The list of emigrants for 1853 is still
incomplete. If you have individuals you wish to add or if you
have corrections to make please contact me at the email address at the
bottom of the page. All additions and corrections are
welcome. If you have a picture of your emigrant ancestor I would
love to include it in the photo gallery.
1853 Oregon Trail Reading Recomendations
The Preacher Train by Robert L. Casebeer
The Preacher Train by Ben Truwe
*1: Capt. Perman D. Henderson; led a 63 wagon caravan across the trail from Buchanan County, MO to Benton Co, OR.
*2: Capt. Applegate
*3: Capt. Jacob Henkle Sr.; led a party of 21 wagons to Benton Co, OR
*4: Capt. Nelson Davis led a group of families consisting of Bond, Hayes and Davis relatives; journey documented in George Bond diary
*5: Capt. Charles Albright; led party to CA
*6: Capt. William Baird; elected captain of section of train containing 36 wagons
*7: Capt Edward F. Beale--led party to CA
*8: Gustavus Hines led party
*9: Capt. Andrew Johnson Chapman; led a 50 wagon train from IL to Douglas Co, OR
*10: Capt. Count Leonetto Cipriani; led a party to CA with 11 wagons, 24 hired hands, 500 cattle, 600 oxen, 60 horses and 40 mules
*11: Capt. Ira Butler consisted of family and friends, all members of the Christian Church (aka Campbellites or Disciples of Christ). In the early1830s followers of Alexander Campbell, founder of the Disciples of Christ, moved from their homes in Warren Co, KY to Warren Co, IL and established the town of Monmouth, named after their home in Monmouth, Wales. As the word of the virtues of the Oregon Territory reached Illinois, the talk turned to another move. An advanced migration of church members went west in 1850. It consisted of Elijah and Margaret Davidson, Squire S. and Elizabeth Whitman, Thomas and Sarah Lucas and their families, as well as a number of single men. They reached Polk County, OR in August and settled near Independence on the west bank of the Willamette River, establishing what became Monmouth, OR. In April 1852, a second migration of church members began the journey. It was made up of the families of Burford, Butler, Davidson, Lucas, Mason, Murphy, Roundtree and a number of single men.The Monmouth, Illinois Atlas newspaper, on April 16, 1852 described the gathering and departure of the train. In following issues, the newspaper also published several letters written during the journey and from Oregon written by Rev. John E. Murphy. In 1853, the last of these migrations from the church headed west in what was known as The Butler Train. It was led by Ira F. M. Butler and contained family and friends. Butler Family Letters
*12: Capt. Robert George Cusick; led a party of 21 wagons and 80 people. The story of the Cusick Train is contained in a short story entitled "Some Peaches and Two Little Girls".
*13: Capt. Isaac Evans: led party of 12 persons, 4 wagons and 25 handsome horses to CA; had made trips in 1849 and in 1851; left April 4, 1853 and arrived in Sacramento July 4, 1853
*14: Joseph Bogy, who had made the emigration before, led a party with Mr. Lagrave of 25 young drivers, 500 head of cattle and 4,000 sheep to CA
*15: Capt. Vincent Scott McClure of the "Lost Wagon Train of 1853"; Bylaws of the McClure Clan out of Oaktown Township, Knox Co, IN; census of Elliott Train taken by W.W. Bristow in fall of 1853 states it consisted of 615 men and 412 women and children
*16: Capt. Asa McCully--was on the trail several times. Went to California in 1849 and returned east to bring family to Oregon in 1852. Returned east by ship and brought 400 head of cattle to Oregon in 1853.
*17 Shelton-Weddle train consisted of 60 wagons. They left St. Joseph, MO 04 May 1853 and arrived on 10 Sep 1853 at Fosters
*18: Longmire-Biles train split with some taking the traditional route down and the Columbia while about 36 wagons and 172 people chose to try a new untried Northern route over the Natchez Pass. The train crossed the Naches River some 68 times before reaching the summit, only to discover there was no road at the top. Oxen donated by Capt. James Biles were slain to make rawhide ropes to lower the wagons down to the Sound.
*19: The Preacher Train came to Oregon via the southern route and included the Burt, Stearns and Royale familys as well as others. Research compiled by Bob Casebeer, concludes that the captain of this train was William Hurst Rockfellow. According to Bob "Two of his brothers had previously settled near present day Talent and he joined them after crossing the plains. The Preacher Train seems to have arrived in the Bear Creek valley at Fort Wagner on August 30 or 31, 1853. The day of arrival is one or the other and uncertain, because individuals on the train left arrival data citing conflicting days. My own great great grandfather Aaron Burt was on that train with his family (they settled in Douglas County), but several families pioneered settlement in the Upper Bear Creek valley near Talent: John Beeson, William Royal to name the most prominent was Thomas Fletcher Royal, William Royals" son. I have been trying to identify the folk who were on that train and so far have been able to clearly find 37 individuals...and there are seemingly a few more." If you have information on individuals who may have been on this train please contact Bob Casebeer, President, Talent Historical Society
*20: John Fothergill Diary--"With Man and Beast on the Oregon Trail", edited by Rex Morgan, The Runciman Press, Manly, Australia 1993; names mentioned in this diary. Thanks go to Sharon Hobart for abstracting names.
*21: Alexander Hite
*22: Capt George Belshaw, left Lake County, Indiana March 23, 1853 with family and friends. Party included Richard H. Parsons family, Stephen Martin family, Avery Smith, McCarty family and Maria Darling who was hired help for Belshaw family
*23: Culbertson-Brigman party left from homes in Missouri
*24: Pebber-Imbler Train left Jefferson County, Iowa with family and arrived September 22-23, 1853
Emigrants of 1853
ABBOTT, Elizabeth Jane (Jun 1850-c1868): m'd 1865 PENDLETON, Michael; d/o Isaiah and Eliza Abbott
ABBOTT, Hanson (24 Dec 1848-09 Dec 1921): m'd 1876 HUMPHREY, Mary Elizabeth; buried Milwaukie Pioneer Cemetery, Clackamas Co, OR
ABBOTT, Isaiah H. (07 Feb 1814-21 May 1891): m'd 111 Aug 1836 MIDDLETON, Eliza Jane; buried Baker Prairie Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas Co, OR; father of the following known children (Robert E., Mary Ann, Nancy Caroline, John R., Hanson, Elizabeth, Sarah P., William, Cynthia Ann, Eliza M. and Frederick)
ABBOTT, John R. (1845-aft 1870): s/o Isaiah and Eliza (Middleton)Abbott
ABBOTT, Mary Ann (22 Jan 1841-27 Aug 1916): m'd 07 Oct 1858 MARKS, Samuel Forester; d/o Isaiah and Eliza (Middleton)Abbott
ABBOTT, Nancy Caroline (01 Sep 1844-12 Feb 1875): m'd 1861 MAY, Lafayette; buried Baker Prairie Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas Co, OR; d/o Isaiah and Eliza (Middleton)Abbott
ABBOTT, Robert E. (01 Jan 1838-19 Oct 1916): m'd c1869 REED, Alydia; s/o Isaiah and Eliza (Middleton)Abbott
ABBOTT, Sarah P. (21 Aug 1852-20 Oct 1926): m'd 1868 MACK, Frederick Chauncy; d/o Isaiah and Eliza (Middleton)Abbott
*3) ABOGAST, Robert: hired hand on Henkle train; one list records him as Mike Abogast
ADAMS, Charles
ADAMS, James (Jan 1853- ): s/o Riley and Melinda (Baker) Adams; may be the James Adams that died 24 Apr 1939 in Columbia County, Oregon
ADAMS, John:
ADAMS, Nancy C.: m'd 1849 ADAMS, Stephen D.; maiden name unknown at this time
ADAMS, Riley (10 Apr 1825-21 Jan 1898): m'd 14 Apr 1852 BAKER, Melinda Eveline; settled in Clackamas county for a time and then moved to Columbia Co, OR where he remained until his death 21 Jan 1898 at Vernonia, Columbia Co, OR; father of eight known children (James M., Thomas, Mary, Henry, Moses Greene, Alice, Arlena A. and George)
ADAMSON, Esther Ann: m'd 1841 JOHNSON, James Harrison
ADKINS, Ann Elizabeth (25 Jun 1829-Jan 1916): m'd 1850 BILLS, Cincinnatus "Cincinnati"; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; husband also shown as pioneer of 1852
*15: ADKINS, Edward Stringer (25 Mar 1825-15 Jul 1888): m'd 1848 BUSHNELL, Hellen Augusta; s/o James and Lucy (Morgan) Adkins; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
"ADKINS, E. S.--Is a native of Howard County, Missouri, and was born March 5, 1825. His early years were spent on a farm, and in 1853 he started for Oregon. His party pursued a new route and met with many difficulties, being much delayed on their journey by losing their way. Arriving in Oregon, Mr. Adkins proceeded to Lane County, and took up a donation claim, which he now holds. He moved to Monmouth in 1871, and has lived there since. Was married in 1848, to Miss Helen A. Bushnell, and of their family of nine children only four are now living Frank, Jason, Corydon, and Willard. Mrs. Adkin's mother died, March 25, 1884, aged 94 years." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 795]
*15: ADKINS, Emma Marie (25 May 1853-26 Aug 1870): d/o Edward and Hellen (Bushnell) Adkins; buried Luper Cemetery, Lane County, Oregon
ADKINS, George: may have also been in Lost Wagon Train of 1853; brother of Edward
*15: ADKINS, James Francis (15 Dec 1848-21 Feb 1909: m'd 1874 GOODMAN, Margaret R.; s/o Edward and Hellen (Bushnell) Adkins; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
*15: ADKINS, Jesse James (14 Dec 1849-01 Apr 1923) m'd 07 Nov 1875 McClure, Mary A.
AGEE, Isaac: emigrant of 1852
AGER, Jerome B. (c1829- ):
AIKEN, Andrew J. (1837- ):
"AIKEN, ANDREW G.--Born in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, January 12, 1837; crossed the plains by ox-train, accompanied by his brothers, John and James. Settled near Albany, but went to Washington Territory in 1854, and soon afterwards to Coos County, where he now resides." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 795]
AIKEN, James:
AIKEN, John:
ALBEE, Harriet ( -bef 1863): m'd 1838 ALBEE, Simeon; dec by 20 Nov 1862; maiden name unknown at this time
ALBEE, Simeon (1804- ): m'd 1838 [ ], Harriet
ALBRIGHT, Charles Capt.: led party to CA
ALBRIGHT, John (1795- ): m'd 1821 BAKER, Sarah; b. PA; took up DLC #5086 in Clackamas county, later settled in Marion county where he was a brickmaker
ALEXANDER, Elias J. (1831- ): m'd 1851 SMITH, Mary Ann
*15: ALEXANDER, Elvira (1799-1857): m'd BREWER, John ( 1787-1845); widow
ALEXANDER, Joseph R. (1823-1864): m'd 1853 NETHALL, Elizabeth; died at Horse Shoe Bend near Placerville, Idaho Terr in 1864
*15: ALLEN, Child (c1852- ): c/o James and Elizabeth (Kelsay) Allen
ALLEN, Elizabeth (1819-1890): m'd 1836 JONES, Silas Washington Robinson; d/o Thomas and Rachel (Hart) Allen
*15: ALLEN, James ( -1871): m'd 26 Jun 1851 KELSAY, Elizabeth Ann; died Lake County, California
ALLEN, Miram (1844-1936): m'd 1864 ALLEN, John C.; maiden name unknown at this time
ALLEN, William Franklin (1834-1902): m'd 1856 LEWIS, Mary Catherine; born in Genesse Co, NY but raised in Painesville, OH he was orphaned at an early age and raised by an aunt and uncle. He ran away and became a sailor for a time being. In 1853 (according to his DLC) he emigrated to Oregon and drove cattle for one of the OH families. He settled in Polk County, where he married on Jan 3, 1856 to Mary Catherine Lewis. In the mid 1870s he moved to Benton County where he raised a large family. He died there May 12, 1902.
ALLYN, Henry (1794- ): traveled in 3 wagons using Andrew Child's guidebook
ANDERSON, Anna (1805-1865): m'd 1825 PORTER, Edward; settled Marion Co
ANDERSON, Elizabeth (1826-c1905): m'd 20 Aug 1843 HAPTONSTALL, Samuel; born Jan 1826 IN and died c1905; buried Halsey Cemetery, Halsey, Linn Co, OR; settled in Benton County, residing in Lane County in 1870 census and living with son in CA in 1900 census; mother of 8 children (Rachel Elizabeth, Mary Jane, Barbara Ellen, Henry, George W., Samuel W., Rosetta and Jacob Ulysses Grant Haptonstall)
ANDERSON, Laura Adelaide (1853- ): m1. 1873 TERHUNE, William Franklin (1849-1886); m2. 1887 ARCHIBALD, Joseph E.; d/o William and Laura (Land) Anderson; born on trail in what is now Utah; mother of 3 children by first marriage (William A., Lois M. and Lewis P.) and one son by second marriage (Everett E.)
ANDERSON, Mary Ellen (1848-1892): m'd 25 Oct 1866 PEEBLER, John Frederick; d/o William and Laura (Land) Anderson
ANDERSON, William Perrin (1823-1907): m'd 08 Jan 1846 LAND, Laura Jane; He moved with his parents to Des Moines County, Iowa, in the spring of 1837, and was married to Laura J. Land on January 8, 1846. He moved to Eddieville, Wappalo County, Iowa in 1848. He crossed the plains with an ox team to Oregon and settled on a donation claim 12 miles sounth of Albany. William died at his home in Linn County 09 Jul 1907 at the age of 84 years, 4 mo. and 17 days. He was stricken with paralysis, remaining unconscious until his death. William was the father of 8 children (Mary Ellen, Laura Adelaide, Louis, Richard B., Clarissa G., Anna M., William E. and one unknown)
*22 ARCHER, Elizabeth (1789-07 Jun 1867): m'd BELSHAW Sr, George; born in England; settled Lane County with her husband and family; buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon; Elizabeth was the mother of 8 known children-Mary (Belshaw) Seffens, William Belshaw, George Belshaw Jr, , Henry Belshaw, Thomas Belshaw, Ann Belshaw, Samuel Belshaw, and Charles Belshaw. His children, Mary, William, Henry and Ann did not emigrate with the family and remained in Lake County, Indiana
ARCHIBALD, Stephen James (1831-1916 ): m'd 10 Apr 1853 SWANK, Elizabeth
ARNOLD, Joicy (19 Aug 1819-23 Aug 1870): m'd 1839 BROOKS, William W.; d/o Benjamin and Eunice Arnold
*3 ARNOLD, Peter: hired hand on Henkle train
ARNSPIGER, Alice (1851- ): d/o George
and Martha
(Bell) Arnspiger
ARNSPIGER, Ann (1851- ): d/o Simon and Rachel (Bell) Arnspiger
ARNSPIGER, Emily America (1848- ): d/o George and Martha (Bell) Arnspiger
ARNSPIGER, George (1817- ): m'd 1843 BELL, Martha Lorinda; buried at Riverside Cemetery, Portland, OR
ARNSPIGER, Henry (1853- ): s/o George and Martha (Bell) Arnspiger
ARNSPIGER, Sarah Frances (1850- ): d/o George and Martha (Bell) Arnspiger
ARNSPIGER, Simon Peter (1824- ): m'd 1849 BELL, Rachel; buried Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg; nephew of George Arnspiger
ARNSPIGER, William (1846- ): s/o George and Martha (Bell) Arnspiger
ASHBY, George B. (1826- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Martha Ann
*20: ASHMAN, Mr.:
ATHERTON, John B. (1800-1873);m'd 16 Jul 1829 HARRIS, Martha; born in Barren County, Kentucky in 1800 and lived in Falls Creek Township, Adams County, Illinois prior to emgration to OR. He died 16 Novembe 1873 in Polk County, Oregon and is buried in Geroge Brown Cemetery which is near Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.; he and his wife did not have any children but did bring orphaned daughter of wife's brother to Oregon with them.
ATKINS, William (1822- ):
*15: ATKINSON, Amelia Melinda (c1812- ): m'd 17 Feb 1831 ATKINSON, George L.; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: ATKINSON, Ashby (c1844- ): m'd 12 Feb 1866 DELAMETER, Ellen; s/o George and Amelia Atkinson
*15: ATKINSON, George L. (1809- ): m'd 17 Feb 1831 [ ], Amelia Melinda
*15: ATKINSON, John W. (13 Jan 1846- ): m'd 28 Jun 1866 RUSSELL, Sarah L.
*15: ATKINSON, Vienna (1841-1865): m'd 14 Sep 1861 TREADWELL, Joseph B.; d/o George and Amelia Atkinson
ATTERBURY, Mary Emmaline (1831-1896):
m'd 1845
MULKEY, Solomon;
bur Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Philomath, OR
ATWOOD, Aucelius F.:
ATWOOD, Aucelius Mrs:
ATWOOD, James P. (1846- ): s/o Aucelius Atwood
ATWOOD, Child2: d/o Aucelius Atwood
ATWOOD, Child3: d/o Aucelius Atwood
AUSTEN, Susanna: m'd 1832 GRUBBS, John
FAMILY RESEARCHER: photos of Grand Mound 1853 and Josephus Axtell house
Daniel Robb (1845-11 Mar 1920 ): m. c. 1870 BUCK, Dorae;s/o Flavious and Anna (Robb) Axtell;
Mound Cemetery, Rochester, Thurston County, Washington
AXTELL, Harriet "Hattie" Elizabeth (14 Apr 1852-08 Aug 1873): d/o Flavious and Anna (Robb) Axtell; buried Grand Mound Cemetery, Rochester, Thurston County, Washington
AXTELL, Elvira Anne (26
Sep 1847-12 Jan 1939): m. 26 Apr 1865 BREWER, John F. Brewer; d/o Flavious and Anna (Robb) Axtell;
Adams Cemetery, Molalla, Clackamas County, Oregon
AXTELL, Flavius Josephus (19
Jun 1814-17 Mar 1890) m'd 1835
Anna Pollock; s/o Nathan and Elizabeth (Clutter) Axtell;
Mound Cemetery, Rochester, Thurston County, Washington; Flavius Josephus Axtell, born 19 Jun 1814 in Morris Township, Washington
County, Pennsylvania m'd Anna Pollock Robb Axtell, she died 10 Dec
1887 in Grand Mound, Washington. They had eight children born before the trip,
including Josephus Hale Axtell, he was just three years old
at the time of the trip. They had two more children in Grand Mound ( Sarah Ellen Axtell born 14 Apr 1857 in Grand
Mound, WA, and died 29 Dec 1913 and Elisha Kane Axtell born 14 Apr 1857 in Grand
Mound, WA. She married William Chandler Brown on 14 Nov. 1875.) Grand Mound is close to Centralia, Washington. They arrived in the Grand Mound area only to find
out that Indian troubles were brewing. The Yakima Indians had came through the
Naches Pass and joined with the White River Indians. They planned to attack from
the east, the Puget Sound Indians from the north, and the Chehalis Tribe from
the south. What the pioneers didn't know at the time was that the Chehalis Tribe
either had never planned to attack the white settlers or had, for some reason,
changed their minds. The Indian attack never did happen. But, meanwhile, the
settlers, 30 families (224 people) that had endured the hard trek west, now
found out that they had to hurry and finish the partly-completed fortress (Fort
Henness) where they were to live for 16 months during the Indian Wars of
1855-56. The Fort was located on Mound Prairie. (information from:
Centralia - The First Fifty Years 1845-1900, compiled by Herndon Smith,
Axtell, John Chalmers (1836-1910): born 14 Mar 1836 in Morris Township., died 29 May 1910 Grand Mound, WA; s/o Flavious and Anna (Robb) Axtell
AXTELL, Josephus Hale (18 Apr 1850-04 Jun 1932): s/o Flavious and Anna (Robb) Axtell; m. 1878 THOMPSON, Elizabeth Thompson; Elizabeth along with her older brother as escort, had come from Birmingham, England. She was born 20 Jul 1861 in Birmingham, England. Her parents were: Thomas Thompson and Sarah Dobbs. Her older brother was Thomas Thompson, he also stayed in the Grand Mound area.; buried Grand Mound Cemetery, Rochester, Thurston County, Washington
AYERS, Prudence (1800- ): m'd 1839 BASEY, Joseph J.
*15: BABB. Andrew Jackson (18 Feb 1827-04 Feb 1902): m1. PEARCE, Emma; m2. MATHEWS, Mary; m3. 16 Jun 1894 IVAN/IWAN, Louisa; turned back to the Oregon trail
BABCOCK, Mortimer O. (1818- ): m'd 1845 BRODY, Eleanor
*15: BAGLEY, Daniel (24 Feb 1829-03 Apr 1907): m'd 10 May 1849 WOOD, Mary Bell; s/o Eli and Nancy (Belt) Bagley
*15: BAGLEY, Eli (07 Jan 1804-22 Feb 1889): m'd 25 Jan 1825 BELT, Nancy Ann
*15: BAGLEY, Eli (24 Nov 1849- ): m'd 27 Oct 1869 BUGBEE, Laura; s/o Eli and Nancy (Belt) Bagley
*15: BAGLEY, Emanuel (14 Dec 1847-14 Nov 1908): m'd 11 Jan 1868 POPE, Mary Isabelle; s/o Eli and Nancy (Belt) Bagley
*15: BAGLEY, Joseph (25 May 1835-Jun 1873): m'd 19 Mar 1859 GORDON, Martha Adeline; s/o Eli and Nancy (Belt) Bagley
*15: BAGLEY, Martha Ann (29 Jan 1840-10 Mar 1914): md 12 Oct 1854 WELLS, John Calvin; d/o Eli and Nancy (Belt) Bagley
*15: BAGLEY, Matilda Elenore (31 Jan 1853-09 Apr 1865): d/o Eli and Nancy (Belt) Bagley; drowned
*15: BAGLEY, Mary (12 Apr 1842-0 Apr 1865): m1. 11 Jul 1858 ADAMS, Jesse; m2. 17 Nov 1864 MCCULLY, James Samuel; d/o Eli and Nancy (Belt) Bagley; drowned
*15: BAGLEY, Nancy Ann (25 Oct 1837-27 Feb 1886): m'd 09 Nov 1853 BARKDULL, John Lazure; d/o Eli and Nancy (Belt) Bagley
*15: BAGLEY, Samuel (29 Jun 1833-1859): m'd 29 Mar 1859 GORDON, Elizabeth Ann;s/o Eli and Nancy (Belt) Bagley; appears to have been emigrant of 1849
*6) BAIRD, Elizabeth (c1852- ): d/o
William and
Margaret (McBride) Baird
*6) BAIRD, Harriet (c1846- ): d/o William and Margaret (McBride) Baird
*6) BAIRD, Julia A. (c1841- ): d/o William and Margaret (McBride) Baird
*6) BAIRD, Margaret (1849- ): m'd BLAKELEY, [ ], d/o William and Margaret (McBride) Baird
*6) BAIRD, Nathan (c1844 ): s/o William and Margaret (McBride) Baird
*6) BAIRD, William C. (1815-c1880): m'd 1837 MCBRIDE, Margaret Ann; settled about 15 miles south of Eugene; father of 9 children
BAILEY, Joseph:
BAILEY, Martin:
BAILEY, William:
BAKER, Child1: s/o John Baker
BAKER, Child2: s/o John Baker
BAKER, Eliza (1850- ): d/o Endymian and Sarah Baker
BAKER, Endymian (1811-1892): m'd 21 Dec 1837 TUCKNESS, Sarah Jane; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Clackamas County, Oregon
BAKER, Henry:
BAKER, John: W. (1847-1929): m'd 1868 MARTIN, Lucretia
"BAKER, JOHN W.--Born in Kentucky, January 10, 1846; came to Oregon with his father and two brothers with ox-teams, and they belonged to a train of thirty-six wagons, which was conducted by James Biles, now of Tumwater, Washington Territory being the first train crossing the Cascades through the Nachess Pass, and the first overland immigrants direct to Washington Territory- arriving at Nesqually Plains October 15, 1858. Mr. Baker remained in Washington Territory for thirteen years, engaged in farming. Came to this valley in 1865, and settled in Yamhill County the next year, and has remained there ever since. His occupation is that of carpenter. He was married in 1868 to Miss L. A. Martin, by whom he has had six children Cora E., Edward B., Walter L., Clare B., Ralph N., and Ella li. Mr. Baker was deputy sheriff in 1874-75, and journal clerk of the State Senate in 1876. Address, Lafayette." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 796]
BAKER, John Mrs.:
BAKER, Melinda Eveline (1831-1913): m'd 14 Apr 1852 ADAMS, Riley; d/o Johannes and Elizabeth (Derryberry) Baker; born 14 Mar 1831 Maury Co, TN; settled in Clackamas county for a time and then moved to Columbia Co, OR where she remained until her death 27 Feb 1913 Vernonia, Columbia Co, OR; mother of eight known children (James M., Thomas, Mary, Henry, Moses Greene, Alice, Arlena A and George)
BAKER, Moses Madison:
BAKER, Parmelia: m'd TUCKNESS, William James
BAKER, Sorenza (1836- ): d/o Endymian and Sarah Baker
BAKER, William A.:
BAKER, Williamson P.:
BALL, Jesse B: went to California where he engaged in mining; moved to Puget Sound, Washington in 1867; started the town of Sterling in Whatcom County, Washington
*3) BALL, John: hired help on Henkle train
BALLARD, Levi W. (1815- ): went to California in 1852 after death of his wife, returned east via the Isthmus of Panama and returned west again in 1853 (probably via ship); returned to Ohio in 1857 where he married a second time and then returned west and settled in Washington where he remained until his death
BALTIMORE, John: s/o [] and Exeline (Cason) Baltimore; came with mother and step-father, Jesse Ward
BALTIMORE, Philip: s/o [] and Exeline (Cason) Baltimore; came with mother and step-father, Jesse Ward
BALTIMORE, W.V.: s/o [] and Exeline (Cason) Baltimore; came with mother and step-father, Jesse Ward
BANGASSER, Barbara ( -1863): m'd 1845 BANGASSER, George Sr.; maiden name not known at this time
BANGASSER, George Sr. (1820-1886): m'd 1845 [ ], Barbara
BARBEE, Mary Ann (1810 - 1888) - m'd 1830 MOUNTS,
Thomas Jefferson.
*15: BARCLAY, Isaac (12 May 1832-17 Feb 1908): m'd FREEMAN, Sarah; drove for Samuel Smith
BARGER, Samuel P.:
BARGER, William D. (1823- ): m'd 1851 MULKEY, Elizabeth
*3: BARKER, Caroline: m'd WOOD, Joseph
*3: BARKER, Clement: m'd HENKLE, Christina
*3: BARKER, Elizabeth: d/o Clement and Christina (Henkle) Barker
*3: BARKER, Ellen: d/o Clement and Christina (Henkle) Barker
*3: BARKER, Jacob: m'd MONTGOMERY, Rebecca; s/o Clement and Christina (Henkle) Barker
*3: BARKER, Sarah: d/o Clement and Christina (Henkle) Barker
*3: BARKER, William: s/o Clement and Christina (Henkle) Barker
BARNARD, Alden (1849- ): s/o Elijah and Andress (Foreman) Barnard
BARNARD, Arthur (15 Jun 1840-14 Aug 1923): m1. 28 Aug 1864 HATHHORN, Mary Evelyn; m2. 20 Dec 1884 SMITH, Sarah Jane; s/o Elijah and Andress (Foreman) Barnard
BARNARD, Edward (1852- ): s/o Elijah and Andress (Foreman) Barnard
BARNARD, Elijah Patterson (1814-1893) : m'1. 15 Oct 1839 FOREMAN, Antress; m2. 31 Jul 1873LONG, Mrs. Ruth; (Virgil Pringle Diary as published in Overland In 1846 by Dale Morgan p159-188) \; made two trips; came in 1846 with wife and 2 older children; soon after arrival went to California where he was a hotel keeper; left California by boat in 1849, crossed the Isthmus of Panama and went by boat to Missouri; in 1853 with his wife and five oldest children returned to Oregon and settled in Douglas County. By 1860 he was living in Kansas.
BARNARD, George (15 Feb 1853-15 Feb 1941): m'd15 Mar 1883 MELINDY, Nancy S.; s/o Elijah and Andress (Foreman) Barnard
BARNARD, Mary Antress (16 Oct 1844-10 Jan 1933): m'd 08 Oct 1865 SHATTUCK, William H.; d/o Elijah and Andress (Foreman) Barnard
*3: BARNARD, Mr.: m'd KING, Anna
BARNES, John C.:
BARNES, Sarah I. (1836-1925): m'd 1854 GOODRICH, William C.; d/o John C. and Amanda (Moore) Barnes
BARNES, Thomas: started for Oregon from Arkansas with Brewers; mentioned in C.B. Mann manuscript at OHS
BARNETT, Elijah M.:
BARNETT, Ephraim Alin (19 Mar 1797-06 Apr 1876): m'd 1821 MCCLENAHAN, Jane; buried Sand Ridge Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
Ephraim Alin Barnet. He was born on 20 February 1797 in Pennsylvania. He was the son of Paul and Margaret Barnet. Ephraim married Jane McClenahan. They were married on 30 December 1821 in Pendleton, KY. Census 1830 in OH, Shelby County, Grayson Twp. He died 6 April 1876 in Linn County, Oregon. Burial in Sandridge Cemetary, Linn County, Oregon. Additional information on the family provided by Barnett descendant Clarence Barnett includes the following: Paul Barnet, the father, was born between 1761-1770. His residence in 1787 was Washington County, PA. The 1820 census he was in KY, Pendelton County, Falmouth Twp. He died before 1840 in Kentucky. The Paul Barnet Bible shows Barnet spelled with one T. Paul Barnet listed the names and birthdates of his children in the Bible and consistently spelled Barnet with one T. It is noted that most of the children later added two T's to the spelling of their surnames. The James Harvey Barnet [one T] Notebook refers to Paul Barnet and Margaret Barnet. The Notebook has on its cover: "March the 15:1787, Washington C. Pa." According to the Paul Barnet Bible, they had 6 children. 1. James C. Barnet. He was born on 18 March 1787 in Washington County, PA. He married Rebecca Jackson. They were married 5 August 1808 in Fleming County, Kentucky. Census 1820 in OH, Miami County, Spring Creek Twp. Buried 1851 in Barnett Cemetary, Howard County, IN. He died on 18 October 1851 in Indiana; 2. Elizabeth Tate Barnet. She was born on 8 December 1793; 3. John Tate Barnet. He was born on 14 January 1795; 4. Ephraim Alin Barnet. He was born on 20 February 1797 in Pennsylvania. He married Jane McClenahan. They were married on 30 December 1821 in Pendleton, KY. Census 1830 in OH, Shelby County, Grayson Twp. He died 6 April 1876 in Linn County, Oregon. Burial in Sandridge Cemetary, Linn County, Oregon; 5. George Hays Barnet. He was born on 12 February 1799 in Pennsylvania. Census 1840 in IL, Stark County. He died on 30 April 1878 in Linn County, Oregon. Burial in Sanridge Cementary, Linn County, Oregon; 6. Jesse Caskey Barnet. He was born on 9 March 1802 in Kentucky. Census 1850 he was in IN, Howard County, Ervin Twp., Age 49, born in KY. He married Elizabeth Fobes. They were married on 27 March 1866 in Howard County, IN. He died on 10 December 1882. The Kokomo Library show s death on December 9, 1882. Burial in Barnett Cemetary, Howard County, IN. Paul Barnet's wife, Margaret Tate? was born between 1771-1774. Census 1820 she was in KY, Pendelton Co., Falmouth Twp.
BARNETT, George H. Jr.: See 1852: some confusion on whether George Barnett Jr came in 1852 or 1853
BARNETT, George H. Sr. (12 Feb 1799-30 Apr 1878) : buried in Sand Ridge Cementary, Linn County, Oregon. ] Note: His brother Ephram Alin Barnet named one of his children George Hays Barnett.]
BARNETT, Robert:
BARNEY, Emaliza ( -1853): d/o John and Elizabeth Barney; died on trail
BARNEY, Esther: d/o Harlow and Mary (Brooks) Barney
BARNEY, Harlow (1823-1904): m'd BROOKS, Mary
BARNEY, John Cary (1801-1872): m'd [ ], Elizabeth; s/o Nathan and Hannah (Cary) Barney; went west in 1849, returned east and brought family west in 1853; settled in Sutter Co, CA; died 08 Jun 1872 Sutter Co, CA
BARNEY, Susan Ann (03 Jan 1830-26 Nov 1872): m'd 30 Mar 1848 CONLEE, James Reuben; d/o John and Elizabeth (Billings) Barney; buried Salt Creek Cemetery, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon
BARNEY, William ( -1853): s/o Harlow and Mary (Brooks) Barney; born on trail in NE
BARR, Eliza (1847- ): d/o Jesse and Anna (Kirk) Barr
BARR, Emeline (1846- ): d/o Jesse and Anna (Kirk) Barr
BARR, James M. (1843- ): s/o Jesse and Anna (Kirk) Barr
BARR, Jesse (1818- ): m'd 1842 KIRK, Anna
BARR, Lucretia:
BARR, Nancy (1852- ): d/o Jesse and Anna (Kirk) Barr
BARR, Rebecca (1849- ): d/o Jesse and Anna (Kirk) Barr
BARRETT, Richard A. (1837-1870): m'd 1858 GRIFFITH, Delila E.
"BARRETT, RICHARD A.--Born in 1837; came to Oregon in 1853, and settled in Jackson County. Removed subsequently to Washington County; was a farmer. He died in 1870. In 1858 he was married to Delila E. Griffith/ and their children s names are Union M., Margaret, Monroe E., Catharine Isabel, and Wealthy A. Mrs. Barrett resides at Cedarville, Washington County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 796]
BARROWS, William F.:
BARTON, Lemuel (1820-1895): m'd c1853 McCOWN, Mary; s/o Vincent and Mary Ann (Wright) Barton; returned east to Illinois after 1850
BARTOW, John J. (1824-1862): m'd 1843 WHITE, Sophronia; cutoff for CA
BASEY, Joseph J. (10 Sep 1817-02 Sep 1894): m'd 01 Nov 1839 AYERS, Prudence; reportedly traveled in a trail led by Marcus Lucas; went on to California later returning to Oregon and settling in Marion County
BASKETT, Richard Dudley:(1819-1901): born 08 Jul 1819 Shelby Co, KY and died 17 Jun 1901; s/o Willam and Susan (Phillips) Baskett
BASKETT, George: emigrant of 1848 that returned east to purchase horses and was returning to Oregon in 1853; see 1848 for additional information
BASKETT, William Legrand:(1830-1918): born 1830 MO and died 01 Apr 1918 Washita Co, OK
BASTON or BESTON, Thomas (1824- ): cutoff for CA
BATCHELLOR, David (1807-1879): m'd HALL, Amy;
s/o Nehemiah and Rachel Batchellor; Batchellor
BATCHELLOR, Herman V. (1834-1913): s/o David and Amy (Hall) Batchellor
BATCHELLOR, John W. (1830-1919): s/o David and Amy (Hall) Batchellor
BATCHELLOR, Mary (1843-1855): d/o David and Amy (Hall) Batchellor
BATCHELLOR, Phebe (1838-1858): d/o David and Amy (Hall) Batchellor
BATEMAN, Susannah (1803-1883): m'd 1836/7 MORFITT, James; d/o William and Elizabeth (Moore) Bateman
*15: BATES, Ann (1832-1903): m'd 1853 SMITH, James Henry; James Henry Smith and Ann (Bates) Smith � arrived 7 Nov 1853 via the Free Emigrant Road (Elliott Cutoff). The located on a donation land claim near Oakland, Oregon in 1854. [Wendy Millard]
BATES, Phineas A. (1832- ):
BAUM, John (1823-1895): m'd 1851 TIETERS, Phoebe Sophia
BAUMGARTEN, Christian: m'd GRETNER, Mary
BAXTER, Elizabeth (1836-1863): m'd 1851 STILLWELL, William Dunson; d/o Guilford D. and Sarah (Laughlin) Baxter; came with uncle Thomas Hutt
Charles William (09 Jun 1842-09 Feb 1924): m1. 1881 BROWN, Sarah Jane;
m2. MALONE, Genevieve; m3. 1881 BROWN, Sarah Jane; s/o Tavenor and Ann
E. (Hutchings) Beale
*15: BEALE, Edward F.: led party to CA; Superintendant of CA Indian Affairs
*15: BEALE, George Thomas (23 Jul 1845-25 Oct 1863): s/o Tavenor and Ann E. (Hutchings) Beale
*15: BEALE, Mary Abigail (27 Dec 1849-25 Sep 1933): m'd 13 Aug 1867 MILLICAN, Robert; d/o Tavenor and Judith. (Hutchings) Beale
*15: BEALE, Tavenor (29 Jul 1816-04 Jan 1910): m1. HUTCHINGS, Ann Elizabeth; m2. HUTCHINGS, Judith Mariah; s/o Charles and Anna (Kyle) Beale; brother of 1843 pioneer's George Polk Beale and William Kyle Beale; settled on Wild Horse and engaged in dairying; soon after arrival a son, Tavener Jr was born and died on 12 Dec 1853
BEAMER, Henry:
BEAN, Napoleon R.:
BEAVERT, John (1804-1890): born in SC;
migrated to TN, Ark and then to OR; moved to Arkansas in 1890 where he died
and is buried
BEEBE, Mr. names in Mann manuscript at OHS as leaving Arkansas with Brewers for the west
BEELER, John (1802-1865): m'd 16 Oct 1824 POWELL, Jane; settled Lane County; father of 16 children
BEELER, John Nelson (Nov 1836- ): s/o John and Jane (Powell) Beeler
BEELER, Laura (1850- ): d/o John and Jane (Powell) Beeler
BEELER, Martha (1840- ): d/o John and Jane (Powell) Beeler
BEELER, William (1842- ): s/o John and Jane (Powell) Beeler
BEESON, John: m'd WELBORN, Ann; John and Ann Beeson came to America in 1828. They became citizens in 1832. Their only child Welborn Beeson was born July 22, 1836 in Indiana. According to diary entries the family was involved in the Undergound Railway and particated as a safe house for runaway slaves. After his arrival in the Oregon Country his focus was the plight of the Indians. In 1856 John Beeson was attacked by his neighbors for defending the indians. John felt that they were being horribly mistreated, and spoke out forcefully and often. The result was that a mob came to his house to lynch him. The mob ransacked the house and barn looking for him. But John Beeson had been warned by a friend, and had fled to the other end of the valley where he sheltered with a troop of United States Army heavy dragoons. John took ship around the tip of South America. He spent the next decade traveling the lecture circuit in the eastern United States speaking in favor of indian rights. During this time he wrote a book, "A Plea for the Indians" which is still in print. Talent Historical Society
BEESON, Welborn (1836-1892): m'd
Catherine; on his sixteenth birthday Welborn Beeson decided to keep a
diary, which he did. He wrote in it every day until the day he died
forty years later. Starting in the fall of 1852 the diary chronicles the preparations for
an overland journey to Oregon-detailing such items as the sale of the
farm, the purchase of the wagon, etc. On the early part of the
journey, before they reached the Mississippi river, they bought four
oxen trying to find a pair that was matched and would work together on
the long haul to Oregon.
Welborn Beeson served in the U.S. Army during the Civil War. His unit
was not called to duty in the east. He spent his life in southern
Oregon, being several times arrested for his work helping the indians, giving them food and shelter when they were in need.
BELL, Martha Lorinda: m'd 1843
oldest d/o Nathaniel and Mary (Thompkins) Bell
BELL, Nathaniel: m'd THOMPKINS, Mary; m2. 1859 FARLEY, Priscilla
BELL, Rachel (1829- ): m'd 1849 ARNSPIGER, Simon; d/o Nathaniel and Mary (Thompkins) Bell; buried at Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg, OR
Annie S. (1850-30 Jun 1935): m'd 02 Sep
1866 HOWELL Jr, John Gilson; d/o George and Candace (McCarty) Belshaw Jr; moved
with husband to California by 1870 where she died in Alameda County, California
*22: BELSHAW, Charles (09 Mar 1833-13 Aug 1918): m'd 26 Jun 1859 LUCE, Jane; s/o George and Elizabeth (Archer) Belshaw; born in England, buried Canyon City Cemetery, Canyon City, Grant County, Oregon
*22 BELSHAW, George Jr (14 Nov 1816-28 Nov 1893): m'd 21 Jan 1843 MCCARTY, Candace; Goerge Jr was born in England; s/o George and Elizabeth (Archer) Belshaw; was Captain of the train west and wrote a diary detailing the journey; traveled in 3 wagons using Andrew Child's guidebook; recorded daily events in journal (MSS #1508); father of five children (William M.Belshaw, Annie L (Belshaw) Howell, Marshall Whitfield Belshaw, Gertrude Belshaw and Mary Adelaide (Belshaw) Kinsey); buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
*22 BELSHAW, George Sr. (30 Oct 1877-15 Jun 1866): m'd 16 Nov 1810 ARCHER, Elizabeth; born in England s/o William and Elizabeth Belshaw, settled Lane County, buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon; George was the father of 8 known children-Mary (Belshaw) Seffens, William Belshaw, George Belshaw Jr, , Henry Belshaw, Thomas Belshaw, Ann Belshaw, Samuel Belshaw, and Charles Belshaw. His children, Mary, William, Henry and Ann did not emigrate with the family and remained in Lake County, Indiana
*22 BELSHAW, Gertrude (20 Sep 1853-06 Oct 1853): d/o George and Candace (McCarty) Belshaw Jr.; died near Salem "in the Salem Hills within a mile of old Santiam City"
*22 BELSHAW, Marshal Whitfield (31 Mar 1851-18 Jul 1913): m. c1876 HENRICKSON, Mary Eleanor; s/o George and Candace (McCarty) Belshaw Jr; buried Greenwood Memorial Terrace, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington
*22 BELSHAW, Samuel (24 Jun 1830-09 Oct 1855): s/o George and Elizabeth (Archer) Belshaw; born in England, killed during Indian uprisings
*22 BELSHAW, Thomas (19 Oct 1819-13 Oct 1890): m'd 13 Dec 1847 PARSONS, Mariah Augusta; s/o George and Elizabeth (Archer) Belshaw; born in England; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
*22 BELSHAW, William M. (09 Nov 1845-16 May 1865): s/o George and Candace (McCarty) Belshaw Jr; buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
BELT, John D.: m'd HACKLEMAN, Nellie
*15: BELT, Nancy Ann (1811-1867): m'd 25 Jan 1825 BAGLEY, Elia
BENNETT, Alexander: m'd [ ], Sarah
*15: BENNETT, Charles Henry (1818- ): m'd 1840 [ ], Mary
*15: BENNETT, Cyrus (1852- ): m'd 1876 DEARDORF, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o Charles and Mary Bennett
*15: BENNETT, Eliza Jane (c1848- ): m'd MATLOCK, Edward; d/o Charles and Mary Bennett
*15: BENNETT, James R. (1851- ): m'd 1873 BROWN, Ellen; s/o Charles and Mary Bennett
*15: BENNETT, John (c1844- ): s/o Charles and Mary Bennett
*15: BENNETT, Mary: m'd 1840 BENNETT, Charles Henry; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: BENNETT, Mary A. (c1845- ): m'd MATLOCK, Cass; d/o Charles and Mary Bennett
*15: BENTLEY, Annie (c1845- ): d/o Joseph and Sarah Bentley
*15: BENTLEY, John W. (c1842- ): s/o Joseph and Sarah Bentley
*15: BENTLEY, Joseph E. (1806- ): m'd 25 May 1828 [ ], Sarah; left Arkansas with Brewers per Mann manuscript at OHS
*15: BENTLEY, Joseph E. (1833- ): s/o Joseph and Sarah Bentley
*15: BENTLEY, Sarah: m'd 25 May 1828 BENTLEY, Joseph E.
*3: BERNARD, Sidney: hired hand on Henkle train
BERRY, Harriet Scott (1827-1916): m'd HODGES,
Charles; accompanied by her husband and children to OR and in 1858 to CA [photo
contributed by George Cassady]
BERRY, Joseph F. (1819- ): m'd 1849 OSBORN, Lucinda
"BERRY, JOSEPH F.--Born in Pennsylvania, in 1819; came to Oregon and settled in Luckiamute Valley, where he still lives, engaged in farming. He married Lucinda Osborn, in 1849, and their children s names are-Samuel J., Henry M., Anna, Adaline, Mary E., John F., and George E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 796]
BERRY, S. J. (1850- ): s/o Joseph and Lucinda Berry
"BERRY, S. J.--Born in Central Point, Iowa, in 1850; the son of J. F. Berry. Came to Oregon when three years of age, was reared on a farm and educated at Monmouth and Salem. Taught school in the Westside counties for seven years. Married Sarah Morris in 1875, and has two children Lela and Linn. Resides now in Sheridan." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 751]
BERRY, Thomas F.: m'd TIMBERLAKE, Martha Jane; left Shelbyville, IN Apr 1853; reached Tumwater on Puget Sound 20 Sep 1853
BETTS, George Washington: see 1849
*20: BEVAN, Lewis Mr. and Mrs.: bound for CA
BEWLEY, Sarah Elizabeth (1810-1891): m'd 1829
LADY, William Gifford; d/o John G. and Catherine (Hunter) Bewley
BETTS, George W.:
BIDDIX, John: reportedly left with Brewers for Oregon
BIDWELL, Orlando:
BIGELOW, Abigail: m'd 1833 BYRD, John
BIGGERS, Creed T.: m'd 1840 [ ], Nancy; maiden name unknown at this time
BIGGERS, Nancy (1818-1894): m'd 1840 BIGGERS, Creed T.
BIGHAM, Harriet Jane (1822-1898): m'd 25 Aug 1841 WEAVER, Hans; d/o James and Elizabeth (McCreary) Bigham; born 02 Dec 1822 Guernsey Co, OR and died 24 Jan 1898 Myrtle Creek, Douglas Co, OR; mother of 12 known children (Susanna, James William, Edwin, Hans, Robert, Elizabeth, John, Isaac Salsman, John Remick, George McClelland, Henry W. and Clelland)
BIGHAM, Solomon (1833-1875): m'd c1868 WRIGHT, Josephine; s/o James and Elizabeth (McCreary) Bigham; born 12 Jan 1833 Wills Twp, Guernsey Co, OH; died 17 Feb 1875 Myrtle Creek, OR; buried in Adams Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas Co, OR; father of five children (Solomon, Charles, Henry, Ella and Eva); note: some records show that Solomon was married first to Martha Carson but this is an error. It was actually his nephew that married Martha Carson.
*18): BILES, James: settled in Washington;
killed several
of his poorest
steers to make a rope to descend a precipice; was reportedly a co-captain on
the first wagon train on the Natchez Pass
*18): BILES, Rebecca:
*18): BILES, Susan Isabel (c1846- ): m'd DREW, [ ]; wrote 9 page reminiscence (MSS #1508)
BILLS, Cincinnatus "Cincinatti" (23 Oct 1823-18 Dec 1871): m1. 20 Feb 1848 LYONS, Jane Elizabeth; m2. 1850 ADKINS, Anna Elizabeth; s/o Lemuel and Lydia Bills; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; also shown as pioneer of 1852
"BILLS, CINCINNATI--Born in Vermont, October 23, 1825; went to Indiana in 1844, and nine years later came to Oregon. Worked as a farm-hand in Multnomah County for two years, and then went to Portland; be came sheriff of Multnomah County in 1870, and died December 18, 1871." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 796]
BILLS, Lemuel (1802-09 Aug 1875): m'd 25 Dec 1823 [ ], Lydia (1796-1851): wife died prior to emigration; died Steilacoom, Pierce County, Washington; cremated burial location unknown; also shown as pioneer of 1852
BILYEU, David Porter (23 Jun 1849-18 Feb 1906): m'd 1872 CRABTREE, Malinda F.; s/o John and Nancy (Workman) Bilyeu; buried Bilyeu Den Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
BILYEU, George (13 Mar 1852 - 1852): s/o John and Nancy (Workman) Bilyeu; may have died on trail
BILYEU, George (11 Feb 1826-18 Mar 1901): Never Married; s/o Peter and Jane (Coker) Bilyeu; buried Bilyeu Den Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon; lived with brother, John
BILYEU, John Long (23 Jul 1824-18 Dec 1892): m'd 09 Apr 1848 WORKMAN, Nancy Frances; s/o Peter and Jane (Coker) Bilyeu; buried Bilyeu Den Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon; John's daughter, Lydia Frances Bilyeu was born in Marion County Oregon 05 Nov 1853 shortly after arrival in Oregon Territory
BILYEU, Peter R. (15 Nov 1850-1927): m'd 1876 REILEY, Malinda Catherine; s/o John and Nancy (Workman) Bilyeu; buried in Bilyeu Den Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
BISHOP, Elisabeth (1806 - 02 Mar 1879): m1. 01 Jun 1826 WHITED, James; m2. 07 Nov 1847 OSBORN, Abraham; m3. 01 Jan 1871 MOORE, James; d/o Lewis and Mary (Adams) Bishop; buried Miller Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
BISHOP, Erastus Asbury (20 Mar 1853-21 Jun 1932): m'd 11 Apr 1875 COMPTON, Margaret Jane; s/o Hiram and Nancy (Lent) Bishop; buriedburied Oak Hill Cemetery, Red Bluff, Tehama County, California
BISHOP, Hiram S (16 Apr 1826 - 12 May 1886): m1. 01 Feb 1849 LENT, Nancy Catherine; m2. 06 Jul 1854 MATHENY, Anna; s/o Lewis and Mary (Adams) Bishop; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
*15: BLACHLY, Minerva ( -1871): m'd 27 Mar 1835 BUTLER, Thomas J.
BLACK, Elizabeth Amanda (1814- ): m'd 1832 CAMPBELL, James Givens; settled in Polk Co; buried Salt Creek Cemetery, Polk Co, OR
*15: BLACK, Francis Marion (22 Jan 1834-17 Oct 1918): m'd 03 Sep 1857 DENNING, Margaret
BLAIR, Child1: s/o Colbert P. Blair
BLAIR, Child2: s/o Colbert P. Blair
BLAIR, Child3: s/o Colbert P. Blair
BLAIR, Child4: s/o Colbert P. Blair
BLAIR, Child5: d/o Colbert P. Blair
BLAIR, Child6: d/o Colbert P. Blair
BLAIR, Child1: s/o Thomas J. Blair
BLAIR, Colbert P.:
BLAIR, Colbert P. Mrs:
BLAIR, Thomas J.:
BLAIR, Thomas J. Mrs.:
*15: BLANDING, Martin (20 Jan 1836-11 Mar 1870): m'd [ ] Caroline A.F.
BLISH, Henrietta:
BOGGS, James (1808- ): m'd 1842 [ ], Almeda
*14: BOGY, Joseph: had made the trip before; set out with Mr. Lagrave with some 25 young drivers, about 500 cattle and around 4,000 sheep
BOLEJACK, Abraham (1803- ): m'd 1825 [ ], Mary
BOLEJACK, Mary: m'd 1825 BOLEJACK, Abraham; maiden name unknown at this time
BOLTON, Daniel:
BOND, Albert Benton (Feb 1850-Apr 1923): m'd 1873 BEELER, Cornelia J.;
s/o Nathan and Elizabeth (Trailer) Bond; born in IA just prior to emigration
*15: BOND, Allen (03 Dec 1833-22 Oct 1902): m'd 23 Mar 1853 ROBINSON, Rachel
*4: BOND, Amanda J. (1847-1914): m'd 14 Dec 1873 HARLOW, Andrew Jackson; buried in Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
BOND, Anna (Oct 1842-30 Dec 1936): m'd 1859 REED, John; d/o Nathan and Elizabeth (Trailer) Bond
BOND, Benjamin F. (07 Oct 1844 -17 Oct 1871): Never Married; s/o Nathan and Elizabeth (Trailer) Bond
*4: BOND, Benjamin Franklin (1842-1901): never married; s/o George and Elizabeth (Stillwell) Bond; listed in 1860 census as "deaf, dumb & insane"
BOND, Caroline (26 Nov 1840-10 Dec 1912): m'd 1858 COX, Lewis; d/o Nathan and Elizabeth (Trailer) Bond
*4: BOND, Ebenezer (1850-1931): m. 1879 CLINTON, Anna Rebecca; s/o William Bond; mother died on trail, stayed with Solomon Bond family until his father remarried; moved to California as a young man
*4: BOND, Elizabeth (1830-1872): m'd 14 May 1846 DAVIS, Nelson Albert; d/o John and Sarah (Chastain) Bond
*4: BOND, Emma Augusta (1853-c1862): d/o William Bond; born on trail; William's brother, George, wrote in his diary on 24 Aug 1853 "Traveled to Lees Encampment, camped where Wm's Emma was born."; raised by grandparents after her mother died
*4: BOND, George Washington Rev. (1818-c1879): m'd 01 Mar 1838 STILWELL, Elizabeth s/o John and Sarah (Chastain) Bond; kept journal of his experiences on the trail in 1853; settled in Lane County; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
*15: BOND, Isaac William (19 Dec 1827-22 May 1915): m'd 09 Oct 1851 MCCLURE, Hetty
*4: BOND, James Madison (1849-1935): m'd WINDOM, Mary Jane; s/o George and Elizabeth (Stillwell) Bond; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
*4: BOND, James Monroe (1847-1914): m. 11 Nov 1866 STARR, Sarah Talitha; s/o William Bond; mother died on trail, stayed with Solomon Bond family until his father remarried; moved to California as a young man
*4: BOND, John Rev. (1797-aft 1860): m'd 05 Oct 1815 CHASTAIN, Sarah; s/o Solomon and Anna (Allen) Bond; born 18 Mar 1797 in Kentucky, moved from Kentucky to Indiana c1821, to Illinois c1830, to Iowa c1840 before removing to Oegon in 1853; died sometime between the 1860 and 1870 census.
*4: BOND, Lydia Ann (1843-1910): m'd 15 Aug 1861 CLARK, Owen D.; d/o Solomon and Huldah (Hayes) Bond
*4: BOND, Mary
Louisa (1849-1876): m'd 12 Nov1866 CUMMINGS, Henry; d/o Solomon and Huldah
(Hayes) Bond;
Pine Grove Cemetery,
Linn County, Oregon
BOND, Nathan Walker (08 Aug 1816-13 Mar 1889): m'd 26 Feb 1840 TRAILER, Elizabeth Jane; s/o Jesse and Susannah (Crain) Bond
*4: BOND, Rebecca (1823-1900): m'd 10 Aug 1848 DAVIS, Isaac Silas; d/o John and Sarah (Chastain) Bond
*4: BOND, Rebecca Hannah (1846-1846): died prior to emigration d/o Solomon and Huldah (Hayes) Bond
*4: BOND, Sarah A. (1845-1931): d/o George and Elizabeth (Stillwell) Bond; listed in 1860 census as "deaf and dumb"
*4: BOND, Seth Hayes (1845-1916): m1.c1868 MITCHELL, Mary Caroline; m2. 03 Jul 1870 KREPPS, Annie Laurie; s/o William Bond; mother died on trail, stayed with Solomon Bond family until his father remarried; moved to California as a young man
*4: BOND, Solomon (1819-1900): m'd 06 Jan 1842 HAYES, Huldah; s/o John and Sarah (Chastain) Bond; settled Linn Co; buried Halsey Pioneer Cemetery, Halsey, Linn County, Oregon
*4: BOND, Susan: m'd DAVIS, Harmon; d/o John and Sarah (Chastain) Bond
*4: BOND, Susan Augusta (1852-1888):
m'd 06 Oct 1872 BRIDGEFARMER, Alanson; d/o Solomon and Huldah (Hayes) Bond;
Halsey Pioneer Cemetery,
Halsey, Linn County, Oregon
BOND, Susannah (c1846-c1853): d/o Nathan and Elizabeth (Trailer) Bond; died prior to emigration
*4: BOND, William (1816-1865): m'd 10 Mar 1842 HAYES, Hannah; baby born 24 Aug 1853, wife died 15 Sep 1853 on eastern slope of Mt. Hood; s/o John and Saah (Chastain) Bond; buried in Alpine Cemetery, Alpine, Benton County, Oregon
*4: BOND, William Harrison (1841-1917): m'd COCKELREAS, Susan J.; s/o George and Elizabeth (Stillwell) Bond; buried Gresham Pioneer Cemetery, Gresham, Multnomah County, Oregon
*4: BOND, William Henry (1847-1913): m'd 17 Oct 1867 KIRK, Sarah; s/o Solomon and Huldah (Hayes) Bond
BONES, John W.14 Jul 1848-1927 ): m1. 08 Jul 1883 WERNEKE, Mary Isabelle (1858-1887); m2.1891 POOL, Amanda E. (Smith) (1865-1931); s/o John and Zerelda (Carpenter) Bones; emigrated with his mother and stepfather (Samuel Stone); buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
BONES, Sarah Jane (16 Apr 1845-21 Oct 1873): m'd RIGGS, Silas T.; d/o John and Zerelda (Carpenter) Bones; emigrated with her mother and stepfather (Samuel Stone); buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
BONHAM, Benjamin Franklin (08 Oct 1828-02 Jun 1906): m'd 1858 BAKER, Mildred Amanda.; s/o John and Sarah (Jones) Bonham; buried Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
"BONHAM, B. F.--Born in East Tennessee, October 8, 1828, and removed with his parents to Indiana in 1840. Came to Oregon and settled at French Prairie, Marion County. Removed to Salem in 1854. In 1856 he was elected territorial auditor and librarian, and was a member of the last territorial and the first State Legislature. In 1870 became one of the supreme justices of Oregon, and was chief justice for a part of his term. Was admitted to the bar in 1856. Resides at Salem. Was a candidate for the United States Senate in 1885." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 797]
'School teacher, lawyyer, jurist, was born near Knoxville, Tenn., the son of John and Sarah (Jones) Bonham. Educated in the schools of Knoxville and Muncie, Ind., he taught for a time in Indiana, then in 1853 came to Oregon, where he again taught at French Prairie and Salem. Studying law, he was admitted to the bar in 1856. He became territorial auditor, librarian, superintendent of Marion County schools, and served in the last Territorial and first State legislatures. After practicing law in Salem 1865-70, he was elected to state supreme court, serving until 1876, being chief justice for last two years of term. In 1885 President Cleveland appointed him U.S. Consul General to British India, at Calcutta. Returning home, he was Salem postmaster, 1894-98, after which he resumed law practice. Judge bonham married Mildred A. Baker, Salem, in 1859; they had seven children." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 31]
BORDEN, Phebe Hannah (1817-1873): m'd 1838 CONNOR, Thomas Jefferson Rev.; buried in Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton Co, OR
BOWEN, Sarah: m1. SMITH, []; m2. BLUE, Amos
*15: BOWERS,
John (1820-1897): m'd FARNER, Maria; settled in Benton Co; 1860 living in Coast
Fork, Lane Co, OR; buried in Luper Cemetery, Cottage Grove, OR
*15: BOWERS, Solomon (1841-1929): s/o John and Maria (Farner) Bowers; died in Philomath, OR and is buried in Junction City IOOF Cemetery
BOWMAN, J. Soule': led party of about 12 to CA
BOYCE, Davis:
*15: BRAKEMAN, Esther (1823-1917): m1. Jul 1850 LYMAN, Joseph S.; m2. 17 Oct 1872 BUTLER, Thomas
*15: BRAKEMAN, Harriet (1835-1866): m'd 05 Jul 1852 WADSWORTH, Elisha
*15: BREEDING, Mrs.: widow with small children
*15: BREWER, Amanda Caroline (06
Oct 1849- ): m'd SHERWOOD, Eben; d/o William and Margaret (Scott) Brewer
BREWER, David (1810- ): m'd 1834 SMALL, Susan; settled in Marion Co
BREWER, David W. (1847- ): s/o David and Susan (Small) Brewer
*15: BREWER, Elivra (29 Apr 1839-27 Dec 1861): m'd 23 Oct 1854 RILEY, Joseph B.; d/o John and Elvira (Alexander) Brewer
BREWER, George (1837- ): s/o David and Susan (Small) Brewer
*15: BREWER, George Warren (23 Apr 1852-13 Jun 1864): s/o William and Margaret (Scott) Brewer
BREWER, James (1836- ): s/o David and Susan (Small) Brewer
*15: BREWER, James Henry (20 Dec 1850- ): m'd 20 Dec 1871 SMITH, Emma; s/o William and Margaret (Scott) Brewer
*15: BREWER, John Fletcher (02 May 1844-20 Dec 1941): m'd 26 Apr 1865 AXTELL, Elvira Ann; s/o William and Margaret (Scott) Brewer
BREWER, John Franklin (1842-1905): m'd 1872 STANTON, Adora Belle; s/o David and Susan (Small) Brewer; settled in Marion Co; went to Sublimity College; taught school; moved to Umatilla Co 1870; 1871 to Walla Walla, WA; spent the remainder of his life farming in the Walla Walla, WA area
*15: BREWER, Martha Anne (15 Jan 1843- ): m'd 08 Jul 1857 CROW, William P.; d/o William and Margaret (Scott) Brewer
BREWER, Mary A. (1845- ): d/o David and Susan (Small) Brewer
*15: BREWER, Mary Lucinda (29 Mar 1848- ): m1. ROUNDTREE, Martin D.; m2. HARRIS, Edward; d/o William and Margaret (Scott) Brewer
BREWER, Nancy Jane (1840- ): d/o David and Susan (Small) Brewer
*15: BREWER, Oliver P. (06 May 1833-06 Jun 1905): m'd 03 Feb 1853 STEVENS, Margaretta; s/o John and Elvira (Alexander) Brewer
*15: BREWER, Reece A. (28 Dec 1835-27 Dec 1909): m1. 20 May 1858 JOHNSON, Eliza Jane; m2. [ ], Flora E.; m3. [ ], Eliza; s/o John and Elvira (Alexander) Brewer
BREWER, Sarah E. (1848- ): d/o David and Susan (Small) Brewer
*15: BREWER, Sarah Elvira (10 Sep 1846-c Nov 1874): m'd HARPER, Mr.; d/o William and Margaret (Scott) Brewer
*15: BREWER, Warren Thomas (01 Sep 1853-29 May 1864): born on trail; s/o William and Margaret (Scott) Brewer; aka William Thomas Brewer
*15: BREWER, William Alexander (c1820-1858): m'd 20 Feb 1841 SCOTT, Margaret Isabelle; s/o John and Elvira (Alexander) Brewer
BREWER, William R. (1839- ): s/o David and Susan (Small) Brewer
*15: BRICKIE, William; drove wagon for Ed Young; upset wagon in crossing south to north on Platte River
*15: BRIGGS, Nathaniel Phillips (28 Jan 1826-22 Oct 1898): m'd 13 Aug 1850 PRESTON, Mary M.
