Emigrants of 1854

compiled by Stephenie Flora
copyright � 2004

Note: the numbers in front of an individuals name indicate the train they traveled with.  Women are listed by their maiden name (if known) even if they were married at the time of emigration.  The emigration list for 1854 is incomplete and will be updated as new information is discovered.  If you have family from 1854 that is not listed please contact me so that I can add their names.

*1) Macy Train In 1854 used what became known as the Free Emigrant Road.  Variations of the route had been used in 1845 when Meek led a train into the area that resulted in a loss of life and much suffering.   It was attempted once again in 1853 when Elijah Elliott met incoming wagons and attempted to take them over the route only to become lost when he found the trail poorly marked.   In 1853, William Macy, who was one of the road commissioners in 1853 and who was considered one of the more knowledgeable men on the cutoff, was hired for $1,000 to perfect the route.  Macy met and brought back a train of 121 wagons by taking a short cut north of the lakes.  He then shortened the distance in Central Oregon by avoiding Wagontire Mountain and came down the Crooked River to the Deschutes.  His variation the the route resulted in more water for the emigrants and few problems.  It was the largest group to use the Road until 1859.

*2) Capt. John M. Bell led a train of approximately 20 wagons from St. Joseph, MO

*3) William Ward Train, Ward Massacre; Massacre story told by James Alfred Masterson, member of Ward party in One Woman’s West, Recollections of the Oregon Trail and Settling the Northwest Country by Martha Gay Masterson 1838-1916 edited by Lois Barton, Spencer Butte Press, Eugene, Oregon 1986 p.98-100; handwritten copy in the Lane County, Oregon Museum Library.

*4) Capt. J.P. Coates; led a large train that broke up into smaller groups later

*4) Perry Train

*5) Chapman Train:

*6) Sutton Train: left Beardstwon, Cass Co, IL March 21, 1854 and train arrived in the Willamette Valley October 2, 1854;  the Chapman and Sutton Trains often traveled together or in close proximity [Sarah Sutton Diary and Letters, Covered Wagon Women by Kenneth L. Holmes Vol 7]

*7) Ebey Train: consisted of the Jacob Ebey family from Missouri

*8*9) Vermilion Train aka Yantis Train; led by Alexander Yantis; left Vermilion, OH; [Diaries of Elizabeth Austin and Anna Maria Goodell (aka Goodale) Covered Wagon Women by Kenneth L. Holmes Vol 7]

*9) Meeker Train by Dennis Larson (see train #8 that appears to have merged at some point with Meeker Train)

*10) Joseph B. Chiles left Independence, Missouri to return to California on his fourth trip across the plains.  He started with several loaded wagons, 72 work cattle, and 22 head of Durhams.  On the road he purchased more cattle.  Later he had losses in both wagons and cattle, arriving at Sacramento October 2, 1854 with 115 head of fine cattle.

Emigrants of 1854



ABBOTT, Henry Larcom General (13 Aug 1831-01 Oct 1927): "Army engineer and explorer, was born at Beverly, Mass; attended Boston Latin school; graduated from West Point; 1854 2nd Lieutenant United States Topographical Engineers; assigned October 1, 1854 as assistant to 1st Lieutenent R. S. Williamson for Pacific Railroad surveys.  For two years conducted major part of the work, covering central Oregon from the Klamath basin to Fort Dalles, the Willamette Valley, and Mr. Hood-Clackamas Lakes region; established rail routes later adopted.  Next assigned to harbor and flood control surveys of lower Mississippi River; called to miliatary dury, 1861; served in Civil War.  Retired from Army, 1895; promoted to rank of Brigadier General, USA retired.  Became member of engineering board of Panama Canal.  Abbott never returned to Oregon." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 1]

ABBOTT, Webster A. (1830- ): m'd 1854 COFFEY, Louise; Webster was born 1830 NY

*3) ADAMS, Charles ( -1854): Ward Train Massacre

*3) ADAMS, Dr. ( -1854): Ward Train Massacre; "Early in the spring of 1854 our company for the journey was organized, consisting of my two married sisters and their families, some hired men, a single brother (Robert Masterson) and my wife and I (James Albert Masterson).  About twenty persons in all.  We had a small band of cattle and some horses besides the oxen we worked on the wagons.  We were well equipped for the journey which was a fearful undertaking in those days.....There was a young man in the company named Tom Adams who, much against our wishes, would play pranks on the Indians when they came to our camps.......One Woman’s West, Recollections of the Oregon Trail and Settling the Northwest Country by Martha Gay Masterson 1838-1916 edited by Lois Barton, Spencer Butte Press, Eugene, Oregon 1986 p. 96-7]

ADAMS, William (1826- ): m'd 07 May 1866 SCOTLEN, Eliza K.; William was born 26 Feb 1826 KY

AINSWORTH, Lewis (1829-1914): m'd BARTHOLOMEW, Persis;  Lewis Ainsworth and his wife Persis made the journey with wagon & oxen.  They made it their honeymoon trip, leaving from Iowa, and arriving in Jacksonville, OR where they "tried their luck" for 1-2 years.  They then went south to Shasta, California and eventually setttled permanently in the City of Orange, Orange County, CA. where he was a prominent businessman until the early 1900s.  Their home is now a museum, owned by the City and is open to the public as a good example of everyday life in the latter part of the 1800s. [note: This is not the same Capt Ainswoth family of  NW Oregon.]  Ainsworth Biography      Lewis Ainsworth House 

AIRS, George E.:

ALFRED, Francis Marion (1832- ): m'd 15 Oct 1868 HOFFMAN, Mary E.; Francis was born 17 Feb 1832 MO

ALLEN, Anderson (1820- ): m'd 1841 [ ], Nancy; settled Clackamas Co

*1) ALLEN, Elizabeth: m'd 1851 YATES, Jeptha C.

*2) ALLEN, Mary Ann: m'd PENNOYER, Sylvester

*1) ALLEN, Samuel (1799- ): m'd c1817 SPEER, Nancy

AMON, Annie (c1834- ): m'd SAPPINGTON, Mr.; d/o Reason and Corilla (Welch) Amon; emigrated with widowed mother

AMON, Mary Ellen (1841-1926): m'd 16 Jul 1858 HUNT, John Abram; d/o Reason and Corilla (Welch) Amon; emigrated with widowed mother

AMON, Mathias (1843-1860): s/o Reason and Corilla (Welch) Amon; emigrated with widowed mother

AMON, Matilda Jane (1853-c1877): m'd HUNT, James Tarkington; d/o Reason and Corilla (Welch) Amon; emigrated with widowed mother

AMON, Middleton (c1836- ): never married; s/o Reason and Corilla (Welch) Amon; emigrated with widowed mother

AMON, Ralph (c1850- ): s/o Reason and Corilla (Welch) Amon; emigrated with widowed mother

*3) AMON, Sylvester (c1838-1854): never married; s/o Reason and Corilla (Welch) Amon; killed in Ward Massacre; emigrated with widowed mother; went out with others looking for cattle and came upon massacre.  Shot by Indians.

AMON, William Reason (c1847- ): s/o Reason and Corilla (Welch) Amon; emigrated with widowed mother

ASHMEAD, Annie (17 Feb 1828-22 Feb 1916): m'd 1854 BRECK, John M.; d/o William and Clara (Forester) Ashmead; married in South Carolina while husband was visiting from Oregon; arrived in Oregon via ship; husband was the 13th mayor of Portland, OR; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

*8*9*9) AUSTIN, Elizabeth "Libbie" (1826-1897): m'd 10 Feb 1855 ROEDER, Henry; husband founded Bellingham,WA; Elizabeth died 12 Feb 1897

BABCOCK, William (-1854): Ward Train Massacre

*1) BAGLEY, John ( -1893): m'd MILSAP, Lucretia;  died in Yreka, CA on business trip

*1) BAGLEY, Robert Henry (1854-1915): m'd 1891 COLLINSON, Ann Jane

BAKER, Margaret: m'd 1848 BLEDSOE, Smith

BAMBERGER, George (1823- ): settled Lane Co

BARTHOLOMEW, Persis: m'd AINSWORTH, Lewis; d/o Daniel and Augusta (Simmons) Bartholomew Ainsworth Biography      Lewis Ainsworth House 

BATES, Edward H. (1830-1907): m. c1856 [UNKNOWN], Catherine J.; Edward was born 30 Jan 1830 Norwalk, Huron Co, OH and died 30 Oct 1907 Eugene, Lane Co, OR; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane Co, OR;  Edward spent most of his early years in Ca and for a short time in Utah before coming to OR;  he was the father of 14 children

*7) BEAM, George Wesley (c1832-1864): settled on Whidbey Island in Pugent Sound

*1) BEASON, John (c1808- ): m'd 1853 MCCAIN, Mary E.

