Emigrants to Oregon in 1852
Surnames R-Z
compiled by Stephenie Flora
copyright © 2009
The emigration year of 1852 stands out as the year of illness and death on the trail for humans and animals alike. Most of the human toll was the result of cholera. While the diaries often suggest that the cattle died from an imaginary disease called "hollow horn", it is thought by some experts that the loss of cattle was actually due to anthrax with the stress of the journey as a contributing factor.
The diaries and journals available for that year mention seeing wagons "as far as the eye can see" both ahead and behind. While it has been estimated that over 10,000 adventurous souls started out for Oregon in 1852, an accounting of how many actually arrived is hard to determine. It is thought that as many as 1,000 may have turned back. Death definitely took a toll and then there were those who, at the last minute, turned off for California. The emigrants going to California that year was estimated at upwards of 50,000.
Indians were not as troublesome in 1852 as some of the other years. This was due, in part, to a treaty that was engineered by Thomas Fitzpatrick "Broken Hand" in 1851. The size of the emigration also no doubt had a bearing. Trains were traveling so close to each other that it provided extra security.
Most of the trains for 1852 were small in size due to the difficulty in finding water, camping spots and feed for the cattle. A larger train was simply too hard to manage. Most companies were made up of family and friends with single men hired to drive wagons and assist with the cattle. Assuming that a train consisted of 50 or fewer individuals it would mean that there were at least 200 separate trains headed for Oregon. And this would not account for the approximately 1000 companies headed for California.
As I compile the listing for 1852 I welcome any additions and corrections you care to make. I can be contacted at the email address at the bottom of this page.
Diaries, Journals and Reminiscences of the 1852 Emigration
Captains of 1852
*1) Capt. Alvin Clark company consisted of about 28 individuals. The company left Council Bluffs May 8 and arrived at Oregon City October 2, 1852. There were 3 deaths in this company.
*2a) Akin Company left Salem, Henry Co, Iowa 17 Apr 1852. The company traveled closely with other family groups including the Richey train. They arrived at Kanesville, Iowa May 8, 1852 and left from there. Their journey has been documented and compiled by Mike
Booth and is available in the Akin Diary he has contributed. At least for a portion of the journey they were joined by a group led by Newton D. Gilham (see #26)
*2b) Caleb Richey Company left Henry County, Iowa April 1852 and traveled closely with the Booth train.
*3) Capt John Metzker led a party of family and friends to OR in 1852. There were 22 wagons in the group.
*4) McCully Train was compiled and published by Sanford and Sally Wilbur. Their web site features many of the names on the McCully Train
*5) Capt. Daviess Gibson, originally emigrant of 1849, led party of 40 wagons that included family and friends
*6) Forgey group as compiled by Richard Schack
*7) Capt. Calvin T. Hales party originating in McDonough Co, IL [Hale Researcher Jim Hale halejim=gmail.com]
*8) Overland diary of Lafayette Spencer (The Annals of Iowa, Vol VIII #4 (January 1908) p304-310 contains the 1852 diary of Lafayette Spencer. His group left VanBuren Co, IA on May 11th and reached Portland, OR on Oct 26, 1852
*9) Capt. Jacob Jones left Northfield, Boone Co, IN on March 2, 1852 leading a caravan of approximately 19 covered wagons drawn by ox-teams. There were 52 people on the train (21 men/older boys, 6 women, 25 children). All the wagons but one belonged to the family. They started from Indiana and crossed the Missouri River at Council Bluffs, taking the Oregon Trail up the Platte River, and after a six month journey they arrived at The Dalles on September 12, remaining there until December. .... On the trip to Oregon they lost five members to cholera. Those who died were Lydia Jones; Mrs. Cynthia Ann Jones; Mrs. Sarah Jones; Mark A Duzan; William Lemley Jones (buried near The Dalles); James Duzan buried beside the Columbia River
*10) Davis Train
*11) Capt. Anson Goodrich headed up a train that started at Lima, Rock County, WI., joined April 3, 1852 with train consisting of Crandall and Coon families who had left Lima, Rock Co, Wi on Mar 29, 1852; joined May 2 by Haywood, McGraw and Kinney families; arrived at Kanesville, IA May 18th; June 4 joined by 4 more wagons making 14 wagons and 30+ men; July 6 Independence Rock; July 13 South Pass; July 29 Fort Hall [Covered Wagon Women, Vol 5, p.173-206 Polly Crandall Coon Diary]
*12) Capt. Gaebhart:; train left Osage Co, MO 11 Apr 1852 with ten wagons, later joined by others making 40 wagons and 60 able bodied men; 1/4 of train later turned of for California 1852 Reminiscences of John G. Abbott
*13) Capt James Wood led the company
that included the Koontz, and Wood famillies. They left from
Kanesville, IA 19 May 1852. Their story and the members of
theis company are documented in Wagons From Wapello by Dennis M.
Larsen & Ken Keigley
*14) Capt. Joseph McMillen started from Illinois leading a party of eight wagons (one that was cutting off for California) that included the Adams, McMillen, Miller, Wilson, Raymond and Blank families. The company arrived at Council Bluffs June 3, 1852. June 18 they had eight wagons, 16 men, 10 ladies + children. On August 18, 1852 in Snake river country they joined six wagons led by Capt. Benjamin Hyland for added protection through Indian country. It made 14 wagons and 32 able bodied men. [Covered Wagon Women Vol 5; Diary of Cecelia (McMillen) Adams and Parthenia (McMillen) Blank]; On September 21 Joseph McMillen, John Stowell and Mr. Raymond left the company along with eleven others to pack to The Dalles. The diary makes note of passing 390+ graves along the trail but only mentions the names of four of them.. Also notes that on June 26 a fight broke out in camp between a man and his son-in-law. They were asked to leave the company with their families. Five days later the older man was ill and on July 2 it states"the sick man is dead this morning. Wrapped him in bed clothes and layed him in the ground without any coffin". [The family name was never given]. The company arrived at The Dalles Oct 24, 1852.
*15) Capt. Benjamin S. Hyland had company of six wagons from Plainfield, IL. On Aug 18, 1852, in Snake river country they joined eight wagons led by Capt Joseph McMillen for added protection through Indian country. It made 14 wagons and 32 able bodied men. Mentioned in Cecelia Adams and Parthenia Bland diary [Covered Wagon Women Vol 5; Diary of Cecelia (McMillen) Adams and Parthenia (McMillen) Blank]
*16)Capt. John Franklin Adams led train of friends and family members from Grandview Twp, Louisa Co, IA. This is train is being researched by Jim Cook (see researcher page for his contact information)
*17) Richey Company left Salem, Henry Co, IA in April 1852; families included Hoskins,Hobson, Smith; part of Akin party *2
*18) Capt John Tucker Scott left from Groveland, Tazewell Co, IL April 2, 1852. On April 24 they were joined by a company led by Isaac "Stull" Swearingen of Vermillion Co, IL The party arrived at St. Joseph, MO May 10th where they were joined by a group of men from Groveland who had gone ahead to accompany their shipment of provisions. Also joining at that time was a small company from Mt. Sterling, Brown Co, IL. On May 28th they arrived at Fort Kearney with a company consisting of 12 wagons, 52 men, women and children, 113 oxen and 12 horses; May 28 arrived at Ft. Kearney; June 9 Ash Hollow, June 18 Ft. Laramie, June 29 Independence Rock, July 19 Soda Springs, July 23 Ft. Hall, Aug 3 Salmon Falls, Sept 4 Blue Mountains, Sept 20 Barlows Gate, Sept 28 reach Foster's Farm. Documented over 160 graves along the way. [Covered Wagon Women Vol 5 p.21-173 Journal and Letters of Scott Family]
*20): Clifton Read company left Marengo, IL 19 Apr 1852; arrived Kanesville,IA 19 May 1852, June 23 Chimney Rock, July `10 Independence Rock; July 19 South Pass, Aug 4, Soda Springs; Aug 10, Fort Hall, Sept 21 Blue Mountains
*21): Capt. Mercer Thompson train started from Newton Co, MO Mar 20, 1852 and consisted of approximately 100 adults.
*22) Powell Train
*23) Hinkle Train originating in Perry Co, MO arrived in Oregon in Oct 1852.
*24) Jones Family Train; captained by Jacob Jones this train consisted of 49 known individuals, all family members with the exception of 7 individuals. The train started from Northfield, Indiana, on the 15th of March, 1852, and reached The Dalles, Oregon, on the 19th of September. This list has been compiled by family researcher Willard Anderson. He graciously shared the information with me for the benefit of others interested in this family.
*25) Murphy Train, captained by John Ecles Murphy consisted of family and friends, all members of the Christian Church (aka Campbellites or Disciples of Christ). In the early1830s followers of Alexander Campbell, founder of the Disciples of Christ, moved from their homes in Warren Co, KY to Warren Co, IL and established the town of Monmouth, named after their home in Monmouth, Wales. As the word of the virtues of the Oregon Territory reached Illinois, the talk turned to another move. An advanced migration of church members went west in 1850. It consisted of Elijah and Margaret Davidson, Squire S. and Elizabeth Whitman, Thomas and Sarah Lucas and their families, as well as a number of single men. They reached Polk County, OR in August and settled near Independence on the west bank of the Willamette River, establishing what became Monmouth, OR. In April 1852, a second migration of church members began the journey. It was made up of the families of Burford, Butler, Davidson, Lucas, Mason, Murphy, Roundtree and a number of single men.The Monmouth, Illinois Atlas newspaper, on April 16, 1852 described the gathering and departure of the train. In following issues, the newspaper also published several letters written during the journey and from Oregon written by Rev. John E. Murphy. In 1853, the last of these migrations from the church headed west in what was known as The Butler Train. It was led by Ira F. M. Butler and contained family and friends. Butler Family Letters
*26) Capt Newton D. Gilham led a train from Macoupin Co, IL that consisted of about 20 wagons and 70 people. Along with his family it included the families of Jesse Moreland, Mitchell Owen, Francis Robinson, Samuel Nelson and Woodford Reams.
*27) Robbins Train of 1852 compiled by Kevin Mittge
*28) Capt. Robert B. Crawford led a party consisting of 111 individuals. It encluded 84 families and 27 single men. They left from St. Joseph, Missouri May 9. As with most of the larger companies, members split off, rejoined and sometimes split again. By the end of the journey there was as much as 50 miles separating the various wagons of the train
*29) Three Wagons Trains from Arkansas by Don Guenther consisted of three trains that split and went different routes. There were a number of different captains along the way. Names include Tigard, Harer, Winn, Ingram and numerous others.
*30) Thomas Mercer Train, left the
Princeton, Illinois area in April 1852 "The company as finally
organized consisted of the following: Captain, Thomas Mercer, who was
accompanied by his wife and four children; Aaron Mercer and wife; Dexter
Horton, wife and child; Rev. Daniel Bagley, wife and child; Rev. W.F. West
and wife; Ashby West, James Rossnagle, Wm. Shoudy; George Gould, wife, son
and daughter; John Pike, an uncle of Mr. Warrens; Daniel Drake, and the
four young men Warren. There
were several others who were with this train at the start, but did not
continue with it the entire journey.
*SR = Southern Route
Emigrants to Oregon in 1852
Surnames R-Z
Note: all female members of the emigration will be listed by maiden name, if known, even if they were married at the time of emigration.
RADDICK, S. (1834- ):
RADER, Solomon (09 Oct 1827-20 Dec 1912): m1. 1860 McAhron, Mary Ellen; m2. 1865 STEWART, Martha Ann; emigrated to Jackson County in 1852, returned to Indiana in 1859 where he married, raised a family; returned in 1901 and settled in Walla Walla, Washington, died at the home of his son at Medford, Oregon; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington
RAFFETY, Charles Henry (02 Sep 1839-10 May 1919): m'd 1873 SMITH, Almeda M.; s/o Samuel and Mary (Hoover) Raffety
RAFFETY, David Jasper (14 Feb 1844-28 Nov 1928): m'd 1873 LOGAN, Fanny
RAFFETY, Rial Mallory (19 Oct 1841-21 Feb 1915): s/o Samuel and Mary (Hoover) Raffety
RAFFETY, Samuel B. (c1815- ): m'd August 16, 1838 HOOVER, Mary; elected captain of their train; settled Washington County, Oregon
RAFFETY, Sara Elizabeth (1846-13 Jan 1925): s/o Samuel and Mary (Hoover) Raffety
RAGSDALE, Alfred F. (1819- ):
RAGSDALE, John (1836 - ): ambushed by a party of Indians
RAHLES, Albert (c1834-1889 ): m'd
01 Jan 1870 MCGRAW, Bridget; Albert Rahles was a steward on the ship Alaskan when it sank
in May 1889 off the coast of Cape Blanco and he went down with the ship; prior
to his death Albert was enumerated in the 1860 Spokane Co, WA census and then
moves to Multnomah Co, OR where he is in the 1870 and 1880 census; his year of
birth in the various census records range from 1832-1840
RAINS, Isaac B. (1827- ): m'd 1848 [ ], Martha Ann
RAINS, Martha Ann: m'd 1848 RAINS, Isaac B.; maiden name unknown at this time
RAMAGE, Maria (1835-1922): m'd KELTY, [ ]
RAMBO, Lewis A. (1832- ):
RAMPY, Robert Anderson (1832-1893): m'd 1866 JOHNSON, Sarah E.; driver for A. J. Wigle
RAMSAY, Barnet O. (11 May 1814-26 Aug 1872): m'd1836
SHOUP, Elizabeth; s/o William and Nancy (Cross) Ramsay; buried
Central Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
"1850 Menard County, Illinois; Barnet Ramsay, 36,
potter, $3000, PA; Elizabeth, 35, OH; Jacob, 13, IL; S.J., 11, IL; Henry, 9,
IL, Mary E., 7, IL; M.A., 4, IL
1860: Linn County, Oregon, Barnett
Ramsay, 46, farmer, $2500 $955, PA; Elizabeth, 45, OH; Henry, 19, serving,
IL; Melisa, 13, IL
Barnet was a potter at
Athens, IL and then in both Lane and Linn Counties after arrival
Note: some
researchers think William (brother of Barnet) came to Oregon in 1852 but
there is no evidence to confirm that and in all census records he is
residing in the Illinois and Iowa"
RAMSAY, Henry Rawley (01 Jul 1841-02 Feb 1916): m'd 1862 POWELL, Polly; s/o Barnet and Elizabeth (Shoup) Ramsay; buried Santiam Central Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
"1850 Menard County, Illinois; Barnet Ramsay, 36,
potter, $3000, PA; Elizabeth, 35, OH; Jacob, 13, IL; S.J., 11, IL; Henry, 9, IL,
Mary E., 7, IL; M.A., 4, IL
1860: Linn County, Oregon, Barnett Ramsay, 46,
farmer, $2500 $955, PA; Elizabeth, 45, OH; Henry, 19, serving, IL; Melisa, 13,
RAMSAY, Jacob Shoup (11 Maar1837-03 Aug 1916): m'd 27 Jan 1859 SIMMONS, Louisa J.; s/o Barnet and Elizabeth (Shoup) Ramsay; buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Peoria, Linn County, Oregon
"1850 Menard County, Illinois; Barnet Ramsay, 36, potter, $3000, PA; Elizabeth, 35, OH; Jacob, 13, IL; S.J., 11, IL; Henry, 9, IL, Mary E., 7, IL; M.A., 4, IL"
RAMSAY, Malissa Ann (27 Aug 1846-08 Aug 1925): m'd 1862 POWELL, Joseph Goble; d/o Barnet and Elizabeth (Shoup) Ramsay; buried Bemis Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
"1850 Menard County, Illinois; Barnet Ramsay, 36,
potter, $3000, PA; Elizabeth, 35, OH; Jacob, 13, IL; S.J., 11, IL; Henry, 9,
IL, Mary E., 7, IL; M.A., 4, IL
1860: Linn County, Oregon, Barnett
Ramsay, 46, farmer, $2500 $955, PA; Elizabeth, 45, OH; Henry, 19, serving,
IL; Melisa, 13, IL"
RAMSAY, Margaret Ann (1843-02 Aug 1930): m'd LEMON, William Abner; d/o William and Maria (Brunk) Ramsay; buried Garfield Cemetery, Garfield, Whitman County, Washington
RAMSAY, Mary Elizabeth (28 Apr 1843-23 Feb 1926): m'd c1859 POLLOCK, William Neely; d/o Barnet and Elizabeth (Shoup) Ramsay; buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
"1850 Menard County, Illinois; Barnet Ramsay, 36, potter, $3000, PA; Elizabeth, 35, OH; Jacob, 13, IL; S.J., 11, IL; Henry, 9, IL, Mary E., 7, IL; M.A., 4, IL"
RAMSAY, Priscilla Jane (07 Mar 1819-23 Jan 1903): m'd 18 Feb 1836 STAFFORD, William Marion; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Boyles) Ramsay; buried Stafford Pioneer Cemetery, Lane County, Oregon
RAMSAY, Sarah Jane (27 Dec 1838-01 Jan 1876): m'd 08 Oct 1857 HALL, Jackson; d/o Barnet and Elizabeth (Shoup) Ramsay; burial location unknown
"1850 Menard County, Illinois; Barnet Ramsay, 36, potter, $3000, PA; Elizabeth, 35, OH; Jacob, 13, IL; S.J., 11, IL; Henry, 9, IL, Mary E., 7, IL; M.A., 4, IL"
RAMSAY, Thomas Leroy (02 Feb 1831-05 Jun 1879): m'd Hardman, Elizabeth Ann; s/o William and Maria (Brunk) Ramsay; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
"1850: Polk County, Iowa; William Ramsay, 46,
potter, OH; Maria, 40, IL; Thomas L., 19, laborer, IL; Albert M., 17,
laborer, IL; William B., 16, laborer, IL; Elizabeth E., 14, IL; George B.,
10, IL; Matilda J., 9, IL; Margaret A., 7, IA;James P., 4, IA, Maria O., 2,
IA, Rozilla, 1, IA
"1860: Linn County, Oregon; Thomas Ramsay, 32, farm
laborer, $0 $500, IL; enumerated next door to parents in Jackson and Sarah
(Ramsay) Hall household"
RAMSAY, William Boyles (Feb 1834-23 May 1918): s/o William and Maria (Brunk) Ramsay; buried Greenwood Memorial Terrace, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington
RAMSAY, Zimrude (1848-1852): s/o Barnet and
Elizabeth (Shoup) Ramsay; died on plains during emigration;
burial location unknown
RANDALL, Noble Warren (1825- ): m'd 1848 [ ], Susannah
RANDALL, Susannah: m'd 1848 RANDALL, Noble Warren; maiden name unknown at this time
RANKIN, James:
RAY, Elizabeth (1830-1904 ): m'd PRINE, David; d/o William and Nancy (Harding) Ray
RAY, Julia Ann (10 Feb 1830-05 Apr 1897: m'd 13 Apr 1852 BROCK, John E.; probably died in Yamhill County, Oregon; husband buried in Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon; burial location for Julia unknown
RAY, William:
*14) RAYMOND, Henry C. (1825-1899): never married; s/o Ebenezer and Lydia (Chapman) Raymond; returned east in 1858 and brought family to Oregon in 1859
"RAYMOND, H. C.--Born in New York in 1825; his first residence in Oregon was at Forest Grove; now lives at Gaston and is a merchant by occupation and is unmarried." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 783]
*14) RAYMOND, P. H.:
*20) READ, Clifton Kittridge (1836-1917): s/o Clifton and Martha (Thompson)
*20) READ, Clifton Kittridge (1813-1875): m'd 1835 THOMPSON Martha Stone; born 26 Aug 1813 and died 20 Oct 1875
READ, Hankinson (1824- ): m'd 1845 , Jane
*20) READ, Lucy M. (1837- ): d/o Clifton and Martha (Thompson) Read
*20) READ, Lydia Mariah (1843- ): d/o Clifton and Martha (Thompson) Read
READ, Nancy (02 Feb 1822-06 Aug 1908): m1. 12 Aug 1841 JAMES, Elijah P.; m2. 27 Feb 1853 BROWN, James Henry; d/o John and Martha (Slaughter) Reed; buried Buck Hollow Cemetery, Willamina, Yamhill County, Oregon
READ, Narcissa: m'd 1849 DICKEY, Thomas J.; sister of Hankinson Read
REAM, Barbara Elizabeth (1815-1852), m'd 31 Jan 1833, Stark Co, OH, McBEE, Levi. Gave birth on Oregon Trail; she died of cholera near Ash Hollow, NE and infant died, too.
*2) *26) REAMES, Evan Rogers: s/o Woodford and Mahulda (White) Reames
*2) *26) REAMES, James Robert: s/o Woodford and Mahulda (White) Reames
*2) *26) REAMES, Martha E.:d/o Woodford and Mahulda (White) Reames
*2) *26) REAMES, Thomas Given: s/o Woodford and Mahulda (White) Reames
*2) *26) REAMES, Woodford: m'd WHITE, Mahulda J.
REASONER, John S. (1815-1852):
RECTOR, Margaret (1848-1922): m'd CARTER, [ ]
REDDING, Mary 1815-1890): m'd 21 Jul 1831 TIBBETTS, Jonathan Snow; born 25 Sep 1815 Versailles, Ripley Co, IN and died 24 Nov 1890 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; mother of 10 children (Elizabeth Jane, Mary Eliza, Francis Marion, Sarah Emily, Sophia Ellen, Albert Thomas, Flora Ann, Lois V., Oregon "Orrie" Andrew and Jonathan Edward)
REDENOUR, Emerson:
REDMAN, Amanda Evaline (1844-1934): d/o Benjamin and Amanda (Cravens) Redman;;Birth
16 APR 1844
Van Buren, Van Buren, Iowa;
Death 5
MAR 1934
Freeman, Spokane, Washington, USA
REDMAN, Benjamin Washington Sr. (1816-1876): m'd 1838 CRAVEN, Amanda;
s/o Colonel
Rezin Redman & Elizabeth Downs; born 10 Nov 1816
Clark, Indiana; died
17 Apr 1876
Linn, Oregon; father of 14 children;
teacher, farmer, and raised cattle. Burial: Franklin Butte Cemetery, Scio
Linn Co.,Or, .
REDMAN, Margaret Elizabeth (1840-1933): d/o Benjamin and Amanda (Cravens) Redman; Birth 7 Dec 1840 Van Buren, Van Buren, Iowa; Death 2 Apr 1933 Scio, Linn, Oregon
REDMAN, Martha Melissa (1843-1912): d/o
Benjamin and Amanda (Cravens) Redman;
Birth 2
Jan 1843
Van Buren, Van Buren, Iowa;
20 Jul 1912
Yakima, Yakima, Washington, United States
REDMAN, Mary Melvina (1846-1904): d/o
Benjamin and Amanda (Cravens) Redman;
Birth 3
Jul 1846
Keokuk, Lee, Iowa;
Death 5
Dec 1904
REDMAN, Rezin Cornelius (1839-1897): s/o Benjamin and Amanda (Cravens) Redman; Birth 20 Nov 1839 Van Buren, Iowa; Death 15 Jun 1897 Oregon
REED, Able:
*31) REED, Charlotte (24 Dec 1846-02 Feb 1924): d/o James and Hester (Morgan) Reed
*31) REED, Ellen Francis (23 Jun 1849-22 Aug 1882): m'd SETTLEMIER, George Frederick; d/o James and Hester (Morgan) Reed; buried Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County, Oregon
*31) REED, George K. (13 Aug 1843-08 Feb 1930): m'd CRANDALL, Lora O.; s/o James and Hester (Morgan) Reed; buried Kamiah Cemetery, Kamiah, Lewis County, Idaho
REED, Hester Jane (26 Feb 1821-12 Jun 1903): m'd 1839 BILYEU, George Washington; d/o William and Mary (Dunn) Reed; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
REED. Horice:
REED, James (1808- ):
*31) REED, James Madison (31 Jul 1810-17 Nov 1893): m'd 19 Nov 1835 MORGAN, Hester; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington
*31) REED, James Milton (1851-1894): s/o James and Hester (Morgan) Reed; died in California
*31) REED, John Green (31 Aug 1838- 22 Feb 1936): m'd 1859 BOND, Anna; s/o James and Hester (Morgan) Reed; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
REED, Narcissa (21 Jan 1834-1880): m'd 10 May 1849 DICKEY, Thomas Jefferson; d/o John and Martha (Slaughter) Reed; buried Harmony Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
*18) REED, William: from Mt. Sterling, Brown Co, IL
*31) REED, William H. (23 Dec 1836-23 Jan 1897): s/o James and Hester (Morgan) Reed; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
REESER, Jacob (c1822- ): Wagons From Wapello
REEVES, Family ( - ):
REYNOLDS, Elizabeth Sophia (22 Feb 1813-11 Jun 1852): m'd 22 Jan 1828 FREEL, Amos; died on trail; memorial Oregon Trail Memorial Park Cemetery, Bridgeport, Morrill County, Nebraska
REYNOLDS, Martha Ann: m'd 1839 HAZELTON, Royal H.
RHEA, Columbus Adolphus (1845-1934): s/o Elijah and Elizabeth (Miliorn) Rhea
RHEA, Elijah Walden (1824-1883): m'd MILLIORN, Elizabeth Catherine
RHEA, John B. (1848-1879): s/o Elijah and Elizabeth (Miliorn) Rhea
RHEA, Mary Elizabeth (1851-1892): d/o Elijah and Elizabeth (Miliorn) Rhea
RHEA, Thomas A. (1849-1937): s/o Elijah and Elizabeth (Miliorn) Rhea
*2a) RHODES, David D. (1826- ): m'd 24 Jul 1847 PRICE, Belinda; spent most of his time in Linn county but disapperars after the 1880 census.
*2a) RHODES, Moses (c1848-1852): s/o David and Belinda (Price) Rhodes;
"August 24, Moses Rhodes died in the morning." [James Akin Jr.diary]
*2a) RHODES, Robert P. (c1850-aft 1880): m'd 27 Jul 1873 FIELDS, Melissa Caroline; s/o David and Belinda (Price) Rhodes
*1) RICE, Catharine Susan "Katie" (1815-1852): born 23 Nov 1815 Tolland County, Connecticut and died 13 Sep 1852 at Willow Creek on the Oregon Trail; d/o Daniel and Sally Rice; was a spinster school teacher who traveled west with her sister, Phebe Ann Rice listed below
RICE, Lucinda (29 Oct 1825-26 Nov 1895): m'd 02 Oct 1842 BUSHNELL, Linus Martin; d/o William and Mary (Pettingill) Rice; buried Tenmile Cemetery, Tenmile, Douglas County, Oregon
*1) RICE, Phebe Ann (1823-c1860): m'd 03 Jun 1845 LONG, Gabriel; d/o Daniel and Sally Rice
*18) RICHARDS, Brothers: from Mt. Sterling, Brown Co, IL
RICHARDSON, Allen (1823- ):
RICHARDSON, Ann (c1827-26 Aug 1852): m'd 29 Jul 11849 KISER, Daniel C.; died on trail
*24) RICHARDSON, James: traveled to Oregon with Jacob Jones Train
RICHARDSON, Mary Ann (06 Oct 1833-23 Oct 1911): m'd 1851 BOATMAN, Willis; d/o Lewis and Mary (Snow) Richardson; buried Woodlawn Abbey Mausoleum, Sumner, Pierce County, Washington
RICHARDSON, Mary Ann (06 Mar 1810-10 Dec 1852): m'd 10 May 1827 DAVIES, James Franklin; settled Washington county but died soon after arrival; d/o Joshua and Jane (Montgomery) Richardson
RICHARDSON, Mary Jane (09 Nov 1821- ): m'd 13 Feb 1840 BOLEY, John S.; d/o Daniel and Mary (Norton) Ricardson;in the 1860 census the Boley children are living in the Howard household with no mention of their parents. The mother shows up again in the 1870 census but John S. does not appear in Oregon records; it is unknown what happened to him; mother of 3 known children (Sarah, Nickoles D. and Elizabeth Jane)
RICHARDSON, Mary Jane (1822-1882): m'd 1842 LANDERS, Henry; d/o George and Sarah W. (Griffin) Richardson
RICHARDSON, Sarah (1819-1907): m'd 1839 KENEDY, William; d/o George and Sarah W. (Griffin) Richardson
RICHES, Mary Jane (1835-1904): m'd 1852 WALKER, Calvin
RICHESON, Mary Jane; see RICHARDSON, Mary Jane
*2) RICHEY, Caleb (1816- ): m'd 1843 BOOTH, Alice; s/o James and Susannah
(Browning) Richey;brother of Stuart and Eliza (Richey) Akin; [James Akin diary
July 15 "Caleb Richey and his company overtook us; July 23 "overtook
Caleb Richey"
*2) RICHEY, Edgar (1840- ): s/o Stuart and Louisa (Lenox) Richey
*2a) RICHEY, Eliza (11
Nov 1814-22 Aug 1852): m'd AKIN,
James; d/o James and Susannah (Browning) Richey; [James Akin diary
August 10- mother taken sick in evening; August 22 mother taken worse in
the morning and died about 9 o'clock in the evening. We are now about 30
miles below Salmon Falls on the north side of the Snake River. August 23-
mother was buried about 10 o'clock in the morning about 200 yards above the
crossing of the river.]
*2) RICHEY, Eliza Ann (1846-1852): d/o Stuart
and Louisa (Lenox) Richey; [James Akin diary September 9, 1852 Burnt River
Camp--Lay by all day on account of sickness, company all left except Uncle
Stewart and Caleb, Eliza Ann Richey died at 9 o'clock p.m.;
location unknown
*2) RICHEY, James (1848- ): s/o Caleb and Alice (Booth) Richey
*2) RICHEY, John Akin (1849- ): s/o Stuart and Louisa (Lenox) Richey
*2) RICHEY, M. Ellen (1845- ): d/o Stuart and Louisa (Lenox) Richey
*2) RICHEY, Mary Jane (1842- ): d/o Stuart and Louisa (Lenox) Richey
*2) RICHEY, Miranda Jane (1850-1852): d/o Caleb and Alice (Booth) Richey; died near Bridgeport, Nebraska 31 Jul 1852
*2) RICHEY, Sarah (1845- ): d/o Caleb and Alice (Booth) Richey
*2) RICHEY, Stuart (1812- ): m'd LENOX, Louisa; s/o James and Susannah (Browning) Richey; brother of Caleb and Eliza (Richey) Akin
RICKABAUGH, Elizabeth Lydia (01 Dec 1789-27 Nov 1872): m'd 04 Jan 1807 KOONTZ, Martin VanBuren;
RIDGELY, Sarah Ann (22 Dec 1806-04 Mar 1886): m'd 1831 CRUSEN, George W.; buried Mount Idaho Cemetery, Mount Idaho, Idaho County, Idaho
RIDGEWAY, James (1812- ): m'd 1835 PAINE, Dulcinea
RIGDON, David Alvin (18 Jun 1850-28 Jan1881): s/o John and Mary (Bell) Rigdon; buried Grandview Cemetery, LaGrande, Union County, Oregon
RIGDON, George H. (18 May 1848-05 Aug 1911: m'd 02 Nov 1884 ZUMWALT, Candace Jane; s/o John and Mary (Bell) Rigdon; buried Brainard Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
RIGDON, John Rev. (15 Oct 1796-13 Mar 1859): m1. 01 Dec 1818 LOGAN, Catherine; m2. 27 Mar 1835 LAUGHLIN, Mary C.; m3. 27 Jun 1837 BELL, Mary Frances; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
RIGDON, John Bell (30 Apr 1838-01 Jan 1897): m'd 1884 CARPENTER, Amanda "Alice"; s/o John and Mary (Bell) Rigdon; buried Sacramento City Cemetery, Sacramento, Sacramento County, California
RIGDON, Maria Jane (10 Aug 1831-07 Jul 1902): m'd 1850 BLACK, Addison; d/o John and Catherine (Logan) Rigdon; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
RIGDON, Phebe Ellen (08 Jan 1840-14 Jul 1904): m'd 1857 PARKER, James Madison; d/o John and Mary (Bell) Rigdon; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
RIGDON, Stephen (11 May 1829-13 Aug 1904): m'd 23 Apr 1854 BRISTOW, Zilphia; s/o John and Catherine (Logan) Rigdon; emigrated to CA in 1850 and moved up to OR 1852/53; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
RIGGS, Alyne (1851- ): s/o Jonathan and Mary
(Burton) Riggs; may have died prior to emigration; not in 1850 or 1860 census
records or may have died on the trail
RIGGS, Elizabeth (1835-1927): m'd 09 Feb 1853 ENGLISH, Levin Nelson Jr.; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Burton) Riggs:
RIGGS, Garnett Lewis (1828-1901/4): m'd 1851
RIGGS, Nancy Jane;
Gilbert Cemetery, Orofino, Clearwater County, Idaho
RIGGS, John (1843-aft 1860): s/o Jonathan and Mary (Burton) Riggs; twin of Reuben
RIGGS, Jonathan (1803-1885): m'd 12 May 1825 BURTON, Mary Polly; s/o Reuben and Catherine (Salling) Riggs
RIGGS, Louise C. (1844- ): m1. CARRICK, Cyrus Wallace; m2. WHITNEY, Joseph; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Burton) Riggs
RIGGS, Martha Vianna (1849-1890): m'd PADBERG, Heinrich Joseph "Henry"; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Burton) Riggs; buried Penland Cemetery, Lexington, Morrow County, Oregon
RIGGS, Mr. ( -1852): died on trail
RIGGS, Nancy Ellen (1837-1914): m'd 01/18 Aug 1853 MCKINNEY, William Felix; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Burton) Riggs;: buried Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon
RIGGS, Nancy Jane (1833-1906): m'd 1851 RIGGS, Garnett Lewis; d/o Samuel Marion Riggs and Rhoda Belcher; buried Gilbert Cemetery, Orofino, Clearwater County, Idaho
RIGGS, Peter G. (1842-aft 1860): s/o Jonathan and Mary (Burton) Riggs;
RIGGS, Reuben T. (1843-1921): md 31 Jul 1860 ENGLISH, Malinda Jane; s/o Jonathan and Mary (Burton) Riggs; twin of John; buried Lake View Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington
RIGGS, Rowland Benton (1838-1876 ): s/o Jonathan and Mary (Burton) Riggs; died Walla Walla, Washington
RIGGS, Sarah Ann (1832-1918): m'd 1853 PRETTYMAN, David Dailey; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Burton) Riggs; buried Pioneer Cemetery, Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, California
RIGGS, Sarah Elizabeth (1850-1940): d/o Garnett and Nancy (Riggs) Riggs
RIGGS, William Carroll (1851- ): s/o Garnett and Nancy (Riggs) Riggs
RILEY, Elvira: m'd HAWLEY, Ira
RILEY, John K. (1827- ):
RILEY, Nancy ( - ): m'd STANDLEY, John H.
Rachel (1770-1852), widow of Thomas McBee, Sr; died of cholera in western
Nebraska and the family Bible was buried with her.
