the part of the
Indians, and having a fairly pleasant trip. Six months they slept by night under
the stars and traveled by day, the faithful oxen responding to the instructions
of their drivers, and bringing them in safety to the Oregon of their dreams. One
incident of the trip is recalled by Mrs. Colver. While on the Platte they were
camping one evening and during the night Mr. Colver heard some disturbance among
the live stock. Upon investigating he discovered an Indian, whom he grabbed by
the throat. The companion of the red man fired, but failed to reach his mark,
and the captured Indian managed to squirm out of Mr. Colver's hands, leaving his
gun, which was in possession of the family for many years.
Mr. Colver first took up a claim where Eugene is now located, but in 1851 he
came to Jackson county, as heretofore stated, and lived on his farm until his
lamented death in 1890. He was a quiet man, devoted to his family and farm, and
never desired or would accept office tendered him by his Republican friends. He
inaugurated many fine improvements on his farm, kept it in perfect order, and
devoted his land to grain, general produce and stock. He is recalled as
honorable in all his dealings, fearless in his support of right and justice, and
always kind and considerate of those dependent upon his care.
Mr. and Mrs. Colver took great pride in their three children, desired for them
an excellent education, and gave them all the liberty and diversion possible in
their busy life. Alice, the youngest, died at the age of two years and four
months: Lewelleyn, who married Jemima Dollarhide, died March 9, 1884, leaving
four children, Caroletta, Percy L., Frank B., and Lewelleyn; and Isabella is the
deceased wife of L. A. Rose, her demise occurring in 1885.
Mrs. Colver is still living on a portion of the old donation claim, which is
being managed by the grandchildren." [Portrait and Biographical Record of
Western Oregon p. 304]
COMEGYS, George (1838- ):
CONNOR, Daniel O. (1830- ):
COOK, George Washington (1818- ): settled Clatsop Co
COOK, Henrietta E.: m'd 1849 CUTLIP, Abraham; settled Benton Co
COOK, James A. (1817- ): settled Clatsop Co
COOK, Thomas (1825- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Amanda; settled Linn Co
COOKE, Charles P. (c1824- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Susan E.; settled Polk Co; 1872 living in Klickitat Valley, WA
*7: COON, Cornelia; d/o Thomas
and Polly (Crandall) Coon
*7: COON, Thomas Lewis (1821-1854): m'd 1845 CRANDALL, Polly Lavinia; settled Marion Co; wife came to OR in 1852 with her parents and siblings
COON, Washington Landis (1825-1901): m'd 1875 BOON/BANE, Susan A.; s/o Michael and Elizabeth (Kelly) Coon; returned east via South America in 1864 and later returned to Oregon; at one time his brother, George, rented and farmed his DLC with James M. handling the rental.
COOPER, James Taylor (10 Aug 1821- 16 Aug 1904): m'd 13 Apr 1854 DIMMICK, Harriet: s/o George and Elizabeth (Kidd) Cooper; born Scotland; crossed at Council Bluffs, arrived by wagon at Salt Lake in July where he stopped to rest his horses; left his wagon and continued on horseback to California where he stayed for a short time; started for Oregon in September 1850 by brig Kate Heath; arrived at the mouth of the Umpqua about October 10, 1850; moved numerous times; buried Oakland Masonic and Old Town Oakland Cemeteries, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
CORAM, Hardin (c1812- ): m'd 1843 LEVIS, Minerva Ann; settled Clackamas Co
CORNELISON, Joseph Columbus: m'd ADAMS, Sarah Jane
COVINGTON, Nancy C. (1819- ): m'd HARRISON, John M.; settled Marion Co
COX, Cynthia: m'd THOMPSON, [ ]; d/o Lewis and (Castor) Cox
COX, David: OHS Dowell Mss #209
COX, Lewis (1818-1884): m1. CASTOR, [ ]; m2. c1846 TRITES, Elizabeth; emigrated with 1 wagon, 3 yoke oxen, 2cows; father of 1 child by first marriage and 13 by second marriage
CRAMER, Eden: m'd HILL, Martha; overland to California in 1850, returned east; after marriage moved from Illinois to Iowa and in 1864 returned to California; their daughter, Virginia, married Harrison Davidson in 1873 and in 1885 they moved to Benton County, Oregon where they remained.
CRAMMER, Margaret: m'd 1841 MORLEY, William
*7: CRANDALL, Clarke P.: m'd 1854 DUNBAR, Eliza; settled Marion Co; s/o Paul and Sally (Stillman) Crandall; parents and siblings came to OR in 1852
CRANDALL, Polly: m1. 1845 COON, Thomas Lewis; m2. PRICE, Stephen
CRANE, William F. (1830- ): cut off for CA; per Gilmore researcher Billy Songer
CRESWELL, Ebenezer (12 Mar 1813-21 Jan 1856): m'd POTTER, Avis Maria; s/o John Mary Agnes (Boal) Creswell; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; emigrated in 1850 and family joined him in 1852
"DLC #1517 Multnoman County; Ebenezer Creswell, b. 1813 Virginia; arrived Oregon 21 Aug 1850; settled claim 21 May 1852; m'd Avis Maria 1835 Illinois. Ebenezer Creswell died 21 Apr 1856. Affidavit: Ezra Johnson, Alonzo Gates, George W. Cresswell"
CROSS, Mary Lucinda (1831-1894): m'd 1850 FOWLER, Francis Asbury; son born after arrival in OR in 1850
CROW, Minerva: joined John Zumwalt family when her mother died on plains
CROW, Walter: traveled to California in 1849, returned to Missouri and organized a cattle drive to California; died just before company reached desination
CROWL, Joseph F. (1827-1909): m'd 26 May 1855 SHORTRIDGE, Julia Ann, settled Yamhill Co.; returned east c1868 where he is found in Sangamon Co, IL in the 1870 census and in Barton Co, MO in the 1880 and 1900. He and his wife are buried in Carterville Cemetery, Carterville, Jasper Co, MO
CUTLIP, Abraham (1825- ): m'd 1849 COOK, Henrietta E.; settled Lane Co
CYRUS, William (18 Sep 1844-18 Mar 1931): m'd 1861 ROBINETT, Mary Polly; s/o James and Mary (Moore) Cyrus
*22) DAVIDSON, Elijah (1849- ): m'd FARRIS, Minerva
*22) DAVIDSON, Elijah Barton Sr. (23 Feb 1783-24 Apr 1870): m1. 04 Feb 1802 MURPHY, Margaret; m2. MCBRIDE, Mrs. Margaret;settled Polk Co; buried Butler Davidson Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
"DAVIDSON, ELIJAH--Was born in North Carolina in 1783. Removed to Kentucky about 1818, and from there to Warren County, Illinois, in 1831, and crossed the plains to Oregon in 1850, and died at Monmouth, Polk County, in 1870, aged eighty-seven years. His first wife was Miss - - (Margaret) Murphy, by whom he had twelve children. She died in 1864. Second wife the relict of Dr. James McBride. Mr. Davidson was a soldier of the war of 1812." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 713]
*22) DAVIDSON, Elijah Barton (1819-1888): m'd 1840 JONES, Soloma; settled Clackamas Co; buried Sparlin Cemetery, Josephine Co, OR
"DAVIDSON, ELIJAH B.--Son of Elijah Davidson, born in Kentucky in 1819. Removed with parents to Warren County, Illinois, when twelve years of age. Came to Oregon in 1850, and spent winter near Milwaukie. In 1851 took donation land claim, which is now just outside the East Portland city limits, where he lived until 1855, then removing to Moninouth, Polk County. In 1866 he went to Josephine County, where he now lives. His occupation has always been that of farming. In 1841 he married Miss Salonia Jones, by whom he has had thirteen children as follows William (deceased), Mary (deceased), Isaac G., John 8., Elijah J., M. Lizzie (deceased), Sarah J., Moses M., Margaret M. (deceased), Carter 8., Saloma B., Olivia W., and Jay Ellsworth." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 713]
*22) DAVIDSON, Elizabeth Thurson (1823-1896): m'd WHITMAN, Squire S.;d/o Elijah and Margaret (Murphy) Davidson
*22) DAVIDSON, Hosea (1804-1873): s/o Elijah and Margaret (Murphy) Davidson; settled Benton Co
*22) DAVIDSON, Isaac G. (1845- ):
"DAVIDSON, ISAAC G.--Son of Elijah B. Davidson, was born in Warren County, Illinois, in 1845, and came with his parents to Oregon in 1850. Has followed the occupations of farming, teaching, book-keeping, and for the last five years has been engaged in photographing. In the line of scenic photography he takes the first rank in the State. In 1869 he was married to Miss Sarah O. Riggs, daughter of D. L. Riggs, of Salem, a pioneer of 1853. By her he had six children, five of whom are living. Mrs. .Davidson died in 1883." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 714]
*22) DAVIDSON, John C.: m'd WHITMAN, Julia Ann;s/o Elijah and Margaret (Murphy) Davidson
*22) DAVIDSON, Sarah (1825-1882): m'd LUCAS, Thomas Hartzwell;d/o Elijah and Margaret (Murphy) Davidson
*22) DAVIDSON, T.R. (1827- ): Never Married; cut off for CA 1850; to OR 1874; miner; raised stock; gentleman of portly presence, pleasant good natured face; democrate; served in Senate
DAVIS Family: parents of Daniel C.
DAVIS, Daniel C. (1838-1903): m'd 1863 LAUGHLIN, Isabell R.; settled with parents in Yamhill Co, 1877 moved to Dayton, Columbia Co, WA
DAVIS, George: (1831- ): m'd 1857 YOCUM, Caroline
"DAVIS, GEORGE--Born in Montgomery County, Kentucky, April 30, 1831; in 1843 he moved to Illinois; in 1850 came to the Pacific coast and after living a short time in California, came to Oregon and settled in Washington County. His present residence is in Yarnhill County, and occupations, farming and blacksrnithing. In 1857 he married Caroline Yocum, and their children's names are Olive, Jefferson, Lucy, Henry W., Horace L., John H., Orlando G., and Walter L." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 730]
DAVIS, James Warren (1829-1873):
"DAVIS, JAMES WARREN--Born at Fort Wayne, Indiana, January 15, 1829; removed to Kansas in 1835, and to Missouri a few years after. In 1855 was appointed clerk of the U. S. District Court at Portland, and so continued until 1859. For a time subsequently he was deputy county clerk of Multnomah County. Died in Portland, January 8, 1873." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 714]
DAVIS, Jefferson (1826- ): m'd 1853 ROBINSON, Kittie
"DAVIS, JEFFERSON--Born in Montgomery County, Kentucky, November 23, 1826; in 1845, moved to Illinois; in 1850, emigrated to California and one year later came to Oregon. He settled at Deer Creek, in Yamhill County; now reside at Bellevue, engaged as a carpenter and farmer. In 1853 he married Miss Kittie Robinson, and their children's names are Mittie M., Eugene I., and Orlando." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 730]
DAVIS, Thomas A.: settled Washington Co
DAY, Lewis (1822- ): settled Washington Co
DEAN, Edward A.:
DEARDORFF, Christian (1805- ): m'd 1824 LANDES, Matilda; settled Clackamas Co
"DEARDORFF, CHRISTIAN--Born in Virginia in 1 805 ; removed in early life to Ohio, and thence to Indiana. Married Miss Matilda Landes. Moved twice toward the west, staying near Burlington, Iowa, from 1838 to 1850. Again removed, this time to Oregon, crossing the plains. Located with his children near Milwaukie, in Clackamas County, and remained there until his death, December 16, 1884." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 714]
DEARDORFF, John M. (1824- ): settled Clackamas Co
DEARDORFF, Josephine: m'd LOONEY, Benjamin F.
DEARDORFF, Rebecca F.: m'd 1851 ROSS, Sherry
DEISY, Isaac:
DEMPSEY, William T. (1826- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Margaret Virginia; settled Yamhill Co
*16: DENNIS, Lewis (c1820- ): reached Foster's Farm October 25, 1850; settled Benton Co
DENT, Harris (1827- ): m'd SHEPHERD, Martha Jane; settled Marion Co
DEWITT, P. (1822- ):
DIMICK, Ziba (1816-1878): m1. 1838 HALL , Cynthia Delight; m2. 1852 HEWITT, Jane; s/o Daniel and Rachael (Leonard) Dimmick; original emigrant of 1847, see that year for additional information
DINGLEY, Weston (1829- ): cut off for CA; per Gilmore researcher Billy Songer
DIXON, James Baughman 1803-1895): returned via ship to MO early 1852 to bring the rest of his family (and his brother Hiram�s family)
DIXON, Rafe: settled in Douglas Co
DOBBINS, Fleming (c1820-1882): m'd
1839 GREEN, Elizabeth; s/o John and Drusila (Winter) Dobbins; settled Washington
Co; died at Hillsboro
DOBBINS, James (1812-c1857): m'd 1837 [ ], Jane; settled Washington Co; b. Montgomery Co, VA
DOBBINS, James M. (1849- ): so Fleming and Elizabeth (Green) Dobbins
DOBBINS, John (1794-1872): m'd 1821 WINTER, Drusilia Ann; born Nov 19, 1794 in Montgomery Co, VA; after arrival in Oregon settled in Washington Co where he died Dec 9, 1872
DOBBINS, John Calvin (1842- ): m'd CLONINGER, Rebecca Jane; s/o Fleming and Elizabeth (Green) Dobbins
DOBBINS, Joseph (1844- ): so Fleming and Elizabeth (Green) Dobbins
DOBBINS, Louisa B.: m1. COOPER, Samuel A.; m2. COREY, George R.; d/o John and Drusilia (Winter) Dobbins; unknown at this time if she came to OR with the 1850 family members
DOBBINS, Lucinda: m'd 1851 JACKSON, Ulysses; d/o John and Drusilia (Winter) Dobbins
DOBBINS, Margaret Ann: m1. BEACH, Calvin; m2. 1851 CONKLIN, Charles; d/o John and Drusilia (Winter) Dobbins
DOBBINS, Sarah Jane: m'd REED, Matthew H.; d/o Fleming and Elizabeth (Green) Dobbins
DOBBINS, William (1847- ): so Fleming and Elizabeth (Green) Dobbins
DODGE, Alexander/Artemus: m'd CILLEY, Fanny; master of the schooner Matthew Vazsar bringing logs to the mills from San Francisco to Portland arriving 27 Nov 1850; went to sea as a boy; to CA 1850; 1851 to Salem; 1852 ran a ferry across the Rogue River; father of 14 children
DODGE, William (c1823- ): settled Marion Co
DONNER, John (1790- ): settled Washington Co
DOUGHERTY, Nathan (1820- ): m'd 1846 [ ], Lydia; settled Tillamook Co
DOUGLAS, Levi H. (28
Jul 1832-16 Jul 1918): m'd 24 Jan 1861 CURTIS, Mary Ann; s/o Jeptha and Mary
(Thompson) Douglass; buried
Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
"DOUGLAS, LEVI--Born in Clinton County, Ohio, July 28, 1832. Came to Oregon in 1850. In 1858 settled near Harrisburg, Linn County, and is now proprietor of a planing and feed mill in that town. Was county commissioner in 1880-82. Married Miss Mary A. Curtis, and their children s names are James T., William S., Etta, and Leonard." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 714-15]
DOUILLOT, Augustus (c1820- ): settled Marion Co
DOWELL, Benjamin F. (1826- ): m'd 1861 CAMPBELL, Anna; OHS Mss #209 51pp
"DOWELL, BENJAMIN F.--Born in Albeuiarle County, Virginia, in October, 1826; studied law at the University of Virginia; went to California in 1850; came by sea to Oregon the next year. Resides in Jacksonville. Occupation, lawyer. Married Miss Anna Campbell in 1861, and they have three children Fannie, Anna, and B. F." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.732-3]
DREW, Joseph W. Dr.:
DRYER, Thomas Jefferson (10 Jan 1808-30 Mar 1879): m'd 26 Jan 1831 WEBBER, Nancy B.; s/o Aaron and Lucinda (Lewis) Dryer; wife shown in 1850 census in Ohio but by 1860 was in Oregon
"DRYER, THOMAS J.--Born in New York, January 10, 1808; acquired experience in newspaper work, went to California in 1849, and was employed for a short time upon a San Francisco paper. Came to Oregon, bringing printing material, and on the fourth of December, 1850, brought out the first number of the Oregonian, as a weekly newspaper. This paper he conducted until 1860, with success and celebrity. Mr. Dryer was a member of the Territorial Legislature, and also of the Constitutional Convention. On Lincoln s inauguration he became minister to the Sandwich Islands. Returning to Portland several years later, he filled the office of justice of the peace for many years. Died, March 30, 1879." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 715]
DUNBAR, Addison C. (1817- ): m'd 1841 ZUMWALT, Hester Ann; settled Clackamas Co
DUNBAR, D. (1848- ): d/o Addison and Hester (Zumwalt) Dunbar
DUNBAR, Daniel Sheare (1844- ): s/o Addison and Hester (Zumwalt) Dunbar
DUNBAR, Eliza (1850- ): d/o Addison and Hester (Zumwalt) Dunbar
DUNBAR, John (1842- ): s/o Addison and Hester (Zumwalt) Dunbar
DUNBAR, Mary (1846- ): d/o Addison and Hester (Zumwalt) Dunbar
DUNIWAY, Benjamin Charles (24 Mar 1830-04 Aug 1896): m'd 01 Aug 1853 SCOTT, Abigail Jane "Jennie"; s/o Benjamin and Nancy (Goldman) Duniway; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
"DLC #3562 Clackamas County; Benjamin C. Duniway, b. 1830 Pike County, Illinois. arrived Oregon 27 Sep 1850; settled claim 18 Sep 1853; m'd Abigail Jane 02 Aug 1853 Yamhill County, Oregon Territory. 23 Jan 1864 signed Oath of Allegiance. Affidavit: Peter R. Wilson, Albert T. Gibson, John M. Bacon."
DUSTON, Dudley B. (1803- ): settled Washington Co
EDWARDS, James: m'd [ ], Marium
EDWARDS, Marium: m'd EDWARDS, James
EDWARDS, Phillip Leggett (1813-01 May 1869): m'd ALLEN, Mary Venable; originally to Oregon in 1834 with Jason Lee party, returned east 1838 and emigrated to California in 1850; see 1834 Listing
EGAN, John (1827- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Maria; settled Washington Co
EISENHART, Julia A. (1826-1892): m'd WOOLEN, George; d/o Lawrence and Mary Eisenhart
EISENHART, Lawrence (1800-1877): m'd 1825 [ ], Mary Ann
EISENHART, Lawrence Jr.: M'd HUTTON, Mary; s/o Lawrence and Mary Eisenhart
EISENHART, Mary Ann: m'd EISENHART, Lawrence Sr.; maiden name unknown at this time
EISENHART, Sarah: m'd MASCHER, Christ F.
EISENHART, William: /o Lawrence and Mary Eisenhart
ELDER, Alvira: d/o Robert and Catherine Elder
ELDER, James: s/o Robert and Catherine Elder
ELDER, Jane: d/o Robert and Catherine Elder
ELDER, John: c/o Robert and Catherine Elder
ELDER, Robert M.(1823-1882): m1. 14 Nov 1841 BROWN, Catherine; m2. 17 Jun 1855 GARDNER, Maria; m3. 27 Aug 1868 BRYANT, Mrs. Christina Ward (Trapp) [widow of John Bryant]; m4. 21 May 1885 ROGERS, E. C.; settled Linn Co; buried Pleasant Butte Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn Co, OR; a descendant says " I have not found a divorce for Robert and Maria, but the family history said she got tired if him being gone..he was working in the mines in Idaho as they had a bad weather year and lost most of their stock. So she loaded young James up on the mule train going to the mining camp where Robert was in Idaho, and sent the 7 or 8 year old off to his father and she left. I think this took place in Walla Walla. The other older children (Jane and John) were with other families. By this time apparently daughter Alvira had died."
ELLERSON, David (1814-1884): m'd 1844 LORD, Elizabeth Ann; settled Washington Co
ELLERSON, Elizabeth: m'd HUNT, C. E. Dr.; d/o David and Elizabeth Ann (Lord) Ellerson
ELLERSON, John Hamilton (1849- ): m'd 1877 HUNTER, Rebecca; s/o David and Elizabeth Ann (Lord) Ellerson
ELLIOTT, Hannah Jane (1826-c1900): m'd 1849 PAUL, William Augustus;
d/o George and Jane (Fitzwater) Elliott
ELLIOTT, James Monroe (1820- ): m'd 1846 PAUL, Celia Ann; settled in Linn Co
ELLLIOTT, Samuel Hayden (01 Jan 1829-30 Apr 1906): m'd 03 Sep 1853 MCKAY, Mary; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon; "accompanied Samuel A. Miles and William W. Baker to Oregon; He was born in Somerset, Kentucky, but had been living in Macon County, Missouri for a few years. They arrived in Portland in August 1850. He originally settled in St. Helens, where he and Samuel Miles built and operated the first sawmill in that community. He married Mary McKay, daughter of Charles R. and Letitia (Bird) McKay, in 1853. They moved to the Glencoe area (now North Plains) circa 1854." [per desc: Gerald E Elliott] Note: some family sources give the parents as John and Mary (Barnes) Elliott but this is not believed to be correct and there has been no documentation to prove otherwise.;
Calvin (1824-1876): m1 1847 BOTTS, Louisa; m2. 1853 CHAPPELL, Mary; s/o Martillus and Margaret (Hazelrig)
Embree. Calvin was born on 31 August
1824 in Howard Co. MO. Calvin married Louisa Botts on 8 June 1847. They had
two sons George F. and John B Embree. Louisa died on the 11th of March
1852 and was buried on the their land. (She was the daughter of Seth Botts and Elmina Harper). Calvin
Embree and his family arrived in Oregon on 27 Nov 1850 and took up land
just south of Roseburg. (Donation land claim#1128) Calvin would later marry
Mary Chappell on 28 June 1853. They would have three children together:
Katherine, Charles and Sara. Calvin died on 24 March 1876 in
EMBREE, George F. (1848-1918): m'd 1876 MCNEECE, Eliza; s/o
to Calvin and Louisa
Botts; George was born on 21 May 1848. He married
Eliza McNeece on 13 August 1876 in Roseburg, Douglas Co.