*2) BELL, John Colgate: m'd WARD, Sarah E.; original emigrant in 1849, returned east in 1851 and brought family out in 1854

BEMIS, Hannah Thompson (1824 - ): m1.1842 TRACY, Joseph Franklin; m2. CLARK, John Roscoe

BEVENS, Frances A. (20 Sep 1852-01 Aug 1922): m'd 1913 HOLMAN, Amos Horn; d/o Hudson and Mary (Wilson) Bevens; buried Buena Vista Cemetery, Buena Vista, Polk County, Oregon

BEVENS, George M. (1840-1860): s/o Hudson and Mary (Wilson) Bevens

BEVENS Jr., Hudson James (05 Feb 1850-25 Dec 1869: s/o Hudson and Mary (Wilson) Bevens; buried Gingles Cemetery, Benton County, Oregon

BEVENS Sr., Hudson "Hutch" James (Feb 1919-28 May 1902): m'd WILSON, Mary; s/o Truman and Anna (Moore) Bevens; buried Elk City Cemetery, Lincoln County, Oregon; Captain of the wagon train; emigrated with three wagons each drawn by three yoke of oxen; the cost for Hudson to make the trip was $1800

BEVENS, John Speed (Jan 1848-06 Oct 1904): m'd 1860 SHELTON, Corintha Keely "Kate"; s/o Hudson and Mary (Wilson) Bevens; buried Buena Vista Cemetery, Buena Vista, Polk County, Oregon

BEVENS, Joice Ann (1843-19 Jan 1926): m'd SIMPSON, Marshall Winchester; d/o Hudson and Mary (Wilson) Bevens; buried Elk City Cemetery, Lincoln County, Oregon

BEVENS, Truman O. (Jun 1841-25 Apr 1927): m'd 1864 GRANT, Mary Ellen; s/o Hudson and Mary (Wilson) Bevens; buried Womer Cemetery, Pedee, Polk County, Oregon

BEVENS, Willard (18 Jan 1846-24 Sep 1909): m'd 1869 WELLS, Mary Susan; s/o Hudson and Mary (Wilson) Bevens; buried Buena Vista Cemetery, Buena Vista, Polk County, Oregon

BIGELOW, Amasa (1811- ): m'd 1837 BOYCE, Phoebe

BIGELOW, Child1: c/o Amasa and Phoebe (Boyce) Bigelow

BIGELOW, Child2: c/o Amasa and Phoebe (Boyce) Bigelow

BIGELOW, Child3: c/o Amasa and Phoebe (Boyce) Bigelow

*1) BLACHLEY, Angeline ( - ): d/o Ebenezer and Susan (Butler) Blachley

BIGELOW, Child4: c/o Amasa and Phoebe (Boyce) Bigelow

BIGELOW, Child5: c/o Amasa and Phoebe (Boyce) Bigelow

BIGELOW, Child6: c/o Amasa and Phoebe (Boyce) Bigelow

BIGELOW, Child7: c/o Amasa and Phoebe (Boyce) Bigelow

BIRCHWOOD, Susanna: m'd HUSSEY, Elbridge Mills; second wife of Elbridge Hussey

BIRSTEN, Magnus: s/o Magnus Birsten and his Indian wife; Margus arrived with his family in the Selkirk Expedition led by James Sinclair from the Red River District; Magnus' brothers arrived in 1841; this name is seen as Burston after their arrival and they were listed as Birsten in the Red River District census records.

BLACHLEY, Aaron (1820-18 Mar 1897):

*1) BLACHLEY, Angeline Lucretia (26 Feb 1849-20 Jun 1876): m'd CARLILE, James Kelm; d/o Ebenezer and Susan (Butler) Blachley

*1) BLACHLEY, Eben ( - ): m'd STAFFER, Caroline; s/o Ebenezer and Susan (Butler) Blachley

*1) BLACHLEY, Ebenezer (29 Nov 1812-13 Mar 1900 ): m'd 17 Feb 1837 BUTLER, Susan

*1) BLACHLEY, Elizabeth (22 Aug 1839- 16 Jan 1929): m'd 1862 JANUARY, Jonathan; d/o Ebenezer and Susan (Butler) Blachley

*1) BLACHLEY, Rinear Morgan (18 Dec 1851-26 Jun 1919): s/o Ebenezer and Susan (Butler) Blachley

*1) BLACHLEY, Sarah Ann (03 Dec 1837-12 Sep 1895): m'd 10 Oct 1858 SEAVEY, Alexander; s/o Ebenezer and Susan (Butler) Blachley

*1) BLACHLEY, Warren Pitt (07 Feb 1847-01 Jun 1876): s/o Ebenezer and Susan (Butler) Blachley

*1) BLACHLEY, Washington Butler (11 May 1842-23 Jan 1920): m1. [   ], Belle R.; m2. WHITTMORE, Mrs. Mary E.; s/o Ebenezer and Susan (Butler) Blachley

*1) BLACHLEY, William Boyd (08 Jul 1844-16 Feb 1934): m'd SOVERNS, Melissa Jane; s/o Ebenezer and Susan (Butler) Blachley

BLEDSOE, Smith (1824- ): m'd 1848 BAKER, Margaret

BLUE, Sarah Ann: m'd 1815 EBEY, Jacob Neff
*1) BONNETT, Alfred T. (12 Mar 1842-25 Dec 1918): m'd 1868 COUCH, Catherine Elvira; s/o Samuel and Annis (Parsons) Bonnett; buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon

*1) BONNETT, Charles Adams (21 Feb 1851-01 Mar 1925): m'd PARSONS, Manda Jane; s/o Samuel and Annis (Parsons) Bonnett; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon

*1) BONNETT, Granville Marion (13 Nov 1848-04 Mar 1922): m'd SMITH, Hannah; s/o Samuel and Annis (Parsons) Bonnett; buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon

*1) BONNETT, Jasper (1844- ): s/o Samuel and Annis (Parsons) Bonnett; no further information and it is unknown if he died prior to emigration or after; not enumerated in 1850 census

*1) BONNETT, Perlina E. (11 Oct 1846-14 Nov 1914): m'd 21 Mar 1864 THOMAS, Samuel H; d/o Samuel and Annis (Parsons) Bonnett; buried Gillespie Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon

*1) BONNETT, Perry N. (15 Mar 1853-05 May 1937): s/o Samuel and Annis (Parsons) Bonnett; buried Rest Haven Memorial Park, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon

*1) BONNETT, Samuel Jasper (08 Apr 1814-21 Apr 1904): m'd 26 Nov 1839/40 PARSON, Annis; settled Lane County, father of 11 children (Alfred T., Jasper, Perlina E., Granville Marion, Charles Adams, Perry N., Emma, Albert Cephus, Martin L., Marcellus Parsons and Mary E.); buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon and later removed to Hope Abby Mausoleum, Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon

BOONE, Cassandra (c1837-): m'd 1850 WHITELY, Franklin M.; d/o [ ] and Sarah (Grooms) Boone; g-granddaughter of Daniel Boone; per Peggy Lovelace Contreras

BOONE, Sarah Griffin (c1824- ): m'd 1850 PHILPS, William; d/o [ ] and Sarah (Grooms) Boone; g-granddaughter of Daniel Boone; per Peggy Lovelace Contreras

BOOTHE, Jedediah (1854- ): m'd SIMMONS, Carrie

BOTTEMILLER, Lydia ( - ):

BOYCE, Phoebe ( - ): m'd 1837 BIGELOW, Amasa

BRANNAN, Joseph (1825- ): m'd 1857 HANNESS, Sarah V.; settled in what is now Washington State;

*1) BRESLER, Washington S. (1831- ):

BROOKS, Jane:; one of 7 slaves brought with Avarilla Waldo from Missouri

BROOKS, Mary; one of 7 slaves brought with Avarilla Waldo from Missouri

BROOKS, Mary Ann; one of 7 slaves brought with Avarilla Waldo from Missouri

BROOKS, Nathan: m'd 1863 DELANEY, Rachel; one of 7 slaves brought with Avarilla Waldo from Missouri; worked for Waldo family

BROOKS, Thomas: aka Thomas Waldo aka Thomas Davis; one of 7 slaves brought with Avarilla Waldo from Missouri; died in Vancouver, Washington December 1930; was six feet tall and worked as a coachman, cook, butler and handyman for the G.W. Gray family, pioneers of Salem; he became a member of the Salem band and was later elected drum major.

*1) BROWN, Sarah A. (1832-1917): m'd CONDIT, Sylvanus; buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion Co, OR

*7) BURR, Mr ( -1854): died on trail 20 Jun 1854

BURRES, John Lewis: cut off for CA ; [OHS: Mss #556, Reminiscence, 45p, departed St. Louis, MO March 16, 1854 and arrived Ione City, CA October 21, 1854]

BUSBY, Richard (1809- ): m'd 07 Aug 1862 FEELING, Mrs. Mary Maria (Gardner)

"DLC #3215 Washington County; Richard Busby born 1809 England, arrived Oregon 10 Aug 1854, settled claim 17 Aug 1854.  Declared his intention of becoming citizen 02 Apr 1853 in San Francisco.  Citizenship awarded 11 Feb 1868 Portland, Oregon.  Affidavit: John Wood, William McLin, H.H. Hendrix, William Yates."

DLC #3410 Washington County; George Feeling, b. 1803 Ireland, arrived Oregon 12 Oct 1852, settled claim 08 Aug 1853, m'd Mary Maria 25 Dec 1851 DeKalb County, Illinois.  Citizenship was awarded 03 Feb 1836 New York City, Marine Court.  By 23 Nov 1868 George Feeling was deceased and widow had married Richard Busby.  Letters from Mary Maria Busby and Peter Smith were sent to the Land Office regarding division of the claim.  Smith was interested in protection of heirs.  Certificate was issued 30 Jan 1869 to Mary Maria Busby, late Mary Maria Feeling, widow and heirs at law of George Feeling.  Affidavit: Harmon Thatcher, Patrick Kelly, 1855 Milton Tuttle, J.P and J.D. Merryman, clerk of Washington County Court."

*1) BUTLER, Susan (c1820- ): m'd 1837 BLACHLEY, Ebenezer

BYRD, Virginia Weiss (1821-1859): m'd 1844 MAGNESS, John Redman; died in childbirth while returning from visiting brother at Fairfield; buried at Springfield, Lane Co, OR

CAMPBELL, Hester Ann (09 Jun 1825-1898): m'd SMALL, Isaac Hiatt; buried Twin Oaks Cemetery, Turner, Marion County, Oregon

CANN, Thomas Hart (18 Jul 1833 -25 Oct 1915): m'd GEBHARD, Louisa Anna; s/o James and Nancy (Miller) Cann; California

*6) CARTER, Calloway (1826-1856): m'd ROORK, Sarah; settled near what ispresent day Boring, OR (per Jean Spangler)

*6) CARTER, Child1 (c1848- ): c/o Joseph and Laura Ann (Stewart) Carter

*6) CARTER, Child2 (c1850- ): c/o Joseph and Laura Ann (Stewart) Carter

*6) CARTER, Child3 (c1852- ): c/o Joseph and Laura Ann (Stewart) Carter

*1) CARTER, John C. (1812- ):

*1) CARTER, John J. (1815- ): m'd 1852 VANATTA, Elizabeth

*6) CARTER, Joseph: m'd 1846 STEWART, Laura Ann

CASTLE, Emily Bostwick (11 Aug 1820-10 Apr 1888): m'd 01 Nov 1838 CORNELL, William; d/o Augustus and Almira (Lane) Castle; buried Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR;

"William Cornell and Emily's brother, Judson emigrated in 1852; Judson died on trail in 1852; William Cornell sent for his wife and children in 1854"

*6) CHAMBERLAIN, David (1819- ): m'd 19 Jun 1855 COOPER, Martha A.