*10) RINEHART, George Washington (08 Oct 1830-27 Nov 1906): m'd 1851 DAVIS, Martha; s/o Lewis Ludwig and Elizabeth (Ellis) Rinehart; buried Condon Masonic Cemetery, Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon
RINEHART, Henry ( - ):
*10) RINEHART, William Nelson (1852-1943): s/o George and Martha (Davis) Rinehart; born on Barlow Road
RIPERTOE, Sarah ( -1852): m'd SMITH, David; died on trail
RITNER, Anna: m'd DUNN, Richard; d/o John and Sarah (Woodling) Ritner
RITNER, Flora: m'd WATERS, John; d/o John and Sarah (Woodling) Ritner
RITNER, John ( -1852): m'd WOODLING, Sarah; died on trail
RITNER, Mary E.: m'd HANNAM, Lew; d/o John and Sarah (Woodling) Ritner
RITNER, Missouri Ann: m'd EDWARD, Joseph; d/o John and Sarah (Woodling) Ritner
RITTER, Mary Ellen: m'd LEEDY, John
ROACH, Thomas:
ROADS, Richard:
ROBB, John H. (1814-1861): m'd 1835 GARWOOD, Eliza G.
ROBB, William S. (1830- ):
*27) ROBBINS, Aaron (1847-1852): s/o Jacob and Sarah (Spilman) ROBBINS, died of mountain fever on the Sandyriver
*27) ROBBINS, Amanda Minerva (1821-1852), d/o Nathaniel and Nancy (Robbins) Robbins, died of cholera in Nebraska, was an invalid and rode in a specially created wagon with her sister, Angeline
*27) ROBBINS, Amanda Minerva (1849-1922) d/o Jacob and Sarah (Spilman) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Angeline: d/o Nathaniel and Nancy (Robbins) Robbins, walked with crutches due to a fever in childhood so was outfitted with a special wagon for herself and her sister Amanda
*27) ROBBINS, Benjamin Dow (1843-1916) s/o William Franklin and Melvina (Myers) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Bethiah Emmeline (21
Dec 1823-31 May 1852), d/o Nathaniel and Nancy (Robbins) Robbins, md 18 Mar 1848 Absalom Barnes,
burial location unknown;
died on trail "at or near the Little Blue between the
Missouri River and Ft Kearney" [per DLC 3482 Clackamas County]
DLC 3482 Clackamas County, Oregon Territory, Nathaniel N. Barnes (orphan) & heirs at law of Wm. F. Barnes (orphan), Clackamas County 08 Aug 1855 Hector Campbell, Judge of Probate Court, Clackamas County, Oregon Territory appointed Nathaniel Robbins guardian of Nathaniel N. & Wm. Z. Barnes. 25 Oct 1855 John D. & James A. Robbins gave affidavit that they were acquainted with Nathaniel N. and Wm. Z. Barnes, orphan children of Absalom and Emeline Barnes, both deceased and was acquainted with them in their lifetime. They started in the spring of 1852 for Oregon. Both Absalom and Emeline Barnes died on the way at or near a stream called the Little Blue, between Missouri River and Ft. Kearny. 28 Nov 1868 N. N. Robbins gave affidavit he was acquainted with Absalom and Emeline Barnes, now deceased, who were the parents of Nathaniel N. and William Z. Barnes, one of said orphans died 11 Mar 1867, aged about 16 years, that Nathaniel N. Barnes, the other orphan now 19 years, is still residing in Oregon, having arrived in the Fall of 1852. 21 Oct 1867 Certificate was canceled."
"June 3rd...we laid in camp on the account of the sick being worse A Barns died at 5oc in the afternoon & was beried at 6oc he was beried on a high gravel point on the bank of the little blew R. 5 m. west of the place whare his wife was...[John N. Lewis Journal (Bancroft Library, University. of California-Berkeley]
"Next morning Absalom so bad he could not travel. He grew worse all day; we set up and done all we could to save him, but all was of no use; he died next day, about the middle of the afternoon." Absalom and Emmeline's two sons, Nathaniel Norval Barnes and William Barnes were now orphans to be raised by their grandparents, Nathaniel & Nancy Robbins." [Decatur Press, Greensburg, Indiana September 2 and 9, 1853):
*27) ROBBINS, Ella: m'd 1875 BENSON, Thomas C.; d/o Jacob and Sarah (Spillman)Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, George Henry (1849-1940): s/o William Franklin and Melvina (Myers) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Harvey (1833-1925): s/o Jacob and Sarah (Spilman) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Jacob (1809-1896): m'd SPILLMAN, Sarah; left Greensburg, IN 21 Mar 1852 and arrived at The Dalles 12 Oct 1852; 2 sons died at Troutdale; moved to Salem for a few years and then to Molalla; later moved to Umatilla Landing where he had a butcher shop
*27) ROBBINS, James Anderson. (1825-1886): m'd 1848HAMILTON, Minerva Elizabeth; s/o Nathaniel and Nancy (Robbins) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, John Dow (1819-1873) s/o Nathaniel and Nancy (Robbins) Robbins, never married, found murdered on his donation land claim
*27) ROBBINS, Levi ((1835-1921)s/o Jacob and Sarah (Spilman) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Mahala (1830-1852) d/o Nathaniel and Nancy (Robbins) Robbins, died of cholera in Nebraska
*27) ROBBINS, Margaret (1839-1928) d/o William Franklin and Melvina (Myers) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Martin (1838-1921)s/o Jacob and Sarah (Spilman) Robbins
ROBBINS, Mary Ann (11 May 1794-12 Sep 1865): m1. 27 Jul 1812 GEABHART; m2. 19 Apr 1853 ABBOTT, Samuel Y.; Mary Ann's first husband died on the trail; she is buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
*27) ROBBINS, Mary Jane (1828-1900) d/o Nathaniel and Nancy (Robbins) Robbins, md 1848 HAMILTON, John Henry
*27) ROBBINS, Melissa (1851-1949) d/o William Franklin andMelvina (Myers) Robbins last surviving member of the 1852 Robbins wagon train
*27) ROBBINS, Nancy (1797-1880) md 1813 Nathaniel Robbins (her first cousin)
*27) ROBBINS, Nancy: d/o Nathaniel and Nancy (Robbins) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Nancy Adeline (1844-1936): m'd BALL,Larkin; d/o William Franklin and Melvina (Myers) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Nancy Jane (1848-1927) d/o James Anderson and Minerva Elizabeth (Hamilton) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Nancy Jane (1842-1929)d/o Jacob and Sarah (Spilman) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Nathaniel Dr. (1793-1863): m'd 1813 ROBBINS, Nancy (first cousin to his wife); member of Oregons Constitutional Convention 1857 from Clackamas County, self-trained country doctor; drowned in Tualatin River
*27) ROBBINS, Nathaniel Norval (1832-1926) s/o Nathaniel and Nancy (Robbins) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Nathaniel Spencer (Nat) (1837-1895) s/o William Franklin and Melvina (Myers) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Oliver (1840-1933) s/o Jacob and Sarah (Spilman) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Richard Gilman (1841-1852) s/o William Franklin and Melvina (Myers) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Sarah Catherine (Cassie) (1846-1920) d/o James Anderson and Minerva Elizabeth (Hamilton) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, Sarah Jane(1846-1852) d/o William Franklin and Melvina (Myers) Robbins, died in eastern Oregon
*27) ROBBINS, Theodore (1844-1852),s/o Jacob and Sarah (Spilman) Robbins, died of mountain fever on the Sandy river
*27) ROBBINS, Thomas (1836-1913)s/o Jacob and Sarah (Spilman) Robbins
*27) ROBBINS, William Franklin (1856-1916) s/o Nathaniel and Nancy (Robbins) Robbins, md 1836 Melvina Myers, accidentally shot himself while out bear hunting
*27) ROBBINS, Zobeda: m'd 1853 SHARP, William; d/o Nathaniel and Nancy (Robbins) Robbins, married 1853 William Sharp, who was hired to help drive cattle on the wagon train
ROBERTS, A. (1826- ):
ROBERTS, Benjamin ( - ):
ROBERTS, J.P. ( -1896):
ROBERTS, Jane: m1. WILLIAMS, Robert Evans; m2. SINGER, William; "Jane Singer, born Carnavenshire, North Wales 1827, came to US in 1847 married to Robert E Williams "and together they started across the plains for Oregon with an ox team in a large train. Williams died when the immigrant train reached Eastern Oregon and was buried at Wells Station. The widow came on to Portland where she remained a few days and then went to Oregon City where she was married to William Singer in 1857. They lived in Oregon City for 40 years and then moved to Portland. Mr Singer died seven years ago. The following children survive her; Mrs M L (Mollie) Misamore of Portland (b1858/9); Robert E Williams of the Dalles, W E Singer of Waitsburg Wash." [Oregonian April 4, 1908]
ROBERTS, Lawson ( -1852): shot a bear across river and when he swam across to get it he was pulled into an eddy and drowned; traveled in David McCully train. Various sources indicate his given name was Lawson or Losington. The John S. McKiernan diary has him drowning on June 22 in Bear River near Soda Springs trying to recover the carcass of a mountain sheep shot by "some one." [Deaths On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
ROBERTS, Mart ( - ):
ROBERTS, Mary Ann (1805-02 Jun 1852): m'd ARMSTRONG,
Andrew Jackson; d/o Isaac and Anna (Enyart)
Roberts; died on trail of cholera near North Platte 02 Jun 1852;
burial location unknown
ROBERTS, Mary Jane ( 1820 -1852): m'd ARMSTRONG, John
ROBERTS, Robert E.:
"Robert E Robert - Pioneer of 1852 passes away at ripe old age of 88 years) born March 1, 1820 Landludno, North Wales, married August 9, 1848 to Mary Roberts(b1820) of Conway, North Wales, came to US in1850 to Dogville (Dodgeville?), WI crossed the plains to Oregon in 1852, locating in Oregon City. Mary Roberts died in 1904. Surviving children; Mrs Jennie May of Portland; Mrs Frank Jaggar of Carus, Or; Sarah A Roberts, Edwin G Roberts and Grace Roberts. Internment at Mountain View Cemetery........." [Oregon City Enterprise Fri Dec 18, 1908]
ROBERTSON, John Bright Potter:
ROBERTSON, R. M. (1830- ): m'd 1861 MCMICKEN, Nancy
"ROBERTSON, R. M.--Born in South Carolina, in December, 1830; came to Oregon and settled in Linn County; resides at Halsey; owns a warehouse and deals in grain. Was married in 1861, to Nancy McMicken, a pioneer of 1851. They have two children Lillie M., and Ina L." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 783]
ROBERTSON, Susan ( -1859): m'd 1824 MORELAND, Jesse
ROBERTSON, William (1811- ): m'd 1828/38 [ ] , Jane Ellen; had donation land claim in Polk Co
ROBERTSON, William R.; sons, George D. and William were emigrants to CA in 1849
*2) *26) ROBINSON, Francis Wesley: m. MORELAND, Mary Cooper
ROBINSON, Mary Jane m'd 11 Apr 1843 BARR, William John
"DLC 1623 Washington County, BARR, William John, b. c1817 Scotland; arrived Oregon Oct 1852; settled claim 24 Jan 1853;m'd Mary Jane R. 11 Apr 1843 Glasgow, Scotland. Declared intention to become citizen 04 Dec 1852, Clackamas County, Allen P. Millar clerk US District Court. Affidavit: Col. Robert A. Lavery, Z.J. Brown, Samuel Galbreath."
ROBINSON, Naoimi: (1813-1885) m'd 04 Feb 1832 STEEN, William Gregory; settled Marion County, Oregon; mother of 10 children (Clanton Enoch, Lodema Brittain, William Milton, Richard Perry, Abner Marion, Naomi Lucretia, Nancy Ann, Mary Ellen, John Estes and Louisa Jane]; buried Bethany Pioneer Cemetery, Bethany, Marion County, Oregon
ROBINSON, Rachel J.: m'd 1841 HUGHES, William M.; divorced in 1861
ROBISON, Isaac C. (1828- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Mary Jane
ROCKWOOD, Frances Elmina (21 Feb 1834-14 Jul 1916 ): m'd 14 Feb 1852 ALLEN, Henry; d/o Roderick Rockwood; Frances was born 21 Feb 1834 Pike Co, IL and died 14 Jul 1916 Silverton, Marion Co, OR; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
*18) ROELOFSON, Ann (26 Jul 1811 -20 Jun 1852): m'd 22 Oct 1830 SCOTT, John Tucker; died on trail of cholera; "buried on an eminence whick overlooks a ravine intersected with groves of small pine and cedar trees; in about the centre of this ravine or rather basin, there wells forth from a kind of bank a spring of icy coldness, clear as crystal; in the outskirts of this basic clusters of wild roses and various other wild flowers grow in abundance. We call the place Laramie's Point or Castle Hill." A Possible Grave Found
*18) ROELOFSON, Martha Laurens (04 Sep 1814-16 Dec 1892): m'd 13 Oct 1836 CAFFEE, Levi; d/o Lawrence and Mary (Smith) Roelofson; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
ROLAND, C.B. ( - 1892): s/o David and Eliza (Barnes) Roland
ROLAND, David (1801-1871): m'd BARNES, Eliza
"ROLAND, DAVID--Born in Harrison County, Kentucky, in December, 1801. Was married to Eliza Barnes, of the same county, in April, 1829. In October of that year they moved to Illinois, and lived, until 1850, in Vermilion County. Coming to Oregon, he took up a donation claim of three hundred and twenty acres, one mile east of Jefferson, Marion County; here he resided until his death, on March 9, 1871. Their children numbered nine, of whom eight still live; their names are C. B., Jacob O. (of Lebanon, dealer in harness and saddlery), David S. (tinsmith, of Portland), Pauline (Mrs. Phillips, of Sprague, W. T.), George W. (a farmer of Lane County), Melvina (wife of J. Warwick, of Portland), Esther, and John W.; the latter is in partnership with the first named, keeping a store in Jefferson." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 783]
ROLAND, David S.: s/o David and Eliza (Barnes) Roland
ROLAND, Ester M. (1846- ): d/o David and Eliza (Barnes) Roland
ROLAND, George W. (1840- ): s/o David and Eliza (Barnes) Roland
ROLAND, Jacob O. (1832- ): m'd RALSTON, Sarah; s/o David and Eliza (Barnes) Roland
"ROWLAND (sic-Roland), JACOB O.--Born in Vermilion County, Illinois, March 17, 1832; is of German and Irish extraction. Came overland to Oregon, and now lives in Lebanon, Linn County; is a saddler by occupation. He married Sarah Ralston, and their children are Ella, May, and Harry. Married a second time to Laura Noff; by her his children are Willie, Fred, Edith, and Clarence." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 784]
ROLAND, John W.. (1848- ): m'd REEVES, Emma; s/o David and Eliza (Barnes) Roland
ROLAND, Melvina (1842- ): m'd WORRICK, [ ], d/o David and Eliza (Barnes) Roland
ROLAND, Pauline (1836- ): m'd 1853 PHILLIPS, Charles William; d/o David and Eliza (Barnes) Roland
ROLLINS, America Ellen (14 Jun 1826-26 Nov 1910): m1. 29 Dec 1850 BUTLER, Ashmun J. m2. c1865 THOMPSON,
Jacob; d/o Lloyd and Catherine (Couchman) Rollins; buried
Hargadine Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon
"America and her first husband crossed the plains to Yreka, CA in 1852; in Feb 1853 she mounted a horse wearing men's clothing and accompanied her husband to the Rogue River Valley and settled near present day Medford (America E. Rollins Butler diary available Oregon Historical Society Quarterly, Dec 1940 p.337-366)"
ROLLINS, Octavia Patua (26 Mar 1822-29 Jul 1904): m'd 1843 BOWLES, Joseph Martin; d/o Lloyd and Catherine (Couchman) Rollins; cut off for California; buried Crescent Hill Memorial Park, Petaluma, Sonoma County, California
ROLOEFSON, Anne (1811-1852): m'd SCOTT, John Tucker; died on trail
ROLSTON, Elizabeth Ann (24 Jul 1827-Jun 1854): m'd 19 May 1842 DUNCAN, Robert Riley.; d/o William and Mary (Ashworth) Rolston; died Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
ROOKER, Jane Elizabeth (1831-27 Apr 1891): m'd 09 Jul 1848 BALLARD, David W.; s/o Jesse and Candace (Conduitt) Rooker; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
ROORK, Nancy (1821- 1901): m'd 1847 WITTEN, Joshua Ewing; settled in Portland, OR; buried in Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
ROOT, John (1796- ): m'd WILBUR, Sylvia
ROOT, Lorenzo (1825- ): m'd BEDDER, Martha; s/o John and Sylvia(Wilbur) Root
ROOT, Lucinda: d/o John and Sylvia(Wilbur) Root
ROOT, Sidney: s/o John and Sylvia(Wilbur) Root
ROSE, Prudence (1815-21 Jan 1899): m'd 01 Jan 1836 PICKENS, Samuel; d/o John Rose
*30) ROSNAGLE, James J. (19 Mar1817-28 Aug 1897): died Seattle, Washington
ROSS, Aaron:
ROSS, Elizabeth (1834-aft 1870 ): m'd 18 Mar 1852 BAKER, Ransom Pinckney; d/o James and Nancy (Miller) Ross
ROSS, Elizabeth (10 Jan 1837-04 May 1896): m'd 28 Aug 1853 COE, Jacob G.; d/o Job and Mary (Bowman) Ross; buried Greenwood Cemetery, Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon
ROSS, Job Wilte (17 Sep 1811-11 Apr 1895): m'd17 Mar 1836.BOWMAN, Mary; s/o Jacob and Elizabeth (Sparks) Ross; buried Greenwood Cemetery, Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon
ROSS, Joseph Thomas (c1852-1936): m'd 1873 WHITE, America Quarless; s/o Thomas and Margaret (VanHorn) Ross; born c1852 Iowa and died 25 Jul 1936 Marion County, OR.; father of one son, (Vert C. Ross b. 1875)
ROSS, Mary: m'd SLAGLE, Conrad S.; *per Slagle descendant
ROSS, Mary Ann. (11 Aug 1838-05 Feb 1918): m'd HALL, Lyman P.; d/o Job and Mary (Bowman) Ross; buried Greenwood Cemetery, Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon
ROSS, Sarah: m'd 1847 DYER, Moses True
ROSS, Sarah Jane (28 Sep 1840 -27 Feb 1915): m'd 1863 CLINTON, Nicholas H.; d/o Job and buried Ocean View Cemetery, Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon
ROSS, Thomas (1807-1873 ): m'd MCELFRESH (VANHORN), Margaret
ROSS, William Bowman (16 Nov 1843-15 Jan 1917): m'd 01 Jul 1877 COLLIER, Clementine E.; s/o Job and Mary (Bowman) Ross; died San Mateo, California
ROSSITER, Martha: m'd PERRY, Robert
ROSZELL, Elizabeth Jane (17 Oct 1827-18 Jan 1877): m'd c1846 HADAWAY, Edward C.; born 02 Mar 1828 and died 08 Feb 1877.; mother of seven children (Abraham Lincoln (1864-1924), Edward E. (1851-1899), George Armstrong (1847-1889), Lewis (1858-1886), Mary Elizabeth (1849-1934), William (1854-1877) and Charles); buried Brookside Cemetery, Dayton, Yamhill County, Oregon
*25) ROUNDTREE, Andrew:
*25) ROUNDTREE, Elizabeth (1823-1889): m'd MURPHY,William
*25) ROUNDTREE, James H.:
*25) ROUNDTREE, Perry
*25) ROUNDTREE, Mary A. (1838-1920): m'd BORST, [ ]
*20) ROVER, John:
ROWE, Hiram C. (1819- ): m'd 1842 CUSHMAN, Flavia
ROWE, Joab (1792-1855):
ROWE, Lucy: m'd WILSON, James P.
ROYAL, Charles :
ROYAL, Mary: m'd FLINN, John
ROYAL, Mary C. (1842-1928): m'd 13 Aug 1862 ALDERSON, Rev. Christopher
RUBY, Levica Elvira (1813- ): m'd
1833 ELGIN, George Wethers
RUBY, Martha J. ( -1852): m'd FARRENS (aka FARNES), Samuel Preston; d/o James and Martha (Hale) Ruby; died on trail 02 Jun 1852 of cholera after delivering an infant daughter
RUBY, William H.: m'd 1852 ELGIN, Helen M.; nephew of Levica Elvira Ruby
RUDD, Harry Lindsey (21 Jun 1821-07 Aug 1892): m'd 1848 MORRISON, Lydia A.; s/o Maverick and Maria (Lindsay) Rudd; born c1821 VT and died 1892 Albany, Linn Co, OR; father of three children (Lura, Zone H and one unnamed); buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Peoria, Linn County, Oregon
RUDD, Mary J. (13 Feb 1830 - 24 Aug 1868): m'd JONES, Henry; d/o Maverick and Maria (Lindsay) Rudd; buried Pioneer Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
*25) RUDDLE, Steven:
RUFFNER, Peter (c1823- ): Wagons From Wapello
RUNDELL, Mary Jane (25 Aug 1827 - 02 Jun 1852): m'd 20 Oct 1844 ALLISON,
Henry R.; d/o Chauncey and Susan (Anway) Rundell; died on trail in Platte
County, Wyoming on way to California; husban died 2 days later;
burial location unknown
RUNIONS, Catherine (12 Apr 1794-c1880): m'd 1814 CUTLER, Jacob; d/o John and Maria (Fraelick) Runions; died California; husband buried in Amador County, California; buried location for Catherine unknown
RUSH, Lucinda: m'd TAYLOR, William Ingram
*16) RUSH, Mary Ann (1836-03 Jun 1912): m'd 30 Nov 1851 CRESWELL, Donald C.;
"Mary Ann and Donald Creswell were divorced in 1878; born 31 Mar 1836 IL and died 03 Jun 1912; mother of six children (James Edwin, Donald Fulton, Mary Agnes, John Louis, Eva Prudence and Frederick Lincoln)"
RUSH, Samuel (1829- ): m'd 1856 BREEDING, M. Elizabeth
RUSSELL, Alpheus Dr. ( -1852) m'd 16
Oct 1828 SQUIRE, Lucy Malvina; s/o Gideon and Jemima (Alvord) Russell;
buried on
Oregon Trail
train that included Forgey and Milhollen families; died on the trail in
RUSSELL, Barsheba (c1797-1872): m'd 08 Aug 1815 FOLEY, Abraham Nordyke Dr.; d/o John and Barsheba Russell; born c1797 VA and died 20 Jan 1872 Lane Co, OR; mother of (Harriet S., Elijah G., Elizabeth G., John R., Matilda, Sarah J., Euphratus J., Madison Nordyke and Robert Emmett)
RUSSELL, Cyrus D. (1842- ): m'd ROBERTS, Amanda; s/o Joseph and Mary (Highsmith) Russell
RUSSELL, Edna (1838- ): m'd HAWKINS, Willian N.; d/o Joseph and Mary (Highsmith) Russell
RUSSELL, Joseph N. (1833- ): m'd THRUSH, Rosa Ann; s/o Joseph and Mary (Highsmith) Russell
RUSSELL, Newton: m'd [ ], Sarah
RUSSELL, Patsy Ellen (1841- ): m'd CATCHING, James Centers; d/o Joseph and Mary (Highsmith) Russell
RUSSELL, Riley M. (1836- ): m'd THRUSH, Rhoda Ann; s/o Joseph and Mary (Highsmith) Russell
RUSSELL, Sarah: m'd RUSSELL, Newton
RUSSELL, Sarah Olivia (24 Apr 1831-1861).: m'd 24 Apr 1851 HILL, George Monroe; d/o Alpheus and Lucy (Squire) Russell
RUSSELL, William A. (1823- ): m'd THRUSH, Hester Ann; s/o Joseph and Mary (Highsmith) Russell
RUSSELL, William M. (1832- ): m'd 1858 PERKINS, Elvira
RUTLEDGE, Electra: d/o William and Sarah (Scott) Rutledge
RUTLEDGE, Elizabeth Millicent ( -1864): m'd 1862 MATLOCK, Joseph Dewitt; d/o William and Sarah (Scott) Rutledge
RUTLEDGE, Louise: m'd c1865 MATLOCK, Joseph Dewitt; was half sister of Elizabeth Millicent Rutledge
RUTLEDGE, Lucy: m'd COOKE, [ ]
RUTLEDGE, William C.: m'd MOORE, Margaret
RUTLEDGE, William Moore: m'd SCOTT, Sarah Jane; s/o William and Margaret (Moore) Rutledge
RYNER, Emeline (03 Dec 1825-30 May 1891): m'd 08 Sep 1844 COX, Ethan; d/o Jacob and Rachel (Spencer) Ryner; buried Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
SACKET, David:
SAGE, Gertrude: m'd 1833 SAGE, Joseph; maiden name unknown at this time
SAGE, Joseph (1809-1890): m'd 1833 [ ], Gertrude
SALIND, Martha B.: m'd 1849 EARNEST, Willis B.
SALING, Edmund Snow (1826- ): m1. 1847 DUCKWORTH, Elizabeth M.; m2. DRURY,
Emily; m3. 1865 Morgan, Mrs.Artemisia (French)
SALING, Emery Isham (1830- ): 1856 MORTON, Malinda; 1859 moved to Walla Walla; moved to Weston in early 1870s where he had a dry goods store, Reese & Saling; father of 11 children
SAMPLES, Bernetta "Betsy" (07 Jun 1811-03 Jul 1869): m'd 02 Sep 1826 CHURCHILL, Alvah; d/o John and Mary (Crim) Churchill; buried Coles Valley Cemetery, Coles Valley, Douglas County, Oregon
"SAMPSON, J. K.--Mr. Sampson, now a resident of Lafayette, Yamhill County, came to Oregon in 1852, arriving in Portland on the twentieth of August. He remained but six weeks in that town, leaving it for Yamhill County, in which he has resided nearly all the intervening years. He has been identified with its growth and progress and has built up an estimable name as a citizen." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 784]
SANBURN, J. R. (1835):
SANDERS, Tabitha (1820-1852): m'd CLARK, Benjamin; Tabitha,
d/o Reece and Sarah (Jennings) Sanders;
location unknown; her husband and one son died on the trail in Idaho of cholera
*16) SARGENT, Abraham A. (1820-12
Jul 1898): m'd 11 Mar 1841 ADAMS, Nancy Eleanor; father of (John Franklin,
Reason F., Mary Catherine, Oliver Perry H., and Oscar Dunwreath); left
Iowa with the Adams Family in the spring of 1852 left them and spent the
winter of 1852/53 in Salt Lake City, Utah arrived in El Dorado County,
California in 1853 moved to Oregon in 1858/59;
Deer Creek Cemetery, Selma, Josephine County,
*16) SARGENT, John Franklin/Francis (1843-Jan
1888):m'd 03 Jan 1881 BOAZ, Mary Cordelia; s/o
Abraham and Nancy (Adams) Sargent;
burial location unknown
*16) SARGENT, Mary Catherine (22 Apr1846-09 Jan 1924): m'd 08 Sep 1861 WARD, Robert; d/o Abraham and Nancy (Adams) Sargent; mother of 15 children including (Ellen Elizabeth, Frances Jane, Abraham Stephen, Robert Henry, George Edwin, Mary Isabel, Thomas Jefferson, Reason Taylor, Charles Lewis, William Franklin, Anna Bertha May, Christopher Oscar Dunreath, Sarah Rebecca, Margaret S. and Pearl Leona); buried Myrtle Point Cemetery, Myrtle Point, Coos County, Oregon
*16) SARGENT, Oliver Commodore Perry
(16 Aug 1849-06 Nov 1904):m1. c1872 HARRIS, Mary E. (divorced 1875); m2. 1880 SHOEMAKE, Marianne "Minnie"; s/o Abraham and Nancy (Adams) Sargent; was shot and killed by his
father-in-law 06 Nov 1904 Josephine Co, OR;
father of one son by first
marriage (John Franklin) and five children by second marriage (Adelbert
Snowden, Ida May, William Benson, Oliver Perry and Daisy Dewey);
Hartley Cemetery, Williams, Josephine County, Oregon
*16) SARGENT, Oscar Dunwreath (15 Feb 1852-24 Jul 1929): m'd 1872 LAIRD, Annie Barker; s/o Abraham and Nancy (Adams) Sargent; father of ten children (Nina Louise, Arthur Pinkston, Florence Elzada, Lewis, Margaret M., Levilla, Bertha, Lulu D., Dell and Earl D.); buried Knights of Pythias Cemetery, Bandon, Coos County, Oregon; [middle name seen as Dunruth per Death Index; Dunswreath per Jim Cook]
*16) SARGENT, Reason Taylor. "Reece" (18 Feb 1845-02 May 1921): m1. 10 Oct 1874 ANDERSON, Sarah Elizabeth; m2. 01 Jan 1878 TETERS, Emma Jane; m3. 13 Jun 1904 TURNER, Lavina Ann; s/o Abraham and Nancy (Adams) Sargent; father of one son by first marriage (Oliver S.L.) and eight children by second marriage (William Henry, Anna May, Frederick Lawrence, Marion Franklin, Minnie Arville, Lizzie Edith, Clara Josephine and Alice Hilda); buried Roseburg National Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
SAYERS, P.D.: settled at Oregon City until 1855 when the family moved to Corvallis and opened a hotel
SAYLOR, Alfred L. Dr. (1847- ): m'd 1875 GRIFFITH, Susan; s/o Conrad and Mary (Black) Saylor
"SAYLOR, A. L.-Born in Iowa in 1847, and was taken across the plains with his parents in 1852. They lived for a while in Portland, and in 1853 went to Olyrnpia, but returned to Oregon in 1856; and settled in McMinnville, Yamhill County. A. L. Saylor was educated at the Baptist College at McMinnville, and in 1871 became clerk in the store of J. B. Morris & Co., at Sheridan, remaining with them four years, and then went into business for himself in a drug store, and was also postmaster of that town. He removed to Dallas in 1877, and bought out the drug store of Dr. Herndon, of Dayton, where he still continues in the same business, and has also held the office of postmaster since 1878. Was publisher of the Free Press at Dayton for one year, and now runs a job printing business. Mr. Saylor enlisted in the army in 1864 and served twelve months in the campaign in Idaho, and was post adjutant of Custer Post, G. A. R., at McMinnville in 1884. He is a member of Lafayette Lodge No. 3, A. F. and A. M., Royal Arch Chapter No. 20, and Pioneer Council No. 1, Royal and Select Masters. Was married in 1875 to Miss Susan Griffith, and they have five children, namely George W., Edward A., Susan W., Lolo W., and Ella May." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 784]
SAYLOR, Charles N.: s/o Conrad and Mary (Black) Saylor
SAYLOR, Conrad G. ( -1884): m1: 1842 BLACK, Mary A. (died on trail in 1852); m2. 1854 SARJENT, Matilda J.
SAYLOR, William H. Dr.: s/o Conrad and Mary (Black) Saylor
SCHEURER, John (1825-1887): m'd 1849 YERGEN, Elizabeth
SCHILLING, Martha: see Martha SCHILLING 1853 listing
*12) SCHNELL, Dr.: member of Gaebhart/Abbott train, cut off for CA; located in San Francisco where he was one of the leading physicians of the city for many years
SCHOOLING, Henry K. (1815- ): m'd 1834 [ ], Icyphene
SCHOOLING, Icyphene: m'd 1834 SCHOOLING, Henry K.; maiden name unknown at this time
SCHOOLING, James P. (1830 - ): m'd 1850 FOUNTAIN, Martha R.
"SCHOOLING, J. P.--Born in Boone County, Missouri, December 27, 1830. When he arrived in Oregon he settled immediately in Linn County, and is now a large land owner and farmer. Married Miss Martha R. Fountain in 1850. Their children are I. B. (deceased), Joseph S., Eliza J. (deceased), Jerry A., Susan E., and William A." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 784-85]
SCHOOLING, Martha R.: m'd 1850 SCHOOLING,
James P.; maiden name unknown at this time
*18) SCOTT, Abigail Jane "Jenny" (22 Oct 1834-11 Oct 1915): m'd 1853 DUNIWAY, Benjamin
Charles (1830-1896); d/o John and Anne (Roelofson) Scott; buried
River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
"Editor and pioneer advocate of Woman Suffrage, was born at Groveland, Ill., the daughter of John Tucker and Ann Roelofson Scott, of Scotch, German and English lineage. Coming to Oregon (her mother died enroute), the father and eight children settled at Lafayette. At 18 Abigail taught school at Cincinnati (Eola), then in 1853 married Benjamin C. Duniway. Nine years later, as the mother of four children, she found herself the sole family support, due to an accident which befell her husband, 1862. Thereafter she taught school at Needy and Lafayette, and at Albany opened a millinery business. Moving to Portland in 1871, where in 1872 her husband worked in the Customs service, she started on the program of equal rights for women that made her career notable. As publisher and editor of The New Northwest (1871-87), she pioneered the field of woman suffrage, using the columns of her weekly paper to herald her message. She lectured extensively for many decades in the Pacific Northwest and eastern states. Moving to Idaho in 1887, she aided in bringing suffrage there in 1896. Returning to Oregon she continued her work, which in 1912 resulted in a suffrage amendment to the Oregon Constitution. She tells her own story in Path Breaking, 1914. She also was author of two novels, including Captain Gray's Company, and a book of poems." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 77]
SCOTT, Alexander ( -1876): m'd c1858 MILLER (MORRIS), Ellen (widow of Bluford Miller); Alexander died in runaway accident
*18) SCOTT, Catherine Amanda "Kate" (30 Nov 1839-27 May 1913): m'd COBURN, John R.; d/o John and Anne (Roelofson) Scott; shared in the editing of Abigail and Harvey's newspapers as well as her own; was widowed young; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
SCOTT, Charlotte ( 1827-1852): m'd 1842 COYLE, Alexander James; died on trail near Ft. Laramie
*18) SCOTT, Harriet Louisa "Etty" or "Duck" (09 Mar 1841-03 Jan 1930): m1. 1856 MCCORD, William Rankin; m2. PALMER, Isaac A.; d/o John and Anne (Roelofson) Scott; Harriet was born 09 Mar 1841; during the emigration she drove the loose stock riding an old mare named "Shuttleback". She became a spritualist and a medium. Harriet died 03 Jan 1930 in Seattle, WA; buried Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
*18) SCOTT, Harvey Whitfield (01 Feb 1838 -07 Aug 1910): m1. 31 Oct 1865 NICKLIN, Elizabeth; m2. 28 Jun 1876 MCCHESNEY, Margaret; b. 01 Feb 1838 in Groveland, Tazewell County, IL; died 07 Aug 1910 in Baltimore, MD; emigrated to Oregon with his parents John Tucker and Anne (Roelofson) Scott; fought in the Yakima Indian War in 1855; graduated from Oregon Pacific University in 1863; studied law and worked as a librarian and regularly contributed stories to the Oregonian newspaper (where he served 40 years as editor). A leader of the Republican party, was admitted to the bar; served a six year term as U.S. Collector of Customs at Portland beginning in 1870; 1903-1905 was president of the Lewis and Clark Exposition; dirvector of the Associated Press from 1900-1910; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
SCOTT, Jacob (1815-1890): m'd 1837 WORTMAN, Mary Hannah
SCOTT, James Lyons (27 Feb 1825-27 May 1901): m'd ZOLL, Julia A.; s/o Robert and Magdalene (Newkirk) Scott; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
*18) SCOTT, John Henry "Sonny", "Jerry" (01 Oct 1843 -01 May 1862): s/o John and Anne (Roelofson) Scott; John was born 01 Oct 1843 and died 01 May 1862 at Forest Grove of tuberculosis; buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon
*18) SCOTT, John Tucker (1809-1880): m1. 1830 ROELOFSON, Anne; (b. 26 Jul 1811 Washington Co, KY, d. 20 Jun 1852 on trail); m2. STEVENSON, Ruth (ECKLER);s/o James and Frances (Tucker) Scott; John was born 18 Feb 1809 KY;original emigrant of 1849; ran a hotel at Lafayette, moved to Scotts Prairie, Puget Sound, fought in Yakima Indian War, returned to Clackamas Co and finally to Forest Grove where he farmed and ran a mill; John died in 01 Sep 1880 in Washington Co, Oregon; buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon
"SCOTT, JOHN T.--Born in Kentucky, February 18, 1809; emigrated to Illinois when quite young, and came to Oregon when forty- three years old. Died at his residence in Forest Grove, September 1, 1880. He was the father of H. W. Scott, editor of the Oregonian ; Mrs. A. S. Duniway, of the New Northwest ; Mrs. G. A. Coburn, of the Telegram; Mrs. M. F. Cook, Mrs. J. M. Kelty, Mrs. McCord, W. B. Scott, and Ella Scott." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 785]
SCOTT, Louisa (1821/28-1853): m'd BACON, Jesse; died in Columbia County, Oregon; burial location unknown
SCOTT, Lucy C.: m'd 1843 SCOTT, William G.; maiden name unknown at this time
SCOTT, Margaret (c1790-1870): m'd HENRY, Thomas
*18) SCOTT, Margaret Ann "Mag" (27 Oct 1836-24 Sep 1865): m'd FERNSIDE, George; d/o John and Anne (Roelofson) Scott; Margaret was born 27 Oct 1836. Sheattended Tualatin Academy at Forest Grove. After her marriage she moved to Tillamook Bay where her husband had a store on a barge that visited settlements around the bay. Margaret died 24 Sep 1865 of tuberculosis and was the first burial in the Tillamook Pioneer Cemetery. Her four daughters were raised by her sisters; buried Trout Cemetery, Tillamook County, Oregon
SCOTT, Mary Ellen (23 Sep 1830-17 Sep 1900): m'd 1847 MCPHERSON, James; d/o Robert and Magdalene (Newkirk) Scott; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
*18) SCOTT, Mary Frances "Fanny"(19 May 1833-0 Sep 1930) m'd 16 Aug 1853 COOK, Amos.; d/o John and Anne (Roelofson) Scott; Mary was born 19 May 1833. Her husband was a member of the Peoria Party of 1839-40. Fanny was a prohibitionist and spent the last years of her long life in Portland. She died 09 Sep 1930 at age 97 years; buried Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
SCOTT, Miss: m'd LATOURETTE, R. E.: d/o John and Anne (Roelofson) Scott
SCOTT, Sarah Maria "Chat" (22 Apr1847-24 Nov 1901): m'd 1869 KELTY, James Munroe.; d/o John and Anne (Roelofson) Scott; "Maria" was born 22 Apr 1847. Her husband was a merchant at Lafayette and a sheriff of Yamhill County. She became a musician. Maria died 24 Nov 1901; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.
