to Oregon in 1852
Surnames J-Q
compiled by Stephenie Flora
copyright © 2009
The emigration year of 1852 stands out as the year of illness and death on the trail for humans and animals alike. Most of the human toll was the result of cholera. While the diaries often suggest that the cattle died from an imaginary disease called "hollow horn", it is thought by some experts that the loss of cattle was actually due to anthrax with the stress of the journey as a contributing factor.
The diaries and journals available for that year mention seeing wagons "as far as the eye can see" both ahead and behind. While it has been estimated that over 10,000 adventurous souls started out for Oregon in 1852, an accounting of how many actually arrived is hard to determine. It is thought that as many as 1,000 may have turned back. Death definitely took a toll and then there were those who, at the last minute, turned off for California. The emigrants going to California that year was estimated at upwards of 50,000.
Indians were not as troublesome in 1852 as some of the other years. This was due, in part, to a treaty that was engineered by Thomas Fitzpatrick "Broken Hand" in 1851. The size of the emigration also no doubt had a bearing. Trains were traveling so close to each other that it provided extra security.
Most of the trains for 1852 were small in size due to the difficulty in finding water, camping spots and feed for the cattle. A larger train was simply too hard to manage. Most companies were made up of family and friends with single men hired to drive wagons and assist with the cattle. Assuming that a train consisted of 50 or fewer individuals it would mean that there were at least 200 separate trains headed for Oregon. And this would not account for the approximately 1000 companies headed for California.
As I compile the listing for 1852 I welcome any additions and corrections you care to make. I can be contacted at the email address at the bottom of this page.
Diaries, Journals and Reminiscences of the 1852 Emigration
**Note: death information in brackets marked with RR was provided by Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ who has spent many years researching deaths on the Oregon Trail.
Captains of 1852
*1) Capt. Alvin Clark company consisted of about 28 individuals. The company left Council Bluffs May 8 and arrived at Oregon City October 2, 1852. There were 3 deaths in this company.
*2a) Akin Company left Salem, Henry Co, Iowa 17 Apr 1852. The company traveled closely with other family groups including the Richey train. They arrived at Kanesville, Iowa May 8, 1852 and left from there. Their journey has been documented and compiled by Mike
Booth and is available in the Akin Diary he has contributed. At least for a portion of the journey they were joined by a group led by Newton D. Gilham (see #26)
*2b) Caleb Richey Company left Henry County, Iowa April 1852 and traveled closely with the Booth train.
*3) Capt John Metzker, led a party of family and friends to OR in 1852. There were 22 wagons in the group.
*4) McCully Train was compiled and published by Sanford and Sally Wilbur. Their web site features many of the names on the McCully Train
*5) Capt. Daviess Gibson, originally emigrant of 1849, led party of 40 wagons that included family and friends
*6) Forgey group as compiled by Richard Schack
*7) Capt. Calvin T. Hales party originating in McDonough Co, IL [Hale Researcher Jim Hale halejim=gmail.com]
*8) Overland diary of Lafayette Spencer (The Annals of Iowa, Vol VIII #4 (January 1908) p304-310 contains the 1852 diary of Lafayette Spencer. His group left VanBuren Co, IA on May 11th and reached Portland, OR on Oct 26, 1852
*9) Capt. Jacob Jones left Northfield, Boone Co, IN on March 2, 1852 leading a caravan of approximately 19 covered wagons drawn by ox-teams. There were 52 people on the train (21 men/older boys, 6 women, 25 children). All the wagons but one belonged to the family. They started from Indiana and crossed the Missouri River at Council Bluffs, taking the Oregon Trail up the Platte River, and after a six month journey they arrived at The Dalles on September 12, remaining there until December. .... On the trip to Oregon they lost five members to cholera. Those who died were Lydia Jones; Mrs. Cynthia Ann Jones; Mrs. Sarah Jones; Mark A Duzan; William Lemley Jones (buried near The Dalles); James Duzan buried beside the Columbia River
*10) Davis Train
*11) Capt. Anson Goodrich headed up a train that started at Lima, Rock County, WI., joined April 3, 1852 with train consisting of Crandall and Coon families who had left Lima, Rock Co, Wi on Mar 29, 1852; joined May 2 by Haywood, McGraw and Kinney families; arrived at Kanesville, IA May 18th; June 4 joined by 4 more wagons making 14 wagons and 30+ men; July 6 Independence Rock; July 13 South Pass; July 29 Fort Hall [Covered Wagon Women, Vol 5, p.173-206 Polly Crandall Coon Diary]
*12) Capt. Gaebhart:; train left Osage Co, MO 11 Apr 1852 with ten wagons, later joined by others making 40 wagons and 60 able bodied men; 1/4 of train later turned of for California 1852 Reminiscences of John G. Abbott
*13) Capt James Wood led the company
that included the Koontz, and Wood famillies. They left from
Kanesville, IA 19 May 1852. Their story and the members of
theis company are documented in Wagons From Wapello by Dennis M.
Larsen & Ken Keigley
*14) Capt. Joseph McMillen started from Illinois leading a party of eight wagons (one that was cutting off for California) that included the Adams, McMillen, Miller, Wilson, Raymond and Blank families. The company arrived at Council Bluffs June 3, 1852. June 18 they had eight wagons, 16 men, 10 ladies + children. On August 18, 1852 in Snake river country they joined six wagons led by Capt. Benjamin Hyland for added protection through Indian country. It made 14 wagons and 32 able bodied men. [Covered Wagon Women Vol 5; Diary of Cecelia (McMillen) Adams and Parthenia (McMillen) Blank]; On September 21 Joseph McMillen, John Stowell and Mr. Raymond left the company along with eleven others to pack to The Dalles. The diary makes note of passing 390+ graves along the trail but only mentions the names of four of them.. Also notes that on June 26 a fight broke out in camp between a man and his son-in-law. They were asked to leave the company with their families. Five days later the older man was ill and on July 2 it states"the sick man is dead this morning. Wrapped him in bed clothes and layed him in the ground without any coffin". [The family name was never given]. The company arrived at The Dalles Oct 24, 1852.
*15) Capt. Benjamin S. Hyland had company of six wagons from Plainfield, IL. On Aug 18, 1852, in Snake river country they joined eight wagons led by Capt Joseph McMillen for added protection through Indian country. It made 14 wagons and 32 able bodied men. Mentioned in Cecelia Adams and Parthenia Bland diary [Covered Wagon Women Vol 5; Diary of Cecelia (McMillen) Adams and Parthenia (McMillen) Blank]
*16)Capt. John Franklin Adams led train of friends and family members from Grandview Twp, Louisa Co, IA. This is train is being researched by Jim Cook (see researcher page for his contact information)
*17) Richey Company left Salem, Henry Co, IA in April 1852; families included Hoskins,Hobson, Smith; part of Akin party *2
*18) Capt John Tucker Scott left from Groveland, Tazewell Co, IL April 2, 1852. On April 24 they were joined by a company led by Isaac "Stull" Swearingen of Vermillion Co, IL The party arrived at St. Joseph, MO May 10th where they were joined by a group of men from Groveland who had gone ahead to accompany their shipment of provisions. Also joining at that time was a small company from Mt. Sterling, Brown Co, IL. On May 28th they arrived at Fort Kearney with a company consisting of 12 wagons, 52 men, women and children, 113 oxen and 12 horses; May 28 arrived at Ft. Kearney; June 9 Ash Hollow, June 18 Ft. Laramie, June 29 Independence Rock, July 19 Soda Springs, July 23 Ft. Hall, Aug 3 Salmon Falls, Sept 4 Blue Mountains, Sept 20 Barlows Gate, Sept 28 reach Foster's Farm. Documented over 160 graves along the way. [Covered Wagon Women Vol 5 p.21-173 Journal and Letters of Scott Family]
*20): Clifton Read company left Marengo, IL 19 Apr 1852; arrived Kanesville,IA 19 May 1852, June 23 Chimney Rock, July `10 Independence Rock; July 19 South Pass, Aug 4, Soda Springs; Aug 10, Fort Hall, Sept 21 Blue Mountains
*21): Capt. Mercer Thompson train started from Newton Co, MO Mar 20, 1852 and consisted of approximately 100 adults.
*22) Powell Train
*23) Hinkle Train originating in Perry Co, MO arrived in Oregon in Oct 1852.
*24) Jones Family Train; captained by Jacob Jones this train consisted of 49 known individuals, all family members with the exception of 7 individuals. The train started from Northfield, Indiana, on the 15th of March, 1852, and reached The Dalles, Oregon, on the 19th of September. This list has been compiled by family researcher Willard Anderson. He graciously shared the information with me for the benefit of others interested in this family.
*25) Murphy Train, captained by John Ecles Murphy consisted of family and friends, all members of the Christian Church (aka Campbellites or Disciples of Christ). In the early1830s followers of Alexander Campbell, founder of the Disciples of Christ, moved from their homes in Warren Co, KY to Warren Co, IL and established the town of Monmouth, named after their home in Monmouth, Wales. As the word of the virtues of the Oregon Territory reached Illinois, the talk turned to another move. An advanced migration of church members went west in 1850. It consisted of Elijah and Margaret Davidson, Squire S. and Elizabeth Whitman, Thomas and Sarah Lucas and their families, as well as a number of single men. They reached Polk County, OR in August and settled near Independence on the west bank of the Willamette River, establishing what became Monmouth, OR. In April 1852, a second migration of church members began the journey. It was made up of the families of Burford, Butler, Davidson, Lucas, Mason, Murphy, Roundtree and a number of single men.The Monmouth, Illinois Atlas newspaper, on April 16, 1852 described the gathering and departure of the train. In following issues, the newspaper also published several letters written during the journey and from Oregon written by Rev. John E. Murphy. In 1853, the last of these migrations from the church headed west in what was known as The Butler Train. It was led by Ira F. M. Butler and contained family and friends. Butler Family Letters
*26) Capt Newton D. Gilham led a train from Macoupin Co, IL that consisted of about 20 wagons and 70 people. Along with his family it included the families of Jesse Moreland, Mitchell Owen, Francis Robinson, Samuel Nelson and Woodford Reams.
*27) Robbins Train of 1852 compiled by Kevin Mittge
*28) Capt. Robert B. Crawford led a party consisting of 111 individuals. It encluded 84 families and 27 single men. They left from St. Joseph, Missouri May 9. As with most of the larger companies, members split off, rejoined and sometimes split again. By the end of the journey there was as much as 50 miles separating the various wagons of the train
*29) Three Wagons Trains from Arkansas by Don Guenther consisted of three trains that split and went different routes. There were a number of different captains along the way. Names include Tigard, Harer, Winn, Ingram and numerous others.
*30) Thomas Mercer Train, left the Princeton, Illinois area in April 1852
"The company as finally organized consisted of the following: Captain,
Thomas Mercer, who was accompanied by his wife and four children; Aaron
Mercer and wife; Dexter Horton, wife and child; Rev. Daniel Bagley, wife and
child; Rev. W.F. West and wife; Ashby West, James Rossnagle, Wm. Shoudy;
George Gould, wife, son and daughter; John Pike, an uncle of Mr. Warren’s;
Daniel Drake, and the four young men Warren.
There were several others who were with this train at the start, but
did not continue with it the entire journey.”
*SR = Southern Route
Emigrants to Oregon in 1852
Surnames J-Q
Note: all female members of the emigration will be listed by maiden name, if known, even if they were married at the time of emigration.
JACK, Andrew J. ( -1915):
JACKSON, Edward (1830- ):
JACKSON, Francis:
JACKSON, Henry (1837-1926):
JACKSON, Henry Harrison (1840-1918):
JACKSON, Henry P. (1830- ):
JACKSON, John M. (1818-1855): m'd 1842 [ ], Margaret
JACKSON, John Taylor (1840-1916):
JACKSON, Jonathan
Henry (1810-c1885): m'd 1835
WEST, Ann; born in Kennebec, Maine; by 1855 was living in Wasco County; "Jonathan Jackson was a
millwright and did concrete work, stone and setting machinery, etc. They lived
in Sheboygan,Wisconsin and two or three other places. Mother was born in Medina
County, Ohio. In 1852 the call of more mills to build drew grandfather
across the plains to Oregon. He did not come as a farmer so used good horses, a
comfortable spring wagon, and brought only his special tools"
JACKSON, Margaret: m'd 1842 JACKSON, John M.; maiden name unknown at this time
JACKSON, Phebe Marie (1840-1920): m'd 1857 HUMASON, Orlando; d/o Jonathan and Ann (West) Jackson; born in Medina County, Ohio
JACKSON, Sarah (1827-1891): m'd HENDRICSON, William Firman
JACKSON, Sarah (c1798- ): m'd 02 Jan 1822 ALLEN, Alfred (1803-1875): mother of six children including (2 unnamed daughters, one unnamed son, Barton H., Benjamin F. and William M.); resided in Warren Co, Illinois prior to emigration to Oregon; shown in 1860 Klicitat Co, Washington census and 1870 Halsey, Linn Co, OR census; was reportedly a cousin to President Andrew Jackson
JACKSON, William H. (1819- ):
JACKSON, W.R. ( -1852): died on plains
JACOBS, Abram Okey (1814-1870): m'd 1848 [ ], Rebecca
JACOBS, Nancy (1834-):
"OLDS, NANCY (JACOBS)--Born in Branch County, Michigan, in 1834; came to Oregon in 1852, and settled at West Chehalem. Her present residence is at Lafayette, and occupation, dressmaking; she was a school teacher formerly. Married H. 8. Jacobs in 1855, and has two children-Mrs. Ungerman and Charles N. Jacobs. [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 780]
JACOBS, Orange (1837-1914): m'd 1858 DAVENPORT, Lucinda
JACOBS, Rebecca (1831-1899): m'd 1848 JACOBS, Abram Okey; maiden name unknown at this time
JACOBS, William P. (1826- ):
JAQUETTE, Catharine: sister of Lydia listed below
JAQUETTE, Lydia Ann ( -1852): m'd HIATT, Lewis; died on trail 31 Aug 1852
JAMES, Andrew J. (1834- ):
JAMES, Anna (09 Mar 1808-14 Dec 1884): m'd 27 Nov 1825 CARY, Armenius; d/o David & Mary (Bowen) James; buried Crawfordsville Union Cemetery, Crawfordsville, Linn County, OregonJAMES, Benton (1836- ): s/o Berry and Pieta James:
JAMES, Berry (1811- ): m'd 1831 [ ], Piety Rose
JAMES, Charity (1842- ): d/o Berry and Pieta James:
JAMES, David Cecil (26 Jan 1844-10 Dec 1920): m'd 1867 JONES, Adelia Frances; s/o Elijah and Nancy (Read) James; buried Buck Hollow Cemetery, Willamina, Yamhill County, Oregon
JAMES, Elijah P. (1822-1852): m'd 12 Aug 1841 REED, Nancy; died on trail
JAMES, Henry (1846- ): s/o Elijah and Nancy (Read) James; in 1850 census but not 1860
JAMES, Ira (1848- ): s/o Berry and Pieta James:
JAMES, John W. (18 Jan 1843-):
JAMES, Martin (1818- ):
JAMES, Mary Jane (18 Mar 1848-17 Dec 1893): d/o Elijah and Nancy (Read) James
JAMES, Miles (1847-1913) s/o Berry and Pieta James:
JAMES, Mr. ( -1852): m'd READ, Nancy; died on trail
JAMES, Nancy ( -1852): m'd FANNING, Levi; died on trail; mother of 2 dau and 1 son
JAMES, Piety Rose: m'd 1831 JAMES, Berry
JAMES, Pollyanna (1832- ): d/o Berry and Pieta James
JAMES, Sarah J. (1840- ): d/o Berry and Pieta James:
JAMES, Thomas F. (1827-1897): m'd [ ], Sophia S.
JAMES, W. H. (1846- ): m'd 1869 HINSHAW, Sarah
"JAMES, W. H.--Born in Missouri in 1846; came to Oregon and settled in Polk County, where he still resides. Occupation, farming. He married Sarah Hiashaw (sic-Hinshaw) in Polk County in 1869, and their children s names are Adelia J., David W., Isabel, and Minnie E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 770]
JAMISON, Albert B. (1817- ):
JAMISON, Sophronia A. (12 Feb 1834-19 Feb 1902): m1. CROW, Samuel Thompson (1820-1852); m2. TETHEROW, Andrew Jackson; d/o John and Elizabeth (Sanders) Jamison; buried Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prineville, Crook County, Oregon; first husband died on trail
JARRED, Ulysses (c1826- ): m'd 1844 LEIGHT, Nancy
JARVIS, Susannah Rose (29
Feb 1788 -16 Sep 1852): m'd BANKS,
Thomas Baxter; near Burnt River; d/o Reziah and Elizabeth (Rose) Jarvis;
burial location unknown
JASPER, Merrell (1827- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Nancy Jane
JASPER, William C. (1834- ): m'd 1854 OWNBEY, Mary
JEFFRIES, Thomas S. (1818- ): m'd 1849 NICHOLS, Susan R.
"JEFFRIES, F. (sic-T) S.--Born in Virginia in 1818; came to Oregon and settled in Marion County. Lives now at Amity. Served in the Mexican war, attaining the rank of orderly sergeant. His occupation is agent for manufacturers of machinery. He married Susan R. Nichols in 1849, and they have one child, Theodore by name." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 770]
JENKS, James:
JENNE, Eugene Swift (23 Oct 1847-29 Jun 1919): m'd BEARD, Martha; s/o Lemuel and Susan (Buckley) Jenne; buried Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
JENNE, Lemuel Swift. (09 Sep 1821-19 Feb 1876 ): m'd 21 Jan 1847 BUCKLEY, Susan Elizabeth; s/o Lemuel and Mary (Sprague) Jenne; died Multnomah County, Oregon; burial location unknown
JENNE, Rhoda Almira (21 Jan 1851-Feb 1889): m'd 1870 CRAWFORD, William Baker; d/o Lemuel and Susan (Buckley) Jenne; died California; burial location unknown
JENNINGS, Jesse Roland (07 Sep 1825-14 May 1903): m1. 08 Sep 1850 MURRAIN,
Amanda; m2. 1853 COOPER, Artemecia
Antonice; s/o Jacob and Rhoda (Prewett) Jennings; buried
IOOF Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
"Jesse and family settled on Sauvies Island; resided in Polk Co 1854-1860; 1860-1885 farmed and ranched in Douglas Co; 1885;1885 became hotel keeper in Grants Pass; retired in 1897"
JENNINGS, Charles H.:
JENNINGS, George William (01 May 1852-13 Nov 1915): m'd MYRTLE, Sarah Anice; s/o Jesse and Amanda (Murrain) Jennings; buried Grandview Cemetery, Kettle Falls, Stevens County, Washington
JEROME, [ ]:
JETTE, A. (1825- ):
"JETTE, A.--Born in Canada in 1825; came to Oregon and located in the mines of the Rogue/ River region. At present is a merchant of Champoeg, Marion County. He married Margaret Leard in 1871 and they have six children." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 770]
JOB, Rosena: m'd 1830 JOB, Samuel
JOB, Samuel (c1809- ): m'd 1830 [ ], Rosena
JOHN, Cynthia Ann (22 Mar 1841-22 Dec 1934): m'd 1857 BOZORTH, Squire; d/o Jacob and Rachel (Whitaker) John; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, Woodland, Cowlitz County, Washington
JOHN, Christina Rachel (14 Feb 1845-12 May 1880): m'd LEGG, William Thomas; d/o Jacob and Rachel (Whitaker) John; buried Powell Grove Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
JOHN, Elizabeth (27 May 1827-07 Aug 1913): m'd 1846 GILSON, Allen; m2. 1873 BOZARTH, Owen Willis; m3. 1878 BOLEN, William; d/o Jacob and Rachel (Whitaker) John; buried Hayes Cemetery, Hayes, Clark County, Washington
JOHN, F.A. (1843- ):
JOHN, Jacob Robards (008 Apr 1834-30 Mar 1857): s/o John and Rachel (Whitaker) John; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, Woodland, Cowlitz County, Washington
JOHN, Louisa Anne (18 Aug 1826-16 Jun 1911): m1. 1845 SPRINGER, John (divorced 1860s); m2. 1878 BOZARTH, John Shaw; d/o Jacob and Rachel (Whitaker) John; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, Woodland, Cowlitz County, Washington
JOHN, Mary Jane (03 Jan 1825-25 Sep 1881; m1. 1841 MARTIN, Hutson (1822-1852): m2. 1854 MASON, Silas D.; d/o Jacob and Rachel (Whitaker) John; first husband died on the trail
JOHN, Summerel Ambrose (14 Jun 1843 -22 Mar 1919): m'd GOODWIN, Olive Irene; s/o Jacob and Rachel (Whitaker) John; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
JOHNS, Jacob:
JOHNS, W.W. ( -1919):
JOHNSON, Archibald (1833- ): m'd [ ], Cynthia E.
JOHNSON, Boone: m'd 1852 HINK, [ ]; m'd on trail
JOHNSON, Charity ( -1852): m'd JOHNSON, John M.; maiden name unknown at this time
JOHNSON, Christopher (1812- ):
JOHNSON, David ( -1852): died on trail
JOHNSON, Elizabeth A.: JOHNSON, Zachariah; maiden name unknown at this time
JOHNSON, Hannah (1836-1933):
JOHNSON, Hannah ( -1939):
JOHNSON, Horatio V. V. (1823- ): m'd 1850 BUSHNELL, Mary J.; m2. 1868 HERRICK, Julia (BUSHNELL)
"JOHNSON, H. V. V., M.D.--Born in Ne\v York in 1823, and reared and educated in Ohio; received his medical education in Ohio and New York, after which he practiced in Indianapolis for seven years. Came to Oregon and settled on a. farm in Washington County. Was a member of the Territorial Legislature for that county, serving from 1855 to 1858. Moved to McMinnville in 1863, being the only doctor there for several years; now owns a house in town and has a good practice. Married Miss Mary Bushnell in 1850, and has two children Julia, and Frances Isabella. His wife died in 1867, and in 1868 he married Mrs. Julia B. Herrick, a sister to his first wife." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 771]
JOHNSON, Infant (1852-1852): c/o John and Mary (Hamlin) Johnson; died on the trail
JOHNSON, Jacob: step son of Hall Emery
JOHNSON, John D. (1821- ): m'd 1845 [ ], Mary Jane
JOHNSON, John M. ( -1852):
JOHNSON, John W. (1820-aft 1871 ): m'd 1843 HAMLIN, Mary (1823-1854); children included (Mary Catherine Johnson b. 1847, d. 1887, m. 1863 William Clarendon Butler [1832-1922] son of Joel A Butler & (unknown) Morrison; Sarah Jane Johnson b. about 1853, d. 1889, m. 1875 William George Breeding [1847-d. 1924], son of John H Breeding & Elizabeth A Ragsdale; Unknown infant, b. 6/4 1852, d. 1852 on the Oregon Trail)
JOHNSON, Margery Serena (01 Jul 1842 -02 Apr 1907): m'd BELLINGER, Charles Byron; d/o James and Mary Johnson; buried Wilhelm's Portland Memorial Mausoleum, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
JOHNSON, Mary (1803-c1898): m'd 10 Jun 1824 JOHNSON, James; maiden name unknown
JOHNSON, Mary Catherine (1846- ): d/o John and Mary (Hamlin) Johnson
JOHNSON, Mary Jane: m'd 1845 JOHNSON, John D.; maiden name unknown at this time
JOHNSON, Richard: m'd GRAVES, Milbrey; parents of 7 children
JOHNSON, Rufus (1830- ):
JOHNSON, Samuel Boone. (1833-1916): m'd 02 May 1852 HINK, Hannah J.; s/o Josiah and Hannah Charity (DeHart) Johnson; born 05 Feb 1833 MO/VA; settled Clackamas and Multnomah County, OR; died 01 Jul 1916 Gresham, Multnomah Co, OR; last years were spent as an invalid; father of eleven children (Samuel, Mary Jane, Martha Ellen, Charles F., Dora O., Louise Hester, William Hubbard, John Henry, Edward Robert, Earl and Jenny)
JOHNSON, Samuel S. (c1850- ): s/o John and Charity Johnson; parents died on trail
JOHNSON, Sarah (1827-1861): m'd 1845 HATTON, William Shannon; d/o Friend and Nancy (Lindsey) Johnson; settled with husband and family at Clark Co, WA where she became the mother of three additional children (Nancy E. 1854-1941; Alonzo E. 1856-1915; Harriet Dorinda 1858-1940). Sarah died in Clark County, WA in 1861
JOHNSON, William (1833-1856):
JOHNSON, William R. "Blackhawk" (1824-1901): m'd STEWARD, Delphine D. (d. 1869); m2. 1882 SHUMWAY, Mary; s/o Richard and Milbrey (Graves) Johnson; father of 10 children by fist marriage and two by second marriage
JOHNSON, Zachariah: m'd 1849 [ ], Elizabeth A.
JOHNSTON, Herod (1816- ): m'd 1842 LASK, Rhoda
*24) JONES, Abraham (14 Dec 1818- 03 Dec 1898 ), m'd 1848 DAVENPORT,
Elizabeth; s/o of Jacob and Elizabeth
(Calvert) Jones; buried
Family Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
*24) JONES, Abraham (1844-1909), s/o Isaac and Anna S. (Guge) Jones
JONES, Amanda (19 Jul 1848-03 Oct 1931): m1. 1867 ESTES, William Newton; m2. 29 Nov 1916 ALLEN, Solomon W.; d/o James and Elizabeth (Miller) Jones; buried Asotin City Cemetery, Asotin, Asotin County, Washington
JONES, Andrew J. (1832- ):
JONES, Christina (1849- ), d/o Lewis and Cynthia Ann (Stipp) Jones
JONES, D. M. (1839- ):
"JONES, D. M., M.D.--Born in Missouri in 1839; came to Oregon with his father, and settled in Marion County. He was educated at the Willamette University, after which he became a teacher in the public schools; then took the medical course at the Willamette University, graduating in 1868. In 1875, he took the chair of Materia Medica in the Willamette University and held it five years. Moved to Albany in 1870, where he has practiced since, during which time he has been in the lecture field, and also served on the editorial staff of the Albany Herald, in which he was part owner." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 770]
JONES, David (1799-c1860): m'd 1834 [ ], Rebecca F.
JONES, Elihu King: s/o Justus and Lois (Hastings) Jones
*24) JONES, Elizabeth: d/o George and Sarah (Neiswanger) Jones
JONES, Elizabeth: m'd 1847 JONES, James F.; maiden name unknown at this time
JONES, Elizabeth "Lizzie" (1847- ), d/o Jacob and Susan Perlina (Miller) Jones Jr.
JONES, Esther Jane: m'd 1850 JONES, Silas M.
JONES, George H. (1822- ):
*24) JONES, George: s/o Jacob and Jane (Guge) Jones
*24) JONES, George Wallace (1837-1915), m1, NIESWANGER, Sarah ( -1852); m2. 1871 DIXON, Amanda Louisa (1851- ), s/o Jacob and Catherine (Danes) Jones
*24) JONES, Harvey : s/o Jacob and Jane (Guge) Jones
JONES, Henry (27 Apr 1827- 07 Dec 1889): m1. 1851 RUDD, Mary J.; m2. 1869 BEAN, Halley E.; s/o Henry and Hannah (Green) Jones; buried Myrtle Creek IOOF Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon; siblings all died in Cass County, Michigan
*24) JONES, Henry: ; s/o Jacob and Jane (Guge) Jones
*24) JONES, Isaac (1816-1893), m'd GUGE, Anna S. (1820- ); s/o of Jacob and Elizabeth (Calvert) Jones
JONES, J.H. (c1833-1895):
*24) JONES, Jacob (1794-1866) m1. CALVERT, Elizabeth (1793-1829); m2. DANES, Catherine ; m3. GUGE/GOUGE, Jane H. (1819- )
JONES, James: from WI
JONES, James Francis (22 Jan 1824-21 May 1916): m1. MILLER, Elizabeth; m2. 1885 MEEKER, Mrs. Lydia (MILLER); m3. 14 Sep 1890 SIMPSON, Mrs. Mary Ann (CORUM); s/o Joseph T. and Rebecca (Crooks) Jones; buried Asotin City Cemetery, Asotin, Asotin County, Washington; James Francis Jones Family by Jerald Jones
*24) JONES, James: s/o Isaac and Anna (Guge) Jones
JONES, James N. (1845- ), s/o Jacob and Susan Perlina (Miller) Jones Jr.
JONES, James W. (1821- ); s/o of Jacob and Elizabeth (Calvert) Jones
JONES, James W. (1824- ):
*10: JONES, Jane (1807-1863): m'd 1832 DAVIS, Silas; m2. 1853 LAUGHLIN, Samuel; first husband died on trail; died Salem, Marion County, Oregon; burial location unknown
JONES, John (1835- ): m'd 1854 Retherford, Lydia
"JONES, JOHN--Born in Kentucky in 1835, and came across the plains to Oregon in 1852, and settled in Oregon City, where he lived for two years; then went to Polk County, working there in a sawmill ten years, and after that period was for a while in Eastern Oregon engaged in the same occupation. He next went into the stock business. In 1880 he drove cattle to Omaha over the same route by which he came to this coast. During his residence in Polk County, and at the time of high water in that county, his property was all destroyed and his stock drowned. Mr. Jones relates that his house floated three miles with himself and family in it. He was married in 1854 to Miss Lydia Retherford, and five children have been born to them, but only one is now alive William. Resides at Dayton." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 771]
JONES, John ( -1852): died on trail
JONES, John (1850- ), s/o Jacob and Susan Perlina (Miller) Jones Jr
*24) JONES, John (1813-1901), m'd 1841 IMBLER, Louisa Ellen "Eliza Clarissa" (1820-after 1880); s/o of Jacob and Elizabeth (Calvert) Jones
JONES, John (1845- ): s/o Isaac and Anna S. (Gouge) Jones
JONES, John H. ( -1906): m'd 1864 OSBORNE, Jane Catherine; s/o Justus and Lois (Hastings) Jones
JONES, John W. (1842-1896): m'd 1863 SHORT, Emma; s/o Lewis and Mary (McAlpin) Jones
*24) JONES, Joseph: s/o George and Sarah (Neiswanger) Jones
JONES, Justus (1807- ): m'd c 1831 HASTINGS, Lois
JONES, Lewis (1809- ):
*24) JONES, Lewis (1823- ): m'd STIPP, Cynthia
Ann (1826-26 June 1852, Oregon Trail); s/o of Jacob and Elizabeth
(Calvert) Jones
JONES, Louisa: m'd 1840 JONES, John; maiden name unknown at this time
JONES, Louisa Jane (1846-1896): m'd 1865 EBERHARDT, J. George W.;
JONES, Lydia (1851- ), d/o Isaac and Anna S. (Gouge) Jones
*24) JONES, Lydia ( -1852): d/o Jacob and Jane (Guge) Jones ; died on trail
*24) JONES, Lydia: d/o Isaac and Anna (Guge) Jones
JONES, Lydia Ball (12 Mar 1811 -27 Apr 1883): m'd 1841 BOWLBY, Dr. Wilson; settled in Washington Co; native of New Jersey, mother of three children (John Q.A., Theodore F., Sarah W.); buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon
*24) JONES, Margaret (1847- before 1900): d/o John and Louisa Ellen (Imbler) Jones
JONES, Margaret Jane (1827-1919): m'd IMBLER, Needham (1820-1897); d/o of Jacob and Elizabeth (Calvert) Jones
*24) JONES, Mark: s/o Jacob and Jane (Guge) Jones
*24) JONES, Mary: d/o George and Sarah (Neiswanger) Jones
*24) JONES, Mary Ann (21 May 1851- 03 Dec 1927), m'd 28 Jul 1867 DROLLINGER, Hiram Calvin; d/o Abraham and Elizabeth (Davenport) Jones; buried Jones Family Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
*24) JONES, Mary Emeline "Nancy" (1845- ): d/o John and Louisa Ellen (Imbler) Jones
JONES, Mary J.: m'd 1851 JONES, Henry; maiden name unknown at this time
JONES, Mary Jane (1844- ): d/o Jacob and Susan Perlina (Miller) Jones Jr.
JONES, Mary Jane: m'd 1846 JONES, William B.; maiden name unknown at this time
*24) JONES, Nancy: d/o George and Sarah (Neiswanger) Jones
JONES, Nancy: m'd O'Conner, [ ]; m2. FLEMMING, Henry H.
*24) JONES, Nelson Dugan (1848-1935), s/o Isaac and Anna S. (Gouge) Jones
*24) JONES, Nicholas (1845- ), s/o Isaac and Anna S. (Guge) Jones
JONES, Ralph L. (1819-1916):
JONES, Rebecca F.: m'd 1834 JONES, David
*24) JONES, Samuel ( -1852) traveled with Jacob Jones train; died on Columbia River
JONES, Samuel T. (01 Jul 1850 -26 Aug 1915): m'd 25 Sep 1877 ALLEN, Almeda Harriett.; s/o James and Elizabeth (Miller) Jones; buried Forest Cemetery, Coeur D’Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho
JONES, Sarah (1832- ): m'd DUDLEY, [ ]
JONES, Sarah Ann (1852-10 Nov 1876): m'd 08 Oct 1871 COON, Thomas Madison; d/o James and Elizabeth (Miller) Jones; settled in Linn County, Oregon; burial location unknown
JONES, Sarah Ann: m'd 1845 POWERS, Edwin;
*24) JONES, Sarah Jane (15 Sep 1849-10 Jul 1935): m'd 1869 MCCULLOCH, William Thomas; d/o Abraham and Elizabeth (Davenport) Jones; buried McCulloch Cemetery, Douglas County, Oregon
*24) JONES, Sarah Caroline (1843-1888), d/o John and Louisa Ellen (Imbler) Jones
JONES, Silas M. (1824- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Esther Jane
JONES, Stokely Lawson (1812-1898): m'd 1840 Julia McAlister
JONES, Submit: m'd BURK, Marshall B.; husband came in 1851
*24) JONES, Susannah: d/o George and Sarah (Neiswanger) Jones
*24) JONES, William (1839- ), s/o Isaac and Anna S. (Guge) Jones
JONES, William B. (c1826- ): m'd 1846 [
], Mary Jane
*24) JONES, William David (1845- ): s/o Lewis
and Cynthia (Stipp) Jones; mother died on the trail
*24) JONES, William Lemley (1851-1852): s/o John and Louisa Ellen (Imbler) Jones; died on trail in the Cascades
JORDAN, Cynthia (07 May 1810-18 Feb 1882): m'd 17 Mar 1831 BABER, Jordan; d/o John and Agnes (Cunningham) Jordan; buried Harris Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
*18) JORDAN, John: from Mt. Sterling, Brown Co, IL; joined party at St. Joseph, MO; traveling with John McDonald, who later drowned in Snake River while attempting to herd cattle across; left Scott party Aug 2nd
JORDAN, John D.:
JORDAN, John H. ( -1915):
JOSLIN, Benjamin (1832-1903): died at Oregon State Hospital in Salem, Marion Co, OR
JOSLIN, John (1832- ):
JOSLYN, Andrew J. Rev. (1841-1920):
JOY, George W. ( -1852): m'd [ ], Mary; died on trail
JOY, Mary (1835- ): m'd JOY, George W.; maiden name unknown at this time
JOY, Warren (1830- ):
JUDD, William W. (1813- ):
JUDKINS, Edward D. (1828- ):
JUDKINS, Susanna: m'd 1844 JUDKINS, Thomas; maiden name unknown at this time
JUDKINS, Thomas (1803- ): m'd 1844 [ ], Susann
JUDY, George H. (1827- ): m'd 1855 [ ], Nancy Jane
JUNKINS, Anthony C. (1819- ): m'd 1841 MABY, Margaret Ann
JUSTICE, Isaac B. (1831- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Mary A.
KAUBLE, Oliver (1831- ):
*16) KAUFFMAN, Catherine (1849-1923): m'd 25 Nov 1866 BUCKMAN, Thomas; d/o John and Elizabeth (Manning) Kauffman; born 01 May 1849 Manor, Lancaster Co, PA and died March 1923;
*16) KAUFFMAN, Christian Frederick (1834- ):
*16) KAUFFMAN, Isaac Benjamin (1846-1920): m'd 1873 FROST, Louisa; s/o John and Elizabeth (Manning) Kauffman; born 10 Sep 1846 Manor, Lancaster Co, PA and died 21 Oct 1920 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; father of three children (Florence F., Elsie W. and Carrol F.); lived in Washington, Clackamas, Marion and Multnomah Counties; wife died in 1885 in Marion County of consumption and it appears that Isaac did not remarry
*16) KAUFFMAN, Jacob M.(1842-1910): m'd c1870 ROBBINS, Melissa A.; s/o John and Elizabeth (Manning) Kauffman; born 24 Oct 1842 Manor, Lancaster Co, PA and died 11 Feb 1910 Ritzville, Adams Co, WA (note that death date is shown by descendants but Jacob is listed in April 1910 census); moved to WA between 1870 and 1880 census; father of seven children (Anna, Herbert C., Ada L., Ethel, Constant, Clyde and Leslie Wilmot)
*16) KAUFFMAN, John Stuben (1817-1867): m'd 16 Dec 1840/1 MANNING, Elizabeth; born 1817 Lancaster Co, PA and died 06 Aug 1867 Tualatin, Washington Co, OR; father of nine known children (Jacob M., Ann Elizabeth, Isaac Benjamin, Catherine, Martha, Sonora, Sarah Ann, Mary Amanda and Lewis Andrew)
*16) KAUFFMAN, Martha (1851-1931): m'd 04 Jan 1877 MOORE, Charles William; d/o John and Elizabeth (Manning) Kauffman; born 25 Jun 1851 Fort Wayne, Allen Co, IN and died 02 Jul 1931 Trout Lake, Klickitat Co, WA; mother of five children (Anna Belle, Mary Elizabeth, Fred C., Edward E and John L.)