Oregon. George died on in a wagon accident in Roseburg on 16 October
EMBREE, John Benton (1849-1925): m'd 1880 GOBALET, Marie; s/o Calvin and
Louisa Embree. John was born 29 Dec 1849 in Howard Co. MO. He married Marie Gobalet on 27 May 1880 in Oregon. Died on 26
May 1925 in Wenatchee, Chelan Co. WA and is buried in the Valley View
EVANS, Isaac M. (1831- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Elizabeth; settled Washington Co
FARLOW, Christian (1830-1913): m'd 1857 ADAMS, Lorinda; s/o John and Sarah (Miller) Farlow; settled Marion Co
FARLOW, Sarah Maria (1846-1918): m'd 1862 MILLER, Elias Moore ; d/o Hiram and Lucinda (Farwell) Farlow
FARR, Isaac (1811- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Constance; settled Clackamas Co
FIELD, Joseph A. (1829- ): settled Washington/Clackamas Co
FISHER, Daniel ( -1850): Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley."We passed a new made grave....there was a piece of paper tacked on the head stone cautioning the emigrants agains rambling from their trains. It was supposed that the Indians had killed this man.. he was shot through the back with a large ball and not more than an hour in advance of his company. [Richard Rieck: probably refers to Daniel Fisher]
FISHER, Wilson H. (09 Jan 1818-28 Sep 1817): m1. Feb 1837 RALSTON, Eleanor (unconfirmed marriage); m2. 18 Apr 1844 McFEELEY, Lucinda S.; m3. 08 Dec 1853 EVARTS, Rebecca; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
FISKE, Eugene R. Dr. (1817-1877): buried Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, OR
FLANAGAN, Patrick (23 Oct 1824 -06 Jan 1896): m'd 07 Jul 1859 WINCHESTER, Ellen Jane; died San Francisco, CA; buried Empire Cemetery, Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon
"Sailor, miner and town founder, was born in Bainbridge, Ireland, and came to America in 1843, and to Calif. gold fields in 1849. In 1850 he sailed from San Francisco aboard the Samuel Roberts, arriving at the mouth of the Umpqua River in the fall of that year. He was one of the founders of Umpqua City, and engaged in packing to Yreka and Idaho points. He founded the town of Empire in 1853. In 1854 he began coal mining, first with Rogers and later with Samuel S. Mann; after selling to the Newport Mining Co., he remained as superintendent. In 1889, with J. W. Bennett, he formed the Flanagan & Bennett Bank, first in Coos County. In 1859 he married Ellen Jane Winchester, they had seven children." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 85]
FLORENCE, Albert B. (1811- ):
FLOREY, Frederick (c1825- ): settled Washington Co
FORDYCE, William H. (1831- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Matilda Ann; settled Clackamas Co
FORTSON, John T. (1824- ): m'd 1851 BELKNAP, Mary Ann; settled Benton Co
FOSTER, Garner F. (1825- ):
settled Columbia Co
FOSTER, James Hearst (1824- ): m'd GRAY, Martha Jane; brother of John Foster; living at Albany in 1851
FOSTER, Joseph:
FOSTER, John: m'd McMEEKIN, Martha Orange; brother of James Foster
FOSTER, Robert:
FOSTER, Robert Mrs.:
*16: FOUTS, Andrew: reached Foster's Farm October 25, 1850
*16: FOUTS, William (1793-1877): m'd ELLIS, Lydia; reached Foster's Farm October 25, 1850
"FOUTS, WILLIAM--Born in Brook County, Virginia, in 1793; was a carpenter by occupation. Married Lydia Ellis. Their children were Solomon H., Matilda (deceased), Seneca (deceased), William H. H., Charles and Theodore W. Mr. Fonts died at Canemah in 1877." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 715]
FOWLER, Andrew Jackson (28 Feb 1842-10 Oct 1922): m'd 28 Aug 1863 LADUE, Sarah
E.; settled Cowlitz County, Washington; s/o Jesse and Margaret (Berry) Fowler
FOWLER, Christopher Columbus (01 Aug 1847-22 Oct 1929): m'd 03 Apr 1877 MCCARTY, Lucinda; s/o Jesse and Margaret (Berry) Fowler
FOWLER, Francis Asbury (c1829 -1880): m'd 1850 CROSS, Mary Lucinda; son born after arrival in 1850
FOWLER, George Washington (14 Feb 1840-30 Aug 1918): m'd 22 Dec 1858 LADUE, Josephine; settled Cowlitz County, in later years moved to Oregon; s/o Jesse and Margaret (Berry) Fowler
FOWLER, Humphrey B. (1829- ): settled Columbia Co
FOWLER, James K. Polk (Oct 1846-18 Mar 1931): m'd c1872 CAMPBELL, Virginia; s/o Jesse and Margaret (Berry) Fowler
FOWLER, Jesse (1814-23 Jul 1904).: m'd c1839 BERRY, Margaret; settled Cowlitz County, Washington, in later years moved to Oregon; father of 12 children
FRANCIS, Samuel D. (1814- ): m'd 1841 [ ], Elizabeth; settled Clackamas Co
FRANKLIN, Samuel B. (1825- ): settled Yamhill Co
FREDERICK, John S. (c1819- ): settled Polk Co
FRENCH, Jacob R. (1824- ): m'd 1855 CAPLES, Harriet; settled Multnomah Co
FRESH, John (1827-1861): m'd 1857 STANTON, Margaret; settled Marion Co; buried Stipp Cemetery, Macleay, OR
FRY, Olney Jr. (1825- ): m'd 1854 FOSTER, Mary Campbell; s/o Olnery and Celinda (Bennett) Fry
FRY, Olney Sr. (1802- ): m'd 1821 BENNETT, Celinda; settled Linn Co; emigrated with 3 wagons, oxen teams, misc cattle
FULLER, Michael (1829- ): m'd 1848 KEISER, Harriet; settled Clackamas Co
FULLERTON, Charles P.:
FULQUARTS, Florin (1799- ): settled Yamhill Co
FULQUARTS, Seawood (1795- ): settled Marion Co
GAINES, Abner P. (1835- ): m'd LOONEY, Mary E.
"GAINES, ABNER P.--Born in Kentucky in March, 1835; is a farmer by occupation, residing at Scio, Linn County. Married Mary E. Looney and their children are Archie A., Ida E., John P., Kichard L., C. B., Hattie B., and Wilbur W. Mr. Gaines was United States Assessor in 1861-62." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 715]
GAINES, John Pollard (22 Sep 1795-09 Dec 1857 ): m1. 22 Jun 1819 KINCAID, Elizabeth; m2. WANDS, Mrs. Margaret Burnside (CRAWFORD).: s/o Abner and Susan (Matthews) Gaines; was third territorial governor of Oregon; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
"Territorial Governor and prominent farmer in the Salem area, was born in Augusta County, Va. Before coming to Oregon he served as aide-de-camp to General Winfield Scott in the War with Mexico (1847), and was a member of Congress from Kentucky (1847-1849). In 1850 President Taylor appointed him Territorial Governor of Oregon, a post previously rejected by Abraham Lincoln. He served in this capacity from August 18, 1850 until May 16, 1853, at which time he was succeeded by Gen. Joseph Lane. It was during his term of office that the first of a series of Indian wars broke out in Oregon, other wars erupting from time to time until 1879. Gaines was twice married, first to Elizabeth Kincaid of Kentucky in 1819 (d. 1851); then to Margaret B. Wands, in 1853. He died in Salem." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 95]
GEBHART, George:
*16: GENOIS, Bernard: returning from the east; reached Foster's Farm October 25, 1850
GIBBS, Addison Crandall (09 Jul 1825-29 Dec 1886): m'd 11 Jan 1854 WATKINS, Margaret M.; s/o Abraham and Rachel (Scobey) Gibbs; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
"GIBBS, ADDISON C.--Born in Cattaraugus County, New York, July 9, 1825, and was educated at Griffith Institute, and at the New York State Normal School. He spent several years as a teacher, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1849. Came to Oregon and located on the Umpqua River, a donation claim, where stands the present town of Gardiner. Participated in the Indian disturbances in the Rogue River in 1851. Was a member of the Legislature in 1851-52. Was code commissioner in 1853, and collector of customs for Southern Oregon. In 1858 he moved to Portland and opened an office in partnership with George H. Williams. Was nominated as governor in 1862; and was elected by a very large majority. At the close of his term he was nominated for Senator by the Republicans, but, although coming within one vote of an election, he thought it prudent to withdraw, giving the seat to H. W. Corbett. Governor Gibbs is now engaged in the practice of law in Portland. He married in New York, Miss Margaret M. Watkins, and has six children, one of whom, William W., is his partner in the law." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 715]
GIBBS, Thomas P.:
*5: GIBSON, Archibald W. (1802-1888): m'd 1823 KENT, Elizabeth
*5: GIBSON, Albert T. (c1816- ): m'd 1846 [ ], Mary K.; s/o Samuel and Tabytha (Kennedy) Gibson; settled Clackamas Co
*5: GIBSON, D.W. (1846- ): m'd WILCOX, Ora A.; s/o Guyon and Sarah (Taylor) Gibson
*5: GIBSON, George: s/o Guyon and Sarah (Taylor) Gibson
*5: GIBSON, Helen Marr (01 Jan 1847-12 Jun 1919): d/o Albert and Mary (Dumiway) Gibson
*5: GIBSON, Henry (c1848-1903): m'd NEAL, Elizabeth; s/o Guyon and Sarah (Taylor) Gibson
*5: GIBSON, Guyon (1822-1895): m'd TAYLOR, Sarah; s/o Samuel and Tabytha (Kennedy) Gibson
*5: GIBSON, Jane (1834-1918): m'd 1852 BANNING, Thomas C.
*5: GIBSON, Lewis Dozieb (1828-1911): m'd 1854 CROW, Susan Sarah
*5: GIBSON, Malinda Paradin (1836-1914): m'd 1852 RICHARDSON, Milton
*5: GIBSON, Sarah Ann (1843-1903): m'd 1859 DOAK, Josiah Allen
GILLIAM, Samuel T.:
*23) GILLUM, George A. (1829-June 21, 1850): joined a cattled drive from Missouri to California led by Walter Crowe; died on trail June 21, 1850 Wyoming
GILMORE, Alexander Hamilton (1808-1887): cut
off for CA; returned to Grant Co, WI in 1851
GILMORE, Lysander (1811-1855): cut off for CA; returned to Grant Co, WI in 1851
GLISAN, Rodney Dr. (29 Jan 1827-03 Jun 1890): m'd 1863 COUCH, Elizabeth Raynes; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
"Pioneer, Portland physician, was born in Lingamore, Md. of English ancestry. Following graduation from the medical department of the Univ. of Maryland in 1849, he was appointed a medical officer of the U. S. Army, 1850. He served with the active army for 11 years, on the western plains and in southern Oregon, resigning his commission in 1861 and settling in Portland. As an active physician he became a professor in Oregon's first medical institution, 1877, the Oregon Medical College, which became the medical department of Willamette University. In 1881 he published a 'Textbook of Modern Midwifery', which became a standard text. The story of his colorful years in army service on the frontier appeared in his book 'Journal of Army Life', published in 1878. 'Two Years in Europe' appeared in 1883. He was author of numerous articles on medicine and surgery and in 1875-76 was president of the Oregon Medical Society. In 1863 he married Elizabeth Couch; they had several childrem." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 100]
GINGLES, Almira (1846-1917): m'd 1865 TOMLINSON, John
GINGLES, James (1819-1889): m1. ; m2. 1850 MILLER, Sarah; settled Benton Co
GLASS, William:
GLEASON, Patrick M.
GOODMAN, William; Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley."June 4 We passed Dr. William Goodman's grave who died yesterday of cholera."
GOODNOUGH, Ira E. (1830-1900): m'd KELTON, Nancy Ermine; settled at Portland where both he and his wife died
GOODWIN, James C.:
GOVE, J. H.:
GRAY, Edna E.: m'd SLATER, [ ]
GREEN, Elizabeth: m'd 1839 DOBBINS, Fleming; settled in Washington Co
GREENWOOD, Bazillai (1828- ):
"DLC #1598 Linn County; Bazillai Greenwood, b.. 1828/9 Kentucky. arrived Oregon 25 Aug 1850, settled claim 10 Sep 1853. Patent delivered 11 Jun 1875. Affidavit: W.H. Greenwood, Joel T. Frankes."
GREER, Jerome:
GRIFFIN, Edward H. (1819- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Emily C.
*10&11: GRIFFITH, Chisholm (1806-1891); m'd CLAYTON, Mariah Willis;
*10&11 GRIFFITH, Elizabeth ( -1850): died at Ft. Vancouver where she is buried; d/o Chisholm and Mariah (Clayton) Griffith
*10&11 GRIFFITH, John ( -1850): died at Ft. Vancouver where he is buried; s/o Chisholm and Mariah (Clayton) Griffith
*10&11 GRIFFITH, Julia (1840-1918): m'd HIBBARD, King L.; d/o Chisholm and Mariah (Clayton) Griffith
*10&11 GRIFFITH, Lewis Cunningham (1829-1913): m'd 1859 SAVAGE, Susan; s/o Chisholm and Mariah (Clayton) Griffith
*10&11 GRIFFITH, Mary (1830-1908): m'd 1851 SCRIBER, Charles W.: d/o Chisholm and Mariah (Clayton) Griffith
*10&11 GRIFFITH, Minerva: m'd BURNETT, Isham; d/o Chisholm and Mariah (Clayton) Griffith
*10&11 GRIFFITH, Rebecca: m'd CLEMENS, Mr.; d/o Chisholm and Mariah (Clayton) Griffith
*10&11 GRIFFITH, Thomas: m'd WILLIAMS, Cynthia; s/o Chisholm and Mariah (Clayton) Griffith
*2: GRIGGS, Alley B. (1827- ): m'd 1848 MORRIS, Sarah Jane; settled Linn Co
"GRIGGS, A. B.--Whose residence is Monmouth, and occupation that of butcher, was born in Adams County, Illinois, in the year 1827, and worked at the blacksmithing trade in that State. He came to Oregon in 1850, and settled in Linn County; is owner of a farm six miles from Lebanon in that county. In 1852 mined in Jackson County. Mr. Griggs was married to Miss Sarah J. Morris in 1 849, and had by her six children, viz. Amanda M., Sarah C., Fannie, Mary P., Addie, and John. He was married a second time, to Mrs. R. G. Gard in 1881, and by her has two children Clara and Lucy." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 716]
*2: GRIGGS, Amanda M.: m'd 1867 LEE, Norman L.; d/o Alley and Sarah (Morris) Griggs
GRIM, Amanda (c1845- ): d/o Jacob and Mahala
(Berkshire) Grim
GRIM, George: s/o Jacob and Mahala (Berkshire) Grim
GRIM, Hellen (1848- ): d/o Jacob and Mahala (Berkshire) Grim
GRIM, Jacob B. (1810-1855): m'd BERKSHIRE, Mahala (divorced 1858)
GRIM, Leonard (1848- ): s/o Jacob and Mahala (Berkshire) Grim
GRIM, Lydia (1841- ): d/o Jacob and Mahala (Berkshire) Grim
GRIM, Servedo (1847- ): s/o Jacob and Mahala (Berkshire) Grim
*14: GRUBBE, Amelia: d/o Evan and Nancy (Aubrey) Grubbe
*14: GRUBBE, Benjamin J. (1815- ): spent first winter near Hillsboro, OR; spring of 1852 moved to Douglas Co
*14: GRUBBE, Evan Thompson (1812-1892): m1. c1831 AUBREY, Nancy E.; m2. c1847 KEYS, Eliza; m3. 1861 HILL, Henrietta J.; spent first winter near Hillsboro, OR; spring of 1852 moved to Douglas Co
*14: GRUBBE, Horace V. (1848- ): m'd SMITH, Clara; s/o Evan and Eliza (Keys) Grubbe
*14: GRUBBE, Mary J: m'd BANTON, [ ]; d/o Evan and Nancy (Aubrey) Grubbe
*14: GRUBBE, Nettie: m'd PEEBLER, [ ]; d/o Evan and Nancy (Aubrey) Grubbe
*14: GRUBBE, Thomas Nelson (1832-1911): m1. 1854 GILLIAM, Sarah Anne; m2. 1864 WHITE, Carrie Ann; s/o Evan and Nancy (Aubrey) Grubbe; spent first winter near Hillsboro, OR; spring of 1852 moved to Douglas Co; died at Elkton, Douglas Co, OR
GUERIN, Jean Francois (1809-c1867): m'd 1851 MCKAY, Isabelle; s/o Francois and Marie (Salmon) Guerin; settled in Marion Co; came from France c1850 and is shown in 1850 census living with Louis Trimble
GWIN, James L. (1829- ): m'd 1858 BOOTHBY, Mary
"GWIN, JAMES L.--Born in Carter County, Tennessee, in 1829; was taken to Indiana in 1835; moved to Illinois in 1840, and to Oregon in 1850, and settled in Yamhill County. His present residence is Monmouth, and occupation, farming and stock-raising. He married Mary Boothby in 1858, and their children s names are Mary A., Reason L. (deceased), Ulysses S., George L., Albert, Herman, and Frank." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 716]
HALL, William (1822- ):
"HALL, WILLIAM--Born in Ohio in 1822; came to the Pacific coast in 1850; lived in California first, but came to Oregon the same year. Married in 1853 to Mrs. Christian Darrall, by whom he had seven children, six of whom are now living. His place of residence is Beaverton." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 716]
HALL, William (1821- ): m'd 1851 COX, Martha Jane; settled Polk Co
HAM, Charles: m'd 1837 WAYMIRE, Louisa Jane
HAM, Mr.: Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley." June 20 We shall wait here for Ham, Lanton [and] Slater, three young men from St. Louis
HAMILTON, David: (1830-1908):
"Death Roll in Northwest--David
Hamilton, Early Settler - Fossil, Wheeler County
CONDON. Or., Aug.
l.(Special)~After having celebrated his golden wedding on May 8 last. David
Hamilton died at his home in Fossil, July 21, at the age of 78 years. He was
one of the early settlers of Wheeler County and was highly respected. He is
survived by a wife and two sons, Ralph and Wayne Hamilton, and one daughter,
Mrs. Charles Prindle, all of Fossil.
David Hamilton was born in Alleghany
County, New York, February 27, 1830. When at the age of three years his parents
moved to Jo Davis County, Ill.. In 1850 he crossed the plains for the gold
fields of California, locating at Yreka, where he prospected and worked in the
mines until the Spring of 1855, when he came to Southern Oregon. Later in the
same year he located in what is now Douglas County, where he was married to Miss
Mary C. Byars on May 8, 1858. They moved to Eastern Oregon in 1871 and settled
on Cottonwood Creek, three miles from Fossil, where Mr. Hamilton died.
waa a Baptist and a member of the Masonic lodge of Fossil." [The Sunday
Oregonian, Aug. 2, 1908 pg. 6; contributed by Robyn Greenlund]
HAMILTON, Edward (1801-1883): m'd 1830 ROYER, Katherine; arrived by ship
HAMILTON, Robert E. (1830- ): cut off for CA; per Gilmore researcher Billy Songer
HANCOCK, William:
HANCOCK, William Mrs.:
HANDLEY, Charles:
HANDLEY, Thomas B. (1841- ): m'd BAYLEY, Iola
HANNA, Robert (1823- ): m'd 1853 MOORE, Lucy E.