SCOTT,Jane Elizabeth (13 Aug 1823-24 Jan 1878): m'd. STARKEY, John L.; accompanied by family; husband had emigrated previous year; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
SCOTT, Robert (16 Oct 1805-30 Dec 1893): m'd 1825 NEWKIRK, Magdalene "Lena: Jane; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
SCOTT, William G. (1814- ): m'd 1843 [ ], Lucy C.
*18) SCOTT, William Neill "Willie" (1848-1852): s/o John and Anne (Roelofson) Scott; Willie was born 30 Dec 1848 and died in the Burnt River Valley 27 Aug 1852; Aug 28 Last night our darling Willie was called from earth..He was buried to day upon an elevated point, one hundred and fifty feet above the plain in a spot of sweet seclusion. The soil here was thin and full of rocks. Father had the men cut a cavity out of the solid rock that jutted out of Burnt River Mountain, and here his little form was sealed beside the only living thing, a little juniper tree. Years later Harvey Scott and Amos Cook located the tree while on a trip to the Salmon River Mines and brought back a piece of bark from it."
SCRIVNER, Malinda ( -1852): m'd MOORE, Robert; died on trail
SEARS, Carrol Jackson (02 May 1815-21
Jan 1901):
m'd 15 Mar 1837 CARTER, Martha Jane; s/o John and Rhoda Sears;
Sears Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
"Carroll Jackson Sears was b. 02 May 1815 in Bledsoe Co, TN; he married 15 Mar 1837 to Martha Jane Carter of nearby Bradley Co. In 1838 they migrated to Washington Co, Ark. In 1850 he joined the masses headed to CA to look for gold. He returned home quite successful and packed up his family and headed for OR in 1852. He was Captain of a train that arrived at Umatilla in Oct 1852. From the Dalles, the Sears family rafted their goods down to the Sandy while the older boys drove the stock overland. After wintering at Howell Prairie in Marion County they moved the next spring to Cottage Grove, Lane Co where they filed for a donation land claim. He built a home there where he remained until his death 21 Jan 1901. He is buried in the Sears Cemetery at Lane County with other family members"
SEARS, David Walker (06 Jun 1849-09 Sep 1919): m'd 18 Jan 1872 FIELD, Martha A.; s/o Carrol and Martha Jane (Carter) Sears; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
SEARS, Elizabeth Mary (11 Jul 1811-12 Nov 1852): m'd31 Mar 1830 BYERLEY, Martin Absolem; d/o Henry and Anna (Perrin) Sears; died Eola, Polk County Oregon buried Salt Creek Cemetery, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon
SEARS, George Thomas (10 Sep 1844-15 Nov 1911): m'd 18 Sep 1870 WALLACE, Sarah Anne; s/o Carrol and Martha Jane (Carter) Sears; buried Walker Union Church Cemetery, Walker, Lane County, Oregon
SEARS, James Alexander (26 Jan 1841-07 Nov 1915): m'd 1883 WILSON, Alma Margaret; s/o Carroll and Martha Jane (Carter) Sears; buried Sears Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
SEARS, John Henry (19 Nov 1852-29 Jul 1915): m1. 28 Apr 1878 BUTLER, Maggie Nancy; m2. 01 Jan 1888 BALES, Nancy Katherine; s/o Carroll and Martha Jane (Carter) Sears; born in November after arrival; buried Sears Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
SEARS, Levinia (17 Oct 1813-20 May 1884): m'd 25 Feb 1830 BURFORD, Hezekiah; d/o George and Catherine (Hon) Sears [per Burford descendant Steve Meyers]; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
SEARS, Rhoda (05 Aug 1784 -18 Aug 1861): m'd SEARS, John; mother of Carroll Sears; maiden name unknown; buried Sears Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
SEARS, Sarah Ann (04 Feb 1847-21 Jul 1924):m'd 27 Feb 1861 JONES, James Harrison; d/o Carroll and Martha Jane (Carter) Sears; buried Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
SEBASTIAN, D. D. ( -1896):
SETTLE, Campbell T. ( - ): m'd ,
SETTLE, Henrietta Berthina (02 May 1823-22 Aug 1908).: m1. 12 Aug 1841 GORE, James; m2. c1897 INMAN, Joel Cowan; James; d/o John and Jenny (Ruby) Settle; Henrietta Settle biography
*31) SEXTON, Jacob Tyrell (1833 - ) s/o Enoch and Martha (Morgan) Sexton; may have died prior to emigration
*31) SEXTON, Mary Eliza (o9 Feb 1838-01 Feb 1922): d/o Enoch and Martha (Morgan) Sexton; father died prior to emigration and Mary emigrated with mother and step father (Richard Morgan)
*31) SEXTON, William (1841- ): s/o Enoch and Martha (Morgan) Sexton; may have died prior to emigration
SHAFF, Agnes M. (1851-1899): m'd 1875 ATTERBURY, Tilmon Chasteen; d/o Henry C.
and Adaline (Adams) Shaff; settled in Douglas Co
SHAFF, Henry C. (23 Dec 1829-bef 17 May 1884): m1. 29 Dec 1850 ADAMS, Adeline; m2. 08 Mar 1855 HUNGERFORD, Lucy M.;first wife died on trail; m3. c1868 [ ], Ann; m4. 27 Feb 1877 KELSEY, Elizabeth
SHAFF, Lucy Phinetta (1810-1894): m'd 1851 TRASK, William; d/o Joseph and Lucy (Blakely) Shaff, settled in Douglas Co
SHANNON, Jane (1821-c1874): m'd 03 Apr 1841 ARUNDELL, Thomas; died Ventura County, California; burial location unknown
SHARP, Addis Emmett (1840-1906) s/o John and Cornelia (Hesser) Sharp; died
Waiohinu, Hawaii, Hawaii. Family story that he married, but no
independent evidence]
SHARP, Brian Jolly (1845-1923): m'd 26 Dec 1870 Josephine R. Cranston; s/o John and Cornelia (Hesser) Sharp
*27) SHARP, Elizabeth: m'd 1853 HERREN, John Clark
SHARP, James Meikle (1844-1932): m'd 6 August 1874 Susanna Rebecca Plank (1851 - 1934); s/o John and Cornelia (Hesser) Sharp; Settled in Santa Paula, Ventura County, California.
SHARP, John (1797- 1878): m'd 1832 HESSER, Cornelia Ann; died Latham, Lane, Oregon, buried Cottage Grove, Lane, Oregon. First wife -- no children -- was Anna Higbee, b. 1801, St. Clair, Washington, Pennsylvania. Parents, Peter Sharp and Judith Townsend. [Cornelia Ann HESSER, 1803 Loudoun County, Virginia - 1888, Seaton, Lane, Oregon, daughter of Andrew Hesser and Hannah Warner. Birth year a little fuzzy, since the October 1808 date sometimes seen puts her birth a little too long after her father's death in April 1807]
SHARP, John Peter (1842-1905): m'd 14 September 1865 Nancy Jane Rowland; s/o John and Cornelia (Hesser) Sharp; settled in Ellensburg, Kittitas, "Washington Territory" later a state. He was a state senator in Washington
SHARP, Joseph Higbee (1834-1913): m'd 28 September 1865 Phoebe Jane White; s/o John and Cornelia (Hesser) Sharp; wife was the daughter of Daniel B. White and Mary Jane Dearborn
SHARP, Judith Julia Ann (1803-1883): m'd TURNER, Henry L.; d/o Peter and Judith (Townsend) Sharp [Judith Julia Ann SHARP (I have seen one of her calling cards and it has all three given names per Ann Sharp). She went by Julia, and was born 16 January 1803, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania; died 26 July 1882, Turner, Marion, Oregon (the town was named after her husband). Parents, Peter Sharp and Judith Townsend. See Http://Ncbible.Org/Nwh/Ormarion.Html#Turner for photographs and a few biographical details.]
SHARP, Julia A.(1838-1908): m'd 1853 BEAN, Obadiah Roberts; d/o John and Cornelia (Hesser) Sharp
SHARP, Louis Henry (1848-1916): m'd 13 September 1883, Eleanor Peters Gibbons; s/o John and Cornelia (Hesser) Sharp [Louis Henry -- he always spelled it Louis -- after his uncle Henry Lewis Turner, his surprise arrival delayed the Sharps and Turners in Missouri from 1848 to 1852 when they deemed him old enough to survive the trail. He married, in San Francisco to the daughter of Henry Gibbons and Martha Poole.
*27) SHARP, William Wolverton: m'd 1853 ROBBINS, Zobeda; accompanied Robbins family as a bullwhacker and later married one of the daughters
SHAW, Anna Amanda (25 May 1849-28 Mar 1910): m'd 09 Nov 1869 BOYINGTON, James; d/o Jefferson and Martha (Fields) Shaw;
View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
SHAW, Cynthia Jane (28 Jan 1848 - 19 Nov 1913): m1. 1863 LOUDON, Thomas H.; m2. 1904 JULIAN, Irvin Thomas; d/o James and Alsha (Baker) Shaw; buried Blooming Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon
SHAW, James (Mar 1824-01 Sep 1909): m'd 1845 BAKER, Alsha Katherine; settled near present day Milton-Freewater, OR; buried in Ford Cemetery, Milton-Freewater, Umatilla County, Oregon
SHAW, Jefferson Rice (16 Oct 1803-18 Apr 1885 ): m'd 15 Jul 1844 FIELDS, Martha Jane; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
"SHAW, J R.--Is a farmer and a resident of Oregon City; was born in Jessamine County, Kentucky, in 1803; married Martha J. Fields, and their children are Samuel, Amanda, Minerva, Mary J., Jefferson R, Edward, Robert (deceased), and Joel (deceased)." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 785]
SHAW, Joel F. (1845-1852): died on trail; s/o Jefferson and Martha (Fields) Shaw
SHAW, Minerva Bell (1851-12 Jul 1936): m'd EPPLEY, Owen; d/o Jefferson and Martha (Fields) Shaw; buried Wilhelms Portland Memorial Mausoleum, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
SHAW, William Samuel (Mar 1847-23 Feb 1919 ): m'd 1872 LOFTUS, Nellie R.; s/o Jefferson and Martha (Fields) Shaw; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
SHAW, William Thomas (1846-1928): m'd HOSKINS, Rebecca; s/o James and Alcha (Baker) Shaw; worked as a miner in and around Jacksonville, OR; buried in Umapine, OR
SHEARER, Eliza Jane (1822-1895): m'd 1840 HAMLIN, James A.; d/o Henry and Mary (Summers) Shearer
*12) SHECKLEY, Mr. ( -1852): "a young man who was a member of our party died of cholera at Ft. Kearney" about June 10, 1852
SHEETS, Isaac (1822- ):
SHEEVER, Mr ( -1852): died on trail 28 May 1852 from inflation in bowels, was from WI
SHEFFIELD, James F. (1825- ):
SHELL, G. W. (1820- ):
SHELLEY, George D. ( -1852): m'd GABBERT, Catherine; died on trail of cholera
SHELLEY, John (1827- ): m'd 1847 PARK, Margaret; s/o George and Catherine (Gabbert) Shelley
SHELLEY, Polly: m'd ROBINSON, [ ]; d/o George and Catherine (Gabbert) Shelley
SHELLY, Miranda: m'd 1846 MITCHELL, James G.
SHELTON, Cynthia: m'd 1842 GLAZE, Reuben
SHELTON, Levi J. (1820-1862): m'd 1847 MORGAN, Polly
SHEPARD, Elizabeth: m'd HOLTGRIEVE, [ ]; d/o Henry and Elizabeth (Mattern) Shepard
SHEPARD, Henry: m1. MATTERN, Elizabeth ( -1849); m2. 1852 NELSON, Lucinda; married second wife on the trail
SHEPARD, Nancy: m'd 1853 VANDERPOOL, Francis; d/o Henry and Elizabeth (Mattern) Shepard
SHEPHARD, Catherine (1844-1935): m'd 1865 BLANTON, John
SHEPHERD, Andrew Jackson (1817- ): m'd 1834 [ ], Clara
SHEPHERD, Clara:: m'd 1834 SHEPHERD, Andrew Jackson; maiden name unknown at this time
SHEPHERD, Mary (1827-1871): m'd 1860 SMITH, Delazon; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn Co, OR
SHERER, David (1833- ): s/o David and Sarah (Miller) Sherer;
SHERER, David (1797-1852): m'd MILLER, Sarah; died on trail of cholera; Cecelia (McMillen) Adams mentioned in her diary that they passed the grave of D. Sherer who d. 28 May 1852 age 5 (should have been 55)
SHERER, Elizabeth: m'd MILHOLLEN, William; d/o David and Sarah (Miller) Sherer
SHERER, John D. (1821- ): s/o David and Sarah (Miller) Sherer
SHERER, William M. (1828- ): s/o David and Sarah (Miller) Sherer
SHERROD, Martha Jane (21 May 1829-21 Jan 1904): m'd 08 Nov 1850 BANKS, Hilkiah Preston; buried Athena Cemetery, Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon
SHIELDS, Ellen (1843-1926): m'd DORRIS, [ ]
SHIELDS, James (1811- ):
"SHIELDS, JAMES--Born in Bourbon County, Indiana, in 1811; came to Oregon in 1852, and settled in Linn County, near Lebanon. His present residence is near Albany, and occupation capitalist. He has been twice married, first to Mrs. Matilda Sloan, in Missouri, by whom he has four children Mrs. M. E. Dorris, E. George, Benjamin F., and Thomas J. His second wife s name was Sarah M. Cotton, and by her his children are William H., Matilda C. E., Fannie T., James A., and Virginia E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 785]
SHINN, Nancy: m'd HULL, Cyrus B.
SHIPLEY, Adam Randolph (1828- ):
SHIRLEY, Elizabeth (20 Feb 1806-09 Feb 1889): m'd 08 May 1828 DAVIDSON, Carter Tarrant; d/o Daniel Ezekiel and Jane (Allem) Shirley; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon; originally buried in Butler-Davidson Cemetery but headstone was moved to Fircrest.
*25) SHIRLEY, Allen:
*24) SHIRTS, Child1:
*24) SHIRTS, Child2
*24) SHIRTS, George (1810- ):
*24) SHIRTS, Sarah:
SHOEMAKER, Augusta (or Susan): m'd 1842 MORSE, James
SHOEMAKER, Rebecca: m'd 1840 GRAVES, Wesley
SHORE, John:
*16) SHORTRIDGE, Charles Franklin: m1. ; m2. FIELDS, Emiline;
*16) SHORTRIDGE, Corilla A. (1851- ): m'd EADS, William Redmon; d/o Charles and Emiline (Fields) Shortridge
SHORTRIDGE, James Henderson: s/o Samuel Boone Shortridge
*16) SHORTRIDGE, Julia Ann ( 1836-1911): m'd 26 May 1855 CROWL, Joseph Franklin; born Nov 1836 KY; d/o Samuel Boone and Emily Ann (Heath) Shortridge; settled Yamhill Co.; returned east c1868 where the family is found in Sangamon Co, IL in the 1870 census and in Barton Co, MO in the 1880 and 1900. Julia and Joseph are buried in Carterville Cemetery, Carterville, Jasper Co, MO
*16) SHORTRIDGE, Lewis Lastine (1848- ): s/o Charles Shortridge; m'd FALCONER, Araminta Alice
*16) SHORTRIDGE, Samuel Boone (1796-1877): m'd HEATH, Emily Ann
*16) SHORTRIDGE, William Wallace (1836-1916): m'd KEYS, Ellen Jane
*30) SHOUDY, Hannah Eliza (1828-1871): m'd 19 Dec 1844 HORTON, Dexter; d/o Israel and Rebecca (Hemstreet) Shoudy
*30) SHOUDY, William H. (1830-1901): m'd 20 Jan 1859 CRISOM, Martha Francis; s/o Israel and Rebecca (Hemstreet) Shoudy
SHOUP, Eliza (07 Feb 1810-07 Sep 1857): m'd 1833 GULLIFORD, William M.;
d/o Jacob and Sarah (Downing) Shoup; buried
Pioneer Cemetery, Lane County, Oregon
SHOUP, Elizabeth (09 May 1815-05 Jan 1886) m'd 06 May 1831 RAMSAY, Barnett; d/o Jacob and Sarah (Downing) Shoup; buried Santiam Central Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
SHUCK, Margaret (1821- d/o Christopher and Susanna (Zenner) Shuck; appears to have died in Franklin County, Indiana prior to emigration
SHUMATE, Martha (27 Mar 1806-20 Dec 1888): m'd DAVIS, Harmon W.; buried Colfax Cemetery, Colfax, Whitman County, Washington
*3) SIMMERS, Elizabeth: m'd SYRON, James Reed
SIMMONS, Andrew (21 Jul 1819-27 Jul 1892): m'd GARDNER, Lydia Jane; s/o John and
Abigail (Starbuck) Simmons; settled Lane County;
Luper Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
WEYRICK, Catherine (18 Dec 1831-01 Sep 1896): m'd 22 Apr 1850 SIMMONS, Edward
SIMMONS, Charles C. (25 Feb 1846-aft 1880): s/o Andrew and Lydia (Gardner) Simmons
SIMMONS, Edward (05 Jan 1812-21 Dec 1878): m'd
22 Apr 1850 WEYRICK, Catherine; s/o John and
Abigail (Starbuck) Simmons
SIMMONS, Elizabeth C. (1810-1884): m'd 1826
SIMMONS, Elizabeth Jane (28 Jun 1845-11 Dec 1924): m'd 1864 BRUCE, James
Judson; d/o Andrew and Lydia
(Gardner) Simmons;
Waitsburg City Cemetery, Waitsburg, Walla Walla County,
SIMMONS, Nancy Ann (1825-1899): m'd 1842 MATHIS/MATTHEWS, Joshua; d/o Jonathan C. and Mary (Troutman) Simmons; settled in Douglas Co
SIMMONS, Nathan (1840-1890): s/o Andrew and Lydia (Gardner) Simmons
SIMMONS, Seth (10 Dec 1850-30 Oct 1903): m'd BARBRE, Elizabeth Josephine; s/o Andrew and Lydia (Gardner) Simmons; buried Luper Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
SIMMONS, Steven V. (09 Oct 1848- Feb 1852): s/o Andrew and Lydia (Gardner) Simmons; died shortly before emigration
SIMMONS, Samuel (07 Dec 1843 - ) s/o Andrew and Lydia (Gardner) Simmons
SIMMONS, William E. (30 May 1852-17 Dec 1901): m'd BUSHEL, Amilia Anne; s/o Andrew and Lydia (Gardner) Simmons; born on trail in Nebraska; buried Luper Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon; was judged insane in December 1901 and died shortly after commitment to Oregon State asylum
SIMPSON, Pharaby "Phebe" (1819-Jul1852): m'd 29 Sep 1836 BUFF, Martin; d/o James
and Elizabeth (Kimsey) Simpson; died on plains; burial location unknown
SIMPSON, Samuel (1818- ): m'd 1849 , Eliza
SIMPSON, Susannah (21 Mar 1829 -21 Dec 1915): m'd 26 Mar 1846 BURGEN, John Smith; d/o John and Hannah (Crab) Simpson; buried IOOF Mountain View Cemetery, Goldendale, Klickitat County, Washington
SIMPSON, Thomas: m'd BUFF, Rosena
SIRPLESS, Eliza (1817-1903): m'd 30 May 1832 MCFARLAND, Isaac; surname also seen as SURPLICE; emigrated with husband and children, settled in Wasco County; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
SISLER, Catherine: m'd c1839 MORTON, William
SLAGLE, Conrad David "Dick": s/o Conrad and Mary (Ross) Slagle
SLAGLE, Conrad S. "Coon": m'd ROSS, Mary
SLAGLE, James P.: s/o Conrad and Mary (Ross) Slagle
SLAGLE, Joseph: s/o Conrad and Mary (Ross) Slagle
SLAGLE, Martha Anne: d/o Conrad and Mary (Ross) Slagle
SLAGLE, Sarah Elizabeth: m'd 1862 YORK, Henry M.; d/o Conrad and Mary (Ross) Slagle
SLAGLE, Temperance Jane: d/o Conrad and Mary (Ross) Slagle
SLAYTON, Pluma Fidelia (04 Dec 1822-15 Sep 1872): m1. 1840 MAYNE, Benjamin; m2. 01 Jun 1851 CROSS, Thomas; d/o Joshua Slayton and Laodicea (Cotton) Slayton; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
SLEPPY, Elizabeth (1825-1852): m'd 02 Jun 1843 WALDRON, Samuel; born 1825 PA and died 05 Oct 1852 near Willow Creek, Gilliam Co, OR of cholera; fmother of 5 children (Samantha Jane, Almerin John, Agnes M., Isaphena and Angelina)
SLUTH, Emily: m'd 1851 MONTGOMERY, Alimirin
SMELSER, Elizabeth: m'd TAYLOR, James
SMELSER, Francis M. (1832- ):
SMELSER, Isaiah:
SMELSER, Mahala ( -1853): m'd 1844 HALL, Essalum M.
SMITH, Abner H. (1845- ): m'd [ ], May L.; s/o Elijah and Anna
(Riddle) Smith
SMITH, Absalom M. (1826-c1868): m'd1852 HACKLEMAN, Perlina; indications are that he may have came to Oregon from California or by ship as his DLC states that he arrived in Mar 1852; per Jon Ridgeway at JNCRIDGE@aol.com
SMITH, Amanda: m'd BOSSLER, John; d/o Elijah and Anna (Riddle) Smith
SMITH, Caroline: m'd HUNT, James William; started for OR with husband and children between Apr 1851 and Aug 1852; husband died on trail in Utah; Caroline turned around and took children back to Indiana
SMITH, Christopher C. (1836- ):
SMITH, Damon: bio of son below
"SMITH, DAMON (Jr.)--Born in Marion County, Oregon, in 1852; is the son of Damon Smith, who crossed the plains that year; he was reared by Hiram Smith of Harrisburg. His first enterprise was in the mercantile business in Harrisburg, but he moved to Albany in 1882, and commenced business in a drug store in partnership with Henry McCartney. Married Miss Narzette McCartney in 1876, and has one child named Pearl. Resides now in Harrisburg." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 785]
SMITH, Daniel (1820- ):
SMITH, Daughter: d/o Michael and Mary (Green) Smith
SMITH, David (1828- ): m'd RIPERTOE, Sarah
SMITH, David (1822- ): m'd MONTGOMERY, Sarah J.
"SMITH, DAVID--Resides at Lebanon, Linn County, where he is employed in the occupation of farming. He was born in Tennessee, March 18, 1822; came overland to Oregon. Married Miss Sarah J. Montgomery, and their children are William P., Thomas, Julia A., Sarah J., Mary F., Eliza J., Celia B., Ella, and Sadie." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 785-86]
SMITH, Delazon (1816-1860): m1. 1837 VAKE, Eliza; m2. 1848 SHEPHERD, Mary S.; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn Co, OR
"SMITH, DELAZON--Born in New York in the year 1816. Thrown upon his own resources at a very early age, he earned for himself a name through the toilsome avenue of patient study and industry. At the age of fifteen, with all his earthly possessions tied up in a bundle, he started westward and arrived at Rochester, New York, where he remained three years with a relative, and labored to acquire an education. From West New York he went to a Manual Labor school in Oberlin, Ohio, where he spent two years, and from thence into a law office at Cleveland. Began writing for the public press while there, and assumed the editorship of a paper called the Watchman, at Rochester, New York, In 1844 established a paper at Dayton, Ohio, named the Dayton Empire, and in the same year was appointed a special commissioner of the United States to the Republic of Ecuador, in South America, but returned in less than a year and settled in Iowa, where, during the Presidential campaign of 1848, he edited the Iowa Democrat. In 1852 he crossed the plains to Oregon and established his home in the beautiful and fertile county of Linn, where, the following year, he established the Albany Democrat, and edited that paper until his death. Mr. Smith was a representative of Linn County several terms in the Territorial Legislature, and a member of the Constitutional Convention; with General Lane he was United States Senator from Oregon, and was candidate for elector on the Breckenridge ticket. Married Miss Eliza Vake in 1837; Volney V. Smith, a consul to St. Thomas Island, of the West Indies, being the only surviving child of that union. Mr. Smith married again in 1848, Miss Mary Shepherd, by whom were born five children, only one, D. S. Smith, of Linn County, being now living. Mi s. Smith died in 1871. Mr. Smith was a member of the M. E. Church, and officiated as minister of that denomination; also an active member of the Masonic Lodge. After an eventful life of fifty-four years Mr. Smith died November 18, 1870. Delevan S. Smith, the only surviving son of the Hon. Delazon Smith, resides in Linn County, and at present holds the office of deputy sheriff of that county. He was born in Linn County, and has always lived there. Was married to Miss Carrie Clark in December, 1881, and they have one child named Ina." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 786-87]
SMITH, Elijah: m'd [ ], Julia; s/o Elijah and Anna (Riddle) Smith
SMITH, Eliza (1851-1870): d/o Delazon and Mary (Shepherd) Smith
SMITH, Eliza: m'd ROYCE, John; d/o Elijah and Anna (Riddle) Smith
SMITH, Eliza (1848- ): d/o Isaac and Sarah (Lock) Smith
SMITH, Elizabeth: m'd 13 Feb 1819 KISER, Jacob
*17) SMITH, Enos (12 Jul 1848-03 Aug 1852): s/o Nathan and
Emily (Hobson) Smith; died on trail near Twin Falls, Idaho
SMITH, F. A. ( - ): m'd ,
SMITH, H. J. ( - ):
SMITH, Henry B.: see 1851
SMITH, Hiram: m'd MCALPIN, Emily; s/o Elijah and Anna (Riddle) Smith
SMITH, I. N. Jr. ( - ):
SMITH, Isaac B. (1825-c1915): m'd 11 Jul 1847 LOCK, Sarah; Isaac was born Dec 1825 Washington Co, TN and died between the1910 and 1920 census in CA; he was the father of 7 children (Eliza, Mary, Martha, Emma J., Benjamin, one unknown and Bowman S.); in September 1852 he was stranded on the trail at John Day, out of provisions and money. He was taken in by Edward Jay Allen, a passing emigrant on the trail.[Wagons From Wapello by Dennis M. Larsen & Ken Keigley]
SMITH, J.B.V. (1850- ):
SMITH, Jacob D. (1811- ): m'd 1845 [ ], Sarah
SMITH, James ( -1852): died on the trail; traveled with Isaac McFarland family as a driver
SMITH, James (1825- ): m'd 1853 PROUTY, Sarah Jane
SMITH, Jane: m'd BOWDEN, Samuel Smith; traveled with Isaac McFarland family
SMITH, Jane E. (1818-04 Jun 1902): m'd 06 Jun 1839 COLVIN, Thomas Simpson; buried Oak Hill Memorial Park, San Jose, Santa Clara County, California
SMITH, Jeremiah (1814- ):
SMITH, John (1825- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Elizabeth
SMITH, John R.: m'd PEEBLER, Ann E.; s/o Elijah and Anna (Riddle) Smith
SMITH, John T. (1829- ):
"SMITH, JOHN T.--Born in Germany, in 1829. Came to Oregon and settled at Vancouver; resides in that place still, and is a merchant; serves the people as justice of the peace." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 787]
*17) SMITH, Lydia Clantina (13 Jun 1851-29 Jun 1933).: m1. DICKMAN, CharlesW.; m2. BILLINGS, [ ]; d/o Nathan and Emily (Hobson) Smith
SMITH, Marena Ann: m'd 1853 MICHAEL, Elijah Grant
SMITH, Maria (11 Jun 1830-15 Jun 1907): m'd 1848 HATHAWAY, Marshall Root; s/o Shubel and Lucy (Thrall) Smith; buried Old Vancouver City Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
SMITH, Mary: m'd MATEER, George;
SMITH, Mary (04 May 1819-13 Feb 1899): m1. 1838 CONLEE, William Marion; m2. 03 Nov 1844 COFFMAN, Jeremiah; m3. 19 Aug 1864 WETMORE, Ward C.; emigrated to Oregon with her second husband; buried Historic Columbian Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
SMITH, Mary ( -1852): m'd SMITH, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time; was traveling with her daughter and son-in-law, Levi Gregg; died of cholera as did her daughter, Susanna
SMITH, Mary Iantha (1849-1876): m'd 1869 HARPER, F.C.; d/o Delazon and Mary (Shepherd) Smith
SMITH, Matthew (1822- ):
*8) SMITH, Michael (1812-1852): m'd GREEN, Mary; traveled with wife, 2 sons, 1 dau; Michael Smith died Sep 11, 1852, ten miles beyond Burnt River.
*17) SMITH, Nathan (30 Jun 1827-09 Feb 1889): m'd 07 Sep 1847 HOBSON, Emily; s/o William and Lydia (Mills) Smith
SMITH, Percy: s/o David and Sarah (Ripertoe) Smith
*18) SMITH, Peter: from Mt. Sterling, Brown Co, IL
SMITH, Peter (1817-1903): Peter Smith was born in Scotland Oct 18, 1817 and died in Parkland, Washington January 8, 1903. He was buried in the Tacoma Cemetery. He spent his life in Washington and donated land to build Pacific Lutheran University. He was a constable and a judge.
SMITH, Sarah (11 Sep 1810-17 Aug 1852): m'd 19 Mar 1829 WATKINS,
William Lynch; d/o Nathan and Mary (Tucker) Smith; died on the trail of cholera;
burial memorial
Mountain Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
SMITH, Sarah A.: m'd 1838 WILSON, J.Q.
"WILSON, J. Q.--Born in Ohio in 1828; resided for a time in Indiana; came to Oregon and located near Salem on a farm. Married, in 1838, Miss Sarah A. Smith. Their children, both since deceased, were William A., and Armand S. Mr. Wilson has spent a considerable part of his time in Eastern, Oregon, where he has stock interests. Was county judge of Baker County at its organization, and represented Umatilla County in the State Legislature in 1880. Has also been justice of the peace. Resides at Salem." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 794]
SMITH, Sarah Jane (1834- ): m'd IRVINE, Robert A.; d/o Elijah and Anna (Riddle) Smith
SMITH, Sidney A. (1824- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Harriet
"SMITH, S. A., M.D.--Doctor Smith was born in Vermont, but left that State when eight years old and went to Troy, New York. Emigrated to California and dug gold in the northern mines in 1851-52; in the latter year he came to Oregon and settled in Linn County. He is a physician and is still in practice; his address is Halsey. He has been married twice and has one child, now Mrs. Geary, of Halsey." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 787]
SMITH, Son 1: s/o Michael and Mary (Green) Smith
SMITH, Son 2: s/o Michael and Mary (Green) Smith
SMITH, Susan: m'd PEEBLER, William; d/o Elijah and Anna (Riddle) Smith
SMITH, Susanna (20
Oct 1824 -1852): m'd 17 Oct 1844 GREGG, Levi Washington;
d/o John and Jane (Leslie) Smith; died on the trail of cholera; one of several in her family that died including
her mother and father-in-law
SMITH, Thomas: s/o David and Sarah (Ripertoe) Smith
SMITH, William: m'd JONES, Missouri C.; s/o Elijah and Anna (Riddle) Smith
SMITH, William H. (10 Aug 1849-16 Jun 1853): s/o Nathan and Emily (Hobson) Smith; died Marion County, Oregon
SMITH, William P.:
SMITH, Zachary. Taylor ( - ):
SNIPES, Benjamin Elam (1835-1906): became cattleman in Yakima and Ellensburg area of WA, inducted into the Oklahoma Cowboy Hall of Fame
SNOW, Lydia C. ( -1859): m'd 1839 HUMPHREY, Homan M.