KAVANAUGHL, Elizabeth Maria (24 Dec 1824-11 Feb 1903) : m'd 26 Nov 1840 CAMPBELL, John; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
KAYLOR, Harriet: m'd 1850 KAYLOR, Henry F.
KAYLOR, Henry F. (1823- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Harriet
KAYS, James A.:
KAYS, James M. (1832- ): m'd 1856 HEADRICK, Sarah Margaret
KAYS, John A. (1806-1884): m'd HEADRICK, Frances H.
KAYS, John S. (1831- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Rebecca
KAYS, Olive (1842-1915): m'd DURBIN, Isaac
KAYS, Rebecca: m'd 1851 KAYS, John S.; maiden name unknown at this time
KEAN, Elizabeth A. (04 Dec 1810-18 Apr 1890): m'd 08 Jul 1841 COLE, Chauncey; d/o William and Barbary (Spangler) Kean; buried Wisner Cemetery, Kingston, Linn County, Oregon
KEAN, Isabella E (26 Aug 1824-10 Apr 1911).: m'd 22 Jun 1843 DART, Charles Bisbee; d/o William and Barbara (Spangler) Kean; buried Molalla Memorial Cemetery, Molalla, Clackamas County, Oregon
KEATING, Robert (c1835- ):
*8) KECK, Henry:
*8) KECK, Sloan:
KEELER, Lucy A. (1817-24 Oct 1881): m'd 14 Sep 1834 BRISCOE, John; d/o Czar Keeler; buried Briscoe Family Cemetery, Pacific County, Washington
KEENEY, James:
KEILER, Ebenezer (1835- ):
KEITH, Catherine: m'd IRVINE, John;
d/o Warren Keith
KEITH, Elzorah: d/o Warren and Sandra (Boaz) Keith
KEITH, Margaret E.: m'd DAVIS, Thomas Henry; d/o Warren Keith
KEITH, Warren Cash (1818- ): m'd BOAZ, Sandra Ann; settled in Wasco Co
KEITS, Elizabeth: m'd 1819 KEITS, Zachariah
KEITS, Zachariah (1781- ): m'd 1819 [ ], Elizabeth
KELLISON, [ ] ( -1852): died on trail
KELLOGG, John Beldon (07 Oct 1829-09 May 1912): m'd 07 Feb 1852 DAVIES, Jane; settled Washington countywhere he established a hotel; s/o Sylvanus and Isabell (Long) Kellogg; buried Crescent Grove Cemetery, Tigard, Washington County, Oregon
KELLOGG, Sylvanus (1832-1852): s/o Sylvanus and Isabell (Long) Kellogg; may died on trail during emigration while accompanying his brother, John Beldon Kellogg
KELLUM, Andrew J.:
KELLUM, John W.:
KELLUM, Joseph (1794- ):
KELLY, Andrew (1833- ): m'd HAWLEY, Lydia
"KELLY, ANDREW--Born in Ireland in 1833; when nineteen years of age came to Oregon, but left in 1854 and went to California, Peru, and Chili, returning to this State in 1861. He is now mayor of the city of Salem, elected in 1882. Is a skilled mechanic in wagon and carriage making and blacksmithing. Has been a prominent member of the fire department, having filled every office in connection therewith. Married Miss Lydia Hawley, and their children are: George (deceased), Edward (deceased), Olive, and George E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 772]
KELLY, Arthur (c1824- ):
KELLY, Mary Elizabeth (16 Jun 1841-13 Feb 1931): m'd 03 Sep 1860 BILES, John DeNormandy; d/o William Kelly; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
KELLY, William Alexander (1828-1932): "DLC #224 Clackamas County; William A. Kelly, b. 1828 Oswego County, New York, arrived Oregon 04 Aug 1852; settled claim 21 Sep 1852. Affidavit: John Rummel, Jacob Stitzell, Lawson M. Brent."
KELTY, James (1802- ):
KELTY, James Monroe (1842-1919):
KELTY, John D. ( -1915): m'd 1855 HARVEY, Sarah E.
KEMP FAMILY RESEARCHER: Bennette Family History
KEMP, Anne Eliza (1843-1914): m'd GOWDY, John Tucker "Teet";
d/o William and Sarah (Newbill) Kemp
KEMP, Delilah Frances (1847-1852): d/o William and Sarah (Newbill) Kemp; died on trail 14 June 1852
KEMP, John Anthony (1831-1903): m'd BUTSON, Sadie Ann; s/o William and Sarah (Newbill) Kemp
KEMP, Louise Katherine "Kate" (1839-1929): m'd ADAIR, William Henry; d/o William and Sarah (Newbill) Kemp
KEMP, Martha Marie (1836-1911): m'd ADAIR, Elias Coleman Dr.; d/o William and Sarah (Newbill) Kemp; married on board the steamer Gazelle while enroute from Salem to Corvallis; husband was also emigrant of 1852
KEMP, Mary Amanda (1833-1921): m'd HARPER, Elias; d/o William and Sarah (Newbill) Kemp
KEMP, Sarah Elizabeth (1837-1923): m'd RIPPERTON, James A.; d/o William and Sarah (Newbill) Kemp
KEMP, Susan Jane (1829-1854): m'd KEYT, Ebenezer Conway; d/o William and Sarah (Newbill) Kemp
KEMP, William "Riley" (1803-1852): m'd NEWBILL, Sarah Glenn; died on trail 05 Sep 1852
KENDALL, John H. (1790- ): m'd 1823 [ ], Fanny
KENDALL, Fanny: m'd 1823 KENDALL, John H.; maiden name unknown at this time
KENDALL, William O. (1831- ):
KENDER, William ( -1896):
KENEDY, George W.: s/o William and
Sarah (Richardson) Kenedy
KENEDY, James H.: m'd 1867 RUBLE, Florence; s/o William and Sarah (Richardson) Kenedy
KENEDY, Kenneth M.: s/o William and Sarah (Richardson) Kenedy
KENEDY, Richard L.: s/o William and Sarah (Richardson) Kenedy
KENEDY, Sarah A.: m'd 1860 CAMPBELL, Thomas; d/o William and Sarah (Richardson) Kenedy
KENEDY, William (1818-1900): m'd 1839 RICHARDSON, Sarah
KENEDY, William C.: m'd 1860 CAMPBELL, Cynthia Eliza; s/o William and Sarah (Richardson) Kenedy
KENNEDY, John Knox: m'd MCGUIRE, Sarah; was sheriff of Mahaska Co, IA; former Army officer stationed at Ft. Kearney; partnered with John McGuire, his wife's brother and reportedly led some trains west after the Indian wars
KENNEDY, Mary Catherine: m'd 1846 KENNEDY, Norval T.; maiden name unknown at this time
KENNEDY, Mordica (25 Mar 1822-05 Jul 1889): m'd 13 Mar 1845 DANIEL, Julia Ann; buried Hilltop Cemetery, Independence, Polk County, Oregon
KENNEDY, Norval T. (1818- ): m'd 1846 [ ], Mary Catherine
KENNEDY, Rebecca: (1798-aft 1860 ): m'd 15 Aug 1818 CARLAND, Daniel
KENNEDY, William C. ( -1913):
KENT, Benton M. (Feb 1835-03 Sep 1910): m'd 11 Dec 1868 LOVE, Mrs. Cynthia Susan
Gates (RANDLE); s/o Lewis and
Nancy (Collard) Kent; settled in Polk Co, later moved to Douglas Co; committed
to Oregon
State Hospital, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
KENT, Filena Annie (31 Jan 1844-09 Nov 1922): m'd 1908 RICHARDSON, John Champion; d/o Lewis and Nancy (Collard) Kent; settled in Polk Co, later moved to Douglas County; buried IOOF Cemetery, Coquille, Coos County, Oregon
KENT, Harriet Jane (1839-11 Aug 1859): m'd 11 Jul 1858 WILLIS, William Ross; d/o Lewis and Nancy (Collard) Kent; settled in Polk Co, later moved to Douglas County; buried Willis Creek Cemetery, Dillard, Douglas County, Oregon
KENT, James (1828- ):
KENT, Lewis Dozier (03 Sep 1813-22 Jan 1857): m'd 1834 COLLARD, Nancy Anne; s/o Isaac and Lucy (Hopkins) Kent; settled in Polk Co, later moved to Douglas County; buried Civil Bend Cemetery, Winston, Douglas County, Oregon
KENT, Lorena Alice (04 May 1851-03 Aug 1937): m'd 1873 GAGE, William Washington; d/o Lewis and Lucinda (Hopkins) Kent; settled in Polk Co, later moved to Douglas County; buried Masonic Cemetery, Coquille, Coos County, Oregon
KENT, Lourena Ann (07 Apr 1827-09 Jul 1910): m'd 1853 OWINGS, Charles Henry; d/o Robert and Elizabeth (Gibson) Kent; emigrated to Oregon with her uncle Lewis Dozier Kent and his family; buried Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Marion County, Oregon; her mother died in 1832 and her father remarried and emigrated to Oregon with his family c1865
KENT, Lucinda Margaret (Apr 1837-1908): m'd 13 Feb 1853 LASSATOR, John; m2. 22 Nov 1862 FALES, Nathan; d/o Lewis and Lucinda (Hopkins) Kent; settled in Polk Co, later moved to Douglas Co; buried Masonic Cemetery, Coquille, Coos County, Oregon
KENT, Lucretia Virginia (1843-1893): m'd 1872 MADDEN, Cyrus; s/o Lewis and Nancy (Collard) Kent; settled in Polk Co, later moved to Douglas County; husband died 12 Jun 1920 Curry County, Oregon; burial location unknown for Lucretia (Kent) Madden
KENT, Mary Armenta (27 May 1841-16 Jun 1858): m'd 1857 STEWART, Thomas Jefferson; d/o Lewis and Nancy (Collard) Kent; settled in Polk Co, later moved to Douglas County; buried Civil Bend Cemetery, Winston, Douglas County, Oregon
KENT, Mary McClure (12 Aug 1810-08 Feb 1901): m'd CROW, John; d/o Isaac and Lucinda (Hopkins) Kent; buried Crowe Family Cemetery, Lane County, Oregon
KERNS, Henry:
KERNS, Lois B.: m'd 1848 KERNS, William; maiden name unknown at this time
KERNS, Samuel Flemming(1833-1916): m'd 1868 CLAGGETT, Elizabeth Sophronia
KERNS, William (c1810- ): m'd 1848 [ ], Lois B.
KERR, Gideon G. (c1815- ):
KERR, Rachel Mathilda (1841-1920): m'd KERR, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
KESLING, James W. (1832- ):
KESSLER, Anna (1799-1872): m'd 14 Oct 1820 AMES, Lowell Sr.; The Pioneer Ames Family by Mona Weibel
KIBBEY, Clarinda Cora (1835- ): m'd 1854 DUVAL, Lewis Howard; d/o David and
Eliza (Womack) Kibbey
KIBBEY, David (1806-1888): m'd 1827 WOMACK, Eliza; buried Kings Valley Cemetery, Benton Co, OR
KIBBEY, David (1849-1935): never married; s/o David and Eliza (Womack) Kibbey
KIBBEY, James Allen (1847-1925): m'd 1869 DAVIS, Sarah Louise; s/o David and Eliza (Womack) Kibbey; father of 13 children; lived in Kings Valley but later moved to Condon where he and his wife both died
KIBBEY, Martha (1838- ): m'd SEVIER, John Wasson per family records or m'd 1859 LEWIS, John per Polk Co Marriage Records; d/o David and Eliza (Womack) Kibbey
KIBBEY, Mary Eliza (1845- ): m'd CLINE, Henry; d/o David and Eliza (Womack) Kibbey
KIBBEY, Melissa (1842- ): d/o David and Eliza (Womack) Kibbey
KIBBEY, Sarah (1830- ): m'd 1855 ANDREWS, James; d/o David and Eliza (Womack) Kibbey
KIBBEY, Tignal (1833- ): m'd VIRGIN, Mary Eliza; s/o David and Eliza (Womack) Kibbey
KIBBEY, William A. (1840- ): never married; s/o David and Eliza (Womack) Kibbey
KIGHTLINGER, Mary J. ( -1896): m'd KIGHTLINGER, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
KIMBALL, Amanda: m'd 1837 KIMBALL, Ira; maiden name unknown at this time
KIMBALL, Ira (1798- ): m'd 1837 [ ], Amanda
KIMES, Lewis Ray Sr. ( -1852): died on trail
KIMES, Lewis Ray Jr. (1852- ): s/o Lewis Ray Kimes Sr.
KIMES, Mary E.: m'd 1867 COLLINS, James L.; d/o Lewis Ray Kimes Sr.
KINCAID, Mary: m'd 1822 KINCAID, Samuel; maiden name unknown at this time
KINCAID, Samuel (1801- ): m'd 1822 [ ], Mary
KINDER, Alva (24 Feb 1847-09 Jul 1914): m'd 04 Jun 1868 FARMER, Martha; s/o William and Julia Ann (Bilyeu) Kinder
KINDER, Franklin Peter (26 Apr 1829-08 Jul 1889): m'd 1851 EVANS, Rebecca Isabel; emigrated first in 1847; buried IOOF Cemetery, Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, Washington
KINDER, George Washington (30 Dec 1848-c1851): s/o William and Julia Ann (Bilyeu) Kinder; died prior to emigration or sometime after start of emigration
KINDER, James Thomas (01 Nov 1838-25 Jun 1852): s/o William and Lydia (Bilyeu) Kinder; died on trail June 25, 1852 on the Sweetwater probably near Ice Spring [contributed by Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ]
KINDER, Joshua Greenup (23 Dec 1840-27 Jan 1915): m'd NEWMAN, Sarah; s/o William and Lydia (Bilyeu) Kinder; buried Bellinger Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
KINDER, Lucinda Elizabeth (29 Nov 1851-24 Apr 1924): 1867 DERR, Martin; d/o William and Julia Ann (Bilyeu) Kinder
KINDER, Nancy Jane (19 Nov 1836-04 Feb 1911): m'd 1854 WEST, John Mathew Irvin; d/o William and Lydia (Bilyeu) Kinder; buried Emmett Cemetery, Emmett, Gem County, Idaho
KINDER, Rhoda Dianna (04 Jul 1850-1852): d/o William and Julia Ann (Bilyeu) Kinder; died on trail 1852 aged 2 years [contributed by Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ]
KINDER, Samuel (26 Dec 1833-14 Mar 1911): m'd 28 Oct 1864 BUTTS, Lucy Ann; s/o Galatin and Mary (Armstrong) Kinder; buried Kinder Cemetery, Deer Island, Columbia County, Oregon
KINDER, Thomas Jefferson (Aug 1837-28 Feb 1905): s/o Galatin and Mary (Armstrong) Kinder; buried Mount Zion Cemetery, LaCenter, Clark County, Washington
KINDER, William (22 Jun 1816-20 Apr 1896): m1. 06 Aug 1835 BILYEU, Lydia (1818-1844); m2. 27 May 1845 BILYEU, Julia Ann; s/o John and Martha (Melone) Kinder; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
KINDER, William Hubbard "Hub" (26 Jan 1843-18 Mar 1925): m'd POLLARD, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o William and Lydia (Bilyeu) Kinder; buried Mill Creek Cemetery, Cook County, Oregon
KING, Elizabeth (01 Jan 1816-06 Nov 1883): m'd 1836 NEER,
Caleb (Gottlieb) Abraham (1809-1889); d/o Johann and Elizabeth (Cathun)
Konig [aka King]; born at sea while parents emigrating to America; buried
Masonic Cemetery, St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon
KING, John Elliot (27 Oct 1850– 22 Nov 1910): m'd WHITE, Josephine; s/o Thomas George and Harriet (Downing) King; buried Union Hill Cemetery, Sublimity, Marion County, Oregon
KING, Mary Elizabeth Ellen (Jul 1848 – 28 Mar 1910): m'd 07 Sep 1865 COY, Isaac T.; m2. 16 Feb 1894 RICHARDSON, William Winston; d/o Thomas George and Harriet (Downing) King; buried Aumsville, Marion County, Oregon; burial location unknown
*18) KING, Robert H. (1831-29 Feb 1896):: owed $50 for his fare; was a farm hand to Tucker Scott in Illinois; born in Pennsylvania; helped drive the camp equipage wagon and left by the Snake River August 15th, "To day (August 15) 5 of our company concluded to go on by water. They accordingly fitted up two wagon beds for the purpose and launded them into the Snake, they seem to answer a good purpose and if no accident befalls them they will reach the dalles in ten days or less." (They planned on floating to Fort Boise and then travel afoot on account of the river rapids and falls. The party included John Dixon, Robert Dixon, Frank Gay, Robert King and George Burns.); first worked at Oregon City as a carpenter; died 29 Feb 1896 at Lafayette, Oregon; rejoined the Scotts after Fort Boise. He worked at a sawmill at Milwaukie, Oregon the first winter.
Son (1852– 1852: s/o Thomas George and Harriet (Downing) King; died on the
plains; burial location unknown
KING, Thomas George (30 Sep 1820 – 12 Apr 1906); m'd 27 Mar 1844 DOWNING, Harriet (1826-1859); m2. c1861 [ ], Jane; s/o Joshua and Rebecca (Lewis) King; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
KING, William Henry (22 Feb 1845– 27 Jul 1910): m1. 11 Mar 1866 CLEARWATERS, Drusilla; m2. 02 Jun 1872 WHITE, Amanda Ellen; s/o Thomas George and Harriet (Downing) King; buried Union Hill Cemetery, Sublimity, Marion County, Oregon
*11) KINNEY, Antional (1845- ): s/o Giles and Delilah (Haywood) Kinney
*11) KINNEY, Giles: m'd HAYWOOD, Delilah
*11) KINNEY, Miss: m'd HAYWOOD, Benjamin
*11) KINNEY, Rosetta (1842- ): d/o Giles and Delilah (Haywood) Kinney
KINZER, F. M. Mrs. (1836-1921): m'd KINZER, [ ]
KINZER, Lewis Evermont (1824- ): m'd 1848 WOLF, Louisa M.; settled in Linn Co
KINZER, Lewis W. (1850-1922):
KIRBY, John B. (1808- ):
KIRK, James Allen (1834-1925):
KIRK, James Allen Mrs. (1836-1917):
KIRK, Lorenzo D. (1805- ): m'd 1830 [ ], Margaret
KIRK, Margaret ( -1855): m'd 1830 KIRK, Lorenzo D.; maiden name unknown at this time
KIRK, T.J. (1836-1926):
KIRK, W.F. (1839- ):
KIRK, William (1798- ): m'd c1820 EMMONS, Sarah
KIRKENDALL, Phoebe Martha (02 May 1819-12 Oct 1898): m'd 07 Jan 1840 CONNER, Joseph Harrison (1814-1856); m2. 02 Mar 1857 CAMPBELL, William T.; d/o Moses and Christeny (Malott) Kirkendall; buried Masonic Memorial Park, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington
KIRKPATRICK, David (1820- ):
KIRKPATRICK, Sarah Emeline (27 Jul 1831- ): m'd 09 Feb 1852 BROWN, John James; d/o David and Sarah (Cox) Kirkpatrick; husband died on plains in 1852
*16) KIRTS, Barbara (1821-1907): m1. 18 Feb 1845 IRELAND, Zephaniah (1820-1858); m2. 0 Nov 1859 MUNKERS, James Preston (1820-1890); d/o Zachariah and Elizabeth Kirtz; settled in Washington Co, OR; born 14 Oct 1821 IN and died 28/30 Nov 1907 Scio, Linn Co, OR; the 1900 census states that she had no children
*16) KIRTS, Catherine (1837-1888): m'd 19 Jun 1859 EWING, William Day (1832-1915); d/o Zachariah and Elizabeth Kirtz; born 04 Oct 1837 IN and died 01 Mar 1888; mother of four children (Mary Ellen Christine, Willis C., John Marion and Martha Ann)
*16) KIRTS, Christopher (1836- ): s/o Zachariah and Elizabeth Kirtzl born 21 Sep 1836 IN; unknown if he emigrated with family or died prior to emigration
*16) KIRTS, Frances "Fanny" (1834-1897): m'd c1855 HARMS, Herman; d/o Zachariah and Elizabeth Kirtz; born 13 Mar 1834 IN and died 08 Jan 1897 Mountaindale, Washington Co, OR; mother of nine children (Mary, John, William, Letitia, Margaret, Laura Mahala, Olive, Barbara and George)
*16) KIRTS, John Herman (1830-1905): m'd 06 Nov 1859 MARSH, Eunice (1838-1936); s/o Zachariah and Elizabeth Kirtz; born 15 May 1830 IN and died 31 Oct 1905 McMinnville, Yamhill Co, OR;buried Union Point Cemetery, Banks, Washington Co, OR; father of 18 children including (Charles W., William Ashberry, Vidella Angeline, Wilbur Sheridan, Levi Jay, Edith Viola, Ezra A., Elva E., Jodel Lester, Hulda E. and Sarah Grace)
*16) KIRTS, Levi (1829-1852): s/o Zachariah and Elizabeth Kirtz; born 29 Dec 1829 IN and died on the trail near Meacham, OR at what was referred to as Lee's Encampment
*16) KIRTS, Mary Elizabeth (1826-1899): m'd 08 Nov 1853 JOY, John Milton (1827-1896); d/o Zachariah and Elizabeth Kirtz; born 24 Feb 1826 IN and died 1899 Scapoose, Columbia Co, OR; mother of four children (William, Ruben, Clara B. and Vestel); settled in Washington and Multnomah Counties
*16) KIRTS, Nancy B. (1834-1904): m1. 25 Aug 1853 MCNAMER, Noah Wheeler (1816-1864); m2. 17 Jul 1865 MCNAMER, Nehemiah Brice (1829-1877); d/o Zachariah and Elizabeth Kirtz; born 07 Jan 1834 IN and died 20 Jun 1904 Forest Grove, Washington Co, OR; mother of five children by first marriage (Theodore Christopher, Elizabeth Louise, Lunetta, Loretta Josephine and Alice Sarah); mother of four children by second marriage (Dona E., Blanche Frances, Isabelle and Converse William)
*16) KIRTS, Sarah (1827-1856): m'd 26 Sep 1849 IRELAND, Robert (1824-1887); d/o Zachariah and Elizabeth Kirts; born c1827 IN and died in Jan 1856 in Washington Co, OR leaving no known children
*16) KIRTS, Zachariah (1783-1861): m'd c1818 GRANGER, Elizabeth; born 16 Jan 1783/93 PA and died 06 Apr 1861 Washington Co, OR; buried Union Point Cemetery, Banks, Washington Co, OR; father of 14 children (William, Barbara, Jacob, Mahala, Mary Elizabeth, Sarah, Levi, John Herman, Frances, Nancy B., Christopher, Catharine, Samuel and Josephus)
KISER, Arlinda (Aug 1851-21 Dec 1905): m'd WIE, Arie Van; d/o Daniel and Ann (Richardson) Kiser; died in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California
KISER, Daniel C. (Feb 1823-18 Sep 1877): m1. 29 Jul 1849 RICHARDSON, Ann; m2. 25 Nov 1853 CARROLL, Louisa; s/o Richard and Rebecca (Moslander) Kiser; settled in Thurston County, Washington; died in Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana
KISER, Elizabeth (22 Nov 1830-10 Feb 1913): d/o Jacob and Elizabeth (Smith) Kiser/Keiser; died Clackamas County, Oregon
KISER, Jacob (May 1797-17 Nov 1880): m'd 13 Feb 1819 SMITH, Elizabeth; s/o Samuel and Margaretha (Muller) Kiser/Keyser/Keiser
KISER, Jacob Henry (02 Jun 1836-07 Aug 1874): s/o Jacob and Elizabeth (Smith) Kiser/Keiser; died Clackamas County, Oregon
KISER, Sarah Maria (22 Nov 1827-13 Feb 1908): m'd 11 Aug 1844 CRAM, Chauncey Commodore; d/o Jacob and Elizabeth (Smith) Kiser/Keiser; died Walla Walla County, Washington
KISER, William (07 Oct 1825-21 Jun 1877): m'd 04 Apr 1849 INGALLS, Roxinda; s/o Jacob and Elizabeth (Smith) Kiser/Keiser; died Walla Walla County, Washington
KISOR, Amos Edward. (21 Nov 1846-24 Dec 1930): m'd 01 Aug 1867 WOOD, Mahala Jane; s/o George and Sarah (Freel) Kisor
KISOR, George Washington (28 Feb 1823-28 Mar 1896): m'd 29 Jan 1846 FREEL, Sarah Ann; s/o George and Susanna (Hare) Kisor
KISOR, Phebe Ann (04 Nov 1849-25 Mar 1921): m'd 19 Jan 1869 MASON, Joshua C.; d/o George and Sarah (Freel) Kisor
KISOR, Sarah Jane (18 Mar 1848-19 Oct 1920): m'd 20 Oct 1864 CAMPBELL, Alexander Hunter; d/o George and Sarah (Freel) Kisor
KISTNER, Theresa Jarrott (25 Sep 1846-18 Jan 1927): m'd CAMPBELL Sr., Alexander; d/o Johann and Thressia (Hicks) Kistner; must have come with other family members as she was only 6 years old or her year of emigration is not correct
KITTERMAN, William (1825- ): Wagons From Wapello
KLADY, C. L. ( -c1907):
KLADY, Jacob K. (1806- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Mary
KLADY, Mary: m'd 1850 KLADY, Jacob K.; maiden name unknown at this time
KNAGGS, George H. (1830- ):
KNAPP, Lucy A. (c1828-12 Oct 1852): died of mountain fever/cholera at Columbia River [Deaths On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
KNAPP, Mrs. ( -1852): died on trail of cholera; husband and maiden name unknown at this time; in same party as Hathaway family
KNIGHT, Isaac N. ( -1907):
*24) KNIGHT, Nelson: traveled to Oregon with Jacob Jones Train
KNIGHT, P. S. Rev ( -1915): may be emigrant of 1853
KNIFONG, John Martin (1846-1895): m1. 10 Nov 1867 SHELDON, Learny Jane; m2. 15 Sep 1880 BUTTS, Sarah; s/o Joseph and Rhoda (Thurlo) Knifong; father of 1 child (Olive) by first wife; father of 5 children by second wife (Minnie Maude, Ella, Hettie Pearl, Litta Sadie and Charity); settled in Willamina area; was working at the Waterloo Woolen Mill as a night watchman when he was murdered by persons unknown.
KNIFONG, Joseph Wampler (1811-1880): m'd c1845 THURLO, Rhoda; m2. WHITE, Mary "Polly" (Owen); s/o Martin and Eva (Wolfe) Knifong; born 11 Apr 1811 Russell Co, VA and died 05 Nov 1880; father of 3 children by first wife (John Martin, Pasker Henrietta and Olive Elizabeth); father of 9 known children by second wife (James, Mary, Ella, Rhoda Ann, Stephen, Thomas, Leuvig, Luella A. and Clara); traveled with group going to CA, upon arrival his wife died and he left his children with friends and came to Oregon where he secured a donation land claim. He returned to CA to get his children and came back to Oregon where he settled in Willamina area on the Polk county line. He is buried in the Willamina Cemetery, Willamina, Polk Co, OR
KNIFONG, Olive Elizabeth (1851-1936): m'd 03 Oct 1867 HUSSEY, Christopher J.; d/o Joseph and Rhoda (Thurlo) Knifong;born 12 Jun 1851 Sullivan Co, MO and died 31 May 1936; buried Deer Creek Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill Co, OR; mother of 3 children (Hettie, Irvin and Bessie)
KNIFONG, Pasker Henrietta (1849-1888): m'd 26 Jan 1868 MARTIN, Andrew Jackson; d/o Joseph and Rhoda (Thurlo) Knifong;born 25 Dec 1849 MO and died 05 Sep 1888 Tacoma, Pierce Co, WA; buried Oakwood Hill Cemetery, Tacoma, Pierce Co, WA; mother of (William Nathaniel)
KNOTT, Mary E. (1835-1919): m'd KNOTT, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
KNOWLES, John (1828-1905): m'd 25 Jan 1864 HIBBARD, Elvira Jane; s/o Robert and Mary (Matkin) Knowles; born Mar 1828 in Bollington, Cheshire Co, England and died Jul 1905 Marion Co, OR; settled in Marion County; father of three children (Mary E., Charles and Hannah)
KNOWLTON, Francis Marion "Frank" (13 Feb 1852-13 Jun 1941): m'd 1872 WILLABY, Mary Elizabeth; s/o George Edward and Susan (McKee) Knowlton; born in Ohio and died in Spokane, Washington; buried Riverside Memorial Park, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington
KNOWLTON, George Edward (01 Dec 1827-aft 1900 ): m'd 06 May 1849 MCKEE, Susan (1829-1863); m2. BOND, Mary (1847-1913); s/o Elisha Elbridge and Nancy (Hubbard) Knowlton; parents and some of siblings emigrated in 1860; died in Kootenai County, Idaho but burial location is unknown; father of Francis Marion, Lafayette, Mary L., Rhoda A., James E., Emma Jane and Susan by first wife; father of Elizabeth, Ulysses Grant, Virginia Bell, Bertha Mae and George Garfield by second wife; most of his children settled in Spokane County, Washington after they were adults
KONKIRK, Rosaniah (1826-23 May 1852): died on trail
KOONTZ, David (c1828- ): Wagons From Wapello
KOONTZ, Eliza: m'd HUNTINGTON, [ ];
KOONTZ, Francis M. (1839-1925):
KOONTZ, Martin (28 Apr 1786-1853): m'd 04 Jan 1807 RICKABAUGH, Elizabeth Lydia; died Vancouver, Clark County, Washington; burial location unknown; Wagons From Wapello
KOONTZ, Martin VanBuren (20 May 1837-15 Apr 1911): m'd 1847 CONKWRIGHT, Mary Elizabeth; s/o John and Elizabeth (Wood) Koontz; buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Peoria, Linn County, Oregon Wagons From Wapello
"KOONTZ, MARTIN V.--Born in 1837, in Ohio, of German extraction; lived successively in Illinois and Iowa, and came across the plains to Oregon in 1852, by the familiar ox-train method, but chiefly on foot, because the Indians stole the horses belonging to the train on arrival at the Platte River. The Koontz family took up a donation claim in Linn County soon after their arrival, but in 1868 the son went to Eastern Oregon and occupied himself in various ways until 1869, when he returned to the Willamette Valley, and went into the employ of Jacob Thompson, in Halsey, as clerk. In 1876 he went into business on his own account, and three years later organized the firm of Koontz & Lame, dealers in general merchandise and grain, at Halsey. Mr. Koontz married Miss Conkwright, and they have two living children Clyde and Edith." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 772]
KOONTZ, Matilda: m'd 1836 KOONTZ, Riley; maiden name unknown at this time
KOONTZ, Riley (1814- ): m'd 1836 [ ], Mathilda; Wagons From Wapello
KUYKENDALL, Emma (1849-1852): d/o John and Malinda (Stark) Kuykendall; died on the flatboat on the Columbia; buried near The Dalles
KUYKENDALL, George (1820- ): m'd 1846 STARK, Candace; s/o Henry and Sarah (Smith) Kuykendall; was living in Santa Rosa, CA in late 1870s
KUYKENDALL, George Benson (1843- ): s/o John and Malinda (Stark) Kuykendall
KUYKENDALL, James (1847- ): s/o John and Malinda (Stark) Kuykendall
KUYKENDALL, John (1820 - ): m'd 1842 STARK, Malinda Jane; s/o Henry and Sarah (Smith) Kuykendall; arrived fall of 1852 and spent the winter near Hillsboro; in the fall of 1853 moved to Douglas County and settled near what later became known as Wilbur; along with his brother, George and Rev. J.H. Wilbur was instrumental in building The Umpqua Academy; c1873 accepted a position at Klamath Indian Agency, c1876 removed to Santa Rosa, CA where his brother, George resided; returned to Oregon, was an instructor at the Yakima Indian Agency; finally located near Drain a few miles north of his old home where he remained until his death in 1892; he was interred in the Drain cemetery but after the death of his wife in 1911 his body was exhumed and placed next to hers in the IOOF cemetery at Eugene, OR
KUYKENDALL, John Wesley (1844- ): s/o John and Malinda (Stark) Kuykendall
KUYKENDALL, Sarah Isabel (1848- ): d/o John and Malinda (Stark) Kuykendall
KYLE, Margaret J. ( -bef 1880): m'd
MATHER, John Addison; s/o Samuel and Fanny (Stiles) Kyle; buried in Union
Cemetery at Cedar Mill, OR
KYLE, Richard M. (1847-1925): m'd DRAKE, Adelia A.; s/o Samuel and Fanny (Stiles) Kyle; buried in Union Cemetery at Cedar Mill, OR
KYLE, Samuel M. (1825-1905): m'd STILES, Fanny; buried in Union Cemetery at Cedar Mill, OR
LACEY, Edward (1837-1853): s/o John and Mary Lacey; parents died prior to emigration. Edward died in Oregon City, Clackamas Co, OR shortly after arrival in Oregon
LACEY, Elsie P. (1850-1917): m'd HEALY, [ ]
LACEY, Ira Wilkes (1818-1894): m'd c1844 FOWLER, Mary Ann; s/o Ebenezer and Jemima (Barnes) Lacey; born 05 May 1818 Windsor, NY; married in MI; died 25 Sep 1894 Springwater, Clackamas Co, OR
LACEY, John S.: m'd [ ], Mary; born 1809 NY and died died in Jackson Point, MO in Sep 1851 while preparing for emigration west with brothers; a baby born in 1851 died during the same time as the father.
LACEY, Lewis (1839- ): s/o John and Mary Lacey; parents died prior to emigration; Lewis was born 11 Jan 1839
LACEY, Lewis Allen (1807-1899 ): m'd 1850 HERRING, Leonora Elizabeth; s/o Ebenezer and Jemima (Barnes) Lacey; born 25 Aug 1808 NY and died 1899 Springwater, Clackamas Co, OR; father of 4 known children (Helen, Albert, Anna Margaret and Irene)
LACEY, Mary ( -1851): died Jul 1851 Hedges Grove, IA while preparing for emigration with husband
LAFFER, Mary Jane: m'd 1816 LAFFER, Philip; maiden name unknown at this time
LAFFER, Philip (1795- ): m'd 1816 [ ], Mary Jane
LAFFERTY, Joseph: m'd 06 Sep 1849 STARK, Sarah
Bernard Laffey (1821-30
May 1898): m'd 1851 DOWNING, Susannah; s/o Bernard and Isabella (Fair) Laffey;
Cowlitz View Memorial Gardens, Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington;
"The Laffey clan came from eastern Michigan
as the snow melted in 1852 and made it to Portland, Oregon, where they spent
the winter. They moved up to Kelso, Washington, the next spring.
Isabel Fair Laffey, (originally from Ireland) was 63 years old when she made
this trek across the continent. Bernard and Susannah Laffey were
newly-weds when they made this journey. After settling in Kelso, WA,
Bernard and Susannah had 7 children, but they had to bury 6 of them. The
five children that I know of were: Zelia Isabella (1854-1886), Charles
(1856-1876), Richard (1859-1874), Rufus (1864-1869), and Mary (1872-1972)."
LAFFEY, Charlotte Laffey (08 Aug 1818-16 May 1879): m'd 14 Feb 1846 MCMILLEN, Hugh, d/o Bernard and Isabella(Fair) Laffey. buried Catlin Cemetery, Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington
LAFFEY, Mary (1872-1972: )m'd COLLINS, Everell (1866-1940); d/o Bernard and Susannah (Downing) Laffey; lived to be 100.