*6) CHAPMAN, Addison B. (1819-16 Feb 1865): m'd 1854 HINKEL, Susan; s/o George and Joicy (Napier) Chapman; buried Canyonville Cemetery, Douglas County, Oregon

*6) CHAPMAN, Almarine (24 Feb 1852-29 Oct 1927): m1. 25 Mar 1868 DUNCAN, John Perry; m2.1871 RIDDLE, Tobias Stilley; d/o John and Martha (Eells) Chapman

*6) CHAPMAN, Andrew (c1851- ): s/o Addison and Susan Chapman

*6) CHAPMAN, George Jefferson "Jeff" (04 Apr 1822-13 Apr 1877): m'd 12  Feb 1850 EELLS, Eliza Jane;s/o George and Joicy (Napier) Chapman; buried Wimberly Cemetery, Douglas County, Oregon

*6) CHAPMAN, George Nathaniel (23 Sep 1853-16 Mar 1913): m'd 14 Aug 1907 KAISER, Wilhelmina; s/o John and Martha (Eells) Chapman; buried Wimberly Cemetery, Douglas County, Oregon

*6) CHAPMAN, John Henry (15 Aug 1825-23 May 1917): m'd 25 Mar 1851 EELLS, Martha Ann; s/o George and Joicy (Napier) Chapman; buried Wimberly Cemetery, Douglas County, Oregon

*6) CHAPMAN, Martha Ann: m'd CHAPMAN, William; maiden name unknown at this time

*6) CHAPMAN, Mary Adeline (1854-23 Aug 1945): m'd 1873 CANNON, Richard Lee; d/o George J. and Eliza (Eells) Chapman; buried Oak Creek Cemetery, Glide, Douglas County, Oregon

*6) CHAPMAN, Menelious Cornelius "Curly" (14 Mar 1852-13 Dec 1934): s/o George and Eliza (Eells) Chapman; buried Beaver Creek Cemetery, Twisp, Okanogan County, Washington

*6) CHAPMAN, William: m'd [    ], Martha Ann; no relation to other Chapmans in this train; settled Josephine Co, OR

CHAPPELL, Lyman (1816- ): m'd 1849 [], Sarah

CHAPPELL, Sarah: m'd 1849 CHAPPELL, Lyman; maiden name unknown at this time

*1) CHESHIRE, Miley Jane: m'd 1849 PURKERSON, William G.

CLARK, Elizabeth: m'd 1852 CLARK, John J.; maiden name unknown at this time

CLARK, John J. (1815- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Elizabeth

CLINE, John Michael (1820-1859): m'd 1844 TRIM, Nancy

CLINE, Cass Adelbert Dr. (28 Aug 1850-19 Jul 1926): m'd 17 Feb 1877 CLINE, Nellie M.; m2. 20 Nov 1885 MARCHBANKS, Emily; s/o John and Nancy (Trim) Cline

CLINE, John Michael (30 Oct 1820-04 Jul 1859): m'd 04 Jan 1846 TRIM, Nancy

"DLC 1834 Douglas County; John M. Cline, b. 1820 Union County, Indiana; arrived Oregon 20 Aug 1854, settled claim 17 Mar 1855; m'd Nancy 04 Jan 1846 Porter County, Indiana.  John M. Cline died 04 Jul 1859.  April 1865 Nancy Ellison, formerly Nancy Cline, was residing in LaGrande, Oregon.  Oct 1866 she wrote letters from Oakland, Oregon.  25 Nov 1875 Patent was delivered to J.R. Ellison, Yoncalla, Oregon.  Affidavit: Joseph Cline, Elisha Williamson, Reason Reed, Thomas Batty."

*1) COFFIN, George D. (1824- ): m'd 1848  WILLIAMS, Elizabeth

COMP, Casper ( - ):

COMP, Casper Mrs.: m'd COMP, Casper

COMP, Child: s/o Casper Comp

COMP, Child: s/o Casper Comp

*) CONDIT, Alva (1831-1862): m'd REASONER, Mary A.; s/o Phillip and Nancy (Gordon) Condit

*1) CONDIT, Cyrenius (1827-1904): m1. 1851 ROWLAND, Rebecca; m2. 1865 FRANK, Rebecca Jane; s/o Phillip and Nancy (Gordon) Condit; buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion Co, OR

*1) CONDIT, David William Cooper (1842-1869): s/o Phillip and Nancy (Gordon) Condit; buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion Co, OR

*1) CONDIT, James Philip ( -1854): s/o Cyrenius and Rebecca (Rowland) Condit; buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion Co, OR

*1) CONDIT, Mary A. (1838-1862): d/oPhillip and Nancy (Gordon) Condit

*1) CONDIT, Nancy ( -1854): adopted daughter of Phillip and Nancy (Gordon) Condit

*1) CONDIT, Philip (1801-1856): m'd 1826 GORDON, Nancy; s/o David Condit; settled Marion Co; brother, Alva, was emigrant of 1845; was a presbyterian minister; built church near Aumsville; buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion Co, OR; [OHS: Mss #922; diary, departed Council Bluffs, IA May 5, 1854 and arrived Willamette Valley September 13, 1854]; Condit Diary

*1) CONDIT, Samuel J. (1834-1866): m'd CAMPBELL, Virginia; s/o Phillip and Nancy (Gordon) Condit; buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion Co, OR

*1) CONDIT, Sylvanus (1829-1904): m'd BROWN, Sarah A.; emigrant of 1851 who returned in 1853 to lead other family members out in 1854; buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion Co, OR [OHS: Mss #923; diary, departed Council Bluffs, IA May 5, 1854 and arrived Willamette Valley September 16, 1854]

*6 COOK, Franklin Pierce (01 Jan 1853-02 Feb 1922): m'd POST, Emma Louise; s/o Jacob and Jane (Neely) Cook; buried Denmark Cemetery, Langlois, Curry County, Oregon

*6) COOK, Jacob N. "Missouri" (1815-17 Apr 1878): m'd 23 Dec 1845 NEELY, Jane Ann; buried Sailor Cemetery, Noti, Lane County, Oregon

*6) COOK, Mary Louise (13 May 1846-04 Jan 1911): m'd MOORE, Davis Layton; d/o Jacob and Jane (Neely) Cook; died Curry Co; buried Gold Beach Pioneer Cemetery, Gold Beach, Curry County, Oregon

*6) COOK, Jerial W. (14 Jan 1851-08 Jan 1918); s/o Thomas and Harriett (James) Cook; buried Lostine Cemetery, Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon

*6) COOK,William Wiley "Mickey" (16 Aug 1854-27 Jun 1930); s/o Thomas and Harriett (James) Cook; buried Lostine Cemetery, Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon

*6) COOK, Thomas L (1816-1881).: m'd 13 Sep 1850 JAMES, Harriett J.; buried West Side Cemetery, Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon

CORNELL, Edward William (25 Dec 1842-22 Sep 1904): m'd 1872 ROBB, Sarah Marie; s/o William and Emily (Castle) Cornell

CORNELL, Emma Julia (10 Jun 1850-05 Apr 1940): d/o William and Emily (Castle) Cornell

CORNELL, Mary Celestia (05 Nov 1852-06 Apr 1890): d/o William and Emily (Castle) Cornell

CORNELL, Samantha Almira (23 Oct 1839-18 Jul 1896): m'd 20 Jan 1866 MCALLISTER, Edward Alden; d/o William and Emily (Castle) Cornell

CORNELL, Wilbur F. (07 Jul 1841 -19 May 1911): m'd 1878 LOONEY, Frances Margaret; s/o William and Emily (Castle) Cornell

*1) CRUM, Jeremiah (1846-1871): m'd 1871 RINEHART, Sarah E.

DEGUIRE, Charles Frances (1846-1922): m'd BROWN, Arlena H.; s/o Francois and Eleanor (St. James) Deguire

DEGUIRE, Clotilda "Tillie" (1854-1946): d/o Francois and Eleanor (St. James) Deguire; born on the trail

DEGUIRE, Francois Baptiste (1818-1909): m'd 1843 ST. JAMES, Eleanor

DEGUIRE, John (1844- ): s/o Francois and Eleanor (St. James) Deguire

DEGUIRE, Louisa Philomen (1852-1942): d/o Francois and Eleanor (St. James) Deguire

DEGUIRE, Mary Clara (1848-1948): m'd HUBBARD, David Riley; d/o Francois and Eleanor (St. James) Deguire

DICKINSON, Spencer (1807- ): m'd JACOBS, Margaret

DIERDORFF, William (1815-1871):

*6) DUNBAR, William:

*1) DUNCAN, George Clayton (1825- ): m'd 1848 RINEHART, Louise; 3 families, 12 wagons and 15 hired men in their party

*1) DUNCAN, Sarah Emeline (1849-1927): m'd BUNYARD, Jesse O.; d/o George and Louise (Rinehart) Duncan

*1) DUNCAN, Sarilda Ann (1849-17 Mar 1917): m'd 03 Nov 1864 COMEGYS, Nimrod; d/o George and Louisa (Rinehart) Duncan; buried Burns Cemetery, Burns, Harney County, Oregon

*1) DUNCAN, Warren Malheur (1854- ): m'd 1880 VANDERPOOL, Ida; s/o George and Louise (Rinehart) Duncan

*7) EBEY, Jacob Neff (1793-1862): m'd 1815 BLUE, Sarah Ann; s/o George and Mary (Elabarger) Ebey; settled Whidbey Island, WA; son, Isaac Neff Ebey had emigrated in 1847

*7) EBEY, Mary (c1816- ): m1.WRIGHT, Thomas S. (husband stayed in MO and they were divorced in 1857; m2. BOZARTH, Urban; ; d/o Jacob and Sarah Ann (Blue) Ebey

*7) EBEY, Winfield Scott (c1830- ): s/o Jacob and Sarah Ann (Blue) Ebey

*1) EDWARDS, Henry D. (1848-1917): m1. CLEARWATER, Eliza; m2. SWEENEY, Mrs.; s/o Thomas and Barbara (Rinehart) Edwards