*18) SOMMERS, Mr.: paid $50 to join company; settled initially at what is today Corvallis, OR
SOVERNS, Amos (22 Feb 1840 - 06 Feb 1920): m'd 04 Oct 1871 SMITH, Mary Adaline; s/o Jesse and Eliza (Bailey) Soverns;
Milwaukie Pioneer Cemetery, Milwaukie, Clackamas County, Oregon
SOVERNS, Carleton Belt "C. B." (1838-21 Sep 1908): m'd 1866 HILL Marsenas/o Jesse and Eliza (Bailey) Soverns; buried Hargadine Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon
SOVERNS, George (04 Dec 1826 -1900): m1. 1850 HOLTON, Fanny; m2. 1856 TYLER, Elizabeth (BLACHLEY) s/o Jesse and Eliza (Bailey) Soverns served in Rogue River War as a teamster; later settled near Junction City in Lane county where he farmed and raised cattle; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
Son ( -1852): s/o George and
Fanny (Holton); died on trail short distance west of Fort Hall
SOVERNS, Jesse (10 Nov 1802 - 11 Mar 1863: m1. 01 Jan 1824 BAILEY, Eliza Jane; m2. 27 Sep 1853 LAFERTY (aka Lafardamus), s/o Daniel and Elizabeth (Jenkins) Soverns; Jane Elizabeth; settled in Lane Co near Junction City; first wife died as a result of an accident shortly after reaching Portland; [Illustrated History of Lane County, Oregon by A. G. Walling 1884 p. 482-3]
SOVERNS, Mary Jane (20 Mar 1831-26 Feb 1910): m1. MCMULLEN, [ ]; m2. 1858 MONASTES, David M.; d/o Jesse and Eliza (Bailey) Soverns; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
SOVERNS, Ruth Ann (05 Jun 1832-21 Jan 1901): m'd 1853 HOLDREDGE, Francis Sweet; d/o Jesse and Eliza (Bailey) Soverns; buried Hopewell Cemetery, Hopewell, Yamhill County, Oregon
SPEER, William (c1820- ):
SPENCER, Caroline (28 Feb 1826-10 Jun 1862): m'd 23 Feb 1846 DEMENT, Samuel M.;
d/o Moses and Sarah (Matthews) Spencer; buried
Cemetery, Coos County, Oregon
*8) SPENCER, Charles ( -1852): m'd HAMMONS, Nancy; died the day after arriving in Portland; wife had died on trail
*8) SPENCER, Henry: s/o Charles and Nancy (Hammons) Spencer
SPENCER, John (1802-1884): n'd 1832 [ ], Julia Ann
SPENCER, Julia Ann (1810-1889): m'd 1832 SPENCER, John; maiden name unknown at this time
*8) SPENCER, Lafayette:
*8) SPENCER, Thomas: s/o Charles and Nancy (Hammons) Spencer
*5: SPICER, Mr.:
*5: SPICER, Mrs.:
*27) SPILMAN, Sarah (1812-1865): m'd ROBBINS, Jacob; left Greensburg, IN 21 Mar 1852 and arrived at The Dalles 12 Oct 1852; 2 sons died at Troutdale; moved to Salem for a few years and then to Molalla; later moved to Umatilla Landing where her husband had a butcher shop
SPINK, Perry W. (1829- ):
SPLAWN, Andrew Jackson: was Indian fighter, freighter, cattle buyer, drover and breeder and state senator as well as being a cowboy; was inducted into the Oklahoma Cowboy Hall of Fame
SPRAY, Lucinda (1822- ): m'd BARNES, Adam; not much is known about the Adam Barnes family. They appear in Yamhill County in 1854 and by the 1860 census are in Linn County. At that point they appear to have left the area.
SPRENGER, Abigail (04 Dec 1832 -06 Jun 1852): d/o
Nicholas and Maria (Bird) Sprenger; died of cholera at Ft. Kearny; engaged to
James Bingham who was traveling with the family
SPRENGER, Abraham Bird (23 Nov 1829-10 May 1861): m'd 10 Jun 1855 ALBRIGHT, Mary Regina; s/o Nicholas and Maria (Bird) Sprenger; buried Crystal Lake Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
SPRENGER, Charles Bird (22 Aug 1836-08 Jan 1869): m'd 10/15 Mar 1861; GRAVES, Flora Anna; s/o Nicholas and Maria (Bird) Sprenger; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
SPRENGER, Henry Bird (12 Jan 1850-01 Apr 1938): m'd 1873 POWERS, Izzie Mary; s/o Nicholas and Maria (Bird) Sprenger; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
SPRENGER, Isaac Bird (01 Jul 1831-): m'd 12 Oct 1862 MASCHKE, Kate; s/o Nicholas and Maria (Bird) Sprenger; 1886 in Portland City Directory
SPRENGER, Jacob Bird (15 Aug 1834-13 Nov 1875): m'd 22 Apr 1859 GRAVES, Joanna Catherine; s/o Nicholas and Maria (Bird) Sprenger' buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
SPRENGER, Maria Bird (16 Sep 1838-21 Jun 1919): m'd 25 May 1853 COCHRAN, John W.; d/o Nicholas and Maria (Bird) Sprenger; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
SPRENGER, Mary Ann (17 Mar 1828-30 Mar 1859): m'd 24 May 1853 WAIT, Aaron Emmons; d/o Nicholas and Maria (Bird) Sprenger; buried Baker Prairie Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas County, Oregon
SPRENGER, Nicholas (08 Feb 1802-08 Nov 1871): m'd 08 Apr 1827 BIRD, Maria; s/o Johann and Maria (Kunz) Sprenger; buried Crystal Lake Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
SPRENGER, Nicholas Bird (10 Mar 1845-14 Dec 1921): m'd 23 Nov 1884 MCKINNEY, Clara Emmaline; s/o Nicholas and Maria (Bird) Sprenger; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
SPRENGER, Sarah Bird (25 Jun 1842-14 Apr 1926): m1. 15 Jun 1859 MCFARLAND, Walter H. [divorced 1873]; m2. c1875 FISHER, Joseph J.; d/o Nicholas and Maria (Bird) Sprenger; died California
SPRENGER, Thomas Bird (25 Oct 1851-17 Aug 1946): m'd 17 Feb 1875 MAY, Elizabeth Jane; s/o Nicholas and Maria (Bird) Sprenger; buried Shedd Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
SPRINGER, Charles Uriah O. (1846-21 Aug 1871): s/o John and Louisa (John) Springer; died in Washington; burial location unknown
SPRINGER, John ( ): m'd 1845 JOHN, Louisa Anne; m2. MARTIN, Henrietta
SPURR, Diadamia (01 Jun 1814-13 Apr 1887): m'd 30 Nov 1837 BOYES, Samuel Bassett; d/o Cornelis and Rachel (Newman) Spurr; buried Little Shasta Cemetery, Montague, Siskiyou County, California
SQUIRE, Lucy Malvina (14 Feb 1808-04 Apr 1895): m'd 16 Oct 1828 RUSSELL, Alpheus; d/o Ezekiel and Clarissa (Stewart) Squire; buried Halsey Pioneer Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
ST JOHN, Jane (15 Feb 1829 -13 Jun 1904): m'd 1849 ABRAHAM, James;buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; James Abraham died 07 February, 1893 leaving only his wife to survive him. Upon his arrival in Oregon James Abraham had obtained a Donation Land Claim in the Sunnyside area of Portland. The 1860 census lists his occupation as a nurseryman. During his years of residence in the Portland area he had always been a generous benefactor to the local Methodist church as well as other institutions. He sold all but 5 acres of his land to built a hospital on and upon construction of the hospital donated $25,000 toward its contstruction. Upon his death his estate of $200,000 was sued for charitable bequests that he had reportedly made. Mrs. Abraham, at the time of her husband's death was in ill health herself. By the time she died in June 1904 the constant litigation had left her penniless.
STAFFORD, Albert Marion (05 Feb 1837-24 May 1900); m'd PELL, Rose Ann; s/o William and Priscilla (Ramsay) Stafford; buried Stafford Pioneer Cemetery, Lane County, Oregon
STAFFORD, Bethel Allen (12 Dec 1851-20 Oct 1933): m1. 1873 THOMPSON, Mary Jane; m2. 1905 Ganiere, Harriet Florence; s/o William and Priscilla (Ramsay) Stafford; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
STAFFORD, Henry Newell (24 Jan 1845-11 Mar 1853) s/o William and Priscilla (Ramsay) Stafford; buried Stafford Pioneer Cemetery, Lane County, Oregon
STAFFORD, James Madison (18 May 1842-15 Apr 1909): m'd 1866 HARDMAN, Sarah Ellen; s/o William and Priscilla (Ramsay) Stafford; buried Stafford Pioneer Cemetery, Lane County, Oregon
STAFFORD, John Bird (20 Dec 1849-04 Jun 1855): s/o William and Priscilla (Ramsay) Stafford; buried Stafford Pioneer Cemetery, Lane County, Oregon
STAFFORD, Matilda Jane (13 Jan 1836-14 Aug 1890): m'd BURKHART, Calvin Peter; d/o William and Priscilla (Ramsay) Stafford; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
STAFFORD, William Marion (11 Mar 1814-30 Jun 1888): m'd 18 Feb 1836 RAMSAY, Priscilla Jane; buried Stafford Pioneer Cemetery, Lane County, Oregon
STAFFORD, Wilson McClure (1848-10 Jul 1932): m'd 1867 PUGH, Melissa Jane; s/o William and Priscilla (Ramsay) Stafford; buried Riverside Memorial Park, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington
STAGGS, Alfred (c1824 - ):
STALEY, Margaret Kuhn (
STANARD, Alphonso Webster (1829- ): m'd 1852 HILL, Eliza J.
*29) STANDIFER, Jane "Mary" (1831-1852); m'd 1851 HARER, James C. (1828-1852)
*29) STANDIFER, Sarah:(14 Oct 1818-16 Jan 1907): m'd 1843 HARER, David
STANDLEY, James C. (1852- ): died young; s/o John C. Standley
STANDLEY, John H. (1830-1914): m'd 1850 RILEY, Nancy; Primitive Baptist minister for years; farmer, cattleman and miner; wrote a book entitle "How Green Is My Valley"; died in Douglas Co and is buried In Noah Cemetery, Camas Valley, OR
STANDLEY, William (1818-1905): m'd AUSMUS, Matilda; emigrated to CA and then returned to IL to get his wife; he farmed for awhile and then moved to MO where he studied medicine; no indication that he returned west
STANLEY, Harris: m'd 13 Aug 1744 WARDEN, Luanna Clementine; they landed at The Dalles and then went down the River to Portland and then travelled by wagon to Gresham area to take up a DLC
STANLEY, Jane: m'd 1839 MORGAN, John
STANLEY, Page (1801- ): m'd 24 Mar 1839 WILLIAMS. Catherine; some reports indicate they went first to California and then emigrated to Oregon but that has been found to be false [descendant Robert Rankin]
*31) STANLEY, Sarah Jane (1821-05 Dec 1878): m'd 24 Jan 1839 MORGAN, John; maiden name also seen as STANDLEY
STANNARD, Alphonso W. (1829- ):
STANTON, Rosetta (28 Feb 1828-03 Nov 1900): m'd 15 May 1845 BECKNER, John B.; d/o William and Anna (Fosher) Stanton
STANTON, Sarah ( -1855): m'd 1842 LERWILL, William
STANTON, William G. (1845- ):
"STANTON, WILLIAM G.--Born in Laporte County, Indiana, October 27, 1845; came to Oregon and settled later in Salem, his present place of residence. Occupation, merchant. Is unmarried." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 787]
STAPLES, Edwin H. (1833- ): m'd ,
STAPLES, Sanford W. (1829- ): m'd ,
STARK, Candace ( - ): m'd 1846 KUYKENDALL, George
STARK, James R. ( - ):
STARK, Lida Jane (1842-1927): m'd DOW, [ ]
STARK, Malinda Jane ( -1911 ): m'd 1842 KUYKENDALL, John; settled in Douglas County at what later became Wilbur; buried in IOOF cemetery at Eugene, OR
STARK, Martha Vineyard. (Apr 1810-10 May 1881): m'd 08 May 1834 APPLEGATE, Squire Hammond; d/o James Vincent and Rebecca (Pound) Stark; buried Applegate-Kennedy Cemetery, New Plymouth, Payette County, Idaho
STARK, Sarah (26 Apr 1832-28 May 1914): m1. 06 Sep 1849 LAFERTY, Joseph; m2. 1901 BABER, C.C.
STARK, Mr. ( - ): started for Oregon from Wisconsin with daughters' families but stayed at Iowa Center and did not complete journey
STARKEY, Armintha "Minnie" Anne (15 May 1844-31 Oct 1911): m'd GLISAN, Edwin Taylor; d/o John and Jane (Scott) Starkey; father emigrated to Oregon in 1851, sent for his wife and daughter who arrived in 1852; buried Antelope Cemetery, Antelope, Wasco County, Oregon
STARR, George M. (1812-c1887): m'd 1854 DIMMICK, Elizabeth
STARR, Joseph B. (1827-1853):
STEEN, Abner Marion (19 May 1843-23 Nov 1909): m'd 1872 LEABO, Emma Phoebe; s/o William and Naomi (Robinson) Steen; buried Bethany Pioneer Cemetery, Bethany, Marion County, Oregon
STEEN, Clanton Enoch (05 Dec 1832-25 Aug 1880): s/o William and Naomi (Robinson) Steen; spent most of life in Marion County, buried Bethany Pioneer Cemetery, Bethany, Marion County, Oregon
STEEN, Lodema Brittain (1833-1883): m1. 17 Nov 1853 MORGAN, William; m2. 1867 KIRBY, Joel Anderson; d/o William and Naomi (Robinson) Steen; buried Onecho Cemetery, Whitman County, Washington
STEEN, Mary Ellen (25 Jan 1849-08 Jun 1852): d/o
William and Naomi (Robinson) Steen;
died on north side of the Platte, 17 miles
west of Loup Fork Ferry, of diarrhea, in Illinois Ranger Company.
Mentioned in Alvah Isaiah Davis Diary, 1852 [Death on the Oregon
Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ]
Tuesday, June 8West wind; cool and pleasant; traveled fifteen miles on the
south side of the Loup Fork; Steins child died of diarrhea. [Alvah Isaiah
Davis Diary, 1852]
STEEN, Nancy Ann (08 Sep 1846-06 Mar 1909): m1. 27 Nov 1870 HALPENNY, Joseph Tate (1835-1876); m2. 25 Apr 1880 KENNEDY, Dr. John Henry Cornelius; d/o William and Naomi (Robinson) Steen; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla County, Washington
STEEN, Naomi: Lucretia (19 May 1843-01 Aug 1862): twin of Abner Marion Steen; d/o William and Naomi (Robinson) Steen; buried Bethany Pioneer Cemetery, Bethany, Marion County, Oregon
STEEN, Richard Perry (29 Feb 1840 - 02 Jan 1905): m'd 18 Jun 1863 TEEL, Elizabeth Ann; s/o William and Naomi (Robinson) Steen; buried Normal Hill Cemetery, Lewiston, Nex Perce County, Idaho
STEEN, William Gregory. (16 Mar 1813- 27 Sep 1883): m'd 04 Feb 1832 ROBINSON, Naomi; s/o Richard and Nancy (McDonald) Steen; settled in Marion County, Oregon; father of 10 children (Clanton Enoch, Lodema Brittain, William Milton, Richard Perry, Abner Marion, Naomi Lucretia, Nancy Ann, Mary Ellen, John Estes and Louisa Jane]; buried Bethany Pioneer Cemetery, Bethany, Marion County, Oregon
STEEN, William Milton (17 Jan 1837 - 30 Jan 1895): m. 03 Feb 1867 MCALPIN, Narvesta Ann; s/o William and Naomi (Robinson) Steen; buried Weston Cemetery, Weston, Umatilla County, Oregon
STENGER, Peter F. ( -1896):
STEPHENS, Catherine Ann "Cassie" (06
May 1849-15 Mar 1942): 23 Jun 1867 CLARKE, William Benjamin; d/o
Ebenezer and Rebecca (Stormer) Stephens
STEPHENS, Ebenezer (03 Mar 1822-30 Nov 1896): m'd 30 May 1844 STORMER, Rebecca; s/o Stephen and Ann (Dover) Stephens
STEPHENS, Eliza Ann: see Eliza Ann STEVENS
Wesley 30 Oct (1846-08 Jun 1852):
s/o Ebenezer and Rebecca (Stormer) Stephens; died
on trail
STEPHENS, Mary Jane (01 Jun 1851-03 Mar 1929): m'd 03 Dec 1871 BAILEY, Charles Peter; d/o Ebenezer and Rebecca (Stormer) Stephens
STEPHENS, William (27 Apr 1844-12 Mar 1912): m'd 25 Apr 1867 ENSLEY, Rosana J.; s/o Ebenezer and Rebecca (Stormer) Stephens
STEPHENSON, Barbara: m'd CLARY, [ ]; emigrated with her children
STEVENS, Christina (1844-1923): m'd 1862 ESSON, Alexander; d/o Hanson and
Lavina (Wickard) Stevens
STEVENS, Eliza Ann (21 Sep 1810-01 Apr 1877): m'd 30 Jul 1829 HOXIE, Obadiah D.; d/o John and Susannah (Brightman) Stevens
STEVENS, Hanson (1815-1888): m1. 1839 WICKARD, Lavina; m2. 1862 Elizabeth Jane (Bentley) Fuller; s/o Obediah Stevens; Descendants have held annual reunions since 1891. The story of Hanson, Lavina and their children is documented in Stevens Family History: A History of the Children of Hanson and Lavina (Stevens Family: Portland (2006)).
STEVENS, Isaac (1840-1920): m'd 1865 MCELFRESH, Catherine Ann; s/o Hanson and Lavina (Wickard) Stevens
STEVENS, Margaret Elizabeth (1798-aft 1880): m'd Jan 1814 BUFF, John; buried Lewis Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon; headstone says maiden name Stephens
STEVENS, Mary (1851-1923): m'd 1871 SMITH, Jennings; d/o Hanson and Lavina (Wickard) Stevens
STEVENS, Millard (1849-1919): m1. 1875 BROWN, Sarah; m2. 1892 GILDOW, Nancy Jane; s/o Hanson and Lavina (Wickard) Stevens
STEVENS, Rebecca (1841-1936): m'd 1858 MOUNT, Henry Duckwall; d/o Hanson and Lavina (Wickard) Stevens; Rebecca was the mother of 14 children, 13 of whom lived to adulthood. Four sons became doctors and two became lawyers; the other three were farmers and businessmen. One daughter married a doctor; another married a banker; the third, a pharmacist.
STEVENS, Rispa (1843-1920): m'd 1860 RINGO, Hamilton Hodge; s/o Hanson and Lavina (Wickard) Stevens
STEVENS, Sarah E. (1847-1943): m'd 1862 MCCUBBINS, Samuel; d/o Hanson and Lavina (Wickard) Stevens
STEVENSON, George ( -1852) : m'd ECKLER, Ruth; from Mt. Sterling, Brown Co, IL; died at the Cascades of the Columbia River
STEVENSON, Jacob George (1849- ): m'd 1878 MCCORNACK, Helen; s/o George and Ruth (Eckler) Stevenson; born 21 Nov 1849; from Mt. Sterling, Brown Co, IL; teacher and farmer; lived in Lane County for a time before moving to Klamath Falls, OR
STEVENSON, Son (1847- ): s/o George and Ruth (Eckler) Stevenson
STEWARD, Delphine D. ( -1869): m'd JOHNSON, William R.
STEWART, Ann Jane (16 Mar 1831-09 Jul 1919): m'd 23 Feb 1851 COOPER, Harben Miles/Mills; d/o Alexander and Rebecca (Duff) Stewart; buried Hilltop Cemetery, Independence, Polk County, Oregon
STEWART, Burrel Allen (25 Jan 1837-03 Jan 1905): m'd 1895 PARSLEY, Julia Ann; s/o Robert and Artimesia (Allen) Stewart
STEWART, Elias (11 Sep 1814- 28 Dec 1898 ): m'd 04 Sep 1834 ENGLAND, Eliza; s/o Brice and Mary (Hodges) Stewart; wife died on trail of cholera
STEWART, Elizabeth: m'd LUCKY, Joseph; d/o Elias and Eliza (England) Stewart
STEWART, Ellen (c1837- ): d/o Robert and Artimesia (Allen) Stewart
STEWART, Emily (27 Mar 1839-23 Dec 1912): m'd 1854 BLAKE, David Alexander; d/o Robert and Artimesia (Allen) Stewart
STEWART, George (20 May 1843- ): s/o Robert and Artimesia (Allen) Stewart
STEWART, George Washington (1821 -1852): m'd Dec 1843 ALLEN, Cynthia Ann;
s/o George and Mary (Smith) Stewart; died on the Oregon Trail near the Snake
STEWART, Jane B.: m'd OSBORN, Samuel P.; d/o Robert and Elizabeth (Hussey) Stewart
STEWART, John (06 Jan 1837-13 Sep 1907): m'd 06 Jun 1864 DUNCAN, Louisa M.; s/o Elias and Eliza (England) Stewart
STEWART, John (10 Apr 1833-30 Apr 1900): m'd 26 Aug 1862 HOBBS, Mariah Cordelia; s/o Robert and Artimesia (Allen) Stewart
*2a) STEWART, John Thomas (c1835- ): m'd 1869 FAUCETT, Nancy Hunter; s/o William and Mary Jane (Rankin) Stewart; removed to Olympia area of Washington Territory and then on to Seattle area where he married; [James Akin diary October 10, 1852 James Nicholson, John T. Stewart and John Akin start with the cattle on the pack trail]
STEWART, Joseph Wilson (13 Sep 1835- 25 Oct 1903): m'd 1864 WALKER, Julia; m2. 01 Dec 1875 EVANS, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Elias and Eliza (England) Stewart
STEWART, Linnie Jane (10 Aug 1838 - 13 Nov 1873): m'd 01 Jan 1857 NOLAND, PleasantCalvin: d/o Elias and Eliza (England) Stewart
STEWART, Martha Ann (01 Mar 1835- 23 Apr 1922): m'd 24 May 1854 BUSH, James William; d/o Robert and Artimesia (Allen) Stewart
STEWART, Martha A.: m'd HENDRICKS, T. J.: d/o Elias and Eliza (England) Stewart
STEWART, Mary Artemesia (04 Sep 1851- 06 Mar 1871): m'd 01 Jan 1868 COUGHLAR, Peter; d/o Robert and Artimesia (Allen) Stewart
STEWART, Mary Margaret (28 Dec 1840 - 13 Aug 1920): m'd 15 Aug 1855 STEVENS, Ashley Orlando: d/o Elias and Eliza (England) Stewart
STEWART, Robert Smith Jr. (12 Jan 1847- 07 Apr 1917): s/o Robert and Artimesia (Allen) Stewart; buried Canyonville Cemetery, Canyonville, Douglas County, Oregon
STEWART, Robert Smith Sr (17 Nov 1808-06 Apr 1879): m'd 24 Jul 1830 ALLEN, Artimesia; died Douglas County, Oregon
STEWART, Thomas Jefferson (20 May 1831-24 Mar 1860): m'd 10 Sep 1857 KENT, Mary Armenta; s/o Robert and Artimesia (Allen) Stewart
STEWART, Wilford F./S. (12 Jul 1845- 02 Oct 1893): s/o Robert and Artimesia (Allen) Stewart; died Kittitas County, Washington
STEWART, William Ezeriah (21 May 1841- 1876 ?): s/o Robert and Artimesia (Allen) Stewart
STILES, Fanny: m'd 1847 KYLE, Samuel M.
*11) STILLMAN, Clark Dr.: mentioned in Samuel Woodruff diary. Woodruff drove wagon for him when Stillman's son was too ill to drive
*11) STILLMAN, Clark Mrs:
*11) STILLMAN, Eunice Ann: d/o Henry and Charlotte (Palmiter) Stillman
*11) STILLMAN, Jay: s/o Henry and Charlotte (Palmiter) Stillman
*11) STILLMAN, Sally (1809-1861): m'd 09 Apr 1824 CRANDALL, Paul; sister of Dr. Clark Stillman
*11) STILLMAN, Thomas B.: s/o Dr. Clark Stillman
STILLWELL, Charles E. (1839- ): m'd HAWN, Melissa; s/o Laben and Julia Stillwell
STILLWELL, Julia Belle: m'd STILLWELL, Laben; maiden name unknown at this time
STILLWELL, Laben: m'd [ ], Julia Belle
*24) STIPP, Cynthia Ann (1826-1852) : m'd JONES, Lewis; died 26 June 1852 on trail
STIMSON, Ann: m'd MORGAN, Joseph W.: d/o Lewis and Jane (Wilson) Stimson
STIMSON, Lewis: m'd WILSON, Jane
STONE, Mr. ( - ): m'd ADAMS, Hannah R.
STONE, Mary A.: m'd 1842 HAGOOD, Henry
STORMER, Anna (18 Jan 1813-13 May 1896): m'd 06 Mar 1834 OGLE, James Anderson;
d/o John and Catherine (Keplinger) Stormer; buried
Pomeroy City
Cemetery, Pomeroy, Garfield County, Washington
STORMER, Isaac (03 Feb 1816-09 Jul 1896): m1. 31 Aug 1837 REASONER, Catherine (1817-1842); m2. 28 Nov 1844 COOLEY, Mary Ann (1825-1852); m3. 19 Feb 1857 LAMB, Mary Ann (1837-1914); s/o John and Catherine (Keplinger) Stormer; buried Viola Pioneer Cemetery, Clackamas County, Oregon
STORMER, James Marion (1851- ): s/o Isaac and Mary (Cooley) Stormer
STORMER, Margaret Ellem "Maggie" (07 Sep 1849-25 Oct 1919): m'd 27 Mar 1865 HARRINGTON, Albert D.; d/o Isaac and Mary (Cooley) Stormer; buried Highland Pioneer Cemetery, Highland, Clackamas County, Oregon
STORMER, Mary Adeline (13 Dec 1839-02 Nov 1929): m'd 20 Feb 1856 POOLER, Lewis Clinton; d/o Isaac and Catherine (Reasoner) Stormer; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Waldo Hills, Marion County, Oregon
STORMER, Rebecca (18 Dec 1821-22 Apr 1901): m'd 1843 STEPHENS, Ebenezer; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
STORMER, Wiley Jefferson (14 Dec 1842-14 Jun 1923): m'd 04 Oct 1873 GEER, Mary Hulda; s/o Isaac and Catherine (Reasoner) Stormer; died Silverton, Marion County, Oregon; burial location unknown
STOUT, Andrew Jackson (1836-1904): m'd STEVENSON, Sarah J.; s/o Ezra and Frances (Robinson) Stout
STOUT, Emily (1840- ): m'd 1861 LOOSE, Frederick ; s/o Hugh and Annie (Brown) Stout
STOUT, Ephraim Jr. (1798-1879): m'd 1822 , Sarah; s/o Ephraim and Jane (Smith) Stout
STOUT, Ezra (1805-1877): m'd 1825 ROBISON, Fanny
STOUT, Isaac: s/o Ephraim Jr. and Sarah Stout
STOUT, Jane: m'd HENNIS, ( ); d/o Ephraim Jr. and Sarah Stout
STOUT, Jonathan ( -1896): m'd 1860 GEARHART, Anna E.
STOUT, Lewis (1829- ): m'd 1865 BYERS, Elizabeth; s/o Ephraim Jr. and Sarah Stout
STOUT, Rebecca: d/o Ephraim Jr. and Sarah Stout
STOUT, Ruth ( -1915): m'd GALLAGHER, [ ]
STOUT, Sarah: m'd GAYLORD, [ ]
STOUT, Susanna: m'd FISHER, [ ]; d/o Ephraim Jr. and Sarah Stout
STOVER, D. J. (1838- ):
STOVER, Susannah: m'd c1823 INMAN, Lazarus C.
*14) STOWELL, Alfred Wilson (1841-1907) m'd 15 Nov 1867 THURSTON, Elizabeth Blandina; s/o John and Margaret (Armstrong) Stowell
*14) STOWELL, George (1838-1919): m'd 23 Feb 1870 McCALLEY, Janette; s/o John and Margaret (Armstrong) Stowell
*14) STOWELL, John: m'd 17 Mar 1821 ARMSTRONG, Margaret; John and Margaret Stowell traveled with Adams party, left and later rejoined company
*14) STOWELL, John A. (1836-1915): m'd 24 Jun 1875 SIMPSON, Louisa A.; s/o John and Margaret (Armstrong) Stowell
*14) STOWELL, Leathe Amelia (1834-1919): never married; d/o John and Margaret (Armstrong) Stowell
*14) STOWELL, Margaret (1832-aft 1880): d/o John and Margaret (Armstrong) Stowell
*14) STOWELL, Mary Amanda (1846-1916): m'd 27 Jun 1861 GRAY, David Baxter; d/o John and Margaret (Armstrong) Stowell
*14) STOWELL, Robert Pleasant (1842-1861): s/o John and Margaret (Armstrong) Stowell
STRADER, John D. (1826-1909): m1. 1846 WORTHINGTON, Mary Jane; m2. 1874 Rice (KING), Martha Jane; s/o William and Nancy (Sockwell) Strader; settled first in Marion county for a brief time before moving to Douglas County where he is found in the 1860, 1870, 1880 and 1900 Oregon census. traveled to Oregon with the Dixon party; father of eight children by first wife (Nancy Ellen, 1848; Sarah, c1850; Pamelia/Cornelia Harriet, c1852; William Thomas, c1856; Elias, 1858; Samuel, 1860-1935; John Franklin, 1861-1936; George, 1868); John was the father of three children by his second wife (Millie, 1874; Ida, 1875 and Arthur 1879-1951).
STRADER, Nancy Ellen (1848- ): d/o John and Mary (Worthington) Strader
STRADER, Pamelia Harriet (1852- ): d/o John and Mary (Worthington) Strader; (some records show this individual as Cornelia)
STRADER, Sarah (1850- ): d/o John and Mary (Worthington) Strader
STRANG, Benjamin: m'd TAYLOR, Jeanette; s/o Daniel and Cynthia (Lorton) Strang
"STRANG, BEN--Born in Iowa in 1834; was about eighteen years of age when he came to Oregon with his father, Daniel Strang, who died in 1869. Ben Strang learned the tinsmith s trade, and is now proprietor of a hardware store in Salem. Married Miss Jeannette Taylor, and has four children lone, Clara, Frankie, and Veva." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 788]
STRANG, Daniel: m'd LORTON, Cynthia
STRANG, Elizabeth: m'd PADDOCKS, William; d/o Daniel and Cynthia (Lorton) Strang
STRANG, Ellen: m'd MCALPIN, David; d/o Daniel and Cynthia (Lorton) Strang
STRANG, James: m'd WARNER, Lydia; s/o Daniel and Cynthia (Lorton) Strang
STRANG, Mary: m'd ANDERSON, George; d/o Daniel and Cynthia (Lorton) Strang
STRANG, Kate (1851-1899): m'd ALBRIGHT, Franklin; d/o Daniel and Cynthia (Lorton) Strang
STRANG, Sarah E.: m'd RIELY, A.J.; d/o Daniel and Cynthia (Lorton) Strang
STRANG, Thomas: m'd SCHWATKA, Amelia; s/o Daniel and Cynthia (Lorton) Strang
STRATTON, Curtis Philander (30 Dec 1799-26 Feb 1873): m'd 09 Oct 1820 FITCH, Lavina Fields; s/o Cephas Stratton and Hannah Adams; came without his family in 1852, sent for them and they emigrated in 1854; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
STRICKLIN, Elizabeth: m'd 1849 STRICKLIN, William; maiden name unknown at this time
STRICKLIN, William (c1805- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Elizabeth
STRONG, Pherna (1830-1913): m'd 1846 BAIN, Daniel; buried in Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
STROWBRIDGE, Joseph A. :left MO in 1851, continued on to OR arriving in
Portland Oct 3, 1852; brother s, Justus and William were emigrants
to CA in 1850; they came to OR in 1853; indications are that they were other
members of the Strowbridge family that came with Joseph
STROWBRIDGE, Mr. ( -1852): died on trail
STROWBRIDGE, Son (1845-1852): died on trail
STUMBO, Eliza Ann: m'd 1850 WORTMAN, Jacob
"WORTMAN, JACOB--Born in New Brunswick in 1827; settled in Oregon City on his arrival in this State, and lived there until 1876; has been engaged in merchandising in Oregon City, and Junction ; also has a store in Monroe, Benton County. Started a bank in McMinnville, of which D. P. Thompson is president, and John Wortman, cashier. In 1850 he married Miss Eliza Stumbo, and has four children John, Frank, Jacob L., and Chris." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 794]
SULLENS, Lewis W. (1828-1905): m1. 17 Apr 1847 VANGOOSA, Margaret (1830-1865); m2. 05 Sep 1886 REVELL, Tabitha W.; born 28 Jun 1828 Wayne Co, KY to John and Melinda (Thompson) Sullens; Lewis died 25 Aug 1905 Jefferson Co, WA; buried Laurel Grove Cemetery, Port Townsend, Jefferson Co, WA; originally settled in Jackson County, OR where is found in the 1860 census; after the death of his wife in 1865 he moved to the Washington Territory where he married for a second time; father of five children (William L., Mary Ann, John Jackson, Thomas L., and Lilly M.)