HANNA, William: OHS #693 23pp
HARDENBURGH, P. D. W. (1822- ):
HARDING, E.J. (1828-1897): m'd 1857 PURDY, Eleanor
*1: HARDMAN, Benjamin Newton (1843- ):
s/o Samuel and Mary (Backus) Hardman
*1: HARDMAN, Benjamin (1829- ): m'd 1855 RITTER, Margaret Ann: settled Linn Co
*1: HARDMAN, Catherine:
*1: HARDMAN, Christopher (1845- ): s/o Samuel and Mary (Backus) Hardman
*1: HARDMAN, Elizabeth Ann (1846- ): d/o Samuel and Mary (Backus) Hardman
*1: HARDMAN, Joseph H.: m'd RITTER, Barbara
*1: HARDMAN, Mary Ann (01 Apr 1823-1868): m'd 18 Sep 1840 BACKUS, Gideon W.; d/o Benjamin and Catherine (Hostetter) Hardman
*1: HARDMAN, Samuel: m'd BACKUS, Mary; the Hardman family left South Bend, IN for OR in 1849; at St. Joseph, MO they learned of a fever epidemic on the plains so they rented a farm and stayed there until the next April before starting on the trail with a party of 13 wagons
*1: HARDMAN, Sarah (1848- ): d/o Samuel and Mary (Backus) Hardman
HARLOW, Amanda Tandy (1845- ): d/o Mahlon and
Francis (Tandy) Harlow
HARLOW, John Capt.: arrived by sea in 1850, founded the town of Troutdale; owned a home and operated a box factory in Portland; owned the ferry navigating the Sandy River near Troutdale; owned and operated a trout farm at his Troutdale home; in 1880 he imported carp, a long time European favorite; in 1882 it was reported in the local newspaper that high water and a break in the dam had caused not less than 3000 carp had escaped into the river.
HARLOW, Juda Joanna (1850- ): d/o Mahlon and Francis (Tandy) Harlow; born during emigration
HARLOW, Mahlon Hall (1811-1896): m'd 1835 TANDY , Frances Burris; settled in Lane Co; first county clerk of Lane Co in 1852; the same year the First Baptist Church of Eugene was formed in his home, it was called the Willamette Forks Baptist Church and he was appointed the first deacon; 1864 he was elected Assessor for Lane Co; father of 10 children
HARLOW, Micajah B. (1848- ): s/o Mahlon and Francis (Tandy) Harlow
HARLOW, Sarah Naomi (1843- ): d/o Mahlon and Francis (Tandy) Harlow
HARMON, Robert E.:
HARPER, Elias (1828- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Mary A.; settled Polk Co
HARPER, George Washington: m'd HIGGINS, Louisiana; blacksmith; went to CA seeking gold and then emigrated into OR; wife and children came in emigration of 1853
HARPER, William W.:
HARRELL, Mary Elizabeth:
HARRIS, Daniel:
HARRIS, Eveline:
HARRIS, James: m'd CAMPBELL, Faithful Amanda
HARRISON, Alexandria (1850- ): d/o John and Nancy (Covington) Harrison; born on trail
HARRISON, Elizabeth (1844- ): d/o John and Nancy (Covington) Harrison
HARRISON, Emily (1840- ): d/o John and Nancy (Covington) Harrison
HARRISON, John M. (1812-1890): m'd COVINGTON, Nancy C.; settled Marion Co
HARRISON, Mary (1839- ): d/o John and Nancy (Covington) Harrison
HARRISON, Mary Jane (1820-1862): m'd 1841 MULKEY, Phillip P.
*15: HART, Rachel: m'd MILLER Samuel
HARTGROVE, Mary Jane (1820-1862): m'd 1841 MULKEY, Phillip P.
HASKINS, John (1822-1888 ): m'd 1850 BRADLEY, Indiana
J.; settled Benton Co
*20: HAUN, Rachel Ann: (1801- ): m'd c1824 LYNN, Daniel; d/o John Haun Sr.
HAWKINS, Ransom M.:
HAYDEN, Gay (1819- ): m'd 1846 [ ], Mary Jane; settled Clackamas Co
HAYDEN, Mary Jane: OHS #1508 49pp
HAYES, Richard B. (1832- ): emigrant to California in 1850, to Oregon in 1852
"HAYES, R. B.--Born in Warren County, Tennessee, in 1831, and removed with his parents to Missouri in 1839; crossed the plains to California in 1850, and removed to Oregon two years after. Is a farmer, and has resided on his land in Lane County for many years. Has been elected to the House of Representatives four times. Married Miss Lucy Brown in 1858." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 767-68]
*21: HAYNES, Charles H.: and wife
HAYTER, Thomas Jeffers0n (1830- ): m'd 1856 EMBREE, Mary Isadore; had DLC in Polk Co but sold it when he returned to MO to get his parents; returned to OR 1852/53
HEARN, Fleming G. (1825-1893): m'd 15 Mar 1855 STEPHENSON, Jennie L; Fleming was born 22 Jul 1825 Woodford County, Kentucky; traveled to Oregon with a small group of single men; used horses and mules to drive the wagons instead of the oxen used by many; arrived in Oregon City where he wintered and left for California in the spring of 1851. In 1852 returned east and emigrated to California again in 1853; was a dentist for most of his life; Fleming G. Hearn. The Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 is available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley.
HEATER, Benjamin:
HEATER, Lorenzo Dow (1818-1899): m'd [ ], Sophia
HEATER, Sophia: m'd HEATER, Lorenzo Dow; maiden name unknown at this time
*16: HEDGES, A. F.: returning from the east; reached Foster's Farm October 25, 1850
HEDGES, E.J. Mrs: (-1896): m'd HEDGES, [ }
HELMS, Fredrick:
HENDERSON, Elizabeth (1824-1905): m'd 1850 BAKER, William Harrison
*18: HENDRICKS, Ezekial (1827- ):
HENDRICKSON, Margaret (1840-1874): m'd 1858 BENNETT, Alexander; d/o William and Sophia Hendrickson; moved to Yamhill Co from Clark Co, WA and later to Benton Co; settled south of Philomath
HENDRICKSON, Perlina (1813-1891): m'd 15 Mar 1838 THOMPSON, James
HENDRICKSON, Sophia: m'd HENDRICKSON, William; settled Clark Co, WA; maiden name unknown at this time
HENDRICKSON, William: m'd [ ], Sophia; preacher, blacksmith and farmer; settled Clark Co, WA
HENDRY, Ezekiel:
HENRICI, Charles:
HERMANS, James H.:
HERRINGTON, Margaret (1806-1882): m'd 1823 PARRISH, John Gould
HIGGINS, Joseph D. ( -1896): died at Astoria, Clatsop Co
*18: HIGGINS, Silas
HILES, Marietta (1832-1901): m'd SKAIFE, John; settled Marion Co
*8: HILL, Horace:
HIMES, Seth:
HINDMAN, William: settled Polk Co
HODGE, William C.:
HOFFMAN, Samuel (c1822-1854): m'd 1849 NORTON, Phoebe; note: also seen as HUFFMAN
HOFFMAN, Solomon George (1850- ): m'd c1870 SHERMAN, Mary Ellen; s/o Samuel and Phoebe (Norton) Hoffman
HOGUE, Thomas G. (1813-c1853): never married; Thomas' brother, James Parks Hogue was appointed his guardian in 1853
HOLBROOK, Amory (1820-1866): was a lawyer and politician; appointed US Attorney General for OR; arrived May 1850; was mayor of Oregon City 1856-1859; state legislature in 1859
HOLBROOK, Russell D: m'd RICE, Margaret Keizah "Kizzie"
HOLMES, Eliza Jane: m'd BRIDGEFARMER, William;
d/o John and Jane Holmes
HOLMES, Jane ( -1850): m'd HOLMES, John; died on trail on or near Bear River leaving 3 orphan children; maiden name unknown at this time
HOLMES, John ( -1850): m'd [ ], Jane; drowned in North Platte River; children were taken in by William Paul family who settled in Linn Co upon arrival in Oregon
HOLMES, Mary E. (c1843- ): m'd BRIDGEFARMER, Adam S.; d/o John and Jane Holmes
HOLMES, William Clark: s/o John and Jane Holmes
HOLTGRIEVE, Henry (1828- ): settled Clackamas Co
HORAN, Michael:
*13: HORNING, Keziah Emma (1849-1940 ): m'd GROVES, William; d/o Frederick and Mary (Johnson) Horning; settled near Corvallis, Benton Co, OR
*13: HORNING, Frederick Augustus (1823-1890): m'd 1848 JOHNSON, Mary Ann; s/o Gottfried Von Horning; settled near Corvallis, Benton Co, OR
*18 HOVENDEN, Alfred
*18 HOVENDEN, Charles
HOVEY, Albert Gallatin (1824- ): m'd 1853 MULKEY, Mary Ellen; settled Benton Co
HOWE, Amasa:
HOWELL, Benjamin (1794-1886): m1. c1819 KELLY, Margaret; m2. 1827 MATHEWS, Elizabeth
HOWELL, Sarah Catherine (1833-1903): m'd 1850 GILLIHAN, Martin
HOYT, Francis S.:
HUBBARD, Moses P.:
HUDSON, John A.:
HUDSON, Nathaniel (1820-1902): m'd 1847 SAMMIS, Cordelia; settled Polk Co
HUMASON, Orlando (1827- ):
"HUMASON, ORLANDO--Born in Truuibull County, Ohio, in 1827, removed to Texas in 1849, and proceeded to California, by way of Mazatlan, in the next year. The following year he came to Oregon and was employed by Asahel Bush, as printer. Settled soon after in Yamhill County and cultivated a farm. Was elected to the Territorial Legislature in 1852, and a year later removed to Eastern Oregon where he resided until his death on September 8, 1875. His principal occupation was the practice of the law." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Langp.737]
*21: HUMISTON, Eliza Seldena (1805-1888): m'd 26 Apr 1827 BROOKS, Linus; born 08 Nov 1805 Wallingford, New Haven Co, CT and died 11 Oct 1888 The Dalles, Wasco Co, OR
HUNGATE, George W.:
HUNT, E.A. Mrs.:
father lost all oxen but one; stayed on Columbia Slough after reaching OR
HUNT, James (1807- ): m'd 1832 SMITH, Fanny; settled Marion Co
HUNTER, Abner Canfield (1826-1883): m'd 1857 SANDERS, Edith J.; born 04 May 1826 in Woodford County, Kentucky; s/o William Stuart Hunter and Catherine Canfield; traveled to Oregon with a small group of single men using mules and horses on the wagons in place of the usual oxen. The party spent the winter at Oregon City and in the spring of 1851 left for California. The 1860 census shows Abner living in Sacramento County with his wife and in-laws; he returned to live in Kentucky in 1866, buying the old homestead that he grew up on. He remained there until his death in 1883. He is mentioned throughout the diary of Fleming G. Hearn, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley.
HUSSEY, Stephen:
HUSTED, George (1825- ): settled Marion Co
HYDE, Oscar:
IRWIN, Francis M.:
IRWIN, Louisa (1832- ): m'd IRWIN, RIchard; maiden name unknown at this time
IRWIN, Richard (1814- ): m'd [ ], Louisa; settled Benton Co
IRWIN, Robert: came to OR without wife and children to look the country over; returned east and emigrated with family in 1852
JACKSON, Jerome B. (1823-1885): m'd COSGROVE, Mary; settled Marion Co
JACKSON, John (1805- ): settled Polk Co
JACKSON, Martha Ann (1803-1881): m'd 13 Feb 1824 JOHNSON, Gabriel; born Jun 1803 Fleming, Letcher Co, KY and died 30 Jul 1881 Lane Co, OR; mother of 7 children (Mary Jane, Hanibal Fulton, Mahala Ann, David A., Pleasant William, Sarah Elizabeth and Pamelia McGuire);
JAMES, John:
JEAN, Ambrose (1810- ): settled Marion Co; described on citizenship papers as 39 years old, 5'4", high and broad forehead, gray eyes, prominent noese, small mouth, black hair, sallow complexion
JEFFERSON, Delos (1824- ):
JENKINS, Nimrod (1822- ): m'd 1852 MORRISON, Amanda
JENS, William:
JETTE, Adolphe (1825-1917): m1. [ ], Julia; m2. LEARD, Marguerite; operated a store at Champoeg, Marion Co, OR; operated the first saloon; came to OR from gold fields with four other men
JEWETT, Leonard:
JOB, Noah (1825- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Lydia; settled Washington Co
*13: JOHNSON, Charles B. (c1804- ):
settled Benton Co; probably Charles Johnson mentioned in Fleming G. Hearn diary;
Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at
JOHNSON, David A. (1835-1912): born 01 Apr 1835 Owen Co, IN and died 30 Apr 1912 Junction City, Lane Co, OR; s/o Gabriel and Martha (Jackson) Johnson; never married
JOHNSON, Elias A.:
*13: JOHNSON, Elizabeth ( -1850): m'd COLLINS, [ ]; d/o Charles and Keziah (Trapp) Johnson; died on trail of cholera
JOHNSON, Gabriel (1803-1888): m'd 13 Feb 1824 JACKSON, Martha Ann; born 28 Sep 1803 Knox Co, KY and died 29 May 1888 Junction City, Lane Co, OR; father of 7 children (Mary Jane, Hannibal Fulton, Mahala Ann, David A., Pleasant William, Sarah Elizabeth and Pamelia McGuire); prominent physician of Lane county.
JOHNSON, Hannibal Fulton (1830-1921): born 20 Nov 1830 Owen Co, IN and died 22 Dec 1921 Junction City, Lane Co, OR; s/o Gabriel and Martha (Jackson) Johnson; H.F. Johnson, also known as �Seven Devils Johnson� was a prospector, miner, and poet. He studied medicine with his father, but determined he preferred the life of a prospector. He served in the army during the Rogue River Wars [Indian War Pension File Survivors Certificate # 4737] in the 2nd Oregon Mounted Volunteers with Captain Robert Williams. He never married. H.F. Johnson located a mining claim in the Seven Devils Hills of Idaho about 1884, and was given the title �Seven Devils Johnson� by the local residents. [Lewis Johnson Family History by Carol Boyer Stelling, MD]
*13: JOHNSON, Henry Clay: s/o Charles and Keziah (Trapp) Johnson
*13: JOHNSON, James Elliott: s/o Charles and Keziah (Trapp) Johnson
JOHNSON, James Harrison (1821-1911): m'd 21 Jan 1841 ADAMSON, Esther Ann; born 07 May 1821 Montgomery Co, IL and died 18 Nov 1911 Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR; father of 5 children (Sarah Rebecca, Nancy Elizabeth, Mary Catherine, Infant and Martha Jane)
*13: JOHNSON, Jemima Alice: m'd MARTIN, Josephus; d/o Charles and Keziah (Trapp) Johnson
*13: JOHNSON, John Wesley: m'd 1865 ADAMS, Helen; s/o Charles and Keziah (Trapp) Johnson; first president of University of Oregon
JOHNSON, Joseph Dodson (1843- ): s/o Charles and Keziah (Trapp) Johnson
JOHNSON, Mahala Ann (1833-1916): m1. 16 Apr 1855 SMITH, Enoch; m2. 27 Dec 1868 Jackson, Daniel Leone; born 22 May 1833 Owen Co, IN and died 28 Oct 1916 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; d/o Gabriel and Martha (Jackson) Johnson; mother of 3 children by first marriage (Eliza Ann, Sarah and Marietta); mother of 2 children by second husband (Harry and one unknown)
*13: JOHNSON, Mahala Jane: m'd 1851 ST. CLAIR, Waymon; d/o Charles and Keziah (Trapp) Johnson
JOHNSON, Mary: m'd ODENEAL, Levi; d/o John Johnson
*13: JOHNSON, Mary Ann: m'd 1848 HORNING, Frederick Augustus; d/o Charles and Keziah (Trapp) Johnson
JOHNSON, Mary Catherine (1845- ): m'd 1866 MCCUNE, Joseph; d/o James and Esther (Adamson) Johnson; born 25 Aug 1845
JOHNSON, Mary Jane (1827-1908): m'd 24 Sep 1848 MCDANIEL, John; d/o Gabriel and Martha (Jackson) Johnson; born 30 Sep 1827 Owen Co, IN and died 13 Nov 1908 Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR; mother of 10 children (William R., Martha Ann, G.J., John F., Sarah Frances, Mary E., Jean, Bertha Lillian, David J. and Robert E.)
JOHNSON, Nancy Elizabeth (1843- ): m'd 1862 ZELL, Andrew; d/o James and Esther (Adamson) Johnson; born Oct 1843 Lee Co, IA
JOHNSON, Pamelia "Minnie" McGuire (1848-1933): m1. c1868 MCCOY, James F.; m2. 24 Dec 1901 EDWARDS, Alphonso Chester; d/o Gabriel and Martha (Jackson) Johnson; born 10 Aug 1848 Jasper Co, MO and died 10 Jun 1933 Orange Co, CA; had no children of her own but helped raise the children of several of her siblings.
JOHNSON, Pleasant William (1837-c1915): m1. 03 Mar 1863 CAVANAH, Elizabeth; m2. 11 Apr 1873 FAIRBANK, Mattie E.; born 10 Sep 1837 Freedom, Owen Co, IN and died c1915 Pollock, Idaho Co, ID; s/o Gabriel and Martha (Jackson) Johnson; father of 2 children by first wife (Louise and Corrine); gold miner and agent for freighting company
JOHNSON, Roswell:
JOHNSON, Sarah Elizabeth (1840-1906): m'd Nov 1865 RAMPY, Robert Anderson; born 25 Sep 1840 Newton Co, MO and died 26 Feb 1906 Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR; d/o Gabriel and Martha (Jackson) Johnson; mother of 5 children (Phillip R., Walter Millard, Frank G., Clyde R. and Cecil O.); buried in Alford Masonic Cemetery near Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR
JOHNSON, Sarah Rebecca (1842-1917): m'd 17 Dec 1857 IRVINE, Benjamin Harrison Logan; d/o James and Esther (Adamson) Johnson; born 29 Jan 1842 Lee Co, IA and died 05 Feb 1917 Lebanon, Linn Co, OR; mother of 8 children (Bertha, James H., Esther Ann, Jessie F., Mary Jane, Charles H., Emma and Martha)
JOHNSON, Stephen:
*13: JOHNSON, William Calvin: s/o Charles and Keziah (Trapp) Johnson; teacher and farmer
JOHNSON, William H. (1822- ): m'd 1845 [ ], Vashti Ann; settled Benton Co
*8: JOHNSTON, John (1828-1912): m'd 1859 KENNEDY, Mary
"JOHNSTON, JOHN--Born in Ireland in 1828; came to America in 1840, settling first in Illinois; came to Oregon in 1850, and located on the French Prairie, in Marion County. Originally, he was a miller by trade, and after his coming, conducted the old Catholic mission mill, called now McKay s mill. His present residence is four and a half miles south of Champoeg. Occupation, farming. Married Mary Kennedy in 1859, and they have six sons and five daughters Ellen, Mrs. Mary A. Hinkle, Thomas, Robert E., John, Agnes, William, Eliza, Joseph, Charles, and Cecilia." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 717]
JOLLY, William (1781-1862): m'd 1825 CATING, Elizabeth; father of Rev. William and Mary Ann (pioneers of 1847); was captured by Indians as a boy of 10 and lived with them until his brother, David, rescued him 7 years later; father of 13 children (not all of the children came to OR)
JONES, James W.:
JONES, John H. (1820- ): [per Robert M. Thomas, John H. Jones Researcher]; note that arrival date of May 15, 1850 as listed on his DLC application would make one believe he emigrated from CA
JONES, John R. (1849-1934): s/o Stephen and Rachel (Moore) Jones
JONES, Marvel M. (c1805 -1868): m'd 1851 Liggett (SAMPSON), Julia Ann; settled Polk Co
JONES, Mary (1811-1872): m'd MCFARLAND, James
JONES, Mithra Milton (1831-1919): m’d 1853 HUBBARD, Julia Ann; s/o Egbert James and Mary (Harpole) Jones; said to be pioneer of 1847; came 1850
JONES, Olston:
JONES, Stephen (c1818- ): m1. 1847 MOORE, Rachel; m2. 1851 COX, Mary Jane
JONES, Wilson Potter (c1839- ): s/o Marvel Jones
JONES, Wilson Wesley (c1833-1896): accompanied uncle Marvel Jones
JORDON, George Washington (c1823 -1850): died 01 May 1850, on the north side of the Platte 8 miles west of the Platte Forks in Sec 6/T14NR30W, Nebraska of "brain congestion" (probably encephalitis). He was from Dubuque and was traveling in the Dubuque wagon train [source: Richard Rieck, Prof Emeritus, Dept. of Geography, Western Illinois University]
JUDSON, Charles:
KEENEY, Rebecca (1822-1895): m1. LANDINGHAM, James; m2. PUTMAN, Daniel Bennett; brother, Jonathan Keeney was capt of a train in 1846
KEES, Andrew:
KEES, Isaac:
KEES, Jacob:
KEES, Samuel M.:
KELLY, Letticia (25 Apr 1817-30 Dec 1885): m1. 28 Oct 1838 COCHRAN, John (1817-1859); m2. 22 Dec 1859 DILLARD, Samuel; buried Shields Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
KELLY, Wesley (1807- ): settled Benton Co
KELTON, Nancy Ermine (1837-1882): m'd GOODNOUGH, Ira E.