LAFFEY, Zelia Isabella Laffey(1854-1886) m'd CATLIN, Fred (1848-1929); d/o Bernard and Susannah (Downing) Laffey
LAFORREST, Mary ( -1914): m'd LAFORREST, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
LAKE, Mary Ann (13 Jun 1833-16 Nov 1920): m'd 12 Oct 1859 BAKER, Andrew J.; married in Oregon; buried South Yamhill Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
LAKE, Mary Jane ( -1913): m'd LAKE, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
LAKE, Sarah (13 Sep 1831-23 Jul 1896): m'd 10 Nov 1850 BESSER, Luzerne; d/o Milton and Rhuah (Shaw) Lake
LAKIN, David Redman (1837-1920): m1. WITHROW, Sarah E.; m2. COFFIN, Laura J.; s/o Josiah and Sarah (Sweet) Lakin; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
LAKIN, George M. (1844-1900) s/o Josiah and Sarah (Sweet) Lakin; buried Demersville Cemetery, Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana
LAKIN, Josiah M. (1806-1860): m'd 1829 SWEET, Sarah Jane; settled in Lane Co, OR; buried Eugene Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
LAKIN, Lucy Jane (1833-1902): m1. ALLISON, Amos J; m2. PARRISH, Gamaliel; d/o Josiah and Sarah (Sweet) Lakin; buried Eugene Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
LAKIN, Martha (1846-1915): m'd LEE, Andrew Jackson; d/o Josiah and Sarah (Sweet) Lakin; buried Applegate Pioneer Cemetery, Yoncalla, Douglas County, Oregon
LAKIN, Mary Spur
(1831-1905): m'd 03 Dec 1848 BURR, Samuel Beebe; d/o Josiah and Sarah
(Sweet) Lakin; settled in California;
Little Shasta Cemetery, Montague, Shasta County, California
LAKIN, Zelda (1840-1910): m'd GARDNER, Aaron F.; d/o Josiah and Sarah (Sweet) Lakin; buried Malheur City Cemetery, Malheur, Malheur County, Oregon
LAMB, Nathaniel J. ( -1854):
LAMBERT, David (1816- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Nancy Ann
LAMBERT, George W. (1831- ):
LAMBERT, John ( -1852): m'd WILSON, Catherine; died shortly after arrival
LAMBERT, Nancy Ann: m'd 1852 LAMBERT, David
LAMON, Virginia (14 Jul 1825 - 09 Jun 1897): m'd 11 May 1847 MOORES, John Henry; d/o John and Ruth (Chenoweth) Lamon
LANDERS, Francis M. (1845- ): d/o
Henry and Mary Jane (Richardson) Landers
LANDERS, Henry: m'd 1842 RICHARDSON, Mary Jane
LANDERS, William A. (1849- ): s/o Henry and Mary Jane (Richardson) Landers
LANDINGHAM, Elizabeth: m'd 1850 LANDINGHAM, Thomas; maiden name unknown at this time
LANDINGHAM, Isyphean (1849-1920): m'd LANDINGHAM, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
LANDINGHAM, Thomas (1816- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Elizabeth
LANE, Elizabeth: m'd 1840 HAWKINS, John S.
LANE, Silas (16 May 1820-07 Feb 1899 ): m'd 1841 GAROUTTE, Sophia; m2. 1862 HERRICK, Lucinda; buried Taylor-Lane Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
LANE, Simon E. ( -1919):
LANE, Sophia: m'd 1842 LANE, Silas; maiden name unknown at this time
LANEY, Josiah (c1827- ):
LANGSTON, John (1829-1852): died on trail; m'd 28
Dec 1848 JASPER, Nancy; s/o Sampson and Grace (Butler) Langston
LANGSTON, Lucinda ( -1852): m'd LANGSTON, William; died on trail; maiden name unknown at this time
LANGSTON, Martha ( -1852): died on trail
LANGSTON, Martha Jane (03 Jan 1827-20 Apr 1898): m'd 1844 HENDERSON, Daniel B.; d/o William and Grace (Butler) Langston
LANGSTON, Mary Elizabeth (01 Jan 1852-24 Nov 1891): m'd 08 Jul 1869 BURNS, John Franklin; d/o John and Nancy (Jasper) Langston; died Los Angeles County, California
LANGSTON, William (1830- ): m'd 01 Aug 1850 HILL, Lucinda; s/o William and Grace (Butler) Langston
*3) LARKIN, Abel Rev. (1839-1918): m1. 27
Jan 1860 MCCLURE, Mary Frances; m2. 09 Nov 1870 KELSEY, Rachel M.; m3 27 Dec
1891 SCHOLL, Celiea Adeline; s/o Horace and Elizabeth (Zickafoose) Larkin
*3) LARKIN, Abraham: s/o Horace and Elizabeth (Zickafoose) Larkin
*3) LARKIN, Horace Pendleton: m'd ZICKAFOOSE, Elizabeth
*3) LARKIN, James Matthew (1842-1916): m'd 1867 DUNBAR, Eliza Jane; s/o
Horace and Elizabeth (Zickafoose) Larkin
*3) LARKIN, Perry (1841-1929): m1. CARNES, Mary Ann; m2. 1904 PALMITER, Ellen
Melissa; s/o Horace and Elizabeth (Zickafoose) Larkin
LARSON, Agnetta: see BYRD, Agnetta Larson
LASATER, Jane (c1841-1930):
LASK, Rhoda: m'd 1842 JOHNSTON, Herod
LATOURETTE, Josephine (c1838-1928): m'd c 1855 BUCHTEL, Joseph; Josephine was enumerated in the household of her uncle, Miren Swick, in the 1850 Michigan census. Josephine died Feb 7, 1928 at Portland.
LATTA, John (1824- ):
LAUGHEAD, Mary L. (25 Mar 1795-25 Oct 1875): m'd BUCHANAN, Andrew A.; buried Crystal Lake Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
LAVENDER, Alfred (1828- ):
LAWRENCE, Bide M. (1846- ): c/o John and Hester (Miller) Lawrence; appears in 1850 Lee Co, IA census as female and in 1860 Benton Co, OR census as male.
LAWRENCE, Elizabeth Rebecca (1844-1931): m'd May 1864 STANSBURY, George H., d/o John and Hester (Miller) Lawrence; Elizabeth was born 06 Oct 1844 Lee Co, IA and died 14 Oct 1931 Eugene, Lane Co, OR; she is buried in Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane Co, OR;
LAWRENCE, George (1841- ): s/o John and Hester (Miller) Lawrence; appears in the 1860 Benton County, OR census
LAWRENCE, John A. (1851-1911): m'd 23 Jun 1872 SWATRZ, S. E.; s/o John and Hester (Miller) Lawrence; born 21 Feb 1851 IA and died 26 Dec 1911 Lane Co, OR; buried in Monroe Cemetery, Monroe, Benton Co, OR;
LAWRENCE, John W. (1809-1898): m'd 12 May 1837 MILLER, Hester; John was born 11 Jun 1809 PA and died 01 May 1898 Monroe, Benton Co, OR; he is buried in Monroe Cemetery, Monroe, Benton Co, OR; John was the father of 12 children (Wesley Norman, George, Elizabeth Rebecca, Bide M., Melissa, John A., Aldon, Andrew, Sarah A., twins Manuel and Lemuel L., and Laura M.)
LAWRENCE, W. L. ( -1852): died on trail
LAWRENCE, Wesley Norman (1840-1916): m1. UNKNOWN, Annie E.; m2. BAUGHMAN, Sadie; s/o John and Hester (Miller) Lawrence; born 06 Apr 1840 IA and died 16 Feb 1916 John Day, Grant Co, OR; buried Canyon City Cemetery, Canyon City, Grant Co, OR;
LAWRENCE, Wesley N. ( -1916):
LAWS, Andrew J. (1837- ):
LAWS, Thomas: company started from Lawrence Co, IL with 4 wagons, 16 yoke oxen, 50 head of cattle and 4 wagons drawn by horses; traveled South side of Platte River; numerous Indian encounters; 1853 removed to Olympia
LAWSON, George W. (1817- ):
LAYNE, Lanville (c1825- ):
LAYTON, Catherine (02 Apr 1815-22 Aug 1852): m'd
24 Mar 1831 MOORE, John A.; d/o Asher and
Rebecca (Davis) Layton; died on the banks of the Snake River, Wyoming
LEABO Achless "Achilles" (1845- ): s/o John and Nancy (Ellison) Leabo
LEABO, Eunice B. (1849- ): d/o John and Nancy (Ellison) Leabo
LEABO, Isaac (1851- ): d/o John and Nancy (Ellison) Leabo
LEABO, James R. (1843- ): s/o John and Nancy (Ellison) Leabo
LEABO, John G. (1817-1864): m'd 1837 ELLISON, Nancy; wife died on trail; John's brothers, Isaac and James (both emigrants of 1846) came to help him; Isaac and Mary Leabo raised John's children; John served in the Oregon Indian Wars and settled on DLC# 3388 in Marion Co
LEABO, Malicy (1847- ): d/o John and Nancy (Ellison) Leabo
LEABO, Mary Catherine (1838-1926): m'd 1857 JORY, Thomas; d/o John and Nancy (Ellison) Leabo
LEABO, Noah W. (1838- ): s/o John and Nancy (Ellison) Leabo
LEACH, William (1820- ): m'd 1845 MARTIN, Polly
LEAVITT, Nathan K. (1789- ):
LEDFORD, George T. ( -1915):
LEDFORD, John M. Sr. (1832-1895): m'd 1860 WALKER, Elizabeth; settled in Wasco Co, OR (per Sherry Kaseberg at sherryk@gorge.net)
LEE, A. (1843- ):
"LEE, A.--Born in Missouri in 1843, and nine years later crossed the plains to Oregon. He settled at Forest Grove, Washington County, in 1860, and still resides there. Is a machinist of great skill and experience, and finds occupation for those qualities in the service of the firm of Lee <fe Stewart, foundrymen and manufacturers of implements. Mr. Lee married, when twenty -two years of age, Nancy J. Laughlin, and their children s names are Nellie, John A., Cora, and Pearl." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 772]
LEE, Eliza Jane (28 Feb 1846-17 Oct 1901): m'd 1864 SETH, Thomas; d/o James and Myrtilda(Powell) Lee; husband was emigrant from Scotland; buried Hills Cemetery, Gaston, Washington County, Oregon
LEE, Elizabeth Ann (12 Dec 1829-26 Jun 1864): m'd 1851 BOOTH, David; d/o James and Myrtilda (Powell) Lee; buried Noble Pioneer Cemetery, Newberg, Yamhill County, Oregon
LEE, Francis "Fannie" Ann (24 Jan 1833-25 Apr 1887): m'd 1853 WALKER, Oliver J.; d/o James and Myrtilda (Powell) Lee; buried Robert Bird Cemetery, Wilsonville, Clackamas County, Oregon
LEE, Ivy Catherine (1836-1861): never married; d/o James and Myrtilda (Powell) Lee; died of TB (scrofula) at age 25 and is buried in the Shuck Cemetery, Dundee, OR
LEE, James A. (13 Dec 1805-28 Mar 1881): m'd POWELL, Myrtilda; s/o John and Elizabeth (Lowman) Lee; buried Dundee Pioneer Cemetery, Dundee, Yamhill County, Oregon
LEE, James George (07 Aug 1849-19 Oct 1930): m'd 1875 CALLAHAN, Alice Pearline; m2. 1889 ZEIGLER, Elizabeth Amanda; s/o James and Myrtilda (Powell) Lee; buried Cherry Grove Cemetery, Cherry Grove, Washington County, Oregon
LEE, John Bruff (14 Apr 1835-18 Apr 1923): m1. 1863 MORGAN, Eliza; m2. 1884 PULLEN, Susan; s/o James and Myrtilda (Powell) Lee; buried Forest View Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington Co, OR
LEE, Joseph Dunn Bradford (1830-1902 ): m'd 1856 HUNTLEY, Marilla; lived in Polk, Douglas and Jackson counties before he finally settled near Myrtle Point, Coos Co, OR in 1874; proprietor of harness shop and prominent farmer in the area; father of 4 children; wife was a pioneer of 1847
LEE, Mary Ann (11 Mar 1845-14 Jul 1881): m'd 1864 PULLEN Sr., James Monroe; d/o James and Myrtilda (Powell) Lee; buried Columbia Masonic Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
LEE, Mary W. (1811-1889).: m'd c1825 MILLIORN, John
LEE, Melchia Jane (28 Aug 1838-21 Jul 1886): m'd CARTER, Benjamin; d/o James and Myrtilda (Powell) Lee; buried Butteville Cemetery, Butteville, Marion County, Oregon; wrote a family history
LEE, Phoebe Catherine (22 Apr 1831-09 Feb 1924): m'd 24 Feb 1853 HESS, Daniel; d/o James and Myrtilda (Powell) Lee; died Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; burial location unknown
LEE, Sarah Ann (04 Aug 1830-16 Jul 1904): m'd 1852 KING, Francis; d/o James and Myrtilda (Powell) Lee; buried San Juan Cemetery, Friday Harbor, San Juan County, Washington
LEFEVRE, Elizabeth T. (25 Apr 1801-05 Aug 1852: m'd 30 Nov 1819 DOUGLASS,
John W.; d/o Jacob and Mary (Fulweller) LeFevre; died at Green River,
Sweetwater, Wyoming;
burial location unknown
LEFFLER, Mrs. Henry (1842-1921): m'd LEFFLER, Henry; maiden name unknown at this time
LEGET, E. ( -1852): died on trail; from Platte Co, MO [**RR: This is probably Enoch Liggett, age 21, died 6-4 [1?]-52 on the south side of the Platte, near O'Fallons Bluff.]
LEIGHT, Nancy: m'd 1844 JARRED, Ulysses
LELAND, Charles (1820- ):
LEMASTER, Catherine May (1838-1914): m1. 1854 PUTMAN, David H.; m2. 1892 GROSS,
Andrew; d/o Isaac and Nancy (Elam) Lemaster
LEMASTER, Elizabeth Jane (1830-1898): m'd 1851 LANDINGHAM, Thomas; d/o Isaac and Nancy (Elam) Lemaster
LEMASTER, Icyphene (1849-1912): m'd 1865 LANDINGHAM, J. Calvin; d/o Isaac and Nancy (Elam) Lemaster
LEMASTER, Isaac (1808-1888): m'd 1829 ELAM, Nancy
LEMASTER, James F.E. (1834-1901): m'd 1855 PUTMAN, Mary; s/o Isaac and Nancy (Elam) Lemaster
LEMASTER, Rebecca (1836-1924): m1. 1853 BERRY, Charles; m2. CAHOUN, John J.; d/o Isaac and Nancy (Elam) Lemaster
LEMASTER, William F.H. (1840-1915): m1. TURNER, Susan; m2. QUALLS, Zada Anna; s/o Isaac and Nancy (Elam) Lemaster
LEMON, Angeline B. (1841-1920): m'd LEMON, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
LENCOTHEA, Lewis ( -1925):
LENDERKIN, George (1801- ):
*2) LENOX, Louisa (1823-1852): m'd RICHEY, Stuart; died on Platte River 75 miles east of Fort Laramie 16 June 1852 at 2 o'clock in the morning
LENCOTHEA, Lewis ( -1925):
LENT, George P.:
LENT, Oliver P. (1830- ): m'd 1851 BUCKLEY, Martha A.; settled Multnomah Co, established a sawmill on Johnson Creek and cut huge tree for the use of the settlers; gave land for a school
*30) LEONARD, Jane (1826-c1853): m. 1849 MERCER, Aaron; possibly daughter of Amos and Elizabeth (Gregory) Leonard
LEONARD, John (1829-1908): m'd 1854 STUMP, America Ann; s/o Charles and Anna (Duke) Leonard
LEONARD, Thomas Austin (1822- ):
LEONARD, Volney ( -1916):
LEONARD, Washington Irving :
LERWILL, William (1811-1872): m'd 1842 STANTON, Sarah; m2. 1859 DAVIS, Cynthia Ann
LESLIE, George (1836- ): m'd m'd 23 Aug 1866 GRAVES, Ann Eliza
"LESLEY, GEORGE--Born in Ohio in 1836; when sixteen went to Indiana; in 1852 rame to Oregon and settled in Salem; married in 1868 Miss Eliza M. Graves, and they have five children Frank, Fannie, Mary, Charles, and Minnie. Mr. Lesley is a carpenter and carriage builder by trade, but has entered upon agriculture to a considerable extent, owning a three hundred and fifty acre ranch near Salem. He has moreover distinguished himself and added to the resources of the valley by his operations in carp breeding, and lias many thousands of these fine and valuable fish in his ponds." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 772]
LESLIE, George (1825- ):
LESLIE, James (1818- ):
LESLIE, Martin: m'd PERRY, Clarissa
LEVEL, John H. (c1831- ): m'd 1854 HAYDEN, Edith M.; by the end of 1855 his wife had left him and he requested her name be removed from his Donation Land Claim
LEVENS, Daniel H. (1829- ):
LEVENS, Hiram A. (c1824- ): m'd c1849 [ ], Pluma
LEVENS, Pluma: m'd c1849 LEAVENS, Hiram A.; maiden name unknown at this time
LEVERICH, Anna B. (1844-1930):
LEVERICH, Benjamin (1790- ): m'd 1812 [ ], Sarah
LEVERICH, Mary A.: m'd 1834 LEVERICH, Thomas; maiden name unknown at this time
LEVERICH, Rhoda L. (1844-1927): m'd 1863 CATCHING, John Samuel
LEVERICH, Sarah: m'd 1812 LEVERICH, Benjamin; maiden name unknown at this time
LEVERICH, Sarah Angelina: m'd 1849 LEVERICH, William; maiden name unknown at this time
LEVERICH, Thomas (1810- ): m'd 1834 [ ], Mary A.
LEVERICH, William (1824- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Sarah Angelina
LEWIS, Benjamin Franklin (1832- ) m'd 1859 JOHNSON, Elizabeth
"LEWIS, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN--Born in Kentucky in 1832; came to Oregon in 1852, settling in Yamhill County, where he still resides. Is a farmer. Married Miss Elizabeth Johnson in 1859. Children John and Leroy. Mr. Lewis was chosen county commissioner in 1878." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 772-73]
LEWIS, C. H. Mrs. ( -1914): m'd LEWIS, C. H.; maiden name unknown at this time
LEWIS, Charles Wesley (1840-1852): s/o Fielding and Lucinda (Moore) Lewis; died
on the trail at Burnt River
LEWIS, David ( -1852): The Caroline Richardson diary, 1852, under date of May 31, has "one David Lewis Died 29[27?] 1852" (The writing is not clear if it is 29 or 27). At the time of writing Richardson was on the south side of the Platte within 20 miles of the Platte Forks [Deaths On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
LEWIS, David J. (1832-1905): m'd LAYTON, Mary Ann; s/o Fielding and Lucinda (Moore) Lewis
LEWIS, Fielding Jr. (1811-1866): m'd MOORE, Lucinda
LEWIS, George Washington (1842-1922): m'd bef 1865 SEARS, Mary G.
*29) LEWIS, Ivan Louis(1852-1852); s/o Stephen Marther and Sarah Jane (Harer) Lewis
LEWIS, James Preston (1830-1906): m'd 1853 TYCER, Tennessee T.
LEWIS, James W. (1843- ): m'd 1866 RIGGS, Sarah A.
"LEWIS, JAMES W.--Born in Missouri in 1843; settled in Polk County, Oregon, and has resided there since his arrival Resides in Oak Grove settlement, and is a farmer. Went to the Idaho mines in 1862, and remained there three years. Married in Polk County in 1866, Miss Sarah A. Kiggs. Children Glenn H., AVebb C., and A. R." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 773]
LEWIS, John Marion (1849-1852): s/o Fielding and Lucinda (Moore) Lewis; died on the trail 18 Sep 1852 and is buried on the Upper Cascades
LEWIS, John N.
LEWIS, Mary Ellen (1838-1852): d/o Fielding and Lucinda (Moore) Lewis; died 12 Oct 1852 on the Oregon side of the river opposite Vancouver Barracks
LEWIS, Mary F. ( -1914): m'd LEWIS, [ ]
LEWIS, Sarah Ann (1845- ): m'd 1861 LAYTON, John
LEWIS, Sarah Jane Obedience(1850-1887): m'd 1869 MILLER, Robert R. (1834-1914); d/o Stephen Marther and Sarah Jane (Harer) Lewis
*29) LEWIS, Stephen Marther (1828-1855): m'd HARER, Sarah Jane (1830-1898); settled in Yoncalla, Douglas County
LEWIS, W. P. (1812- ): m'd SADDLER, Elizabeth
"LEWIS, W. P.--Born in 1812 in East Tennessee and reared there. Settled in Polk County on his arrival in Oregon, and remained there until his death. His occupation was conducting grist and saw mills. Served a term as treasurer of Polk County. Married in Tennessee to Miss Elizabeth Saddler, by whom he had four children Nancy F. (Mrs. M. Thompson). Sarah (deceased), Elizabeth (Mrs. S. T. Gilliam, of California), and William. Mrs. Lewis died in Tennessee, and he married the second time." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 773]
LEWIS, William (1835-1919): m'd 1859 MCCALLISTER, Ruth
LEWIS, William ( -1855):
LEWMAN, John A. (1834-1919): m'd 1863 SMITH, Cecilia L.
LIGGETT, Enoch; see: LEGET, E.
LILLY, Jeremiah Ladd (1829-1884): m'd 1857 HARDY, Mary; s/o Carlo and Elizabeth (Ladd) Lilly
LINDER, Levi (1832- ):
LINDLEY, Emaline: m'd 18 Feb 1847 WALLIS, Mathew
LINDSAY, James: traveled with Isaac McFarland family as a driver; may be the same as the James Lindsay listed below
LINDSAY, James (1831- ):
LINDSAY, Mary Polly (01 Sep 1807-20 Nov 1852): m'd 20 Feb 1823 COOPER, Lewis Lindsay; d/o James and Hester (Culbertson) Lindsay; buried Eoff Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon; died shortly after arrival
LINDSEY, John ( -1852): died on trail
LINDSEY, Lute B. (1822-1920):
LINKSWILER, Tobias L. (c1824- ):
*4) LINN, Eathan Addis (1832-1900): m'd 1870 JAMES, Caroline; s/o John and Elizabeth (Swinehart) Linn
LINN, Homer:
LINNERMAN, Gerhard (1827- ): m'd 1851 VAN FALDI, Elizabeth
LINVILLE, John (1810- ): m'd 1833 [ ], Mary
LINVILLE, Leah: m'd 1834 LINVILLE, William; maiden name unknown at this time
LINVILLE, Mary: m'd 1833 LINVILLE, John; maiden name unknown at this time
LINVILLE, William (1816- ): m'd 1834 [ ], Leah
LINVILLE, William J. (1826- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Amanda Francis
LISENBY, Permelia Ann (1832-1882): m'd c1850 GARRETT, Thomas G.
LISLE, John G. (1815- ):
LISTENTHALER, Francis Marion ( -1906):
LITTELL, Elizabeth Walker (27 Aug 1827-08 Dec 1897): m'd 1852 ANGLIN, Joshua T.; d/o Thomas and Mary (Custard) Littell; buried Fairfiew Cemetery, Daisy, Stevens County, Washington
LITTELL, Ezeiel (1841-03 Jan 1915): s/o Thomas and Mary (Custard) Littell; murdered father; died Lane County, Oregon; burial location unknown
LITTELL, John Reed (02 Oct 1838-12 Feb 1911): m'd WILSON, Susan Elizabeth; s/o Thomas and Mary (Custard) Littell; buried Brookside Cemetery, Dayton, Yamhill County, Oregon
LITTELL, Nancy Jane (17 Apr 1835-29 Nov 1902): m'd 1853 BEATIE, Charles Fountain; d/o Thomas and Mary (Custard) Littell; buried Carus Cemetery, Clackamas County, Oregon
LITTELL, Robert B. (1844-c1855): s/o Thomas and Mary (Custard) Littell; burial location unknown
LITTELL, Thomas (09 Jan 1800-10 Feb 1867): m'd 18 Sep 1822 CUSTARD, Mary; s/o William and Elizabeth (Walker) Littell; buried Morris Hill Cemetery, Boise, Ada County, Idaho
LITTELL, William (08 Jun 1823-24 Aug 1892): s/o Thomas and Mary (Custard) Littell; buried Carus Cemetery, Clackamas County, Oregon
LITTLE, Catherine; see HITTLE, Catherine
LITTLEJOHN, Charles W. (1851-1919):
LITTRELL, Ann: m'd 1851 LITTRELL, John; maiden name unknown at this time
LITTRELL, John (1825- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Ann
LITTRELL, Nancy: m'd 1821 LITTRELL, Samuel; maiden name unknown at this time
LITTRELL, Samuel (1804- ): m'd 1821 [ ], Nancy
LITTRELL, William A. (1830- ):
LIVERMORE, William Henry ( -1916):
LOCK, Sarah (1830- ): m'd 11 Jul 1847 SMITH, Isaac B.; Sarah was born Apr 1830 in TN and died between the1920 and 1930 census in Alameda Co, CA; she was the mother of 7 children (Eliza, Mary, Martha, Emma J., Benjamin, one unknown and Bowman S.); in September 1852 the Isaac Smith family was stranded on the trail at John Day, out of provisions and money. They were taken in by Edward Jay Allen, a passing emigrant on the trail.[Wagons From Wapello by Dennis M. Larsen & Ken Keigley]
LOCKER, Mary Margaret (1827-1909); m'd 1843 GOODMAN, James Henry
LOCKWOOD, Reuben Thurston (25 Dec 1822-22 Mar 1895).: m'd 27 Jul 1855 CONWAY, Mrs. Mary Crane (BRYANT)
LOGAN, B. ( -1852): died on trail
LOGAN, William (1788- ):
LONDON, Abraham (c1832- ):
*30) LONG, Albert C. (1832- ):
*1) LONG, Cynthia Anar (27 Jan 1840-11 Oct 1922): m'd 23 Jun 1853 FOSTER, William Granville; d/o Ransom and Bertha (Clark) Long:
*1) LONG, Cyrus Jefferson (23 Jan 1838-28 May 1907): m'd c1862 ALLEN, Nancy Ann; s/o Ransom and Bertha (Clark) Long; died Garfield County, Washington
*10) LONG, David (21 Jun 1809-23 Dec 1889): m'd 17 Aug 1831 DAVIS, Judith; s/o Henry and Mary (Sharp) Long; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
*10) LONG, David Charles (25 Dec 1842-11 Feb 1897): m'd MASSEY, Elizabeth Permela; s/o David and Judith (Davis) Long; buried Ball Family Cemetery, Bonners Ferry, Boundary County, Idaho
*10) LONG, Elizabeth (1846- ): d/o David and Judith (Davis) Long
*1) LONG, Emma Catherine (1850-c1860): d/o Gabriel and Phoebe (Rice) Long
*1) LONG, Gabriel (1827-1908): m1. 03 Jun 1845 RICE, Phoebe Ann; m2. FULLER, Ellen J. (GARLAND); s/o Gabriel and Sarah (Whitten) Long
"LONG, GABRIEL--Born in Virginia in 1825; came to Oregon and settled at King's Valley, where he still lives, engaged in farming. He married Ellen J. Fuller in 1867, and they have two children Arnold D., and Sarah A." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 773]
LONG, Job:
*1) LONG, Joel Milton (06 Oct 1847-14 May 1917): m1.27 Dec 1870 FOSTER, Nancy; m2. 22 Jun 1895 TATLOW, Mary; m3. 01 Feb 1907 DEMING, Eva L; s/o Ransom and Bertha (Clark) Long: died Yakima County, Washington
*1) LONG, John Clark (10 Apr 1842-1852): s/o Ransom and Bertha (Clark) Long; died May/June in Nebraska on the way to Oregon; some researchers give the death date as April 10, 1852 in Wyoming which would not be correct as most of the trains did not start early enough to reach that point by that date.
LONG, John (1819- ): m'd 1843 [ ], Miriam
*10) LONG, John D. (1833- ): s/o David and Judith (Davis) Long
LONG, Joseph (1852- ): s/o Shelton and Catherine (Fields) Long
*1) LONG, Mary Amanda (01 Feb 1845-23 Jan 1859); m'd 23 Jan 1859 TUTTLE, James Harvey; d/o Ransom and Bertha (Clark) Long; died Orange County, California
*1) LONG, Mary Asanath (1849-c1870): d/o Gabriel and Phoebe (Rice) Long
*10) LONG, Mary Jane (09 Apr 1839-24 Aug 1918): m1. 1855 LONG, Humphrey; m2. 1876 BALL, William; d/o David and Judith (Davis) Long; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
LONG, Miriam: m'd 1843 LONG, John; maiden name unknown at this time
*10) LONG, Moses R. (1848- ): s/o David and Judith (Davis) Long
*10) LONG, Rachel Ann (05 May 1850-16 Jul 1915): m'd QUICK, Alexander Dingman; d/o David and Judith (Davis) Long; buried Rose Valley Cemetery, Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington
*1) LONG, Ransom O. (24 Dec 1812-05 Apr 1898): m'd 21 Aug 1833 CLARK, Bertha Rosetta; s/o Gabriel and Sarah (Whitten) Long; died Garfield County, Washington
*10) LONG, Sarah (1837- ): d/o David and Judith (Davis) Long
LONG, Shelton M. (1831- ): m'd 1844/49 FIELDS, Catherine; per Fields researcher Phil Hirl at PHirl@aol.com
LONG, William (1850- ): s/o Shelton and Catherine (Fields) Long
LOOKER, Catherine Hough (16 Jul 1818- 16 Oct 1878): m'd 01 Nov 1833 BONNELL, Allison Clark; d/o Allison and Rachel (Hough) Looker; came via Isthmus; buried Woodlawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo, California
LOOMIS, Lewis A. (1830-1913):
LOONEY, James C. (1831- ): m'd DAVIS, Olive
LOONEY, John C. (1823- ):
LOONEY, Martha Emaline: m'd 1851 LOONEY, Samuel; maiden name unknown at this time
LOONEY, Samuel ( -1915): m'd 1851 [ ], Martha Emaline
LOONEY, William (1833- ):
LOOSE, Frederick: m'd STOUT, Emily
*5 :LORD, Mary ( - ): m'd INGALLS, Israel; husband died prior to emigration; was accompanied by her sons
LOUGHARY, Lafayette W. (1832-1915): m'd SIMPSON, Eliza; father of U. Scott, Rosa, Rachel and Frank
LOVE, Elizabeth (30 Mar 1827- aft 1880): m'd 20 Jul 1845 DELASHMUTT, Russell T.; d/o David and Catherine (Waugh) Delashmutt; died Clackamas County, Oregon
LOVE, John:
LOVE, Timolean (1827- ):
OW, Eliza: m'd 1832 LOW, Samuel; maiden name unknown at this time
LOW, Samuel (1811- ): m'd 1832 [ ], Eliza
LOW, Thomas (1833-1855): s/o Samuel and Eliza Low
LOWE, Emma: m'd 1844 LOWE, Thompson; maiden name unknown at this time
LOWE, Thompson (1806- ): m'd 1844 [ ], Emma
LOWERY, John (1825- ):
*25) LUCAS, Albert Whitfield (1827-1893): m'd 1851 MURPHY, Elizabeth Frances; father of 10 children (Ella Ann, Ada L., Jay Prentice, Mary Alice, Katie L., Susie, Albert Lincoln, Nellie, Frank and Fred)
*25) LUCAS, Ella Ann (1851- ): d/o Albert and Elizabeth (Murphey) Lucas
*5: LUCAS, Narcissa Braure (28 Mar 1811-17 Sep 1865): m1. 08 Sep 1830 BRENTS, James Deal; m2. 1859 MULKEY, Luce; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
LUCAS, Sarah Elizabeth (28 Jan 1830-1871): m'd 20 Aug 1846 BUTLER, Elijah Davidson; m2. 05 Jul 1860 ALLEN, James Miller; d/o Marsham and Cynthia (Whitman) Lucas; buried Holton Creek Cemetery, Kerby, Josephine County, Oregon
LUCAS, Mrs. W. B. (1843-1916): maiden name unknown at this time
LUCE, Mr.: traveled with Coats, Clayton and Norton
LUCKSINGER, Henry (1826- ):
LUELLEN, Isaac (1822- ):
LUNDRY, Simon (1823- ):
LUPEERS, Mahaley ( -1852): died on trail; see DUPEERS, Mahala
LUSTER, Mrs. William ( -1852): died on trail
LUSTER, William ( -1852): died on trail
*18): LYFORD, Joseph (1830- ): from Groveland, Tazewell Co, IL; traveled with Scott family; had gone ahead to accompany shipment of provisions to St. Joseph, MO; listed as a brick layer in the 1850 Tazewell Co, IL census
LYLE, John T.:
LYLE, William M. (1829- ):
LYNDAL, William ( -1852): died on trail
LYON, Ora (c1822- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Sarah E.
LYON, Sarah E.: m'd 1849 LYON, Ora; maiden name unknown at this time
LYONS, Daniel Jackson (1813- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Virginia F.
LYONS, Virginia F.: m'd 1849 LYONS, Daniel Jackson; maiden name unknown at this time
LYONS, William F. (1831- ): Wagons From Wapello
MABY, Margaret Ann: m'd 1841 JUNKINS, Anthony C.; maiden name unknown at this time
MACE, George W. (1827- ):
MACE, Joseph A.: On July 7 Joseph Mace overtook the Akin party. It is unknown at this time if he had traveled with them previously.
MACE, Kate: m'd 1850 HENDERSON, S. J.
MACK, Estelle (c1847 -1929): m'd MEARS, [ ]
MACK, Frederick C. (1826- ):
MACK, William Orlando (1820- ): m'd 1845
GRAHAM, Louisa M.
"MACK, WILLIAM O.--Lives at Canby, Clackanias County, and is a farmer by occupation; he was born in Harpersfield, New York, December 7, 1820; married Louisa Graham, and their children are Estella K., Oscar E., Victor L., Arthur L., llanion W., Byron L., Lawrence V., Cecil C., Ola L., Morley T., and C. 11." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 773]
MADDUX, Agnes Harriet (22 Feb 1832-02 Dec 1921): m'd 04 Jun 1854 DUNLAP, Robert Rankin; d/o William and Esther (Gaston) Maddux; buried Multnomah Park Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
MADDUX, James Harvey (18 Mar 1834-c1880): m'd 1855 PECK, Maria Loraine; s/o William and Esther (Gaston) Maddux; buried Savannah Memorial Park Cemetery, Rosemead, Los Angeles County, California
MADDUX, Lucinda Ann (13 Nov 1840-aft 1870): m'd 15 May 1856 WILLIS, James William; d/o William and Esther (Gaston) Maddux; 1870 residing at Stockton, San Joaquin County, California with family
MADDUX, Mary Elizabeth (01 Mar 1836-24 Oct 1904): m'd 13 Mar 1859 RUGGLES, Amandar Carlton; d/o William and Esther (Gaston) Maddux; buried Woodland Cemetery, Woodland, Yolo County, California
MADDUX, William Wesley (28 Dec 1803-08 Feb 1885): m'd GASTON, Esther; buried Woodland Cemetery, Woodloand, Yolo County, California
MAGEE, B.F. ( -1852): died on trail; from Jackson Co, MO
MAGEE, Fry P. ( -1852): died on trail; from LaGrange Co, IN
MAGERS, Elias (17 Nov 1788-28 Jul 1867): m1. 31 Oct 1811 BOZMAN, Sarah L.; m2. 07 Sep 1856 COOPER, Susan; s/o John and Rachel (Baxter) Magers; buried Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion County, Oregon
MAGERS, James (1827- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Mary
MAGERS, John Elias (26 Sep 1847- ): m'd 1879 SHRADER, D. E.; s/o William and Mary (Barkhurst) Magers
"MAGERS, J. E.--Born in Morgan County, Ohio, September 25, 1847; came to Oregon with his father, W. B. Magers. He was educated at the Willamette University, after which he taught school eight years: was professor of mathematics in MeMinnville College three years. Studied law in the East, and was admitted to the bar in 1870; returned to Oregon and practiced law in Salem the following year; then moved to McMinnville, where he now resides, in the practice of his profession, and in partnership with Henry Warren in the insurance and real estate business. Was a candidate for representative in 1882, which resulted in a tie vote. Married Miss D. E. Shrader in 1879, who has one child Fleta Leone." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 773-74]
MAGERS, Sarah Elizabeth (1849 -29 May 1932): m'd 01 May 1864 WOODINGTON, Albert (1833-1907); do William and Mary (Barkhurst) Magers; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
MAGERS, William Bosman Dr. (02 May 1819-10 Feb 1889): m'd 17 Nov 1846 BARKHURST, Mary Jane; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon; father of 13 children
"MAGERS, WILLIAM B., M.D.--Born in Brook County, West Virginia, May 2, 1819; moved to Jefferson County, Ohio, in 1836, and to Morgan County in 1839. On coming to Oregon he settled at Oregon City; his present residence is on Salt Creek, Polk County; his occupation is physician and surgeon. He married Mary J. Barkhurst in Morgan County, Ohio, November 17, 1846, and their children s names are John E., Sarah E., William I. (deceased), Charles E., James P., Francis M., Mary V., George W., lone J., Albert Gr., Wesley B., Minetta M., and Lemuel E. (deceased)."