BRIGGS, W.W. (1832- ): m'd 1858 TOMPKINS, Harriet
"BRIGGS, W. W.--Born in Wayne County, Indiana, in 1832. At present is engaged in mercantile business, and is postmaster of Harrisburg, in Linn County. Married Miss Harriet Tompkins in 1858. Their children are W. Willis, W. Oliver, Lula, Calvert L., and Gertrude." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 797]
*23 BRIGMAN, Andrew Culbertson (03 Apr 1848-26 Jan 1921): m'd 22 Nov 1881 BRINCARD, Julia; s/o Isaac and Mary (Culbertson) Brigman
*23 BRIGMAN, Isaac (1822-aft 1885): m'd 26 Feb 1847 CULBERTSON, Mary H.; settled Multnomah County, Oregon
*23 BRIGMAN, John (1850-02 Apr 1932): moved to British Columbia, Canada where he later died; s/o Isaac and Mary (Culbertson) Brigman
*23 BRIGMAN, Parthenia L/H (07 Dec 1852-03 Mar 1873): d/o Isaac and Mary (Culbertson) Brigman
BRINGAR, Mary Ann: m'd FLOURNOY, Hoy Bernard
BRINGLE, Daniel:
BRIODY, Barney:
*15: BROOKS, Charles B. (c1833- ): m'd 10 Dec 1868 CATON, Mrs. Nellie;
brought 4 black slaves to Oregon with im with promise to grant their freedom if
they stayed with him one year
BROOKS, Dorothy Frances (12 Jul 1847-11 Dec 1864): Never married; d/o William and Joicy (Arnold) Brooks
BROOKS, Elizabeth Ann (08 Aug 1836- ): m1. 18 Aug 1854 FARRIER, William; m2. STARR, (Unknown); d/o William and Ann (Killpatrick) Brooks; mother of four children (Francis Marion, Clara Belle, Susan, Fred)
BROOKS, Eunice Isabella (16
Nov 1843-14 Apr 1864): m'd 28 Dec 1862
RAYMOND, Samuel; d/o William and Joicy (Arnold) Brooks
BROOKS, John Bastion
(07 Mar 1850-05 Nov 1864): Never married; s/o William and Joicy (Arnold) Brooks;
died a month after his sister; they are buried under a single headstone
Mary (06 Mar 1853-12 Apr 1871): Never married; d/o William and Joicy (Arnold) Brooks
BROOKS, Mary: m'd BARNEY, Harlow
BROOKS, William Henry (12 Apr 1841-12 Jan 1871): Never Married; s/o William and Joicy (Arnold) Brooks
BROOKS, William Woiland (24 Feb 1816 -27 Oct 1895): m1. 05 Oct 1833 KILLPATRICK, Ann (d.1836); m2. c1839 ARNOLD, Joicy; m2. 1872 BRANDENBURGE, Mrs. Lydia Jane (Sidney)
BROWN, Henry R. (1829- ): m'd BEAMSLEY, Martha M.; may be emigrant of 1852; emigrated to Jacksonville where he resided on the Little Butte; returned to WI in 1860 and brought back large number of fine horses which he raised for the stage lines; died at Brownsville, Linn Co, OR
BROWN, Horace (1821- ):
BROWN, Isham ( -1838): m'd STILL, Martha (1764-1816); Isham died in Arrow Rock Township, Saline County, Missouri in 1838 and was buried on the farm there; it was originally thought he had made the emigration to Oregon with his daughter's family
*2: BROWN, Martha "Patsy" (13 Sep 1794-04 Apr 1874): m'd 24 Dec 1813 CREECY, Bennett; d/o Isham and Martha (Still) Brown; buried Santiam Central Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
*7: BROWN, Richard; employee in Edward F. Beale party to CA
BROWN, Samuel:
*15: BRUCE, David C. (16 Jan 1834-17 Jan 1917): s/o Major William and Sally (Polk) Bruce
*15: BRUCE, Nancy (1824-1907): m'd 10 Mar 1842 MCCLURE, James F.; d/o Major William and Sally (Polk) Bruce
*15: BRUCE, Sarah (1837-1858): m'd 16 Oct 1859 MCCLURE, Vincent Scott; d/o Major William and Sally (Polk) Bruce
BRUMFIELD, Child: d/o James Brumfield
BRUMFIELD, James B. Mrs.:
*15: BRUMLEY, Eliza (1820-1881): m'd 1847 NOBLE, Orin
*15: BRUMLEY, Henry:
*15: BRUMLEY, Joseph L. (c1824-1880): m'd 1853 PATTERSON, Margaret; emigrant of 1850, returned east, married Margaret Patterson and emigrated again in 1853
*8: BRYANT, Charles W. (1827- ): m'd
c1847 [ ], Mary
*8: BRYANT, Henry Clay (c1850- ): s/o Thomas and Sarah (Partan) Bryant
*8: BRYANT, Mary: m'd c1847 BRYANT, Charles W.; maiden name unknown at this time
*8: BRYANT, Thomas Perrin (1824-1895): m'd 1849 PARTAN, Sarah Ann; settled in Lane Co until 1861 when his home was destroyed by floods; moved to Benton Co; buried in Kings Valley Cemetery
BUCHANAN, Catherine "Cassie" (19 Apr 1841-29 Dec 1927): m'd 1857 TULLIS, Amos Fletcher; d/o George and Catherine (Hittle) Buchanan; settled Lewis County, Washington; buried Tacoma Cemetery, Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington
BUCHANAN, George R. (07 Jan 1839-07 Sep 1919): s/o Geoge and Catherine (Hittle) Buchanan; died in California
BUCHANAN, George Washington (08 May 1801-13 Sep 1884): m'd c1822 HITTLE, Catherine; s/o James and Elicabeth Buchanan; settled Lewis County, Washington; buried Pioneer Cemetery, Centralis, Lewis County, Washington
BUCHANAN, Henry (15 Jun 1844-16 Jun 1933): m'd 26 Sep 1867 CASE, Sarah C.; s/o George and Catherine (Hittle) Buchanan; settled Lewis County, Washington; buried Masonic Memorial Park, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington
BUCHANAN, John M. (20 Oct 1832-15 Mar 1908) m'd c1859 BEERS, Emeline Locy; m2.c1897 [ ], Elizabeth; s/o George and Catherine (Hittle) Buchanan; settled Lewis County, Washington; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Centralis, Lewis County, Washington
BUCHANAN, Mary (21 Dec 1834-17 Apr 1903): m'd 27 Mar 1853 NEWLAND, Thompson W.; d/o George and Catherine (Hittle) Buchanan; settled Lewis County, Washington; buried Claquato Cemetery, Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington
BUCHANAN, Winfield Scott Zachary Taylor (11 May 1847-23 Jan 1919): m1. c1870 [ ], Mary Jane; m2. Sep 1876 RHOADES, Mary Ann; m3. 1888 CHOATE, Susan M.; s/o George and Catherine (Hittle) Buchanan; settled Marion County, Oregon; buried Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Marion County, Oregon
BUCHANON, Elizabeth (1815-1898): m'd 1836 HUBBARD, Eli; was third wife of Eli Hubbard; emigrated with 6 small children ranging in age from 4-12
BUCKINGHAM, Elizabeth:
BULLOCK, Charles J.: m'd LEMONS, Nancy Ellen
BURBANK, Augustus Riley (1817- ): m'd 1845 ECKLES, Mary E. emigrated to Oregon in 1853 by sea
"BURBANK, A, R.--Born in Ohio in 1817; lived mostly in Illinois until 1849, and then went to California; returned to the States in 1851 and came to Oregon in 1853. He spent some years subsequently in Washington Territory, returning finally to Oregon in 1867. Has held various public offices, to wit: Was -a member of the Legislature in 1855, and again in 1859, I860, 1861, and 1862; was deputy collector of revenue for three years. Mr. Burbank was president of the council of Washington Territory in 1861 and 1862. Was married in 1845 to Miss Mary E. Eckles, by whom he had a daughter, who was drowned at Ilwaco, Washington Territory. His present residence is Lafayette., Yamhill County; occupation, capitalist." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 797]
*15: BURGIN, Thomas (1827- ):
BUNNELL, Charles Barlow (11 Aug 1832- 05 Sep 1913): m'd 05 Sep 1855 CROW, Louisa Jane (1839-1872): m2. Jul 1874 HICKLIN, Lucinda Jane; s/o Charles and Margaret (Barlow) Bunnell
"BURNELL, [sic-Bunnell] C. B.--Born in Ohio in 1838; came to Oregon and settled near Milwaukie, Clackamas County. His present residence is six miles southeast of Beaverton, Washington County; and his occupation, farming. He married Louisa Crow in 1855, by whom he had six children; and Lucinda Hickman in 1874, by whom he had four children. Their names are Arrilla A., John F., James A., Charles Francis, George B., Amanda, Ralph, Wayne, Arena, and an infant." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 797-8]
*15: BURNETT, Andrew Jackson (1835-aft 1860): s/o John and Lydia (Danforth) Burnett
*15:: BURNETT, John Sims: (1789-1904) m 'd Nov 1818 DANFORTH, Lydia S.
*15: BURNETT, Josiah Adolphus (1828-1875): m'd 26 Dec1857 FOSTER, Lucy A.; s/o John and Lydia (Danforth) Burnett
*15: BURNETT, Letitia Ann (1836-c1890): m'd c1854 CASEY, Hugh Elias; d/o John and Lydia (Danforth) Burnett
*15: BURNETT, Martha Melvina (1832-188): m'd 11 Dec 1854 HANLEY, Michael; d/o John and Lydia (Danforth) Burnett
*15: BURNETT, Mary A. (1837-1913): m1. MCDANIEL, William; m2. KNAPP, Lewis; d/o John and Lydia (Danforth) Burnett
*15: BURT, Aaron (14 Jan 1827-14 Sep 1901): s/o Martin and Abigail (O'Flyng) Burt; buried Burt Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: BURT, Abigail T. (01 Feb 1837-22 Apr 1886): d/o Martin and Abigail (O'Flyng) Burt; buried Burt Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: BURT, Amanda (22 Oct 1824-24 Mar 1882): m'd 05 Jan 1855 FAIRCLO, Paul T.; d/o Martin and Abigail (O'Flyng) Burt; died Benton County, Oregon; burial location unknown
*15: BURT, Amarantha (05 May 1834-20 Sep 1922): m'd 04 Jul 1865 NYE, Chauncey Sylvanus; d/o Martin and Abigail (O'Flyng) Burt; buried Nye Phipps Pioneer Cemetery, Cascade Gorge, Jackson County, Oregon
*15: BURT, Cyrus (11 Feb 1832-04 Dec 1908): s/o Martin and Abigail (O'Flyng) Burt; buried Burt Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: BURT, Ellen (14 Oct 1829-24 May 1881): m'd 09 Jan 1859 BAILEY, James Francis Marion; d/o Martin and Abigail (O'Flyng) Burt; buried Burt Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: BURT, Lavina (06 Dec 1818-12 Apr 1893): m'd SHERWOOD, [ ]; d/o Martin and Abigail (O'Flyng) Burt; buried Burt Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: BURT, Martin (07 Dec 1783-05 Dec 1872): m'd 14 Apr 1815 O'FLYNG, Abigail Temple; s/o Aaron and Naomi (Temple) Burt; buried Burt Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: BURT, Minerva (17 Jan 1839-26 Apr 1918): m'd 25 Apr 1861 BROWN, Anderson Hugh: d/o Martin and Abigail (O'Flyng) Burt: buried Burt Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: BURT, Omar (30 Nov 1820-26 Sep 1894): s/o Martin and Abigail (O'Flyng) Burt; buried Burt Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: BURT, Sophronia (03 Jan 1842-19 Oct 1914): d/o Martin and Abigail (O'Flyng) Burt; Burt Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: BUSHNELL, Charles Alvah (26 May 1851-17 Feb 1871): never married; s/o James and Elizabeth (Adkins) Bushnell
*15: BUSHNELL, Hellen Augusta: m'd 1848 ADKINS, Edward S.; d/o David and Ursula (Pratt) Bushnell
"ADKINS, E. S.--Is a native of Howard County, Missouri, and was born March 5, 1825. His early years were spent on a farm, and in 1853 he started for Oregon. His party pursued a new route and met with many difficulties, being much delayed on their journey by losing their way. Arriving in Oregon, Mr. Adkins proceeded to Lane County, and took up a donation claim, which he now holds. He moved to Monmouth in 1871, and has lived there since. Was married in 1848, to Miss Helen A. Bushnell, and of their family of nine children only four are now living Frank, Jason, Corydon, and Willard. Mrs. Adkin's mother died, March 25, 1884, aged 94 years." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 795]
*15: BUSHNELL, Jason Augustus (c1829-06 Jan 1878): m'd BERNARD, Martha; s/o David and Ursula (Pratt) Bushnell
*15: BUSHNELL, John Corydon (25 Nov 1833-18 Dec 190): m'd 25 Jan 1857 TANDY, Jemima Melvina; John was born 20 Nov 1833 Ashtabula, OH and died 18 Dec 1903 Eugene, Lane Co, OR; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane Co, OR; s/o David and Ursula (Pratt) Bushnell
BUSTER, Samuel Clinton (1833-1914): m'd 1855 OLINGER, Nancy Jane
*11: BUTLER, Asa Douglas (1843-1943): s/o Ira and Mary (Davidson) Butler
*11: BUTLER, Augustus Peter (1846-1887): s/o Ira and Mary (Davidson) Butler
*11: BUTLER, Eliza Ann (1816-1864): m'd 05 Feb 1868 GROUND, Edward; d/o Peter and Rachel (Murphy) Butler
*11/*15: BUTLER, Elizabeth (26 Jul 1847-27 Apr 1921): m'd 25 Dec 1861 DAVIS, Lycurgus; d/o Thomas and Minerva (Blachly) Butler
*11: BUTLER, Elizabeth Hannah (1829-1866): m'd HUTCHINSON, Thomas Hanna; d/o Peter and Rachel (Murphy) Butler
"HUTCHINSON, THOMAS H.--Born in Illinois, and educated at Abingdon College. Coming to Oregon he settled on the Luckiamute, Polk County. Was captain in the early Indian wars, and subsequently held some civil offices; was county clerk at time of his death in 1862. Married Miss Elizabeth H. Butler, by whom he had three children James B. (deceased), Robert C., and Thomas O. Mrs. Hutchinson died in 1866." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 807]
*11: BUTLER, Ira Francis.Marion (1812-1909): m'd 05 Nov 1835 DAVIDSON, Mary Ann; s/o Peter and Rachel (Muphy) Butler; buried Butler-Davidson Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
"BUTLER, IRA F. M.--Born in Kentucky in 1812, and at the age of seventeen went to Illinois and remained there twenty-three years. While in that State he held the office of sheriff of Warren County two years, and was clerk of the circuit court of the same county. Was engaged in the Black Hawk war, under General Whiteside. He came to Oregon in 1853, and has since lived in Polk County, where he owns a farm of six hundred and forty acres. Has served three terms in the Legislature; was speaker of the house in 1857-58, and was elected county judge in 1878, an office which he held four years. Is now notary public at Monmouth. Married Miss Mary A. Davidson in 1835. Eight children have been born to them, five of whom are now living. The living are Newton H., Asa Douglas, Augustus P., Margaret, and Alice E. The deceased are Paradine, Cyrus, and Mary E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 798]
11/*15: BUTLER, James Monroe (04 Jul 1842-06 Oct 1900): m1. HARPER, Emeline; m2. AUBREY, Rachel Jane (McCabe); s/o Thomas and Minerva (Blachly) Butler
*11/*15: BUTLER, Jonathan (02 May 1836-25 Oct 1914): m'd WILKINSON, Esther; s/o Thomas and Minerva (Blachly) Butler
*11: BUTLER, Margaret (1822-1871): m'd c1841 SMITH, Isaac
*11: BUTLER, Margaret (1852-1939): d/o Ira and Mary (Davidson) Butler
*11: BUTLER, Newton H. (1837-1889): s/o Ira and Mary (Davidson) Butler
*11: BUTLER, Paradine (1839-1859): m'd REYNOLDS, William F.; d/o Ira and Mary (Davidson) Butler
*11: BUTLER, Peter (1789-1856): m'd MURPHY, Rachel Cook Butler Family Letters
*11: BUTLER, Sanford (1814- ): m'd 1846 NELSON, Elizabeth:
"BUTLER, SANDFORD--Born in Rappahannock County, Virginia, May 3, 1814; was taken to Ohio in 1815; moved to Indiana in 1833, and to Iowa in 1844; came from there to Oregon, and settled at Salt Creek, in Polk County, where he yet resides, engaged in farming. He married Elizabeth Nelson in Iowa, July 19, 1846, and their children are William A., Martha J., Sarah E., John S., Joseph E. (deceased), Mary V., Phoebe A. (deceased), Emma O., and Eosa B." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 798]
*11/*15: BUTLER, Thomas J. (16 May 1812- ): m1 27 Mar 1835 BLACHLY, Minerva; m2. 17 Oct 1872 LYMAN, Mrs. Elizabeth (Brakeman)
*11/*15: BUTLER, Thomas Quinn (13 Apr 1850- ): m'd 02 Jun 1891 TRIPP, Mary;
BUTTON, Cynthia (1804- ): m'd 1825 FISK, William Avery; d/o Rufus and Phoebe (Page) Button; settled in Lane Co
BUTTS, Elizabeth Jane (1825- ): m1. 1842 POLAND,
William Marion (d. 1845); m2. c1848 ENSLEY, Solomon; d/o Stephen and Theodosia
(Francis) Butts
BUTTS, Emily Ann (1812-1862): died in Washington; d/o Stephen and Theodosia (Francis) Butts
BUTTS, Francisco (1854- ): s/o Stephen and Hannah (Baker) Butts; born in February after arrival
BUTTS, George Joseph Maxfield (1825- ): s/o Stephen and Theodosia (Francis) Butts; no clear if he made the emigration
BUTTS, James Lewis (1843-1920 ): m1. 1872 POWELL, Elizabeth Catherine; m2. FERROW, Mrs.; s/o Stephen and Hannah (Baker) Butts
BUTTS, Lucy Ann (1846-1882): m'd 1864 TAYLOR, William ; d/o Stephen and Hannah (Baker) Butts
BUTTS, Melissa Willa (1839-1873): m'd 1851 TAYLOR, Darius William; d/o Stephen and Theodosia (Francis) Butts
BUTTS, Moses Blakeslee (1837-1853): s/o Stephen and Theodosia (Francis) Butts; died on trail
BUTTS, Pashia Theodosia (1834-1853): d/o Stephen and Theodosia (Francis) Butts; died on trail
BUTTS, Sarah Maria (1821-1890): m1. 1841 HENDERSON, Aaron; m2. NICHOLS, William; d/o Stephen and Theodosia (Francis) Butts
BUTTS, Stephen Benjamin (1849-1930): s/o Stephen and Hannah (Baker) Butts
BUTTS, Stephen Benjamin Jr. (1818-1899): m'd 1838 BAKER, Hannah Ellen; s/o Stephen and Theodosia (Francis) Butts; buried Kinder Cemetery, Deer Island, OR
BUTTS, Stephen Benjamin Josiah Dr. (1789 -1854): m'd FRANCIS, Theodosia; died in what is now Woodland, Cowlitz Co, WA
BUTTS, Washington Zedediah Brown (1814-1897): s/o Stephen and Theodosia (Francis) Butts; unclear if he emigrated in 1853 but does show up in Washington later; buried Kinder Cemetery, Deer Island, OR
BUTTS, William Henry Harrison (1840-1906): m'd 1861 POWERS, Artemisa M.; s/o Stephen and Theodosia (Francis) Butts
BUTTS, William Wallace (1841-1891): m'd ROBINSON, Rachel Jane; s/o Stephen and Hannah (Baker) Butts
BUXTON, David F. (1831- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Fanny
BYARS, William H. (1839- )
"BYARS, WILLIAM H.--Born in Des Moines County, Iowa, July, 1839; the son of Fleming Byars, a Virginian. In 1853 young Byars crossed the plains with his mother and step-father, J. H. Mires, and settled in Umpqua, now Douglas County. From 1856 to 1858 he carried the mails, on the Oregon and California route, from Oakland to Yreka, and later studied in a private school at Eugene City, Columbia College, and at Umpqua Academy; taught school and studied by turn, and so became educated, graduating from the latter institution in 1867. Became school superintendent of Douglas County; bought the Roseburg Plaindealer in 1873, and conducted it for about ten years as a Republican paper; was elected State Printer in 1882, by a majority of over two thousand four hundred and fifty; purchased the Statesman newspaper of Salem, and in partnership with W. H. Odell, conducted it for a time, disposing of their interests in the fall of 1884." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 798-9]
BYRD, John (1812- ): m'd 1833 BIGELOW, Abigail
CALDWELL, Arlen P. (1837- ): m'd 1858 McCullough, Mary J.; s/o William and Hannah Caldwell; settled Benton Co
*20: CALDWELL, Dr.:
CALDWELL, Elizabeth Jane (1833- ): m1. 1851 MCCARTNEY, John B.; m2. 1882 MORSE, H.C.; d/o James and Nancy (McCoy) Caldwell
CALDWELL, Hannah G.: m'd 1816 CALDWELL, William; settled Benton Co
CALDWELL, James A. (c1828- ): s/o William and Hannah Caldwell; settled Benton Co
CALDWELL, William (1789- ): m'd 1816 [ ], Hannah G.; settled Kings Valley, Benton Co, OR
CAMPBELL, Andrew Wilson
Sr. (30 Jun 1802-22 Jul 1853): m'd 16 Feb 1822 FOSTER, Lucinda Reed; s/o George
and Mary (Willson) Campbell; died on
trail in Idaho
CAMPBELL, Eliza (1846- ): d/o James and Elizabeth (Black) Campbell
CAMPBELL, Elizabeth Amanda (1838- ): m'd 1856 FRAZER, Lucian Bonaparte; d/o James and Elizabeth (Black) Campbell; buried in Bethel Cemetery, Polk Co, OR
CAMPBELL, James Givens (1810- ): m1. 1832 BLACK, Elizabeth Amanda; m2. 1869 ARMSTRONG, Alta A.; settled in Polk Co; buried Salt Creek Cemetery, Polk Co, OR
"CAMPBELL, JAMES G.--Born in Murray County, Tennessee, in 1810; moved to Illinois in 1830, and to Iowa in 1842; eleven years later came to Oregon arid settled in Polk County, near Dallas, where he is engaged in farming. He married Elizabeth A. Black, in Illinois, in 1833; she died in 1863. In Polk County, in 1869, he was married to Alta A. Armstrong, and his family consists of eight children Thomas J., James M., Elizabeth A., William G., Eliza, Orpha A., Sarah F., and John B." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 799]
"DLC: #5180 Polk County; James G. Campbell, b. 1810 Tennessee; arrived Oregon Oct 1853; settled claim 26 Aug 1855; m'd Elizabeth A. 03 Jan 1833 Morgan County, Illinois. Affidavit: Green B. Savery, Joseph Savery, James B. Riggs, Harlow Barney."
CAMPBELL, James Madison (1833-1922): m'd 1860 HAGOOD, Ann E.; s/o James and Elizabeth (Black) Campbell; twin of Thomas J. Campbell
"CAMPBELL, J. M.--Born in Illinois in 1833, and came to Oregon across the plains in 1853. Has lived mostly in Polk County since his arrival. Was in the Yakima war, in Company A, then transfered to Company B. Is now in the sash and door business at Dallas. Married Ann E. Hagood in 1860, and by her has five children Alice J., Mary E., Henry (T., Charles C., and Martha L." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 799]
CAMPBELL, Mary (23 Sep 1825-25 Dec 1874): m'd 1848 MCCLOUD, Ross; m2. FRY, Isaac; d/o Andrew W. and Lucinda (Foster) Campbell; helped found the town of McCloud, CA
CAMPBELL, Orpha A. (1848- ): d/o James and Elizabeth (Black) Campbell
CAMPBELL, Sarah Francis (1851- ): d/o James and Elizabeth (Black) Campbell
CAMPBELL, Thomas Jefferson (1833 - ): s/o James and Elizabeth (Black) Campbell; twin o f James M. Campbell
CAMPBELL, William Green (1842 - ): m'd 1868 DELASHMUTT, Emma; s/o James and Elizabeth (Black) Campbell
"CAMPBELL, WILLIAM G.--Born in Van Buren County, Iowa, in 1842; came to Oregon, settled in Polk County, and still resides there. Occupation, farming. Married Emma DeLashmutt October 4, 1868. Children-Maggie, Lena, Lydia, Thomas E., and James." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 799]
CANNON, Richard Lee: m'd CHAPMAN, Mary Adeline
CANTRELL, Ari A. (07 Jul 1850-1874): s/o Philip and Mary (Richey) Cantrell; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CANTRELL, Elizabeth (11 Feb 1840-23 May 1925): m'd 11 Jun 1865 BANFIELD, William; d/o Philip and Mary (Richey) Cantrell; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CANTRELL, John F. (22 Dec 1835-06 Jan 1909): [ ], Sarah; s/o Philip and Mary (Richey) Cantrell; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CANTRELL, Joseph P. (09 Nov 1847-03 Nov 1919): s/o Philip and Mary (Richey) Cantrell; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CANTRELL, Louisa (11 Jul 1833-12 Jan 1914): m'd 18 Jun 1857 HONIG, Gustave Augustus; m2. c 1868 MULKEY, John F. Newton; d/o Philip and Mary (Richey) Cantrell; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CANTRELL, Margaret (06 Mar 1853-02 Mar 1874): d/o Philip and Mary (Richey) Cantrell; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CANTRELL, Philip (27 Nov 1810-27 Nov 1889 ): m1. 1831 RICHEY/RICHIE, Mary; FEIDWERT, Mrs. Sarah (COLLINS); s/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Mulkey) Cantrell; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CANTRELL, Rebecca Ann (02 Feb 1839-10 May 1919): m'd 05 Feb 1857 RICHARDSON, John W.; d/o Philip and Mary (Richey) Cantrell; buried Richardson Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CANTRELL, Sarah Jane. (22 Jan 1845-28 Apr 1924 ): m'd RUSH, Benjamin; d/o Philip and Mary (Richey) Cantrell; buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
CANTRELL, William Robert (24 Aug 1842- 30 Sep 1915): s/o Philip and Mary (Richey) Cantrell; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
*15: CAPPIOUS, George Washington (06 Aug 1828- 03 Aug 1892): m'd 30 Oct 1851 DENNING, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Curtis and Eveline/Elizabeth (Fortney) Cappis; note father and siblings used the Cappis surname; buried Burial Location Unknown; Douglas County, Oregon
*15: CAPPIOUS, William Curtis (1853-03 Nov 1892): m'd TIPTON, Mary E.; born on trail in Nebraska; s/o George and Mary (Denning) Cappious; buried Lookingglass Community Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
CARDWELL, Mary ( -1853): m1. HOLT,
Thomas; m2.
1852 KLINE, John Lowry;
Mary had two sons by her first husband, Francis Asbury and Samuel
Hamilton Holt; first husband died 24 Dec. 1847 Fort Scott, KS, where he was serving as a Lieutenant in the military; Mary returned to
Missouri and taught school until her second marriage to John Kline and
in 1853; Mary died near Ft. Boise in childbirth; her daughter,
Mary Serene Kline was born at Rock Creek on 09 Aug 1853 and eleven days later on 20 Aug 1853 Mary died 116 miles east of Fort Boise.; after entering Oregon, the
Benton county court named John L. Kline guardian of Francis and Samuel
Holt. The family relocated to Walla Walla about 1865 and
Lewiston, ID
about 1870.
CAROTHERS, Erwin (1824- ): m'd 1848 [ ], Hilah Ann
CAROTHERS, Hilah Ann: m'd 1848 CAROTHERS, Erwin; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: CARPENTER, Amanda (1818- 10 Aug 1853): m'd 21 Aug 1836 MULKEY, John Lewis; died of Mountain fever on August 10, 1853 on the Snake River in Idaho while enroute to Oregon *per desc Trudy Drew; d/o William B. and Mary Margaret (Warren) Carpenter
CARPENTER, Robert A. (1823- ): m'd 1843 [ ], Ellen
CARPENTER, Zerilda (25 Sep 1822-12 Dec 1914): m1. 26 Mar 1844 BONES, John ( -1849); m2. 22 Dec 1851 STONE, Samuel; Polk County, Oregon; d/o William B. and Mary Margaret (Warren) Carpenter; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
"STONE, SAMUEL--Born in England, in 1814; came to America in 1833, and prior to coming to Oregon lived in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Kentucky. He settled at Mill Creek, in Polk County, on his arrival in this State, and that is still his place of residence; farming is his occupation. He married Zerilda Carpenter, and their children's names are Thomas B., Sarah J., and John W." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 821]
Note: John W. and Sarah J. were actually the children of John Bones.
Mr and Mrs Stone had three children, Thomas B. Stone and twins that died in
infancy per John W. Bones biography in Centennial History of Oregon Vol 2
CARSON, George W. (1808- ): m'd 1829 [ ], Nancy
*20: CARSON, Mr.
CARSON, Nancy: m'd 1829 CARSON, George W.; maiden name unknown at this time
CARTER, Elizabeth Ann (1836-aft 1880); m'd 17 Dec 1853 FIELDS, William; d/o Joseph and Sarah (Russell) Carter; settled in Linn County; burial location unknown
CARTER, Humphrey L. (31 Dec 1834-22 Mar 1922): s/o Joseph and Sarah (Russell) Carter; settled in Lane county but by 1880 census is living in Washington; buried Washington Veterans Home Cemetery, Retsil, Kitsap County, Washington
*15: CARTER, John: scout with Howards
CARTER, John (Feb 1838-08 Feb 1922): m'd 24 Sep 1876 CLAWSON, Martha; s/o Joseph and Sarah (Russell) Carter; died at Colfax, Whitman County, Washington where he had been a resident of the country poor farm for four years.
CARTER, Joseph (1800-bef 1870): m1. c1824 RUSSELL, Sarah Ann; m2. 13 May 1858 SPLAWN, Anna (RIGGS); first wife died c 1857 in Oregon; Joseph is shown living in Linn County in 1860 census but his Donation Land Clain was for Lane County; he was the father of 11 known children
CARTER, Mary L. (01 Jan 1841-25 Nov 1910): m1. 19 May 1833 FIELDS, Josiah; m2. 27 Dec 1868 FIELDS, Benjamin Franklin; d/o Joseph and Sarah (Russell) Carter; buried Anatone Cemetery, Anatone, Asotin County, Washington
CARTER, Nancy J. "Nettie (1826-aft Sep 1908): m'd 04 Mar
1854 FIELDS, Levi; d/o Joseph and Sarah (Russell) Carter; settled in Washington
Territory; her death location is unknown but a listing for her can be
found in the
Kalama IOOF Cemetery, Kalama, Cowlitz County,
Pharaby (Carter) Lay married Daniel Lay
in 1847 and is shown living with her parents (Joseph and Rachel Carter) in the
1880 Randolph County, Missouri census.
CARTWRIGHT, Theodore (1828- ): m'd 1851 WILDER, Sarah
"CARTWRIGHT, THEODORE--Born in Michigan in 1828; came to Oregon in 1853, settled in Washington County and worked at his trade of carpenter. Had been married two years previously to Sarah Wilder, by whom he had five children Wilhelmina J., Emma T., Addie B., J. P., and Iva. Is now engaged in stock-raising in Eastern Oregon, and owns large flocks." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 799]
CASE, Laban (1819- ): m'd 1844 [ ], Eliza Ann
CASON, Eveline: m1. BALTIMORE, []; m2. WARD, Jesse; came with second husband, her children from first marriage, his children from his first marriage and the children from their marriage; settled in the Waldo Hills of Marion Co
CASON, Evaline Maud (Sep 1850-22 Sep 1925): m'd WEST, William C.; d/o Hillery and Delila (Ensminger) Cason; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CASON, Hillery (12 Mar 1819-10 Aug 1886): m'd 06 Mar 1842 ENSMINGER, Delila; s/o Hillery and Mary (Smith) Cason; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CASON, Miranda Louise (1843-30 Dec 1892): m'd NICHOLSON, William Tompkins B.; d/o Hillery and Delila (Ensminger) Cason; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CASON, Mary Isabella (03 Jan 1845-05 Jul 1905): m'd SMITH, William; d/o Hillery and Delila (Ensminger) Cason; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CASON, Virginia (1852-11 Feb 1924): m1. CARNEY, John H.; m2. MOIR, [ ]; d/o Hillery and Delila (Ensminger) Cason; buried Greenwood Hills Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CASON, William Worth (16 Dec 1847-15 May 1914): m'd KIERNAN, Mary Francis; s/o Hillary and Delila (Ensminger) Cason; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CATE, Charles RW (1847-1933) m'd 1870 HAMER, Sarah P. (1855-1935); s/o John and Sarah (Patterson) Cate
CATE, John Andrew (1842-1864): s/o John and Sarah (Patterson) Cate
CATE, John Thomas (1807-1856): m'd 1840 PATTERSON, Sarah Ann; John Thomas Cate is buried in the highlands north of Willamina, Yamhill County.
CATHEY, William G. (14 Jun 1833-18 Dec 1920): m'd 17 Apr 1853 CORNUTT, Thursy J.; William was the father of 11 children; buried Gresham Pioneer Cemetery, Gresham, Multnomah County, Oregon
*15: CATON, Frances: m1. 28 Mar 1833 GILLIS, Daniel; m2. 01 Sep 1850 EATON, Alexander; married Daniel Gillis in Missouri
CAYWOOD, James C. (1818-aft 1894): m1. 15 Sep 1841 RHOADES, Lucinda; m2. 04 Jun 1846 OLIVER, Sarah Ann; m3. 26 Jun 1855 MINTER, Frances; s/o Joshua and Eleanor (Haynes) Caywood
CHAMBERLAIN, James L. (1830- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Christianna
CHAMPION, Elizabeth (1797-1884): m'd 31 Jul 1819 MANSFIELD, James; d/o John and Mary (Cannon) Champion; born 17 Nov 1797 Washington Co, KY and died 20 May 1884 Umatilla Co, OR; buried Blue Mountain Cemetery, Weston, Umatilla Co, OR; mother of ten children (John C., Isaac S., Amanda, Emeline, Thomas, Samuel, Benjamin Franklin, Francis Marion, George W. and William M.)
CHANDLER, Melissa D.: m'd 1842 THAYER, Andrew Jackson
*9: CHAPMAN, Andrew Johnson
(21 Jan 1820-28 Oct 1895): m'd 07 Mar 1844 MARKS,
Sarah Jane; s/o George and Joyce (Napier) Chapman; buried
Cemetery, Wilbur, Douglas County, Oregon; led a fifty wagon train from IL to Douglas
County; settled first on Buckhorn Creek; Andrew's three brothers emigrated in
*9: CHAPMAN, Celestia (09 Dec 1844-03 Nov 1889): m1. 1864 WEIKEL, John; m2. 1884 FISH, Daniel R.; d/o Andrew and Sarah (Marks) Chapman; buried Tahoma Cemetery, Yakima, Yakima County, Washington
*9: CHAPMAN, Daniel (1831- ): m'd 1865 NEIL, Sarah A.; s/o Samuel and Sarah (Smeed) Chapman; drove wagon for Enoch Walker; settled near Ashland
*9: CHAPMAN, Delila Ellen (1851-17 Aug 1938): m'd 1871 AIKEN,John C.; d/o Andrew and Sarah (Marks) Chapman; buried Roseburg IOOF Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
*9: CHAPMAN, George J. (29 Sep 1849-14 Oct 1859): s/o Andrew and Sarah (Marks) Chapman; buried Wilbur Cemetery, Wilbur, Douglas County, Oregon
*9: CHAPMAN, Henry H . Hawker (1833-1905): s/o Samuel and Sarah (Smeed) Chapman; drove wagon for C. Fruit Walker family; went to CA to work in mines but returned to Southern Oregon due to poor health; was mauled by a grizzly bear which left him with severe injuries to his neck and shoulder, although he lived he never regained strength on that side; traveled extensively with his sister; eventually returned to Southern Oregon where he died at 72
*9: CHAPMAN, Mary Elizabeth (27 Apr 1846-21 Aug 1930): m'd 1879 WILSON, Shedden Frederick; d/o Andrew and Sarah (Marks) Chapman; buried Wilbur Cemetery, Wilbur, Douglas County, Oregon
CHAPPEL, Pelatiah (30 May 1814-22 Mar 1870): buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon; died from injuries sustained when crushed by a log; the only mentioned relative was Mrs. M. Myers of Santa Clara, California' obituary states he emigrated in 1855 but records indicate 1853
CHARMAN, Thomas (1829- ): m'd DILLER, Sophia
"CHARMAN, THOMAS--Born in Surrey, England, September 8, 1829; came to Oregon in April, 1858. He is a merchant by occupation and resides at Oregon City. Has been mayor of the city. Wife's previous name was Sophia Diller. Children Frederick R,, Nellie V., Mary J., and Annie I,., and one named Arthur D. who is now dead." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 800]
*4) CHASTAIN, Sarah (1797-aft 1860): m'd 05 Oct 1815 BOND, John Rev.; d/o George and Rebecca (Staton) Chastain; died some time after the 1860 census
CHENERY, Albion P. (1821- ): m'd 1854 CLARK, Harriet Ann
*15: CHENOWITH, Agnes (1808-1888): m'd GRAY, Robert Doak; d/o Nicholas and Ruth Chenowith; on Lost Wagon Train with husband and children; settled first in Willamette Valley and in 1869 moved to Grand Ronde Valley, Union Co, OR
CHITWOOD, Alice: m'd 1817 CHITWOOD,
William (a
CHITWOOD, Euphama Jane: m'd KITTERMAN, William Harrison; d/o James and Alisa (Chitwood) Chitwood
CHITWOOD, James (1795-1865): m'd 1817 CHITWOOD, Alice (a cousin)
CHITWOOD, James T.: m'd 1847 [ ], Margaret
CHITWOOD, Jefferson (c1804-1871): m'd [ ], Mary
CHITWOOD, Jesse K. (1820- ): m'd 1846 [ ], Rebecca Ann
CHITWOOD, Margaret: m'd 1847 CHITWOOD, James T.; maiden name unknown at this time
CHITWOOD, Mary (c1807-1871): m'd CHITWOOD, Jefferson; maiden name unknown at this time
CHITWOOD, Rebecca Ann: m'd 1846 CHITWOOD, Jesse K.; maiden name unknown at this time
CHODRICK, Nancy (1816-1912): m1. KINCAID, Thomas; m2. RIDDLE, T. S.
CHRISMAN, Frances Virginia (1825-1877): m. 12 Feb 1843 PORTER, Samuel; d/o John and Elizabeth (Withers) Chrisman; born 14 Dec 1825 VA and died 07 Dec 1877 Halsey, Linn Co, OR; mother of 12 children (Katherine Elizabeth, Mary Ellen, Harriet H., Oliver Wilson, John Mark, Emily Jane, Thomas W., Maria A., Arthur William, Virginia Francis, Augusta A. and Frank Lee); buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR
CHURCH, Andrew: m'd 1828 GUNSAULES, Mary Ann
*19: CHURCH, Henry:
CHURCHILL, Alexander Hamilton (Dec 1846 -26 Aug 1914): m'd 1888 BOGARD, Mrs. Laura Ellen (BRADFORD); s/o Alvah and Bernetta (Samples) Churchill; buried Coles Valley Cemetery, Coles Valley, Douglas County, Oregon
CHURCHILL, Alvah (15 Jul 1806-08 Nov 1854): m'd 02 Sep 1826 SAMPLES, Bernetta; s/o George and Sarah (Arnold) Churchill; buried Coles Valley Cemetery, Coles Valley, Douglas County, Oregon
CHURCHILL, Charles William (05 Oct 1840-05 Sep 1875): s/o Alvah and Bernetta (Samples) Churchill; buried Coles Valley Cemetery, Coles Valley, Douglas County, Oregon
CHURCHILL, David Crockett (27 Nov 1837-11 Jun 1901): m'd VAN ORNUM, Melvina; s/o Alvah and Bernetta (Samples) Churchill; buried Coles Valley Cemetery, Coles Valley, Douglas County, Oregon
CHURCHILL, Fitzhenry "Henry" (1849-20 Feb 1916): m'd 16 Jan 1870 CATHCART, Elizabeth Hannah; s/o Alvah and Bernetta (Samples) Churchill; died Los Angeles County, California; buried Fir Grove Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
CHURCHILL, John Samuel (03 Jan 1832-1903): m1. 22 Jul 1854 THRASHER, Ellen J.; m2. 1863 FULLER, Catherine "Kate"; s/o Alvah and Bernetta (Samples) Churchill; died Douglas County, Oregon; burial location unknown
CHURCHILL, Martha Ann (03 Dec 1827-17 Aug 1861): m'd 24 Aug 1851 STUCKER, Henry C.; d/o Alvah and Bernetta (Samples) Churchill; buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Peoria, Linn County, Oregon
CHURCHILL, Mary (16 Apr 1834-09 Feb 1856): m'd 10 Aug 1854 EVANS, David; d/o Alvah and Bernetta (Samples) Churchill; died Coles Valley, Douglas County, Oregon; burial location unknown
CHURCHILL, Sarah (1830-aft 1888): m'd LEEPER, George; d/o Alvah and Bernetta (Samples) Churchill; burial location unknown
CIPRIANI, Leonetto Count: led a party to CA with 11 wagons, 24 hired hands, 500 cattle, 600 oxen, 60 horses and 40 mules
CLARK, Almira (1821-1917: m'd 22 Jun 1837 CUMMINGS, William; divorced 1876
CLARK, Arsinoe M. (1836-1881): m'd LAROQUE, George M.; d/o Stephen and Eunice (Rose) Clark
CLARK, Byrson S. (1842-1918): m'd SAWYER, Adelaide; d/o Stephen and Eunice (Rose) Clark
*15: CLARK, Charles (1823- ): m'd 31 Jul 1853 ALEXANDER, Martha Adeline; moved to California
*15: CLARK, Charles Wesley (1843-05 Feb 1892): m'd 01 Aug 1879 TOPE, Mary Ellen; s/o George and Mary (Horrell) Clark
*15: CLARK, Emma (c1845- ): m'd 05 Aug 1866 SOUTHWELL, Joseph; d/o George and Mary (Horrell) Clark
*15: CLARK, George H. (c1853- ): m'd 1886 KELLY, Ella; s/o George and Mary (Horrell) Clark *15: CLARK, George W. (12
Apr 1813-22 Mar 1868):
m'd 19 Nov 1841 HORRELL, Mary Ann Tate;
s/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Hodgson) Clark (pioneers of 1851) [photo contributed by Stephen Clark]
CLARK, Harriet A. (1839-1861): m'd CHENERY, Albion Paris;d/o Stephen and Eunice (Rose) Clark
*15: CLARK, Mary: m'd HARBIN, James; d/o Thomas and Ann (Davidson) Clark
*15: CLARK, Robert F. (1833- ): m'd 30 May 1855 ENDERSBY, Elizabeth
*15: CLARK, Sarah A. (c1851- ): d/o George and Mary (Horrell) Clark
CLARK, Sarah Celeste "Sally" (1810- ): m'd 1830 POPPLETON, William
CLARK, Stephen (1800-1870): m'd 1830 ROSE, Eunice Ann
"CLARK, STEPHEN--Born in Connecticut in 1800; removed thence to New York, Illinois, and Oregon. Settled in Marion County, near Butteville, and remained there until his death. Occupation, blacksmith. Married in New York, in 1830, Miss Eunice Rose, by whom he had eight children, only one now surviving, whose name is B. S. Clark, and who now resides in Buena Vista, Polk County. He was born in 1841, in Knox County, Illinois, and was brought to Oregon by his father in 1853. He was in the warehouse business at Butteville for twelve years, and for five years subsequently dealt in merchandise in Champoeg. Located in Buena Vista in 1881. Married Adelaide Sawyer in 1869. Children Stephen, Eunice, Hettie, Joseph, Frank, and Byron." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 800]
*15: CLARK, Susanna (c1848- ): d/o George and Mary (Horrell) Clark
*15: CLARK, Thomas (13 Mar 1817- ): emigrant of 1848 and 1851; moved to California
*15: CLARK, Thomas (04
Nov 1816-10 Dec 1896): m'd Mar 1843 DAVIDSON, Ann
"DLC #2577 Lane County, Thomas Clark, b. 1816 Tennessee; arrived Oregon 26 Oct 1853; settled claim 22 Apr 1854; m'd Ann Davidson 02 Mar 1843 Gibson County, Indiana. Affidavit: John Davidson, Jeremiah Dick, Benjamin R. Barton."
*15: CLARK, Thomas A. (1850- ): s/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Hodgson) Clark [photo contributed by Stephen Clark]
*15: CLARK, William (c1849- ): s/o Thomas and Ann (Davidson) Clark
*19: CLAYTON, George
*19: CLAYTON, William:
CLEHOUS, Jackson W. (1825-1883 ): m'd 1851 [ ], Margaret Ellen; died in Danville, Harper Co, KS
CLEHOUS, Margaret Ellen: m'd 1851 CLEHOUS, Jackson W.; maiden name unknown at this time
CLYMER, Mary Ann (17 Jan 1822-25 Dec 1895): m'd 21 Jan 1841 SHORT, John Wesley Merton; d/o Christian and Elizabeth (Vance) Clymer
*15: COCHRAN, Elizabeth (c1846- ): m'd WARE, Joel; d/o James and Rachel Cochran
*15: COCHRAN, James H. (1824- ): m'd 25 Dec 1843 [ ], Rachel
*15: COCHRAN, Rachel: m'd 25 Dec 1843 COCHRAN, James H.
COCK, Amanda (1842- ): d/o William and Sarah (Harbaugh) Cock
COCK, Benjamin E. (1842- ): s/o William and Sarah (Harbaugh) Cock
COCK, Caroline (01 Apr 1840-10 May 1925): m'd 30 Nov 1858 DUNLAP, William Gates; m2. 16 Nov 1865 SICKLER, Caleb M.; d/o William and Sarah (Harbaugh) Cock; cremated and ashes given to family;burial location unknown
"Oregon's first kindergarten teacher, came to Oregon in 1853 with her parents, daughter of Colonel and Mrs. William Cock, and settled first near Olympia, Washington Territory, where she married William G. Dunlap. Returning to Oregon she became a student teacher at Spencer Hall, Milwaukie , in 1863. Following the death of her husband she went to San Francisco, where she studied kindergarten work, coming back to Portland in 1882 to establish the first kindergarten; later she established the first free kindergarten. She had two children." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 77]
COCK, D. H. (1850- ): s/o William and Sarah (Harbaugh) Cock
COCK, Roxa Sophia (25 May 1846-06 Mar 1920): m1. 08 Dec 1868 COE, Eugene Francis; m2. 26 Oct 1887 SHACKELFORD, William E.; d/o William and Sarah (Harbaugh) Cock
COCK, William M. (25 May 1809-29 Apr 1881) m1. 12 Apr 1831 HARBAUGH, Sarah; m2. 1864 LNU, Julia L.; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington
*15: COCKERAM, Ralph (1828- ): m'd 04 May 1858 HARVEY, Anne
*11: CODINGTON, Jacob:
COE, Charles Carroll (25 Dec 1834-24 Dec 1872):
COFFEY, Mary L. (1833-1922): m'd ABBOTT, [ ]
COLLARD, William H. (1833-1900): m'd 1868 SMITH, Clarinda A.; d/o John and Mary Collard
COMPTON, George Washington (1853-1925): s/o James W. and Melinda (Sumpter)
Compton; born March 16, 1853 just 11 days before they left on the wagon train
to Oregon; buried in Providence Cemetery
COMPTON, James William (1831-1916) m'd 11 Mar 1852 SUMPTER, Melinda (1836-1926); James was born in Missouri. His wife was the daughter of Alexander Sumpter, also on your list. They arrived in Oregon on August 20, 1853 and homesteaded in Lane County, then sold and moved to Linn County in the Scio area. He was a farmer and the father of 14 children. He is buried in the Franklin Butte Cemetery near Scio.
*15: CONDON, James B. (19 Apr 1827-16 Jan 1902): m 'd 20 Feb 1855 BRIDGEFARMER, Harriet (1834-1863); m2. 1865 HILL, Mary; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon; first wife d. 09 Oct 1863 at Grand Ronde Indian Agency age 28yrs4mos16days
CONDRA, Aaron (30 Jun 1820-11 Sep 1898): m'd 03 Dec 1841 TURLEY, Cordelia; s/o John and Margaret (Larimer) Condra; buried Masonic Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
CONDRA, Amos Harvey (12 Sep 1842-25 Sep 1895): m'd 02 Apr 1889 BAKER, Elizabeth; s/o Aaron and Cordelia (Turley) Condra; died in Fresno, California
CONDRA, Andrew (31 Mar 1847- ): s/o Aaron and Cordelia (Turley) Condra; not found after 1870 census
CONDRA, Ira (17 Apr 1850-16 Sep 1854): s/o Aaron and Cordelia (Turley) Condra; buried Masonic Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
CONDRA, John Sampson (19 Jun 1852- ): s/o Aaron and Cordelia (Turley) Condra; died Sacramento, California; not found after 1870 census
CONDRA, Mary Tansel (20 Nov 1848-16 Feb 1928): m'd 06 Dec 1876 THOMPSON, William J. d/o Aaron and Cordelia (Turley) Condra; buried Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
CONDRA, Silas Rite (11 Jul 1845-01 Oct 1881): s/o Aaron and Cordelia (Turley) Condra; buried Masonic Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
CONE, Francis M. (1833-1885):
CONE, Oliver (1819- ):
*3: CONGER, Benona: hired help with
Henkle train
*3: CONGER, Elizabeth (05 Aug 1834-08 Jun 1913): m'd 29 Apr 1852 HENKLE, Ichabod
CONGER, Ira Charles (17 Aug 1827-07 Aug 1908): m'd 13 Apr 1848 ONEAL, Melissa; s/o Isaac and Malinda (Coffee) Conger; may have emigrated 1854 or 1855; first child born in Oregon was Sep 1856?
*3: CONGER, Mark: hired help with Henkle train
*3: CONGER, Thomas: hired help with Henkle train
CONGLE, Clara Jane (Apr 1845-1903): m'd WILLIAMS, Richard; d/o John and Eleanor (Gray) Congle; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CONGLE, John Burke (09 Dec 1817- 07 Apr 1888): m'd 21 May 1844 GRAY, Eleanor Hall; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
"CONGLE, J. B.--Born December 9. 1817, in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Removed to Virginia in 1838, and thence to Missouri and Indiana. Married Miss Ellen H. Gray, of Indiana, May 21, 1844. Went to California in 1849 and returned to Indiana in 1851. Two years later he came to Oregon and settled at Corvallis, then called Marysville. Was the first mayor of that town. Was sheriff of Benton County for a time. Removed to Portland, his present residence, in 1861. Has represented Multnomah County in the State Legislature, and has held municipal offices. In 1874-75 was Grand Master of Masons of Oregon." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 800]
CONGLE, Margaret Frances "Maggie" (26 Oct 1847-25 May 1917): m'd WYATT, James B.; m2. SOLLARS, George Albert; d/o John and Eleanor (Gray) Congle; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
*12: CONKLIN, Thamar (1771-1864): m'd CUSICK, Henry; "Thamar (Conklin) Cusick 1771-1864 arrived 1853 on the Cusick Train led by her son Robert George Cusick, the Capt of the train. She was the widow of Henry Cusick of Wabash Co, Ill who died in 1827. According to the Oregon Pioneer Assoc, Thamar was "the oldest woman to travel the Oregon Trail by ox-wagon"; note: There are a variety of errors that have been perpetuated regarding Thamar Conklin Cusick including the fact that her maiden name was Lewis. Another error was that she was married to a Lewis. This information was derived from the fact that the family bible listed 5 Lewis children and assumption was made that they belonged to Thamar. This is incorrect. Finally, some sources list her parents as William and Jane (Brouwer) Conklin. This is incorrect. Her parents remain unknown. Thamar married Henry Cusick and in 1816 moved with him to Wabash Co, IL. He died in 1827 and Thamar never remarried. Sometime around 1831 she moved with her two sons, Solomon and Robert George to Adams Co, IL where she remained until the family emigrated in 1853. She is buried in Pietrok Cemetery.
CONKRIGHT, Lucy Ann (1832-1861): m'd
Thomas Jefferson;
d/o Jacob and Mary (Hill) Conkright; buried Providence Cemetery, Linn
Co, OR
CONKRIGHT, Martha Ann (1840-1922): m'd HAZELTON, H.; d/o Jacob and Mary (Hill) Conkright; buried Providence Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
CONKRIGHT, Mary Ann (1835-1922): m'd 1854 RICHARDSON, John Wesley; d/o Jacob and Mary (Hill) Conkright; buried Providence Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
CONLEE, Ann Eliza (19 Feb 1849-1853): d/o James and Susan (Barney) Conlee; died on trail
CONLEE, Elizabeth Ellen (01 Oct 1850-24 Nov 1909): m'd 11 Oct 1866 DYER, George Washington; d/o James and Susan (Barney) Conlee; buried Pine City Cemetery, Pine City, Whitman County, Washington
CONLEE, George Perry (02 Apr 1853-23 Jul 1921): m'd SYRON, Phoebe; s/o James and Susan (Barney) Conlee; buried Salt Creek Cemetery, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon
CONLEE, James Reuben (09 May1825-23 Jan 1915): m'd 30 Mar 1848 BARNEY, Susan Ann; m2. 1894 BUELL, Melissa; s/o Reuben and Nancy (Doyle) Conlee; buried Salt Creek Cemetery, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon
CONLEE, William Harlow (20 Dec 1851-06 Apr 1936): m'd 08 Nov 1879 MCCRACKEN, Mary Ellen; s/o James and Susan (Barney) Conlee; buried Salt Creek Cemetery, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon
CONLEY, Susannah H. (09 Dec 1811-24 Oct 869): m'd 17 Aug 1828 FICKLE, Abner; buried Gingles Cemetery, Benton County, Oregon
"FICKLE, ABNER--Born in Virginia in 1803, and when twenty-two years old went to Missouri. In 1848 went to Texas, and five years later came to Oregon; now resides at Buena Vista, and is a farmer. Married Miss Susan Codley (sic), and by her has had eight children, of whom four are living, viz. Mehala B., Robert C., Mary A., and Mary J. Mrs. Fickle died in 1870, and in 1873 he married Mrs. S. L. Hawes." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 803]
CONNOR, James Edward (1851-1934): m'd 1872 HENKLE, Nancy Caroline; s/o Thomas and Phebe (Borden) Connor; father died prior to emigration; settled on DLC in Benton Co; died in Portland, Multnomah Co, OR
CONNOR, John O.:
*20: CONNOR, Mr.:
CONNOR, Thomas Jefferson Rev. (1821-bef 1900): m1. 1838 BORDEN, Phebe Hannah; m2. 1873 DOYLE, Mary E.; minister who emigrated in 1853 to join the Oregon colony regionalist; settled in Benton Co; returned east after death of first wife and remarried; appears he may have remained in IN; departed Andersonville, IN 09 Mar 1853 and arrived in Salem 07 Oct 1853; 12 pp diary (MSS #1508)
COOK, Andrew J.: see 1852 listing
COOK, Robert A.: see 1852 listing
COOK, William A. (1837-1853): died at the Umatilla Indian Agency September 2, 1853
*15: COOKSEY, Caroline: m'd 08 Oct 1854 MARTIN, Columbus; d/o Hiram and Harriet Cooksey
*15: COOKSEY, Christina (1844-1892): m'd BROWN, J.H.; d/o Hiram and Harriet Cooksey
*15: COOKSEY, Elizabeth: m1. 03 Sep 1857 SIMMONS, Alonzo; m2. HARRIS, Mr.; d/o Hiram and Harriet Cooksey
*15: COOKSEY, George W. (1834-1888): m'd 25 Sep 1871 WADE, Martha N.; s/o Hiram and Harriet Cooksey
*15: COOKSEY, Harriet: m'd 20 Nov 1828 COOKSEY, Hiram
*15: COOKSEY, Hiram (1801-1864): m'd 20 Nov 1828 [ ], Elizabeth
*15: COOKSEY, Margaret: m1. 08 Mar 1855 SAVAGE, Joseph; m2. EDSELL, Mr.; d/o Hiram and Harriet Cooksey
*15: COOKSEY, Tennessee: d/o Hiram and Harriet Cooksey
*15: COOKSEY, William Joseph: m'd 27 May 1875 VENATOR, Mary R.; s/o Hiram and Harriet Cooksey
COOLEY, George Currin (28 Jul 1831-1908): m'd 1857 BLAKELY, Harriet; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
"COOLEY, GEORGE C.--Is a merchant of Brownsville, Linn County, his place of residence. He was born in Greyson County, Virginia, July 28, 1831, and was married to Miss Harriet Blakely in 1857, by whom he has six children, namely William C., Carrie, Etta, Kittie, James, and Emma." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 800]
*15: COONROD, Nancy Ann ( -1859): m'd c1851 GALE, James Newton
COOPER, Harben M.:
COOPER, James Graham, Dr. (19 Jun 1830-19 Jul 1902): m'd 1866 WELLS, Rosa M.; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, Alameda County, California
"Surgeon and naturalist, was born in New York City, the son of Frances Graham and William Cooper, scientist, Educated in Hoboken, New Jersey schools, he graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1851. In 1853 he was attached to the western division of the Pacific Railroad Survey as a physician, making a survey of bird, plant and sea life 'around Fort Vancouver', in the Yakima Valley, and as far north as Fort Colville, where the expedition descended the Columbia to The Dalles. His work was considered of great value to other scientists. In 1866 he maried Rosa M. Wells, at Oakland, Cal., and established himself as a practicing physician in the Bay area. He continued his studies in natural history." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 62]
COPE, Elizabeth: m'd MATHEWS, Thomas Moffitt; Thomas Moffitt Mathews and Elizabeth Cope Mathews � arrived 26 Sept 1853. They located on a donation land claim near Pleasant Hill in Lane County. Donation claim #1557. Also travelling with them were their children Mary Jane Mathews, David Cleveland Mathews (boy who first found the scouts from the Lost Wagon Train), Sarah Ellen Mathews, Andrew Jackson Mathews, Caroline Mathews, and Anna Elizabeth Mathews. [Wendy Millard]
CORNUTT, Alfred:(27 Aug 1812-08 Jan 1875): m'd 06 Feb 1832 DELPH, Mary; s/o David and Mary Cornutt; buried Riddle Cemetery, Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon; oldest daughter, Susannah Jane (Cornutt) Gragg did not emigrate to Oregon and 2 children (Mary Elizabeth and James Marion) died prior to emigration
CORNUTT, Archelaus (08 May 1837-26 Mar 1922): m'd 17 May 1894 TAYLOR, Margaret Lucinda "Maggie"; s/o Alfred and Mary (Delph) Cornutt; buried Riddle Cemetery, Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon
CORNUTT, Clark Freelin (12 Jan 1842-30 Mar 1878879): m'd 04 Sep 1864 BAILEY, Jane Angeline.; s/o Alfred and Mary (Delph) Cornutt; buried Myrtle Creek IOOF Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
CORNUTT, Hulda Cusic (1845 - 28 Oct 1892): m'd 28 Aug 1859 WEBBER,
William August; d/o Alfred and Mary (Delph) Cornutt;
Riddle Cemetery,
Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon
CORNUTT, John David (20/22 Dec 1851-05 Jun 1929): m'd 31 May 1874 DUNCAN, Sultana Jane; s/o Alfred and Mary (Delph) Cornutt; buried Riddle Cemetery, Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon
CORNUTT, Levi (12 Nov 1832-02 Jun 1853): s/o Alfred and
Mary (Delph) Cornutt; died on trail near Leavenworth, Kansas
CORNUTT, Noah (05 Feb 1836-31 Jan 1914): m'd 20/27 Jan 1861 JUDD, Mary Malinda; s/o Alfred and Mary (Delph) Cornutt; buried Riddle Cemetery, Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon
CORNUTT, Filena Ellen (1849- 20 Feb 1887): m1. 01 Dec 1868 DRAIN, John (divorced); m2. 20 Feb 1887/25 Jun 1884 LANGENFELT, William; d/o Alfred and Mary (Delph) Cornutt; buried Riddle Cemetery, Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon
CORNUTT, Sarah J. (31 Jan 1848-1888): m'd 10 Apr 1862 OTIS, Joel S.; d/o Alfred and Mary (Delph) Cornutt; buried Pleasant Home Cemetery, Gresham, Multnomah County, Oregon
CORNUTT, Stephen Henry (01 Nov 1838-18 Mar 1921): m'd 03 Feb 1859 NOYER, Mary Ann (divorced); m2. 13 Nov 1883 DIXON, Mrs. Rebecca Emeline (BANKS); buried Central Point Cemetery, Central Point, Jackson County, Oregon
CORNUTT, Thursy Jane (08 May 1837 -03 May 1888): m'd 17 Apr 1853 CATHEY, William G.; d/o Alfred and Mary (Delph) Cornutt; mother of 11 children; buried Gresham Pioneer Cemetery, Gresham, Multnomah County, Oregon
*15: CORSON, Angeline (1823-1879): m'd 1838 SMITH, Thomas
CORUM, Lydia (c1816-1869): m'd DECKARD, Anderson
"DECKARD, ANDERSON--Born in Kentucky in 1814; came to Oregon, and settled in Linn County, on a farm eight miles south of Albany; now owns city property in that town. Has been justice of the peace for two years. Married Miss Lydia Corum, and by her has had eight children, only two of whom are now alive, namely Stephen A., and Susan. His wife died in 1869, and in 1873 he married Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lincoln." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 802]
*7: COSGROVE, J.: employee in Edward F. Beale party to CA
COUCH, John C. (25 Jun 1832-24 Dec 1887): s/o Benjamin and Mary (Holcombe) Couch; buried Irvin Cemetery, Aurora, Clackamas County, Oregon; emigrated first to California [possibly 1852] and then into Oregon by June 1853
COUGLE, Abram: see 1852 emigration list
*15: COULSON, Catherine: m'd 20 Feb 1855 ZUMWALT, John M.; d/o Jeremiah and Martha (McIntyre) Coulson
*15: COULSON, Francis (1822-aft 1870): s/o Jeremiah and Martha (McIntyre) Coulson; living with brother, Isaac, in 1860 Lane County, Oregon census, listed as farmer in 1870 Union County, Oregon census
*15: COULSON, Isaac (09 Dec 1813-02 Jun 1878): m'd 1836 NEWTON, Susannah; s/o Jeremiah and Martha (McIntyre) Coulson; buried Lorane Grange Cemetery, Lorane, Lane County, Oregon
*15: COULSON, Jane (12 Mar 1839-17 Jan 1883): m'd SIMPSON, John Cryslerman; d/o Isaac and Susanna (Newton) Coulson; buried Lorane Grange Cemetery, Lorane, Lane County, Oregon
*15: COULSON, Martha (21 Mar 1816-20 Nov 1879): m'd 07 Dec 1837 LANDRITH, Cyrus; d/o Jeremiah and Martha (McIntyre) Coulson
COX, Benjamin B.:
COX, Cora A.:
COX, Esther Ann (1817-1893): m'd 1837 GUNSAULES, Manuel
COYLE, Alexander: m'd EVERHARD, Helen; s/o James and Charlotte (Scott) Coyle
COYLE, Ellen: m'd VANWASSENHOVEN, Frank; d/o James and Charlotte (Scott) Coyle
COYLE, James J. Jr. (1847-1917): m'd RAY, Etta Henrietta; s/o James and Charlotte (Scott) Coyle
COYLE, James Sr. (1817-1897): SCOTT, Charlotte
COZAD, Francis Marion: s/o Jonathan and Evaline (Yunt) Cozad
COZAD, Jonathan Mercer: m'd YUNT, Evaline; homesteaded near Oakland, Oregon
COZAD, Josephine: d/o Jonathan and Evaline (Yunt) Cozad
COZAD, Louis Kossuth: s/o Jonathan and Evaline (Yunt) Cozad
COZAD, Mary ( -1852): died on trail; d/o Jonathan and Evaline (Yunt) Cozad
COZAD, Piety Grizard: d/o Jonathan and Evaline (Yunt) Cozad
COZAD, Sarah: d/o Jonathan and Evaline (Yunt) Cozad
COZAD, Thomas Jefferson Gorham; s/o Jonathan and Evaline (Yunt) Cozad
CRABB, Andrew J. (1829- ):
CRABB, Joseph:
CRABB, Joseph N. (1832- ):
Abraham "Abe" (Nov 1842-18 Mar 1924): m'd 19 May 1875 DAVIS, Barbara; s/o Job
and Malinda (Smith) Crabtree
CRABTREE, America (22 Sep 1839-15 Sep 1906): m'd 01 May 1862 CLAYPOOL, Samuel Rooker; d/o Isaac and Isabell (Chrisman) Crabtree; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Andrew W. (12 Oct 1851-24 Oct 1931): m'd 30 Mar 1875 MARTIN, Jane Melinda; s/o Job and Sarah (Daily) Crabtree; buried Kelly Cemetery, Maupin, Wasco County, Oregon
CRABTREE, David Porter (Nov 1845-06 Jul 1922): m'd 1866 SUMPTER, Mary "Lovina"; s/o Job and Malinda (Smith) Crabtree; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Elizabeth (1834- ): d/o Job and Malinda (Smith) Crabtree; no information found on her in 1860. She may have died prior to emigration or married prior to 1860 census
CRABTREE, Fletcher (1827-1856): m'd 18 Oct 1855 STEWART, Sarah Jane; s/o Job and Malinda (Smith) Crabtree; reportedly died for an accident with a horse
CRABBTREE, George (23 Jul 1837-29 Mar 1908): m'd 14 Jul 1863 EDGAR , Fairlotta "Lottie"; s/o Job and Malinda (Smith) Crabtree; buried Pleasant Grove-Condit Cemetery, Turner, Marion County, Oregon
CRABTREE, George Washington (Feb 1850=10 Mar 1928): s/o Zimri and Mariah (Crabtree) Crabtree; settled Lane County; buried Drain Cemetery, Drain, Oregon
CRABTREE. Isaac (05 Oct 1794-18 Jun 1853) m1. 19 May 1825 CHRISMAN, Isabell; m2. MCGRAW, Emily (DEHONEY); s/o Job and Rebecca (Smythe) Crabtree; died on trail June 18, 1853 on Green River on the Sublette of mountain fever
CRABTREE, Isaac Newton (07 Feb 1850-08 Apr 1932): m'd Oct 1883 WHITLOCK, Nancy Jane: s/o Job and Sarah (Daily) Crabtree; buried Kelly Cemetery, Maupin, Wasco County, Oregon
CRABTREE, James Henry (07 Nov 1840-280 Dec 1909): s/o Job and Malinda (Smith) Crabtree; twin of Sarah A. Crabtree
CRABTREE, James Isaiah (04 Dec 1834-18 Mar 1905): m1. 1865 SHELTON, Martha Ann.; m2. 08 Sep 1878 GARDNER, Selecta Jane; s/o Washington and Susannah (Crabtree) Crabtree; buried Lone Oak Cemetery, Stayton, Marion County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Jane T. (13 Jan 1823-19 Jan 1918): m'd 27 Feb 1848 STARR, Christopher; d/o Isaac and Isabell (Chrisman) Crabtree; buried Lonerock Cemetery, Lonerock, Gilliam County, Oregon
CRABTTREE, Job (07 Mar 1806-06 Nov 1878): m1. 01 Jan 1827 SMITH, Malinda; s/o Job and Rebecca (Smythe) Crabtree Sr; settled Linn County, Oregon; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Job: s/o Job and Malinda (Smith) Crabtree; emigrated in 1851; drowned while descending Columbia River
CRABTREE, John (1832-04 Jan 1882): s/o Job and Malinda (Smith) Crabtree; no information to confirm death date, not found in 1860 census
CRABTREE, Louisa (27 Dec 1838-01 Dec 1931): m'd MULKEY, Welcome Hayes; d/o Zimri and Mariah (Crabtree) Crabtree; settled Lane County; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Lunica Nancy (26 Mar 1840/41-01 Jul 1915): m'd EBBERT, John William; d/o Zimri and Mariah (Crabtree) Crabtree; settled Lane County; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Mariah Jane (20 Apr 1821-01 Oct 1873): m'd 25 Jan 1838 CRABTREE, Zimri (first cousin); settled Lane County; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Mary Polly (1839-c1857): m'd 24 Apr 1856 RILEY, John K., d/o Job and Malinda (Smith) Crabtree; probably died Linn County but location of burial not found
CRABTREE, Melinda (15 Feb 1834/5-01 Jun 1924): m1. 06 Apr 1851 STARR, John M.; m2. 13 Aug 1888 BOULTON, Nelson; d/o Isaac and Isabell (Chrisman) Crabtree; buried Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County, Washington
CRABTREE, Mary Ann (13 Apr 1852-31 Mar 1936): m'd FISHER, William Paleg; d/o Zimri and Mariah (Crabtree) Crabtree; settled Lane County; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Phoebe Ann (14 Aug 1842-26 Aug 1868 ): m'd 05 May 1859 MUNKERS, Thomas McLain; d/o Washington and Susannah (Crabtree) Crabtree; buried Wisner Cemetery, Kingston, Linn County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Pliney Purdue (13 Apr 1847-14 Aug 1928): m'd 02 Oct 1902 JOHNSON, Elizabeth "Lizzie"; s/o Washington and Susannah (Crabtree) Crabtree; buried Wisner Cemetery, Kingston, Linn County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Priscilla Ann Price (14 Dec 1832-12 Oct 1922): m'd 23 Apr 1853 STARR, William Henderson; d/o Isaac and Isabell (Chrisman) Crabtree; buried Waitsburg City Cemetery, Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, Washington
CRABTREE, Rebecca (17 Jan 1835-16 Dec 1919): m'd 21 May 1855 LOWDEN, Abraham Coldwell; d/o Job and Malinda (Smith) Crabtree; buried Missouri Flat Cemetery, Applegate, Jackson County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Robert (1837-c1865): s/o Job and Malinda (Smith) Crabtree; not found after the 1860 census
CRABTREE, Ruth Emeline (13 Apr 1833-20 Feb 1926): m'd 19 Jan 1856 RICHARDSON, Andrew Jackson; d/o Washington and Susannah (Crabtree) Crabtree; buried Wisner Cemetery, Kingston, Linn County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Samuel (1847-bef 1860): s/o Zimri and Mariah (Crabtree) Crabtree; unknown if he died prior to emigration or after arrival
CRABTREE, Sarah A. "Sally" (07 Nov 1840-18 Oct 1916): m'd 10 Sep 1857 LOWDEN, James Allen; d/o Job and Malinda (Smith) Crabtree; twin of James Henry Crabtree; buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Sarah Elizabeth (03 Nov 1842/43-01 May 1934): m'd 1861 FISHER, Thomas; d/o Zimri and Mariah (Crabtree) Crabtree; settled Lane County; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Sarah Jane (11 Apr 1840-09 Feb 1875): m'd 05 Nov 1857 RICHARDSON, Elijah Thompson; d/o Washington and Susannah (Crabtree) Crabtree; buried Wisner Cemetery, Kingston, Linn County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Susan C. (05 Oct 1849-09 Feb 1886 ): m'd 02 Apr 1876 BAGGS, Charles Henry.; d/o Washington and Susannah (Crabtree) Crabtree; buried Wisner Cemetery, Kingston, Linn County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Susannah (14 Feb 1810-03 Feb 1892): m'd 14 Feb 1831 CRABTREE, Washington;d/o Isaiah and Ruth (Lindley) Crabtree; buried Wisner Cemetery, Kingston, Linn County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Washington (01 Oct 1808-13 Sep 1901): m'd 14 Feb 1831 CRABTREE, Susannah; s/o James and Isabel (CARR) Crabtree; buried Wisner Cemetery, Kingston, Linn County, Oregon
CRABTREE, William Gilpin (15 Apr 1850-09 Jun 1917): m'd 31 Aug 1884 RUSH, Eva Cynthia, s/o Isaac and Isabell (Chrisman) Crabtree; buried Monument Cemetery, Monument, Grant County, Oregon
CRABTREE, William Jasper (07 Sep 1848-13 Jun 1910): m'd 30 Jun 1879 GRIGGS, Amanda "Ella"; s/o Job and Sarah (Daily) Crabtree; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
CRABTREE, William Y. (28 Sep 1837-13 Sep 1863): s/o Washington and Susannah (Crabtree) Crabtree; buried Wisner Cemetery, Kingston, Linn County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Zimri (04 Aug 1817-08 Jun 1884): m1.25 Jan 1838 CRABTREE, Mariah Jane (first cousin); m2. c1871 COOK, Mary C.; settled Lane County; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CRAIG, David Watson (25 Jun 1829-17 Dec 1916): m'd 1861 WATEROUS, Wealthy L.; spoke several languages, was an editorial writer at various newspapers; instumental in founding of Republican party in OR; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
"Political writer, editor, and co-founder with W. L. Adams of the Republican party in Oregon, was born in Kentucky of Scotch descent, attended common school but was otherwise self-taught. He was printer's devil on 'Hannibal (Mo.) Journal', on which Mark Twain learned the printer's trade, and reporter for the 'Illinois State Journal', 1848; pension department clerk, Washington, D.C., 1852. Coming to Salem in 1853, he was employed on 'Oregon Statesman' but was discharged when Asahel Bush learned he was a Whig. While teaching school, met W. L. Adams, and in 1855 became foreman of the 'Oregon Argus', which he purchased in 1859, consolidating it with 'Oregon Statesman', 1863, selling it in 1866. Published Salem 'Daily Record', 1867-68; was associated in publication of 'Willamette Farmer', 1872; was employed by 'Oregon Statesman', 1880, and retired to a farm near Salem in 1893, to live rest of life. Craig married Wealthy L. Waterous, 1861; one son." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 66]
CRAIG, Mary Gillen (1825-1899): m'd RITCHEY, Mathew Dill
CRANDALL, Joseph Burton (1852-1853): s/o William and Jane (Hoyck) Crandall; died at Salt Lake City, Utah
CRANDALL, William Ray (24 Jun 1829-19 Nov 1896); m'd 1851 HOYCK, Jane Margaret; s/o Paul and Sally (Stillman) Crandall; turned back at the Mississippi in 1852 and emigrated in 1853; stopped at Salt Lake City in 1853 where his son, Joseph Burton Crandall died that winter
CRAWFORD, Alexander:
*15: CREANS, [ ]: reportedly took cutoff with Matlocks, Halls and Smiths
Alexander Thievnot (06
Mar 1831- 24 Oct 1912): never married;
s/o Bennett and Martha (Brown) Creecy;
despite hip deformity that left him crippled all his life he still rode
a saddle horse over the trail and was a Post Master of Scappoose;
buried in
Santiam Central Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon near his parents
CREECY, James "Bennett" Dietrick (17 Jan 1786-29 Jun 1866): m'd 24 Dec 1813 BROWN, Martha "Patsy"; s/o William and Nancy (Carter) Creecy; buried Santiam Central Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
CREECY, James Brown (20 Jan 1829-10 May 1911): m'd SMITH, Lydia Drucilla; s/o Bennett and Martha (Brown) Creecy; buried Blaine Cemetery, Blaine, Tillamook County, Oregon
CREECY, Martin VanBuren (29 May 1838-29 Apr 1913): m'd 1861 SMITH, Emily; s/o Bennett and Martha (Brown) Creecy; buried Evergreen Cemetery, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California
CREECY, Mary Crook (09 Jan 1827-22 Jun 1903 ): m'd GEISENDORFER, Johann "John" Leonard; d/o Bennett and Martha (Brown) Creecy; buried Knox Butte Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
CREECY, Sarah Ann (06 Jul 1824-07 Nov 1894): m'd 22 Nov 1849 SHARRINGHOUSEN, Henry Ludwick; d/o Bennett and Martha (Brown) Creecy; buried Greenwood Hills Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CREEL, Malinda Jane (27 Sep 1843-29 Jan 1937): ; m'd 1860 BLAIR, Oliver Pendleton; d/o John Micajah "Cager" and Amelia (Swartz) Creel; buried Lake View Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington; emigrated with mother and step-father, David Rice McMillan
CREEL, Martha Ellen (17 Apr 1845-19 Apr 1923); m'd MULKEY, George Miller; d/o John Micajah "Cager" and Amelia (Swartz) Creel; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon; emigrated with mother and step-father, David Rice McMillan
CREEL, Mary Ethel (1841-30 Jun 1894): m'd 1853 COOPER, Frank C.; d/o John Micajah "Cager" and Amelia (Swartz) Creel; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon; emigrated with mother and step-father, David Rice McMillan
CREEL, Phebe M. (1845 - ) ; d/o John Micajah "Cager" and Amelia (Swartz) Creel; in 1850 census but not found in 1860 census; unknown if she died prior to emigration or after arrival
*15: CROSS, George H. (24 Oct 1833- ): aka Cress
CROUCH, Benjamin A.:
CROW, Garrison:
CROWDER, Solomon W.:
CROSIAR, Amasa J.: ( -1907):
CROSIAR, James (1798-aft 1870):
wife is deceased when he files claim; James is found living in Polk County through the 1870 Polk County census; [photo contributed by Lili Yocom]
*15: CRUISE, Allison; drover for Davidsons
*23 CULBERTSON, Andrew Jackson (1794-09 May 1862): m'd 19 Mar 1818 HUMPHREYS, Hannah:; father of 11 known children (Jane, John, Elijah Humphreys, Maria T., Mary H., Letitia, Andrew Jackson, Alexander, Theolphilus and Frances)
*23 CULBERTSON, Andrew Jackson Jr (1837-17 Oct 1930): m'd [ ], Emily; s/o Andrew and Hannah (Humphreys) Culbertson; settled in Multnomah County, Oregon; wife and several children died of diphtheria in 1865; he was living in Pierce County, Washington when he died and is buried Washington Soldiers Home Cemetery, Orting, Pierce County, Washington
*23 CULBERTSON, Frances (1846-aft 1860): d/o Andrew and Hannah (Humphreys) Culbertson; died young
*23 CULBERTSON, Francis Marion (1840-aft 1860): s/o Andrew and Hannah (Humphreys) Culbertson;
*23 CULBERTSON, Letitia (1832-bef 1872): m'd 12 Apr 1854 BILLUPS, Charles; d/o Andrew and Hannah (Humphreys) Culbertson
*23 CULBERTSON, Maria T. (Mar 1828-18 Apr 1920): m1. 19 Mar 1845 SHRIVER, George; m2. 13 Aug 1889 TOOZE, James Haves; d/o Andrew and Hannah (Humphreys) Culbertson
*23 CULBERTSON, Mary H. (1831-c1913): m'd 26 Feb 1847 BRIGMAN, Isaac; settled Multnomah County, Oregon;d/o Andrew and Hannah (Humphreys) Culbertson; mother of seven known children (Andrew Culbertson, John, Parthenia, George, Winfield Scott, Clinton Kelly and Clementine Sarah)
*23 CULBERTSON, Theophilus "Theo" (13 Jan 1843-06 May 1925): m1. 23 Oct 1870 MCLAUGHLIN, Mary Catherine; m2. 01 Jan 1881 KELLY, Corinne Augusta; s/o Andrew and Hannah (Humphreys) Culbertson; settled in Multnomah County, Oregon
*15: CUMMINGS, Almira (c1849- ): d/o William and Almira (Clark) Cummings
*15: CUMMINGS, Chancey (1844- ): m'd 09 Nov 1866 SMYTHE, Margaret A.; s/o William and Almira (Clark) Cummings
*15: CUMMINGS, Henry (1840-1903): s/o William and Almira (Clark) Cummings
*15: CUMMINGS, John (1838-1916): m'd 12 Jul 1865 WALKER, Helen; m'd 1895 HENSHAW, Sarah L.; s/o William and Almira (Clark) Cummings
*15: CUMMINGS, Joseph (1845- ): s/o William and Almira (Clark) Cummings
*15: CUMMINGS, Margaret (1806-1871): m'd 15 Jun 1826 MOORE, James
*15: CUMMINGS, Martha (c1851- ): m'd 04 Mar 1870 BUOY, William W.; d/o William and Almira (Clark) Cummings
*15: CUMMINGS, Mary (c1842- ): m'd 14 Feb 1858 MORRIS, George; twin to Sarah; d/o William and Almira (Clark) Cummings
*15: CUMMINGS, Sarah (c1842- ): m'd 25 Nov 1860 NELSON, Josiah; twin to Mary; d/o William and Almira (Clark) Cummings
*15: CUMMINGS, Susan Hannah (1825-1885): m'd 10 Sep 1844 FLOWERS, Samuel Bowman; took Elliott Cutoff, member of lost train of 1853
*15: CUMMINGS, William (1816-1894): m'd 22 Jun 1837 CLARK, Almira
CUNNINGHAM, Evelina ( -1862): m'd
Pleasant T.
