Compiled by Prof. Jim Tompkins

Disclaimer:  Prof. Jim Tompkins has compiled the following information for classes he has taught.  He has kindly contributed them for general use.  This information has been gathered from a variety of sources and, while it is free to use, copyright infringements may make it unsuitable for commercial purposes.

Oregon Trail Map 1  "Historic Sites Along The Oregon Trail" by Aubrey Haines
Jumping Off Places
Missouri River
Blue River Crossing

Blue Mound
Alcove Spring, Hollenberg Ranch, Red Vermillion River

Oregon Trail Map II "Historic Sites Along The Oregon Trail" by Aubrey Haines
Fort Kearny, Rock Creek Station, Nebraska Prairie
Platte River Crossings
Ash Hollow, Windlass Hill, California Hill
Chimney Rock, Courthouse Rock, Jail Rock, North Platte River
Scotts Bluff, Mitchell Pass, Robidoux Pass

Oregon Trail Map III  "Historic Sites Along The Oregon Trail" by Aubrey Haines
Register Cliff, Fort Laramie
Guernsey Ruts
Joel Hembree Grave, LaBonte Creek Crossing, Ayers Natural Bridge, Laramie Peak
Rock Avenue, Poison Spring, Willow Spring
Independence Rock
Sweetwater River, Devils Gate, Split Rock, Ice Slough
Rocky Ridge, Pacific Springs, South Pass
Sublette Cutoff, Parting of the Ways, Emigrant Springs, Green River
Thomas Fork of Bear River, Fort Bridger, Solomons Temple

Oregon Trail Map IV  "Historic Sites Along The Oregon Trail" by Aubrey Haines
Fort Hall, Soda Springs, Bear River
Massacre Rocks, Raft River, American Falls 
Oregon Trail Map V  "Historic Sites Along The Oregon Trail" by Aubrey Haines
Thousand Springs, Shoshone Falls, Cauldron Linn, above Three Island Crossing
Inscription Rock, Bruneau Dunes, Three Island Crossing
Fort Boise, Bonneville Point

Farewell Bend, Henderson Grave, Keeney Pass
Lone Pine, Flagstaff Hill, Virtue Flat, Burnt River
Deadman Pass, Blue Mountains, Grand Ronde River, Grande Ronde Valley
Oregon Trail Map VI  "Historic Sites Along The Oregon Trail" by Aubrey Haines
Echo Meadows, Umatilla River, Whitman Mission, Cabbage Hill
Fourmile Canyon, Well Spring, MacDonald Crossing of John Day River
Deschutes River, Biggs, MacDonald Crossing of John Day River
Oregon Trail Map - The Dalles and Vicinity "Historic Sites Along The Oregon Trail" by Aubrey Haines  
Beacon Rock, Fort Vancouver, Cascades of Columbia River
Tygh Ridge and Tygh Valley, Summit Meadows, Barlow Pass, Barlow Tollgate
Laurel Hill, Tollgate #5, Willamette Valley

My name is Stephenie Flora. Thanks for stopping by.
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