MAHAN, Miranda G.: m'd 1852 MAHAN, William H.; maiden name unknown at this time
MAHAN, Permelia (22 Oct 1804-28 Jan 1882): m'd 02 Nov 1823 BERRY, Francis; d/o James and Nancy (Goodwin) Mahan; buried Pietrock Cemetery, Lyons, Linn County, Oregon
MAHAN, William H. (1830- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Miranda G.
MAHONEY, James Harvey ( -1916):
MAINE, John ( -1852): died on trail
MALLORY, Nancy Jane: (24 Mar 1830-1914); m'd BRADLEY, Henry; Henry and Jane Bradley left a handwritten journal titled "Journal of an overland trip to California 1852" that is held at the Beinecke Library, Yale. In that account Henry and Jane completed their 1852 overland crossing to California and returned to Elkhorn Wisconsin in 1855 via Greytown Nicaragua. In 1859 Henry travelled alone to Oregon, returning home in 1860. They went on to live long and successful lives back in Elkhorn, Wisconsin [Per Bradley researcher Dr. John Bradley, England]
MALONE, Francis (1834-1890): m'd 1858 SPLAWN, Ellen
MANIS, William R. (1829- ): m'd TERRY, Mary Ann
"MANIS, WILLIAM R.--Born in McMinn County, Tennessee, November 30, 1830. His present residence is Scio, Linn County, where he is engaged in farm ing. Married Ann Terry, by whom he has four children Mary F., William M., James M., and Denver E. Mr. Manis enlisted as a volunteer during the Indian war in 1855, and served six months in Eastern Oregon and Washington Territory." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 774]
MANN, Elizabeth Jane (09 Jan 1840-29 Aug 1907): m'd 30 Sep 1855 CORNELIUS, Aaron Miller "Moses"; d/o John and Cynthia (Burke) Mann; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
MANN, George (14 Feb 1844-18 Aug 1916): m'd 11 Mar 1887 PAUL, Agnes Milne; s/o John and Cynthia (Burke) Mann; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
MANN, Henry (18 Jan 1850-15 Nov 1929): m'd 28 May1877 SISCO, Lydia Janette; s/o John and Cynthia (Burke) Mann; Henry was born 18 Jan 1850 Logan County, Illinois; buried Granite Hill Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
MANN, James L. (03 Dec 1842-02 Sep 1930): m'd 1868 POTTER, Emma; s/o John and Cynthia (Burke) Mann; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
MANN, John
Lucas. (1818-14 Nov 1852): m'd 02 Jun 1836
BURKE, Cynthia; s/o Michael and Elizabeth Mann; born 1818 OH and believed to
have died on trail or soon after arrival on 14 Nov 1852;
location unknown
MANN, Michael (03 Sep 1847-22 Nov 1879): s/o John and Cynthia (Burke) Mann; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
MANN, Joseph C. (21 Jul 1833 -08 Feb 1916): m'd 01 Apr 1861 PIERSON, Phoebe Jane; s/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Weideman) Mann; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
MANN, Sarah Ann (17 Sep 1845-02 Jul 1924): m'd GAMMILL, Robert; d/o John and Cynthia (Burke) Mann; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
MANN William (09 Aug 1837-15 Jun 1856): s/o John and Cynthia (Burke) Mann; William was born 09 Aug 1837 Illinois and died 15 Jun 1856 Clackamas County, Oregon; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
*16) MANNING, Elizabeth: m'd 1840 KAUFFMAN, John S.
*23) MANNING, Henry (1827-1915): m'd 22 Aug 1852 HINKLE, Adeline; married on trail
MANNING, John Wesley (03 May 1838-10 Mar 1924): m'd GALLOWAY, Euphrasia Belvedere "Belle"; s/o Horace and Watie (Crandall) Manning; emigrated with mother and step father Aaron Chambers
MANNING, Julia Gertrude, (1851-26 Aug 1889): d/o Francis A. and Veronica (Uzafovage) Manning; note parents were divorced and mother accompanied family to Oregon
MANNING, Sarah Elizabeth (15 Mar 1850-04 Apr 1902) d/o Francis A. and Veronica (Uzafovage) Manning; note parents were divorced and mother accompanied family to Oregon
MANNING, W. Ann: m'd 1841 CHAMBERS, Aaron
MANSFIELD, Samuel ( -1896):
MARBLE, A.S. ( -1914):
MARBLE, John M. (1830- ):
MARCH, Esther: m'd LEISY, Isaac
MARCH, Stephen (1803- ): m'd [ ], Lavina
MARCH, William: Traveled with the Chapman Train. Mentioned in Samuel Woodruff diary.
MARET, Francis (1822- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Margaret
MARET, Margaret: m'd 1850 MARET, Francis
MARION, Sarah: m'd 1845 HEATER, George
MARKHAM, David (1820- ): m'd 1847 [ ], Mary
MARKHAM, Mary: m'd 1847 MARKHAM, David; maiden name unknown at this time
MARKHAM, Nathaniel Jr. (1831- ):
MARKS, James ( -1914)
MARKS, Matthew W.. ( -1914):
MARKWOOD, Sabina F. (1840-1916): m'd HOWLETT, [ ]; may actually be emigrant of 1853
MARLATT, George Marion (19 Nov 1851-01 Oct 1925): m'd 1878 CLAYTON, Catherine; s/o Peter and
Mary (Cox) Marlatt; buried
Cemetery, Jefferson, Marion County, Oregon
MARLATT, John Wesley (1844-14 Mar 1919): s/o Peter and Mary (Cox) Marlatt; buried Masonic Cemetery, Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon
MARLATT, Lisa "Lisy" Jane
(02 Jul 1834-07 Jul 1852): died on trail along the Platte River; d/o Peter and
Mary (Cox) Marlatt
MARLATT, Martha (20 Nov 1842-11 Apr 1870): m1. 25 Jul 1858 STANLEY, Isaac A.; m2. 1868 MUNKERS, Benjamin Franklin; d/o Peter and Mary (Cox) Marlatt; buried Miller Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
MARLATT, Mary Elizabeth (1847-22 May 1852): d/o
Peter and Mary (Cox) Marlatt; died on the Platte River
MARLATT, Peter (1803-1852) m'd 1831 COX, Mary
Elizabeth; s/o Pieter and Jane (Colvert) Marlatt; died on the Platte River May
12, 1852 of cholera
"DLC #2646 MARLATT, Mary, Marion County; b.
1815/16 Ross County, Ohio; arrived Oregon 01 Oct 1852; settled claim 07/15
Oct 1852; m'd Peter Martell (sic-Marlatt); abt May 1839 Fountain
County, Indiana.
Emigrated from state of
Missouri in Spring of 1852 to come to Oregon for purpose of settling upon
and becoming a claiment. Peter Marlatt died on River Platte about 40
days travel on the way to said Territory.
has 4 sons, Wm., Thomas, John Wesley & Geo. M. & 1 dau, Martha. She
entered Oregon west of Cascade Mountains in Oct 1852.
Document signed in 1853 states he died near Nimenaw River. Affidavit:
William Cox, Joseph E. Polley, Peter Polley."
MARLATT, Thomas (08 Nov 1837-03 Jul 1914 ): m1. 01 Feb 1863 PENLAND, Artemee "Mecie"; m2. 1887 HART, Melissa Adaline; s/o Peter and Mary (Cox) Marlatt; buried Masonic Cemetery, Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon
MARLATT, William DeLa (18 Feb 1836-27 May 1913): m'd 1860 KENOYER, Mary Catherine; s/o Peter and Mary (Cox) Marlatt; lived near Dayton, Washington; buried Gifford Cemetery, Gifford, Nez Perce County, Idaho
MARPLE, Ezekiel (1830- ):
MARPLE, Perry B. (1819- ):
MARSH, Daniel (1820- ):
MARSH, Henry S. (1828- ): CANADAY, Mary Emily
MARSH, Joshua W. (1840-1936):
MARSH, Susan Amelia (04 Jan 1830-02 Jun 1857): m'd 18 Apr 1850 CRANSTON, Warren; d/o Isaac and Susan (Smith) Marsh; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
MARSHALL, Alfred ( 26 Sep 1830-Mar 1888): m'd 04 Aug 1850 CRAVEN, Mary Ellen; settled in Linn Co; died and is buried at Eagle Rock, ID; s/o James and Ruth (Morgan) Marshall; buried Grove City Cemetery, Blackfoot, Bingham County, Idaho
MARSHALL, Anna (1841-Jan 1920): m'd 1860 WILLIAMS, Griffith Evan; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
MARSHALL, Anson: Henry (070 Jun 1838- 21 Dec 1901): m'd 1869 WRIGHT, Margaret; s/o James and Ruth (Morgan) Marshall; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
MARSHALL, Arthur G. (08 Aug 1832-25 Nov 1901): m'd 01 Nov 1857 MORRIS, Josephine Perlina; s/o James and Ruth (Morgan) Marshall; buried Santiam Central Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
MARSHALL, George (1830- ): m'd KIRK, Margaretta
MARSHALL, James (c1807-Oct 1852): m'd 05 Dec 1829 MORGAN, Ruth; James died 04 Oct 1852 at the Umatilla Agency when he developed blood posoning from a cut on his hand; s/o Rober and Margaret Marshall
MARSHALL, John (1826-1924):
*25) MARSHALL, Joseph Latimer (1820-bef 1905): m1. 27 May 1847 MEADOWS, Elizabeth Ann; m2. 30 Apr 1850 MURPHY, Susan Jane; born Jun 1820 KY and died bef 1905 probably Los Angles Co, CA
MARSHALL, Lewellyn Clay (12 Oct 1843-14 Jun 1914): m'd 31 Dec 1868 LINES, Vurginia "Jennie"; s/o James and Ruth (Morgan) Marshall; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
MARSHALL, Marinda Margaret (11 Jul 1851-05 Mar 1919): m'd 1869 ALLEN, Samuel; d/o Alfred and Mary Ellen (Craven) Marshall; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
MARSHALL, Ruhamah (01 Jun 1834-22 Mar 1880): m'd 14 Apr 1853 POWELL, Augustus Steuben; d/o James and Ruth (Morgan) Marshall; buried Santiam Central Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
MARSHALL, Samantha Jane (25 Jan 1841-06 Aug 1889): m'd 11 Apr 1858 ARCHIBALD, Jesse Mason; d/o James and Ruth (Morgan) Marshall; buried Santiam Central Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
MARSHALL, Susan Jane: m'd 1850 MARSHALL, Joseph L.
MARSTERS, Charles B. (1829- ):
MARTIN, Alvina/Almira (1852- ).: d/o Dillard and Rachel Martin
MARTIN, Dillard (25 Dec 1812- 17 Jul 1892): m1. 02 Mar 1836 WHOBERRY, Rachel; m2. 28 May 1857 PAYNE, Miriam; s/o Lewis and Tabitha (Cash) Martin
MARTIN, Edna: m'd 1849 MARTIN, John G.; maiden name unknown at this time
MARTIN Jr., Hutson (17 Aug 1822-1852): m'd 1841 JOHN, Mary Jane; s/o Hutson
and Martha (Laycock) Martin; died on the trail in Nebraska;
location unknown
MARTIN, George (1850- ): d/o Dillard and Rachel Martin
MARTIN, J.S. (1843- ):
MARTIN, James (1800-1867):
MARTIN, James W. (1828- ): s/o James Martin
MARTIN, John G. (1819- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Edna
MARTIN, Joseph Gist (1845-14 Sep 1916): m'd 15 Feb 1877 THOMPSON, Mary; m2. s/o Dillard and Rachel Martin
MARTIN, Josephine (01 Feb 1843-23 Nov 1918): m'd 19 Apr 1868 SMITH, George William; d/o Dillard and Rachel Martin
MARTIN, Lucretia: m'd COWLS, John W.
MARTIN, Martha Ann (24 Nov 1845-22 Mar 1860): d/o Hutson and Mary (John) Martin Jr.; buried Old Vancouver City Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
MARTIN, Mary (1851- ): d/o Dillard and Rachel Martin
MARTIN, Polly: m'd 1845 LEACH, William
MARTIN, Polly (1848- ): d/o Dillard and Rachel Martin
MARTIN, Thomas J. (c1823- ): m'd PLOUGH, Seline
MARTZ, Adelaide (18 Feb 1823-27 Jul 1887): m'd 1856 BRAMWELL, James Harvey; d/o John and Anna (Robinson) Martz; in train with Barnetts, Frums, Houstons and Capt. William Sperry
MARTZ, Barbara Ellen (26 Nov 1831 - 08 Feb 1917): m'd 18 Sep 1850 BARNETT, George Hayes; d/o John and Anna (Robinson) Martz; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
*25) MASON, Benjamin F.(May 1849-21 Aug 1867): s/o William and Margaret (Davidson) Mason; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
*25) MASON, Elijah Davidson (Jun 1842-27 Feb 1919): s/o William and Margaret (Davidson) Mason; died Montana
*25) MASON, Ira F M. (27 May 1838-18 Jun 1867): s/o William and Margaret (Davidson) Mason
*25) MASON, Joseph M. (1846-c1889): :s/o William and Margaret (Davidson) Mason; died Washington
*25) MASON, William (15 Dec 1812-27 Jan 1900): m'd 11 Dec 1834 DAVIDSON,Margaret E.; s/o Daniel and Catharine (Shartzer) Mason
MASSIE, Josephine (c1831 -02
Jun 1852): m'd 11 Nov 1850 BRISTOW, John Kennedy; d/o Nathan and Elizabeth
(Steele) Massie; died on the
trail [Note:
Oregon Trail Deaths by Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ
MASTERS, David (1808- ): m'd 1834 FROTHINGHAM, Susan; father of Martha, C.A., James A., Thomas, Eliza, William and David
MASTERS, J. Wilbur (1850-1891): s/o William and Mary (Garrison) Masters
MASTERS, Lewis L. ( -1852): s/o William and Mary (Garrison) Masters; died on trail
MASTERS, Mary ( -1852): d/o William and Mary (Garrison) Masters; died on trail
MASTERS, S. Lafayette (1848- ): s/o William and Mary (Garrison) Masters
MASTERS, Stephen M. (1816- ):
MASTERS, William (1819- ): m1. GARRISON, Mary; m2. YORK, Martha Cordelia; first wife died on trail; father of seven children (Lewis L., Mary, S. Lafayette and J. Wilbur by first wife0 and (infant, William York and Francis K. by second wife.)
MATHENY, Elizabeth Jane (1839-1869), m'd 31 Oct 1855, Marion Co, OT, McBEE, John Wesley; d/o Permit and Mary (unkn) Matheny. Permit Matheny died in 1849 without enough value in his estate to pay his debts, so it is likely that the widow Mary Matheny sent several of her children to Oregon with her eldest daughter and son-in-law. The Matheny and McBee familes were neighbors in Ray Co, MO.
MATHENY, Mahala: m'd c1829 MATHENY, Micah;
maiden name unknown at this time
MATHENY, Margaret (1837-1876), m'd 29 Aug 1855, Marion Co, OT, JUDSON, Leonard
Bowdish; d/o Permit and Mary (unkn) Matheny. Leonard Judson was s/o Lewis
Hubbell Judson and Elmira Roberts.
MATHENY, Micah (1809- ); m'd c1829 [
], Mahala
MATHENY, Samuel Perman (1833-1911), m'd 25 Sep 1865, Salem, Marion Co, OR,
JUDSON, Elmira; s/o Permit and Mary (unkn) Matheny. Elmira Judson was d/o Lewis
Hubbell Judson and Nancy Hawkins.
MATHENY, Sarah (23 May1826-1864), m'd 13 Jul 1845, Ray Co, MO, McBEE, John; d/o
Permit and Mary (unkn) Matheny.
MATHES, William (1831-1914):
MATHEWS, Ellen (1842- ): d/o James and Elizabeth (Buff) Matthews
MATHEWS, Francis Marion (24 Aug 1849-07 Nov 1917): s/o James and Elizabeth (Buff) Matthews; 1860 living in Jacob Adams household; died Clackamas County, Oregon
MATHEWS, James J. (1810-1852): m'd BUFF, Elizabeth; died on trail at Ash
Hollow, Platte River of cholera
MATHEWS, Jane ( -1852): died on trail
MATHEWS, John ( 1838-1852): s/o James and Elizabeth (Buff) Matthews; died on trail
at Ash Hollow, Platte River of cholera
MATHEWS, Julia Ann (20 Aug 1847-28 Aug 1925): d/o James and Elizabeth (Buff) Matthews; 1860 living in Jno Buff household; died Sonoma County, California
MATTHEWS, Lazarus (1840- ): s/o James and Elizabeth (Buff) Matthews
MATTHEWS, Margaret (1839-24 Apr 1934): d/o James and Elizabeth (Buff) Matthews; died Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
MATHEWS, Martha E. (1843-1921): m'd HERREN, Levi
MATHEWS, Mary Ellen (1836-1852): d/o James and Elizabeth (Buff) Matthews
MATHEWS, Thomas ( -1890)
MATTESON, Susan (1796/1801-30 Nov 1880): m'd 1816 TUPPER, Benjamin Sweet; husband died on trail in Nebraska;
MATTHEWS, Abraham (1852-1852): s/o Joshua and Nancy Ann (Simmons) Matthews;
died on the Barlow Trail at the foot of Mt. Hood
MATTHEWS, Alfred A. (1849-1934): m'd 1881 CHAPMAN, Ella May; s/o Joshua and
Nancy Ann (Simmons) Matthews; settled in Douglas Co
MATTHEWS, Benjamin Franklin (1842-1907): m'd 1882 SINGLETON, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Joshua and Nancy Ann (Simmons) Matthews; settled in Douglas Co
MATTHEWS, Eliza Jane (1834-1865): d/o John and Elizabeth (Hatton) Matthews; settled in Clark Co, WA
MATTHEWS, James Leander (1837-1910): s/o John and Elizabeth (Hatton) Matthews; settled in Clark Co, WA
MATTHEWS, John Harvey (1804-1858): m'd HATTON, Elizabeth; settled in Clark Co, WA. He died there in 1858
MATTHEWS, John Harvey Jr. (1852- ): s/o John and Elizabeth (Hatton) Matthews; settled in Clark Co, WA
MATTHEWS, Joshua "aka MATHIS"(1816-1894): m'd 1842 SIMMONS, Nancy Ann; s/o Thomas Henry and Elizabeth (Spear) Mathis; settled in Douglas Co, OR
MATTHEWS, Lethy Jane (1845-1934): m'd 1866 LIVINGSTON, John; d/o Joshua and Nancy Ann (Simmons) Matthews; settled in Douglas Co; may be emigrant of 1851
MATTHEWS, Littleton (1847-1921): m'd 1881 HARPHAM, Susan; s/o Joshua and Nancy Ann (Simmons) Matthews; settled in Douglas Co
MATTHEWS, Maria Ellen (1849- ): d/o John and Elizabeth (Hatton) Matthews; settled in Clark Co, WA
MATTHEWS, Mary Elizabeth (1843-1912): d/o John and Elizabeth (Hatton) Matthews; settled in Clark Co, WA
MATTHEWS, Milton Reynolds (1845- ): s/o John and Elizabeth (Hatton) Matthews; settled in Clark Co, WA
MATTHEWS, William Quarles (1840-1878): s/o John and Elizabeth (Hatton) Matthews; settled in Clark Co, WA
MATTIX, Frank:
MAUPIN, Howard: m'd c1840 [ ], Nancy; moved to central Oregon after brief stay in Willamette valley, established stopping place for travelers, first postmaster of Antelope, OR, indians stole cattle and he tracked them and killed Chief Paulina; veteran of Mexican War and was said to be a crack shot; later had a ferry on Deschutes River
MAUPIN, Nancy: m'd c1840 MAUPIN, Howard; maiden name unknown at this time
MAXON, Ann: m'd CONNER, Robert
*11) MAXON, Dr.: may be the Dr. G. Maxon that settled at Salem, OR
MAXWELL, John C. (1802- ): m'd c1838 [ ], Sarah Jane
MAXWELL, Sarah Jane: m'd c1838 MAXWELL, John C.; maiden name unknown at this time
MAXWELL, W. H. (1829- ):
MAY, Richard M. (1802- ): m'd 1829 [ ], Robinette
MAY, Robinette: m'd 1829 MAY, Richard M.; maiden name unknown at this time
MAYBEN, Virginia Ann (1851-1924): m'd MAYBEN, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
MAYCOMBER, Orella: d/o Mr. and Malinda (Fitzgerald) Maycomber
MAYES, Lucinda (1850-1852): d/o Stephen and Mariah (Farrington) Mayes; died on trail
MAYES, Margaret MAYES (1847-1852): d/o Stephen and Mariah (Farrington) Mayes; died on trail
MAYES, Martha Jane (10 Sep 1851-26 Jan 1934): m'd BACUS, William Harvey; d/o James and Cinthia (Howey) Maye
MAYES, Stephen George (25 Dec 1819-25 Jul 1895): m1. 02 Nov 1842 FARRINGTON, Mariah (1826-1852): m2. 11 Sep 1856 THOMAS, Margaret Jane; m3. 19 Dec 1872 LUCAS, Mary Louise; wife and two daughters died on the trail, he settled for a time in Oregon, later moving to Lewis County, Washington where he died
MAYES, Susan Jane (16 Sep 1845-02 Oct 1925): m'd STEPHENS, John Wright; d/o Stephen and Mariah (Farrington) Mayes; settled in Washington where she later died at the home of a daughter
MAYFIELD, W. I. (1830- ):
"MAYFIELD, W. I.--Born in Illinois in 1830, and came to Oregon twenty-two years later. Lives in Portland and is a printer by occupation. Married Elizabeth Engle in 1863, and Mrs. Nettie Gooch in 1874. Had two children by the former. Was a soldier in the Rogue River war, and was wounded at the battle of Hungry Hill." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 774]
MAYNARD, Thomas I. (c1829- ): m'd 1853 DAVIS, Mary
*7) MAYS, Benton (11 Oct 1850-24 Feb 1938: m'd 1874 PARKER, Lizzie; s/o Robert and Lodema (Fowler) Mays; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
*7) MAYS, Charles Bradshaw (14 Feb 1839-14 Jun 1891 ): m'd 03 Jun 1861 COUEY, Sarah E.; s/o Elijah and Mary (Bradshaw) Mays; died of consumpion in Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon; buried Mays Strouts Cemetery, Benton County, Oregon
*7) MAYS, Elijah Jefferson. (21 Sep 1809-16 Nov 1890): m'd 12 May 1829 BRADSHAW, Mary; s/o Robert and Sarah (Dyson) Mays; born Cool Springs Iredell county NC; buried Rest Lawn Memorial Park, Junction City, Lane County, Oregon
MAYS, James D/B.(12
Feb 1830-1852): m'd 19 Sep 1850 HOWEY, Cynthia Henrietta;
s/o Abney Mays and Jane Walker; James died
on trail and wife married Benjamin Philander Barney 26 May 1853 in Marion
County, Oregon
*7) MAYS, Joel Dyson (17 Nov 1847-03 Apr 1928); m1. 06 Apr 1871 RICHARDSON, Amanda; m2. 1885 O'KELLEY, Matilda Ellen; s/o Elijah and Mary (Bradshaw) Mays; buried Idlewilde Cemetery, Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon
MAYS, John C (25 Apr 1825-01 Feb 1892: m'd 23 Jun 1851 NYE, Martha Jane; father of 8 children, c1870 located in Eastern Oregon at Weston; later moved to Colfax, Washington; buried Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County, Washington
*7) MAYS, John Riley (29 Jun 1836-07 Feb 1919): m'd 16 May 1858 WISER, Mary Jane; s/o Elijah and Mary (Bradshaw) Mays; buried Old Scotch Church Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
MAYS, Martha Jane (10 Sep 1851-26 Jan 1934): m'd 1873 BACUS, William Harvey; d/o James and Cynthia (Howey) Mays; buried Green Pond Cemetery, Pearl, Pike County, Illinois
*7) MAYS, Milla Catherine (26 Aug 1832-09 Apr 1904): m'd 12 Aug 1851 HALE, Calvin Thomas; d/o Elijah and Mary (Bradshaw) Mays; Calvin Hale was the leader of the Wagon Train to Oregon; buried Sailor Cemetery, Noti, Lane County, Oregon
*7) MAYS, Oliver Pinkney (05 Apr 1844-27 Sep 1928): m'd 01 Jan 1865 NAIL, Nancy Casander; s/o Elijah and Mary (Bradshaw) Mays; buried Rest Lawn Memorial Park, Junction City, Lane County, Oregon
*7) MAYS, Robert R. (25 Oct 1830-07 Apr 1902): m'd 27 Sep 1849 FOWLER, Lodema; located originally in Lane Co, later moved to Wasco Co; s/o Elijah and Mary (Bradshaw) Mays; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
*7) MAYS, Sarah Evaline (01 Dec 1834-20 Oct 1881): m'd 22 May1853 KERNAY, Henry; d/o Elijah and Mary (Bradshaw) Mays; buried South Yamhill Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
7) MAYS, William Elijah (16 Nov 1850-20 Feb 1891): m'd 25 Dec 1870 NAIL, Flora A.; s/o Elijah and Mary (Bradshaw) Mays; died at the residence of his brother, John R. Mays in Corvallis, Oregon; buried Rest Lawn Memorial Park, Junction City, Lane County, Oregon
*7) MAYS, Zilpha Emeline (26 Oct 1841-23 Jan 1913): m'd 19 Sep 1861 NEELY, Edward; d/o Elijah and Mary (Bradshaw) Mays; buried Fairview Cemetery, Fairview, Coos County, Oregon
MCALFRESH, Catherine Ann: m'd 1865 STEVENS, Isaac
MCALLISTER, Emily Frances (1848 -
1852) - d/o John & Mary Jane (Thomas) McAllister. Died soon after the
family arrived in Tumwater. Buried at Ayer's Hill.
MCALLISTER, Hiram Baker (1851 - 1932) - s/o John
& Mary Jane (Thomas) McAllister. m'd MEYER, Sophia Ann
MCALLISTER, John Wesley (1812 - 1874) - m'd 1841 THOMAS, Mary Jane.
Settled at Nisqually, died at Hillhurst, Pierce County, Washington
MCALLISTER, Joseph Carter (1846 - 1918) -
s/o John & Mary Jane (Thomas) McAllister. m1 PARKER, Caroline. m2 HACKSHAW,
Lilias. m3 PROFFITT, Sarah Ellen
MCCALLISTER, Ann Maria (22 Apr 1849-16 Jun 1933): m'd 1870 MANLEY, George Washington; d/o William and Susanna (Craft) McCallister; buried Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery, Snohomish, Snohomish County, Washington
MCCALLISTER, Daniel Webster (1846-aft 1860): s/o William and Susanna (Craft) McCallister
MCCALLISTER, Henry Clay (05 Dec 1844-08 May 1931): m'd 1886 BYRNE, Katie V.; s/o William and Susanna (Craft) McCallister; buried Stockton Burial Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California
MCCALLISTER, Lewis M. (1852-09 May 1911): s/o William and Susanna (Craft) McCallister; born on trail or shortly after arrival?; buried Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prineville, Crook County, Oregon
MCCALLISTER, William (1821-01 Jul 1914): m'd 01 Jan 1844 CRAFT, Susanna; s/o John T. and Mahala (Smith) McCallister
MCARTHUR, Almeda Jenette (28 Oct 1847-19 Dec 1900): m'd 1868 CARTER, John; d/o Washington and Urania (Gregg) McArthur; buried Mount Pleasant City Cemetery, Mount Pleasant, Sanpete County, Utah
MCARTHUR, Duncan (10 Mar 1851-29 Apr 1901): m'd 1896 DAVIDSON, Lucinda; s/o Washington and Urania (Gregg) McArthur; buried Mount Pleasant City Cemetery, Mount Pleasant, Sanpete County, Utah
MCARTHUR, Perry Melvin (02 Jun 1852-24 Jul 1933): m1. JOHNSON, Caroline; m2. 1907 KAUSCH, Mrs. Elnora (BRANESTED), s/o Washington and Urania (Gregg) McArthur; born on trail in Utah where family settled
MCARTHUR, Washington Perry (24 Dec 1824-02 Sep 1879): m'd 25 Oct 1846 GREGG, Urania; s/o Duncan and Susan (McKeen) McArthur; buried Mount Pleasant City Cemetery, Mount Pleasant, Sanpete County, Utah
MCAULEY, Harriet Wright (10 Aug 1830 - 10 Aug 1921): m'd 13 Apr 1848 BAGBY, William; d/o Robert and Margaret (Cavanaugh) McCauley; buried Molalla Memorial Cemetery, Molalla, Clackamas County, Oregon; born Glasgow City, Scotland; emigrated to US in 1839
MCBEE Barbara (14 Sep 1837-15 Apr 1927): m'd 13 Dec 1852 CHAMBREAU, Edward Emauel; d/o Levi and Elizabeth (Ream) McBee; buried Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; orphaned by death of both parents on Oregon Trail.
McBEE, Caroline (1842-1935) m'd 24 Feb 1856, Douglas Co, OT, BEEMAN, Rufus
Horatio; d/o Levi and Elizabeth (Ream) McBee. Orphaned by death of both parents
on Oregon Trail.
McBEE, David (1843-1930), m'd 22 Apr 1868, Benton Co, OR, GRIMSLEY, Sarah Jane;
s/o William and Elizabeth (Milligan) McBee.
McBEE, Elizabeth (1837-1889), m'd 31 Dec 1857, Benton Co, OT, LINEBARGER,
Andrew Jackson; d/o William and Elizabeth (Milligan) McBee.
McBEE, Frances F. (14 May 1848-1863); d/o of John and Sarah (Matheny) McBee.
McBEE, George (1835-1879), m'd bef. 1865, PORTER, Missouri Elizabeth; s/o
William and Elizabeth (Milligan) McBee.
McBEE, George Washington (08 Nov 1846-1933), m'd 27 May 1868, Marion Co, OR, LEABO,
Venicie Mary Jane; s/o of John and Sarah (Matheny) McBee.
McBEE, Henry (1849-1852); s/o Levi and Barbara (Ream) McBee. Died of cholera on
Oregon Trail and buried with mother and infant at Ash Hollow, NE.
McBEE, Isaiah (1840-1915); s/o Levi and Elizabeth (Ream) McBee. Orphaned by death
of both parents on Oregon Trail.
McBEE, James P. "Doc" (1846-1906), m'd 1896, STROW, Iva May; s/o
William and Elizabeth (Milligan) McBee.
McBEE, John (06 Mar 1819-1865), m'd 13 Jul 1845, Ray Co, MO, MATHENY, Sarah; s/o
Thomas and Rachel (Rilet) McBee. Settled in Marion Co. Their daughter Sarah
Alice McBee, born in Oregon 2 Nov 1855, married Robert Thomas Judson, younger
brother of her uncle Leonard Bowdish Judson, 18 Jan 1874 in Salem, Marion Co.
McBEE, John Clay (08 Nov 1849-1852); s/o of John and Sarah (Matheny) McBee. Died on
Oregon Trail.
McBEE, John T. (1833-1927), m'd aft. 1870, Douglas Co, OR, SEARLES,
Lucinda E; s/o Thomas and Susannah (Milligan) McBee.
McBEE, John Wesley (1831-188), m'd 1st 31 Oct 1855, Marion Co, OT,
MATHENY, Elizabeth Jane; s/o William and Elizabeth (Milligan) McBee. Settled in
Benton Co. M'd 2nd 21 Jul 1874, Benton Co, OR, GRUBBS, Josephine, sold Benton
Co farm in 1874 and moved to Lane Co.
McBEE, Joseph: m'd 1875 IRWIN, Fannie
McBEE, Levi (1814-1852), m'd 31 Jan 1833, Stark Co, OH, REAM, Elizabeth; s/o Thomas and Rachel (Rilet) McBee. Died of cholera near Fort
Kearney, NE; reportedly elected captain of the McBee wagon train.
McBEE, Mary Ellen (11 Nov 1851-1852): d/o John and
Sarah (Matheny) McBee; died on the trail
McBEE, Mary Pauline (1844-1896), m'd 1st 24 Dec 1857, Washington Co, OT,
WILKES, George Washington; d/o Levi and Elizabeth (Ream) McBee. Orphaned by death
of both parents on Oregon Trail. M'd 2nd 21 Aug 1867, Washington Co, OR,
RADCLIFF, William.
McBEE, Nancy Jane (1849-1916), m'd 18 May 1864, Benton Co, OR, SMITH, Tyra
William Bray; d/o William and Elizabeth (Milligan) McBee.
McBEE, Rebecca (1847-1923), m'd 3 Jan 1861, Washington Co, OR, KNIGHTEN, Isaac;
d/o Levi and Elizabeth (Ream) McBee. Orphaned by death of both parents on Oregon
McBEE, Sarah (1840-?); d/o Thomas and Susannah (Milligan) McBee.
McBEE, Thomas (1833-1859), s/o William and Elizabeth (Milligan) McBee. Died in
Benton Co.
McBEE, Thomas (1844-?); s/o of Thomas and Susannah (Milligan) McBee.
McBEE, William (1801-1865), m'd 12 Jun 1828, Stark Co, OH, MILLIGAN, Elizabeth;
s/o Thomas and Rachel (Rilet) McBee. Settled in Benton Co.
McBEE, William (1837-?); s/o Thomas and Susannah (Milligan) McBee.
McBEE, William Henry (1839-1924), m'd 27 Jun 1869, Benton Co, OR, VANOY, Anna
Eliza; s/o William and Elizabeth (Milligan) McBee.
MCBRIDE, Christina (Jan 1825-1909): m'd 04 Mar 1852 BUCK, Samuel; d/o John and Rachel (Buck) McBride; buried Shiloh Cemetery, Mays, Rush County, Indiana
"Samuel and Christina (McBride) Buck reportedly emigrated to Oregon in 1852; the husband died about 1855; Christina returned to Indiana by ship in March 1856; a son (Jay A. Buck) was born at sea while returning; she is living in her father's household in 1860 & 1870; by 1880 her father is deceased and she is living with her son; in 1900 census her son is in Indiana State Prison and she is living with a grandson; it does not appear that she ever remarried"
MCBRIDE, Lavina A. (05 Jun 1804-09 Sep 1860): m1. 12 Jul 1821 DAVIS, Henry Clark; m2. 1852 CHRISTMAN, Joel D..; d/o Thomas and Eliza (Womack) McBride; it appears first husband died just prior to emigration
*3) MCBRIDE, Ruth (1832-1877): m'd 1850 METZKER, William C.: d/o Charles and Lydia (Taylor) McBride
MCCALL, Elizabeth Sarah (27 Jul 1813-24 Jan 1874 ): m'd 18 Aug 1836 BAUGHMAN, Samuel; d/o James and Martha (Shaw) McCall; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
MCCLANE, Fielding ( - ): m'd 1858 COOLIDGE, Sarah J.
MCCARTNEY, Albert (c1848-c1891): s/o Nathaniel and Abigail (Parker) McCartney;
after father's death in 1856 the family moved to CA where the mother died in
1864; Albert, appears in the 1860 Butte Co, CA census living with his
mother and in the1880 Tehama Co, CA census living with his brothers, unmarried;
raising cattle
MCCARTNEY, Benjamin F. (1845- ): s/o Nathaniel and Abigail (Parker) McCartney; after father's death in 1856 the family moved to CA where the mother died in 1864; Albert, appears in the 1860 Butte Co, CA census living with his mother
MCCARTNEY, Henry A. ( -1893): m'd FINNEY, Margaret A.
MCCARTNEY, John Lyman (1842-1895): s/o Nathaniel and Abigail (Parker) McCartney; after father's death in 1856 the family moved to CA where the mother died in 1864; John, age 28, appears in the 1880 Tehama Co, CA census living with his brothers, unmarried; raising cattle; died in Tehama Co, CA July 8, 1895
MCCARTNEY, John M. (1837-1885): m'd PORTER, Melinda J.