CUNNINGHAM, Pleasant: s/o Pleasant and Evelina ( ) Cunningham
CUNNINGHAM, Sarah Drusilla: m'd 09 May 1848 DODSON, McMinn; d/o Pleasant and Evelina ( ) Cunningham
"DODSON, McMINN.--Born in McMinn County, Tennessee, in 1823; came to Oregon and settled at Salt Creek, Polk County, which is still his place of residence; occupation, farming. In Tennessee, May 9, 1848, he was married to Sarah D. Cunningham, and their children s names are Z. T., David D., Henry C., Oliver M., Theodore W., Sarah E., Ellen A., and Schuyler C." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 802]
CUPPY, Elizabeth: m'd KENOYER, Jeremiah Rev.
CURL, Bartlett:
also see
CURREY, Elizabeth Jane
(Apr 1840-25 Apr 1931): m'd ASHLEY, [];
Providence Montz Currey; buried
Idlewilde Cemetery, Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon
CURREY, George Byron Col. (04 Apr 1833 - 02 Mar 1906): m'd 15 Dec 1864 GAINES, Jennie Clarissa; s/o Providence Montz Currey; bured Grandview Cemetery, LaGrande, Union County, Oregon
"Was born at Crawfordsville, Ind., and died in LaGrande, Oregon; lawyer, soldier, farmer, and editor, educated in law at Wabash College. He came to Oregon in 1853, and was admitted to the bar. He practiced law near Eugene; served in Rogue Rive Indian War 1855-56, and was Captain of the first Oregon Cavalry (company A and E), 1861-64. He esablished Camp Alvord, 1862, participated in treaty parley with Nez Perce Indians (1862); established Fort Currey, 1863; in command at The Dalles during second election of President Abraham Lincoln, 1864; colonel of first Oregon infantry regiment 1864-65; appointed commander of California sub-District of Oregon (July 14, 1865); commander of the Department of the Columbia (Jul 30, 1865). He practiced law at Salem (1866-68), farmed near Lafayette (1868-72); practiced law at Canyon City (1872-80); presidential elector (1882); author of 'The Tribute to the Ox Whip' and editor of the LaGrande Observer. He married Jennie Clarissa Gaines of Yamhill County in 1864. [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 68]
CURREY, Idaline "Ida" Amanda (07 Nov 1849-27 Jun 1925: m'd 1867 BENSON, Sanford Goode; d/o Providence Montz Currey; buried Mission City Memorial Park, Santa Clara, Santa Clara County, California
CURREY, James Leander (24 Jul 1844 -29 Mar 1926): m1. 07 Dec 1865 MOORE, Mary Lilliam; divorced in Baker Co in 1885; m2. 15 Mar 1900 CANNON, Josefine.; s/o Providence Montz Currey; moved to TX where he died; buried Miguel Cemetery, Miguel, Frio County, Texas
CURREY, Mr.: Maggie Baird Blakley of the Baird train wrote "Mr. Curey is about the most homesick person I have ever seen. He wrote sad songs that he sang around the campfire at night." Mr. Curry went back east. He said he "would rather starve among people he knew than to have abundance in a strange country."
CURREY, Marie "Mary" Antoinette (01 Dec 1847-06 Nov 1910): m'd 1857 MITCHELL, Mathew William; d/o Providence Montz Currey; buried Hillcrest Cemetery, Weiser, Washington County, Idaho
CURREY, Providence Montz Jr. (04 Aug 1845-03 Nov 1939): m'd 22 Sep 1869 LEE, Sarah Clementine; s/o Providence Currey; resided in Grant and Lake Co; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon
CURREY, Providence Montz Sr. (1800 -09 Jul 1868): m'd HILL, Amanda Fitzallen; s/o Hiram and Sarah (Reagan) Currey; originally settled in Lane Co, but moved to Union county around 1863; three children (Zachariah, Francis M. and Eliza H. Currey were not found after 1850 census and are believed to have not made emigration; one son, Dr. John "Currie" remained in the east and resided in Darlington, IN; it also appears his wife remained in Indiana where she died in 1862)
CURREY, Thomas Williamson (Jun 1832 -07 feb 1916): m'd 1891 MOORE, Ann Eliza; s/o Providence Montz Currey; buried Grandview Cemetery, LaGrande Union County, Oregon
The Peter
Cusick Family by Kee Rodgers
*12: CUSICK, Frances Mariah (24 Jun 1843-08
Sep 1867):: m'd 1860 MARTIN, James L. Dr.; d/o
Robert and Sarah (Hollembeak) Cusick;
*12: CUSICK, George W. Dr. (04 Apr 1841-03 Apr 1895 ): m'd STAYTON, Sarah Olive s/o Solomon and Anna (Hollembeak) Cusick; was named Rogert George Cusick Jr but always went by George. In later years he seemed to throw away the Robert altogether and went by George W. Cusick; buried Greenwood Hills Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CUSICK, Harriet Amanda (04 Sep 1838-24 May 1852): d/o Solomon and Anna (Hollembeak) Cusick; died prior to emigration in Adams County, Illinois
*12: CUSICK, John Howard (01 Mar 1851-05 Nov 1926 ): s/o Solomon and Anna (Hollembeak) Cusick; buried Burney Cemetery, Burney, Shasta County, California
*12: CUSICK, John Wickliffe (28 May 1835-12 Jun 1910): m'd 05 Dec 1866 PEEBLER, Salome Susannah; s/o Solomon and Anna (Hollembeak) Cusick; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
*12) CUSICK, Martha Elizabeth (27 Jan 1844-01 Oct 1868): m'd 01 Jan 1865 RICHARDSON, Obediah Waddle; d/o Solomon and Anna (Hollembeak) Cusick; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
*12) CUSICK, Mary Jane (19 Dec 1844-06 Jul 1880): m'd 1864 WHEELER, Almon; d/o Robert and Sarah (Hollembeak) Cusick; buried Shedd Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
*12: CUSICK, Mary Lovina (04 Apr 1842-08 May 1921 ): m1. MONTGOMERY, William Grimes; m2. 1896 TRASK, John B.; d/o Solomon and Anna (Hollembeak) Cusick; buried Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
*12): CUSICK, Robert George "George" (03 Jul 1812-20 Mar 1884): m1. HOLLEMBEAK, Sarah Harriet; m2. MILLER, Mrs. Eveline L. (BERRY); s/o Henry and Thamar (Conklin) Cusick; accompanied by mother, Thamar Lewis Conklin Cusick; captain of train consisting of 21 wagons and 80 people; buried Pietrock Cemetery, Lyons, Linn County, Oregon.
*12): CUSICK, Sarah Elizabeth (18 Jun 1848-22 Aug 1934): m'd DALEY, Edward Judson; d/o Robert and Sarah (Hollembeak) Cusick; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
*12): CUSICK, Solomon (Dec 29, 1804-May 6, 1885): m'd 1828 HOLLEMBECK, Anna Maria; s/o Henry and Thamar (Conklin) Cusick. Solomon died at Scio in Linn County but it is believed that Solomon is buried with his wife, Anna Maria at Howell Prairie Cemetery in Marion County. She was listed on the original plot map for the cemetery and a foot stone with AMC was found at the location indicated on the map. There was a foot stone found for him and he was also listed on the plot map. A Cusick researcher believes him to be there also but some descendants believe him to be buried in Linn county. Solomon was the father of 9 children, 6 of whom accompanied him west.
"CUSICK, SOLOMON--Is a farmer, living in Scio, Linn County. He was born in New York, December 29, 1814; came to Oregon from Adams County, Illinois. Married Anna M. Hollenbeck. Their children are Henry, Eliza Jane, John W., William A., Harriet A., George W., Mary L., Martha E., and John Howard." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 801]
*12: CUSICK, Solomon Franklin "Frank" (25 Feb 1847-03 Oct 1926): m'd ASHBY, Rebecca Jane; s/o Robert and Sarah (Hollembeak) Cusick; buried Union Cemetery, Union, Union County, Oregon
*12): CUSICK, William Asa (1837-14 Jun 1919): m'd 1869 WILLIAMS, Marcia M.; s/o Solomon and Ann (Hollembeck) Cusick; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
"CUSICK, W. A., M.D.--Doctor Cusick was born in Illinois in 1847, and was brought to Oregon by his parents at the age of six years. The family settled in Linn County, where some of its members still reside. After several years of study of the various branches of medicine, in the offices and under the charge of the most capable practitioners of the Willamette Valley, Dr. Cusick acquired an excellent professional education and obtained a diploma. For several years succeeding he practiced at Gervais, in company with Dr. M. A. Flinn. At a later date he removed to Salem and located permanently. His practice is very extensive and is justified by his reputation as a physician of great attainments, good judgment and conscientious attitude. With such qualifications he has acquired the respect and good -will of his fellow- citizens, whose appreciation has been shown by his election to the Legislature in 1884. Dr. Cusick was married in 1869, to Miss M. M. Williams. They have one child Ethel Elaine." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 801]
*12): CUSICK, William Conklin (21 Feb1842-07 Oct 1922): m'd ALGER, Emma A. (DODGE); s/o Robert and Sarah (Hollembeak) Cusick; was an Oregon botanist. Cusick Mountain was named after him in 1929. He discovered Oregon's only true primula, the "primula cusickiana" in 1877. William and Emma had no children; buried Union Cemetery, Union, Union County, Oregon
[Bill] Cusick originally contacted Asa Gray, to learn the name of some of the
flowers that he found so he could frame them and sell the seeds. He could not do
either without knowing the name of the flower. To his surprise, the flowers were
undiscovered in the world of botany, so Gray named the flowers after Cusick.
Bill was surely happy about that, but more importantly, now the flowers had a
name and he could sell the seeds and frame the flowers. He was a humble common
man and his hobby of finding flower seeds excited the botanists of America and
he then became a curious figure. He seems to be called "the
The true legend is that Cusick Mountain was named after a poor
common man who loved flowers and the great outdoors. He is not known for a
posthumous award or botany. He is known for one thing, he walked thousands of
miles with his pack pony and gathered flowers. A civil war veteran, school
teacher and seed salesman. A humble kind man that loved nature and the simple
life. And for that, Cusick Mountain was named for him. It was not named for a
"botanist" of fame. Cusick Mountain named for the man we all want to be, the man
who lived alone in his cabin, who loved the mountains, the sky, the stars and
nature. He was Bill Cusick who lived in a cabin on Cusick Creek and known by all
as the flower hunter". written by Cusick descendant Kee Rogers]
CUSTER, Ruel (1829-1817): m1.1847 WOOD, Rebecca Ann; m2. 1869 SIMS, Martha M. m3. 1879 Day BIRD Margaretta; buried Jefferson Cemetery, Marion Co, OR
DAILEY, Sarah "Sally" (1815-18 Dec 1883): m1. 15 Apr 1832 CONSTABLE, William; m2. 24 Sep 1847 CRABTREE, Job Sr; settled Linn County, Oregon; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
DAKIN, Hiram: m'd SHAW, Mariah Jane
DANA, George B. (c1819- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Frances A.
DANFORTH, Lydia (1796-1854): m 'd 12 Nov 1818 BURNETT, John Sims
DANIELS, Julia Ann: m1. DOTY, John; m2. 1845 KENNEDY, Mordecai; emigrated to Oregon with second husband, her children by her first marriage and the children from her second marriage; settled near Rickreall, Polk Co, OR
*15: DANIELS, Mehetable Orline (c1835-1864): m'd c1853 VAUGHN, John W.
DANIELS, William B.:
DANLEY, Hiram T. (1829- ):
*15: DARNEILLE, Anderson (1814-1892): m1. 18 May 1833 LANE, Elizabeth; m2. 1844 LANE, Mary:
*15: DARNEILLE, Clay (c1850- ): s/o Anderson and Mary (Lane) Darneilles
*15: DARNEILLE, Elizabeth (c1805-1884): m'd 20 Mar 1828 MORGAN, John
*15: DARNEILLE, Isaac (1840-1916): m1. 20 Oct 1861 HILL, Aloy Jane; m2. 07 Oct 1885 WOOD, Mary H.; s/o Anderson and Elizabeth (Lane) Darneilles
*15: DARNEILLE, James W. (1848- ): m'd 16 May 1867 KENNEDY, Margaret; /o Anderson and Mary (Lane) Darneilles
*15: DARNEILLE, Jasper (1853-1918): m'd Sep 1874 CUSTER, [ ]; s/o Anderson and Mary (Lane) Darneilles
*15: DARNEILLE, Malinda:
*15: DARNEILLE, Mary Jane (c1841- ): m1. 20 Jun 1861 ZUMWALT, Isaac; m2. 1867 MEE, James; d/o Anderson and Elizabeth (Lane) Darneilles
*15: DARNEILLE, Oscar (1838- ): m'd Oct 1866 O'CONNER, Margaret; s/o Anderson and Elizabeth (Lane) Darneilles
*15: DARNEILLE, Wesley (1851-1896): s/o Anderson and Mary (Lane) Darneilles
*15: DAVIDSON, Ann (1822-1899): m'd 02 Mar 1843 CLARK, Thomas; d/o John and Mary (Lawrence) Davidson
*15: DAVIDSON, Armilda (1848-1877): m'd 19 Jun 1860 PATTISON, Charles
*15: DAVIDSON, Henry; s/o William and Mary (Burke) Davidson
*15: DAVIDSON, John (1797-1860): m'd 05 Oct 1820 LAWRENCE, Mary
*15: DAVIDSON, Joseph M. (1821-1855): s/o John and Mary (Lawrence) Davidson
*15: DAVIDSON, Margaret Rebecca (1835- ): m'd 28 Jun 1854 MCLEAN, Joseph; d/o John and Mary (Lawrence) Davidson
*15: DAVIDSON, Martha A. ( -1873): m'd 17 Jun 1847 HULERY, John M.; d/o John and Mary (Lawrence) Davidson
"HULERY, JOHN M.--Born in Ohio in 1827; moved to Carroll County, Indiana, and became a cooper. Married Miss Martha Davidson, by whom he had nine children Mary, John W.. Ida, George W., Frank, Grant, Jessie, Minnie, and Walter. Brought his family overland to Oregon via "Meek s Cut-off,"; Mr. H. being the first immigrant to cross the Cascades by the route they took. Their experience was dreadful to a high degree, and hunger and thirst prevailed. He located in Lane County, but afterwards removed to Portland. Resides now at McMiimville. Was county commissioner in 1872. Mrs. Hulery died about 1872." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 807]
DAVIDSON, Mary Ann (22 Apr 1814-29 Jun 1888): m'd 05 Nov 1835 BUTLER, Ira Francis Marion; d/o Elijah Barton and Margaret (Murphy) Davidson Sr.; buried Butler-Davidson Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
*15: DAVIDSON, Nancy Ann (1830- ): m'd 14 Sep 1848 HAMILTON, Joseph; d/o John and Mary (Lawrence) Davidson
DAVIDSON, Rachel (13 Mar 1827-04 Jun 1895): m'd 22 Jun 1837 DEWEESE, George Washington; d/o Elijah A. and Margaret (Murphy) Davidson; this family was all over the place; they were in Missouri in 1850; to Oregon in 1853; returned to Knox County, Illinois for 1860 census and by 1870 were in Napa County, California where they remained until their death; buried Tulocay Cemetery, Napa, Napa County, California
*15: DAVIDSON, Sarah: d/o William and Mary (Burke) Davidson
*15: DAVIDSON, William Lawrence: m'd BURKE, Mary; s/o John and Mary (Lawrence) Davidson
DAVIES, Albert A. (1841- ): s/o Miles and Jane (Haines) Davies
DAVIES, Phoebe (1838-1911): m'd KINDT, Mr.; d/o Miles and Jane (Haines) Davies
DAVIES, Catharine Ann: m'd HUNT, Benjamin T.
DAVIES, Francis M. (1849-1876): s/o Miles and Jane (Haines) Davies
DAVIES, Horace G. (1851- ): m'd 1875 TEFT, Sarah E.; s/o Miles and Jane (Haines) Davies
"DAVIES, HORACE G.--Born in Indiana in 1851; came with parents to Oregon and has lived in Washington County since; owns a farm near Beaverton at present. He followed the lumber business in partnership with his brother. Married, in 1873, Miss Sarah E. Teft. They have two children Freddie, and an infant." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 801]
DAVIES, James W. (1846- ): s/o Miles and Jane (Haines) Davies; later years moved to OH
DAVIES, Mary J. (1843- ): m'd ROYAL, Fletcher; d/o Miles and Jane (Haines) Davies
DAVIES, Miles (1809-1893): m'd 1835 HAINES, Jane; s/o John Davies; born 11 Jul 1809 in Fayette Co, PA; m'd 12 Mar 1835 in IN to Miss Jane Haines; moved to OH where they resided until 1851, then moving to MO to prepare for the overland journey to Oregon; one bio states he emigrated in 1852 but his Donation Land Claim application states he arrived in 1853. Originally settled near Portland until later years when he made his home with his children. He was the father of eight children (Phoebe, 1838; Alfred A., 1841; Mary J., 1843; James W., 1846; Francis M., 1849; Horace G., 1851; Rachel E., 1854 and Augustus N., 1858); a brother of Miles, James Davies, appears to have made the journey west in 1852 per his Donation Land Claim.
"DAVIES, MILES--Born in Ohio in 1809. He lived in Indiana before coming to Oregon in 1853; after his arrival on this coast he settled in Washington County, and in 1854 took a donation claim near Scholl's Ferry, and continued in the occupation of farming until 1882. Married Miss Jane Haines, by whom he had nine children, namely-John (deceased), Phoebe, Alfred, Mary J., James W., Francis M. (deceased), Horace G., Rachel (deceased), and Augustus N," [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 801]
*4: DAVIS, Albert Daniel (1851-1900): m'd BALDWIN, Naomi Elizabeth; s/o Nelson
and Elizabeth (Bond) Davis;
Pomeroy City Cemetery, Pomeroy, Garfield County, Washington
DAVIS, Caleb: m'd CHRISMAN, Anna Maria; emigrated with 7 children
DAVIS, Cordelia Dorrell (01 Oct 1841-23 Dec 1919): m'd 1860 BRADEN, William M.; d/o Herman and Mary (Wilkenson) Davis; died San Francisco County, California
*4: DAVIS, Harmon: m'd BOND, Susan??: see 1852 listing
*4: DAVIS, Isaac
Silas (1827-1883): m'd 10 Aug 1848 BOND, Rebecca; settled Lane County, Oregon [photo contributed by Julie Byram]
*4: DAVIS, James Nelson (1849-1940): s/o Isaac and
Rebecca (Bond) Davis
DAVIS, John Wesley Gov. (16 Apr 1779-22 Aug 1859): Sixth Territorial Governor appointed by President Pierce in 1853. Served as Governor of Oregon Territory December 2, 1853 to August 1, 1854 when he returned to Indiana.
*4: DAVIS, Laura Ann (1850-1867): d/o Isaac and Rebecca (Bond) Davis
DAVIS, Levi:
*15: DAVIS, Margaret Ann ( -1858): m'd 10 Sep 1847 MORTON, Gustin; d/o Thomas Davis
*4: DAVIS, Martha Luella (1852-1955): m'd ALKIRE, William Engle Francis; d/o Isaac and Rebecca (Bond) Davis
*15: DAVIS, Mary: m'd 10 Oct 1852 DAVIS, William R.; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: DAVIS, Nancy: m'd 11 Aug 1853 JENNINGS, Joseph C.; married on trail
*4: DAVIS, Nelson Albert Capt. (1826-1914): m'd 14 May 1846 BOND, Elizabeth; led party to Oregon; had reportedly traveled trail in previous years
*15: DAVIS, Polly L.: m'd 04 Apr 1839 JONES, Joseph M.:
*4: DAVIS, Rebecca Ann (1847-1913): m'd POWERS, William Luther; d/o Nelson and Elizabeth (Bond) Davis; buried Mount Vernon Pioneer Cemetery, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon
*15: DAVIS, Sarah: m'd 26 Feb 1816 DAVIS, Thomas; maiden name unknown at this time
*4: DAVIS, Susanna Olive (1853-1871): d/o Nelson and Elizabeth (Bond) Davis
*15: DAVIS, Thomas (1795- ): m 'd 26 Feb 1816 [ ], Sarah
*15: DAVIS, William R. (1832- ): m 'd 10 Oct 1852 [ ], Mary
*4: DAVIS, William N. (1849-1918): s/o Nelson and Elizabeth (Bond) Davis
DAWSON, Mahala: m'd HARRIS, [ ]
DEADMOND, Bluford (1815- ): m'd ADAMS, Emeline
*15: DEALEY, Ailcy Elizabeth (1812-1905): m'd 1850 RAY, William; settled Linn Co, OR; buried Providence Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
DEARBORN, Richard H. (1832- ): m'd FLINT, Helen
"DEARBORN, RICHARD H.--Born in Madison, Indiana, in 1832; came to Oregon and settled in Douglas County. Was the first county clerk of that county. Present residence, Salem; occupation saddler and harness-maker. Married Helen A. Flint, and has children Frank, Elizabeth, Eliza, Catherine, and Kichard." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 802]
DECKARD, Anderson (1814- ): m1. CORUM, Lydia; m3. 2874 LINCOLN, Mrs. Elizabeth A.
"DECKARD, ANDERSON--Born in Kentucky in 1814; came to Oregon, and settled in Linn County, on a farm eight miles south of Albany; now owns city property in that town. Has been justice of the peace for two years. Married Miss Lydia Corum, and by her has had eight children, only two of whom are now alive, namely Stephen A., and Susan. His wife died in 1869, and in 1873 he married Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lincoln." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 802]
DECKARD, Child1: c/o Anderson and Lydia (Corum) Deckard
DECKARD, Child2: c/o Anderson and Lydia (Corum) Deckard
DECKARD, Child3: c/o Anderson and Lydia (Corum) Deckard
DECKARD, Child4: c/o Anderson and Lydia (Corum) Deckard
DEHONEY, Emily (08 Nov 1817-11 Jun 1881): m1. 02 Aug 1836 MCGRAW, William Carroll; m2. 11 Apr 1849 CRABTREE, Isaac; m3. 08 Jun 1854 COX, Peter; second husband died on the trail June 18, 1853 of mountain fever
DELANEY, Sarah (1815- ): m'd 1834
; m2. JOHNSON, Charles; d/o Benjamin and Mary (Kellison) Delaney; first husband
died on trail on the Burnt River 15 Aug 1853; Sarah settled in Benton Co [photo
contributed by Sharon Hobart]
DELETTS, J. (1833- ): m'd 1883 PIKE, Ida
"DeLETTS, J.--Born in Ohio in 1833; came to Oregon when twenty years of age. The first few years of his residence in this State were spent in Curry and Coos counties. At the commencement of the Indian War of 1855-56 he took his family to Fort Orford for protection from Indians, who destroyed all his property. In 1857 he moved to Portland and worked at the blacksmithing trade for seven years. Left Portland in 1867 and went to Milwaukie, but moved to Washington County in 1870. Is now a blacksmith by trade, and resides at Beaverton; is notary public and justice of the peace. Married Miss Ida Pike in 1883, and has one child Maud." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 802]
DELPH, Mary Elizabeth "Polly" (15 Nov 1810-02 Sep 1882): m'd 06 Feb 1832 CORNUTT, Alfred Wesley; d/o John and Sophia (Shuler) Delph; buried Riddle Cemetery, Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: DENNING, Harriet Amanda: m'd 03 May 1854 HENDRIX, John
*15: DENNING, Job: m'd 12 Nov 1863 WRIGHT, Harriet M.
*15: DENNING, John H. (1824- ): m'd 05 Apr 1849 [ ], Rachel
*15: DENNING, Joseph (c1836- ):
*15: DENNING, Margaret E. (1837-1928): m'd 3 Sep 1857 BLACK, Francis Marion
*15: DENNING, Mary Elizabeth (c1828- ): m'd 02 Dec 1851 CAPPIOUS, George W.; d/o Stephen and Sarah (Donalson) Denning
*15: DENNING, Rachel: m'd 05 Apr 1849 DENNING, John H.; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: DENNING, Sarah J. (c1834- ):
DENNING, Stephen B. (1801- ):
'd DONALSON, Sarah
DENNY, Sarah E.: m'd 1850 GOLTRA, William H.
"GOLTRA, W. H.--Born in New Jersey in 1833; resided there until 1852; moved thence to Illinois, and after a short stay, set out for Oregon. In the next year he settled on a farm within eight miles of Albany. Was married in 1850 to Miss Sarah E. Denny, and by her has had four children, of whom, three are now living. In order to afford school facilities to his family he settled in Albany in 1874 and entered some time after in the agricultural implement trade. Owns a large amount of real estate in Linn County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 804]
DEVEE, John:
DEWEESE, Carlin Douglas (19 Jun 1840-1867): s/o George W. and Rachel (Davidson) Deweese; buried Tulocay Cemetery, Napa, Napa County, California
DEWEESE, George Washington (17 Oct 1817 - 09 Jun 1903): m'd 22 Jun 1837 DAVIDSON, Rachel; s/o Cornelius and Elizabeth Walker (Bell) Deweese; this family was all over the place; they were in Missouri in 1850; to Oregon in 1853; returned to Knox County, Illinois for 1860 census and by 1870 were in Napa County, California where they remained until their death; buried Tulocay Cemetery, Napa, Napa County, California
DEWEESE, Lorinda Salome (Apr 1852-18 Jan 1922): m'd 1871 ROBINSON, Beeby I.; d/o George W. and Rachel (Davidson) Deweese; buried Tulocay Cemetery, Napa, Napa County, California
DEWEESE, Margaret Elizabeth (07 Apr 1845-Apr 1864): d/o George W. and Rachel (Davidson) Deweese
DEWEESE, Sarah Frances (20 Feb 1843-21 Nov 1910): m'd 1865 TOWNSEND, Samuel; d/o George W. and Rachel (Davidson) Deweese; buried Tulocay Cemetery, Napa, Napa County, California
DEWEESE, William Edwin (18 Aug 1850-25 May 1907): m'd 08 Jun 1887 CHAPMAN, Nina California; s/o George W. and Rachel (Davidson) Deweese; buried Tulocay Cemetery, Napa, Napa County, California
DICKEY, Angeline (1844-1909): m'd 1858 STRANGE, Nathaniel Lowery; d/o John and Elizabeth (James) Dickey; (b. 5 Jan 1844, Jackson Co., MO; d. 15 Jan 1909, Oakesdale, Whitman Co, WA; married Nathaniel Lowery STRANGE, 17 Sep 1858 in Polk Co.; mother of ten children; Angeline and Nathaniel buried at Oakesdale Cemetery, Oakesdale, WA;
DICKEY, Francis Marion (1842- ): m'd RILEY, Lucinda (dau. of Columbus Cleveland RILEY); s/o John and Elizabeth (James) Dickey; b. Nov 1842; father of seven children; emigrated to California by 1870
DICKEY, I. C. (1832- ): m1. 1855 MILLER, F.; m2. 1870 STARR, M.J.; m3. PHILLIPS, Louisa M.
"DICKEY, I. C.--Born in Pennsylvania in 1832; came to Oregon in 1853; for some years worked alternately at cabinet-making and farming; and served several terms as recorder at Scio; was mayor of that town in 1877, and in 1878 was elected sheriff of Linn County. In 1881 became mayor of Albany. Is now chief of police at Albany. Married in 1855, Miss F. Miller, who died in 1869. By her he had four children Elva J., Ira C. (deceased), Minnie F., and Addie Bell. He contracted a second marriage in 1870 with Miss M. J. Starr, by whom he had three children Armelda J., Anna B., and Frank M. She died in 1879, and in 1881 he married Miss Louisa M. Phillips, and they have one child Ira Claude." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 802-3]
DICKEY, James N.:
DICKINSON, Obed Rev. (1818-1892): m'd 1852 HUMPHREY, Charlotte
DICKINSON, O.--Born in Massachusetts in 1818; moved to Michigan in 1836; came to Oregon by way of Cape Horn; settled in Salem after his arrival, and was pastor in the Congregational Church there for fourteen years after his arrival. He has been engaged in the seed business since 1865, and kept a nursery for twelve years; has twentyone acres of land in orchard and garden, and ships seeds to all parts of the Pacific Coast. Married Miss Charlotte Humphrey in 1852, and by her had several children, but one of whom Cora E. is now living. Mrs. Perry H. Raymond is his adopted daughter." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 803]
Daniel Henry (19 Oct 1844-20 Jan 1916): s/o Ziba
and Cynthia (Hall) Dimmick
DIMMICK, Harriet (07 Mar 1839-26 Oct 1932): d/o Ziba and Cynthia (Hall) Dimmick
DIMMICK, Hezekiah Russell (23 Apr 1842-30 Apr 1907): m'd 16 Dec 1860 COOPER, Anna Downie; s/o Ziba and Cynthia (Hall) Dimmick
DIMMICK, Mary Elizabeth (28 Jul 1852-17 Jun 1924): d/o Ziba and Cynthia (Hall) Dimmick
DIMMICK, Thomas Mason (20 Sep 1849-07 Jun 1930): s/o Ziba and Cynthia (Hall) Dimmick
DIMMICK, Ziba (05 Oct 1816-11 Nov 1878): m1. 12 Apr 1838 HALL , Cynthia Delight; m2. 21 Jul 1852 HEWITT, Jane; s/o Daniel and Rachael (Leonard) Dimmick; came to OR in 1847, returned east in 1848 where he is recorded as having a son in 1849; 1850 went to CA and returned east again in 1851; left for OR again in 1853 as Captain of a train accompanied by his second wife and 4 children from his first marriage; settled on the Umpqua River at Kellogg, Douglas Co, OR where he later died; buried Dimmick Cemetery, Douglas County, Oregon
DINWIDDIE, David T. (1816-1817 ): m'd
s/o Thomas and Mary Ann (Wilson) Dinwiddie;
raised in Indiana; settled in OR east of Harrisburg
DINWIDDIE, Harriet Amelia (1849- ): s/o David and Elsie (Hildreth) Dinwiddie
DINWIDDIE, Hugh D. (1812- ): a cousin of David
DINWIDDIE, James Turner (1845- ): s/o David and Elsie (Hildreth) Dinwiddie
DINWIDDIE, Joseph Milan (1851- ): m'd [ ], Laura E.; Joseph was born 04 Sep 1851 and died 28 Apr 1918; s/o David and Elsie (Hildreth) Dinwiddie; buried Jordan Valley Cemetery, Jordan Valley, Malheur Co, OR
DINWIDDIE, Martha Levica (1847- ): s/o David and Elsie (Hildreth) Dinwiddie
DINWIDDIE, Thomas Patterson (1828-1910): m'd 1858 HENDERSON, Martha M.; younger brother of David; s/o Thomas and Mary Ann (Wilson) Dinwiddie; buried in Brownsville Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
DITMARS, Abraham:DODGE, John:
DODSON, David Alexander (15 Mar 1851-19 Apr 1913): m1. 08 Dec 1873 DAVIS, Sarah E.; m2. 23 Dec 1875 PETTY, Ellen Sidney [divorced 1880]; m3. 1890 SIMPSON, Daisy Narcissa; s/o McMinn and Sarah (Cunningham) Dodson
DODSON, McMinn (21 Oct 1823-12 Jul 1892): m'd 09 May 1848 CUNNINGHAM, Sarah Drucilla; s/o Oliver and Elizabeth (Ely) Dodson; buried Salt Creek Cemetery, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon
"DODSON, McMINN.--Born in McMinn County, Tennessee, in 1823; came to Oregon and settled at Salt Creek, Polk County, which is still his place of residence; occupation, farming. In Tennessee, May 9, 1848, he was married to Sarah D. Cunningham, and their children s names are Z. T., David D., Henry C., Oliver M., Theodore W., Sarah E., Ellen A., and Schuyler C." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 803]
DODSON, Zachariah Taylor (09 May 1849-12 Oct 1930): m'd 26 Feb 1881 JACKSON, Frances Virginia; s/o McMinn and Sarah (Cunningham) Dodson
DOTY, Amanda (1840- ): d/o John and Julia (Daniels) Doty; father died and children emigrated with their mother and stepfather (Mordecai and Julia Kennedy) to Oregon
DOTY, John Henry (1842- ): s/o John and Julia (Daniels) Doty; father died and children emigrated with their stepfather and mother (Mordecai and Julia Kennedy) to Oregon
DOTY, Martha Ann (1833- ): d/o John and Julia (Daniels) Doty; father died and children emigrated with their mother and stepfather (Mordecai and Julia Kennedy) to Oregon
DOTY, Mary Jane (1835- ): d/o John and Julia (Daniels) Doty; father died and children emigrated with their mother and stepfather (Mordecai and Julia Kennedy) to Oregon
DOTY, Reuben (1837- ): s/o John and Julia (Daniels) Doty; father died and children emigrated with their mother and stepfather (Mordecai and Julia Kennedy) to Oregon
DOUTHIT, James H.:
DOWNING, George S. (1836-1916): m'd 1857 EVANS, Missouri; s/o Alexander and Elizabeth (Burns) Downing
DRAKE, Riley V. (1833- ): m'd JOHNSON, Sarah J.
DRAPER, Reuben:
DRINKWATER, Amanda (15 Oct 1840-30 Nov 1908): m'd 20 Sep 1860 MCGEE, Joshua; d/o William and Nancy (White) Drinkwater, settled Marion County
DRINKWATER, Beulah (02 Apr 1819-14 Feb 1905): m'd 1846 RIGGS, Thomas Jefferson; settled Polk County, buried Etna Cemetery, Crowley, Polk County, Oregon, mother of 8 children (Sarah Ann, Cass, Grace, Pierce, Emma, Seth Scott and Breese)
DRINKWATER, Frances (1837-17 Jan 1872): m'd 06 Mar 1855 LEE, Reuben Henry, d/o William and Nancy (White) Drinkwater, settled Marion County
DRINKWATER, James H. (Mar 1847-aft 1870): s/o William and Nancy (White) Drinkwater, settled Marion County
DRINKWATER, Martha (01 Mar 1842-10 Feb 1885): m'd 08 Jul 1860 MCGEE, Robert; d/o William and Nancy (White) Drinkwater, settled Marion County
DRINKWATER, Marthana (02 Oct 1838-04 May 1893): m'd LEE, James W.; d/o William and Nancy (White) Drinkwater, settled Marion County
DRINKWATER, Robert Ingersol (31 Aug 1845-07 Apr 1924): m'd 1878 EDWARDS, Sarah E.: s/o William and Nancy (White) Drinkwater, settled Marion County
DRINKWATER, William (c1811- 01 Nov 1870): m. 24 May 1836 WHITE, Nancy, s/o Robert and Fannah (Walker) Drinkwater; settled Marion County
DRISCOLL, Nancy Jane (1808-1889): m'd 1832 UMPHREY, Thomas Henry; d/o John and Catherine (Morris) Driskill Sr.; buried Albany Masonic Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
*15: DRURY, John (1843-1899): s/o William and Elizabeth (Robinson) Drury
*15: DRURY, Magorah Lucinda (1849-1910): m'd 29 Sep 1868 WALLACE, William; d/o William and Elizabeth (Robinson) Drury
*15: DRURY, Mary Louise (1848-1925): m'd 10 Apr 1869 SAUNDERS, Columbus; d/o William and Elizabeth (Robinson) Drury
*15: DRURY, Parthena Elizabeth (1853- ): m'd WALKER, William Henry; d/o William and Elizabeth (Robinson) Drury
*15: DRURY, Robert (1805-1889):
*15: DRURY, Sarah Jane (1847-1869): m'd 28 Feb 1867 RUSSELL, Silas; d/o William and Elizabeth (Robinson) Drury
*15: DRURY, Simeon (1845-1905): m'd 03 Oct 1872 WALKER, Rachel Viola; s/o William and Elizabeth (Robinson) Drury
*15: DRURY, William B. (1811-1882): m'd May 1841 ROBINSON, Elizabeth
*15: DRURY, William Robert (1851- ): m'd 11 Mar 1876 RIGGS, Margaret; s/o William and Elizabeth (Robinson) Drury
DUKES, Martin:
DUKES, Sampson:
DUNCAN, John (1845-1932): m'd 1877 FARWELL, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Jubilee and Elizabeth (Messersmith) Duncan; came to OR with mother and stepfather, John Isom
DUNLAP, Caroline Cock:
DUPUIS, Nicholas: reportedly was in the Oregon Territory at Astoria in 1813, returned east and married and emigrated again in 1853 with his family; settled in Umatilla Co
EAGLE, Barbary (1790-1866): m1. 05 Apr 1809 HAPTONSTALL, Abraham III; m2. 23 Jul 1855 LIGGETT, Alexander; born 15 Jan 1790 Greenbrier Co, WV and died 15 Sep 1866 Benton Co, OR; mother of 11 children (Rachel, Henry, William, Elizabeth, Samuel, Mary, George, Abigail, Harriet Bright, Margaret and Jesse B.)
*15: EASTABROOK, Bradbury (1808- ): m 'd 16 Dec 1830 [ ], Clarinda
*15: EASTABROOK, Charles (c1842- ): s/o Bradbury and Clarinda Eastabrook
*15: EASTABROOK, Clarinda:: m 'd 16 Dec 1830 EASTABROOK, Bradbury; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: EASTABROOK, Eliza (1836-1884): m'd HENRY, Anson; d/o Bradbury and Clarinda Eastabrook
"HENRY, ANSON B.--Born in Cattaraugus County, New York, in 1836. Settled near Lafayette, in Yamhill County, and tilled the soil. Was superintendent of public schools for a time. Married Eliza Eastabrooks in 1857, and their children s names are Lavinia E., Phoebe C., Mary E., Milton A., Franklin B., Robinson, Alfred F., Anson B., Nellie I., and Charles C. Mr. Henry died in 1882, and his widow, May 30, 1884. Mrs. Henry was born in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, near Towanda, March 19, 1836. With her parents, three sisters and five brothers, she came to Illinois in 1844; thence to Oregon in 1853, overland." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 769]
*15: EASTABROOK, Emily (c1852- ): d/o Bradbury and Clarinda Eastabrook
*15: EASTABROOK, John (c1840- ): s/o Bradbury and Clarinda Eastabrook
*15: EASTABROOK, William (c1848- ): s/o Bradbury and Clarinda Eastabrook
*15: EATON, Alexander (1831-1908): m1. 01 Sep 1850 CATON, Frances; m2. 23 Jan 1890 SAVAGE, Jane
*15: EATON, Amanda:
*15: EATON, Charles (c1850- ):
*15: EATON, John J. (1838- ):
"John J. Eaton--The subject of this sketch, a fiew of whose residence appears in this work, was born in Blount county, Tennessee, November 12, 1838, which, however, he left when but seven years of age and accompanied his parents to Jackson county, Missouri, where he resided until 1853. In that year, accompanied by his father, mother, two sisters and five brothers, he crossed the plains to Oregon with ox-teams, and coming direct to Lane county, located in the Pleasant Hill district and there was occupied in agricultural pursuits for ten years. At the expiration of that period, namely, in 1863, he removed to the terriotory of Idaho where he embarked in mining operations for about eight years, when, returning to Lane county, and to Pleasant Hill, he there continued until the month of April, 1880, at which time he took up his residence at Junction City and commenced the livery business he now conducts.: [An Illustrated History of Lane County, Oregon by Albert G. Walling p. 483]
*15: EATON, Joseph (c1847- )
*15: EATON, Thomas J. (c1845- ):
*15: EATON, William (c1848- ):
*15: EATON, William G. (1817-1902): m1. 1845 [ ], Mary; m2. HENDRICKS, Annie
ECKLES, Mary E.: m'd 1845 BURBANK, A. R.
"BURBANK, A, R.--Born in Ohio in 1817; lived mostly in Illinois until 1849, and then went to California; returned to the States in 1851 and came to Oregon in 1853. He spent some years subsequently in Washington Territory, returning finally to Oregon in 1867. Has held various public offices, to wit: Was -a member of the Legislature in 1855, and again in 1859, I860, 1861, and 1862; was deputy collector of revenue for three years. Mr. Burbank was president of the council of Washington Territory in 1861 and 1862. Was married in 1845 to Miss Mary E. Eckles, by whom he had a daughter, who was drowned at Ilwaco, Washington Territory. His present residence is Lafayette., Yamhill County; occupation, capitalist." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 797]
EDWARDS, America F.(1817-1885): m1. 1838 SMITH, James D.; m2. 1858 PEARCE, Greenberry C.
*15: ELLIOTT, Elijah (c1817- ): m'd 1839 MCALL, Mary; emigrated to CA in 1849, moved into Oregon in 1850 and sent for his family; went out to meet them
*15: ELLIOTT, Harvey Hill (1845-1926): s/o Elijah and Mary (McCall) Elliott
*15: ELLIOTT, Henderson (1847-1916): m1. 23 Mar 1873 MILLER, Theodocia; m2. Bringle, Mrs Lena (STOOPS); s/o Elijah and Mary (McCall) Elliott
*15: ELLIOTT, Margaret Ann (1844-1913): m'd 06 May 1860 HENDRICKS, Benjamin F.; d/o Elijah and Mary (McCall) Elliott
*15: ELLIOTT, Mary Jane (1841-1884): d/o Elijah and Mary (McCall) Elliott
ELLISON, Elizabeth Julia (1833-1894): m'd 1851 GOLTRA, Nelson
ELLMAKER, Enos (1807 - ): m'd 1840 FISHER, Elizabeth
ELY, Charles M. (1852- ) s/o Philologus and Amanda (Mansfield) Ely
ELY, Philologus (1826-1893): m'd 23 Jan 1851 MANSFIELD, Amanda; born 19 Aug 1826 Clairborne Co, TN and died 06 Jan 1893 Athena, Umatilla Co, OR; buried Blue Mountain Cemetery, Weston, Umatilla Co, OR; father of seven children (Charles M., George W., Mary A., Frances E., Susanna E., James F. and Rosella L.)
ENSLEY, Francis M.: c/o Solomon and Elizabeth
(BUTTS) Ensley
ENSLEY, Louisa: d/o Solomon and Elizabeth (BUTTS) Ensley
ENSLEY, Marshal N.: s/o Solomon and Elizabeth (BUTTS) Ensley
ENSLEY, Solomon: m'd c1848 Poland (BUTTS) Elizabeth Jane
ENSMINGER, Delila (1827-20 Oct 1914): m'd 06 Mar 1842 CASON, Hillery' buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
EPPERLY, John (1829- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Louisa C.
ERB, Phoebe J.: m'd 1869 WALKER, Minus
*15: ESLICK, Samuel: (1834- ) : m'd 28 Apr 1853 KOGER, Mary Katherine
ESTES, John:
EVANS, Isaac Capt.: emigrant of 1849 and 1851; traveled with 12 persons, 4 wagons, 25 handsome horses; left April 20 and arrived in Sacramento July 4
FARLEY, Mr.; single, driver for Joseph Leonard, died soon after arrival in Oregon
*15: FARNER, Maria/Mariah (1821-1898): m'd BOWERS, Solomon; buried in Luper Cemetery, Cottage Grove, OR
FARRAR, William Humphrey (20 Nov 1828-21 Nov 1873): s/o William and Trphena (Bergin) Farrar; buried Mount Oliver Cemetery, Washington, D.C
"Attorney and Portland mayor, was born in New Hampshire. Following the study of law and admittance to practice, he was appointed from Mass., as territorial district attorney for Oregon, 1853. Later he practiced law in Portland with William W. Page and David Logan, and was a member of the Oregon Constitutional convention, 1857. He was mayor of Portland from 1862 to 1863, moving to Washington, D. C. for the further practice of law. There he died ten years later." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 82]
FARRENS, Amanda A. (1849-1861): d/o
John and Nancy
(Hickson/Hixon) Farrens
FARRENS, Eleanor: m'd ROBY, Reason; d/o John and Nancy (Hickson/Hixon) Farrens
FARRENS, James K. Polk (1845- ): m'd , Lois Malinda s/o John and Nancy (Hickson/Hixon) Farrens; divorced by 1905
FARRENS (aka FARNS, FARNES), John H. (1791-1864): m'd 1821 HICKSON (aka HIXON), Nancy Emeline; fought in the war of 1812
FARRENS, Johnathan Francis Marion (1841- ): m'd 1862 Finly, Eliza Ann; s/o John and Nancy (Hickson/Hixon) Farrens; settled in Marion Co; by 1880 was living in Umatilla Co
FARRENS, Mary J.: m'd 1852 THOMAS, Erastus N.
"THOMAS, E. N.--Born in Ohio in 1829; went to Iowa in 1848, and five years later to Oregon. Settled in Douglas County and resided there until 1862. Participated in the Rogue River Indian war of 1855-56, being a member of Captain Rinearson's company. Located in Jefferson, Marion County, in 1862, and still resides there. Has been in the mercantile business for twenty years. Is now in partnership with his son, J. A. Thomas. Married in 1852 to Miss Mary J. Farrens. They have three children Joseph A., Florence, and Emma." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 822]
*15: FARRIS, Oelna (c1851- ): d/o Thomas and Susan Farris
*15: FARRIS, Susan T.: m'd 20 Feb 1835 FARRIS, Thomas, maiden name unknown at this time
*15: FARRIS, William P. (c1837- ): s/o Thomas and Susan Farris
*15: FARRIS, Thomas (1811- ): m'd 20 Feb 1835 FARRIS, Thomas:
FELL, John:
FELLER, Peter (1820- ): m'd 1848 NOTENURE, Annie
"FELLER, PETER--Born in France, in 1820. Came to Oregon and settled at Oregon City; present residence, two miles south of Butteville, and occupation, farmer. He married Annie Notenure in 1848, and their children are, two sons and four daughters." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 803]
*15: FERGUSON, Lydia (c1851- ): d/o William and Sarah Ferguson
*15: FERGUSON, Myron (1853- ): s/o William and Sarah Ferguson; born on trail
*15: FERGUSON, Sarah Jane (c1822- ): m'd Nov 1849 FERGUSON, William F.; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: FERGUSON, William F. (1822- ): m'd Nov 1849 [ ], Sarah Jane
*11: FERRIS, John: member of Butler party
*15: FICKLE, Abner (04 Apr 1803-03 Apr 1892): m1. 1826 CONLEY, Susan; m2. 1873 HAWES, Mrs. Survina L. (DOWNEY); buried Gingles Cemetery, Benton County, Oregon
"FICKLE, ABNER--Born in Virginia in 1803, and when twenty-two years old went to Missouri. In 1848 went to Texas, and five years later came to Oregon; now resides at Buena Vista, and is a farmer. Married Miss Susan Codley (sic), and by her has had eight children, of whom four are living, viz. Mehala B., Robert C., Mary A., and Mary J. Mrs. Fickle died in 1870, and in 1873 he married Mrs. S. L. Hawes." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 803]
*15: FICKLE, Lydia (1840-Dec 1864): m'd 1858 TAYLOR, Stephen; d/o Abner and Susan (Conley) Fickle; burial unknown
FICKLE, Mary Amney (25 Nov 1835-20 Jul 1894): m'd 01 Jan 1851 JOHNSON, Henry; d/o Abner and Susan (Conley) Fickle; went to California in 1853 and to Oregon in 1854; buried Palestine Cemetery, Palestine, Benton County, Oregon
*15: FICKLE, Robert C. (25 Sep 1833-27 Feb 1910): s/o Abner and Susan (Conley) Fickle; buried Deer Creek Cemetery, Selma, Josephine County, Oregon
*15: FICKLE, Sarah Jane (1838-15 Mar 1931); m'd 10 Jul 1855 WALTON, John Davenport; d/o Abner and Susan (Conley) Fickle; buried Mountain View Cemetery, San Bernadino, San Bernadino County, California
*15: FICKLE, Vernetta Ann (1830-18 Oct 1859): d/o Abner and Susan (Conley) Fickle; buried Gingles Cemetery, Benton County, Oregon
*15: FIDLER, Antoinette (1847-1918): m'd 14 Jul 1869 DePeatt, Edward; d/o George and Jane (Strain) Fidler
*15: FIDLER, George Francis (1812- ): m'd 06 Nov 1836 STRAIN, Jane; went to California in 1850, returned east and brought family out in 1853
*15: FIDLER, James S.: cut off for California; brother of George
*15: FIDLER, Mary Louisa: d/o George and Jane (Strain) Fidler
*15: FIDLER, Minerva Victoria (c1845- ): m'd SMITH, Edwin; d/o George and Jane (Strain) Fidler
*15: FIDLER, William W. (1837-1929): s/o George and Jane (Strain) Fidler
FINNEY, Sarah M. (1810-1898): m'd HOGUE, James Parks; emigrated to Oregon with husband, 2 sons and 5 daughters; a married daughter, Rebecca (Hogue) Layton emigrated to Oregon with her husband and children in 1847; a son, Harvey A. Hogue emigrated to Oregon in 1851; settled in Linn county and is buried at Riverside Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
FISH, Sarah "Sally" (1810- ): m'd GILMORE, Alexander Hamilton; cut off for CA
FISK, Leonard:
FISK, William Avery (1805- ): m'd 1825 BUTTON, Cynthia; was a member of the Elliot Train; settled in Lane Co
*15: FISK, William Marion (1834-1899): m'd 13 Apr 1864 MCDANIEL, Mary Elizabeth; s/o William and Cynthia (Button) Fisk; parents did not take cutoff
FITCH, Lavinia: m'd STRATTON, Curtis P.
"STRATTON, CURTIS P.--Born in New York December 31, 1800; came to Oregon in 1853. Wife s previous name, Lavinia Fitch. Children Riley E. (deceased, formerly chief justice of the State), Batania (deceased), Delia, Carroll C. (now president of the University of the Pacific at Santa Clara, California), Victoria, Horace F., Milton A., Laura M., Augusta J., Julius A. (attorney at law, and at present superintendent of the State Penitentiary), and Irene H. Mr. Stratton died at Salem in February, 1874." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 821]
FITZPATRICK, John (1825- ): m'd 1851 VEGHTE, Rachel
*20: FITZWILLIAM, Earl: mentioned as having passed in the company of a captain in the america army to Salt Lake
FLANARY, Elijah (1819- ): m'd 1840 [ ], Tabitha L.
FLANARY, Tabitha L. (1822- ): m'd 1840 FLANARY, Elijah
"FLANNERY, MRS. T. L.--Born in Jasper County, Missouri, in 1822, and came to Oregon, settling near Perrydale, in Polk County. Occupation, farming. She married Elijah Flannery in 1840, by whom she had John, Henry, Joel, and Martha," [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 803]
FLEENER, James (1823- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Susan A.
