Whitman Massacre - The Trial

Compiled by Stephenie Flora
copyright © 2004


The prisoners were established on an island at the Falls of the Willamette. The island was connected to the shore by a wooden bridge which was under constant guard by soldiers.

A jury of 38 citizens was chosen. United States District Attorney, Armory Holbrook, was prosecutor. Defense attorneys were Kintzing Pritchette, territorial secretary; Capt. Thomas Clairborne Jr. of the rifle regiment; and R.B. Reynolds, paymaster.

The presiding judge was O.C. Pratt.

May 22, 1850 the trial opened.

Note: transcript of trial to be added soon June 3, 1850 the defendents were found guilty.

Father Veynet, Catholic Priest accompanied the convicted men to the scaffold where they were hanged.

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