MCCARTNEY, Mary Louisa (c1843- ): m'd DILLON, Larkin W.; d/o Nathaniel and Abigail (Parker) McCartney; after father's death in 1856 the family moved to CA where the mother died in 1864; Mary, 27, appears in the 1870 El Dorado Co, CA census with her husband and children; 1880 Mary, 35, is enumerated in the Tehama Co, CA census living with her husband and children next door to her unmarried brothers
MCCARTNEY, Nathaniel (1818-1856): m'd 1841 PARKER, Abigail M.; had a donation land claim for Linn Co; died in Scio, Linn County in 1856 and is buried at the Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
MCCARTNEY, William Henry (1842-1916): s/o Nathaniel and Abigail (Parker) McCartney; after father's death in 1856 the family moved to CA where the mother died in 1864; William, 38, appears in the 1880 Tehama Co, CA census living with his brothers, unmarried; raising cattle; died in Tehama Co, CA May 18, 1916 and is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Red Bluff, CA
C. (1832 - ): m'd 1856 BROWN, Susan; s/o Joseph and Jane (Londen) McClendon
MCCLENDON, Frances Keziah "Fanny" (1796-1880); m'd TIGARD, Hugh W. (c1785-1838); aunt of Evan H., Sarah Jane, and William M. Harer and also of Ewing P. Craig
MCCLERG, Sarah Ann (1828-18 Feb 1897): m'd 10 Jan 1849 BROWNSON, Winslow H.; d/o William and Anna (Leverich) McClerg; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
*2) MCCLINTOCK, Phoebe Ann (1820- ): m'd BOOTH, Luke
MCCOLLUM, Elizabeth Isabell (21 Oct 1834-02 Apr 1929): m'd 15 Apr 1852 PAYNE, Champion Turpin; d/o David and Elizabeth (Sandlin) McCollum; buried Phoenix Pioneer Cemetery, Phoenix, Jackson County, Oregon
MCCUBBINS, William R.: m'd 1842 SMATHERS, Mrs. Nancy (BILYEU)
MCCLUNG, J. ( - ): m'd ,
MCCLURE, Charles Wesley (1835- ): s/o James and Elizabeth (Farris) McClure;went to gold fields of CA first, 1852 emigrated to OR with family; settled in LaGrande area
MCCLURE, Elizabeth (05 Nov 1807 - 04 Nov 1852): m'd 29 Oct 1829 CALLISON, Gilmore; d/o John and Ann (Massie) McClure; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon; died shortly after arrival
MCCLURE, Infant Son (1852-1852): s/o Linday and Sarah (Davison) McClure;
died on trail with mother
MCCLURE, James (1790-1878 ): m1. FARRIS, Elizabeth ;
m2. 1853 Larkin Metzker ZICKAFOOSE, Elizabeth; born in KY, moved to TN, IL and
then to OR;settled in Polk Co; after wife's death in 1866 he moved to Wasco
County to live near his son, William; died in Wasco Co 1878 and is buried on
the hill now known as McClure Hill; was reported to have been the oldest
veteran of the War of 1812 to be buried in Wasco County (photo is of James and
Elizabeth (Zickafoose) McClure)
*3) MCCLURE, John Barnett (1819- ): m'd 1842 GOODHUE, Martha Jane; settled Yamhill Co
MCCLURE, Lindsay B. (1826-1866): m'd 1851 DAVIDSON, Sarah Jane; s/o James and Elizabeth (Farris) McClure; wife and new born son died on trail; he is buried in Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, OR
MCCLURE, Thomas Jefferson (1846-1929): s/o William and Amelia (Sullivan) McClure
MCCLURE, William T. (c1824- ): Wagons From Wapello
MCCLURE, William Carroll (1817-1895): m'd 1841 SULLIVAN, Amelia Hunt; s/o James and Elizabeth (Farris) McClure; settled first in the Vancouver area of what is now WA; in 1855 moved to Yamhill Co, OR; moved c1864 to The Dalles and 1866 to Mosier, Wasco Co where he remained until his death
MCCLURE, William Taylor (1850-1915): m1. 1878 MARSH, Josephine; m2. 1882 BLAKENEY, Emma; s/o William and Amelia (Sullivan) McClure
MCCONNELL, David Searles (1845-1888): s/o John and Marguerite (Larkin) McConnell; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
MCCONNEL, Franklin R. L. (1852-1879): s/o John and Marguerite (Larkin) McConnell; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
MCCONNELL, James Edward (28 Oct 1838-12 Sep 1900): s/o John and Marguerite (Larkin) McConnell; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
MCCONNELL, John (01 Mar 1809-10 May 1881 ): m1. LARKIN, Marguerite; m2. 1853 SEARLES Mrs. Myra Boyd (Stewart)
MCCONNELL, Naoma Elizabeth (1841-29 Mar 1923): m'd 10 Jun 1860 ILER, David Cassat; d/o John and Marguerite (Larkin) McConnell; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
MCCONNELL, Nelson (18 Sep 1834-15 Jan 1907): m'd TUCKNESS, Eliza Eveline; s/o John and Marguerite (Larkin) McConnell; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
MCCONNELL, Susan (07 Nov 1830-11 Mar 1907): m'd 07 Apr 1846 CHESHER, James Pryor; d/o John and Mary (Hill) McConnell; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
MCCORMACK, Emily (1844-1918): m'd DEHUFF, [ ]
MCCORMACK, John K. (1827- ): m'd 30 Nov 1857 MASON, Lucinda
MCCOWN, Ferdinand O. (1839- ): m'd 1865 MELDRUM, Sarah; s/o William McCown
"McCOWN, FERDINAND O.--Born in Kanawha County, Virginia, in January, 1839; accompanied his father to Oregon when thirteen years of age. Participated in the Yakima war. Studied at the Willamette University and Portland Academy, and taught school. Clerked in a store and read law, at first with W. C. Johnson, subsequently with O. C. Pratt, in San Francisco. Lived in Nevada and was there admitted to the bar in 1862. Returned to Oregon the same year and opened an office at Waconda. Enlisted in the First Oregon Infantry and was commissioned second lieutenant. In 1865 rose to the rank of captain, and commanded Fort Colville. Was mustered out of service in December, 1865. In the same year he married Miss Sarah Meldrum, of Oregon City. Has practiced law in Oregon City ever since. Has been mayor of that town for three terms. His children--Helena B., Jessie S. (deceased), Meldrum F., Cornelia I., Malcolm, Mabrey, and an infant girl." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 774-75]
MCCOWN, Isabel ( -1916): m'd BRENTS, Thomas Hurley; died in Walla Walla, WA
MCCOWN, William (1812- ):
"McCOWN, WILLIAM--Born in Kanawha County, Virginia, in 1812; came to Oregon in 1852. Occupation, blacksmith and fanner; present residence, Waitsburg, Washington Territory. Wife's previous name, Mrs. Sarah Jane McCown. Children Ferdinand O., James L., Belle, William, Alvin (deceased), and Frank." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 775
MCCOY, Jane Mealey (28 Jun 1813-22 Dec 1903: m'd 21 Nov 1833 CANNON, Thomas; d/o William and Mary (Mealey) McCoy; buried Waitsburg City Cemetery, Waitsburg, Walla Walla County,Washington; siblings emigrated in 1845
MCCOY, Lydia (02 Oct 1815-03 Mar 1895): m1.01 May 1838 MCFARLAND, William [husband died 12 Aug 1840 in Warren County, Illinois]; m2. 04 Nov 1856 GALLAHER Jr., William Crawford; settled Linn County, Oregon; siblings emigrated in 1845; buried Rosehill Cemetery, Buroker, Walla Walla County, Washington
MCCRAKEN, Mary (08 Nov 1829-21 May 1902): m'd 13 Sep 1849 BEATTY, John M. d/0 Hermond and Effariah (Simpson) McCraken; died California; burial location unknown
MCCUBBIN, Abraham (21 May 1817 - 12 Mar 1882): s/o John Cook and Elizabeth
(Lemmon) McCubbin; buried
Graveyard Butte Cemetery, Wasco County, Oregon
MCCUBBIN, Dianna (27 Nov 1843 - 31 May 1917): m'd HOLCOMB, Walter Lester; d/o William and Nancy (Bilyeu) McCubbin; buried Logan Pleasant View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
MCCUBBIN, Elizabeth (1850 - 07 Feb 1932): m1. BROWN, James Henry; m2. GRIFFITH, James W.; d/o William and Nancy (Bilyeu) McCubbin; buried Logan Pleasant View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
MCCUBBIN, John Howard (1845-1910): m'd YOUNG, Mariette; s/o William and Nancy (Bilyeu) McCubbin; buried West Side Cemetery, Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon
MCCUBBIN, William Richmond (18 May 1815 - 09 Feb 1889 ): m'd 18 Sep 1842 BILYEU, Nancy; s/o John Cook and Elizabeth (Lemmon) McCubbin; buried Logan Pleasant View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
MCCUBBINS, Alice C. (1849 - ): d/o James and China (Gibson) McCubbins
MCCUBBINS, Andrew J. (c1838-01 Mar 1908 ): m. 28 Feb 1877 SMITH, Lucy F.; s/o James and China (Gibson) McCubbins
MCCUBBINS, James (17 Nov 1810-06 Sep 1877): m1. c1825 GIBSON, China; m2. 03 Jan 1853 Lewis, Barbary Ellen; s/o Robert and Mary (Burford) McCubbins; settled Marion Co; first wife died in 1852 and may have died on the plains as did their daughter, Rachel Dotson
MCCUBBINS, James M. .(1852- 11 Jan 1903): s/o James and China (Gibson) McCubbin; by 1877 was living in Columbia Co, WT
MCCUBBINS, Nancy Jane (29 Oct 1849 - 07 Jun 1899): m. 05 Apr 1874 FOLCK, John H.; d/o James and China (Gibson) McCubbin; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
MCCUBBINS, Rachel (1835-1852): d/o James and China (Gibson) McCubbins; died on trail
MCCUBBINS, Samuel (19 Jul 1834- 30 May 1902 ): m'd 14 Feb 1862 STEVENS, Sarah Ellen; s/o James and China McCubbin; buried Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County, Washington; by 1877 was living in Columbia County Washingto
MCCUBBINS, Sarah (c1848 - ): d/o James and China (Gibson) McCubbins
MCCUBBINS, Thomas J. (c1839- ): m'd 21 Feb 1869 PRICHARD/PRITCHARD, Mary Jane; s/o James and China (Gibson) McCubbin
MCCUBBINS, Zachariah (11 Jan 1831- 16 Jul 1896): m'd 09 Jan 1851 NEVITT, Lucy Agnes; s/o James and China (Gibson) McCubbins; buried Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County, Washington
MCCULLOCH, James T. (1820-c1858): m. 28 Nov 1844 EUBANKS, Susan N. (WARE); father of three children (William T., Nancy Catherine and Martha J.)
MCCULLOCH, Martha J. (1850-1928): m'd 1869 KERLEY, William T.; d/o James and Susan (Ware) McCulloch; mother of 1 son, Lewis Kerley, who died as an infant
MCCULLOCH, Nancy Catherine (1847-1927): m'd 26 Jun 1864 MEDLEY, Oscar V.; d/o James and Susan (Ware) McCulloch
MCCULLOCH, William T. (1845-aft 1930): s/o James and Susan (Ware) McCulloch
*4) MCCULLY, Asa A. (1818- ): went to the CA
gold fields in 1849
McCULLY, ASA A.--Born in New Brunswick in 1818; moved to Ohio at an early age; lived in Iowa many years. Crossed the plains to California in 1848, with an ox-train. Stayed two years, returning then to Iowa, and in 1852 set out for Oregon, bringing his family and locating in Linn County, where he founded the town of Harrisburg. In the same year he returned to Iowa and brought out one hundred and fifty head of cattle. In 1863 he removed to Salem, where he became president of the People's Transportation Company, which owned the Willamette River steamers. In 1860 Mr. McCully represented Linn County in the Legislature, and after locating in Salem was city councilman for several years." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 775]
*4) MCCULLY, David (1825- ): m'd 07 May 1840 SCOTT, Mary Ann; captain of the train that included O'Donald, Dickey, Schaner, Esslinger, Hendershott, Plamondon, Angel, McDonald, Starkey, Linn, Tully, Roberts, and other McCully families
*4) MCCULLY, Hamilton:
*4) MCCULLY, J. D. (1820- ):
*4) MCCULLY, J.W. (1820- ):
*4) MCCUL:LY, John Henry (c1841-1852): s/o David and Mary (Scott) McCully; John died on the trail
*4) MCCULLY, Mary Jane: d/o David and Mary (Scott) McCully; John died on the trail
*4) MCCULLY, Samuel:
MCCUNE, Robert: see 1850
*4) MCDONALD, Benjamin A. (25 Aug 1848-15 Sep 1915 ): m'd 1877 GUMM, Sarah E.; s/o John and Margaret (Blodgett) McDonald; buried Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County, Washington
*4) MCDONALD, Clara Dillon (15 Jul 1852-10 Aug 1936 ): m'd 1871 CRAWFORD, John Gilmour; d/o John and Margaret [Blodgett] Hamilton McDonald buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon; born on trail near Farewell Bend.
*18) MCDONALD, John (c1832-1852): from Mt. Sterling, Brown Co, IL; drowned in the Snake River 30 July 1852 while attempting to drive cattle across it; traveled with John Jordan
*4) MCDONALD, John Nelson (08 Mar 1824-06 May 1907): m1. 1846 BLODGETT, Margaret Hamilton; m2. 1886 RAMSEY, Emma M.; s/o Alexander and Mary (King) McDonald; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
MCDONALD, Margaret (26 Jan 1794-16 Feb 1860): m'd MCPHERSON, William; widow traveling with her son, William Angus McPherson; buried Miller Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
*4) MCDONALD, Nancy Jane "Jennie" (05 Feb 1847-05 Apr 1924): m'd 1868 MCCULLY, William Asa; d/o John and Margaret (Blodgett) McDonald; buried Joseph Cemetery, Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon
MCDONNELL, Martha: m'd 1851 HEISLER, William
MCFADDEN, Martha Jane (1816-17 Oct 1891): m'd 23 Jul 1838 MCILREE, William; buried Oakville Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
MCFARLAND, Ebenezer Barnes (1849-1918): m'd 28 Feb 1871 COFFIN, Mary Ellen; s/o Isaac and Eliza (Sirpless) McFarland; banker and business man in Wasco and Multnomah Counties; president of the Portland Rose Society
MCFARLAND, Emma (1852-1886): m'd c1868 HOGUE, C. P.; d/o Isaac and Eliza (Sirpless) McFarland
MCFARLAND, Isaac (1812-1869): m'd 30 May 1832 SIRPLESS/SURPLICE, Eliza; emigrated from Illinois with wife and children, settled at the Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon, was Captain of the steamboat "Wasco"
MCFARLAND, James Cornelius "Neal" (1833-1893); m'd 25 Sep 1851 BOOTON, Martha (surname also seen as Bouton); s/o Isaac and Eliza (Sirpless) McFarland; settled in Wasco County where he was a steamboat Captain; spent last five years prior to his death wintering in California; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
MCFARLAND, Julia Ann (1835-1864): m1. 09 Jun 1853 HUGHSTON, Oscar Avery (drowned 1855); m2. 12 Mar 1857 CANTRILL, Thomas Hall (drowned 1863); d/o Isaac and Eliza (Sirpless) McFarland
MCFARLAND, Mary Amanda (1836-1860): m'd 1853 MAGERS, James; d/o Isaac and Eliza (Sirpless) McFarland
MCFARLAND, R. A. ( - ):
MCFARLAND, Samantha (c1844-1852): died on trail 10 miles east of Castle Rock; d/o Isaac and Eliza (Sirpless) McFarland
MCFARLAND, William Albert (1835- ): m'd 02 Mar 1871 BOLTON, Ella; s/o Isaac and Eliza (Sirpless) McFarland
MCFARLAND, W. H. ( - ):
*11) MCGRAW, Mr.; joined Crandall company May 2; was from WI
MCGUIRE, Joseph (1826-1900): m'd 1853 MOORE, Maria; buried
Cemetery, Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon;
Joseph was born in Beaver Co, PA; family moved in 1827 to Wayne Co, OH where his mother died when he was only 9 years old; his father died when he was 18; emigrated to OR in 1852; On February 02, 1853, in Salem, Oregon, Joseph married Maria Moore. Family lore is that the Rev. Boone, whose home was on Boone Island at Salem, officiated at the wedding of Joseph and Maria. The Oregon Legislature was in session in the building next door and at Rev. Boone's request, all of the legislators were invited to witness the ceremony. Joseph and Maria settled for a short time in Oregon City, where their first child, George Henry, was born. In 1854, the family moved to Aurora, Oregon, where Joseph operated a gristmill. The next year, they took a land donation claim near Bethel, Polk County, Oregon where nine more children – Charles Crawford, Clara Delila, Emma Frances, Anna Belle, Grant Ulysses, Laura Della, Walter Bonaparte, and Homer Clarke, were born. The family remained on the farm until 1875 when they moved to nearby McMinnville. There they built and operated a hotel in town and their youngest child, Henry Clay, was born. As Joseph's health was failing, they sold the hotel in 1891 and moved to Hood River, Oregon where he died March 24, 1900. Maria died April 27, 1919 in Salem.
MCILREE, Emaline C. "Emma" (Feb 1851 - 1903): m'd 30 Mar 1876 POST, Walter; d/o William and Martha (McFadden) McIlree; buried Oakville Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
MCILREE, Laura Alice (15 Feb 1849-02 Mar 1872): d/o William and Martha (McFadden) McIlree; buried Oakville Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
MCILREE, Martha Jane (28 Aug 1840-22 Oct 1909): m'd 21 Jun 1859 BARTON, John; d/o William and Martha (McFadden) McIlree; buried Oakville Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
MCILREE, Samuel (28 Jul 1847 - 11 Apr 1892): d/o William and Martha (McFadden) McIlree; buried Oakville Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
MCILREE, Walter (11 Apr 1839 - 28 Mar 1910): s/o William and Martha (McFadden) McIlree; buried Oakville Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
MCILREE, William (1810-25 Nov 1864): m'd 23 July 1838 MCFADDEN, Martha Jane; buried Oakville Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
MCKAY, Elizabeth (1814-1881): m'd
TUCKER, Henry Bellinger; d/o Samuel and Martha Ann (Martin)
McKayl born 07 May 1814 and died 01 Aug 1881 Beaverton, Washington Co, OR
"TUCKER, HENRY B.--Born in Kentucky in 1804. On arrival in Oregon he settled on a donation claim in Washington County, and has lived there since. Married, in 1 829, Miss Elizabeth McKay, and by her has had six children, two of whom now live Thomas and William. Mrs. Tucker died in 1882." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 788]
MCKAY, Samuel (1784-1872):
MCKAY, Thomas (1809- ): m'd SOMMERS, Mary; s/o Samuel McKay
MCKEE, Susan (Sep 1829-23 Jun 1863): m'd 06 May 1849 KNOWLTON, George Edward; d/o James and Delia (Thorla) McKee; mother of Francis Marion, Lafayette, Mary L., Rhoda A., James E., Emma Jane and Susan; appears she may have died as the result of childbirth
MCKENZIE, Aurelia Jane (1830-1899): m'd MONTGOMERY , [ ]
MCKENZIE, Sarah (1825-1905): m'd 25 Oct 1846 TAYLOR, John A.; born 11 Jun 1825, West Liberty, Morgan Co, KY and died 11 Oct 1905 Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co, WA; mother of 9 children (Lucetta Rebecca, Francis Zachary, Anna L., Ella, Mary, Jennie, William, Harrison and John B.)
*4) MCKIERNAN, John S. (1829-1897 ): m'd 1856 STANLEY, Sarah C. s/o Edward and Catherine (Stanley) McKiernan
MCKINLEY, Elizabeth: m1. 1851 HALE, Elias; m2. DOAK, Andrew Jackson
MCKINLEY, Jemiama (1821 -1852): m'd 16 Feb 1838 HALE,
Michael; died on trail of cholera
MCKINNEY, William Felix: emigrant of 1848 who returned east; accompanied Jonathan Riggs family in 1852
MCLAIN, Elizabeth: m'd 1842 GAULT, Pembroke; maiden name unknown at this time
MCLAIN, Lucy ( -1858): m'd 1840 GAULT, John
MCLINCCH, B. F. (1835- ):
MCMEEKIN, A. ( - ):
MCMILLAN, George C. (1850-1910): s/o Marcus and Elmira (Moyer) McMillan
MCMILLAN, Marcus (1820-1903): m'd 04 Jul 1849 MOYER, Elmira C.L.; settled in present day Thurston County, Washington
MCMILLAN, William M. (1853-1911): s/o Marcus and Elmira (Moyer) McMillan
*14) MCMILLEN, Cecelia E. (1829-1867): m'd 1849 ADAMS, William
Dr.; d/o Joseph and Ruth (Gannett) McMillan; twin of Parthenia; [Covered Wagon
Women Vol 5; diary on pages 253-312] Cecelia was born 16 Feb 1829 in Lodi, NY;
she married William Adams 30 Jun 1849 Elgin, IL; both Cecelia and her twin
sister, Parthenia were quite short. At one point a lady asked if the
mother of the little girls was along. Cecelia was described as a born
musician, artist and teacher. She never had any children and died at the
age of 38 at the home of her sister in Forest Grove.
MCMILLEN, Esther Belle: m'd 1852 HANNA, Joseph A. Rev.
MCMILLEN, Hugh (04 Aug 1818-05 Dec 1868), m1. 1840 BUTLER, Harriet; m2. 14 Feb 1846 LAFFEY, Charlotte; s/o Aaron and Olive McMillen; buried Catlin Cemetery, Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington
*14) MCMILLEN, Joseph (1797-1890): m'd GANNETT, Ruth; He left his wife and three younger children in IL and traveled with his twin daughters to Oregon. He returned east in 1856 via the Panama and brought his family overland in 1859. He settled in Forest Grove. Joseph was a millwright. James H. McMillen, a son of Joseph and Ruth, had emigrated to Oregon in 1845.
MCMILLEN, Olive Eunice (08 Jun 1841-24 Mar 1923): m'd 02 Jun 1859 HUNTINGTON, James S.; d/o Hugh and Harriet (Butler) McMillen; buried Rose Valley Cemetery, Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington
*14) MCMILLEN, Parthenia Emeline (16 Feb 1829 -25 Dec 1915): m'd 09 Oct 1850 BLANK, Stephen; d/o Joseph and Ruth (Gannett) McMillan; buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon; twin of Cecelia;
Parthenis was born 16 Feb 1829 in Lodi, NY. She married
Stephen Blank 09 Nov 1850 in St. Charles, IL. Stephen was a carpenter and
cabinet maker. Both Cecelia and her twin sister, Parthenia were quite
short. At one point a lady
asked if the mother of the little girls was
along. Parthenia was described as taciturn, but never gloomy, she never
sang nor played an instrument. She had good taste but no ambition in art.
She never taught nor wanted to. She was steady, earnest and a a
cheerful worker.
Parthenia never had any children but adopted and raised
ten orphans. [Covered Wagon Women Vol 5; diary on pages 253-312 ];
MCNAMER, Martha Maria (25 Oct 1830 - 19 Jun 1853): m'd 10 Jun 1849 CARNS, William M.; buried West Point Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
MCNUTT, Mary Ann ( - ): m'd WILSON, William Stanage
MCPHERSON, James (25 Feb 1820-22 Mar 1885): m'd 1847 SCOTT, Mary Ellen; s/o Joshua and Lucy (Howard) McPherson;
MCPHERSON, Joshua L. (17 Jun 1783-29 Aug 1872): m'd 1805 HOWARD, Lucy Ellanor; s/o John and Sarah (Harlan) McPherson; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
MCPHERSON, William Angus (22 Feb 1828-28 Jan 1891): m'd 07 Oct 1852 FENN, Nancy Jane; s/o William and Margaret (McDonald) McPherson; buried Miller Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
MCREYNOLDS, Mr. ( - ): m'd ,
MCREYNOLDS, Rebecca ( - ):
MEALEY, Charles B.: m'd SETTLEMEYER, Mary Jane; settled in Linn County Mealey Family
MEANS, Susan (1844-1926): m'd GRAY, [ ]; d/o [ ] and Sylvana (Irwin) Means;
father had died prior to emigration
MEANS, George: s/o [ ] and Sylvana( Irwin) Means; father had died prior to emigration
MEDLEY, Kate (1848-1926): m'd MEDLEY, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
MEEK, Jemima (1810-1870): m'd 1830 HUNTER, William; died at Brownsville, Linn Co; buried in Kirk Pioneer Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
MEEK, William ( - ):
MEEKER, Desire: m'd 1819 MEEKER, Enoch; maiden name unknown at this time
MEEKER, Enoch (1794- ): m'd 1819 [ ], Desire
MEEKER, Ezra: The Ox Team
MEEKER, Lindley (1829- ):
MELTON, Lucinda Jane (16 Sep 1824-23 Apr 1864): m'd 1839 CROSLEY, Bennett; d/o Eli and Eliza (Stallians) Melton; burial location unknown
MENDENHALL, Margaret ( -1896): m'd MENDENHALL, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
MENEFEE, William R. (1823-1906): m'd 1849 BENEFIELD, Nancy Jane
*30) MERCER, Aaron (1826-1902) m1. 1849 LEONARD, Jane; m2. 1855 STOVEN, Ann Elizabeth; s/o Aaron and Jane (Dickerson) Mercer
*30) MERCER, Alice (1848-1926): m'd 24 Dec 1865 BAGLEY, Clarence Booth; d/o Thomas and Nancy (Brigham) Mercer
*30) MERCER, Eliza Ann (1841-1862): m'd 04 Dec 1856 GRAHAM, Walter; d/o Thomas and Nancy (Brigham) Mercer
*30) MERCER, Mary Jane (1839-1910): m'd 1857 PARSONS, Henry George; d/o Thomas and Nancy (Brigham) Mercer
*30) MERCER, Susannah (1843-1942): m'd 23 May 1861 GRAHAM, David; d/o Thomas and Nancy (Brigham) Mercer
*30) MERCER, Thomas Dickerson (1813-1898): m1. 25 Jan 1838 BRIGHAM, Nancy; m2. 14 Sep 1859 WARD, Hester Loretta; s/o Aaron and Jane (Dickerson) Mercer
MERITT, Mathew:
MERRICK, ROSS (Jan 1825-05 May 1900): m'd 22 Jan 1850 BROWN, Jane; s/o David Merrick; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
MERRILL, Ebenezer S. (1831- ):
MERRILL, Henry (1833- ):
MERRIMAN, Auletta Lavinia (1848-1936): m1. BUZAN, John E.; m2. HARVEY, John E.; d/o William and Mary (Lewis) Merriman
MERRIMAN, Joseph Wright (1852-1852): s/o William and Mary (Lewis) Merriman; died and was buried near Goose Lake
MERRIMAN, Lucinda (Feb 1813-07 Mar 1890): m'd 14 Feb 1833 CONSTANT, Isaac; d/o Reuben and Betsey (Bennett) Merriman; buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon
MERRIMAN, William Harrison. (1825-1877): m1. LEWIS, Mary Ann; m2. 10 Feb 1853 RIDDLE, Artenecia; s/o Reuben and Betsey (Bennett) Merriman; settled in Douglas Co
MESPLIE, Theodore (1830- ):
MESSERSMITH, Andrew: m'd 1822 HALE, Justinia; settled in Lebanon area of Linn
MESSNER, Daniel (1828- ): m'd 1850 HALL, Edna
*3) METZKER, Benjamin (1824-1900): m1. 1847 Liney Johnson (died); m2. 1849 Mary
McBride; m3. 1875 Jemima Dawson. He divorced his second wife, Mary McBride (the
sister of Ruth McBride), shortly after arriving in Oregon, having left her in
Iowa. He had a large family with Jemima Dawson, whom he md in 1875 in
Medford, Oregon.
*3) METZKER, Benjamin (1850- ):
*3) METZKER, Benjamin Zickafoose (1844-1867): never married; s/o John and Mary (Conner) Metzker; died 02 Apr 1867 in Polk County and is buried in Pleasant Hill Pioneet Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
*3) METZKER, Catherine Melissa (1849-1919): m;d 26 Feb 1869 JONES< Thomas Jefferson; d/o John and Mary (Conner) Metzker; lived in Wheeler county for a time; died 01 Jan 1919 and is buried in the River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
*3) METZKER, Elizabeth Eleanor (1831-1917): m'd 1848 SYRON, William Thomas
*3) METZKER, Eliza Jane (1851-1881): m'd 1868 WRIGHT, Benjamin; d/o William and
Ruth (McBride) Metzker; Eliza Jane Metzker b. 27 Mar 1851 in Mahaska Co,
Iowa. Eliza died 30 Oct 1881 and is buried in Baker City, Baker,
Oregon. She married Benjamin Wright 31 Dec 1868 in Cove, Union, Oregon.
(He was b. 28 Aug 1826 White River Twp, Randolph Co, Indiana d. 27 Feb 1905
Cambridge, Washington, Idaho) They had five children.
*3) METZKER, George: s/o Henry] and Elizabeth (Zickafoose) Metzker
*3) METZKER, George Washington (1850-1852): s/o John and
Mary (Conner) Metzker; died on the Oregon Trail 28 Jul/Aug 1852
*3) METZKER, John Henry Rev. (1819-1909): m'd 15 Apr 1841 CONNER, Mary; s/o
Henry and Elizabeth (Zickafoose) Metzker; father of 15 children; died in
Multnomah County and is buried at
Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery
*3) METZKER, John William (1841-1922): m1. 11 Oct 1867 REESE, Tasey S.(1852-1896), dau of George H. and Margaret (Wright) Reese. She died 2 jun 1896 in Lakeview,Lake,Oregon; m2. 1904 NEWLIN, Elizabeth Eliza Emmeline (1849-1910) who died in Cedarville, Modoc Co, CA; s/o John and Mary (Conner) Metzker; John died 30 Nov 1922 Sacramento County, California
*3) METZKER, Lucinda (1851-1937): m'd PETREE, William Franklin; s/o John and Mary (Conner) Metzker; died 03 Mar 1937 at Lakeview and is buried in the IOOF Cemetery, Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon
*3) METZKER, Mary Elizabeth (1847-1886): m'd 1864 MILLER, George W.; d/o Benjamin and Liney (Johnson) Metzker; died at Drain, Douglas Co, OR
*3) METZKER, Minerva Jane (1847-1852): d/o John and Mary (Conner) Metzker; died on the Oregon Trail 03 Sep 1852
*3) METZKER, Nancy Ann (1846-1929): m'd 11 Oct 1866 BROWN, James Edward; d/o John and Mary (Conner) Metzker; settled in Yamhill county, she died 18 Jul 1929 at Sheridan and is buried in the Sheridan Masonic Cemetery, Sheridan, Yamhill County, Oregon
*3) METZKER, Sarah Elizabeth (1843-1903): m. 21 Jan 1858 TONEY, James Patrick; d/o John and Mary (Conner) Metzker; spent later years in California where she died 29 Dec 1903 in Modoc County, California. She is buried Lake City Cemetery, Lake City, Modoc County, California
*3) METZKER, Susannah Zickafoose: m1. 1846 FRANKLIN, Benjamin; m2. 1874 GATES,
Lucian (div); m3. 1882 MCFADDEN, William Henry; d/o Henry and Elizabeth
(Zickafoose) Metzker; sister of Capt. John Metzker who led train to OR
*3) METZKER, William C. (1830): m'd 1850 MCBRIDE,
Ruth; s/o Henry and Elizabeth (Zickafoose) Metzker; William C. Metzker, was
born 14 Apr 1830 in Tippecanoe County, Indiana and died 30 Oct 1893 Willow
Ranch, Modoc,California. He married 23 May 1850 in Mahaska County, Iowa
to Ruth McBride b. 16 Feb 1832 in Ohio and died 8 Nov 1877 in Union Co,
Oregon. They had ten children.
*3) METZKER, William Harvey (1850- ): s/o Benjamin Metzker; Benjamin left wife and took William Harvey to OR
MEYER, Marie Elizabeth (1779-1867): m'd May 1829 MOCK, Henry A.
*6) MILHOLLEN, David (c1827- ): s/o David and Mary (Gray) Milhollen
*6) MILHOLLEN, Margaret Matilda (c1821- ): m'd FORGEY, John; d/o David and Mary (Gray) Milhollen
*6) MILHOLLEN, Mary Emaline (c1824- ): m'd FORGEY, James; d/o David and Mary (Gray) Milhollen
*6) MILHOLLEN, Theresa Jane (c1828- ): d/o David and Mary (Gray) Milhollen
*6) MILHOLLEN, William J. (c1830- ): s/o David and Mary (Gray) Milhollen
MILL, Robert (1803- ):
MILLDORN, John (1804- ): m'd 1825 LEE, Mary W.
MILLER, Adaline (17 Apr 1842-22 Dec 1927): d/o Daniel P. and Cynthia (Denny) Miller
MILLER, Arminta (29 Nov 1848-09 Aug 1945) m'd 1863 KAFADER, Johanne Christian; d/o Daniel P. and Cynthia (Denny) Miller
MILLER, C. C. (c1822-c1860): m'd 1842 BERRY, Eveline
MILLER, Catharine (c1844-20 Dec 1927) d/o Daniel P. and Cynthia (Denny) Miller; same as Adaline Miller ?
MILLER, Charles D. (1827- ): m'd 1865 GRAY, Nancy M.
MILLER, D. A. (1818-1874):
"MILLER, D. A.--Born in Genessee County, New York, in June, 1818. Occupation, carpenter and contractor. Mr. Miller died in February, 1874; his widow (nee Miss M. J. Martin resides in South Salem. Their children were Ezra (deceased), and Miles M." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 776]
MILLER, Dan (1851- ): s/o Silas and Mary (Bahan) Miller
MILLER, Daniel Posey (06 Oct 1804-28 Dec 1900 ): m'd 12 Oct 1829 DENNY, Cynthia; s/o Christian and Araminta (Whitehead) Miller; Ft Bidwell, Modoc County, California;
MILLER, Elizabeth (13 Dec 1821-03 Jun 1875): m'd 01 Apr 1847 JONES, James Francis; d/o John and Sarah (Smith) Miller; buried Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County, Washington; James Francis Jones Family by Jerald Jones
MILLER, Elizabeth (08 Jan 1841-12 Dec 1894): m'd 11 Nov 1857 TETHEROW, George Washington; d/o Daniel P. and Cynthia (Denny) Miller
*1) MILLER, Elizabeth: m1. 23 Feb 1837 HARDIE, Hiram; m2. 23 Aug 1853 MCCULLOUGH, William Smith
MILLER, Ephraim Lanson: (1852 -1852): infant son of James and Sara (Musik) Miller; died of cholera on trail
MILLER, George B. (1830- ):
MILLER, George M. ( -1914):
MILLER, Hester (1822-1881): m'd 12 May1837 LAWRENCE, John W.; Hester was born 01 Dec 1822 OH and died 20 Aug 1881 Monroe, Benton Co, OR; she is buried in Monroe Cemetery, Monroe, Benton Co, OR; Hester was the mother of 12 children (Wesley Norman, George, Elizabeth Rebecca, Bide M., Melissa, John A., Aldon, Andrew, Sarah A., twins Manuel and Lemuel L., and Laura M.)
MILLER, Hulings (1812-1882): m'd 1834 WITT, Margaret
*1) MILLER, Isaac Newton Jr.:
MILLER, Jacob P. (1808- )
"MILLER, JACOB P.--Born in Fulton County, New York, July 31, 1808; in 1845, he went to Indiana, and came to Oregon in 1852. He settled at Milwaukie, Clackamas County, and is now engaged in keeping a hotel in that town. He married Catharine Whitmore, in 1834, and their children s names are Margaretta, Marietta, George H. (deceased), Delia, Thomas (deceased), and Martha (deceased)." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 776]
MILLER, James (1838- ): s/o Daniel P. and Cynthia (Denny) Miller
MILLER, James (1818-1882 ): m'd WHITSET,Lucinda; m2. MUSIK, Sara J.; s/o James and Susannah (Basham) Miller
MILLER, James Carter (1845 - 1852 ): s/o James and Lucinda (Whitset) Miller
MILLER, James H. (1827-1852): m'd 1852 [ ], Mary A.
*3) MILLER, John:
MILLER, John ( 1835- ): s/o Daniel P. and Cynthia (Denny) Miller
MILLER, John Camel (03 Sep 1852-20 Sep 1930): m'd 16 May 1883 KIRK, Elizabeth Jane; d/o Silas and Mary (Bahan) Miller; born in Blue Mountains on the trail to Oregon; after father's death in 1856 the family moved to Fulton County, Indiana where his mother remarried Ovid Allen; John died in Michigan.