FLEMING, Mary E.: m'd 1848 SMITH, Hiram
"SMITH, HIRAM--Born in Ray County, Missouri, in 1821 ; lived in that State until thirty-two years of age; then crossed the plains, with ox-teams, to Oregon; he brought with him five wagons, thirty yoke of oxen, two hundred loose cattle, and twelve horses. On arriving in Oregon he settled in Lane County, and followed stock-raising and farming ten years. Moved to Harrisburg in 1863; went into merchandising, and built the present flouring mill in that town; subsequently opened a dry goods store at Junction, and a saw mill at Coburg, conducting all those occupations at the same time. Mr. Smith was a candidate for Congress in 1873; was a delegate to the national Republican convention at Baltimore, in 1864, which nominated Abraham Lincoln; also a delegate to the national convention, in 1872, at Philadelphia, which re-nominated U. S. Grant. Several times Mr. Smith has been nominated for State offices, but has been defeated, as the Republicans in Lane County have always been in the minority. He has owned land to the amount of three thousand acres at one time, and is now proprietor of the Harrisburg saw and flouring mills. Was married, in 1848, to Miss Mary E. Fleming, of Platte County, Missouri." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 819]
FLINT, Thomas Dr.: cutoff for CA
*15: FLORENCE, Albert (1811- ): m'd 1833 [ ], Catherine
*15: FLORENCE, Catherine (1815- ): m'd 1833 FLORENCE, Albert; maiden name not known at this time
FLOURNOY, Hoy Bernard (c1793-1871): m'd BRINGAR, Mary; emigrated in 1845 and was in CA during the gold rush; returned to MO with $10,000 and gathered his family together; emigrated again in 1853; settled in Douglas County where he died
FLOURNOY, Jones H. (c1833- ): m'd 1865 DIXON, Arminda
FLOURNOY, Mary Ann (1843- ): m'd WARD, Frazier
FLOURNOY, Pauline B.: m'd NEWTON, Ambrose
FLOURNOY, Roland (c1837- ): m'd 1864 GAGE, Mary Elizabeth
FLOURNOY, Roy ( -c1853): killed by and Indian arrow shortly after arrival in Douglas Co
FLOURNOY, Thomas (c1827- ):
Also See: Flowers Family
Historical Society
*15: FLOWERS, Mary Jane: m'd 01 May 1864 FITZHUGH, Joseph S.; d/o Samuel and Susan (Cummings) Flowers; took Elliott Cutoff, member of lost train of 1853
*15: FLOWERS, Samuel Bowman (1821-1915): m'd 10 Sep 1844 CUMMINGS, Susan Hannah; took Elliott Cutoff, member of lost train of 1853
FORBES, David:
FORD, Elizabeth (1838-1902): m'd 1856 BELL, John J.; mother of 12 children; husband went back east to fight in Civil War, returned later
FORD, Robert (1832- ): m1. CAHOON, Lydia; m2. 1860
"FORD, ROBERT--Born in Illinois in 1832, came to Oregon and located in Washington County, but afterwards resided in Polk and Bentou counties. Was mainly engaged in the stock business. Purchased a livery stable in Dallas. In 1883, in company with J. W. Minto, he bought a livery and feed stable in Salem, and in 1884 purchased his partner's interest. Residence, Salem. Married to Lydia Cahoon, who died in 1859, leaving two children Thomas J., and Cynthia. Married again in I860, and has these children James M., Mary F., Jessie G., John H., Robert R., Milton R., F. M., Daisy L., and G. L." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 804]
FORD, William:
*14: FOREMAN, Antress (Jun 1819-Jan 1872): m'd15 Oct 1839 BARNARD, Elijan Patterson
FOSTER, Harrison:
FOSTER, Robert: m'd FROMAN, Hannah F.; brother of James and John Foster who were emigrants of 1850
*20: FOTHERGILL, John: Fothergill Diary "With Man and Beast on the Oregon Trail", edited by Rex Morgan, The Runciman Press, Manly, Australia 1993
FRAKES, Sarah (1822-1872): m'd 03 May 1840 MANSFIELD, John C.; d/o Alexander and Elizabeth Frakes; born 1822 Galesburg, Warren Co, IL; died 1872 Lane Co or Wheeler Co, OR; mother of ten children (Elizabeth, Harriet, Alexander, James, Caroline, Henry, Ruth, Thomas, Sarah Ellen and Flora)
FRANCIS, Theodosia (1811 -1865): m'd BUTTS,
Dr. Stephen Benjamin Josiah; d/o John and Sarah (Blakeslee) Francis; died in Portland,
buried in Woodland, WA with her husband
FRANK, Frances:
FRANK, Jane (1837-1910): m'd CONDIT, Cyrenius
*15: FRANKLIN, Emily Adams (1818-1896): m'd 15 Oct 1835 WATSON, James
FRAZER, John A.: 1828- ): m'd 1858
FRAZER, Lucian Bonaparte (1833- ) : m'd 1856 CAMPBELL, Elizabeth Amanda; father of 13 children; had ODLC for Yamhill Co; buried in Bethel Cemetery, Polk Co, OR
*15: FREDERICK, M. (c1820- ): m'd 02 May 1853 WARNER, Elizabeth;
FREELAND, Benjamin:
FREELAND, Edward A.:
FREEMAN, Hezekiah (1846-1864):
FREEMAN, James Calvin (1841- ): m'd 1872 HETZER, Mary Quinn
FREEMAN, John (1808- ): m'd 1806 [], Highly; s/o John and Anna/Amey [] Freeman
FREEMAN, John A. (1838- ): m'd 1876 KELSEY, Mary Francis
*15: FREEMAN, Maria L. (c1821-1887):
FREEMAN, Ransom (1835- ): m'd Shutt (LOUDERMILK), Mary Louvina;
FREEMAN, Ruth Caroline (1844- ): m'd 1860 MCCULLOCH, James Carl;
*15: FREEMAN, Sarah G. (1823-1909): m'd 14 Aug 1854 BARCLAY, Isaac
FREEMAN, William L. (1833- ):
*15: FREY, Susanna Catherine (1815-1896): m'd 23 Jun 1836 MATLOCK, Edward Lane
*19: FRICK, Mr.:
FRIEND, Alexander (1850-1907): m'd LAWLER, Serena E.; s/o Miles and Martha (Gholson) Friend
FRIEND, Angelina (1848-1918): m'd 1874 MERCHANT, Joseph; d/o Miles and Martha (Gholson) Friend
FRIEND, Columbus (1845-1901): m'd c1887 CROOKS, Henrietta; s/o Miles and Martha (Gholson) Friend
FRIEND, Jasper Newton (1849-1914): m'd 1874 FORGY, Pena; s/o Miles and Martha (Gholson) Friend
FRIEND, Miles Berry (1818-1855): m'd 1841 GHOLSON, Martha Caroline; wife reportedly remarried in 1854, unsure if Miles came to Oregon
FRYREAR, John Burr (1833-1919): m'd 1858 BERRY, Elizabeth Frances; wife was an emigrant of 1852; both are buried in Camp Polk Cemetery, Sisters, OR
FULLER, Esquire Alvin (1827-1858): m'd 1849 BENTLEY, Elizabeth Jane
FULLER, George L. (c1832- ):
FULLER, Joel (1803- ): m'd 1824 [ ], Rebecca B.
GABY, Elijah:
*15: GALE, Elias (c1840- ): s/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Garrison) Gale
*15: GALE, Henry Harrison (1846-1879): s/o William and Rebecca (Jones) Gale
*15: GALE, James Newton (1831-1889) : m'd c1851 COONROD, Nancy Ann; m2. 07 Sep 1859 KINCAID, Elizabeth Maria; s/o William and Rebecca (Jones) Gale
*15: GALE, Joseph A. (c1847- ): s/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Garrison) Gale
*15: GALE, Joseph M. (c1798- ): m'd GARRISON, Elizabeth
*15: GALE, Joseph Marion (1836-1913): m'd 04 Apr 1865 MOODY, Eliza Jane (later divorced); m2. c1901 [ ], Isabelle; s/o William and Rebecca (Jones) Gale
*15: GALE, Martha Jane (1826-1903): m'd 10 Jan 1847HOCKERSMITH, Jackson Smith; d/o William and Rebecca (Jones) Gale
*15: GALE, Melissa Everett (1833-1853): m'd KENNEDY, John P.; d/o William and Rebecca (Jones) Gale; died on Green River in childbirth 16 Jul 1853
*15: GALE, Phebe Ann (1844-1871): m'd 05 Jul 1866 FOLSOM, Fredrick W.; d/o William and Rebecca (Jones) Gale
*15: GALE, Rebecca Elizabeth (1841-1873): m'd 12 Apr 1866 WALTON, Joshua Jones; d/o William and Rebecca (Jones) Gale
*15: GALE, Thomas Moore (1848-1878): m'd 29 Apr 1872 COOK, Clara C.; s/o William and Rebecca (Jones) Gale
*15: GALE, William (1803-1881): m'd 17 Apr 1825 JONES, Rebecca Elizabeth
*15: GALE, William Jones (1828-1859): s/o William and Rebecca (Jones) Gale
*15: GALE, William R. (c1843- ): s/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Garrison) Gale
*15: GALE, Zachariah T. (c1845- ): s/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Garrison) Gale
GANNAWAY, Jane A. (1799-1870): m'd 1815 GHOLSON, Benjamin F.
GANSER, George:
*7: GARCIA, Jesus: employee in the Edward F. Beale party to CA
*15: GARDNER, [ ]: accompanied Joseph Lyman and another young man in attempt to get food and assistance
GARDNER, Amanda (1833- ): m'd 1870 JOHNSON, Benjamin
*15: GARDNER, Stephen B. (1831- ):
*15: GARDNER, William P. (1834- ): m'd 31 Mar 1867 CANADY, Hannah E.
GARRETT, Esther Jane (1847- ): m'd 1863 WELLS, Charles Burton
*15: GARRETT, Jane: m'd GARRETT, Robert; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: GARRETT, John B.: s/o Robert and Jane Garrett
*15: GARRETT, Johnson F. (1834-1887): m'd 1864 PORTER, Martha A.; bur Oak Ridge Cemetery, Benton Co, OR; s/o Robert and Jane Garrett
*15: GARRETT. Melissa (c1845- ): m'd MASON, Caleb W.; d/o Robert and Jane Garrett
*15: GARRETT, Moses (1846- ): m'd 1866 INLOW, Elizabeth Frances; s/o Robert and Jane Garrett
*15: GARRETT, Phoebe: m'd 15 Apr 1846 GARRETT, Thomas; maiden name unknown at this time; husband emigrated in 1851
*15: GARRETT, Robert (1803- ): m'd 1827 [ ], Jane ; emigrant of 1851, returned east and brought family west in 1853
*15: GARRETT, Robert M. (1840- ): m'd 1877 THORNTON, Sarah Ellen; s/o Robert and Jane Garrett
*15: GARRETT, Thomas: m'd [ ], Phoebe; emigrant of 1851, went to meet wife and family in 1853; s/o Robert and Jane Garrett;
*15: GARRETT, Warren W. (1832-1870): m'd 1853 GRAY, Melissa; s/o Robert and Jane Garrett
*15: GARRISON, Elizabeth (c1812- ): m'd GALE, Joseph M.
GASH, Oliver Perry:
GAUNT, Harden H.:
GAUNT, James H.:
GAUNT, Samuel D. (1830- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Rebecca
GEROW, Johnathan F.:
GHOLSON, Benjamin F. (1793 - 1856): m'd 1815 GANNAWAY, Jane A.:
GHOLSON, Edmond Francis (1834-1918): m'd 1854 EARNEST, Martha Ann; s/o Benjamin and Jane (Gannaway) Gholson
GHOLSON, Eliza Jane (1836-1905): m'd 1854 HAMILTON, William C.; d/o Benjamin and Jane (Gannaway) Gholson
GHOLSON, Elizabeth M. (1816-1869): m'd 1834 NAUGHT, John E.; d/o Benjamin and Jane (Gannaway) Gholson
GHOLSON, Emily Jerusha (1844-1877): m'd 1860 STIPP, Hezekiah S.; d/o Benjamin and Jane (Gannaway) Gholson
GHOLSON, James Walker (1842-1894): m'd 1877 PRICE, Martha; s/o Benjamin and Jane (Gannaway) Gholson
GHOLSON, Lydia Gannaway (1832-1891): m'd 1854 MCQUEEN Sr, George Henry; d/o Benjamin and Jane (Gannaway) Gholson
GHOLSON, Martha Caroline (1822-1887): m'd 1841 FRIEND, Miles Berry; m2. 1854 PITNEY, Cyrus; d/o Benjamin and Jane (Gannaway) Gholson
GHOLSON, Minerva W. (1824-1901): m'd ROSS, Joseph P. d/o Benjamin and Jane (Gannaway) Gholson
GHOLSON, Rosanna (1839-1901): m'd 1856 DAR, Absolom; d/o Benjamin and Jane (Gannaway) Gholson
GIBBS, Winfield Scott (1833-1923): m'd 1863 HENDERSON, Keziah; bur Bellfountain Cemetery, Benton Co, OR
GIESE, Ernest:
*15: GILHAM, Levi: believed to have come with the Hamilton family
*15: GILLIS, Euphrasia Ann: m'd KELSAY, Burton; d/o Francis ( ) Gillis Eaton; accompanied mother and stepfather
*15: GILLIS, William: s/o Francis ( ) Gillis Eaton; accompanied mother and stepfather
GILMORE, Alexander Hamilton (1808- ):
m'd FISH, Sarah
after living in Grant Co, WI for 20 years they set out on the Oregon
the family cut off for CA and settled in Siskiyou Co where they again
up farming
GILMORE, John Hamilton (1836- ): s/o Alexander and Sarah (Fish) Gilmore; cut off for CA
GILMORE, Henry Clay (1841- ): s/o Alexander and Sarah (Fish) Gilmore; cut off for CA
GILMORE, William Arunia (1839- ): s/o Alexander and Sarah (Fish) Gilmore; cut off for CA
GODLEY, Calvin C. (1812- ): m'd 1837 [ ], Martha W.
*15: GODLEY, Henry Dix (1838-1916): nephew of Mrs. William Gray; started west with them but fell out with Gray and joined Pleasant Noland party
"GODLEY, HENRY D.--Mr, Godley was born in Tonipkins County, New York, June 4, 1838. At sixteen years of age he came across the plains with his parents and an uncle, W. H. Gray. He settled in Linn County, and, in 1858, commenced in the hardware business in Albany, remaining there until 1880, when he moved to Independence and H established himself in his former business, which he is yet engaged in. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, and of the orders of Odd Fellows and Chosen Friends. Was married in Albany, April 28, 1864, to Miss Sarah G. Parrish, and to them the following named children have been born Fred. C., Anna C., Maggie and Lucy." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 827] Note: listed in the publication as pioneer of 1854.
GOLDEN, John: m'd PARROTT, Jane; founded Goldendale, WA
GOLTRA, Nelson (1829-1859): m'd 1851 ELLISON, Elizabeth Julia
GOLTRA, William Harris (1834- ): m'd 1850 DENNY, Sarah E.; MSS #1508 4pp reminiscence
"GOLTRA, W. H.--Born in New Jersey in 1833; resided there until 1852; moved thence to Illinois, and after a short stay, set out for Oregon. In the next year he settled on a farm within eight miles of Albany. Was married in 1850 to Miss Sarah E. Denny, and by her has had four children, of whom, three are now living. In order to afford school facilities to his family he settled in Albany in 1874 and entered some time after in the agricultural implement trade. Owns a large amount of real estate in Linn County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 804]
GOODELL, Oliver Perry:
*3: GOODLIN, David: s/o John and Mary Goodlin
*3: GOODLIN, Eliza (1834- ): m'd ULLARY, John; d/o John and Mary Goodlin
*3: GOODLIN, James: s/o John and Mary Goodlin
*3" GOODLIN, John: m'd [ ], Mary
*3: GOODLIN, John: s/o John and Mary Goodlin
*3: GOODLIN, Mary: m'd GOODLIN, John
GOODMAN, Charles (1800- ): m'd [ ], Amy
GOODMAN, Elizabeth Jane (1832-1903): m'd 1856 SHIPLEY, Robert
GOODWIN, Moses E. (1820-24 Jan 1871): m'd 1847 MORSE, Aura M.; s/o William and Ruth Goodwin; buried Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
"Pendleton town founder, was born in Illinois, and in 1853 came to Washington Territory, and to the Umatilla country in 1863. Here he located where the business section of Pendleton now stands and in 1864 opened a tavern. He built a toll bridge across the Umatilla River. Through his efforts and those of G. W. Bailey, only other resident on the Goodwin tract, the old county seat was changed from Umatilla City in 1868. Goodwin's farm was chosen as the new location, and at the suggestion of Bailey, who was county judge, the county commissioners named the place Pendleton. Goodwin married Aura Morse in 1848; they had two [sic-three] children." [Distionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 101]
GORIG, Francis N.:
*3: GRAGG, Anna (1787-1856): m'd 27 Dec1808 HENKLE, Jacob;Anna was born 18 May 1787 Pendleton Co, VA and died 28 Apr 1856 Benton Co, OR; motherof nine children (Ichabod B., Sidney, Harriet, Mary (1814-1815), Christine, Mary (1822-1908), Jacob Jr., Andrew Jackson and William); Jacob is buried at Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Benton Co, OR; Anna is buried at Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Benton Co, OR
*15: GRAHAM, Samuel:
GRANT, Mary Ellen (1847-1924): m'd 1864 BEVENS, Truman O.
GRAVES, Catherine Nowlin (01 Jul 1825-19 Nov 1907): m'd PALMER, John Henry; settled Marion County; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
GRAY, Cornelia (1843-1915): m'd 1867 UNGER, McKelvie J.
GRAY, Eleanor Hall (1821-15 Aug 1895): m'd 21 May 1844 CONGLE, John Burke; d/o Samuel and Margaret (Richey) Gray
*15: GRAY, Edna Elizabeth (1835-1916): m'd 1854 SLATER, James H.; d/o Robert and Agnes (Chenowith) Gray
GRAY, George B. (1821- ):
*15: GRAY, George Grant (1840-1928): m'd 22 Feb 1874 JASPER, Sylvina; s/o Robert and Agnes (Chenowith) Gray; moved to Union County Oregon 1861, in 1862 he drove cattle to Walla Walla, WA, and pack trains from Umatilla Landing to the mines in Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia for 5 years. He packed the first printing press to Helena, Montana. In 1868 he went to Idaho City for 3 years where he bought and sold cattle. In 1871 He bought a farm on the Sandridge and farmed 320 acres, added to it in 1872 and then farming 1030 acres. Father of 10 children
*15: GRAY, Joseph Mayberry (1838-1917): m'd MEANS, Susan; s/o Robert and Agnes (Chenowith) Gray
*15: GRAY, Melissa (1833-1912): m'd 24 Mar1853 GARRETT, Warren W.; d /o Robert and Agnes (Chenowith) Gray
*15: GRAY, Nathan Lacy (1848- ): s/o Robert and Agnes (Chenowith) Gray
*15: GRAY, Nellie (1843-1915): m'd UNGER, [ ]; d/o Robert and Agnes (Chenowith) Gray
*15: GRAY, Robert Doak (1805-1870); m'd CHENOWITH, Agnres; Baptist Minister on the Lost Wagon Train; settled first in the Willamette Valley in 1853 and later moved to Grand Ronde Valley, Union Co, OR in 1869
*15: GRAY, Robert Nay (1845-1879): s/o Robert and Agnes (Chenowith) Gray
*15: GRAY, Sarah C. (1828-1888): m'd 01 Apr 1845 TAYLOR, Elbert; d/o Robert and Agnes (Chenowith) Gray
*15: GREATHOUSE, Mr. 1: brother of below
*15: GREATHOUSE, Mr. 2: brother of above
GREEN, Dan L. (1835- ): settled in Benton Co until 1856 when he moved to Josephine Co where he was elected sheriff three times
GREENWAY, Rebecca (1805-1891): m'd 1828 VERNON, George Washington
GRETNER, Mary: m'd BAUMGARTEN, Christian
*15: GRIFFIN, Alexander (1825-1880): m'd OBRYANT, Sarah; m2. 18 Sep 1853 MOLLOY, Mary G.; married at Harney Lake ceremony on trail after first wife died 22 Aug 1853 on trail
*15: GRIFFIN, Eliza (1850-1855): d/o Alexander and Sarah (OBryant) Griffin
*15: GRIFFIN, James T. (1849-1868): s/o Alexander and Sarah (OBryant) Griffin
GRIFFIN, Benjamin L.:
GRIFFIN, Squire (1830- ):
GRIFFITH, Mary: m'd 1838 MCLAUGHLIN, Robert
"MCLAUGHLIN, ROBERT--Born in Kentucky in 1810; on his arrival in Oregon he settled at Buena Vista, Polk County, and still resides there in the occupation of farming. He married Mary Griffith in Missouri, in 1838, and their children's names are Joseph A., Martha A., Harriet E., John T., Elizabeth J., Mary E., Louisa C., George W., William N., and Alfred M." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 812]
GRIFFITH, Mr.: drove wagon for Fruit Walker; quarreled with another teamster and tried to hit him over the head with an ox yoke; when Fruit intervened Griffith shot and killed him
GRIFFITH, Sarah (1813-1905): m'd 1836 WATERS, Edward Burris
GRIMES, Claymore Crawford (1851-
): s/o Edward and Mary (Smith) Grimes
GRIMES, Edward Langley (1825- ): m'd 1849 SMITH, Mary G.
GROSHONG, Catherine E. (1839-1866):
d/o William and Amelia (Inman) Groshong
GROSHONG, Daniel M. (1846-1922): m'd WEBB, Harriet; s/o William and Amelia (Inman) Groshong
GROSHONG, Emily C. (1849- ): d/o William and Amelia (Inman) Groshong
GROSHONG, Jacob Nathan (1844- ): s/o William and Amelia (Inman) Groshong
GROSHONG, John Henderson (1837-1927): s/o William and Amelia (Inman) Groshong
GROSHONG, Joseph (1835-1933): m'd WEBB, Mary; s/o William and Amelia (Inman) Groshong
GROSHONG, Lavinia Jennine (1852- ): d/o William and Amelia (Inman) Groshong
GROSHONG, Margaret Jane (1842- ): d/o William and Amelia (Inman) Groshong
GROSHONG, William (1813-1884): m'd 1832 INMAN, Amelia
*11: GROUND, Edward (1809-1885): m1. 05 Feb 1868 BUTLER, Eliza Ann; m2. 1868 Crossley MCCANN, Susan; buried Butler-Davidson Cemetery, Polk Co, OR
*11: GROUND, Franklin Pierce (1853-1936): m'd 1888 WELLS, Emma J.; s/o Edward and Eliza (Butler) Ground
*11: GROUND, Luther (1842-1918): m'd 05 Feb 1868 BUTLER, Sarah J.; s/o Edward and Eliza (Butler) Ground
"GROUND, LUTHER--Born in Warren County, Illinois, March 11, 1842, and came with his parents to the State of Oregon. The family settled in Polk County, and from 1869 to 1873, Mr. Ground was engaged in merchandising. He then changed his occupation to that of a farmer, and is still in that business. Mr. Ground was married February 5, 1868, to Miss Sarah J. Butler, and the pair have had five children, namely Lottie, Nettie, Blanche, Mellie (deceased), and Mabel. Mr. Ground now owns a fine farm of two hundred acres in the vicinity of Monmouth, Polk County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 804]
*11: GROUND, Peter (1848-1872): s/o Edward and Eliza (Butler) Ground
*11: GROUND, Robert (1840-1917): s/o Edward and Eliza (Butler) Ground
*11: GROUND, William Butler (1836-1880): s/o Edward and Eliza (Butler) Ground
*15: GRUBBS, John O. (1822-1893): m1. 14 Mar 1844 [ ], Sarah; m2. 09 Sep 1855 Pyburn, Mary Ann (MATTE); first wife stayed in east and divorced him
GUNSAULES, Manuel (1814-1879): m'd 1837 COX, Esther Ann; s/o James and Phebe (Teel) Gunsaules
GUNSAULES, Mary Ann: m'd 1828 CHURCH, Andrew
HACKNEY, Frances Isabel: m'd BAKER, William W.
HAINES, Jane ( -1876): m'd 1835 DAVIES, Miles; married Miles Davies 12 Mar 1835; moved to OH where they resided until 1851, then moving to MO to prepare for the overland journey to Oregon; one bio states the family emigrated in 1852 but the Miles Davies Donation Land Claim application states he arrived in 1853. Settled near Portland. She was the mother of eight children (Phoebe, 1838; Alfred A., 1841; Mary J., 1843; James W., 1846; Francis M., 1849; Horace G., 1851; Rachel E., 1854 and Augustus N., 1858)
HALBERT, George W. (1831- ):
HALE, Lewis:
*11: HALEY, Martha Jane (1840-1858): d/o Patrick and Sarah (McWhorter) Haley
*11: HALEY, P.W. (1847- ): m'd 1869 PARKER, Alice; s/o Patrick and Sarah (McWhorter) Haley
"HALEY, P. W.--Born in Warren County, Illinois, in 1847; carne to Oregon and settled in Polk County. Present residence, Independence, and occupation, farming. He married Alice Y. Parker, in Polk County, Oregon, in 1869, and their children s names are Orion E., Iva L., David W., Nellie M., Eula J., and Minerva A." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 804]
*11: HALEY, Patrick R.: m'd MCWHORTER, Sarah
*11: HALEY, William Thompson (1833- ): m'd FORD, Lucinda Miller; graduate of Bethany College, WV; in charge of College Department of Monmouth University 1857-58, Polk Co, OR; principal at Bethel College, Polk Co, OR
*15: HALL, Alfred (06
Oct 1838-20 Feb 1905): m'd 04 Mar 1875 JOHNSON, Mary Fannie; s/o Langley and Sarah (Ligo) Hall;
Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla
County, Washington
HALL, Amy (1808-1867): m'd BATCHELLOR, David; see Batchellor for further information on this family
HALL, Angeline Moore (1825-1866): m'd MCCULLOCH, William; d/o of James and Cynthia (Groom) Hall; other family members came in 1845
*15: HALL, Charles Mansel (04 Mar 1850-25 Aug 1943): m'd 19 Dec 1876 BARR, Sarah M.; s/o Langley and Sarah (Ligo) Hall; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington
*15: HALL, Eva Jane (13
Jul 1852-04 Jun 1935): m'd TAYLOR, Galatin Augustus "Gus"; d/o Langley and Sarah (Ligo) Hall;
River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County,
*15: HALL, Fannie Marie (07 Aug 1842-06 Jun 1915): m'd 19 Oct 1862 BLOOMFIELD, John Talbot; d/o Langley and Sarah (Ligo) Hall; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: HALL, George (16 Jan 1819-07 Jun 1896): m'd 1867 JAMES, Mary Jane; s/o Thomas and Sarah (Cockayne) Hall; brother of John and George; buried Oakland Masonic and Old Town Oakland Cemeteries, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: HALL, John (18 Dec 1800-31 Jan 1884): never married; s/o Thomas and Sarah (Cockayne) Hall; brother of John and George; buried Oakland Masonic and Old Town Oakland Cemeteries, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
HALL, John (1823- ):
*15: HALL, Langley (08 Apr 1815-14 Feb 1897): m'd 13 Dec 1837 LIGO, Sarah Alice; s/o Thomas and Sarah (Cockayne) Hall; brother of John and George; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: HALL, Langley "Cap" Jr. (01 Apr 1846-05 Mar 1908): m'd 22 Sep 1872 MARSHALL, Mary; s/o Langley and Sarah (Ligo) Hall; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: HALL, Mary Ann (07 Jan 1848-07 Dec 1930): m'd 01 Dec 1868 SMITH, James B.; d/o Langley and Sarah (Ligo) Hall; burial location unknown but probably in Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon in unmarked grave
HALL, Pamelia (11 Apr 1826-15 Jan 1915): m'd 1846 CONGER, Enoch; buried Long Creek Cemetery, Long Creek, Grant County, Oregon
*15: HALL, Sarah Elizabeth (27 Jul 1840-27 Nov 1924): m1. 28 Jul 1859 COZAD, Francis Marion (c1832-c1862); m2. 03 May 1864 THOMAS, Richard; d/o Langley and Sarah (Ligo) Hall; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
HALL, Zachariah:
HALLECK, Amos Nahum King (1845-1920):
s/o Heman and
Lucretia (King) Halleck
HALLECK, Heman S.: m'd 1827 KING, Lucretia
HALLECK, Hopestill (1836- ): d/o Heman and Lucretia (King) Halleck
HALLECK, Margaret M. (c1848- ): d/o Heman and Lucretia (King) Halleck
HALLECK, Mary (c1848- ): d/o Heman and Lucretia (King) Halleck
HALLECK, Rhoda (1840- ): d/o Heman and Lucretia (King) Halleck
HALLECK, Sarah (c1834- ): d/o Heman and Lucretia (King) Halleck
HALLECK, Serepta (1847-1912): d/o Heman and Lucretia (King) Halleck
HALLECK, Sheba (c1828- ): d/o Heman and Lucretia (King) Halleck
HALLER, Granville O.
HALLOCK, Ezra Young (1829- ): m'd HARRIS, Mary Elizabeth; settled in Polk Co; s/o Ezra and Lydia (Young) Hallock
HALLOCK, Heman S.: m'd 1827 KING, Lucretia
*15: HAMILTON, George Wilson (1851- ): s/o Joseph and Nancy (Davidson) Hamilton
*15: HAMILTON, John Davidson (1849- ): m'd SMITH, Nora Adeline; s/o Joseph and Nancy (Davidson) Hamilton
*15: HAMILTON, Joseph Layton (1815-1887): m'd 14 Sep 1848 DAVIDSON, Nancy Amanda
*15: HAMILTON, Joseph Layton (1852-1919): m'd 01 Oct 1885 WINSTON, Dora; s/o Joseph and Nancy (Davidson) Hamilton
HAMILTON, Preston:
*15: HAMILTON, Thomas S. (1850-1929): m'd Jan 1889 CROOKS, Lorinda/Larenda; s/o Joseph and Nancy (Davidson) Hamilton
HAMMER, Mary Ann C. (1829-1916): m'd 1849 RAMP, Samuel; buried Brooks Pioneer Cemetery, Brooks, OR
HAMPTON, John C. (c1832- ):
HANNA, Esther McMillan:
HANSON, Christian (1820- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Johanna; settled Lane Co
HAPTONSTALL, Abraham III (1786-1853): m'd 05 Apr 1809 EAGLE, Barbary; Abraham was born 03 Nov 1786 Greenbrier Co, WV and died on trail 07 Jul 1853/01 Sep 1853; s/o Abraham II and Rachel (Price) Haptonstall; father of 11 children (Rachel, Henry, William, Elizabeth, Samuel, Mary, George, Abigail, Harriet Bright, Margaret and Jesse B.)
HAPTONSTALL, Barbara Ellen(1847-1928): m'd 11 Aug 1864 GULLIFORD, William Henderson; born 22 Sep 1848 Holt Co, MO and died 11 Feb 1928 Prineville, Crook Co, OR; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Anderson) Haptonstall; mother of 10 children including (Arminda, Frances, Ida, A.E., H., E.E., Charles E., Samuel L. and Gracie B.)
HAPTONSTALL, Harriet Bright (1827-1918): m1. 10 Aug 1845 RECORD, Charles Montgomery (died 1849 CA); m2. 11 Jan 1852 MOORE, Levi G.; m3. 04 Dec 1853 CHARLES, Martin L.; born 22 Feb 1827, Gallia Co, OH and reportedly died 09 Jul 1918 Crescent City, Del Norte Co, CA: d/o Abraham III and Barbary (Eagle) Haptonstall; mother of two known children by Charles Record (Rachel Ellen and William Charles); two children by Martin Charles (George Wesley W. and Reuben); probably remarried a 4th time but was not able to locate in census records
HAPTONSTALL, Henry W. (1849-c1853): born Holt Co, MO; s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Anderson) Haptonstall; unknown at this time if he died prior to emigration or on the trail
HAPTONSTALL, Jesse B. (1834-1917): born 14 May 1834, Gallia Co, OH and died 22 Apr 1917 Orting, Pierce Co, WA; buried Washington Soldiers Home Cemetery, Orting, Pierce Co, WA; s/o Abraham III and Barbary (Eagle) Haptonstall;
HAPTONSTALL, Margaret Elizabeth (1831-1913): m'd 10 Apr 1851 MCCOY, James;born 22 Dec 1831 Gallia Co, OH and died 06 Nov 1913; d/o Abraham and Barbary (Eagle) Haptonstall; settled in Benton Co, OR until 1876 when family moved to Washington; took up a homestead in 1877 in what later became Oakesdale; mother of nine children (Paulina V., Charity C., William Charles, Abram A., James Henry, Samuel J., Olive E., Harriet P. "Hattie", and John)
HAPTONSTALL, Mary Jane (1845- 1927): m'd 09 Oct 1862 (06 Nov 1862) JOHNSON, William Wilson; born 02 Dec 1845 Holt Co, MO and died 10 May 1927 Kellogg, Shoshone Co, ID; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Anderson) Haptonstall; mother of 9 children including (Samuel W., J.W., John H., A.V., Myrtle N., L.E. and Dora M.)
HAPTONSTALL, Rachel Elizabeth (1844- 1917): m1. 09 Feb 1860 YOUNG, Pleasant B.; m2. c1869 SMITH, Benjamin Franklin; m3. c1908 MCLAUGHLIN, Joseph A.; born 15 May 1844 Holt Co, MO and died 06 Jul 1917 Susanville, Lassen Co, CA; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Anderson) Haptonstall; spent most of her adult life in CA; mother of the folliwng known children by Benjamin Smith (Ida I., Samuel, Carrie Elizabeth, Mary E., Jesse C., Lillie May and C. Ellen)
HAPTONSTALL, Samuel (1819-1904): m'd 10 Aug 1843 ANDERSON, Elizabeth; s/o Abraham III and Barbary (Eagle) Haptonstall; born 20 Mar 1819 OH and died 01 Apr 1904 Halsey, Linn Co, OR; buried Halsey Cemetery, Halsey, Linn Co, OR; settled in Benton County, residing in Lane County in 1870 census and living with son in CA in 1900 census; father of 8 children (Rachel Elizabeth, Mary Jane, Barbara Ellen, Henry, George W., Samuel W., Rosetta and Jacob Ulysses Grant Haptonstall)
HARBAUGH, Sarah (13 Mar 1812-31 May 1863): m'd COCK, William; d/o William and Sarah (Springer) Harbaugh; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington
HARDENBROOK, Bradford (1831- 1911): m'd 1859
WILSON, Sarah Ann; died in Linn Co, OR; buried Vancouver, WA
HARDMAN, Benjamin (1826- ): m'd 1846 [ ], Magdalene
HARDMAN, Joshua:
HARE, William Davenport (1834- ): m'd 1859 SCHOFIELD, Henrietta
"HARE, WILLIAM DAVENPORT--Born in Wheeling, Virginia, September 1, 1834. Removed with his parents to Ohio in 1835, and in 1853 came to Oregon. Remained in Portland until 1857, settling then in Washington County. Was elected county clerk in 1858, and held that office four years. Studied law and was admitted to practice in 1863. Has represented his county several times in the Legislature, and was elected State Senator in 1884. From 1873 to 1881 he was collector of customs for the district of Oregon. Was a candidate for the United States Senate to succeed Slater in 1885. Resides at Hillsboro. Married Miss Henrietta Schofield in 1859, and they have seven children Thomas S., J. C., Francis E., Mattie D., Henrietta, Ruth, and William G." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 805]
HARPER, Elizabeth: m'd JACKSON, [ ]; d/o George and Louisiana (Higgins) Harper
HARPER, George Washington Jr. ( -1860): m'd 1858 DODGE, Fidelea; settled Lane Co; father came in 1850; came to OR with mother and siblings; was murdered in 1860, the victim of a love triangle
HARPER, Louisiana (1806- ): m'd HARPER, George Washington Sr.; husband came in 1850
HARPER, Mary Adeline: m'd SWAGGART, [ ]; arrived with mother and siblings; father came in 1850; settled In Lane Co
HARRIS, Elijah: traveled with the Haptonstall family and is found living with them throughout his adult years until his death. The connection to the family is unknown at this time.
HARRIS, Eliza (1849- ):
*15: HARRIS, Harriet Nancy (1801-1888): m'd 1821 SHAW, John William
HARRIS, Hugh (1818- ): ,'d 1840 HODGE, Nancy W.
"HARRIS, HUGH--Born in Ohio in 1818; removed thence to Indiana and to Illinois. Crossed the plains to Oregon in charge of a train of fourteen wagons. Settled in Polk County and has resided there ever since. His occupation is farming, and residence Oak Grove. Married in Illinois in 1840 to Miss Nancy W. Hodge. Children William H., (of Colfax, W. T.), Miriam (Mrs. J. C. Allen, of Polk County), Emma (Mrs. John Hanna, of Linn County), Hugh S. (of Colfax, W. T.), Lizzie (Mrs. A. Hyse), Marietta (Mrs. James Chitwood), Belle (Mrs.W. Putnam, of Eola), Emerson L., and Andrew J." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 805]
HARRIS, John S.:
HARRIS, Maria (1848- ):
HARRIS, Martha (1795-1888): m'd 16 Jul 1829 ATHERTON, John B.; d/o John Harris & Martha (Thomas) Harris; born 23 December 1795 probably in Garrard County, Kentucky and died in Polk County, Oregon 21 Feb 1888. buried in Geroge Brown Cemetery, near Dallas, Polk County, Oregon; her and her husband did not have any children but did bring the orphaned daughter of her brother to Oregon with them.
HARRIS, Mary Elizabeth (1840-1917): m'd 23 Oct 1861 HALLOCK,Ezra Young; d/o John Harris & Mary Ann (Hoggins) Harris; born March 1840 Adams County, Illinois. She died 6 April 1917 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon - She and her husband are both buried in the Dallas Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon.. Mary's parents died in 1851 in Falls Creek Twp, Adams Co, IL and she emigrated to Oregon with her aunt, Martha (Harris) Atherton
HARRIS, Thomas (1823- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Mary; came up from CA
HARRISON, Jane: m'd 1825 HUMPHREYS, Thomas (1807-1865)
"HUMPHREYS, T. M.--Born in Tennessee, in the year 1800, and assisted in the organization of the government of his native State. He came to Oregon in 1853, making: Linn County his home until 1882, when he moved to Monmouth, Polk County, where he still resides, and owns city property. Married Miss Jane Harrison in 1825, and his descendants comprise eleven children, sixty grandchildren, and thirty great grandchildren." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 807]
*15: HARVEY Jr., Aaron (1831-1892): m'd 1858 Coates, Elizabeth (HARRIS)
*15: HARVEY Sr., Aaron: m'd HALL, Elizabeth; thought to have traveled with his son; wife died prior to emigration; was sister of John, George and Langley Hall
*15: HARVEY, Anne (1830-1909): m'd COCKERAM, Ralph
*5: HASS, John B.: member of Capt. Charles Albright party to CA
HASTINGS, Burres L. (1831- ): m'd 1854 SIMPSON, Sophia
HASTINGS, John Campbell (1833- ): m'd 1857 WOOD, Melissa
HAUGH, John:
HAVIRD, Cary C. (1830- ): m'd [ ], Sarah Jane; s/o John and Mary (Riley) Havird; settled for a time in Marion Co but by 1870 is enumerated in the Walla Walla Co, WA census as a farmer with wife and 5 children
HAVIRD, Horton H. (1834- ): s/o John and Mary (Riley) Havird;
HAVIRD, Irene Ann (1844-1869): m'd HODGES, Henry Morton; d/o John and Mary (Riley) Havird;died in Walla Walla Co, WA; buried in Whitman Pioneer Cemetery, Walla Walla, WA
HAVIRD, John (1804-1853): m1. RILEY, Mary Ann (d. 1849); m2. HALSEY, Salinda; died 11 Aug 1853 on Snake River about 100 miles after leaving Ft. Hall
HAVIRD, Lafayette Jefferson (1840- ): unmarried; s/o John and Mary (Riley) Havird; died prior to 1876
HAVIRD, Mary Ann (1848- ): d/o John and Mary (Riley) Havird; died prior to 1876
HAVIRD, Monteray Ann (1846- ): m'd 1861 AYRES, John; by 1880 is living in Cowlitz Co, WA with husband and 4 children
HAVIRD, Selvinia Ann (1842- ): m'd 1858 HERREN, Perry L.; d/o John and Mary (Riley) Havird
HAVIRD, Stephen Humbolt (1852- ): s/o John and Salinda (Halsey) Havird
HAVIRD, Walter Fremont (1850-1904): s/o John and Salinda (Halsey) Havird; died in Wasco Co, OR
HAVIRD, Triphena Ann (1838- ): d/o John and Mary (Riley) Havird
HAWKINS, Elizabeth Lane:
*11: HAWKINS, Joseph: member of Butler party
HAY, Clark:
*15: HAYDON, Child1: d/o Thomas and Mary Haydon
*15: HAYDON, Child2: d/o Thomas and Mary Haydon
*15: HAYDON, Child3: d/o Thomas and Mary Haydon
*15: HAYDON, Mary Ann: m'd c1843 HAYDON, Thomas; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: HAYDON, Thomas (1816- ): m'd c1843 [ ], Mary Ann
*4: HAYES, Daniel James (1850-1933): m'd 30 Dec 1875 VAN LANDHAM, Mary; s/o Seth
and Polly (Stillwell) Hayes;
Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
*4: HAYES, Ebenezer (1829-1911): :m1. 07 Mar 1867 HALL, Lucinda; m2. 25 Apr 1872 HILL, Laura Ellen; s/o Seth and Lydia (Jewett) Hayes
*4: HAYES, Hannah (1821-1853):. m'd 10 Mar 1842 BOND, William; d/o Seth and Lydia (Jewett) Hayes; George Bond, brother of William, wrote in his diary on September 15, 1853 "Hana Died, layed by." On the 16th, "Buried Hanah, traveled to and camped on Loral Hill"
*4: HAYES, Henry Elijah (1831- ): m'd 1853 WOODRUFF, Sarah L.; may have been emigrant of 1851
*4: HAYES, Huldah
(1827-1903): m'd 1842 BOND, Solomon; d/o Seth and Lydia (Jewett) Hayes;
Halsey Pioneer Cemetery,
Halsey, Linn County, Oregon
*4: HAYES, Seth
Stephan (1852-1942): s/o Seth and Polly
(Stillwell) Hayes
*4: HAYES, Seth (1785-1860): m'd 17 Dec 1818
*4: HAYES, Seth Whippe (1825-1876): m1. 15 Feb 1849 STILLWELL, Polly Bond; m2. 07 Sep 1865 FINLEY, Sarah Ann: s/o Seth and Lydia (Jewett) Hayes; buried Halsey Pioneer Cemetery, Halsey, Linn County, Oregon
*4: HAYES, Sybil Ann (1831-1913): m'd 07 Oct 1853 WINDOM, Benjamin Carroll; d/o Seth and Lydia (Jewett) Hayes
HAYS, John B.
*7: HEAP, G. Harris: member of Edward F. Beale party to CA
HENDERSON, Aaron (1821 - ): m'd 1841 BUTTS, Sarah
HENDERSON, Carrol Decator: s/o Martin and Elizabeth (Ellis) Henderson
HENDERSON, Cynthia Jane: d/o Perman and Sarah (Trapp) Henderson
HENDERSON, Harriet: d/o Martin and Elizabeth (Ellis) Henderson
HENDERSON, Harriet Reid: m'd MULKEY, Luke; d/o Perman and Sarah (Trapp) Henderson
HENDERSON, Ira A. (1833- ): s/o Ira and Margaret Henderson; settled Linn Co
HENDERSON, Ira B. ( -1852): m'd WILSON, Margaret; started for Oregon with family in fall of 1849 but took ill in IL and was unable to proceed until spring of 1850 when the family moved on to St. Joseph, MO. Ira B. Henderson took ill again and died 12 July of 1852. In the spring of 1853 his widow and their 7 children joined a wagon train for Oregon
HENDERSON, James Perman Goulden (1848- ): m'd BAUMGARTNER, Emma Frances; s/o Perman and Sarah (Trapp) Henderson; born 17 Oct 1848 Buchanan Co, MO; father of five children (Earl B., Mary F., Esther P., Catherine L., and Grace W.)
John Baxter: m'd ARCHIBALD, Mary Emma; s/o Ira and Margaret
Henderson [photo contributed by Lynn Hagen]
HENDERSON, John F. (1844- ): m'd 1871 DAVIS, Sarah S.; s/o Aaron and Sarah (BUTTS) Henderson
"HENDERSON, J. F.--Born in Indiana in 1844; his tirst residence in Oregon was near Beaverton; his present residence is near Gaston, where he is engaged in farming. He married Sarah S. Davis in 1871, and their children's names are Orla J., Lucy D., and Lily M." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 805]
HENDERSON, Keziah Emila: m'd GIBBS, W.S.; d/o Perman and Sarah (Trapp) Henderson
HENDERSON, Lewis Melvin: so Perman and Sarah (Trapp) Henderson
HENDERSON, Martha (1839-1912): m'd 1858 DINWIDDIE, Thomas Patterson; d/o Ira and Margaret (Wilson) Henderson
HENDERSON, Martin: m 'd ELLIS, Elizabeth J.:
*1: HENDERSON, Perman D. Capt.: Sarah Trapp on 25 December 1821 in Lexington, Lillard (later renamed Lafayette) County, Missouri; Perman was born 19 Sep 1801 Knoxville, TN; father of 13 children
HENDERSON, William Jackson: s/o Perman and Sarah (Trapp) Henderson
*15: HENDRICKS, Mrs. Martha: widow; traveled with Samuel Howard party
HENDRIX, Ella: m'd WAGNER, Jacob: bur Ashland Cemetery, Ashland, OR
*3: HENKLE, Andrew Jackson (27
May 1828-25 Feb 1922):
m'd 08 Jan 1852 WOOD, Mary;
s/o Jacob and Anna (Gragg) Henkle; born 27 May 1828 Shelby Co, OH
*3: HENKLE, Caroline Celeste (15 Sep 1845-26 Aug 1913): m'd 20 Oct 1861 HAYES, James A.; d/o William and Nancy (Walker) Henkle
*3: HENKLE, Christina (04 Jun 1816-22 Sep 1902): m'd 20 Jan 1833 BARKER, Clement G.; d/o Jacob and Anna (Gragg) Henkle; born 04 Jun 1816 Fayette Co, OH and died 22 Sep 1902; buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Philomath, Benton Co, OR
*3: HENKLE, Helena Elizabeth (05 May 1849-13 Aug 1901): m'd GIRTON, Thomas W.; d/o Ichabod and Elizabeth (Conger) Henkle; moved to Idaho Territory
*3: HENKLE, Ichabod B. (01 Oct 1810-24 Jul 1903): m1. 20 Jan 1831 KING, Mary Ann (1810-1851); m2. 28 Apr 1852 CONGER, Elizabeth (1834-1913); s/o Jacob and Anna (Gragg) Henkle ; born 01 Oct 1810 Pendleton Co, VA and died 24 Jul 1903; settled in Benton Co, OR; father of seven children by first wife (Jesse, Jeremiah E., Helena and four unknown) and six children by second wife (Julia A., John A., Jacob L. and Charles J. , Lilly Lincoln and one unknown); buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Philomath, Benton Co, OR
*3: HENKLE, Jacob Jr. (1825-26 Oct 1914): m'd 21 Dec 1845 WOOD, Elizabeth Jane; s/o Jacob and Anna (Gragg) Henkle; born 01 Oct 1825 Fayette Co, OH and died 26 Oct 1914 Benton Co, OR; buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Philomath, Benton Co, OR
*3: HENKLE, Jacob Sr. (24 Feb 1788-07 Jul 1875): m'd 27 Dec 1808 GRAGG,Anna; died in Benton Co, OR; s/o John Justus and Christine (Nageli) Henkle; born 27 Feb 1788 Pendleton Co, VA and died 07 Jul 1875 Benton Co, OR; 1812 moved to Fayette Co, OH; 1826 moved to Shelby Co, OH for a couple of years to look after some mill interests and them moved back to Fayette Co; 1839 moved to IA; to OR 1853 with 21 wagons; father of nine children (Ichabod B., Sidney, Harriet, Mary (1814-1815), Christine, Mary (1822-1908), Jacob Jr., Andrew Jackson and William); Jacob is buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Philomath, Benton Co, OR
*3: HENKLE, Jeremiah E. (18 Nov 1843-07 Sep 1940): m1. 21 Sep 1873 MASON, Elizabeth A. (1854-1876); m2. 31 Jul 1878 HUNT, Nancy Alvira (1859-1948); s/o Ichabod and Elizabeth (Conger) Henkle; born 18 Nov 1843 Lee Co, IA and died 07 Sep 1940 Benton Co, OR; owned general merchandise store at Philomath; buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Philomath, Benton Co, OR
*3: HENKLE, Jesse (23 May 1833-10 Oct 1910): s/o Ichabod and Elizabeth (Conger) Henkle ; born 23 May 1833 and died 10 Oct 1910; buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Philomath, Benton Co, OR
*3: HENKLE, Julia (21 Feb 1853-17 Feb 1930): d/o Ichabod and Elizabeth (Conger) Henkle
*3: HENKLE, Margaret (01 Mar 1815-25 Oct 1890): m'd WOOD, Jesse; d/o Abraham and Mary Henkle
*3: HENKLE, Mary Gragg (24 Mar 1822-05 Jun 1908): m'd Mar 1839 KING, David Armstrong; d/o Jacob and Anna (Gragg) Henkle; born 24 Mar 1822 Fayette Co, OH and died 05 Jun 1908; buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Philomath, Benton Co, OR
*3: HENKLE, Mary Melissa (11 Dec 1851-04 Oct 1940):m'd Jan 1870 WYATT, John End; d/o Jacob and Elizabeth (Wood) Henkle; born 11 Dec 1851 Appanoose Co, IA and died 04 Oct 1940 Polk Co, OR;
*3: HENKLE, Rachel Ann (04 Aug 1846-05 Sep 1949):m1. 20 Nov 1862 SHIPLEY, John L.; m2. 22 Oct 1882 KITSON, John M.; d/o Jacob and Elizabeth (Wood) Henkle ; born 04 Nov 1846 Lee Co, IA and died 05 Sep 1949 Gresham, OR
HENKLE, Sidney (07 Jun 1812-20 Dec 1847): m'd 13 Nov 1832 ARMSTRONG, John Higgins Brown; d/o Jacob and Anna (Gragg) Henkle; died prior to emigration
*3: HENKLE, William (15 May 1819-21 Jul 1894): m'd 01 Jun 1840 WALKER, Nancy; s/o Jacob and Anna (Gragg) Henkle; born 15 May 1819 Fayette Co, OH and died 21 Jul 1894; settled first in Benton Co, c1857moved to Jacksonville, 1863 moved to Polk Co and 1869 moved back to Benton Co; father of one daughter (Caroline)
HENSON, Alfred:
HEWITT, Catherine:
HEWITT, George:
HEWITT, Jane (16 Oct 1831-13 Apr 1900): m'd 21 Jul 1852 DIMMICK, Ziba; buried Dimmick Cemetery, Douglas County, Oregon
HICKS, John W.: m'd 1845 MISNER, Almira J.
HICKS, Laban ( -1857): m'd 1854 FOSTER, Catharine A.
HICKSON, Nancy; see HIXON, Nancy
HIGGINS, Louisiana: m'd HARPER, George Washington
HIGGINS, Lucy (14 Feb 1820-02 Aug 1864): m'd 14 Nov 1843 WILEY, Andrew Alexander
HILDRETH, Elsie (1827- ): m'd DINWIDDIE, David T.
*15: HILL, Alcy Jane (1846-1885): d/o Hanks and Elizabeth (Merrell) Hill
*3: HILL, Frank: hired help on Henkle Train
*15: HILL, Hanks Neville (1813-1898): m'd 18 Feb 1844 MERRELL, Elizabeth Ann
*15: HILL, Jesse Reuben (1849-1932): s/o Hanks and Elizabeth (Merrell) Hill
HILL, J. Linsey (1845- ): m'd 1870 PENNINGTON, Mary E.
"HILL, J. LINSEY, M.D.--Born in Tennessee in 1845; was brought to Oregon in 1853; learned the printer's trade in Albany and Salem, and studied medicine in 1865 and following years, and has subsequently been steadily in practice of the healing art. He has been president of various medical societies, and has held several civil offices of importance. The doctor's acquirements are uncommon, and have enabled him to take a high stand in the profession. He has written upon various scientific topics in a way to command attention, and some of his productions have done much to extend the bounds of science. In another part of this volume may be seen an allusion to his explorations of certain artificial mounds in Linn County, which is a subject of great interest. The doctor holds the rank of Surgeon-General of the Oregon Militia. He married in 1870, Miss Mary E. Pennington. Children Clyde, Gale, and Emily. Residence, Albany." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 805-6]
*15: HILL, Margaret (1851- ): m'd 19 Oct 1867 MCCLURE, Edward; d/o Hanks and Elizabeth (Merrell) Hill
HILL, Mary (1807-1859): m1. CONKRIGHT, Jacob; m2. 1845 HENDRICKS, John; buried Providence Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
HILL, Pleasant M. (c1824- ): m'd c1847 [ ], Mary Jane
HILL, Reuben C.:
*15: HILL, Richard Hardy (1853-1921): m'd WILSON, Emma B.; s/o Hanks and Elizabeth (Merrell) Hill
*15: HILL, William Harris (1844-1892): s/o Hanks and Elizabeth (Merrell) Hill
HILTS, David B.:
*18): HIMES, George H. (1844- ): m'd 24 Dec 1866 RIGGS, Anna F.; s/o Tyrus and Emeline (Holcomb) Himes; became
famous in
Northwest as authority
on history; one time head of Oregon Historical Society
"HIMES, GEORGE H.--Born in Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, May 18, 1844, the son of Tyrus and Emeline Himes. His parents removed to Illinois in 1847, remaining in that State until 1853, when they crossed the plains and settled on a farm near Olympia, W. T. They were a part of the first train which came through the Cascade mountains by way of the Nachess Pass, making their own roads as they traveled. In 1861 he learned the printer's trade in the Standard office in Olympia, and in 1864 removed to Portland. Has resided there ever since. His occupation has always been that of job printing, with an occasional diversion in the way of publishing books and newspapers. In 1873 he published the Commercial Reporter, and was one of the proprietors of the Daily Bee, in 1875. In connection with H. O. Lang, he published the History of the Willamette Valley in 1885. He conducts at present a large job printing office at Nos. 5 and 7 Washington street, Portland. He married Miss Anna F. Riggs, daughter of D. L. Riggs, of Salem, December 24, 1866. They have had eight children, named Carrie Frances (deceased), Edna Emeline, Sarah Myrtle, Homer Riggs, Mary, Grace Helen, Clarage Holcomb, and Eunice Irene (deceased)." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 806]
HIMES, Tyrus (1814- ): m'd HOLCOMB, Emeline; emigrated into Washington over Nachez Pass
HINCH, Malinda Logan (29 Aug 1813-13 Mar 1893): m'd SMALL, George Edward; buried Shields Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
Months to Oregon: 1853
HINES, Celinda Elvira: d/o
Obediah and Lucina (Chapin) Hines
HINES, George E.: s/o of Joseph and Elizabeth (Meredith) Hines
HINES, Gustavus Rev.:m'd BRYANT, Lydia; early missionary to Oregon, returned east and emigrated again with family in 1853; see 1840 website for additional information
HINES, Harvey Kimball (1828-1902): m2. SEYMOR, Angeline; m2. 1852 GRAVES, Elizabeth; bur Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, OR;
HINES, Joseph Wilkinson: m'd MEREDITH, Elizabeth
HINES, Melissa E.: d/o of Joseph and Elizabeth (Meredith) Hines
HINES, Obediah: m1. CHAPIN, Lucina; m2. Roth , Eliza (BENNETT)
HINKLE, Isaac A.:
HITE, Joseph Alexander (14 Apr 1840-09 Dec 1916) m'd 1868 WALKER, Anna Elizabeth; s/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Nutall) Hite; buried Crystal Lake Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
HITE, Joseph Percival (31 Jan 1793-06 Jun 1872): m'd 10 Feb 1838 NUTALL, Elizabeth; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon; Joseph departed Kanesville, IL May 6, 1853; arrived Oregon City Oct 19, 1953; MSS #1508 6pp diary
HITE, Mary A. (04 Nov 1842-03 Dec 1915): m1. 1861 DENNISON, Fay Sidney (1833-1875): m2. 1878 CANNON, Abraham D. (1844-1918): d/o Joseph and Elizabeth (Nutall) Hite; Mary is buried Long Creek Cemetery, Long Creek, Grant County, Oregon
HITTLE, Catherine "Kate" (11 Nov 1808-23 Jul 1885): m'd c1822 BUCHANAN, George Washington; buried Pioneer Cemetery, Centralis, Lewis County, Washington
HIXON, Nancy (c1810-1879): m'd 1822 FARRENS, John
HOBART, Anson:
HOBART, C.W. (1843-1919): m'd 1872 GRAVES, Flora B.
*15: HOCKERSMITH, George W.: m'd 29 Jan 1865 SWINNEY, Caroline; s/o Jackson and Martha (Gale) Hockersmith
*15: HOCKERSMITH, Jackson (1818-1897): m'd 10 Jan 846 GALE, Martha Jane; settled in Lane Co.
*15: HOCKERSMITH, Jefferson Marion (1852-1857): s/o Jackson and Martha (Gale) Hockersmith
*15: HOCKERSMITH, John Newton (1849-1897): m'd Dec 1881 STEWART, Miss; s/o Jackson and Martha (Gale) Hockersmith
*15: HOCKERSMITH, Joseph William (1848- ): s/o Jackson and Martha (Gale) Hockersmith
HODGEN, James:
HODGES, Charles Monroe (1819-1874):
m'd BERRY, Harriet Scott; Charles belonged to the Jesse Monroe Hodges family
that arrived in 1847; the family stayed in Oregon until around 1858 when
they moved to San Juan, Monterey Co, CA to be near Harriet's family who were
residing there;
HODGES, Charles Monroe (1850- ): s/o Charles and Harriet (Berry) Hodges
HODGES, Fielding Alexander (1852- ): s/o Charles and Harriet (Berry) Hodges
HODGES, Mary Katherine (1849- ): d/o Charles and Harriet (Berry) Hodges
HODGES, Nancy W.: m'd 1840 HARRIS, Hugh
"HARRIS, HUGH--Born in Ohio in 1818; removed thence to Indiana and to Illinois. Crossed the plains to Oregon in charge of a train of fourteen wagons. Settled in Polk County and has resided there ever since. His occupation is farming, and residence Oak Grove. Married in Illinois in 1840 to Miss Nancy W. Hodge. Children William H., (of Colfax, W. T.), Miriam (Mrs. J. C. Allen, of Polk County), Emma (Mrs. John Hanna, of Linn County), Hugh S. (of Colfax, W. T.), Lizzie (Mrs. A. Hyse), Marietta (Mrs. James Chitwood), Belle (Mrs.W. Putnam, of Eola), Emerson L., and Andrew J." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 805]
HOFFMAN, William Rev.: minister, departed Weston Ferry on May 21, 1853; arrived Jacksonville Oct 31, 1853; traveled with Rev. William Gray at times
HOGAN, Adam H. (1851 - 1923) - s/o William H.H.
& Barbara Jean (Liles) Hogan.
HOGAN, Marion D. (1853 - 1940) - s/o William H.H. & Barbara Jean (Liles) Hogan. Born "On the Plains"
HOGAN, Mary Ann (1846 - ?) - m'd 1860 MOUNTS, Thomas Jefferson. m2 HITE, Andrew. d/o William H.H. & Barbara Jean (Liles) Hogan.
HOGAN, William H.H. (1818 - 1903) - m'd 1841 LILES, Barbara. Settled first in Lane County, Oregon. Moved to Benton County, then Linn County.
HOGUE, Charles P. (1847- ): m'd MCFARLAND, Emma; s/o James and Sarah (Finney) Hogue; was in Linn county 1870 census, farmer; Multnomah Co 1880 census, bookkeeper; 1900 census living in Cowlitz Co, WA, lumberman; died in Portland, Multnomah Co in 1912
HOGUE, Eliza N. (1842-1858): d/o James and Sarah (Finney) Hogue; buried in Riverside Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
HOGUE, Frances J. (c1835-bef 1870): m'd 1857 STORY, Silas B.; d/o James and Sarah (Finney) Hogue; settled Linn county, OR
HOGUE, George N. (c1853-bet 1860-1870): s/o James and Sarah (Finney) Hogue; buried in Riverside Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
HOGUE, Inez (c1850- ): d/o James and Sarah (Finney) Hogue
HOGUE, James Parks (1807-1871): m'd FINNEY, Sarah M.: emigrated to Oregon with wife, 2 sons and 5 daughters; a married daughter, Rebecca (Hogue) Layton emigrated to Oregon with her husband and children in 1847; a son, Harvey A. Hogue emigrated to Oregon in 1851; James' brother, Thomas G. Hogue moved to Oregon in 1850; James settled in Linn county and is buried at Riverside Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
HOGUE, Margaret Emma (1840-1862): m'd LAYTON, Davis; d/o James and Sarah (Finney) Hogue; buried at Riverside Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
HOGUE, Mary Ann (1827-1917): m'd POWERS, William Morgan; d/o James and Sarah (Finney) Hogue; buried Albany Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn Co, OR
HOLCOMB, Emeline: m'd HIMES, George H.
HOLCOMB, Thomas:
HOLLEMBEAK, Anna Marie (1811-1862): m'd 1828 CUSICK, Solomon; d/o Henry and Hannah (Quincy) Hollembeak; Note: the name Hollembeck is shown in various records as Hollenbeak, Hollembeak, Hollenbeck, Hollenbeak, etc etc; it is believed that Anna Marie is buried at Howell Prairie Cemetery in Marion County. She was listed on the original plot map for the cemetery and a foot stone with AMC was found at the location indicated on the map. It is not known if her husband is there also. There was a foot stone found for him and he was listed as being there on the plot map but some descendants believe him to be buried in Linn county.
HOLLEMBEAK, Asa H. (1813- ): m'd c1845 [ ], Mary; s/o Henry and Hannah (Quincy) Hollembeak
HOLLEMBEAK, Sarah (1846- ): d/o Asa and Mary Hollembeak
HOLLEMBEAK, Sarah Harriet (23 Oct 1817-25 Jun 1856): m'd CUSICK, Robert George; d/o Henry and Hannah (Quincy) Hollembeak; buried Pietrock Cemetery, Lyons, Linn County, Oregon
HOLLAWAY, John: in party of about 20 young men driving a large herd of cattle to CA
HOLMES, Harrison Russell Dr. (1825-1866): m'd 1854 WHEELER, Mary Buck
HOLT, Enoch: settled in Lane Co; in
1857 was member
of constitutional
convention from Lane Co; father of 11 children
HOLT, Francis "Frank" Asbury (b. 1844-1907): m1 1869 COX, Emma m2. ROBBINS, Annie J.; s/o Thomas and Mary (Cardwell) Holt;born 28 Aug 1844 in Knoxville, Tennessee; father died at Ft Scott in 1847 while serving as a Lietenant in the military; mother returned to Missouri and taught school until marriage to John L. Kline; emigrated in 1853; mother died on trail during childbirth and Frank and his brother, Samuel, were raised by Mr. Kline at Walla Walla, WA; was a miner, stage driver, stockman and farmer in Idaho and Washington
HOLT, Samuel Hamilton (1847- ): m1. 08 Nov 1864 BASKET, M.J.; m2. 02 Nov 1885 MINNICK, Laura Alice s/o Thomas and Mary (Cardwell)Holt; born 22 Jul 1847 in Fort Scott, Kansas; father died at Ft Scott in 1847 while serving as a Lietenant in the military; mother returned to Missouri and taught school until marriage to John L. Kline; emigrated in 1853; mother died on trail during childbirth and Samuel and his brother, Frank, were raised at Walla Walla, WA by step-father; was a teamster at Lewiston, ID in 1870 and later went to farming at Toppenish, WA; owned a hotel in Nez Perce Co, ID
*19: HOPP, Charlie: a teamster for Mr. Frick
*15: HORRELL, Mary Ann Tate (c1825 -1894): m1. 19 Nov 1841 CLARK, George H. ; m2. PARRISH, James [photo contributed by Stephen Clark]
HOULT, Enoch (1820- ): m'd 1842 SOMMERVILLE, Jeanette
"HOULT, ENOCH--Born in Monongahela County, West Virginia, April 18, 1820; came to Oregon and settled in Lane County. In 1863, moved to Linn County, and is now a resident of Harrisburg. Mr. Hoult was a member of the Constitutional Convention for Oregon, chosen from Lane County in 1857; was elected to the State Senate from Linn County in 1870, and re-elected in 1882. He has been a zealous laborer in the interest of education. Married Miss Jeanette Somerville in 1842, who died in 1873. Their children were John (deceased), Elisha (deceased), Mary E. (deceased), Mary E. S., Elenor, Alice, Isabel, Morgan, Minnie G., and Ina B." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 806-7]
HOUSTON, Catherine "Kitty": m'd HUSTON, Joel Bradshaw
HOWARD, Baltimore (1840-1911 ): m'd [ ], Margaret Francis; born 07 Mar 1840 Shelby Co, IL and died 25 Jul 1922; s/o Johnathan Booth and Margaret (Virden) Howard; is found in Clackamas, Baker and Malheur Counties; was a farmer and a gold miner; father of five known children (Clarence E., Charles O., Juliett M., Floyd H. and Clara R.)