SULLENS, Mary Ann (1851-1929): m1. BROWN, Joseph T. (1839-1903); m2. OSGOOD, I.L.; d/o Lewis and Margaret (VanGoosa) Sullens; Mary Ann was born 1851 MO and died 06 Jan 1929, Seattle, King Co, WA; she is buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Seattle, King Co, WA; mother of two known children by her first marriage (Charles and Lola Mabel)
SULLENS, Sinthia (17 Oct 1822-20 Apr 1860): m'd 30 Oct 1842 CALDWELL, Washington J.; buried Bethany Pioneer Cemetery, Bethany, Marion County, Oregon
SULLENS, William L. (1848- ): m'd [ ], Mary E. s/o Lewis and Margaret (VanGoosa) Sullens
SULLINGER, Sarah (1797-1889): m'd PHILLIPS, David
SULLIVAN, Amelia Hunt ( -1896): m'd MCCLURE, William Carroll; settled first in Vancouver in what is now WA, 1855 moved to Yamhill Co, OR; moved to The Dalles for a short period of time and in 1866 moved to Mosier, Wasco Co she lived until her death
SULLIVAN, Nancy T. (c1826-15 Apr 1886): m'd 2 Oct 1846 BAKER, Christopher Columbus; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
SUMPTER, Mary "Polly" (c1814-1852): m'd 21 Feb 1835 NEAL, Valentine; died on trail along with husband and several children
SUNDERLAND, Benjamin (1812- ):
SWAFFORD, Elias W. (1819- ):
"SWAFFORD, ELIAS W.--Is a farmer and resides near Oregon City. Was born in Indiana, September 17, 1819; married Ellen McManus. Children Sophronia (deceased), Martha A. (deceased), Elliott J., James L., and William H. (deceased)." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 788]
SWANER, Susan S. (24 Mar 1827-26 Jun 1917): m'd 12 Mar 1848 BALL, David C;; died Clackamas County, Oregon; burial location unknown
SWANK, Mary Ann (1852-1852): m'd ,
SWANK, Philip ( - ): m'd ,
SWANK, Sarah ( - ): m'd SWANK,
SWANK, William (1849- ): m'd ,
SWARTS, Catherine Jane: m'd 1853
BOLLENBAUGH, Daniel Jackson; d/o Simon and Polly (Blanchard) Swarts
SWARTS, Simon (1804-1892): m'd 1827 BLANCHARD, Polly
*18) SWEARINGEN, Isaac Stull (1812-1883): m'd 22 Nov 1849 BUOY, Evaline;
company led by Stull Swearingen of Vermillion Co, IL joined John Tucker Scott
company on April 24; "Stull" was listed as a lawyer in the 1850
Vermillion Co, census; later John Tucker Scott would accuse Stull of trying to
swindle him and otherwise abuse his confidence
"SWEARINGEN, ISAAC S.--Born in Kentucky in 1812. On his arrival in Oregon in 1852, he settled in Lane County: moved to Linn County in 1882. Married Eveline Buoy in 1851, and their children are -Lydia J., Isaac L., Martha A., Emma B., and Mary E., all of whom are married. Mr. Swearingen was a prominent Mason and Odd Fellow; he died January 8, 1883." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 788]
*18) SWEARINGEN, Lydia J. (1851- ): m1. 30 Apr 1870 MACY, Casseus; m2. 01 Nov 1874 SHIPLEY, G.H.; d/o Isaac and Evaline (Buoy) Swearingen
SWEEK, John (c1821-1889):
SWEET, Ann (1813-1881): m1. MCVAY, Daniel; m2. c1871 BABER, Ensley; s/o Samuel and Polly Sweet; born 17 Oct 1813 Washington Co, OH; died 26 May 1881 Benton Co, OR; divorced Daniel McVay in 1870 and married her next door neighbor, Ensley Baber sometime after that; mother of five known children (Clarissa A., Simon Z., William W., Charles and Margaret L.); family settled initially in Lane Co and by 1870 had moved to Benton Co
SWEET, Clarissa Putnam (1818- ): m'd RICKEY, John; d/o Samuel and Polly Sweet; may not have come to Oregon
SWEET, Cynthia E.: m'd 1849 ALDRICH, Ellery W.; buried Canyon City Cemetery, Canyon City, Grant Co, OR
SWEET, Elizabeth (1803-1872): m'd 30 May 1840 ELSTON, William Everet; d/o Samuel and Polly Sweet; born 09 Oct 1803 NY; died 13 Jul 1872 Magalia, Butte Co, CA, buried Clear Creek Cemetery, Butte Co, CA; family appears to have moved on to California and were shown there in several land transactions in the 1860s. I have not been able to find them in the census records for 1860 and 1870.
SWEET, Polly Anna (1779-1863): m'd c1801 SWEET, Samuel A.; husband died on the trail; maiden name unknown at this time; born 27 Oct 1779 and died 16 Jun 1863 Eugene, Lane Co, OR; buried in Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane Co, OR
SWEET, Samuel A. (1772-1852): m1.; m2. c1801 [ ], PollyAnna; died on the trail; born 05 Oct 1777 NY;DiedAbout ten miles this side of Chimney Rock, on Platte River, June 22, 1852, Mr. Samuel A. Sweet, from Stark County, Illinois, father of Mr. Z. Sweet, of Lane Co, O.T. (Oregon Statesman, Nov 6, 1852 p.2:7) ; father of 8 known children (Henry, Elizabeth, Sarah Jane, Clarissa, Ann, Charles, Zara T, Clarissa P. and Charles B.); son, Zara T. Sweet came to Oregon in 1845 over the Meek Cutoff
SWEET, Sarah Jane (1807-1883) m1. 12 Mar 1829 LAKIN, Josiah M.; m2. 15 May 1865 PEEK, James W.(died several months after marriage); d/o Samuel and Polly Sweet; settled in Lane Co, OR; born 27 Sep 1807 IL; died 08 Dec 1883 Eugene, Lane Co, OR; mother of five known children (Lucy, David, Zebon, George and Martha)
SWEM, Margaret (1822-1852): m'd 19 Jun 1845 CRAIG, Daniel Tilford;
it is believed
Margaret died on the trail;
burial location unknown; mother of 3 children
SWICK, Benjamin F. (1848- ): m'd 1874 FLINT, Martha
"SWICK, BENJAMIN F.--Born in Michigan in 1848; the son of Minor Swick; came with his parents to Oregon when quite young, and received his education at the Willamette University, Commenced the study of dentistry when twenty years of age, after which he practiced in various towns of Oregon, finally settling in Salem where he is at present in partnership with Dr. Byrd. Married in 1874 to Miss Martha Flint. He now has two children Valeria and Fay." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 822] Note: shown in this publication as pioneer of 1853
SWICK, Lyma (1840- )
"SWICK, L.--Was born in Michigan in 1840; came to Oregon when quite young and settled at French Prairie. His present place of residence is near Dayton, and occupation farming. Not married." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 822] Note: shown in this publication as pioneer of 1853
SWICK, Minor (1811- ): m'd 1832 LATOURETTE, Louisa;
"SWICK, MINOR--Born in New York in 1811; moved to Michigan and from thence to Oregon; was a farmer until his death. Married Miss Louisa Latourette in 1832, and had five children, namely T., Louisa (deceased), Minor, Lyma, and Benjamin F." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 821] Note: shown in this publication as pioneer of 1853
SYLVESTER, Rebecca (1796-04 Mar 1883): m'd 06 Jul 1828 CARTER, William; buried Locke Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
SYPHERT, William (1821-1895): m'd 1854 STANLEY, Mary Ellen
*3) SYRON, Amy Elizabeth (1834-1917): m1. 1853 GILSTRAP, Isaac; m2. LEONARD, Thomas Austin; d/o James and Elizabeth (Simmers) Syron
*3) SYRON, Benjamin: m'd LYNCH, Elizabeth
*3) SYRON, D. A. (1848- ): d/o James and Elizabeth (Simmers) Syron
*3) SYRON, Daniel F. (1832-1917): s/o James and Elizabeth (Simmers) Syron
*3) SYRON, Dorcas (1847-1867): m'd HUNT, []; d/o James and Elizabeth (Simmers) Syron
*3) SYRON, George W. (1849 - ): s/o William and Eleanor (Metzker) Syron
*3) SYRON, James B. (1829-1878): s/o James and Elizabeth (Simmers) Syron
*3) SYRON, James Reed (1790- ): m'd 1822 SIMMERS, Elizabeth
*3) SYRON, Jane (1841-1857): d/o James and Elizabeth (Simmers) Syron
*3) SYRON, John Fredrick (1827-1912): m1. CONNER, Rachel Mariah; m2. Polly (MORGAN) Shelton; s/o James and Elizabeth (Simmers) Syron
*3) SYRON, Lydia Matilda (1837-1869): m'd CARLISLE, [ ]; d/o James and Elizabeth (Simmers) Syron; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Yamhill Co, OR
*3) SYRON, M. F. (1848- ): d/o Peter Conner and first wife
*3) SYRON, Marshal Newton (1851- ): s/o Peter Conner and first wife
*3) SYRON, Montgomery (1850-1901): m'd LYNCH, Mary Elizabeth; s/o John and Rachel (Conner) Syron
*3) SYRON, Peter Adolphus (1824-1905): m1. ; m2. 1852 FRANKLIN, Mary Jane; s/o James and Elizabeth (Simmers) Syron
*3) SYRON, Westley Oliver (1843-1880): s/o James and Elizabeth (Simmers) Syron
*3) SYRON, William Thomas (1823- ): m1. METZKER, Eleanor E.
TALMAGE, Charles (1820- ):
TARTES, Frances: m'd 1838 ESTES, John F.
TATE, Angelina:
TATE, Ann (17 Dec 1821-27 Feb 1901): m'd 29 May 1845 COFFIN, Vestal W.; m2. RODGERS, Amos E.
TAYLOR, Amanda Eloise
"Manda" (1830-1901): m'd 1853 TOWNSEND, Evander Lorenzo; d/o William
and Lucina (Rush) Taylor
TAYLOR, Anderson (1838- ): m'd 1863 ZUMWALT, Cornelia A. E.
"TAYLOR, ANDERSON--Born in Cass County, Michigan, in 1838; came to Oregon and settled in the Luckiamute Valley, where he still resides. Occupation, farming. He married Cornelia A. E. Zurnwalt in Oregon in 1863, and their children s names are- -Lola M., James A., Mary J., Dick, Phil, and Lilla Maud." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 788]
TAYLOR, Andrew:
TAYLOR, Anna L. (1851-1893): d/o John and Sarah (McKenzie) Taylor
TAYLOR, Anna Louisa (aka Catherine) (c1810-20 Sep 1852): m'd USAFOVAGE, Charles Josef; d/o William and Nancy (Smith) Taylor; born Petersburg, Russia and died 20 Sep 1852 Snake River, Idaho on Oregon Trail; Aunt Elec's Journal contributed by Richard L. Carter
TAYLOR, Daniel Mathew (15 Feb 1845-28 Dec 1930) m'd 01 Aug 1869 REDFORD, Cornelia E.; m2. 1906 RICHARDSON, Carrie; m3. 28 Dec 1911 RANDOLPH, Mrs. Laura May (PENNINGTON); s/o Samuel and Nancy Ann (Phipps) Taylor; interview in Conversations With Bullwhackers, Muleskinners.....by Fred Lockley p. 37-52]; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
TAYLOR, David (09 Oct 1840-29 Mar 1920): m'd GERKING, Sarah Ann; s/o Samuel and Nancy Ann (Phipps) Taylor; buried Athena Cemetery, Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon
TAYLOR, Fannie: m'd AYRES, William; d/o William and Lucina (Rush) Taylor
*5: TAYLOR, Frances ( -1852): c/o William and Eleanor (Gibson) Taylor; died on trail of cholera
TAYLOR, Francis Zachary (1849-1927) s/o John and Sarah (McKenzie) Taylor
*5: TAYLOR, Frederick ( -1852): s/o William and Eleanor (Gibson) Taylor; died on trail of cholera
*8) TAYLOR, George: +family
*30) TAYLOR, George
TAYLOR, George Washington (c1830- ):
TAYLOR, George Washington (1843-1913): m'd 1869 HUBBARD, Rachel J.
TAYLOR, Harriet: m'd BURKE, [ ]; d/o William and Lucina (Rush) Taylor
TAYLOR, Harriet Emily (05 Jun 1838-19 Aug 1918): m'd BECKWITH, Sidney Henry; d/o Thomas and Susannah (James) Taylor; buried Elma IOOF Cemetery, Elma, Grays Harbor County, Washington
TAYLOR, Henry W. (1808-1890):
TAYLOR, Izora: m'd BULL, Charles; d/o William and Lucina (Rush) Taylor
TAYLOR, James (1794-1858):
TAYLOR, James:
*5: TAYLOR, James ( -1852): s/o William and Eleanor (Gibson) Taylor; died on trail of cholera
TAYLOR, James (1846- ): m'd CURTISS, Lizzie; s/o William and Lucina (Rush) Taylor
TAYLOR, James Jr.:
TAYLOR, Jane (24 Jun 1835-29 Sep 1923): m1. 20 Jul 1857 HOWELL, J. Pleasant; m2. 1897 NELSON, Jackson [divorced in 1919); d/o Samuel and Nancy Ann (Phipps) Taylor; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington
TAYLOR, Jeremiah (1832-1916):
TAYLOR, Jesse: (22 Dec 1833-05 Aug 1851) s/o Samuel and Nancy Ann (Phipps) Taylor; appears to have died prior to emigration; not mentioned by brother, Daniel in his reminiscences of the emigration as dying on the trail
TAYLOR, John A. (1825-1919): m'd 25 Oct 1846 MCKENZIE, Sarah; s/o Job and Rebecca (Fish) Taylor; born 12 Sep 1825 Allegheny Co, NY and died 12 Feb 1919 Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co, WA; settled in Washington Co, OR where he built and operated a successful ferry; built a toll bridge to replace it which he later sold for a large sum, ran a hotel at Amity, Yamhill Co, OR; served in the Oregon legislature in 1868 and in the Washington Legislature in 1879; father of 9 children (Lucetta Rebecca, Francis Zachary, Anna L., Ella, Mary, Jennie, William, Harrison and John B.)
TAYLOR, John S. (10 Feb 1844-aft 1880): s/o Samuel and Nancy Ann (Phipps) Taylor; burial location unknown
TAYLOR, John A. (1825- ):
TAYLOR, Josiah:
TAYLOR, Julie Ann (1825-1886): m'd 1840 PHILLIPS, John
TAYLOR, Lucetta Rebecca (1848-1920): d/o John and Sarah (McKenzie) Taylor
TAYLOR, Lucy (1826- ): m'd 1856 CROSBY, Edwin; m2. 1863 MENZIES, James; d/o William and Lucina (Rush) Taylor
TAYLOR, M.C. (1846- ):
TAYLOR, Mariah: d/o Samuel and Nancy Ann (Phipps) Taylor
TAYLOR, Martha F.: m'd 1852 JONES, Joseph F.; d/o William and Lucina (Rush) Taylor
TAYLOR, Martha M. (1851- ): d/o William and Eliza (Bissey) Taylor
TAYLOR, Mary (1839 -15 Aug 1852): d/o Samuel and Nancy Ann (Phipps) Taylor; died on Snake River of cholera within 15 hours of the death of her sister, Sarah.
TAYLOR, Mary A.: m'd HOWE, Dewitt; d/o William and Lucina (Rush) Taylor
TAYLOR, Miriam (1820- ): m'd 1838 HARRELL, Doddridge
TAYLOR, Nancy M. (01 Apr 1849-06 Aug 1898): d/o Samuel and Nancy Ann (Phipps) Taylor
TAYLOR, Newton ( -1852): brother of William; died on trail of cholera
TAYLOR, Noah: s/o Samuel and Nancy Ann (Phipps) Taylor
TAYLOR, Persis:
TAYLOR, Preston (06 Apr 1836 -15 Jun 1852): s/o Samuel and Nancy Ann (Phipps) Taylor; died June 15 at Fort Laramie, Wyoming of cholera
TAYLOR, Samuel Gilbert (04 Feb 1807-1852): m'd 22 Jan 1829 PHIPPS, Nancy Ann; s/o William and Mary (Sword) Taylor; died of cholera in the Black Hills
*5: TAYLOR, Samuel ( - ): m'd ,; s/o William and Eleanor (Gibson) Taylor
TAYLOR, Samuel R. (1828-1908): m'd January 18, 1878 ROGERS, Melissa Charity; s/o Hays and Mary Taylor
TAYLOR, Sarah ( -1852):
*5: TAYLOR, Sarah (22 Dec 1838 -15 Aug 1852): d/o Samuel and Nancy Ann (Phipps) Taylor; died on Snake River of cholera within 15 hours of the death of her sister, Mary
TAYLOR, Squire Samuel (15 Dec 1847-1867): s/o Samuel and Nancy Ann (Phipps) Taylor
TAYLOR, Thomas (1791- ):
TAYLOR, Wilbur D. (1839- ): s/o William and Lucina (Rush) Taylor
TAYLOR, Willard (1837- ): m'd [ ], Mary; s/o William and Lucina (Rush) Taylor
TAYLOR, William (16 Dec 1831- 28 Jul 1919): m'd 27 Jun 1850 BISSEY, Eliza; s/o Samuel and Nancy Ann (Phipps) Taylor
*5: TAYLOR, William ( -1852): m'd GIBSON, Eleanor; died on trail of cholera
TAYLOR, William Ingram (1789-1870): m'd RUSH, Lucinda; was pressed into service as a cabin boy on a British Man-of-war at age ten and served until age 21; claimed to be a second cousin of Queen Victoria; jumped ship in Quebec in 1810 and went to Philadelphia where he married; moved to OH Territory; emigrated as far as Dubuque, IA in 1851 with their eleven grown children; oldest daughter, Fannie, married William Ayres and remained in Dubuque; spring of 1852 started for St. Louis where they joined trains heading west; their scout was Evander Lorenzo Townsend who later married one of the Taylor girls; settled in Portland; each of ten children took a homestead from Barton Road on Sandy Blvd to Fairview; the homesteads remained in the Taylor family until 1908.
TAYLOR, William M. (1841- ): m'd [ ], Martha M.; s/o William and Lucina (Rush) Taylor
TEAL, Joseph (1827- ):
TEANEY, Sarah (26 Sep 1813-04 May 1891: m'd 18 Apr 1833 COX, James; d/o John and Nancy (Pence) Teacey; buried Civil Bend Cemetery, Winston, Douglas County, Oregon
TEMPLE, William:
TERRY, Sarah E. (1839-1917): m'd BILYEU, Andrew Jackson
THARP, J. M. M. ( - ):
THATCHER, Caleb (21 Feb 1831-c1865): m'd 24 Feb 1864 WALLING, Phebe Elizabeth; s/o Joseph and Rachel (Marshall) Thatcher; was hired hand for the Andrew Simmons family
Caleb Thatcher talks of going to the mines with them [the Watson brothers]. I think they will agree very well, as we found Caleb to be a faithful hand. He and Andrew did not have one word of difference on the entire route, and he is the only hand that went in the way he did without quarrelling as it was to frequently the case that men would drive their hired hands into the most difficult acts and shirk themselves. [Letter by Lydia Simmons published in the Richmond, Indiana Palladium newspaper March 4, 1853]
THOMAS, Argalus (1820- ):
THOMAS, Jonathan:
THOMAS, Leonard (1824-1899):
THOMAS, Mary Jane (1825 - 1887) - m'd 1841 MCALLISTER, John Wesley.
Settled at Nisqually, died at Tenino, Thurston County, Washington
THOMAS, Margaret B. (17 Dec 1832-17 Oct 1880): m'd 22 May 1853 BONSER, Hilton; d/o Henry and Mary (Copeland) Thomas; buried Masonic Cemetery, St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon
THOMAS, Nancy Mrs. ( -1896): m'd THOMAS, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
THOMAS, Samuel:
THOMPSON, Cornelia M. (1827-21 Mar
1861): m'd AUSTIN, Edward Woodbury; died Thurston County, Washington; buried
Memorial Park, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington
THOMPSON, Elizabeth (1829-1892): m'd 1844 DRAKE, John Melancthon
*21) THOMPSON, Frances Elizabeth (1848-1870): m'd 1865 PUGH, John W.; d/o Mercer and Sarah (Donaghe) Thompson. Frances was born 25 Dec 1848 in MO. She married John W. Pugh 16 Mar 1865 Linn Co, OR. She died 07 Feb 1870 Shedd, Linn Co, OR and is buried in the Pugh/Shedd Cemetery, Shedd, Linn Co, OR. Frances was the mothr of two children (Mary Elizabeth and George Benson)
THOMPSON, Hugh (1792-1872): m'd 1830 [ ], Sarah ; Hugh was born 26 Oct 1792 in PA. He married Sarah (maiden name unknown) 01 Apr 1830 OH and died 18 Apr 1872 OR. He took out a donation land claim in Polk Co, OR
*21) THOMPSON, Hugh Daniel (1851-1876): s/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Donaghe) Thompson; Hugh was born 26 Oct 1851 Newton Co, MO and died 16 Aug 1876 Linn Co, OR
*21) THOMPSON, Hugh L. (1844-1921): m'd 28 Dec 1864 MCCORMICK, Sarah; s/o Mercer and Sarah (Donaghe) Thompson. Hugh was born 22 Nov 1844 in Newton Co, MO; He m'd Sarah McCormick 28 Dec 1864 in Linn Co, OR. Hugh drove freight to the Idaho mines in his early years and later he took up farming for a time. In 1886 Hugh moved to Umatilla County, OR but then moved on where he is found mining in Idaho and British Columbia. His final destination was Douglas County, OR where he resided until his death 24 Sep 1921. He is buried in the Waterville Cemetery, Waterville, Douglas Co, OR. Hugh was the father of ten children (Edgar D., William M., Walter C., Joseph C., Frances E., Evelyn, Anna L., Hubert M., Robert M. and Ethel A.)
THOMPSON, Jacob (1822 - ): m'd 1844 EVANS, Rhoda
"THOMPSON, JACOB--Born in Kentucky in 1822; lived at Evansville, Indiana, and in Iowa until he emigrated to Oregon; lived in the Waldo Hills for a year, and then moved to Linn County and there remained until the town of Halsey sprang into being, when he removed to it and entered into merchandising. In 1880 he exchanged that occupation for the livery business, which he still follows. Mr. Thompson was married in Indiana to Rhoda Evans. They have two children-James and Henry." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 788]
THOMPSON, Jemima: m1, 29 Nov 1849 GILBREATH, Joseph; m2. May 1855 HUSSEY, William S.; d/o Samuel and Catherine (Lattimore) Thompson
*21) THOMPSON, Joseph (1823-1872): m'd 06 Dec 1846 DONAGHE, Elizabeth; s/o Leonard and Elizabeth Thompson; Joseph settled in the Brownsville area of Linn County where he farmed and raised his family. He married Elizabeth Malvina Donaghe 06 Dec 1846 in Newton Co, MO; Joseph died 10 Feb 1872 in Brownsville. He was the father of eleven children (William Jasper, Melissa Jane, Hugh Daniel, James Franklin, Martha Caroline, Sarah Phoebe, John Mercer, George B., Joseph Alexander, Edwin M. and Francis Marion)
*21) THOMPSON, Martha Ann (1847-1879): m'd RINEHART, Francis Marion; d/o Mercer and Sarah (Donaghe) Thompson. Martha was born 26 Jan 1847 MO. She died 01 Jan 1879 Shedd, Linn Co, OR and is buried in the Pugh/Shedd Cemetery, Shedd, Linn Co, OR. Martha was the mother of seven children (Infant, Flora Catherine, Watson Thompson, Grant Starr, Ellis Wiseman, Guy Simpson, Frances Ione)
*20) THOMPSON, Martha Stone (1811-1891): m'd 01 Jan 1835 READ, Clifton Kittridge. Matha was born 21 Jun 1811, Princeton, MA. She married Clifton Kittridge Read 01 Jan 1835 in Chenagua Co, NY. She died 01 Apr 1891 OR and is buried in Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion Co, OR. Her diary of the journey and some of her letters were published in Covered Wagon Women Vol 5 p. 208-251
*21) THOMPSON, Mary Jane (1852-1903): m'd 03 Nov 1873 STAFFORD, Bethel Allen; d/o Mercer and Sarah (Donaghe) Thompson. Mary married Bethel Allen Stafford 03 Nov 1873 in Linn Co, OR. They settled in Linn County where they remained until their deaths. Mary died 16 Jul 1903 Albany, Linn Co, OR and is buried in the Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn Co, OR; She was the mother of two daughters (Grace and Winifred Frances)
*21) THOMPSON, Mary "Polly": m'd 02 Nov 1845 WALKER, Washington; Mary married Washington Walker 02 Nov 1845 in Newton Co, MO. d/o of Leonard and Elizabeth Thompson; Mary contracted cholera on the trip and spent most of her time in the wagon
*21) THOMPSON, Melissa Jane (1849-1883): m'd 08 Jan 1867 VANNOSTERN, David; d/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Donaghe) Thompson; Melissa was born 16 Oct 1849 in MO and 06 Apr 1883.
*21) THOMPSON, Mercer (1821-1886): m'd 1843 DONAGHE, Sarah Wiseman; s/o Leonard and Elizabeth Thompson; Mercer was born 03 Nov 1821 in Barren Co, KY. In 1849 he went to CA to make his fortune. After a short time he returned east and gathered his family for the journey to Oregon in 1852. By most reports, Mercer was the Captain of the train. Throughout his life he farmed, raised stock and for a time freighted supplies to the mines in Boise, ID. He settled in Linn County where he died April 20, 1886 Shedd, Linn Co, OR and is buried in the Pugh/Shedd Cemetery, Shedd, Linn Co, OR. Mercer was the father of nine confirmed children (Hugh Leonard, Martha Ann, Frances Elizabeth, Mary Jane, Albert Newton, Lafayette Greene, Amanda, George Lewis and Alice Sarah)
THOMPSON, Miles H. (1826- ): m'd 31 Dec 1846 [ ], Nancy Jane; Miles was born 1826 Russell Co, VA and married Nancy Jane (maiden name unknown) 31 Dec 1846 Ray Co, MO; he settled in Polk County
THOMPSON, Nancy Jane: m'd 31 Dec 1846 THOMPSON, Miles H.; maiden name unknown at this time
THOMPSON, Rachel: m'd 12 Jun 1845 THOMPSON, Robert; maiden name unknown at this time
THOMPSON, Robert (1823- ): m'd 1845 [ ], Rachel; Robert was born 1823 Belmont Co, OH and married Rachel (maiden name unknown) 12 Jun 1845 Morgan Co, OH; had donation land claim in Clackamas Co
*21) THOMPSON, William Jasper (1847-1931: m'd 1868 Laura Hale; s/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Donaghe) Thompson. William was born 27 Oct 1847 in Jackson Co, MO. In his adult life he settled for a time in Linn County, was in Clackamas County by 1880 and then moved to Waso County where he died at the home of his granddaughter 27 Jan 1931. He is buried in Henderson Cemetery, Dufur, Wasco Co, OR. William was the father of eight children (Joseph Andrew, Charles Monroe, D. P., Elizabeth, Effie E., Eva Myrthline, Etta Laura and William Larkin)
THOMPSON, William: m'd LUSK, Permelia
THOMPSON, William (1819- ): m'd 20 Jun 1850 SWEET, Elizabeth Jane; William was born 1819 Montgomery Co, OH. He married Elizabeth Jane Sweet 20 Jun 1850 Allen Co, IN; William had a donation land claim in Clackamas Co
THOMSON, Fayette (1823-1913): m'd
1848 TEWKSBURY, Maria; Fayette Thomson was b 19 Aug 1823 in Riga, Monroe, NY
where he stayed until about 1845 9 Oct 1848 married Maria Chapman Tewksbury in
Cuylerville, Livingston, NY. In 1850 Dodge Co, Wisconsin census. 1 Sept
1852 (according to DLC 3074) arrived in Oregon. Apparently he rode
horseback across the plains (according to obituaries of his wife and
eldest son Henry A) History of Willamette Valley says Maria (wife) and 2
children came around the horn up the Columbia River to Portland. [all of this
part yet to be proved] 1859 to 1868 he and family were in Downieville, Sierra,
Calif where he was a hotel keeper in Goodyear's Bar, a mining town. In
1870 Fayette moved to McKenzie River district where he is found in Gate Creek
& Leaburg until his death 3 Mar 1913. Children: Henry A, Lena; Carey
William, Frank, Winthrop, Theron and Clarence. [They are best known for
Carey's Thomson Hotel on the McKenzie River which was a famous resort, but
burned in 1954.
THOMSON, Origen:
THORNTON, Cordelia (1815-1893): m'd 1831 AGEE, Isaac
THORNTON, Marinda ( - ): m'd AGEE, William
THORNTON, Simeon Toney ( - ): m'd ADAMS, Elizabeth Ann
THURLO, Rhoda Ann (1820-1852): m'd c1845 KNIFONG, Joseph Wampler; born in Morgan Co, OH and died upon arrival in CA of cholera; mother of 3 known children (John Martin, Pasker Henrietta and Olive Elizabeth)
THURMAN, Martha A. (1831-20 Mar 1859): m1. 27 Mar 1851 DYER, Alexander M.; m2. 27 Aug 1857 CLAYPOOL, William Strange; d/o Edward and Hannah (Buffum) Thurman; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
THURMAN, William (1833- ):
TIBBETTS, Albert Thomas (1844-1891): s/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts; born 16 Dec 1844 Manchester, Dearborn Co, IN and died 12 Sep 1891 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co, OR
TIBBETTS, Elizabeth Jane (1832-1915): m'd Hamblin, David Brower; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts; born 16 Dec 1832 Manchester, Dearborn Co, IN and died 23 Jul 1915 while visiting her daughter in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA; buried Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA; mother of 7 children (Eva E., Ralph A., Sarah E., Lillie, Lois T., John D and Alva G.)
TIBBETTS, Flora Ann (1847-1929): m'd 07 Jun 1868 HERMANN, Binger; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts; born 23 Oct 1847 Manchester, Dearborn Co, IN and died 29 Aug 1929 Roseburg, Douglas Co, OR; husband served as State Senator, State Representative and Commisioner of Land Office
TIBBETTS, Francis Marion (1837-1912): m'd 27 Oct 1865 GRIMWALD, Georgia A.: s/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts; born 02 Nov 1837 Manchester, Dearborn Co, IN and died 12 Nov 1912; buried in Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; father of 6 children (Sarah WIlmot, Charles W., Ada, Archie Livingstone, Edna Fay and Vivian L.)
TIBBETTS, Lois V. (1850-1924): m'd 1866 AVERY, Mr.; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts; born 19 Sep 1850 Manchester, Dearborn Co, IN and died 30 Jan 1924 Alameda Co, CA
TIBBETTS, Mary Eliza (1835-1919): m'd KNOTT, Andrew Jackson; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts; born 16 Feb 1835 Manchester, Dearborn Co, IN and died 01 Jun 1919, Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; mother of 8 children (Walter, Harry H., Gordon H., George, Sadie, Mrs. Lute C. McCormick, Mrs. J.W. Phalen and Mrs. F.M. Stephens)
TIBBETTS, Sarah Emily (1840-1919): m1. 1855 LADD, John Pickett; m2. c1864 GOULDIN, J.C.; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts; born 28 Feb 1840 Manchester, Dearborn Co, IN and died 10 Feb 1919 Alameda Co, CA; mother of 3 children by first husband (Mollie, Carrie E. and Shirley); mother of Ada by second husband
TIBBETTS, Sophia Ellen (1842-1926): m'd 1858 MCKINNEY, James L.; d:/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts; born 16 Jun 1842 Manchester, Dearborn Co, IN and died 17 Aug 1926 Dexter, Lane Co, OR; buried McFarland Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane Co, OR; mother of 7 children (Lulu M., Frances Emily, William Franklin, John Albert, Mary, Ellen Etta and James Alexander)
TIBBETTS, Jonathan Snow Rev. (1804-1885): m'd 21 Jul 1831 REDDING, Mary; s/o Benjamin and Hannah (Snow) Tibbetts; born 17 Apr 1804 Bangor, Penobscot Co, ME and died 23 Jun 1885 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; was Methodist Minister and Circuit Rider; father of 10 children (Elizabeth Jane, Mary Eliza, Francis Marion, Sarah Emily, Sophia Ellen, Albert Thomas, Flora Ann, Lois V., Oregon "Orrie" Andrew and Jonathan Edward); Rev Tibbetts was mentioned in the 1852 Samuel Woodruff diary.
TICE, John M. (c1827- ):
TIGARD, Andrew Jackson (1828-1898); m'd 1854 EDWARDS, Sarah Jane (1832- ); s/o Hugh and Frances Keziah "Fanny"(McClendon) Tigard
TIGARD, Emily Adaline (1836- ); m'd 1854 DOBELBOWER, William Brown (1823-1911) trail 1850; d/o Hugh and Frances Keziah "Fanny"(McClendon) Tigard
TIGARD, James Monroe (1852- ); m'd 1877 MCALLISTER, Mary Jane (1843- ) trail 1844; s/o Andrew Jackson and Sarah Jane (Edwards) Tigard
TIGARD, John Wesley (1851-1931); m'd 1893 (Unknown), Sophia (1840- ); s/o Wilson M. and Mary Ann "Polly" (Yoes) Tigard
TIGARD, Mary Frances (1852- ); m1. WILCOX, Edward B. ; m2. WHITE, George Washington; m3. FEAR, Samuel; d/o Andrew Jackson and Sarah Jane (Edwards) Tigard
*29) TIGARD, Sarah Ann (16 Aug 1829- 19 Feb 1865); m'd 03 Aug 1849 GILBREATH, James Craig (1829-1882); d/o Hugh and Frances Keziah "Fanny"(McClendon) Tigard
TIGARD, Wilson M. (1826-1882); m'd 1850 YOES, Mary Ann "Polly" ( 1830-1882); s/o Hugh and Frances Keziah "Fanny"(McClendon) Tigard
TILLER, Aaron J.: m'd Russell, Rachael Amanda; founder of Tiller, Douglas Co, OR
TILLOTSON, George:W. (31 Jul 1816-11 Jan 1890): m1. 08 Jan 1846 CLARK, Mary; m2. 1854 MOORE, Mrs. Almira (YALE); s/o William and Laura (Carpenter) Tillotson; buried Dallas Cemetery, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon
"TILLOTSON, GEORGE--Is a millwright and resides at Dallas, Polk County. He was born in New York in 1816; came to Oregon and settled at Oregon City. He married Mary Clark, who died on the plains in 1852. In 1854 he was married to Eliuira Moore; their children's names are Ellen, William, Lemuel, and Eddie E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 788]
TILLOTSON, Lemuel (May 1848-23 Jun 1921): m'd 25 Jul 1869 GILLIAM, Julia Frances; s/o George and Mary (Clarke) Tillotson; buried Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
" Lenuel Tillotson is listed in some records as Samuel Tillotson and his burial at Rose City Cemetery is in question as he does not show up in their records."
TILLOTSON, William (08 Feb 1844-06 Mar 1917): s/o George and Mary (Clarke) Tillotson; buried Waitsburg City Cemetery, Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, Washington
" The 1860 census says he was born in 1847 and date of 1844 does not match year of parents marriage"
TITUS, Silas (1830- ): m'd PIERCE, Georgetta Wagons From Wapello
TODD, Abbott L. ( - ): See A.
TODD, Angelina ( - ): m'd TODD, Abbott L.
TODD, Cynthia ( - ): m'd ,
TODD, Elijah (c1852- ): s/o Abbott and Angelina Todd
TODD, Lovina (c1845- ): d/o Abbott and Angelina Todd
TODD, Mary Ellen (1843 - ): m'd APPLEGATE , John Pound; d/o Abbott and Angelina Todd
TODD, Newton Sorency ( -1920): s/o James and Maria [] Todd
TOMLINSON, Dulcenea (18 Apr 1830-08 Apr 1914): m1. 1849 VANDERPOOL; m2. 1853 HODGES, Alexander F., Kinman; buried Dufur Community Cemetery, Dufur, Wasco County, Oregon
TOMPKINS, Elizabeth (26 Feb 1815-13 Oct 1895): m1. 24 Feb 1832 BAXTER, William; m2.