*1) EDWARDS, John Stephen (1849- ): m1. 1876 SMITH, Sarah; m2. SWEENEY, Mrs.; s/o Thomas and Barbara (Rinehart) Edwards

*1) EDWARDS, Martha J. (c1851- ): m1. 1869 MILLER, William; m2. FARROW, Al; d/o Thomas and Barbara (Rinehart) Edwards

*1) EDWARDS, Thomas (1826- ): m'd 1847 RINEHART, Barbara

EELLS, Amanda Isabelle (1839- ): m'd 1856 BALL, Zachariah Craven; settled in Canyonville area; d/o Nathaniel and Aseneth (Dennis) Eells

*6) EELLS, Eliza Jane (16 Jan 1831-30 May 1920): m'd 12 Feb 1850 CHAPMAN, George Jefferson d/o Nathaniel and Aseneth (Dennis) Eells; buried Wimberly Cemetery, Douglas County, Oregon

*6) EELLS, Martha Ann (21 May 1834-22 Sep 1894): m'd 25 May 1851 CHAPMAN, John Henry; d/o Nathaniel and Aseneth (Dennis) Eells; buried Wimberly Cemetery, Douglas County, Oregon

*1) ELLIOTT, Abigail ( - ): m'd 1844 ELLIOTT, Jacob Hiram

*1) ELLIOTT, Jacob Hiram (1823- ): m'd 1844 [], Abigail

*1) ELLIS, Elizabeth (1808-1903): m'd 1822 RINEHART, Lewis

*1) ESTEP, James (1819- ): m'd 1849 MCDOWELL, Rebecca

FAUCETT, John Twiggs:

FAUCETT, Nancy: m'd 1869 STEWART, John Thomas; d/o John T. Faucett

*1) FISHER, Dolly C. ( - ): m'd 1845 FISHER, John S.

*1) FISHER, Frederick (1797- ): m'd 1818 [], Mary S.

*1) FISHER, Hiram ( - ):

*1) FISHER, James R. (1819- ): m'd 1844 [ ], Sarah

*1) FISHER, John S. (1824- ): m'd 1845 [ ], Dolly C.

*1) FISHER, Mary S. ( - ): m'd 1818 FISHER, Frederick

*1) FISHER, Sarah ( - ): m'd 1844 FISHER, James R.

FITCH, Lavina Fields (11 Apr 1803-15 Feb 1890): m'd 09 Oct 1820 STRATTON, Curtis Philander; husband emigrated in 1852 and family followed in 1854; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon

*1) FRANK, Rebecca Jane ( - ): m'd 1851 CONDIT, Cyrenius

GATES, Elizabeth (1830-1892): m'd 1848 GATES, Samuel Stephen

GATES, Phebe (1849-1879): m'd 1873 REXFORD, John B.

GATES, Samuel Stephen (1823-1894): m'd 1848 [ ], Elizabeth

GERARD, Edward (1818- ):

GILANON, John ( - ):

GILL, Lettie: m'd PEDIGO, Edward

GILLILAND, Samuel P. (1826- ): m'd 1848 [ ], Betsey A.E.

*1) GILMORE, Eliza ( - ): m'd 1850 GILMORE, Nathaniel

GILMORE, John (1814- ): m'd 1844 MESSNER, Christina

*1) GILMORE, Nathaniel (1823- ): m'd 1850 [], Eliza

*8*9) GOODELL, Frederick Augustus (1854- ): s/o William and Anna (Pelton) Goodell; born 18 Feb 1854

*8*9) GOODELL, William Bird (1829-1884): m'd 16 Mar 1853 PELTON, Anna Marie; William was born 27 Jul 1829 Ontario, Canada and drowned 1 Jan 1884 when a flood of water wiped out the buildings at Port Angeles leaving him among the victims

*1) GORDON, John (1813- ):

*1) GORDON, Nancy (1806-1861): m'd 1826 CONDIT, Philip; buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion Co, OR

*6) GRAY, Joseph (c1834- ): m'd [   ], Mary

*6) GRAY, Mary (c1837- ): m'd GRAY, Joseph

*8*9) GREEN, Sarah: m'd YANTIS, Alexander S.; settled in Thurston Co, WA

GROOMS, Sarah ( -c1855): m'd BOONE, Mr.

*1) HALL, Esslam M. ( - ): m'd VANATTA, Mary

HALL, Col Samuel C.: family cut off for California

    Col. Samuel C. Hall, with his lady, three daughters, a son and son-in-law, arrived here on the 1st inst., bringing with them 17 head of cattle. They had left St. Joseph, Mo., on the 2nd of May last, and taking at the Klamath Lake what is called the Rogue River Valley road, brought their wagons as far as Illinois Valley, about 40 miles from Crescent City. From Col. Hall we learn that, with the exception of the distance from North Platte to Green River, they found everywhere good feed for their stock, and that in regard to the health of emigrants generally, this summer was rather better than former ones had been. It appears that, with a few exceptions only, the traveler over the plains can now stop every night at a house or tent. These stopping places, however, are often infested by a crowd of hangers-on, who, under pretense of buying up lame cattle, not seldom make a shortcut after their prey and steal even the working animals from emigrants. The Saints of Salt Lake particularly seem to exert their ingenuity in relieving wayfaring heathens from their worldly goods. The price of cattle in the States has lately risen considerable, while in Oregon and California it decreased in the same ratio, and the Col. thinks that after this season cattle droving will cease to be considered a profitable business. Col. Hall started home last year from Port Orford, but will probably locate permanently in the neighborhood of Crescent City. [Crescent City Herald, October 4, 1854, reprinted in the Del Norte Record, Crescent City, November 19, 1892 p1.  contributed by Ben Truwe]

*8*9) HARDY, Ebenezer C. (1833- ): m'd 02 Mar 1855 [   ], Mary; settled in Skamania Co, WA

HARRIS, Elizabeth (1835- ): d/o David and Nancy (Stovall) Harris

HARRIS, George Dayton (1843- ): s/o David and Nancy (Stovall) Harris

HARRIS, Mary E. (1845-1919): m1. 1860 WILLIAMS, George L.; m2. 1871 JONES, James H.; d/o David and Nancy (Stovall) Harris

HARRIS, Peyton Augustus (1836- ): s/o David and Nancy (Stovall) Harris

HARRIS, Susan B. (1850- ): d/o David and Nancy (Stovall) Harris

HAY, Jerry (1839- ): m'd 1864 EVANS, Martha

HEADLEY, Sarah Ann: m'd HEADLEY, Thomas; maiden name unknown at this time

HEADLEY, Thomas: m'd [   ], Sarah Ann; settled in Pierce Co, WA

*1) HINES, George H. ( - ):

*6) HINKEL, Susan (1829-1905): m'd CHAPMAN, Addison B.; buried in Canyonville Cemetery, Douglas Co, OR

HOLMES, Harris R. (1825- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Mary B.; probably arrived by sea

HOLMES, Mary B.: m'd 1854 HOLMES, Harris R.; probably arrived by sea

HOWARD, Laura Million: d/o Mr. and Mrs. Howard

HOWARD, Mr.: emigrated with wife and 6 children; settled near Ashland

HOWARD, Mrs.: m'd HOWARD, [ ]

HOWARD, Tina Zumwalt: d/o Mr. and Mrs. Howard

HUDSON, James (1819- ): m'd WILSON, Mary

*1) HUMPHREY, Caroline (c1846- ): d/o George and Cynthia Humphrey

*1) HUMPHREY, Cynthia (c1817- ): m'd HUMPHREY, George

*1) HUMPHREY, Emily (c1842- ): d/o George and Cynthia Humphrey

*1) HUMPHREY, George (c1810- ): m'd [ ], Cynthia

*1) HUMPHREY, James (c1844- ): s/o George and Cynthia Humphrey

*1) HUMPHREY, Norris Cascade (1854- ): s/o George and Cynthia Humphrey

*1) HUMPHREY, Thomas (c1848- ): s/o George and Cynthia Humphrey

*1) HUMPHREY, William (c1850- ): s/o George and Cynthia Humphrey

HUNT, Nancy A.: cut off for CA

HUSSEY, Elbridge Mills (1812-1878); m1. 1834  BIRCHFIELD, Susannah; m2. 1848 STAPLETON, Catherine; s/o Richard Louis Hussey and Alphia Mills; settled in Benton County until about 1865 and moved to California where he remained until his death; Elbridge was born July 9, 1812 and died April 15, 1878 in Watsonville, California.  He is buried in Pioneer Cemetery, Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, California;

HUSSEY, Ocatavia M. (1851-1934): m. 17 Nov 1870 MARTIN, Andrew Jackson; do Elbridge and Catherine (Stapleton) Hussey; buried Pioneer Cemetery, Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, California

HUSSEY, Thomas Jefferson (1836-1917): m1.CROW, Rosanna Amanda; m2. DONOVAN, Minnie Mae; s/o Elbridge and Katherine (Stapleton) Hussey; born July 10, 1836 in Princeton, Indiana.  He died November 3, 1917 and is buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Merlin, Josephine County, Oregon; he was the father of 10 children by his first wife and 2 children by his second wife

*1) HUSTON, Mary (1821-1878): m'd 1840 LEEDY, Daniel

JACKSON, Elizabeth: m'd 1831 JACKSON, Hyer

JACKSON, Hyer (1806- ): m'd 1831 [ ], Elizabeth

*6) JAMES, Harriett J. (12 May 1835-22 Jan 1910): m'd 13 Sep 1850 COOK, Thomas L; d/o John James; buried Lostine Cemetery, Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon

JAMISON, James L. (1813- ): m'd 1849 ZUMWALT, Barbara

*1) JASPER, Andrew (c1830- ):

*8*9) JUDSON, Charles P.: m'd [   ], Louisa

*8*9) JUDSON, Emeline D. (1837-1864): m'd GATES, Levi L.; d/o Charles and Louisa Judson

*8*9) JUDSON, Louisa: m'd JUDSON, Charles P.; maiden name unknown at this time

*8*9) JUDSON, Lucretia: m'd CORLISS, George W.; settled in Olympia, WA; d/o Charles and Louisa Judson

KELLEY, Mary F.: m'd MASSEY, Phineas

KENDALL, Albert (1822- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Mary Jane