*15: HOWARD, DeWitt C. (c1836- ): s/o Samuel and Charlotte (Yates) Howard
*15: HOWARD, Floyd B. (1846-1913): s/o Samuel and Charlotte (Yates) Howard
*15: HOWARD, James M. (1843-1921): s/o Samuel and Charlotte (Yates) Howard
HOWARD, Johnathan Booth (1803-1865): m'd 08 Feb 1827 VIRDEN, Margaret; born 03 Apr 1803 near Elkton, MD; s/o William and Rebecca (Rutter) Howard; settled in Beaver Creek, Clackamas County Co, OR where he remained until his death 12 Nov 1865; buried Carus Cemetery, Carus, Clackamas Co, OR; father of twelve children (John Eager, Rebecca Nelson, Amos Evans, DeKalb, Pulaski Jackson, Nancy Verin, Baltimore, Madison, Rachel, Rudolph S., Thomas Ritchie and George Lillie)
*15: HOWARD, Joseph J. (c1832- ): s/o Samuel Howard and first wife
HOWARD, Madison (1842-1886): born 10 May 1842 Shelby Co, IL; s/o Johnathan Booth and Margaret (Virden) Howard; settled in Beaver Creek, Clackamas Co, OR; died 21 May 1886 Clackamas Co, OR; buried Carus Cemetery, Carus, Clackamas Co, OR
*15: HOWARD, Olive A. (1852- ): d/o Samuel and Charlotte (Yates) Howard
HOWARD, Pulaski Jackson (1836-1862): never married; born 02 Feb 1826 Shelby Co, IL; s/o Johnathan Booth and Margaret (Virden) Howard; died 07 Mar 1862 Clackamas Co, OR; buried Carus Cemetery, Carus, Clackamas Co, OR
HOWARD, Rachel (1844-1920): m1. c1861 MAY, Stephen L. (1845-1863); m2. 20 Oct 1864 HALL, Lawrence Marion; born 12 May 1844 Shelby Co, IL; d/o Johnathan Booth and Margaret (Virden) Howard; settled in Polk County with second husband where she died 29 Feb 1920 Monmouth, Polk Co, OR; mother of one son by first marriage who died in infancy; mother of eight children by her second marriage (Adda, Ellis, Clara, Annie, Dora, Opal, Ethel and Irma)
*15: HOWARD, Reason H. (1834-1910): s/o Samuel and Charlotte (Yates) Howard
HOWARD, Royal Varney (1833-1915): in 1857 R.V. Howard built first store in Smithfield, Lane Co, OR; he became one of the largest land owners in Lane County; amongst his holdings was a flouring mill and warehouse in Junction City that burned down in the Junction City fires in the 1890s; father of 13 children
HOWARD, Rudolph S. (1847-c1932): never married; born 02 Mar 1847 Shelby Co, IL; s/o Johnathan Booth and Margaret (Virden) Howard; by 1900 census he is found living in Blackwell, Kay Co, OK where he is a real estate agent; he is found in that location up through the 1930 census and it is probable that he died in that location although records have not been found to confirm that.
*15: HOWARD, Samuel (1792-1873): m1. c1812 Unknown; m2. c1833 YATES, Charlotte
*15: HOWARD, Samuel Newton (1839-1906): s/o Samuel and Charlotte (Yates) Howard
HOWARD, Thomas Ritchie (1849-1903): m'd 1874 LONG, Rebecca; born 20 Nov 1849 Shelby Co, IL; s/o Johnathan Booth and Margaret (Virden) Howard; died 14 Jun 1903 Heppner, Morrow Co, OR; buried in Masonic Cemetery, Heppner, Morrow Co, OR; at one time or another he was a resident of Clackamas County, Polk County, Umatilla County, and Morrow County; was an active Republican and was sheriff of Morrow County from 1886-1900; father of seven known children (Olive M., Mary A., Wayne, Lizzy, Ida, Nellie and Mable)
*15: HOWARD, William (1832-):
*15: HOWARD, Winfield Scott (1850- ): s/o Samuel and Charlotte (Yates) Howard
HOWE, George W.:
HOYCK, Jane Margaret (18 Feb 1822-c1895): m'd 1851 CRANDALL, William Ray; William Crandall emigrated with his family but turned back and emigrated again in 1853; stopped at Salt Lake City in 1853 where his son, Joseph Burton Crandall died that winter
HUBBARD, David Rev. (1795-1868): m1.
1815 MORROW,
m2. THURMAN, Mary Littleton; s/o Charles and Jemima (Capps) Hubbard
HUBBARD, Eli (1808-1882): m'd 1836 CANNON, Keziah; s/o Charles and Jemima (Capps) Hubbard
HUBBARD, Franklin E.:
Jane M. (1832-1918): m'd 1850 VENABLE, Francis Marion; d/o Rev. David and
Hannah (Morrow) Hubbard [photo contributed by Clara Foster]
HUBBARD, Joseph B. (1843-1877): m'd 1873 HAMILTON, Mary J.; s/o Eli and Elizabeth (Buchanon) Hubbard
HUBBARD, Joseph H. (1812-1888): m1.
Ruth; m2. VENABLE, Sarah Elvira;
s/o Charles and Jemima (Capps) Hubbard
[photo contributed by Clara Foster]
HUBBARD, Margaret G. (c1849-1891): m'd
1874 SCONCE,
Adam H.;
d/o Eli and Elizabeth (Buchanon) Hubbard
[photo contributed by Clara Foster]
HUBBARD, Nancy J. (1847-1919): m'd 1865 FOSTER, William C.; d/o Eli and Elizabeth (Buchanon) Hubbard
HUBBARD, Nancy Jane (1833-1865): m'd 1853 VENABLE, Robert Anderson; d/o Joseph and Ruth (Crawford) Hubbard
HUBBARD, Richard K. (c1841-1892): m'd 1866 SCONCE, Mary J.; d/o Eli and Elizabeth (Buchanon) Hubbard
HUBBARD, Sarah Francis (c1845- ): m'd 1859 BROWN, John R.; d/o Eli and Elizabeth (Buchanon) Hubbard
HUBBARD, Thomas (c1842-1895): m'd 1878 KEIZER, Fannie E.; s/o Eli and Elizabeth (Buchanon) Hubbard
*20: HUBERT, Cyrus B.:
*15: HUFFAKER, Elizabeth (1816-1892): m'd 24 Dec 1835 KOGER, William Pinckney
HUGHES, Andrew:
*3: HUGHES, John: hired help on Henkle train
HUGHES, Samuel (1815- ): m'd 1836 [ ], Faith
*15: HUGHES, William W. (1811- ):
HULBURT, Eliza Jane:
HULBURT, Harlan:
HULBURT, Jared Freeman:
HULBURT, Lavina:
*15: HULERY, Frank: s/o John and Martha (Davidson) Hulery
*15: HULERY, Ida: d/o John and Martha (Davidson) Hulery
*15: HULERY, John M. (1827-1904): m'd 17 Jun 1847 DAVIDSON, Martha A.
"HULERY, JOHN M.--Born in Ohio in 1827; moved to Carroll County, Indiana, and became a cooper. Married Miss Martha Davidson, by whom he had nine children Mary, John W.. Ida, George W., Frank, Grant, Jessie, Minnie, and Walter. Brought his family overland to Oregon via "Meek s Cut-off,"; Mr. H. being the first immigrant to cross the Cascades by the route they took. Their experience was dreadful to a high degree, and hunger and thirst prevailed. He located in Lane County, but afterwards removed to Portland. Resides now at McMiimville. Was county commissioner in 1872. Mrs. Hulery died about 1872." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 807]
*15: HULERY, John W. (1850-1931): s/o John and Martha (Davidson) Hulery
*15: HULERY, Mary D. (1848-1869): d/o John and Martha (Davidson) Hulery
HULL, Andrew J.:
HUMPHREYS, Alfred C. (c1835- ): s/o Thomas and Jane (Harrison) Humphreys
HUMPHREYS, Charlotte (1817-1893): m'd 1852 DICKENSON, Obed
DICKINSON, O.--Born in Massachusetts in 1818; moved to Michigan in 1836; came to Oregon by way of Cape Horn; settled in Salem after his arrival, and was pastor in the Congregational Church there for fourteen years after his arrival. He has been engaged in the seed business since 1865, and kept a nursery for twelve years; has twentyone acres of land in orchard and garden, and ships seeds to all parts of the Pacific Coast. Married Miss Charlotte Humphrey in 1852, and by her had several children, but one of whom Cora E. is now living. Mrs. Perry H. Raymond is his adopted daughter." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 802-3]
HUMPHREYS, Clementine Elizabeth (1826-1903): m'd 1846 MCCULLY, John M.; d/o Thomas and Jane (Harrison) Humphreys
*23 HUMPHREYS, Hannah (1799-1876): m'd 19 Mar 1818 CULBERTSON, Andrew Jackson; settled Multnomah County, mother of 11 known children (Jane, John, Elijah Humphreys, Maria T., Mary H., Letitia, Andrew Jackson, Alexander, Theolphilus and Frances)
HUMPHREYS, John Pryor (c1832- ): m'd WILSON, Margaret Clementine; s/o Thomas and Jane (Harrison) Humphreys
HUMPHREYS, Joseph Melvin (1838-1867): s/o Thomas and Jane (Harrison) Humphreys
HUMPHREYS, Josephine (1841-1922): m'd 1858 ELGIN, James Henry; d/o Thomas and Jane (Harrison) Humphreys
HUMPHREYS, Margaret:
HUMPHREYS, Mary Maria Elizabeth (1830-1907): m'd RAY, Lewis; d/o Thomas and Jane (Harrison) Humphreys; buried Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, near Jordan, Linn Co, OR
HUMPHREYS, Nancy Jane (1827- ): d/o Thomas and Jane (Harrison) Humphreys
HUMPHREYS, Salina Emeline (c1836-1912 ): d/o Thomas and Jane (Harrison) Humphreys; buried Crystal Lake Cemetery, Benton Co, OR
HUMPHREYS, Sarah Penelope (c1843- ): d/o Thomas and Jane (Harrison) Humphreys
HUMPHREYS, Susan: m1. 1859 RAY, Riley B.; m2. 1867 THORP, James Riley; d/o Thomas and Jane (Harrison) Humphreys
HUMPHREYS, Thomas (1853- ): s/o John and Margaret (Wilson) Humphreys; born on trail in Nebraska
HUMPHREYS, Thomas Harrison (1847-1911): s/o Thomas and Jane (Harrison) Humphreys
HUMPHREYS, Thomas Melvin (1800-1890): m1. 1825 HARRISON, Jane; m2. Earl, Louisa WOOD
"HUMPHREYS, T. M.--Born in Tennessee, in the year 1800, and assisted in the organization of the government of his native State. He came to Oregon in 1853, making: Linn County his home until 1882, when he moved to Monmouth, Polk County, where he still resides, and owns city property. Married Miss Jane Harrison in 1825, and his descendants comprise eleven children, sixty grandchildren, and thirty great grandchildren." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 807]
HUMPHREYS, William Jehu (1829-1909): m'd WILSON, Penelope Jane; s/o Thomas and Jane (Harrison) Humphreys
HUMPHREYS, Zachariah T. (1849-1918): m'd c1899 [ ], Annie; s/o Thomas and Jane (Harrison) Humphreys; 1880 living in Wasco Co; 1900 living in Wallowa Co
Benjamin F./T.: m'd DAVIES, Catharine Ann
HUNT, Sarah "Sallie" Cabell: m'd DREW, Benjamin J.; d/o Benjamin and Catherine (Davies) Hunt
HUNTER, James G.:
HURST, Elinor: m'd ROCKEFELLER, William
HUSTON, Catherine "Kitty" (1811-1895): m'd HUSTON, Joel Bradshaw; d/o George Huston; married first cousin; buried Sandridge Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
HUSTON, Elizabeth:
HUSTON, George (1833-1900): m'd 1857 PHIPPS, Elizabeth; buried Fernridge Cemetery, Linn Co, OR; store owner prior to his death; s/o Joel and Catherine (Huston) Huston
HUSTON, Joel B. (1847-1921 ): m1. LANE, Caroline; m2. PEARL, Mae M.; s/o Joel and Catherine (Huston) Huston
HUSTON, Joel Bradshaw (1810-1879 ): m'd 1829 HUSTON, Catherine "Kitty"; s/o Walter and Nancy (Bradshaw) Huston; married first cousin; buried Sandridge Cemetery, Linn Co, OR ; note: I am wondering if this name originally was spelled HOUSTON as Joel B. Huston and his wife are reportedly related to Sam Houston of TX fame (the Houston name in this country is said to have originated from two brothers who came to this country from Ireland before the American revolution, being forced to flee Ireland to escape hanging for attempting to start a rebellion against the British. One brother founded the Southern branch of the family, settled in VA and retained the spelling of the name as in Ireland (ie Houston). The other brother went to NY and in hopes of deceiving the British dropped the "o" from his name (ie Huston).
HUSTON, John (1844- ): m'd 1865 HENDRICSON, Leona; s/o Joel and Catherine (Huston) Huston
HUSTON, Luther (c1852- ): m'd 1873 BOGGS, Medorah J.; s/o Joel and Catherine (Huston) Huston
HUSTON, Marion (1850- ): m1. 1870 ALLEN, Cloah C.; m2. 1878 MCCLURE, Phoebe; m3. 1882 MANSON, Mary; s/o Joel and Catherine (Huston) Huston
HUSTON, Martha E. (1841-1870): m'd 1860 ROBERTS, James Bruffey; d/o Joel and Catherine (Huston) Huston; died in Walula, WA; buried Sandridge Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
HUSTON, Mary L.:
HUSTON, Sidney (1837-1872): m'd 1860 FRUM, Sarah Jane; s/o Joel and Catherine (Huston) Huston
HUSTON, Walter (1839-1931 ): m1. 1868 SMITH, Susan E.; m2. 1878 SHELLEY, Lodemma H.; s/o Joel and Catherine (Huston) Huston; buried Sandridge Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
HUSTON, William (c1831- ): m'd 1857 HASH, Sarah J.; s/o Joel and Catherine (Huston) Huston
HUSTON, Worth (1854-1922 ): m'd 1875 DANIELS, Lucy Olive; s/o Joel and Catherine (Huston) Huston; born after arrival in Oregon territory; sheriff of Linn Co
HUTCHINGS, Judith Mariah: m'd BEALE, Tavenor
*11: HUTCHINSON, James Butler
(1852-1872): s/o Thomas
and Elizabeth (Butler) Hutchinson
*11: HUTCHINSON, Robert Cascade (1853-1922: s/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Butler) Hutchinson; born near the end of the journey in the Cascade Mountains 03 Aug 1853
*11: HUTCHINSON, Thomas Hanna (1824-1860): m'd BUTLER, Elizabeth Hannah; s/o James and Sarah (Delemarter) Hutchinson; surveyed and platted Monmouth, OR in 1855; considered one of the founders of Western Oregon University; secretary of the Board of Trustees of Monmouth University; bur Butler-Davidson Cemetery, Polk Co, OR; had a fine lot of horses and cattle
"HUTCHINSON, THOMAS H.--Born in Illinois, and educated at Abingdon College. Coming to Oregon he settled on the Luckiamute, Polk County. Was captain in the early Indian wars, and subsequently held some civil offices; was county clerk at time of his death in 1862. Married Miss Elizabeth H. Butler, by whom he had three children James B. (deceased), Robert C., and Thomas O. Mrs. Hutchinson died in 1866." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 807]
HUTTON, James C.:
*15: HYDE, David A. (1815- ): m'd 17 Oct 1844 [ ], Mary
*15: HYDE, Mary: m'd 17 Oct 1844 HYDE, David A.
*15: ILIFF, Joseph (1799- ):
*24: IMBLER, David Peter (04 Apr 1805-31 Aug 1889 ): m1. 13 Feb 1830 TICHENOR, Margaret (1809-1836); m2.1840: JACKSON, Esther; s/o William Imbler and Frances Sears; settled Lane, Wasco and Union counties
*24: IMBLER, Edward Wilson (18 May 1843-12 Sep 1925): m1.
02 Mar 1872 SMITH, Mary Ellen (1855-1880); m2. 10 Mar 1881 COPELAND, Mattie
(1853-1882); m3. 10 Aug 1884 WAGNER, Emma Lee; s/o David and Esther (Jackson)
Summerville Cemetery, Summerville, Union County, Oregon
*24: IMBLER, Jesse Jackson (26 May 1842-17 Dec 1908): m'd 04 Jan 1867 MASIKER, Esther; s/o David and Esther (Jackson) Imbler; buried Hargadine Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon
*24: IMBLER, Margaret (04 Apr 1836-22 Mar 1917): m'd 01 Oct 1854 RUSSELL, John Abel; d/o David and Margaret (Tichenor) Imbler; husband died in Idaho and Margaret reportedly died in Washington
*24: IMBLER, Martha H. (28 Feb 1835-24 Oct 1901): m'd 25 Sep 1853 SNIPES, George Rodney; d/o David and Margaret (Tichenor) Imbler; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon; died from pneumonia; There are published variations of the story of George's pursuit of Martha, whose father did not approve of George and took his family west to end the courtship. The best-known one has George taking the wagon train led by the Luce brothers on the north side of the Platte River. At Salmon Falls, he found he had gotten ahead of the Imblers, who had a two week head start on him. By night, his friends secretly delivered George's letter to Martha in her parents' wagon near 15 Mile Creek. She slipped out of the camp and they brought her to meet George at The Dalles. They awakened a preacher among the emigrants and he married the pair at 2:30 in the morning, the second wedding at The Dalles. George and Martha homesteaded near Rowena and The Dalles, where he was a prominent farmer and orchardist. They had 14 children;
*24: IMBLER, Mary Jane (31 Mar 1845- aft 1870): m'd 1866 PARKER, Thomas E.; d/o David and Margaret (Tichenor) Imbler
*24: IMBLER, Nancy Barbara (28 Mar 1850-09 Jul 1941): m'd 15 Apr 1868 HALL, John Clark; d/o David and Margaret (Tichenor) Imbler; died in San Bernadino County, California
*24: IMBLER, Silas (10 Dec 1831-12 Jul 1908): m1. 18 May 1867 RUSSELL, Maranda (1848-1875); m2. 12 Nov 1880 McCLAIN, Mary Elizabeth (1844-1922); s/o David and Margaret (Tichenor) Imbler; settled in Wasco county and later moved to Idaho; buried Chattaroy Cemetery, Chattaroy, Spokane County, Washington
*24: IMBLER, Susan (13 Mar 1841-25 Dec 1928): m1. 05 Jan
1866 GLENN, James; m2. 02 Sep 1877 McCAULEY, Matthew; d/o David and Esther
(Jackson) Imbler;
Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County,
*24: IMBLER, William J. (15 Oct 1833- ): m'd [maiden name unknown], Martha; s/o David and Margaret (Tichenor) Imbler
INMAN, Amelia (1812-1900): d/o John and Elizabeth (Bragg) Inman
INMAN, Elizabeth "Betsey":
ISLEY, Daniel:
ISOM, Angelina Frances (1851-1853): d/o
John and
Elizabeth (Messersmith) Duncan; may have died prior
to emigration
ISOM, John (1827-1903): m'd 1848 Duncan (MESSERSMITH), Elizabeth; s/o David and Sarah (Choate) Isom
"ISOM, JOHN-Born in Virginia in 1827; came to Oregon and settled in Linn County, where he took a donation claim, fifteen miles from Albany, which he yet owrns. Moved subsequently to Eastern Oregon, but returned shortly to Linn County, and bought a warehouse in Albany, which he fitted up for a flour mill, and is now owned by Isom, Lanniug & Co. Was elected county commissioner in 1882, and served one term. Owns city property in Albany, where he resides. In 1848 was married to Miss Elizabeth M. Smith, by whom he has had twelve children, two of whom are deceased." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 807-8]
ISOM, Sarah Margaret (1849-1928): d/o John and Elizabeth (Messersmith) Duncan
*24: JACKSON, Esther (28 May 1812-23 Feb 1891): m'd 1840 IMBLER, David Sr.; died in Union County, Oregon
JACKSON, Martha: m'd JOHNSON, Gabriel
JACKSON, Sampson W.:
JAMES, David:
JAMES, Elizabeth (1802-1881): m'd 1842 DICKEY, John; married John Dickey 17 Jan 1842 in Van Buren County (now Cass Co.), Missouri. She was born 28 Aug 1802 in Tennessee and died 25 Jun 1881, Sheridan, Yamhill Co., Oregon. She is buried at Harmony Baptist Cemetery, Polk Co.
JANUARY, Jonathan:
JASPER, Andrew: laid over a day with a sick cow; when attempted to catch up was stopped by a small band of Indians who demanded to be fed; Andrew slashed the leader with his ox-whip which he used with deadly accuracy and the Indians fled
JASPER, Gilead Ann (1839- ): m'd IRWIN, [ ]
*15: JEANS, Billy: driver for Richard Smith
*15: JENNINGS, Joseph C. (1832-1904): m1. 11 Aug 1853 DAVIS, Nancy L.; m2. PEEK, Martha J.; m3. POOLE, Amanda
JESS, Alexander M.: carpenter; MSS #676 10pp; departed from IN March 1853 and arrived at Gresham, OR Oct 1853
*15: JETER, Mary Eliza (1828-1899): m'd 21 Jan 1851 LISTER, Thomas
JEWETT, Philander (1852-1864): s/o Reuben and Lydia (Hayes) Jewett
JEWETT, Reuben (1824-1875): m'd 08 Oct 1848 HAYES, Lydia Louisa
JOB, James C.:
JOHNSON, Elizabeth Jane (1826-1873):
Thomas James
JOHNSON, Gabriel (1803-1888): m 'd 13 Feb 1824 JACKSON, Martha; Gabriel was born 28 Sep 1803 Knox Co, KY and died 29 May 1888 Junction City, Lane Co, OR
JOHNSON, Hanibal Fulton (1830-1921):
JOHNSON, James (1803- ): m'd 1824 [ ], Mary
JOHNSON, James C.:
JOHNSON, James Harrison (1821-1911): m'd 1841 ADAMSON, Esther Ann
*15: JOHNSON, John Newhouse (1825-1893): m'd 25 Aug 1858 WEGNER, Esther
JOHNSON, Mary Jane (1827-1908): m'd 24 Sep 1848 MCDANIEL, John; d/o Gabriel and Martha (Jackson) Johnson
JOHNSON, Nancy (1814- ): m'd MCCULLOCH, William N.
*15: JOHNSON, Stephen; single, trapper probably in the area earlier
*15: JONES, Elizabeth A. (1848- ): d/o Joseph and Polly (Davis) Jones
JONES, Frances (1852-1888): m'd 1871 BONNEY, Augustus Alva; d/o SWR and Elizabeth (Allen) Jones
JONES, Harvey (1842- ): m'd VANBUSKIRK, Josephine
"JONES, HARVEY L.--Born in Missouri in 1842; in 1847 was taken to Iowa; in 1853 came to Oregon and settled in Bethel, Polk County. Present residence, Bellevue, Yamhill County, and occupation, fanning. He married Josephine Van Buskirk, and their children s names are Holland, Weldon M., Luella M., and Herbert W." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 808]
JONES, Heman:
*20: JONES, J.K.: bought flour from Fothergill
*15: JONES, James N. (1845- ): s/o Joseph and Polly (Davis) Jones
JONES, James Thomas (1837-1869): s/o SWR and Elizabeth (Allen) Jones
JONES, Jefferson (1816- ): m'd 1839 [ ], Jane
JONES, Jesse Berryman (1847-1909): m'd 1872 BELL, Julia; s/o SWR and Elizabeth (Allen) Jones
JONES, John Calvin (1845-1846): s/o SWR and Elizabeth (Allen) Jones; died prior to emigration of family
JONES, Joseph (1819- ): m'd 1840 [ ], Nancy
*15: JONES, Joseph M.: m'd 04 Apr 1839 DAVIS, Polly L.; father of 11 children; settled near Creswell in Lane Co
JONES, Joseph Philip (1839-1900): m'd 1870 FRAZER, Jennie; s/o SWR and Elizabeth (Allen) Jones
*15: JONES, Lewis W. (1812-1885): m'd [ ], Mary
JONES, Madison Lafayette (1849-1948): m'd 1880 HOVENDEN, Emma Jane; s/o SWR and Elizabeth (Allen) Jones
"JONES, MADISON L.--Born in Indiana in 1849, and came with his parents to Oregon. Was educated in the Willamette University, and afterwards studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1879; was a member of the legislature in 1882. Married Miss Emma Hovenden in 1880." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 808]
*15: JONES, Mary: m'd JONES, Lewis W.; maiden name unknown at this time
JONES, Newton (1846- ): s/o Joseph and Polly (Davis) Jones
JONES, Rachel (1841-1865): m'd 1863 FAIN, William B.; d/o SWR and Elizabeth (Allen) Jones
*15: JONES, Rebecca Elizabeth (1804-c1870): m'd 17 Apr 1825 GALE, William
JONES, Samuel Williams (1850-1921): m'd 1876 DARLAND, Sarah Elizabeth; d/o SWR and Elizabeth (Allen) Jones
JONES, Sarah Ann (1852-1876): m'd 08 Oct 1871 COON, Thomas Madison; d/o James and Elizabeth (Miller) Jones
JONES, Silas Allen (1845-1914): m'd 1868 LARKINS, Rebecca Barlow; s/o SWR and Elizabeth (Allen) Jones
JONES, Silas Washington Robinson Jones
m1. 1836 ALLEN, Elizabeth; m2. 1890 HARBINE, Cynthia Ella; m3. 1890
BOATRIGHT, Maud; m4. 1891 OSBORNE, Hannah; s/o Thomas and Frances
(Bybee) Jones; went
to CA in 1849 via the Isthmus; returned east and brought family west to
OR in 1853; father of 14 children (3 born in OR); lived most of his
life in Marion county; returned to IN in his
later years where he died
photo contributed by Robert Huntly Jones]
JONES, Susannah (1842-1923): m'd 1860 HUNSAKER, Harrison King "Tip"; d/o SWR and Elizabeth (Allen) Jones
*15: JONES, Thomas Lewis Rev. (1841-1927): m'd BAIRD, Mary; settled Lane Co; went to ID mines where he struck it rich; 1867 went to mines in Southern Oregon; s/o Joseph and Polly (Davis) Jones
JONES, Thomas B.:
JONES, Vincent:
*15: JONES, William (1833-1891): m'd 19 Nov 1857 JUDGE, Susan
JONES, William Henry (1842-1855): s/o SWR and Elizabeth (Allen) Jones
JONES, Sarah Ann (1852-1876): m'd 1871 COON, Thomas Madison; d/o James and Elizabeth (Miller0 Jones; burial location unknown
JORDAN, Sarah Jane (1836-1859): m'd 1854 MARK, Alexander; reportedly accompanied Mulkey family as a babysitter; - NOTE I found a source giving her arrival as 1853; there was an Elijah and Jane (McAdams) Mulkey family who came that year
JORDAN, Thomas Capt.:
JOSLIN, John (1832- ):
*3: JUMP, William: hired help on Henkle Train
JUNKIN, James G.:
KAGER, William P.:
KEIFFIER, Christina: m1. [ ] Tate; m2. Joseph
Moon; m3. Lewis Cooper; widowed three times
*15: KEITH, Daniel Walker Capt. (c1815- ):
1856 Lane Co;
1858 Jackson Co;
removed to Jackson Co
*15: KELLOGG, Adna Barnes (c1825- ): s/o John and Jane Kellogg
*15: KELLOGG, Harriet Lucema Ann: d/o John and Jane Kellogg
*15: KELLOGG, Jane Maria (c1802- ): m'd 25 Dec 1823 KELLOGG, John J.
*15: KELLOGG, John J. (1800-1857): m'd 25 Dec 1823 [ ], Jane Maria
*15: KELLOGG, Lyman Lorenza Crastus (c1829- ): s/o John and Jane Kellogg
*15: KELLOGG, Mary Louise Emeline: d/o John and Jane Kellogg
KELLY, Elizabeth Jane:
KELLY, Everington D. (1833- ): m'd WATEROUS, Lucy
"KELLY, E. D.--Born in New York, May 20, 1833; arrived in Oregon September 29, 1853; occupation merchant; present residence, Oregon City. Wife's previous name, Lucy Waterous. Children Maggie, John W., Charles, and Edward (deceased)." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 808]
KELLY, Gilmer:
*15: KELLY, Mary Ann: m'd 09 Jul 1850 LOWE, Leander H.
*15: KELLY, Ranson M. (1830- ): m'd SMITH, Marie Louise
*15: KELSAY, Burton (1833- ): m'd 11 Jan 1855 GILLIS, Euphrasia Ann
KELSAY, Elizabeth Ann ( -1926): m'd 26 Jun 1851 ALLEN, James; died 1926 Lake County, California
*15: KELSAY, John (1819- ): m'd 1846 MONROE, Martha
"KELSAY, JOHN--Born in Wayne County, Kentucky, October 23, 1819; moved to Missouri in 1829; was a member of the House of Representatives of Missouri in 1844, and began to practice law in 1846. Came to Oregon and settled at Corvallis, where he still lives. Is engaged in the practice of the law. Served in the Rogue River Indian War of 1855-56, and rose to the command of the Second Regiment Oregon Mounted Volunteers, and took part in many severe actions. Colonel Kelsay was a member of the Constitutional Convention, and in 1868 became Justice of the Supreme Court of Oregon." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 808]
*15: KELSAY, William H. (1831- ): m'd 05 Sep 1867 SAYLOR, Lucy
KENDALL, Joseph Wilson ( -1891): m'd [], Mary
KENNEDY, Jasper (1848- ): s/o Mordecai and
Julia (Daniels) Kennedy
KENNEDY, John Knox: returned east and made two more trips to OR, the final one in 1862
*15: KENNEDY, John P.: m 'd GALE, Melissa; wife died on Green River 16 Jul 1853 in childbirth
KENNEDY, John R. (1820- ): m'd 1847 NAGLE, Bridget
KENNEDY, John Wesley (1846- ): s/o Mordecai and Julia (Daniels) Kennedy
*15: KENNEDY, Joseph Albert (1853- ): s/o John and Melissa (Gale) Kennedy; born 16 Jul 1853 on Green River; mother died in childbirth
KENNEDY, Martha: m'd KERNS, James
KENNEDY, Mordecai: m'd 1845 Doty DANIELS, Julia Ann; wife was the widow of John Doty; settled in Polk County near Rickreall
"KENNEDY, M.--Born in- -; lived in Kentucky and Illinois ; located in Polk County in 1853 and took up a farm. Occupation, farming and stock-raising. Residence, Polk County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 808]
KENNEDY, Vivion (1851- ): s/o Mordecai and Julia (Daniels) Kennedy
KENNEDY, William M. (1819- ): m'd 1841 WELLS, Mary Ann
KENNEDY, William R. (1850- ): s/o Mordecai and Julia (Daniels) Kennedy
KENOYER, Jeremiah Rev. (1819-1906): m'd CUPPY, Elizabeth
KENT, Deborah G.: m'd KENT, Horace A.; MSS #95 6pp reminiscence; departed IL Feb 1853 and arrived Oregon City Nov 27, 1853; maiden name not known at this time
KENT, Horace A.: m'd [ ], Deborah G.
KERNS, Alvin (1853 - ): born on the
John Day river 14 Sep 1853;
c/o James and Martha (Kennedy) Kerns
KERNS, James A.: m'd KENNEDY, Martha
KETCHUM, Rebecca: *1: From Ithaca to Clatsop Plains: Miss Ketcham's Journal of Travel [OHSQ Sep 1861]
KEYS, Leah (1826- ): m'd 12 Feb 1846 MANSFIELD, Isaac S.; born in England; mother of (Edmond, Sarah Elizabeth, Anna and Virginia)
KEYS, Thomas:
*15: KIME, Catherine (1821-1911): m'd 25 Mar 1847 RICKARD, Caspr; d/o Michael Kime
*15: KIME, Cordelia (1852-1940): m'd 04 Feb 1869 HORNE, William B.; d/o James and Mary (Smith) Kime
*15: KIME, Elizabeth (1850- ): m'd 07 Nov 1865 BOYD, Joshua C.; d/o James and Mary (Smith) Kime
*15: KIME, Elizabeth (1832-1918): m'd 17 Mar 1852 SCHULTZ, George; d/o Michael Kime
*15: KIME, Henderson (1845- ): s/o James and Mary (Smith) Kime
*15: KIME, James (1823-1896): m'd 1843 SMITH, Mary Margaret; s/o Michael Kime
*15: KIME, Michael (1790-1870): came with the Rickards via the Elliott Cutoff
*15: KIME, Michael (1847-1886): m2. HALL, Rebecca; m2. 09 Jan 1877 MANNING, Sarah S.; s/o James and Mary (Smith) Kime
*15: KIME, Susannah: m'd 22 Mar 1850 RICKARD, John; d/o Michael Kime
KINCAID, Elizabeth Maria (1842-1930): m'd 1859 GALE, Thomas Newton; d/o Thomas and Nancy (Chodrick) Kincaid
KINCAID, Harrison Rittenhouse (1836-1920): m'd 1873 LOCKWOOD, Augusta Alberta; s/o Thomas and Nancy (Chodrick) Kincaid
KINCAID, John Sanford (1845-1873): s/o Thomas and Nancy (Chodrick) Kincaid
KINCAID, M. A. (1848- ): d/o Thomas and Nancy (Chodrick) Kincaid
KINCAID, Rebecca Ann (1840-1864): m'd LAWRENCE, [ ]; d/o Thomas and Nancy (Chodrick) Kincaid
KINCAID, Thomas (1800-1866): m 'd c1835 CHODRICK, Nancy
KINCAID, William B.:
KINDT, Peter:
*3: KING, Anna
Gragg (28 May 1840-23 Oct 1926): m'd BARNARD, [ ]; d/o
David and Mary
(Henkle) King
KING, Augustus (1828- ): m'd MCDOWELL, Lydia
*3: KING, Clement: s/o David and Mary (Henkle) King
*3: KING, David Armstrong (30 Oct 1818-04 Aug 1890) m'd Mar 1839 HENKLE, Mary Gragg
*3: KING, Elizabeth: d/o David and Mary (Henkle) King
*3: KING, John; hired hand on Henkle train
KING, Lucretia (1809-1860): m'd 1827 HALLECK, Heman; d/o Nahum and Serepta (Norton) King
KING, Rachel (1820- ): m'd STAYTON, Drury
*3: KING, Sydney: d/o David and Mary (Henkle) King
*15: KINNEY, Ann: m'd 16 Jan 1860 Owen, Jason; d/o James and Mary Kinney
*15: KINNEY, Ellen (1839-1916): m'd 30 Jun 1858 BLEDSOE, Relf; d/o James and Mary Kinney; first name may be Helen
*15: KINNEY, James (1812-1884): m'd 15 May 1834 brother of Patrick and Thomas
*15: KINNEY, James: s/o James and Mary Kinney
*15: KINNEY, John (1841-1866): s/o James and Mary Kinney
*15: KINNEY, Margaret (1838-1884): m'd 27 Jan 1857 BRUCE, James; d/o James and Mary Kinney
*15: KINNEY, Mary (1812-1866): m'd 15 May 1834 KINNEY, James
*15: KINNEY, Mary C.: m'd 05 Apr 1854 POINDEXTER, Benjamin W.; nieces of James, Patrick and Thomas Kinney
*15: KINNEY, Mary Jane (1846- ): m'd 19 Mar 1868 RIDENOUR, William; d/o James and Mary Kinney
*15: KINNEY, Michael:
*15: KINNEY, Nell (-1915): m'd UNGER, Mr.; d/o James and Mary Kinney
*15: KINNEY, Patrick (1810- ): brother of Thomas and James
*15: KINNEY, Thomas (1801- ): brother of Patrick and James
KIRK, Anna (1825-1917): m'd 1842 BARR, Jesse; d/o of Elijah and Catherine (Mosier) Kirk; settled Linn Co, OR; buried Nye Cemetery, Sweet Home, Linn Co, OR
*15: KIRK, Emily E. ( -1865): m'd 14 Aug 1851 KIRK, Madison, later divorced him and remarried
*15: KIRK, Madison: m 'd 14 Aug 1851 [ ], Emily E.
*15: KIRKENDALL, Evan (1826- ): m'd 31 Oct 1847 [ ], Susan
*15: KIRKENDALL, Susan (c1828- ): m'd 31 Oct 1847 KIRKENDALL, Evan; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: KISTNER, Joel B.: single, traveled with B.F. Owen; later returned east
KITSON, Rachel Ann:
KIZER, Francis M. (1838- ): m'd 1859 WIGLE, Mary
"KIZER, FRANCIS M.--Born in Cedar County, Kentucky, in 1838. Settled in Linn County, Oregon, in 1853, and still resides there. Is a farmer; has been Master of the State Grange. Represented Linn County in the legislature of 1882. Married Miss Mary Wigle in 1859." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 809]
*15: KIZER, John (1830-1907): s/o Mr and Anna Kizer; traveled with mother and stepfather, Isaac Whitaker
KLINE, Abigail Bates (1848- ): m'd 03 Jul 1867 MORELAND, Julius; d/o John L. and Serena J. (Holt) Kline; born 18 Jan 1848 at Fort Scott, Missouri
KLINE, John Lowry (1814-1898): m1.07 Feb 1839 HOLT, Serena J.; m2. 30 Nov1852 Holt, Mary E.(CARDWELL), m3. 20 Feb 1855 BEERS, Mrs. Sarah; m4. 13 Nov 1873 WILLIAMSON, Mrs. Minerva A.; m5. c1890 [ ], Laura A.; m6. TAYLOR, Mrs. Ella J.; m7. 05 Jun 1898 SIBLEY, Mary; John's second wife died during emigration at Rock Creek in childbirth ; After losing his second wife, John Lowry Kline proceeded into Oregon and took a less-traveled route across Oregon, going over the Cascades at the McKinsey Pass and coming down the McKinsey Fork into Eugene. After wintering in Eugene, he settled with his family in Corvallis, Oregon. Upon settling in Benton County he was granted guardianship of Mary's two sons by her previous marriage; in 1865 John moved to Walla Walla, WA and in 1870 to Lewiston, ID; father of six children by first wife (John Lowry Jr, Laura Ellen, Louisa Frances, John Wilson Moore (1845-1848); Melissa Jane, Sarah Virginia) and one child by second wife (Mary Serena)
KLINE, John Lowry Jr. (1852- ) s/o John L. and Serena J. (Holt) Kline; born 28 Feb 1852 in Osceola, Missouri, (mother Serena died 28 May 1852).
KLINE, Laura Ellen (1850- ): m'd 15 Mar 1871 AKIN, Franklin Street; d/o John L. and Serena J. (Holt) Kline; born 11 Jan 1850 in Greenfield, Missouri
KLINE, Louisa Frances (1840- ): m'd 20 May1858 TURPIN, William; d/o John L. and Serena J. (Holt) Kline; born 21 Aug 1840 in eastern Tennessee
KLINE, Mary Serena (1853-1859): d/o John and Mary (Cardwell) Kline; born on trail 09 Aug 1853 at Rock Creek, a tributary of the Snake River in southern Idaho. She died at the age of five in Corvallis, Oregon on 26 Feb 1859
KLINE, Melissa Jane (1843- ): d/o John L. and Serena J. (Holt) Kline; born 7 Aug 1843 in eastern Tennessee.
KLINE, Sarah Virginia (1842- ): m'd 17 Jan 1859 HILL, Henry; d/o John L. and Serena J. (Holt) Kline; born 16 Feb 1842 in eastern Tennessee
KLISE, Henry:
KNAPP, George W. (1834- ): m'd 1864 HOWARD, Solendia
"KNAPP, GEORGE W.--Was born in Ohio in 1834; came to Oregon and settled near Dayton, and still lives on his farm at the same place. He married Solendia Howard in 1864, and their children s names are Lavinia and Frank B." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 809]
KNIGHT, Amelia Stewart:
KNIGHT, Joseph P. (1799- ): m1. BATES, Sarah; m2. BAUER, Catherine
"KNIGHT, JOSEPH--Born in Alleghany County, Pennsylvania, in 1799; was a farmer and stone-cutter by occupation; was married twice first to Sarah Bates, and second to Catherine Bauer; his children are Charles, Henry A. (deceased), Adam (deceased), Joseph, Matilda (deceased), Sarah (deceased), William, George, Rachel, Leah (deceased), John, August (deceased), Catherine (deceased), Samuel (deceased), and Mary." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 809]
KNIGHT, P.S. (1836- )
"KNIGHT, P. S.--Born in Boston, Massachusetts, October 21, 1836, but was taken to Iowa when six months old. His family removed to Vancouver, W. T., in 1853. He was educated at the Willamette University, studied law and was admitted the bar in 1863. Edited the Statesman newspaper, of Salem, for two years 1863 and 1864. For the next two years he served as pastor of the Congregational Church at Oregon City. From the conclusion of that engagement until the beginning of 1885 he was pastor of the Congregational Church at Salem, resigning then to give his attention more entirely to the affairs of the Deaf and Dumb School at Salem, which he founded in 1870 and has carried on ever since, almost by his unaided exertions. He has built up a useful and commendable institution, doing a work which the State of Oregon ought to assume, but which the mean parsimony of legislatures relegates to the benevolence of private philanthropy." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 809]
KNOTT, Elizabeth (1814- ): m. 15 Oct 1835 PORTER, William D.; born 17 Dec 1814 Boone Co, IN; settled Linn Co, OR; mother of 4 children (Mary, Elizabeth Nancy, George and Maria)
KNOTT, Nancy S. (1819-1868): m. 18 Mar 1838 PORTER, James Asbury; born 28 Jun 1819 Fayette Co, IN and died 17 May 1868 Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR; mother of 8 children (Madillen A., John D., William Harris, Elizabeth B., Malinda J., Mary K., Thomas L. and James C.)
KNOFF, William (1828- ):
KNOX, Caroline M.: m'd MORSS, John M.
KNOX, Sanuel Barton: m'd STOCKTON, Cynthia Ellen; emigrated with 10 children
*15: KOGER, Alah Jane (1838-1870): m'd 30 Sep 1857 SEWARD, Smith; d/o William and Elizabeth (Huffake) Koger
*15: KOGER, Charlotte Matilda (1847-1883): m1 WATERBURY, Haskel; m2. AUGUSTINE, Andrew
*15: KOGER, Frances Emerine (1842- ): d/o William and Elizabeth (Huffake) Koger
*15: KOGER, Francis Marion (1853-1919): m'd [ ], Emma; s/o William and Elizabeth (Huffake) Koger
*15: KOGER, George Washington (1840-1862): s/o William and Elizabeth (Huffake) Koger
*15: KOGER, James Christopher (1849- ): s/o William and Elizabeth (Huffake) Koger
*15: KOGER, John: brother of William
*15: KOGER, Martha Clementine (1851-1922): m'd 1867 CLARK, David; d/o William and Elizabeth (Huffake) Koger
*15: KOGER, Mary Katherine (1836-1861): m'd 28 Apr 1853 ESLICK, Samuel; d/o William and Elizabeth (Huffake) Koger
*15: KOGER, Sarah Ann (1844- ): m'd c1862 ESLICK, Samuel; d/o William and Elizabeth (Huffake) Koger; married husband of sister after she died
*15: KOGER, Susan Elizabeth (1846- ): d/o William and Elizabeth (Huffake) Koger
*15: KOGER, William Pinckney (1816-1870): m'd 24 Dec 1835 HUFFAKER, Elizabeth
KOMPF, Casper:
KRAMER, John A.:
KRITENSTEIN, Wilheminie Louisa (1811-1881); m'd 10 Apr 1843 THIELE, Friedrick August; Wilheminie was born 15 August 1811 in Hausberge, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany and died 15 April 1881 in Rice Hill, Douglas County, Oregon
LADD, James L. (1804-aft 1880 ): m'd 1838 RICHIE,
Sarah H.
in Morgan Co, IL; it is likely
that his wife and children accompanied James L. Ladd on this trek. Family
tradition has his middle name as being "Lindsay" which was his mother's maiden
name.; Sarah was born 1812 KY and died before 1870 OR; James was father of three children (
Married 1838 Morgan Co., IL; to Sarah H. Richie b 1812 KY,
d before 1870 OR, burial place unknown
(George A. Ladd, b 1839 IL, Mary E. Ladd, b 1846 IL, and James R. Ladd, b 1851 IL)
LADD, Thomas B. (1811-1888):
m'd 1832 HANBACK/HANDBACK, Elizabeth; b 16 JuL 1811 KY; d 18 Nov 1888; buried Amity Pioneer Cemetery,
Amity, OR; Married 1832 Morgan Co., IL, to Elizabeth Hanback (or Handback) b 9 AUG 1894 KY; d 8 MAR 1880; buried Amity Pioneer Cemetery, Amity, OR; it is likely that his wife and children accompanied Thomas B. Ladd on this trek.
Family tradition has his middle name as being "Benjamin" but it may also have
been "Ben" for "Benton" since a grandson was given the name "Thomas Benton
Ladd."; father of three children (James L. Ladd b 1836 IL, William James Ladd b
1839 IL, Mary J.J. Ladd b 1841 IL)
LADY, Candace, (1840-1911): m'd FILES, jackson C.
LADY, Catherine Ann (1842- ): m1. 1858 OSBORN, Robert; m2. 1868 LINVILLE, Christian; d/o William and Sarah (Bewley) Lady
LADY, Cornelia Minverva (1834-1911): m'd 1854 FULLERTON, Charles Putman; d/o William and Sarah (Bewley) Lady
LADY, Elijah (c1838- ): m'd [ ], Fannie R.; s/o William and Sarah (Bewley) Lady
LADY, Elizabeth Ann (1839-1898): m'd PARKER, John Bates; d/o Joseph and Martha (Doke) Lady
LADY, Evaline H. (1848-1923): m'd 1866 YOCUM, Allen; d/o William and Sarah (Bewley) Lady
LADY, Harriet Margaret (1844-1893): m1. 1860 WALLAN, William Page; m2. 1868 FRIAR, Joseph; d/o William and Sarah (Bewley) Lady
LADY, James W. (1832-1913): m'd 1857 WOOD, Sarah; s/o William and Sarah (Bewley) Lady
LADY, Jane (1837- ): m'd JAMIESON, [ ]; d/o Joseph and Martha (Doke) Lady
LADY, John Taylor (1836-1914): m'd 1872 DODSON, Leona R.; s/o William and Sarah (Bewley) Lady
"LADY, JOHN T.--Born in South Carolina in 1836; was taken to Indiana in the same year, and to Missouri in 1843. Ten years later came to Oregon and settled in Yamhill Count} . His present residence is at Grand Ronde, Polk County, and occupation farming and stockraising. In Yamhill County, in 1872, he married Leona Dodson, and their children s names are Gifford W., Perry C., and Glair." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 809-10]
LADY, Joseph (1811-1856): m1. 10 Jul 1836 DOKE, Martha; m2. c1848 MILTON, Nancy Caroline; s/o Jacob Lady; died at Fort Vancouver 14 Apr 1856 after taking his family there for safety from Indian raids. Became ill and died at the fort. Is buried in the Old Vancouver City Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
LADY, Sarah Elizabeth (1845-1863): m'd 1863 AGEE, Benjamin Coats; d/o William and Sarah (Bewley) Lady
LADY, Tennessee Lavina (1849-1908): m'd TAFT, Dr. C. J.; d/o Joseph and Nancy (Milton) Lady
LADY, William Gifford (1808-1876 ): m'd 1829 BEWLEY, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o Jacob Lady
LADY, William T. (1847- ): m'd [ ], Mary A.; s/o William and Sarah (Bewley) Lady
LAFOLLETTE, Charles: to California in 1849 and to Oregon in 1853; see 1849 listing
*14: LAGRAVE, Mr.: set out with Joseph Bogy and some 25 young drivers with a herd of about 500 cattle and 4,000 sheep
*15: LAMFEER, George: driver for Polly Elliott
LAND, Laura Jane (1839-1918): m'd 1846 ANDERSON, William Perrin; Laura was the mother of 8 children (Mary Ellen, Laura Adelaide, Louis, Richard B., Clarissa G., Anna M., William E. and one unknown)
LANDER, Colonel:
LANDRETH, Squire Benjamin (01 Nov 1835- 06 Dec 1914): m'd 04 Jul 1864 MARTIN, Elizabeth Ellen; s/o Benjamin and Temperance (Lawrence) Landreth; buried Spring Creek Cemetery, Reardon, Lincoln County, Washington
*15: LANDRITH, Delia Francis (17 Maar 1842-1875): m'd 08 Jun 1860 APPLEGATE, S.W.; d/o Cyrus and Martha (Coulson) Landrith; buried Applegate-Kennedy Cemetery, New Plymouth, Payette County, Idaho
*15: LANDRITH, Cyrus (11 Jun 1817-16 Aug 1891): m'd 07 Dec 1838 COULSON, Martha; m2. MORRIS, Martha Ann; buried Coos River Cemetery, Coos County, Oregon
*15: LANDRITH, George Benjamin (07 Mar 1838 -26 Jun 1905): never married; s/o Cyrus and Martha (Coulson) Landrith; buried Lorane Grange Cemetery, Lorane, Lane County, Oregon
*15: LANDRITH, Joseph (Mar 1844-1907): s/o Cyrus and Martha (Coulson) Landrith
*15: LANDRITH, Martha Lucille. (28 Jan 1852-08 Apr 1931): m'd 1871 CROW, John Hardy; d/o Cyrus and Martha (Coulson) Landrith; buried Fir Grove Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
*15: LANDRITH, Nancy Catherine (10 Jun 1849-07 Jul 1880): m'd 16 Jul 1868 BRIDGES, Frank; d/o Cyrus and Martha (Coulson) Landrith; buried Coos River Cemetery, Coos County, Oregon
*15: LANDRITH, Oliver Goldsmith (20 Apr 1846-10 Mar 1912): m'd 1891 PEARSON, Martha; s/o Cyrus and Martha (Coulson) Landrith; burial location unknown
LANSING, Anna (1804-bef 1860): m'd WARREN, Willis; is shown in 1850 census but it is not known if she accompanied family west in 1853 or was already deceased by then.
LANE, Alonzo (1825- ):
LANE, James: s/o John and Louisa (Coffey) Lane
LANE, John Jackson (1819- ): m1. 1842 COFFEY, Louisa; m2. HANCOCK, Milly Ann; s/o Mordecai and Celia (Atkinson) Lane; started with some fine stock; one prize thoroughbred mare was towed across river by other members of party; the mare arrived on the other side dead from drowning; enraged, Lane left the party, but apparently rejoined at some point because he is mention again; found in Sonoma Co, Ca by 1860
LANE, Lucinda Jane (c1850-1868): d/o John and Louisa (Coffey) Lane; died Sonoma Co, CA
*15: LANE, Mary (1817- ): m'd 1844 DARNEILLES, Anderson
LANE, Mary Melissa (1824 - ): m'd 1847 LYNCH, James T.
LANE, Thomas: s/o John and Louisa (Coffey) Lane
LANE, William R. (c1848- ): s/o John and Louisa (Coffey) Lane
*15: LANSING, Anna: m'd 09 Sep 1828 WARREN, Willis
*15: LAPHAM, Emily Louise (1838-c1854): d/o James and Maria (Nichols) Lapham
*15: LAPHAM, James R. (1811-1901): m'd Mar 1834 NICHOLS, Maria
*15: LAPHAM, Maria Ann (1846-1942): m'd 21 Jan 1865 LEWIS, John Corbin
LAWRENCE, Lydia Ann: m'd REVENUE, [ ]
LAWRENCE, Mary 91800-1887): m'd 05 Oct 1820 DAVIDSON, John
LEE, Hugh:
*8: LEE, Lucy Ann: d/o Jason and Anna (Pitman) Lee; was with the Gustavus Hines party; Gustavus had adopted her after the death of her parents
LEE, Thomas:
LEEVER, Cornwall Thacker (11 Sep 1825 - 08 Apr 1919: m'd BEELER, Martha Jane; s/o Samuel Leever; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon; .: arruved at the Umatilla Agency July 20, 1853; lived in Goshen, Ohio; had recently graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University; brother of William, left Defiance, OH on April 30, 1853 in the company of Calvrin Brookings West; later merged with Butler Train
LEEVER, William Thacker (27 Feb 1829-02 Mar 1903): m'd 1857 CONSTANT, Elizabeth Merriman; s/o Samuel Leever; buried Central Point Cemetery, Central Point, Jackson County, Oregon;
"arruved at
the Umatilla Agency July 20, 1853; lived in Goshen, Ohio; had recently graduated
from Ohio Wesleyan University; brother of Cornwall, left Defiance, OH on April
30, 1853 in the company of Calvrin Brookings West; later merged with Butler
Leever Family by Kevin Biersdorff"
LEMAY, Lewis:
Hester: m'd 1831 TUCKER, Thomas [photo contributed by
Andrea Adrian Healy]
LEMONS, Catherine Bridgette: m'd SOUTHWORTH, James R.
LEMONS, Nancy Ellen: m'd BULLOCK, Charles J.
LENT, Nancy Catherine (04 May 1828-09 Oct 1853): m'd 01 Feb 1849 BISHOP, Hiram Smith; d/o Edward and Nancy (Phillips) Lent; probably buried at Stayton, Marion County, Oregon
*8/*15: LEONARD, Catherine Jame (1840- ): m'd 05 Oct 1858 JONES, Jason; d/o Joseph and Mary (Purdom) Leonard
*8/*15: LEONARD, Cyrus Sharp (1842-1926): s/o Joseph and Mary (Purdom) Leonard
*8: LEONARD, Eleanor (1817-1895): m'd SHOTWELL, John M.
*8/*15: LEONARD, Joseph (1846-1877): s/o Joseph and Mary (Purdom) Leonard
*8/*15: LEONARD, Joseph: L. (1808-1881): m1. c1828 m2. 26 Nov 1838 PURDOM, Mary
*8/*15: LEONARD, Lucinda Ann (1844- ): m'd WORTH, John; d/o Joseph and Mary (Purdom) Leonard
*15: LEVERING, Hannah (1824- ): m1. WEGNER, Michael; m2. 30 Oct 1849 WILLIAMS, Thomas
LEWIS, Amanda Sarah "Amandy" (17 Mar 1848-08 May 1928 ): m1. c1868 HENRY, Charles; m2. 1881 MCDONALD, Lewis; m2. 10 Sep 1893 BELL, Thomas Jefferson; d/o John and Polly (Turner) Lewis; buried Phoenix Pioneer Cemetery, Phoenix, Jackson County, Oregon; kept hotel at Talent for over 16 years
LEWIS, Hananiah (1814- ):
LEWIS, Jesse b. (1834- ): m'd 1856 BOUNDS, Sarah E.
LEWIS, John (30 Apr 1816-07 Mar 1904): m'd 1834 TURNER, Polly Linza; buried Central Point Cemetery, Central Point, Jackson County, Oregon
*20: LEWIS, Richard William (1820- ):
LEWIS, William (1796-1881): m'd 1816 SNETHEN, Hannah; born in Ashe Co, NY; died near Monroe in Benton Co, OR; his daughter Mary "Polly" (Lewis) Leabo and son-in-law, Isaac Leabo preceded him to OR in 1846
LIGHTFOOT, Sarah W. (1811-1896): m'd 1834 RICHARDSON, William C.; buried Bethel Cemetery, Polk Co, OR per Richardson Family Researcher, Robin Richardson
*15: LIGO, Sarah Alice (04 Jun 1809-01 Aug 1895): m'd 13 Dec 1837 HALL, Dr. Langley; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
LINCH, James T.:
LINES, John H. (1803- ): m'd 1842 [ ], Martha M.
LINVILLE, Thomas H.:
*15: LISTER, Charles (1852-): m1. 1880 CLAYPOOL, Clara; m2. Jul 1892 MILLER, Mary; s/o Thomas and Mary (Jeter) Lister
*15: LISTER, Elizabeth (1833- ): m'd 10 May 1857 CHURCH, Stephen; d/o William and Catherine Lister
*15: LISTER, Thomas (1826-1898): m'd 21 Jan 1851 JETER, Mary Eliza; s/o William and Catherine Lister
*15: LISTER, William (1805-1881): m1. 16 Jan 1826 [ ], Catherine; m2. TOMPKINS, Mrs. Rebecca; first wife refused to cross plains and remained with son in Missouri. William returned east in 1854 and brought her to Oregon by ship
LOFTUS, Edward H.:
*21: LOGAN, James:
LONG, A. H. (1827- ): m1. 1856 WILHOIT, Harriet; m2. 1884 CRANK, Mrs. Lucinda
"LONG, A. H.--Was born in Virginia in 1827; was reared in Indiana, and came from that State to Oregon. Married Miss Harriet Wilhoit in 1856, by whom he had seven children, one of whom now lives Phoebe. His wife died in 1870, and in 1884 he contracted a second marriage with Mrs. Lucinda Crank, he being her third husband. She has seven children." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 810]
*15: LONG, Anderson (1833- ):
*15: LONG, Charles O.; single man with Leonard; went for assistance
*15: LONG, George; orphan deserted by his party and taken in by Pleasant Noland; found sitting by a small fire in the Cascade mountains
15: LONG, Henry P.; orphan deserted by his party and taken in by Pleasant Noland; found sitting by a small fire in the Cascade mountains
LONG, James:
LONG, William P.:
*18): LONGMIRE, James: MSS #1004, 28pp
departed from Evansville,
IN to St. Joseph, MO Mar 06, 1853 and arrived Puget Sound, WA Oct 9,
LONGMIRE, John: old frontiersman; made an annual spring trip to the foot of Mt. Rainier to his place there called Longmire Springs
LOUGHARY, L. W. (1832- ): m'd 1858 SIMPSON, Eliza
"LOUGHARY, L. W.--Born in Illinois in 1832; came to Oregon and settled in Polk County. Present residence, Luckiamute Valley; occupation, carpenter and farmer. He married Eliza Simpson in Polk County, Oregon, in 1858, and their children's names are Rosina, Martha R., Uly, and Frank." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 811]
*21: LOUGHLIN, Judson:
*21: LOUGHLIN, William:
*15: LOVE, David S. (1828- ): m'd 02 Feb 1855 STEWART, HelenMarnie; s/o Alexander and Margaret (Swan) Love; started a
hotel at
Auburn, WA 1862; buried in Love Cemetery/Love Ranch on Goose Creek near Baker
City OR; s/o Mr. and Margaret (Swan) Love
*15: LOVE, James: s/o Alexander and Margaret (Swan) Love; said to have died a tragic death in southern Oregon
*15: LOVE, John S. (1831-1867): m'd 23 Feb 1860 HARRIS, Sophia (wife also seen as Ann A.); s/o Alexander and Margaret (Swan) Love; had tin shop in Jacksonville, OR
LOVEALL, Sarah: m'd 1843 RILEY, Cleveland C.; d/o Abraham Loveall; settled with husband in Oregon until 1869 when they removed to CA
LOVELL, Peter:
*15: LOWE, Leander H. (1827- ): m'd 09 Jul 1850 KELLY, Mary A.
LOWE, Talbot H.:
LUCAS, Marcus:
LUCE, Jacob:
LUPER, D.L.E. Mrs.:
LUPER, George W.:
LUPER, John:
LUPER, Martin:
LUSK, Permelia: m1. THOMPSON, William; m2. DUNCAN, L.J.C. Judge; m3. 1871 JACKSON, William Dr.; came by Isthmus to Crescent City, then crossed Coast range on horseback to reach husband's claim
LUTZ, John S. (31 May 1830-07 Sep 1904): m'd 26 Aug 1852 PEEBLER, Nancy B.;
settled in Marion County,
Lone Oak Cemetery, Stayton, Marion County, Oregon
*24: LUTZ, Sarah Jane (Sep 1852-12 Dec 1934): m'd DAVIE, James Polk; d/o John and Nancy (Peebler) Lutz
*15: LYMAN, Florence (1851- ): /o Joseph and Esther (Brakeman) Lyman
*15: LYMAN, Infant Daughter(1853- ): d/o Joseph and Esther (Brakeman) Lyman; born and died on the trail
*15: LYMAN, Joseph S. (1812-1871): m1. c1832; m2. Jul 1850 BRAKEMAN, Esther
*15: LYMAN, Josephine (1844-bef 1858): d/o Joseph and (first wife) Lyman
*15: LYMAN, Luther: s/o Joseph and (first wife) Lyman
*15: LYMAN, Mary Sophia (1846-1870): d/o Joseph and (first wife) Lyman
LYNCH, Aden T. (1853- ): m'd [ ], Melissa J.; s/o James and Mary (Lane) Lynch
LYNCH, James T. (1820 - ): m'd 1847 LANE, Mary Melissa; s/o Gary and Nancy (Thomas) Lynch
LYNCH, Priscilla O. (1851- ): d/o James and Mary (Lane) Lynch
LYNCH, William Matthew (1849-1935): m'd BROWN, Minnie; s/o James and Mary (Lane) Lynch; died in Arizona
LYNCH, William W. (1818- ): m'd 1841 [ ], Mary Ann
MCBRIDE, Margaret (c1819- ): m'd 1837 BAIRD, William C.
MCCALL, Mary Jane: m1. 1839 ELLIOTT, Elijah; m2. 03 Jul 1863 DAVIS, Caleb
MCCORMICK, Sarah ( -1889): m'd 1864 THOMPSON, Hugh L.; d/o William McCormick; married Hugh Thompson 28 Dec 1864 Linn Co, OR; mother of ten children (Edgar D., William M., Walter C., Joseph C., Frances E., Evelyn, Anna L., Hubert M., Robert M. and Ethel A.)
MACK, James W.:
MACY, Irwin:
MADDOX, Eliza Ann (11 Apr 1819-29 Sep 1893): m'd NEWLIN, James Madison; buried Likely Cemetery, Likely, Modoc County, California
*7: MADRID, Gregario: employee in the Edward F. Beale party
MAGILL, James:
*15: MANN, Charles: s/o Jesse and Elizabeth Mann
*15: MANN, Elizabeth: m'd 05 Jun 1831 MANN, Jesse M.; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: MANN, Jesse M. (1809- ): m'd 05 Jun 1831 [ ], Elizabeth
*3: MANN, John: hired hand on Henkle train
*15: MANN, P.J.: s/o Jesse and Elizabeth Mann
*15: MANN, Riley B. (1833- ): s/o Jesse and Elizabeth Mann
*15: MANN, William (1844- ): s/o Jesse and Elizabeth Mann
MANSFIELD, Amanda (1824-1905): m'd 23 Jan 1851 ELY, Philologus; d/o James and Elizabeth (Champion) Mansfield; born 11 May 1825 Crawford Co, IN; died 27 Jan 1905 Seattle, King Co, WA; buried Blue Mountain Cemetery, Weston, Umatilla Co, OR; mother of (Charles M., George W., Mary A., Frances E., Susanna E., James F. and Rosella L.)
MANSFIELD, Benjamin Franklin (1835-1908): s/o James and Elizabeth (Champion) Mansfield; born 13 Mar 1835 Knox Co, IL and died 24 Dec 1908 Athena, Umatilla Co, OR; buried in Athena Cemetery, Athena, Umatilla Co, OR; occupation was listed as a carpenter in the 1870 Linn Co, OR census; was a twin to Francis Marion Mansfield
MANSFIELD, Edmond (1851- ): s/o Isaac and Sarah (Frakes) Mansfield
MANSFIELD, Francis Marion: m1. 25 Dec 1866 PURDY, Nancy E.; m2. 25 Sep 1887 White, Lizzie (Fountain); s/o James and Elizabeth (Champion) Mansfield; born 13 Mar 1835 Knox Co, IL and died 01 April 1911 Umatilla Co, OR;buried Blue Mountain Cemetery, Weston, Umatilla Co, OR; father of one son, David H. Mansfield; worked in mines of Oregon and Idaho, owned a sawmill for several years in the Willamette Valley before selling it and running a ferry at Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR; 1873 moved to Umatilla Co, OR where he spent the remainder of his days
MANSFIELD, George W. (1837-1890): m'd 10 Mar 1866 CANADY, Alice; s/o James and Elizabeth (Champion) Mansfield; born 21 May 1837 Knox Co, IL and died 11 Apr 1890 Umatilla Co, OR; buried Blue Mountain Cemetery, Weston, Umatilla Co, OR;
MANSFIELD, James (1797-1862): m'd 31 Jul 1819 CHAMPION, Elizabeth; born 1797 Lincoln Co, KY and died 26 Nov 1862 Lane Co, OR; was buried in Muddy Creek Cemetery aka Harris Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR; father of ten children (John C., Isaac S., Amanda, Emeline, Thomas, Samuel, Benjamin Franklin, Francis Marion, George W. and William M.)