KENNEDY, Luther D. (c1820-1896):
KENNEY, Andrew:
KENT, Elizabeth (1808-1893): m'd 1823 GIBSON, Archibald; settled Benton Co
*14: KEYS, Eliza ( -1851): m'd c1847 GRUBBE, Evan Thompson
KEYS, William F. (1832- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Martha Ann K.; settled Benton Co
KILBOURNE, Lewis: OHS #1508 34pp
KINCAID, Elizabeth (13 Mar 1800-13 Aug 1851) m'd 22 Jun 1819 GAINES, John Pollard; d/o Archibald and Prescilla (McBride) Kinkead; arrived by ship with husband who was appointed third Governor of Oregon Territory; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
KING, Samuel:
KINCAID, Albert S. Dr. (1835-c1875): m'd 1866 NAIL, Elizabeth Ann; settled Josephine Co
KIRKPATRICK, Nancy Jane (1826-15 Feb 1908): m'd Sep 1844 BAY, William F.
KLINGER, John L. (1810- ): m'd 1844 [ ], Anna M.; settled Clackamas Co
KNIGHTEN, Nancy Ann (1826-1910): m'd 1846 WATTS, Marvel Markham; d/o Ammon and Fannie (Cox) Knighten - see 1847 listing for other family members
KNOS, Catherine: m'd TALLMAN, James; settled near Lebanon, Linn Co, OR
KNOX, Dr.: Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley."left the springs at 4 Oclock P.M. and traveled out 8 miles to dry sandy and camped with Dr. Knox... July 11th Made an early start this morning and traveled eight miles to the junction of Salt Lake & subletts cutoff. here Dr. Knox left us to go by the way of Salt Lake city"
KOHL, Adam:
KRUSE, John L. (11 Aug 1827-18 Oct 1898): m'd 31 Aug 1852 GEER, Iantha; s/o Heinrich and Friedericke (Hagemann) Kruse; born in Denmark; buried Robert Bird Cemetery, Wilsonville, Clackamas County, Oregon
LAFOLLETT, D.H. (1824- ): m'd 1843 RAILSBACK, Cynthiana
"LAFOLLETT, D. H.--Born in Kentucky in 1824; lived in the Western States until 1850, when he started for Oregon overland. Two years later he went to South America, but returned the same year. His subsequent travels have been extensive. Mr. Lafollett resides now at Salem, where he is Master of the Grange. His occupation is farm ing. His family consists of his wife (formerly Miss Cynthiana Railsback, to whom he was married in 1843), and five children-Alexander M., Iranda G., Susan, Olive, and Emma." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 717]
LAMBERT, Joseph H. (1825- ): settled Marion Co
LAMBERT, Noah: m'd [ ], Mary; settled Clackamas Co
LANDINGHAM, Francis M. (1843-1849):
c/o James and Rebecca (Keeney) Landingham; died prior to emigration
LANDINGHAM, George M. (1849- ): m'd BOUY, Mary "Alliss"; s/o James and Rebecca (Keeney) Landingham
LANDINGHAM, James ( -1850): m'd KEENEY, Rebecca; said to have been killed by indians in 1850
LANDINGHAM, James Alfred (1846-1850): s/o James and Rebecca (Keeney) Landingham
LANDINGHAM, John Calvin (1841-1915): m'd 1865 LEMASTER, Isophene; s/o James and Rebecca (Keeney) Landingham
LANDINGHAM, Martha (1839-1908): m'd WILSON, John R.; d/o James and Rebecca (Keeney) Landingham
LANDINGHAM, Mary Elizabeth (1848-1915): m1. 1856 KETCHUM, Christopher; m2. 1878 JELLISON, Thomas T.; d/o James and Rebecca (Keeney) Landingham
LANDINGHAM, William Thomas (1844-1904): m'd MILNER, Martha; s/o James and Rebecca (Keeney) Landingham
LANTON, Mr.; Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley." June 20 We shall wait here for Ham, Lanton [and] Slater, three young men from St. Louis
LARGE, Francis (1818- ):
"LARGE, FRANCIS--Residence, Forest Grove ; was born in Pennsylvania, on the fifth day of August, 1818; came from Ohio to the Pacific coast in 1850; came from California to Oregon. In 1852 settled in Yarnhill County and took a donation claim; moved to Forest Grove in 1883. In July, 1853, married Miss Z. Baily. Children Elizabeth D., and Charles L." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 717-18]
LASCERT, William (1821- ): settled Marion Co
LASSEN, Anthony C.:
LATOURETTE, Lyman Dewitt Clinton (1825- ): m1. 1851 FISHER, Lucy Jane G.; m2. FISHER, Ann E.; settled Clackamas Co
LAUGHLIN, Infant (1850-1850): c/o John and Susannah (McCoy) Laughlin; died on plains
LAUGHLIN, Isabell R. (1847-1917): m'd 1863 DAVIS, Daniel C.; d. Dayton, Columbia Co, WA; d/o John and Susannah (McCoy) Laughlin
LAUGHLIN, John (1822-1876): m'd 1845 MCCOY, Susannah; s/o Samuel and Naomi (Morrow) Laughlin; emigrated from Lincoln Co, MO and settled in Yamhill Co
LAUGHLIN, Nancy Jane (1849-1915): m'd 1864 LEE, Alfred A.; d/o John and Susannah (McCoy) Laughlin; died in Bellingham, Whatcom Co, WA
LAUGHLIN, William S. (1846-1867): s/o John and Susannah (McCoy) Laughlin
LEARN, Mathias M. ( -1896): died Woodburn, Marion Co
LEASURE, Elizabeth (03 Sep 1812-03Aug 1886): m'd 13 Mar 1831 LUCKEY, William Nelson, d/o John and Mary (Zinn) Leasure
LEE, Reuben (1827-1907): m1. 1855 DRINKWATER, Frances; m2. 1876 HYETT, Elizabeth; m3. 1897 ENNIS, Martha Mrs.; s/o John and (Buschier) Lee; emigrated with 1 wagon, 4 yoke oxen
LEISY, Isaac (1822- ): m'd 1854 MARSH, Esther
"LEISY, ISAAC--Born in Pennsylvania in 1822; lived in Ohio for some years; set out for Oregon in 1850, arriving in the fall. Occupation, farmer, owning a place two miles from Hillsboro, Washington County. Married, in 1854, Esther Marsh. Children Rosella, Henry W., Netta, Daniel D., Flora, Wealthy, Isaac, Perry, and Douglas." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 718]
LEMONT, Francis A.:
*10: LEWIS, Capt.
LIBEM, Archibald:
LIGLER, Mr.: Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley
LIKENS, Simon F.:
LINDSEY, Littletown:
LOCKE, Harrison P. (1812- ): m'd 1851 HARDISON, Melissa F.; settled Polk Co; originally emigrant of 1845; see 1845 listing
LOGAN, David (1824-1874) s/o Stephen Logan, a close friend of Abraham Lincoln. m. 1862 Mary Porter WALDO, no children. He was a lawyer, Republican party leader and served in the 1854 Territorial legislature and as Mayor of Portland (1864-1868). David is buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR. [see Corning's Dictionary of Oregon History] [* Mss #1089]
"LOGAN, DAVID--Born near Springfield, Illinois; was the son of Judge Stephen T. Logan, once a law partner of Abraham Lincoln; came to Oregon in 1850, and began law practice at Lafayette; achieved great distinction as a criminal lawyer; retired from practice in 1871. Ran for Congress three times as Republican nominee, but was defeated each time. Died near McMinnville, March 27, 1874." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 718]
LONG, George M.:
LONG, Humphrey:
LONG, Martha Elizabeth ( -1857): m'd 1839 POINTER, William
LORD, Elizabeth Ann: m'd 1844 ELLERSON, David
LORING, William W. Col.:
LOVE, Hugh:
LOVE, Margaret: m'd BURNETT, [ ]
*23) LOVELAND, Cyrus C: member of Crow cattle drive to California; maintained diary of the emigration
*22) LUCAS, Amanda (1848-1857): d/o Thomas and Sarah (Davidson) Lucas; buried Butler-Davidson Cemetery, Polk Co, OR
*22) LUCAS, Smith W. (1846-1890): s/o Thomas and Sarah (Davidson) Lucas; buried Butler-Davidson Cemetery, Polk Co, OR
*22) LUCAS, Thomas Hartzwell (1824-1908): m'd 1844 DAVIDSON, Sarah H.; buried Butler-Davidson Cemetery, Polk Co, OR; considered one of the founders of Western Oregon University
LUCKEY, Allen (12 Jul 1847-19 Jan 1867): s/o William and Elizabeth (Leasure) Luckey
LUCKEY, James Clinton (16 Mar 1842-04 May 1923): m1. 1868 REESE, Emma; m2. 07 Jul 1883 ROBBINS, Eunice Waters; s/o William and Elizabeth (Leasure) Luckey
LUCKEY, John Leasure. (1838-15 Mar 1914): m1. 21 Jul 1864 MILLER, Ella Sarah; m2. 1874 HODGES, Sarah Katherine; s/o William and Elizabeth (Leasure) Luckey
LUCKEY, Josiah S. (28 Sep 1844-30 Apr 1931 ): m1. 23 Jul 1871 STEWART, Elizabeth Caroline; m2. 19 Jan 1910 SPENCER, Jane "Jenny" Lind; s/o William and Elizabeth (Leasure) Luckey; Josiah was jeweler in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
LUCKEY, Nancy Adeline (31 Dec 1831-21 Feb 1913): m'd c1850 SMITH, William; Nancy; d/o William and Elizabeth (Leasure) Luckey
LUCKEY, Warren Henry (28 Dec 1846-16 Feb 1920): m'd 12 Dec 1872 WILMOT, Laura Clay; s/o William and Elizabeth (Leasure) Luckey
LUCKEY, William Nelson (31 Oct 1807-15 Apr 1892): m'd 13 Mar 1831 LEASURE, Elizabeth; William was born 31 Oct 1807 Marietta, Athens Co, OH and died 15 Apr 1892 Eugene, Lane Co, OR; s/o James and Nancy (Speed) Luckey; father of 10 children (Nancy Adeline, William Nelson, John L., James C., Josiah S., Warren Henry, Allen, Eugene Ray, Mary A. and Charles); settled briefly in Marion County before settling at Coburg, Lane Co, OR
LUCKEY, William Nelson (14 Dec 1834-01 May 1908): m'd 04 Apr 1854 BARRETT, Lucinda ladell; s/o William and Elizabeth (Leasure) Luckey
LYMAN, Albert Capt. (1825- ):
*20: LYNN, Arethusa Emeline (1834-1911): m'd 1852 SMITH, Thomas Sr.; d/o Daniel and Rachel Ann (Haun) Lynn; :born on 6/12/1834 in Warsaw, Benton, MO; died on 5/6/1911 in Douglas Co, OR and was buried in Masonic Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas, OR. Arethusa married Thomas SMITH Sr. in Oct 1852 in Douglas Co, OR.
*20: LYNN, Cordelia Rose Altha (1831-1914): m1. STEWART, Dan (died in MO); m2. 1851 STEWART, Alfred Richard; d/o Daniel and Rachel Ann (Haun) Lynn; born 10/29/1831 in Warsaw, Benton Co., MO; married Alfred Richard Stewart 11/28/1851 in South Tualatin, OR; died 3/14/1914 in CA; buried Aptos cemetery, Soquel, Santa Cruz, CA
*20: LYNN, Daniel. (c1801-1850): m'd c1824 HAUN, Rachel Ann; s/o William T. Lynn and Anne McCoy) born 1801-2, French LA Territory, St. Charles Co., MO; married Rachel Ann Haun (daughter of John Haun, Sr. ) about 1824 in Montgomery Co., MO; she was born 5/3/1801 in St. Charles Co., MO. In 1830 Daniel Lynn's family is in Charette Twp., Montgomery Co. 1830. They were living in Pettis Co. MO where Daniel Linn and Ann McCoy, James Lynn and wife Polly, Joseph Lynn and wife Rachael "all heirs of William Lynn," sold land in St. Charles Co. 2/17/1834 Daniel Lynn and wife Ann sold land to John Haun in Warren Co. MO. Benton Co., MO was formed from Pettis Co. 1835 and Daniel is in the 1840 Benton Co. federal census along with his brothers James, William and Issac. Daniel Lynn died of cholera and is buried beside the road on the trip to Oregon, not far from Independence Rock � also buried there is Martha Woodson, Their graves were made deep and wagons were made to pass over them to hide them from Indians who often dug up bodies to get clothing and hoping to find jewelry, etc. (This information about the Lynn family was told to Abigail May Wells Zumwalt [DAR submission] by Virlena Long, wife of Robert Long, who had notes in a book which was copied.)
*20: LYNN, Melcina (1826-1890):: m'd BULLARD, Press; d/o Daniel and Rachel Ann (Haun) Lynn; cut off for CA; died in Deep Valley, Fresno Co, CA
*20: LYNN, Virlena (1820-1892); m1. WOODSON, Jesse Lafayette; m2. AMBROSE, Alfred T.; d/o Daniel and Rachel Ann (Haun) Lynn; born 12/3/1820 in Warren Co, MO or Montgomery Co, MO. She died in 1892 in Douglas Co, OR. She married (1) Jesse Lafayette Woodson who was born in KY and (2) Alfred T. Ambrose Lynn-Ambrose-Woodson Family Photos
MAEL, Robert:
MAHAN, David:
*12: MANSFIELD, Dominic (Nov 1819-29 Sep 1890 ): m'd 1853 POLLARD, Celia E.; s/o Nicholas and Martha (Morris) Mansfield; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
"MANSFIELD, DOMINIC--Born in Tennessee in 1818; started from Missouri for Oregon with his parents; his father and mother died on the route within ten days of each other. He arrived in Oregon and settled in Linn County; taught school until 1853, then went to farming near Harrisburg. In 1857 was elected assessor of Linn County, and served three years. Moved to Albany in 1860; was elected county clerk in the same year. After the term expired, was in mercantile business, and in 1873, became secretary and manager of the Farmer's Warehouse Company. Married Miss Celia E. Pollard in 1853; has four children William, Myra, Anna, and Gertie." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 718]
*12: MANSFIELD, James Matthew (12 May 1822-03 Sep 1898): m'd 25 Nov 1851 ALFORD, Manerva; buried Douglass Pioneer Cemetery, Troutdale, Multnomah County, Oregon
*12: MANSFIELD, Martha Jane (09 May 1831-12 Jun 1915): m'd 10 Oct 1850 RODGERS, James Berry; d/o Nicholas and Martha (Morris) Mansfield; buried Antioch Cemetery, Sams Valley, Jackson County, Oregon; married by Martha's uncle John Mansfield and settled in Harrisburg, OR. They had 6 boys & 7 girls, five children died of childhood diseases and are buried in Alford Cemetery, north of Harrisburg. The Rodgers moved to So. Oregon, White City (Beagle) area in 1871, and raised their 8 remaining children. Both James & Martha, with many of their descendants are buried at our Pioneer/Historic Antioch Cemetery in White City (previously known as Beagle area in Jackson County).
*12: MANSFIELD, Mary Ann (25 Aug 1827-13 Sep 1911) : m'd 10 Mar 1847 ALFORD, William; d/o Nicholas and Martha (Morris) Mansfield; buried Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
*12: MANSFIELD, Moses (05 Mar 1825-31 Aug 1890) :m'd 21 Sep 1847 ALFORD, Matilda; s/o Nicholas and Martha (Morris) Mansfield; buried Phoenix Cemetery, Phoenix, Jackson County, Oregon
*12" MANSFIELD, Sarah Jane (28 Mar 1835-22 Feb 1900): m1. 1851 YARBROUGH, Thomas Jefferson; m2. 1881 MOORE, Robert; d/o Nicholas and Martha (Morris) Mansfield; buried Smith River Cemetery, Smith River, Del Norte County, California
MARKHAM, Daniel Boone (1822- ): m'd 1864 PICKERING, Cordelia; settled Marion Co
MARSHALL, Richard:
MARTIN, J.L. (1822- ): m1. CUSICK, Fanny; m2. BRENNER, Catherine
"MARTIN, J. L., M. D.--Is an old resident of Scio, Linn County, having practiced medicine there for twenty-five years; was born in Davidson County, Tennessee, July 14, 1822; is a graduate of the Willamette Medical college. Served as assistant surgeon in the Indian war of 1855-56 in Eastern Oregon and Washington Territory, in the command under Colonel Thomas R. Cornelius. Was examining physician forpension applicants, and for insurance companies a number of years. Married Fanny Cusick in 1864; her death occurring in 1868, he was married a second time, to Catherine Criggin, nee Brenner." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 718-19]
MARTIN, M.P. (1819- ):
MASCHER, Christ F. (1811-1896 ): m'd 1836 EISENHART, Sarah; settled Marion Co
MASCHER, L. F. (1850- ):
MASTERSON, James "Alfred" (24 Oct 1827-11 Sep 1908): traveled to California in 1850 as a bachelor; returned east, married and emigrated again in 1854; see 1854 listing
MATHEWS, Albert Atwater (1822- ): m1. 1853
GUILD, Mary Jane; m2. 1859 WHISLER, Barbary Alice; s/o Jeremiah and Nancy (Farnham)
MATHEWS, Elizabeth (1805-1887): m'd 1827 HOWELL, Benjamin H.
MAUPIN, Eliza (1809- ): m'd 1833 BLEVINS, Isaac
MAUPIN, Garrett (1821-1867): m'd 16 Mar 1845 POINDEXTER, Martha Ann; born 20 Sep 1821 Clay Co, MO and died 04 Aug 1867 Elkton, Douglas Co, OR; s/o Perry and Rachel Maupin; settled Lane Co; settling the first winter in Polk Co and moving to Eugene, Lane Co, in 1851. He remained there until 1864 when the family moved to Douglas Co. Garret was accidentally killed when a load of logs fell on him in 1867. Father of 11 children (Leonora, Louisa, Mary Jane, Salina Ellen, Captain Henley, Thomas Perry, Isabel, Edwina, Emma Catherine, Garrett Bryan and John Lee)
MAUPIN, Lenora (1846-1923): m1. 06 Nov 1864 BUNCH, David; m2. LANGDON, Ansel; born 09 Dec 1846 IL and died Jan 1923 Salem, Marion Co, OR; d/o Garrett and Martha (Poindexter) Maupin
MAUPIN, Louisa (1848- ): m'd CASADA, John; born 09 Dec 1848 MO; d/o Garrett and Martha (Poindexter) Maupin
MCBEE, Thomas:
MCCAN, Daniel:
MCCLAIN, George F. (1850- ):
MCCLELLAN, Aletta Ann (1841- ): d/o John and Amanda (Reed) McClellan; died in Boise, ID
MCCLELLAN, Amanda Melvina (1844-1910): m'd 1862 PALMER, Ephriam; d/o John and Amanda (Reed) McClellan; died in Boise, ID
MCCLELLAN, Ann Mariah (1848- ): m'd 1865 BLESSINGER, Alexander; d/o John and Amanda (Reed) McClellan; died in ID
MCCLELLAN, Charles (1825-1857): s/o John and Amanda (Reed) McClellan; died at Troutdale, OR
"DLC #4988 Multnomah County; Charles McClellan, b. 1825 Ohio; arrived Oregon 01 Oct 1850, settled claim 23 Oct 1854. Boundary conflict with claim of Ethan Cox who sold to James M. Scott. By 25 Sep 1877 Stott had also purchased McClellan's claim. David Powell gave affidavit that Charles McClellan was killed 23 Aug 1858. Affidavit: Calvin Reed, John McClellan, E.L. Quimby (died affidavit)"
MCCLELLAN, John (1777-1866 ): m'd 1824 REED, Amanda; died in Boise, ID
MCCLELLAN, John (1827-1916): s/o John and Amanda (Reed) McClellan
MCCLELLAN, Laura Minerva (1836-1863): m'd 1860 PEARCE, R. M.; d/o John and Amanda (Reed) McClellan; died in ID
MCCLELLAN, Levia (c1832-1864): m'd 1852 CROSBY, Fayette; d/o John and Amanda (Reed) McClellan
*6: MCCOLLUM, Samuel (1810-1888): m'd CALLAHAN, Zilpha
*6: MCCOLLUM, William (1841- ): s/o Samuel and Zilpha (Callahan) McCollum
*16: MCCONNELL, I.A.: reached Foster's Farm October 25, 1850
MCCORD, James S. (1829- ): m'd BROWN, Olive E.
"McCORD, JAMES S.--Is a resident of Oregon City, and a farmer by occupation; was born in Orange County, New York, July 15, 1829. Married Olive E. Brown, and their children are William, J. W., Benjamin C., George S., Catharine (deceased), James B. (deceased), Blanche B., Archibald H., Stella A., and Melvin C." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 719]
MCCORD, William Rankin (1831- ): m'd 1856 SCOTT, Harriet L.
MCCORMICK, Matthew (1825- ): m'd 1847 CLANCY, Joanna
"McCORMICK, MATTHEW--Born in Ireland in 1825, and came to America when seven years old, settling in Rochester, New York; coming to Oregon he located at Milwaukie, but now resides on his donation claim three miles south of Woodburn, Marion County, and is a farmer. He served in the Fourth Infantry under General Taylor in the Mexican war, but was wounded at Monterey and received his discharge. Married Joanna Clancy, at St. Louis, in 1847. Children John and Charles." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 719]
MCCOY, James (1820- ): settled Yamhill Co
MCCRACKEN, John (1826- ):
MCCUNE, Robert (1820-): m'd 1857 BUELL, Sarah A.