13 Jul 1856 CASSADY,
William; d/o John and Martha (Kerr) Tompkins; Elizabeth's first husband died on trail;
Elizabeth died in Washington;
burial location unknown
TOMPKINS, Francis Marion (12 Feb 1834-08 Jan 1903): m'd 1863 SMITH, Mary Jane; s/o John and Nancy (Burris) Tompkins; buried Fairview Cemetery, Scappoose, Columbia County, Oregon
TOMPKINS, Harriete Wilson (14 Nov 1843-23 May 1904): m'd 03 Jul 1859 BRIGGS, Wesley Whitner; d/o William and Rebecca (Daniel) Tompkins; buried Masonic Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
TOMPKINS, James (1843-aft 1860): m'd 23 Jun 1909 ALBIN, Minnie E.; s/o John and Nancy (Burris) Tompkins; probably died Washington; burial location unknown
TOMPKINS, John (1798-c1865): m'd c1823 BURRIS, Nancy; s/o Robert and Martha Tompkins; burial location unknown
TOMPKINS, John Jasper (27 Feb 1834-31 Oct 1899): m1. 31 Jan 1869 JURDEN, Anna; m2. 1872 TEETERS, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o William and Rebecca (Daniel) Tompkins; buried Onecho Cemetery, Whitman County, Washington
TOMPKINS, Marinda Ann (Jun 1847-1903): m'd 1865 WEEKS, Robert; d/o William and Rebecca (Daniel) Tompkins
TOMPKINS, Martha Elizabeth (16 Aug 1845-25 Aug 1914): m'd 1861 FRAKES, James; m2. 1871 WICKS, James R.; d/o William and Rebecca (Daniel) Tompkins; buried Colfax Cemetery, Colfax, Whitman County, Washington
TOMPKINS, Mary (1841- ): d/o William and Rebecca (Daniel) Tompkins
TOMPKINS, Minerva Nancy (1836-22 Apr 1895): m1. 04 Nov 1852 DELABOURORLIE, Henry; m2. 1857 BUTTON, Edwin R. (1834-1871); m3. 1875 HIBBARD, [ ]; d/o John and Nancy (Burris) Tompkins; buried Greenlawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo County, California
TOMPKINS, Oliver P. (1843-aft 1890): m'd HAYNES, Elizabeth Jane; s/o William and Rebecca (Daniel) Tompkins
TOMPKINS, Robert Walker (1839-Nov 1878): m'd 14 Jan 1872 HOLMAN, Jennie; s/o William and Rebecca (Daniel) Tompkins; died Boise County, Idaho; burial location unknown
TOMPKINS, William Mason (Jun 1827-11 Mar 1906): m'd 1863 WALKER, Sarah Jane; s/o John and Nancy (Burris) Tompkins; buried Forest View Cemetery, Washington County, Oregon
TOMPKINS, William Mason (26 Feb 1815-28 Apr 1858): m'd 14 Mar 1833 DANIELS, Rebecca; buried West Point Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
TOMPKINS, Willis Bridges (1836-01 Mar 1921): s/o William and Rebecca (Daniel) Tompkins; dued Siskiyou County, California; burial location unknown
TONER, John G. (1822- ):
*10) TONG, James John (28 Apr 1818-04 Oct 1887): m'd 14 Apr 1841 BOND, Ann; settled in Clackamas County; traveled with Harmon and Susan (Bond) Davis
*10) TONG, John Nelson (04 Oct 1846-06 May 1922): m'd 10 Dec 1868 HEATER, Nancy Ann; s/o James and Ann (Bond) Tong; buried Multnomah Park Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
*10) TONG, Sarah Elizabeth (04 Feb 1842-28 Jan 1881): m'd 01 Sep 1859 WISE, George Michael, d/o James and Ann (Bond) Tong; died Clackamas County, Oregon
TOWNSEND, William H.:
TRASK, William (1812-1895): m'd 1851Doolittle (SHAFF), Lucy Phinetta
TRIM, Nancy (01 Jan 1827-15 Feb 1886): m1. CLINE, John Michael
TRIMBLE, Robert: settled in Douglas and Josephine Counties
TRIMBLE, Stephen A. (1822-1901): m'd 1877 ALLEN (BENSON), Sarah; buried Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
TRIPLETT, James H. (1828- ): m'd 1849 , Mary Jane
TRIPP, Esther (04 Jul 1825- 01 Nov 1886): m1. 17 Feb 1841 FISK, Nathan Willis; m2. 01 Dec 1881 Rinehart, D. B.; d/o William and Esther (Mills) Tripp; buried Canyon City Cemetery, Canyon City, Grant County, Oregon
TROUP, William H.:
*30) TRUITT, Daniel:
TUCKER, Branch (26 Aug 1834-28 Jun 1918): m'd
07 Feb 1872 HORNER, Martha Ann ; s/o James M. and Anna (Cave) Tucker;
buried at
Springwater Cemetery, Springwater, Clackamas County, Oregon
"Branch was born 26 Aug 1834 Surry Co, NC and died 28 Jun 1918 Clackamas Co, OR; farmer at Springwater, Clackamas Co, OR; father of seven children (Amos Jackson, Reuben Garrett, Lewis, Anna Louisa, Wilda Ellen, Mary Ethel and Martha Melvina)"
TUCKER, Daniel Woodson (11 Dec 1816-11 Mar 1895): m'd 27 May1869 MAYFIELD, Adeline Tempy ; s/o James M. and Anna (Cave) Tucker; buried Springwater Cemetery, Springwater, Clackamas County, Oregon
"Daniel was born 11 Dec 1816 Surry County, North Carolina and died 11 Mar 1895 Springwater, Clackamas County, Oregon; farmer at Springwater, Clackamas County, Oregon; father of five children (William Woodson, Dicey Adeline, James N., Solomon A. and Isaiah)"
TUCKER, David D. Allen (11 Apr 1851-23 Nov 1860): s/o William and Nancy (Dealy) Tucker; buried Springwater Cemetery, Springwater, Clackamas County, Oregon
TUCKER, Diana (24 Dwv 1823-1852): m'd 1847 DEALY,
David Jr.; d/o James M. and Anna (Cave) Tucker; died on the trail;
burial location unknown
TUCKER, Henry Bellinger (1804-1899): m'd 1829 MCKAY, Elizabeth; s/o William W. and Martha (Ballinger) Tucker; born 12 Dec 1804 Adair Co, KY and died 04 May 1899 Beaverton, Washington Co, OR
"TUCKER, HENRY B.--Born in Kentucky in 1804. On arrival in Oregon he settled on a donation claim in Washington County, and has lived there since. Married, in 1 829, Miss Elizabeth McKay, and by her has had six children, two of whom now live Thomas and William. Mrs. Tucker died in 1882." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 788]
TUCKER, James Patterson (05 May 1841-15 Mar 1895): s/o William and Nancy (Dealy) Tucker; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
TUCKER, John Thomas (31 Jan 1848-22 Aug 1852): s/o William
and Nancy (Dealy) Tucker; born 1848 Buchanan Co, MO and died c1852 (possibly on
TUCKER, Louisa (1849-1864): d/o Henry and Elizabeth (McKay) Tucker
TUCKER, Mary (1835-1856): m'd CORNWELL, James (pioneer of 1851); d/o Henry and Elizabeth (McKay) Tucker
TUCKER, Mary E. (1843-Aug 1852): d/o Samuel and Nancy (Hayden) Tucker; died
on trail; father died prior to emigration; traveling with mother Nancy
Elizabeth Hayden Tucker
TUCKER, Pleasant Branch (13 Nov 1849-22 Feb 1892): m'd 26 Dec 1879 WARE, Clara E..; s/o William and Nancy (Dealy) Tucker; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon; note that all the census records state that he was born in Iowa but the family records state Missouri
TUCKER, Rebecca Ann (09 Mar 1840-08 Sep 1902): m'd 18 Nov 1858 SAVAGE, Albert; d/o William and Nancy (Dealy) Tucker; buried Lacomb Cemetery, Lacomb, Linn County, Oregon
"Rebecca was born 09 Mar 1840 St. Joseph, Buchanan Co, MO and died 08 Sep 1902 Linn Co, OR; mother of nine children (William Erastus, Nancy Dealy, Julia Ann, Judith Hannah, David Albert, Francis J., Amy Jane, John Brazilla and James Albert)
TUCKER, Sarah ( -1853): d/o Henry and Elizabeth (McKay) Tucker
TUCKER, Thomas (1831-1916): m'd 17 Sep 1854 MCKAY, Mary Ann; s/o Henry and Elizabeth (McKay) Tucker; Thomas died 16 Jun 1916
"TUCKER, THOMAS--Is a resident of Beaverton, and was born in Indiana in 1831. In the year following his arrival in Oregon he settled in Washington County, where he has since resided. He has served two terms as county commissioner. In 1854 was married to Miss Mary A. McKay, and has five children Lucinda J., William Orville, Elizabeth, Samuel H., and Sarah Louisa." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 788-89]
TUCKER, William (1833-1910): m'd LANDESS, Mary Jane; s/o Henry and Elizabeth (McKay) Tucker; born 24 Oct 1833 IN and died 08 Nov 1910 Beaverton, Washington Co, OR
TUCKER, William Hiram "Buck" (16 Feb 1813-29 Apr 1891): m'd 28 Mar 1839 DEALY, Nancy Ann; s/o James M. and Anna (Cave) Tucker; buried Providence Cemetery, near Scio, Linn County, Oregon
"DLC #4294 Clackamas County, Oregon; William Tucker b. 1813 North Carolina; arrived Oregon Oct 1852; m'd Nancy about 1838/9 Missouri. Affidavit: Daniel W. Tucker, Elison B. Lewellin, Lewis A. Lacey, Hiram Fellows"
"William was born 06 Feb 1813 Surry County, North Carolina and died 29 Apr 1891 Linn County, Oregon; he was the father of fifteen children (Rebecca Ann, James Patterson, David Mallory, Sarah Jane Elizabeth, William Daniel Woodson, John Thomas, Pleasant Branch, David D. Allen, Martha Francis, Mary J. C., Alcy Melvina, Hannah E., Charles Jefferson and Martin Rober E Lee)"
TUCKER, William Daniel Woodson (14 May 1846-23 Oct 1931): m'd 02 Jun 1880 BAILEY, Ellen; s/o William and Nancy (Dealy) Tucker; buried Wilderville Cemetery, Wilderville, Josephine County, Oregon
"William was the father of nine children (John R., Nancy J., Eva R., Sarah F., William M., Martha E., Myrtle A., James E. and Charles A.)"
TUCKNESS, Sarah Jane (11 Dec 1813 - 28 Mar 1899): m'd 21 Dec 1837 BAKER, Endymian; d/o Henry and Sarah (Sims) Tuckness; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
TULK, Eliza Jane (1832-1926); m'd 1850 HARER, Evan H. (1822-1870); sister of Martha Ann Tulk
TULK, Martha Ann (1828-1912); m'd 1850 HARER, William M. (1823-1908); sister of Eliza Jane Tulk
TULLIS, Amos Fletcher (06 Jan 1830-17 May 1900): m'd 1857 BUCHANAN, Catherine "Cassie"; s/o Isaac and Mary (McNutt) Tullis; settled in what is now Washington state; buried Tacoma Cemetery, Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington
TUPPER, Abirissa (1832 - ): d/o Benjamin and Susan (Matteson) Tupper; may have died prior to emigration; burial location unknown
TUPPER, Benjamin Sweet (1796-1852): m'd 1816 MATTESON, Susan: s/o Charles
and Abiqua (Sweet) Tupper; died on trail in Nebraska of cholera; other sons
came in 1847 and 1854;
burial location unknown
TUPPER, Esther Isabelle (03 Mar 1851-19 Sep 1902): m'd BEAL, George Washington; d/o Joseph and Sarah (Sowers) Tupper; buried Hills Cemetery, Gaston, Washington County, Oregon
TUPPERr, Frederick (1844- ): s/o Benjamin and Susan (Matteson) Tupper; burial location unknown; may have died piror to emigration
TUPPER, Joseph Berris (09 Jan 1826-Apr 1863): 05 Nov 1848 SOWERS, Sarah A.; s/o Benjamin and Susan (Matteson) Tupper; buried Forest View Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon
"DLC #5273 Washington County, Oregon Territory; Joseph B. Tupper, b. 1827 Illinois/New York; arrived Oregon Nov 1852; settled claim 29 Nov 1855; m'd Sarah A. 05 Nov 1848 Illinois. Joseph B. Tupper was deceased when certificate was issued but no date given. Affidavit: Lysander C. Tupper, Wm Chatfield, C.T. Emerick, Jacob Beal."
TUPPER, Lydia F. A. (09 Jan 1827-07 Dec 1904): m'd BLAGDEN, William Warren; d/o Benjamin and Susan (Matteson) Tupper; buried IOOF Mountain View Cemetery, Goldendale, Kilckitat County, Washington
TUPPER, Lysander Cole (1829-30 Jul 1913): m'd 27 Jul 1850 [ ], Clarissa; s/o Benjamin and Susan (Matteson) Tupper; buried Washington Lawn Cemetery, Centralia, Lewis County, Washington
"DLC #4137 Washington County, Oregon Territory; Lysander C. Tupper, b. 1829 Ohio; arrived Oregon Oct 1852; settled claim 10 Oct 1855; m'd Clarissa 27 Jul 1850 Illinois. Affidavit: Joseph B. Tupper, Oscar F. Tupper, Robert P. Matterson, Benj Matterson."
TUPPER, William (01 Jun 1840 - ): s/o Benjamin and Susan (Matteson) Tupper; may have died prior to emigration; burial location unknown
TURNBULL, George (1827- ):
*30) TURNER, A. P.:
TURNER, Cornelia Ann: (1838-1932): m'd Amos M. DAVIS (1830 - 1863) on 25 January 1857, Turner, Marion, Oregon. The town of Aumsville is named in his memory. No children of the marriage, and she didn't remarry.
TURNER, George: (1840-1896 ):
TURNER, George H. (1842- ):
"TURNER, GEORGE H.--Born in Harrison County, Ohio, March 27, 1842; occupation, real estate dealer; residence, Turner. Mr. Turner's father was proprietor of the town of Turner." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 789]
TURNER, Henry L.: [1810-1871): m'd 26 July 1835 SHARP, Judith Julia Ann in Mifflin, Harrison, Ohio; Henry was born New Brunswick, Canada and died in Marion County, Oregon; wife was a sister of John Sharp listed above
TURNER, Israel (1798-1852): m'd STICE, Catherine; Israel was born 15 Mar 1798 Pulaski Co, KY and died c05 Jun 1852 on the Platte River in what is now Nebraska; s/o Andrew Hardin Turner and Comfort Patterson; his wife died in Morgan Co, IL in March just prior to emigration
TURNER, Louis: (1842- ): [1844 - 1920]
TURNER, Louis: (1842- ):
*30) TURNER, M.
TURNER, Thomas ( - ):
UMPHREY, Julia Ann ( -1928): m'd 1852 PARKER, Allan Ethan; d/o Thomas Henry and Nancy Jane (Driscoll) Umphrey; parents and siblings emigrated in 1853; buried Albany Masonic Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
UZAFOVAGE, Alexandria (aka Elexandria) "Elec" (1828-05 Jul 1902): m'd 06 Mar 1848 OWENS, Hugh Pearce; d/o Charles Josef and Anna Louisa (Taylor) Uzafovage Aunt Elec's Journal contributed by Richard L. Carter
UZAFOVAGE, Charles (20 Mar 1836-26 May 1910): m'd 04 Jun 1862 ENTZ, Mary; s/o Charles Josef and Anna Louisa (Taylor) Uzafovage; buried Tacoma Cemetery, Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington
"UZAFOVAGE, C.--Born in New York in 1836; lived awhile in Kentucky; came to Oregon by ox- team. Located in Polk County and became a farmer. In 1859 purchased an interest in the steamer Clinton. Removed to Salem and established a grocery store, in partnership with John G. Wright, but sold to the latter in 1871. Since that time he has continued in business in Salem, mainly in the boot and shoe trade. Married in 1862 to Mary Entz. They have three children Alma E., Charles E., and Annie L." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 789]
UZAFOVAGE, Louisa Ann (19 May 1840-15 Oct 1920): m'd 24 Feb 1857 CARTER, William Davis; d/o Charles Josef and Anna Louisa (Taylor) Uzafovage; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
UZAFOVAGE, Veronica (May 1827/30-11 Jan 1910): m1. 05 Mar 1848 MANNING, Francis A.; m2. 12 Feb 1854 WILSON, Henry W. (div 05 Jan 1859); m3. 24 Jan 1859 LEATH, James (div 1861); m4. 19 Sep 1895 DOWNS, Elias ;d/o Charles Josef and Anna Louisa (Taylor) Uzafovage; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
*2) *26) VALENTINE, Marecy: m'd 1845 GILHAM, Newton D.
*4) VALIN, Angelique (1790-1887): m'd 1818 PLAMONDON, Mitchell; husband died young leaving her with six children; three children died young; Angelique came to OR with remaining children
VANBUSKIRK, Andrew (1826-1877): Never
married; s/o William and Margaret (Evans) VanBuskirk; kept a diary of the
family's trip across the plains
VANBUSKIRK, Arminda (1850-1852): d/o Joseph and Sarah (Eldredge) VanBuskirk; died on trail
VANBUSKIRK, Daniel (1833- ):
"VAN BUSKIRK, DANIEL--Born in Ohio in I833; the son of William and Margaret VanBuskirk. Coming with his parents to Oregon in 1852, he lived on a farm in Yamhill County most of the ensuing years. Participated in the Yakima war of 1855-56. His occupation is farming, and he resides near Perrydale, Polk County, which is his postoffice. Married, in 1873, to Miss Laura N. Brown. Their children are-William A., Mary H., Rosa A., and Lawrence A." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 789]
VANBUSKIRK, Elijah Whorton:
VANBUSKIRK, Elizabeth M. (1829-1912): m'd 1848 HENDERSON, Thomas B.; d/o William and Margaret (Evans) VanBuskirk; settled in Yamhill Co; was mother of 8 children (infant, Urbanus, Sylvia A., Infant, Elmus Ulysses, Sarah E., Miles T. and Margaret V.); buried in Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill Co, OR; settled in Yamhill Co; buried in Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill Co, OR
VANBUSKIRK, John M. (1818-1874): m'd 1837 HENDERSON, Sarah S.; s/o William and Margaret (Evans) VanBuskirk; the Amity Baptist Church was organized Aug 28, 1858 in the home of John and Sarah VanBuskirk; both are buried in Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill Co, OR
"VAN BUSKIRK, JOHN--Born in Knox County, Ohio, in 1818. On arriving in Oregon he settled in the Grand Ronde, and afterwards became a farmer at Bellevue, Yamliill County, he married Sarah 8. Henderson in 1837, and they had four children, two of whom are now living Luciuda T., and Josephine. Our subject died in 1874, and Mrs. Van Buskirk lives with her children." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 789]
VANBUSKIRK, Joseph T. (1824 -1852): m'd 1845 ELDREDGE, Sarah P.; s/o William and Margaret (Evans) VanBuskirk; died on trail
"VAN BUSKIRK, JOSEPH--Born in Ohio, and grew to manhood there. Married Miss Sarah Eldridge and had by her three children Mary, William, and Arminda. Setting out for Oregon in the sickly year, 1852, the family was cut off by cholera and mountain fever, with the exception of William, who came safely across." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 789]
VANBUSKIRK, Josephine Violet (1847-1935): m'd 1864 JONES, Harvey L.; d/o John and Sarah (Henderson) VanBuskirk; was mother of 5 children (Rolland O., Wildon M., Luella M., Herbert W., Rheubena "Ruby" V.) ; buried in Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill Co, OR
VANBUSKIRK, Lafayette T. (1842 -1861): s/o John and Sarah (Henderson) VanBuskirk; buried in Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill Co, OR
VANBUSKIRK, Lucinda T. (1844 -1926): m'd 1865 HENDERSON, John J.; d/o John and Sarah (Henderson) VanBuskirk
VANBUSKIRK, Mary (1846-1852): d/o Joseph and Sarah (Eldredge) VanBuskirk; died on trail
VANBUSKIRK, Sarah A. (1816-1853): m'd 1836 WHISLER , Elijah F.; d/o William and Margaret (Evans) VanBuskirk; was the mother of 6 children (Margaret Ann, William, Barbara Alice, Elizabeth Vashti, Flavius Joseph and Sarah Mellissa); buried in Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill Co, OR
VANBUSKIRK, William (1848-1893): m'd 1874 BROWN, Alice B.; was father of 5 children (Floyd E., Adah A., Elva L., Ruby M. and Oria A.); s/o Joseph and Sarah (Eldredge) VanBuskirk; parents and 2 sisters died on trail
"VAN BUSKIRK, WILLIAM--Born in Ohio in 1848, the son of Joseph and Sarah VanBuskirk. The parents dying in attempting to cross the plains, William was left to the care of relatives, who took him to Yamhill County, and reared him to manhood. Married in 1874 Miss Alice Brown, by whom he has three children Floyd E., Ada Arrninda, and Elva. Mr. Van Buskirk's occupation is farming; his address, Amity." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 790]
VANBUSKIRK, William (1789-1859): m'd 1815 EVANS, Margaret; s/o John and Mary (Blackmore) VanBuskirk; buried in Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill Co, OR; wife died on trail in the Blue Mountains
"VAN BUSKIRK, WILLIAM, Sr.--Born in Maryland in 1796; moved to Kentucky, and thence to Ohio. Was a soldier in the war of 1812. Married in Kentucky in 1825 to Miss Margaret Evans. They had eight children, of whom two are now alive, namely Elizabeth (wife of T. B. Henderson, of Amity), and Daniel. The family came across the plains in 1852, and settled in Yamhill County, where the father died in 1859. The mother died on reaching the Blue Mountains, on the way to the valley." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 790]
VANBUSKIRK, William Daniel (1833-1900): m'd 1873 BROWN, Laura N.; settled in Yamhill Co; was the father of 5 children (Rosa Alice, William A., Mary E., Laurence A., and and infant who died at birth); buried in Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill Co, OR with his wife who died in 1891
VANCE, Elizabeth Woolsey (26 Aug 1879-17 Jan 1853): m1. 1813 ROBBINS, Jacob Phillips (1780-1814): m2. 24 Dec 1820 CLYMER, Christian; d/o David and Mary (Woolsey) Vance; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
VANFALDI, Elizabeth: m'd 1851 LINNERMAN, Gerhard; maiden name unknown at this time
VANDERPOOL, Campbell Mann (27 Mar 1834-24 Aug 1927): m1. 02 Dec 1860 PATTERSON, Louisa Jane; m2. 27 Nov 1884 MCCLURE, Mrs. Susan Catherine (HODGES); s/o Kinman and Elizabeth (Mann) Vanderpool; buried Gingles Cemetery, Benton County, Oregon
VANDERPOOL, Cynthia Jane (08 Jun 1840-1883); m'd 24 Oct 1854 WELLS, William; d/o Kinman and Elizabeth (Mann) Vanderpool; buried Buena Vista Cemetey, Buena Vista, Polk County, Oregon
VANDERPOOL, David Howard (17 Feb 1827-23 Jul 1899): m'd 18 Apr 1847 VANDERPOOL, Cyrena Catherine (a cousin); s/o Kinman and Elizabeth (Mann) Vanderpool; buried Gingles Cemetery, Benton County, Oregon
VANDERPOOL, Kinman (09 Jul 1803-18 Nov 1852) m1. 29 Jul 1824 MANN, Elizabeth Johns; m2. 18 Jul 1845 HOlMAN, Elizabeth; 1849 TOMLINSON, Dulenea; died shortly after arrival, s/o John and Ellender (Meadors) Vanderpool; burial location unknown; brother, Medders Vanderpool, emigrated in 1846
VANDERPOOL, Larkin (01 Dec 1831- 24 Mar 1894): m'd TURNAGE, Mary; s/o Kinman and Elizabeth (Mann) Vanderpool; buried Dufur Community Cemetery, Dufur, Wasco County, Oregon
VANDERPOOL, Martha Elizabeth (1851-04 Mar 1944): m'd 1872 GULLIFORD, Jacob Allan; d/o Kinman and Dulcenea (Tomlinson) Vanderpool; buried Dufur Community Cemetery, Dufur, Wasco County, Oregon
VANDERPOOL, Narcissa Ann (18 Jan 1838-03 Sep 1909); m1. 18 Apr 1853 CLEEK, Johnson; m2. 17 Dec 1888 INMAN, James I.; d/o Kinman and Elizabeth (Mann) Vanderpool; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
VANDERPOOL, Philena: m'd 1848 FOWLER, George M.; buried Kings Valley Cemetery, Benton Co, OR
VANDERPOOL, William Medders (1852-1933): m'd TEMPLETON, Elizabeth Jane; s/o Kinman and Dulcenea (Tomlinson) Vanderpool; buried Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prineville, Crook County, Oregon
*18) VANDERVORT, Jefferson: from Groveland, Tazewell Co, IL; living in Portland June 1853 but reportedly died soon after that
VANHORN, Margaret ( - ): m'd MCELFRESH, [ ]
VANSCHOIACK, Neely (1794- ):
VAUGHAN, Alexander Stewart (01 May 1846-17 Apr 1930): m'd 01 Nov 1871 WOOD, Charlotte Ann; s/o Liberty and Nancy (Briceland) Vaughan; buried Saint James Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
VAUGHAN, Amanda (1832-Oct 1852): d/o
Liberty and Nancy (Briceland) Vaughan; died near the John Day River;
burial location unknown
VAUGHAN, Benjamin (17 Dec 1815-27 Dec 1891): m1. CLARK, Emaline; m2. GREEN, Elizabeth; s/o John and Lydia (Crabtree) Vaughan; buried Twin Oaks Cemetery, Turner, Marion County, Oregon
"DLC # 2739 Marion County; Benjamin Vaughan, b. 1815 Cabell County, Virginia; arrived Oregon 22 Sep 1852; settled claim 12 Feb 1853; m'd Elizabeth 02 Mar 1845 Platte County, Missouri. Affidavit: Clifton K. Read, John Vaughan, Abner R. Frazer"
VAUGHAN, Charles Henry (05 Sep 1849-28 Feb 1900): m1. 1869 WINTERS, Ellen; m2. 1876 GAGNE, Emma; s/o Liberty and Nancy (Briceland) Vaughan; buried Crescent City Cemetery, Crescent City, Del Norte County, California
VAUGHAN, Cyrus (22 Jan 1844-03 Jan 1917): m'd WOOD, Martha Jane; s/o Liberty and Nancy (Briceland) Vaughan; buried Idlewilde Cemetery, Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon
VAUGHAN, Jonathan Steven (09 Dec 1829-19 Apr 1907): m'd 1858 STRONG, Sarah J.; s/o Liberty and Nancy (Briceland) Vaughan; buried Butteville Cemetery, Butteville, Marion County, Oregon
VAUGHAN, Liberty (04 Jul 1804-01 Feb 1879): m'd BRICELAND, Nancy; s/o George and Ruth (Richards) Vaughan; buried Gibbs Cemetery, Yamhill County, Oregon
VAUGHAN, Maria (14 Dec 1837-06 Jun 1926): m'd JONES, Martin Van Buren; d/o Liberty and Nancy (Briceland) Vaughan; buried Crescent City Cemetery, Crescent City, Del Norte County, California
VAUGHAN, Miller (22 Jan 1842-24 Oct 1904): m'd WOOD, Julia May; s/o Liberty and Nancy (Briceland) Vaughan; buried Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
VAUGHAN, Nancy: (20 Sep 1832-02 Nov 1904): m'd MILLER, Charles; d/o John and Lydia (Crabtree) Vaughan; buried Jefferson Cemetery, Jefferson, Marion County, Oregon
VAUGHAN, Ruth (08 Aug 1831-31 May 1859): m'd 1848 WEEKS, William Wallace; d/o Liberty and Nancy (Briceland) Vaughan; buried Geer Cemetery, Clackamas County, Oregon
VAUGHAN, Sarah (11 Nov 1828 - 25 May 1852):
m'd CRABTREE, Robert; d/o John and Lydia (Crabtree) Vaughan; died on trail;
from Jackson County, Missouri
VAUGHAN, William:(10 Oct 1834-13 Nov 1877): m'd EARL, Ellen; s/o John and Lydia (Crabtree) Vaughan; buried Jefferson Cemetery, Jefferson, Marion County, Oregon
VAUGHN, Mrs. Lydia: see Lydia CRABTREE:
VERDANT, Henry ( -1852): Cecelia Adams mentioned in her diary that June 25 they passed the grave of Henry Verdant, age 52, Edgar Co, IL
VICKERS, Leonard B. (1831- ):
VIER, Ruth (1800-1881): m'd DARBY, William
VINSON, James (1808- ):
VINSON, John (1831 - ):
VINYARD, Elisha (c1818- ):
VOWEL, Mary (1815-11 Nov 1852): m'd 13 Sep 1838 ADAMS, Charles; died 11 Nov 1852 in Portland, Multnomah Co, OR after arriving; buried Carus Cemetery, Clackamas County, OR
WADDLE, Francis (1821- ): m1. 1840 BURRELL, Sophia ; m2. 04 Sep 1855 SMITH, Margaret Jewett (divorced)
WADE, William:
WADKINS, Catharine (1793-1877): m'd MORLEY, Moses
*18) WAFER, John L.: m'd 13 Mar 1854 BARRELL, Lydia; paid $55 to join company; had gone ahead to accompany provisions to St. Joseph, MO; was a photographer
WAGGONER, Bird (1810-1892): m1. PICKETT, Caroline Virginia; m2. GRAY, Nancy
WAGGONER, Emily: d/o Bird and Caroline (Pickett) Waggoner
WAGGONER, George A. (1842-1916): s/o Bird and Caroline (Pickett) Waggoner
WAGGONER, Oliver Bird: s/o Bird and Caroline (Pickett) Waggoner
WAGGONER, Susan Francis: d/o Bird and Caroline (Pickett) Waggoner
WAGGONER, Thomas: s/o Bird and Caroline (Pickett) Waggoner
WAGGONESS, Isaac (1827- ):
*16) WAGNER, Esther Ann (18 Mar 1850- 10 Mar 1934 ): m'd 11 Mar 1869 NEAL, John Jasper; d/o Isaac and Catherine (Adams) Wagner; buried Twin Oaks Cemetery, Turner, Marion County, Oregon
*16) WAGNER, Isaac Madson (01 Jul 1827- -3 Apr 1905 ): m'd 01 Jun 1847 ADAMS, Catherine Swartslander; in Jackson County in 1860 census but by 1870 had migrated to Marion County where he lived until his death; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon; father of 10 children (Esther Ann, Phillip Malagthon, Andrew Perry, Alonzo Carlile, Alice Rebecca, Mary Ellen, Jacob Adolphus, Clara Adelia, Isaac Madison Jr and Katherine Amelia)
*16) WAGNER, Philip Malagathon (10 Nov 1851- 24 Oct 1926): m'd 12 Aug 1877 RING, Virginia; s/o Isaac and Catherine (Adams) Wagner; buried IOOF Cemetery, Estacada, Clackamas County, Oregon
WAIT, G. T. (1833- ):
WAIT, John K. (1825- ):
WAIT, Richard S. (1830- ):
WAITE, George ( - ):
WAITE, John ( - ):
WALDEN, Ebenezer (1777-1864):
WALDRON, Agnes M. (1847-1884): m'd DAVIDSON, James; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Sleppy) Waldron; born 10 Jun 1847 Lawrence Co, PA and died 10 Oct 1884 Chico, Butte Co, CA
WALDRON, Angelina (1850- ): m'd SHARTH, Thomas; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Sleppy) Waldron; born 1 Nov 1850
WALDRON, Henry J. (1830-1878): m'd 17 Jul 1853 MERRILL, Mary Angelina; born 22 Sep 1830 Albany Co, NY and died 1878 Wasco Co, OR; father of 8 children (Ida E., Ella, William H., Carrie A., Emma Jannete, Nellie M., Frank C. and Stella)
WALDRON, Isophena (1849-1944 ): m'd 1866 COLLARD, Elihu Benton; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Sleppy) Waldron; born 12 Feb 1849 Lawrence Co, PA and died 09 Jan 1944 Parrott Creek, Clackamas Co, OR
WALDRON, Samantha Jane (1844-1927): m'd SEAMAN, Charles B.; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Sleppy) Waldron; born 11 Jun 1844 Butler Co, OH and died 22 May 1927 Riverview, Portland, Multnomah Co, OR
WALDRON, Samuel (1815-1888): m1. 02 Jun 1843 SLEPPY, Elizabeth Jane (1825-1852 on trail); m2. 03 May 1853 HANCOCK, Elizabeth Jane (Saunders); born 10 Dec 1815 Mercer Co, PA and died 31 Aug 1888 Oregon City, Clackamas Co, OR; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas Co, OR; fathr of 5 children by first wife (Samantha Jane, Almerin John (died prior to emigration), Agnes M., Isaphena and Angelina); father of 10 children by second wife (George W., Martha E., Ann Elizabeth, John Lincoln, Gabriella, Samuel, Christina, Henry A., Jessie R. and Edgar M.)
WALK, Elizabeth (14 Jul 1827-08 Aug 1906): m'd 02 Mar 1846 ADAIR, William R.; to California in 1852 and then to OR 1859; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon; d/o David and Margaret Martha (Barrett) Walk; sister of John Franklin Walk
WALK, John Franklin (02 May 1818-12 Jul 1904): m'd ADAIR, Nicena "Cena";
to California 1852;
Shiloh Cemetery,
Windsor, Sonoma County, California
*21)WALKER, Arthur M. (1817- ): s/o Charles andElizabeth (Talbott) Walker; emigrated to Linn Co; Co
WALKER, Calvin ( 1832-1852): m'd 04 Jul 1852 WATKINS, Mary Jane; s/o John
and Elizabeth (Mennet) Walker; married on the plains at Independence Rock; he
died near west side of Mt. Hood near Fosters from mountain fever;
location unknown; wife m2. George P.S. Riches
*21) WALKER, Charles Perkins (11 Oct 1844-25 Apr 1915): m'd 27 Jun 1873 HOLLOWAY, Sarah Catherine; s/o Jesse and Isaphena (Carver) Walker; buried Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
*21) WALKER, Elizabeth (21 Jul 1844-08 Feb 1908): m'd 30 Nov 1860 LEDFORD, John M. Sr; d/o Jesse and Isaphena (Carver) Walker; first postmistress at Smock, Wasco County, Oregon c1899; buried Lone Pine Cemetery, Wamic, Wasco County, Oregon
*21) WALKER, James Washington (02 Feb 1849-04 Apr 1890): m'd ALFORD, Delila; s/o Jesse and Isaphena (Carver) Walker; died Medical Lake, Spokane County, Washington; burial location unknown
*21) WALKER, Jesse Franklin (28 Jul 1816-08 May 1860): m'd 22 Aug 1843 CARVER, Isaphena; s/o Charles and Elizabeth (Talbott) Walker; emigrated to Linn County, Oregon; later moved to Clackamas County, Oregon where he died; burial location unknown
WALKER, John F. (1827- ):
WALKER, Nancy E. ( -1898):
*21) WALKER, Sarah Ann (27 Feb 1851- ): m'd 1866 TAYLOR, Levi S.; d/o Jesse and Isaphena (Carver) Walker;
WALKER, Temperance Jane (11 Dec 1850-17 Feb 1918): m'd 1877 ROBINETT, John A.; d/o Washington and Mary (Thompson) Walker
*21)WALKER, Washington Perkins. (b.c1822-1894):m'd 1845 THOMPSON, Mary; s/o Charles and Elizabeth (Talbott) Walker; originally emigrated to Linn Co; buried Sherman Co, OR
WALKER, William E. (1808- ):
WALLACE, Colin Austin (1834- ): m'd 1857 SCHUCK, Elizabeth
"WALLACE, C. A.--Born in Branch County, Michigan, in 1834. After coming to Oregon he was mail carrier for some time. In 1855 enlisted in the Indian war; was appointed by Governor Stevens to carry the express, and was in that occupation from November, 1855, until September, 1856. In 1858 came to Yamhill County and settled on a farm, and later moved to McMinnville, his present residence. Married Miss Elizabeth Schuck in 1857, and has three children Edward W., Annie B., and Cora M." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 790]
WALLACE, Edward P. (1829- ):
WALLACE, James A. (1821-1868):
WALLACE, Lewis K. ( -1886):
WALLACE, Marion (1848- ):
WALLACE, Matthew:
WALLACE, W.D. (1844- ):
WALLEN, Winifred "Winny" (c1781-04 Oct 1856) m'd 26 Jan 1799 DAVIS, Moses; d/o Elisha and Catherine (Blevins) Wallen; died Salem, Marion County, Oregon; burial details unknown
WALLIS, Alice: d/o Mathew and Emeline (Lindley) Wallis
WALLIS, Clara: d/o Mathew and Emeline (Lindley) Wallis
WALLIS, Harris L.: d/o Mathew and Emeline (Lindley) Wallis
WALLIS, Margaret: d/o Mathew and Emeline (Lindley) Wallis
WALLIS, Matthew: m'd 18 Feb 1847 LINLEY, Emaline
WALLIS, Webster: d/o Mathew and Emeline (Lindley) Wallis
WALTERS, David M. (1831- ):
WALTON, Joshua J. ( -1896):
WALTON, Martha J.: m'd 1847 GREENWOOD, William L.