MANSFIELD, John C. (1820-1874): m'd 03 May 1840 FRAKES, Sarah; s/o James and Elizabeth (Champion) Mansfield; born 28 Mar 1820 Crawford Co, IN and died 31 Dec 1874 Tillamook Co, OR; father of ten children (Elizabeth, Harriet, Alexander, James, Caroline, Henry, Ruth, Thomas, Sarah Ellen and Flora);
MANSFIELD, Isaac.S. (1822-aft 1880 ): m'd KEYS, Leah; resided in Lane, Linn and Umatilla County, OR; father of 4 known children (Edmond, Sarah Elizabeth, Anna and Virginia); occupation was listed as a butcher in the 1870 Linn Co, OR census
MANSFIELD, Samuel (1830-1896): m'd [Unknown], Rhoda; s/o James and Elizabeth (Champion) Mansfield; born 04 Dec 1830 Crawford Co, IN; died 27 Aug 1896 Colfax, WA of a heart attack; buried in Athena Cemetery, Athena, Umatilla County, OR; divorced from Rhoda in 1880
MANSFIELD, William M. (1840-1873): m'd 24 Nov 1867 HOLT, Julia A; s/o James and Elizabeth (Champion) Mansfield; born 11 Sep 1840 Knox Co, IL and died 18 Jun 1873 Linn Co, OR; buried Muddy Creek Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR; father of Laura A. Mansfield
MARKS, Alfred B. (1847- ): s/o Bluford and Martha (Moore) Marks
Bluford Brookins family
MARKS, Benjamin (1840-1923): m'd 21 Jan 1866 NYE,
Elizabeth Druzilla; s/o Bluford and Martha (Moore) Marks; settled Linn Co; farmer;
died Wallowa Co, ORBluford Brookins family
MARKS, Bluford Brookins (1812-1873): m'd 30 Mar 1836 MOORE, Martha Weatherford;
settled in Linn Co Bluford Brookins family
MARKS, Elizabeth Frances (1842-1913): m'd 10 Jan 1861 CLARK, William Sain; d/o Bluford and Martha (Moore) Marks; settled Linn Co
MARKS, James P. (1845- ): m1. NOBLE, Charity; m2. HEDGPETH, Margaret; s/o Bluford and Martha
(Moore) Marks Bluford Brookins family
MARKS, John P. (1838-1915): m1. 21 Jul 1867 WILLIAMS,
Ellen; m2. 1892 [ ], Martha H.; s/o Bluford and Martha (Moore) Marks; farmer, settled Linn Co Bluford Brookins family
MARKS, Martha Jane (1852- ): d/o Bluford and Martha (Moore) Marks
Bluford Brookins family
MARKS, Sarah K. (1849-c1899): m'd 21 Dec 1865 JAMES, Thomas B.; d/o Bluford
and Martha (Moore) Marks
Bluford Brookins family
MARKS, Sarah Jane (19 Jun 1824-02 Jan 1895): m'd 07 Mar 1844 CHAPMAN, Andrew Jackson; d/o Isaac and Elizabeth (Parker) Marks
MARKS, William N.:
MARR, Lewis:
MARSH, Sidney Harper (1825-1879):
"MARSH, SYDNEY HARPER, D. D.--Born at the Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia, August 29, 1825, the son of Professor Marsh, D. D. His father removed to Vermont a year later to become the President of the University of that State. The son was educated at that institution, graduating in 1846. In 1852 he met the Rev. G. H. Atkinson, who was then in the East soliciting means wherewith to establish the Tualatin Academy at Forest Grove, and was induced to proceed to Oregon and lend his services to the infant establishment. As early as 1848 the academy had been organized by the Congregationalists and Presbyterians, who exerted themselves for many years to place it upon a firm footing. Mr. Marsh had been ordained as a minister, and in 1853 he came to Oregon, bringing with him books, funds, etc., to be devoted to the uses of the school, to which it was determined to add a more pretentious department, to be called the Pacific University. The institution was re -incorporated in January, 1854, under the name of "Tualatin Academy and Pacific University" and in the following April Mr. Marsh was chosen President, with a salary of $1,200 per year, the amount, as well as most other current expenses being paid by the Society for the Promotion of Collegiate and Theological. Education in the West. President Marsh attended solely to the duties of his station until 1858 when he went East upon an errand of solicitation in behalf of his college, and remained for two or three years and obtaining money and books to the value of about $23,000. In 1866 and 1867 he was again in the East on a similar errand, and collected at this tinn- $25,000 and secured the aid of two Eastern teachers, both of whom have been of the greatest use to Oregon G. H. Collier, now Professor in the State University, and Joseph W. Marsh, who still remains at his post at Forest Grove. A third visit East in 1870 was made, and $20,000 secured. Professor Marsh died at Forest Grove February 2, 1879. His was a life of the largest usefulness to mankind within the comparatively limited sphere which he had chosen for himself. His qualities of head and heart were such as to gain the warmest friendship, and his activity and energy were tempered by the spiritual behavior proper to his religious calling. His work at Forest Grove was very difficult, yet very successful, and raised that educational institution from its condition as a primary boarding school, distant from population and almost inaccessible and unknown, as it was in 1854, to its present condition of usefulness, in dependence and liberality." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 811-12]
MARTIN, Thomas J. (1820-1869): m'd 1847 PLOW, Selena
"MARTIN, THOMAS J.--Born in Kentucky in 1820; came to Oregon and settled in Linn County. Was married to Miss Selena Plow in 1847, and by her had the following named children--John, Jacob, Mary J., Rhoda, James, Lizzie, Alice, Lula, and Eva (deceased). Mr. Martin died, May 6, 1869." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 812]
MASIKER, C.C. (1851- ): s/o George and Palmyra (Trumble) Masiker
MASIKER, George: m'd 1847 TRUMBLE, Palmyra Eliza; started the emigration with 2 wagons, 1 pulled by 4 horses and the other by 2 horses
MASON, Barbara:
MASON, George W.:
MASON, Jonathan:
MASON, Jonathan B. (1813- ): m'd 1839 [ ], Elizabeth
MASON, Peter W.:
MASON, Simeon:
MASSEY, Sylvester C. (1826- ): m'd 1846 SKEENE, Perlina
MATHEWS, David Cleveland: m'd 11 Jun 1865 STOOPS, Malinda J.; David Cleveland Mathews and Malinda J. (Stoops) Mathews � David, a boy of 13, and Malinda, a girl of 6, came to Oregon on the same wagon train in 1853. David was the son of Thomas Moffitt Mathews (above) and Malinda was the daughter of John Stoops and stepmom Phoebe Parker Stoops. David was the boy who found the lost wagon train of the Elliott cutoff. They grew up and married 11 Jun 1865. [Wendy Millard] Note: one source lists his middle name as "Cope"
*15: MATHEWS, Eleanor M. ( -1858): m'd 25 Jul 1825 MATHEWS, Francis
*15: MATHEWS, Francis (1809- ): m'd 25 Jul 1825 [ ], Eleanor M.
MATHEWS, Thomas Moffitt: m'd PARKER, Ann; Thomas Moffitt Mathews and Elizabeth Cope Mathews � arrived 26 Sept 1853. They located on a donation land claim near Pleasant Hill in Lane County. Donation claim #1557. Also travelling with them were their children Mary Jane Mathews, David Cleveland Mathews (boy who first found the scouts from the Lost Wagon Train), Sarah Ellen Mathews, Andrew Jackson Mathews, Caroline Mathews, and Anna Elizabeth Mathews. [Wendy Millard]
MATHIOT, Jean Jacques (1804-1876): m'd 1827 VERGON, Catherine;
"MATHIOT, JEAN JACQUES--Born in France, in April, 1804. Married Catherine Vergon in 1827, and came alone to the United States in 1839, bringing his family out three years later. Settled in Ohio; came to Oregon in 1 853, accompanied by his wife and their seven children; settled near Butteville, Marion County, and engaged in grape-raising. Died, April 24, 1876." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 812]
*15: MATLOCK, Benjamin Franklin (1850-1876): m'd 21 Jun 1871 SWAGGERT, Mary; s/o Edward and Susanna (Frey) Matlock
*15: MATLOCK, Caswell John (1836-1917): m'd 1860 BENNETT, Mary Ann; s/o Edward and Susanna (FREY) Matlock; 1870 moved to eastern Oregon; 1877 settled at Pendleton where he engaged in the stock business; was a pioneer in the moving picture business, opening a theater in 1906
*15: MATLOCK, Edward Lane (1818-1863): m'd 23 Jun 1836 FREY, Susanna Catherine; homesteaded near Eugene and Goshen where he raised thoroughbred horses; went to gold mines at Boise and died there
*15: MATLOCK, Edward Lane (1844-1897): 01 Jan 1866 BENNETT, Eliza Jane; s/o Edward and Susanna (Frey) Matlock
*15: MATLOCK, James W. (1842-1903): m'd 21 Feb 1863 COOPER, Anna Isabella; s/o Edward and Susanna (Frey) Matlock
*15: MATLOCK, Joseph Dewitt (1838-1921): m1.26 Oct 1862 RUTLEDGE, Elizabeth Millicent (d. 1864); m2. 1867 RUTLEDGE, Louise (1/2 sister of first wife); m3. DURANT, Mrs. Sarah; s/o Edward and Susanna (Frey) Matlock; father of 12 children
*15: MATLOCK, Sarah Mary (1853-1899): d/o Edward and Susanna (Frey) Matlock
*15: MATLOCK, Thomas J. (1849-1923): m'd 08 Feb 1871 Larkin, Mary E. (KEENEY)
*15: MATLOCK, William Francis (1847-1914): m'd 07 Mar 1867 SWAGGART, Nancy Ann; s/o Edward and Susanna (FREY) Matlock; moved to Umatilla county where he was prominent in business and political life; went into sheep business; 1887 organized Pendelton National Bank; was later director and vice president of First National Bank; 1888, 1903, 1911, 1913 was mayor of Pendleton; served two terms as representative in state legislature; 20 years director and president of State Board of Agriculture; 1897-98 became interested in mining in Alaska and had numerous supply stores, two breweries and several mining claims
MAUPIN, Boyd (1820- ): m 'd 22 Dec 1843/4 RICHARDSON, Amanda F.
MCADAMS, Jane ( -1875): m'd 1833 MULKEY, Elijah
MCATEE, James R. (1830- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Margarette
MCATEE, William (1825- ): m'd 1844 [ ], Sarah
MCBRIDE, Margaret: m'd BAIRD, William
MCCALLISTER, John (1793-1873):
MCCARTNEY, John B. (c1828- ): m'd 1851 CALDWELL, Elizabeth Jane
MCCARTY, Candace (12 Jan 1826-02 Aug 1893): m'd 21 Jan 1843 BELSHAW Jr, George, settled with husband and family in Lane County; mother of five children (William M.Belshaw, Annie L (Belshaw) Howell, Marshall Whitfield Belshaw, Gertrude Belshaw and Mary Adelaide (Belshaw) Kinsey); buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
MCCLAIN, Rufus (1827- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Mary
MCClENAHAN, Jane, m'd 1821 BARNETT, Ephraim
*15: MCCLURE, Adam:
*15: MCCLURE, Andrew Samuel (1829-1898).: m'd 21 Apr 1859 DILLARD, Sarah Jane; MSS #752 3 vol diary; departed from Shaker Prairie, Indiana Mar 21, 1853 and arrived on the Deschutes River Sep 11, 1853
*15: MCCLURE, Hetty (1835- ): m'd 09 Oct 1851 BOND, Isaac William; d/o Vincent and Sarah (Bruce) McClure
*15: MCCLURE, James F. (1821-1862): m'd 10 Mar 1842 BRUCE, Nancy
*15: MCCLURE, Jane: m'd 15 Dec 1853 LYON, William S.; d/o Vincent and Sarah (Bruce) McClure
*15: MCCLURE, Jane Curry (1842-1887): m'd 01 Sep 1859 OWEN, Benjamin F.; d/o James and Nancy (Bruce) McClure
*15: MCCLURE, John H. (1845- ): m'd COWAN, Flora; s/o James and Nancy (Bruce) McClure
*15: MCCLURE, Robert B. (1852-1872): s/o James and Nancy (Bruce) McClure
*15: MCCLURE, Samuel Ellis (1849- ): s/o James and Nancy (Bruce) McClure
*15: MCCLURE, Vincent Scott Capt. (1815-1893): m1. 1834 BRUCE, Sarah; m2. BENSON, Sarah Tandy; s/o Samuel and Jane (Curry) McClure; Capt of Lost Wagon Train of 1853
*15: MCCLURE, William Henry Harrison (1841- ): m'd 13 Nov 1864 CALLISON, Amanda; s/o Vincent and Sarah (Bruce) McClure
MCCOY, James (1830-1897): m'd 10 Apr 1851 HAPTONSTALL, Margaret; James was born 09 Jul 1830 Mortensville, Fayette Co, OH and died 22 Jan 1897 Oakesdale, Whitman Co, WA; s/o Anderson and Charity (Record) McCoy; settled in Benton Co, OR until 1876 when he moved to Washington; took up a homestead in 1877 in what later became Oakesdale; father of nine children (Paulina V., Charity C., William Charles, Abram A., James Henry, Samuel J., Olive E., Harriet P. "Hattie", and John)
MCCOY, Paulina V. (1852-1863): d/o James and Margaret (Haptonstall) McCoy; born 1852 in MO and died 12 Oct 1863 in Benton Co, OR; name also seen as Perlina V.
MCCREADY, William Andrew:
MCCULLOCH, Albert Bonham (1850- ):
s/o William and Nancy (Johnson) McCulloch
MCCULLOCH, Alfred Exum (1832- ): m'd JONES, Udora Vernon; s/o William and Nancy (Johnson) McCulloch
MCCULLOCH, Augustus D. (1847- ): s/o William and Nancy (Johnson) McCulloch
MCCULLOCH, James Carl (1840- ): m'd FREEMAN, Ruth Caroline; s/o William and Nancy (Johnson) McCulloch
MCCULLOCH, Jesse (1833- ): m'd PEARSON, Emily; s/o William and Nancy (Johnson) McCulloch
MCCULLOCH, John (c1838- ): m'd OWENS, Mary E.; s/o William and Nancy (Johnson) McCulloch
MCCULLOCH, Mary Ann (1833- ): m'd MOORE, Samuel Clark; d/o William and Nancy (Johnson) McCulloch
MCCULLOCH, Nancy Elizabeth (1841- ): DAVLIN, James; d/o William and Nancy (Johnson) McCulloch
MCCULLOCH, Robert (c1836- ): m'd OWENS, []; s/o William and Nancy (Johnson) McCulloch
MCCULLOCH, Sarah Katherine (c1846- ): m'd NEWLAND, Martin William; s/o William and Nancy (Johnson) McCulloch
MCCULLOCH, William N. (1808- ): m'd JOHNSON, Nancy; s/o Robert and Sarah (Thompson) McCulloch
MCCULLOCH, William Thomas (c1844- ): m'd JONES, Sarah Jane; s/o William and Nancy (Johnson) McCulloch
MCCULLOUGH, Mr. ( -1853): died and was buried on the banks of the Yakima River
MCCULLY, Alfred C. Rev: (1853- ): s/o
John and
Clementine (Humphreys)
McCully; born shortly after arrival in Linn Co
MCCULLY, Americus Taylor (1848-1921): m'd BRYANT, Nancy E.; s/o John and Clementine (Humphreys) McCully; settled in Linn Co; buried in IOOF Cemetery, Lane Co, OR
MCCULLY, John M. (1825- ): m'd 1846 HUMPHREYS, Clementine Elizabeth; apparently there is no relationship between this McCully and the McCullys of the McCully wagon train
MCCULLY, William (c1851- ): s/o John and Clementine (Humphreys) McCully
*15: MCCUMBER, James Harvey (1826- ): m'd 18 Feb 1847 SHAW, Mary Ann
*15: MCCUMBER, Emeline: d/o James and Mary (Shaw) McCumber
*15: MCCUMBER, Reuben: s/o James and Mary (Shaw) McCumber
MCCUNE, Joseph:
MCDOWELL, Lydia: m'd KING, Augustus
MCEWAN, George Barnabas:
MCFADDEN, Obediah B. (1817-1875):
McFADDEN, OBADIAH B.--Born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, in 1817; was a lawyer by profession; was elected to the Legislature of his native State in 1843; was prothonotary in 1845; was appointed associate justice of the supreme court of Oregon in 1853, replacing Judge Deady, but in the following year gave place again to the latter. In 1854 he became associate justice of Washington Territory; and in 1858 chief justice, so remaining until 1861. Represented his district in the legislative council, and continuing to reside in that territory he was elected to Congress in 1872 as delegate. Died in June, 1875." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 812]
*15: MCFARLAND, James H.:
MCGEE, Abraham:
MCGEE, Walter W.:
MCGHEE Family: see 1850
MCHARGUE, William:
MCKINNEY, James (1833-1898): m'd TIBBETTS, Sophia Ellen
MCLAUGHLIN, Robert (1810- ): m'd 1838 GRIFFITH, Mary M.
"MCLAUGHLIN, ROBERT--Born in Kentucky in 1810; on his arrival in Oregon he settled at Buena Vista, Polk County, and still resides there in the occupation of farming. He married Mary Griffith in Missouri, in 1838, and their children's names are Joseph A., Martha A., Harriet E., John T., Elizabeth J., Mary E., Louisa C., George W., William N., and Alfred M." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 812-13]
MCLEAN, F.M.: cutoff for CA driving 500 cattle
MCMILLIN, David Rice (15 Oct 1815. 03 Oct 1880): m'd 31 May 1836 HARLAN, Phoebe Margaret; m2. 1850 SWARTZ, Amelia Mary; buried Saar Pioneer Cemetery, Kent, King County, Washington; may have started emigration in 1852, wintered over in Utah and completed emigration in 1853
MCMILLIN, Lewis (07 Apr 1837-06 Jun 1887): m'd 1863 KELLER, Betsy Ann; s/o David and Phoebe (Harlan) McMillin; buried Lake View Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington
MCMILLIN, Margaret Ann (06 Apr 1841-19 Apr 1865): m'd 1856 PALMER, Thomas C.; d/o David and Phoebe (Harlan) McMillin; buried Bethany Pioneer Cemetery, Bethany, Marion County, Oregon
MCMILLIN, Mary Jane (10 Sep 1844-28 Jul 1916): m'd 02 Sep 1858 ROSS, John; d/o David and Phoebe (Harlan) McMillin; buried Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington
MCMILLIN, Phoebe Mariah (16 Dec 1845-28 May 1895): m'd 1860 HITCHCOCK, Harry E.; d/o David and Phoebe (Harlan) McMillin; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, Alameda County, California
MCMILLIN, Sarah Ellen (08 Feb 1839-06 Oct 1914): m1. 1856 HUGHET, William Milton; m2. 1863 CRANK, Joseph; m3. 1870MARSHALL, David Littler; d/o David and Phoebe (Harlan) McMillin; buried Burns Cemetery, Burns, Harney County, Oregon
MCNEELY, Elizabeth (1802-1859): m'd 1821 RITCHEY, Adam; husband died of typhoid in 1848 in IA; after the death of her husband, Adam Black Ritchey, Elizabeth continued with the plans to emigrate to Oregon. Three of her married daughters remained in Iowa and with seven other children left Crooked Creek, Iowa on March 3, 1853. The children who emigrated with her were Mathew Dill, James Harrison, Jamima, Jane, Martha, Susan and Maria; settled near Brownsville in Linn County; buried in Templeton Cemetery, near Brownsville.
MCPHILLIPS, Bernard (1823-1903): m'd 1857 CATE, Sarah Ann (Patterson); drove cattle to Oregon in 1853, returned east and brought additional herd of cattle to Yamhill County in 1854
*11: MCWHORTER, Sarah Jane: m'd HALEY, Patrick R.
*20: MEEK, Miss ( -1853): died of cholera 13 Jul 1853
MELVILLE, Mr.: emigrated to WA
MERCER, George (1829- ):
MEREDITH, Elizabeth:
MEREDITH, John Wesley (1831- ): m'd 1859 ADAMS, Millie
"MEREDITH, J. W.--Born in Oneida County, New York, July 27, 1831. Occupation, dentist; residence, Salem. Married in 1859 to Miss Millie Adams. Children Frank and Nettie." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 813]
*15: MERRELL, Elizabeth Ann: m'd HILL, Hanks
MESSERSMITH, Elizabeth: m1. 1842 DUNCAN, Jubilee; m2. 1848 ISOM, John
"ISOM, JOHN-Born in Virginia in 1827; came to Oregon and settled in Linn County, where he took a donation claim, fifteen miles from Albany, which he yet owrns. Moved subsequently to Eastern Oregon, but returned shortly to Linn County, and bought a warehouse in Albany, which he fitted up for a flour mill, and is now owned by Isom, Lanniug & Co. Was elected county commissioner in 1882, and served one term. Owns city property in Albany, where he resides. In 1848 was married to Miss Elizabeth M. Smith, by whom he has had twelve children, two of whom are deceased." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 807]
METZLER, John M. (1826- ): probably METZGER
MEYER, John: accompanied train to WA
*15: MEYERS, George: started one of the first salmon canneries on the Columbia
MIDDLETON, Eliza Jane (22 Jan 1820-12 Mar 1882): m'd 11 Aug 1836 ABBOTT, Isaiah; buried Baker Prairie Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas Co, OR; mother of the following known children (Robert E., Mary Ann, Nancy Caroline, John R., Hanson, Elizabeth, Sarah P., William, Cynthia Ann, Eliza M. and Frederick) Note: William and Frederick may be the same person.Isaiah Abbott family
*20: MILES, Hy:
MILLER, Abraham (1847-1874): m'd 1874 JONES, Mary R.; bur Millersburg Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
*15: MILLER, Alanson ( -1877): m1. [ ], Rebecca; m2. 23 Nov 1854 SPLAWN, Mrs. Bethania; m3. 15 Jan 1857 MCBEE, Mrs. Susan
*15: MILLER, Alanson Jr. (c1842- ): m'd 17 Aug 1874 JOHNSON, Amanda; s/o Alanson and Rebecca Miller
*15: MILLER, Amos (c1850- ): m'd 1871 STORY, Ellen; d/o Alanson and Rebecca Miller
MILLER, Arthur F.:
*15: MILLER, Asa (c1845- ): m'd 20 Feb 1873 SMITH, Ellen; s/o Alanson and Rebecca Miller
*15: MILLER, Eliza (1826- ): m'd SHAW, William
MILLER, Elizabeth (1837-1863): m1. c1851 LANDRETH, Clisby; m2. 1861 COOMBS, William; bur Millersburg Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
MILLER, Emily:
MILLER, Enoch Johnson (1822-1905): m'd 1848 CUNNINGHAM, Elizabeth Susan; s/o Adam and Sidney (Johnson) Miller
MILLER, Henry:
MILLER, Ira Alexander (1843-1925): m'd 1869 SCAFFORD, Mary; s/o Phillip and Martha Miller
*15: MILLER, John S. (1834-1906): m'd 05 Oct 1874 SMYTHE, Leah Jane; s/o Alanson and Rebecca Miller
MILLER, Martha A. (1811-1885): m'd 1833 MILLER, Phillip
MILLER, Nancy Ellen (1841-1863): m'd 1862 PRIEST, John Payne; bur Millersburg Cemetery, Linn Co, OR; died two weeks after the birth of her son, Frank L. Priest
MILLER, Phillip (1809-1884): m'd 1833 MILLER, Martha A.; s/o George and Lydia (Stover) Miller
*15: MILLER, Providence George (c1838- ): d/o Alanson and Rebecca Miller
*15: MILLER, Rebecca: m'd MILLER, Alanson, maiden name unknown at this time
*15: MILLER, Rebecca (1852- ): m'd PAYNE, William; d/o Alanson and Rebecca Miller
*15: MILLER, Sarah Ellen (c1848- ): m'd HOPKINS, Martin; d/o Alanson and Rebecca Miller
MILLER, Sarah Jane (1838-1874): m'd 1860 FORD, John J.; d/o Phillip and Martha Miller; bur Millersburg Cemetery, Linn Co
*15: MILLER, Sophronia: m'd 20 Mar 1863 BREWER, John; d/o Alanson and Rebecca Miller
*15: MILLER, Thomas (c1847- ): s/o Alanson and Rebecca Miller
MILLER, Walter C. (1834- ): m'd HAMILTON, Harriet
"MILLER, WALTER C.--Is a harness-maker and farmer residing at Scio, Linn County. He was born in Onondaga County, New York, May 14, 1834; came from Illinois overland to Oregon. In 1855 he joined Company O, of the 9th regiment of Oregon Volunteers, and served in the Indian war of Southern Oregon. Married Harriet Hamilton, and their children are Manly W., Nancy D., Charles H., Samuel Grant, Harriet E., Mary, Sophia, Lucretia, William W., and Caroline Ida J. Mr. Miller owns four hundred and eighty-six acres of land in Linn County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 813]
MILLER, William G. (1834-1919): m'd 1853 WOOLRIDGE, Sarah F.
MILLER, William C.:
MILTON, Nancy Caroline (1820-1906): m1. c1848 LADY, Joseph; m2. RUGH, W.C.
*15: MOLLOY, James:
*15: MOLLOY, Mary F.: m'd 18 Sep 1853 GRIFFIN, Alexander
*15: MONROE, Martha: m'd 1846 KELSAY, John
MONTEITH, Margaret:
*3: MONTGOMERY, John G. (c1804- ): m'd 1826 [ ], Martha
*3: MONTGOMERY, Martha: m'd MONTGOMERY, John; maiden name not known at this time
*3: MONTGOMERY, Milton: s/o John and Martha Montgomery
*3: MONTGOMERY, Rebecca: m'd BARKER, Jacob
*3: MONTGOMERY, Robert: s/o John and Martha Montgomery
"MONTGOMERY, R. M.--Born in Indiana in 1836. Coming to Oregon he settled in the Luckiamute Valley, where he still lives and cultivates a farm. Has been twice married, first to Margaret E. Leggett, in 1864, and to Temperance Johnson, in 1875. Children Ida, Owen, Frank, and Pearl." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 813]
*3: MONTGOMERY, William: s/o John and Martha Mongtomery
MOON, Elizabeth: d/o Joseph Moon
MOON, Joseph: m'd Tate KEFFIER, Christina; thought to have died on trail
MOON, Thomas Francis: m'd COOPER, Nancy Elizabeth; s/o Joseph and Christina (Keffier) Moon
*15: MOORE, Alfred William (1849-1917): m'd 08 Feb 1877 LENT, Mary Ellen; s/o James and Margaret (Cummings) Moore
*15: MOORE, Caleb (1800- ): m'd Aug 1829 TIMBERMAN, Jane; s/o James and Margaret (Cummings) Moore
MOORE, Drury:
MOORE, Elizabeth: d/o Jacob and Sarah (Walden) Moore
*15: MOORE, Elizabeth Ann (1834-1876): m'd PARK, Azariah; d/o James and Margaret (Cummings) Moore
*15: MOORE, George Washington (1842-1925): m'd 14 Jan 1872 HOWARD, Amanda Jane; s/o James and Margaret (Cummings) Moore
*15: MOORE, Hannah: d/o James and Margaret (Cummings) Moore
*15: MOORE, Henry Shively (1838- ): s/o James and Margaret (Cummings) Moore
*15: MOORE, Hester C. (1845- ): m'd BRYANT, Frank; d/o James and Margaret (Cummings) Moore
MOORE, Isaac (1806- ):
*15: MOORE, Isaac (1815- ): m'd 22 Sep 1836 [ ], Mary
MOORE, Jacob Jackson: m'd WALDEN, Sarah Ann; settled in Powell Valley near Portland and later moved to Grants Pass
*15: MOORE, James (1808-1897): m1. 15 Jun 1826 CUMMINGS, Margaret; m2. Lent, Nancy (PHILIPS)
*15: MOORE, John H. (1929-1872): m'd 30 Oct 1849 HALL, Susan Ellen; s/o James and Margaret (Cummings) Moore; drowned 1872 near Creswell, OR
*15: MOORE, Lucinda J. (1832- ): m'd HANNAH, John; d/o James and Margaret (Cummings) Moore
MOORE, Martha: d/o Jacob and Sarah
(Walden) Moore
MOORE, Martha Weatherford (1817-1905): m'd 30 Mar 1836 MARKS, Bluford Brookins
Bluford Brookins family
*15: MOORE, Mary: m'd 22 Sep 1836 MOORE, Isaac; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: MOORE, Oren (1853- ): s/o John and Susan (Hall) Moore; born on trail
MOORE, Rebecca: d/o Jacob and Sarah (Walden) Moore
MOORE, William:
*19: MOORHEAD, James:
*15: MORGAN, John (1797- ): m'd 20 Mar 1828 DARNEILLES, Elizabeth:
*15: MORGAN, John (1836-1915): s/o John and Elizabeth (Darneilles) Morgan
*15: MORGAN, Lewis (1829- ):
*15: MORGAN, Margaret Jane (1830-1908): m1. 25 Dec 1854 CROW, James E.P.; m2. 03 Jul 1874 SMITH, Burnett; d/o John and Elizabeth (Darneilles) Morgan
*15: MORGAN, Mary Elizabeth (c1847- ): m'd CALDWELL, R.P.; d/o John and Elizabeth (Darneilles) Morgan
MORGAN, Melinda:
*15: MORGAN, Patsy: child
MORGAN, Polly: m1. SHELTON, Levi; m2. SYRON, John Fredrick
*15: MORGAN, Reece B. (c1849- ): s/o John and Elizabeth (Darneilles) Morgan
*15: MORGAN, Samuel B. (c1846- ): s/o John and Elizabeth (Darneilles) Morgan
*15: MORGAN, Sarah (1833- ): m'd ROSE, Eli; d/o John and Elizabeth (Darneilles) Morgan
MORRIS, Daniel (1808- ):
m'd TERRY, Eveline
"MORRIS, DANIEL--Born in Warren County, Kentucky, March 4, 1808; came overland to Oregon; present residence, Scio, Linn County; occupation, farmer. Married Eveline Terry, and their children are John S., Aurenia, Jane, and Carrol." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 813]
MORRIS, Elizabeth (1824- ): m'd 1834 MORRIS, Robert; husband died in 1848 in Moniteau Co, MO and Elizabeth emigrated with five of her children to Oregon in 1853
MORRIS, John S. (1842- ): m'd QUEENER, Sarah F.
"MORRIS, JOHN S.--Born in Benton County, Missouri, July 19, 1842; came overland to Oregon, and now resides at Scio, Linn County, and holds the position of postmaster of that city, having received the appointment in 1879; is also a druggist by occupation. Married Sarah F. Queener, and their children are Addie, Emma, John F., Charles F., May, Anna, Ollie, Bessie, and Dean." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 813]
MORRIS, Madison B. (1824-1909): m'd 1867 LILLIBRIDGE, Elizabeth; s/o Lemuel and Martha P. (Estes) Morris; Madison Morris was b. Oct 8, 1824 in Henry Co, Tn and died Sep 17, 1909. He married Elizabeth Lilibridge, d/o Thomas and Nancy (Fails) Lillibridge, on April 14, 1867. According to family history, Madison was a doctor and was credited with traveling the trail 6 times, working as a part of the Underground Railroad.
MORSE, Aura (23 Aug 1829-21 Jul 1913): m1. 1847 GOODWIN, Moses E.; m2. 1872 RALEY, Henry J.; d/o Stephen and Coszbi (Sawtelle) Morse; buried Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
*!5: MORSE, James (1820- ): m'd 12 Aug 1842 SHOEMAKER, Miss
MORSS, John M.: m'd KNOX, Caroline M.
MORTON, Gustin: m'd DAVIS, Margaret
*15: MORTON, Gustin (1823- ): m'd 10 Sep 1847 DAVIS, Margaret Ann
*15: MORTON, James (1852-1929): m'd 1891 MCCULLUM, Eva; s/o Gustin and Margaret (Davis) Morton
MOSHER, L.F. Capt.: Adjutant, was at signing of Treaty at Table Rock
MOSIER, Jonah H.:
MOUNT, Henry R.:
MOUNTS, Thomas Jefferson (1811 - 1867) - m'd 1830
BARBEE, Mary Ann. Donation Claim on Dickenson Point, Puget Sound. Later,
lived near Gate City, Washington.
MOUNTS, William Arthur (1834 - 1859) - s/o Thomas Jefferson & Mary Ann Mounts.
MOUNTS, Thomas Jefferson (1834 - 1881) - s/o Thomas Jefferson & Mary Ann Mounts.
MOUNTS, Mary Ann (1837 - 1913) - m'd 1854 RHOADES, Francis Marion. d/o Thomas Jefferson & Mary Ann Mounts.
MOUNTS, Lucinda (1846 - 1935) - m'd 1861 SARJENT, Elisha Nelson. d/o Thomas Jefferson & Mary Ann Mounts.
MULKEY, Amanda (Sep 1850-17
Nov 1855): d/o John
and Amanda
(Carpenter) Mulkey
*15: MULKEY, Ann Susannah (19 Jul 1843-03 Jan 1904): m'd 03 May 1860 BAGLEY, William; d/o John and Amanda (Carpenter) Mulkey
MULKEY, Charlotte (1815-1853): m'd 1837 SHIPLEY, Robert; d/o John and Polly (Lewis) Mulkey; died shortly after arrival
MULKEY, Christopher Columbus (1850-1890): s/o Elijah and Jane (McAdams) Mulkey
MULKEY, Christopher Tactieus R. (1853- ): m'd 1875 [ ], Laura; s/o Solomon and Mary (Atterbury) Mulkey
MULKEY, Commodore D. (1848-07 Nov 1855): s/o John and Amanda (Carpenter) Mulkey
MULKEY, Daniel Boone (1839-1896): s/o Elijah and Jane (McAdams) Mulkey
MULKEY, Elijah (1812- ): m'd 1833 MCADAMS, Jane; s/o Phillip and Margaret Miller
MULKEY, Elijah F. (1845- ): s/o Elijah and Jane (McAdams) Mulkey
MULKEY, Elizabeth (1835-1866): m'd 1851 BARGER, William B.; d/o Philip and Martha (Martin) Miller
MULKEY, George (1844- ): s/o Elijah and Jane (McAdams) Mulkey
*15: MULKEY, George Miller (27 Jan 1839-14 Aug 1896): m'd 22 Dec 1859 CREEL, Martha Ellen; s/o John and Amanda (Carpenter) Mulkey; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
MULKEY, Hannah J. (1844-1908): m'd 1863 HARRIS, John B.; d/o Philip and Martha (Martin) Mulkey
*15: MULKEY, John Ashley (11 Jun 1841-03 Mar 1924): m'd 16 Mar 1868 DICKINSON, Sarah Jane; s/o John and Amanda (Carpenter) Mulkey; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon
MULKEY, John B. (1854-1875): s/o John and Hester (Gist) Mulkey
*15: MULKEY, John Lewis (1809-08 Dec 1855): m'd 1830 CARPENTER, Amanda; s/o John and Polly (Lewis) Mulkey; wife died of Mountain fever on August 10, 1853 on the Snake River in Idaho while enroute to Oregon *per desc Trudy Drew; John, with several of his children died at Yoncalla, Douglas County, Oregon in November and December 1855.
MULKEY, Joseph (1837- ): s/o Elijah and Jane (McAdams) Mulkey
MULKEY, Margaret Martha A. (1851- ): d/o Elijah and Jane (McAdams) Mulkey
MULKEY, Martha K. (1837- ): m'd HAYS, [ ]; d/o Philip and Martha (Martin) Mulkey
MULKEY, Mary Ann: m'd BROWN, Alan Kelsay; d/o Philip and Martha (Martin) Mulkey; did not emigrate to Oregon; Mary Ann and Allen Brown were married in Moniteau County, Missouri by William Jones and later moved to Butler County, Kansas where they homesteaded and lived the rest of their life. They are both buried in the Old Christian Church near Leon, Butler Co., KS.
MULKEY, Mary Ann Susan (1843- ): d/o Elijah and Jane (McAdams) Mulkey
MULKEY, Mary Ellen (1849- ): m'd c1869 RIZEOR, [ ]; d/o Solomon and Mary (Atterbury) Mulkey
MULKEY, Nancy Rovilla (1851-1944): m1. 1864 RIZEOR, Abram; m2. c1880 PYBURN, Edward; d/o Solomon and Mary (Atterbury) Mulkey
MULKEY, Pamelia (1841- ): m'd 1863 BARGER, Felix; d/o Philip and Martha (Martin) Mulkey
MULKEY, Patrick Henry (1834-1900): s/o Philip and Martha (Martin) Mulkey
MULKEY, Philip Capt. (1802-1893): m1. 1820 MARTIN, Martha H.; m2. 1863 Brashere (McPHERSON) Phoebe; s/o John and Elizabeth (Hays) Mulkey
MULKEY, Solomon (1822-1902): m'd 1845 ATTERBURY, Mary Emeline; s/o Christopher and Nancy (Reed) Mulkey; bur Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Benton Co, OR
*15: MULKEY, Thomas Boyd (25 Jun 1837-06 Sep 1910 ): m'd 18 Oct 1863 WHITE, Charlotte; s/o John and Amanda (Carpenter) Mulkey; buried Greenwood Hills Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
MULKEY, Welcome Hays (1831- ): m'd CRABTREE, Louise; s/o Philip and Martha (Martin) Mulkey
MULKEY, William (1848- ): m'd 1874 FORGEY, Martha; s/o Solomon and Mary (Atterbury) Mulkey
MULKEY, William Sublette (1835- ): s/o Elijah and Jane (McAdams) Mulkey
*3: MULVANY, Nelson: m'd ROBERTS, Mary
Ann; born in Knoxville and moved to Appanose Co, IA in the 1840s; s/o John W.
and Mary "Polly" (Callen) Mulvany; hired hand on
Henkle train; built a sawmill on Pass Creek near Drain, OR
*3: MULVANY, Wyatt: born in Knoxville and moved to Appanose Co, IA in the 1840s; s/o John W. and Mary "Polly" (Callen) Mulvany; hired hand on Henkle train
MURPHY, Margaret (1785-1864): m'd DAVIDSON, Elijah A.
MURPHY, Rachel Cook(e) (1788-1874): m'd BUTLER, Peter; d/o John and Rachel (Cook) Murphy; buried Butler-Davidson Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
*15: MURRAY, John (1834- ): s/o John Murray
*15: MURRAY, John Jr. (1853- ): s/o John and Mary Murray
*15: MURRAY, John (1808- ):
*15: MURRAY, Mary Ann (c1830- ): m'd Sep 1852 MURRAY, John
MYER, Mary Ann: m1. WALKER, Crittenden Fruit; m2. WALKER, John P.; d/o Nathaniel Myer
MYER, Nathaniel: Journal published in OHSQ
MYERS, Michael:
NAGLE, Bridget: m'd 1847 KENNEDY, John R.
NASH, John (c1830- ): m'd 1854 CATHORN, Mary
NAUGHT, Benjamn Gholson (1844-1911): s/o John and Elizabeth (Gholson) Naught
NAUGHT, Francis Marion (1838-1911): m'd 1862 HOLBROOK, Mary Jane; s/o John and Elizabeth (Gholson) Naught
NAUGHT, Jane (1848-1914): d/o John and Elizabeth (Gholson) Naught
NAUGHT, John E. (1812-1885): m'd 1834 GHOLSON, Elizabeth M.
NAUGHT, Martha (1846-1908): d/o John and Elizabeth (Gholson) Naught
NAUGHT, Sarah Frances (1836-1907): m'd1856 WALLACE, Nathaniel W.; d/o John and Elizabeth (Gholson) Naught
NEALY, Mary Jane: m'd 1847 WOLVERTON, John
WOLVERTON, JOHN--Born in Hamilton County, Ohio, December 4, 1822. He was reared on a farm, and at seventeen years of age went to Illinois, and from there to Iowa; in 1853 came to Polk County, Oregon, and took a donation claim. He now owns a fine residence in Monmouth, and a farm of eight hundred acres. Married Miss Mary J. Nealy in 1847. They have seven children William M., engaged at Spokane Falls in the hardware business; Charles E., a lawyer at Albany; Bruce, a minister of the Christian Church at Seattle; Prince Albert, of Spokane, dealer in agricultural implements; Josie, wife of Dr. J. C. Byrd, of Salem; Otis A., a farmer in Polk County; and Grant, at Spokane, engaged in the hardware business. Mr. Wolverton lives at Monmouth." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 826]
NEALY, Nelson:
*15: NEFF, Joseph; drover for John Smith; name also seen as Kneff
NEELY, William:
NEET, Joseph (1821- ): m'd VANNESS, Rachel
NELSON, Elizabeth: m'd 19 Jul 1846 BUTLER, Sandford
"BUTLER, SANDFORD--Born in Rappahannock County, Virginia, May 3, 1814; was taken to Ohio in 1815; moved to Indiana in 1833, and to Iowa in 1844; came from there to Oregon, and settled at Salt Creek, in Polk County, where he yet resides, engaged in farming. He married Elizabeth Nelson in Iowa, July 19, 1846, and their children are William A., Martha J., Sarah E., John S., Joseph E. (deceased), Mary V., Phoebe A. (deceased), Emma O., and Eosa B." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 798]
NETHALL, Elizabeth: m1. 1853 ALEXANDER, Joseph R.; m2. DAVIS, Charles A. after first husband died in 1864
NEWLAND, Thompson W. (21 Jun 1828-06 Jan 1918): m'd 27 Mar 1853 BUCHANAN, Mary; settled Lewis County, Washington; buried Claquato Cemetery, Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington
NEWLIN, Eliza Emeline (24 May 1849-11 Aug 1910): m'd SEYFERTH, Charles August; m2. 1891 SIGLER, A. J.; m3. METZKER, d/o James and Eliza Ann (Maddox) Newlin; buried Cedarville Cemetery, Cedarville, Modoc County, California
NEWLIN, Erelia (Jun 1850-1860): d/o James and Elizabeth Ann (Maddox) Newlin
NEWLIN, James Madison (01 Oct 1817-02 Feb 1891): m'd 24 Nov 1842 MADDOX, Elizabeth Ann; s/o Jesse and Permelia Elizabeth (Lyle) Newlin/Newland; buried Likely Cemetery, Likely, Modoc County, California
NEWLIN, Mary Elizabeth (28 Dec 1844-19 Jul 1888): m'd 01 Mar 1863 CANTRALL, Stephen Lafayette Sr.; d/o James and Eliza Ann (Maddox) Newlin; buried Jess Valley Cemetery, Modoc County, California
NEWLIN, Permelia Clementine (04 Dec 1843-30 Jul 1924): m'd 20 Jan 1859 CHARLTON, Charles Alexander; d/o James and Eliza Ann (Maddox) Newlin; buried Brick Road Memorial Park, Ellensburg, Kittitas County, Washington
NEWLIN, Sarah Ann Martha (20 Jan 1846-25 Mar 1935): m'd 15 Jun 1862 CANTRALL, John Henry Sr.; d/o James and Eliza Ann (Maddox) Newlin; buried Sterlingville Cemetery, Jacksonville Jackson County, Oregon
*15: NEWMAN, Theodore:
NEWTON, Ambrose: m'd FLOURNOY, Pauline; drove wagon for Hoy B. Flournoy; later married Hoy's daughter and settled in Douglas Co
*15: NICHOLS, Maria (c1813-1853): m'd Mar 1834 LAPHAM, James R.; died in Harney County on trail
*15: NICKSON, Mary Ann (c1835- ): m'd NICKSON, William; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: NICKSON, William (1833- ): m'd [ ], Mary Ann
NICKUM, Andrew J.:
NICKUM, John L.:
*15: NOBLE, Henry (1845-1862): s/o Orin and Eliza (Brumley) Noble
*15: NOBLE, Orin (1818-1888): m 'd 1847 BRUMLEY, Eliza
*15: NOBLE, Sarah (c1849- ): m'd FOWLER, James; d/o Orin and Eliza (Brumley) Noble
*15: NOLAND, Benton B. (c1835- ): s/o Smallwood and Sarah Noland
*15: NOLAND, Delia: m'd 06 Aug 1864 STEVENS, A.B.; d/o Smallwood and Sarah Noland
*15: NOLAND, Gabriel F. (c1837- ): s/o Smallwood and Sarah Noland
*15: NOLAND, John Marion (1838- ): m'd 10 Aug 1876 DUFFY, Ellen; s/o Smallwood and Sarah Noland
*15: NOLAND, Lena (c1841- ): d/o Smallwood and Sarah Noland
*15: NOLAND, Martin V. s/o Smallwood and Sarah Noland
*15: NOLAND, Mary E. (c1833- ): d/o Smallwood and Sarah Noland
*15: NOLAND, Pleasant Calvin (1830- ): m1. 04 Jan 1857 STEWART, Lenora Jane; m2. DAVIDSON, Mrs. Melissa R.; s/o Smallwood and Sarah Noland
*15: NOLAND, Sarah (1803-1854): m'd NOLAND, Smallwood; husband died in Missouri in 1845, accompanied children to Oregon
*15: NORMAN, Christian E.: started west with Benjamin Owen party
*15: NORTHRUP, Henry C. (1832- ):
NOTENURE, Annie: m'd 1848 FELLER, Peter
"FELLER, PETER--Born in France, in 1820. Came to Oregon and settled at Oregon City; present residence, two miles south of Butteville, and occupation, farmer. He married Annie Notenure in 1848, and their children are, two sons and four daughters." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 803]
NOYER, Peter S. (1837- ): m'd 1857 MAY, Delilah C.
"NOYER, PETER S.--Born in Richland County, Ohio, in 1837, and was taken by his parents to Illinois in 1840, and to Texas in 1845. Went to California in 1853, stayed two years, and then came to Oregon. Settled in Clackamas County. Married Miss Delilah C. May in 1857, who had come with her parents to Oregon ten years before. Mr. Noyer was member of the Legislatures of 1874 and 1882." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 834]
NUMBERS, Philip: m'd SHAW, Caroline
NUTALL, Elizabeth (1813-1883) m'd 10 Feb 1838 HITE, Joseph Percival
*19: OATMAN, Mr:
OBRYANT, Sarah ( -1853): m'd GRIFFIN, Alexander; died on trail
OBRYANT, Marie Nancy (1819-1896): m'd 1840 RAY, Robert Allen; d/o Elias and Sarah (Jones) O'Bryant; settled Lane Co, OR; buried Old Osment Cemetery, near Lorane, Lane Co, OR
"ODENEAL, T. B.--Crossed the plains in 1853 with the "boy train", whose members were all under the age of twenty-one. Worked for Asahel Bush, proprietor of the Statesman newspaper. Was clerk of the House of Representatives in . 1855-56, was clerk of Benton County from 1850 to 1860, and in the latter year was admitted to the bar. Founded the Gazette newspaper, of Corvallis, in 1863 and was its publisher until 1866. Served six years as county judge of Benton County, ending in 1870. Served two years as assistant assessor of internal revenue. In 1872 was appointed superintendent of Indian affairs in Oregon; office abolished in 1873. Became clerk of the Supreme Court of Oregon in August, 1880, and held that position until the fall of 1884, when he resigned." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 814]
O'FLYNG, Abigail Temple (11 Jun 1796-12 Apr 1875): m'd BURT, Martin; d/o Patrick and Abigail (Temple) O'Flyng; buried Burt Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon
OGLE, Howard:
OGLESBY, Mary: m'd OGLESBY, William
OGLESBY, William: m'd [], Mary
ORR, John H.:
OSBORN, Abraham:Sr. (26 Jan 1806-01 May 1869): m1. 25 Jan 1829 SHEPARD, Mary (1804-1846); m2. 07 Nov 1847 WHITED, Elizabeth (BISHOP); was a blacksmith; settled in Linn County; buried Miller Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
OSBORN, Abraham Jr. (14 Jul 1841-07 Feb 1926): m'd 01 Jan 1865 BROWN, Martha Jane (divorced); s/o Abraham and Mary (Shepard) Osborn; buried Miller Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
OSBORN, Daniel Hagerman (15 Dec 1834-31 Oct 1861): s/o Abraham and Mary (Shepard) Osborn; burial location unknown
OSBORN, John D. (1832- ):
OSBORN, Lucinda: m'd 1849 BERRY, Joseph F.
"BERRY, JOSEPH F.--Born in Pennsylvania, in 1819; came to Oregon and settled in Luckiamute Valley, where he still lives, engaged in farming. He married Lucinda Osborn, in 1849, and their children s names are-Samuel J., Henry M., Anna, Adaline, Mary E., John F., and George E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 796]
OWEN, Benjamin Franklin (1828-1917): m'd McClure,
Jane Currey; s/o William and Matilda (Bourland) Owen; member of the advance party for the Lost Wagon train of 1853; pioneer physician
OWEN, Milton P.:
OWSLEY, Sarah (1815-1886): m'd 1834 PRICE, Reuben; d/o Zachariah Owsley
PALMER, Clarissa Rebecca (13 Aug 1848-03 Feb 1886): m'd
29 Dec 1864 GLOVER, Charles Peyton; d/o John and Catherine (Graves) Palmer;
Stipp Memorial Cemetery, Macleay, Marion County, Oregon
PALMER, Emily: m'd SCONCE, John; d/o Norman and Anna (Jones) Palmer; arrives in Oregon with small daughter but no record of her husband arriving
PALMER, George Washington (26 Jul 1842-26 Apr 1911): m'd
PARKS, Mary Ann; s/o John and Catherine (Graves) Palmer;
Evergreen Cemetery, Benton City, Benton County, Washington
PALMER, John Henry (02 Nov 1818-01 Mar 1894 ): m'd 1841 GRAVES, Catharine Nowlin; s/o Burton and Rebecca (Bruce) Palmer; settled in Marion Co; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
PALMER, Lucy Jane (03 Jan 1847-22 Mar 1904): m'd MADDOCK, Frank; d/o John and Catherine (Graves) Palmer; buried Masonic Cemetery, Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon
PANKEY, James Andrew (22 Jun 1823-21 Mar 1905): m'd 03 Mar 1842 STRICKLAND, Fannie; s/o William Pankey, buried buried Pankey Park Cemetery, Jackson County, Oregon; Southern Oregon History by Ben Truwe
PANKEY, Martha Louisa (16 Feb 1849-12 Jun 1934): m'd 1870 SMITH, John Noah; d/o James and Fannie (Strickland) Pankey; buried Central Point Cemetery, Central Point, Jackson County, Oregon
PANKEY, Sarah Jane (13 Aug 1846-05 Jan 1892): m'd 09 Oct 1861 GALL, Christopher Columbus; d/o James and Fannie (Strickland) Pankey; buried Pankey Park Cemetery, Jackson County, Oregon; Southern Oregon History by Ben Truwe
PARKER, James Madison (1833-1908): m'd 01 Oct 1857
RIGDON, Phebe Ellen; s/o
James and Nancy (McCoy) Parker; settled in Lane County,
Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon;
Parker Family
PARKER, Joseph
Monroe (1834-1921): m'd 1858 RUTLEDGE, Caroline Roselle; s/o
James and Nancy (McCoy) Parker; settled in Lane County, buried Pleasant Hill
Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
Parker Family
PARKER, Phebe: m'd 01 Oct 1851 STOOPS, d/o James and Nancy (McCoy) Parker; John; John and Phoebe (Parker) Stoops also arrived in 1853 on the same wagon train as the Mathews family. Also emigrating were their children William Stoops, Malinda Stoops, Julia Ann Stoops, and Martha E. Stoops. Their claim in the Lost Valley area of Lane County (near Pleasant Hill) was settled 1 Nov 1853. [Wendy Millard] Also in this family were younger siblings of Phebe whose parents had died. Parker Family
PARKER, William Reason (1845-1916): m'd 15 Oct 1868 WEAVER, Loueza; William either did not come in 1853 with some of his other siblings or else he returned to Illinois at some point where he married his wife and served in the Civil War. He was in Oregon by 1870 living with his brother, James Parker
*15: PARKS, Charlotte Ellen "Lottie" (27 Dec 1851-18 Jun 1897): m1. 1868 REED, Calvin Mattison; m2. c1890 PALMER, Henry Laramie; d/o George and Cynthia (Richardson) Parks; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
*15: PARKS, George Ballard William (19 Mar 1817-28 Mar 1898 ): m'd 25 Jul 1845 RICHARDSON, Cynthia; s/o Robert and Mary (Hardwick) Parks, settled Douglas County and later moved to Union County; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
*15: PARKS, Mary Ann (27 Apr 1846-01 Sep 1914): m'd PALMER, George Washington; buried; d/o George and Cynthia (Richardson) Parks; Evergreen Cemetery, Benton City, Benton County, Washington
*15: PARKS, Robert Henry (03 May 1849-07 Aug 1921): m'd 14 Oct 1878 TAYLOR, Mary Ann "Polly"; s/o George and Cynthia (Richardson) Parks; buried Okanogan City Cemetery, Okanogan, Okanagan County, Washington
*15: PARKS, William Wade (14 Feb 1848-22 Oct 1908): s/o George and Cynthia (Richardson) Parks; buried Greenwood Cemetery, Newcastle, Weston County, Wyoming
*22 PARSONS, Mariah Augusta (25 Jan 1826-23 Feb 1897): m'd 13 Dec 1847 BELSHAW, Thomas; d/o Richard H. Parsons; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
PARSONS, Richard H.:
PARTAN, Sarah Ann (1831-1920): m'd 1849 BRYANT, Thomas Perrin; lived in Lane Co until the floods of 1861 destroyed their home; moved to Benton Co; Sarah d. in Portland, OR and is buried in Kings Valley Cemetery in Benton Co
*15: PATTERSON, Abraham S. (1824-1902): m'd 07 May 1868 CHRISTIAN, Sarah; brother of Margaret and Robert
*15: PATTERSON, Margaret: m'd BRUMLEY, Joseph L.; sister of Abraham and Robert
*15: PATTERSON, Robert: brother of Abraham and Margaret
PATTERSON, Sarah Ann: m1. 1840 CATE, John Thomas; m2. 1857 McPHILLIPS, Bernard
PEACHER, Jackson:
PEARSON, Thomas (1827- ): m'd : Dec 1849 THOMAS, Mary Ann; settled in Lewis County, Washington; father of (Thomas R., William Chandler, Eugene H. and Mary C.)
PECKENPAUGH, Barbara: m'd SWANK, [ ]
*24: PEEBLER, Ann Eliza
(09 Oct 1840-30 Nov 1921): m'd 1857 SMITH, John Riddle;
d/o David W. and Frances (Imbler )Peeblersettled in Linn County;
IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
*24: PEEBLER, David William (28 Jul 1803-20 Aug 1900): m'd 23 Jul 1827 IMBLER, Frances Susannah; s/o Michael D and Ester (Sears) Peebler; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon; the Peebler party arrived via the Barlow Trail; they settled for a while in Marion County but by 1867 had sold their land and moved to Linn County; many members of the family buried in cemeteries around Lebanon, Oregon
*24: PEEBLER, George David
(09 Feb 1850-11 Jul 1927): m'd08 Dec 1872 SMITH, Julia Ann; m2. 05 Sep 1926
SMITH, Mary Francis] s/o David W. and Frances (Imbler )Peebler; after death of
first wife he married her sister. died in a car crash and was
Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
*24: PEEBLER, John Frederick (18 Dec 1838-06 Oct 1909): m1. 25 Oct 1866 ANDERSON, Mary Ellen; m2. 23 Aug 1900 CRUSON, Mattie E.; s/o David W. and Frances (Imbler )Peeblerfather of seven children (Clarence, Elmer Lewis, Dell, Charles Presley, Annie, Frederick Carl and George Byron); settled in Linn County, removed to Umatilla County for a time but was living back in Linn County by 1900
*24: PEEBLER, John J. (25 Jul 1835-Feb 1914): m'd 1859 GRUBB, Amelia Anoinette; s/o Samuel and Darthy (Foutch) Peebler; parents died and he was taken in by his uncle, David Peebler and emigrated to Oregon with his family
*24: PEEBLER, Martha Melinda (02 Nov 1842-24 Jun 1878): m'd 06 Dec 1860 MONTAGUE, Clarence Bruce; d/o David W. and Frances (Imbler )Peeblerdied from complications of child birth
*24: PEEBLER, Nancy B. (31 May 1831-07 Sep 1904): m'd 26 Aug 1852 LUTZ, John S.; d/o David W and Frances (Imbler) Peebler; buried Lone Oak Cemetery, Stayton, Marion County, Oregon
*24: PEEBLER, Salome Susannah (21 Dec 1847-27 Aug 1936): m'd 05 Dec 1866 CUSICK, John Wickliffe; d/o David W and Frances (Imbler) Peebler; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
*24: PEEBLER, William P (15 Mar 1834-25 Jul 1889): m'd c1858 SMITH, Susan Rachel; s/o David W. and Frances (Imbler )Peebler; settled Linn County, Oregon
PENGRA, Bynon Johns (1823-1903): m'd 10 May 1849 STEARNS, Charlotte Emily; s/o Moses and Sarah (Johns) Pengra; born 14 Feb 1823 Genesee Co, NY and died 18 Sep 1903 Colton, Lane Co, OR; father of 7 children (Stella Maria, Avery Wert, Ella Velina, George Bynon, William Joel, Emma Belle and Anna Fidelia); was appointed surveyor-general of Oregon, successful business man and mill owner, in 1889 wife filed for divorce in Lane Co
PENGRA, Stella Maria (1850-1919): m'd LARISON, George W.; d/o Bynon and Charlotte (Stearns) Pengra; born 13 May 1850 Winnebago Co, IL and died 02 Oct 1919
PENGRA, William Burnham (1834-1895): m'd 1871 STEARNS, Louisa; s/o Moses and Sarah (Johns) Pengra; born 05 May 1834 Genesee Co, NY and died 09 May 1895 Lane Co, OR; buried Laurel Grove Cemetery, Springfield, Lane Co, OR; father of 4 children (Edgar B., Clara B., C.P. and one unknown)
*15: PENNINGTON, William H. (1827- ): m'd 08 Apr 1862 McGowan, Allison (STEWART)
PEPIOT, Reges Augustus (1823- ):
PERCIVAL, Elizabeth (1813-c1890): m1. NETHALL, Mr.; m2. HITE, Joseph
PERCIVAL, R. C. (1822- ): see 1850 listing
PERCIVAL, William (1815- ):
"PERCIVAL, WILLIAM--Now a resident of Monmouth, Polk County ; was born in England, August 29, 1815, and came with his parents to America when a child, and lived most of his time, until he became of age, with his parents in Howard County, Missouri. In 1853 he came across the plains to Oregon and lived the winter following his arrival in Yamhill County, but in 1854 he moved to Polk County, where he now resides on a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, a part of a donation claim. On February 4, 1847, he married Miss F. Mulkey, and seven children are the fruits of this union ; their names are Millie J., Millard F., Mary M., Georgia A., William W., Robert M., and Emily H." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 814]
PERKINS, Edward T.:
PERRY, James:
PERRY, James A.:
*15: PETTY, George (1836-1870): s/o Joseph and Nancy (Prosser) Petty
*15: PETTY, Joseph Norval (1811-1874): m'd PROSSER, Nancy; m2. 22 Oct 1854 BUNYARD, Martha Matilda; first wife died 22 Oct 1853 on the Middle Fork of the Willamette River when thrown from wagon
*15: PETTY, Lucinda (1843-1870): d/o Joseph and Nancy (Prosser) Petty
*15: PETTY, Mariah (1846-1876): d/o Joseph and Nancy (Prosser) Petty
*15: PETTY, William (1853-1853): born 16 Feb 1853;died 08 Nov 1853 after being injured with his mother on 22 Oct 1853 on the Middle Fork of the Willamette River when thrown from wagon; s/o Joseph and Nancy (Prosser) Petty
PFAU, Jacob (1822- ): m'd 1855 STUMP, Nancy J.
"PFAU, JACOB--Born in Germany, in 1822; came to America in 1847; settled in Illinois; came to the Pacific coast in 1852, and to Oregon the following year. Married Nancy J. Stump, in 1866, and has two children Nancy J., and Effie M. Mr. Pfau is a farmer, and lives near Eola, Polk County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 814]
PHILLIPS, George W.:
PHILLIPS, Joseph D.:
PHIPPS, Jane (c1809- ): m'd 14 Aug 1834 YOUNG, Joseph
PHIPPS, William C. (c1830- ): m'd 1860 BOONE, Sarah Griffin
*15: PICKETT, William G. (1826-1899): m'd 1859 MILLIORN, Mary
PIERCE, Amos B.:
PITTOCK, Henry Lewis (1836-1919 ): s/o Frederick and Susanna (Bonner) Pittock;
born in London, England he emigrated to Oregon in 1853 and settled in the Portland
area where he was
he was a driving force in local politics and an active participant in the local
paper, the Oregonian
*15: PITTOCK, Robert (1828-1891): m1. 09 Nov 1856 BUCKINGHAM, Maria; m2. 03 Jul 1863 WATKINS, Anna Maria; s/o Frederick and Susanna (Bonner) Pittock
*15: PITZER, Patsey Ann (29 Mar 18211-07 Aug 1878): m'd 29 Mar 1821 SMITH, Richard; buried Oakland Masonic and Old Town Cemeteries, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
PLIMPTON, Silas Bullard (1826-1913): m'd WRIGHT, Lydia Pollard; s/o Wales and Sarah "Sally" (Bullard) Plimpton; b. 20 Sep 1826 in Medfield, Norfolk Co, Mass.
PLOW, Selena: m'd 1847 MARTIN, Thomas J.
"MARTIN, THOMAS J.--Born in Kentucky in 1820; came to Oregon and settled in Linn County. Was married to Miss Selena Plow in 1847, and by her had the following named children--John, Jacob, Mary J., Rhoda, James, Lizzie, Alice, Lula, and Eva (deceased). Mr. Martin died, May 6, 1869." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 812]
POLAND, Charlotte (1843-1883): d/o William and Elizabeth (BUTTS) Poland; came to Oregon with her mother and stepfather, Solomon Ensley
POE, William B.:
*15: POINDEXTER, Benjamin F.: m'd 05 Apr 1854 KINNEY, Mary
POLLOCK, James F. (1806- ): m'd 1833 [ ], Rebecca
POPPLETON, Edgar (1832- ): m'd 1870 SHELTON, Nancy C.; s/o William and Sarah (Clark) Poppleton; first coroner
of Multnomah Co
"POPPLETON, EDGAR, M.D.,--Of Lafayette, was born in New York in 1832, and came to Oregon in 1853. Since arriving in this State he has lived at various times in Columbia, Yamhill, and Multnomah counties. Arrived in Portland in 1858, in which place he remained until 1870, his marriage to Miss Nancy C. Shelton taking place during that time. He moved to his present place of residence in 1871. Dr. Poppleton received his medical education in Cincinnati, and received his diploma in 1860, and has since had a large practice. Has five living children." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 815]
POPPLETON, Edwin (1824- ): s/o William and Sarah (Clark) Poppleton; settled in Scappoose, Columbia Co; was a miller
POPPLETON, Ezra (c1847- ): s/o William and
Sarah (Clark) Poppleton
POPPLETON, William G.: m'd 1830 Clark, Sarah
Celeste "Sally"; settled
in Scappoose, Columbia Co; was a farmer
PORTER, Edward (1803-1867): m'd 1825 ANDERSON, Anna; settled Marion Co; s/o Edward and Elizabeth (Morgan) Porter; oldest son,
Allen, came in 1850
PORTER, Elizabeth B. (1842- ): m. 13 May 1858 MCCARTNEY, James Finney; d/o James and Nancy (Knott) Porter; born 1842 IN
PORTER, Elizabeth Nancy (1840-1919): m. 12 Apr 1855 BUSEY, David Siegler; d/o William and Elizabeth (Knott) Porter
PORTER, George (c1849- ): s/o William and Elizabeth (Knott) Porter
PORTER, Harriet H. (1849-1880): m. 1871 WALLIS, Peter R.; d/o Sameul and Frances (Chrisman) Porter; born 07 Apr 1849 IN and died 17 Dec 1880 Halsey, Linn Co, OR; buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR
PORTER, James Asbury (1816-1880): m. 18 Mar 1838 KNOTT, Nancy S.; s/o John and Catherine (Gose) Porter; born 01 May 1816 Russell Co, VA and died 12 Jun 1880 Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR; buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR; father of 8 children (Madillen A., John D., William Harris, Elizabeth B., Malinda J., Mary K., Thomas L. and James C.)