"McKUNE, ROBERT--Is proprietor of a livery stable in Sheridan, where he has lived since 1875. He was born in Pennsylvania in 1820; moved to Illinois in 1842; crossed the plains to California in 1850, and two years later came to Oregon and settled in Polk County, where he lived on a farm until moving to Sheridan. Married Miss Sarah A. Buel in 1857, and has six children Lydia, Walter, Alice, Jane, Emeline, and William." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 775]
MCDANIEL, Robert (1814- ): cut off for CA; per Gilmore researcher Billy Songer
MCDONALD, David (1818- ): with wife and 6 children- emigrant of 1848
MCDONALD, Jane (1817-1895): m'd 1837 MILLER, William
MCDONALD, Rhoda (1825-1912): m'd 1845 ARBUCKLE, Robert; buried Long Creek Cemetery, Grant Co, OR
MCDONALD, Mrs.: mother of David McDonald
MCDOWELL, Alden G. (1817- ):
MCFARLAND, David G. (1846- ); s/o James and Mary (Jones) McFarland
*16: MCFARLAND, J.J.: reached Foster's Farm October 25, 1850 (sames as James below?)
MCFARLAND, James (1807-1885) m'd JONES, Mary
MCFEELEY, Lucinda S. (12 Nov 1813-14 Feb 1862): m1. 18 Apr 1844 FISHER, Wilson H. (divorced 06 Dec 1852); m2. 24 Dec 1853 CALKINS, Luman H; d/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Rogers) McFeeley; buried location unknown
MCGHEE, John Wesley Rev. (1821- ): m1. 1840 MILLER, Cornelia D.; m2. Hyde (WHITAKER), Rachel Mrs; went to CA via the Isthmus of Panama; moved to OR 1853; settled Marion Co
MCGHEE, Mary (1841- ): m'd DAY, Silas J.; d/o John and Cornelia (Miller) McGhee; went to CA via the Isthmus of Panama; moved to OR 1853
MCGHEE, Melville: s/o John and Cornelia (Miller) McGhee; went to CA via the Isthmus of Panama; moved to OR 1853
MCINTIRE, Horace James (1820-1898): m'd 1842 MILLER, Narcissa Marie; s/o Charles and Sarah (Linder) McIntire
MCKEE, Benjamin Franklin (1837-1927): m'd 1856 MORRIS, Ann; s/o James and Elizabeth (Williams) McKee; buried Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion Co, OR; father of 8 children (Elizabeth, Martha, Jeanette, Olive, Clara, Rodney, Eva and Benjamin Jr.);
MCKEE, David Allen (1835- ): m. 1863 HALL, Caroline Melinda; m2. 1899 HUFFMAN, Lottie B.; s/o James and Elizabeth (Williams) McKee; settled Silverton, Marion Co, OR; buried at Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion Co, OR; father of 13 children (James, Charles, Albert, Walter, Leonard, Ada, Emma, Edward, Wiley, Ivy, Herman, Minnie, and Della)
MCKEE, James: m1. WILLIAMS, Elizabeth (died 1838 MO leaving 2 children); m2. 1841 TRAISTER, Lydia; settled Silverton, Marion Co, OR; buried Simmons Cemetery, Mt. Angel, Marion Co, OR
MCKEE, Lucinda Jane (c1842- ): m'd 1859 SHEPHERD, F. M.; d/o James and Lydia (Traister) McKee
MCKINNEY, John F. Jr. (1832-1919): m'd 1854 SMITH, Malissa; s/o John and Ann (Austin) McKinney; to CA 1850, to OR 1851
MCKINNEY, Joseph A.: s/o John and Ann (Austin) McKinney
MCLENCH, Benjamin F.: m'd 1852 GRAY, Mary Almira
"McLENCH, B. F.--Born in Maine in March, 1825; came to the Pacific coast in 1850. Coming from Sari Francisco to Oregon he brought up a printing press to his brother-in-law, Samuel R. Thurston, upon which the Oregon Statesman was afterward printed. Was made lieutenant colonel of the Oregon State Militia by the Governor, and attached to the fifth regiment. Resided a year or more in Oregon City, but has spent the greater part of his life in Polk County. Present residence, Spring Valley; postoffice, Lincoln; occupation, farmer. Was married in August, 1852, to Miss Mary A. Gray, a native of Vermont, who arrived in Oregon the year preceding. Their family included four children Frank G., Mary E. (wife of A. E. Watson, of Polk), Alice, and Sarah M. The latter is deceased." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 719-20]
MCMAHON, Samuel W.:
MCPHERSON, William Angus: m'd FENN, Nancy Jane
MEDLEY, John H.: m'd VENABLE, Mary Helen
MERCER, Kimball B.:
MEREDITH, Absalom J.:
MERRELL, Charles J.:
MICON, John:
MICON, Thomas B. (1823- ): settled Linn Co
MILES, Samuel A.:
MILLER, Abraham George Jr. (1811- ): m1. 1833 MORGAN, Julia Ann; m2. 1861 Turnidge (DAGLEY), Elizabeth
MILLER, Abraham Reid (1825-1895):
MILLER, Anna: d/o Gabriel and (1st wife) Miller
MILLER, Augustus (1819- ): m'd 1853 MILLER, Priscilla
MILLER, Caroline: d/o William and Jane (McDonald) Miller
MILLER, Cornelia D. ( -1850): m'd 1840 McGHEE, John Wesley; went to CA via the Isthmus of Panama; died enroute of Panama fever and was buried at sea
MILLER, Elias Moore (1833-1920): m'd 1862 FARLOW, Sarah Maria; s/o George and Mary (Stockton) Miller; buried Ashland Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson Co
MILLER, Elizabeth: m'd BROWN, [ ]
MILLER, Elizabeth (1835-1914): m1. 1870 MORRIS, Philip V.; m2. JOHNSON, Elias M.; d/o George and Mary (Stockton) Miller
MILLER, Emily:
MILLER, Eugene: s/o Gabriel and Anna (Titus) Miller
MILLER, Ezra: s/o Gabriel and Anna (Titus) Miller
MILLER, Frank: s/o Gabriel and Anna (Titus) Miller
MILLER, Gabriel (1841- ): s/o Malcolm and Jenetta (Anderson) Miller
MILLER, George (Jun 1785-1874): m1. 1805 STOVER, Lydia; m2. SMITH, Nellie; m3. 1828 STOCKTON, Mary Ann; settled in Linn Co; buried in Millersburg Cemetery, Linn Co; s/o John and Mary (Keene) Miller
MILLER, George A. (1831- ): m'd HARRIS, Elizabeth
"MILLER, GEORGE A,--Is a farmer residing at Scio, Linn County. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, April 24, 1831. After reaching America he proceeded overland to Oregon. Married Elizabeth Harris, and their children are Malcolm, Martha B., Susanna A., and John M." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 720]
MILLER, George Samuel (1837-1918): m'd 1861 WALTER, Mabel Jerusha; s/o George and Mary (Stockton) Miller
MILLER, Henry B. (1848- ): m'd SUMMERVILLE, Frances; s/o George and Mary (Stockton) Miller
"MILLER, HENRY B.--Lives at Miller s, Linn County, and is a trader and general business man. His place of birth was Mercer County, Illinois; born October 7, 1848, one, of a family of twenty-four children. Married Frances Summerville, and their children are Myrtle, Edna, and Ola." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 720]
MILLER, Isaac D. (1828-1911): m1. 1864 RUDY, Mary Magdalene; m2. JOHNSON, Ellen E.; s/o George and Mary (Stockton) Miller
"MILLER, ISAAC D.--Born in Montgomery County, Indiana, August 26, 1828; was one of a family of twenty-four children. Came overland to Oregon and now lives at Miller's, Linn County, engaged in farming and stock-growing. Has held public positions; served as sergeant in the Indian wars of 1855-56. Married Ellen E. Johnson, and their children are Ida B., R. E., Ned, Eli M., and Isaac D." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 720]
MILLER, Isaac Newton (1828-1873): m'd 1853 CLARK, Emily; s/o Isaac and Martha (Beard) Miller
MILLER, J.W. Rev. (1823- ):
MILLER, James W. (1833- ): m'd 1874 BRENNER, Rosa A.; s/o Malcolm Miller
"MILLER, JAMES W.--Is a resident of Scio, Linn County, and a farmer by occupation. He was born in Nova Scotia, August 17, 1833. Married Rosa A. Baker, and their children ai;e Mary J., Lee, Henrietta, Malcolm " B., James W., Katy B., and Rose L." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 720]
MILLER, John (1830-1876): s/o George Miller; buried Millersburg Cemetery, Linn Co
MILLER, John B. (1826-1856): m'd 1850 SMITH, Mary Ann; s/o Abraham and Mary (Little) Miller; settled Linn Co
MILLER, John F. (1835- ): m'd SHATTUCK, Mary J.
"MILLER, JOHN F.--Born in Maryland, July 25, 1835; occupation, merchant ; place of residence, Oregon City. Wife s previous name, Mary J. Shattuck.Children Albert L., Hattie N., and John E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 720]
MILLER, John Washington (1833- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Mary Elizabeth
MILLER, Joseph:
MILLER, Malcolm: m'd ANDERSON, Jenetta; emigrated with wife and 9 children
MILLER, Malcolm (1835- ): m'd REDMAN, Margaret E.
"MILLER, MALCOLM--Is a farmer residing at Scio, Linn County; was born in Nova Scotia, September 12, 1835; married Margaret E. Redman, and their children are James N., Benjamin W., Amanda N., and Nettie E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 721]
MILLER, Martha:
MILLER, Martha Doak:
MILLER, Narcissa Marie (1822-1887): m'd 1842 MCINTIRE, Horace James; died Columbia Co, OR; d/o Robert and Sarah (Ferguson) Miller
MILLER, Rebecca (1839- ): d/o George Miller
MILLER, Robert B. (1843- ):
"MILLER, ROBERT B.--Is a resident of Scio, Linn County; occupation, farmer. Born in Nova Scotia, July 29, 1843; settled in Linn County immediately on his arrival in Oregon. Married Martha F. Terry. Children-William C., Jeannette F., Sarah A., and Maggie A." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 721]
*15: MILLER, Samuel (1806-1884/8): m'd 1832 HART, Rachel J.
"MILLER, SAMUEL--Born in Salem County, New Jersey, in September, 1806. Was a millwright by occupation, and died at Oregon City, July 4, 1884. Wife s previous name was Rachel Hart. Children Mary E., John F., Margaret S., Thomas M., and Henrietta." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 721]
MILLER, Samuel (1831- ): m'd 1851 EARL, Ellen; settled Marion Co
MILLER, Sarah (1823-1853): m'd 1853 GINGLES, James; d/o Isaac and Martha (Beard) Miller
*15: MILLER, Thomas M. (1839- ): s/o Samuel and Rachel (Hart) Miller
MILLER, William: originally emigrated in 1848; returned east and organized a wagon party that included his mother-in-law, his brother-in-law, David McDonald with his wife and 6 children, and his brother, Malcolm with his wife and 9 children
MILLER, William Stockton (1831-1895): m'd 1853 PETRIE, Delilah; s/o George and Mary (Stockton) Miller; buried Cresswell Cemetery, Lane Co
MOFFATT, Francis (c1828- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Elizabeth; settled Polk Co
MONROE, John A. "Jack" (1823- ): m'd 1851 KINNEY, Rebecca Ann
MONTANYE, Gertrude Wyoming: traveled with older sister, Ruth Ann Butler (Montanye) Ankeny in the Ankeny train
MONTANYE, John Calvin: traveled with older sister, Ruth Ann Butler (Montanye) Ankeny in the Ankeny train
MONTANYE, Ruthanna Butler (1825-16 Jan 1851: m'd 19 Nov 1842 ANKENY, Alexander Postwaite; d/o Joseph Edwards and Nancy (Butler) Montanye
MONTGOMERY, Lorenzo Dow (1823- ): s/o Robert and Elizabeth (Stevenson) Montgomery; orphaned as a teenager and with his brothers went to live with an aunt; went to CA in 1849; to OR in 1850; was legislator from southern Oregon; appointed Indian Agent; resigned position and went back to mining; never married; buried in Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, OR
MOORE, James: so Robert and Margaret (Clark) Moore
MOORE, Jean McDowell (1807-1883): m'd 1825 PAINTER, Phillip; d/o Robert and Margaret (Clark) Moore; father was member of Peoria Party of 1839; husband and two sons died of cholera at Ft. Kearney during emigration; made home with father at Linn City; later published the Oregon Spectator; deeded paper to her daughter in 1852; mother of 8 children
MOORE, John:
MOORE, Joseph Clark (1806- ): so Robert and Margaret (Clark) Moore
MOORE, Rachel ( -c1850): m'd 1847 JONES, Stephen; husband arrives with 14 mo old son and no wife, she may have died on trail between 1 and 24 miles east of Ft. Laramie
MOORE, Robert M. (1827- ): m'd 1848 [ ], Esther; settled Linn Co
MOORE, Samuel Clark: m'd MCCULLOCH, Mary Ann
MOORE, William:
MORGAN, James B. ( -1896):
MORGAN, William W.:
MORLEY, Moses (1793-1852): m'd 1813 WADKINS, Catharine; buried Silverton, OR; believed to be in an unmarked grave next to his wife
MORLEY, William (1817- ): m'd 1841 CRAMMER, Margaret; s/o Moses and Catharine (Wadkins) Morley
*2: MORRIS, Andrew Buford (1832-1902): m1. BENSLEY, Martha;
m2. CRABTREE, Rebecca; s/o Preston and Adaliza (Miller) Morris;
died Linn Co, OR
*2: MORRIS, Catherine (1834-c1854): m'd 1851 CLAYPOOL, William; s/o Preston and Adaliza (Miller) Morris
*2: MORRIS, Clarence Lee (1837-1911): m'd 1857 THOMAS, Catherine; s/o Preston and Adaliza (Miller) Morris; died Wasco Co, OR
*2: MORRIS, Josephine B. (1839-1911): m'd 1857 MARSHALL, Arthur; d/o Preston and Adaliza (Miller) Morris; died Linn Co, OR
*2: MORRIS, Mary Ann (1845-1928): m'd POWELL, Henry Clay; d/o Preston and Adaliza (Miller) Morris; died Linn Co, OR
*2: MORRIS, Nathaniel Miller (1842-1904): m'd 1862 PROPST, Margaret Ann; s/o Preston and Adaliza (Miller) Morris; after marriage he moved to Whitman Co, WT where he homesteaded until 1890; then moved to Idaho where they both died in Idaho Co, ID; father of 13 children
*2: MORRIS, Preston (1802-1869): m1. 1829 MILLER, Adaliza; m2. 1849 RIGGS, Salina; s/o Maurice and Sarah (Cushman) Morris; settled in Linn Co; died Linn Co, OR
*2: MORRIS, Sarah Jane (1830-1862): m'd 1848 GRIGGS, Alley B.; d/o Preston and Adaliza (Miller) Morris; died Linn Co, OR
MORRIS, William C. (c1829-1883): m'd CORNELIUS, Elizabeth; buried Condit Cemetery
*23) MOSIER, John ( - June 19, 1850): member of the Crow cattle drive to California; died in Wyoming of Cholera
MUDGE, Nathan F. (1827- ): m'd 1853 WHEALDON, Elizabeth
"MUDGE, NATHAN F.--Born in Pennsylvania ;n 1827; came to Oregon and lived in Oregon City until 1859; then went to Washington Territory, and east of the Cascades, where he was employed on the railroad. Returned to Oregon in 1864. Now owns a farm near Hillsboro. Married in 1853, Miss Elizabeth Whealdon, who came to Oregon in 1847. They have three children Mary, Sidney W., and Estella." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 721]
*13: MULKEY group
MURPHY, Daniel (1800-1866): m'd c1827 DILLON, Catherine; settled Marion Co
MURPHY, Margaret (19 Aug 1785-02 Mar 1864): m'd 04 Feb
1802 DAVIDSON, Elijah Barton Sr.;
Butler Davidson Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
MYERS, John:
NEAL, John:
NEALY, Nelson (1814- ):
"NEALY, NELSON--Born in New York in 1814; came to Oregon and settled at Independence, Polk County. Present residence, Luckiamute, and ocpation, farming." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 721]
NEALY, Samuel:
NEIL, William (c1822- ): m'd 1839 [ ], Mehala
*18: NELSON, Elson ( -1850): died of cholera and was buried beside the trail
NEWCOMB, Silas (1822- ): settled Benton Co
NEWELL, David R. (1825- ): cut off for CA; per Gilmore researcher Billy Songer
NICHOLSON, Daniel W. (1819- ): settled Benton Co
NICKLIN, Arthur J. (1828- ): settled Polk Co
NICKLIN, Evaline H.: m'd 1851 RIGGS, James Berry [photo contributed by Berniece Hammon, additional photos in Photo Gallery]
NICKLIN, John H. (1804- ): m'd 1824 [ ], Sarah; settled Polk Co
NICKLIN, John I. O. (1835- ):
NOBLE, Margaret E. (1845- ):
d/o William and Margaret (Sultzburger) Noble
NOBLE, William Sherman (1819-1890): m'd SULTZBURGER, Sarah Margaret
*18: NOBLETT, Emma: m'd TOWNSEND, George
NORTH, Charles:
NORTON, Chloe (1821-1908): m'd PATTERSON, Washington; d/o Solomon and Cynthia (Knapp) Norton; died in Auburn, King Co, WA
NORTON, Phoebe (1831-c1901): m1. 1849 HOFFMAN, Samuel; m2. 1854 DAVIS, Charles C.; d/o Solomon and Cynthia (Knapp) Norton; returned east by ship; died in KS
NYE, Elizabeth Jane (1847-1880): m'd MCDONALD, E. J.; d/o John and Mary (Childers) Nye
NYE, John S. (1823-1902): m'd 1846 CHILDERS, Mary Ellen; s/o Jacob and Margaret Nye; buried Cox Cemetery, Marion Co, OR
NYE, Mary M. (1850-1911): m'd BERCAW, J.W.; d/o John and Mary (Childers) Nye
ODENEAL, Levi: m'd JOHNSON, Mary
ODENEAL, Thomas H. B. (c1838- ): m'd c1858 MULKEY, America; s/o Levi and Mary (Johnson) Odeneal; country clerk of Benton Co; established Corvallis Gazette
OFFIELD, James E. ( -1850): m'd 1838 [ ], Lucinda; died on Platte River about 30 miles west of Ft. Laramie 28 Jun 1850 of cholera
OFFIELD, James W. (1844- ): s/o James and Lucinda Offield
OFFIELD, John L.: brother of James E. Offield; had one leg, secured claim on Gribble's Prairie
OFFIELD, Lucinda: m'd OFFIELD, James E.; continued on with family after death of husband and settled on Gribble's Prairie
OFFIELD, William (1793- ): wife died 28 June 1850 of cholera on Platte River about 30 miles west of Ft. Laramie
OFFIELD, William Mrs.: died 28 June 1850 of cholera on Platte River about 30 miles west of Ft. Laramie
OSBURN, John (1831- ): m'd 1867 MARTIN, Harriet
OSTRANDER, Nathaniel: emigrated alone in 1850, returned east in 1851 and returned west in 1852 with his family. See: 1852 listing
OWNBEY, Jesse Marvin: originally emigrant of 1845; see 1845 listing
PACKARD, Willman: OHS #1508 23pp
PAINTER, Joseph C. (1841- ): s/o Philip and Jean (Moore) Painter
PAINTER, Margaretta Ann: m'd SCHNEBLY, David; d/o Philip and Jean (Moore) Painter; mother deeded the Oregon Spectator to her c1852 and she ran if for several years; later moved to Ellensburg, WA
PAINTER, Phillip (1794 -1850): m'd MOORE, Jean McDowell; s/o William and Martha (Torton) Painter; died of cholera near Ft. Kearney, NE
PAINTER, Sarah Jean (1843-1914): m'd 1859 DAY, George Clay; d/o Philip and Jean (Moore) Painter; mother of 16 children; died at Finely, ID
PAINTER, Robert (1827- ):
PAINTER,Son #1 ( -1850): died of cholera near Ft. Kearney; s/o Philip and Jean (Moore) Painter
PAINTER, Son #2 ( -1850): died of cholera near Ft. Kearney; s/o Philip and Jean (Moore) Painter
PAINTER, William Charles (1830- ):
PALMER, Peter Parker (1826- ): m'd SLOCUM, Mary
PARKER, Howell (1824- ): settled Marion Co
PARKER, Wiley H. (1825- ): settled Marion Co
PARRISH, Heshbon: emigrant of 1844
*4: PARRISH, John Gould (1805- ): 1823 m'd HERRINGTON, Margaret
*4: PARRISH, William Henry (1848- ): m'd 1874 ALDERMAN, Sarah Angeline; s/o John and Margaret (Herrington) Parrish
PARSONS, Omri: 1849 to CA
PARTLOW, James Monroe (1824- ): m'd 05 Nov 1870 BARRETT, Louise Mrs.; s/o Elijah and Ann (White) Partlow
PARTLOW, Martha Ann (1823- ): m1. 1842 TULL, William S.; m2. 1846 ALLEN, William Richardson Dr.; m3. 1852 BARLOW, William; d/o Elijah and Ann (WHITE) Partlow; born 23 Sept. 1823 in Partlow, Spotsylvania Co., VA, and the twin sister of Mary Elizabeth; migrated to OR with second husband;
PARTLOW, Mary Elizabeth (1823- ): m'd WHITE, William L;d/o Elijah and Ann (WHITE) Partlow;born 23 Sept. 1823 in Partlow, Spotsylvania Co., VA, and the twin sister of Martha Ann
PATTERSON, Alexander (1849-1911): m'd 1902 STRICKER, Ethel May; sc/o Washington and Chloe (Norton) Patterson
PATTERSON, Clara Ann (1852-1912): m'd 1868 GOFF, Stephen Taylor
PATTERSON, Cynthia (1841-1924): m'd 1859 BURGETT, Ira Alvinza; d/o Washington and Chloe (Norton) Patterson
PATTERSON, Diana (1846-1914): m'd 1862 ALLEN, David; d/o Washington and Chloe (Norton) Patterson
PATTERSON, Louisa Jane (1843-1874): m'd 1860 VANDERPOOL, Campbell Mann c/o Washington and Chloe (Norton) Patterson
PATTERSON, George (1829- ): cut off for CA; returned to Grant Co, WI in 1851
PATTERSON, Washington (1819-1884): m'd 1840 NORTON, Chloe; settled Benton Co; moved to Whitman Co, WA where he died Jul 1884.