KENDALL, Mary Jane: m'd 1850 KENDALL, Albert

*8*9) KING, Walter (1820- ): settled Chehalis Co, WA

*8*9) KIRKLAND, Moses: m'd PIPER Nancy; settled King Co, WA

LANCASTER, John W. (1830- ) m'd 1854 [], Nancy Jane

*1) LANDES, Abraham (1809- ): m1. 1834 LEAVELL, Amanda; m2. 1871 PITNER, Sarah

*1) LANDES, Catherine ( - ): m1. MCPHERSON, Preston J.; m2. STEVENS, J.; d/o Abraham and Amanda (Leavell) Landes

*1) LANDES, Elizabeth (1840- ): m'd 1856 EBBERT, George W.; d/o Abraham and Amanda (Leavell) Landes

*1) LANDES, Martha Jane ( - ): m1. PEEK, William Henry; m2. JENNINGS, Joseph; d/o Abraham and Amanda (Leavell) Landes

*1) LANDES, Mary Ann ( - ): m'd SPENCER, Robert; d/o Abraham and Amanda (Leavell) Landes

*1) LANDES, Matilda ( - ): m'd 1864 POWELL, Edwin J.; d/o Abraham and Amanda (Leavell) Landes

*1) LANDES, Sarah ( - ): m1. DAVIS, Francis; m2. HAGER, John; d/o Abraham and Amanda (Leavell) Landes

*1) LANDES, William Henry ( - ): m'd BRAND, Melissa; s/o Abraham and Amanda (Leavell) Landes

*1) LANDES, Winfield Scott ( - ): m'd GOODMAN, Lucy; s/o Abraham and Amanda (Leavell) Landes

*1) LANDES, Zachary Taylor ( - ): Never Married; s/o Abraham and Amanda (Leavell) Landes

*1) LEAVELL, Amanda ( - ): m'd 1834 LANDES, Abraham

LEDFORD, Eli (1838-1859): m'd WALKER, Sarah Jane; s/o Elbert and Mary (Morelock) Ledford; settled in Jackson Co; killed by Indians

LEDFORD, George (1834- ): m'd 1877 MCCLOUD, Mary; s/o Elbert and Mary (Morelock) Ledford

*1) LEEDY, Barbara (c1843- ): d/o Daniel and Mary (Huston) Leedy

*1) LEEDY, Daniel Rev. (1818- ): m'd 1840 HUSTON, Mary

*1) LEEDY, Elizabeth (c1848- ): d/o Daniel and Mary (Huston) Leedy

*1) LEEDY, Francis (c1851- ): d/o Daniel and Mary (Huston) Leedy

*1) LEEDY, John (c1842- ): s/o Daniel and Mary (Huston) Leedy

*1) LEEDY, Mary (c1853- ): d/o Daniel and Mary (Huston) Leedy

*1) LEEDY, Sarah J. (1845-1922): m'd BALTIMORE, [ ]; d/o Daniel and Mary (Huston) Leedy

LILLARD, Lafayette (1854-1854): s/o Morgan and Nancy (Mulkey) Lillard

LILLARD, Mary Jane (1853-1877): m'd 1870 FEAGLES, Robert Lucas; d/o Morgan and Nancy (Mulkey) Lillard

LILLARD, Morgan (1822-1890): m'd 1852 MULKEY, Nancy Elizabeth

*6) LOCKWOOD, Reuben Thurston: m'd BRYANT, Mary C. Mrs.; emigrant of 1852 who returned east and came west again in 1854

LONG, Mary (1817-1900): m'd 12 May 1836 WALLING, John R.; died 21 Jul 1900 Amity, Yamhill Co, OR; mother of 8 children (Gabriel, Nancy-died prior to emigration, William-died prior to emigration, Phoebe Elizabeth, George Perry, Cynthia, Otto and John)

LUSKEY, Oliver (1805- ): m'd 1832 CLARK, Elizabeth

*1) MAGNESS, Andrew Porter (1847-1931): m'd 1869 DAVIDSON, Mary

*1) MAGNESS, David A. (1853-1928): m'd JAQUETTE, Ann

*1) MAGNESS, John Redman (1822-1893): m1. 1844 BYRD, Virginia; m2. ISOM, Mary Savage (note, some sources give name as Mary Savage York); Mexican War Veteran; miner

*1) MAGNESS, Josephine (1851-1855): d/o John and Virginia (Byrd) Magness

*1) MAGNESS, Perry G. (1849-1930): m'd KERNSON, Amy; s/o John and Virginia (Byrd) Magness

*1) MAGNESS, Robert N.: s/o John and Virginia (Byrd) Magness

*6) MARLATT, William ( -1854); m'd [   ], Mary; William died on trail; widow married Joseph Bashaw and settled in Marion County

MASSEY, Isaac:

MASSEY, Phineas: m'd KELLEY, Mary F.

MASSEY, Rebecca Ellen (1849-1923): m'd 31 Aug 1862 BILYEU, Martin Law Buren; Rebecca was born 02 Apr 1849 MO and died 15 Feb 1923 Linn Co, OR

*3) MASTERSON, James "Alfred" (24 Oct 1827-11 Sep 1908): m1. 1853 CAMPBELL, Vilinda Harriet; m2. 27 Aug 1871 GAY, Martha Ann "Mattie"; s/o Lazarus and Elizabeth (Givens) Masterson; story told in One Woman’s West, Recollections of the Oregon Trail and Settling the Northwest Country by Martha Gay Masterson 1838-1916 edited by Lois Barton, Spencer Butte Press, Eugene, Oregon 1986

*3) MASTERSON, Margaret R. (1816-1854): m'd 05 Mar 1835 WARD, William Alexander; d/o Lazarus and Elizabeth (Givens) Masterson; Ward Massacare

*2) MATHER, John Addison: m'd 1867 KYLE, Margaret; s/o Henry and Lucretia (Walters) Mather; younger brother of Margaret Mather Smith; emigrated alone in 1848, returned east and came with sister's family in 1854

*2) MATHER, Margaret D. (1832-1892): m'd 1849 SMITH, Joseph; d/o Henry and Lucretia (Walters) Mather; settled in Multnomah Co

MAYS, J.W. ( - ):

*1) MCCAIN, Mary E.: m'd 1853 BEASON, John

MCCASLIN, John (1829- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Mary F.

MCCASLIN, Mary F.: m'd 1852 MCCASLIN, John

*1) MCCONNELL, Sampson: m'd NEELY, Sarah Louise

MCCROSKEY, Sarah: m'd 1839 VEACH, William

*1) MCDOWELL, Rebecca ( - ): m'd 1849 ESTEP, James

MCGHEE, Jessee Anderson (1823-1908): m'd 1848 NORRIS, Amanda Catherine; s/o Wyatt and Jane (Anderson) McGhee; buried Greenwood Cemetery, Palouse, WA

MCGHEE, John Wyatt (1849-1916): m'd 1880 MICHAEL, Elizabeth Jane; s/o Jessee and Amanda (Norris) McGhee

MCGHEE, Thomas Henry (1852-1940): m'd 1877 MCFARLAND, Anna; s/o Jessee and Amanda (Norris) McGhee

MCGINNIS, Isaac (1812- ):

MCKINNEY, Elizabeth ( - ):

MCKINNEY, Peter ( - ):

MCPHILLIPS, James (1831- ):

*8*9) MEEKER, Child1: c/o J.R. and Sarah Meeker

*8*9) MEEKER, Child2: c/o J.R. and Sarah Meeker

*8*9) MEEKER, Child3: c/o J.R. and Sarah Meeker

*8*9) MEEKER, J. R.: m'd [   ], Nancy; settled in Lewis Co, WA

*8*9) MEEKER, Nancy ( -1854): m'd MEEKER, J.R.; maiden name unknown at this time; died on trail  18 Jun 1854

*8*9) MEEKER, Sarah (1854- ): d/o J.R. and Sarah Meeker, born on trail

*6) MILLER, Benjamin Franklin: m'd 1857 SUTTON, Margaret Jane

*1) MILLER, Ruth Ann (14 Oct 1809-06 May 1890): m'd 1822 NEELY, Edward;  buried Central School Association Cemetery, Maywood, Lane County, Oregon

*1) MILSAP, Lucretia (1830-1912): m'd BAGLEY, John

*1) MILSAP, William (1830- ): m'd 1854 WEISS, Melinda "Mary"

*1) MINTON, Arza B. (1842- ): m'd 1869 MANNING, Cynthia s/o David and Sally Minton

*1) MINTON, David W. (1816- ): m'd 1840 [ ], Sally; settled Lane Co

*1) MINTON, Jacob H. (1847- ): m'd 1868 GRIFFIN, Martha P.; s/o David and Sally Minton

*1) MINTON, Polly S. (1843- ): m'd 1858 BRISTOL, George; d/o David and Sally Minton

*1) MINTON, Sally: m'd 1840 MINTON, David W.