MILLER, John Thomas (1836 -1927 ): m'd 1870 BRIDGES, Mary Emma; s/o James and Lucinda (Whitset) Miller
MILLER, John Wilkerson (1823-1917): came up from CA
MILLER, Johnathan Paris Basham (1847-1926): s/o James and Lucinda (Whitset) Miller
MILLER, Levi C. (22 Jul 1837-06 Jul 1911): m'd 08 Dec 1870 COOKE, Sarah Emily; s/o Daniel P. and Cynthia (Denny) Miller
MILLER, Lamontine C. (11 Jun 1848-28 Mar 1909): s/o C.C. and Eveline (Berry) Miller; buried Pietrock Cemetery, Lyons, Linn County, Oregon
MILLER, Malinda (1840-1929): m'd APPLEGATE, Robert Shortess; d/o James and Lucinda (Whitset) Miller; born 15 Apr 1840
*1) MILLER, Mary (24 Apr 1818-10 Sep 1852): m1. MOORE, William M.; m2.17 Jul
1850 CLARK, Alvin; died on trail where Willow Creek crosses
the Oregon Trail, Morrow County, Oregon; she is buried there and remainder of family
went on to Benton Co; later descendants moved back to Morrow County
MILLER, Mary A.: m'd 1852 MILLER, James H.; maiden name unknown at this time
MILLER, Mary Catherine (02 Dec 1850-25 May 1911): m'd 1872 WILLIAMS, Hiram Savage; d/o C.C. and Eveline (Berry) Miller; buried Wisner Cemetery, Kingston, Linn County, Oregon
MILLER, Mary E. (Oct 1844-30 Jul 1931): m'd BLAIN, Leighton E.; d/o William and Wealthy (Norris) Miller; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
MILLER, Mason C. (Dec 1833- ): s/o Daniel P. and Cynthia (Denny) Miller
MILLER, Peter E. (1825- ): m'd 1846 [ ], Rosina
MILLER, Polly (1836- ): d/o Daniel P. and Cynthia (Denny) Miller
MILLER, Rosina: m'd 1846 MILLER, Peter E.; maiden name unknown at this time
MILLER, Samuel T. (1826-1889): m'd 1844 GIBBINS, Mary Elizabeth
MILLER, Sebastian E. Capt. (1828- ): m'd 1853 POWER, Sarah E.
"MILLER, SEBASTIAN E.--Born in Morgan County, Ohio, April 15, 1828. Is a steamboat captain by occupation, and resides at Canemah, Clackamas County. Married Sarah E. Power, and their children were Melissa and Clara; the latter is deceased." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 776]
MILLER, Samuel: m'd HART, Rachel
MILLER, Silas V. (c1823-13 Nov 1856): m'd 29 Oct 1849 BAHAN, Mary Jane; was a physician, emigrated to Marion County, Oregon but by the time of his death was residing with his family in El Dorado County, California; buried buried Diamond Springs Cemetery, Diamond Springs, El Dorado County, California
MILLER, Susan Perlina: m'd JONES, Jacob Jr.
MILLER, Thomas M. (1839- ): s/o Samuel and Rachel (Hart) Miller
MILLER, William Henry (08 Sep 1852-16 Jul 1911): s/o Daniel P. and Cynthia (Denny) Miller; born on trail or shortly after arrival
MILLER, William M. (Nov 1829-16 Jul 1911): m'd 1854 [ ], Mary A.;
MILLER, William ( -1913):
MILLER, William Y. (1811- ): m'd 1841 HODGEN, Sarah A.
MILLHOLLEN, David A. (c1828- ):
MILLHOLLEN, Elizabeth (1840-1917): m'd MILLHOLLEN, William; maiden name unknown at this time
MILLHOLLEN, William (1832- ): m'd [ ], Elizabeth
MILLIGAN, Elizabeth (1808-1893), m'd m'd 12
Jun 1828, Stark Co, OH, McBEE, William; sister of Susannah Milligan.
MILLIGAN, Susannah (1820-1889), m'd 1st 1 Apr 1832, Stark Co, OH, McBEE,
Thomas, s/o Thomas and Rachel (Rilet) McBee. He died bef. 1850. m2. 15 Jan
1857, Benton Co, OT, MILLER, Alanson L. They settled in Douglas Co.
MILLIKIN, Martha Ann: m'd 1839 MILLIKIN, William G.; maiden name unknown at this time
MILLIKIN, William G. (1811- ): m'd 1839 [ ], Martha Ann
MILLION, Nancy (1825-1890): m'd 20 Nov 1839 DAVIDSON, Green Clay
MILLIORN, Elizabeth Catherine (1826-1860): m'd RHEA, Elijah Walden; d/o John and Mary (Lee) Milliorn
MILLIORN, James Polk (1840-1931): m'd MULHOLLAN, Katherine "Kittie"; s/o John and Mary (Lee) Milliorn
MILLIORN, John F. (1838-1864): s/o John and Mary (Lee) Milliorn
MILLIORN, John Henry (1804-1890): m'd c1825 LEE, Mary W.; settled in Lane County
MILLIORN, Mary S. (1844-1888): m1. PICKETT, William G.; m2. LUPER, James N.; d/o John and Mary (Lee) Milliorn
MILLIORN, Philipia "Eugenia" (1849-1937): m'd HOFFMAN, James; d/o John and Mary (Lee) Milliorn
MILLIORN, Sarah H. (1830-1852): m'd MYRTLE, Horace Downing, d/o John and Mary (Lee) Milliorn; died on trail
MILLIORN, Thomas A.: s/o John and Mary (Lee) Milliorn went to California in 1849 and moved up into Oregon in 1852; see 1849 listing
MILLIORN, William H. (1835-1916): m'd LEMLEY, Nancy; s/o John and Mary (Lee) Milliorn
MILLS, James Allen (1815- ):
*23) MILSTER, Robert Locke (1828-c1899): m'd 17 Mar 1852 HINKLE, Nancy Elizabeth; born 1828 NC and died c1899 Marion County, OR; probably buried at Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion Co, OR (may be in an unmarked grave); resided most of his adult life in the Silverton area of Marion County; father of nine daughters (Mary E., Ida, Fanny A., Julia, A.A., Effie, Tessie, E. Lillie and Beda)
*30) MINARD, Isaac
*30) MINARD, Louisa: m'd 1850 MINARD, Stephen; maiden name unknown at this time
*30) MINARD, Stephen (1823- ): m'd 1850 [
], Louisa
*2) MINOR, Mary (1826-1900): m'd 28 Aug 1845 BOOTH, Robert
MIRES, Mary C. (1842-1919): m'd HAMILTON, [ ]
*18) MITCHELL, [ ]; drove Scott family wagon, working way across plains; first name not mentioned
MITCHELL, Catherine: m'd 1850 MITCHELL, John; maiden name unknown at this time
MITCHELL, Child ( -1852): died on trail; c/o James and Miranda (Shelly) Mitchell
MITCHELL, Elizabeth: m'd 1827 MITCHELL, William C.; maiden name unknown at this time
MITCHELL, Frederick (1808- ): m'd 1834 HILL, Rebecca
MITCHELL, H.A. (1826- ):
MITCHELL, James: Mentioned in Samuel Woodruff diary.
MITCHELL, James G. (1818-c1894): m'd 1846 SHELLY, Maranda
MITCHELL, Jane: d/o James and Maranda (Shelly) Mitchell
MITCHELL, John (1831- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Catherine
MITCHELL, Mary Ann (1796 -05 May 1852): m'd 17 Oct 1821
CHITTENDEN, Austin Sr; reportedly died 05 May 1852 possibly prior to or
beginning of emigration
MITCHELL, Mary Ellen (1835- ):
MITCHELL, Mr.: shared the driving of the Scott "family wagon"; when he caused an accident and was reprimanded he left the company. In 1853 he was living at Portland, OR
MITCHELL, Nancy Jane (1822-bef 1880)-: m'd 14 Feb 1850 CHILDERS, Thomas Griffith; d/o Robert and Lucy (Bass) Mitchell
*8) MITCHELL, Oliver: + family
MITCHELL, Patherina (10 May 1816-15 Jan 1898): m'd 13 Jan 1842 DIVERS, Davis L.; d/o Fineses Mitchell; buried Hood River Cemetery, Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon
MITCHELL, Sarah Ann (1846-1926): m'd BUNNELL, A.M.
MITCHELL, William C. (1805- ): m'd 1827 [ ], Elizabeth
MOCK, Henry (1873-1884): m'd May 1829 MEYER, Marie Elizabeth; buried Historic Columbian Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
MOCK, John (1838-1916): s/o Henry and Marie Elizabeth (Meyer) Mock
MODIE, Effie E. (1850- ): m'd 1866 BROWN, Jesse
MODIE, Jacob (1822- ): m'd 1847 [ ], Rachel
MODIE, Nancy: m'd GARRISON, Ephraim
MODIE, Rachel: m'd 1847 MODIE, Jacob; maiden name unknown at this time
MOLL, David (1826- ):
MONROE, Cordelia (18 Dec 1840-1883): m'd
09 Apr 1856 ODEN, Levi Lewis; s/o John and Sarah (Guinn) Monroe
MONROE, James Stewart (08 Nov 1814-17 Oct 1884): m1. 18 Apr 1839 GEARHART, Minerva; m2. 05 Jan 1843 BRASHEAR, Cynthia Ann; s/o William and Jerusha (Williams) Munro; went to gold fields in 1849 by way of Panama, returned to Missouri and brought family to Oregon in 1852, settled in Lane County, prominent Democrat in the area; May 13, 1865 the Monroe family left for California; raised horse and cattle; died Colusa County, California after a team ran over him causing injuries that resulted in his death; burial Elk Creek Cemetery, Elk Creek, Glenn County, California
MONROE, John Tooley (06 Mar 1846-09 Jan 1883): m'd 23 Sep 1866 CAMPBELL, Sarah Ellen; s/o James and Cynthia (Brashear) Monroe; buried Cloverdale Cemetery, Cloverdale, Sonoma County, California
MONTGOMERY, Alimirin (1822- ): m1. CLARK, Fanny; m2. 1851 SLUTH, Emily
MONTGOMERY, Flora ( - ):
MONTGOMERY, Libby ( - ): m'd ,
*16) MONTGOMERY, Lydia Amanda (21 Jul 1812-09 Apr 1888): m'd 04 May 1838 BENEFIEL, Jesse; died San Luis Obispo County, California; mother of eight children (Elizabeth Frances, Mary A., Sidonah Jane, Francis Marion, George Washington, Thomas, Albert Gatalin and William Louis)
MONTGOMERY, Sarah (27 Dec 1824-08 May 1918): m'd 22 Apr 1841 DAVIDSON, Henry; d/o Caleb and Elizabeth (Catlin) Montgomery; buried Shedd Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
MONTGOMERY, William N. (1833- ):
MOODY, Elizabeth: m'd 1850 PERKINS, James H.
MOODY, Mary ( -1915): m'd MOODY, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
MOON, Hannah Patience (04 Nov 1807-1880): m1. c1825 ANDERSON, Thomas J. (1803-1837); m2. 15 Jan 1837 DODSON, John; Hannah was born 04 Nov 1807 NC and died 25 Oct 1880 Douglas Co, OR; she is buried in Gillmore Cemetery, Douglas Co, OR; Hannah's maiden name is unknown at this time but is interesting to note that in the Jefferson County, TN marriage records there is a Hannah B. Moon who married Oct 5, 1824 to Thomas Anderson. It is possible that the "B" was meant to be a "P" but it would have to be researched further. Hannah was the mother of five known children by her first husband (Thomas F., Rebecca J., Daniel Lafayette., Andrew J. and Enoch Perkins); she was the mother of five more children with her second husband (Nancy, Martha, Margaret, Lydia Ann and Samuel Houston). It is unknown at this time which of the Anderson children came to OR in 1852.
MOON, T.F. (1849-1929):
MOONEY, Samuel (1810- ):
MOORE, Albert ( -1913):
MOORE, Anderson (1820- ):
MOORE, Ann (Nov 1818-12 Apr 1910): m'd 09 Aug 1835 CURTIS, John; buried IOOF Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
MOORE, Asher Henry (12 Mar 1836-01 Oct 1907): s/o John and Catherine (Layton) Moore
MOORE, Christopher Wilkinson (c1799-1869): m'd 1829 CRAWFORD, Elizabeth "Eliza"; born near Dublin, Ireland, emigrated to NY c1819; moved to Trafalgar, Halton Co, Upper Canada (now Ontario); resided in Canada for many years; c1846 moved to Wauwatosa, WI; After reading of the wonderful opportunities in the Oregon country, Christopher and Eliza, along with their eight children, joined one of the many emigrant trains bound west on May 5, 1852, the year of the largest immigration. They passed through Cedar Rapids and Des Moines, Iowa, mere villages at that time, and found most of western Iowa sparsely populated, with only an occasional building or small settlement. From what is now Omaha, Nebraska(non-existent at that time), until they reached Fort Laramie in eastern Wyoming, they did not see a single building! From Fort Laramie, they journeyed to Fort Hall, near Pocatello, Idaho, and then followed the Snake River into Oregon. Three days before their arrival in The Dalles, they ran out of flour, so Eliza walked ahead of the wagon train to secure supplies. She returned with freshly baked bread, a welcome sight for her hungry children. The snows had already closed the trail to the Willamette Valley, so the cattle were left in The Dalles for the winter. Due to the severe weather, the entire herd died. From The Dalles, the family continued along the Columbia River by portage railroad (the cars were pulled by mules) and then by flatboat. On November 6, 1852, after more than 2,000 miles and six long months, they finally arrived in Portland (nicknamed Stumptown at that time). They spent the winter in Oregon City, a few miles south of Portland. The next spring, Christopher obtained a Donation Land Claim seven miles south of Salem, in Marion County. The family built a log cabin on the property and began farming the land. Christopher died May 04, 1869 in Salem, Oregon
MOORE, Christopher W. (1833- ):
MOORE, Davis Layton (17 Feb 1844-30 Sep 1909): m'd 20 Jun 1867 COOK, Mary Louisa; s/o John and Catherine (Layton) Moore
MOORE, Dr.: traveled with York family; probably husband of Emily York
MOORE, E. ( -1852): died on trail
MOORE, Ira (1832- ):
*1) MOORE, Isaac Miller (c1840- ): s/o William and Mary (Miller) Moore; emigrated with mother and step-father, Alvin Clark
MOORE, James Monroe (1840- ): m'd JORDEN, Nancy; s/o Robert and Malinda (Scrivner) Moore; born 22 Aug 1840/1837 Sherman Co, MO; settled Chetco Valley, Curry Co, OR in 1859; father of 8 children; blacksmith
MOORE, Jonah Wiseman (1839- ): m1. 1868 GARRETT, Elizabeth; m2.MCMILLEN (HANLEY), Mrs.;s/o Robert and Malinda (Scrivner) Moore; born 15 Oct 1839 Sheridan Co, MO; father of 5 children by first wife (Anna May, Ivy, Ettie, R.A. and Richard Irvin); successful gold miner
MOORE, John A. (01 Mar 1802-18 Jun 1876): m'd 24 Mar 1831 LAYTON, Catherine; s/o Joseph and Hannah (Davis) Moore
MOORE, John Bull (1846-1930): m'd 1865 BAKER, Mary Jane; s/o Robert and Malinda (Scrivner) Moore; born 04 Jul 1846/9 Sheridan Co, MO and died 19 Apr 1930 Brownsville, Linn Co, OR
MOORE, Jonathan L. (1830- ):
MOORE, Joseph Clark (11 Mar 1806 -15 Sep 1852): died on the trail at Grande Ronde; s/o Robert and Margarette (Clark) Moore; father emigrated to Oregon in 1839/40 with the Peoria Company
*1) MILLER, Libby: d/o William and Mary (Miller) Moore; emigrated with mother and step-father, Alvin Clark
MOORE, Lucinda (1813-1852): m'd LEWIS, Fielding Jr.; died on trail and buried on the banks of the Snake river near Birch Creek
MOORE, Malinda ( -1852): died on trail
MOORE, Margaret:
*1) MOORE, Maria (1832-1919): m'd 1853 MCGUIRE, Joseph; d/o Christopher and
Eliza (Crawford) Moore
MOORE, Martha Jane (02 May 1852- ): m'd 02 Apr 1869 SMITH, John; d/o William and Winnifred (Doty) Moore; died Alejandra, Santa Fe, Argentine
MOORE, Mary Ann: m'd WILSON, George Washington
MOORE, Mary Elizabeth (c1838- ): m'd VANDERPOOL, Larkin; d/o William and Mary (Miller) Moore; emigrated with mother and step-father, Alvin Clark
MOORE, Mary Ellen (24 Dec 1845-14 Sep 1912): m'd TALLMAN, Rufus Calvin; d/o William and Winnifred (Doty) Moore; buried Upper Lake Cemetery, Upper Lake, Lake County, California
MOORE, Mary Jane (27 Mar 1847-26 May 1899): m1. WOODRUFF, Lyman Albert; m2. FARRIER Sr, George; d/o John and Catherine (Layton) Moore
MOORE, Mary Maria (1814 -03 Jun 1852): m1. 1837 TODD, James W.N.
(1815-1841): m2. 01 Sep 1846 DUNIWAY, Benjamin Evans; d/o Robert and Sarah
(Wills) Moore; died on trail along Platte River of cholera
MOORE, Melissa Ann (01 Jan 1850-1896): m'd 23 Jul 1865 SYPHER, Abram; d/o John and Catherine (Layton) Moore; died Curry County, Oregon
MOORE, Rachel (1841-1924): m1. 11 Nov 1854 POST, John C.; m2. 10 Mar 1867 APPLEGATE, Nathan; m3. m'd 26 Jul 1887 AYERS, Lucius.D.; d/o John and Catherine (Layton) Moore; mother died on trail
MOORE, Robert Monroe (1817-1908): m'd 27 Oct 1836 SCRIVNER, Malinda; wife died on trail; s/o Jonah Moore; born 10 Feb 1817 TN and died 17 Dec 1907 Smith River, Del Norte Co, CA; father of 4 children (James M., Jonah Wiseman, Silas A. and John Bull)
MOORE, Seth W. (1833- ):
MOORE, Silas A. (1844-1912): m'd 18 Apr 1869 JORDEN, Margaret; settled Chetco Valley, Curry Co, OR; s/o Robert and Malinda (Scrivner) Moore; born 26 Dec 1844 Sheridan Co, MO and died 06 Mar 1912 Del Norte Co, CA; operated sawmill in partnership with brother
MOORE, Square Davis ( - ):
*1)MOORE, Thomas (c1837-): s/o William and Mary (Miller) Moore; emigrated with mother and step-father, Alvin Clark
MOORE, Thomas Moses (05 Jan 1849-13 Jun 1922): m'd 11 Feb 1877 BUGNON, Fanny Louise Eugenie; s/o William and Winnifred (Doty) Moore; died Alejandra, Santa Fe, Argentina
MOORE, William D. (18 Mar 1832-05 Jul 1863): s/o John and Catherine (Layton) Moore; unknown if he emigrated in 1852 but if he did he returned east and died in the Civil War 05 Jul 1863 at Gettysburg
MOORE, William Henry (07 Aug 1847-08 Oct 1875): s/o William and Winnifred (Doty) Moore; died Alejandra, Santa Fe, Argentina
MOORE, William J. ( -1852): died on the trail
MOORE, William Tandy (24 Dec 1824-28 Jun 1883): m'd 25 Dec 1844 DOTY, Winnifred S.; s/o William and Mary Moore; buried City Cemetery #1, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
MOORES, Charles Bruce (06 Aug 1849- 05 Jun 1930): m'd 1881 CHAMBERLAIN, Sarah E.; s/o John and Virginia (Lamon) Moores; buried Wilhelm's Portland Memorial Mausoleum, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
"MOORES, CHARLES B.--Born in Benton, Missouri, August 6, 1849, and was taken by his parents to Danville, Illinois, in 1851, and to Oregon the next year. Has resided in Salem the greater part of the subsequent time. He was educated at the Willamette University, class of 1870, and served the O. & C. R. E,. Co. as draughtsman for four years. Studied law in the Universities of Pennsylvania and Michigan ; returned to Salem and practiced law. In 1880 became chief clerk of the House of Representatives, and is at present private secretary to Governor Moody. He married Miss S. E. Chamberlain in 1881." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 776]
MOORES, Gertrude E. (27 Sep 1851-12 Oct 1877): m'd 1874 MILLER, Miles Martin; d/o John and Virginia (Lamon) Moores; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
MOORES, Isaac Ross Sr. (1796-15 Apr 1861): m'd ALEXANDER, Jane; s/o Henry and Jean (Ross) Moores; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
"MOORES, I. R.--I. R. Moores, Sr., served in the Serninole war in Florida under Jackson ; commanded a regiment in the Black Hawk war (whence his title of colonel), and finally took part in the Mexican war. Arrived in Oregon in 1852, having come overland at the head of a company of pioneers organized at Danville, Illinois. Located in Lane County near Eugene City, and afterwards represented the people of that county in the Legislature and in the State Constitutioual Convention. Died in 1861 and is buried at Salem. I. R. Moores, Jr., was his youngest son. He was born near Danville, Illinois, February 14, 1831. Was educated in the common schools and began life as a clerk. In 1850 he crossed the plains to California and spent two years there mining, without much success. Returned to Illinois then and joined his father's expedition to Oregon. They set out in March, 1852, and arrived in Portland in December following. The young man then went to Yamhill County and spent two years as surveyor in partnership with William Logan. Removed in 1854 to Salem, where he maintained his residence for the remainder of his life. Was at first a clerk for J. N. McDonald, and in 1856 bought out his employer and entered into partnership with his brother, J. H. Moores. Was a member of the city council of Salem and was the chief organizer of the fire department of that town. Attained the thirty-second degree in Masonry. Was for seventeen years treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. Was elected to the Legislature in 1862 and 1864, and was once speaker of the house. At the beginning of the civil war he became colonel of the 2d regiment of Oregon mounted volunteers (whence his usual title of colonel). In 1866 Governor Woods apppointed him clerk of the State board of land commissioners. He was one of the original incorporators of the Oregon Central Railway Company, of which he was for a time the president. In 1870 he was appointed land commissioner for the O. & C. R. R., and held that position until his death, which took place July 25, 1884." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 776-77]
MOORES, Isaac Ross Jr. (14 Feb 1831-25 Jul 1884): m'd 1856 LAMON, Ellen R.; s/o Isaac and Jane (Alexander) Moors Sr.; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
MOORES, John Henry (26 Jun 1821- 16 Dec 1880): m'd 11 May 1847 LAMON, Virginia Lafayette; s/o Isaac and Jane (Alexander) Moores; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
MOORES, Mary Matilda (21 Jan 1826-21 Apr 1864): d/o Isaac and Jane (Alexander) Moores; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
MORE, Anna (1847-1931): BUKER, [ ]
*2) *26) MORELAND, Ann Eliza (1838-1857): m'd 1855 CALVERT, John; d/o Jesse and Susan (Robertson) Moreland
*2) *26) MORELAND, Josephine (1841-1861): m'd 1861 CALVERT, Charles; d/o Jesse and Susan (Robertson) Moreland
*2) *26) MORELAND, Julius Caesar. (1844-1918): m'd KLINE, Abigail B.; s/o Jesse and Susan (Robertson) Moreland
"MORELAND, J. C.--Born in Tennessee in 1844, and was brought by his parents to Oregon six years later. He was raised on a farm in Clackamas County, but learned the trade of printer in Portland. Read law with David Logan and was admitted to practice in 1868. Was a member of the city council of Portland from 1872 until 1875, and was city attorney from 1877 until 1882. Married Miss Abbie B. Kline in 1867." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 777]
*2) *26) MORELAND, Jesse (1802-1891):m1. 18 Dec 1824 ROBERTSON, Susan; m2. 1863 WALDO, Alvarilla; born 01 Jan 1802 Surry Co, NC and died March 1891 Needy, Clackamas Co, OR; father of 9 children (Wesley, Sarah Jane, Martha, Mary Cooper, William, Samuel A., Ann Eliza, Josephine and Julius Caesar)
*2) *26) MORELAND, Mary Cooper (1832-1905): m'd 1851 ROBINSON, Francis Wesley; d/o Jesse and Susan (Robertson) Moreland
*2) *26) MORELAND, Samuel A. (1836-1886): m'd 01 Jan 1872 CASE, Sarah Frances; s/o Jesse andSusan (Robertson) Moreland; born 01 Nov 1836 Jackson Co, TN and died 19 Mar 1886; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co, OR
"MORELAND, S. A.--Born in Jackson County, Tennessee, November 1, 1836; removed with his parents to Illinois in 1848, and to Oregon four years after. They settled in Clackamas County. The son studied law in Portland, where he afterwards became justice of the peace, city assessor, and police judge, holding the latter office at present. Has been occupied in journalism. Conducted the Evening Telegrain newspaper in 1882, and edited the Oregonian for a time, in 1880." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 777-78]
*2) *26) MORELAND, Sarah Jane (1827-1916): m;d 1850 OWEN, Mitchell M.; d/o Jesse and Susan (Robertson) Moreland
*2) *26) MORELAND, Wesley: s/o Jesse and Susan (Robertson) Moreland
*2) *26) MORELAND, William (1834/7- ): m'd 1869 NOBLET, Margaret Janes/o Jesse and Susan (Robertson) Moreland
MORGAN, Alphonso Wilkins (30 Aug 1849-13 Sep 1930): m'd [ ], Evan J. [divorced December 1905]; s/o Peter and Nancy (Wilkins) Morgan; buried Prosser Cemetery, Prosser, Benton County, Washington
MORGAN, Almeda (1838-Oct 1852): d/o James and Susan (Beaumont) Morgan; died on trail in Deschutes County, Oregon
MORGAN, Clarinda: m'd 1842 MORGAN, James S.; maiden name unknown at this time
MORGAN, David C. (1831- ):
MORGAN, David Dudley (1834- ):
MORGAN, Drusilla: m'd 1852 GUERIN, George Crane
MORGAN, Eliza Jane (06 Nov 1836-21 Dec 1926): d/o James and Susan (Beaumont) Morgan
*31) MORGAN, Elizabeth (24 Nov 1839-30 Oct 1915): m'd 26 Mar 1854 GUILEY, George W.; d/o John and Sarah (Stanley) Morgan
MORGAN, Erastus Newton (1837-1923): m'd GAUIRES, Lydia; s/o Rawley Morgan
MORGAN, Frances ( -1852): died on trail; d/o Rawley Morgan
MORGAN, Harrison Beaumont (01 Oct 1834 -06 Jan 1915): m'd 1856 TRULLINGER, Elizabeth Ellen; s/o James and Susan (Beaumont) Morgan; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
*31) MORGAN, Hattie A. (1851-06 Jun 1871): d/o Richard and Martha (Morgan) Morgan; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
*31) MORGAN, Henry Clay (14 Mar 1832-09 Jan 1916): m1. 01 Jan 1861 WILLIAMS, Cecelia Lucretia (1842-1863); m2. 12 Aug 1867 HUNSAKER, Martha Ellen; s/o Jonathan and Lydia (Bingaman) Morgan; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
MORGAN, Hester "Hattie" (24/26 Mar 1819-20/30 Sep 1894): m'd 19 Nov 1835 REED, James Madison; d/o Jonathan and Lydia (Bingaman) Morgan; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington
MORGAN, Hiram G. (1824- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Louisa E.; s/o Rawley Morgan
MORGAN, Israel (1837 - ): s/o Richard Morgan and first wife Elizabeth (Mullican) Morgan; enumerated in the 1850 census but unknown if he died prior to emigration
MORGAN, Jacob L. (1833-1920):
*31) MORGAN, Jachara S. (1848 - bef 1860): s/o John and Sarah (Stanley) Morgan; enumerated in 1850 census but was absent by 1860; may have died prior to emigration of after arrival
MORGAN, James P. (04 Jan 1810-25 Apr 1891): m'd 17 Mar 1831 BEAUMONT, Susan; s/o Evan and Nancy Ann (Popenoe) Morgan; buried unknown
MORGAN, James S. (1824- ): m'd 1842 [ ], Clarinda
*31) MORGAN, John (Dec 1812-01 Sep 1882 ): m'd 1839 STANLEY, Sarah Jane; s/o Jonathan and Lydia (Bingaman) Morgan; burial details unknown
*31) MORGAN, Jonathan (1792-17 Mar 1858): m'd 1812 BINGAMAN, Lydia; settled Lane County; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
*31) MORGAN, Jonathan B. "Jock" (18 Mar 1844-07 Oct 1905): 26 Jul 1866 HERVEY, Temperence; s/o Richard and Martha (Morgan) Morgan; buried Lower Valley Memorial Gardens, Sunnyside, Yakima County, Washington
*31) MORGAN, John C. (02 May 1845-28 Oct 1912): s/o John and Sarah (Stanley) Morgan; disappeared on hunting trip in Cascade Mountains and burial location is unknown
MORGAN, John Calvin (1837- ): s/o Richard and first wife Elizabeth (Mullican) Morgan; mother died before 1843; probably emigrated with father and step mother (Martha Morgan Sexton)
*31) MORGAN, John Monroe (Oct 1850-27 Aug 1927): s/o William and Ruth (Morgan) Morgan
MORGAN, Joseph ( -1852): died on trail
MORGAN, Leroy ( -1852): died on trail
MORGAN, Levi ( -1852): m'd 1833 [ ], Mary; died on trail to OR on the Snake River 28 Jul 1852
MORGAN, Louisa E.: m'd 1849 MORGAN, Hiram G.; maiden name unkown at this time
*31) MORGAN, Lucy Ann (1844 - aft 1910): m'd 1858 PARTON, Frank; d/o Richard and Martha (Morgan) Morgan; resided in Santa Clara County, California
MORGAN, Luther (1832- ): s/o Rawley Morgan
*31) MORGAN, Martha (11 Oct 1813-14 May 1899): m1. 01 Nov 1832 SEXTON, Enoch H. (1810-1842): m2. 29 May 1843 MORGAN, Richard; d/o Jonathan and Lydia (Bingaman) Morgan; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
MORGAN, Mary (1818- ): m'd 1833 MORGAN, Levi; maiden name unknown at this time
*31) MORGAN, Mildred F. (29 Sep 1851-29 Sep 1934): d/o John and Sarah (Stanley) Morgan; buried Athena Cemetery, Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon
MORGAN, Nancy ( -1852): died on trail; d/o Rawley Morgan
MORGAN, Orlando Solomon (03 Mar 1852-04 Mar 1908): s/o Peter and Nancy (Wilkins) Morgan; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
MORGAN, Peter ( -1852): died on trail
MORGAN, Peter Mrs. ( -1852): died on trail
MORGAN, Peter Popenoe. (05 Jun 1814-09 Apr 1903): m'd 31 Oct 1848 WILKINS, Nancy Martha; s/o Evan and Nancy Ann (Popenoe) Morgan
MORGAN, Rawley (1802- ): father of Hiram G., John, Peter, Nancy, Luther, David, Rufus, Erastus, Francis, Clarissa, Catherine and Evan E.
*31) MORGAN, Richard (1796 -15/17
Jun 1852): m'd 1840 MORGAN, Martha; died on trail of cholera near Ft. Laramie
MORGAN, Ruth (19 Apr 1806-18 Aug 1867): m'd 05 Dec 1829 MARSHALL, James; d/o Evan and Nancy Ann (Popenoe) Morgan; husband died at the Umatilla Agency Oct 1852 from blood poisoning obtained from a cut on his hand; Ruth is buried Santiam Central Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
*31) MORGAN, Ruth (Jul 1829-26 Apr 1907): m1. 03 Dec 1846 GARIGUS, James M. (1820-1847); m2. 16 Dec 1849 MORGAN, William Henry; d/o Jonathan and Lydia (Bingaman) Morgan
*31) MORGAN, Ruth (1843-1880): d/o John and Sarah (Stanley) Morgan
MORGAN, Sarah E. ( -1852): died on trail
MORGAN, William (1831- ):
*31) MORGAN, William Henry (18 Oct 1827-26 Mar 1915): m'd 16 Dec 1849 MORGAN, Ruth; s/o Richard and first wife Elizabeth (Mullican) Morgan
*31) MORGAN, William Henry (Jun 1841-11 Oct 1919): d/o John and Sarah (Stanley) Morgan; buried IOOF Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
MORPHEW, Elizabeth (13 Apr 1809-02 Jun 1883): m'd 1840 DIXON, Hiram; buried Jones Family Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
MORRIS, Alvina P.:
MORRIS, David Campbell (15 Apr 1831-Jan 1899): s/o John and Sarah (Campbell) Morris
MORRIS, Douglas (1843-1914):
MORRIS, Elias:
MORRIS, John Bennett (22
Sep 1807 -23 May 1852): m'd 13 Apr 1828 CAMPBELL, Sarah Ann; s/o Jacob and
Hannah (Wolcott) Morris; died 23 May 1852, from
IN; died north side of Platte River between Bellevue and Elkhorn River [Deaths On The Oregon Trail,
Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
MORRIS, James (21 Jul 1852- 27 Jul 1896): s/o John and Margaret (Brown) Morris; born on trail near Ft. Bridger; buried old Pioneer Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
MORRIS, James O. (19 Aug 1850-24 Apr 1910): s/o John and Sarah (Campbell) Morris
MORRIS, John B. ( -01 Jun 1909): died at Spokane, Washington
MORRIS, John Deveric (04 Apr 1826-18 Aug 1908): m'd 06 Nov 1851 BROWN, Margaret; buried in old Pioneer Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
Christina. ( 1843-1852): d/o John and Sarah (Campbell) Morris; "Cecelia
(McMillen) Adams mentioned in her diary that they passed the graves of
M.C. Morris, aged 9 yrs and Mary Morris, aged 19 yrs"
MORRIS, Mary (26 Feb 1819-09 Feb 1909): m'd 07 Jan 1841 EARNEST, William B.; buried Jennings Cemetery, Zena, Polk County, Oregon
MORRIS, Mary (1833-1852):
d/o John and Sarah (Campbell) Morris; died on trail in Nebraska: "Cecelia (McMillen)
Adams mentioned in her diary that they passed the graves of M.C. Morris,
aged 9 yrs and Mary Morris, aged 19 yrs"
MORRIS, Philemon (1807-1883): m'd 16 Apr 1845 PIERCE, Minerva
MORRIS, Phoebe Jane (10 Mar 1839-14 May 1909): d/o John and Sarah (Campbell) Morris; died in Spokane, Washington
MORRIS, Rhoda: m'd YORK, Joseph
MORRIS, Robert Lutton (18 Mar 1835- 18 Apr 1914): m1. WINGFIELD, Henrietta; m2. 1873 MACKRELL, Mary Frances; m3. 21 Sep 1881 MCKEE, Emily Frances; s/o John and Sarah (Campbell) Morris
MORRIS, Sarah E. (Feb 1843-04 Jan 1915): d/o John and Sarah (Campbell) Morris; died Marion County, Oregon
MORRIS, Sophia G. (28 Feb 1829-19 Dec 1899): d/o John and Sarah (Campbell) Morris
MORRIS, William A. (Mar 1847-1935): m'd 29 Sep 1892 SHUCK, Delilah; s/o John and Sarah (Campbell) Morris; died Park County, Wyoming;
MORRISON, Clarendon (1811- ): m'd 1833 [ ], Elizabeth
*18) MORRISON, Crawford; from Groveland, Tazewell Co, IL; left the company August 15th to travel down the Snake River in a wagon boat with several others from the company
MORRISON, Elizabeth ( -1916): m'd 1833 MORRISON, Clarendon; maiden name unknown at this time
MORRISON, Lydia (29 Jan 1828-11 Jan 1891): m'd 18 Nov 1848 RUDD, Harry Lindsey.; Lydia was born in NH and died at Albany, Linn County, Oregon; buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Peoria, Linn County, Oregon
MORRISON, Susanna: m'd WHITE, [ ]
MORSE, James (1820- ): m'd 1842 SHOEMAKER, Augusta (or Susan)
*10) MORTON, Iva Jane (1834-1907): m'd DAVIS, Hardin
MORTON, Melinda: m'd 1856 SALING, Emery; d/o William and Catherine (Sisler) Morton; 1859 moved to Walla Walla; moved to Weston in early 1870s where her husband had a dry goods store, Reese & Saling; mother of 11 children
MORTON, William: m'd c1839 SISLER, Catherine; settled near McMinnville
MOSBY, David:
MOSER, Aaron ( -1852): died on trail
MOSER, Alonzo (Sep 1838 -27 May 1919): m'd 1856 CHAMNESS, Harriet; s/o Joseph and Isabella (Dunnigan) Moser Sr.; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
MOSER, Elizabeth (06 Nov 1834-17 Dec 1913): m'd 11 Nov 1852 WHITLOCK, John Harrison; d/o Joseph and Isabella (Dunnigan) Moser Sr; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
MOSER, Harriet (13 Sep 1836-20 Apr 1918): m'd STANTON, John Anderson; d/o Joseph and Isabella (Dunnigan) Moser Sr; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
MOSER, Isaiah A. (02 May 1850-12 Feb 1925): m'd 27 Feb 1872 BUFF, Mary Margaret; d/o John and Sarah (Petree) Moser; buried Wilbur Cemetery, Wilbur, Lincoln County, Washington
MOSER, John (20 Aug 1827-12 Oct 1916 ): m'd 1847 PETREE, Sarah Ann; s/o Joseph and Isabella (Dunnigan) Moser Sr; father of 12 children (Joseph H., Isaiah, Margaret E., Minerva, John F., Mary, Sarah, Isabella, Falista, Lemuel, Isabelle and Stoneman); buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
MOSER, Joseph Sr. (02 Jan 1804 -18 Apr 1873): m'd c1823 DUNIGAN, Isabella; father of 10 children (John, Lucinda, Mary, Tobias, Solomon, Joseph, Elizabeth, Harriet, Alonzo and William); buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
MOSER, Joseph Jr. (07 Aug 1832-05 Jan 1915 ): m1. 06 Aug 1854 MILLER, Sarah Jane; m2. 02 Sep 1886 BOLIN, Mary Jane; s/o Joseph and Isabella (Dunnigan) Moser Sr; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
MOSER, Joseph Henry (23 Dec 1847-30 Sep 1930): m'd 1870 GARRETT, Olive Jane, s/o John and Sarah (Petree) Moser; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
MOSER, Lucinda (25 Nov 1825-26 Dec 1898): m'd 02 Mar 1841 BOLIN, Daniel W.; d/o Joseph and Isabella (Dunnigan) Moser Sr; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington
MOSER, Margaret Elizabeth (08 Nov 1851-29 Apr 1932): m1. HINKLE, Isaac Alexander; m2. DELORE, Peter; d/o John and Sarah (Petree) Moser; buried Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prineville, Crook County, Oregon
MOSER, Mary (16 Jul 1829-18 Sep 1914): m'd c1846 HARTMAN, John; d/o Joseph and Isabella (Dunnigan) Moser Sr.; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
MOSER, Solomon (24 Jun 1830-05 Feb 1910); s/o Joseph and Isabella (Dunnigan) Moser Sr; buried Kelly Cemetery, Maupin, Wasco County, Oregon
MOSER, Tobias (24 Jun 1830-17 Sep 1880): s/o Joseph and Isabella (Dunnigan) Moser Sr; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
MOSER, William (08 Sep 1840-09 May 1928): m'd 1858 HARDMAN, Maria Louise; s/o Joseph and Isabella (Dunnigan) Moser Sr; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
MOSS, Elizabeth Jane: m'd 1844 GOODPASTURE, Alexander
MOSS, Micajah. G. (c1805 - ): m'd 1836 [ ] , Sarah Ann
MOSS, Sarah Ann: m'd 1836 MOSS, Micajah G.; maiden name unknown at this time
MOSS, Stephen P. (1840- ): m1. 1861 ROBNETT, Sarah E.; m2. 1870 CASTEEL, Margaret S.