PATTON, John (1831- ): s/o Matthew and
Polly (Grimes) Patton
PATTON, Robert Jesse (1836-1894): m'd BENNETT, Elizabeth Jane; s/o William and Mary (Sherwood) Patton
PATTON, William Thompson (1807-1888): m'd SHERWOOD, Mary Elizabeth
PAUL, Celia Ann: m'd 1846 ELLIOTT, James Monroe
PAUL, William Augustus (1824-1906): m'd 1849 ELLIOTT, Hannah Jane; settled Linn Co
"PAUL, WILLIAM A.--Born in Washington County, Missouri, November 10, 1824, of Scotch and English parents. His ancestors came to America before the Revolutionary war. He came to Oregon and has since resided on his farm at Lebanon. Married Hannah J. Elliott, and their children are George M., Samuel J., Mahala, Mattie, Hugh G., Celia, and William S. Mr. Paul is proprietor of fifteen hundred acres of land." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 722]
*16: PAXTON, Robert: reached Foster's Farm October 25, 1850
PEAKE, William H. (1831- ): settled in Lane Co
PEARCE, Ira B.: settled in Marion Co
PEARCY, James D.:
PEARCY, Nathan:
PEEBLES, John Cannon (1826- ): m'd MARKS, Eliza J.:
"PEEBLES, JOHN C.--Born January 23, 1826, in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. In 1838 he moved to Indiana, and in 1850 came to Oregon. On October seventh of that year he arrived at Oregon City, and lived there until the following March, when he removed to Marion County and settled at Fairfield, his donation claim embracing the present town site. In 1852 he became assistant clerk in the House of Representatives; in 1853 he was elected a member of the Legislature; in 18&4 he was elected to the Council, where he served three years and was afterwards elected a member of the Constitutional Convention, serving as chairman of the committee on education. In I860 he was elected State Librarian; in 1862 was elected county judge of Marion County, and re-elected in 1866 and again in 1874; in 1880 served as chief clerk of the Senate. Mr. Peebles now resides near Salem on a farm on the line of the O. <fc C. R. R. He was married in 1851 to Miss E. J. Mark, of Clackamas County, and they have five children now living two sons and three daughters." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 722]
PERCIVAL, R. C. (1822- ): m'd 1867 DAVIS, Elizabeth
"PERCIVAL, R. C.--Born in Howard County, Missouri, in 1822; came to California in 1850, and to Oregon three years later, and settled in Douglas County. His present residence is Monmouth, and occupation, farming. He married Elizabeth Davis in 1867, and their children's names are Sidney D.$ Nellie M. (deceased), and Camilla E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 814]
*16: PERHAM, Eugene E. L. (1825- ): settled in Benton Co; reached Foster's Farm October 25, 1850
PERRY, William B.:
PIERCE, Charles W.:
PIETTI, John B.P.:
Harrison (1816-1892): m1. 1844 VENABLE, Martha Frances; m2. 1851 VENABLE, Maria
Louisa; settled Douglas Co
POINDEXTER, James N. (1830- ):
POINDEXTER, Martha Ann (1829-1909): m'd 1845 MAUPIN, Garrett; born 14 Feb 1829 KY and died 17 Mar 1909 Oakland, Douglas Co, OR; d/o Thomas and Maxie Poindexter; mother of 11 children (Leonora, Louisa, Mary Jane, Salina Ellen, Captain Henley, Thomas Perry, Isabel, Edwina, Emma Catherine, Garrett Bryan and John Lee)
POINTER FAMILY RESEARCHER: William Pointer Genealogy
POINTER, Theodore William "Theo" (1842-1923): m'd 1873 CORNING, Silvia Alvira; s/o William and Martha (Long) Pointer; in 1873 he was still attempting to obtain title to his parents' donation land claim
POINTER, William (1810-1854): m'd 1839 LONG, Martha Elizabeth; settled on a donation land claim in Washington Co; died in El Dorado Co, CA Jan 1854; his wife died in 1857
POLLY, Joseph C. (1830- ): s/o Peter and Elizabeth (Cox) Polly; settled Marion Co
POLLY, Peter (1806- ): m'd COX, Elizabeth; settled Marion Co
POOL, John:
POPE, Seth Capt. (1803- ): arrived by ship
PORTER, Allen (1828-1906): m'd 1895 MARLEY, Alma Sophia; s/o Edward and Anna (Anderson) Porter; died King Co, WA; parents and siblings came in 1853
PORTER, John A.: m'd 1858 MULKEY, Missouri
PORTER, R.M. (1826- ): m1. BROWN, Caroline; m2. STOKES, Mrs. Laura A.
"PORTER, R. M.--Born in Park County, Ohio, August 7, 1826; came to Oregon and settled in Washington County, that being his home since. He owns a farm near Forest Grove, and a residence and other property in the town. Married Miss Caroline Brown in 1852; she died in 1859, and in 1860, he married Mrs. Laura A. Stokes. He has four children, namely Ebenezer M., Mary, Tabitha, and Stella. Mr. Porter was assessor of internal revenue for Yamhill and Washington counties for eight years, and Deputy U. S. Marshal for several years." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 722]
PORTERFIELD, James Erastus (1818-1901): m1. 1843 PATRICK, Isabel; m2. 1848 WATSON (CAMPBELL), Ruth
"PORTERFIELD, JAMES E.--Mr. Porterfield is a native of Tennessee; his first place of residence in Oregon was at Luckiamute, Polk County ; his present residence is at Buena Vista, and occupation, farming. He married Ruth Watson in Missouri, and they have one child, named Miles M. Porterfield." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 723]
PORTERFIELD, Miles Marshall (1848-1926): m'd 1881 WRIGHT, Eva DeEtta; s/o Miles and Ruth Porterfield
POST, Jerome B.:
POWELL, Silas (1825-1869): m'd 1844 RICE, Harriet; s/o Joab and Anna (Beeler) Powell; settled Linn Co
POWERS, Ebenezer Z. (1827- ): cut off for CA; per Gilmore researcher Billy Songer
PRINE, William Martin (1812- ): m'd 1831 Unknown, Mary; returned to MO and emigrated again in 1852 with family members
PULLEN, George R.:
*16: PYLE, Thomas: reached Foster's Farm October 25, 1850
RACKLIFF, Alexander:
RACKLIFF, William Capt. (1795-1876): m'd RACKLIFF, Mary; (Mary and William, were cousins, both descendants of John Rackliff, Jr.: William from John & his first wife Mary Foss and Mary from John and his 2nd wife, Mehitable Chandler.) Capt. William Rackliff emigrated with his son and daughter by sea; his wife emigrated with their small son in 1851; Capt. Rackliff died 5 August 1876 in Myrtle Point, Coos Co., Oregon. Mary died in 1880 in Myrtle Point. They are buried in the family cemetery at the forks of the Coquille River. He had a trading post at the forks and made trips to San Francisco with produce and timber to sell and to buy supplies for the trading post. After his death, William E. took over the trading post and the trade with San Francisco. Both Williams built boats on the Umpqua and The Coquille rivers.
RACKLIFF, William Edwards (1834-1909): m'd 1865 RANSOM, Cordelia Emma; s/o William and Mary Rackliff; arrived by sea with father and sister; mother remained in Maine and emigrated in 1851; buried in Rackliff Cemetery, Myrtle Point, Coos Co, OR
RACKLIFF, Mary Jane (1827-1910): m'd 1851 CLARKE, Joseph Edward; d/o William and Mary Rackliff; arrived by sea with father and brother; mother remained in Maine and emigrated in 1851; died in Seattle, WA
RAMSBY, Robinson C. (1823-1909): m'd REYNOLDS, Mary
"RAMSBY, R. C.--Mr. Ramsby, a native of Ohio, came to Oregon in 1850, being then of the age of twenty -seven. A few months later the gold fever took him to California. After a year and a half he set out for New York, by a sailing ship, on which he had the misfortune to be wrecked on the coast of Central America. From there he made his way to New Orleans by way of the City of Mexico, and subsequently got safely to Indiana. He was married to Miss Mary Reynolds, by whom he has had seven children E. B., M. D., S. M., Athaliah, Jennie, Clara, and C. E. In 1868 he came again to Oregon, bringing his wife and children. Since his coming he has followed farming mostly, with several spells of various civil offices, notably the sheriffship of Marion County, which he held in 1880-82." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 723]
RAMSEY, William ( -1850): Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley. "June 20 Wm Ramsey of Scott Co MO died...... morning [Ft. Laramie] He was left here on the 17th by [his] company. He was delerious from the time [he] was placed here. A few hours before his decease he called for his mother and sister in the most piteous tomes I ever heard"
RANSDELL, John "Shelton" (04 Jul 1828-25 Oct 1854): m'd 17 Feb 1853 BROWN, Mary Elizabeth; s/o John and Elizabeth Jane Ransdell; died of injuries he received while loading freight from a boat to a dock.
ODLC: #4959
Yamhill County, Oregon, Shelton Ransdell, b., 1828 Warren County, Kentucky.
Arrived Oregon 27 Oct 1850;
settled claim 11 Nov 1853; m’d Mary Elizabeth Brown 17 Feb 1853 Yamhill County,
Oregon Territory.
June 1854 Ransdell was removed to home of James H. Brown by advice of physician
for medical treatment.
A McMeekin gave affidavit that “Ransdell, my brother in law, was
removed to house of James H. Brown June 1854 for medical attention where he
remained for about 5 days & was removed to house of Mr. Bird where he died in
about a week.” 04 Oct 1854.
Thomas S. Brandon, Judge of Probate Court, Yamhill County, appointed
James H. Brown as Administrator of estate of Shelton Ransdell, deceased.
Aff: Nathan Hussey, Sr., James Hinton Brown, Stephen Hussey,
Henry Bird, James H. Brown.
RAY, Charles F. (1819- ): m'd EYRE, Amelia
"RAY, C. F.--Born in Saratoga County, New York, in 1819; came to Oregon, locating first at Salem ; resides now at Ray s Ferry, near St. Paul, Marion County. This ferry, the first upon the Willamette, was instituted, according to Mr. R. s belief, in 1826, by the Hudson's Bay Company. Mr. Ray purchased from James Force, in 1850, the first and only mail route in Oregon Territory which run upon wheels, viz., the route from Oregon City to Salem. He afterwards extended it to Corvallis. introducing the first Concord coaches in the Northwest. He also built and operated the first livery stable in Salem. He married Amelia Eyre, who was born in England in 1834, and whose parents came to Oregon in 1843. Children Mrs. Mary F. Apperson, Mrs. Eliza Coyle, Amelia, Alice, Ida, William M., Walter W., Inez, John T., Charles P., Maud L., and Guy." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 723-4]
REDFORD, Edward P. (1829- ): m1. 1855 COCHRAN, Sarah Martha; m2. BIRCH, Minerva Mrs.; m3. Hymas (WOOLEY), Harriet E.; emigrated to CA in 1850; 1852 to Portland; 1853 settled in Benton Co
Calvin C. REED FAMILY RESEARCHER NOTE: There were two separate Calvin Reed families in 1850. A relationship between them has not been established at this point.
*14: REED, Benjamin Calvin (1844-1905): m'd 12 Aug 1894 McKERN, Anna; s/o Calvin and Laura (Fuller) Reed; Benjamin Calvin Reed was born on 2 Nov 1844 in Fairview, Fulton, IL. He died on 7 Nov 1905 in Pine City, Whitman, WA. He was buried in Pine City Cemetery, Pine City, Whitman, WA. Benjamin married Anna McKern "Annie" on 12 Aug 1894 in Spokane, WA. Anna was born in Feb 1861 in OR.
REED, Bianca (1850- ): d/o Calvin and Alvira (Brown) Reed; b. 2 October 1850 western slope of Mt. Hood, Clackamas, Oregon; She married William Grandison Hill 2 May 1869 - Wilbur, Douglas, Oregon
The two Calvin Reeds of 1850 by Erica Hanson
*14: REED, Calvin (1811-1863): m'd. 04 Oct 1834 FULLER, Laura Minerva; Calvin Reed Jr. was born on 23 Mar 1811 in Canandaigua, Ontario, NY. He died on 17 Mar 1863 in Troutdale, Multnomah, OR.; he m1. Laura Minerva Fuller daughter of Fuller on 4 Oct 1834 in Olmsted, Cuyahoga, OH. Laura was born on 17 Dec 1815 in Cuyahoga, OH. She died in 1850 in Julesburg, Sedgwick, CO. She was buried along the Oregon Trail; Calvin Calvin was the father of six children (Robert Bruce, Julia Ann, Harriet Ann, Benjamin Calvin, Rupert and Sylvanus)*14: REED, Calvin (1811-1863): m'd. 04 Oct 1834 FULLER, Laura Minerva; Calvin Reed Jr. was born on 23 Mar 1811 in Canandaigua, Ontario, NY. He died on 11 Feb 1856 in Troutdale, Multnomah, OR.; he m. Laura Minerva Fuller daughter of Fuller on 4 Oct 1834 in Olmsted, Cuyahoga, OH. Laura was born on 17 Dec 1815 in Cuyahoga, OH. She died in 1850 near Julesburg, Sedgwick, CO. along the Oregon Trail and was buried on it; Calvin was the father of six children (Robert Bruce, Julia/Juliet, Harriet Ann, Benjamin Calvin, Rupert and Sylvanus).
REED, Calvin C. ( -1856): m'd BROWN, Alvira A. Brown; The Reeds arrived at the Philip Foster Farm in Eagle Creek, Clackamas, Oregon - a few days after the birth of their 7th child Bianca. The birth occurred on the western slope of Mt. Hood on the Barlow Road. Calvin C. Reed died 2 February 1856 Winchester, Douglas, Oregon. (Children who were born after the families arrival in Oregon are Dwight Reed born 14 May 1852 - Winchester, Douglas, Oregon--married Alice L. Iles 1873 - Eugene, Lane, Oregon and Hortense R. Reed born 2 May 1854 - Winchester, Douglas, Oregon-married Thomas Applegate 24 October 1875 - Wilbur, Douglas, Oregon)
REED, Calvin Mattson (1840- ): m'd PARKS, Lottie; s/o Calvin and Alvira (Brown) Reed; b. 1840, Anamosa, Jones, Iowa
REED, Decator Gaye (1847- ): s/o Calvin and Alvira (Brown) Reed; b. 14 May 1847 Anamosa, Jones, Iowa; He married Mattie McKay 22 December 1887 - Douglas County, Oregon
REED, Delinda A. (1835- ): m'd 24 Mar 1853 HILL, Fleming Radford in Wilbur, Douglas Co, OR; d/o Calvin and Alvira (Brown) Reed; b. 27 March 1835 in Ypsilanti, Washtenaw, Michigan.
REED, Charles H.:
REED, George Nelson (1839- ): m'd 22 October 1874 SWISHER, Sarah Catherine in Union County, Oregon; s/o Calvin and Alvira (Brown) Reed; b. 9 August 1839 in Ypsilanti, Washtenaw, Michigan.
*14: REED, Harriet Ann (1842-1924): m'd MARDEN, John Merrill; d/o Calvin and Laura (Fuller) Reed; Harriet Ann Reed "Hatty; Hattie" was born on 9 Apr 1842 in Springfield, Sangamon, IL. She died on 26 Oct 1924 in The Dalles, Wasco, OR. Harriet married John Merrill Marden son of Nathaniel M. Marden and Mary Lutz on 13 Jan 1869 in Wasco, OR. John was born on 30 Nov 1828 in Georgetown, DC. He died on 19 Mar 1912 in Wasco, OR
*14: REED, Julia Ann (1841-1919): m'd HARN , William Singleton; d/o Calvin and Laura (Fuller) Reed; Julia was born on 22 Apr 1841 in IL. She died on 17 Apr 1919 in Kellogg, Shoshone, ID. She was buried in Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Mulnomah, OR. Julia married William Singleton Harn son of Elisha Lemuel Harn and Keziah Griswell on 17 Mar 1859 in Portland, Multnomah, OR. William was born in 1831 in Hagerstown, Frederick, MD. He died on 10 Oct 1895 in Hood River, Hood River, OR.
REED, Oscar Oran (1842- ): m1. 24 May 1866 LEHNHERR, Mary Catherine; m2. 22 Jun 1890 BRITTON, Margaret Woods; s/o Calvin and Alvira (Brown) Reed; b. 9 June 1842 Anamosa, Jones, Iowa
*14: REED, Robert Bruce (1837- ): s/o Calvin and Laura (Fuller) Reed
*14: REED, Rupert (c1848- ): s/o Calvin and Laura (Fuller) Reed;
REED, Sarah Alvina (1844- ): m1. 06 May 1865 IMBLER, John Warren Imbler in Wilbur, Douglas, Oregon; m2 Dec 1889 RIPPETOW, James L.; d/o Calvin and Alvira (Brown) Reed; b. 3 March 1844 Anamosa, Jones, Iowa
*14: REED, Sylvanus (c1849- ): s/o Calvin and Laura (Fuller) Reed;
*14: REED, Zachariah (1804- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Jane; settled Clackamas Co
REID, Georgia Anna (1841-1914): m'd 17 Feb 1859 HUGHES, Samuel R.; d/o James and Sarah (Kelly) Reid
REID, James H. (1814-1877): m;d 12 Jun 1837 KELLY, Sarah Jane; settled Washington County, father of 6 children (Mary Ellen, Georgia Ann, John James, Sarah E., Clarence M. and Millard F.)
REID, John James (c1849-aft 1870): m'd 21 Sep 1871 CHOATE, Susan Moriah
REID, Mary Ellen (1840-1918): m'd c1857 BROWN, Matthew M.; d/o James and Sarah (Kelly) Reid
REYNOLDS, Joseph; Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley.Joe Reynolds wounded himself slightly in the thigh with his Bowie knife this evening
RHODES, Croghan (1818- ): m'd 1843 [ ], Nancy
RHYNE, Elizabeth ( -1850): m'd SETTLEMIER, George F.; died on trail
RICE, Charles (1797- ): settled Linn Co
RICE, James N. (1832- ): m'd 1857 ROBINETT, Nancy
"RICE, JAMES N.--Born in Campbell County, Tennessee, March 17, 1832. Moved to Missouri at an early age. Coming to Oregon he settled in Linn County, and is a farmer. Has represented Linn County in the legislature. Participated in the Rogue River war, and was wounded at the Meadows fight. Married Miss Nancy Robinett in 1857." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 724]
RICHET, James M.:
RICKEY, Henry:
RICKEY, James (1802-1875):
"RICKEY, JAMES--Born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1802; removed successively to Ohio, Iowa, and Oregon, arriving in the latter State in 1850. Settled in Marion County. Died January 24, 1875." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 724]
*8: RIDDLE, Dan:
RIFFLE, Thomas M. (1828- ): settled Lane Co
*18: RIGDON, Amanda (1846- ): d/o Thomas and Anna (Townsend) Rigdon
*18: RIGDON, Artillisa (1843- ): m'd 1858 CALLAHAN, Sidney C.; d/o Thomas and Anna (Townsend) Rigdon
*18: RIGDON, George: s/o Thomas and Anna (Townsend) Rigdon
*18: RIGDON, Lutinsi (1847- ): m'd SHAFFER, Logan; d/o Thomas and Anna (Townsend) Rigdon
RIGDON, Stephen (11 May 1829 - 01 Aug 1904): m'd BRISTOW, Zelphia Etna; s/o John and Catherine (Logan) Rigdon; to CA 1850; to OR 1853; his wife's family emigrated to Oregon in 1848 and it was thought that the Rigdon's accompanied them but the Bio of Stephen Rigdon says he emigrated to California in 1850 and to Oregon in 1853
*18: RIGDON, Thomas (1818- ): m'd 1843 TOWNSEND, Anna; s/o John and Catherine (Logan) Rigdon; settled in Marion Co
*18: RIGDON, Winfield Taylor (1849-1942): m'd 1878 SMITH, Mary Jane; s/o Thomas and Anna (Townsend) Rigdon
"RIGDON, W. T.--Born in Powesheik County, Iowa, in 1849, and was brought by his parents to Oregon the next year. Settled in Marion County, where he has since lived. Has taught school; was a member of the Legislature in 1882; and is an enthusiastic temperance advocate. Married Miss Mattie J. Smith in 1878. Resides in Jefferson." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 724]
RIGGS, Salina: m'd 1849 MORRIS, Preston
RIGSON, Thomas (1824- ): settled in Clackamas Co; went to Jackson Co where he died; family returned to Clackamas Co
RILEY, J. B. (1827- ): m'd JACOBS, S.
