

Jean Mcdowell (Moore) Painter Pioneer of 1850 wife of Philip C. Painter
d/o Robert Moore |
Sarah Caroline Palmer
Pioneer of 1854
with husband, Gearshum Vanatta
Phoebe Parker
with husband, John Stoops and family
Pioneers of 1853
contributed by Tim Day |
contributed by
Peggy Rowe
contribured by
Wendy Millard





Thomas Parrott
Pioneer of 1847
with wife, Ann Eliza (Rhoades) Parrott -Wedding
Catherine Parrott
Pioneer of 1847
with husband, Lewis Henry Rhoades, in later years
Catherine Parrott
Pioneer of 1847
with husband, Lewis Henry Rhoades, and family in 1885
Thomas Parrott
Pioneer of 1847
with wife, Ann Eliza (Rhoades) Parrott at Portland
Lillian Estella Patton
d/o Thomas and Frances (Cooke) Patton wife of John David McCully Pioneers of 1851
photo believed to have been taken c1896
contributed by
Karen Faunce
contributed by
Karen Faunce
contributed by
Karen Faunce
contributed by
Karen Faunce
contributed by
Russell Miller







Matthew Patton Pioneer of 1847 with a woman thought to be Mary "Polly" (Grimes) Patton, his wife
Robert Jesse Patton Pioneer of 1847
William Thompson Patton Pioneer of 1850
James Pearl
Pioneer of 1852
L-R Front Row: James Pearl and Rex Allingham on the lap of Eva Pearl
(L-R) Back Row: Joseph Pearl (son of James) and John Rush Pearl (father of Eva and son of Joseph, also a pioneer)
James Pearl
Pioneer of 1852
From left to right front
row :Possiby Peleg Fruit (1829?); wife? Martha Teeters Fruit (1838) holding
grandchild?; Jared Birt Michael (1840), pioneer 1847; his
sister, Marinda Michael Pearl Keeney, 1847 Pioneer, Back row left to right:
Emma Michael Fruit (1864), daughter of Eli Michael and wife of Martin; Martin
Fruit (1862), son of Peleg; John Senger (1854), to California 1862; his wife
Mary Elizabeth �Lizzie� Pearl Senger (1857), granddaughter of James Pearl,
daughter of John Pearl and Marinda Michael, with infant, possibly a grandchild
Wilma Ruth Warren (1903). Michaels and Martin Fruit and wife identified by
Hazel Pearl Templeton. She thought the picture was taken about 1905.
Marinda (Michael) Pearl
Pioneer of 1847
wife of James Pearl
photo taken c1900
John Barton Pennington
Pioneer of 1843
This photo was taken in Fresno, CA c1890
contributed by
Jean Rotter
contributed by
Jean Rotter
contributed by
Jean Rotter
contributed by
Clyde Senger
contributed by
Clyde Senger
contributed by
Clyde Senger
contributed by
Steve Crawford




Keturah Penton
Pioneer of 1848
Keturah (Penton) Belknap c1910 when she was approx 90.
Back row l-r: Harry Belknap Tozier, Lusina (Belknap) Tozier, Lumon Smith, Corena (Tozier) Smith Front row l-r: Vera Smith Lang, Keturah (Penton) Belknap, Vern Smith
Elizabeth (Crandall) Perry Pioneer of 1845 wife of William
Francis Perry |
William Francis Perry Pioneer of 1845
Harriet Elizabeth (Pierson) Hawn Pioneer of 1843 wife of Jacob Hawn, d/o John and Thankful (Wilcox) Pierson
Alonzo M. Poe Poneer of 1845 Poe is pictured on left William W.
Miller standing and Isaac Ebey on right c1855 |
Ed S. Porter born 1860 in Oregon s/o John and Annie (White) Porter, Pioneers of 1853 husband of Margaret Luticia "Lu" Hubbard early Silverton Banker
Margaret Luticia (Hubbard) Porter wife of Ed S. Porter d/o Joseph and Sarah (Venable) Hubbard
contributed by
Jim Tompkins
published in "On Her Way Rejoicing, Keturah Belknap's Chronicle", edited by Charlotte and John Hook
contributed by
Gina McBride
contributed by Leon J. Lyell |
contributed by
Clara Foster
contributed by
Clara Foster |





Polly Porter
Pioneer of 1842
wife of Andrew D. Smith, a pioneer of 1842
Walter English Post
with wife, Effie May (Tucker) Post Wedding of 1904 s/o Asbel G. Post
Elizabeth Rebecca Poujade d/o Dr. J.P. Poujade
photo taken 1860
wife of (1) Taylor, (2) Sortwell
Dr. John Pierre Poujade Pioneer of 1847
Lourana Powell
Pioneer of 1851
with husband Robert Earl 1906
contributed by
Randy Fletcher
contributed by
Andrea Adrian Healy
contributed by
Richard Taylor Sr.
contributed by
Richard Taylor Sr.
contributed by
Janet Ingersoll