WARD, Alice (03 Jan 1843 - 07 Jun 1858): d/o George and Elizabeth (Baber) Ward; buried West Point Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
WARD, George Rex (04 Aug 1816-26 May 1893): m'd 18 Mar 1852 BABER, Elizabeth G.; buried Masonic Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
WARD, George: m'd 18 Mar 1852 BABER, Elizabeth G.
WARDEN, Catherine (1824- ): m'd 13 Aug 1839 STANLEY, Page
WARE, Elizabeth Jane (15 May 1828-23 Dec 1903): m'd 15 Apr 1846 CALLAWAY, Charles; d/o Presley Garett and America (Corbin) Ware; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
WARE, Susan N. (1820-1873): m1. 05 Jan 1837 EUBANKS, John H.; m2. 28 Nov 1844 MCCULLOCH, James T.; m3. c1858 REED, Reason; emigrated to Oregon with second husband; mother of 1 child by first husband (Presley George Eubank); mother of three children by second husband (William T., Nancy Catherine and Martha J.)
WARNER, Calvin M. (1833-1882): m'd GETTY, Mary Frances;
s/o Jabez and Elizabeth (Gilpin) Warner;
Warner Cemetery, Coos County, Oregon
WARNER, David (c1820-1901): s/o Jabez and Elizabeth (Gilpin) Warner; buried Warner Cemetery, Coos County, Oregon
WARNER, Eunice A. (1836-1900): m'd SAMPSON, Ephraim A.; d/o Jabez and Elizabeth (Gilpin) Warner; buried Genesee City Cemetery, Genesee, Latah County, Idaho
WARNER, Hannah Kate (1830-1893): m'd 15 Dec 1853 PETTYJOHN, Jonathan H.; d/o Jabez and Elizabeth (Gilpin) Warner; buried Ivy Cemetery, Prescott, Walla Walla County, Washington
WARNER, Jabez (c1796-1852): m'd 09 Jul 1817 GILPIN, Elizabeth; died at the second crossing of the Platte River when he got caught under the wagon wheels when pushing the wagon up a bank after crossing the river
WARNER, John M. (1827-1852) died on trail; s/o Jabez and Elizabeth (Gilpin) Warner
WARNER, Mary Annis (1838-1900): m1. BECKWITH, Marvin; m2. 1864 BERRY, John L. d/o Jabez and Elizabeth (Gilpin) Warner
WARNER, Selden Burns (1825-1902): m'd 1868 EVANS, Evarilla;s/o Jabez and Elizabeth (Gilpin) Warner;
White Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
*30) WARREN, Daniel Knight (1836-1903): m'd 24 Feb 1863 EATON, Sarah; s/o Danforth and Amanda (Pike) Warren
*30) WARREN, George W. (1834-1875): m. c1864 STEVENS, Frances; s/o Danforth and Amanda (Pike) Warren
WARREN, Hulda Ann (02 Oct 1824-26 Apr 1859): m'd 10 Sep 1840 AVERILL, Henry James Cropsy; d/o Levi and Mary (Dakin) Warren. She was born 02 Oct 1824 in Rockland, Mercer, IL, and died 26 Apr 1859 in Albany, Linn County, Oregon; burial details unknown
*30) WARREN, John Franklin (1831-1890) s/o Danforth and Amanda (Pike) Warren
*30) WARREN, Phineas Chauncey (1833-1912): m'd 01 Jan 1866 KELLER, Adeline; s/o Danforth and Amanda (Pike) Warren
WARREN, Polly: m'd 1846 HARRISON, Joseph
WASHBURN, Alfred Jr. (1844-1926), s/o Alfred and Mary (Farrington) Washburn Sr.
WASHBURN, Alfred Sr. (1810-1870), md 1825 FARRINGTON, Mary Jane; had five wagons; contracted to bring along four families as well as his own family which included 14 children; was elected captain after their first choice became ill with Rocky Mountain fever and was unable to continue. They brought five wagons from Chicago to St. Joe, MO in 1851. Overwintered there, then crossed the Missouri, and got together 72 wagons and eight light carriages. Two of the Washburn wagons were pulled by horses, and three by oxen.
WASHBURN, Francis Marion (1834-1895), s/o Alfred and Mary (Farrington) Washburn Sr
WASHBURN, Henry (1838-1852), s/o Alfred and Mary (Farrington) Washburn Sr; drowned when horse threw him; [**RR: see interview of his sister, Marilla R. Washburn Bailey in Conversations with Pioneer Women by Fred Lockley p. 164-169]
WASHBURN, John M. (1830-aft 1880), s/o Alfred and Mary (Farrington) Washburn Sr
WASHBURN, Marilla Reed (1839-aft 1860), d/o Alfred and Mary (Farrington) Washburn Sr
WASHBURN, Melvin Taylor (1852-aft 1860), s/o Alfred and Mary (Farrington) Washburn Sr
WASHBURN, Milton 1850-aft 1860), s/o Alfred and Mary (Farrington) Washburn Sr
WASHBURN, Philander S. (1826-1904), s/o Alfred and Mary (Farrington) Washburn Sr
WASHBURN, Samuel (1831-1896), s/o Alfred and Mary (Farrington) Washburn Sr
WASSON, Hannah J.: m'd 1844 BILYEU, John Martin
WATERHOUSE, Warren (1829- ):
"WATERHOUSE, WARREN--Born in Onondaga County, New York, May 25, 1829, but was taken when a child to Indiana, where he became a cooper and carpenter, and continued at such work for twenty years. In 1852 he came to the Pacific coast and went direct to Polk County, Oregon, where he now resides. Is postmaster of Monmouth, and also works at carriage painting. In 1858 he was married to Miss Sarah J. Leverich, and seven children have been born to them, of whom six are now living, namely Minnie (wife of J. F. Delany), Nellie, Ola, Kolla, Van, and Effie." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 791]
WATERMAN, Margaret Jane (1827-1916): m'd 1849 BARR, Samuel; buried Grays River Grange Cemetery, Grays River, Wahkiakum County, Washington; Samuel Everhart BARR Biography
WATERS, Abner Walter (1833- ): m1. MCCULLY, M.A.; m2. MCCARTNEY, Sarah
"WATERS, ABNER W.-- Born in Ashtabula County, Ohio, in 1833; resided subsequently in Indiana and Iowa. Coming to Oregon, he settled at Harrisburg, Linn County, took a donation claim and also dealt in merchandise. He recruited Company F of the First Oregon Volunteers, and served three years as its captain during the civil war, commanding at various times, Forts Hoskins, Vancouver, Lapwai, and Walla Walla. Raised stock in Union County for several years; managed the Statesman, newspaper of Salem, for two years 1874-76 then held for four years the office of U. S. Marshal. Married first Miss M. A. McCully, and second Miss Sarah McCartney, both of whom are deceased. He was elected to the State Senate from Multnomah County in 1880." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 726] Note: listed as pioneer of 1850 in this publication which is thought to be an error.
WATERS, Hannah Keziah ( - ): m'd , MCCULLY, Asa
WATERS, William H. H. Col (1835-1892): m'd 1862 NORTH, E.E.
"WATERS, W. H. H.--Born in Ohio in 1835; lived a while in Indiana and Iowa; started for California in 1852; proceeding thence to Oregon, he spent one year in this State and returned to California, and worked in the mines for two years; returned to Iowa and went to school. Lived in Nebraska from 1859 to 1875, running a newspaper, The Nebraska Press; coming to Oregon at the expiration of that time, he bought the Statesman newspaper, at Salem, and conducted it awhile, but afterwards withdrew from it and opened a law and real estate office. Had been admitted to the bar in 1865; was a member of the Nebraska Legislature in 1862; resigned to take the office of Receiver of the U. S. Land Office; was delegate to the Baltimore Convention in 1864, which nominated Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency. Was married, in 1862, to E. E. North, by whom he has had five children W. F., Eleanor, George E., Fred., and Harry W." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 791]
WATKINDS, William H. (1835- ):
"WATKINDS, WILLIAM H.--Born in Greencastle, Indiana, December 7, 1835. Came to Oregon and settled in Linn County. Learned the trade of saddler, and followed it at Salem. Was appointed superintendent of the penitentiary in 1870 and 1874 by Governor Grover. Removed to Portland in 1876, and engaged in the saddlery business. Was chief of police of that city for nearly two years." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 791]
WATKINS, James Perry (10 May 1842-25 Apr 1918): m'd 09 Jan 1862 POWELL, Martha
Jane; s/o William and Sarah (Smith) Watkins; buried
Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
WATKINS, John W. (1826- ): Wagons From Wapello
WATKINS, Mary Jane (12 Apr 1835-06 Nov 1904): m1. 04 Jul 1852 WALKER, Calvin; m2. 22 Dec 1852 RICHES, George, Palgriffe Smith; d/o William and Sarah (Smith) Watkins; first husband died upon arrival at Fosters; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Walkdo Hills, Marion County, Oregon
WATKINS, Robert Manning (04 Sep 1845-22 Aug 1869): s/o William and Sarah (Smith) Watkins; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Waldo Hills, Marion County, Oregon
WATKINS, Samuel Bigger (10 May 1842-30 Oct 1906): m'd 1871 CARY, Caroline E.; s/o William and Sarah (Smith) Watkins; buried City View Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
WATKINS, William Henry Harrison (17 Aug 1838-31 Mar 1918): m1. 08 Nov 1859 BEAUCHAMP, Mary Elizabeth; m2. Jul 1875 FORDYCE, Emily Emma; s/o William and Sarah (Smith) Watkins; buried Asotin City Cemetery, Asotin, Asotin County, Washington
WATKINS, William Lynch (18 Oct 1807-26 Jun 1852): m'd 19 Mar 1829 SMITH, Sarah;
s/o Kicheonth and Sarah (Lynch) Watkins; died on the trail of cholera; children went on to the home of James and Fanny
(Smith) Hunt in Marion County, Oregon;
burial location unknown
WATKINSON, Robert: m'd BEELER, Rebecca
WATSON, Abraham/Abram (1830- ): three brothers emigrated west in 1852 as hired
hands for the Andrew Simmons family; little has been found after they arrived.
They reportedly went to California after arriving in Oregon and no record has
been found of them after their arrival in Oregon. They are believed to be
the sons of Ebenezer "Eber" and Phebe (Thompson) Watson
Isaac Carr, is a nephew of Jeremy Mansur, formerly a merchant of Richmond, and with whom you are acquainted. The Watsons are his cousins, and were honorable men, more steadfast friends, or more faithful and obliging companions never travelled the road to Oregon, or any other road. They promised to help us as long as they had an ox that could pull a pound, and if the teams could not take both wagons, they would leave theirs, and put all the cattle to ours, and take us through. They faithfully kept their word. They killed prairie fowls and divided them with us, when they were hungry themselves, and many acts of similar kindness for which we shall ever be grateful. [Letter by Lydia Simmons published in the Richmond, Indiana Palladium newspaper March 4, 1853]
The rainy
season had commenced, and we had to go down the river in an open boatAndrew
and Abram Watson went on the boat with me and the children.
They took the wagon to pieces, and put them on the boat, and
Caleb Thatcher, John and Isaac Watson, and Isaac Car went with the cattle
down the pack trail.
But I must say a few words about these worthy and never to be
forgotten friendsfor such friends as these young men proved themselves to
be, throughout our trip cannot be forgotten, so long as our grateful hearts
shall throb.
[Letter by Lydia Simmons published in the Richmond, Indiana Palladium
newspaper March 4, 1853]
*8) WATSON, Edward: s/o James and Cynthia (Hammons) Watson
WATSON, Isaac (1830-02 Jul 1907): three brothers emigrated west in 1852 as hired hands for the Andrew Simmons family; little has been found after they arrived. They reportedly went to California after arriving in Oregon and no record has been found of them. This is believed to be one of the brothers but documentation to support it is hard to find.. They are believed to be the sons of Ebenezer "Eber" and Phebe (Thompson) Watson; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington
"Charles Simmons injured in fall from wagon]: Andrew and myself held him up and Isaac Watson, the only one who saw the accident, drove the team." [Letter by Lydia Simmons published in the Richmond, Indiana Palladium newspaper March 4, 1853
Isaac Carr, is a nephew of Jeremy Mansur, formerly a merchant of Richmond, and with whom you are acquainted. The Watsons are his cousins, and were honorable men, more steadfast friends, or more faithful and obliging companions never travelled the road to Oregon, or any other road. They promised to help us as long as they had an ox that could pull a pound, and if the teams could not take both wagons, they would leave theirs, and put all the cattle to ours, and take us through. They faithfully kept their word. They killed prairie fowls and divided them with us, when they were hungry themselves, and many acts of similar kindness for which we shall ever be grateful. [Letter by Lydia Simmons published in the Richmond, Indiana Palladium newspaper March 4, 1853]
The rainy
season had commenced, and we had to go down the river in an open boatAndrew
and Abram Watson went on the boat with me and the children.
They took the wagon to pieces, and put them on the boat, and
Caleb Thatcher, John and Isaac Watson, and Isaac Car went with the cattle
down the pack trail.
But I must say a few words about these worthy and never to be
forgotten friendsfor such friends as these young men proved themselves to
be, throughout our trip cannot be forgotten, so long as our grateful hearts
shall throb.
[Letter by Lydia Simmons published in the Richmond, Indiana Palladium
newspaper March 4, 1853]
*8) WATSON, James: s/o James and Cynthia (Hammons) Watson
*8) WATSON, James L.: m'd HAMMONS, Cynthia; James and Cynthia and some of the children later returned to IA; some of the children remained in OR
*8) WATSON, Jasper: s/o James and Cynthia (Hammons) Watson
*8) WATSON, John: s/o James and Cynthia (Hammons) Watson
WATSON, John (1832- ): three brothers emigrated west in 1852 as hired hands for the Andrew Simmons family; little has been found after they arrived. They reportedly went to California after arriving in Oregon and no record has been found of them after their arrival in Oregon. They are believed to be the sons of Ebenezer "Eber" and Phebe (Thompson) Watson
Isaac Carr, is a nephew of Jeremy Mansur, formerly a merchant of Richmond, and with whom you are acquainted. The Watsons are his cousins, and were honorable men, more steadfast friends, or more faithful and obliging companions never travelled the road to Oregon, or any other road. They promised to help us as long as they had an ox that could pull a pound, and if the teams could not take both wagons, they would leave theirs, and put all the cattle to ours, and take us through. They faithfully kept their word. They killed prairie fowls and divided them with us, when they were hungry themselves, and many acts of similar kindness for which we shall ever be grateful. [Letter by Lydia Simmons published in the Richmond, Indiana Palladium newspaper March 4, 1853]
The rainy
season had commenced, and we had to go down the river in an open boatAndrew
and Abram Watson went on the boat with me and the children.
They took the wagon to pieces, and put them on the boat, and
Caleb Thatcher, John and Isaac Watson, and Isaac Car went with the cattle
down the pack trail.
But I must say a few words about these worthy and never to be
forgotten friendsfor such friends as these young men proved themselves to
be, throughout our trip cannot be forgotten, so long as our grateful hearts
shall throb.
[Letter by Lydia Simmons published in the Richmond, Indiana Palladium
newspaper March 4, 1853]
*8) WATSON, Joseph: s/o James and Cynthia (Hammons) Watson
*8) WATSON, Mary: d/o James and Cynthia (Hammons) Watson
*8) WATSON, Nancy: d/o James and Cynthia (Hammons) Watson
*8) WATSON, Robert: s/o James and Cynthia (Hammons) Watson
*8) WATSON, William: s/o James and Cynthia (Hammons) Watson
WATTERS, Mary (02 Feb 1831-25 Nov 1908): m'd HAYBURN, James Cairns; buried Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Colma, San Mateo County, California; family cut off for California
WATTS, Benjamin Marion (1827-aft 1910): m'd 1854 MEEKER, Eliza M.; s/o William and Elizabeth (Naylor) Watts; born 03 Nov 1827 MO; settled in Columbia Co, OR until 1875 when he and his wife went by covered wagon to California. They settled first in Los Angeles County where Benjamin was a carpenter and then later moved to Orange County. Benjamin and Eliza had no children and were still living in the 1910 census but are not living by 1920.
WATTS, Francis Harrison Tyler (1840-1929): s/o William and Elizabeth (Naylor) Watts
WATTS, James Washington (1835-1872): m'd c1865 NESSLY, Elizabeth Matilda; s/o William and Elizabeth (Naylor) Watts; born 12 Aug 1835 Pike Co, MO and died 14 Aug 1872 Columbia Co, OR; father of three children (James Grant, Minnie and William T.); wife remarried his cousin John R. Watts after James' death.
WATTS, John R. (1829-1905): m'd 27 Mar 1873 NESSLY, Elizabeth Matilda; s/o W.W.W. and Leonas Watts; born Jul 1829 and died in 1905; buried at Fairview Cemetery, Scappoose, Columbia Co, OR (his headstone says 1830-1905 and 1905 census gives his birth as Jul 1829); settled at Scappoose, Columbia Co, OR; was in the lumber business; father of three children ( Lillie, Mary and Maud); emigrated to Oregon with his uncle William Watts' family; married the widow of his cousin, James Washington Watts
WATTS, John William (1830-1901): m1.c1857 HENDRICKS, Martha (1832-1870); m2. 31 Jan 1880 Dorris, Caroline E. (BAYLEY); s/o William and Elizabeth (Naylor) Watts; born 06 Nov 1830 Pike Co, MO and died 06 Jul 1901 Yamhill Co, OR; settled with family in Columbia Co, OR and later moved to Yamhill Co, OR; was a physician and surgeon and an ardent spokesman for temperance, minister of Congregational church and postmaster of Lafayette, Yamhill Co for many years; father of two children by first wife (Charles and Ada)
"WATTS, J. W.--Born in Missouri in 1832. Settling in Yainhill County, he practiced medicine until 1880. Held the position of receiver of the Land Office at Oregon City for a time. His attention having been drawn to the evils of intemperance he began an active course of work against them, and has become noted as a lecturer on temperance. His exertions have been invaluable and unremitting. The doctor resides at Lafayette. Was married in 1880 to Mrs. Dorris, formerly Miss C. E. Bailey." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 791-2]
WATTS, Robert Taylor (1850-1874): s/o William and Nancy (Fullerton) Watts; born 16 May/Jun 1850 Pike Co, MO and died 14 Jun 1874; working on brother's farm in Yamhill Co in 1870 census
WATTS, Thomas Columbus (1846-1884): m'd 1870 HILLARY, Mary J.; s/o William and Elizabeth (Naylor) Watts; born 22 Nov 1846 Pike Co, MO and died 1884; buried Masonic Cemetery, Columbia City, Columbia Co, OR; father of four known children (Clara May, Mary E, Edward and Francis)
WATTS, William (1803-1873): m1. 20 Feb 1823 NAYLOR, Elizabeth; m2. 05 Aug 1847 FULLERTON, Nancy Jane; m3. 05 Nov 1854 SPENCER, Mary Ann Mrs.; William was born 27 Nov 1803 Bourbon Co, KY and died 30 Nov 1873; settled in Columbia County; moved to Washington County where he is found with his family in the 1870 census records; father of seven children by first wife (Infant, Elizabeth, Benjamin Marion, John William, James Washington, Thomas Columbus and Francis Harrison Tyler); two children by his second wife (Robert Taylor and Elizabeth Margaret Jane) and four children by his third wife (Henry Clay, Ewing, Isabelle and Ida/Arda Ann)
WEATHERFORD, J.W. (1842- ):
*4) WEAVER, Catherine (1826- ): m'd 1847 O'DONALD, Jonathan P. (div 1864)
WEBB, Louisa Elizabeth (02 Mar 1827-08 May 1910): m'd 27 Jun 1844 DARBY, Oliver Hazard Perry; d/o Thomas and Margaret (Glaze) Webb; buried Campbell-Grier Cemetery, Stayton, Marion County, Oregon
*11) WEBER, Dr. ( -1852): died on trail Aug 13, 1852
*11) WEBS, Mr.: [Polly Coon Diary: Jul 29 we left some of our company who are going to CA, Mr. D. Burrows, Mr. Webs & Mr. Peak - also part of Mr. Goodrich's Co- Mr. Peck, Mr. Palmiter & Hemphil (Hemphis?)]
WEBSTER, Ann ( -30 Jun 1894): m1. HOUGLAND, Dausy; m2. 1853 NICHOLS, Joseph; first husband died on plains in 1852
WEBSTER, James P. (1827- ): m'd 07 Oct 1849 OGLE, Mary Jane; James may have died on trail or soon after arrival; wife remarried 31 Aug 1853 to Lemuel Davis
WEGER, Nancy Caroline: m1. 22 Jul 1875 BROWN, Jacob S.(1840-1875); m2. 16 Jul 1877 BROWN, Granville Marion; d/o Thomas and Mary Jane (Wilson) Weger; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
"Nancy Caroline Brown
originally m. Jacob Brown, who was reading at law at Willamette Univ. in
Salem. He was also in the militia and was deployed to Camp Watson, near the
Columbia River during the Indian Wars. Nancy Caroline accompanied Jacob to
Camp Watson, or John Day, where Jacob died of consumption. Nancy gave
birth to Effie Brown, then made her way back to Brownsville, OR, where she
married Jacobs younger brother, Granville Marion Brown & bore Laura M.,
Clarissa, William (d. age 15 of Brights disease) and Bessie (d. before 9
years old of Diphtheria). Granville was divorced by Clarissa, who moved to
Dallas, Oregon to raise her children and care for her mother-in-law until
Clarissa (West) Brown died. Much later, in the early 1920's, Granville
Marion Brown, was retrieved by train, from the Medford area by his two
sons-in-law, Lloyd Soehren of Dallas, Oregon (h/o Clarissa Brown Soehren)
and Herbert H. Dunkelberger of Portland, Oregon (h/o Laura M. Brown
Dunkelberger). Granville M. Brown was cared for in the Dunkelberger home in
Portland until he died later that year. Jacob & Nancys daughter Effa
married Will Weaver of Rickreall area lived and on Main St in Dallas, OR.
Nancy Caroline (Weger) Brown Brown lived on Main St. also and cared for
mothers who had just given birth. Clarissa (Brown) Soehren and her husband
owned and raised their daughters in a lovely Victorian house on a corner of
Main Street near the Courthouse in Dallas." [ccontributed by: Barbara
Dunkelberger Beck Hess, granddaughter of Laura (Brown) and Herbert
Dunkelberger; great granddaughter of Nancy Caroline, great great
granddaughter of Manaweather & Clarissa Brown.
WELCH, Frances M.: m'd 1852 GARRETT, James
WELCH, Rebecca Jane (24 Jan 1820-24 Mar 1892): m'd 17 Jan 1837 BUCKNER, Coleman Presley; d/o Thomas and Nancy (Pryor) Welch; buried Carus Cemetery, Clackamas County, Oregon
WELLS, Adelia (1848- ): d/o
Justus and Cordelia Wells
WELLS, Charles (1800- ):
WELLS, Cynthia Jane: m'd WELLS, William
WELLS, Elizabeth: m'd BELL, [ ]
WELLS, Henry (1850- ): s/o Justus and Cordelia Wells
WELLS, James A. (1826- ):
WELLS, John Calvin (1832- ): started from OH in 1850 and worked his way across the plains as a teamster, hunter, night-herder and anything else he could find; arrived in OR in 1852
"WELLS, JOHN C.--Born in Kentucky in 1832; on his arrival -in Oregon he settled on the south fork of Mary's River, Benton County. His present residence is King s Valley, and occupation, farming. He married Elizabeth J. King in 1860, and their children s names are-Marion V., Leanna, Charles J., John D., Mary E., Kate, William P., Alceste E., Henry, Clement K., Pearl A. and Walter C." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 792]
WELLS, Justus (1816- ): m'd [ ], Cordelia; originally emigrant of 1848, returned east to bring out family
WELLS, Laura (1843- ): d/o Justus and Cordelia Wells
WELLS, Levi Burch (1809- ):
WELLS, N.N. (1846- ): s/o Justus and Cordelia Wells
WELLS, W. A. (1838- ): m'd 1868 WILES, Mary J.
"WELLS, W. A.--Born in Platte County, Missouri in 1838. In 1844 his parents removed to Texas, returning the same year to the former State. In 1852 they set out across the plains for Oregon, performing the well known journey with ox-teams, and were four months on the road. Settling in Benton County, the son taught school and practiced farming until 1862. In 1868 he was married to Miss Mary J. Wiles, by whom he has one child, Otto by name. In 1862 he had become proprietor of a livery stable in Corvallis. In 1870 he removed to California and engaged in farming, but after three years returned to Benton County. Purchasing now a tract of land comprising six hundred and forty acres, Mr. Wells devoted it to wheat raising, but in 1876 he rented it to others and removed to Corvallis, and bought a harness shop, and ran it for three years. Meantime he entered upon speculations in grain with satisfactory results, and became the possessor of a large warehouse with a capacity of one hundred thousand bushels. In addition to this he shipped grain on his own account to Liverpool, and realized great profits from his venture, the net proceeds of a single cargo being the handsome sum of seven thousand dollars. In 1883 he removed to McMinnville, and subsequently to Albany, where he now resides, carrying on an active and extensive business in grain dealing and kindred pursuits. Mr. Wells has held positions of trust among his fellow men and ranks among those who have been most efficient in developing and utilizing the resources of this rich country." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 792-3]
WELLS, William (1833 - ): m1 Oct 1854 VANDERPOOL, Cynthia Jame; m2. 1883 HALL, Mary C.
"WELLS, WILLIAM--Mr. Wells is, perhaps, the pioneer hop grower of the Willamette Valley. His first hop crop was raised in 1867, when twelve hundred pounds were produced from four acres of land. He was born in New York in 1833; his first residence in Oregon \vas on Soap Creek, Benton County; his present residence is at Buena Vista, and his occupation, farming. He married Cynthia J. Vanderpool in Oregon in 1854, and Mary C. Hall at Buena Vista in 1883; his children are H. C., 0. M., Henry A., and Emmett E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 793]
*11) WELLS, William: m'd [ ], Cynthia Jane
WEST, Ann (1811-1900): m'd 1835 JACKSON, Jonathan; born on Long Island, Queens, New York
*30) WEST, Ashby:
WEST, Clarissa (11 Apr 1805-08 Oct 1897): m'd 18 Dec 1822 BROWN, Manewether; in later years became blind; after husband's death in 1883 she was cared for by wife of youngest son, Granville; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
*30) WEST, Fort Boise (1852-1909): m'd DUNCAN, [ ]; born at Fort Boise while parents were emigrating; spend life at Jefferson, Marion Co, OR
WEST, Rev. Mr.: Mentioned in Samuel Woodruff diary.
*29) WEST, Sarah Elizabeth (1805-1852): m'd c1825 HUFFMASTER, Jonathan; d/o John West; died on trail of cholera Aug 1852
*30) WEST, William Fowler: m'd 1851 WHIPPLE, Jane; settled near Jefferson, Marion Co, OR
WETZEL, Margaret: m'd FERGUSON, [ ]
WEYRICK, Catherine (18 Dec 1831-01 Sep 1896): m'd 22 Apr 1850 SIMMONS, Edward
WHEELER, Euphronius E. (1822- ):
*8) WHETSTONE, Jacob ( -1855): +family
*8) WHETSTONE, Thomas: + family
*30) WHIPPLE, Edna Almena (1826-1895): m'd 1854 COLBERT, George Fletcher; d/o Jeremiah and Nancy (Pelton) Whipple; buried Crawfordsville Union Cemetery, Crawfordsville, Linn County, Oregon
*30) WHIPPLE, Jane (19 Nov 1829-14 Jun 1878): m'd 1851 WEST, William Fowler; d/o Jeremiah and Nancy (Pelton) Whipple; buried Jefferson Cemetery, Jefferson, Marion County, Oregon
*30) WHIPPLE, Susannah Rogers (08 May 1819-11 Oct 1913): m'd 1840 BAGLEY, Daniel; d/o Jeremiah and Nancy (Pelton) Whipple; buried Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington
WHISLER, Barbara Alice (1842-1927): m'd 1859 MATHEWS, Albert A.; d/o Elijah and
Sarah (VanBuskirk) Whisler
WHISLER, Elijah F. (1809-1897): m'd 1836 VANBUSKIRK, Sarah A.; emigrated with wagon pulled by mules
WHISLER, Margaret Ann (1838-1928): m'd 1855 HURST, David; d/o Elijah and Sarah (VanBuskirk) Whisler
WHISLER, Sarah Mellissa (1851-1876): m'd STEVENS, R. L//R.; d/o Elijah and Sarah (VanBuskirk) Whisler
WHISLER, William Van (1839-1922): m'd 1871 BRUSH, Elizabeth Ann; s/o Elijah and Sarah (VanBuskirk) Whisler
WHITE, Alexander (1841- ):
WHITE, America Quarless (1850-1932): m'd 1873 ROSS, Joseph T.; d/o Peter and Virginia (Foster)White
WHITE, Ann (28 Nov 1800-13 Apr 1869): m'd 15 Apr 1828 BROWN, David
WHITE, Ann Mary: d/o Thomas and Susannah (Bolus) White
WHITE, Caroline Matilda: d/o Thomas and Susannah (Bolus) White
WHITE, Cornelius G. (1826- ):
WHITE, Delilah (1829- ):
WHITE, Elizabeth J. (1844-1930): m'd GLEASON, Amos Smith; d/o Peter and Virginia (Foster)White; buried Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Marion Co, OR
WHITE, Francis Asbury: s/o Thomas and Susannah (Bolus) White
WHITE, George Fletcher: s/o Thomas and Susannah (Bolus) White
WHITE, Jason M. (c1823 - ):
WHITE, John Robert (1846-1920): m'd 03 Oct 1872 BIRTCHET, Mary Anne (surname also seen as Birechett and Burchett); s/o Peter and Virginia (Foster)White; parents of Lulu P. (H.L. Briggs), Marion P. (Hattie Taylor), Euphe M. (d. aged 20 yrs), George Gasner (Mary Pursifull), Virginia Elizabeth (R. Scheurer), America R., Volney J.R., Rosetta and Merton O.
WHITE, John W.: s/o Thomas and Susannah (Bolus) White
WHITE, Mahala (1814-1852): m'd 13 Dec 1832 FITZGERALD, James; d/o Sherrod and Susan (Kendrick) White; born 12 Jun 1814 and died 1852 on the trail of cholera; buried at Emigrant Camp between La Grande and Pendleton, out of Meacham; mother .of 9 children (Marcella, Ildretta Elizabeth, Jasper Newton, Minerva Penelope, Malinda Elizabeth, Sanford Carroll, Delilah, Lelitah, Zachariah Taylor, Susan, Nicholas and John Stone)
*2) *26) WHITE, Mahulda J.: m'd REAMES, Woodford
WHITE, Marion Jackson (1845-1919): s/o Peter and Virginia (Foster)White
WHITE, Milton: s/o Thomas and Susannah (Bolus) White
WHITE, Peter (1810-1852): m1. unknown; m2.1843 FOSTER, Virginia Q.; Peter White and his wife Virginia sold or left their farm in the area of Fulton, Callaway Co, Missouri in the spring of 1852.Peter White died traveling to Oregon on June 2, 1852 after the Wagon train stopped in Deer Creek Wyoming to make repairs to the wagons. Peter like some of the pioneers, died of Cholera. He was buried in that area.
WHITE, Samuel: s/o Thomas and Susannah (Bolus) White
WHITE, Samuel F. (1835-1918):
WHITE, Sophia Susan: d/o Thomas and Susannah (Bolus) White
WHITE, Thomas Dr. (1796-1859): m'd 1822 BOLUS, Susannah (Susan); settled in Marion Co near Butteville; was a doctor; buried in Butteville Cemetery
WHITE, Thomas Whitfield: s/o Thomas and Susannah (Bolus) White
WHITEAKER, Francis ( -1852):
WHITEAKER, J.C. Dr. ( -1886):
WHITEAKER, John (1820- ): m'd 1847 HARGRAVE, N.J.
"WHITEAKER, JOHN--Born in Dearborn County, Indiana, May 4, 1820, and was reared upon a farm. Lived in Illinois and Missouri subsequently, and was married in the latter State in 1847, to Miss N. J. Hargrave. Went to California in 1849, returning in 1851. In the next year he came to Oregon, bringing his wife. Settled in Lane County in 1853 on a donation claim. Has been a resident of that county ever since. Was probate judge in 1856, and the next year a member of the Legislature. Was elected by the Democrats the first governor of the State of Oregon. Served his term out, and in 1866, 1868, and 1870 was a member of the Legislature. In 1876 he was sent to the State Senate. In 1879 was elected Congressman over Rev. H. K. Hines, the Republican nominee. The exigencies of politics induced him to hurry to Washington by special train, making the trip in four days and twenty hours. The feat served to bring him still more into public notice. He now resides on his farm in Lane County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 793]
*16) WHITLEY, Abraham Hayes (17 Apr 1851-06 May1932): s/o James and Mary
(Adams) Whitley;
Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion
County, Oregon; "At Roseburg
May 6, Abraham Hayes Whitley, aged 80 years, 19 days. A native of
Iowa. Father of Mrs. Jessie P. Carter of Moscow, Idaho, Mrs. Alta Axtell
of Okanagan, Wash., Mrs. Vina Leland of Okanagan, Teresa I. Whitley of Moscow,
Bertha of Peck, Idaho, William H. of Moscow, Francis of Okanagan; brother of
Mrs. E.R. Macy of Salem, Mrs. Alice H. Nutthall of Copeville, Wash., Mrs. N.J.