"RILEY, J. B.--Born iii Vermont in 1S27. Went to Massachusetts in 1846 and became apprentice to a cabinet-maker near Boston. In May, 1849, lie took passage on the third vessel that left Boston for California, sailing by way of Cape Horn. He came to Oregon in 1850, and lived ten years in Oregon City; then moved to The Dalles, where he lived three years, and after a short residence in Portland, purchased a hotel in Dayton, a business he is engaged in at present. He was married in 1862 to Miss S. Jacobs, and two children were born to them Ella M., and William." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 725]
RISDON, David M.:
RITCHIE, Harvey A. (1827-1905): to IL 1828, to IA 1833; back to IL 1843; emigrant to CA 1850; buried Wasco Methodist Cemetery, Sherman Co, OR (per Sherry Kaseberg at sherryk@transport.com)
*21: RITCHIE, Samuel and wife
*1: RITTER, Barbara: m'd HARDMAN, Joseph
*1: RITTER, Margaret: m'd HARDMAN, Benjamin Jr.
RITZ, Philip: settled Benton Co; OHS #1508 6pp
*21: ROBERTS, Samuel B. and wife
ROBINSON, I. C. (1827- ):
*12: RODGERS, James Berry (1826-1899): m'd 1850 MANSFIELD, Martha Jane; s/o Jesse C. and Ruth (Hurt) Rodgers; James Berry Rodgers (11/12/1826-1/31/1899), & Martha Jane Mansfield Rodgers
(5/9/1831-6/12/1914), married 10/10/1850 by Martha's uncle John Mansfield and
settled in Harrisburg, OR. They had 6 boys & 7 girls, five children died of
childhood diseases and are buried in Alford Cemetery, north of Harrisburg. The
Rodgers moved to So. Oregon, White City (Beagle) area in 1871, and raised their
8 remaining children. Both James & Martha, with many of their descendants are buried at our Pioneer/Historic Antioch Cemetery in White City
(previously known as Beagle area in Jackson County). The Rodgers line is French (Huguenots), according to my grandmother.
During the Civil War, the father, Jesse Rodgers was killed while out gathering medicinal
roots by members of the Northern States Militia (Yankees). In the spring of 1850
Jesse & Ruth's son James Berry Rodgers (1826-1899), his brother Milton and
a sister, joined a train of wagons heading from Missouri to the Willamette River
Valley in Oregon Territory. In an account of an ancestor, Milton A. Houston left
Missouri in 1849 to find land suitable for raising stock and growing sorghum.
Possibly the Rodgers siblings were similarly motivated.
There was much illness on the prairie and many people died, among them
Nicholas Mansfield (1800-1850) of Roane Co. Tenn. and his wife Martha Jane
Morris Mansfield (?- 1850). Nicholas and Martha died at separate places near
Fort Kearny (now Nebraska) along the Oregon Trail. Other members of the
Mansfield family on the wagon train took the orphaned children (one was my g
grandmother Martha Jane Mansfield Rodgers). The settlers continued across the
plains to Fort Hall (now Idaho), where the trail split south to California
Territory and north along the Snake River to Oregon Territory.
When they reached The Dalles, on the Columbia River, the settlers heard of
the new Oregon Donation Land Law which provided that married couples could
receive 640 acres of free land to farm if they applied before December 1850.
"Love blossomed" among the settlers and on October 10, 1850, 24 year old James
Berry Rodgers and 19 year old Martha Jane Mansfield were married. Their
minister was her uncle John Mansfield. With deed in hand James & Martha
settled on a section of land near Harrisburg where they built a home and began
rearing a family of 6 boys & 7 girls.
*12: RODGERS, Martha Jane (1833-1918): m'd 1848 ALFORD, Russell; d/o Jesse and Ruth (Hurt) Rodgers; buried Alford Cemetery, Linn Co
ROSS, Emma: m'd SANI, [ ]
ROWELL, Daniel (1827-1865): m'd 1851 Buell, Paulina; His wife Paulina or Pollina Buell, daughter of Elias Buell, came over the Oregon trail in 1847. They went back to Wisconsin to be with his family, and were returning to Oregon when they died July 30, 1865 in the shipwreck of the "Brother Jonathan" at Crescent City, California. The bodies of Daniel and Pollina were found and buried at Crescent City, but the children were lost. Only a single boat with a few passengers was able to leave the ship, and survivor Mary (Tweedale) Garretson later recalled the Rowells, "That sweet family, father, mother, standing on that pitching deck, their little ones clutched about them, the wind and spray lashing at their clothing, and she, that beautiful woman, gazing down at us so wistfully as we pulled away."
ROYER, Katherine: m'd HAMILTON, Edward; probably arrived by ship with husband
RUST, William M: traveled to Oregon with a small group of single men; used horses and mules to drive the wagons instead of the oxen used by many; arrived in Oregon City where he wintered and left for California in the spring of 1851. William is mentioned throughout the Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 which is available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley.
RYCRAFT, Squire Little (1828- ): m'd 1858 HAWLEY, Sarah Jane; s/o Joseph and Mary (Hoffman) Rycraft; orphaned at the age of seven; went to CA gold fields in 1850 and then to Oregon in 1851; settled in Benton County; father of Alma May, Emma Frances, George Hoffman, Joseph C., John A., Leona Belle, Leonidas H., Mark P., Ethel M., Edmie, Mildred and Charles A.
SALISBURY, George W.: went to Sandwich Islands soon after arrival and died there
SAMMIS, Cordelia (1825-1852): m'd 1847 HUDSON, Nathaniel
SAMPSON, Miriam (1810-1889): m'd TOWNSEND, Gamaliel George
SANDFORD, R. (1831- ):
*10: SAVAGE, Henry H.: m'd CLAGGETT, Martha; s/o John and Cynthia (Crawford) Savage
*10: SAVAGE, James Franklin: m'd RAY, Maggie; s/o John and Jane (Waite) Savage
*10: SAVAGE, James Henry (1835-1902): orphaned nephew of John Mulkey Savage
*10: SAVAGE, John Mulkey Dr. (1807-1888): m1. CRAWFORD, Cynthia Jane; m2. 1842 WAITE, Jane
*10: SAVAGE, John Waite (1845-1873): m'd 1866 WILCOX, Harriet C.; s/o John and Jane (Waite) Savage
*10: SAVAGE, Louisa S. (1831-1917): m'd PITMAN, Azariah James: d/o John and Cynthia (Crawford) Savage
*10: SAVAGE, Martha Crawford (1835-1928): m'd 1854 BYRD, Lorenzo Austin; d/o John and Jane (Waite) Savage
*10: SAVAGE, Susan Margaret (1838-1909): m'd 1859 GRIFFITH, Lewis Cunningham; d/o John and Cynthia (Crawford) Savage
*10: SAVAGE, William Newton (1847-1927): m'd RAY, Susan E.; s/o John and Jane (Waite) Savage
*10: SAVAGE, William: emigrant of 1845
SAVIER, Thomas A.: m'd MILLER, Mary H.
SAWYER, James:
SCHWATKA, Frederick G. (1810-1888): m'd 1833 HUKILL, Amelia; father of 8 children; DLC on Pt. Adams at the mouth of the Columbia; moved to Linn Co in 1853 where he worked as a cooper; 1859 moved to Salem, Marion Co where he remained until his death
SCOTT, James A. (c1821-1891): buried Oregon State Asylum Cemetery; Marion Co, OR
SCOTT, Samuel T.
SCOTT, Thomas:
SCRIBER, Charles Walgrave (1821- ): m'd 1851 GRIFFITH, Mary Jane; s/o Cornelius and Amelia (Walgrave) Scriber
SEELY, Joseph S.:
SETTLE, Henryett (1843-1926): m'd NYE, Jacob L.; d/o [] and Betsey (Gore) Settle; settled Linn Co, OR; buried Gilliland Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
SETTLEMIER, A.: m'd ALLEN, Linnie Ann
SETTLEMIER, Adam: s/o George and Elizabeth (Rhyne) Settlemier
SETTLEMIER, Alexander Allen:
SETTLEMIER, Columbus Kelly: died in CA
SETTLEMIER, George F. (1807-1896): m'd RHYNE, Elizabeth; wife died on trail
SETTLEMIER, George Marion:
SETTLEMIER, George Robbins:
SETTLEMIER, Henry Washington: s/o George and Elizabeth (Rhyne) Settlemier
SETTLEMIER, Jesse Holland (1840- ):
SETTLEMIER, Martin Rhyne:
SETTLEMIER, William Franklin:
SEXTON, Edward S. (1822- ):
SHADDEN, Madison (1834- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Martha; s/o Thomas and Martha (Sumner) Shadden
SHARP, Thomas: Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley."I sent my trunk to Sacramento City by Thos Sharp of KY.. I was compelled to throw it away or hire some person to take it through for me."
SHAVER, George Washington (1832-1900): m�d Sarah DIXON, d/o James Baughman DIXON & Susan COPPLE
SHEASGREEN, James Jameson (1816- ): settled Polk Co
SHEFFIELD, Jame (1829- ): cut off for CA; returned to Grant Co, WI in 1851
SHERMAN, Isaiah:
*18: SHERWOOD, Child #1:
*18: SHERWOOD, Child #2:
*18: SHERWOOD, Child #3:
*18: SHERWOOD, John (1816- ): m'd BONNEY, Hannah S.
SHIEL, George K.:
SHIEL, James Dr. (1829-1853): m'd 1848 NAGLE, Julia M.; buried St. Paul Cemetery, St. Paul, Marion Co, OR; one of first practicing physicians at French Prairie
SHIRLEY, Ezekial A.:
SILVER, Cleves S.:
SIMMONS, Daniel:
SIMMONS, Wheelock (1820- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Lucinda; settled Washington Co
SIMMS, Henry H. (1823- ): m 'd 1852 SPRINGER, Elizabeth
"SIMMS, HENRY H.--Born in Illinois in 1823; came to Oregon and settled at Willamina Creek, Yamhill County, where he still resides, engaged in farming. He married Elizabeth Springer in Polk County in 1852, and their children s names are Sylvander, Susan, and Henry." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 725]
SIMPSON, Francis (1806- ): m'd 1840 [ ], Mary Ann; settled Linn Co
SIPPY, John (1826- ): m1. 1849 HOLLIDAY, Mrs. J.; m2. 1853 HASKETT, Mary J.
"SIPPY, JOHN--Born in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, in 1826; moved to Illinois in 1847, to California in 1850, and to Oregon three years later, settling in Lane County; in 1864 moved to Linn County. Married twice, first in 1849, to Mrs. J. Holliday, who died in 1850, and next, in 1853, to Mary J. Haskett; has had eight children Ann J., Marinda, Mary, Samuel, Eliza, Lizzette, Philip, and Verlanda." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 819]
SKAIFE, Jasper Newton "Jap" (1850- ): s/o John and Marietta (Hiles) Skaife; born at foot of Mt. Hood during emigration
SKAIFE, John (1822-1892): m'd HILES, Marietta; settled Marion Co
SKIDMORE, Ada (c1845- ): m'd SITTON, Charles E.; d/o Andrew and Sarah (Slater) Skidmore
SKIDMORE, Andrew B.R. ( -1862): m'd SLATER, Sarah Ann
SKIDMORE, Martha (c1843- ): m'd CONNOR, [ ]; d/o Andrew and Sarah (Slater) Skidmore
SKIDMORE, Mary A. (1841- ): m'd PRESTON, [ ]; s/o Andrew and Sarah (Slater) Skidmore
SKIDMORE, Sarah Ann:
SKIDMORE, Stephen Griggs (1838- ): s/o Andrew and Sarah (Slater) Skidmore
SLATER, James Harvey (1827- ): m'd 1854 GRAY, Elizabeth Edna; settled Benton Co
SLATER, Mr.: Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley." June 20 We shall wait here for Ham, Lanton [and] Slater, three young men from St. Louis; may be same as above
SLAVIN, John Addison (1829- ): m'd 1852 ROSS,
Emma Ruth; s/o William and Frances (Woods) Slavin; donation land claim is now
part of Portland, successful business man with numerous land holdings; father
of six children; republican
SMART, James (1822- ):
SMITH, Mary Ann (1833-1908): m'd 1850 MILLER, John B.
SMITH, Peter:
SMITH, Pitzer: emigrated with brother, William; both returned east to get their parents; returned in 1853 with family
SMITH, William: emigrated with his brother, Pitzer; both returned east to get their parents; returned in 1853 with family
*9: SMYTH, Hinson:
SNELLING, George L. Capt.:
SOUTHERLAND, Ruth ( -1869): m'd 1817 WALKER, Eli; buried Yoncalla Cemetery, Douglas Co, OR
SPARKS, Lemuel A.:
SPARKS, Richard (1816- ): settled Lane Co
SPRINGER, B. H. (1829- ): m'd 17 May 1855 WARREN, Eliza
"SPRINGER, B. H.--Born in Steuben County, New York, September 26, 1829, and lived successively in Illinois and Iowa. Came from the latter State to Oregon in 1850, and settled in the Grande Ronde, Polk County, in 1851, remaining there until 1856, when he removed to Amity, Yamhill County. His principal occupation has been farming; but at present he has chosen the less fatiguing duties of notary public and conveyancer. He has three children Barney I)., Olive (Mrs. W. R. Smith), and George. Their mother was Miss Eliza Warren, whom Mr. Springer married on May 17, 1855." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 725]
STARK, John:
STARKWEATHER, William A. (1822- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Eliza; settled Linn Co
"STARKWEATHER, W. A.--Born in Preston, Connecticut, in 1822; taught school there and in Ohio; went to California in 1850, and in the same year came to Oregon. Took a donation claim near Scio in 1852 and remained two years, when he removed to Clackamas County, and resides there still. Elected to the House of Representatives in 1854 and many times since. State Senator in 1878. Married Miss Eliza Gordon in 1853." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 725]
STEIWER, Frederick: m 'd 21 Oct 1851 LOONEY, Susan; settled Marion County, OR; Land Records
STEVENS, Benjamin D.:
*9: STEWART, Alexander:
STEWART, George W. (1830- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Sarah W.; settled Benton Co
STEWART, James W.:
*12: STIPPLE, Elizabeth (1815-01 Jul 1850): m1. c1835 BRINKER, John; m2. c1839 MANSFIELD, John; died on trail near Ash Hollow; buried Ash Hollow Cemetery, Lewellen Garden County, Nebraska
STONE, Nancy ( -1850): m'd 1836 WILMOT, Robert P.; died on the trail of cholera
STOUT, Johnathan L. (1822- ): m'd 1843 BECKWITH, Abigail E.; settled Clackamas Co
STROWBRIDGE, Justus: went to CA 1850; to OR 1853
STROWBRIDGE, William: went to CA 1850; to OR 1853
SULLIVAN, Jane (1827-1882): m'd WOODWORTH, Franklin Newland
SULLIVAN, Timothy:
SULTZBURGER, Sarah Margaret: m'd NOBLE, William Sherman
SUTHERLIN, Amanda (03/23 Feb 1850-10 Mar 1937): m'd 30 Oct 1870 PLUMMER, Eli; d/o Thomas and Jane (Briscoe) Sutherlin; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
SUTHERLIN, Clinton (1826-08 Nov 1870): s/o John and Sarah (Carmichael) Sutherlin; buried Valley View Cemetery, Sutherlin, Douglas County, Oregon
SUTHERLIN, Fendel Jr (22 Jan 1824-29 Aug 1901): m'd 1846 LEGAN, Catherine Jane; s/o John and Sarah (Carmichael) Sutherlin; buried Valley View Cemetery, Sutherlin, Douglas County, Oregon
SUTHERLIN, James Polk (Jun 1845-01 May 1883): m'd [ ], Eliza; s/o John and Sarah (Carmichael) Sutherlin; buried Valley View Cemetery, Sutherlin, Douglas County, Oregon
SUTHERLIN, Jane (28 Jul 1843-27 Aug 1929): m1. 23 May 1858 TAPP, Robert Henry; m2. FERGUSON, Mr.; d/o John and Sarah (Carmichael) Sutherlin; buried Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
SUTHERLIN, John Sampson (17 Apr 1832-16 Feb 1874): m'd BROWN, Mary; s/o John and Sarah (Carmichael) Sutherlin; buried Valley View Cemetery, Sutherlin, Douglas County, Oregon
SUTHERLIN, Malinda (09 May 1835-29 Mar 1930): m'd CROUCH, Washington Hambleton; d/o John and Sarah (Carmichael) Sutherlin; buried Valley View Cemetery, Sutherlin, Douglas County, Oregon
SUTHERLIN, Sampson (1837-28 Dec 1914): m'd PARRIS, Lucy Ann; s/o John and Sarah (Carmichael) Sutherlin; buried Valley View Cemetery, Sutherlin, Douglas County, Oregon
SUTHERLIN, Sarah F. (17 May 1830-18 Dec 1880): m'd 25 Oct 1851 LEVINS, James F.; d/o John and Sarah (Carmichael) Sutherlin; buried Elkton Cemetery, Elkton, Douglas County, Oregon
SUTHERLIN, Serrena "Rena" (04 Mar 1840-22 Jul 1915): m'd ADAMS, Mathew; d/o John and Sarah (Carmichael) Sutherlin; buried Roseburg IOOF Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
SUTHERLIN, Thomas (24 May 1828-20 Apr 1900): m'd 1847 BRISCOE, Jane (div 1859); s/o John and Sarah (Carmichael) Sutherlin; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon; originally Sutherlin and son later changed name to Sutherland
SWART, Simon:
SWEET, Charles B.:
TALLMAN, Elizabeth: d/o James Tallman
TALLMAN, Frederick: s/o James Tallman
TALLMAN, Ira: s/o James Tallman
TALLMAN, James Jr.: s/o James Tallman
TALLMAN, James (1801-1876): m1. ; m2. 1847 KNOS, Catherine; settled in the Lebanon area at what later became known as Tallman
TALLMAN, Sidney: s/o James Tallman
TALLMAN, Stephen: s/o James Tallman
TALLMAN, Thomas: s/o James Tallman
TALLMAN, William: s/o James Tallman
TANDY, Francis Burris (1815-1911): m'd HARLOW,
Mahlon Hall; d/o Jackson and Sarah (Snelling) Tandy; started for OR in 1850
but wintered over at Salt Lake before continuing on to Oregon; settled in Lane
TANDY, Jemima Melvina (1834-1912): m'd 1857 BUSHNELL, John Corydon; settled in Lane Co near her sister, Francis; started for OR in 1850 but wintered over at Salt Lake before continuing on to Oregon; was in such poor health at the beginning of the emigration that it was feared she would not reach Oregon, however by the end of the journey her health was much improved
TANDY, Robert Rutherford (1831-1905): never
married; s/o Jackson and Sarah (Snelling) Tandy; emigrated with sister, Francis
and her family; started for OR in 1850 but wintered over at Salt Lake before
continuing on to Oregon; started east in 1853 with Andrew
J. Babb but was attacked by Indians at Crow Creek in July 1853; turned back
and joined the Gale party to return to OR; Babb started on the new Cutoff but
turned back and took the Oregon Trail into the valley via the Dalles; Robert
remained on the cutoff and was one of the men sent ahead to get assistance for
the "Lost Train of 1853"; in 1880 was living in Lake Co, OR with brother,
TANDY, William Snelling
(1837-1911): never married; s/o Jackson and Sarah (Snelling) Tandy; started
for OR in 1850 but wintered over at Salt Lake before continuing on to Oregon;
in 1880 was living in Lake Co, OR with brother, Robert; in 1910 living in Tillamook
Co, OR
TAYLOR, Hiram:
TAYLOR, Oliver P. (1823- ): m'd 1844 [ ], Sarah
TAYLOR, Sarah Ann (1822-1905): m'd GIBSON, Guyon
TAYLOR, William:
TEETER, Thomas (1806- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Angeline; settled Marion Co
TEMPLE, William Bedford: OHS #1508 4pp
THARP, Abraham: m'd STEWART, Margaret
THOMAS, Andrew J.:
THOMAS, Edrick (1815- ):
THOMAS, James:
THOMPSON, Amos (1846- ): s/o James and Perlina (Hendrickson) Thompson
THOMPSON, George (1850- ): s/o James and Perlina (Hendrickson) Thompson; born on the plains in Nebraska 24 Jul 1850
THOMPSON, James (1815-1882): m'd 15 Mar 1838 HENDRICKSON, Perlina
THOMPSON, John (1849- ): s/o James and Perlina (Hendrickson) Thompson
THOMPSON, Margaret (1844-1925): m1. 1859 SISSON, Joseph; m2. 1874 SISSON, Thomas; m3. 1883 SNOW, Martin; d/o James and Perlina (Hendrickson) Thompson
THOMPSON, Samuel (1838-1901): m'd 18 Jul 1863 DESHIELDS, Martha Minerva; s/o James and Perlina (Hendrickson) Thompson
THORNTON, James (29 May 1826- ):
Thornton, Ashland resident and one of the few remaining pioneers of this
section, grew reminiscent on April 1, while recalling events of the olden days,
and brought to mind that it was just sixty-four years from that date when he
assisted in the first search for placer gold at the diggings on the spot where
the city of Yreka, in Siskiyou County, California, now stands. There was no
settlement there then, almost the entire country being a wilderness, although
another party of miners were working at Scott's Bar some distance away. This was
in 1851. The Thornton party consisted of twenty-two men, organized in Yamhill
County, Oregon, who got the gold fever and started south on February 11 of that
year. They got as far as Dunsmuir and were compelled to turn back on account of
deep snow and stress of weather,. The party packed into the wilderness with an
average of two animals apiece. While near the site of where Yreka now stands
they prospected for the yellow metal and found it in paying streaks, though no
attempt was made to mine systematically to bedrock, they simply working the
surface. As Mr. Thornton remembers it, no name was given to this original camp.