"PORTER, JAMES A.--Born in Russell County, Virginia, in 1816. Removed thence to Indiana and remained there until he came to Oregon. In the same year he settled on a donation claim on Muddy Creek, Linn County, on which he remained until his death in 1880. Mr. Porter married, in 1838, Miss Nancy Knott. Their children were William H., Elizabeth, Melinda, Thomas L., James C., and Ella." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.782] Note: listed as pioneer of 1852 in this publication
PORTER, John D. (1839-1860): s/o James and Nancy (Knott) Porter; born 1839 IN and died 18 May 1860 Linn Co, OR; buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR
PORTER, John (1830-1904): m'd 1855 WHITE, Annie; s/o Edward and Anna (Anderson) Porter
PORTER, Katherine Elizabeth (1844-1908): m. 15 Mar 1861 ASHBY, Frank Thompson; d/o Sameul and Frances (Chrisman) Porter; born 27 Jan 1844 IN and died 16 Aug 1908 Etna, Siskiyou Co, CA
PORTER, Madillen A. ( -1860): d/o James and Nancy (Knott) Porter; died 12 Jul 1860 Linn Co, OR; buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR
PORTER, Malinda J. (1844-11910): m. 14 Nov 1861 MCCARTNEY, John M.; born 01 Dec 1844 and died 05 Sep1910 Linn Co, OR; buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR
PORTER, Maria (1856-1936): d/o William and Elizabeth (Knott) Porter
PORTER, Mary (1836-1922): m. 1852 CUNNINGHAM, William Marion; d/o William and Elizabeth (Knott) Porter
PORTER, Mary Ellen (1845-1904): m. 14 Jan 1864 QUINN, William Henry; d/o Sameul and Frances (Chrisman) Porter; born 1845 IN and died 17 Aug 1904 Willow Creek, Crook Co, OR
PORTER, Olive Amanda (1838-1883): m1. 1857 WELLER, Nathan; m2. TAYLOR, F.M.; died Pierce Co, WA
PORTER, Oliver S. (1833-1918): m'd 1858 WHITE, Ann Eliza; s/o Edward and Anna (Anderson) Porter; died Enumclaw, WA
PORTER, Oliver Wilson (1850-1927): m. 31 May 1887 MOORE, Mary Josephine; /o Sameul and Frances (Chrisman) Porter; born 08 Oct 1850 IN and died 17 Apr 1927 Weiser, Washington Co, ID
PORTER, Samuel (1819-1909): m. 12 Feb 1843 CHRISMAN, Frances Virginia; s/o John and Catherine (Gose) Porter; born 12 Jun 1819 Russell Co, VA and died 29 Dec 1809 Halsey, Linn Co, OR; buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR; father of 12 children (Katherine Elizabeth, Mary Ellen, Harriet H., Oliver Wilson, John Mark, Emily Jane, Thomas W., Maria A., Arthur William, Virginia Francis, Augusta A. and Frank Lee)
PORTER, Thomas L. (1850-1885): m1. CLINGMAN, Ellenora; m2. 1881 HILL, Mattie; s/o James and Nancy (Knott) Porter; born 1842 IN
"PORTER, THOMAS L.--Born, October, 1850, in Boone County, Indiana; came to Oregon in 1853, and in October of the same year settled near Halsey, Linn County. Was a member of the State Legislature in 1876. Occupation, merchant, being a member of the firm of Black, Porter & Co., of Halsey. Mr. Porter was married in 1881 to Miss Mattie Hill. They have two children Delia, and John D." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 815]
PORTER, Thomas W. (c1822-1874): s/o John and Catherine (Gose) Porter
PORTER, William D. (1811-1892): m'd 15 Oct 1835 KNOTT, Elizabeth; s/o John and Catherine (Gose) Porter; born 06 Jun 1811 Russell Co, VA and died 16 Feb 1892 OR; settled Linn Co, OR; father of 4 children (Mary, Elizabeth Nancy, George and Maria)
"PORTER, WILLIAM D.--Born in Russell County, Virginia, June 6, 1811; moved to Indiana in 1829. Has lived in Linn County since his arrival in Oregon, Harrisburg being his present place of residence. Was married in 1835 to Elizabeth Nott. Their children are Mary, Nancy, and Maria." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 815]
PORTER, William Harris (1840- ): m. 1884 KOONTZ, Ellen Caroline; s/o James and Nancy (Knott) Porter; born 22 Nov 1840 IN
POST, Ezra ( -1853); died at "The Dalles of the Columbia" while emigrating in 1853, aged about 65 years.
POST, John:
POST, Mary Elizabeth:
*15: POTTER, Alexander (c1843- ): s/o John and Jane Potter
*15: POTTER, Jane (c1820- ): m'd 01 Apr 1841 POTTER, John Bright
*15: POTTER, John Bright (c1818- ): m'd 01 Apr 1841 [ ], Jane;settled Linn Co; buried Fox Valley Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
*15: POTTER, Joseph D. (c1851- ): s/o John and Jane Potter
*15: POTTER, Julia Ann (c1841- ): m'd 1857 ROBERTSON, William R.; d/o John and Jane Potter
*15: POTTER, Willis (c1845- ): s/o John and Jane Potter;settled Linn Co; buried Fox Valley Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
POTTS, Oliver Perry (c1822- ): m'd ARNSPIGER,
Mary Ann; s/o POTTS, [ ] and Mary Thompkins; no evidence found to indicate a
marriage between his mother and a Potts but he was claimed as a son on later
documents of Mary Thomplins Potts; Oliver was shot and killed by Judge Oliver
Perry Goodall, the husband of Louisa Bell, Oliver's half-sister, the judge was
later vindicated of the shooting but his wife divorced his shortly after the
POTTS, Theodore H.: s/o Oliver Perry and Mary Ann (Arnspiger) Potts; came to OR Arnspiger/Bell families
POWELL, Calvin (26 Mar 1792-14 Jun 1871): m'd 16 Aug 1813 RICHARDSON, Clarissa; s/o Calvin and Speedy (Davis) Powell; father of Calvin, Charles Wesley, Clarrissa, Samuel T., Russell Bartholomew, Susan Laurilla, Ruey Ann, Lucretia Amelia, Joseph Ambrose, Giles Bruce, Elvira, Jane M. and Edwin J.; Ruey, w/o David M. Taylor emigrated to Oregon in 1851
POWELL, Charles Wesley: s/o Calvin and Clarissa (Richardson) Powell
POWELL, Clarissa: d/o Calvin and Clarissa (Richardson) Powell
POWELL, Edwin J.; s/o Calvin and Clarissa (Richardson) Powell
POWELL, Elvira: d/o Calvin and Clarissa (Richardson) Powell
POWELL, Giles Bruce: s/o Calvin and Clarissa (Richardson) Powell
*20: POWELL, J.:
POWELL, Jane M.: d/o Calvin and Clarissa (Richardson) Powell
POWELL, Joseph Ambrose: s/o Calvin and Clarissa (Richardson) Powell
*3: POWELL, Marion: hired hand on Henkle train
*20: POWELL, Mr.
POWELL, Susan Laurilla.: d/o Calvin and Clarissa (Richardson) Powell
PRATER, Nancy: m'd SUMPTER, [ ]
*15: PRATT, Ursula (28 May 1785-15 Mar 1883): m 'd BUSHNELL, David (1779-1841); husband died prior to emigration in Ohio; Ursula traveled west with her children
*15: PRESTON, Mary M. (c1833-1870): m'd 13 Aug 1850 BRIGGS, Nathaniel Phillips; d/o William and Mary (White) Preston?
*15: PRESTON, William (1797-1873): m'd 17 Nov 1822 WHITE, Mary
*15: PRESTON, William P. (1827- ): s/o William and Mary (White) Preston
PRICE, Absolom J. (1852-1881): s/o Reuben and Sarah (Owsley) Price; twin of Rebecca
PRICE, Amanda Ann (1837- ): m'd 1855 LONG, Anderson; d/o Reuben and Sarah (Owsley) Price
PRICE, Benjamin F. (1850-1920): m'd 1876 MCQUEEN, Mary Jane; s/o Reuben and Sarah (Owsley) Price
PRICE, Elizabeth M. (1842- ): m'd 1860 DUNHAM, Samuel; d/o Reuben and Sarah (Owsley) Price
PRICE, Isaac J. (1840-1908): m'd 1873 LEWIS, Alide Endora; s/o Reuben and Sarah (Owsley) Price
PRICE, Levi Nelson (1835-1905): m'd 1857 APPLEGATE, Elizabeth Jane; s/o Reuben and Sarah (Owsley) Price
PRICE, Rebecca M. (1852-1890): m'd 1875 YOUNG, Hiram; d/o Reuben and Sarah (Owsley) Price; twin of Absolom
PRICE, Reuben (1813-1906): m'd 1834 OWSLEY, Sarah; DLC gives arrival date of Mar 1854 but newspaper noted him amongst arrivals of 1853
PRICE, Reuben Henry (1838-1897): m'd 1859 ARNOLD, Mary Ann; s/o Reuben and Sarah (Owsley) Price
PRICE, Samuel E. (1848- ): m'd 1877 MOORE, Elizabeth; s/o Reuben and Sarah (Owsley) Price
PRICE, Sarah Ann (1844-1908): m'd 1870 CROMWELL, John Thomas; d/o Reuben and Sarah (Owsley) Price
PRICE, William Charles (1848- ): m'd 1871 KING, Harriet J.; s/o Reuben and Sarah (Owsley) Price
PRINE, Frances Barnett "Barney" (1841-1919): s/o Frances and Alicy (Dealy) Prine; traveled with mother and step-father, William Ray
PRINE, Johnathan A.: s/o Frances and Alicy (Dealy) Prine; traveled with mother and step-father, William Ray
*15: PROSSER, Nancy (1815-1853): m'd PETTY, Joseph Norval; died 22 Oct 1853 on the Middle Fork of the Willamette River; she was thrown from the wagon with her baby son and died at the scene, the baby died 08 Nov 1853
*15: PURDOM, Mary (1804-1901): m'd 26 Nov 1838 LEONARD, Joseph L.
PURDY, William H.:
QUIVEY, Erastus:
QUIVEY, William:
*15: RAGSDALE, Levisa (1821-1859): m'd 29 Mar 1838 SAYLOR, Snyder
RAMBO, Isaac (1798- ): m'd 1823 BECK, Ann;
RAMP, Benjamin Franklin (1850-1952):
m'd 1874 FISHER,
Elma; s/o Samuel and Mary (Hammer) Ramp;
settled in Marion County near Brooks; taught school at Claggett,
Bottom and Brooks; was a Socialist Party candidate for US Senate in
RAMP, Mary L. (1853-1860): d/o Samuel and Mary (Hammer) Ramp; born on the plains near the River of Sweet Water; buried Brooks Pioneer Cemetery, Brooks, OR
RAMP, Samuel (1825-1898): m'd 1849 HAMMER, Mary Ann C.; buried Brooks Pioneer Cemetery, Brooks, OR
RAMP, Sarah L. (1852- ): m'd 1879 LYTLE, A.; d/o Samuel and Mary (Hammer) Ramp
RAMSAY, Mary: traveled with the families of her two daughters, Catherine Bridgette (Lemons) Southworth and Nancy Ellen (Lemons) Bullock
RANCH, Peter (1824- ):
*15: RANES, Elizabeth: m'd 25 Nov 1831 RANES, James F.; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: RANES, James F. m'd 25 Nov 1831 [ ], Elizabeth; left country in 1856
RANES, James T. (1809- ): m'd 1855 COOK, Jane
"RANES, JAMES T.--Born in Kentucky in 1809; came to Oregon and settled near Albany, Linn County, and engaged in farming. He married Jane Cook in 1855; children Laura, James, Jasper, and Ulysses S. Mr. Banes died in 1879." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 815]
RATCLIFF, William:
RAUCH, Jacob:
RAUCH, Peter (1821-1903): m'd REMINGTON, Juliette
*15: RAY, Alice Benton (1850-1902): m'd 1866 BOSTWICK, Isaac N. (1834-1916); d/o William and Nancy (Harding) Ray
RAY, Elias (1843-1923): s/o Robert and Marie Nancy (O'Bryant) Ray
*15: RAY, Francis (c1847- ): d/o William and Nancy (Harding) Ray
RAY, Jesse (1847-1934): s/o Robert and Marie Nancy (O'Bryant) Ray
*15: RAY, John (c1833- ): m'd 1857 SNODDERLY, Susannah Melissa; s/o William and Nancy (Harding) Ray
RAY, Joseph (1842-1864): s/o Robert and Marie Nancy (O'Bryant) Ray
*15: RAY, Josephine (c1844- ): m'd 1860 CURL, Thomas R.; d/o William and Nancy (Harding) Ray
RAY, Lewis (1822-1896): m'd 1851 HUMPHREYS, Mary Marie Eliza; s/o Jesse and Margaret (Blair) Rhea; bur Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, near Jordan, Linn Co, OR; changed spelling of surname from RHEA to RAY after reaching Oregon
*15: RAY, Martin (c1838- ): s/o William and Nancy (Harding) Ray
*15: RAY, Mary (c1835- ): d/o William and Nancy (Harding) Ray
RAY, Riley B. (1825-1864): m'd 1859 HUMPHREYS, Susan W.;
RAY, Robert Allen (1818-1892 ): m'd 1840 O'BRYANT, Marie Nancy; settled Lane Co, OR; buried in Old Osment Cemetery, near Lorane, Lane Co, OR; changed spelling of surname from RHEA to RAY after reaching Oregon
RAY, Sarah Jane (1848-1936): d/o Robert and Marie Nancy (O'Bryant) Ray
*15: RAY, Susan (c1841- ): m'd 1860 RICHARDSON, Charles; d/o William and Nancy (Harding) Ray
*15: RAY, William (1808-1874 ): m1. HARDING, Nancy; m2. 1850 DEALEY, Ailcy Elizabeth; settled Linn Co, OR; buried Providence Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
*15: RAY, William E. (c1832-1938 ): s/o William and Ailcy (Dealey) Ray
*15: RAY, William Evermont (1853-1938): d/o William and Nancy (Harding) Ray
RAY, William Hamilton (1840-1920): m'd 1863 DICKINSON, Mary; s/o William H. and Mary (Dickinson) Ray; buried Inman Cemetery, Elmira, Lane Co, OR
REED, Thomas J.:
REEDER, Simon M.:
REVENUE, Francis:
RHEA, Lewis: changed spelling to RAY after reaching Oregon; see RAY listing above
RHEA, Riley B.: changed spelling to RAY after reaching Oregon; see RAY listing above
*19: RICE, Austin: guarded train at night
RICHARDS, James (1822-1879): m'd 1853 SIMONS, Amanda
"RICHARDS, JAMES--Born in Missouri in 1816, and was reared there. Was in the employ of the government in the Mexican war, and after its close went to California. Returned in 1852, and the next year came to Oregon, having in the meantime married Miss Amanda Simons (1853). Took a donation claim in Polk County, and resided there on the rest of his life. His children were John W., Hardin H. (deceased), Mary E. (Mrs. Henry Fawk, of Polk County), James 0., Walter 8., David W., George L., Ralph R., and B. B. Mr. Richards died October 5, 1879, and his widow, March 3, 1883." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 815]
RICHARDSON, Amanda F.: m'd 22 Dec 1843/4 MAUPIN, Boyd
RICHARDSON, Clarissa (11 Sep 1795-22 Feb 1866): m'd 16 Aug 1813 POWELL, Calvin; d/o Jonathan and Rhoda (Thompson) Richardson; mother of Calvin, Charles Wesley, Clarrissa, Samuel T., Russell Bartholomew, Susan Laurilla, Ruey Ann, Lucretia Amelia, Joseph Ambrose, Giles Bruce, Elvira, Jane M. and Edwin J.
*15: RICHARDSON, Cynthia (11 Aug 1826-28 Apr 1887): m'd 25 Jul 1845 PARKS, George; d/o Caleb and Celia (Humphreys) Richardson; buried Colton City Cemetery, Colton, Whitman County, Washington
RICHARDSON, George Washington (1837-1909): s/o William C. and Sarah (Lightfoot) Richardson; buried Bethel Cemetery, Polk Co, OR
RICHARDSON, John Wesley (1842-1913): m'd 1869 PHILLIPS, Martha C.; s/o William C. and Sarah (Lightfoot) Richardson
RICHARDSON, Mary E.: d/o William C. and Sarah (Lightfoot) Richardson
RICHARDSON, Nancy J.: m'd 1855 SANDERS, John; d/o William C. and Sarah (Lightfoot) Richardson
RICHARDSON, Sarah C.: d/o William C. and Sarah (Lightfoot) Richardson
RICHARDSON, Serepta Ann: s/o William C. and Sarah (Lightfoot) Richardson
RICHARDSON, Susan Levina (1849-1912): never married; s/o William C. and Sarah (Lightfoot) Richardson; buried Bethel Cemetery, Polk Co, OR
RICHARDSON, Thomas Jefferson (1821-1896): m1. 1851 CONKRIGHT, Lucy Ann; m2. 1862 IRVINE, Mrs. Lucinda C.; s/o John G. and Orpha (Thompson) Richardson; buried Jefferson Cemetery, Jefferson, OR
RICHARDSON, William C. (1811-1886): m'd 1834 LIGHTFOOT, Sarah W.; s/o George and Sarah W. (Griffin) Richardson; buried Bethel Cemetery, Polk Co, OR
RICHARDSON, William Claiborne (1835-1908): m1. 1855 CRAIG, Hester "Hetty" Almerinda; m2. 1875 GILBREATH, Margaret Ann; s/o William C. and Sarah (Lightfoot) Richardson
RICHES, Charles (1815-1889): m'd 1851 [ ], Harriet
RICHIE, Mary (1814-1870): m'd 1831 CANTRELL, Philip; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon; [aka Richey]
*11: RICHMOND, T.G. (1826- ): m'd 1859 WHITNEY, Sarah J.
RICHMOND, T. G.--Born in Kentucky in 1826. Came across the plains to California in 1850 and mined until 1852; then returned to the States via Panama. Came to Oregon in 1853, crossing the plains as before. Was a volunteer in the Rogue River war, under Captain Applegate. Returned in 1856, and went east of the mountains with cattle. While there he panned out gold on Burnt River, being the first discoverer of gold there. While on his return he encountered the Indians, and had a conflict with them at Klamath Cave. Married Miss Sarah J. Whitney in 1859, and their family now consists of five children Alice E., Minnie, Mary E., Thomas G., and Edward C. There is one dead, named Nettie. Mr. Richmond is a farmer and owner of sixteen hundred acres of land; has a residence in Dallas." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 816]
*15: RICKARD, Andrew (1830-1893): m'd 1 Oct 1861 BARCLAY, Mary E.
*15: RICKARD, Andrew Jackson (1853-1880): s/o Casper and Catherine (Kime) Rickard; born on trail
*15: RICKARD, Casper (1822-1903): m'd 25 Mar 1847 KIME, Catherine
*15: RICKARD, Jasper (1851-1908): s/o Casper and Catherine (Kime) Rickard
*15: RICKARD, John (1827-1921): m'd 22 Mar 1850 KIME, Susannah
*15: RICKARD, John Henry (1849-1853): s/o Casper and Catherine (Kime) Rickard; died on trail; s /o Casper and Catherine (Kime) Rickard
*3: RIDDLE, Ralph: hired hand on Henkle train
RIGGS, Cass (29 Nov 1848-05 Jun 1925): m'd MITCHELL, Sarah Mildred; s/o Thomas and Beulah (Drinkwater) Riggs; settled Polk County, buried Etna Cemetery, Crowley, Polk County, Oregon
*7: RIGGS, Elisha; in Edward F. Beale party to CA; turned back for home at Ft. Atkinson
*7: RIGGS, William: in Edward F. Beale party to CA; turned back for home at Ft. Atkinson
RILEY, Cleveland C. (1818- ): m'd 1843 LOVEALL, Sarah; s/o Stephen and Nancy (Walker) Riley; Baptist minister who settled in Oregon until 1869 when he sold out and moved to San Luis Obispo Co, CA; by 1872 he was in Ventura County where he settled; father of 9 children; organized the first Baptist Church in San Luis Obispo
*19: RILEY, James:
*15: RILEY, Joseph B. (1832- ): m'd 23 Oct 1854 BREWER, Elvira
RITCHEY, Adam: s/o Mathew and Mary (Craig)
Ritchey; was crippled
RITCHEY, George W. (1815- ): m'd 1853 BERRY, Mary Ann
RITCHEY, James Harrison (1828-1919): s/o Adam and Elizabeth (McNeely) Ritchey
RITCHEY, Jamima (1826-1896): d/o Adam and Elizabeth (McNeely) Ritchey
RITCHEY, Jane (1831-1893): d/o Adam and Elizabeth (McNeely) Ritchey
RITCHEY, John C.: accompanied Elizabeth McNeeley Ritchey and her family; helped drive wagons; was the uncler of her deceased husband, Adam Black Ritchey
RITCHEY, Maria (1843-1879): d/o Adam and Elizabeth (McNeely) Ritchey
RITCHEY, Martha (1835-1871): d/o Adam and Elizabeth (McNeely) Ritchey
RITCHEY, Mathew Dill (1822-1890): m'd CRAIG, Mary Gillen; s/o Adam and Elizabeth (McNeely) Ritchey
RITCHEY, Samuel C. (1807- ):
RITCHEY, Sarah Elizabeth (1852-1926): d/o Mathew and Mary (Craig) Ritchey
RITCHEY, Susan (1840-1874): d/o Adam and Elizabeth (McNeely) Ritchey
RITCHEY, William Green (1853-1919): s/o Mathew and Mary (Craig) Ritchey; born on the trail at the crossing of the Green River in Wyoming on July 3, 1853
RITTER, John H.:
RITTER, Rachael:
RITTER, Solomon:
RIZEOR, Thomas H.:
ROBB, Anna Pollock ( -1887): m'd AXTELL, Flavius Josephus; settled with her family at Grand Mound, WA
ROBB, Rowland H.:
ROBBINS, Marquis L.:
ROBERTS, Nelson (1810- ): m'd [ ], Nancy Jane
*20: ROBERTS, Thomas Jr.: bound for CA
ROBIE, Albert Hugh (c1833-1878):
ROBINSON, Benaiah:
*15: ROBINSON, Elizabeth (1819-1892): m'd May 1841 DRURY, William B.
*15: ROBINSON, John (1825- ):
*15: ROBINSON, Rachel (1831-1900): m'd 23 Mar 1853 BOND, Allen; died in Lane Co, OR
ROCKEFELLER, Albert: s/o Henry and Elinor (Hurst) Rockefeller
ROCKEFELLER, Alice: m1. MEACHAM, Harvey; m2. FOSTER, Frederick A.; m3. OUGH, [ ]; d/o William and Harriet (Hendrix) Rockefeller
ROCKEFELLER, George: s/o Henry and Elinor (Hurst) Rockefeller
ROCKEFELLER, William Hurst: m'd HENDRIX, Harriet Angeline; s/o Henry and Elinor (Hurst) Rockefeller
*15: RODGERS, Henry M. (1827- ):
Mar 1852 [ ], Pauline
*15: RODGERS, Pauline (c1830- ): m'd Mar 1852 RODGERS, Henry M.
RODGERS, Thomas:
*15: ROGERS, George:
*7: ROGERS, William: member of Edward F. Beale party to CA
ROORK, Charles R. (1831- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Elizabeth M.; arrived in April of 1853 (may have come up from CA) (per Jean Spangler at
ROSS, George W.:
ROSS, Joseph Benjamin (1850-1931): m'd 1876 DAVIDSON, Lillie Mae; s/o Joseph and Minerva (Gholson) Ross
ROSS, Joseph P. (1825-1895): m'd GHOLSON, Minerva W.; not sure if Joseph Ross came to Oregon, wife remarries 1854 Joel Matheny
ROSS, Pheobe Elizabeth (1848-1927): m'd 1864 SARGENT, John; d/o Joseph and Minerva (Gholson) Ross
*19: ROSS, William:
*19: ROSSEN, Will:
ROWELL, Ziba M. (1798-1860): m'd 1861 HARRIS, Ellen
"ROWELL, ZIBA M. --Was born in Orange County, New Hampshire, in 1798. On his arrival in Oregon he settled at Scholl s Ferry, Washington County; his occupation was farming. He married Frances Sears, of Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1827, and their children s names are Thomas C., Susan F., Louisa M., Lydia W., John IX, James B., and Ziba A. Mr. Rowell died in 1860." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 816]
ROWLEY, Henry:
*19: ROYAL, Mr.: emigrated with family
*19: ROYAL, Fletcher:
RUBLE, David (1830-1907): m'd 1853
RUBLE, William (1822-1905): m'd 1844 RUSSELL, Ruth
RUSSELL, Newton:
RUSSELL, Orlena:
RUTLEDGE, Blasengim (1816-1870): m'd 14 Sep 1837 HOPKINS, Elizabeth; m2. 03 Nov 1847 MARKLEY, Sarah Jane
RUTLEDGE, Elizabeth Millicent ( -1864): m'd MATLOCK, Joseph Dewitt
RYALS, William:
*20: SACHE, Lewis:
SAMMIS, Daniel (1794- ): m'd [ ], Maria
SAMPLES, Bernetta (181-1870): m'd 07 Sep 1827 CHURCHILL, Alvah
SAMSON, Henry:
SANDERS, Frances Jane (1825-1885 ): m'd TYCER, Lewis (1806-1883)
*19: SANFORD, Alex; joined Beesons to help drive cattle; cut off for Yreka, California
SANFORD, Josiah (1804- ):
SAVAGE, Albert:
SAVAGE, Barzilla:
SAVAGE, E. Jr. (1852- ): m'd 1873 WHITMORE, Frances E.
"SAVAGE, E., Jr.--Lives in Hillsboro, Washington County, and is a partner with his brother in an ax-handle factory. He was born in Adams County, Illinois, in 1852; his parents came to Oregon the year following and brought him with them. In 1873 he was married to Miss Frances E. Whitmore. They have four children Anna Mary, Minnie Myrtle, Thomas Rose, and Nettie Lenora." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 816]
SAVAGE, Erastus:
*15: SAVAGE, James (1831- ): m'd 09 May 1853 [ ], Mary
SAVAGE, James W.:
SAVAGE, M.I. Hon.:
SAVAGE, Martha:
*15: SAVAGE, Mary (c1833- ): m'd 09 May 1853 SAVAGE, James
SAVAGE, Green Berry:
SAVERY, Green Berry (1804-c1871): m'd
c1831 SEARS,
SAWTELL, Henry C.:
*15: SAYLOR, Alfred H. (1842-1918): m1. 13 Dec 1862 LEWIS, Mary; m2. 1875 CARNS, Harriet; s/o Snyder and Levisa (Ragsdale) Saylor
*15: SAYLOR, Anna Lucy (1844- ): m'd KELSAY, William H.H.; d/o Snyder and Levisa (Ragsdale) Saylor
*15: SAYLOR, Francis Alvin (1848- ): s/o Snyder and Levisa (Ragsdale) Saylor
*15: SAYLOR, Laura (1850- ): d/o Snyder and Levisa (Ragsdale) Saylor
*15: SAYLOR, John Ashford (1853- ): m'd PETTY, Clara; s/o Snyder and Levisa (Ragsdale) Saylor
*15: SAYLOR, Mary Elizabeth (1845-1870): m'd 28 Oct 1861 ADAMS, Oscar P.; d/o Snyder and Levisa (Ragsdale) Saylor
*15: SAYLOR, Snyder (1813-1880): m'd 29 Mar 1838 RAGSDALE, Levisa
SCHILLING, Catherine Phoebe (Jul 1830-27 Mar 1909): m'd 11 Jun 1848 WOLFARD, DeWalt; d/o Robert and Phoebe (Laker) Schilling; died Pierce County, Washington
SHILLING, Martha Jane (09 Jun 1834-10 Jun 1926): m'd 12 Jun 1854 DAVENPORT, Joseph Wadsworth (1833-1903); d/o Robert and Phoebe (Laker) Schilling; buried Colfax Cemetery, Colfax, Whitman County, Washington
SCHRAMM, Ferdinand:
SCHWATKA, Frederick (1849- ): [note: a Frederick Schwatka born 1810 is shown as a pioneer of 1850. If this is his son then one of them is noted in an incorrect year]
"SCHWATKA, FREDERICK--Born in Galena, Illinois, September, 1849, and was brought by his parents to Oregon when four years of age. The Schwatkas resided chiefly in Salem, of which town the father is still a resident. Frederick Schwatka was appointed to West Point in 1867, and graduated therefrom with the rank of lieutenant in 1871, and was assigned to service with the Third Cavalry, in Arizona. His services in the field distinguished him considerably, as he was in several engagements with the Indians; but what most contributed to his celebrity was the very remarkable Arctic journey under taken by him and his command, in connection with the search for traces of the English expedition of Sir John Franklin. Lieutenant Schwatka, at his own request, was detailed to take charge of the expedition, and setting out in 1878, he was occupied until the autumn of 1880 in researches in the extreme northern part of the American Continent, among icebergs and Esquimaux, making sledge journeys with dogs, and subsisting on the flesh of walruses and whales, and enduring the extremest cold; meanwhile they prosecuted their search with activity and success. Since his return to the United States the lieutenant has fully informed the world, by means of lectures and writings, of the circumstances and conditions under which his party plied their search, and the greatest credit and a full measure of honor and celebrity have attached to him. Until recently Lieutenant Schwatka was a member of the United States Army, but has now resigned to enter civil service, for which he is well qualified, as he is conversant with several learned professions, including law and medicine." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 816-7]
Adam: m'd HUBBARD, Margaret [photo contributed by Clara Foster; see photo gallery
for listing of individuals in photo]
SCONCE, Anna (c1850- ): d/o John and Emily (Palmer) Sconce
SCONCE, Harrison:
SCONCE, John: m'd PALMER, Emily; died prior to emigration or on trail
SCONCE, Robert H.:
SCOTT, Charlotte: m'd COYLE, James Sr.; died of cholera near Laramie, WY
SCOTT, Harvey W. (1838- ):
"SCOTT, HARVEY W.--Born in Tazewell County, Illinois, February 1, 1838; came to Oregon with his parents, who settled in Clackamas County in 1854. Mr. Scott was educated at the Pacific University at Forest Grove, and was the first graduate of that institution, within whose walls he spent five years. His occupation is journalism, and his life-work has been the editing of the Oregonian newspaper of Portland, which he has conducted for nearly twenty years with signal ability and success. Under his management that publication has advanced immeasurably beyond all competitors, and has achieved a standing among the foremost journals of the United States. The quality of Mr, Scott's work, its amount and the regularity of its performance, stamp his as a most extraordinary working intellect. His literary style is mainly distinguished by aptness, force and dignity; and the latter quality is the more noticeable and the more appreciated from its extreme infrequency throughout the press of Oregon. Doubtless Mr. Scott lives too closely to the people of the Northwest for his abilities and services to be understood at their full value, but there are two truths which will in time become unmistakably evident to them: these are, first, the thoroughness and usefulness of his work, and, second, its solitariness." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 817-8]
*15: SCOTT, Jonathan (1809- ): m'd 17 May 1842 [ ], Mary
SCOTT, Joseph:
*15: SCOTT, Margaret Isabelle (1820-1913): m1.26 Feb 1841 BREWER, William Alexander; m2. PARMENTER, Henry S.; m3. SPARKS, John G.
*15: SCOTT, Mary: m'd 17 May 1842 SCOTT, Jonathan
SCOTT, Thomas B. (1835- ): m'd 1857 MCMULLIN, Eliza
"SCOTT, THOMAS B.--Born in Missouri, in 1835; came to Oregon and went to hotel keeping at Salem. Was married in 1857, to Eliza McMullin, and their children are Virginia P., Josephine Aramintha, Laura B., Lorena, and Myrtle Maud. Mr. Scott participated in the Indian war of 1855-56, and in 1864, enlisted in the First Oregon Infantry, to serve three years, and became sergeant. Resides at Salem." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 818]
SCOVELL, L. C. (1835- ): m'd 1871 BUFORD, Elizabeth A.
"SCOVELL, L. C.--Born in New York in 1835; removed at an early age to Iowa, and remained there until 1853. Mined and drove team in the early years of his residence in this State, and afterwards became driver of the Portland, Oregon City and Salem stage, and held that position for sixteen years. Married, in 1871, Elizabeth A. Buford. They have two children Allie and Lolla. Resides in South Salem." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 818]
SEARS, Catherine: m'd c1831 SAVERY, Green Berry; maiden name not known at this time
SEARS, Christopher:
SEARS, Valentine:
*15: SHAKLEE, Peter (1820- ): m'd 25 May 1844 WILSON, Winnifred
*15: SHAKLEE, William (c1845- ): m'd 13 Oct 1867 BOYD, Martha L.
*15: SHARP, Mr.:
SHARRINGHOUSEN, Henry Ludwick (14 Mar 1824-19 Jun 1894): m'd 22 Nov 1849 CREECY, Sarah Ann
SHARRINGHOUSEN, John Bennett Deitrick (28 Dec 1850-03 Feb 1890): m'd 1881 MCQUINN, Elizabeth "Lizzie" May; s/o Henry and Sarah (Creecy) Sharringhousen
SHATTUCK, E. D. (1824- ):
"SHATTUCK, E. D.--Born in Vermont, December 31, 1824, and was educated in the colleges of the State. Taught for a time, and was admitted to the bar in 1852. Came to Oregon the next year, and became Professor of Ancient Languages in the Pacific University at Forest Grove. In 1855 he was elected superintendent of schools for WashingtonCounty, and the following year probate judge. Was a delegate to the constitutional convention; following which he resumed the practice of law. Represented Multnomah and Washington counties in the last Territorial Legislature; was one of the organizers of the Portland Library Association; in 1862 was elected judge of the Fourth Judicial District, and again in 1874, holding the office nine years in all." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 818]
*15: SHAW, Henry Malheur (1853- ): s/o William and Eliza (Miller) Shaw; born 28 Aug 1853 on Malheur River, eastern Oregon
SHAW, Johanna Marie: s/o John and Harriet (Harris) Shaw
*15: SHAW, John William (1797-1904): m'd 1821 HARRIS, Harriet Nancy
*15: SHAW, John (1852- ): s/o William and Eliza (Miller) Shaw
SHAW, Mariah: m'd DAKIN, Hiram; s/o John and Harriet (Harris) Shaw
SHAW, Mary Ann: m'd MCCUMBER, James Harvey; s/o John and Harriet (Harris) Shaw
*15: SHAW, Mary Caroline (c1846- ): d/o William and Eliza (Miller) Shaw
SHAW, Sarah Margaret: d/o John and Harriet (Harris) Shaw
*15: SHAW, Thomas (c1848- ): s/o William and Eliza (Miller) Shaw
*15: SHAW, William (1824- ): m'd MILLER, Eliza Jane; s/o John and Harriet (Harris) Shaw
SHEETS, Zebulon:
*17) SHELTON, William (1820- ): m'd 1845 [ ], Emeline
SHERWOOD, Frances:
SHIPLEY, Alexander David (1842-1899): Never Married; s/o Robert and Charlotte (Mulkey) Shipley
SHIPLEY, George Washington (1846-1917): m1. LIGGETT, Elizabeth; m2. 1874 Macy (SWEARINGEN) Lydia; s/o Robert and Charlotte (Mulkey) Shipley
SHIPLEY, John L. (1840-1872): m'd 1862 HENKLE, Rachel
SHIPLEY, Lewis Francis (1844-1898): m'd 1869 WILLIAMSON, Sarah Emily; s/o Robert and Charlotte (Mulkey) Shipley
SHIPLEY, Rachel (1849-1854): Never Married; s/o Robert and Charlotte (Mulkey) Shipley
SHIPLEY, Robert (1814-1883): m1. 1837 MULKEY, Charlotte; m2. 1856 GOODMAN, Elizabeth Jane
SHIPLEY, Thomas P. (1851-1876): Never married; s/o Robert and Charlotte (Mulkey) Shipley
SHIPLEY, William J. (1838-1915): s/o Robert and Charlotte (Mulkey) Shipley
*15: SHOEMAKER, Miss: m'd 12 Aug 1842 MORSE, James
*15: SHOEMAKER, family
SHOPE, Aramatha (1825-13 Jul 1866): m'd 22 Oct 1839 WOLFARD, Earhard; d/o John and Mary (Dollarhide) Shope; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
SHORT, Ellen (1851-1886): m'd 20 Nov 1870 JONES, Thomas Alexander; d/o John and Mary (Clymer) Short
SHORT, Emeline "Emma" (1847-1923): m'd 06 Nov 1863 JONES, John W.; d/o John and Mary (Clymer) Short
SHORT, Jacob Robins (1841-1883): m'd 24 Nov 1864 HAUSE, Tabitha; s/o John and Mary (Clymer) Short
*15: SHORT, John L. (1827- ):
SHORT, John Wesley Rev. (1816-1902): m'd 21 Jan 1841 CLYMER, Mary Ann;
SHORT, Merrill (1827- ):
SHORT, Sarah Elizabeth (1845-1877): m'd 12 Mar 1863 WILLIAMS, Silas; d/o John and Mary (Clymer) Short
SHORT, William Merton (1849-1923): 10 Nov 1869 OWENS, Lutitia; s/o John and Mary (Clymer) Short
SHOTWELL, Ann E. (c1851- ):
d/o John and Eleanor (Leonard) Shotwell
SHOTWELL, Cyrus S. (1846- ): s/o John and Eleanor (Leonard) Shotwell
SHOTWELL, Frank J. (1842- ): s/o John and Eleanor (Leonard) Shotwell
SHOTWELL, George W. (1849): s/o John and Eleanor (Leonard) Shotwell
SHOTWELL, Jasper N. (1844- ): s/o John and Eleanor (Leonard) Shotwell
SHOTWELL, John M. (1812-1887): m'd LEONARD, Eleanor
SHOTWELL, Margaret L. (1839- ): d/o John and Eleanor (Leonard) Shotwell
SHOTWELL, Mary E. (1847- ): d/o John and Eleanor (Leonard) Shotwell
*15: SHULTZ, George (1829-1910): m'd 17 Mar 1852 KIME, Elizabeth
*15: SHULTZ, Margaret (1853- ): born on trail
*23 SHRIVER, Arabelle (1849- ): d/o George and Maria (Culbertson) Shriver
*23 SHRIVER, Hannah Nevada (06 Jan 1851-11 Feb 1935): m'd MCCAULEY, Jefferson; d/o George and Maria (Culbertson) Shriver; was living in Silver Bow County, Montana when she died
*23 SHRIVER, George (Jan 1827-1920): m'd 19 Mar 1845 CULBERTSON, Maria T.; settled in Multnomah County, Oregon but was living in Sonoma County, California later in life
SHUCK, Martin J. (1806- ): m'd 1828 [ ], Margaret
SHULTS, Mary: m'd MILLER, [ ]
SHULTZ, George:
SIMMONS, Benjamin:
SIMMONS, Charity M.:
SIMMONS, Charles M.:
SIMMONS, James T.:
*12 SIMMONS, Robert George (1831-1913): m'd June 10, 1864 KIGER, Charity Margaret; s/o Medad Hunt and Mary (Cusick) Simmons; mother was the sister of Capt. Robert George Cusick and Solomon Cusick. She died in IL in 1842 so her son accompanied his uncles west. Robert was b. Nov 23, 1831 in Richland Co, IL and d. Jan 30, 1913 in Morrow County, OR. He was the father of eight children.
*7: SIMMS, George: employee in the Edward F. Beale party to CA
SIMON, Louis Henri (1827-1904): m'd [ ], Anna A.
SIMONS, Amanda ( -1883): m'd 1853 RICHARDS, James
"RICHARDS, JAMES--Born in Missouri in 1816, and was reared there. Was in the employ of the government in the Mexican war, and after its close went to California. Returned in 1852, and the next year came to Oregon, having in the meantime married Miss Amanda Simons (1853). Took a donation claim in Polk County, and resided there on the rest of his life. His children were John W., Hardin H. (deceased), Mary E. (Mrs. Henry Fawk, of Polk County), James 0., Walter 8., David W., George L., Ralph R., and B. B. Mr. Richards died October 5, 1879, and his widow, March 3, 1883." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 815]
SIMONS, Clarinda (15 Oct 1830-13 May 1898): m1. 1849 YOUNG, George W. m2. c1906 WELT, Arnold Joseph; d/o Daniel and Marcy Ann (Brown) Simons; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
SIMPSON, George B. (1811- ): m'd 1861 JACKSON, Nancy
"SIMPSON, G. B.--Born in Georgia in 1811. On his arrival in Oregon he settled in Luckiamute Valley, and still resides there. Occupation, farming. He married Nancy Jackson in 1861, and their children s names were -Rufus F., Martha E., John W., Martha A., Wiucy D., B. E., and Cerilda." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 818-9]
SIMPSON, Green Berry (1811- ):
*15: SIMPSON, John Cryderman (1836-1914): m'd 21 Nov 1861 COULSON, Jane S.
SIPPY, John (1826- ): see 1850 listing
SKAGGS, Irene Jane (1823-1889): m'd 1839 WEEKLY, William Elze; born Oct 11, 1823 in TN and died Jan 14, 1889 near Myrtle Point, Coos Co, OR; buried in Dora Cemetery, Dora, Coos Co, OR
*3: SKIPTON, Michael: hired hand on Henkle train
*3: SKIPTON, Samuel: hired hand on Henkle train
*3: SKIPTON, Thomas: hired hand on Henkle train
SLOAN, Enoch D.:
SMALL, George Edward (1802-14 Apr 1862): m'd HINCH,
Malinda Logan; buried
Silver Lake Cemetery, Silver Lake, Lake County, Oregon; "At Stony Creek,
Butte county, California, on the 14th instant, Mr. George Small, aged 60 years"
[The Weekly Butte Democrat, Oroville,
California, Saturday, March 29, 1862 p.2; The Sacramento Bee, Sacramento,
California, Monday, March 31, 1862 p. 2 ]
SMALL, George Henry (18 Sep 1843-16 Mar 1916): m'd 1880 UNDERWOOD, Mary; so George and Malinda (Hinch) Small; buried Willows Cemetery, Willows, Glenn County, California
SMALL, Eliza Ann (14 Mar 1841-18 Sep 1872 ): d/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Burnett) Small; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
SMALL, Elizabeth Jane (1839-04 Jun 1887 ): d/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Burnett) Small; Asylum Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
SMALL, Emily L. (07 Jun 1848-01 Apr 1873): d/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Burnett) Small; buried Small Family Burial Ground, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
SMALL, Harriet (15 Jul 1851-24 Apr 1874): d/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Burnett) Small; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
SMALL, Henry Clay. (21 Oct 1834-27 Mar 1904): s/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Burnett) Small; buried Small Family Burial Ground, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
SMALL, Isabelll Ann (24 Feb 1833-29 Aug 1894): m'd 01 Feb 1855 MOSBY, David; d/o George and Malinda (Hinch) Small; buried Shields Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
SMALL, James Monroe (27 Jul 1850-22 May 1932): m'd Dec 1880 BRATTAIN, Celeste "Maud"; s/o George and Malinda (Hinch) Small; buried Pailsey IOOF Cemetery, Paisley, Lake County, Oregon
SMALL, John B. (1832-1855): s/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Burnett) Small; murdered in CA
SMALL, Malinda Jane (05 Mar 1848-24 Dec 1894): m'd 18 Jan 1872 PAYNE, William A.' d/o George and Malinda (Hinch) Small; burned in fire; buried Silver Lake Cemetery, Silver Lake, Lake County, Oregon
SMALL, Mary Green (16 Jan 1841-18 Oct 1905): m'd 1861 LONG, Garrett; d/o George and Malinda (Hinch) Small; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
SMALL, Mathew (25 Oct 1836-07 Jul 1922): s/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Burnett) Small; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
SMALL, Parthenia Elizabeth (04 Oct 1837-25 Sep 1875): m'd 08Oct 1857 SHIELDS, James Perry; d/o George and Malinda (Hinch) Small; buried Shields Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
SMALL, Rhea (1845-1921): d/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Burnett) Small; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
SMALL, Samuel Hinkle (13 Aug 1834-1878): m'd 20 Aug 1858 LEVENS, Frances Emerine; s/o George and Malinda (Hinch) Small; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Baker City, Baker County, Oregon
SMALL, Sarepta (May 1843-11 Jul 1867 ): d/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Burnett) Small; buried Small Family Burial Ground, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
SMALL, Susanna (29 May 1817-30 May 1883): m'd 1834 BREWER, David W.; buried Hay Creek Cemetery, Jefferson County, Oregon
SMALL, Thomas Henderson (06 Oct 1810-03 May 1900): m1. 1831 BURNETT, Elizabeth; m2. 1882 SMALL, Fannie E. (GREEN); buried Small Family Burial Ground, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
SMALL, William Barton (21 Mar 1831-13 May 1877): s/o George and Malinda (Hinch) Small; died Willows, Glenn County, California
SMELSER, Eliza Jane: m'd SMITH, William
*15: SMILEY, Janet (1796-1874): m'd 01 Jun 1822 STEWART, John
*2 SMITH, Albert C.: s/o [] and
Clarinda (Stockton)
SMITH, Andrew Mercer:
*15: SMITH, Bernard Pitzer (04 Nov 1823-27 Aug 1882): m'd DICKERSON, Susan; s/o Richard and Martha (Pitzer) Smith; buried Roseburg Memorial Gardens, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
SMITH, Berryman Murphy (1846- ): m'd 1866 NEALY, Sarah; s/o Isaac and Margaret (Butler) Smith
"SMITH, BERRYMAN M.--A well-known druggist of Dallas; was born in Warren County, Illinois, in 1846, and came across the plains with his parents in 1853. They settled in Polk County, and became farmers. Mr. Smith, before moving to Dallas, which he did in 1882, was a farmer and stock-raiser. Married Miss Sarah Nealy, in 1866, and their family consists of five children, namely Ray N., Ralph O., Margaret E., Edith C., and Hettie." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 819]
*15: SMITH, Caroline (1845-1870): d/o Thomas and Angeline (Corson) Smith
*15: SMITH, Eliza: m'd May 1854 TATE, Joseph P.
*15: SMITH, Frances Elizabeth (27 Aug 1832-27 Feb 1838): m'd DORCHESTER, John McLaine.; d/o Richard and Martha (Pitzer) Smith; buried West Hill Cemetery, Sherman, Grayson County, Texas
SMITH, Flora Alice (1848-1907): d/o Isaac and Margaret (Butler) Smith
SMITH, George (1807- ): m'd 1830 [ ], Susan
SMITH, George C.:
SMITH, Hiram (1821- ): m'd 1848 FLEMING, Mary E.
"SMITH, HIRAM--Born in Ray County, Missouri, in 1821 ; lived in that State until thirty-two years of age; then crossed the plains, with ox-teams, to Oregon; he brought with him five wagons, thirty yoke of oxen, two hundred loose cattle, and twelve horses. On arriving in Oregon he settled in Lane County, and followed stock-raising and farming ten years. Moved to Harrisburg in 1863; went into merchandising, and built the present flouring mill in that town; subsequently opened a dry goods store at Junction, and a saw mill at Coburg, conducting all those occupations at the same time. Mr. Smith was a candidate for Congress in 1873; was a delegate to the national Republican convention at Baltimore, in 1864, which nominated Abraham Lincoln; also a delegate to the national convention, in 1872, at Philadelphia, which re-nominated U. S. Grant. Several times Mr. Smith has been nominated for State offices, but has been defeated, as the Republicans in Lane County have always been in the minority. He has owned land to the amount of three thousand acres at one time, and is now proprietor of the Harrisburg saw and flouring mills. Was married, in 1848, to Miss Mary E. Fleming, of Platte County, Missouri." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 819]
SMITH, Ira S.:
SMITH, Isaac (1816-1897): m'd BUTLER, Margaret
*15: SMITH, Isaac (1840- ): m'd BLAKELEY, Margaret, s/o Thomas and Angeline (Corson) Smith
SMITH, Isaac L.: s/o Isaac and Margaret (Butler) Smith
SMITH, James D. ( -1853): m'd EDWARDS, America F.; died on trail at Burnt River
*15: SMITH, James Beale (08 Jan 1839-08 Jan 1879): m'd 01 Dec 1869 HALL, Mary; s/o Richard and Martha (Pitzer) Smith; buried Oakland Masonic and Old Town Oakland Cemeteries, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: SMITH, James Henry (1827-1904): m'd 1853 BATES, Ann; s/o James and Ann (Bates) Smith � arrived 7 Nov 1853 via the Free Emigrant Road (Elliott Cutoff). The located on a donation land claim near Oakland, Oregon in 1854. [Wendy Millard]
*15: SMITH, Jane Ann (09 Dec 1835- 13 Apr 1916): m'd 1855 CHADWICK, Stephen F.; d/o Richard and Martha (Pitzer) Smith; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon; husband was 5th Governor of Oregon
SMITH, John:
*15: SMITH, John Lewis: m'd WELLS, Esther; s/o Richard and Martha (Pitzer) Smith
*15: SMITH, John P. (1842- ): m'd BAIRD, Harriet; s/o Thomas and Angeline (Corson) Smith
*15: SMITH, Margaret Virginia (Feb 1837-1908): m. 28 Feb 1871 BARKER, Jesse Nolan; d/o Richard and Martha (Pitzer) Smith; buried Greenwood Memorial Terrace, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington
*15: SMITH, Maria Louise (25 Mar 1843-1887): m'd KELLY, R.M.; d/o Richard and Martha (Pitzer) Smith; buried Oakland Masonic and Old Town Oakland Cemeteries, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
SMITH, Martha Jane: m'd c1846 HOCKERSMITH, Jackson; settled in Lane Co
SMITH, Martin:
SMITH, Mary Ann: m'd 1851 ALEXANDER, Elias J.
*11: SMITH, Mary Eliza (1852-1858): d/o Isaac and Margaret (Butler) Smith; bur Butler-Davidson Cemetery, Polk Co
*15: SMITH, Mary Virginia: m1. LONDON, Dr.; m2. BARKER, Jesse; d/o Richard and Martha (Pitzer) Smith
SMITH, Peter M.:
*15: SMITH, Reuben (1847- ): m'd BAIRD, Margaret; s/o Thomas and Angeline (Corson) Smith
*15: SMITH, Richard (08 Jan 1793-30 Oct 1867): m 'd 29 Mar 1821 PITZER, Martha Ann; buried Oakland Masonic and Old Town Oakland Cemeteries, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
*15: SMITH, Robert (18 Feb 1822-05 May 1888): m'd APPLEGATE, Susan; s/o Richard and Martha (Pitzer) Smith; buried Oakland Masonic and Old Town Oakland Cemeteries, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
*11: SMITH, Rufus Marion (1842-1920): s/o Isaac and Margaret (Butler) Smith
SMITH, Samuel (1827- ): m'd 1850 VANDUGNE, Mary Ann
SMITH, Samuel B.:
*11: SMITH, Silas Wright (1844-1912): m'd 05 Nov 1867 BARNEY, Esther M.
"SMITH, S. W.--Born in Warren County, Illinois, in 1844. His family came to Oregon, and direct to Polk County in 1853, and settled on the Little Luckiamute, that still being his parents place of residence. He worked with his father until he was eighteen years of age, when he procured a position as clerk in Independence. In 1867 he went into business for himself as partner in the firm of Cooper & Smith, and later, McCord, Smith & Co. In 1877 he formed a partnership with Vanduyn, the firm now being known as Vanduyn & Smith. Mr. Smith was married November 5, 1867, to Miss Esther M. Barney, and of their children, six in number, five now live, namely Mary Ellen, Ephram H., Otto B., Lenna M., and Millen W. Ralph C. died in infancy." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 820]
*15: SMITH, Thomas (1818-1907): m 'd 1838 CORSON, Angeline
*15: SMITH, Thomas B. (1852-1865): s/o Thomas and Angeline (Corson) Smith
SMITH, William Anderson: m'd SMELSER, Eliza Jane
*15: SMITH, William Henry (1827- ): s/o Richard and Martha (Pitzer) Smith; s/o Richard and Martha (Pitzer) Smith
SMITH, William L.:
*15: SMITH, Zachery T. (1848- ): s/o Thomas and Angeline (Corson) Smith
*15: SMYTHE, Darius Hynson (1843-1938): m'd MYNATT, Penelope; s/o George and Margaret Smythe
*15: SMYTHE, Elizabeth (c1843- ): d*15: SMITHE,
*15: SMYTHE, George Comegys (1816-1878): m'd 1838 [ ], Margaret
*15: SMYTHE, John T. (c1840-1878): m'd ZUMWALT, Candace; s*15: SMITHE,
*15: SMYTHE, Leah Jane (1853- ): m1. Oct 1874 MILLER, John S.; m2. LENNEFELT, Mr.; d*15: SMITHE,
*15: SMYTHE, Margaret (c1822-1889): m'd 1838 SMYTHE, George Comegys
*15: SMYTHE, Margaret Ann (c1847- ): m'd 09 Nov 1866 CUMMINS, Chancey; d*15: SMITHE,
*15: SMYTHE, Sarah Jane (1850-1890): m'd 02 Feb 1868 RIDDLE, T. Stiley; d*15: SMITHE,
SNETHEN, Hannah (1796-1888): m'd 1816 LEWIS, William; born in Perry Co, KY; died near Monroe, Benton Co, OR
SNIPES, George Rodney (10
Jul 1832-13 Jul 1922):
m'd 25 Sep 1853 IMBLER, Martha H. (1835-1901),
wife was the d/o David and Margaret (Tichenor) Imbler; married on
Sept. 12, 1853 at The Dalles, OR. There are published variations of the
story of George's pursuit of Martha, whose father did not approve of
George and took his family west to end the courtship. The best-known
one has George taking the wagon train led by the Luce brothers on the
north side of the Platte River. At Salmon Falls, he found he had gotten
ahead of the Imblers, who had a two week head start on him. By night,
his friends secretly delivered George's letter to Martha in her
parents' wagon near 15 Mile Creek. She slipped out of the camp and they
brought her to meet George at The Dalles. They awakened a preacher
among the emigrants and he married the pair at 2:30 in the morning, the
second wedding at The Dalles. George and Martha homesteaded near
Rowena and The Dalles, where he was a prominent farmer and orchardist.
They had 14 children; George's brother was Ben Snipes, a famous
cattleman of the northwest, who had come west earlier. Their parents
and three sisters came west in 1863 and settled in Wasco, Klickitat and
Yakima counties.
*15: SNOWDEN, Conrad (1822- ): m'd 19 Nov 1848 [ ], Rachel
*15: SNOWDEN, Rachel (c1833- ): m'd 19 Nov 1848 SNOWDEN, Conrad; maiden name unknown at this time
SOMMERVILLE, Alexander "Eli" (1819-1881): m'd STEVENSON, Elizabeth; s/o John and Mary (Scott) Somerville; settled Linn Co; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn Co, OR
SOMMERVILLE, Amanda (1850- ): d/o Joseph and Mary (Clark) Sommerville
Edgar Jefferson (1848-1929 ): m'd 1882 CORNOYER, Mary Ann Clementine; s/o
Alexander and Elizabeth (Stevenson) Sommerville; Indian agent for the Umatilla
Indian agency 1883; pharmacist [photo donated by Pamela Hasslen]
SOMMERVILLE, Jeanette: m'd 1842 HOULT, Enoch
"HOULT, ENOCH--Born in Monongahela County, West Virginia, April 18, 1820; came to Oregon and settled in Lane County. In 1863, moved to Linn County, and is now a resident of Harrisburg. Mr. Hoult was a member of the Constitutional Convention for Oregon, chosen from Lane County in 1857; was elected to the State Senate from Linn County in 1870, and re-elected in 1882. He has been a zealous laborer in the interest of education. Married Miss Jeanette Somerville in 1842, who died in 1873. Their children were John (deceased), Elisha (deceased), Mary E. (deceased), Mary E. S., Elenor, Alice, Isabel, Morgan, Minnie G., and Ina B." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 806-7]
SOMMERVILLE, John (1846- ): s/o Alexander and Elizabeth (Stevenson) Sommerville
SOMMERVILLE, John (1841- ): m'd GRASFIELD, Ellinore J.; s/o Joseph and Mary (Clark) Sommerville
SOMMERVILLE, Joseph (1819- ): m'd CLARK, Mary; s/o John and Mary (Scott) Somerville; settled Linn Co
SOMMERVILLE, Mandy: d/o Joseph and Mary (Clark) Sommerville
SOMMERVILLE, Mark: s/o Joseph and Mary (Clark)
Jane (1851-1930): m'd 1868 BLODGETT, Aristarchus Newton; d/o Alexander and Elizabeth
(Stevenson) Sommerville; [photo donated by Pamela Hasslen; note picture is believed to be picture of Mary Jane
and her brother, Edgar as children]
SOMMERVILLE, Nancy (c1842- ): d/o Joseph and Mary (Clark) Sommerville
SOMMERVILLE, Winfield (c1847- ): s/o Joseph and Mary (Clark) Sommerville
SOUTH, John D.:
SOUTH, John R.:
SPARKS, Nathan M.:
SPAWN, Isaac M.:
SPAWR, Isaac (1831- ): m'd MASON, Louisa
*20: SPENCE, Thomas:
SPROULE, Andrew (1796- ):
STANNUS, Samuel:
STARR, Christopher (13 Mar 1824-05 Jun 1872): m'd 27 Feb 1848 CRABTREE, Jane T.; s/o Lewis and Catherine (Slusher) Starr; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
STARR, John M. (22 Jul 1822-22 Apr 1887): m'd 06 Apr 1851 CRABTREE, Melinda; s/o Lewis and Catherine (Slusher) Starr; buried Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County, Washington
STARR, Milton R.:
STARR, Missouri Ann (14 Jan 1849-16 Aug 1914): m'd 14 Feb 1867 SMITH, Phillip M.; d/o Christophr and Jane (Crabtree) Starr; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
STARR, Philip M. (1825- ): m'd RAMBO, Ann M.
STARR, William Henderson (01 Jul 1832-02 Feb 1900): m'd 23 Apr 1853 CRABTREE, Priscilla Ann; s/o Lewis and Catherine (Slusher) Starr; buried Waitsburg City Cemetery, Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, Washington
*19: STEARNS, Charlotte Emily (1827-1912): m'd 10 May 1849 PENGRA, Bynon Johns; d/o John and Amanda (Campbell) Stearns; born 01 May 1827 Addison Co, VT and died 07 Aug 1912 Springfield, Lane Co, OR; buried Laurel Grove Cemetery, Springfield, Lane Co, OR; motherof 7 children (Stella Maria, Avery Wert, Ella Velina, George Bynon, William Joel, Emma Belle and Anna Fidelia); 1889 filed for divorce in Lane Co
*19: STEARNS, John:
*19: STEARNS, Louisa (1851-1909): m'd 1871 PENGRA, William Burnham; born Nov 1851 Plattsburg, NY and died 03 Apr 1909 Roseburg, Douglas Co, OR; mother of 4 children (Edgar B., Clara B., C.A. and one name unknown)
*19: STEARNS, Loyal B. (1853- ):
"STEARNS, LOYAL B.--Born in Keene, New Hampshire, in 1853, and brought to Oregon in the same year by his parents, who settled at Scottsburg, on the Umpqua River. He was educated at the Umpqua Academy and the medical department of the Willamette University. Studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1876. Located in Portland and has practiced in the courts of that city. Held the office of police judge for over three years; was then elected city attorney, and afterwards county judge of Multnomah County. Represented that county in the Legislature in 1878." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 820]
*19: STEARNS, Orson A.:
*19: STEARNS, Velina A.:
STEPHENS, William J.:
STEPHENSON, John (1797-1871:
"STEPHENSON, JOHN--Born in Virginia ; was sheriff and clerk of Wood County in that State; settled in Portland in 1853. and had his residence near the Fulton House. Died, October 16, 1871, aged seventy-four years." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 820]
STEPHENSON, William (1829-1877):
"STEPHENSON, WILLIAM--Born in Parkersburg, Virginia, in September, 1829. Came with his father, John Stephenson, to Oregon in 1853, and resided thence forth in or near Portland. Died, February 14, 1877." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 820]
STERNS, Henry Nobel:
*15: STEVENS, John H. (1807- ): m'd 17 Aug 1839 SULLIVAN, Barberry
*15: STEVENS, Margaretta (1834-1916): m'd 03 Feb 1853 BREWER, Oliver P.
STEVENSON, Barbara Amelia (1836-1924): m1. 1854
Jeptha (d.1862); m2. BAILEY, Joseph (d. 1869); m3. BAUGHER, Henry; d/o John and Sarah (Tait) Stevenson
STEVENSON, George James (08 Jan 1840-08 Oct 1874): nerver married; s/o John and Sarah (Tait) Stevenson
STEVENSON, Jane Rose "Jennie" (08 Nov 1844-23 Oct 1931): m'd 1869 MILLER, Arthur Frederick; d/o John and Sarah (Tait) Stevenson
STEVENSON, John Wellard (28 Sep 1804-27 Feb 1871): m'd 11 Feb 1834 TAIT, Sarah; s/o George and Rebecca (Smith) Stevenson; settled for a short time in Clackamas County, Oregon but by 1855 was living in Cape Horn, Washington
STEVENSON, John Wellard (01 Apr1835- 05 Sep 1926): m'd Sep 1871 LEWIS, Hannah Margaret; s/o John and Sarah (Tait) Stevenson; settled at Cape Horn, WA
STEVENSON, Rebecca Ann (23 Jan 1838-06 Apr 1925): m1. 31 Aug 1856 KERNS, John; m2. 15 Nov 1881 WELLS, Jacob; d/o John and Sarah (Tait) Stevenson
STEVENSON, Sarah Augusta (16 Feb 1842-29 Jun 1926): m'd 14 Dec 1858 CHASE, James Winslow; d/o John and Sarah (Tait) Stevenson
*15: STEWART, Agnes
S. (1832-1905):
m'd 09 Sep 1859 WARNER, Thomas Elliott; d/o John and Janet Stewart
STEWART, Anna (1816- ): m'd STEWART, James; d/o John and Anna (Black) Stewart; family fell behind because of heavy wagons and wintered in Salt Lake before finally settling at Yuba, California
*15: STEWART, Elizabeth Young (1822-1914): m'd 02 May 1853 WARNER, Frederick; d/o John and Janet Stewart; married in St Joseph, Mo the day before they left for Oregon
STEWART, George F.:
*15: STEWART, Helen Marney (1825-1875): m'd 02 Feb 1855 LOVE, David S.; d/o John and Janet Stewart; buried in Love Cemetery/Love Ranch on Goose Creek near Baker City
*15: STEWART, James (1814- ): m1. 1836 RICHMOND, Sophia; m2. INGALLS, Catherine J.
"STEWART, JAMES--Bom in Pennsylvania in 1814; moved, in succession, to Floyd County, Indiana, to Iowa, and to Oregon. Located, in 1853, in Clackamas County, fifteen miles from Oregon City ; resides now two and a half miles north of Hillsboro, Washington County, and is a farmer. Married Sophia Richmond, and after her decease, married Catherine J. Ingalls, his present wife." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 821]
STEWART, James: m 'd STEWART, Anna; d/o John and Janet (Smiley) Stewart; fell behind because of heavy wagons and wintered in Salt Lake before finally settling at Yuba, California
*15: STEWART, Jennette: d/o James Stewart & Mary Ann Stewart; was traveling with family members in main train with her grandparents, John & Jannett Stewart, when her parents turned off to Salt Lake, Utah. She went on to Oregon as a member of the "lost wagon train"; twin to Edward who went to Marysville, CA with the rest of their family in 1854. Her Father,James Stewart, came to Oregon and took her back to her family in Marysville, CA somewhere around 1856. date unsure.