"MOSS, STEPHEN P.--Born in Peoria, Illinois, in 1840, and was brought to Oregon by his parents when twelve years old. They settled in Linn County, and the son was reared on their farm. From 1868 to 1872 he was in California. Returning, he settled in Lake County, and raised stock. Was elected county commissioner in 1870, and representative in 1882. Married Sarah E. Robnett in 1861, who died in 1868; married Miss Margaret S. Casteel in 1870." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 778]
MOSS, Zela McCasey:
MOSSMAN, George (c1834-06 Jun 1852): died on north side of Platte River 10 miles west of Buffalo Creek, Nebraska of cholera, was from Fulton County, Indiana [Deaths On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
MOXLEY, Hester Ann (1821-aft 1858): m'd COOPER, James Lindsay
MOYER, Anna Nancy: m'd 18 Oct 1849 COOPER, Perry
MOYER, J. M. (1829- ):
"MOYER, J. M.--Lives in Brownsville, Linn County, and is proprietor of the Woolen Mills in that town. He was born in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, August 21, 1829, and is married to Elizabeth D. Brown. Their children are Edward D., Hugh B., and Ethel (deceased)." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 778]
MOZIER, Mahala (29 Nov 1809-20 Feb 1876): m'd 15 Jan 1829 GARD, Timothy; d/o John and Elizabeth (Buffenbarger) Mozier; probably buried in unmarked garve at Clarkes Pioneer Cemetery, Clarkes, Clackamas County, Oregon
MUCK, Henry A. (1793- ): m'd 1829 [ ], Elizabeth
MULKEY, Benjamin G. (1844- ): m'd ZUMWALT, Cynthia; s/o John and Hester
(Gist) Mulkey
MULKEY, Hannah (1848- ): m'd HAYES, Henry Taylor; d/o John and Hester (Gist) Mulkey
MULKEY, John Thomas (1825-1896): m'd 1843 GIST, Hester Ann; s/o Phillip and Martha (Martin) Mulkey
MULKEY, Martha H. (1851- ): m'd CYRUS, Lawson; d/o John and Hester (Gist) Mulkey
MULKEY, Mary Zerelda: d/o Thomas and Sarah (Carpenter) Mulkey
MULL, Noah (1816- ):
MULVANY, Newton Elderbrige: m'd
(Unknown), Elizabeth; born near Knoxville and moved to Appanose Co, IA in the
1840s; s/o John W. and Mary "Polly" (Callen) Mulvany; had DLC for
Yamhill county
MURPHEY, Calvin L. (1824- ): m'd 1848 , Margaret E.
MURPHY, Andrew (1826-1896): m'd COSGROVE, Elizabeth A.
*25) MURPHY, Elizabeth Frances (28 Oct 1832-17 Nov 1914):: m'd 13 Mar 1851 LUCAS, Albert Whitfield; d/o John and Francis (Doughty) Murphy; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon; mother of 10 children (Adah, Jay P., Nellie, Mary, Katherine, Susan Jane, Frank, Albert Lincoln, Frederick T. and one unknown)
*25) MURPHY, Emma D. (1850- ): m'd 14 Sep 1873 MCMURRY, James Scott; d/o John and Francis (Doughty) Murphy; born May 1850 Warren Co, IL; mother of 8 children (Ralph, Frank, Glen, Daisy, Myrtle, Nellie, Elsie and Edna); often seen listed as twin of Ellen but I believe this is an error in the 1860 and 1870 census records because Emma is listed in the 1850 Warren Co, IL census as 4 mos old and her sister Ellen was born in 1854 Oregon per the 1860 census.
*25) MURPHY, Henderson Warren (03 Feb 1835-31 Dec 1918): m'd 18 Nov 1863 DAVIDSON, Rebecca Lucretia; s/o John and Francis (Doughty) Murphy; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon; father of 7 children (Sadie, John D., Omer, Nellie, Kate, Carried and Claud)
*25) MURPHY, James Thompson (20 Apr 1837 -27 Nov 1923): m1. c1857 HULL, Electa L.; m2. 20 Mar 1864 WHITMAN, Martha Jane; s/o John and Francis (Doughty) Murphy; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
*25) MURPHY, John Ecles (16 Oct 1806-07 May 1876): m'd 22 Mar 1827 DOUGHTY, Frances Wright; s/o William and Nancy (Ferguson) Murphy; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon; born 16 Oct 1806 Barren Co, KY and died 07 May 1876 Monmouth, Polk Co, OR; one of the founders of Western Oregon University at Monmouth, Polk Co, OR; father of 13 known children (Susan Jane, William Preston, Elizabeth Frances, Henderson Warren, James Thompson, David Newson, Preston Holcomb, Nancy Angeline, Mary Adeline, Sarah Ann, Emma D., Ellen Margaret and Albert)
*25) MURPHY, John Turner (1843- ): m'd 06 Mary 1870 ROHRER, Ruth J.
MURPHY, JOHN TURNER--Born in Knox County, Illinois, October 27, 1843, and came with his parents to Oregon. The first winter after their arrival was spent in Yamhill County, and in 1853 they moved to Polk County, remaining there a short time, and going the same year to Washington Territory, where they lived three years. At the expiration of that time they returned to Polk County, locating at Monmouth, where Mr. Murphy has since remained. He now owns a farm two miles from the lovely little town of Monmouth. He was married, March 6, 1870, to Miss Ruth J. Rohrer, and they have four children, namely Chester V., George J., Linnie G., and William D. Mr. Murphy has his home in Monmouth, but continues to work his farm." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 778]
*25) MURPHY, Mary Adeline (1846-1922): m'd 10 Sep 1863 CHRISMAN, Campbell Ewing; d/o John and Francis(Doughty) Murphy; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
*25) MURPHY, Nancy Angeline (1844- ): m'd 29 Dec 1859 ROWLAND, George Washington d/o John and Francis(Doughty) Murphy; born 1844 Warren Co, IL; husband is buried IOOF Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco Co, OR
*25) MURPHY, Preston Holcomb D. (04 Jan 1842-30 Nov 1930): m'd 21 Jun 1874 BOND,Sarah H.; s/o John and Francis (Doughty) Murphy; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon; listed in the 1870 census as "deaf and dumb"
*25) MURPHY, Sarah Ann (31 May 1850-13 Nov 1925): m'd 25 Dec 1867 MULKEY, Hamilton Davis; d/o John andFrancis (Doughty) Murphy; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon; mother of 5 children (Hattie, Winnie, Gertrude, Ollie and H.B.)
*25) MURPHY, Susan Jane (31 Jan 1829-07 Apr 1906): m1. 06 Oct 1847 MARSHALL, Robert W.; m2. 30 Apr 1850 MARSHALL, Joseph Latimer; d/o John and Francis (Doughty) Murphy; died Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California
*25) MURPHY, William (1816-1874): m'd ROUNDTREE,Elizabeth
*25) MURPHY, William Preston (23 Jan 1830-01 Mar 1915): m1. 19 Dec 1855 TAYLOR, Sarah; m2. 27 Sep 1866 STOVER, Sarah Elma (STANTON); s/o John and Francis (Doughty) Murphy; father of 2 children by first wife (Frances A. and Elsie); father of 4 children by second wife (Charles A., Myre E., Emma L. and Ross W.); settled in Marion County, OR until sometime just prior to 1900 he imoved Riverside County, California where he died; burial location unknown
"MURPHY, WILLIAM P.--Born in Illinois in 1831 ; came to Oregon when twenty -one years old. Now lives at Sa,lem. Married fiirst Sarah Taylor, and afterwards Sarah E. Stanton." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 778]
MURRAIN, Amanda (1824-1852): m'd 08 Sep 1850 JENNINGS, Jesse Roland; d/o
Gilliam and Elizabeth (Mitchell) Murrain;
burial location unknown
MURRAY, Alexander Hamilton (15 Apr
1826-05 Sep 1904): m'd
15 Oct 1851 CONWAY, Clarinda; settled in Clatskanie area 1868; buried in
Cemetery, Clatskanie, Columbia Co, in unmarked grave
MURRAY, Charles (1819- ):
MURRAY, Daniel (05 Oct 1852-Oct 1852): s/o Alexander and Clarinda (Conway) Murray; was born at The Dalles and reportedly died soon after of the croup
MURRAY, James (1814- ): m'd 1846 THOMURE, Mary
MURRAY, Margaret (1803 -24 Dec 1853): m'd 04 Jan 1827 BARRETT, John; buried Myers Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon
MUSIK, Sarah J. ( -1852): m'd MILLER, James; died on trail of cholera
MYERS, Arthusa Frances (09 Dec 1849- ): m1. 27 Aug 1865 LAMB, Abraham; m2. RAYMOND, Frederic; d/o Thomas and Susanna (Caton) Myers; Arthusa disappears from census records after the 1870 census and it may be due to an unknow marriage or perhaps she was living outside the US; in the 1870 census she had 2 children (Charles A. and Hugh C.)
MYERS, Elizabeth (27 Oct 1835-12 Jul 1927): m1. 1853 BUSH, William; m2. c1876 STAMPER, John Washington; d/o Thomas and Mary (Turpin) Myers; resided in several counties until finally settling in Umatilla County; buried Athena Cemetery, Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon; Elizabeth was the mother of 11 children by her fist husband but by the 1900 census only 5 of them were still living Thomas Milton, Willis, Mary Ella, Olive Eleanor, Elizabeth, George Washington, James E., Zach, Clarissa, child Bush)
MYERS, George (1829- ): m'd 1854 ARMENTROUT, Mary E.
"MYERS, GEORGE--Born in Tippecanoe County, Ohio, in 1829. On his arrival in Oregon he settled five miles northeast of North Yamhill, where he still resides, on his farm. he married Mary E. Armentrout in 1854, and their children s names are Levi M., Ardenny L., Mrs. Effie Grayson, Leonora, and Aline." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 779]
MYERS, John (1830- ): of Clackamas Co; b. 15 Sep 1830 MO; to CA 1852; sheriff of Stanislaus Co, CA 1857; to OR 1860; sheriff of Clackamas co in 1868; State Senate 1872; m'd 1858; has eight children; merchant
MYERS, Melvina (1818-1880) m'd 1836 William Franklin Robbins
MYERS, Melvina Ellen (29 Jul 1844-15 Mar 1935) m'd 23 Jul 1863 HUFFT, Jesse Marion; d/o Thomas and Susanna (Caton) Myers; in later years settled in Eugene, Oregon where she is buried in buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon; Melvina was the mother of 3 children (Nancy Georgeanna, Thomas D., Florence Susanna Hufft)
MYERS, Thomas Jefferson (29 Apr 1805-30 Jul 1876): m1. c1834 TURPIN, Mary; m2. 24 Jun 1843 CATON, Susanna Wright; s/o Elijah and Hannah (Barnett) Myers; emigrated to Oregon from Vernon County, Missouri, by 1860 census is living Del Norte County, California and by 1870 had returned to Vernon County, Missouri with his wife and younger children. He was the father of 3 children by his first wife (2 children died young and Elizabeth Myers); there were 12 children by his second wife (Melvina Ellen, Thomas Jefferson Jr., William Caton, Arthusa Frances, Noah A., Hannah, Anna, Barnett, George W., Mary Susanna and Robert Edward Lee); buried Ellis Cemetery, Vernon County, Missouri
MYERS, Thomas Jefferson Jr. (20 Dec 1846-23 Nov 1919): m'd BADGER, Mary Jane; s/o Thomas and Susanna (Caton) Myers; was in California with his parents and siblings in 1860 census and had returned to Vernon County, Missouri by the 1870 census where he is buried in Deepwood Cemetery, Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri; father of three children (Thomas A., Halley S. and Joseph Roy Myers)
MYERS, William Caton (08 Apr 1848-31 Jul 1938): m'd 06 Feb 1868 GRANT, Henrietta; s/o Thomas and Susanna (Caton) Myers; in the 1880 census William is living in Napa County, California with no mention of his famil; he died in Durango, Mexico and is buried in the city cemetery at El Salto, Durango, Mexico
MYRTLE, Horace Downing (1823-1883): m'd MILLIORN, Sarah H.
MYRTLE, John (1850- ): s/o Horace and Sarah (Milliorn) Myrtle
NAIL, Alexander ( -1896):
NATION, James; driver for Wigle family
NAYLOR, Levina: m'd 1828 NAYLOR, William; maiden name unknown at this time
NAYLOR, William (1813- ): m'd 1828 [ ], Levina
NEAL, Asenath Anna (20 Jan 1826-20 Mar 1898): m'd c1843 WOMACK, Alfred; m2. 11 Feb 1853 WRIGHT, Lynden; d/o Benjamin and Nancy (Harmon) Neal; some of the Neal family came in 1844
NEAL, Daniel (Dec 1842-04 Nov 1917): m'd 11 May 1873 PIERCE, Adora Elizabeth; s/o Valentine and Mary (Sumpter) Neal
NEAL, George W. (1837-03 Jul 1852): s/o Valentine and Mary (Sumpter) Neal; died on trail
NEAL, Martha (1834-03 Jul 1852): d/o Valentine and Mary (Sumpter) Neal; died on trail
NEAL, Mary Valentine (1846-aft 1870): m'd 19 Apr 1860 DUSTIN, Malcolm; d/o Valentine and Mary (Sumpter) Neal
NEAL, Nancy (1839-c1887): m1. 07 May 1854 EADES, John [divorced 01 Jun 1874), m2. 21 Dec 1875 PREFONTAINE, Wilfred; John; d/o Valentine and Mary (Sumpter) Neal
NEAL, Nelson (1844-bef 1850): s/o Valentine and Mary (Sumpter) Neal; died prior to 1850 census
NEAL, Valentine (1811-03 Jul 1852): m'd 21 Feb 1835 SUMPTER, Mary; s/o Benjamin and Nancy (Harmon) Neal; died on trail; Note: the Valentine Neal that appears in early Oregon newspapers is a different individual and is listed as 18 or 20 in 1854.
NEAL, William (1819-1877): m'd 1837 SNEED, Emily Jane; s/o Benjamin and Nancy (Harmon) Neal
NEER, Benjamin F. (03 Sep 1850 -13
Sep 1888): m'd 24 Dec 1875 QUIGLEY, Sarah Jane; s/o Abraham Caleb and Elizabeth (King) Neer;
Masonic Cemetery, St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon
NEER, Caleb (Gottlieb)Abraham Neer (Naher) (27 Apr 1809- 11 May 1889): m'd 1836 KING, Elizabeth; s/o Abraham and Catharine (Paulin) Naher; buried Masonic Cemetery, St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon
NEER, Elizabeth (c1844 PA - ) d/o Abraham Caleb and Elizabeth (King) Neer
NEER, Catherine Elizabeth "Kate" (30 Aug 1844 -25 Nov 1892): m'd 02 Oct 1864 RANCK, William; d/o Abraham Caleb and Elizabeth (King) Neer; buried Old Vancouver City Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
NEER, George P. (16 Sep 1843 -29 Jul 1865) s/o Abraham Caleb and Elizabeth (King) Neer; buried Masonic Cemetery, St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon
NEER, John David (04 Jul 1841-27 Apr 1922) m'd 21 Jul 1869 STEHMAN, Mary Harvid; s/o Abraham Caleb and Elizabeth (King) Neer; buried Historic Columbian Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
NEER, Phillip (07 May 1852-18 Mar 1922): s/o Abraham Caleb and Elizabeth (King) Neer; buried Masonic Cemetery, St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon; born on trail during emigration
NEER, Simon Abraham (17 Apr 1840 – 23 Jan 1914); m'd 19 Sep 1883 LINK, Laurinda Ann; s/o Abraham Caleb and Elizabeth (King) Neer; buried Neer City Cemetery, Goble, Columbia County, Oregon
NEER, William Jacob (Feb 1849 -10 Sep 1919 ): m'd BOZEMAN, Mary; s/o Abraham Caleb and Elizabeth (King) Neer; buried North Selma Cemetery, Selma, Fresno County, California
NEFF, Elizabeth (1828-Apr 1870): m'd 02 Sep 1847 AYERS, Nathaniel C.; d/o Christian and Catherine (Baxley) Neff; died Josephine County, Oregon;buried Laurel Cemetery, Cave Junction, Josephine County, Oregon
NELSON, Andrew I. (1828 - ):
NELSON, Elizabeth: m'd 1852 SHEPARD, Henry; married on trail
*2) *26) NELSON, Samuel:
NESBITT, William (1815- ):
NESSLY, Alice Fawcett (24 Jan 1811-01 Nov 1872): m'd 1830 BOYCE, Dr. Joseph W.; d/o John and Elizabeth (Fawcett) Nessly; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
NESSLEY, Elizabeth Matilda (1845-1920): d/o Jacob and Mary (Frederick) Nessley
NESSLEY, Homer Frederick (1850-1944): s/o Jacob and Mary (Frederick) Nessley
NESSLEY, Jacob Groff (1812-1875): m'd 1839 FREDERICK, Mary
NESSLEY, John Jacob (1847-1935): s/o Jacob and Mary (Frederick) Nessley
NESSLEY, Lucinda Francis (1842-1925): d/o Jacob and Mary (Frederick) Nessley
NESSLEY, Milford Fawcett (1840-1911): s/o Jacob and Mary (Frederick) Nessley
NEVITT, Lucy Agnes (18 Jan 1829 - 01 May 1894): m'd 09 Jan 1851 MCCUBBINS, Zachariah
NEWBILL, B. H. (1843- ): m'd 1859 ELLIS, Julia
"NEWBILL, B. H.--Born in Missouri in 1843; came to Oregon, and settled in Polk County, where he still resides. Occupation, farming. Married Julia Ellis in Polk County, in 1859. Children Sarah S., Margaret E., Mary J., Ora E., and Edward Ray." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 779]
NEWBILL, Nathaniel Alexander (1803- ): m'd 1833 , Sarah
NEWBILL, Sarah Francis ( - ): m'd ,
NEWBILL, Sarah G. (1804-1906): m'd KEMP, William; died at 102 years of age in McMinnville, Yamhill Co, OR
NEWCOMB, Elinore (1840-1926): m'd KUBLI, [ ]
NEWCOMB, Elizabeth (19 Jan 1822-17 Feb 1895): m1. d 04 Oct 1842 CALVERT, Mark; m2. 1872 MOORE, Henry; buried Rest Lawn Memorial Park, Junction City, Lane County, Oregon
NEWKIRK, Magdalene "Lena: Jane (11 Feb 1799-10 May 1883): m'd 1824 SCOTT, Robert; d/o Peter and Mary (Stafford) Newkirk; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
NEWMAN, Francis A. (1826- )
*8) NEWMAN, Henry
*8) NEWMAN, William:
NEWSOM, John William (1828-1902): m'd 1865 GREENWOOD, Olive
*16) NEWTON, Rebecca C. (1818-1852): m'd DRURY, Thompson; born c1818 VA and died August 3, 1852 along the North Platte River ; "Rebecca wife died August 3, 1852 along the North Platte River leaving five young children (Melissa Ellen, Emily Frances, Celinda Susan, Newton and Wells W.); the children were taken to Oregon by other Drury and Shortridge family members and place with at least three families in Yamhill County"
NICHOLS, Henry Brainard (1821- ):
NICHOLS, Mary Ellen ( -c1909): m'd GARRISON, John Miller
NICHOLS, Susan R.: m'd 1849 JEFFRIES, Thomas S.
"JEFFRIES, F. (sic-T.) S.--Born in Virginia in 1818; came to Oregon and settled in Marion County. Lives now at Amity. Served in the Mexican war, attaining the rank of orderly sergeant. His occupation is agent for manufacturers of machinery. He married Susan R. Nichols in 1849, and they have one child, Theodore by name." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 770]
NICHOLSON, Emaline ( -1915): m'd LARKIN, [ ]
*2a) NICHOLSON, James [James Akin diary August 20, 1852 Tow the cattle across the river between the wagon beds, ferry the wagons over in the evening. James Nicholson starts down the river in a wagon bed; October 10, 1852 James Nicholson, John T. Stewart and John Akin start with the cattle on the pack trail]
NICKERSON, Eliza B. (05 May 1811-03 Aug 1894): m'd 1834 DENNY, Christian; d/o Hugh and Rebecca (Blanchard) Nickerson; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon; mother of Laura, Sarah, Owen N., John, Mahala and Presley M.; two siblings emigrated in 1851
NICKERSON, Lurana (1816-19 May 1877): m'd 1842 BELL, John Wilmet; d/o Hugh and Rebecca (Blanchard) Nickerson; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon; two siblings emigrated in 1851
NICKERSON, Simon Allen (08 May 1827-16 Jul 1902): m'd 1852 THORLA, Mary A.; s/o Hugh and Rebecca (Blanchard) Nickerson; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon; two siblings emigrated in 1851
NIXON, Andrew (1827- ):
NIXON, Joseph (1824- ): m'd 1846 PARRISH, H.
"NIXON, JOSEPH--Born in Virginia in 1824, and went to Ohio at an early age. Left Indiana in 1852 for Oregon, and settled in Linn County. Was married in 1846 to H. Parrish. Their children were James W., Orrilla, J. L., J. H., and Mattie. Mr. Nixon s original occupation was that of blacksmith; but he now owns and conducts the St. Charles Hotel at Lebanon, Linn County. Was county treasurer from 1864 to 1867 inclusive." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 779]
*16) NOLAND, James S.:
NOLAND, N. (1842- ): m'd 1867 DAWSON, Melissa J.; s/o James S. Noland
"NOLAND, N.--Born in Missouri, in 1842; came to Oregon with his father, J. S. Noland ; lived several years in Southern and Eastern Oregon, prior to settling in Washington County; his present residence is Cornelius, and occupation, hotel keeping. Married Miss Melissa J. Dawson in 1867. Children Nettie (deceased), Alice, Emma, John, and Lulu." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 779]
NORRIS, Martha Ann (c1834- ): m'd 1849 WOOD, Hiram
NORTHCUTT, Salathiel (1837- ):
NORTHRUP, Edward J. (1834-1883): m'd 1856 MCNAMEE, Frances
"NORTHRUP, EDWARD J.--Born in Albany, New York, July 4, 1834. Was reared to habits of business, and, in 1852, came to Oregon, and became a clerk for his father s firm (Northrup & Symonds), succeeding to the concern's business in 1856. Retired about 1878, selling out to Thompson, DeHart & Co. Met his death by a fall, April 9, 1883. He married Miss Frances McNamee in 1856, by whom he had six children, five of whom are now living." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 779]
NORTON, Thomas Harvey (1819-1901): m'd DAVIS, Emeline; traveled with Luce,
Coats and Clayton
*11) NORTON, Three Young Men: named in Coon family records
NOTSON, Catherine D. (22 Jul 1831 -01 Dec 1917): m'd 25 Mar 1852 BYERLY, Henry; d/o Nocholas and Ann (Bowen) Notson; buried Ball Cemetery, Ballston, Polk County, Oregon
NOWER, Ann (20 Feb 1802-24 May 1883): m'd 18 Dec 1817 FIELDS, Ambrose Carr; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon; husband came in 1847 with two of his sons and rest of family followedin 1852 per Phil Hirl at PHirl@aol.com
NOWLIN, Belinda (01 Apr 1816-08 Apr 1894): m'd 09 Nov 1837 CHAPMAN, Enoch C.; d/o Bennet and Nancy (Robinson) Nowlin; buried Claquato Cemetery, Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington
NYE, Agnes (1833- ): m'd 1855 THOMPSON, Robert M
*7) NYE, Martha Jane (07 Mar 1834-16 May 1922: m'd 23 Jun 1851 MAYS, John C.; d/o Dr. James M. and Nancy (Calloway) Nye; mother of 8 children, c1870 located in Eastern Oregon at Weston; later moved to Colfax, WA where her husband died
NYE, Rachel (14 Apr 1824-07 Apr 1903) m'd 11 Aug 1840 BLAIN, William Barr; m2. c1893 HULBERT, Henry; d/o John Main Nye and Agnes Jones; buried Spangle Cemetery, Spangle, Spokane County, Washington
ODEN, Mary Elizabeth (1824-1852): m'd 03 Jan 1841 HOMSLEY, Benjamin Franklin; d/o Sarah and Jacob Oden; born 20 Jul 1824 Lexington, Fayette Co, KY and died 10 Jun 1852 near Fort Laramie, WY of complications of measles and getting wet when wagon overturned in water; mother of 5 children (Georgianna, Lycurges, Lura, Sarah Ellen and an infant); her grave was later found and now has a memorial marker provided by Oregon California Trail Association
O'DONALD, J. J. ( - ): m'd ,
ODEN, Levi L.: m'd MONROE, Cordelia; parents of 13 children [those born in OR
were John T., Lura A., Richard, Henry, Eliza J., Mary, Osee, Esther, Buddy,
Jerusha, Rose]
ODEN, Norris: s/o Levi and Cordelia (Monroe) Oden
ODEN, William G. (1826-1883): m'd 1854 BROWN, Emeline
ODEN, William H: s/o Levi and Cordelia (Monroe) Oden
*4) O'DONALD, John: s/o Jonathan and Catherine (Weaver) O'Donald
*4) O'DONALD, Jonathan P. (1826-1910): m1. 1847 WEAVER, Catherine (div 1864); m2. 1865 CROSS, Eliza Ann
"O'DONALD, JONATHAN--Born in Pennsylvania in 1826; came to Oregon when twenty fouryears of age; lived mainly in Portland and Salem, and worked at his trade of carpenter and stair -builder. Is a member of the firm of O Donald & Jackson, carpenters and builders, in Salem. Married in 1865, and had four children by his first wife William H., Emma, Ella, and Elmer E. By a second marriage he has had Anna and Frank. Residence, Salem." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 721] Note: listed in this publication as pioneer of 1850.
*4) O'DONALD, William H.: s/o Jonathan and Catherine (Weaver) O'Donald
OGLE, Amelia (1842- ): d/o James and Anna
(Stormer) Ogle; shown in 1850 Des Moines County,
Iowa census living at home, age 8
OGLE, Elizabeth (13 Sep 1838-15 Jul 1912): m1. 21 Sep 1853 MCCALLISTER, Simon Levi; m2. 1868 STEVENS, Alven B.; d/o Joseph and Rebecca (Agee) Ogle
OGLE, Emily Jane (07 Jun 1849-07 Jan 1913): m'd 15 Mar 1868 NOBLE, John Bert; d/o James and Anna (Stormer) Ogle; buried Pomeroy City Cemetery, Pomeroy, Garfield County, Washington
OGLE, James Anderson (Nov 1809-15 Sep 1882: m'd 06 Mar 1834 STORMER, Anna; s/o Absalom and Lucy (Pemberton) Ogle; buried Pomeroy City Cemetery, Pomeroy, Garfield County, Washington; helped lay out road from Astoria to the Willamette Valley 1850s
OGLE, James Jasper (19 Feb 1843-07 Apr 1915): m'd 14 Dec 1865 OGLE, Lucy Ann; s/o Joseph and Rebecca (Agee) Ogle; buried Masonic Cemetery Lafayette #3, Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon; wife was d/o John and Margaret (Jones) Ogle
OGLE, John C. (22 Dec 1840-28 Feb 1892): s/o Joseph and Rebecca (Agee) Ogle; buried Forest Grove Cemetery, Tenino, Thurston County, Washington
OGLE, John M. (Sep 1838-27 Dec 1905): m'd 13 Nov 1864 STORMER, Mary Ann; s/o James and Anna (Stormer) Ogle; buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
OGLE, Joseph (10 Apr 1805-26 Apr 1877): m'd 26 Feb 1829 AGEE, Rebecca T.; s/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Dennis) Ogle; buried Halsey Pioneer Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
OGLE, Lucy Ann (Jul 1836-19 Oct 1900): m'd STEPHENS, Thomas; d/o James and Anna (Stormer) Ogle; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
OGLE, Margaret Lucretia (20 Jun 1845-21 May 1883 ): m'd 03 Apr 1873 FIELD, Robert Franklin; d/o Joseph and Rebecca (Agee) Ogle; buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
OGLE, Marah I (1850- ): d/o James and Anna (Stormer) Ogle; shown in 1860 Umpqua County, Oregon census living at home, age 10
OGLE, Minerva Jane (1848- ): d/o James and Anna (Stormer) Ogle; shown in 1860 Umpqua County, Oregon census living at home, age 12
OGLE, Mary Jane ( 25 Jul 1831-14 Jan 1913): m1. 07 Oct 1849 WEBSTER, James P.; m2. 31 Aug 1853 DAVIS, Lemuel E; d/o Joseph and Rebecca (Agee) Ogle; buried Newport Cemetery of Yaquina, South Beach, Lincoln County, Oregon
OGLE, Matilda (1850- ): d/o Joseph and Rebecca (Agee) Ogle
OGLE, Nancy Ann (1830-02 Mar 1895: m1. 14 Mar 1847 GOODWIN, Edward C.; m2. 1871 HEALD, Asher D.; d/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Dennis) Ogle; buried Hill Dunn Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon
OGLE, Ruth (03 May 1836-26 Aug 1902): m'd 02 Sep 1853 WHITE, Samuel Henry; d/o Joseph and Rebecca (Agee) Ogle; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
OGLE, Sarah T. (1842-22 Apr 1919): d/o James and Anna (Stormer) Ogle; shown in 1860 Umpqua County, Oregon census living at home, age 18
OGLE, Sarah Francis (129 Jan 1848- 18 Jul 1913): m1. 31 Dec 1766 HYMAN, David; m2. 1892 ELWOOD, John J.; d/o Joseph and Rebecca (Agee) Ogle; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
OGLE, William W. (1841- ): s/o James and Anna (Stormer) Ogle; shown in 1860 Umpqua County, Oregon census living at home, age 19
OGLE, William Franklin (Sep 1833-29 Mar 1910): m'd 1858 DAVIS, Elyssa Eliza; s/o Joseph and Rebecca (Agee) Ogle; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
OGLESBY, Samuel Redman (Dec 1812 -08 Feb 1859): m1. 1831 SIMPSON, Sarah; m2. 15 Nov 1840 ADAIR, Nancy A.; m3. 1854 BONNEY, Martha Jane; buried Rock Creek Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas County, Oregon
OLDS, Aaron Knight (1813-1896): m'd GARRISON, Martha Jane
OLDS, Darwin Green 27 Oct 1824-04 Oct 1905): m'd 1849 EATON, Eveline M.; s/o Martin and Elizabeth (Parker) Olds; buried IOOF Mountain View Cemetery, Goldendale, Klickitat County, Washington
"OLDS, D. G.--Born in Ohio in 1823; on his arrival in Oregon he settled at Middleton, and still lives at the same place; he is a blacksmith and wagon maker by occupation. He married Eveline M. Eaton in 1849, and their children s names are Frank M., Hattie T., Fred E., and Mrs. Rose L. Brooks." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 780]
OLDS, George (1827-1861): m'd 1851 FAIRBANKS, Sarah
OLDS, James H. (1830- ): m'd 1852 PARKER, Nancy Ann; m'd 13 Sep 1852 on trail; see 1851 listing
OLDS, Lucy Ann (:17 Sep 1833-03 Jun 1911) m'd 26 Jan 1851 DERBY, James R.; d/o Abel and Anna (Thurston) Olds; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
"July 15 This day we remained in camp. We have been thrown into considerable excitement in consequence of a murder being committed in a train from Wisconsin, which is now camped one (half) mile from us (in the trial of which the men of our train have been called upon as jurymen). The murder was committed on Hams fork of Green River, and the circumstances connected with it as near as I could learn was as follows: One Daniel Olmstead was taking five men across the plains, and it appears that they had not lived very agreeably together as it was proved in the trial which came off to day that the five had boasted that they had their boss under their thumb and intended to keep him there. It was proved that Olmstead went out in the morning to watch his cattle telling Sherman Dunmore (the murdered man) to make a fire and put on the teakettle so they could have some breakfast. When he returned at breakfast time the other men had finished their repast and he asked where his breakfast was. Dunmore replied that if he wanted any he might cook it himself. This was the result of much abusive language on both sides; however Olmstead prepared his breakfast himself. Dunmore threatening in the most abusive manner to whip him. Olmstead calmly replied that if he did he would not live long to brag about it. Upon this he left him and went into the tent and commenced eating his breakfast, using for the purpose a small sized butcher knife. Dunmore followed him and jumping upon him commenced beating him and endeavored to kick him in the face with his boots. Olmstead called upon the bystanders to take him off saying at the same time that he had a knife. As no one interfered he stabbed him in the lower part of the chest. Upon this Dunmore started back and exclaimed that he was stabbed. He fell and in twenty minutes was a corpse. The jury after an impartial investigation of the tragical affair brought in a verdict to this effect: That the wound was made by the knife of Olmstead caused the death of the said Dunmore and that the same was inflicted by the aforesaid Olmstead in self defense." [Covered Wagon Women Vol 5, Journal of Abigail Jane Scott p. 88]
O'NEAL, Caroline Adelia (1830-1892): m'd 10 Feb 1850 BRUCE, William Petty; born 18 Jan 1830 Indiana and died 07 Jan 1892 Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, Oregon; mother of 6 children (John Hamilton, Mary Ellen, James William, Isadora Elizabeth, Edward L. and Caroline A.)
ORCHARD, Child (1851-1852):
ORCHARD, Father ( -1852): died on trail
ORCHARD, Jesse C. (1823- ): m'd 1843 , Minerva Ann
ORCHARD, Mary ( -1925):
ORCHARD, Mother ( -1852): died on trail
ORR, Isabella ( 17 May 1813 -05 May 1880): m'd 19 Aug 1841 ARMSTRONG, E. Thompson; 1860 enumerated in Illinois census; died Walla Walla Washington
ORRILL, Elizabeth (1832-1873): m'd 21 Dec 1849 BEDWELL, William Carroll; d/o William and Lucinda (Humphreys) Orrill; buried Masonic Cemetery Lafayette #3, Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon 1852 diary of Elizabeth Bedwell
OSBORN, Elizabeth (1820-c1852): m'd 24 Dec 1837 CARBERRY, William Walden; may
have died prior to emigration
OSBORN, Samuel P.: m'd STEWART, Jane B.
OSBORNE, Margaret T.: m'd 1845 OSBORNE, Richard T.; maiden name unknown at this time
OSBORNE, Richard T. (c1823- ):m'd 1845 [ ], Margaret T.