Smith of Springdale, Wash., William C. Whitley of Hamilton, Wash., Charles H.
of Pateros, Wash. Friends are invited to the funeral services Friday, May
13, at 2 p.m. from Terwilliger's Funeral home, 770 Chemeketa street.
Interment Lee Mission cemetery." [Oregon Statesman May 12, 1932]
*16) WHITLEY, Elizabeth Rebecca (06 Aug 1849-28 Dec 1932): m'd 05 Apr 1865 MACY, Jesse; d/o James W. and Mary
(Adams) Whitley; died 28 Dec 1932 Marion Co; OR;;buried
Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion
County, Oregon "At the residence, 193 East Miller street, December
28, Elizabeth R. Macy, aged 83 years. Survived by children, Mrs. Ella M.
Morris of Los Angeles, Edwin S. Macy of Portland, J. Frank Macy of Pendleton,
Albert M. Macy of Salem, Bert W. Macy of Salem, Pearl Macy of Salem, Mrs. Ida
M. May of Salem; five grandchildren; one great grandchild; brothers, William C.
Whitley of Hamilton, Wash., Charles H. Whitley of Pateros, Wash.; sisters,
Nancy J. Smith of Springdale, Wash., Mrs. Henrietta Nuttall of Couperville,
Wash. Funeral announcements will be made later by W.T. Rigdon and
Son." OS Dec 29, 1932 5:2 d/o James W. & Mary Ann (Adams) Whitley per
D/C #963
WHITLEY, Elisha: driver for Wigley family
*16) WHITLEY, James Willis (1820-17 Jul 1905): m1. 01 Jun 1847 ADAMS, Mary Ann; m2. 22 Oct 1884 TELFREY, Sarah Elizabeth; father of John Willis (1848-1924); Elizabeth R. (1849-1932); Abraham Hayes (1851-1932); Mary Catherine (1853-1898); Nancy Jane (1855-1942); William Clarke (1857-1933): James Levi (1858-1863): Francis Marion (1860-1958); Chalres Henry (1862-1958); Sarah Justina (1865-1931); Alice Henrietta (1867- );buried Packwood Memorial Cemetery, Dyer, Douglas County, Washington
*16) WHITLEY, John Willis (01 Mar1848-03 May 1924):s/o
James and Mary (Adams) Whitley; "Auto
Strikes, Kills Aged Man--While returning to the Flake Petland, where he worked
about 10 o'clock Saturday evening, Willis Whitley, 75, was almost instantly
killed when he was struck by an automobile driven by W.R. Powers of route nine,
on the Pacific highway a short distance north of the Valley Packing
plant. Whitley was rushed to the Deaconess hospital but was found to be
dead when he was received there. His head, chest, hips and limbs were
badly crushed. Mr. and Mrs. Powers, who live near Chemawa on the Pacific
highway, were returning home after having brought Mrs. Charles McAllister, a
sister of Mrs. Powers, to Salem from Champoeg, where all had attended the
annual anniversary of the establishing of this state as a part of the United
States. Mr. Powers was driving about 20 miles an hour, according to his
report to police, and had just turned on his bright lights after meeting an
automobile when he struck Whitley." [Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon May 5, 1924 5:2]
"Whitley--Near this city, May 3, suddenly, John Willis Whitley age
76 years; brother of Abraham H. Whitley, of Moscow, Idaho, Will Whitley of
Wash., Chas. Whitley of Bremerton, Wash., Mrs. Elizabeth R. Macy of Salem, Mrs.
Nancy J. Smith of Springdale, Wash., Mrs. Justina Carrillo of San Francisco and
Mrs. Henrietta Nuttall of Coupeville, Wash. Announcement of funeral later
from the Rigdon mortuary." Capital Journal May 5, 1924 5:5]
WHITLEY, Mary Ellen (1788-1877): m'd GILMOUR, James George Dr.; buried in Sandridge Cemetery, Tangent, Linn Co, OR; there is a headstone for her husband beside her but he is actually buried in IL; Mary came to OR with daughter's family per Gilmour researcher Ron Stephens
WHITLOCK, John Harrison (09 Apr 1824-26 Jul 1891): m'd 11 Nov 1852 MOSER, Elizabeth; s/o Tarlton J. and Winifred (Dunlap) Whitlock; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
WHITLOCK, Oliver M. (c1816- ):
WHITMOND, George Henry: traveled with Isaac McFarland family as a driver
WHITMORE, Catharine: m'd 1834 MILLER, Jacob P.
"MILLER, JACOB P.--Born in Fulton County, New York, July 31, 1808; in 1845, he went to Indiana, and came to Oregon in 1852. He settled at Milwaukie, Clackamas County, and is now engaged in keeping a hotel in that town. He married Catharine Whitmore, in 1834, and their children s names are Margaretta, Marietta, George H. (deceased), Delia, Thomas (deceased), and Martha (deceased)." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 776]
WHITNEY, Sarah Ann (1845-1921): m'd MOORE, [ ]
WHITTEMORE, Elizabeth Ann (1852-04 Apr 1931): m'd 1872 SHULL, Andrew Price; d/o Thomas
and Nancy (Bowman) Whittemore; born Aug 1852 near Green River on the plains of
Wyoming; buried
Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
WHITTEMORE, James Peter (26 Feb 1842-09 Apr 1903): s/o Thomas and Nancy (Bowman) Whittemore; buried Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
WHITTEMORE, Nancy (1848 - ): d/o Thomas and Nancy (Bowman) Whittemore
WHITTEMORE, Philander (20 Jan 1840-15 Nov 1871): s/o Thomas and Nancy (Bowman) Whittemore; buried Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
WHITTEMORE, Susan (20 Feb 1844-01 Sep 1909): m'd 1858 WELCH, Elijah; d/o Thomas and Nancy (Bowman) Whittemore; buried Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
WHITTEMORE, Thomas McDonough (13 Mar 1816-01 Oct 1882): m'd 11 Nov BOWMAN, Nancy; s/o Peter and Susan (Baker) Whittemore; buried Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon; settled in Lane Co; two daughters were born in OR, Adelaide (1860) and Lucretia (1854); settled in Willamette Valley where he was a blacksmith and gunsmith; Thomas died in Pendleton, OR; note: biography written by his daughter, Elizabeth, refers to her father as McDonald
WHITTEN, Edward (1849- )
WHITTEN, Oscar Cameron (1851-): s/o Richard and Sarah (Davey) Whitten
WHITTEN, Richard Franklin ( -c1855): m'd DAVEY, Sarah; drowned in the Willamette River at Oregon City while fishing
WHOBERRY, Rachel (1816-29 Feb 1856): m'd 02 Mar 1836 MARTIN, Dillard; d/o Jacob and Mary (Harbison) Whoberry Jr.
WICKARD, Lavina: (1818-1859): m'd 1838 STEVENS, Hanson
*20) WICKS, Mr.:
WIESNER, James (1827- ):
WIGGINGTON, David (19 Jan 1816-08 Oct 1901): m'd 18 Jun 1840 SHUCK, Margaret; s/o Thomas and Ann Wiggington; buried Gresham (burial location unknown)
WIGGINGTON, Iowa Louisa (1844-1934 ): m'd 19 Nov 1863 TAYLOR, Simon P.; m2. 25 May 1878 SNYDER, William H.; d/o David and Margaret (Shuck) Wiggington
WIGGINGTON, John Gwynn (Nov 1846-21 Jan 1917): s/o David and Margaret (Shuck) Wiggington
WIGGINGTON, Susan Jane (16 Jul 1841-19 Jan 1913): m'd 01 Jan 1860 LAKE, John Howard Sr; d/o David and Margaret (Shuck) Wiggington
WIGLE, A. J. ( - ): wife and son
WIGLE, Abraham
WIGLE, Anna:
WIGLE, Barnard:
WIGLE, Catherine (02 Apr 1832-27 Jun 1921): m'd 01 Apr 1849 BARNARD, Guilford; d/o Jacob and Nancy (Hunsaker) Wigle; buried Bellfountain Cemetery, Bellfountain, Benton County, Oregon
WIGLE, Dan: s/o George Wigle
WIGLE, George; wife and 5 children
WIGLE, John:
WIGLE, John L. John L. Southern Oregon History by Ben Truwe
WIGLE, Margaret
WIGLE, P. H. ( - ):
WIGLE, Peter:
WILBUR, Sylvia (1798- ):
WILCOX, Thomas G. ( -1896):
WILCOX, Thomas I. (1815- ):
WILEY, Clarissa: s/o Elias and Catherine (Heeney) Wiley
WILEY, Edward: s/o Elias and Catherine (Heeney) Wiley
WILEY, Elias Keyes ( - 1852): m'd HEENEY, Catherine; emigrated with family from Mineral Point, WI; died June 10, 1852 about 20-25 miles east of Ft. Kearney; wife continued on to Oregon with their three children and settled in Yamhill Co until spring of 1853 when the family moved to Portland, Multnomah Co
WILEY, Joseph Royce: s/o Elias and Catherine (Heeney) Wiley
WILHOIT, John (1815- ):
WILKINS, Nancy Martha : m'd 31 Oct 1848 MORGAN, Peter Popenoe; d/o Solomon and Martha (Talley) Wilkins
WILKINSON, William (1818- ):
WILLIAMS, C. O. T.: m'd 1870 WARREN, Mary J.
"WILLIAMS, C. O. T.--Born in Poolesville, Maryland, and moved to Illinois in 1839; came from that State to Oregon; married, in 1870, Miss Mary J. Warren, by whom he has had three children Gracie E., Winona, and Veda. In 1880 he became county clerk of Clackamas County, and in 1884 was chosen State Senator for that county. Resides at Oregon City." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 793]
WILLIAMS, Cassius Marcellus (07 Sep 1852-01 Sep 1910): m'd c1872 POTTER, Viola; s/o Cornelius and Mary (Hervey) Williams; born shortly after arrival of mother; divorced 1888 Wasco County, Oregon; died in Stevenson, Washington and is buried in the IOOF Cemetery, Stevenson, Skamania County, Washington in an unmarked grave
WILLIAMS, Charles Edwin (21 Apr 1849-18 Mar 1922 ): m'd 30 Dec 1876 MCDONALD, Christina; s/o Cornelius and Mary (Hervey) Williams; died Sanders County, Montana
WILLIAMS, Cornelius John (1816-Jul 1852): m'd 1840 HERVEY, Mary Jane; s/o William Kelly and Mary (Scott) Williams
WILLIAMS, Jason (1829- ):
WILLIAMS, John A. (1805- ):
WILLIAMS, Lavilla:
WILLIAMS, Martin (1824- ):
WILLIAMS, Mary "Polly" (06 Aug 1825-08 Mar 1906): m'd 30 Jul 1843 PRIVETT, Riley; settled Linn County, Oregon but in 1877 moved with family to Washington; buried Colfax Cemetery, Colfax, Whitman County, Washington
WILLIAMS, Miranda (1827- ):
WILLIAMS, Philotheta: m'd 1830 ELKINS, Luther
WILLIAMS, Rachel Ann: m'd 1852 GEARHART, John W.
WILLIAMS, Robert Evans ( -1852): m'd ROBERTS, Jane; died Sept 1852, buried Wells Springs Cemetery, Morrow County, OR.
WILLIAMS, Sarah Jane (1826-1913): m'd 1846 GRANT, Richard Jackson
WILLIAMS, Susannah ( - ): m'd c 1846, FOLLIS, Allen Henderson
WILLIAMS, Theodore Knipe (1822-1900): m1. 1856 VANTASSEL, Ann Eliza; m2. 1905 AUSTIN, Mrs. Amanda; s/o Theodore and Emily Williams; born 03 Aug 1832 NY and died 24 Sep 1900 Multnomah Co, OR; settled in Powell Valley, Multnomah Co, OR where he was postmaster for many years; father of 13 children (Emily, Richardson, Randolph, Theodore, George A., Frances Jane, William, Elizabeth, Elmer, Minnie Dedra, John Peter, Edward James and Albert Knipe)
WILLIAMS, William H. ( -1896):
WILLIAMSON, Joseph (c1822-1870):
WILLIS, Benjamin Franklin (Jul 1846-24 Apr 1916): s/o William and Virginia (Gilmore) Willis; buried Myrtle Creek IOOF Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
WILLIS, Mary Catherine (Apr 1849-10 Jan 1929): m'd LANE, Ratliff Boone; d/o William and Virginia (Gilmore) Willis; buried Evergreen Washelli Memorial Park, Seattle, King County, Washington
WILLIS, Willard Paul (02 Oct 1852-10 Apr 1921): m'd 22 Apr 1880 ADAMS, Mary Elizabeth; s/o William and Virginia (Gilmore) Willis; buried Myrtle Creek IOOF Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
WILLIS, William Anderson (26 Feb 1822-19 Jan 1891).: m'd 1845 GILMORE, Virginia Catherine; buried Hahn Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon; this family may be 1853
WILLS, James:
WILLS, Louisa Francis: m'd 1846 FOX, Ephraim
Daniel Pegg Wilson website
WILSON, Albert:
WILSON, Alpheus Miller (1849- ): s/o George and Mary Ann (Moore) Wilson
WILSON, Ann Eliza (1849-1880): d/o Daniel and Rosanna (Moul) Wilson
WILSON, Catherine: m1. LAMBERT, John; m2. KEES, Isaac
WILSON, Daniel Fuller (1847-1881): s/o Daniel and Rosanna (Moul) Wilson
WILSON, Daniel Pegg (1804-1890): m'd 1827
MOUL, Rosanna Hough; s/o James and Mary (Emory) Wilson; wife died prior to
emigration; Daniel and his children settled in what is now Washington state
WILSON, Edward W.:
WILSON, George Washington: m'd MOORE, Mary Ann
WILSON, George Washington Moul (1830-1911): m'd [ ], Ann Eliza; s/o Daniel and Rosanna (Moul) Wilson
WILSON, Gustaf:
WILSON, J. Q. (1828- ): m'd 1838 SMITH, Sarah A.
"WILSON, J. Q.--Born in Ohio in 1828; resided for a time in Indiana; came to Oregon and located near Salem on a farm. Married, in 1838, Miss Sarah A. Smith. Their children, both since deceased, were William A., and Armand S. Mr. Wilson has spent a considerable part of his time in Eastern, Oregon, where he has stock interests. Was county judge of Baker County at its organization, and represented Umatilla County in the State Legislature in 1880. Has also been justice of the peace. Resides at Salem." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 794]
WILSON, James P. (1823- ):
WILSON, Joseph G. (1828-1873): m'd 1854 MILLER, Lizzie
"WILSON, JOSEPH G.--Born in New Hampshire in 1828; removed to Ohio and graduated from Marietta College ; studied law ; removed to Oregon, settled in Salem, and practiced his profession; became clerk of the Supreme Court in 1852. In 1854 married Miss Lizzie Miller. In 1860 was appointed district attorney of the Third Judicial District, and three years later became judge of the Fifth Judicial District. In 1865 received the degree of LL.D.; held his judgeship until 1869, and then resigned to engage in legal practice. In 1870 was Republican candidate for Congress, but was defeated by J. H. Slater by a small majority. Two years later he was elected Congressman over John Burnett, his majority being eight hundred and fifty. Died in Marietta, Ohio, July 2, 1873. His wife survives him." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 794]
WILSON, Lucinda (1811-c1875): m'd 10 Nov 1831 CLOVER, Paul; settled in Linn County near Harrisburg, mother of eight known children (William W., Lousana, James, Peter, Gefelia, Mary Jane, Isaac and Harriet)
WILSON, Martha Elizabeth (1839-1872): d/o Daniel and Rosanna (Moul) Wilson
WILSON, Mary Jane (1829-1884): d/o Daniel and Rosanna (Moul) Wilson
WILSON, Nancy Louiza (1844-1890): d/o Daniel and Rosanna (Moul) Wilson
WILSON, Orlando (c1851- ): s/o George and Ann Eliza Wilson
WILSON, Rebecca: m'd 1850 EDWARDS, Samuel
WILSON, Robert:
WILSON, Sarah Frances (1841-1913): d/o Daniel and Rosanna (Moul) Wilson
WILSON, William Charles (1833-aft 1900): m'd RICHMOND, Lobia; s/o Daniel and Rosanna (Moul) Wilson
WILSON, William Stanage ( - ): m'd MCNUTT, Mary Ann
WILTON, Josuah E. (1822- ):
WINDLE, James Clayborn (24 Aug 1850 - 21 Dec 1940): m1. 1875 STANSBERY, Susan E. (1855-1934): m2. 1909 KNIGHT, Mary Abigail (1859-1947): s/o John and Isabella (Dodson) Windle; buried Historic Columbian Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
WINDLE, John Wesley (20 Mar 1822-15 Oct 1902): m'd 1842 DODSON, Isabella; buried Historic Columbian Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
WINDLE, Malinda Francis (09 Mar 1848 - 03 Feb 1918): m'd FRASIER, William M.; d/o John and Isabella (Dodson) Windle; buried Mount Adams Cemetery, Glenwood, Klickitat County, Washington
WINDLE, Mary Jane (01 Jun 1847-06 Mar 1939): m'd 1862 SMITH, Phillip Tennessee; d/o John and Isabella (Dodson) Windle; buried Historic Columbian Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
WINDLE, Sarah Catherine (30 Mar 1845 - 05 May 1897): m'd 1859 LOVE, William; d/o John and Isabella (Dodson) Windle; buried Historic Columbian Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
WING, Martin (1831-1914): m'd 12 Sep 1854 CLAGGETT, Margaret Ann; s/o Nathan and Myra (Morgan) Wing; father of 14 children (Charles William, Milton Irving, Leonidas Alonzo, Stephen, James Edward, Rose Ella, Emma Alice, Martha, Mary Elizabeth, Frank L., Harriet Ann, Dollie May, Samuel Patrick Henry and Joseph); settled Wasco County, Oregon
WINN, John Hensley (08 Nov 1828-15 Sep 1892): m'd 14 Dec 1851 CRAIG, Elizabeth Jane
WINTERS, Hiram ( - ):
WINTERS, John (1830- )
WINTERS, Philip (1823-02 Jan 1860): m'd 13 Jan 1846 GREGG, Polly Ann, settled in Yamhill County, buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Clackamas County, Oregon
WINTERS, Thomas (10 Mar 1851-bef 1860): s/o Philip and Polly (Gregg) Winters
WINTERS, William Leander "Lee" (22 Feb 1849-10 Aug 1944): m'd 22 Jan 1882 HEATER, Margaret Elizabeth; s/o Philip and Polly (Gregg) Winters; settled Yamhill County, buried Gibbs Cemetery, Newberg, Yamhill County, Oregon
WISEMAN, Elizabeth: m'd 1847 PEARL, James A. Rev.; d/o James Wiseman
WISEMAN, James M. (1800-1882): died Whitman Co, WA; accompanied Pearl family
WISEMAN, John (1801- ):
WISEMAN, Sarah: m'd PEARL, Joseph; d/o James Wiseman
"PEARL, JOSEPH--Son of James Pearl, was born in Ohio in 1829, and came with his father to Oregon in 1852. Spent the first years of his residence in Linn County in cultivating the soil, but when Halsey was founded, he entered upon commercial pursuits, and in 1876; became a member of the firm of Black, Pearl & Co., and continued so for seven years. He is now a partner with his son James A. Pearl in the planing mill at Halsey. This establishment was set up in 1872 by Allingham ct Connor, but has passed through several changes of ownership. It is a concern of considerable capacity, having a variety of machinery adapted to fill the needs of the neighborhood. It is driven by steam, and has planing and matching machines, scroll saws, etc. Mr. Joseph Pearl's children are James A., John R., Orpha J., Silas H., Martha A., Joseph W., Ida C., Alice, Fannie, Olive, and Edmund Cleve." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 781]
WITT, Margaret: m'd 1834 MILLER, Huling
WITTEN, Eliza A. (1847-1913): m'd 1872 LEE, Joseph Daniel; d/o Joshua and Nancy (Roork) Witten
WITTEN, Joshua Ewing (1822-1882): m'd 1846 ROORK, Nancy; blacksmith, active member of Mt. Tabor Methodist Church; settled near Mt. Tabor in Portland; buried in Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
WOLCOTT, Sarah Wells (06 Jul 1806-31 Mar 1858: m'd 19 Jul 1826 BABCOCK, Richard; d/o Nathaniel and Abigail Wolcott; died in 1858 in Magnolia, Rock County, Wisconsin
WOLF, Louisa M.: m'd 1848 KINZER, Louis Evermont; emigrated with husband; settled in Linn Co
WOLF, Sophia ( -1864): m'd 1849 DAVIS, Platt A. Dr.
WOLVERTON, Milton (1831- ):
WOMACK, Benjamin Franklin (1849- ):
WOMACK, Eliza (1806-1882): m'd c1828 KIBBEY, David; buried Kings Valley Cemetery, Benton Co, OR; per Kibbey researcher Jon Ridgeway at JNCRIDGE@aol.com
WOMACK, Emma Evaline (1845- ):
WOOD, Abraham (11 Jan 1845-14 Sep 1927): s/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
WOOD, Amos Brittain (1850- ): s/o Hiram and Martha (Norris) Wood
WOOD, Abner ( - ):
WOOD, Amer:
WOOD, Britain (1822- ):
WOOD, Elizabeth (1803- ): m'd 1819 WOOD, James; maiden name unknown at this time
WOOD, Elizabeth (03 Nov 1828-06 Oct 1904): d/o Jesse and Rachel (Chenoweth) Wood
WOOD, Elizabeth Ann (04 Nov 1815-28 Feb 1873): m1. KOONTZ, John (1809-1850): m2. 11 Aug 1853 STINSON, James A.B.; born 04 Nov 1815 VA and died 28 Feb 1873 Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR; buried IOOF Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR; first husband died prior to emigration; it appears she emigrated with other family members; Wagons From Wapello
WOOD, Hiram (1827- ): m'd 1849 NORRIS, Martha Ann; s/o James and Elizabeth Wood
WOOD, Hiram (c1842- ): s/o William and Rebecca Wood
WOOD, James (c1786-1874): m'd 1819 [ ], Elizabeth
WOOD, James (1813- ): Wagons From Wapello
WOOD, James W. (c1844- ): s/o William and Rebecca Wood
WOOD, Jesse (24 Mar 1804-08 Sep 1890): m1.04 Oct 1827 CHENOWETH, Rachel (1803-1831); m2. 16 Feb 1834 HENKLE, Margaret M.; s/o William and Mary (Kahn) Wood
WOOD, John D. (04 May 1838-27 Apr 1903): s/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
WOOD, Joseph C. (10 Mar 1831-28 Feb 1912): s/o Jesse and Rachel (Chenoweth) Wood
WOOD, Mahalia Jane (09 May 1849-09 May 1912): m1. 01 Aug 1867 KISOR, Amos Edward (1846-1930): m2. 1904 DICKSON, James H.; d/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
WOOD, Mary (16 Feb 1835-20 Dec 1922): d/o
WOOD, Rebecca: m'd 1841 WOOD, William; maiden name unknown at this time
WOOD, Rhoda:
WOOD, Sarah Ellen (28 May 1851-30 Sep 1863): d/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
WOOD, Susan (11 Sep 1840-17 Feb 1924): d/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
WOOD, William H. (c1845- ): s/o William and Rebecca Wood
WOOD, William H. (16 May 1847-05 Sep 1912): s/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
WOOD, William (1819- ): m'd 1841 [ ], Rebecca; s/o James and Elizabeth Wood
WOODIN, Joseph A. (1828- ):
WOODLAND, Mary C. (1828-1862): m'd TIDD, Warwich Healy Tonkin; settled Yamhill Co; Woodland Letters [contributed by Molly McDade Hood who has the originals]
WOODLING, Sarah (1817- ):
*11) WOODRUFF, Samuel N.: appears he may have moved between companied; traveled with the Chapman train for a while; drove wagon for Clark Stillman when his son was too ill to drive; then joined several men who were on foot to finish the journey. He suffered many hardships. See his diary
WOODRUFF, Sarah Leonora:
WOODSON, Mary Margaret (1844-1921): m'd BECKLEY, Henry; d/o Jesse and Virlena (Lynn) Woodson; father died in 1846 and mother remarried Alfred T. Ambrose; Mary emigrated to Oregon with them in 1852; buried Elkton Cemetery, Douglas Co, OR; mother of John William, James Henry, Susie K., Claud Ray and Orval S.
*21) WOODY, Reuben Burrow
(1828-1898): m1. 1854 HILL, Sidney Ann; m2. after May 1860 ELDER, Perilla
Jane; settled for a time in Linn County; buried in Athena Cemetery, Umatilla
Co, OR
WOOLDRIDGE, Alpheus F. W. (1819-1890): m1. c1845 CONNOR, Mary; m2. 18 Apr 1852 HUNTER, Emily Jane; emigrated in 1852, wintered over in Salt Lake Valley, Utah and continued on to Oregon in 1853, arriving in June.
WOOLDRIDGE, Drewery (1849-1853): believed to have died on the Snake River during emigration; s/o Alpheus and Mary (Connor) Wooldridge
WOOLDRIDGE, Drusilla (1847-1921): m'd 29 Sep 1861 MEE, Thomas; d/o Alpheus and Mary (Connor) Wooldridge
*27) WORKMAN, Martha: m1. 1825 MARTIN, David; m2. 21 Mar 1844 CONNOR, James Jr; second wife of James Connor Jr; burial location unknown
WORTH, James:
WORTHIN, Mary Ann: m'd 1850 BILYEU, Hubbard W.
WORTHINGTON, Mary Jane (1828-c1869): m'd 1846 STRADER, John; settled in Douglas Co
WORTMAN, Frank ( -1883):
WORTMAN, Jacob (1826- ): m'd 1850 STUMBO, Eliza
"WORTMAN, JACOB--Born in New Brunswick in 1827; settled in Oregon City on his arrival in this State, and lived there until 1876; has been engaged in merchandising in Oregon City, and Junction ; also has a store in Monroe, Benton County. Started a bank in McMinnville, of which D. P. Thompson is president, and John Wortman, cashier. In 1850 he married Miss Eliza Stumbo, and has four children John, Frank, Jacob L., and Chris." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 794-5]
WORTMAN, Jacob L.:
WORTHMAN, Mary Hannah (1818-1900):
WRIGHT, Alford W. (1828- ):
WRIGHT, Elijah J. (1820- ): m1. 1854 BOYD, Mrs. Lodiska; m2. FERGUSON, Mrs. Ann M.
"WRIGHT, E. J.--Born in Kentucky in 1820; removed to Illinois in 1850, and two years later crossed the plains to Oregon. Settled in Yamhill County, but now lives in Polk and cultivates a farm. He is also a carpenter by trade. Married in 1854, Lodoiska Boyd, who had two children by a previous marriage Catharine J., and Frances Rebecca. Mr. and Mrs. Wright s family came to include six of their own Susan, Clara, Ollie, Edward (deceased.), Ella (deceased), and Emma. Mrs. Wright died in February, 1864, and the widower married Mrs. Ann M. Ferguson, who had had two children Amanda, and Frank." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 794]
WRIGHT, Isaac Washington (1828-1899): m'd 1858 TUCKER, Rebecca Caroline; buried in Bethany Cemetery, Marion Co, OR
*25) WRIGHT, J.W.:
WRIGHT, Lucy M. (09 May 1833-21 Nov 1901) m'd 17 Jan 1850 BOWYER, John P.; buried Asotin City Cemetery, Asotin, Asotin County, Washington
WRIGHT, Mary Ann (30 Jan 1837-02 Sep 1926): m'd DAVISON, Andrew; d/o William and Jane (Boyce) Wright; buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon
WRIGHT, W. T. (1845- ):
*5: WYLIE, Infant (1852-1852): born on trail, after death of mother an absence of milk caused the infant to die of starvation even though women in the train attempted to prepare substitues
*5: WYLIE, Mr. ( - ): m'd ,
*5: WYLIE, Mrs. ( -1852): m'd WYLIE, []; died of mountain fever in Blue Mountains
YANNKE, Frederick William (1826-1895):
YANTIS, Amelia Ann (02 Jun 1842-21 May 1821): m'd 1862 MCCUNE, Robert Young; d/o James and Sarah (Hamilton) Yantis; buried Crystal Lake Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
YANTIS, Eliza Jane (09 Apr 1819-23 Feb 1899): m'd 1838 OSTRANDER, Nathaniel; buried Odd Fellows Memorial Park and Mausoleum; Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington
YANTIS, Eliza Jane (01 Apr 1840-15 Sep 1926): m'd 01 Apr 1858 SUMNER, John C.; d/o James and Sarah (Hamilton) Yantis; buried Juniper Haven Cenetery, Prineville, Crook County, Oregon
YANTIS, James A. (10 Dec 1848-07 Apr 1882): s/o James and Sarah (Hamilton) Yantis; buried Oakville Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
YANTIS, James Madison (08 Jun 1810-10 Jul 1879): m'd 18 Jan 1830 HAMILTON, Sarah Ann.; s/o John and Priscilla (Lapsley) Yantis; buried Oakville Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
YANTIS, John Hamilton (11 May 1831-Sep 1907): s/o James and Sarah (Hamilton) Yantis; died Linn County, Oregon; burial location unknown
YANTIS, Mary Katherine (23 May 1844-18 Jan 1907): m'd TEMPLETON, James Ramsey; d/o James and Sarah (Hamilton) Yantis; m'd McHargue Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
YANTIS, Priscilla Owsley (04 Jan 1838-09 Dec 1911): d/o James and Sarah (Hamilton) Yantis; buried Crystal Lake Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
YANTIS, Robert Franklin (07 Jun 1835-10 Apr 1876): m'd 02 Jul 1868 MCBRIDE, Eliza; s/o James and Sarah (Hamilton) Yantis; buried Oakville Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
YANTIS, Thomas L. (03 Oct 1846-19 Sep 1868): s/o James and Sarah (Hamilton) Yantis; buried Oakville Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
YANTIS, William Worthington (08 Jul 1851-07 Aug 1929): m'd 1882 MCILBREE, Mary Irvine; s/o James and Sarah (Hamilton) Yantis; buried Belcrest Memorial Park, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
"YANTIS, WILLIAM W.--Born in Saline County, Missouri, on July 6, 1851 ; came to Linn County, Oregon, the next year. Resides at Shedd, and is proprietor of a drug store there. Was married, November 10. 1882, to Miss Mollie Mclbree. They have one child, Mabel Zoe." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 795]
YATES, Joseph:
*21) YATES, William :
YEARSLEY, Mary Elizabeth (1816-Nov 1895): m'd 1838 BARRETT, Charles; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
YEOMAN, Benjamin:
YEOMAN, Prentiss:
YEOMAN, Solomon:
*4) YEOMAN, Susan Pinney (12 May 1832-27 Dec 1928): m'd ANGELL, Thomas; d/o Prentice and Margaret (McKenney) Yeoman; buried Eight Mile Cemetery, Petersburg, Wasco County, Oregon
YERGEN, Augustus (1831-1902):
YERGEN, Elizabeth (1833-1905):
YERGEN, William (1827- ):
YOCUM, Mary E. (1844-1925): m'd HALL, [ ]; Mary may actually be an emigrant of 1851
YOCUM, Matilda (21 Aug 1830-08 Mar 1905): m'd 1851 BUTLER, Thomas; d/o William and Mary (Faunce0 Yocum; buried Cloverdale Cemetery, Turner, Marion County, Oregon
YOES, Mary Ann "Polly"(1830-1899); m'd 1850 TIGARD, Wilson M. (1826-1882)
YORK, Emily ( -1915): m'd MOORE, [ ]
YORK, Esther: d/o Joseph and Rhoda (Morris) York
YORK, Francis M.: s/o Joseph and Rhoda (Morris) York
YORK, Henry M.: m'd 1862 SLAGLE, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o Joseph and Rhoda (Morris) York
YORK, Jeremiah: s/o Joseph and Rhoda (Morris) York
YORK, John W. (1802- ):
YORK, Joseph Willis: s/o Joseph and Rhoda (Morris) York
YORK, Sarah: d/o Joseph and Rhoda (Morris) York
YORK, William: s/o Joseph and Rhoda (Morris) York
YOUNG, Andrew J. (1835- ):
YOUNG, Isaac (1807- ):
YOUNG, Joseph T. (1805- ):
YOUNG, Martha Jane (13 Nov 1824-20 Aug 1871): m'd 01 Jan 1845 COOKE, William Willis; mother of (Luellen, Sarah Elizabeth, Mary Francis, Mildred Elvina, Leah Arabella, William Henry, Albert Walker, Mariah Clintonia, John Joseph, David Herbert, infant, Alfred Cobb and James Howell Cooke
YOUNG, S. E. (1838- ): m'd 1872 ALTHOUSE, Naomi
"YOUNG, S. E.--Born in Ohio in 1838; when six years old he accompanied his parents to Iowa, where they resided until 1852, coming then to Oregon. He lived a year in Washington County, but in 1853 settled in Linn County, at Albany, and has resided there since. Occupation, merchant, and dealer in agricultural implements. Was married in 1872, in Will County, Illinois, to Miss Naomi Althouse, by whom he has had one child, Percy A." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 795]
YOUNG, Warren ( -02 Jun 1852): died on trail near Fort Laramie, Wyoming; from Painesville, Ohio; [Painesville Telegraph, July 21, 1852 p.3]
ZELL, Abraham (c1834- ): settled Linn Co
ZELL, John (c1832- ): settled Linn Co
*3) ZICKAFOOSE, Elizabeth Ann (1802-1866): m1.1819 METZKER, Henry (d.1835); m2. LARKIN, Horace Pendleton (d.1852); m3. 1853 MCCLURE, James; mother of Capt. John Metzker who led party to OR (photo is of Elizabeth and James McClure)
*3) ZICKAFOOSE, Mary Catherine: m'd 1845 DUNBAR, George Washington
ZUFELT, Caroline Lucretia (06 Apr 1824-01 Dec 1899): m'd 01 Feb 1843 COLVIN, Caleb F.; buried Colvin Cemetery, Drain, Douglas County, Oregon
ZUMWALT, Christina ( -1852): m'd CROW, Andrew;
died on trail
ZUMWALT, Isaac (1824- ): m'd 17 Sep 1846 Jane Doke
"DLC #2623 Lane County; Isaac Zumwalt, b. 1824 St. Charles County, Missouri; arrived Oregon 12 Sep 1852; settled claim 15 Oct 1852; m'd Jane Doke 17 Sep 1846 Pike County, Illinois. Affidavit: Henry C. Huston, Levi W. Zumwalt, Andrew Crow."
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