STEWART, Jesse: d/o James Stewart; was traveling with family members in main train when her parents turned off and became members of the "lost wagon train"
*15: STEWART, John (1785-1857): m1. c1815 BLACK, Elizabeth Anna; m2. 01 Jun 1822 SMILEY, Janet; disappeared 26 Dec 1857 when he left to deliver presents to his daughter, Mary, who lived 2 miles away; was never found
STEWART, John: s/o James and Mary Ann Stewart; went with his family to Marysville, CA in 1854 after spending the winter of 1853 in Salt Lake, Utah. He was not on the �Lost Wagon Train�
STEWART, Lorenzo:
*15: STEWART, Mary Ann (1825-1903): m'd 25 Dec 1845 WARNER, John M.; m2. 29 Oct 1859 SIMMONS, William; d/o John and Janet Stewart; first husband deserted Mary Ann and she divorced John Warner in 1858
STEWART, William C.:
*4: STILLWELL, Elizabeth (1821-1895): m'd 01 Mar 1838 BOND, Rev. George Washington; d/o William and Celia (Bond) Stillwell; settled in Lane County
*4: STILLWELL, Elsie Jane (1830-1863): m'd 10 Dec 1851 WYKOFF, Peter, d/o William and Celia (Bond) Stillwell; settled in Linn County; by 1870 husband is living in Washington
*4: STILLWELL, Joseph (1839-aft 1875): settled in Linn County, Oregon, s/o William and Celia (Bond) Stillwell; thought to have gone to California with brother Stephen, July 17, 1875 a Joseph L. Stillwell, age 35, born Illinois is shown as a laborer in San Bernadino County, California
*4: STILLWELL, Nancy (1834-1908): m'd 21 Sep 1854 HULL, Nathan; d/o William and Celia (Bond) Stillwell; settled in Linn County; by 1880 living in Inyo County, California, died in Los Angeles County, California
*4: STILLWELL, Polly Bond (1832-1863): m'd 15 Feb 1849 HAYES, Seth Whipple; d/o William and Celia (Bond) Stillwell
*4: STILLWELL, Stephen (1821-aft 1860); s/o William and Celia (Bond) Stillwell; settled in Lane County; believed to have gone to California with his brother Joseph, no records found on him after 1860
*4: STILLWELL, William Wesley (1837-1916): m'd c1865 HAYWORTH, Phoebe; s/o William and Celia (Bond) Stillwell; settled in Linn County, by 1870 was residing in Idaho County, Idaho where he died
STOCKTON, Clarinda ( -1854): m'd SMITH,
STOCKTON, Cynthia Ellen: m'd KNOX, Samuel Barton
STOCKTON, Mr.: driving 1200 head of sheep to CA
*15: STOMS, Mary J. (1822-1905): m'd 11 Dec 1838 WHITE, Daniel B.
STONE, Samuel (03 Feb 1814-02 Mar 1889 ): m'd 1851 CARPENTER, Zerelda; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
"STONE, SAMUEL--Born in England, in 1814; came to America in 1833, and prior to coming to Oregon lived in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Kentucky. He settled at Mill Creek, in Polk County, on his arrival in this State, and that is still his place of residence; farming is his occupation. He married Zerilda Carpenter, and their children's names are Thomas B., Sarah J., and John W." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 821]
Note: John W. and Sarah J. were actually the children of John Bones, Zerelda
Carpenter's first husband. Mr and Mrs Stone had three children, Thomas
Buford Stone and twins that died in infancy per John W. Bones biography in
Centennial History of Oregon Vol 2 p.984].
STOOPS, John (1818-1895): m'd c1841 LOWE/LOUGH, Nancy W.; m2. 01 Oct 1851 PARKER, Phebe; arrived in 1853 on the same wagon train as the Mathews family. Also emigrating were their children William Stoops, Malinda Stoops, Julia Ann Stoops, and Martha E. Stoops. Their claim in the Lost Valley area of Lane County (near Pleasant Hill) was settled 1 Nov 1853. [Wendy Millard]
STOOPS, Julia A. (1849-1867): d/o John and Nancy
(Lowe/Lough) Stoops; is buried
Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
STOOPS, Malinda J.
m'd MATHEWS, David Cleveland; /o John and Nancy (Lowe/Lough) Stoops;
Note:: some sources give the middle name of David Mathews as "Cope"; settled in
Lane County and is buried
Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
STOOPS, William M. (1842-1925): m1. HANSON, Margaret; m2. c1903 MATHEWS, Mary Jane; settled in Lane County and is buried in Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
STORY, James:
STOWELL, John B. (1836- ):
*15: STRAIN, Jane (1810-1878): m'd 06 Nov 1836 FIDLER, George Francis
STRATTON, Curtis (1800-1874): m'd FITCH, Lavinia
"STRATTON, CURTIS P.--Born in New York December 31, 1800; came to Oregon in 1853. Wife s previous name, Lavinia Fitch. Children Riley E. (deceased, formerly chief justice of the State), Batania (deceased), Delia, Carroll C. (now president of the University of the Pacific at Santa Clara, California), Victoria, Horace F., Milton A., Laura M., Augusta J., Julius A. (attorney at law, and at present superintendent of the State Penitentiary), and Irene H. Mr. Stratton died at Salem in February, 1874." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 821]
*19: STRICKER, Ferdinand: employed by Beesons to go with them to Oregon
STRICKLAND, Fannie (Apr 1823-20 Jan 1905): m'd 03 Mar 1842 PANKEY, James Andrew; buried Pankey Park Cemetery, Jackson County, Oregon
STRONG, Horace M.:
STUART, Robert:
STUCKER, Bernetta Jane (1852-1930): m'd DAVIS, James Franklin; d/o Henry and Martha (Churchill) Stucker
STUCKER, Henry (1829- ): m'd 24 Aug 1851 CHURCHILL, Martha Ann
SULLENS, Isaac M.:
*15: SULLIVAN, Barberry (c1804- ): m'd 17 Aug 1839 STEVENS, John H.
SUMPTER, Alexander:
SUMPTER, Melinda (1836-1926): m'd 11 Mar 1852 COMPTON, James William; d/o Alexander Sumpter; first child was born March 16, 1853 just 11 days before they left in wagon train for Oregon; mother of 14 children; husband homesteaded in Lane county and later moved to Linn county.
SUMPTER, Susan E.:
SUTT, John Henry:
*15: SWAN, Margaret ( -1859): m'd LOVE, Mr; widow with three sons in John Stewart party; member of the lost wagon train; became an invalid due to the hardships endured on the trail;lived with son David for a time after arriving; later went to live with her son, John and died in Jacksonville, OR
*20: SWANBOROUGH, Mr.: one of his sons bound for CA
SWANK, Elizabeth (1833-1916): m'd 10 Apr 1853 ARCHIBALD, Stephen James
SWANK, Peter C.:
SWANK, William:
SWARTS, Alonzo (1835-1906): m'd
MATTHEWS, Julia; s/o
Simon Swarts;
bur Lee Mission Cemetery, Marion Co, OR
SWARTS, David (1830-1885): s/o Simon and Polly Swarts
SWARTS, Hannah: d/o Simon and Polly Swarts
SWARTS, Harriet Amelia:
SWARTS, Kathryn Jane: d/o Simon and Polly Swarts
SWARTS, Levi Charles Alfred:
SWARTS, Margaret
SWARTS, Melissa
SWARTS, R.L. (1841-1923): s/o Simon and Polly Swarts; bur Lee Mission Cemetery, Marion Co, OR
SWARTS, Simon: m'd [], Polly
SWARTZ, Amelia Mary (05 May 1822-07 Aug 1898): m'd 02 Sep 1849 CREEL, Cager; m2. 10 Apr 1850 MCMILLAN, David Rice; d/o Abraham and Ann (Carroll) Swartz
*15: SWARTZ, Cordelia: m'd 24 Oct 1852 SWARTZ, Henry; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: SWARTZ, Henry (1830-1904): m'd 24 Oct 1852 [ ], Cordelia
*15: SWARTZ, Samantha (1853- ): m'd LAWRENCE, John; d/o Henry and Cordelia Swartz
TAIT, Sarah (12 Apr 1811-24 Sep 1889): m'd 11 Feb 1834 STEVENSON, John Wellard; d/o Lionel and Barbara (Readhead) Tail; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
*15: TANDY, Robert R. (1831-1905): emigrant of 1851; started east in 1853 with Andrew J. Babb, attacked by Indians at Crow Creek 19 Jul 1853. Two men turned back and joined Gale party, Took Elliott Cutoff. Babb turned back to main trail and Robert continued on with "Lost Wagon Train".
TARTER, Robert (1816- ): m'd 1845 ESTES, Susan A.:
traveled with mother, Elizabeth Keiffer Tate Moon, and step-father, Joseph Moon
TATE, William O.: traveled with mother, Elizabeth Keiffer Tate Moon, and step-father, Joseph Moon
*15: TATEM, Caroline (c1838- ): m'd 03 Oct 1858 PATTESON, Francis A.; d/o Richard and Levina Tatem
*15: TATEM, Levina: m'd 26 Mar 1826 TATEM, Richard; maiden name unknown at this time
*15: TATEM, Richard (1805- ): m'd 26 Mar 1826 [ ], Levina
*15: TATEM, William (c1831- ): s/o Richard and Levina Tatem
*15: TAYLOR, Cynthia A. (1846- ): m'd 07 Feb 1864 JOHNSON, Herbert; d/o Elbert and Sarah (Gray) Taylor
TAYLOR, Darius William (1827- ): m'd 1851 BUTTS, Melissa Willa
*15: TAYLOR, Elbert E. (1826-1921): m'd 01 Apr 1845 GRAY, Sarah C.
*15: TAYLOR, Elbert Grant (1850- ): m'd 01 Jan 1873 LOCKE, Mary A.; s/o Elbert and Sarah (Gray) Taylor
TAYLOR, George N.: departed IA Apr 14, 1853 and arrived Oregon City Oct 12, 1853
*15: TAYLOR, Hughes Robert (1848- ): m'd 27 May 1869 GRAY, Mary E.; s/o Elbert and Sarah (Gray) Taylor
*15: TAYLOR, John (1830- ):
TAYLOR, Stephen D. (1828- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Mary Jane
TEEL, Joseph:
TEEL, Phebe (1790-1869): m1. GUNSAULES, James; m2. COX, [ ]; bur Jefferson Cemetery, Marion Co, OR
TEMPLETON, Elisa Edmonson (1850-1853): d/o James and Margaret
(Adams) Templeton; it is believed she may have died prior to or just after emigration
TEMPLETON, James Cessna (1833-1899): s/o James and Mary (Cessna) Templeton
TEMPLETON, James Cloyd (1804-1879): m1. 1825 Mary Jane Cessna; m2. 1842 Margret Elisabeth Adams; s/o James and Elizabeth (Edmondson) Templeton
TEMPLETON, John Alexander (1829-1909): s/o James and Mary (Cessna) Templeton
TEMPLETON, Margret Elon (1835-1912): m'd 1852 OLIVER, Ruben J.; d/o James and Mary (Cessna) Templeton
TEMPLETON, Martha Melvina (1847-1874): m'd 1865 OGDEN, Samuel; d/o James and Margaret (Adams) Templeton
TEMPLETON, Mary Elizabeth (1831-1898): m'd 1850 MENDENHALL, Thomas; d/o James and Mary (Cessna) Templeton
TEMPLETON, Nancy Jane (1839-1906): m'd 1857 SALING, Peter; d/o James and Mary (Cessna) Templeton
TEMPLETON, Rachel Amanda (1837-1930): m'd 1852 OLIVER, Nicholas; s/o James and Mary (Cessna) Templeton
TEMPLETON, Samuel Milton (1852-1888): m'd 1877 FLINCHER, Anna Mehala; s/o James and Margaret (Adams) Templeton
TERRY, Eveline: m'd MORRIS, Daniel
"MORRIS, DANIEL--Born in Warren County, Kentucky, March 4, 1808; came overland to Oregon; present residence, Scio, Linn County; occupation, farmer. Married Eveline Terry, and their children are John S., Aurenia, Jane, and Carrol." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 813]
THARP, Susan W.:
THAYER, Andrew Jackson ( -1873): m'd 1842 CHANDLER, Melissa D.; came to OR after death of first child; brother, William Wallace Thayer came to OR later and became governor or OR
"THAYER, ANDREW J.--Born in New York, and resided there until his departure for Oregon. Settled on a farm near Corvallis, and resided there until his death, April 29, 1873. Was a lawyer and enjoyed a great practice. Became one of the Supreme Justices of Oregon in 1870, succeeding Judge Kelsay." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 822]
THIELE, Friedrick August (1808-1896): m'd 10 Apr 1843 KRITENSTEIN, Wilheminie Louisa; Friedrick was born 3 July 1808 in Halberstat, Prussia and died 16 July 1896 in Rice Valley, Douglas County, Oregon; he Filed to become a citizen 5 May 1849, Chariton County, Missouri. Friedrick arrived in Oregon 20 October 1853 and filed Oregon Donation Land Claim #931 Umpqua County, Oregon
THOMAS, Benjamin Franklin (03 Jul 1803-04 Mar 1874): m1. 26 Oct 1828 JONES, Harriet (1803-1838); m2. 03 Jun 1842 RANKIN, Martha; s/o Jacob and Margaretha (Riggenbaugh) Thomas
THOMAS, Elizabeth Jane (18 Aug 1829- ): m1. 04 Jan 1894 O'BRIEN, Patrick Francis; m2. HAIZMAN, John George; d/o Benjamin and Harriet (Jones) Thomas
THOMAS, Elsie (04 Sep 1851-11 Jul 1889): d/o Benjamin and Martha (Rankin) Thomas
*15: THOMAS, Erastus N. (1828-1915): m'd 1852 FARRENS, Mary J.
"THOMAS, E. N.--Born in Ohio in 1829; went to Iowa in 1848, and five years later to Oregon. Settled in Douglas County and resided there until 1862. Participated in the Rogue River Indian war of 1855-56, being a member of Captain Rinearson's company. Located in Jefferson, Marion County, in 1862, and still resides there. Has been in the mercantile business for twenty years. Is now in partnership with his son, J. A. Thomas. Married in 1852 to Miss Mary J. Farrens. They have three children Joseph A., Florence, and Emma." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 822]
THOMAS, Harriet (20 Mar 1842-19 Dec 1913): m1. 29 Sep 1861 GREEN, William; m2. 13 Oct 1873 CRIE, Ebenezer Roberts; d/o Benjamin and Martha (Rankin) Thomas
THOMAS, Henry (16 Mar 1840-12 Feb 1880): m'd 19 Jul 1868 FOSTER, Martha Ann; s
THOMAS, James (18 Jun 1831-24 Dec 1902): m'd 25 Dec 1868 ORCHARD, America Ann; s/o Benjamin and Harriet (Jones) Thomas
THOMAS, Louisa (26 Oct 1836-04 Dec 1931): m'd COLLINS, John Wesley; d/o Benjamin and Harriet (Jones) Thomas
THOMAS, Preston (17 Oct 1834-31 May 1875): m'd ALEXANDER, Sarah J.; s/o Benjamin and Harriet (Jones) Thomas
THOMPKINS, Mary ( -c1856): m'd 1826 BELL, Nathaniel ; had a son named Oliver Perry Potts at the time she married Nathaniel Bell but there is no indication there was a marriage between Mary Thompkins and anyone named Potts; her name on the marriage certificate when she married Nathaniel Bell was Mary Thompkins
THOMPSON, David (1806- ):
THOMPSON, David Preston (1834-1901): m'd 1861 MEDRUM, Mary R.
THOMPSON, John M. (1843-1882): m'd 1871 COOPER, Elizabeth
"THOMPSON, JOHN M.--Born in Missouri in 1843, and crossed the plains with his parents when ten years old. They settled in Lane County, and he was educated at the old Columbia College in Eugene City. Married Miss Elizabeth Cooper in 1871, daughter of Gr. M. Cooper of Eugene City. They had three children. Mr. Thompson's occupation was the law, and he attained distinction. Was elected to the Legislature in 1878 and was chosen speaker of the house. Was returned in 1880. Died near Prineville, Wasco County, February 10, 1882." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 822]
THOMPSON, Nancy (1814- ): m'd MCCULLOCH, William N.; d/o Jesse Johnson
THOMPSON, Permelia:
THOMPSON, S.G. (1841- ):
*20: THOMPSON, William: Reminiscences of Colonel William Thompson, note that although this reminiscence states that Thompson came in 1852 the names and events he mentions actually appear to be a reference to 1853.
THOMSON, Jeremiah B.:
THOMSON, Origen:
*15: THORN, Joel (1812- ): m'd 05 Nov 1840 [ ], Martha J.
*15: THORN, Martha J. (c1815- ): m'd 05 Nov 1840 THORN, Joel; maiden name unknown at this time
THORP, Benjamin Thomas (c1826 -1854): s/o William and Elizabeth Thorp; some sources say he emigrated in 1852
THORP, Elizabeth (1804- ): m'd 1825 THORP, William; maiden name unknown at this time
THORP, James Riley (1828- ): m1. CLOCK, Sarah; m2. HUMPHREYS, Susan W.; s/o William and Elizabeth Thorp
THORP, John Thomas: s/o William and Elizabeth Thorp; some sources say he emigrated in 1852
THORP, William (1802- ): m'd [ ], Elizabeth
THORP, William J.: m'd 1856 WOOD, Martha Jane
THURMAN, Mary L.: m'd HUBBARD, [ ]
TIBBETTS, Albert Thomas (1844-1891): m'd MCKISSICK, Katherine;
s/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts
TIBBETTS, Elizabeth Jane (1832- ): m'd HAMBLIN, David Brower; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts
TIBBETTS, Flora Ann (1847- ): m'd HERMAN, Binger S.; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts
TIBBETTS, Francis Marion (1837-1912): m1. LIFE, Sarah Ann; m2. GRIMWALD, Georgiana; s/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts
TIBBETTS, Jonathan Snow (1804-1885): m'd REDDING, Mary
TIBBETTS, Lois Vanilla (1850-1924): m1. WHITTLESEY, Edward; m2. AVERY, Daniel; m3. CRAVEN, Louis; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts
TIBBETTS, Mary Eliza (1835- ): m'd KNOTT, Andrew Jackson; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts
TIBBETTS, Oregon Andrew (1853- ): s/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts; born after arrival in OR
TIBBETTS, Sarah Emily (1840-1919): m'd LADD, John Pickett; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts
TIBBETTS, Sophia Ellen (1842-1926): m'd MCKINNEY, James L.; d/o Jonathan and Mary (Redding) Tibbetts
TIMBERLAKE, Martha Jane: m'd BERRY, Thomas F.
*15: TIMBERMAN, Jane: m'd Aug 1829 MOORE, Caleb
TITUS, Martin:
TODD, John:
TOMLINSON, James: m'd SHORT, Mary
TOMLINSON, Samuel C.: m'd WHITE, Elizabeth; s/o James and Mary (Short) Tomlinson
TOWNER, Van Buren:
TOWNSEND, William M. (c1836-1916): m'd 1863 SNYDER, Anna Maria
TRAPP, Sarah (1805- ): m'd 25 Dec 1821 HENDERSON, Perman G.; Sarah was born 27 Aug 1805 TN; mother of 13 children
*3: TROXEL, Frederick: hired hand on Henkle train
was the son of John TROXEL and Sarah, aka Sally BROWN. He was born in Grayson County, KY on Nov, 4,
1815. He moved with his parents to IA,
and lived at Tazewell, Appanoose County. He married Elizabeth
COPES on Nov. 8, 1832, in McLean County, IL. They
had 10 children, and he was a farmer. In 1852 the family decided to head to
left with his wife and children and sister, Mary,
and her husband James PIKE;
his mother Sally PIKE,
brother, Joshua PIKE,
James CLIFTON and Edom SHUGART with his wife Elizabeth F.
another sister of Frederick, and Bradley RHOADES. Carter TROXEL was going to make the trip but
decided not to go along.
BLACKNER didn't make the start with them, but he did
turn up later in southern MO and joined them at that point.
left from Shoal Creek, IL headed for TX. They left May 20, 1852. A log was kept
of this journey by Edom SHUGART. The journey tells of many hardships and deaths,
including Frederick�s wife, Elizabeth COPES and his three youngest
delivering his mother to TX, Frederick headed back to IA. There in Appanoose County he met up with the
HENKLE family and Frederick, his son, Strawder and brother, William all hired on
to work the Henkle Wagon Train of 1853 heading to Benton County, OR. Fred and Strawder were drivers on the WOOD
family wagon. At some point 1854-1858
Frederick returned to IA to get his family.
came out in 1859 to OR with Carter, his brother. Frederick was married to
Elizabeth EMERICK on
their trip out to OR on Jul. 2, 1859, on the North Platte River. Elizabeth was
born Dec. 3, 1838 in Schuyler County, IL, the daughter of Andrew
The first of her eight children was born
May 1, 1860 at Roseburg, Douglas, OR.
later moved to Summit, Benton, OR where his brother, Carter, and sister, Mary
lived. He was a farmer and made furniture. His brother, Carter, and himself were both skilled workmen.
by DJ Miles, Yacolt, WA]
*3: TROXEL, Strod: hired hand on Henkle train
*3: TROXEL, William: hired hand on Henkle train
TRUMBLE, Palmyra Eliza: m'd 1847 MASIKER, George
TUCKER, Thomas (1810-1878): m'd 1831
LEMON, Hester
[photo contributed by
Andrea Adrian Healy]
William Brown (1852-1926): m'd HENDRICKS,
Filena; s/o Thomas and Hester (Lemon) Tucker [photo contributed by
Andrea Adrian Healy]
TUCKNESS, William James: m'd BAKER,
TUCKNESS, Harriet Elizabeth (1849- ): m'd 1867 BAILEY, George S.
TUCKNESS, Sarah Jane (1823-1899): m'd 21 Dec 1837 BAKER, Endymian; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Clackamas County, Oregon
TURLEY, Cordelia (24 Aug 1824-18 Aug 1894): m'd 03 Dec 1841 CONDRA, Aaron; d/o Sampson and Sarah (Stovall) Turley; buried Masonic Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
TURNER, Henrietta: m'd 1850 WELLS, George A.
"WELLS, GEORGE A.--Born in Pike County, Missouri; his first place of residence in Oregon was at Mary's River, in Benton County; his present residence is at Buena Vista, and occupation farming. He married Henrietta Turner in Illinois in 1850, and their children are Richard F., Mary S., Mary E., William L., Commodore H., George P., Emma, and John." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 825]
TURNER, Polly Linza (Jul 1818-29 Mar 1904): m'd 1834 LEWIS, John; note death date may be error as it is the same death date at her husband; buried Central Point Cemetery, Central Point, Jackson County, Oregon
TURNER, Samuel:
TUTHILL, Luther G. (1830- ):
TUTTLE, Martha Ann: m'd MCCAIN, [ ]; departed Knoxville Apr 18, 1853 and arrived Jacksonville fall of 1853; traveled Southern route
TYCER, Fredonia: m'd WRIGHT, John
TYCER, John W. (1838- ): s/o Lewis and Sarah (Wright) Tycer
TYCER, James E. (1830-1912): s/o Lewis and Sarah (Wright) Tycer
TYCER, Lewis (1806-1883 ): m1. WRIGHT, Sarah
Angeline; m2. c1846 SANDERS,
Frances Jane (1825-1885)
TYCER, Mary Susan (1847- ): m'd WINDOM, Nathaniel; d/o Lewis and Frances (Sanders) Tycer
TYCER, Orville (1832-1916): s/o Lewis and Sarah (Wright) Tycer
TYCER, Tennessee (1834-1932): m'd 1853 LEWIS, Preston; d/o Lewis and Sarah (Wright) Tycer
*15: TYLER, Mr.; single; driver for Joseph Leonard
*3) ULLARY, Child1: d/o John and Eliza (Goodlin) Ullary
*3) ULLARY, Child2: d/o John and Eliza (Goodlin) Ullary
*3) ULLARY, John (1825- ): m'd GOODLIN, Eliza
UMENHOFER, William (1826- ):
UMPHREY, Albert (1839-1926): m'd FRANK, Lydia A.; s/o Thomas Henry and Nancy Jane (Driscoll) Umphrey
UMPHREY, John Thomas (1841-1887): m1. GORDON, Cynthia; m2. 1871 FRASER, Eliza; s/o Thomas Henry and Nancy Jane (Driscoll) Umphrey
UMPHREY, Julia Ann (1833 -1928): m'd 1852 PARKER, Allan Ethan; d/o Thomas Henry and Nancy Jane (Driscoll) Umphrey; emigrated in 1852 with her husband; see 1852 listing
UMPHREY, Mary Catherine (1836-1926): m'd 1856 PARKER, Moses; d/o Thomas Henry and Nancy Jane (Driscoll) Umphrey; buried Sandridge Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
UMPHREY, Matilda Samantha (1851- ): m'd 1867 COWAN, Columbus W.; d/o Thomas Henry and Nancy Jane (Driscoll) Umphrey
UMPHREY, Sarah Elizabeth.(c1834-1923): m'd 1855 COOPER, Bazzel W.; d/o Thomas Henry and Nancy Jane (Driscoll) Umphrey
UMPHREY, Thomas Henry (1810-1888): m'd 1832 DRISCOLL, Nancy Jane; buried Albany Masonic Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
VAIL, Joel:
VANCE, William (1831- ): m'd 1868 DUNCAN, Martha E.
"VANCE, WILLIAM--Born in Morgan County, Illinois, in 1831; came to the Pacific Coast in 1853; in 1867 returned to the States, via Panama, but came back to Oregon in 1868 and settled near Tangent, farming there until 1880, when he moved to Albany and has lived there since. Owns city property and nine hundred and twenty acres of land. Married Miss Martha E. Duncan in 1868, by whom he has had two children named Mary Altha, and Nancy Pearl." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 822-3]
*15: VAUGHN, John W. (1822-1917): m1. c1853 DANIELS, Mehetable Orline; m2. 03 Jan 1867 ALEXANDER, Sinai
VEGHTE, Margaret:
VEGHTE, William S.:
VEGHTE, Rachel: m'd 1851 FITZPATRICK, John
VENABLE, Francis Marion (1825-1911): m'd 1850 HUBBARD, Jane M.; moved to Washington in 1859 where he was involved in establishing the town of Goldendale; moved back and forth across the Columbia River; died in Rufus, Sherman Co, OR
VENABLE, Richard Anderson: m'd 1853 HUBBARD, Nancy Jane; married on trail
VENABLE, Sarah Elvira: m'd HUBBARD, Joseph H.
VENATOR, Jezrell (1820-1887): m'd 1851 MILLER, Eliza
VERGON, Catherine (1811-1878): m'd 1827 MATHIOT, Jean Jacques
"MATHIOT, JEAN JACQUES--Born in France, in April, 1804. Married Catherine Vergon in 1827, and came alone to the United States in 1839, bringing his family out three years later. Settled in Ohio; came to Oregon in 1 853, accompanied by his wife and their seven children; settled near Butteville, Marion County, and engaged in grape-raising. Died, April 24, 1876." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 812]
VERNON, Allen Creath (1844-1915): m'd 1864 WHEATON, Ruth; s/o George W. and Rebecca (Greenway) Vernon
VERNON, Charity M. (1831-1887): d/o George W. and Rebecca (Greenway) Vernon
VERNON, George Washington (c1812-1879): m'd 1828 GREENWAY, Rebecca; s/o Nehemiah and Charity (Stark) Vernon
VERNON, George Washington Greenway (1839-1909): m'd 1864 SLATE, Leah Caroline; s/o George W. and Rebecca (Greenway) Vernon
VERNON, John Jackson (1837-1910): m'd 1863 WHEATON, Isabella; s/o George W. and Rebecca (Greenway) Vernon
VERNON, Leah Jane (1842-1919): m'd 1864 HOUCK, Daniel; d/o George W. and Rebecca (Greenway) Vernon
VERNON, Mary "Polly" (1829-1866): m'd STEPHENS, (Unknown); d/o George W. and Rebecca (Greenway) Vernon
VERNON, Minerva Ellen (1849-1868): m'd 1865 BEARD, Thomas; d/o George W. and Rebecca (Greenway) Vernon
VERNON, Mulkey (1834-1882): m'd 1864 SLATE, Laura B.; s/o George W. and Rebecca (Greenway) Vernon
VERNON, Rachel Melissa (1852-1936): m'd 1871 KNIGHTON, Henry; d/o George W. and Rebecca (Greenway) Vernon
VIESSMAN, John (1806- ): m'd 1844 [ ], Eva
VIRDEN, Margaret (1809-1888): m'd 08 Feb 1827 HOWARD, Johnathan Booth; born 20 Jan 1809 SC; settled in Beaver Creek, Clackamas County, OR with husband and children; died 13 Aug 1888 Polk Co, OR at the home of her daughter, Rachel; buried Carus Cemetery, Carus, Clackamas Co, OR; mother of twelve children (John Eager, Rebecca Nelson, Amos Evans, DeKalb, Pulaski Jackson, Nancy Verin, Baltimore, Madison, Rachel, Rudolph S., Thomas Ritchie and George Lillie)
*15: VOSE, Samuel W.: one of 4 black slaves brought to Oregon by Dr. Charles Brooks; barber in Jacksonville
*15: WADSWORTH, Elisha (c1828-1883): m'd 05 Jul 1852 BRAKEMAN, Harriet; m2. 20 Jul 1870 SKINNER, Nancy Pamelia
*7: WAGNER, J.: employee in Edward F. Beale party to CA
WAGNON, George B.:
WAIT, T.B. (1834- ): m1. 1858 GIBSON, Mary; m2. 1872 MORRIS, Rachel
"WAIT, T. B.--Born in Boston in July, 1834, lived for a time in Illinois, came to Oregon in 1853, and settled in Polk County. Participated in the Indian wars of 1855-56, and was lieutenant in a volunteer company. Removed to Salem in 1873 and in 1878 engaged in the hardware business; deals extensively in agricultural implements, etc.; was mayor of Salem in 1879, and has been alderman. Married Mary Gibson in 1858 and had two children, Olive and Agnes. Mrs. Wait died in 1866, and in 1872 he married Rachel Morris by whom there are three children Ennis, Thomas, and Lena. Mr., Wait resides in Salem, but has a ranch of four hundred and eighty acres in Polk County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 823]
Crittenden Fruit WALKER FAMILY
WALKER, Crittenden Fruit (1820-1853):
m'd MYER, Mary
Ann; died in Utah Territory, murdered by a fellow wagon train traveler;
s/o Samuel H. and Elizabeth [Fruit] Walker
WALKER, Enoch F. (1814-1900): m'd 1840 Walker, Lewhetta; s/o Samuel H. and Elizabeth [Fruit] Walker; desc states that wife may have been cousin
WALKER, Francis M.:
*3: WALKER, James: s/o Michael and Sarah Walker
*3: WALKER, Jesse: s/o Michael and Sarah Walker
WALKER, John P. (1822- ): m'd c 1851 [], Mary Ann [the widow of John's brother, Crittenden Fruit Walker]; s/o Samuel H. and Elizabeth [Fruit] Walker
WALKER, Lewhetta: m'd 1840 WALKER, Enoch F; desc states that Lewhetta is believed to be a cousin of her husband
*3: WALKER, Martha: d/o Michael and Sarah Walker
WALKER, Martha A. (1834- ): m'd BARRON, Hugh F.; d/o Samuel H. and Elizabeth [Fruit] Walker
WALKER, Mary Elizabeth (1822- ): m'd GRUBB, Samuel; d/o Samuel H. and Elizabeth [Fruit] Walker
*3: WALKER, Michael H.: m'd [ ], Sarah;
WALKER, Minus (1825-1875): m'd 1869 ERB, Phoebe J.; s/o Samuel H. and Elizabeth [Fruit] Walker
*3: WALKER, Nancy: m'd HENKLE, William; d/o Michael Walker
*19: WALKER: Sam:
WALKER, Sarah: m'd WALKER, Michael; maiden name unknown at this time
WALKER, William T.:
WARD, Basil Soper: s/o Jesse and
Exeline (Cason) Ward
WARD, Dillis Burgess (c1838- ): m'd BILES, Isabella; s/o Jesse Ward; later taught school in Grand Mound, WA where he met and married Isabella
WARD, Frazier (1832- ): m'd FLOURNOY, Mary Ann; s/o Samuel and Isabella (Marshall) Ward; father of 10 children; mother died when Frazier was 5 and he was bound out by the county to Capt. Wyatt, a fine old man; drove wagon to OR for Ambrose Newton in the Flournoy party; mined in the Sterling Mine in '58 and '59; 1859 settled at Melrose (six miles west of Roseburg); was postmaster at Melrose for over 20 years
WARD, Hester Louretta: d/o Jesse and Exeline (Cason) Ward
WARD, Ira:
WARD, Jesse (1796-1871): m1. ; m2. CASON, Exeline (she m1. [] Baltimore); settled Marion Co; buried Stipp Cemetery, Marion Co, OR
WARD, Kirkwood Clay: s/o Jesse and Exeline (Cason) Ward
WARD, Michael B.:
WARFIELD, Alfred (1853- ): s/o Samuel and Melinda (Morgan) Warfield
WARFIELD, Jesse: s/o Samuel Warfield and his first wife
WARFIELD, Melinda: m'd VINSON, Thomas; m'd Samuel Warfield and his first wife
WARFIELD, Phoebe: m'd HILL, John; d/o Samuel Warfield and his first wife
WARFIELD, Samuel: m1. ; m2. MORGAN, Melinda; reportedly killed chief Peu-peu-mox-mox
WARFIELD, Thomas: s/o Samuel Warfield and his first wife
WARNER, Arthur (1828- ): m'd KAISER, Elizabeth
"WARNER, ARTHUR--Is a resident of Oregon City and a farmer by occupation; was born in Surrey, England, April 17, 1828; came to Oregon in April, 1853; married Elizabeth Kaiser, and their children are Alfred (deceased), Surrey (deceased), Imogene (deceased), Ernest (deceased), Annie, George and Ellen (twins), and Arthur C. Has represented Clackamaa County in the Legislature, and was sheriff for one term." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 823]
*15: WARNER, Elizabeth (1822-1914): m'd 02 May 1853 FREDERICK, M.
*15: WARNER, Frederick (1830-1914); m'd 02 May 1853 STEWART, Elizabeth; married in St Joseph, Mo te day before they left for Oregon; He was on the�Lost Wagon Train�; brother of John M. and Thomas Warner
*15: WARNER, FrederickYoung (1849-1921): s/o John Warner & Mary Ann Stewart; was on the �Lost Wagon Train�.
*15: WARNER, Janet Smilie (1847-1936); d/o John Warner & Mary Ann Stewart; was on the �Lost Wagon Train�.
*15: WARNER, John M. (1816- ) :m�d 25 Dec 1845 STEWART, Mary Ann; he left his family in 1856 and was divorced in 1858. He was on the �Lost Wagon Train�; brother of Frederick & Thomas Warner
*15: WARNER, John Stewart (1851-1853); s/o John Warner & Mary Ann Stewart: b. 1851 in PA, d. 30 Sep 1853 near what is now John Day, OR.
*15: WARNER, Thomas Elliott (1836- ): m'd 09 Sep 1859 STEWART, Agnes; brother of John M. and Frederick Warner; he was on the �Lost Wagon Train�.
WARNOCK, Presley:
WARREN, Delanty (1836- ): d/o Willis and Anna (Lansing) Warren; shown in 1850 census and is presumed to have accompanied family west; may have been married at the time or married soon after
*15: WARREN, Emmett Lansing (1833-1922): m'd ZUMWALT, Nancy Matilda; s/o Willis and Anna (Lansing) Warren
WARREN, James Henry (1838-1918): never married; s/o Willis and Anna (Lansing) Warren
WARREN, William Orlando (1840-1910): m'd 28 Dec 1863 ARGO, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Willis and Anna (Lansing) Warren
*15: WARREN, Willis: (1803-c1875): m'd 09 Sep 1828 LANSING, Anna
"WARRINNER, W.C., M. D.--Born in Richmond, Virginia, and resided at various times in Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri. Graduated from a medical school, and in October, 1853, arrived in Oregon and settled permanently in the vicinity of Salem. Was married in Illinois in 1848, and has a family of six children Eugenia, Florence, Richard C., John T., May, and Edgar A. Dr. Warrinner relates that on his arrival in Portland in the fall of 1853, that place contained three practicing physicians. Doctors Wilson, Millard and Davenport, the first of whom still resides there, but the latter two are dead. Dr. Davenport accumulated a splendid competence in the practice of his profession. The regularly graduated physicians in Oregon, says Dr. Warrinner, were Doctors Hartley, of Vancouver, Bailey, of Oregon City, Boyle, of Polk County, and Warrinner, of Salem. Dr. Warrinner belongs to the Christian Church, and was one of the foremost movers in the organization of the college belonging to that body. This was originally located at Bethel, Polk County, twelve miles from Salem. It was established in 1855, and on July 4th of that year the frame of the school building was raised. The founders were G. O. Burnett, Amos Harvey, J. L. Ladd, W. C. Warrinner and two or three others. The school flourished, and pupils attended from widely separated localities, attracted by the good reputeof the teachers. Among the instructors at Bethel were Dr. Nathaniel Hudson, L. L. Rowland (now of Salem), and J. H. Hall, who were installed as professors on or about 1860. The school retained its prestige for some ten or twelve years, but about 1865 was removed to Monmouth. The Bethel school building cost about five thousand dollars and accommodated nearly one hundred and fifty students. Its subsequent history is merged into that of the Monmouth College and State Normal School." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 823-4]
WATERS, Abner Walter (1833- ): m'd 1855 [ ], Mary Ann
WATERS, Edward Burris (1807-1879): m'd 1836 GRIFFITH, Sarah
WATERS, John (1839- ): s/o Edward and Sarah (Griffith) Waters
WATERS, John Morrison (1832- ):
WATERS. Martha Ann (1851-1925): m'd 1868 HOLMAN, Nathaniel; d/o Edward and Sarah (Griffith) Waters
WATERS, Mary Jane (1847-1911): m'd 1871 TURNER, William MacDonald; d/o Edward and Sarah (Griffith) Waters
WATERS, Sarah Catherine (1843-1914): m'd 1859 GILLIAM, Marcus deLafayette
WATERS, William (1837- ): s/o Edward and Sarah (Griffith) Waters
*15: WATSON, David Lowry (1842-1917): m'd 23 Nov 1870 OWEN, Lavina; s/o James and Emily (Franklin) Watson
*15: WATSON, Edward Byron (1844-1914): m1. 11 Jul 1872 OWEN, Mary E.; m2. 28 May 1879 KUBLI, Ella C.; s/o James and Emily (Franklin) Watson
"WATSON, EDWARD B.--Born in Clayton County, Iowa, October 7, 1844, and crossed the plains to Oregon nine years later. The family settled in Douglas County in 1854 upon a farm. Edward was educated at the Urnpqua Academy and at the Pacific University at Forest Grove, graduating from the latter in 1866. He read law with J. F. Watson, at Roseburg, and was admitted to the bar in 1868. Made a partnership with B. F. Dowell and practiced in Jacksonville. Was elected county judge of Jackson County in 1872. In 1880 was chosen Supreme Judge of the State of Oregon. Retired from the bench in 1884. Judge Watson s first wife, whom be married July 11, 1872, was Miss Mary E. Owen; the second, married May 28, 1879, was Miss Ella C. Kubli. He has two children." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 824-5]
*15: WATSON, James (1802-1874): m'd 15 Oct 1835 FRANKLIN, Emily Adams
*15: WATSON, James Finley (1840-1897): m1. 1872 FLINT, Isabella; m2. 1883 KINNEY, Mrs. Virginia; s/o James and Emily (Franklin) Watson
*15: WATSON, John L. (1852-1920): s/o James and Emily (Franklin) Watson
*15: WATSON, Robert (c1849- ): s/o James and Emily (Franklin) Watson
*15: WATSON, Sarah (1837-1905): m'd HAMILTON, Salathiel; d/o James and Emily (Franklin) Watson
WEAVER, Hans: m'd BIGHAM, Harriet
[photo contributed by Shirley Weaver Sipler]
WEBORN, Ann: m'd BEESON, John
*17) WEDDLE, Anthony (1820- ): m'd 1841 [ ],
*17) WEDDLE, Elijah (1834- ): m'd 1855 [ ], Margaret Ann
Isaac Taylor (1850-1919): m'd 1873 KRANTZ, Queen Victoria; born Aug 1, 1850
in Benton Co, MO;s /o William and Irene (Skaggs) Weekly; died Oct 11, 1918 near
Coquille, OR; buried at Dora Cemetery, Dora, Coos Co, OR; was County Commissioner
in Coos County, OR in 1896 and 1899
WEEKLY, John Samuel (1842- ): m1 FISH, Emily R.; m2. GODFREY, Mary Jane; s/o William and Irene (Skaggs) Weekly
WEEKLY, Ursula Ann (1852-1915): m'd 1870 ROSE, Innis E.; d/o William and Irene (Skaggs) Weekly; died in Myrtle Point, Coos Co, OR
WEEKLY, William Elze (1812-1889): m'd 1839 SKAGGS, Irene Jane; born 17 May 1812 in Nelson Co, KY and died Nov 23, 1889 in Gravelford, Coos Co, OR; buried in Dora Cemetery, Dora, Coos Co, OR
*15: WEGNER, Esther (1842-1918): m'd 25 Aug 1858 JOHNSON, John W.; d/o Michael and Hannah (Levering) Wegner; stepdaughter of Thomas Williams
*15: WEGNER, Philip Augustus (1844-1927): m'd 21 Oct 1875 MINER, Jessie May; s/o Michael and Hannah (Levering) Wegner; stepson of Thomas Williams
WELCH, George:
WELCH, Rostun:
WELLS, Commodore Perry:
WELLS, George A.: m'd 1850 TURNER, Henrietta
"WELLS, GEORGE A.--Born in Pike County, Missouri; his first place of residence in Oregon was at Mary's River, in Benton County; his present residence is at Buena Vista, and occupation farming. He married Henrietta Turner in Illinois in 1850, and their children are Richard F., Mary S., Mary E., William L., Commodore H., George P., Emma, and John." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 825]
*15: WELLS, John Calvin (1834- ): m'd 12 Oct 1854 BAGLEY, Martha Ann
WELLS, Richard (1850- ): m'd 1876 COLLINS, Emma A.; s/o George and Henrietta (Turner) Wells
"WELLS, RICHARD F.--Born in Pike County, Illinois, in 1850; came to Oregon at an early age, and lived at Philomath, Benton County, His present residence is at Buena Vista, Polk County, and occupation farming. He married Emma A. Collins in Polk County in 1876, and their children are Samuel B., George W., Mabel, and Frank." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 825]
WELLS, William:
WEST, Calvin Brookings (03 Oct 1816- Jul 1855).: m'd 1842 HUDSON, Elizabeth Ludlow; Calvin West returned east to get his family; Calvin died of cholera aboard the steamer Sierra Nevada sailing from Panama to San Francisco with his family; he died three days out from Panama and was buried at sea []
Calvin Brookings West (1814-) came overland to Oregon in 1853. A Baptist preacher and teacher, West settled in the Roseburg area, where he acquired land and raised a family. His writings on Oregon pioneer life are characteristically detailed and insightful [Mss2.W516].
West, Calvin B. From Defiance to Fort Laramie, 1853. Typescript, Mss 1508, Oregon Historical Society. See also “Calvin B. West of the Umpqua: An Obscure Chapter in the History of Southern Oregon.” Reginald Ray Stuart and Grace D Stuart.
WEST, Calvin B. - OHS Mss #692 - 33 page typed Left Defiance, OH 30 Apr 1853; arrived Foster's Ranch, OR, 13 Aug 1853.
WEST, Edward H.:
WEST, George Miller:
Levi: settled near Bully Creek in Malheur County. The town of Westfall,
now a ghost town, was named for him.
WHEELER, Mary Buck:
WHITE, Chapman Maupin ( -1912): started
for CA by
ship in 1849 but
became ill and turned back; emigrated by trail to OR in 1853; went to
San Francisco by water
*15: WHITE, Daniel B. (c1814-1891): m'd 11 Dec 1838 STOMS, Mary J.
*15: WHITE, Jacob M. (1852-1855): s/o Daniel and Mary (Stoms) White
*15: WHITE, John Perry (1846-1927): m'd 09 Feb 1870 TURPIN, Susie Ann; s/o Daniel and Mary (Stoms) White
*15: WHITE, Mary (1808- ): m'd 17 Nov 1822 PRESTON, William
*15: WHITE, Mary Ann (1839-1896): m'd 08 Jan 1861 WHITNEY, Elkanah; d/o Daniel and Mary (Stoms) White
WHITE, Mary Taylor (11 Mar 1801-21 Jan 1893): m'd 05 Oct 1827 COE, Nathaniel; d/o Lawrence and Cyria (Charge) White; buried Mountain View Memorial Cemetery, Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon
WHITE, Nancy (1811-27 Jul 1878): m'd 24 May 1836 DRINKWATER, William; d/o Henry White, settled Marion County
*15: WHITE, Phoebe Jane (1844-1922): m'd 28 Sep 1865 SHARP, Joseph; d/o Daniel and Mary (Stoms) White
WHITE, Sanford H.:
*15: WHITE, Son (c1849-1853): s/o Daniel and Mary (Stoms) White; died on trail
WHITE, William C.:
*15: WHITE, William Johnston (1841- ): m'd 08 Jul 1868 TAYLOR, Mary Frances; s/o Daniel and Mary (Stoms) White
WHITED, Ephraim Bige (19 Aug 1836-06 Apr 1904): m'd 28 Oct 1862 BISHOP, Destimona Ann; s/o James and Elizabeth (Bishop) Whited; came to Oregon in 1853 with mother and step-father Abraham Osborn; buried Bramlet Memorial Cemetery, Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon
WHITED, Lucinda C. (07 Oct 1839-20 May 1904): m1. 04 Jan 1855 IRVINE, James Nelson; m2. 10 Jan 1862 RICHARDSON, Thomas Jefferson; d/o James and Elizabeth (Bishop) Whited; came to Oregon in 1853 with mother and step-father Abraham Osborn; buried Jefferson Cemetery, Jefferson, Marion County, Oregon
*15: WHITLOW, John (1822-1858):
*11: WHITNER, Mr.:
*15: WHITTAKER, Anna Maria (1794- ): m1. KIZER, Mr.; m2. Feb 1836 WHITTAKER, Isaac; m3. 1858 HARKINS, Daniel (divorced third husband and went back to using Whittaker name
*15: WHITTAKER, Isaac (1780-1854): m1. ; m2. Feb 1836 [ ], Anna Maria
*15: WHITTAKER, Isaac (c1837- ): m'd 01 Dec 1872 FOSTER, Melissa J.; s/o Isaac and Anna Whittaker
*15: WHITTAKER, James (c1820-1879): s/o Isaac and (first wife) Whittaker
*15: WHITTAKER, John (c1828- ): s/o Isaac and (first wife) Whittaker
*15: WHITTAKER, Joseph R. (1835-1883): m'd 29 Sep 1867 BOYER, Mary E.; s/o Isaac and (first wife) Whittaker
WICHSER, Melchior:
WILCOX, Harriet Catherine (1850-1879): d/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Johnson) Wilcox
WILCOX, John Delbert (1853-1938): s/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Johnson) Wilcox
WILCOX, Margaret Adelaide (1846-1935): d/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Johnson) Wilcox
WILCOX, Thomas James (1822-1893): m'd 1845 JOHNSON, Elizabeth Jane
WILDER, Sarah J.: m'd 1851 CARTWRIGHT, Theodore
"CARTWRIGHT, THEODORE--Born in Michigan in 1828; came to Oregon in 1853, settled in Washington County and worked at his trade of carpenter. Had been married two years previously to Sarah Wilder, by whom he had five children Wilhelmina J., Emma T., Addie B., J. P., and Iva. Is now engaged in stock-raising in Eastern Oregon, and owns large flocks." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 799]
WILEY, Amanda Jane (19
Jul 1851-13 Nov 1924 ): m'd 03 May 1868
FARMER, Samuel;
m2. 1874 REXFORD, Ensign; living in Wichita, TX in 1902
WILEY, Andrew Alexander (17 Nov 1819-18 May 1902): m'd 14 Nov 1843 HIGGINS, Lucy; m2. 12 Mar 1865 SMITH, Elizabeth (SETTLE) Mrs.; settled with family near Foster, Linn Co, OR; first to settle on the east side of Wiley Creek, which was names in his honor; resided there until his death; was a hunter and trapper; was instrumental in the discovery of the Sanitam Pass which opened up Central Oregon's lush grasslands to the Willamette Valley; until 1921 this route was known as the Wiley Trail; a toll gate was established and the Mountain House was built to collect fees; Andrew and his wife were the first operators of this facility; father of 15 children
WILEY, Charles T. (1848-1853): s/o Andrew and Lucy (Higgins) Wiley; died and is buried on the Oregon trail
WILEY, Harvey (c1842- ): relationship to Andrew Wiley unclear; listed with the family in 1850 and 1860 census
WILEY, James: drover for Kinneys; may have taken cutoff with Lost Wagon Train
WILEY, Mary Emeline (28 Aug 1846-24 Jan 1928 ): m'd 30 Jun 1864 DAVIS, John J.; buried Riverside Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
WILHITE, Lydia: m'd DECKARD, Anderson
*15: WILLIAMS, Cecelia L.: m'd 01 Jan 1861 MORGAN, Henry; d/o Thomas and Ann (Goodwin) Williams
*15: WILLIAMS, Elias Pitzer (1837-1921): m1. 17 Jun 1858 RUSSELL, Elmira; m2. HUTCHINSON, Gertrude; s/o Thomas and Ann (Goodwin) Williams
WILLIAMS, George H. (1823-1910):
"WILLIAMS, GEORGE H.--Born in Columbia Cgunty, New York, March 26, 1823. Studied law and was admitted to the bar of New York in 1844; emigrated to Iowa the same year and began to practice; became district judge in 1847, retaining that position for five years. In 1853 he was appointed Chief Justice of the Territory of Oregon, and immediately removed here. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention, and soon after began to practice law at Portland. In 1864 he was elected Senator from Oregon, and in the course of his duties as such prepared and introduced into Congress the Reconstruction Bill " for the more efficient government of the Southern States." After his term of office he was appointed one of the Joint High Commissioners to settle the Alabama claims, etc. In December, 1871, he became Attorney-General of the United States, holding that position until 1875, when he resigned. Resides in Portland." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 825]
*15: WILLIAMS, Martha (1845-1906): m'd 04 Jun 1861 DUNTON, Thomas A.; d/o Thomas and Ann (Goodwin) Williams
*15: WILLIAMS, Mary S. (1880-1894): m'd 18 Mar 1855 HUNSAKER, Daniel; d/o Thomas and Ann (Goodwin) Williams
*15: WILLIAMS, Thomas (1803-1894): m1. GOODWIN, Ann; m2. 30 Oct 1849 WEGNER, Hannah (LEVERING)
WILLIAMS, William J.:
*20: WILLIAMS, William ( -1853): died 10 Jul 1853 at 934 miles from St. Joseph and 136 miles from Ft. Hall at Bear River Valley of dissentry
WILLIS, Albert G.: *2
WILLIS, Stephen D.: m'd [ ], Nancy; settled in Douglas Co south of Dillard on Willis Creek which had placer gold finds *2
WILLIS, William R.: *2
WILLITS, Mr and Mrs: cut off for California
Caroline (1842- ): d/o Samuel and Sarah (Delaney) Willson
WILLSON, Josephus (1846- ): s/o Samuel and Sarah (Delaney) Willson
WILLSON, Lewis Fenton (1836- ): s/o Samuel and Sarah (Delaney) Willson
E. (1837-1898): m'd
HODGES, Monroe; d/o Samuel and Sarah
(Delaney) Willson [photo contributed by George Cassady]
WILLSON, Samuel (c1807-1853): m'd 1834 DELANEY, Sarah;
Samuel died 15 Aug 1853 on Burnt River, possibly near the split with the Snake
River; his wife continued on to Benton county where she settled and remarried
Charles Johnson [Willson Newsletter
Vol 3
and Willson Newsletter
Vol 4 featuring Samuel and Sarah Willson, compiled and contributed by Sharon Hobart;
be patient it is a large file; photo contributed by Sharon Hobart]
WILLSON, Sarah Jane (1840- ): d/o Samuel and Sarah (Delaney) Willson
WILLSON, William (1832- ): s/o Samuel and Sarah (Delaney) Willson
WILSON, Gholson:
WILSON, James Harvey (1811- ): m'd 1842 [ ], Mary
WILSON, James L.:
WILSON, John (1826-1900):
WILSON, John (1808- ):
WILSON, John Patrick:
, Margaret
(1806- ):
m'd 1822 Ira B. Henderson;
started for Oregon with family in fall of 1849 but husband took ill in IL and was
unable to proceed until spring of 1850 when the
family moved on to St. Joseph, MO. Ira B. Henderson took ill again and
died 12 July of 1852; in the spring of 1853 Margaret and their 7
children joined a wagon train for Oregon; settled in Linn Co near what was then Union Point
[photo contributed by Lynn Hagen]
WILSON, Oscar Fitzallen (1827-1858): m'd BATCHELLOR, Phebe; Oscar Fitzallen Wilson Letter
WILSON, Penelope Jane ( -1922): m'd HUMPHREYS, William Jehu
WILSON, William (1818- ): m'd 1842 RAMBO, Lorina
*15: WILSON, Winnifred (c1825- ): m'd 25 May 1844 SHAKLEE, Peter
*15: WING, Alanson: m 'd 31 Oct 1854 [ ], Mary Jane
WINGERT, Samuel:
WIRTH, Martin:
WITHERS, John E. (1830- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Margaret S.
WOLFARD, Amelia (24 Oct 1845-26 Mar 1906): m'd 1872 CAREY, Richard William; d/o Earhard and Aramatha (Shope) Wolfard; buried City View Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
WOLFARD, Charles Dewalt (23 May 1848-06 Dec 1903): m. SMALL, Sarah Ann; s/o Earhard and Aramatha (Shope) Wolfard; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
WOLFARD, DeWalt (Jan 1825-11 Mar 19030: m'd 11 Jun 1848 SCHILLING, Catherine Phoebe; s/o John and Mary (Bery) Wolfard
WOLFARD, Erhard (22 Dec 1818-24 Aug 1907): m'd 22 Oct 1839 SHOPE, Aramatha; s/o Earhard and Mary (Bery) Wolfard Sr.; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon; father of 12 children (John M., Mary, Amelia, Charles, 2 died young, Anna, Emma, Geneva, William, Clarabel and Eda)
"Erhard Wolfard.
One of the most venerable and honored of the retired citizens of Silverton is E.
Wolfard, formerly an extensive agriculturist of Marion county, and actively
identified with its most substantial upbuilding. Mr. Wolfard was born in
Alsace, December 22, 1818, and was just ten years of age when his parents came
to the United States. His father followed the art of weaving for many
years in France, but after coming to America engaged exclusively in farming.
The family were sixty-four days on the water, the sailing vessel meeting with
many storms and delaying calms. They settled in Stark county, Ohio, near
Canton and there lived between the years of 1828 and 1833. Their next home
was in Scioto county, Ohio, where the mother died in 1835, and the father
married a second time. He died at the age of sixty-eight years.
From the public schools E. Wolfard stepped into a carpenter's apprenticeship,
and at the same time learned to be a blacksmith. These combined trades he
followed for many years in Ohio, in which state, September 14, 1839 [sic-22 Oct
1839 per Donation Land Claim and Ohio marriage records], he married Aramatha
Shope, a native of Ohio, and with whom he continued to live in Scioto county
until 1853. He then outfitted and started across the plains with ox teams,
being six months on the way, and having a fairly pleasant journey. The
Indians were not particularly troublesome, nor were the ranks of the little
party disturbed by cholera or other serious illness. The family settled
about five miles south of Silverton, where Mr. Wolfard bought a squatter's
right, which he afterward proved up, and upon which he instituted many fine
improvements. On his farm he had a little blacksmith and wagon shop, which
he conducted for many years with fair success until moving into Silverton in
1887. For a short time in this town, he engaged in a mercantile
business with his son, John and then bought the ten acres of land comprising his
present home, just outside the corporation of Silverton. He erected on his
land a modern and comfortable dwelling and other buildings, and is pleasantly
located and apparently enjoying the evening of a useful and worthy life.
He still owns three hundred and sixteen acres of his original claim, which nets
him a handsome income each year.
In politics Mr.
Wolfard is a Republican, and has served as a school director for many years.
Sin 1849 he has been identified with the Masons, having been inititated into the
order in Western Sun Lodge No 91 at Wheelerburg, Ohio, and is now a member of
Silverton Lodge No 45, A. F. & A. M. Twelve children have been born to
himself and wife, of whom the following are still living: John M., who married
Kate McCalpin, and is now a resident of Silverton; Mary, living with her
parents; Amelia, wife of R.W. Carey, of Salem; the parents of three children;
Geneva A., wife of Timothy D. Allen, residing in this vicinity; Charles D., who
married Sarah Ann Small, the daughter of Isaac Small, of Turner, a pioneer of
1854, and with his family of nine children is living near Silverton; Eda, wife
of John H. Riches, of Marion county. Mrs. Wolfard died July 13, 1866, aged
forty-one years, five months and seven days. Mr. Wolfard has realized many
of his expectations since coming to this country, and the land of his adoption
has benefited by his public-spirit and worthy undertakings."
[Portrait and Biographical Record of the Willamette Valley p. 169]
WOLFARD, John M. (25 Feb 1842-28 Jun 1928): m1. MCALPIN, Catherine Eliza; m2. 1908 MASCHER, Eva Lavina (Mount); s/o Earhard and Aramatha (Shope) Wolfard; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
WOLFARD, Mary (21 Dec 1843-25 Oct 1930): d/o
Earhard and Aramatha (Shope) Wolfard;
Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
*19: WOLTER, Mr.
WOLVERTON, Charles E. (1851- ): m'd 1878 PRICE, Clara E.; s/o John and Mary (Nealy) Wolverton
"WOLVERTON, CHARLES E.--Born in Iowa in 1851; came with his father, John Wolverton, to Oregon, and was reared on a farm in Polk County, receiving his education at Monmouth, whence he graduated in 1871, delivering the valedictory of his class. Pie studied law in Lexington, Kentucky; returned to Oregon in 1874, and has practiced in Albany since, where, for a while, he was in partnership with N. B. Humphreys. Was justice of the peace at Albany from 1876 to 1878. In 1884 was nominated for prosecuting attorney. Owns city property in Albany, and a farm of one hundred and fifty-three acres eight miles from that town. Married Miss Clara E. Price in 1878." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 826]
WOLVERTON, John (1822- ): m'd 1847 NEALY, Mary Jane
"WOLVERTON, JOHN--Born in Hamilton County, Ohio, December 4, 1822. He was reared on a farm, and at seventeen years of age went to Illinois, and from there to Iowa; in 1853 came to Polk County, Oregon, and took a donation claim. He now owns a fine residence in Monmouth, and a farm of eight hundred acres. Married Miss Mary J. Nealy in 1847. They have seven children William M., engaged at Spokane Falls in the hardware business; Charles E., a lawyer at Albany; Bruce, a minister of the Christian Church at Seattle; Prince Albert, of Spokane, dealer in agricultural implements; Josie, wife of Dr. J. C. Byrd, of Salem; Otis A., a farmer in Polk County; and Grant, at Spokane, engaged in the hardware business. Mr. Wolverton lives at Monmouth." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 826]
*3: WOOD, Abraham: m'd HENKLE, [ ]; s/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood; settled west if Philomath, OR
WOOD, Albert Talkington (1849- ): m'd 1876 PERKINS, Sarah Ann; s/o Francis and Malana (Simpson) Wood
WOOD, Alexander:
*3: WOOD, Amos: s/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
*3: WOOD, Charles L.: s/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
*3: WOOD, Elizabeth Jane (03 Nov 1828-06 Oct 1904): m'd 21 Dec 1845 HENKLE, Jacob Jr.; d/o Jesse and Rachel (Chenowith) Wood
WOOD, Francis Marion (1814-1864): m'd 1839 SIMPSON, Malana "Lena"; s/o Jarrett and Susanna (Clark) Wood
WOOD, Harriet (1839-1863): m'd 1855 LAST, Michael; d/o Francis and Malana (Simpson) Wood
WOOD, Henry Calvin (1845-1927): m'd 1877 RHODES, Susan J.; s/o Francis and Malana (Simpson) Wood
*3: WOOD, Jesse Alonzo (24 Mar 1804-08 Sep 1890): m1. 04 Oct 1827 CHENOWITH, Rachel; m2. 23 Feb 1834 HENKLE, Margaret; s/o William and Mary (Konn) Wood
*3: WOOD, Jesse F.: s/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
*3: WOOD, John: s/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
*3: WOOD, Joseph C. (c1830- ): m'd 1852 BARKER, Caroline; s/o Jesse and Rachel (Chenowith) Wood
*3: WOOD, Mahala J.: d/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
WOOD, Malinda Jane (1843-1926): m'd 1873 HEDGEPATH, Joel; d/o Francis and Malana (Simpson) Wood
*3: WOOD, Martha: d/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
*3: WOOD, Mary:
*3: WOOD, Mary (16 Feb 1835-20 Dec 1922): m'd 08 Jan 1852 HENKLE, Andrew Jackson; d/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
WOOD, Melissa (1841- ): m'd 1857 HASTINGS, John Campbell; d/o Francis and Malana (Simpson) Wood
*3: WOOD, Phoebe: d/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
WOOD, Rebecca Ann (1829-1865): m'd 1847 CUSTER, Ruel; died of typhoid fever; buried Jefferson Cemetery, Marion Co, OR; was the step-daughter of John Y. Streithoff who came to OR in 1845
*3: WOOD, Sarah Ellen: d/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
*3: WOOD, Susan: d/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
WOOD, Susan Elvira (1843- ): m'd NEWCOMB, William F.; d/o Francis and Malana (Simpson) Wood
*3: WOOD, Susanna: m'd 1862 NEWTON, Gamaliel; d/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
*3: WOOD, William: s/o Jesse and Margaret (Henkle) Wood
*3: WOOD, William Newton (1848-1935): m'd 1894 BLACK, Alice Myrtle; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Polk Co, OR
WOODCOCK, William C.: departed from Albany, NY Mar 1, 1853 and arrived St. Johns, OR Sep 29, 1853
WOODRUFF, Emerson A.:
WOODRUFF, Sarah Levina: m'd 1853 HAYES, Henry Elijah
WOOLDRIDGE, Alpheus: see 1852 listing
WOOLERY, Mrs. ( -1936):
WORKMAN, Nancy Frances (10 Nov 1828-23 Jan 1927): m'd 09 Mar 1848 BILYEU, John Long; d/o David and Elydia Ann (Bilyeu) Workman; buried Bilyeu Den Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
WRIGHT, Albert:
*15: WRIGHT, Edward P. (1826- ):
WRIGHT, Huston: wife died on trail
WRIGHT, Huston Mrs. ( -1853): m'd WRIGHT, Huston
WRIGHT, John G. (1837- ): m'd 1860 CROSS, C.M.
"WRIGHT, JOHN G.--Born in Illinois -in 1837; came to Oregon by ox -team when sixteen years of age, settled at Salem, and engaged in merchandising. Residence Salem, and occupation retail grocer; has held several civil offices, among them the mayoralty of Salem ; is now vice president of the Oregon Agricultural Society, and a member of the board of managers. Married in 1860 to Miss C. M. Cross. Their children are Ella C., and George S." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 825-6]
WRIGHT, John Summerville
(1833-1877 ): m'd TYCER,
Fredonia Francis
WRIGHT, Lydia Pollard (1833-1903): PLIMPTON, Silas Bullard; d/o Nathaniel and Judith (Farmer) Wright; b. 26 Sep 1833
*4: WYCOFF, Peter Jackson (1832-1905): m1. 10 Dec 1851 STILLWELL, Elsie Jane; m2. 17 Jul 1878 MILLER, Mrs. Amanda Evaline (Redman); settled in Linn County, moved to Walla Walla County, Washington by 1870; died in Lewis County, Idaho
YODER, Jonas ( -1894):
*15: YOUNG, Edward G. (c1828- ): m'd [ ], Martha A.; s/o William and Elizabeth Young
*15: YOUNG, Elizabeth (1801- ): m'd YOUNG, William, maiden name unknown at this time
YOUNG, George W. (04 Nov 1828-20 Feb 1905): m'd SIMONS, Clarinda; s/o Benjamin and Sarah (Messenger) Young; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
*7: YOUNG, Henry: employee in Edward F. Beale party to CA
YOUNG, Irene (1818-1887): m'd BLISH, [ ]
YOUNG, Isaac (1876- ):
"YOUNG, ISAAC--Born in Tennessee; lived successively in that State, Ohio, Iowa, and Oregon, arriving in the latter in 1853. He lived with his family one year in Washington County, but settled in Albany in 1853. Here he lived and worked at his trade of carpentering until 1876, when his death took place. He was the father of S. E. Young, of Albany." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 826]
*15: YOUNG, Joseph (1805- ): m'd 14 Aug 1834 PHIPPS, Jane
*15: YOUNG, Joseph Jr. (c1840- ): s/o Joseph and Jane Young
*15: YOUNG, Martha A.: m'd YOUNG, Edward G.; maiden name unknown at this time
YOUNG, Melinda H. (27 Sep 1850-14 Jan 1914): m'd 1866 CLELEN, John Henry; d/o George and Clarinda (Simons) Young; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
*15: YOUNG, Mary (c1849- ): d/o Joseph and Jane Young
YOUNG, Samuel:
*15: YOUNG, William (1792- ): m'd [ ], Elizabeth
YOUNGER, Coleman:
YOUNGER, Littleton P.:
YUNT, Evaline; m'd COZAD, Jonathan Mercer
ZEVELY, John Martin:
My name is Stephenie Flora. Thanks for
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