The Bylaws of the McClure
Oaktown Township, Knox Co, Indiana, March 1, 1853
All persons desiring to emigrate to the Oregon Territory in the wagon train now being assembled, will be required to subscribe to the bylaws adopted by the company.
Section 1. The officers of this company shall consist of a Captain and a Lieutenant. The duties of the Captain will be to have full charge of the movement of the train, and his orders must be obeyed by every member subscribing to these bylaws. The Lieutenant shall execute the orders of the Captain, and in case of the sickeness or disability of the Captain, will have full charge of the company.
Section 2. The Captain may call council meetings when he deems it necessary, and each member of the company will have the opportunity of expressing his or her views on the subject for which the council was called. When all have spoken, the question is voted upon. In case of a tie vote, the Captain will cast the deciding vote.
Section 3. The destination of this Company is the fertile valley of the Willamette, located between the Cascade Mountains on the east and the Coast Range on the west. Upon arrival at the end of the journey, and when a suitable place is located upon which to establish homes, age will take precedence. The oldest will have 1st choice and son on down the line to the youngest member of the company to hold a claim. The same procedure also to apply to the erection of a habitation.
Section 4. When each freeholder in the company has made a selection of land and has a cabin erected on same, then a meeting of the council will be called and the bylaws having been fulfilled the company will disband and the bylaws be of no further force or effect.
Officers: Vincent S. McClure, Captain
F. McClure, Lieutenant
S. McClure and wife Sallie
F. McClure and wife Nancy
Bond and wife Hetty
Bond and wife Rachel
C. Bruce, single man
S. McClure, single man
My name is Stephenie Flora. Thanks for
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