*1) MINTON, Sarah H. (1845- ): d/o David and Sally Minton

MULKEY, Nancy Elizabeth (c1835-1877): m'd 1852 LILLARD, Morgan; d/o Charles and Lavina (Reed) Mulkey

*1)NEELY, Benjamin Franklin (03 Mar 1849-20 Aug 1866): s/o Edward and Ruth (Miller) Neely; buried Central School Association Cemetery, Maywood, Lane County, Oregon

*1)NEELY, David (14 Feb 1832-26 Jan 1915): s/o Edward and Ruth (Miller) Neely; buried Sailor Cemetery, Noti, Lane County, Oregon; never married

*1) NEELY, Edward (25 Oct 1795-09 Jul 1882): m'd 1822 MILLER, Ruth Ann; buried Central School Association Cemetery, Maywood, Lane County, Oregon

*1)NEELY, Edward (23 Nov 1834-04 Jul 1898 ): s/o Edward and Ruth (Miller) Neely; buried Fairview Cemetery, Fairview, Coos County, Oregon

*1)NEELY, James H. (15 Aug 1837-11 Oct 1909 ): m'd GIBSON, Mrs. Elizabeth Frances (VANNOY); buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon

*1) *6) NEELY, Jane Ann (19 Mar 1828-20 Oct 1915): m'd 1845 COOK, Jacob N.; d/o Edward and Ruth (Miller) Neely; buried Sailor Cemetery, Noti, Lane County, Oregon

*1)NEELY, Jason (1841-19 Feb 1928 ): m'd BANNING, Laura Jane; s/o Edward and Ruth (Miller) Neely; buried West Lawn Memorial Park, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon

*1) NEELY, John (19 Mar 1827-02 Feb 1899 ): m'd TAYLOR, Sarah; s/o Edward and Ruth (Miller) Neely;buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Josephine County, Oregon according to descendant; not listed on findagrave.com

*1)NEELY, Mary Melvina (01 Nov 1851-1878 ): m'd 15 Dec 1877 PERKINS, Eli; d/o Edward and Ruth (Miller) Neely; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, OR; died shortly after marriage and husband married Sarah Elizabeth Neely; descendant says buried at Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon but findagrave.com gives burial as unknown

*1) NEELY, Nancy Jane (17 May 1851-30 Nov 1938): m'd 1867 CROW, William Marion; d/o John and Sarah (Taylor) Neely; buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Josephine County, Oregon

*1) NEELY, Sarah Elizabeth (09 Oct 1850-15 Oct 1886): m'd 1879 PERKINS, Eli; d/o John and Sarah (Taylor) Neely; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon

*1)NEELY, Sarah Louise (1829-1863 ): m'd 1851 MCCONNELL, Sampson; d/o Edward and Ruth (Miller) Neely; buried Central School Association Cemetery, Maywood, Lane County, Oregon; husband died 1902 and is buried at Roseburg, OR at the Old Soldiers Home Cemetery

*1)NEELY, Thomas Jefferson (20 Jun 1846-28 Jun 1920 ): s/o Edward and Ruth (Miller) Neely; buried Odd Fellows Lawn Cemetery and Mausoleum, Sacramento, Sacramento County, California

*1)NEELY, William Wallace (1842-1935): m'd FOUNTAIN, Elizabeth Josephine;  s/o Edward and Ruth (Miller) Neely; buried Mapleton Pioneer Cemetery, Mapleton, Lane County, Oregon

NEIL, Clayborn: one source says emigrant of 1852

NEIL, Jennie: m'd 1880 ALFORD, Russell A.; d/o Clayborn Neil; one source says emigrant of 1852

NEIL, Sarah A.: m'd 1865 CHAPMAN, Daniel; d/o Clayborn Neil; one source says emigrant of 1852

NEWMAN, Aaron (1826- ):

NOAH, Rachel Hannah (1830-1893): m'd 1845 TURNER, James Samuel; settled Douglas Co

NORRIS, Amanda Catherine (1825-1859): m'd 1848 MCGHEE, Jessee Anderson; d/o John and Nancy (Naylor) Norris; buried Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, OR


NORTHRUP, Adeline (c1844- ): m'd 1860 HOWELL, Stanford; crossed the plains by oxen team with her grandparents; was homesteading in Heppner, OR by 1876

OSBORN, Alfred H. (1833- ):

OWEN, Jason (1828- ): may have come up from CA

OWEN, William A. (1832- ): may have come up from CA

*1) PALMER, Sarah Caroline : m'd VANATTA, Gearshum; traveled in Macy Train

PARKER, Asa C. (1828-1883): m'd 1853 [ ], Margaret A.; Asa Parker probably emigrated prior to 1854 but his Oregon Donation Land Claim application states that he arrived in Oregon in March 1854 indicating he either arrived via ship or had already emigrated to California and mored up into Oregon at that time.  I suspect the latter scenerio is the case.  In 1860 he and his family are shown in Jackson County, Oregon but by 1870 he is back in California.  In 1880 his wife and children are living in Iowa and Asa is living in California with what appears to be a new wife.  He was the father of 6 known children by his first wife (Seth, Honor, Jane Annis, Estella, Longley and Leona/Lendona)

*1) PARSON, Annis (01 Oct 1822 - 29 Jan 1902): m'd 26 Nov 1839/40 BONNETT, Samuel Jasper; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon and later removed to Hope Abby Mausoleum, Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon

PATTEN, James J.: m'd 06 Nov 1850 VAN WINKLE, Mrs. Delia Curtis (Stratton); wife and stepson emigrated in 1854 but unknown if he accompanied them

PEDIGO, Edward (1805-1891): m'd 1826 GILL, Lettie; settled in Clackamas county where he took up farming; 1871 moved to Palouse Co, WA; emigrated to OR with all children except one that had previously emigrated west

PELTON, Anna Marie (1832- ): m'd 16 Mar 1853 GOODELL, William Bird, b/o Sylvester and Eunice (Sturges) Pelton; born 22 Aug 1832 and died 30 Oct 1902 Lorain, OH;  after the death of her husband she returned to her home in OH with her three children

PHILPS, John (c1852- ): s/o William & Sarah (Boone) Philps; per Peggy Lovelace Contreras

PHILPS, William (c1822- ): m'd 1850 BOONE, Sarah Griffin; per Peggy Lovelace Contreras

PIKE, James (1825-1895): m'd 1845 TROXEL, Mary; s/o William and Lydia Pike; cutoff for CA; emigrated to OR in 1855

PIKE, Lydia (1846-1932): m'd 1866 ARNEL, Clinton; d/o James and Mary (Troxel) Pike; cutoff for CA; emigrated to OR in 1855

PIKE, Malissa Jane (1853-1936): m'd 1870 WOOD, Amos Britton; d/o James and Mary (Troxel) Pike; cutoff for CA; emigrated to OR in 1855

PIPER, Nancy: m'd KIRKLAND, Moses; settled King Co, WA

POE, William (1831- ): m'd 1854 VANATTA, Jane

*1) PURKERSON, William G. (1830- ): m'd 1849 CHESHIRE, Miley; the marriage date given in the 1845 Macy Wagon Train Roster is incorrect.

REES, McDonough Bainbridge (1831-1915): m'd 1854 HALL, America Frances

*1) RINEHART, Barbara (1838-1883): m'd 1847 EDWARDS, Thomas; d/o Lewis and Elizabeth (Ellis) Rinehart

*1) RINEHART, Frank M. (1839-1907): m1. 1860 TAYLOR, Sarah K.; m2. 1863 THOMPSON, Martha; m3. 1880 HUBANKS, Melissa; s/o Lewis and Elizabeth (Ellis) Rinehart

*1) RINEHART, Henry (1842-1917): m'd 1865 MARTIN, Margaret A.; s/o Lewis and Elizabeth (Ellis) Rinehart

*1) RINEHART, James H. (1836-1914): m1. 1859 RODGERS, Alcinda; m2. 1862 ALLEN, Sarah C.; s/o Lewis and Elizabeth (Ellis) Rinehart

*1) RINEHART, Jasper Newton (1848-1933): m'd 1872 NEVILLE, Catherine; s/o Lewis and Elizabeth (Ellis) Rinehart

*1) RINEHART, Lewis (1801- ): m'd 1822 ELLIS, Elizabeth

*1) RINEHART, Lewis Byrd (1844-1909): m'd 1867 GLENN, Amanda; s/o Lewis and Elizabeth (Ellis) Rinehart

*1) RINEHART, Louise (1832-1884): m'd 1848 DUNCAN, George Clayton d/o Lewis and Elizabeth (Ellis) Rinehart

*1) RINEHART, Sarah E. (1853-1932): m'd 1871 CRUM, Jeremiah; s/o Lewis and Elizabeth (Ellis) Rinehart

*1) RINEHART, William Ellis (1846-1914): m'd 1868 MARTIN, Elizabeth; s/o Lewis and Elizabeth (Ellis) Rinehart

ROORK, George W. (1830- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Sarah Ann; settled Clackamas Co in area called Barton on Deep Creek Highway 224

ROORK, James (1828-1884): m'd 1853 [ ], Nancy; settled north of Boring; Johnson Creek flows through Sec 19 and Mt. Hood Hwy runs through Sec 30 of his claim; buried in Escobar Cemetery in Gresham

ROORK, Sarah ( - ): m1. CARTER, Calloway; m2. RICHEY, [ ];

ROORK, Sarah Ann: m'd 1854 ROORK, George W.; maiden name not known at this time

ROORK, Thomas (b. 1796- ): settled south of Boring in Clackamas Co

ROORK, Thomas G. (1833- ):

*1) ROWLAND, Rebecca (1834-1863): m'd CONDIT, Cyrenius; buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion Co, OR

ROYCE, George H. (1812- ): m'd 1837 [ ], Pamelia

ROYCE, Pamelia: m'd 1837 ROYCE, George H.


SMALL, Edward Clifton (05 Jun 1846-16 Jun 1895): s/o Isaac and Hester (Campbell) Small; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon

SMALL, Isaac Hiatt (10 Jan 1823-05 Sep 1904): m'd 07 May 1846 CAMPBELL, Hester Ann; buried Twin Oaks Cemetery, Turner, Marion County, Oregon

SMALL, James Madison (07 Jan 1852-14 Jan 1909): m'd PAIGE, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o Isaac and Hester (Campbell) Small; buried Colfax Cemetery, Colfax, Whitman County, Washington

SMALL, Lavina H. (1850-18 Jan 1928): m'd DRAKE, William.Henry; d/o Isaac and Hester (Campbell) Small; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon

Joseph SMITH FAMILY RESEARCHER:   Joseph Smith web site
SMITH, Alexander:

*2) SMITH, Joseph (1818-1891): m'd 1849 MATHER, Margaret D.; left Madison, IN in 1853 enroute to St. Joseph, MO where they wintered before starting their emigration to OR in 1854; settled in Multnomah Co

*2) SMITH, Joseph Eddy (1851- ): m'd 1877 SCOTT, Nancy Elizabeth; s/o Joseph and Margaret (Mather) Smith

*2) SMITH, Letitia C. (1850- ): m'd 1869 GUBSER, Andrew; d/o Joseph and Margaret (Mather) Smith

*2 SMITH, Seatta Gertrude (1854- ): m'd 1874 DIX, Alonzo Garrett; d/o Joseph and Margaret (Mather) Smith; born on trail near Devil's Gate, WY

SMITH, Luther:

SMYTH, Hinson (1827- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Martha

*1) SPEER, Nancy: m'd c1817 ALLEN, Samuel

*6) STEWART, Alexander Franklin (1842- ): m1. 25 Jan 1867 RILEY, Harriet "Hattie" M.; m2. 1872 RILEY, Laura E.; s/o Joel and Sarah (Thurston) Stewart; born 25 Jan 1842; after death of first wife he lived in Port Orford for awhile with brother Amos; school teacher, county treasurer, superintendent of schools, in state legislature; collector of customs at Coos Bay

*6) STEWART, Amos Kendall "Doc" (1836- ): s/o Joel and Sarah (Thurston) Stewart; 1860 living in Polk Co; 1870 in Curry Co with brother Frank keeping a saloon; born 24 Mar 1836

*6) STEWART, Ann Elizabeth (1832- ): d/o Joel and Sarah (Thurston) Stewart; single in the 1860 Census; born 03 Oct 1832

*6) STEWART, Hannah Jane (1841- ): m'd 1858 SMITH, John F.;d/o Joel and Sarah (Thurston) Stewart; born 22 Aug 1841; resided in Marion Co

*6) STEWART, Harriet Augusta (1838- ): m1. 09 Apr 1855 ZAHNISER, Aaron; m2. SMITH, Thomas;d/o Joel and Sarah (Thurston) Stewart; born 13 Apr 1838; lived in Marion Co for several years before moving to Portland; was deserted by first husband and moved to Curry Co to be with brothers prior to second marriage

*6) STEWART, Laura Ann (1829- ): m'd 1846 CARTER, Joseph; d/o Joel and Sarah (Thurston) Stewart; born 14 Apr 1829

*6) STEWART, Melissa (1840- ): m'd 06 Apr 1856 SMITH, Samuel; d/o Joel and Sarah (Thurston) Stewart; born 20 Jan 1840

*6) STEWART, Susan (1845- ): m'd REYNOLDS, John;d/o Joel and Sarah (Thurston) Stewart; born 05 Feb 1845

STIMPSON, George W. (1832- ): m'd 1875 DAVIS, Mary E.

STOVALL, Nancy D. (1814- ): m'd 1834 HARRIS, David Houston; husband died in MO just prior to emigration; Nancy continued to OR accompanied by her five children; settled at Red Hill at Yoncalla, OR

STRATTON, Augusta Josephine (20 Aug 1842-04 Feb 1923): m'd 09 Nov 1864 WHITTEMORE, Dr. Samuel;  d/o Curtis and Sarah (Fitch) Stratton; father emigrated in 1852 and family followed in 1854; buried Evergreen Washelli Memorial Park, Seattle, King County, Washington

STRATTON, Charles Cecil (04 Jan 1833-04 Apr 1910): m'd 1860 WALLER, Julia Elenor; s/o Curtis and Sarah (Fitch) Stratton; father emigrated in 1852 and family followed in 1854; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

STRATTON, Delia Curtis (08 Oct 1826-11 Jul 1910): m1. 21 Jan 1844 VAN WINKLE, William; m2. 06 Nov 1850 PATTEN, James J. d/o Curtis and Sarah (Fitch) Stratton; father emigrated in 1852 and family followed in 1854; buried Queene Anne Colubarium, Seattle, King County, Washington

STRATTON, Horace Fitch (31 May 1835-05 Oct 1906): m'd 14 Jul 1869 DUNN, Marilda Ferris; s/o Curtis and Sarah (Fitch) Stratton; father emigrated in 1852 and family followed in 1854; buried Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington

STRATTON, Irene Haseltine (22 Mary 1847-03 Nov 1923): m'd 06 Sep 1866 WILLIS, Parish Lovejoy; d/o Curtis and Sarah (Fitch) Stratton; father emigrated in 1852 and family followed in 1854;  burial location unknown but may be the Irene Willis buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon

STRATTON, Julius Augustus (23 Oct 1844-22 Sep 1924): m1. 1889 POWELL, Martha; m2. 15 Aug 1900 ADAMS, Laura M.; s/o Curtis and Sarah (Fitch) Stratton; father emigrated in 1852 and family followed in 1854; buried Washington Memorial Park, Seattle, King County, Washington;  [OHS: Mss #1048, Recollections, 32 p reminiscence; departed St. Joseph, MO 01 May 1854 and arrived Umpqua Valle, OR later October 1854; traveled with Hockensmith and later Bell]

STRATTON, Lura Melvina (10 May 1840-01 Oct 1885): m'd 1859 EVANS, Charles Veazey;  d/o Curtis and Sarah (Fitch) Stratton; father emigrated in 1852 and family followed in 1854; buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon

STRATTON, Milton Adams. (1838-24 Feb 1895 ): m'd 09 Nov 1870 WILLIAMS, Helen Loraine; s/o Curtis and Sarah (Fitch) Stratton; father emigrated in 1852 and family followed in 1854; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

STRATTON, Riley Evans (29 Jun 1821-26/30 Dec 1866): m'd 27 Mar 1850 DEARBORN, Sarah M.; s/o Curtis and Sarah (Fitch) Stratton; father emigrated in 1852 and family followed in 1854; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon

STRATTON, Sarah Victoria (1831-11 Apr 1891): m1. 17 May 1855 GORDON, Harvey T.; m2. 06 Jul 1869 MCCALLEY, Andrew; d/o Curtis and Sarah (Fitch) Stratton

*6) SUTTON, James McCall (1830-1878): m'd 14 Feb 1867 SHOOK, Mary Jane; s/o John and Nancy (McCall) Sutton; went west in 1851 and returned east with his father and both accompanied the family west in 1854; see 1851 emigrant list; noted as the person who named Crater Lake

*6) SUTTON, John Pierce (1805- ): m1. MCCALL, Nancy; m2. THURSTON, Sarah; emigrant of 1851 along with his 3 oldest sons; returned east with son, James, and brought family out in 1854

*6) SUTTON, Margaret Jane (1838-1904): m'd 1857 MILLER, Benjamin Franklin; d/o John and Nancy (McCall) Sutton; born Dec 1838 and died 24 Oct 1904 Jackson Co, OR; pioneer settlers in Rogue River Valley of Southern Oregon

*6) SUTTON, Mary Emily (1843- ): m'd 15 Oct 1863 CURRY, Thomas; d/o John and Nancy (McCall) Sutton; born c1843

*6) SUTTON, Melinda A. (1840- ): m'd 23 Jan 1856 KIMBALL, Elizar; d/o John and Nancy (McCall) Sutton; born c1840; spent most of life in Jackson Co, OR

*6) SUTTON, Walter Freeman (1849- ): m'd 14 Feb 1877 SCHMITT, Louisa;s/o John and Sarah (Thurston) Sutton; born 20 Dec 1849; became a well-known newspaper editor and publisher

TAYLOR, John S.L.: cut off for CA  [OHS: Mss #17, 22 page diary, departed Westport, MO April 20, 1854 and arrived in Cohisa, CA September 10, 1854]

*1) TAYLOR, Sarah (1830- ): m'd NEELY, John

THOMAS, Nancy (12 May 1814-20 Mar 1905): m'd 10 Oct 1833 WILLIAMS, Lyman; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

*6) THURSTON, Sarah (1806-1854): m1. STEWART ( -1847); m2. 1848 SUTTON, John; Sarah was born 12 Jan 1806 in New Bedford, OH and died in September 1854 in Tygh Valley and was buried under the trail ruts wrapped in a feather mattress where the trail meets the Barlow Road; widowed from first husband in 1847 she remarried in 1848 to widower, John Sutton; on the trail she was accompanied by 8 children from her first marriage,, four step children from the first marriage of John Sutton and one child that from her second marriage

*6) TIPTON, Elizabeth: m'd TIPTON, Meschach; maiden name unknown at this time

*6) TIPTON, Meschach: m'd [   ], Elizabeth

*6) TIPTON, Son1: s/o Meschach and Elizabeth Tipton

*6) TIPTON, Son2: s/o Meschach and Elizabeth Tipton

*6) TIPTON, Son3: s/o Meschach and Elizabeth Tipton

*6) TIPTON, Son4: s/o Meschach and Elizabeth Tipton

*6) TIPTON, Son5: s/o Meschach and Elizabeth Tipton

TOWNSEND, William:

TRACY, Joseph Franklin (1820- ): m'd 1842 BEMIS, Hannah Thompson; b. Ellisburg, Jefferson Co, NY; married Geauga Co, OH; died Douglas Co, OR in a logging accident

Gail Edwards-Petersen

TRIM, Nancy: m1. 1844 CLINE, John Michael; m2. ELLISON, []

TROXEL, Mary (1819-1891): m'd 1845 PIKE, James; d/o John and Sarah (Brown) Troxel; cutoff for CA; emigrated to OR in 1855

TUPPER, Lewis Burlinton (31 Aug 1818-10 Oct 1874): m'd WILLIAMS, Mahala; s/o Benjamin and Susan (Matteson) Tupper

"DLC #4296 Polk County, Oregon Territory; Lewis B. Tupper, b. 1818 Ventango County, Pennsylvania; arrived Oregon 13 Oct 1854; settled claim 01 Feb 1855; m'd Mahala 09 July 1840 Dupage County, Illinois.  Tupper died about Aug 1865 and widown m2. 11 Jun 1867 Alonzo Wood, who died Feb 1869.  Affidavit: Levin N. English, Thomas E. Laskey, John R. Cooper, E.C. Dice, Henry Hill, B. Hayden"

TURNER, James Samuel (1825-1901): m'd 1845 NOAH, Rachel Hanna; settled Douglas Co

TURPIN, Andrew (1845-1917); m�d Sarah E. WILES; s/o John TURPIN & Nancy WISDOM

TURPIN, John (1806- ): m'd 1827 WISDOM, Nancy  

TURPIN, N.P. or W.P. (1841- ); s/o of John TURPIN & Nancy WISDOM


*1) VANATTA, Elizabeth ( - ): m'd 1852 CLARK, John J.