OSTRANDER, Margaret Jane (Mar 1849-23 Nov 1938): m'd 25 Apr 1875 O'CONNOR, Charles Michael; d/o Nathaniel and Eliza (Yantis) Ostrander; died Olympia, Thurston County, Washington
OSTRANDER, Maria Evelyn (24 Jul 1852-26 Jun 1888): m'd WORK, William W.; d/o Nathaniel and Eliza (Yantis) Ostrander; buried Odd Fellows Memorial Park and Mausoleum, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington
OSTRANDER, Mary Ann (21 Mar 1841-06 Feb 1924): m'd ROE, Thomas; d/o Nathaniel and Eliza (Yantis) Ostrander; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
OSTRANDER, Nathaniel (27 Dec 1818-07 Feb 1902): m'd 1838 YANTIS, Eliza Jane; s/o Abel and Catharine (Estelry): Ostrander; buried Odd Fellows Memorial Park and Mausoleum, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington; emigrated alone in 1850, returned east and emigrated with his family in 1852
OSTRANDER, Priscilla Catherine (15 Feb 1839-15 Apr 1915): m'd MONTAGUE, Charles Bruce; d/o Nathaniel and Eliza (Yantis) Ostrander; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
OSTRANDER, Sarah Teresa (22 Sep 1846-19 Feb 1923): m'd 27 Mar 1867 CATLIN, Charles; d/o Nathaniel and Eliza (Yantis) Ostrander; buried Wilhelm's Portland Memorial Mausoleum, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
OSTRANDER, Susan Charlotte (17 Feb 1844-17 Aug 1852):
d/o Nathaniel and Eliza (Yantis) Ostrander;
died on Snake River, Idaho; burial location unknown
OTIS, Albert H.:
OVERMAN, Amanda: m'd 1846 OVERMAN, George M.; maiden name unknown at this time
OVERMAN, George M. (1826- ): m'd 1846 [ ], Amanda
OVERMAN, Martha: m'd NOCHOLS, Henry Brainard
*2) *26) OWEN, George W. (1851-1858): s/o Mitchell and Susan (Moreland) Owen; born 12 May 1851 IL and died 06 Feb 1858 Clackamas Co, OR; buried Rock Creek Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas Co, OR
*2) *26) OWEN, Mitchell McCracken (1822-1915): m1. 07 Jan 1844 PENN, Lucinda; m2. 07 Mar 1850 MORELAND, Sarah Jane; s/o Rev. Andrew Mitchell and Jane (McCracken) Owen; born April/May 1822 Henry Co, TN and died 10 Jan 1915 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; buried buried Rock Creek Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas Co, OR; father of one child by first wife (Nancy); eight children by second wife (George W., Andrew Jesse, Susan G., Frank, Mary Emma, Effie, William Moreland and Ava)
OWEN, Nancy (1845-1852): d/o Mitchell and Lucinda (Penn) Owen; died on trail
OWENS, Hugh Pearce (1817-16 Apr 1879) : m'd 06 Mar 1848 UZFOVAGE, Alexandria; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon; born in Wales, merchant in South Salem
OWENS, Julia (1849-1852): died on Snake River on Oregon Trail; d/o Hugh and Alexandria (Uzafovage) Owens
OWENS, Robert Humphrey (1851-1854): died at Clackamas County, s/o Hugh and Alexandria (Uzafovage) Owens
PAINE, Dulcinea ( -1896): m'd 1835 RIDGEWAY, James
PALMER, Blackford M. (1830- ):
*11) PALMITER, Charlotte: m'd STILLMAN, Henry; husband went to CA in 1849 and then moved into OR; Charlotte was accompanied in 1852 by brother Henry and cousin, Jonathan Palmiter
*11) PALMITER, Henry Stillman: brother of Charlotte (Palmiter) Stillman; [Polly Coon Diary: Jul 29 we left some of our company who are going to CA, Mr. D. Burrows, Mr. Webs & Mr. Peak - also part of Mr. Goodrich's Co- Mr. Peck, Mr. Palmiter & Hemphil (Hemphis?)]
PALMITER, John W. (1831- ):
*11) PALMITER, Jonathan: cousin of Charlotte (Palmiter) Stillman
PAQUETTE, Francis H. (1811- ):
PAQUETTE, Peter (1839-1896):
PARK, Joseph (1812-1902): m'd 1861 CURTIS, Mary A.
PARK, Margaret: m'd 1847 SHELLEY, John
PARKER, Abigail M. (1820 -1864): m'd 1841 MCCartney, Nathaniel; after death of husband moved to CA where Abigail died Mar 6, 1864
PARKER, Allen Ethan (1828 -1905): m'd 1852 UMPHREY, Julia Ann; s/o Eliel and Elizabeth (Bryant) Parker; buried Albany Masonic Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
"PARKER, ALLEN--Born in Ross County, Ohio, in 1828; attended school until he was fifteen, when his parents removed to Iowa, and he came to Oregon when lie was twenty-four. Located in Linn County and resided there for many years, as a farmer, saw mill and warehouse man. Was elected sheriff of Linn County in 1872, and mayor of Albany in 1876. Removed to Benton County in 1878, and conducts a, saw mill. In 1880 the people of that county elected him a representative, and again in 1882. Married Miss Julia A. Umphrey, in 1852." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 780]
PARKER, Curtis Patch (16 Feb 1851-16 Nov 1900): m'd 10 Mar 1872 CAREY, Matilda Almira; s/o Timothy and Sarah (Craft) Parker
PARKER, Fremont (1849-1852) s/o Timothy and Sarah (Craft) Parker; died on trail in Wyoming
PARKER, Hollon:
PARKER, James S. (1813- ): m1. ; m2. 1853 EVANS, Amelia Caroline
PARKER, John (1841 - ): s/o Eliel and Elizabeth (Bryant) Parker;
PARKER, Joseph Patch (26 Oct 1815-17 Jun 1882): m'd 15 May 1845 CRAFT, Sarah; s/o Timothy and Sophia (Patch) Parker III; left St. Joseph Missouri May 1, 1852 and arrived in Oregon November 1, 1852; was a doctor and was called to several trains during the emigration to tend to the sick
PARKER, Moses (1830 -1905 ): m'd 1856 UMPHREY, Mary Catherine; s/o Eliel and Elizabeth (Bryant) Parker; settled in Linn Co; buried Sandridge Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
PARKER, Nancy Ann ( -1907): m'd OLDS, James H.
PARKER, Patterson C. (1809-1890): m'd SCANTLING, Mary
PARKER, Patterson C.: m'd KING, Sarah
PARKER, Sarah Ann (Apr 1830-25 Jun 1900); 26 Jun 1844 BRUMMETT, Banner Clayburn [divorced 123 Sep 1865 Washington]; m2. 21 Mar 1868 BURROWS, Robert; m3. 09 Dec 1886 MEIER, John; m4. 1888 WALTERS, John; d/o Patterson and Mary (Scantling) Parker
PARKER, William Henry (18 Jul 1845-01 Oct 1909): m'd 11 Aug 1867 JONES, Fanny A.; s/o Timothy and Sarah (Craft) Parker
PARRISH, H.: m'd 1846 NIXON, Joseph
"NIXON, JOSEPH--Born in Virginia in 1824, and went to Ohio at an early age. Left Indiana in 1852 for Oregon, and settled in Linn County. Was married in 1846 to H. Parrish. Their children were James W., Orrilla, J. L., J. H., and Mattie. Mr. Nixon s original occupation was that of blacksmith; but he now owns and conducts the St. Charles Hotel at Lebanon, Linn County. Was county treasurer from 1864 to 1867 inclusive." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 779]
PARRISH, Lewis M. (1830- ): m'd 1859 WATKINS, Sarah J.
"PARRISH, LEWIS M.--Born in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, June 21, 1830; removed to Missouri in 1832, and to Oregon in 1852, settling in Portland. Served in the Yakima war in Captain Hembree's company. Mined unsuccessfully at Oro Fino in 1861. Began dealing in real estate in 1863. Is now a member of the firm of Parrish, Watkins tfe Cornell. Married Sarah J. Watkins in 1859. Their children are L. C., Anna J., Mary A., George L., and Lilly M." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 780]
PARRISH, Nancy: m'd 1852 HALL, Amos Z.
PARROTT, Catherine M. (1845- ): d/o Samuel and Maria (Everest) Parrott
PARROTT, James (1850- ): s/o Samuel and Maria
(Everest) Parrott
PARROTT, John Edward (1841- ): s/o Samuel and Maria (Everest) Parrott
PARROTT, Mary Ann (1840- ): d/o Samuel and
Maria (Everest) Parrott
PARROTT, Richard: m'd VINSON, Mary Alice; s/o Samuel and Maria
(Everest) Parrott
PARROTT, Samuel (1814 -1857): m'd 1834 EVEREST, Maria; settled Yamhill Co; arrived on ship Josephine in Feb 1852 from England
PARROTT, Thomas Henry (1836- ): s/o Samuel and Maria (Everest) Parrott
PARROTT, William (1852- ): s/o Samuel and Maria (Everest) Parrott
PATE, J. W.:
PATTERSON, A. W. Dr. (1814-1852): m1. 1847 SOVERN, Elizabeth ( -1848); m2.1859 OLINGER, Amanda C.
PATTY, Elizabeth Ann (1841-1908): m'd
1859 BEWLEY, Theophilus Rollins; d/o William and Martha (Greene) Patty;
PATTY, George Marcus (1845-1907): m'd 1868 RUBLE, Lucy J.; s/o William and Martha (Greene) Patty
PATTY, Josiah James (1843-1852): s/o William and Martha (Greene) Patty; died on the trail
PATTY, William Rooker (1817-1890): m'd 1839 GREENE, Martha Ann; s/o Josiah West and Elizabeth (Rooker) Patty; buried in Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR; buried in Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
PAUGH, Hester Ann (1828-1914): m'd 1848 FARWELL, Richard
PAXTON, Andrew B. (1833- ): m'd 1856 [ ], Nancy J.
PAYNE, Almon (11 Aug 1820-09 Mar 1877): m'd 28 Aug1848 BENNETT, Minerva Jane, s/o John and Juliana (Speer) Payne; buried Fishers Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington; father of 5 children (Juliana, Mary Caroline, Rufus M., Harriet and Minerva Jane)
PAYNE, Champion Turpin (15 Dec 1831- 14 Feb 1919): m'd 15 Apr 1852 MCCALLUM, Elizabeth Isabell; s/o John and Sarah (Elston) Payne; buried Phoenix Pioneer Cemetery, Phoenix, Jackson County, Oregon
PAYNE, Juliana (1851-1856): m'd HILDERBRAND, Jonathan H.; s/o Almon and Minerva (Bennett) Payne; born 29 Mar 1851 Hancock Co, IL and died 13 Jul 1876 Clark Co, WA; buried Fishers Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
PAYNE, D. Montgomery (10 Feb 1823-13 Sep 1899); m'd 27 Feb 1851 BARMORE, Sarah Louisa; buried Fisher Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington; s/o John and Juliana (Speer) Payne; 1852 settled near Camas, Washington; c1854 moved to Eugene, Lane County, OregonR where they remained for about eleven years and then moved back to Grass Valley near Camas. Washington
*11) PEAK, Mr.: [Polly Coon Diary: Jul 29 we left some of our company who are going to CA, Mr. D. Burrows, Mr. Webs & Mr. Peak - also part of Mr. Goodrich's Co- Mr. Peck, Mr. Palmiter & Hemphil (Hemphis?)]
PEARCE, Georgetta Howard (1838-1927): m'd TITUS, Silas, d/o Greenberry Pierce; name spelled Pearce
PEARCE, Greenberry C. (1809-1871): m'd EDWARDS, America F.; went to California gold fields in 1849, where he stayed briefly before returning to Ohio; emigrated again in 1852; buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
PEARL, Elizabeth Ann (1842-1920): m'd 1865 VANWINKLE, Isaac Newton; d/o James
and Elizabeth (Berry) Pearl
PEARL, Isabella Caroline (1840-1920): m'd 1854 KIRK, Henry Harrison; d/o James and Elizabeth (Berry) Pearl
PEARL, James A. (1849-1928): m1. 1878 MILLER, S. J.; m2. 19 Jul 1882 JESSE, Amanda M.; s/o Joseph and Sarah (Wiseman) Pearl
"PEARL, JAMES A.--Born September 10, 1849, in Missouri, the son of Joseph Pearl. Was married in 1878, to Miss S. J. Miller, and his children by her are Willie R., Hallie M., and Lulu D. Was again married July 19, 1882, to Amanda M. Jesse. Residence, Halsey." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 781]
PEARL, James A. Rev. (1807-1897): m1. 1827 BERRY, Elizabeth; m2. 1847 WISEMAN, Elizabeth; settled in Linn County
"PEARL, JAMES--The head of the. somewhat numerous family of the Pearls of Linn County, who now comprise four living generations, was born in Ohio in 1807. Mr. Pearl moved to Oregon and settled near the present site of Halsey. He still lives, a much-respected old gentleman, the proprietor of a residence in the town named, and of a large farm a short distance away. Mr. Pearl was twice married, first to Elizabeth Berry, the second time to Elizabeth Wiseman. The children who accompanied their father to Oregon were Joseph, John (deceased), Malinda (deceased), Isabella (deceased), and Elizabeth A." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 781]
PEARL, John A. (1833-1864 ): m'd 1854 MICHAEL, Marinda R.; s/o James and Elizabeth (Berry) Pearl
PEARL, John Rush (1851-1931): m'd 1873 WEGER, Mary Florence; s/o Joseph and Sarah (Wiseman) Pearl
PEARL, Joseph (1829-1894 ): m'd 1848/49 WISEMAN, Sarah; s/o James and Elizabeth (Berry) Pearl; settled at Jefferson, Marion Co, OR and later at Linn Co; farmer and local preacher of the Methodist church; served in Rogue River Indian War; 1849 m'd Sarah Wiseman; father of 11 children
"PEARL, JOSEPH--Son of James Pearl, was born in Ohio in 1829, and came with his father to Oregon in 1852. Spent the first years of his residence in Linn County in cultivating the soil, but when Halsey was founded, he entered upon commercial pursuits, and in 1876; became a member of the firm of Black, Pearl & Co., and continued so for seven years. He is now a partner with his son James A. Pearl in the planing mill at Halsey. This establishment was set up in 1872 by Allingham ct Connor, but has passed through several changes of ownership. It is a concern of considerable capacity, having a variety of machinery adapted to fill the needs of the neighborhood. It is driven by steam, and has planing and matching machines, scroll saws, etc. Mr. Joseph Pearl's children are James A., John R., Orpha J., Silas H., Martha A., Joseph W., Ida C., Alice, Fannie, Olive, and Edmund Cleve." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 781]
PEARL, Malinda R. (1838-1869): m'd 1855 KEENEY, Silas John; d/o James and Elizabeth (Berry) Pearl
PEARL, Mary (1850-1884): m'd 1868 ROBINETT, William; d/o James and Elizabeth (Wiseman) Pearl
PEARL, Minerva (1848-1853): d/o James and Elizabeth (Wiseman) Pearl
PEARL, William Henry (1852- ): m'd 1880 HUGHES, Ada; s/o James and Elizabeth (Wiseman) Pearl
*11) PECK, Mr.: [Polly Coon Diary: Jul 29 we left some of our company who are going to CA, Mr. D. Burrows, Mr. Webs & Mr. Peak - also part of Mr. Goodrich's Co- Mr. Peck, Mr. Palmiter & Hemphil (Hemphis?)]
PEDIGO, Zerilda Jane (1827-1904): m'd 10 Jun 1846 HENDRIX, Harrison Haines; d/o Edward and Lettice (Gill) Pedigo; born 05 Aug 1827 Kentucky and died 05 May 1904 Cornelius, Washington County, Oregon
PELL, Mary Adeline (1839-1915): m'd 1854 HEMBREE, Albert T.
PERCIVAL, William (1815-1892): m'd 1847 MULKEY, Mary Zerilda
PERKINS, James H. (1831- ): m'd 1850 MOODY, Elizabeth
PERKINS, Joel B. (1810- ): m'd 1838 [ ], Margaret M.
PERKINS, Louisa Elizabeth (1818-1852): m'd 30 May 1835 ALLEY, Andrew Jackson
Sr.; died on trail on Snake River;
burial location unknown
PERKINS, Margaret M.: m'd `1838 PERKINS, Joel B. maiden name unknown at this time
PERKINS, Richard S. ( - ): m'd 1857 EAST, Elizabeth Jane; Richard was the father of ten children (Hannah 1858, Robert 1860, Richard 1862, John 1864, Elizabeth 1866, Jane Ann 1868, Charlotte 1871, Ada May 1874, Charles H. 1875 and George H. 1877)
PERKINS, Thomas J. (1831- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Eliza J.
PERRY, Clarissa: m'd LESLIE, Martin
PERRY, Johnson O. H.:
PERRY, Mary Ellen (1842- ):
PERRY, Robert (1806-1865):
PERRY, Thomas W. (1838- ):
PETREE, Sarah Ann (29 Mar 1830-08 Jan 1900): m'd 1847 MOSER, John; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
PETTINGILL, Mary ( - ): m1. RICE, [ ]; m2. COOK, Beckwith; emigrated with second husband and his family
PHELPS, Elizabeth :
PHETTEPLACE, Ruth: m'd 1826 COSTON, Alfred S.; d/o Eber and Waity (Irons) Phetteplace; buried Pullman City Cemetery, Pullman, Whitman County, Washington
PHILLIPS, Cinderella (1842-1926): m'd DARST, Paul; d/o John and Julie (Taylor) Phillips
PHILLIPS, Daughter: d/o David L. Phillips
PHILLIPS, David (1797-c1881): m'd SULLINGER, Sarah
PHILLIPS, David L. Mrs.:
PHILLIPS, George Washington (1838- ): m'd TARPLEY, Martha A.
"PHILLIPS, GEORGE W.--Lives in Scio, Linn County, and owns and tills a farm of four hundred and forty acres on Thomas Creek. Born in Guilford County, North Carolina, October 24, 1838; married Martha A. Tarpley; children William M., Sarah F., Emily J., Ida B., and George W." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.782]
PHILLIPS, Huda: d/o David L. Phillips
PHILLIPS, Jesse Jackson (1840-1892): s/o John and Julie (Taylor) Phillips
PHILLIPS, John (1819-1907): m'd 1840 Taylor, Julie Ann; s/o Jesse J. and Mary Ann (Rutherford) Phillips
PHILLIPS, John Calvin (1850-1935): s/o John and Julie (Taylor) Phillips
PHILLIPS, Phile (1825- ):
PHILLIPS, Riley Polk (1847-1933): m'd RICE, Elizabeth Abigail; s/o John and Julie (Taylor) Phillips
PHILLIPS, Son: s/o David L. Phillips
PHIPPS, Nancy Ann (08 Dec 1814-1861): m'd 22 Jan 1829 TAYLOR, Samuel George; m2. 1855 WAYMIRE, Samuel Franics; d/o Jesse Franklin and Jennie (Spurlin) Phipps; burial unknown
PICKENS, Amanda Matilda (19 Apr 1851-1930): m1. 29 Nov 1869 BUNCH, James Riley; m2. c1880 PARSONS, Francis Marion; d/o Samuel and Prudence (Rose) Pickens
PICKENS, John Wesley (28 Jan 1847-18 Feb 1905): m'd 24 Nov 1884 BUNCH, Eliza Ann; s/o William and Sarah (Evans) Pickens
PICKENS, Julia (04 Jul 1838-1900): m'd 1859 TEMPLE, William K.; d/o Samuel and Prudence (Rose) Pickens
PICKENS, Samuel (15 Oct 1816-14 Oct 1893): m'd 01 Jan 1836 ROSE, Prudence; s/o William and Polly (Cummins) Pickens
PICKENS, Sarah Adeline (02 Jan 1851-07 May 1933): m'd 1868 FURMAN, Coe; d/o William and Sarah (Evans) Pickens
PICKENS, Sarah Isabell (14 Nov 1842-17 Apr 1916): m'd 19 May 1859 BUNCH, Stokley Dalleson; d/o Samuel and Prudence (Rose) Pickens
PICKENS, William Jr. (07 Jan 1826-22 Feb 1891): m1. 19 Apr 1846 EVANS, Sarah; m2. 1868 WILLIAMS, Mrs. Mary; s/o William and Polly (Cummins) Pickens
PICKETT, Caroline Virginia ( -1852): m'd WAGGONER, Bird; died on the trail of cholera and was buried along the trail
PIERCE, Benjamin Franklin (1820- ): m'd 1841 HOLLENBECK, Matilda
PIERCE, Minerva (1824-1899): m'd 16 Apr 1845 MORRIS, Philemon; born 04 Apr 1824 Steuben, New York and died 22 Mar 1899 Salem, Marion County, Oregon; d/o Eliphalet Pierce (1782 Mass-1845 IL) and Annie McMichel (1785 Mass-1863 IL)
PIERCE, Samuel Andrew (1830- ): m'd 1854 TURNIDGE, Emily Jane
"PIERCE, SAMUEL A.,--Lives in Scio, Linn County, and is a farmer by occupation; born in Ray County, Missouri, in 1830; married Emily J. Turnage, and by her has six children Dora E., William, Martha A., Riley, Mary E., and Andrew." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.782]
PIERCE, William ( -1852): While enroute David Donahue shot and killed William Pierce, another member of the party. The others of the party tried, convicted and shot the murderer and buried him in the same grave with his victim.
*30) PIKE, Harvey L. (1842-1897): s/o John H. Pike
*30) PIKE, John Henry (1815-1903): m1. c1840 ; m2. c1862 LAKE, Hellen Comfort
PIPER, E.H. (1830- ):
*4) PLAMONDON, Elmina (1848- ): m'd 1872 HARLAN, Elisha C.; d/o Eugene and (1st wife) Plamondon
*4) PLAMONDON, Eugene Michael (1826- ): m1. ; m2. 1851 DAVIES, Edith Pocahantas Virginia; m3. 1861 ILLIDGE, Elizabeth; m4. 1867 SCOTT, Mary A.
*4) PLAMONDON, Francis Flavie (1830-1871): m'd 1860 DUBOIS, Matilda
*4) PLAMONDON, Maria Clarissa (1824 -1883): m'd 1853 DILLON, Isaac
PLATT, Amanda: m'd 1830 EDDY, Hiram; d/o Richard and Polly Platt; settled Polk Co; buried Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
PLOUGH, Seline: m'd MARTIN, Thomas J.
PLYMALE, Gabriel:
POINTS, Samuel H. (1817- ):
POLLOCK, Joseph: brother of William
POLLOCK, William Neely (1832-1899): m'd 1859 RAMSAY, Mary Elizabeth
POMEROY, Lyman (1833- ): m1. 1859 BRELER, Sarah A.; m2. 1860 BRELER, A. S.
"POMEROY, LYMAN--Is a farmer by occupation, and resides at Scio, Linn County; he was born in Orange County, Vermont, April 22, 1833. Married Sarah A. Breler, who died in 1859; in 1860 he was married again, to A. S. Breler. His children are Orange S., Oscar E., Dora, Elva C., Amanda, Clara, Emma, Effie, Minnie, Bertie, Eugene H., and Mertia." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.782]
POOLER, Lewis Clinton (1832-1901): m'd 1856 STARMER, Adeline
PORTER, David Putnam (1827-1889): m'd 1857 HALEY, Parthena J.
PORTER, Jerome A. (1833-1896): m'd 1862 WOOLEY, Ellen
PORTER, L. C. (1831 - ):
PORTER, Mary Bowen: m'd 1835 GIBSON, George
POTEET, Mary (04 Nov 1793-19 Nov 1881): m'd 1814 GILMORE, James Modrell; d/o Samuel and Mary (Smith) Poteet; buried Gilmore Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
POTTER, Avis Maria (1818-24 Apr 1862): m1. 26 Feb 1835 CRESWELL, Ebenezer (1813-1856); m2. 1856 LONG, Edward (1817-1889); d/o Chester and Avis (Newton) Potter; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; husband emigrated in 1850 and family joined him in 1852
POTTER, Julia Ann: m'd ROBERTSON, [ ]
POTTER, Robert (1816- ):
"POTTER, ROBERT--Born in New York. Present residence, Oregon City; occupation, liveryman and saloon keeper. Wife s previous name Mary G. Patterson. Children Clara, Belle, Emma, and Gilbert C." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.782]
POWELL FAMILY RESEARCHER: Powell Descendant, Bob Zybach, plays music from the Trail
POWELL, Abraham Thomas (1841- ): m1. 1860 CURL, Amanda; m2. 1879 TERRY, Eveline; m3.
1902 BEELER, Alice; s/o Joab and Anna (Beeler) Powell
"POWELL, ABRAHAM THOMAS--Is a farmer and resides at Scio, Linn County. He was born in Jackson County, Missouri, September 1, 1841, and is a son of the Rev. Joab Powell. He married twice; his first wife's previous name being Amanda A. Carl, by whom his children are Perthana C., and Iva. His second wife was Eveline -, by whom he has one child named Lora." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.782-83]
POWELL, Ann (1832-1924): m'd 1853 CARMICHAEL, Philip; d/o Joab and Anna (Beeler) Powell
POWELL, Barbara (1841-1889): m'd 1860 SLOAN, James; d/o Joab and Anna (Beeler) Powell
POWELL, Daniel (1826-1907): m'd 1862 CARY, Mary Jane; s/o Joab and Anna (Beeler) Powell
POWELL, Elias (1822-1874): m'd HUNT, Rebecca s/o Joab and Anna (Beeler) Powell
POWELL, Esther (1827-1863): m'd MOORE, Robert; d/o Joab and Anna (Beeler) Powell
POWELL, Herman (1847-1909): m'd 29 Sep 1872 HALL, Charlotte; s/o John and Adeline (Duvall) Powell
POWELL, Jane (22 Aug 1807-1900): m'd 16 Oct 1824 BEELER, John; d/o Joseph and Hannah (Jewson/Juson) Powell; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
POWELL, Joab (1799-1873): m'd 1817 BEELER, Anna; s/o Joseph and Hannah (Jewson) Powell; a Baptist Circuit Rider; founded Providence Church in Jefferson, Linn Co in 1853
POWELL, Joab Jr. (1834-1872): m'd 1858 PRINE, Rebecca Jane; s/o Joab and Anna (Beeler) Powell
POWELL, John (1818-1891): m'd 1838 YORK, Emily; s/o Joab and Anna (Beeler) Powell
POWELL, John B. (1819-1855 ): m'd 1848 [ ], Eliza E.
POWELL, John Parker (04 Oct 1822-30 Oct 1909): m'd 1846 DUVALL, Adeline; s/o James and Nancy (Parker) Powell; burial location unknown
POWELL, Lucinda (1817-1852): m'd 1836 PROPST,
Anthony; died on trail near Echo, OR while giving birth to twin girls; buried
near Echo, Umatilla Co; d/o Joseph and Sarah (Alkire) Powell
POWELL, Mary (1830-1913): m'd 1852 DAVIDSON, Stephen; d/o Joab and Anna (Beeler) Powell
POWELL, Mary Ann (17 Aug 1796 - 10 Jun 1852): m'd 1825 POWERS, Benjamin; d/o
Luther and Mary (Marsh) Powell; died on Oregon trail in Nebraska;
burial location unknown
POWELL, Nancy Jane "Jennie" (1851-1940): m'd 1875 SAILS, Thomas I.; d/o John and Adeline (Duvall) Powell
POWELL, Peter (1823-1910): m'd 1844 CYRUS, Nancy; s/o Joab and Anna (Beeler) Powell
POWELL, Sarah F. (15 Nov 1849-20 Jun 1934): m'd 1871 WISHARD, Samuel Ellis; d/o John and Adeline (Duvall) Powell
POWELL, Silas (1825-1869): m'd 1845 RICE, Harriet; s/o Joab and Anna (Beeler) Powell; indications are that Silas actually came in 1850, returned east and accompanied other family members west in 1852
POWELL, W.S. (1832- ): m'd 1855 HILL, Ellen C.
"POWELL, W. S.--Born in Ohio in 1832, and came to Oregon, settling in Portland where he remained seventeen years. He enlisted in the army during the Rebellion, being in the First Oregon Infantry, and captain of a company. Was in the service eighteen months, stationed at various times in Eastern Oregon, Washingoton Territory, and Idaho, at war with the Indians. Mr. Powell is now proprietor of a grain warehouse situated on the Yamhill River, and also has an interest in the Yamhill Lumber Company. He was married to Miss Ellen C. Hill in 1855, six children being the fruits of this union, three of whom are now alive Mary L., Charles A., and Frankie A. The deceased are Delia M., Harry C., and Anna A." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.783]
POWELL, William (1838-1889): s/o Joab and Anna (Beeler) Powell
POWERS, Alanson Marsh (18 Feb 1828- 27 Oct 1873): s/o Benjamin and Mary (Powell) Powers; buried Mount Vernon Pioneer Cemetery, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon
POWERS, Albert Smith (05 Apr 1833-12 Apr 1909): m'd HARRIS, Rachel; s/o Benjamin and Mary (Powell) Powers; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
POWERS, Benjamin Burch (03 Jul 1798 - 23 Jul 1871): m1. Jul 1825 POWELL, Mary Ann (1796-1852); m2. 1860 SPLAWN, Mrs. Beththena (McHANEY); buried Mount Vernon Pioneer Cemetery, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon
POWERS, Benjamin Franklin (11 Jan 1826-14 May 1909): m'd THOMAS, Louisa Maria; s/o Benjamin and Mary (Powell) Powers; buried Mount Vernon Pioneer Cemetery, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon
POWERS, Edward Washington (22 May 1831-20 Jun 1863): m'd 24 May 1855 THOMPSON, Louisa Maria; s/o Benjamin and Mary (Powell) Powers; died Eugene, Lane County, Oregon; burial location unknown
POWERS, Edwin D. (04 Oct 1822-aft 1880): m'd 29 Jun 1845 JONES, Sarah Ann; s/o Jomathan and Elizabeth (Daly) Powers; burial location unknown
POWERS, Ira Frost (05 May 1831 - 08 Sep 1902): m'd 1860 WILSON, Minnie; s/o Levi and Mary (Frost) Powers; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
POWERS, John Gilbert (20 Jan 1836 - 11 Oct 1911): m1. SMITH, Margaret Jane; m2. VANDEWAKER, Mary Jane; s/o Benjamin and Mary (Powell) Powers; buried Mount Vernon Pioneer Cemetery, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon
POWERS, Sarah Jane (27 Dec 18039 - 11 Apr 1919): m'd 1869 ANDERSON, Alexander Joseph "Alec"; d/o Benjamin and Mary (Powell) Powers; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
POWERS, Thaddeus P. (03 Aug 1850-15 May 1871): m'd 21 Nov 1868 HILL, Mary Susannah; s/o Edwin and Sarah (Jones) Powers; buried Mount Vernon Pioneer Cemetery, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon
POWERS, William Luther (26 Jul 1841 - 12 Dec 1926): m1. 1864 DAVIS, Rebecca Ann; m2. 1915 SMITH, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth (TAYLOR); buried Mount Vernon Pioneer Cemetery, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon
PRATT, Lewis P. (1825- ): m'd 1854 , Joysey Ann
PREPOT, J. W. ( - ):
*11) PRESTON, Mr.:
2a) PRICE, Belinda (1829-1882: m'd 24 Jul 1847 RHODES, David D.
PRICE, Lourania (19 Aug 1813-22 Jan 1879): m'd 21 Oct 1828 BENNETT, George Washington; d/o William and Elizabeth (Eaton) Price
PRINE, David (1831- ): m'd RAY, Elizabeth
PRINE, Sarah (1841- ): m'd 1854 FOREN, William Clayborn; d/o Elizabeth (Ailey) Dealy Prine Ray; Willim Clayborn Foren married 01 Jan 1854 to Sarah (Sally) Prine. Sarah and William were on the same train and she was just 13 years old when she married. Sarah was the half sister of David Dealy Jr.; Sarah's mother came to Oregon in 1853 with her third husband, William Ray
PRINE, William Martin: was emigrant of 1850 who returned to MO and emigrated again in 1852 with family members
PRIVETT, Ambrose (09 Dec 1846-14 Jan 1928): m'd 20 Dec 1878 HAYS, Mary Adeline; s/o Riley and Mary (Williams) Privett; buried Friends Cemetery, Newberg, Yamhill County, Oregon
PRIVETT, Andrew Jackson (11 Sep 1848-03 Jan 1935): m'd KLUM, Emma Jane;
s/o Riley and Mary (Williams) Privett;
Hillcrest Burial Park, Kent, King County, Washington
PRIVETT, Mary "Eveline" (16 Oct 1825-30 Jan 1888): m1. c1844 ARCHER, Benjamin (1814-1852): m2. 06 Mar 1853 FLEENER JR, Samuel W.; sister of Riley Privett listed below; also seen as Mary Eveline Eliza Privett; buried Pataha Flat Cemetery, Pomeroy, Garfield County, Washington; first husband died on Oregon Trail
PRIVETT, Lucinda Jane (1851- ): m'd MINNICK, Samuel J.; d/o Riley and Mary (Williams) Privett;
PRIVETT, Riley (27 Feb 1923-25 Apr 1896): m'd 30 Jul 1843 WILLIAMS, Mary "Polly"; settled in Linn County, Oregon. in 1877 moved to Washington where he remained until his death; buried Colfax Cemetery, Colfax, Whitman County, Washington; brother of Eveline Privett who is listed above
PRIVETT, Silas (26 Aug 1844-13 Sep 1924): m'd 1871 SUMMERS, Ida; s/o Riley and Mary (Williams) Privett; buried Colfax Cemetery, Colfax, Whitman County, Washington
PRIVETT, William RIley (Aug 1847-17 Apr 1901): m'd 08 Oct 1876 SHELTON, Mary; parents died on trail and names are unknown at this time; was taken in by his uncle, Riley Privett; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Baker City, Baker County, Oregon
PROCK, Drury Albert (Feb 1846-22 Apr 1903): s/o John and Frances (Crews) Prock
PROCK, John (1818-1877): m'd 16 Jan 1840 CREWS, Frances Jane; died Douglas County, Oregon; wife died on trail
PROCK, Manerva (1848-09 May 1916): d/o John and Frances (Crews) Prock
PROCK, Mary Jane (25 Dec 1840 -09 May 1916): m1. 21 Jan 1856 BUSHNELL, James (Divorced Oct 1861): m2. 03 Nov 1861 BAKER, William Albert; m3. 22 Jun 1907 ECCLESTON, Marshall Milford; d/o John and Frances (Crews) Prock; buried Luper Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
PROCK, Sarah E. (26 May 1843-29 Jan 1937): d/o John and Frances (Crews) Prock
PROCK, Susan Frances (28 May 1845-02 Jun 1868): m'd 23 Sep 1858 GAINES, Henry; d/o John and Frances (Crews) Prock
PROCTOR, John (1826- ):
PROEBSTEL, Andrew P.: settled in Clarke Co, WT; returned to MO c1856 and lived
out the remainder of his days there.
PROEBSTEL, Frederick (1829- ):
PROEBSTEL, Wendell (1821-1874): m'd 1868 FRY, Elizabeth
PROEBSTEL, William ( -1907): La Grande, Ore. --The death of William Proebstel, and Oregon pioneer of 1852,occurred at this home near La Grande September 1. He was 78 years of age. He leaves a wife and family of five children. Two daughters, Mrs. Hattie Eckley and Miss Pollie Proebstel, live in La Grande. Two sons are residents of Arizona, and the other son lives in Montana. [The Spokesman Review, Sept 6, 1907, Spokane, WA.
PROPST, Anthony (1810-1852): m'd 1836
POWELL, Lucinda; s/o Nicholas and Magdalena Propst; died at Foster's Farm one
month after wife died on trail near Echo, OR; children were raised by a Powell
PROPST, Franklin (1832-1917): s/o John Propst; accompanied his uncle, Anthony Propst, to Oregon in 1852; Franklin Propst, was born April 10, 1832, in Fayette County, West Virginia. His father was John, Anthony's brother. His mother is somewhat of a mystery. Some sources say that her name was Anna (Engle or Eagle). Franklin Propst shows up in the Menard County, Illinois, 1850 census as F. Propst, age 18. After he arrived in Oregon, he settled in Linn County where he found work in a sawmill. In 1854 he entered into partnership with F. S. Powell, the mill operator. On June 18, 1855, he married Mary Powell. After the marriage they settled on a donation land grant five miles east of Albany, where they lived for 20 years. He was a farmer.
PROPST, Henry Tayor (1849-1929): m'd 1870 NICKERSON, Ellen Robb; s/o Anthony and Lucinda (Powell) Propst
PROPST, James Marian (1843-1901): m'd GUILFORD, Ann Eliza; s/o Anthony and Lucinda (Powell) Propst
PROPST, John Wesley (1837-1939): m'd 1850 COLE, Margaret Jane; s/o Anthony and Lucinda (Powell) Propst
PROPST, Margaret Ann (1845-1907): m'd 1862 MORRIS, Nathaniel Miller; d/o Anthony and Lucinda (Powell) Propst
PROPST, Mary Eveline (1841-1924): m'd 1875 MCKecnie, William; d/o Anthony and Lucinda (Powell) Propst
PUCKETT, Alvina ( -1852): m'd HIATT, Jesse Sr; died on trail 31 Jul 1852
PULLEN, Susan ( -1925): m'd LEE, [ ]
PURDY, Mary Ann (29 Nov 1813-14 Jan 1864): m'd 01 May 1833 BARLOW, George W.; buried Catlin Cemetery, Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington
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