In the course of three months, the water supply giving out, the party returned
to Oregon, various members of the expedition having cleaned up about $1000
Of the original party six were intimate
companions and had come to Oregon from Louisa County, Iowa, in the spring of
1850. They were Jacob Wagner, James and John Thornton, Charles Hendricks,
Humphrey Long and a German named Henry Van Asalt. The late Albert Rockfellow was
also a member of the initial party, but he left them at a point now within the
boundaries of the state of Nebraska, preferring to join an expedition direct to
California instead of coming to Oregon. All of these men have passed away with
the exception of James Thornton. Mr. Thornton was born in Tippecanoe County,
Indiana, "on the banks of the Wabash," May 29, 1826, consequently he is in his
90th year. He returned to the central west in the fall of 1851, via Central
America, the sea voyage from
Nicaragua to New York being in the old original
steamer Vanderbilt. Coming back to Oregon, he located respectively in the
Willamette Valley and later on at Jacksonville and then at Talent. He came to
Ashland about the year 1867, and for a long period was actively identified with
the woolen mills here. For eight years he was the owner of what is now known at
the Dollarhide toll road over the Siskiyous, and at one time was associated with
Jacob Wagner in ranching operations near Talent. Standing on the threshold
of 90 years, he has lived to see the mineral output of Siskiyou County in three
score years reach an aggregate of $175,000,000." [Medford Mail Tribune, April 5,
1915, page 3 contributed by Ben Truwe Southern
Oregon History]
THURMAN, Granville Cauthorn ( -1896): m'd [ ], Catherine; settled Clackamas Co
TIBBITS, Dr.; Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley." July 4 "Dr. Tibbits has travelled with us several days but left on the 4th"
TICE, Thomas:
TIDD, Warwick H.T. (1829-c1892): m1. 1852 [ ], Mary;
m2. c1873 [ ], Mary C.; s/o William and Catherine (Burton) Tidd;
sailor; settled Yamhill Co
TODD, Martha Ann (1822-1868): m'd BROWN, George Washington
TODD, Mary Ann ( -c1876): m'd BROWN, George Washington
TODHUNTER, Clarinda (c1818- ): m'd 1836 BELKNAP, Silas; settled Benton Co
*18: TOWNSEND, Abigail (1829- ): m'd 1847 BAUGHMAN, Jacob; s/o George and Marian (Sampson) Townsend; originally buried on a hillside on the family farm; later reinterred in Simmons Cemetery, Marion Co, OR
*18: TOWNSEND, Anna (1826-1892): m1. 1844 RIGDON, Thomas; m2. 1854 BEARDSLEY, Orondo; m3. 1869 WILSON, Elijah T.; m4. 1882 LAFOLLETT, David; d/o George and Marian (Sampson) Townsend
*18: TOWNSEND, Ebenezer Larned (1840-1929): m'd SMITH, Emma; s/o George and Marian (Sampson) Townsend
*18: TOWNSEND, Elizabeth: d/o George and Marian (Sampson) Townsend; died as a young woman
*18: TOWNSEND, Gamaliel George (1803-1886): m'd 1822 SAMPSON, Miriam
*18: TOWNSEND, George (c1849- ): m'd NOBLET, Emma; s/o George and Marian (Sampson) Townsend
*18: TOWNSEND, Jonathan Rockwell: m'd FISHER, [ ]; s/o George and Marian (Sampson) Townsend
*18: TOWNSEND, Miriam: m'd GARRETT, John: d/o George and Marian (Sampson) Townsend
*18: TOWNSEND, Rachel: d/o George and Marian (Sampson) Townsend; died as a young woman
*18: TOWNSEND, Washington R. (1845-1946): m'd STEPHENS, Nancy Emeline; s/o George and Marian (Sampson) Townsend
TRAISTER, Lydia Ann (1822-1894): m'd 1841 MCKEE, James; settled in Silverton, Marion Co, OR; buried Simmons Cemetery, Mt. Angel, Marion Co, OR
*13: TRAPP, Keziah ( -1850): m'd JOHNSON, Charles B.; died on trail near Ash Hollow of cholera
TRITES, Elizabeth: m'd COX, Lewis
TULL, Rosanna (1838- ): Rose would have
been a Tull family slave before the death of William Tull. His widow
Martha Ann (Partlow) Tull remarried Dr. William Allen and Rose accompanied them
west. Rosanna Tull shows up in the 1860 US Census in Curry, Clackamas,
Oregon in the household of Martha Ann (now Barlow) and is recorded as a Black
servant, b. abt. 1838.
TULL, William S. (1844- ): s/o William and Martha (Partlow) Tull; father died and mother remarried; traveled with mother and step-father (William R. Allen) and siblings and step-siblings
*2: TURPIN, Marcilla (1834-c1860): m'd TAYLOR, []; d/o [] and Salina (Riggs) Turpin Morris; traveled to Oregon with Preston Morris family
*2: TURPIN, Polina (1839-1866): m'd ARMSTRONG, Clayborn E.; d/o [] and Salina (Riggs) Turpin Morris; travled to Oregon with Preston Morris family
*18: UMPHLET, Stanley Capt.:
VENABLE, Maria Louise (1827- ): m'd 1851 PINKSTON, Harrison; d/o Nathaniel and Mary Venable
VENABLE, Martha Francis (1820-1850): m'd 1844 PINKSTON, Harrison; d/o Nathaniel and Mary Venable
VENABLE, Mary Helen (1817-1851): m'd MEDLEY, John H.; d/o Nathaniel and Mary Venable
VENABLE, Nathaniel:
WADE, Charles A.:
WAGNER, Jacob:
WAITE, Jane (1819-1875): m'd SAVAGE, John Mulkey
WALKER, Almira (1832- ): m1. ; m2. ;
m3 or 4 1863 SYKES, Millard F.; d/o Eli and Ruth (Southerland) Walker
WALKER, Alpheous (1827- ): s/o Eli and Ruth (Southerland) Walker
WALKER, Charlotte (1832- ): do Eli and Ruth (Southerland) Walker
WALKER, Eli (1790-1868): m'd 1817 SOUTHERLAND, Ruth; buried Yoncalla Cemetery, Douglas Co, OR
WALKER, Henry (1831- ): s/o Eli and Ruth (Southerland) Walker
WALKER, James (1822- ): s/o Eli and Ruth (Southerland) Walker
WALLACE, Thomas William:
WALLING, Albert G. (1828-1896): m'd WHITE, Sarah Ann; s/o Gabriel and Lucy (Rorick) Walling
WALTER, Mabel Jerusha: m'd MILLER, [ ]
WARD, Nancy: m'd 1835 BELT, Alfred Metcalf
WARD, Sarah Elizabeth (1829- ): m'd 1845 BELL, John Colgate
WARREN, Andrew J. (1832- ): m'd 1855 SPALDING, Eliza
"WARREN, A. J.--Lives three miles east of Brownsville, Linn County, engaged in farming and stock-raising. He was born in Lexington, Missouri, August 10, 1832, and married in 1855 to Miss Eliza Spalding, a daughter of the missionary Spalding. Their children are America, Lizzie (deceased), Minnie, and James H." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 726]
WASHBURN, Edward T.:
WASHBURN, James (1822- ): m1. SPERRY, Sarah; m2. CAYPOOL, Margaret F.; m3. DAVIDSON, Emeline
"WASHBURN, JAMES H.--Resides in Brownsville, Linn County, and is a dealer in general merchandise. He was born in Putnam County, New York, January 5, 1822; came to the Pacific coast in 1850, and to Oregon two years later. His first wife, Sarah Sperry, died in 1857; his second wife, Margaret F. Caypool, died in 1864, and he is now living with his third wife, formerly Emeline Davidson. His only child, William D., is by his first wife." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 790]
*19: WASHINGTON, George (1817- ): born Frederick Co, WV, was the son of a white Englishwoman and a black man; grew up with James E. Cochrane family; moved around quite a bit until 14 Mar 1850 when he joined with James Cochrane family to emigrate to the Oregon country; started with 4 oxen and a wagon; 1872 laid out the town of Centralia, WA
WATKINS, David (1809- ): m'd 1845 [ ], Zela M.; settled Linn Co
WATKINS, Margaret: m'd GIBBS, Addison C.
WATTS, Marvil M.: m'd 1846 KNIGHTEN, Nancy A.
"WATTS, M. M.--Resides two and & half miles west of Forest Grove, and is a farmer. He has made his home there since his arrival in 1850. He married Nancy A. Knighten in 1846." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 726]
WAYNE, Benjamin Franklin (1822- ): m'd GILMORE, Sarah Jemima; cut off for CA; traveling with wife's family
WEAVER, James B. (1832-1903): m'd 1859 BAILEY, Sarah Ann; settled Douglas Co; s/o William and Annie (Adams) Weaver; emigrant to CA then to OR; died at Myrtle Creek, OR
WEAVER, John W.: m1. 1859 WRIGHT, Harriet E.; m2. 1879 SUMMER, Clara; settled Douglas Co; s/o William and Annie (Adams) Weaver; emigrant to CA then to OR
WEAVER, William: m'd ADAMS, Annie
WEHRUNG, Henry (1828- ): m'd 1856 EMERICK, Mary C.
"WEHRUNG, HENRY--Born in France in 1828; came to America in 1848 in consequence of the political troubles of that date. Emigrated to California in 1850 and in 1851 arrived in Oregon and opened the first furniture store in Washington County and is still engaged in that business. Built the Tualatin Hotel at Hillsboro in 1854. Was married in 1856 to Mary C. Emerick, by whom he has had Charlotte E., Mary C., William H., and George A. Mr. Wehrung possesses two stores in Hillsboro and a farm near town." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 748]
WELD, Eben (1815- ):
s/o Daniel and Lydia (Fuller) Weld; Eben arrived in 1850 from Minnesota, by ship, after working as an agricultural
agent among the Dakota Sioux. Several of his letters home may be read online under A New Englander in
The West,
WELLS, John: m'd BAGLEY, Martha Ann; started in 1850 working his
way from OH as a teamster, hunter, night-herder and anything he could find;
did not arrive in Oregon until 1852
WEST, John:
WEST, Margaret:
WEST, William:
WHITE, Allen Green. (1849- ): s/o William and Mary (Partlow) White; born 04 Feb 1849 Carroll Co, MO
WHITE: Anna Elizabeth "Annie" (1844- ): d/o William and Mary (Partlow) White; born 30 Jan 1844 Carroll Co, MO
*7: WHITE, Charles:
WHITE, Ellen (c1846- ): d/o Matthew and Juretta (Thomas) White
WHITE, Hulda (c1837- ): d/o Matthew and Juretta (Thomas) White
WHITE, John (c1834- ): s/o Matthew and Juretta (Thomas) White
WHITE, Mary A. (c1849- ): d/o Matthew and Juretta (Thomas) White
WHITE, Matthew (c1806- ): m'd THOMAS, Juretta; settled on Sauvies Island near Portland, OR
WHITE, Matthew (c1840- ): s/o Matthew and Juretta (Thomas) White
WHITE, Rebecca Thomasina "Tommie"(1846- ): d/o William and Mary (Partlow) White; born 18 Dec 1846 Carroll Co, MO
WHITE, Shallum Parsons (1841-1934): m'd 1875 MONNASTES, Catherine Emma; s/o Matthew and Juretta (Thomas) White
WHITE, William (c1832- ): s/o Matthew and Juretta (Thomas) White
WHITE, William Nathan Sr. ( -c1856): m'd STEWART, Margaret McCallen; family stayed in east and emigrated in 1851; cabinet maker; settled near Chehalis, Wash after brief stay in Portland; killed during the Indian Wars of 1855-56 when ambushed by a small party of Indians while returning from church
WHITE, William Lewis (1819- ): m'd PARTLOW, Mary Elizabeth;William Lewis White was born 16 Aug. 1819 in Virginia, son of Lewis G. White and Rebecca Woodward, and the grandson of William White and Catherine Thomas- he of Revolutionary War service under Capt. Merriweather and Col. Gibson (per DAR records). Mary and William moved from Virginia to Tenn. then Texas, then Missouri, and they would have departed from Missouri to Oregon in 1850. They had at least three young children with them- Annie E. (b.1845), Rebecca T. (b.1847) and Allen G.(b.1849), all born in Missouri before the trip. One son, William James White was born 25 Jul 1842 and died 18 Nov 1842 prior to emigration. William was rather active in the early politics in Clackamas Co. Both William and Mary are buried in the Mountain View Cemetery in Oregon City
"WHITE, WILLIAM L.--Born in New Kent County, Virginia, in 1819. Came to Oregon, October 29, 1850. Occupation, county judge of Clackamas County. Wife s previous name, Mary E. Partlow. Children William J., Anna E., Rebecca T., Allen G., and William B. The first and last named are now dead." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 726]
*22) WHITMAN, Julia Ann: m'd DAVIDSON, John L.
*22) WHITMAN, Squire Stoten (1818-1892): m'd DAVIDSON, Elizabeth Thurston
WILKINSON, Mr. ( -1850): Fleming G. Hearn diary,, MS57A1 available through the Bancroft Library at Berkeley.; passed two graves this morning no more than two miles apart. I ascertained that one of the occupants thereof was shot by an old man from Arkansas. It appears the old gentleman had his family with him and that this young Wilkinson insulted one of his daughters, for which this crime was committed. I saw his shirt with the blood upon it also a tin pan filled with blood.
WILLIAMS, Caswell: settled in CA
*21: WILLIAMS, Hester
WILLIAMS, Ida: m'd WILLIAMS, Samuel; maiden name unknown at this time
WILLIAMS, James: s/o Samuel and Ida Williams
*21: WILLIAMS, Lottie
*21: WILLIAMS, Mary
WILLIAMS, Mary: m1. MANSFIELD, Nicholas; m2. 1843 ALFORD, Thomas; died on trail
*10: WILLIAMS, Melinda Jane:
WILLIAMS, Phillip:
WILLIAMS, Samuel: m'd [ ], Ida
*21: WILLIAMS, Washington
*21: WILLIAMS, William Henry
*10: WILLIAMS, William (1822- ): m'd [ ], Elizabeth Ann
*10: WILLIAMS, William H.:
WILMER, Henry; settled Benton Co
WILMOT, John T.:
WILMOT, Robert P.:( 1814- ): m1. 1836 STONE, Nancy; m2. 1851 MCKAY, Mrs. Nancy
"WILMOT, R. P.--Born in Kentucky in 1814; moved to Missouri in 1836, and lived there until coming to Oregon in 1850. Settled first in Portland; then moved to Washington County in 1869, and has lived there since; owns a farm near Beaverton, on which he lives. Married Miss Nancy Stone in 1836, who died of cholera while crossing the plains in 1850. Was married again in 1851, to Mrs. Nancy McKay. Had seven children by his first wife, five of whom are now living, and three daughters by the second wife, all deceased." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 726-27]
WILMOT, William S. (1815- ):
*3: WILSON, Alfred (1826- ): m1. 1854 SAILING, Mary; m2. 1894 BRYAN, Rebecca ; rode with Kit Carson, in Mexican War, father of 10 children; settled Yamhill Co
"WILSON, ALFRED--Born in East Tennessee in 1826; came to Oregon in 1850, and settled in Yamhill County. Present residence, Ballston, Polk County. Occupation, farming. Married Miss Elizabeth Johnson in 1856 (believe this marriage to be an error). Children Melissa, Vina, Minnie, Lillie, Mary, Lucinda, Alfred, and H. G." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 727]
WILSON, Bushrod W. (1824- ): settled Benton Co
"WILSON, BUSHROD W.--Born in Columbia, Maine, July 18, 1824. Learned the printer's trade in New York. Followed the sea for several years. Came to Oregon via Cape Horn and California, landed at the mouth of the Umpqua River, and walked thence to Corvallis. Was county clerk of Benton County from 1864 until the present time. Was the first president of the Willamette Valley and Coast Railway Company, which proposed to join Corvallis and Yaquina Bay by a railway a project just on the eve of completion (1885) by the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 727]
WOLF, Casper:
WOODSON FAMILY RESEARCHER: Lynn-Ambrose-Woodson Family Photos contributed by Dianne Johnson
*20: WOODSON, John Daniel (1830- ): s/o Jesse Lafayette and Virlena (Lynn) Woodson; emigrated with mother and stepfather, Alfred T. Ambrose in Ambrose Train;
*20: WOODSON, Martha A. (c1841 -1850): d/o Jesse Lafayette and Virlena (Lynn) Woodson; emigrated with mother and stepfather, Alfred T. Ambrose in Ambrose Train; " Martha Woodson, age 9, from Platte County, Missouri died June 21, 1850 on the south side of the Platte 13-26 miles west of Fort Laramie [death info per Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ.]
*20: WOODSON, Mary Margaret (1844-1921): d/o Jesse Lafayette and Virlena (Lynn) Woodson; emigrated with mother and stepfather, Alfred T. Ambrose in Ambrose Train
*20:WOODSON, William Thompson (1840-1921): s/o Jesse Lafayette and Virlena (Lynn) Woodson; emigrated with mother and stepfather, Alfred T. Ambrose in Ambrose Train;
WOODWORTH, Franklin Newland (1815-1892): m'd SULLIVAN, Jane
WOOLEN, George (1820- ): m'd 1840 EISENHART, Julia
*5: WOOTEN, McElvy:
WRENN, George P.(c1825- ): m1. 1847 CALDWELL, Mary E. Frances; m2. 1867 FREEL, Elizabeth Lucy; came around Horn and arrived in March 1850; was probably accompanied by his brother, John A. Wrenn; left his wife and two boys in OH with her parents; was enumerated twice in the 1850 census, once at his boarding house and once at his place of work; wife and sons joined him in 1851 or 1852
WRENN, John Allen (1824-1881): m'd 1852 WATT, Elizabeth J.; settled Yamhill Co; came around Horn and arrived in March 1850; probably accompanied by his brother, George P. Wrenn; moved to Linn Co by 1870; buried Oakville Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
WRITSMAN, Alfred (1814- ): settled Benton Co
WRITSMAN, Francis (1801- ): m'd 1832 [ ], Lucinda; settled Benton Co
*16: WYGANT, Theodore:
reached Foster's Farm October 25, 1850
YOCUM, Hathaway (1831-1915): m'd 1852 THARP, Mary;
was possible emigrant of 1847; settled Yamhill Co; siblings came in
1847 and 1851
YOUNG, Hiram (c1819-1887): buried Oregon State Asylum Cemetery, Marion Co
YOUNG, Joseph R.
ZRYOUNG, Milton (14 Feb 1827/9-29 May 1911): m'd 1855 HUBBARD, Celia Belle; settled in Marion County, died at Portland Sanitarium and is buried at Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion Co, OR; father of 10 children (William Jefferson, Emma Margaret, Charles Hillary, James, D. Ellis, Leonard, Zenas Milton, Zara Lucy, Ivan Clell and Ivy Jane)
(1820- ): m'd [ ], Elizabeth
ZUMWALT, Hester A. (1817-1878): m'd DUNBAR, Addison C.; d/o John and Mary (Crow) Zumwalt
ZUMWALT, Hulda A. (1836-1850): d/o John and Mary (Crow) Zumwalt
ZUMWALT, John (1787-1871): m'd CROW, Mary A.; s/o Adam and Mary (Rhodes) Zumwalt
ZUMWALT, Lucy Jane (1832-1906): d/o John and Mary (Crow) Zumwalt
ZUMWALT, Mary A. (1836-1850): d/o John and Mary (Crow) Zumwalt; died on the plains
ZUMWALT, Nancy A. (1826-185): d/o John and Mary (Crow) Zumwalt; died on the plains
ZUMWALT, Solomon: started emigration in 1850 but wintered with his family near Salt Lake and actually arrived in Oregon territory in 1851.
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