*1) VANATTA, Gearshum ( - ): m'd PALMER, Sarah Caroline

*1) VANATTA, Mary ( - ): m'd HALL, Essalum Monroe; d/o Gearshum and Sarah Caroline (Palmer) Vanatta

VAN WINKLE, Mark (19 Dec 1844-03 Nov 1918): m'd 27 Sep 1903 HIGGINS, Abbie Octavia; s/o William and Delia (Stratton) VanWinkle; father died prior to emigration and mother remarried James J. Patten; traveled west with mother and stepfather; buried Kamiah Cemetery, Lewis County, Idaho

*8*9) VAN WORMER, Charles: m'd [   ], Mary; settled Lewis Co, WA

*8*9) VAN WORMER, Child1:

*8*9) VAN WORMER, Child2:

*8*9) VAN WORMER, Child3:

*8*9) VAN WORMER, Mary: m'd VAN WORMER, Charles; maiden name unknown at this time

VEACH, William (1818- ): m'd 1839 MCCROSKEY, Sarah

VEATCH, Robert M.; m'd 1872 CURRIN, Seraphina; graduated from Corvallis College in 1870; served in Oregon legislature 1882-1890; operated hardware store 1897-1917 in Cottage Grove where he was also mayor

VERNOR, Mary (1802-Dec 1888): m1. c1827 HODGE, David; m2. 18 Sep 1829 WALLACE, John; d/o Henry and Christiana (Enhoe) Vernor; settled in Polk Co

*6) WALDO, Avarilla: m'd WALDO, John B.; went to CA in 1849 where husband died; widow returned east and emigrated again in 1854 and settled in Douglas Co; reportedly emigrated in 1854 with "7 negores" 

WALLACE, Daughter: d/o John and Mary (Vernor) Wallace; mentioned as emigrating with the family in bio of Lindley Murray Wallace; is not enumerated in 1850 or 1860 census so it appears she may have been born and died within that time frame.

WALLACE, Francis "Frank" Asbury (13 Mar 1833-27 Nov 1879): m'd 15 Jun 1855 WILLIS, Mary Ann; s/o John and Mary (Vernor) Wallace; buried Grandview Cemetery, LaGrande, Union County, Oregon

WALLACE, John H.P. (c1842- ): s/o John and Mary (Vernor) Wallace; by 1870 is living in Seattle, Washington

WALLACE, John Rev. (15 Apr 1804-05 Nov 1863 ): m'd 18 Sep 1829 VERNOR, Mary; born in England, came to US in 1813 with his father; settled in IL where he married the widow Mary (Vernor) Hodge; emigrated to Polk Co, OR where he remained until his death; farmer and clergyman; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon

WALLACE, Lindley "Murray" (05 Nov 1839-18 Jan 1924): m'd 08 Jan 1871 HUSSEY, Julia Lucinda; s/o John and Mary (Vernor) Wallace; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon

WALLACE, William Ohio (1838-bef 1900): s/o John and Mary (Vernor) Wallace

WALLING, Cynthia (1851- ): m'd MCCARTHY, [   ]; d/o John and Mary (Long) Walling; died Lewiston, ID

WALLING, Gabriel (1830-1894): s/o John and Mary (Long) Walling

WALLING, George Perry (1846-1926): m'd 05 Jun 1871 CLARK, Dora Atherton; s/o John and Mary (Long) Walling; died Piedmont, CA

WALLING, John (1854- ): s/o John and Mary (Long) Walling

WALLING, John R. (1813- ): m'd 12 May 1836 LONG, Mary; came from Fulton Co, IL, was engaged in building and contracting, farming and nursery business; settled at Amity, Yamhill Co, OR; father of 8 children (Gabriel, Nancy-died prior to emigration, William-died prior to emigration, Phoebe Elizabeth, George Perry, Cynthia, Otto and John)

WALLING, Otto (c1852- ): s/o John and Mary (Long) Walling; died CA

WALLING, Phoebe Elizabeth (1843- ): m'd BURTON, [   ]; d/o John and Mary (Long) Walling; died in Piedmont, CA

WARD, Edward ( -1854): Ward Train Massacre

WARD, Dau: m'd BELL, John M.

WARD, Dau: m'd BELT, Dr.

*3) WARD, Child (1852-1854): c/o William and Margaret (Masterson) Ward

*3) WARD, Edward L. (1843-1854): s/o William and Margaret (Masterson) Ward

*3) WARD, Flora A. (1847-1854): Ward Train Massacre; d/o William and Margaret (Masterson) Ward

*3) WARD, Mary E. (1837-1854): Ward Train Massacre; d/o William and Margaret (Masterson) Ward

*3) WARD, Newton Jasper (1841-1925): s/o William and Margaret (Masterson) Ward; survivor of Ward Train Massacre

*3) WARD, Robert George (1838-1854): Ward Train Massacre; s/o William and Margaret (Masterson) Ward

WARD, Sarah E.; m'd BELL, John Colgate; d/o General Thompson Ward

*3) WARD, Susan F. (1850-1854): Ward Train Massacre; d/o William and Margaret (Masterson) Ward

*3) WARD, Thomas C. (1848-1854): Ward Train Massacre; s/o William and Margaret (Masterson) Ward

*3) WARD, William Alexander ( - 1854): m'd 05 Mar 1835 MASTERSON, Margaret; Ward Train Massacre

*3) WARD, William Mitchell (1839-1925): s/o William and Margaret (Masterson) Ward; survivor of Ward Train Massacre

WEISS, Melinda "Mary": m1. BYRD, John; m2. 1854 MILSAP, William

WELCH,  Corilla (1815-1866): m'd Reason AMON

WHITE, George ( -1854): Ward Train Massacre

WHITE, Mary Taylor (11 Mar 1801-31 Jan 1893): m'd 05 Oct 1827 COE, Nathaniel; d/o Lawrence and Cyria (Charge) White; buried Mountain View Memorial Cemetery, Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon;

"Mary's husband and one son emigrated in 1852 via Isthmus of Panama; other children emigrated via Isthmus of Panama in  1853 and Mary joined her family in 1854"

WHITELY, Elizabeth (c1805- ): m'd WHITELY, John

WHITELY, Franklin M. (c1832-): m'd BOONE, Cassandra; per Peggy Lovelace Contreras

WHITELY, John (c1802- ): m'd [], Elizabeth

WHITELY, William (c1842- ): s/o John and Elizabeth Whitely

*8*9) WHITSELL, Child1; c/o Henry and Margaret Whitsell

*8*9) WHITSELL, Child2; c/o Henry and Margaret Whitsell

*8*9) WHITSELL, Child3; c/o Henry and Margaret Whitsell

*8*9) WHITSELL, Child4; c/o Henry and Margaret Whitsell

*8*9) WHITSELL, Child5; c/o Henry and Margaret Whitsell

*8*9) WHITSELL, Henry: m'd [   ], Margaret

*8*9) WHITSELL, Margaret: m'd WHITSELL, Henry; maiden name unknown at this time

WHITTLESEY, Martha ( -1861): m'd CONNOR, [ ]

WILCOXON, William (c1831- ):

*1) WILLIAMS, Elizabeth ( - ): m'd 1848 COFFIN, George D.

WILLIAMS, Laura (26 Feb 1841-24 Dec 1927): m1. 1857 BENNETT, James A. (divorced 1879); m2. 30 Aug 1880 JARVEY, Lawrence M. (divorced); m3. 27 Aug 1885 HOWARD, Nelson; d/o Lyman and Nancy (Thomas) WIlliams; buried Martins Bluff Cemetery, Cowlitz County, Washington

WILLIAMS, Lemuoel William (18 Oct 1835-28 Jul 1909): m'd 12 Sep 1858 STEWART, Amanda Ellen; s/o Lyman and Nancy (Thomas) WIlliams; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Baker City, Baker County, Oregon

WILLIAMS, Lyman (Nov 1812-10 Feb 1892): m'd 10 Oct 1833 THOMAS, Nancy; s/o Benjamin and Mary Martha (Johnson) WIlliams; settled in Washington County; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

WILLIAMS, Lyman Leander (13 Nov 1834-13 Dec 1896): m'd 1858 ANDERSON, Sarah J.; m2. 1863 HAY, Mary; m3. 1873 QUICK, Mrs. S. J.; s/o Lyman and Nancy (Thomas) WIlliams; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

WILLIAMS, Norman (Jan 1845-09 Apr 1886): s/o Lyman and Nancy (Thomas) WIlliams; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon

WILSON, Mary Susan (24 Jan 1821-11 Aug 1916) : m'd 16 Sep 1838 BEVENS Sr, Hudson James; buried Elk City Cemetery, Lincoln County, Oregon

WISDOM, Nancy (1806- ); m�d 1827 John TURPIN



*8*9) YANTIS, Alexander Nathaniel (1850-1930): m'd 26 Jun 1873 SWAIN, Eva Jane; s/o Alexander and Sarah (Green) Yantis

*8*9) YANTIS, Alexander Scott J. (1812-1884) m'd 23 Nov 1837 GREEN, Sarah; settled in Thurston Co, WA

*8*9) YANTIS, Ann Elizabeth (1840-1920): m'd 14 Dec 1861 MARTIN, William; d/o Alexander and Sarah (Green) Yantis

*8*9) YANTIS, Catherine Taylor (1847-1926): m'd 07 Jul 1863 MARTIN, Jesse; d/o Alexander and Sarah (Green) Yantis

*8*9) YANTIS, John Lewis (1845-1922): m'd 17 Apr 1890 BONNEY, Theodosia (MIZE); s/o Alexander and Sarah (Green) Yantis

*8*9) YANTIS, Margaret Priscilla (1838-1906); m'd 03 Jul 1855 SEARS, Ezra K.; d/o Alexander and Sarah (Green) Yantis

*8*9) YANTIS, Mary Jane Lapsley (1841-1904): m'd 24 May 1863 DAMON, John Fox; d/o Alexander and Sarah (Green) Yantis

*8*9) YANTIS, Sarah Evalin (1843-1874): m'd 04 Apr 1861 WEBSTER, Aaron; d/o Alexander and Sarah (Green) Yantis

*8*9) YANTIS, Sophia Bell (1853-1916): m'd 01 Nov 1874 WILLEY, Lafayette; d/o Alexander and Sarah (Green) Yantis

*8*9) YANTIS, William Franklin (1849-1910): m'd 24 Dec 1871 HANAFORD, Ella C.; s/o Alexander and Sarah (Green) Yantis

*1) YATES, Jeptha C. (1831- ): m'd 1851 ALLEN, Elizabeth

*1) ZUMWALT, Barbara: m'd 1849 JAMISON, James L.


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